1 Introduction

Object detection is an important task in the vision computation community, and it is widely applied in various real-world applications, for example medical diagnosis [26, 32, 33], face detection [19, 29], pedestrian detection [15, 37], and text detection [6, 46]. Object detection methods have experienced a lot of progress. The current object detectors can be grouped into two parts: (1) two-stage detectors, e.g. Fast RCNN [10], Faster RCNN [28], Mask RCNN [12], Cascade RCNN [3], which produce a set of region proposals, and then classify and regress these proposals; (2) single-stage detectors, e.g. SSD [25], YOLO [27], RetinaNet [22], RefineDet [39]. The method mentioned above can directly regress the bounding box and classify of an object. However, theanchor mechanism is inevitably used in the above detection methods, which result in complex settings of hyperparameters of anchor boxes. Anchor-free object detection methods (e.g. CornerNet [18], CenterNet [7], Fully Convolutional One-Stage(FCOS) detector [30], FoveaBox [17], and so on) are proposed to overcome the limitations of anchors.

Despite these improvements, existing detectors often underperform over small objects, as shown in Fig. 1. It presents the detection accuracy of the small, medium, and large objects of state-of-the-art detectors, showing that different from objects with medium and large sizes, the detection precision of small objects is more challenging. Taking Microsoft Common Objects in Context(MS COCO) dataset [23] as an example, we further explore the scale distribution of object instances, and observed that 41.43% of all the objects appearing in the training set are small, while only 34.4% and 24.2% are medium and large objects respectively. Therefore, the detection of small objects is a key step to improving performance. We argue that due to the low resolution and lack of detailed information on small objects, the small object detection (SOD) is more challenging than general object detection and it is difficult to distinguish small objects from the background.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Detection accuracy of state-of-the-art methods, including FPN [21], Mask RCNN [12], Cascade RCNN [3], RetinaNet [22], RefineDet [39], FCOS [30], and FoveaBox [17]. APs, APm, and APl denote mean average precision (mAP) of small, medium and large object, respectively

Feature fusion is the mainstream method to address SOD in the feature pyramid network [21]. However, the information that deep layers delivering to shallow layers significantly affects the performance of the object detector. Gong et al. [11] explored the working principle of FPN and found that in FPN, supervised by losses from other layers indirectly, each layer nearly needs to learn all size objects, even the deep layers need to learn small objects. Each layer not only needs to focus on its corresponding scale objects but also needs to get help from other layers for more training samples. A natural question to ask is: how much help does small object need from other layers? In this paper, we introduce a learnable fusion factor that can evaluate the priorities of two fused feature maps and balanced them. In conventional FPN, the fusion factor is 1.0, different from it, we apply the attention mechanism in convolutional neural network(CNN) to learn the fusion factor, which can adjust according to corresponding feature maps. Additionally, to reduce the false attention, we have designed a new weight-soft loss function during the training network, which results in a large number of false-positive detection of small objects. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed learnable fusion factor in FPN can improve the baseline FCOS module [30] by a large margin without inference slowdown. The main contributions of this paper include:

  1. (1)

    We designed an attentional feature pyramid network (aFPN for short) that introduced a learnable fusion factor into the FPN. The fusion factor can control adaptively the feature information that high layers deliver to shallow layers, leading to good performance for small object detection.

  2. (2)

    Inspired by visual mechanism, a soft-weighted loss function has been designed during network training, which will lead to the decrease of false-positive detections.

  3. (3)

    Several experiments on several datasets are presented, which show that our method can achieve significant improvements with few additional computation burden.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present representative works related to our approach. Section 3 introduces the implementation details of our proposed methods. Extensive experiments and corresponding analyses are reported in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.

2 Related works

In this section, we briefly review feature pyramid network approaches in Section 2.1, and then in Section 2.2, we introduce the attention mechanism used in vision tasks.

2.1 Feature pyramid network

FPN is one of the representative model architectures to generate pyramidal feature representation for object detection. Specifically, FPN has built a feature pyramid upon the inherent feature hierarchy in convolutional network(ConvNet) by propagating the semantically strong features from high levels into features at lower levels [21]. Although FPN is a simple and effective network that has been applied to one-stage and multi-stage detectors, it may not be the optimal network design. PANet [24]improves feature representation for lower resolution features by adding an extra bottom-up pathway on FPN. Recently, Zhao et al. extends the idea to build stronger feature pyramid representations by employing multiple U-shape modules after a backbone model [41]. Recently, Nas-FPN [9] attaches classification and regression heads after all intermediate pyramid networks to achieve anytime detection. Contrary to these works, we proposed a fusion factor during the feature fusion, which could effectively propagate feature information from top to down level without additional cost computations.

2.2 Attention mechanism

Attention mechanism has been proved helpful in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as classification,instance segmentation, and object detection. SENet squeezes each 2D feature map to efficiently build interdependencies among channels [16]. CBAM further advances this idea by introducing spatial information encoding via convolutions with large-size kernels [36]. Inspired by CBAM, Gao et al. proposed global second-order pooling neural network(GSoP) [8], which introduces a second-order pooling method to attracted increasing attentions. Bello et al. developed an attention augmented convolutional network(AANet) [1], which embed the attention map with position information into the feature. Selective Kernel Networks(SkNet) [20] introduces a selective channel aggregation and attention mechanism. However, these methods dedicate to developing more sophisticated attention modules for achieving better performance, which inevitably increase model complexity. To improve the efficiency, a global context network(GCNet) [4] is proposed by using a simple spatial attention module and replacing the original spatial down-sampling process, leading to less computation cost. ECANet [34] introduces one-dimensional convolution layers to reduce the redundancy of fully connected layers and obtains more efficient results, resulting in good balance between performance and complexity. Other works, like [43] and [42], learned from the attention mechanism in the human visual system, which show promising results.

3 Proposed method

In this section, we report the implementation details of our proposed detector, as shown in Fig. 2. First, we revisit the network architecture of the FPN and analyse its working principle (Section 3.1). Then, we introduce the aFPN in detail (Section 3.2) and a simple detection head network(Section 3.3). Finally, we design a new soft-weighted loss function to solve the false-positive prediction during training(Section 3.4).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overall framework of the proposed anchor-free single-shot detector

3.1 Revisiting feature fusion in FPN

Two key elements, including the down-sampling factor and the fusion proportion between adjacent layers, affect the performance of FPN. Previous works improve the performance by decreasing the down-sampling factor, however, this will lead to increasing the computation complexity.

In this section, we provide the background of the FPN. Let B denote the 1 × 1 convolutional operation for changing channels, and Fup denotes upsampling operation for increasing solutions. Therefore, the aggregation of adjacent feature layers in the following manner:

$$ P_{i}= B_{i}(X_{i})+\alpha *F_{up}(P_{i+1}) $$

where, α represents the fusion factor between two different adjacent layers, which is set to 1.0 in FPN.

3.2 aFPN

We can observe that the fusion factor in FPN is the same no matter the layers of feature maps. This will result in poor distinguish ability during feature fusion between different layers. Therefore, in this study, we have added a learnable fusion factor to increase the distinguish ability, which can benefit the recognition of different objects. Figure 3 shows the network architecture of our attentional FPN. In this figure, we adopt feature maps from 4 residual blocks of ResNet [13] in the proposed aFPN module. Similar to FPN, all feature maps generated by each residual block will be processed by 1 × 1 convolutional layer for reducing the number of channels. Specifically, the feature map F3 was 2 × up-sampled by nearest interpolation, and then it was fed into an attentional weight generator for producing the weights used in feature fusion. Then, the feature map F3 with attentional weights was fused with feature map F2. It is noted that similar to FPN, our aFPN has 5 outputs, and the top features P5 and P6 can be obtained by twice subsampling. Finally, we append 3 × 3 convolutional layer to eliminate the aliasing effect.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of the proposed aFPN. The weights generator is used to produce a set of attentional weights, which is related to the upper layers

The fusion process also can be represented as (1). Different from FPN, the α in our aFPN is changeable. Feature maps from different levels have different αs. Thus, there are different αs in our aFPN module. In aFPN, the αs are developed by the attentional weights generator, as shown in Fig. 3. The attentional weights generator consists of a convolutional layer with a 1 × 1 kernel size, a ReLu activation function for no-linear transformation, a convolutional layer with 3 × 3 kernel size, and a sigmoid function used for generating weight maps.

3.3 Detection head

Considering the advantages of anchor-free detection methods, e.g. 1) no manual tuning of hyperparameters for the anchor setting; 2) simpler architecture of detection head; 3) less training memory cost, we apply the anchor-free detection head in our single-stage detection module.

As shown in Fig. 2, each detection head has three task-specific subnets, i.e., classification branch, regression branch and centerness prediction branch. Here, regression subnet predicts the 4-dimensional class-specific distances from each point to the boundaries of a nearby instance, and centerness branch predicts the 1-dimensional outputs. The classification subnet is used to predict the K-dimensional vector of classification labels. In our work, regression and centerness subnets use the same feature maps to predict bounding box and centerness, respectively.

3.4 Soft-weighted loss function

We argue that ineffective training of network is the major obstacle for low detection accuracy of one-stage point-based detector. To be specific, those point samples receiving false attention will produce false detection during training, which suppresses the detection result with accurate localization but a lower score. The detection with a high score has the priority to be kept in the step of post-processing(e.g., Non-Maximum Suppression), resulting in poor performance of detector at higher Intersection-over-Union (IoU) thresholds.

In this paper, we introduce a novel objective function during training strategy, i.e., soft-weighted loss function. For point samples, we reweight their contributions to the network loss by their distances to the instance box. We think that the closer to the center of the instance box, the more they should contribute to the network loss.

To implement the network training, we first define attention-based weights. We know that the point is assigned a positive sample if it falls into any ground-truth bounding box, and the class label c of the point is the class label of bounding box B [30]. Following [31], an effective region of the ground-truth box centered at (cx,cy) is defined as \(\left (c_{x} - rs,~c_{y} - rs,~c_{x} + rs,c_{y} + rs \right )\), where r is a hyper-parameter being 1.5 and s is the stride of backbone network. If the location (x,y) falls into the effective region, it is considered as the positive sample, otherwise a positive sample.

For positive point pij, the weight wij is decided by the distance between its image location (i,j) and the corresponding instance boundaries B. For the negative sample, the received attention remains unchanged as the negative sample does not participate in bounding box regression during training.The processing can be implemented as follows:

$$ w_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} {f\left( {p_{ij},B} \right), p_{ij}~is~positive~~} \\ {1,~~~~~~~~~~otherwise} \end{array} \right. $$

Additionally, f is a function reacting how close pij is to the boundaries of B. Closer distance yields less attention weight. We adopt the definition of centerness in[30] to simulate this relation.

$$ f\left( {p_{lij},B} \right) = \sqrt{\frac{min\left( l,r \right)min\left( t,b \right)}{max\left( l,r \right)max\left( t,b \right)}} $$

here, l, r, t, and b can be calculated by:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} &l = x - x_{0}, t = y - y_{0}, \\ &r = x_{1} - x, t = y_{1} - y. \end{array} $$

where (x,y) is the location of positive anchor point, (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) denote the coordinates of the left-top and right-bottom corners of the bounding box B.

Overall loss function of our network

Our detection module includes three branches, classification layer, regression layer, and centerness layer. The classification network generates a K-dimensional and the regression network outputs a 4-dimensional location. The centerness branch is used to predict the attention weight for each positive point sample. In this paper, Focal loss [22] is adopted for training the classification network to overcome the class imbalance between positive and negative samples. For training the localization subnet, we apply IoU loss. Cross entropy loss is used for training the centerness network. Thus, the loss Llij of each point can be defined as follows:

$$ L_{lij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} {{w_{lij}*l}_{FL}\left( {c^{*},c} \right) + {w_{lij}*l}_{IoU}\left( {d^{*},d} \right) + l_{CE}\left( {f^{*},f} \right),~~p \in p^{+}} \\ {l_{FL}\left( {c^{*},c} \right) + l_{CE}\left( {f^{*},f} \right),~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p \in p^{-}} \end{array} \right. $$

where, p+ and p are the set of positive and negative samples, respectively.

4 Experimental results and analysis

In this part, we report our extensive experiments with the proposed detector. We first show the experimental setting, and then comparisons between our method with other state-of-the-art methods, finally components analysis of the proposed method and quantitative visualized detection results.

4.1 Experimental setting

Following FCOS [30], we have initialized the detection head. We have selected ResNet50, ResNet101 and ResNeXt101 as backbone, which are pre-trained on large-scale ImageNet dataset. Specifically, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer [2] is used to train the network, with a momentum of 0.9. The model is trained for 24 epochs (180k iterations) with the initial learning rate being 0.0025 and a minibatch of 2 images. Note that the learning rate is divided by 10 at 16-th and 19-th epochs, respectively. All detection models are constructed based on MMDetection [5].

Comparison methods

We evaluate the performance of our method on the common datasets, and compare it with other state-of-the-art detectors, including Retinanet [22], ATSS [38], FSAF [44], FCOS [30], FreeAnchor [40], and FoveaBox [17]. The parameters of comparison detectors have not been changed without specific notes, which is conducive to ensure the credibility of experimental results. Additionally, all experiments are performed on a single NVIDIA TITAN GPU with 24 G memory.


We use three different datasets to evaluate the proposed method, including MS COCO [23], and VisDrone [45]. (1) The MS COCO dataset is a large-scale generic dataset with 80 classes, including 118k images for training and 5k for validation. In this paper, all detectors are evaluated by using 5k images for testing. (2) The VisDrone dataset consists of 10209 images (6471 images for training, 548 images for validation, 3190 images for testing) with 10 categories (pedestrian, person, bicycle, car, van, truck, tricycle, awning tricycle, bus, motor). Because the evaluation server is shut down now, we cannot test our method on the test set. Therefore, we evaluate our method on the validation dataset. (3) The AgriPest21 dataset is a large-scale small pest dataset with 21 categories, which continues 24k images in total. It consists of 15378 images for training, 6592 images for validation, and 2442 images for testing. The sizes of objects in AgriPest21 dataset tend to small and dense distribution [35].

Evaluation metrics

To verify the detectors better and more fairly, the following metrics used in [23] are employed: mean Average Precision (mAP) and average recall (AR). Specifically, mAP was calculated textcolorredbythe average AP across IoU thresholds from 0.5 to 0.95 with an interval of 0.05. AP0.5, AP0.75 denote AP at IoU ratios 0.5 and 0.75, respectively. APs, APm and APl denote the AP for small, medium, and large objects, respectively. Finally, we evaluate the detection speed using the frame per second (FPS) metric and the number of parameters of the model.

4.2 Overall performance

4.2.1 Performance on MS COCO benchmark

We compare the proposed approach with state-of-the-art detectors on MS COCO dataset by using ResNet 50, ResNet 101, and ResNeXt101 as backbone, respectively. The comparison results in terms of AP are reported in Table 1. The proposed method with ResNet101 backbone achieves 41.0% AP, outperforming state-of-the-art one-stage detectors. When changing the backbone, our method consistently outperforms other detectors. To be specify, using ResNeXt101 as the backbone, our proposed detector obtains 44.2% AP, which is higher than other detection methods. Particularly, the performance on the small object scale is 27.8% AP, obtaining a large improvement compared with other methods. These comparison results indicate the effectiveness of our proposed method for small object detection.

Table 1 Comparison results with state-of-the-art detectors on MS COCO validation set

4.2.2 Performance on VisDrone benchmark

The detection results of the proposed method and excellent detectors, i.e., RetinaNet [22], ATSS [38], FSAF [44], FCOS [30], FreeAnchor [40]. Table 2 reports the AP of each category and mean AP of all types of objects on VisDrone benchmark.The proposed method achieves an mAP of 38.3% , 13.8, 4.9, 9.8, 7.1, and 14.0 points higher than RetinaNet, ATSS, FSAF, FCOS, and FreeAnchor, respectively. Furthermore, we also observe that the detection results of these objects (“bicycle”, “tricycle” and “awn”) underperforme for all detection algorithm, however, our proposed method still outperforms other methods. For example, for the detetcion of “bicycle”, our method can obtain 15.6% AP, achieving significant improvement compared with others.

Table 2 The AP values on VisDrone validation set of each object category

The task of car detection is more challenging in VisDrone dataset. Following [14], we diagnose errors in object detectors to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, as shown in Fig. 4. C75 and C50 represent the areas under Precision-Recall curve when IoU ratio is set to 0.75 and 0.5, respectively. Loc denotes the area under Precision-Recall curve when IoU ratio is set to 0.1. Sim, Oth, and BG denote the area under Precision-Recall curve after removing false positive due to confusion with similar categories, others, and background, respectively. FN denotes the area under the Precision-Recall curve after removing all false positives, that is when AP is 1.0. Figure 4(a)-(f) show the precision-recall (P-R) curves of our method and other methods, including RetinaNet [22], ATSS [38], FSAF [44], FCOS [30], and FreeAnchor [40]. We can see that our method can achieve the best performance. Our method has less localization error, indicating that the proposed approach can localize objects better because the soft loss function decreases the false positive during training. For example, the proposed method can get 0.254 C75, which is higher than the best anchor-based method, ATSS detector [38]. Additionally, the detection accuracy can be raised from 0.278 to 0.475 after removing false positives due to confusion with backgrounds, demonstrating that the detection error is mainly because of background confusion.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Results of error analysis of the proposed method and SOTA detectors on VisDrone dataset

4.2.3 Performance on AgriPest21 dataset

To further verify the performance of our proposed method on small objects, we conduct several experiments on a tiny pest dataset. Table 3 reports the comparison results on AgriPest21 dataset using ResNet50 as the backbone. We can observe that our method achieves the best performance among all methods and its AP is 2.3% higher than the second-best [38]. These results demonstrate that the proposed method is more competitive for tiny object detection.

Table 3 Detection results on AgriPest21 dataset

4.3 Ablation experiments

We carry out a series of experiments to explore the effect of the aFPN and soft loss function. The detection results on AgriPest dataset are reported in Table 4. Here, we take FCOS detector with ResNet50 backbone as the baseline. When we adopt the proposed aFPN instead of conventional FPN, the AP raises to 47.5%, implying that the attentional fusion factor has contributed to object detection. Additionally, when the soft loss function is applied to the train network, the performance surges to 48.9%, showing the importance of the soft-weighted loss function during training.

Table 4 The influence of aFPN and soft-weighted loss function (AgriPest21 dataset)

4.4 Efficiency analysis

As we know, the parameters of the network will affect the inference time of detectors. To evaluate the detection efficiency of our proposed network, we calculate the number of parameters of the model with/without the proposed aFPN. Table 5 reports the results. From this Table, we can observe that the computation burden increases slightly using aFPN. For example, for FCOS detector [30] with ResNeXt101 as backbone, the parameter of the proposed model is 90.45M, which increases 0.66M. And the method with aFPN can achieve 10.1 FPS from the view of detection speed. Therefore, the performance gain of the proposed model has been achieved with negligible computation cost (Table 5).

Table 5 Efficiency analysis of the proposed model on MS COCO dataset using a single Nvidia GPU. The width and height of the input image are set to 1333 and 800, respectively, when calculating the parameters

4.5 Quantitive examples

Quantitive examples on generic object detection

For visualization purposes, several examples of detection results on MS COCO dataset are given in Fig. 5. We can observe that our proposed method can detect objects with a wide range of scales, including large objects and extremely small ones.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Some detection results on MS COCO dataset

Quantitive examples on Visdrone dataset

Scales of instances in VisDrone datatset tend to be small, bringing great challenges for precise detection. To further verify the performance of our method, we visualize some detection results, as shown in Fig. 6. We found that the proposed detector can accurately recognize and localize the objects. However, some tiny and vague objects are missed during testing. For example, in the last row of Fig. 6, very small car and person instances marked with yellow circles are undetected.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Some detection results on VisDrone dataset

Quantitive examples on Visdrone dataset

AgriPest21 dataset is a large-scale small pest dataset facing a specific domain. The relative scales of pest instance tend to be very small, which bring great challenges to the precise detection of pests. The proposed method has good performance for the detection of pests with tiny size and dense distribution. Figure 7 visualize some detection results on AgriPest21 dataset.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Some detection results on VisDrone dataset

5 Conclusion

To address small object detection, in this paper, we design an attention-based feature pyramid network by introducing a learnable feature fusion factor. It can adaptively propell shallow layers to focus on small objects, which result in the improvement of small object detection. We also propose a novel training method by reweighting the loss of each sample to address the false attention during network training, which leads to the reduction of false-positive detections of small objects. Numerous comprehensive experiments on large-scale MS COCO, VisDrone, and AgriPest21 datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves accurate and high-speed results and outperforms state-of-the-art detection methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, ablation studies also show the effectiveness of each proposed component. However, as experimental results indicate, our proposed method still has some limitations. For instance, as we mentioned in visualization results on VisDrone dataset, some very tiny and blurry person instances are missed using our method; that is to say, when the size of objects is very small, our proposed aFPN can not extract enough classification features information, leading to missed detection of these objects. In the future, we will focus on the detection of tiny objects by using the data augmentation methods, expending receptive field and other technologies.