1 Introduction

Since underwater images carry plenty of ocean information, the quality of underwater images is of great significance to the exploration and utilization of the deep sea. However, due to the absorption and scattering of light by water bodies and the complex biological environment, underwater images captured by the camera usually suffer from severe degradation such as color cast, low sharpness and contrast. Underwater image enhancement (UIE) technology [37, 51] aims to obtain higher quality, more realistic color, and sharper underwater images, which is beneficial for several visual tasks such as object detection and edge detection [4]. This technology has been widely used in underwater robots [20] and underwater archaeology, etc.

The traditional UIE methods mainly include non-physical model-based methods [15, 41, 54, 57] and physical model-based methods [14, 42, 43, 52, 58]. Among them, Jyoti et al. [41] proposed a non-physical model-based method, called Histogram Equalization (HE), which uses pixel value transformation to transform the original image into roughly the same number of pixels in most gray levels. This method is simple and fast, but it is difficult to improve the local contrast of underwater images. On the basis of Dark Channel Prior (DCP) [17], Drews et al. [14] proposed the Underwater Dark Channel Prior (UDCP) to solve the problem that the underwater image is distorted and blue-green due to the serious attenuation of red light in the water. Song et al. [42] proposed the Underwater Light Attenuation Prior (ULAP), which trained a linear model of scene depth estimation based on the underwater light attenuation prior and labeled scene depth data, and the underwater image restoration is realized by estimating scene depth map, atmospheric light value, and transmission image. However, the processed images still have severe color casts. The limitations of traditional methods are mainly in either ignoring the underwater imaging mechanism leading to over/under enhancement, such as HE [41], or being time-consuming or sensitive to the diversity of underwater scenes, such as UDCP [14], ULAP [42], etc. In contrast, our method can produce visually satisfactory enhancement results for underwater images of multiple scenes without being time-consuming.

Compared with the traditional manual setting of spatial features, deep learning can automatically extract spatial features hierarchically [5], which makes it develop rapidly. In recent years, many researchers have begun to apply convolution neural network (CNN) and generative adversarial network (GAN) to underwater image enhancement [11, 16, 19, 20, 25,26,27,28,29, 31, 33, 47, 49]. Among them, Li et al. [28] proposed Water-Net based on CNN, which uses convolution operation to extract underwater image features and learn the mapping relationship between the original underwater image and enhanced underwater image, so as to achieve underwater image enhancement. Islam et al. [20] proposed Fast Underwater Image Enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks (FUnIE-GAN) for enhancing underwater images at high speed, which can be applied to underwater vehicles. Li et al. [29] proposed a multi-color space embedded underwater image enhancement network (Ucolor) based on medium transmission guidance, which combines underwater imaging physical model and deep learning, and uses multi-color space embedding to improve the visual quality of underwater images. Yan et al. [49] proposed a very simple network (MTUR) in which one sub-network is used to predict the media transmission map and the predicted media transmission map is used as guidance to assist another sub-network to enhance the underwater images. This method improves the performance and enables real-time image processing. Compared with traditional methods, deep learning-based methods significantly improve performance. However, the key limitation of CNN or GAN-based methods is that they struggle to effectively model long-range dependency for learning explicit global information interaction due to the use of convolution as the key component for extracting features. In contrast, our method uses Swin Transformer block as the basic unit to efficiently learn local features and model long-range dependency, which can enhance underwater images more accurately.

With the great success of Transformer [46] in the field of natural language processing (NLP), researchers have tried to bring Transformer into the field of computer vision, and have made good progress in several vision problems [7, 13, 45]. However, since vision Transformers usually divide the input image into small patches with a fixed size and process each patch independently, the image generated by vision Transformer may appear with boundary artifacts around each small patch [6, 10]. Recently, Liu et al. [34] proposed Swin Transformer, which integrates the advantages of CNN and Transformer, and has shown great promise. Due to the local attention mechanism, Swin Transformer has the advantage of CNN to learn local features of large-size images. Meanwhile, Swin Transformer can effectively model long-range dependency with the shifted window scheme.

Motivated by the success of Swin Transformer, this paper proposes a novel method based on Swin Transformer for UIE. This method aims to effectively enhance degraded underwater images by exploiting the advantages of Swin Transformer in learning local features on large-size images and modeling long-range dependency. By downsampling in the encoder and upsampling in the decoder, the obtained multi-scale feature maps are used for local details attention and global information interaction via Swin Transformer blocks and feature fusion via skip connections, expecting to be more fully utilized. Figure 1 shows the underwater image enhanced by our method and some comparison methods. As shown, the color of the underwater image enhanced by our method is closest to the reference image and achieves the best visual quality.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The underwater image enhanced by our method and several state-of-the-art UIE methods. Our method achieves the best visual quality. (a) Raw image, (b) HE [41], (c) UDCP [14], (d) ULAP [42], (e) UWCNN [27], (f) Water-Net [28], (g) FUnIE-GAN [20], (h) Ucolor [29], (i) Peng et al. [39], (j) MTUR [49], (k) Ours, (l) Reference image

The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

  • We introduce Swin Transformer into the underwater image enhancement task and propose an encoder-decoder network with the Swin Transformer block as the basic unit. The Swin Transformer block enables the network to easily achieve local detail attention and global information interaction for underwater images.

  • We introduce the HSV color space loss function and use it together with the loss functions in RGB color space for network training, which further improves the ability of the proposed method to remove color casts.

  • Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance in both objective metrics and visual quality compared to several state-of-the-art UIE methods, especially for color cast removal and sharpness enhancement.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the underwater imaging model and introduces the Vision Transformer, Section 3 illustrates the network architecture and associated inner structure of our proposed method, Section 4 presents the experiment details, experimental results, discussion and ablation studies, and Section 5 gives the conclusion of this work.

2 Related work

2.1 Underwater imaging model

According to the underwater optical imaging model Jaffe-McGlamery proposed by Jaffe et al. [21], the light received by the underwater camera is mainly composed of the direct transmission component Ed(x,y), the forward scattering component Ef(x,y) and the background scattering component Eb(x,y). The underwater imaging model is shown in Fig. 2. The formula for calculating the total light intensity received by the underwater camera is:

$$ {{E}_{t}}(x,y)={{E}_{d}}(x,y)+{{E}_{f}}(x,y)+{{E}_{b}}(x,y). $$
Fig. 2
figure 2

The underwater imaging model Jaffe-McGlamery

The direct transmission component Ed(x,y) is obtained by the attenuation of the reflected light on the target surface due to the scattering and absorption of water. The calculation formula can be expressed as follows:

$$ {{E}_{d}}(x,y)=J(x,y)\cdot t(x,y). $$

where J(x,y) represents the light intensity initially reflected by the imaging object, and t(x,y) represents a transmittance of a medium.

The forward scattering component Ef(x,y) can be expressed as:

$$ {{E}_{f}}(x,y)=J(x,y)*h(x,y). $$

where h(x,y) denotes the point spread function.

The background scattering component Eb(x,y) is generally expressed as:

$$ {{E}_{b}}(x,y)={{E}_{\infty }}(1-t(x,y)). $$

where \({{E}_{\infty }}\) represents the global background light.

Therefore, the underwater image captured by the underwater camera can be expressed as:

$$ F(x,y)=J(x,y)\cdot t(x,y)+J(x,y)*h(x,y)+{{E}_{\infty }}(1-t(x,y)). $$

As shown in Fig. 2, when light travels underwater, different colors of light have different degrees of attenuation in the water. In general, red light is most easily absorbed because of its short wavelength, so it attenuates most rapidly in water. The attenuation of blue light and green light is relatively slow due to their longer wavelengths. As a result, the captured underwater images generally appear green or blue-green. Therefore, the original image taken by the underwater camera needs to be enhanced.

2.2 Vision transformer

Transformer [46] shows an excellent performance in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Many researchers in the field of computer vision have attempted to introduce Transformer which learns to attend to important image regions by exploring the global information interaction between different regions and solved several visual problems, such as image classification [8, 24, 44], object detection [7, 9, 12, 35, 36, 45, 53], segmentation [48, 56] and crowd counting [40], etc. As for underwater image enhancement tasks, Peng et al. [39] introduced several Transformer layers to model global information of the feature maps obtained by four levels of down-sampling, which reinforced the network’s attention to seriously degraded parts and contributed to performance improvement. Although many explorations in the field of vision have shown remarkable performance, compared with CNN-based methods, the drawback of Transformer is that it requires pre-training on its own large dataset, which increases the difficulty of training. Recently, Swin Transformer proposed by Liu et al. [34] integrates the advantages of both CNN and Transformer. On the one hand, due to the local attention mechanism, it can easily process images with large sizes, on the other hand, it can effectively realize long-range dependency modeling with the shifted window scheme. In this work, we attempt to use Swin Transformer blocks and skip connections to build an encoder-decoder architecture for underwater image enhancement, thus effectively enhancing degraded real-world underwater images and providing a benchmark comparison for the exploration of Swin Transformer in the field of low-level vision.

3 Proposed method

We design a Swin Transformer-based encoder-decoder network with skip connections, and the overall architecture of this network is shown in Fig. 3. The network takes the underwater image as input x and learns shallow features of the image by Shallow Feature Extraction, then learns the deep feature representation by the encoder-decoder, and finally outputs the enhanced result y through High Quality (HQ) Image Enhancement. Table 1 shows the description of the proposed algorithm.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The network architecture of our proposed method for underwater image enhancement. In the figure, n represents the number of channels of the feature map, the kernel size (k) and stride (s) of each convolutional layer in downsampling and upsampling are provided, and the filter size (f) and stride (s) of maxpool layer in downsampling is also provided

Table 1 The description of the proposed algorithm

3.1 Network architecture

Firstly, a convolutional layer (kernel size 3 × 3, stride 1, number of channels 32) and a Maxpool layer (filter size 2 × 2, stride 2) are used to perform the feature extraction process [2] on the input image (size is W × H). Feature extraction of a given image is a critical step in many image analysis and computer vision tasks [3]. For the encoder, the patch tokens transformed from the feature maps output by shallow feature extraction generate hierarchical feature representations via several pairs of two Swin Transformer blocks and downsampling. Where the Swin Transformer blocks are used to capture the local context and model long-range dependency, and downsampling is used to reduce the feature resolution by half and increase the feature dimension by 2 times. For the decoder, upsampling is responsible for increasing the feature resolution by 2 times and reducing the feature dimension by half, and the obtained feature maps are fused with the feature maps of the same size from the encoder through skip connections to complement the loss of spatial information caused by downsampling. The Swin Transformer blocks are used to learn the feature representation of the fused feature maps. Finally, before the convolutional layer (kernel size is 3 × 3 and the stride is 1) which is used to output the enhanced underwater image, a transposed convolutional layer (kernel size is 4 × 4, the stride is 2 and channel number is 32) is used for restoring the size of feature maps to the input.

3.2 Swin transformer block

Different from the standard multi-headed self-attention (MSA) module in Transformer, the Swin Transformer block is built based on shifted windows. The internal structure of two consecutive Swin Transformer blocks is shown in Fig. 3. The window-based multi-head self-attention (W-MSA) module and the shifted window-based MSA (SW-MSA) module are applied in two consecutive Swin Transformer blocks, respectively. Each Swin Transformer module also contains a 2-layer MLP with GELU non-linearity and two LayerNorm (LN) layers, one of which is applied before the (S)W-MSA module, the other before the MLP, and the residual connection is applied after each (S)W-MSA module and MLP.

Based on the shifted window partitioning mechanism, the formula for calculating contiguous Swin Transformer blocks can be expressed as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {{\hat z}^{l}} &=& W-MSA(LN({z^{l - 1}})) + {z^{l - 1}}, \\ {z^{l}} &=& MLP(LN({{\hat z}^{l}})) + {{\hat z}^{l}}, \\ {{\hat z}^{l + 1}} &=& SW-MSA(LN({z^{l}})) + {z^{l}}, \\ {z^{l + 1}} &=& MLP(LN({{\hat z}^{l + 1}})) + {{\hat z}^{l + 1}}. \end{array} $$

where \({\hat z^{l}}\) and \({\hat z^{l + 1}}\) represent the outputs of W-MSA and SW-MSA modules respectively, zl represents the outputs of the MLP module of the lth block. Similar to works in [30], the attention matrix calculated by the self-attention mechanism is:

$$ Attention(Q,K,V) = SoftMax\left( {{Q{K^{T}}} {\left/ {\vphantom {{Q{K^{T}}} {\sqrt d }}} \right.} {\sqrt d }} + B\right)V. $$

where the values in B are taken from the bias matrix \(\hat B \in {\mathbb {R}^{(2M - 1) \times (2M + 1)}}\). Generally, \(Q,K,V \in {\mathbb {R}^{{M^{2}} \times d}}\) and respectively denote the query, key and value matrices. M2 represents the number of patches in a window and d denotes the dimension of the query or key.

3.3 Encoder-decoder

In the encoder, the patch tokens transformed from the feature maps with the size of W/2 × H/2 are fed into two Swin Transformer blocks for representation learning. Meanwhile, the feature resolution will be down-sampled by half due to the Maxpool layer in downsampling, and the feature dimension will be increased to 2 times the original dimension due to a convolutional layer with a kernel size of 1 × 1 in downsampling. This will be repeated three times to obtain feature maps with a size of W/16 × H/16.

In the decoder, the feature resolution of the adjacent dimensions will be up-sampled by 2 times via a bilinear interpolate layer in the upsampling, and the feature dimension will be reduced to half of the original dimension by the convolutional layer with a kernel size of 1 × 1 in upsampling. Then the up-sampled feature maps will be fused with the multi-scale feature maps from the encoder by skip connections, and two Swin Transformer blocks will be used to learn the feature representation of the fused feature maps. This procedure will also be repeated three times until the resolution of feature maps is W/2 × H/2.

3.4 Loss functions

To take advantage of the HSV color space’s more intuitive representation of hue, color saturation, and intensity, we introduce the HSV color space loss function together with loss functions in the RGB color space for our network training. The images from RGB space are firstly converted to HSV color space, as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {H^{N(x)}},{S^{N(x)}},{V^{N(x)}} &=& RGB2HSV(N(x)), \\ {H^{y}},{S^{y}},{V^{y}} &=& RGB2HSV(y). \end{array} $$

where x, y and N(x) represent the original input underwater images, the reference underwater images and the enhanced underwater images output by the network, respectively.

The loss function in HSV color space can be expressed as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Los{s_{hsv}} &=& {E_{x,y}}\left[ - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {Q({H_{i}^{y}})\log \left( Q\left( H_{i}^{N(x)}\right)\right)}\right. \\ && \left. + {\left( {S^{y}} - {S^{N(x)}}\right)^{2}} + {\left( {V^{y}} - {V^{N(x)}}\right)^{2}}\right]. \end{array} $$

where Q stands for the quantization operator.

Mean square error (MSE) loss (Lossmse) is the RGB color space loss function to calculate the distance between the predicted images N(x) and the groundtruth images y.

$$ Los{{s}_{mse}}=E\left[ {{\left\| N(x)-y \right\|}_{2}} \right]. $$

We also use structure similarity (SSIM) loss (Lossssim) [55] in the RGB color space to impose the structure and texture similarity on the predicted image. We compute the SSIM score for gray images converted from images in the RGB space. For each pixel x, the SSIM value is calculated within an 11 × 11 image patch around the pixel. The specific calculation formula is as follows:

$$ SSIM(x)=\frac{2{{\mu }_{I}}(x){{\mu }_{{\hat{I}}}}(x)+{{c}_{1}}}{{\mu_{I}^{2}}(x)+\mu_{{\hat{I}}}^{2}(x)+{{c}_{1}}}\cdot \frac{2{{\sigma }_{I\hat{I}}}(x)+{{c}_{2}}}{{\sigma_{I}^{2}}(x)+\sigma_{{\hat{I}}}^{2}(x)+{{c}_{2}}}. $$

where μI(x) and \({{\mu }_{{\hat {I}}}}(x)\) represent the mean of the image patch from groundtruth image and predicted image, respectively. σI(x) and \({{\sigma }_{{\hat {I}}}}(x)\) represent the standard deviation of the corresponding image patch, respectively. \({{\sigma }_{I\hat {I}}}(x)\) denotes cross-covariance. Here we set c1 = 0.02 and c2 = 0.03.

The calculation formula of SSIM loss can be expressed as:

$$ Los{{s}_{ssim}}=1-\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{SSIM({{x}_{i}})}. $$

In addition, we use the perceptual loss (Lossperc) [22] to compute the distance between the feature representation of the predicted image and the ground-truth image.

Our total loss function can be expressed as follows:

$$ L = \alpha Los{s_{hsv}} + \beta Los{s_{mse}} + \gamma Los{s_{ssim}} + \mu Los{s_{perc}}. $$

where α, β, γ and μ are hyperparameters and represent the weight of each loss term. We set α = 50.0, β = 0.001, γ = 100.0, and μ = 100.0.

4 Experiments

In order to verify our performance superiority, we compare our method with other 9 different UIE methods qualitatively and quantitatively. These methods include traditional methods based on non-physical model (HE [41]) and physical models (UDCP [14] and ULAP [42]), as well as the recent state-of-the-art methods based on deep learning (UWCNN [27], Water-Net [28], FUnIE-GAN [20], Ucolor [29], Peng et al. [39] and MTUR [49]). We will first supplement the implementation details of the experiment, then introduce the experimental datasets and experimental evaluation metrics, and finally analyze the experimental results.

4.1 Datasets and implementation details

In our experiments, we use five real-world underwater image datasets: LSUI [39] (which contains 5004 pairs of underwater images), UIEBD [28] (which contains 890 pairs of underwater images and 60 challenging unpaired degraded underwater images), EUVP [20], SQUID [1] and RUIE [32]. For training, we randomly extract 4600 pairs of underwater images from the LSUI as the training set to train our network. All images are resized to a fixed size before being input into the network. For testing, the remaining 404 pairs of underwater images in the LSUI are used as the first testing dataset (Test-L404). A random set of 90 pairs of real-world images extracted from the UIEBD is used as the second testing dataset (Test-U90). A random set of 70 pairs of real-world images extracted from the EUVP is used as the third testing dataset (Test-E70). A set of 60 challenging unpaired degraded underwater images in the UIEBD is used as the fourth testing dataset (Test-U60). We use the 16 representative examples presented on the project page of SQUIDFootnote 1 as the fifth testing dataset (SQUID). A random set of 45 real-world images extracted from the RUIE is used as the sixth testing dataset (Test-R45).

We implement the proposed method by using Pytorch with an NVIDIA RTX 2080TI GPU on Ubuntu 18. During the training period, the initial learning rate is set as 0.0005, and the learning rate decreased 20% every 40 epochs. We set the batch size to 12 and utilize the Adam optimization algorithm for a total of 300 epochs of training. The training time for the model is about three days.

4.2 Evaluation metrics

Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) [23] and Structural SIM-ilarity index (SSIM) [18] are used as full-reference evaluation metrics to assess the proximity to the reference, where a higher PSNR (lower MSE) value and a higher SSIM score represent closer image content and a more similar structure and texture, respectively.

The underwater color image quality evaluation (UCIQE) [50] and the underwater image quality measure (UIQM) [38] are used as non-reference evaluation metrics to comprehensively evaluate underwater image quality by color density, saturation, sharpness and contrast, where the higher UCIQE or UIQM score, the better human visual perception. UIQM is the weighted sum of UICM (colorfulness measure), UISM (sharpness measure) and UIConM (contrast measure), as follows:

$$ UIQM={{c}_{1}}UICM+{{c}_{2}}UISM+{{c}_{3}}UIConM. $$

where c1, c2 and c3 are weight parameters. We set c1 = 0.0282, c2 = 0.2953 and c3 = 3.5753 according to [38].

For full-reference image quality evaluation, we use MSE, PSNR and SSIM metrics to compare the methods on Test-L404, Test-U90 and Test-E70 datasets. For non-reference image quality assessment, we use UCIQE and UIQM metrics to compare the methods on Test-U60, SQUID and Test-R45 datasets.

4.3 Performance evaluation

4.3.1 Full-reference evaluation

The quantitative evaluation results of different methods on Test-L404, Test-U90 and Test-E70 datasets are shown in Tables 23 and 4, respectively. Visual comparisons of different methods are shown in Fig. 4. For the 6 UIE methods based on deep learning, we use the source codes and pretrained model parameters provided by the corresponding authors.

Table 2 The full-reference evaluation results of different methods on Test-L404 dataset
Table 3 The full-reference evaluation results of different methods on Test-U90 dataset
Table 4 The full-reference evaluation results of different methods on Test-E70 dataset
Fig. 4
figure 4

Visual comparisons of different UIE methods on full-reference images. (a) Raw image, (b) ULAP [42], (c) FUnIE-GAN [20], (d) Ucolor [29], (e) Peng et al. [39], (f) MTUR [49], (g) Ours, (h) Reference image

As shown in Tables 23 and 4, our method achieves the best performance on Test-L404 and Test-E70, and the second-best results on Test-U90. For the PSNR metric, our method outperforms the second-best performer by up to 1.64dB on the Test-L404 dataset and 1.09dB on the Test-E70 dataset. Meanwhile, our SSIM is higher than the compared methods on both Test-L404 and Test-E70 datasets. As shown in Fig. 4, the color of underwater images enhanced by our method is closest to the reference images, and the image visual quality is the best. Some of the underwater images enhanced by ULAP [42] and FUnIE-GAN [20] are yellowish. The underwater images enhanced by Ucolor [29], Peng et al. [39] and MTUR [49] show a relatively good visual effect, but there are still some color casts.

4.3.2 Non-reference evaluation

The quantitative evaluation results of different methods on Test-U60, SQUID and Test-R45 datasets are shown in Table 5. We extract four categories of underwater images (low-illuminated, yellowish, greenish and bluish underwater images) from Test-U60, SQUID and Test-R45 datasets, and subjectively compare the visual quality of the images enhanced by different methods, as shown in Fig. 5.

Table 5 The non-reference evaluation results of different methods
Fig. 5
figure 5

Subjective comparisons of different UIE methods on greenish, bluish, yellowish and low-illuminated underwater images. (a) Raw image, (b) ULAP [42], (c) Water-Net [28], (d) FUnIE-GAN [20], (e) Ucolor [29], (f) Peng et al. [39], (g) MTUR [49], (h) Ours

As in Table 5, our method achieves the highest UCIQE and UIQM score on SQUID, the highest UIQM score on Test-R45, and the second-best results on Test-U60. As shown in Fig. 5, the visual perception of underwater images is greatly affected by color deviation. ULAP [42] enhanced the sharpness of the greenish underwater image, but over-enhanced the yellowish image and under-enhanced the low-illumination and bluish underwater image. Water-Net [28] corrected the color deviation of the underwater image well, but the enhanced image were darker overall. FUnIE-GAN [20] improved the sharpness of the underwater images, but there was an obvious color cast in the enhanced greenish and yellowish underwater images. Ucolor [29], Peng et al. [39] and MTUR [49] improved the visual quality of underwater images, but there were still some color casts. By contrast, our method effectively removed the color cast of greenish, bluish, and yellowish underwater images and improved the brightness of low-illumination underwater images. This demonstrates that our method has good performance in color cast removal and sharpness enhancement.

To further verify the effect of our method and avoid the influence of our subjective judgment on the visualization results, we prepared 160 pictures generated by 10 methods (HE, UDCP, ULAP, UWCNN, WaterNet, FunieGAN, Ucolor, Peng et al., MTUR, and Ours) on SQUID, and then invited 20 volunteers to compare the image in terms of chromatic aberration, sharpness, contrast, etc., and select the best image without knowing the corresponding method. The statistical results are shown in Fig. 6. As shown in this graph, we can observe that our method received the highest number of best ratings.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The generated image equality evaluation results of different methods on SQUID

4.4 Discussion

HE [41] crudely modified the pixel values of underwater images using pixel value transformations, which improved the contrast but caused color casts due to the introduction of excessive red components, resulting in high UCIQE and UIQM scores, while the quality of the enhanced images was quite poor. UDCP [14] and ULAP [42] can improve the sharpness of greenish and bluish underwater images, while over-enhancing yellowish images as well as under-enhancing low-illumination images, probably because they rely on a fixed underwater imaging model and cannot be applied well in various scenarios. The results produced by Water-Net [28] are visually darker overall, probably due to the introduction of a white balance channel in the enhancement process, which is not always dependable for underwater images. FUnIE-GAN [20] is a lightweight model that can process images quickly. However, the fewer parameters of the model make it easy to reach the bottleneck during learning features from complex underwater images, which may lead to color deviation in the enhanced results. The enhanced results of Ucolor [29] present a relatively high quality visually, but there are still some color casts, which may be due to the introduction of multicolor space in the network without full utilization. Peng et al. [39] achieved high results for both full-reference and non-reference evaluations, but the enhanced results are still visually slightly color biased, probably because the method uses multi-scale features but does not simultaneously implement local context capture and global information interaction. MTUR [49] achieved good performance on UIEBD, but the results on EUVP and LSUI were not as good, probably because the lightweight model design makes the method unable to handle multiple types of underwater images efficiently. By comparing the full-reference evaluation results on Test-L404, we can observe that our method improves 7.0% and 2.9% in PSNR and SSIM metrics compared to the second-best method. The non-reference evaluation results on SQUID and Test-R45 show a slight advantage of our method compared to the second-best method. From the subjective comparison shown in Fig. 5, we can observe that the enhanced results of our method have the best visual quality and the least color deviation. These demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, in terms of computational complexity, our model costs about 3.3M parameters which are 78% of the FUnIE-GAN. The testing time of 71 FPS for the images (size of 256 × 256) indicates that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods in processing efficiency while maintaining superior performance.

4.5 Ablation study

To demonstrate the effect of skip connections in our model and the effectiveness of the loss function for joint RGB and HSV color spaces, we conduct ablation studies with Test-L404 and Test-U90 datasets.

4.5.1 Effect of skip connections

By removing or retaining skip connections, we explore the influence of skip connections on the performance of the proposed model. As in Table 6, the performance of the model without skip connections is degraded. It can also be seen from Fig. 7 that the quality of the image enhanced by the model without skip connections is poor.

Table 6 Image quality assessment of different ablation models
Fig. 7
figure 7

Visual comparisons of model without skip connections or loss function in HSV color space for training. (a) Raw image, (b) Without skip connections, (c) Without loss function in HSV color space for training, (d) Our full model

4.5.2 Effect of loss function for joint RGB and HSV color spaces

By training model with/without loss function in HSV color space Losshsv, we explore the impact of loss function for joint RGB and HSV color spaces on the performance of the proposed model. As in Table 6, training with loss function for joint RGB and HSV color spaces further improves the quality of the underwater images. As shown in Fig. 7, the image enhanced by model training without loss function in HSV color space shows relatively good visual quality, but still suffers from a slight color cast.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose an efficient Swin Transformer-based method for underwater image enhancement. The network of the proposed method is mainly composed of encoder, decoder and skip connections, where the encoder and decoder take Swin Transformer blocks as the basic unit, and skip connections are used to fuse multi-scale features from the encoder and decoder. The local attention mechanism of the Swin Transformer makes it easier to learn the local details of underwater images. Long-range dependency modeling with the shifted window scheme by Swin Transformer enables efficient explicit global information interaction. Extensive experiments on two real-world underwater image datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method for underwater image enhancement, especially in color cast removal and sharpness enhancement. There are also some limitations of our model. First, since the number of heads and some other parameters in the Swin Transformer block need to be set according to the image size before training, the trained model can only satisfy the input with a specific size and cannot process images with arbitrary size. Second, it is difficult to enhance underwater images in real-time because of the relatively large number of parameters and complicated computation of the model. Therefore, we will aim to transform the standard Swin Transformer block and appropriately reduce the redundant parameters of the model for further improvement.