1 Introduction

Object tracking is a common problem in the field of computer vision. The constant increase in the power of computers, the reduction in the cost of cameras and the increased need for video analysis have engendered a keen interest in object tracking algorithms [16]. This type of treatment is today at the center of many applications Fig. 1, in smart visual surveillance [21, 29], unmanned vehicles [25]. Visual tracking is applied to estimate a set of parameters related to appearance and motion, these parameters are collected and processed to understand the behavior of the target, hence the visual tracking is potentially applied in human computer interaction [6, 19], intelligent robot [27] and Intelligent traffic system [4]. Other fields whose application of visual tracking is promising, especially in the case of modern medicine [24], for example speckle-tracking echocardiography improves the detection of myocardial infarction over visual assessment of systolic wall motion abnormalities. In fact, it becomes a novel technological tool in medical clinical diagnostics and therapeutics. It can be applied to improve health status and exercise habits by a healthcare intelligent computer.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Some applications of visual tracking

The tracking corresponds to the estimation of the location of the object in each of the images of a video sequence, the camera and / or the object being able to be simultaneously in motion. The localization process is based on the recognition of the object of interest from a set of visual characteristics such as color, shape, speed, etc. As shown in Fig. 2, the structure of the majority of the visual tracking method consists of a set of components namely: Appearance modeling; Motion modeling; Estimation; Extraction and model update.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flowchart of visual tracking

There are many challenging issues Fig. 3, which make the development of a tracking method [1] very difficult. This difficulty arises from several conditions, namely variation in target appearance, pose or target deformations large scale and orientation changes. Therefore failing to take account of one of these two challenges can lead to a weak tracking process.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Different problems that can occur during the tracking. a occlusion; b illumination variation; c cluttered background; d scaling; e deformation; f fast motion; g Rotation; h motion blur

This paper aims at developing a robust tracker which runs in several difficult situations; indeed the tracked object can undergo radical changes due to the geometric transformations of the object, as well as changes in illumination. In this context we propose a new tracking algorithm Fig. 4, which addresses each of these complications. The visual and the motion information are integrated and an adaptive optimization is performed to estimate the state of the target in the next frame. The problem is formulated on a robust cost function which is a composition of the appearance and motion model. First the target’s appearance is modeled using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), which is more discriminative and less massive than a description based on color or oriented gradient histograms. Second the target’s motion is modeled using a parametric motion model which integrates the main geometric transformations, then both models are integrated in a single objective function. Finally the minimization is accomplished by an improved gradient descent optimization with adaptive step size prediction, the step size adaptation accelerates the optimization process, and therefore the tracking can run in real time.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flowchart of the proposed visual tracking algorithm

There are two main contributions in the proposed work. 1) A robust minimization model formulated by a cost function integrating homogeneously the appearance model on the one hand, and on the other hand a parameterized motion model which describes the displacements of the target and which takes in consideration of basic transformations namely translation, scale and orientation changes. 2) The introduction of a fast numerical optimization method to solve the minimization problem, the speed of the minimization process is ensured by the use of the gradient descent based on an adaptive decaying step size strategy. The proposed adaptive step size produces a sufficient reduction with a favorable descent direction, which allows a fast and an effective exploration in the target area specially in case of large displacement and scale as well as when the target changes its orientation. Therefore our tracking algorithm can converge quickly, so that makes our method usable in real time application.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: The most related works are summarized in Section 2. Section 3 presents the target appearance model. In Section 4 demonstrates details of the proposed method. Experiments results and performance discussion are reported in Section 5. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 6.

2 Related work

In last decade many visual tracking methods have been proposed, which can be categorized in two classes generative and discriminative. The generative methods represent the object by appearance model that can be obviously convoluted by a kernel, then the tracking process seeks the candidate whose observed appearance model is most similar to that of the template, among the popular generative methods one can quote, kernel-based object tracking [3], particle filter [18, 32], Particle-Kalman Filter [8], online appearance models for visual tracking [28, 30]. The discriminative methods try to separate the tracked object from the background by a binary classifier, the most widespread discriminative methods include online selection of discriminative tracking features [5], object tracking using incremental 2d-lda learning and Bayes inference [15], ensemble tracking [2]. Thereafter we will be limited to briefly presenting the most related methods to our own, for more details the reader can refer to a detailed review in [17]. In [14] multiple reference histograms obtained from multiple available prior views of the target are adopted as the appearance model, the authors propose an extension to the mean shift tracker, where the convex hull of these histograms is used as the target model. The proposed methods is stable to appearance change but not enough motion information taken into account in the formulation of the problem, which can weaken the tracking in the case of complex motion. The authors in [31] represent the appearance model of the template and the candidate using background weighted histogram and color weighted histogram, the proposed method termed as adaptive pyramid mean shift uses pyramid analysis with adaptive levels and scales for better stability and robustness. The proposed method can be accurately to track the object in the clutered and in variational scene but it can show weaknesses in the case of changes of scale of orientation or complex motion. In [9] a novel tracking algorithm is proposed based on combination of mean shift tracker with the online learning-based detector, the proposed algorithm can reinitialize the target when it converges to a local minima and it can cope with scale changes, occlusions and appearance changes. In order to ensure long-term tracking the target model is updated. in addition, to make the tracker real time operating, the Kalman filter and the Mahalanobis distance is used to obtain the validation region. The algorithm is effective to track targets in complex environments that contain full occlusions or object reappearances. However the tracker predicts the target position based on the constant velocity model. The motion model used is weak and non-adaptive. Indeed, if the target does not follow the constant velocity model, it is difficult to predict the accurate target position and the validation region is defined wrongly. In [11] a probabilistic real time tracking algorithm is proposed the target’s appearance model is represented by a Gaussian mixture model, the tracking is achieved by maximizing its weighted likelihood in the image sequence using the gradient descent optimization, withal, the formulation of the cost function does not integrate any dynamic model. The proposed method handles scale and rotation changes of the target, as well as appearance changes, but when the motion is large due to the fact that the camera or the target move quickly and no overlapping section exists between the target in two consecutive frames, the tracker fails. To overcome the problems encountered in the case of 3-D human motion tracking namely the inherent silhouette-pose ambiguities and the various motion types, the authors in [6] propose a fusion method which integrates low- and high-dimensional approaches into one framework. The proposed strategy has the advantage of allowing the two trackers to cooperate and complement each other in order to resolve the problems mentioned before. The proposed algorithm is capable of performing robustly with various styles of motion and with different camera views. The authors in [22] use the sparse representation to model the Target. The tracking problem is formulated as a L1 norm related minimization problem, the optimization of the cost function is resolved based on Augmented Lagrange Multiplier method, indeed the augmented cost function is complex and no motion information are present in the formulation of it. The experiments validate the tracking accuracy and time efficiency of the proposed tracker on challenging conditions namely large illumination variation and pose change. However performance decreases in the case of sequences that present large scale and fast motion. In [13] the authors propose the ℓp-regularization collaborative appearance model and the minimization problem of ℓp-regularization are solved using the Accelerated Proximal Gradient approach applying the Generalization of Soft-threshold operator. The proposed method can achieve more favorable performance in case of drastic illumination change and Background Clutter, but in case of scale change, rotation, and blur as well in the case of large displacement the tracker shows weaknesses. Finally in [7], the authors consider the overall dynamical behavior of the object as being linear, thus modeling the motion in a global view by two parametric single acceleration model, the filter H∞ is used to estimate the state related to each of the two sub models. The estimates are then considered as an input for the particle filter to compute the local estimate for each of the two inputs, and finally the interactive multiple model algorithm mix the local estimates according to their Model probability to provide information about the posterior location of the target. The proposed method handles many challenging situations affectively, but the computation time is not encouraging enough for it to be applied in real-time scenarios.

On the whole, the methods presented above models indeed offer flexibility for the tracker to cope with the change of the target’s appearance and background clutter, yet the formulation of the cost function for the tracking problem remains fairly limited, on the one hand the motion information is presented in a restricted way seen even absent, on the other hand the optimization process is more computationally expensive owing to the complexity of the objective function and the optimization algorithm.

3 Target appearance modeling

The target area is defined by a rectangular regionΘ; pixel colors in the rectangle area are used to construct the GMM employing the EM algorithm [20]. Let pc be a vector representing the coordinates of the center of the target’s area. The coordinates of the ith pixel in the target area are represented by pi = 1 … N = [xi yi] and the corresponding feature by Ii. The log-likelihood function for the target’s area \( {\Theta}_{p_c} \) centered at pc is defined by:

$$ L\left({p}_c;\pi, m,\Sigma \right)={\sum}_{p_i\epsilon {\Theta}_{p_c}}\mathit{\ln}{\sum}_{k=1}^K{\pi}_kN\left({I}_i,{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right) $$

The EM algorithm is employed in two step to maximize the log of the likelihood function Eq. 1 with respect to π, m and Σ.

In the E-step, the expectations zk(Ii) are computed:

$$ {z}_k\left({I}_i\right)=\frac{\pi_kN\left({I}_i,{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^K{\pi}_kN\left({I}_i,{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right)} $$

In the M-Step, the parameters of the GMM, π, m and Σ are estimated as follow:

$$ {\mathrm{N}}_k={\sum}_{p_i\epsilon {\Theta}_{p_c}}{z}_k\left({I}_i\right) $$
$$ {\mathrm{m}}_k=\frac{1}{{\mathrm{N}}_k}{\sum}_{p_i\epsilon {\Theta}_{p_c}}{z}_k\left({I}_i\right){I}_i $$
$$ {\Sigma}_k=\frac{1}{{\mathrm{N}}_k}{\sum}_{p_i\epsilon {\Theta}_{p_c}}{z}_k\left({I}_i\right)\left({I}_{i-}{\mathrm{m}}_k\right){\left({I}_{i-}{\mathrm{m}}_k\right)}^t $$
$$ {\pi}_k=\frac{{\mathrm{N}}_k}{N} $$

During the tracking process, the appearance of the target may change due to different environmental conditions, which can weaken the model; therefore tracking of the target may deviate. To solve this problem, the main idea is to allow the model to adapt to different changes in the environment, so dynamically updating the target’s appearance model is essential. For this purpose, new components are inserted into the mixture model using near-target pixels that have low probability. In addition, if the importance of a component becomes low enough, the component is removed from the mixture.

At a certain frequency, with each number of frames M. We set M equal to 50, therefore the update will take place every 2 s for 25 frames per second. The new component is initialized with parameters calculated from the pixels that represent the lower quantile of likelihood and with a low weight. Subsequently the EM algorithm is used to estimate the mean and the correct covariance of the new component. The parameters of the basic mixture model, the mean and the covariance, are set to avoid the drift problem, only their mixing proportions change due to the insertion of the new component. Finally, if the importance of a component is less than a threshold (less than 0.1 / K), the component is removed from the mixture.

4 Tracking by adaptive gradient descent optimization

Subsequently we present the details of our approach for visual tracking under the conditions previously explained. The GMM-based appearance model and the parameterized motion model are merged; hence the tracking problem is formulated by a single objective function. Thus the gradient method is used to optimize the parameters of the model; the descent step is adaptively updated at each iteration according to logical rules. The flowchart of the proposed optimization algorithm is present by Fig. 5, and the pseudo code is given by Algorithm. 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Flowchart of the adaptive gradient descent optimization

The objective is to seek in the next frame for the candidate’s area I centered at c position, whose pixels realize a maximum log-likelihood function; therefore the objective function to maximize is given as:

$$ L\left(T\left({p}_c,\mu \right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)={\sum}_{p_i\epsilon \mathrm{T}\left({\Theta}_{p_c},\mu \right)}\mathit{\ln}{\sum}_{k=1}^K{\pi}_kN\left({I}_i,{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right) $$

In which T(xi, μ) is a parametric motion model parameterized by μ = (ux,, uy,, sx, sy, θ)t, the linear motion models is expressed as:

$$ T\left(x,\mu \right)= sR\left(\theta \right)x+u $$

In which

$$ R\left(\theta \right)=\left[\begin{array}{cc} cos\theta & sin\theta \\ {}- sin\theta & cos\theta \end{array}\right]\kern0.5em s=\left[\begin{array}{cc}{s}_x& 0\\ {}0& {s}_y\end{array}\right]\kern0.5em u={\left[{u}_x\kern0.50em \ \ {u}_y\right]}^t $$

And I(T(p, μ)) the candidate’s region under the change of coordinates with parameters μ

Thereafter we use the gradient descent method to solve the optimization tracking problem, formulated as follows:

$$ \hat{\mu}=\arg\ \min L\left(T\left(p,\mu \right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right) $$

The gradient descent method adopts iterative updates to obtain the optimal parameters using the following form:

$$ {\mu}_{k+1}={\mu}_k-{\alpha}_k{\overset{\sim }{g}}_k $$

Where αk, is the step size at iteration k and \( {\overset{\sim }{g}}_k \) is the gradient of the cost function

$$ {\overset{\sim }{\mathrm{g}}}_{\mathrm{k}}=\frac{\mathrm{\partial \upvarphi}\left(\upmu \right)}{\partial {\upmu}_{\mathrm{k}}} $$

4.1 Determination of gradient

By applying the derivative chain rules to equation the following gradient expressions are obtained:

$$ {\overset{\sim }{\mathrm{g}}}_{\mathrm{k}}={L}_T{\mathrm{T}}_{\upmu} $$

Where \( {L}_T=\frac{\partial L\left(T\left(p,\mu \right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)}{\mathrm{\partial \upmu }} \) and Tμ= \( \frac{\partial T\left(p,\mu \right)}{\mathrm{\partial \upmu }} \)

In which LT is the gradient of L with respect to the components of the vector T. Tμ is the Jacobian matrix of the transformation T function of μ.

Recall that the Jacobian matrix of the transformation T function of μ is the 2 × 5 matrix:

$$ {\mathrm{T}}_{\upmu}=\left(\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {\mathrm{u}}_x}|\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {\mathrm{u}}_y}|\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {\mathrm{s}}_x}|\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {\mathrm{s}}_y}|\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\mathrm{\partial \uptheta }}\right) $$

Where Tp is the 2 × 2 Jacobian matrix of T treated as a function of p = (px, py)t

figure c
$$ {\mathrm{T}}_{\mathrm{p}}=\left(\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {p}_x}|\frac{\mathrm{\partial T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)}{\partial {p}_y}\right) $$

And LT is the derivation of L with respect to the components of the vector T, given by:

$$ {L}_T={\sum}_{p_i\epsilon I\left(T\left(p,\mu \right)\right)}-\frac{\sum_{k=1}^K{\pi}_k{\left(I\left(T\left(p,\mu \right)\right)-{m}_k\right)}^t{\sum}_k^{-1}N\left(I\left(T\left(p,\mu \right)\right),{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^K{\pi}_kN\left(I\left(T\left(p,\mu \right)\right),{m}_k,{\Sigma}_k\right)}{I}_T{T}_{\upmu} $$

In which IT is derivation of I with respect to the components of the vector T, by applying the chaine rule to \( {\mathrm{I}}_{\mathrm{p}}=\frac{\mathrm{\partial I}\left(\mathrm{T}\left(\mathrm{p},\upmu \right)\right)}{\mathrm{\partial p}} \) we obtain

$$ {I}_p={I}_T{T}_{\mathrm{p}} $$


$$ {I}_T={I}_p{T}_p^{-1} $$

4.2 Step size adaptation

A sequence of appropriately sized steps is very important, a poor choice of the step size negatively influences the convergence, and therefore an adaptive and robust estimate of the step size is essential for efficient and fast gradient descent optimization.

In this paper we propose to use an exponential decay function a function defined as follows:

$$ {\alpha}_k=A{\mathit{\exp}}^{-{\lambda}_kk} $$

Then, where A > 0, it is important for the beginning of optimization, it gives the starting point. λ ≥ 1 is so important it controls the degree of decaying and determines the global shape of the step size sequence. The determination of the values of A and λ is paramount but not obvious, in the following; we develop an automatic approach for the selection of the decay function parameters so as to achieve rapid optimization convergence. The displacement of a pixel which belongs to the tracked area Ii must follow a decaying scheme; it must start with a large reasonable value and gradually tends to zero. The pixel displacement between iteration k and k + 1 is defined as:

$$ {\varDelta}_k(p)=T\left(p,{\mu}_{k+1}\right)-T\left(p,{\mu}_k\right),\forall p\in {I}_k $$

The step size selection must be made in such a way that the displacement between each two iterations is neither too large nor too small. Develops in the first-order Taylor expansion the displacement around μk:

$$ {\Delta }_k(p)\approx {T}_{\mu}\left({\mu}_{k+1}-{\mu}_k\right) $$

In which Tμ= \( \frac{\partial T\left(p,{\mu}_k\right)}{\partial \mu } \) is the Jacobian matrix of the transformation function, using Eq. (10), the Eq. (20) can be rewritten as:

$$ {\Delta }_k(p)\approx -{\alpha}_k{T}_{\mu }{\overset{\sim }{g}}_k $$

According to [12], the magnitude of the displacement ‖k(p)‖ for each pixel between two iterations should be no larger than δ and by using a weakened form for this assumption:

$$ P\left(\left\Vert {\Delta }_k(p)\right\Vert >\delta \right)<0.05,\kern0.5em \forall p\in I $$

According to [26], the Eq. (22) can be approximated by:

$$ {\alpha}_k\left(\boldsymbol{E}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\overset{\sim }{g}}_k\right\Vert +\mathbf{2}\sqrt{\boldsymbol{Var}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\overset{\sim }{g}}_k\right\Vert}\right)\le \delta $$

The largest step size is taken at the beginning of the optimization procedure, then using the step size function we can find the value of A,  Amax = α0, and using Eq. (23), we obtain the flowing expression

$$ {A}_{max}=\frac{\delta }{\boldsymbol{E}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\overset{\sim }{g}}_0\right\Vert +\mathbf{2}\sqrt{\boldsymbol{Var}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\overset{\sim }{g}}_0\right\Vert }} $$

In which the expectation and variance of \( \left\Vert {J}_i{\overset{\sim }{g}}_0\right\Vert \) are calculated using the following formulas:

$$ \boldsymbol{E}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\tilde{g}}_0\right\Vert =\frac{1}{N}{\sum}_{p_i\in {I}_i}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\tilde{g}}_0\right\Vert $$
$$ \boldsymbol{Var}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\tilde{g}}_0\right\Vert =\frac{1}{N-1}{\sum}_{p_i\in {I}_i}{\left(\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\tilde{g}}_0\right\Vert -\boldsymbol{E}\left\Vert {T}_{\mu }{\tilde{g}}_0\right\Vert \right)}^{\mathbf{2}} $$

The choice of λ must be in a way to have a function decay that decreases neither drastically nor slowly, for this reason we let vary the parameter λ at each iteration in an interval that corresponds to a reasonable decay.

Consider \( {S}_k=\left\{{\lambda}_k^l,{\lambda}_k^c,{\lambda}_k^r\right\} \) is a varying decay parameter set at iteration k, \( {\lambda}_k^l \) is the left decay parameter of the decay set in the sense of drastic decay, \( {\lambda}_k^r \) is the right decay parameter in the sense of the slow decay and \( {\lambda}_k^c \) is the center of the decay parameter set. The decay parameters set are adjusted automatically at each iteration; the self-adjustment is performed according to the following adaptive logic steps:

  1. i.

    Adjusting the center decay parameter

    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^c={\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}{\lambda}_k^l+{\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}{\lambda}_k^r $$

Where \( \left\{{w}_k^l,{w}_k^r\right\} \) are respectively the model probabilities of the left and right decay parameters calculated as follow:

$$ {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}=\frac{L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)}{L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)+L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)} $$
$$ {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}=\frac{L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)}{L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)+L\left(T\left(p,{\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}}\right);\pi, m,\Sigma \right)} $$

Where \( {\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}} \) is the right parametric motion model update associated with the right step size, \( {\mu}_{\upalpha_{\mathrm{k}}^l} \) is the left parametric motion model update associated with the left step size.

  1. ii.

    Adjusting the left and right decay parameters

  • Case 1: when the decay rate does not show a significant change, the decay parameters set will keep stable, then

    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^l=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c-{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}/2\kern2.25em \mathrm{if}\kern1.5em {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}<{\mathrm{t}}_1\\ {}\ {\lambda}_{k+1}^c-{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}\kern3em \mathrm{else}\kern4.5em \end{array}\right.\kern0.5em $$
    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^r=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c+{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{t}}^{\mathrm{r}}/2\kern3.25em \mathrm{if}\kern1em {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}<{\mathrm{t}}_1\\ {}\kern0.5em {\lambda}_{k+1}^c+{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}}\kern4em \mathrm{else}\kern4.5em \end{array}\right. $$

Where \( {\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}=\max \left({\lambda}_k^c-{\lambda}_k^l,\Delta \ \lambda\ \right) \), \( {\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^r=\max \left({\lambda}_k^c-{\lambda}_k^r,\Delta \ \lambda\ \right) \), t1 < 0.1 is a threshold which allows to detect an invalid rate decay, and ∆ λ is the step jump of λ.

  • Case 2: When the decay rate switches from left to right, so \( {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{r}} \) is greater than \( {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}} \), then

    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^l={\lambda}_{k+1}^c-{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}} $$
    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^r=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c+2{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^r\kern2.75em \mathrm{if}\kern1.75em {w}_k^r>{t}_2\\ {}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c+{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^r\kern3em \mathrm{else}\kern4.25em \end{array}\right. $$

Where t2 = 0.9 is a threshold which allows detecting significant model.

  • Case 3: When the decay rate switch from right to left, so \( {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}} \) is greater than \( {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^r \), then

    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^l=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c-2{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}\kern2.25em if\kern1.5em {\mathrm{w}}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}>{t}_2\\ {}{\lambda}_{k+1}^c-{\Delta \lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{l}}\kern2.5em else\kern4.5em \end{array}\right. $$
    $$ {\lambda}_{k+1}^r={\lambda}_{k+1}^c+\varDelta {\lambda}_{\mathrm{k}}^r $$

5 Experiments

In this section, we conduct a series of qualitative and quantitative experiments to evaluate the performance and accuracy of our method using several public sequencesFootnote 1,Footnote 2 Fig. 6, that present different situations and challenging conditions. The length of sequences varies between 156 and 3872 frames and selected objects in each sequence were manually annotated by bounding boxes. All experiments were performed by computer equipped with a 2,10 Ghz Core 2 processor and a RAM of 2 Gb. Our method is compared with the most related methods with state of art tracking works, including particle filter with occlusion handling (PF) [18], visual object tracking based on mean shift and particle Kalman filter (MSPKF) [8] and the augmented Lagrange multiplier for robust visual tracking (ALM-L1) [22].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Test sequences used in current evaluation

5.1 Qualitative results

In Fig. 7, Girl sequence, some significant frames of the tracking experiments results are exposed. The target moves forward and backward which causes a variation of scale and the appearance changes along the sequence, under this conditions all the trackers perform reasonable tracking despite the fact that the PF and the MSPKF can’t estimate the scale change well, while the ALM-L1 and our method handle this challenge successfully. The comparison of different estimate trajectories with the ground truth one in Fig. 8 shows that the proposed tracker can keep a close and stable trajectory better than the methods of comparison.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Tracking results of the Girl sequence

Fig. 8
figure 8

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Girl sequence

In Fig. 9, Vase sequence, there are frequent variations of pose and scale, in addition the target rotates in the image plane, the proposed algorithm shows high performance, the ALM-L1 performs reasonably, the two methods can estimate the change in scale and orientation, although our tracker has excelled. The estimated trajectories are shown in Fig. 10, the proposed method performs the most accurate trajectory.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Tracking results of the Vase sequence

Fig. 10
figure 10

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Vase sequence

In Fig. 11, Toy sequence, there is drastic scale and orientation change of the object, another challenge that makes tracking difficult is that the target moves fastly. The PF and MSPKF algorithms perform a fairly close tracking, despite they do not totally lose the target. While ALM-L1 and our method keep a close track and succeed to estimate the changes of scale and orientation. The comparison of the estimates trajectories and that of the ground truth in Fig. 12 showns the superiority and precision of our method.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Tracking results of the Toy sequence

Fig. 12
figure 12

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Toy sequence

In Fig. 13, Boy sequence. In addition to drastic changes of scale and orientation, the object moves suddenly and fastly, as well as the appearance of the target varies from one frame to another because of the blur motion. In these conditions, the PF and MSPKF algorithms drift away the truth ground center without loose the tracking. On the other hand, the ALM-L1 and our method perform reasonably well, with the superiority of the proposed algorithm. In Fig. 14, our tracker keeps a close track since it estimates the scale and the orientation change of the target well.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Tracking results of the Boy sequence

Fig. 14
figure 14

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Boy sequence

In the fifth sequence Doll, the tracking environment presents challenging conditions namely scale Variation, rotation and occlusion, some significant frames of the tracking results are exposed in Fig. 15, our method performs a reasonable tracking, even with scale and orientation changes, but when the target is occluded, the proposed tracker began to drift away from the ground truth area and lacks of precision, without any case losing the target, while ALM-L1 handles this challenge successfully, this is obvious since the proposed method does not manage the occlusions. Figure 16 presents the estimated trajectories. In the case where the object is not occluded the path estimated by our algorithm remains very close to the real one, on the other hand it cannot keep a stable tracking.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Tracking results of the Doll sequence

Fig. 16
figure 16

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Doll sequence

In the sixth sequence Dinosaur, the object moves in a challenging scene, characterized by drastic change of orientation, scale, brightness variation and background confusion. Figure 17 shows some significant frames. Both our method and ALM-L1 perform a precise tracking, and shows a good adaptation to the different environmental changes. The ground truth trajectory and those estimated by the different trackers are presented by the Fig. 18. The results obtained show that our method achieves a better correspondence than the methods of the comparison.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Tracking results of the Dinosaur sequence

Fig. 18
figure 18

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Dinosaur sequence

The last sequence Racing, there are frequent changes of orientation and scale, in addition the scene is affected by blur and brightness change. Despite the mentioned issues, the proposed tracker performs a better track than the comparison methods as shown in Fig. 19. In Fig. 20 the trajectory estimated by our method is well close to that of the ground truth. The proposed algorithm shows a better precision compared to the estimated trajectories of the methods of the comparison.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Tracking results of the Racing sequence

Fig. 20
figure 20

Trajectory of the ground truth and the compared trackers in x, y direction of the Racing sequence

5.2 Quantitative results

To highlight the performance evaluation of our method, we consolidate our experience with quantitative evaluations. Different evaluation criteria were adopted, that were used in [10, 23]. The first criterion is the centroid position error, which is the Euclidian distance between the center of the estimate tracking result and that of the ground truth is calculated. Figures 21 and 22 show the plot of the center location error at each frame for the compared methods, in the majority of the sequences of the experiments, which present challenging conditions, like scale and orientation variations, the proposed tracker achieves the tracking with a low error and performs favorably against all the other methods. Table 1 summarizes the average center location errors in pixels Eq. (36). The numerical results confirm the superiority of our methods which achieves the smallest average errors; contrariwise, in the case of scene where the object is occluded, the error increases.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Performance of PF, MSPKF, ALM-L1 and the proposed method in terms of position error

Fig. 22
figure 22

Performance of PF, MSPKF, ALM-L1 and the proposed method in terms of position error

Table 1 The average center location error in pixels
$$ ANED=\frac{1}{N_{frames}}{\sum}_k\sqrt{{\left(\frac{G{A}_x^k-{T}_x^k}{w}\right)}^2+{\left(\frac{G{A}_y^k-T{A}_y^k}{h}\right)}^2} $$

Where \( {TA}_x^i \)\( , {TA}_y^i \) are respectively the x and the y position of the center of the object bounding box in frame k, and \( {GA}_x^i \), \( {GA}_y^i \) are respectively the x and the y position of the center of the ground truth bounding box in frame k.

The next measures allow better evaluating of the performance of our algorithm. The quantitative results of the compared methods are presented in Table 2. The area-based F1-score defined by Eq. (37), this criteria allows to measure the accuracy of the tracking as much as the degree of matching between the estimated area and that of the ground truth, indeed it provides insight in the average coverage of the tracked bounding box and the ground truth bounding box.

$$ F1=\frac{1}{N_{frames}}{\sum}_k2\frac{\mid {T^k}^{\ast }\ {G}^k\mid }{\mid {T}^k+{G}^k\mid } $$

Which Tk and Gkare defined by \( {T}^k=\frac{\left|{TA}^k\cap {GA}^k\right|}{\left|k\right|} \), \( {G}^k=\frac{\left|{TA}^k\cap {GA}^k\right|}{\left|{GA}^k\right|} \)

Table 2 Tracking accuracy

Where TAk denotes the tracked object bounding box in frame k, and GAk denotes the ground truth bounding box in frame k.

In the majority of the sequences our methods outperform the comparison methods, achieving the best precision in term of F1-score; indeed the average coverage of estimated rectangle exceeds 60% despite the challenging tracking conditions. In the case of scene when the tracked object is occluded, the coverage of the proposed tracker is disturbed.

To measure the accuracy of the tracking, the ATA metric is used, the quantitative results of the compared methods are presented in Table 3. The ATA accuracy metric defined by Eq. (38) indicates how much tracking bounding boxes overlap with the ground truth bounding boxes. An object is considered to be correctly tracked in a frame if the estimated rectangle covers at least 25% of the area of the target in the ground truth.

$$ ATA=\frac{1}{N_{frames}}{\sum}_i\frac{\mid {O}^i\cup G{O}^i\mid }{\mid {O}^i\cap G{O}^i\mid } $$

Where Oi denotes the tracked object bounding box in frame i, and GOi denotes the ground truth bounding box in frame i.

Table 3 Tracking accuracy

Overall, our tracker produces the best measures in terms of ATA, indeed the numerical results are lower than 1.9, therefore the estimated bounding boxe overlap well with the ground truth one, thus performing a better accuracy than the other trackers. However, in the case of Doll sequence which presents occlusion, our method performs weakly. For example between the frames 22,632 2239 and between 2552 and 2573, the target is occluded by a hand, thus the tracking error increase, hence the overlap area between the estimated bounding boxe and the ground truth one starts to decrease. Then our method achieves a tracking accuracy result less than ALM-L1 method.

We close this part of experimentation by presenting the average running time, the numerical results are exposed in the Table 4, our method shows a better average computation time than the comparison method, in fact the use of the descent gradient as an optimization method as well as the automatic step size adjustment strategy, makes the method fast without losing anything in convergence accuracy. In addition the modeling of the appearance and update is achieved with a low complexity, as a result our method achieves a reasonable computation time that promotes its implementation in real-time applications.

Table 4 Time efficiency

5.3 Convergence

The results of the experiments performed on different challenging sequences; show that the proposed method achieves a precise and stable tracking in a reduced running time. These performances are well justified; indeed the method proposed is based on the optimization gradient descent with adaptive step size. The strategy adopted to update the displacement step allows the algorithm achieving a convergence to an optimal location in a fewer iterations, therefore achieving a very low location error.

The formulation of the cost function is based on a summation of a continuous and convex usual functions; this implies the convergence of the algorithm into a finite number of iterations. We tested our tracking approach using three optimization methods based on the gradient descent, namely the gradient descent with fixed step, the gradient descent with optimal step, as the proposed adaptive decaying step size displacement. Figure 23 shows the results of comparisons in terms of number of iteration for the sequences Toy, Racing and Doll. The adaptive decaying strategy, achieves a very small number of iterations compared to other methods used in this comparison, hence allowing a fast convergence.

Fig. 23
figure 23

Comparing the number of iterations of different step size gradient descent methods

6 Conclusion

In summary, we have present a new real-time tracking method, the appearance is modeled using the GMM and the motion of object is modeled in the image plane by a planar parametric linear motion model consisting of a translation and a rotation, and scaling. Then the position detection is ensured by an optimization strategy based on the gradient descent method with an adaptive step size scheme, indeed the step size is adjusted automatically at each iteration to ensure a fast resolution and accurate convergence. The experiments conducted on various challenging sequences, which present different challenging conditions, validated the efficiency and better tracking accuracy of the proposed tracker especially in case of scale variation and when the target rotates in the image plane. In addition the numerical results in term of average running times show the computational time efficiency, which encourage the use of the proposed algorithm in real time applications.