1 Introduction

P colonies were introduced in Kelemen et al. (2004) as formal models of a computing device inspired by membrane systems (Păun (2000)) and by colonies, a model from the area of grammar systems theory (Kelemen and Kelemenová (1992)). This model intends to structure and functionality of a community of living organisms in a shared environment. The independent organisms living in a P colony are called agents. The agent is given by a collection of objects embedded in a membrane. Each agent contains the same number of objects. The environment contains several copies of a basic environmental object denoted by e. The number of the copies of e placed in the environment is sufficient for every computation.

A set of programs is associated with each agent. The program determines the activity of the agent by rules. In every moment of computation all the objects inside the agent are being either evolved (by an evolution rule) or transported (by a communication rule). Such two rules can also be combined into checking rule, which specifies two possible actions: if the first rule is not applicable then the second one should be applied. So it sets the priority between two rules.

The computation starts in the initial configuration. Using their programs the agents can change their objects and possibly objects in the environment. This gives possibility to affect the behaviour of the other agents in the next steps of computation. At each step of the computation, each agent with at least one applicable program non-deterministically chooses one of them and executes it. The computation halts when no agent can apply any of its programs. The result of the computation is given by the number of some specific objects present in the environment at the end of the computation.

There are several different ways in which the initial state of the computation can be defined.

  1. (1)

    At the beginning of computation the environment and all agents contain only copies of object e.

  2. (2)

    All the agents can contain various objects at the beginning of computation—the agents are in different initial states. The environment contains only copies of object e.

  3. (3)

    Only environment can contain objects different from the object e.

P colonies were studied in conjunction with three parameters:

  1. (1)

    the number of objects inside the agent – the capacity of a P colony

  2. (2)

    the number of agents in a P colony – the degree of a P colony

  3. (3)

    the maximal number of programs associated with one agent – the height of a P colony.

In the following results the number of necessary agents or the necessary programs stays unbounded to reach computational completeness.

In Freund and Oswald (2005), Kelemen et al. (2004), the authors studied P colonies with two objects inside agents. In this case programs consist of two rules, one for each object. If the former of these rules is an evolution and the latter is a communication or checking, we speak of restricted P colonies. If another combination of the types of the rules is also used, we obtain non-restricted P colonies. The restricted P colonies with the checking rules are computationally complete Freund and Oswald (2005).

In Csuhaj-Varjú et al. (2006b), the authors used P colonies with the third type of initial configuration to simulate small universal register machines introduced in Korec (1996) to bound all parameters in computationally complete classes of P colonies. We continue their work in finding “optimized” computationally complete classes of P colonies with all bounded parameters.

We start with definitions in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3 we will deal with P colonies using checking programs with two objects inside each agent. P colonies with programs consisting of two rules of the same type without use of checking programs are studied in Sect. 4.

2 Definitions

Throughout the paper we assume the reader to be familiar with the basics of the formal language theory. For more information on membrane computing, please refer to Păun (2001). We briefly summarize notations used in the present paper.

We use \(NRE\) to denote the family of the recursively enumerable sets of non-negative integers and N to denote the set of non-negative integers.

Let \(\varSigma\) be the alphabet. Let \(\varSigma ^*\) be the set of all words over \(\varSigma\) (including the empty word \(\varepsilon\)). We denote the length of the word \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) by \(\left| w\right|\) and the number of occurrences of the symbol \(a \in \varSigma\) in w by \(\left| w\right| _a\).

A multiset of objects M is a pair \(M = (V, f)\), where V is an arbitrary (not necessarily finite) set of objects and f is a mapping \(f: V \rightarrow N\); f assigns to each object in V its multiplicity in M. The set of all finite multisets over the finite set V is denoted by \(V^*\).

Any finite multiset M over V can be represented as a string w over alphabet V with \(\left| w\right| _{a} = f_M(a)\) for all \(a \in V\). Obviously, all words obtained from w by permuting the letters can also represent the same M, and \(\varepsilon\) represents the empty multiset. From this perspective the cardinality of M can be denoted by |M| and it is defined by \(| M|=\sum _{a\in V} f_M(a)\).

2.1 P colonies

We briefly recall the notion of P colonies introduced in Kelemen et al. (2004). A P colony consists of agents and environment. Both the agents and the environment contain objects. With every agent the set of programs is associated. There are two types of rules in the programs. The first type, called the evolution rules, is of the form \(a \rightarrow b\), which means that object a inside of the agent is rewritten (evolved) to the object b. The second type of rules, called a communication, is in the form \(c\leftrightarrow d\). When this rule is performed, the object c inside the agent and the object d outside of the agent change their positions after execution of the rule object d appears inside the agent and c is placed outside in the environment.

In Kelemen et al. (2004) the ability of agents was extended by checking rule. This rule gives to the agents an opportunity to opt between two possibilities. It has form \(r_1 / r_2\). If the checking rule is performed, the rule \(r_1\) has higher priority to be executed than the rule \(r_2\). It means that the agent checks the possibility to use rule \(r_1\). If it can be executed, the agent has to use it. If the rule \(r_1\) cannot be applied, the agent uses the rule \(r_2\).

Definition 1

A P colony of the capacity c is a construct

$$\begin{aligned} \varPi = (A, e, f, v_E, B_1,\ldots , B_n), \end{aligned}$$


  • A is an alphabet of the colony, its elements are called objects,

  • e is the basic object of the colony, \(e\in A\),

  • f is the final object of the colony, \(f \in A\),

  • \(v_E\) is a multiset over \(A-\{e\}\),

  • \(B_i,\ 1 \le i \le n\), are agents, each agent is a construct \(B_i=\left( o_i, P_i\right)\), where

    • \(o_i\) is a multiset over A, it determines the initial state (content) of agent \(B_i\) and \(|o_i|=c\),

    • \(P_i=\left\{ p_{i,1},\ldots , p_{i,k_i}\right\}\) is a finite set of programs, where each program contains exactly c rules, which are of one of the following forms: (1) evolution rule \(a\rightarrow b\), (2) communication rule \(c\leftrightarrow d\) and (3) checking rule \(r_1 / r_2\); where \(r_1, r_2\) are evolution or communication rules.

The initial configuration of a P colony is an \((n+1)\)-tuple of strings of objects present in the P colony at the beginning of the computation. It is given by the multiset \(o_i\) for \(1\le i\le n\) and by the set \(v_E\). Formally, the configuration of the P colony \(\varPi\) is given by \((w_1, \ldots , w_n, w_E)\), where \(|w_i|=c,\ 1\le i \le n\), \(w_i\) represents all the objects placed inside the i-th agent, and \(w_E \in (A-\{e\})^*\) represents all the objects in the environment different from object e.

At each step of the computation, the contents of the environment and of the agents change in the following manner: In the maximally parallel derivation mode, each agent which can use any of its programs should use one (non-deterministically chosen), whereas in the sequential derivation mode, one agent (non-deterministically chosen from the set of agents with at least one applicable program) uses one of its programs at a time. If the number of applicable programs for the chosen agent is higher than one, then the agent non-deterministically chooses one of the programs.

A sequence of transitions is called a computation. A computation is said to be halting, if a configuration is reached where no program can be applied any more. With a halting computation we associate a result which is given as the number of copies of the objects f present in the environment in the halting configuration.

Because of the non-determinism in choosing the programs, starting from the initial configuration we obtain several computations, hence, with a P colony we can associate a set of numbers, denoted by \(N(\varPi )\), computed by all possible halting computations of the given P colony.

Given a P colony \(\varPi =(A,\ e,\ f,\ v_E,\ B_1,\ \ldots ,\ B_n)\) the maximal number of programs associated with the agents in P colony \(\varPi\) is called the height of P colony \(\varPi\). The degree of P colony \(\varPi\) is the number of agents in P colony \(\varPi\). The third parameter characterizing a P colony is the capacity of P colony \(\varPi\) describing the number of the objects inside each of the agents.

If the programs are composed of one rewriting and one communication (or checking) rule in the case of P colony with capacity two, we call such P colony restricted. Restricted program is of one of following forms: \(<a\rightarrow b, c\leftrightarrow d>\) and \(<a\rightarrow b, c\leftrightarrow d / f\leftrightarrow g>\).

Let us use the following notations:

\(NPCOL_{par}(c,n,h)\) for the family of all sets of numbers computed by these P colonies working in parallel, using no checking rules and with: the capacity at most c, the degree at most n and the height at most h.

If the checking rules are allowed the family of all sets of numbers computed by P colonies is denoted by \(NPCOL_{par}K\).

If the P colonies are restricted, we notate as \(NPCOL_{par}R\) and \(NPCOL_{par}KR\), respectively.

2.2 Register machines

In what follows we want to examine the computational power of P colonies. We compare the families of sets of natural numbers computed by P colonies with the recursively enumerable sets of numbers. To achieve this aim we use the notion of a register machine.

Definition 2

Minsky (1967), Korec (1996) A register machine is the construct \(M = (m, H, l_0, l_h, P)\) where:

  • m is the number of registers,

  • H is the set of instruction labels,

  • \(l_0\) is the start label, \(l_h\) is the final label,

  • P is a finite set of instructions injectively labelled with the elements from the set H.

The instructions of the register machine are of the following forms:

  • \(l_1: ({ ADD}(r), l_2, l_3)\) – Add 1 to the content of the register r and proceed to the instruction (labelled with) \(l_2\) or \(l_3\).

  • \(l_1: ({ SUB}(r), l_2)\) – If the register r stores the value different from zero, then subtract 1 from its content, otherwise leave it unchanged and go to the instruction labelled \(l_2\).

  • \(l_1: ({ CHECK}(r), l_2, l_3)\) – If the value stored in register r is zero, go to the instruction labelled \(l_2\), otherwise go to instruction labelled \(l_3\).

  • \(l_1: ({{ CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r), l_2, l_3)\) – If register r is non-empty, then subtract 1 from its content and go to the instruction labelled \(l_2\), otherwise go to instruction labelled \(l_3\).

  • \(l_h: { HALT}\)– Halt the machine. The final label \(l_h\) is only assigned to this instruction.

The register machine M computes a set N(M) of numbers in the following way: it starts with all registers empty (hence storing the number zero) with the instruction labelled \(l_0\) and it proceeds to apply the instructions as indicated by the labels (and made possible by the contents of registers). If it reaches the halt instruction, then the number stored at that time in the register 1 is said to be computed by M and hence it is introduced in N(M). (Because of the non-determinism in choosing the continuation of the computation in the case of \({ ADD}\)-instructions, N(M) can be an infinite set.) It is known (see e.g.Minsky (1967)) that in this way register machines using \({ ADD}\), \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\) and \({ HALT}\) instructions compute all Turing computable sets.

In Korec (1996) the several results on small universal register machines are presented. In this framework the register machines are used to compute result of the function of non-negative integers by having this argument of the function stored in one of the registers at the beginning of computation and the result can be found in other register after halting computation. The universal machines have eight registers and they can simulate computation of register machine M with the information stored as a natural number code(M) coding the particular machine M. The code(M) is placed in the second register.

Theorem 1

Korec (1996) Let \(\mathbb {M}\) be the set of register machines. Then, there are register machines \(U_1, U_2, U_3\) with eight registers and a recursive function \(g: \mathbb {M}\rightarrow N\) such that for each \(M \in \mathbb {M}, N(M) = N(U_i(g(M)))\), where \(N(U_i(g(M)))\) denotes the set of numbers computed by \(U_i, 1\le i \le 3,\) with initially containing g(M) in the second register. All these machines have one \({ HALT}\) instruction labelled by \(l_h\), one instruction of the type \({ ADD}\) labelled \(l _0\), and:

  • \(U_1\) has \(8 + 11+ 13 = 32\) instructions of the type \({ ADD}, { SUB}\) and \({ CHECK}\), respectively,

  • \(U_2\) has \(9 + 13 = 22\) instructions of the type \({ ADD}\) and \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\), respectively,

  • \(U_3\) has \(8 + 1+ 12 = 21\) instructions of the type \({ ADD}, { CHECK}\) and \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\), respectively.

Moreover, these machines either halt using \({ HALT}\) instruction and have the result of the computation in the first register, or their computation goes on infinitely.

The Theorem 1 is reformulated to meet notations and definitions by Minsky (1967).

3 Using checking rules in P colonies with capacity two

We open this section with list of results for classes of P colonies with capacity two. The reader can find them in literature described below.

  1. 1.

    \(NPCOL_{par}KR(2,*,5) = NRE\) in Csuhaj-Varjú et al. (2006a), Kelemen et al. (2004),

  2. 2.

    \(NPCOL_{par}R(2,*,5)=NRE\) in Freund and Oswald (2005),

  3. 3.

    \(NPCOL_{par}KR(2,1,*)=NRE\) in Freund and Oswald (2005),

  4. 4.

    \(NPCOL_{par}R(2,2,*)=NRE\) in Cienciala et al. (2007),

  5. 5.

    \(NPCOL_{par}KR(2,23,5)=\) \(NPCOL_{par}KR(2,22,6)=NRE\) in Csuhaj-Varjú et al. (2006b),

  6. 6.

    \(NPCOL_{par}K(2,22,5)=NRE\) in Csuhaj-Varjú et al. (2006b),

  7. 7.

    \(NPCOL_{par}(2,35,8)=\) \(NPCOL_{par}R(2,57,8)=NRE\) in Csuhaj-Varjú et al. (2006b).

The results 1.–4. do not allow nonempty environment in the initial configuration. In this paper the results allow nonempty environment in the initial configuration. If we sum the programs associated with one agent in the P colony defined in the proof of the result 3. (we can omit the programs for initialization of simulation generating label \(l_0\)) we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} NPCOL_{par}KR(2,1,93)=NRE. \end{aligned}$$

The next theorem determines computational power of P colonies working with checking rules.

Theorem 2


Table 1 The execution of ADD-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _1\)
Table 2 The execution of CHECKSUB-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _1\)
Table 3 The execution of CHECK-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _1\)


Let us consider a register machine M. We construct a P colony \(\varPi _1=(A_1,e,f,v_{E_1},B_1)\) simulating the computations of the register machine \(U_2\) with 8 registers from Theorem 1 with:

  • \(A_1=\{l_i,l_i'\ |\ l_i\in H\}\cup \ \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\}\),

  • \(v_{E_1}=a_2^{g(M)}l_0\),

  • \(f =a_1\),

  • \(B_1=( ee,P_1)\)

At the beginning of the computation the agent consumes the object \(l_0\) (the label of starting instruction of \(U_2\)) and generates \(a_r\) because the first instruction is of the type \({ ADD}\).

Then it starts to simulate instruction labelled \(l_0\) and it generates the label of the next instruction. The set of programs is as follows:

(1) For the simulation of the initial instruction \(l_0: ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) there are programs in P:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{llllll} 1:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_0; e \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 2:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow l_j; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad & 3:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow l_k; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The initial configuration of \(\varPi _1\) is \(\left( ee, l_0a_2^m\right) , m = g(M)\). After the first step of computation (only the program 1 is applicable) the system enters configuration \(\left( l_0a_r, a_2^m\right)\). Now the second or the third program is applicable and agent uses one of them. After the \(2^{nd}\) step the P colony is in the configuration \(\left( ie, a_ra_2^m\right) ,\) \(i\in \{l_j,l_k\}\).

(2) For every \({ ADD}\)-instruction \(l_i: ({ ADD}(r),l_j, l_k)\) we add to P the programs:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{llllll} 4:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l'_i; e\rightarrow a_r\right\rangle ,\quad &{} 5:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j; a_r \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle ,\quad & 6:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_k; a_r\leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

When there is object \(l_i\) inside the agent, it generates one copy of \(a_r\), puts it to the environment and generates the label of the next instruction (it nondeterministically chooses one of the last two programs 5 and 6). The sequence of configurations and labels of applicable programs are shown in Table 1.

(3) For every \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\)-instruction \(l_i:\) \(({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r),l_j, l_k)\), the next programs are added to set P:

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{llllll} 7:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i'; e \leftrightarrow a_r / e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad &{} 8:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow e; a_r \rightarrow l_j\right\rangle \quad& 9:&{}\left\langle l'_i \rightarrow e; e \rightarrow l_k\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The simulation of the \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\) instruction is done in two steps. At the first step agent uses program no. 7 to check whether there is any copy of object \(a_r\) in the environment. In positive case it consumes one \(a_r\). The second step is done in accordance to the content (state) of agent. If it contains \(a_r\) agent generates object—label \(l_j\), if there is no \(a_r\) inside the agent it generates object—label \(l_k\). Instruction \(l_i: ({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 2.

(4) For CHECK instruction we construct three programs similar to previous programs.

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{llllll} 10:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i'; e \leftrightarrow a_r / e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \ &{} 11:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j; a_r \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \quad& 12:&{}\left\langle l'_i \rightarrow l_k; e \rightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Instruction \(l_i: ({ CHECK}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 3.

(5) For halting instruction \(l_h\) there is no corresponding program in the set \(P_1\).

P colony \(\varPi _1\) correctly simulates all computations of the register machine \(U_2\) and the number contained on the first register of \(U_2\) corresponds to the number of copies of the object \(a_1\) present in the environment of \(\varPi _1\). The machine \(U_2\) has one instruction \(l_0\), 8 ADD-instructions, 12 CHECK SUB-instructions, one CHECK-instruction and finally one HALT-instruction. Notation \(l_0 ({ ADD})\) means that the number bellow it corresponds to the instruction \(l_0\). If we count the programs used for simulation of function of register machine we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} h = \overbrace{3}^{l_0 ({ ADD})}\, +\, \overbrace{8\cdot 3}^{{ ADD}}\, +\, \overbrace{12\cdot 3}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}}\, +\, \overbrace{1\cdot 3}^{{ CHECK}} = 66 \end{aligned}$$

and the proof is complete. \(\square\)

Now we add result for restricted P colonies with checking programs.

Theorem 3


Table 4 The execution of ADD-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _2\)
Table 5 The execution of CHECKSUB-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _2\)
Table 6 The execution of CHECK-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _2\)


Let us consider a register machine M. We construct a P colony \(\varPi _2=(A_2,e,f,v_{E_2},B_2)\) simulating the computations of register machine \(U_2\) with 8 registers from Theorem 1 with:

  • \(A_2 =\{e\}\cup \{l_i,l_i'\ |\ l_i\in H\}\cup \{a_m \; |\ 1\le m \le 8\}\),

  • \(v_{E_2}=a_2^{g(M)}l_0; f = a_1\),

  • \(B_2 = ( ee,P_2)\)

The beginning of simulation is very similar to the one in previous theorem.

(1) For the simulation of the initial instruction \(l_0: ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) there are programs in \(P_2\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{llllll} 1:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow a_r; e \leftrightarrow l_0 \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 2:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow l_j; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad & 3:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow l_k; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

At the beginning of the computation the agent consumes object \(l_0\) (the label of starting instruction of \(U_2\)) and generates \(a_r\) because the first instruction is of the type \({ ADD}\). Then it generates the label of the next instruction.

The initial configuration of \(\varPi _2\) is \(\left( ee, ee, l_0a_2^m\right) ,\) \(m = g(M)\). After the first step of computation (only the program 1 is applicable) the system enters configuration \(\left( l_0a_r, ee, a_2^m\right)\). Now the second or the third program is applicable and agent uses one of them. After the second step the P colony is in the configuration \(\left( ie, ee, a_ra_2^m\right) ,\) \(i\in \{l_j,l_k\}\).

(2) For every \({ ADD}\)-instruction \(l_i: ({ ADD}(r),l_j, l_k)\) we add to \(P_2\) the programs:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrlrlrl} 4:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow e; l_i\leftrightarrow e\right\rangle ,\qquad &{} 5:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow a_r; e \leftrightarrow l_i\right\rangle ,\quad &{}\\ 6:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_j; a_r\leftrightarrow e\right\rangle &{} 7:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_k; a_r\leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

When there is object \(l_i\) inside the agent, it generates one copy of \(a_r\), puts it into the environment and generates the label of the next instruction (it nondeterministically chooses one of the last two programs 6 and 7). The part of the computation is shown in Table 4.

(3) For every \({ CHECKSUB}\)-instruction \(l_i:({ CHECKSUB}(r),l_j, l_j)\), the following programs are added to set \(P_2\):

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{rlrlrl} 8:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i'; e \leftrightarrow a_r / e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad &{} 9:&{}\left\langle a_r\rightarrow l_j; l'_i \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \quad& 10:&{}\left\langle l'_i \rightarrow l_k; e \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The simulation of the \({ CHECKSUB}\) instruction is done in two steps. In the first step agent uses program no. 8 to check whether there is any copy of object \(a_r\) in the environment. In positive case it consumes one \(a_r\). The second step is done in accordance to the content (state) of agent. If it contains \(a_r\) agent generate objectlabel \(l_2\), if there is no \(a_r\) inside the agent it generate object—label \(l_3\). Instruction \(l_i: ({ CHECKSUB}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 5. \(w \in A_2^*\)

(4) For CHECK instruction \(l_i: ({ CHECK}(r), l_j, l_k )\) we construct three programs similar to previous programs.

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{rlrlrl} 11:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i'; e \leftrightarrow a_r / e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \ &{} 12:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j; a_r \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \quad &13:&{}\left\langle l'_i \rightarrow l_k; e \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Instruction \(l_i: ({ CHECK}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 6.

(5) For halting instruction \(l_h\) there is no corresponding program in the set \(P_2\).

P colony \(\varPi _2\) correctly simulates all computations of the register machine \(U_2\) and the number contained on the first register of \(U_2\) corresponds to the number of copies of the object \(a_1\) present in the environment of \(\varPi _2\). If we count the programs used for simulation of function of register machine we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} h = \overbrace{3}^{l_0 ({ ADD})} \,+\, \overbrace{8\cdot 4}^{{ ADD}}\, +\, \overbrace{12\cdot 3}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}} \,+\, \overbrace{1\cdot 3}^{{ CHECK}} = 74 \end{aligned}$$

and the proof is complete. \(\square\)

4 Bounded classes of homogeneous P colonies

The program is said to be homogeneous if it is composed of rules of the same type. A P colony having only homogeneous programs is called homogeneous. Each P colony with capacity one that does not use checking rules is homogeneous. Let us summarize results found in papers described below and state the unbounded parameter that we can compute from proofs of the theorems:

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KH(1,*,6) =\) \(NPCOL_{par}KH(1,26,6) = NRE\) in Cienciala et al. (2008)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}H(1,4,*) = NPCOL_{par}H(1,4,302) = NRE\) in Cienciala et al. (2007)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KH(2,*,4) =\) \(NPCOL_{par}KH(2,25,4) = NRE\) in Cienciala et al. (2008)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KH(2,1,*) =\) \(NPCOL_{par}KH(2,1,176) = NRE\) in Cienciala et al. (2008)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KH(3,2,*) =\) \(NPCOL_{par}KH(3,2,236) = NRE\) in Cienciala and Ciencialová (2011)

It seems that no result is published related to homogeneous P colonies with capacity two that do not use checking rules and related to P colonies with capacity one using checking programs.

Theorem 4


Table 7 The execution of ADD-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _3\)
Table 8 The execution of CHECKSUB-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _3\)
Table 9 The execution of CHECK-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _3\)


Let us consider a register machine M. We construct a P colony \(\varPi _3=(A_3,e,f,v_{E_3},B_{3_1},B_{3_2})\) simulating the computations of register machine \(U_2\) with 8 registers from Theorem 1 with:

  • \(\begin{array}{ll} A_3 = &{}\{e,e'\}\cup \{l_i,l_i',l'''_i,\overline{l_i} \ |\ l_i\in H\}\cup \\ &{}\cup \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\},\end{array}\)

  • \(v_{E_3}=a_2^{g(M)}l_0, f = a_1\),

  • \(B_{3_n} = ( ee,P_{3_n}), n=\{1,2\}\)

At the beginning of the computation the agent \(B_{3_1}\) consumes the object \(l_0\) (the label of starting instruction of \(U_2\)).

(1) For the simulation of the initial instruction \(l_0: ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) there are programs in \(P_1\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrl} 1:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_0; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 2:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow l'_0; e \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle , \quad & 3:&{}\left\langle l'_0\leftrightarrow e; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle, \\ 4:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_0; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , & 5:&{}\left\langle l'_0\rightarrow l_j; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 6:&{}\left\langle l'_0\rightarrow l_k; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The initial configuration of \(\varPi _3\) is \(\left( ee, ee, l_0a_2^m\right) , m = g(M)\). Agent \(B_{3_1}\) consumes object \(l_0\) and then it starts to simulate instruction labelled \(l_0\). It generates the label of the next instruction. Because each program is homogeneous the agent can only rewrite all its content or exchange both objects inside it for another two objects from the environment. If the content of agent \(B_{3_1}\) is ee only programs with communication rules are applicable.

(2) For every \({ ADD}\)-instruction \(l_i: ({ ADD}(r),l_j, l_k)\) we add to \(P_{3_1}\) the programs:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrl} 7:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l'_i; e \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 8:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow e ; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad & 9:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle, \\ 10:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle , & 11:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

When there is object \(l_i\) inside the agent, it generates one copy of \(a_r\), puts it to the environment and generates the label of the next instruction (it nondeterministically chooses one of the last two programs 10 and 11). The sequence of steps is shown in Table 7.

(3) For every \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\)-instruction \(l_i : ({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r),l_j, l_k)\), the next programs are added to sets \(P_{3_1}\) and \(P_{3_2}\):

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{rlrl} P_{3_1}\\ 12:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i' ; e \rightarrow l''_i \right\rangle , \quad &{} 13:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow e; l''_i \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle , \quad \\ 14:&{}\left\langle e \leftrightarrow l''_i ; e \leftrightarrow a_r\right\rangle , &{} 15:&{} \left\langle l''_i\rightarrow \overline{l_i} ; a_r \rightarrow e' \right\rangle ,\\ 16:&{}\left\langle \overline{l_i}\leftrightarrow e; e' \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle ,&{} 17:&{}\left\langle e \leftrightarrow \overline{l_i} ; e \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle ,\\ 18:&{} \left\langle \overline{l_i}\rightarrow l_j ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,&{} 19:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l''_i; e \leftrightarrow l'''_i\right\rangle , \\ 20:&{}\left\langle l''_i \rightarrow l_k ; l'''_i \rightarrow e\right\rangle \\ P_{3_2}\\ 21:&{} \left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i' ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad &{} 22:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l'''_i; e \rightarrow e\right\rangle , \\ 23:&{}\left\langle l'''_i \leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle , &{} 24:&{} \left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'''_i ; e \leftrightarrow e' \right\rangle ,\\ 25:&{}\left\langle l'''_i\rightarrow e; e' \rightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The simulation of the \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\) instruction as follows: Agent \(B_{3_1}\) puts to object (\(l'_i, l''_i\)) corresponding to given instruction into the environment; object \(l'_i\) is consumed by agent \(B_{3_2}\); at the next step object \(l''_i\) can be consumed by agent \(B_{3_1}\) only together with object \(a_r\). If there is no \(a_r\) in the environment, agent \(B_{3_1}\) has to wait until object \(l'''_i\) appears in the environment (agent \(B_{3_2}\) generates it). Now program 19 is applicable. The next step is done in accordance to the content (state) of agent \(B_{3_1}\). If it contents \(a_r\) agent generates object—label \(l_2\) and puts object \(l'_i\) to the environment, if there is no \(a_r\) inside the agent it generates object—label \(l_3\). Instruction \(l_i : ({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 8. Multiset \(w \in \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\}^*\) is placed in the environment.

(4) For CHECK instruction we construct three programs similar to previous programs for CHECKSUB instruction.

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{rlrlrl} P_{3_1}\\ 26:&{} \left\langle l_i\rightarrow l_i' ; e \rightarrow l''_i \right\rangle , \ \ &{} 27:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow e; l''_i \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle , \\ 28:&{}\left\langle e \leftrightarrow l''_i ; e \leftrightarrow a_r\right\rangle , &{} 29:&{} \left\langle l''_i\rightarrow \overline{l_i} ; a_r \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle ,\\ 30:&{}\left\langle \overline{l_i}\leftrightarrow e; a_r \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle ,&{} 31:&{}\left\langle e \leftrightarrow \overline{l_i} ; e \leftrightarrow l'''_i\right\rangle ,\\ 32:&{} \left\langle \overline{l_i}\rightarrow l_j ; l'''_i \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 33:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l''_i; e \leftrightarrow l'''_i\right\rangle , \\ 34:&{}\left\langle l''_i \rightarrow l_k ; l'''_i \rightarrow e\right\rangle \\ P_{3_2}\\ 35:&{} \left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i' ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \quad &{} 36:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l'''_i; e \rightarrow e\right\rangle , \\ 37:&{}\left\langle l'''_i \leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Instruction \(l_i : ({ CHECK}(r), l_2, l_3 )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps shown in Table 9.

(5) For halting instruction \(l_h\) there is no corresponding program in the set \(P_{3_1}\cup P_{3_2}\) .

P colony \(\varPi _3\) correctly simulates all computations of the register machine M and the number contained on the first register of \(U_2\) corresponds to the number of copies of the object \(a_1\) present in the environment of \(\varPi _3\). If we count the programs used for simulation of function of register machine we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned}&\begin{array}{l} h_1=\overbrace{6}^{l_0 ({ ADD})} \,+\, \overbrace{8\cdot 5}^{{ ADD}}\,+ \overbrace{12\cdot 9}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}} + \overbrace{1\cdot 9}^{{ CHECK}}; \\ h_2=\overbrace{0}^{l_0 ({ ADD})}\, +\, \overbrace{8\cdot 0}^{{ ADD}}\,+ \overbrace{12\cdot 5}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}} + \overbrace{1\cdot 3}^{{ CHECK}};\end{array}\\&h = \max \left\{ h_1, h_2 \right\} = 163 \end{aligned}$$

and the proof is complete. \(\square\)

Table 10 Simulation of execution CHECKSUB instruction in P colony \(\varPi _4\)

In next result we reduce the number of programs associated with agent.

Theorem 5


Table 11 The execution of initial instruction in P colony \(\varPi _4\)


Let us consider a register machine M. We construct a P colony \(\varPi _4=(A_4,e,f,v_{E_4},B_{4_1},\ldots , B_{4_92})\) simulating the computations of register machine \(U_2\) with 8 registers from Theorem 1 with:

  • \(\begin{array}{ll} A_4 = &{} \{e,e'\}\cup \{l_i,l_i',l'''_i,\overline{l_i}\ |\ l_i\in H\}\cup \\ &{} \cup \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\},\end{array}\)

  • \(v_{E_4}=a_2^{g(M)}l_0, f = a_1,\)

  • \(B_{4_i} = ( ee,P_{4_i}), i=\{1,\ldots , 92\}\)

Because we want to minimize the number of programs associated with each agent we have to divide simulation of each instruction among more agents. To set order among agents we use the following labelling: \(B_{l_i,j}\) implies that this is the j-th agent associated with instruction \(l_i\).

At the beginning of the computation the agent \(B_1\) consumes the object \(l_0\) (the label of starting instruction of \(U_2\)).

(1) For the simulation of the initial instruction \(l_0: ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) and every ADD-instruction \(l_i= ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) there are programs in \(P_{l_i,p},\ p=\{1,2,3\}\). To simulate the ADD-instruction we need three agents: one agent to generate object \(a_r\) and two agents to generate object – label of the next instruction.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrl} P_{l_i,1}\\ 1:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 2:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l'_i ; e \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle , \\ 3:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow e ; a_r \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle &{} \\ P_{i,2}\\ 4:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,&{} 5:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_2 ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\\ 6:&{}\left\langle l_2\leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ P_{i,3}\\ 7:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,&{} 8:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_3 ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\\ 9:&{}\left\langle l_3\leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In Table 11 the reader can find a part of computation—simulation of execution of initial instruction \(l_0\) – sequence of configurations and the labels of used programs.

If the agent \(B_{i,3}\) uses the program 7 in the configuration 4, the label \(l_3\) is generated instead of \(l_2\).

(2) For every \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\)-instruction \(l_i : ({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r),l_j, l_k)\), the next programs are added to sets \(P_{l_i,p}, p\in \{1,\ldots , 5\}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrl} P_{l_i,1}\\ 10:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 11:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l'_i ; e \rightarrow l''_i \right\rangle , \\ 12:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow e ; l''_i \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle &{} \\ P_{i,2}\\ 13:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i ; e \leftrightarrow a_r \right\rangle ,&{} 14:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_j ; a_r \rightarrow \overline{l_i} \right\rangle ,\\ 15:&{}\left\langle l_j\leftrightarrow e ; \overline{l_i} \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ P_{i,3}\\ 16:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l''_i ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,&{} 17:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l'''_i ; e \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\\ 18:&{}\left\langle l'''_i\leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ P_{i,4}\\ 19:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i ; e \leftrightarrow l'''_i \right\rangle ,&{} 20:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l_k ; l'''_i \rightarrow e \right\rangle ,\\ 21:&{}\left\langle l_k\leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ P_{i,5}\\ 22:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'''_i ; e \leftrightarrow \overline{l_i} \right\rangle ,&{} 23:&{}\left\langle l''''_i\rightarrow e ; \overline{l_i} \rightarrow e \right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The simulation of the \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\) instruction as follows: Agent \(B_{l_i,1}\) puts objects (\(l'_i, l''_i\)) corresponding to given instruction to the environment; object \(l'_i\) is consumed by agent \(B_{l_i,2}\) if there is at least one copy of \(a_r\) in the environment agent \(B_{l_i,2}\) rewrites objects \(a_r\) and \(l'_{i}\) to object corresponding to label of the next instruction and to object \(\overline{l_i}\) – the message for agent \(B_{l_i,5}\) that the unused object \(l'''_i\) must be erased from the environment. The agent \(B_{l_i,3}\) consumes object \(l''_i\) and in the next step it rewrites this object to object \(l'''_i\) and in the following step agent puts this object into the environment.

In the case that register r stores value zero, agent \(B_{l_1,4}\) consumes objects \(l'_i\) and \(l'''_i\) and finally it generates object—label \(l_k\). Instruction \(l_i : ({ { CHECK}{ SUB}}(r), l_j, l_k )\) is simulated by the sequence of steps as present in Table 10. Multiset \(w \in \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\}^*\) is placed in the environment.

(3) For CHECK instruction we construct three programs similar to programs in previous paragraph. The only change is in programs associated with agent \(B_{l_i,5}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrl} P_{i,5}\\ 22:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'''_i ; e \leftrightarrow \overline{l_i} \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 23:&{}\left\langle l'''_i\rightarrow e ; \overline{l_i} \rightarrow a_r \right\rangle ,\quad& 24:&{}\left\langle a_r\leftrightarrow e ; e \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

(4) For halting instruction \(l_h\) there is no corresponding program in the set \(P_i,\ 1\le i\le 92\).

P colony \(\varPi _4\) correctly simulates all computations of the register machine \(U_2\) and the number contained on the first register of \(U_2\) corresponds to the number of copies of the object \(a_1\) present in the environment of \(\varPi _4\). If we count the programs used for simulation of function of register machine we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} n =\overbrace{1\cdot 3}^{l_0 ({ ADD})} + \, \overbrace{8\cdot 3}^{{ ADD}}\, + \overbrace{12\cdot 5}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}} + \overbrace{1\cdot 5}^{{ CHECK}} = 92 \end{aligned}$$

and the proof is complete. \(\square\)

Theorem 6


It is very easy to see that we obtain the result by union of agents \(B_{l_i,2}\) and \(B_{l_i,3}\) constructed in previous proof for ADD-instructions.

The last result of this paper is devoted to the homogeneous P colony with capacity one using checking programs.

Theorem 7


Table 12 The execution of initial instruction in P colony \(\varPi _5\)—the right program was executed
Table 13 The execution of initial instruction in P colony \(\varPi _5\)—non-corresponding object was generated
Table 14 The execution of ADD-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _5\)
Table 15 The execution of CHECKSUB-instruction in P colony \(\varPi _5\)


Let us consider a register machine M. We construct a P colony \(\varPi _5=(A_5,e,f,v_{E_5},B _{5_1},\) \(B_{5_2}, B_{5_3})\) simulating the computations of register machine \(U_2\) with 8 registers from Theorem 1 with:

  • \(\begin{array}{ll} A_5 =&{}\{e,d,g\}\cup \{l_i,l_i',l''_i,l'''_i,\overline{ l_i},\overline{\overline{ l_i}}, \underline{ l_i}, \underline{\underline{ l_i}}, l_i^a, l_i^b, l_i^c,\\ &{} l_i^d, L_i^a,L_i^b,L'_i,L''_i\ |\ l_i\in H\}\cup \\ &{} \cup \{a_m \ |\ 1\le m \le 8\}\cup \{g_k\ |\ 1\le k\le 5\},\end{array}\)

  • \(v_{E_5}=a_2^{g(M)}l_0dg, f = a_1\),

  • \(B_{5_j} = ( e,P_{5_j}), j=\{1,2,3\}\)

At the beginning of the computation the agent \(B_{5_1}\) generates the object \(l'_0\) (corresponding to the label of starting instruction of \(U_2\)).

(1) For the simulation of the initial instruction \(l_0: ({ ADD}(r),l_j,l_k)\) there are programs in \(P_{5_1}\) and in \(P_{5_2}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrlrlrlrl} P_{5_1}\\ 1:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow l'_0\right\rangle , &{} 2:&{}\left\langle l'_0\leftrightarrow l_0 / l'_0 \leftrightarrow d\right\rangle , &{} 3:&{}\left\langle l_0\rightarrow \underline{ l_0} \right\rangle &{} \\ 4:&{}\left\langle \underline{ l_0}\rightarrow l_j \right\rangle ,&{} 5:&{}\left\langle \underline{ l_0}\rightarrow l_k \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 6:&{}\left\langle d\rightarrow d \right\rangle , &{} \\ P_{5_2}\\ 7:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_0\right\rangle ,\quad &{} 8:&{}\left\langle l'_0\rightarrow a_r\right\rangle , \quad &{} 9:&{}\left\langle a_r\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle &{} \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The initial configuration of \(\varPi _5\) is \(\left( e, e, l_0a_2^mgd\right) , m = g(M)\). Agent \(B_{5_1}\) generates object \(l'_0\) and ensures itself by consuming object \(l_0\) from the environment that it generated the right object (corresponding to the label of initial instruction of the machine M). In negative case the agent consumes object d, agent start to rewrite object d in the circle and computation never ends. In positive case agent generates the label of the next instruction. The agent \(B_{5_2}\) executes adding one object \(a_r\) to the environment. The situation when simulation is done correctly, is shown in Table 12.

The part of computation when the agent \(B_{5_1}\) generates in the first step wrong object is shown in Table 13.

(2) For every \({ ADD}\)-instruction \(l_i : ({ ADD}(r),l_j, l_k)\) we add to \(P_{5_1}\) the programs:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rlrlrlrl} P_{5_1}\\ 10:&{}\left\langle l_i\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle ,\quad &{} 11:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow \underline{ l_i} \right\rangle , \quad &{} 12:&{}\left\langle \underline{ l_i}\rightarrow \underline{\underline{ l_i}}\right\rangle &{} \\ 13:&{}\left\langle \underline{\underline{ l_i}}\rightarrow l'_i \right\rangle ,&{} 14:&{}\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow l''_i / l'_i \leftrightarrow d\right\rangle ,&{} 15:&{}\left\langle l''_i\rightarrow \overline{ l_i} \right\rangle , \\ 16:&{}\left\langle \overline{ l_i}\rightarrow l_j \right\rangle ,&{} 17:&{}\left\langle \overline{ l_i}\rightarrow l_k \right\rangle ,&{} \\ P_{5_2}\\ 18:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i\right\rangle ,\quad &{} 19:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l''_i\right\rangle , \quad &{} 20:&{}\left\langle l''_i\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle &{} \\ 21:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i\right\rangle ,\quad &{} 22:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow a_r\right\rangle , \quad &{} 23:&{}\left\langle a_r\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle &{} \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

When there is object \(l_i\) inside the agent \(B_{5_1}\), it puts it to the environment and tries to generate object \(l'_i\). Then it exchanges object \(l'_i\) by object \(l''_i\) from the environment. Finally agent \(B_{5_1}\) generates the label of the next instruction (it non-deterministically chooses one of the last two programs 16 and 17) and the agent \(B_{5_2}\) generates one object \(a_r\) and puts it to the environment (Table 14).

(3) For every \({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}\)-instruction \(l_i : ({ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}(r),l_j, l_k)\), the next programs are added to sets \(P_{5_1}\), \(P_{5_2}\) and \(P_{5_3}\):

$$\begin{aligned}{}\begin{array}{rlrlrlrl} P_{5_1}\\ 24:&{} \left\langle l_i\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle , \ &{} 25:&{}\left\langle e\rightarrow \underline{ l_i} \right\rangle , \ &{} 26:&{}\left\langle \underline{ l_i} \rightarrow \underline{\underline{ l_i}}\right\rangle , \\ 27:&{} \left\langle \underline{\underline{ l_i}}\rightarrow l'_i\right\rangle ,\ \ &{} 28:&{}{\left\langle l'_i\leftrightarrow l''_i / l'_i \leftrightarrow d\right\rangle ,}&29:&{}\left\langle l''_i \rightarrow \overline{l_i}\right\rangle ,\\ 30:&{} \left\langle \overline{l_i}\rightarrow \overline{\overline{ l_i}} \right\rangle ,&{} 31:&{}\left\langle \overline{\overline{ l_i}}\rightarrow L_i\right\rangle , & 32:& \left\langle L_i \leftrightarrow a_r / L_i \leftrightarrow l'''_i\right\rangle, \\ 33:&{} \left\langle {l'''_i}\rightarrow l^a_i\right\rangle ,& 34:&{}\left\langle l^a_i\rightarrow l^b_i\right\rangle ,&{} 35:&{}\left\langle l^b_i \rightarrow l^c_i\right\rangle ,\\ 36:&{} \left\langle l^c_i\rightarrow l^d_i \right\rangle ,&37:&{}\left\langle l^d_i\rightarrow l_k\right\rangle ,&{} 38:&{} \left\langle a_r\rightarrow L^a_i\right\rangle ,\\ 39:&{}\left\langle L^a_i\rightarrow L^b_i\right\rangle ,& 40:&{} \left\langle L^b_i\rightarrow L''_i \right\rangle ,&{} 41:&{}{\left\langle L''_i \leftrightarrow L'_i / L''_i \leftrightarrow d\right\rangle ,}\\ 42:&{}\left\langle L'_i\rightarrow l_j\right\rangle , \ &{} \\ P_{5_2}\\ 43:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l_i\right\rangle ,\ &{} 44:&{}\left\langle l_i\rightarrow l''_i\right\rangle , \ &{} 45:&{}\left\langle l''_i\leftrightarrow e \right\rangle \\ 46:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow l'_i\right\rangle ,\ &{} 47:&{}\left\langle l'_i\rightarrow l'''_i\right\rangle , \ &{} 48:&{}\left\langle l'''_i\leftrightarrow g \right\rangle \\ 49:&{}\left\langle g\rightarrow g_1\right\rangle ,\ &{} 50:&{}\left\langle g_1\rightarrow g_2\right\rangle , \ &{} 51:&{}\left\langle g_2\rightarrow g_3 \right\rangle \\ 52:&{}\left\langle g_3\rightarrow g_4\right\rangle ,\ &{} 53:&{}\left\langle g_4\rightarrow g_5\right\rangle , & 54:&{\left\langle g_5\leftrightarrow L''_i / g_5 \leftrightarrow L''_i\right\rangle }\\ 55:&{}\left\langle L''_i\rightarrow e\right\rangle ,\ &{} 56:&{}\left\langle L'_i\rightarrow e\right\rangle ,\ \\ P_{5_3}\\ 56:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow L_i\right\rangle ,\ &{} 57:&{}\left\langle L_i\rightarrow L'_i\right\rangle , & 58:&{\left\langle L'_i\leftrightarrow l'''_i / L'_i \leftrightarrow e \right\rangle }\\ 59:&{}\left\langle l'''_i\rightarrow e\right\rangle ,& 60:&{}\left\langle e\leftrightarrow g_5\right\rangle ,&{} 61:&{}\left\langle g_5\rightarrow g \right\rangle \\ 62:&{}\left\langle g\leftrightarrow e\right\rangle \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The simulation of the \({ { CHECKSUB}}\) instruction as follows: Agent \(B_{5_1}\) puts the object (\(l_i\)) corresponding to given instruction into the environment; object \(l_i\) is consumed by agent \(B_{5_2}\); Agent \(B_{5_1}\) generates object \(l'_i\) and exchanges it by object \(l''_i\). Agent \(B_{5_1}\) rewrites object \(l''_i\) to \(L_i\). Then agent \(B_{5_1}\) tries to consume object \(a_r\). Three agents help each other to generate object corresponding to the label of the next instruction. The part of computation the reader can see on Table 15.

(4) For halting instruction \(l_h\) there is no corresponding program in the set \(P_j, j\in \{1,2,3\}\).

P colony \(\varPi _5\) correctly simulates all computations of the register machine \(U_2\) and the number contained on the first register of \(U_2\) corresponds to the number of copies of the object \(a_1\) present in the environment of \(\varPi _5\). If we count the programs used for simulation of function of register machine we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned}&\begin{array}{l} h_1=\overbrace{6}^{l_0 ({ ADD})} +\, \overbrace{9\cdot 8}^{{ ADD}}\, + \overbrace{13\cdot 19}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}}; \\ h_2=\overbrace{3}^{l_0 ({ ADD})} +\, \overbrace{9\cdot 6}^{{ ADD}} \,+\, \overbrace{13\cdot 9 +5}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}}; \\ h_3=\overbrace{0}^{l_0 ({ ADD})}\, + \,\overbrace{9\cdot 0}^{{ ADD}}\,+\, \overbrace{13\cdot 4 +3}^{{ { CHECK}{} { SUB}}}; \end{array}\\&h = \max \left\{ h_1, h_2, h_3\right\} = 325 \end{aligned}$$

and the proof is complete. \(\square\)

5 Conclusions

In this paper we focused on P colonies with all bounded parameters. In the first part we improve results for P colonies with checking rules. In the second part we focus on homogeneous P colonies with or without use of checking programs. We can summarize our results in following list:

  • \(NPCOL_{par}K(2,1,66)=NRE\)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KR(2,1,74)=NRE\)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}H(2,2,163)=NRE\)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}H(2,92,3)=NRE\)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}H(2,70,5)=NRE\)

  • \(NPCOL_{par}KH(1,3,325)=NRE\)

For more information on membrane computing, see Păun (2001); for more on computational machines and colonies in particular, see Minsky (1967) and Kelemen and Kelemenová (1992), Kelemen et al. (2004), respectively. Activities carried out in the field of membrane computing are currently numerous and they are available also at P systems web page (2001).