1 Introduction

In recently years, due to the density of power dissipation, the goal to further minimize the size of transistor becomes obstacle. And with the promotion of two decade principles of Landauer [1] and Bennett [2], people become interested in reversible and quantum computation, and synthesis of reversible and quantum circuits has also become an active research area. The main study of synthesis of reversible circuits is constructing the optimal circuits with the least quantum cost under the limits of given reversible gates and constraint conditions. The exact method can get the optimal circuit, but the time and space complexity is very high. So the method is mainly suitable for small-scale circuit [3]. The heuristic method generally adopts the two-stage synthesis [4, 5] way. At first, some heuristic methods such as truth table and decision graph are used to realize the reversible circuit from the corresponded reversible function. And then, ways of making circuit reorganization, replacement and logic gate simplification are applied to reduce the cost of reversible circuit without changing the function of the reversible circuit.

However, most of the existing synthesis methods do not consider some of technological constraints, like ion-traps [6], requiring that all interactions take place within adjacent qubits only. This has led researchers to explore new methods for synthesis and optimization under the nearest-neighbor constraints.

Methods for realizing the nearest-neighbor circuit are mostly based on modifying the arrangement of qubits [7,8,9,10,11,12], what can be broadly classified into two categories. The first category, known as global ordering [7,8,9], the arrangement of qubits is modified globally. The second category, known as local ordering [10,11,12], considers smaller parts of circuits and tries to locally insert SWAP gates. In addition to realizing the nearest-neighbor circuit, quantum circuit optimization, which reduces the quantum cost of circuit is also popular in recent years. In [13], the authors reduce quantum cost by decreasing the number of the common control lines. In [14], template matching method is used as well. And in [15], the method for reducing quantum cost is changing the order of gates in a circuit. However, these methods are not based on the nearest-neighbor and have some drawbacks, such as uncompleted templates and high time complexity.

Therefore, the paper proposed three optimization strategies for linear nearest-neighbor circuit to reduce quantum cost in three aspects, respectively, including MCT gates decomposition, making circuit nearest neighbor and simplifying circuit.

2 Background

A Boolean function F is reversible if and only if it is bijective. In other words, every input vector is uniquely mapped to an output vector and vice versa. A reversible circuit f consists of a cascade of reversible gate without fanout or feedback [16].

In conventional computing, two-valued bits, 0 and 1 are used. However, in quantum computing, qubits are used in computing. The state of a qubit can be represented as a linear combination of computational basis states \(|0>\) and \(|1>\) as a sum of two complex numbers, i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} |{{\upvarphi }>=\alpha }|0>+\beta \vert 1> \end{aligned}$$

where \({\upalpha }\) and \({\upbeta }\) are complex numbers, and \(|\alpha |^{2} + |\beta |^{2}=1\). That is, a qubit can exhibit superposition of basis states, what is one of the differences between conventional and quantum computing.

There are many different kinds of quantum gate libraries in quantum logic synthesis, such as NCV and NCVW. These optimization strategies we proposed are suitable for arbitrary gate libraries. However, in the paper, we mainly use MCT and NCV gate library as the descriptions and examples.

In the so-called NCV library, four unitary operations are defined: NOT, controlled-NOT, controlled-V and controlled-\({\hbox {V}}^{+}\) as shown in Fig. 1. Here, the control bits are denoted by \(\cdot \), while the target bits are denoted by \(\oplus \), a V box, or a \({\hbox {V}}^{+}\) box.

Fig. 1
figure 1

NCV library

NOT, controlled-NOT, Toffoli (control bits are two) and multiple-control Toffoli gate (control bits generally are over two), as shown in Fig. 2, are included in MCT gate library. It has already been very mature to synthesize the reversible function into a reversible MCT circuit [3, 17,18,19]. When a reversible MCT circuit is converted to a quantum circuit, the MCT gate is needed to decompose into some basic quantum logic gates at first.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Multiple-control Toffoli gate

A quantum circuit is a circuit cascaded by a bunch of quantum gates. The cost of realizing a quantum circuit is typically expressed as the number of quantum gates required, also called as quantum cost [19]. It is noteworthy that these quantum gates only include the elementary gates. If there are non-elementary gates, we need to decompose these non-elementary gates firstly.

In quantum circuit, a quantum gate is usually represented by \(U_n ({c,t,k})\), where c is the control bit of the quantum gate, t is the target bit, and k is the position of the gate in the quantum circuit from left to right. \(|{c-t}|-1\) is called the nearest-neighbor cost (NNC) of a quantum gate, and the sum of the nearest-neighbors cost of gates in the circuit is called the nearest-neighbor cost (NNC) of the circuit. If the nearest-neighbor cost of a quantum circuit is 0, that is, each quantum gate in a circuit has \(|{c-t}|=1\). This quantum circuit is called the linear nearest-neighbor circuit.

As can be seen from the above, one of the common ways to obtain linear nearest neighbor circuit is inserting SWAP gates locally. The SWAP gate can modify the arrangement of qubits locally, and it is equivalent to three CNOT gates, so the quantum cost of SWAP gate is three, as shown in Fig. 3. Here the target bit is denoted by

figure a


Fig. 3
figure 3

SWAP gate equivalence

3 Proposed method

In general, if a reversible MCT circuit is converted to LNN quantum circuit, there are three stages in total: decomposing MCT gates, making circuit nearest neighbor and simplifying circuits. So, three optimization strategies of reducing quantum cost by optimizing these three aspects, respectively, have been proposed here.

3.1 MCT gates decomposition

3.1.1 Basic decomposition method

According to [19], basic decomposition methods are proposed as following: n represents the number of qubits in the circuit, and m tokens the number of control bits of a MCT gate.

When applying these methods, the first step that needs to be taken is to judge whether the circuit has free lines. The free line means there is no control bits or target bits in this line. If there is no free line, we need to add an additional free line at first. So, the first step to decompose a MCT circuit is to satisfy premise below.

Premise If \(m=n-1\), an additional auxiliary line is added to the original circuit.

For a MCT circuit, it can consist of MCT gates, NCV gates and Toffoli gates. So, decomposing a MCT circuit is equivalent to decompose a signal MCT gate and Toffoli gate. From the reference [19], Lemma 7.2 and Lemma 7.3, we can classify MCT gates into two cases: the number of control bits is over \(\lceil n/2 \rceil \) and less than \(\lceil n/2\rceil \). \({{\lceil x \rceil }}\) here is a ceiling function mapping a real number to an integer, and \(\lceil x\rceil \) is the least integer than or equal to x.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Decomposition rule 1

Fig. 5
figure 5

Decomposition rule 2

These two cases correspond to the following two different decomposition methods, rule 1 and rule 2.

Rule 1

If \(n\ge 5\), \(m\in \{3,4\ldots ,\lceil n/2 \rceil \}, m\) control bits MCT gate can be decomposed into a circuit cascaded by \(4({m-2})\) Toffoli gates, as shown in Fig. 4.

Rule 2

If \(n\ge 5\), \(m>\lceil n/2\rceil \), m control bits MCT gate can be decomposed into a circuit consisting of \(\lceil n/2 \rceil \) control bits and \(n-1-\lceil n/2 \rceil \) control bits MCT gates, as shown in Fig. 5.

For rule 1 and rule 2, n is all more than 5. Because the number of control bits of a MCT gate control bit is more than 3, n in the circuit is at least 4. However, for a circuit with \(n = 4\), it is necessary to add an auxiliary line according to the premise, and n becomes 5. Therefore, rule 1 and rule 2 cover all the cases of decomposing MCT gates.

At the same time, if we need to get a circuit consisting of elementary gate, we also need to decompose Toffoli gate. From Lemma 6.1 [19], rule 3 can be applied to decompose the Toffoli gates.

Rule 3

Toffoli gate can be decomposed into the following circuit as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Decomposition rule 3

3.1.2 Decomposition optimization

Given a cascade of reversible gates \(G_1 G_2 \ldots G_k \) realizing the reversible function F, the cascade \(G_k^{-1} \ldots G_2^{-1} G_1^{-1} \) realizes the function \(F^{-1}\), where \(G_i^{-1}\) is the inverse gate for \({G}_i\) [20]. At the same time, V and \(\hbox {V}^{+}\) gates can be exchanged with each other without affecting the function of circuits [20]. So, Toffoli gate can also be decomposed into the other form, as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Two forms of decomposing Toffoli gate

From Figs. 4 and 5, we can obviously find that the decomposed circuit exhibits symmetry, that is, the composition of the left and right sides is same, and the difference is the order of gates. So, we can decompose two symmetry Toffoli gates with same control and target bits in two different forms.

As we all know, logic gates NCV libraries, such as NOT and CNOT, are self-inverse. And, two adjacent gates (or moved to adjacent) having the same control and target bits yield the identity mapping. So, if these two gates are deleted, the function of circuit will not be affected. We can have the following deleting rules.

Deleting rule 1

If two gates V and \({\hbox {V}}^{+}\) are adjacent (or moved adjacent), as shown in Fig. 8a, these two gates can be deleted in the circuit.

Deleting rule 2

If two NCV gates are adjacent (or moved adjacent), as shown in Fig. 8b, these two gates can be deleted in the circuit.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Deleting rules

Therefore, applying deleting rules after decomposing can reduce the quantum cost of the circuit. The explicit applying process is following:

figure b

Example Decompose a MCT gate, with \(n=4\), \(m=3\), as shown in Fig 9a.

First, check whether the circuit requires an auxiliary line. According to premise, n minus one is m, so an auxiliary line is added to the circuit, as shown in Fig 9b. Then, the circuit as shown in Fig. 9c can be got by using rule 1 and Fig. 10 can be realized after decomposing Toffoli gates. At the end, we apply deleting rules to get the final circuit in Fig. 11. Comparing Figs. 10, 11, quantum cost is decreased from 20 to 14.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Add auxiliary line, decomposition

Fig. 10
figure 10

The original circuit after decomposing

Fig. 11
figure 11

Optimized circuits after decomposing

3.2 Nearest neighbor of quantum circuit

3.2.1 Gate rearrangement

In general, the order of the gates in the circuit cannot be changed arbitrarily in that will affect the function of the circuit. However, the order of some gates can be changed when they satisfy some particular condition. So, in the processing of realizing linear nearest-neighbor circuits, we can let some nearest-neighbor gate move ahead to reduce some quantum cost of circuits.

Exchange rule Two adjacent gates \(g_1\) and \(g_2\), and their control bits and target bits are \(c_1\), \(c_2\) and \(t_1\), \(t_2\), respectively. These two gates can be interchanged if \({c}_1 \cap {t}_2 =\phi \) and \({c}_2 \cap {t}_1 =\phi \) [14].

As shown in Fig. 12, according to exchange rule, gate A and B cannot be interchanged, and gate D and E can be interchanged. Besides, from Fig. 12, the first three gates and the last gate are all nearest neighbor. So, if moving gate E ahead of D before inserting SWAP gates before gate D, the quantum cost of circuit will be lower. Therefore, we can apply this optimized strategy to actual nearest-neighbor method that can further reduce quantum cost.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Gates interchanged

3.2.2 Nearest-neighbor optimization

The optimization strategy, respectively, acts on two methods to realize the nearest-neighbor circuit in order to verify the effect of optimized strategy in the paper.

One is a heuristic method [12]. The main idea of this method is following: a non-nearest-neighbor gate \(g_n\) is found by traversing the circuit, and by scanning N gates that followed determines how many SWAP gates to insert in front of \(g_n\) and how to insert (move the target to control, move the control to target or both move target and control). The process is repeated until all gates in the circuit are all nearest neighbor.

The other is also a local look-ahead method [21]. By traversing the circuit, a non-nearest-neighbor gate \(g_n\) can be found. Then consider all possible qubits arrangements to make \(g_n\) nearest neighbor and calculate the sum of NNC of all the gates following the \(g_n\) with different qubit arrangement. From the available options, the one is chosen to insert SWAP gate which has the least negative effect to the circuit, that is the sum of NNC is minimal. At the same, the process is repeated until all gates in the circuit are all nearest neighbor.

Our optimization strategy in this stage is combining methods of realizing LNN with the above exchange rule. In other words, we judge whether the current gate and the next gate satisfy exchange rule before inserting SWAP gates in front of the current gate. If they are, and the next gate is the nearest neighbor, two gates are interchanged at first and make the current gate nearest neighbor later.

figure c

3.3 Simplify LNN quantum circuits

For SWAP gates, there is also have deleting rule.

Deleting rule 3

If two SWAP gates are adjacent (or moved adjacent), as shown in Fig. 13, these two gates can be deleted in the circuit.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Deletion rules

To achieve LNN circuits, the circuits consist of NCV gates and SWAP gates. In order to get lower quantum cost, the above deleting rules and exchange rule can be applied one more time.

The strategy 3 is the specific operation.

figure d

4 Experiment

The proposed strategies are implemented in standard C++. The experimental environment is Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4200H CPU @ 2.80 GHz, 4.00 GB memory and 64-bit Windows 8.1 operating system. All the experimental data are from RevLib, and the circuit size is up to 15 lines. Quantum cost is compared to verify whether the proposed methods are effective.

4.1 Experiment one

The experiment one is to verify the effective of decomposing optimized strategy. Assuming the circuits are all single MCT gates, the graph shown in Fig. 14 can be obtained.

In Fig. 14, abscissa m represents the number of MCT gate control bits, and ordinate qc tokens the quantum cost of quantum circuit. The curve labeled 280 represents the quantum cost curve before optimization, and the curve labeled 176 tokens the quantum cost after optimizing. From Fig. 14, with m gradually increased, the distance between two lines will gradually increases. It can be seen that with the size of MCT gate in the circuit becoming larger, the effect of the optimized decomposition method is better.

4.2 Experiment two

The second experiment verifies the effectiveness of proposed optimization strategies by, respectively, acting on two methods mentioned above of realizing LNN circuit. And the experimental results obtained are, respectively, compared with the best results of paper [12] and [21], as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison table
Fig. 14
figure 14

Using algorithm 1 for single MCT gate

In Table 1, the first three columns indicate the name of the circuit (benchmark), the initially decomposed using the decomposition method from [19] and the corresponding quantum cost (qc), and the size of circuit (n). The following two columns represent the best number of SWAP gates (\({\hbox {swap}}_{1}\)) and the quantum cost of the circuits (\({\hbox {qc}}_{1}\)) in [12]. The next two \({\hbox {swap}}_{2}\) and \({\hbox {qc}}_{2}\) are the same meaning in [21] (The benchmark with no result in [21] is represented by ——). It should be noted that the data of \({\hbox {qc}}_{1}\) or \({\hbox {qc}}_{2}\) come from the sum of qc and the numbers of \({\hbox {swap}}_{1}\) or \({\hbox {swap}}_{2}\). Specifically, \({\hbox {qc}}_{1}\) or \({\hbox {qc}}_{2}\) equals qc plus \({\hbox {swap}}_{1}\)*3 or \({\hbox {swap}}_{2}\)*3 (because the quantum cost of SWAP gate is three). The next four columns token the number of SWAP gates (\({\hbox {swap}}_{3}\), \({\hbox {swap}}_{4})\) and the quantum cost of the circuit (\({\hbox {qc}}_{3}\), \({\hbox {qc}}_{4}\)) after applying the algorithm of optimization strategies. The last two columns show optimization rate compared with [12] and [21], respectively, that is, the reduction rate of quantum cost.

It can be seen from Table 1, after applying optimization strategies proposed in this paper, most of the results of both of them have lower quantum cost comparing with [12] and [21], and the maximum rate of optimization is 30.61%. That is, these strategies have obvious effect on reducing the quantum cost of the circuit, and can be acted on many existing methods.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, three strategies are proposed for LNN quantum circuits. In other words, the quantum circuit is optimized in three aspects: MCT gate decomposition, quantum circuit nearest-neighbor realization and quantum circuit simplification. It can be seen from the experimental results that the proposed strategies have a certain advantage in reducing the quantum cost and can be acted on many methods to optimize methods. The maximum optimization rate is up to 30.61%. What’s more, we only use NCV library as descriptions in this paper, and these strategies can also fit for acting on arbitrary gate libraries not just NCV library. At the same time, MCT decomposition method has a higher effect on more control bits MCT gates. So, with the increase in the size of the circuit quantum gate, the optimization algorithm can get better results. In the future, we will consider to use parallel mechanism to let the optimization algorithm suitable for larger-scale circuits.