1 Introduction

An elliptic curve E over a field K of characteristic \(p> 0\) is called supersingular if it has no p-torsion over \(\overline{K}\). This condition depends only on the j-invariant of E, and it is known that there are only finitely many supersingular j-invariants, all being contained in \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\) . We define the supersingular polynomial \(ss_{p}(X)\) as the monic polynomial whose roots are exactly all the supersingular j-invariants:

$$\begin{aligned} ss_{p}(X)=\prod _{\begin{array}{c} E/\overline{\mathbb {F}}_{p}\\ E : \text {supersingular} \end{array}} \bigl ( X - j(E) \bigr ). \end{aligned}$$

Because the set of supersingular j-invariants in characteristic p is stable under the conjugation over \(\mathbb {F}_{p}\), we have \(ss_{p}(X) \in \mathbb {F}_{p}[X]\).

Various lifts of \(ss_{p}(X)\) to characteristic 0 are reviewed and studied in Kaneko and Zagier [1]. In particular, they constructed a lift by using a certain differential operator on the space of modular forms. Baba and Granath [2] extended this construction by introducing new differential operators.

In this paper, we unify and generalize these results, by considering a differential operator arising from a product of Eisenstein series \(E_{4},E_{6}\), and the discriminant function \(\varDelta \). With this operator we construct a second-order differential operator which gives rise to an endomorphism of \(M_{k}\). We write an eigenform of this operator explicitly in terms of hypergeometric series. For \(k=p-1\), we show that the associated polynomial \(\widetilde{F}\) of this eigenform F satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} ss_p (X) = X^{\delta }(X-1728)^{\varepsilon } \widetilde{F}(X) \mod p, \end{aligned}$$

with suitable \(\delta ,\varepsilon \in \{ 0, 1 \}\).

2 Modular forms and supersingular polynomials

For positive even integer k, we denote by \(M_{k}\) the space of holomorphic modular forms of weight k on \(\varGamma = \mathrm {PSL}_{2}(\mathbb {Z})\). Let \(E_{k}(\tau )\) be the Eisenstein series of weight k on \(\varGamma \) defined by

$$\begin{aligned} E_{k}(\tau ) =1-\frac{2k}{B_{k}}\sum _{n=1}^\infty \biggl ( \sum _{d\mid n}d^{k-1} \biggr ) q^{n} \qquad (q=e^{2\pi i \tau }), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tau \) is a variable in the Poincaré upper half-plane \(\mathfrak {H}\) and \(B_{k}\) the kth Bernoulli number. For even \(k\ge 4\), we have \(E_{k}(\tau ) \in M_{k}\). We also define the discriminant function \(\varDelta (\tau ) \in M_{12}\) and the elliptic modular function \(j(\tau )\), respectively, by

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta (\tau )= & {} \frac{E_{4}(\tau )^3-E_{6}(\tau )^2}{1728}\\= & {} q \prod _{n=1}^\infty (1-q^n)^{24} = q-24q^2+252q^3-1472q^4+ \cdots \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} j(\tau ) =\frac{E_{4}(\tau )^3}{\varDelta (\tau )}=\frac{1}{q} + 744 + 196884 q + 21493760 q^2 + \cdots . \end{aligned}$$

The Gauss hypergeometric series is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} {}_{2} F_{1}(\alpha , \beta ; \gamma ; x ) = \sum _{n=0}^\infty \frac{ (\alpha )_{n} (\beta )_{n} }{ (\gamma )_{n}} \frac{x^n}{n!} \quad (|x|<1 ), \end{aligned}$$

where \((\alpha )_{0}=1\) and \((\alpha )_{n}=\alpha (\alpha +1) \cdots (\alpha +n-1) \,\,\, (n\ge 1)\). We note that the series \({}_{2} F_{1}(\alpha , \beta ; \gamma ; x ) \) becomes a polynomial when \(\alpha \) or \(\beta \) is a negative integer and \(\gamma \) is not a negative integer.

For even \(k\ge 4\), we can write k uniquely in the form

$$\begin{aligned} k=12m+4\delta +6\varepsilon \quad \text {with} \quad m\in \mathbb {Z}_{\ge 0},\ \delta \in \{ 0,1,2 \} ,\ \varepsilon \in \{ 0,1 \} . \end{aligned}$$

Under this notation, any modular form \(f(\tau ) \in M_{k}\) can be written uniquely as

$$\begin{aligned} f(\tau )= E_{4}(\tau )^{\delta } E_{6}(\tau )^{\varepsilon } \varDelta (\tau )^{m} \widetilde{f} \bigl ( j(\tau ) \bigr ) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\widetilde{f}\) is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to m. We call \(\widetilde{f}\) the associated polynomial of f.

The following representation of \(ss_{p}(X)\) is essentially due to Deuring [3].

Lemma 1

Let \(p\ge 5\) be a prime number and write \(p-1\) in the form \(12m+4\delta +6\varepsilon \; ( m\in \mathbb {Z}_{\ge 0},\ \delta \in \{ 0,1,2 \} ,\ \varepsilon \in \{ 0,1 \})\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} ss_p (X) = X^{m+\delta }(X-1728)^{\varepsilon } {}_{2}F_{1}\left( -m ,\frac{5}{12}-\frac{2\delta -3\varepsilon }{6};1;\frac{1728}{X} \right) \mod p. \end{aligned}$$


We define the monic polynomial \(U_{n}^{\varepsilon }(X)\) of degree \(n\ge 0\) by

$$\begin{aligned} X^{n}\, {}_{2}F_{1}\left( \tfrac{1}{12} ,\tfrac{5}{12};1;\tfrac{1728}{X} \right)&= U_{n}^{0}(X) + O \left( \tfrac{1}{X} \right) , \\ X^{n-1} (X-1728)\, {}_{2}F_{1}\left( \tfrac{7}{12} ,\tfrac{11}{12};1;\tfrac{1728}{X} \right)&= U_{n}^{1}(X) + O \left( \tfrac{1}{X} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

By [1, Proposition 5], we have \(ss_{p}(X) = U_{m +\delta +\varepsilon }^{\varepsilon }(X) \mod p\). The first two parameters of the hypergeometric series in (3) reduce modulo p to

$$\begin{aligned} \left( -m ,\frac{5}{12}-\frac{2\delta -3\varepsilon }{6} \right) \equiv {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\tfrac{1}{12},\tfrac{5}{12}) \pmod {p} &{} \text {if }p \equiv 1 \pmod {12}, \\ (\tfrac{5}{12},\tfrac{1}{12}) \pmod {p} &{} \text {if }p \equiv 5 \pmod {12}, \\ (\tfrac{7}{12},\tfrac{11}{12}) \pmod {p} &{} \text {if }p \equiv 7 \pmod {12}, \\ (\tfrac{11}{12},\tfrac{7}{12}) \pmod {p} &{} \text {if }p \equiv 11 \pmod {12}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Since \({}_{2}F_{1}(a,b;c;x) = {}_{2}F_{1}(b,a;c;x) \), we see that \(U_{m +\delta +\varepsilon }^{\varepsilon }(X)\) is congruent to the left-hand side of (3) modulo p. \(\square \)

3 Construction of the endomorphism

In this section, we construct an endomorphism \(\phi _{g,k}\) of \(M_{k}\). Let rst be integers, not all zero, and k be an even integer greater than or equal to 4. Then, for the meromorphic modular form \(g(\tau ) = E_{4}(\tau )^r E_{6}(\tau )^s \varDelta (\tau )^t \not \equiv 0\) of weight \(u:=4r+6s+12t\) and \(f \in M_{k} \), we define the differential operator \(\partial _{g}\) by

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{g}(f)(\tau ) = \partial _{g,k}(f)(\tau ) = f'(\tau ) -\frac{k}{u} \frac{g'(\tau )}{g(\tau ) } f(\tau ) \quad \left( \,\, \prime = \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \frac{d}{d\tau } = q \frac{d}{d q} \right) , \end{aligned}$$

and for \(m\in \mathbb {Z}_{\ge 0},\ \delta \in \{ 0,1,2 \} \), and \( \varepsilon \in \{ 0,1 \}\) with \(k=12m+4\delta +6\varepsilon \), define the operator \(\phi _{g,k}\) by

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _{g,k}(f)&= \frac{1}{E_{4}} \left\{ (\partial _{g,k+2}\circ \partial _{g,k}) (f) - \frac{t^2 k(k+2)}{u^2} E_{4} f \right. \nonumber \\&\qquad - \frac{432}{u^2} (s k -u\varepsilon )(s k -u\varepsilon +4(r+2 s+3 t)) \frac{E_{4} \varDelta }{E_{6}^{2}} f \nonumber \\&\qquad \left. + \frac{192}{u^2} (r k -u \delta ) \bigl ( r k -u \delta + 6(r+s+2 t) \bigr ) \frac{\varDelta }{E_{4}^{2}} f \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Note that the function \(g(\tau )\) is not always a holomorphic modular form. Except for the case of \((r,s,t)=(0,0,1)\), the image of \(f \in M_{k}\) under \(\partial _{g,k}\) is not holomorphic in general.

Theorem 1

The differential operator \(\phi _{g,k}\) is an endomorphism of \(M_{k}\).

To prove the theorem, we need two lemmas.

Lemma 2

The operator \(\partial _{g}\) is written as

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{g}(f) = \frac{4 r}{u}\partial _{E_{4}}(f) + \frac{6 s}{u}\partial _{E_{6}}(f) + \frac{12 t}{u}\partial _{\varDelta }(f) = \partial _{\varDelta }(f) + \frac{k}{6 u} \left( 2 r \frac{E_{6}}{E_{4}} + 3 s \frac{E_{4}^2}{E_{6}} \right) f . \end{aligned}$$


This is easily computed by using the well-known relation (due to Ramanujan)

$$\begin{aligned} E'_{2}=\frac{E^{2}_{2}-E_{4}}{12},~~E'_{4}=\frac{E_{2}E_{4}-E_{6}}{3},~~E'_{6}=\frac{E_{2}E_{6}-E^{2}_{4}}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 3

Put \(v= (sk-u \varepsilon )/2 \) and \( w= (rk - u a)/3 \). Then

$$\begin{aligned} u\, \partial _{g,k}(E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c})&= v E_{4}^{a+2} E_{6}^{\varepsilon -1} \varDelta ^{c} + w E_{4}^{a-1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon +1} \varDelta ^{c} , \nonumber \\ u^2\, (\partial _{g,k+2}\circ \partial _{g,k}) (E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c})&=1728 v(v+2(r+2 s+3 t)) E_{4}^{a+1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon -2} \varDelta ^{c+1} \nonumber \\&{} \quad +(v+w)(v+w -2 t) E_{4}^{a+1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \nonumber \\&{} \quad -1728 w(w+2(r+s+2 t)) E_{4}^{a-2} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1}. \end{aligned}$$


One can easily see that the operator \(\partial _{\varDelta }\) satisfies the Leibniz rule:

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{\varDelta ,k+l}(FG) = \partial _{\varDelta , k}(F) G + F \partial _{\varDelta , l}(G) \end{aligned}$$

for \(F \in M_{k}\) and \(G \in M_{l}\). Hence we can prove the lemma by direct calculation using (5) and the following relations:

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{\varDelta }(E_{4}) = -\frac{1}{3} E_{6}, \quad \partial _{\varDelta }(E_{6}) = -\frac{1}{2} E_{4}^{2},\quad \partial _{\varDelta }(\varDelta ) =0,\quad E_{4}^3 - E_{6}^2 =1728 \varDelta . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 1

For even \(k\ge 4\), write k in the form \(k=12 m +4\delta +6\varepsilon \) as before and assume the numbers ac satisfy \(a\equiv \delta \mod 3 \; (0\le a\le 3m +\delta ), \, 0\le c \le m\), and \(k=4a +6\varepsilon +12c\), so that the forms \(E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c}\) constitute basis elements of \(M_{k}\). We now compute \(\phi _{g,k}(E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c})\).

Since \((v+w)(v+w- 2t) = t^2 k(k+2) - 2 t(k+1)uc +u^2 c^2 \), we can obtain from (7) the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned}&{} u^2\, (\partial _{g,k+2}\circ \partial _{g,k}) (E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c})- t^2 k(k+2) E_{4} \cdot E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \\&\quad =1728 v(v+ 2(r+2 s+3 t)) E_{4}^{a+1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon -2} \varDelta ^{c+1}\\&\qquad + u^2 c \{ c - 2 t(k+1)/u \} E_{4}^{a+1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} -1728 w(w+ 2(r+s+2 t)) E_{4}^{a-2} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1}. \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, by using \( 1728v(v+ 2(r+2s+3t)) = 432(sk-u\varepsilon )(sk-u\varepsilon +4(r+2s+3t)) \), we have

$$\begin{aligned}&u^2\, (\partial _{g,k+2}\circ \partial _{g,k}) (E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c}) - t^2 k(k+2) E_{4} \cdot E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \\&\qquad - 432 (s k-u\varepsilon )(s k-u\varepsilon +4(r+2 s+3 t)) \frac{E_{4} \varDelta }{E_{6}^2} \, E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \\&\quad = u^2 c \left\{ c - \frac{2 t(k+1)}{u} \right\} E_{4}^{a+1} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c}\\&\qquad -1728 w(w+ 2(r+s+2 t)) E_{4}^{a-2} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1} . \end{aligned}$$

We define \(\lambda (x) = \frac{192}{u^2} (r k - u x )(r k - u x + 6(r+s+2 t))\), then \( 1728w(w+2(r+s+2t)) = u^2 \lambda (a)\). Adding \(u^{2} \lambda (\delta ) E_{4}^{a-2} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1}\) to both sides of the above equation and dividing them by \(u^{2} E_{4}\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _{g,k}(E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c})&= \frac{1}{E_{4}} \left\{ (\partial _{g,k+2}\circ \partial _{g,k}) (E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c}) - \frac{t^2 k(k+2)}{u^2} E_{4} \cdot E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \right. \nonumber \\&{} \quad - \frac{432}{u^2} (s k-u\varepsilon )(s k-u\varepsilon +4(r+2 s+3 t)) \frac{E_{4} \varDelta }{E_{6}^2} \, E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \nonumber \\&{} \left. \quad + \frac{48}{u^2} (r k-u \delta )(r k-u \delta + 6(r+s+2 t)) \frac{\varDelta }{E_{4}^2} \, E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} \right\} \nonumber \\&= c \left\{ c - \frac{2 t(k+1)}{u} \right\} E_{4}^{a} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c} -(\lambda (a) -\lambda (\delta )) E_{4}^{a-3} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1} . \end{aligned}$$

The right-hand side is an element of \(M_{k}\) if \(a \ge 3\). If \(a < 3\), we have \(a=\delta \) (because \(a \equiv \delta \pmod {3}\)) and the coefficient \(\lambda (a) -\lambda (\delta )\) of \(E_{4}^{a-3} E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{c+1}\) vanishes, hence the right-hand side is in \(M_{k}\). Thus \(\phi _{g,k}\) is an endomorphism of \(M_{k}\). \(\square \)

4 Modular solutions of \(\phi _{g,k}(f)=0\) and supersingular polynomials

Throughout this section, we assume \(2t(k+1) \not = c u \, (1 \le c \le m )\) for given rst, and \(k=12 m +4\delta +6\varepsilon \). By Eq. (8), we see that the matrix representation of \(\phi _{g,k}\) in the ordered base \(\{ E_{4}^{3m+\delta } E_{6}^{\varepsilon }, \dots , E_{4}^{\delta } E_{6}^{\varepsilon } \varDelta ^{m} \}\) is a triangular matrix and obtain the eigenvalues \(c ( c - \tfrac{2t(k+1)}{u} ) , \; 0\le c\le m\) of \(\phi _{g,k}\) as diagonal elements. Hence, under the assumption, all eigenvalues of endomorphism \(\phi _{g,k}\) are different.

Theorem 2

(i) The following modular form \(F_{g,k}(\tau ) = 1+O(q)\) is the unique eigenvector of \(\phi _{g,k}\) with eigenvalue 0:

$$\begin{aligned} F_{g,k}(\tau )&= E_{4}(\tau )^{3 m+\delta } E_{6}(\tau )^{\varepsilon } \nonumber \\&\quad \times {}_{2}F_{1} \left( -m ,\, \frac{5}{12}+\frac{(2 r -3 s -6 t)(k+1)}{6 u} -\frac{2\delta -3\varepsilon }{6} \,; 1-\frac{2 t(k+1)}{u} ; \frac{1728}{j(\tau )} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

(ii) Let \(k=p-1\) where \(p\ge 5\) is prime and assume that \(u \not \equiv 0 \pmod {p}\). Then the associated polynomial \(\widetilde{F}_{g,p-1}(X)\) of \(F_{g,p-1}(\tau )\) has p-integral coefficients and

$$\begin{aligned} ss_p (X) = X^{\delta }(X-1728)^{\varepsilon } \widetilde{F}_{g,p-1}(X) \mod p. \end{aligned}$$


(i) By using (5) and (6) to expand the differential equation \(\phi _{g,k}(f)=0\), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&f''(\tau ) + A(\tau ) f'(\tau ) +B(\tau ) f(\tau ) =0, \nonumber \\&A(\tau ) = -\frac{k+1}{6} E_{2} +\frac{k+1}{3 u} \left( 3 s \frac{E_{4}^{2}}{E_{6}} +2 r \frac{E_{6}}{E_{4}} \right) , \nonumber \\ B(\tau )&= \frac{k(k+1)}{12} E'_{2} - \frac{k(k+1)}{36 u} \cdot \frac{9s E'_{4}E_{4}^{2} +4r E'_{6} E_{6}}{E_{4} E_{6}} \nonumber \\&\quad +\frac{E_{4}^{3} -E_{6}^{2}}{E_{4}^{2} E_{6}^{2}} \left\{ \frac{s \varepsilon (k+1)}{2 u} E_{4}^{3} - \frac{2 r \delta (k+1) -u \delta (\delta -1)}{9 u} E_{6}^{2} \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

This is a special case of modular differential equations with regular singularities at elliptic points for \(\mathrm {SL}_{2}(\mathbb {Z})\) treated in [4]. More explicitly, the differential equation (10) is expressed as follows using the symbol in [4, Theorem B]:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {D}_{k} \left( \frac{s(k+1)}{u}, \; \frac{2 r(k+1)}{3 u}, \; \frac{s \varepsilon (k+1)}{2 u} ,\; \frac{2 r \delta (k+1) -u \delta (\delta -1)}{9 u} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Applying [4, Theorem C] to this parameters, we get the hypergeometric representation of \(F _{g,k}(\tau ) \). We note that the exponent of \(E_{6}(\tau )\) is a solution of the following quadratic equation:

$$\begin{aligned} x^{2} - \left( \frac{2s(k+1)}{u} +1 \right) x + \frac{2 s \varepsilon (k+1)}{u} =0. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\varepsilon \in \{ 0,1 \}\), we have \(\varepsilon (\varepsilon -1) =0\) and thus the left-hand side of the above equation factors into \( (x-\varepsilon )( x- 2s(k+1)/u +\varepsilon -1 ) \). As pointed out in [4, Remark 4], we can choose \(\varepsilon \) as exponent of \(E_{6}(\tau )\). (ii) For \(k=p-1\), by (2) and the hypergeometric formula (9), the associated polynomial \(\widetilde{F}_{g,p-1}(X)\) of \(F_{g,p-1}(\tau )\) is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{F}_{g,p-1}(X)&= X^{m} {}_{2}F_{1}\left( -m ,\frac{5}{12}+\frac{(2r-3s-6t) p}{6 u} -\frac{2\delta -3\varepsilon }{6};1-\frac{2 t p}{u};\frac{1728}{X} \right) \\&\equiv X^{m} {}_{2}F_{1}\left( -m ,\frac{5}{12} -\frac{2\delta -3\varepsilon }{6};1;\frac{1728}{X} \right) \mod p. \end{aligned}$$

Hence \(X^{\delta }(X-1728)^{\varepsilon } \widetilde{F}_{g,p-1}(X)\) is congruent to \(ss_{p}(X)\) modulo p by Lemma 1. \(\square \)

Remark 1

The case of \((r,s,t)=(0,0,1)\) was studied in the paper [1] by Kaneko and Zagier. The corresponding operator

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{\varDelta ,k}(f)(\tau ) = f'(\tau )-\frac{k}{12} E_{2}(\tau ) f(\tau ) \; : M_{k} \rightarrow M_{k+2} \end{aligned}$$

is called the Ramanujan–Serre derivative. We note that the logarithmic derivative of \(\varDelta (\tau )\) is equal to \(E_{2}(\tau )\). If \(k \not \equiv 2 \pmod {3}\), the function \(F_{\varDelta ,k}(\tau )\) coincides with \(F_{k}(\tau )\) in [1, Sect. 8] up to a constant multiple. Moreover, Baba and Granath studied the cases of \((r,s,t)=(1,0,0)\) and (0, 1, 0) in [2]. The corresponding operators are given, respectively, by

$$\begin{aligned} \partial _{E_{4},k }(f)(\tau ) = f'(\tau )-\frac{k}{4} \frac{E'_{4}(\tau )}{E_{4}(\tau )} f(\tau ) , \quad \partial _{E_{6},k }(f)(\tau ) = f'(\tau )-\frac{k}{6} \frac{E'_{6}(\tau )}{E_{6}(\tau )} f(\tau ). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, the differential equations \(\phi _{E_{4}, k}(f)=0\) and \(\phi _{E_{6}, k}(f)=0\) coincide with [2, Eq. (5)] and [2, Eq. (8)], respectively. Consequently, the symbols \(F_{E_{4} ,k}(\tau )\) and \(F_{E_{6} ,k}(\tau )\) we use are same as theirs, but the definition of our operator \(\phi _{g,k} \) and their operator \(\phi \) are slightly different.