1 Introduction

A logic of quantifying-in comes at the end of a long story. The ability to validly perform existential quantification into hyperintensional attitude contexts is the sweet fruits a logic reaps for being properly designed and having a number of attractive meta-theoretical features. We will demonstrate how one particular broadly Fregean theory pulls off quantifying-in.

We adopt Cresswell’s negative definition of a hyperintensional context as a context in which the substitution of necessarily equivalent terms fails. We share the received conception of hyperpropositions as sentential meanings and attitude complements individuated more finely than up to analytic equivalence. For instance, an agent can believe that no bachelor is married without logic forcing the agent to believe that the arithmetic of natural numbers is not recursively axiomatizable, despite both complements being necessary truths. Note that in our theory the substitution of terms (linguistic objects) is a reflection of an underlying substitution of one hyperintension for another (logical objects).

To frame the problem, let χ be a hyperintensional operator that represents a binary relation between an agent b and a hyperproposition A to which agent b has adopted an attitude, whether factive or non-factive. The question we raise and answer in this paper can be schematised preliminarily as follows: is the following inferential schema valid (‘QI’ for ‘quantifying-in’)?

$$ \frac{{\chi [b,A\left( a \right)]}}{{\exists y\chi [b,A\left( y \right)]}}QI $$

Our view is this. In general, which positions within A can be quantified into depends on two factors. The first one is what can be quantified over, something which depends on the ontology of the logic being deployed. The second one is whether ∃y is capable of reaching across χ so as to bind occurrences of y within the scope of χ. The feasibility of doing so depends on the syntax of the logic.Footnote 1 For instance, if b believes that 5 is the sum of 2 and 4 (where a = 5), then QI can be validly applied to infer that there exists some number y such that b believes that y is the sum of 2 and 4, as this conclusion is entailed by the premise. On the other hand, if b believes that tg(π/2) = 0 (where a = tg(π/2)), then QI cannot be applied to infer that there is a number y such that b believes that y is equal to 0, because there is no such number. Yet QI can be validly applied to infer that there is a function y (where a = tg) such that b believes that y takes the number π/2 to 0.

Our answer to the question about validity is a qualified yes. Answering in the affirmative is predicated on providing satisfactory solutions to both the ontological and the syntactic problem. As for the first problem, it is key that QI be qualified so as not to conjure entities into existence. For instance, if the premise is that b believes that Vulcan causes Mercury to have an erratic orbit, then the conclusion must not be that there is a physical object y such that b believes that y causes Mercury’s orbit to be erratic. But this restriction still does not preclude quantifying over non-extensional entities, i.e., intensions or hyperintensions, something which, however, requires that the framework being deployed must come with a sufficiently rich ontology. For instance, in the above example, the conclusion we would recommend is that there is an individual concept such that b believes that the physical object falling under this concept causes Mercury to have an erratic orbit.Footnote 2

As for the second problem, our answer to the question of whether ∃y is capable of reaching across χ and binding occurrences of y within the scope of χ is also a qualified yes. The qualifications are due to the fact that a hyperintensional context, and anything located within it, is not immediately amenable to logical manipulation. Intensional contexts, by contrast, do immediately lend themselves to logical manipulation. The operation that ‘raises’ a context to a hyperintensional one shields it from manipulation from the outside. Therefore, further operations are required in order to, nonetheless, reach into positions located within a hyperintensional context.

The bulk of this paper is devoted to demonstrating, in full detail, how a particular theory is capable of quantifying into hyperpropositional attitude contexts de dicto. The theory in question is Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL), which has two features that enable it to validate QI:

  • A fully transparent semantics. Opacity and shift of semantic value are eschewed in favour of terms and expressions having the same meaning and the same semantic value in all contexts. The same uniform semantics applies to all the different kinds of context.Footnote 3

  • An extensional logic of hyperintensions. The laws of extensional logic, including existential generalisation, also apply to hyperintensional contexts. However, stronger requirements are placed on the operands than in the case of an extensional logic of intensions and of extensions. What varies with the context is not the validity of the rules themselves, but the types of objects these rules are applicable to.

Transparency and extensionality are two necessary conditions for our strictly compositional theory of quantifying-in. More specifically, what connects the transparent semantics with the extensional logic of hyperintensions is that the combination contributes to making it technically feasible to, first, denote, or present, a hyperintension as an entity in its own right and, next, to manipulate either the entire hyperintension or parts of it. The way we achieve this is by making it feasible for a hyperintension to occur as a functional argument. When a hyperintension occurs as an argument, we shall say that it occurs in the displayed mode, i.e., the hyperintension occurs presented as an argument. Occurring in the displayed mode contrasts with occurring in the executed mode, which involves descending to a lower-type entity. Once a hyperintension is able to occur as an argument, it can figure as the complement of an attitude (thus making hyperintensional attitude contexts possible), it can be quantified over, it can be quantified into, and a part within it can be replaced by another so as to generate a new hyperintensional complex.

Quantifying-in is, above all, technically demanding and nowhere close to being trivial. Attempting to quantify into hyperintensions puts pressure on any theory’s account of nested contexts, its variables and quantifiers. Therefore, the demonstrated ability of a logic of hyperintensions that comes with an elaborate technical machinery to successfully perform quantifying-in is evidence that the logic is justified in adopting this machinery. Furthermore, we have a theory-internal reason to demonstrate exactly how to quantify-in. TIL makes the strong claim for itself that it is an extensional logic of hyperintensions, and this is one reason why we must be able to preserve the validity of the extensional rule of existential generalisation also when applied to hyperintensional contexts.Footnote 4

On top of that, it is also philosophically challenging, hence enlightening, to figure out the nature of the so-called intentional objects that are at the receiving end of an intentional act such as maintaining an attitude. For instance, if the premise is that b believes that the last decimal of the expansion of π is an even number, then what would be a suitable quantificational range? The premise may well be true but, necessarily, the complement of the attitude fails to be true for want of a last decimal of the expansion. Or if the premise is that b believes that the King of Denmark is balding, then what would be a suitable quantificational range? As a matter of contingent fact, the premise may well be true, but the complement is not, for it so happens that nobody is presently the King of Denmark (writing in 2021). Since we cannot quantify over individuals here, then what can we quantify over? Answering this question reveals which kinds of objects one is prepared to embrace in one’s ontology. We will show how the ontology of TIL makes it possible to infer the existence of such entities as are logically presupposed, hence also entailed, by the premises. For instance, if b believes that the King of Denmark is balding then there is an individual concept such that b believes that its occupant is balding. Or, if b believes that the last decimal of the expansion of π is an even number then there is the concept of a number such that b believes that the number falling under this concept is even.

This paper is continuous with previously published research, starting with Tichý (1986), Materna (1997) and followed by Duží and Jespersen (2015, 2012) and Jespersen (2015a, 2015b), which cover quantifying into hyperpropositional attitudes de re (e.g., believing of π that it has an infinite decimal expansion, or π being such that it is believed to have an infinite decimal expansion) and hyperintensional objectual (i.e., non-propositional) attitudes (e.g., calculating the ninety-ninth decimal in the expansion of π, or seeking a yeti without seeking an abominable snowman). In this paper we concentrate on hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto.Footnote 5 To fix ideas, here are some examples of hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto:

  • Tilman knows that 1+1=2, but he does not know that arithmetic is not recursively axiomatizable.Footnote 6

  • Tilman is trying to prove that the last decimal of the expansion of π is an even number.

  • Tilman knows that Francis is the Pope, but not that he is the Head of the Catholic Church.Footnote 7

  • Tilman believes that whatever does not kill him makes him stronger, but not that whatever does not make him stronger kills him.Footnote 8

  • Tilman believes that no bachelor is married, but he does not believe that whales are mammals.Footnote 9

Each of these attitudes relates an attributee to a hyperproposition, which offers an idiosyncratic perspective on an empirical or analytical state-of-affairs. An attitude de dicto reproduces exclusively the attributee’s own perspective, whereas an attitude de re blends the attributer’s and the attributee’s respective perspectives. This explains why the content of an attitude de dicto is fully specified and the content of an attitude de re is only partially specified. Linguistically, the difference is that a report of an attitude de re includes an anaphor that points outside the embedded context, as in “that it is a planet”. A report de dicto would have “that Pluto is a planet”. Moreover, a hyperpropositional attitude de dicto is impervious to the (contingent or necessary) inexistence of, e.g., Vulcan or the last digit of the expansion of π, in that its truth-value depends merely on whether or not it is true that the attributee believes that such-and-such is true. By contrast, attitudes de re come with existential presuppositions already at the extensional level of individuals, numbers, etc.: no res, no attitude de re.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Part 2 provides systematic background to the problem of quantifying-in, comparing TIL with other positions. Part 3 presents the relevant fragments of TIL. Part 4 presents and proves our rules for quantifying into hyperpropositional contexts de dicto.

2 Background to transparency and quantifying-in

2.1 Quine

Quantifying-in mixes modality with quantification.Footnote 10 Quine was squarely opposed to existential quantification into alethic modal contexts, such as ∃xFx. His general objection was that it generates ‘Aristotelian essentialism’, i.e., essentialism de re, which he deemed incoherent.Footnote 11 Quine would later, in (1956), adopt a more nuanced stance on existential quantification into a different sort of modal contexts, namely those attributing attitudinal modalities, such as wishing to find a unicorn lair, or believing that the tall handsome stranger spotted on the beach is a spy. In Quine (1956), he distinguishes between notional and relational attitudes. The sentence “Ralph believes that someone is a spy” lends itself to both readings. The notional reading is that Ralph believes that there are spies. The relational reading is that there is someone of whom Ralph believes that he or she is a spy. Only in the relational case does it make sense to quiz Ralph about who it is he suspects of being a spy.Footnote 12 Or for a standard example: “The princess wants to marry a prince”. The formalisation of the relational reading in first-order logic (which at least gets the scope distribution right) would be this (χ, a generic attitude operator; M, the binary relation of marrying):

$$ \exists x\,\left( {Fx \wedge \chi a\,({Max}}) \right) $$

The notional reading goes into:

$$\chi a\,(\exists x\,(Fx \wedge Max)) $$

Quine dismisses quantifying into notional attitudes. Doing so would validate inferring from a believing that there is a planet orbiting between Earth and the Sun that causes Mercury’s orbit to be erratic to there being a planet between Earth and the Sun such that a believes that it causes Mercury’s orbit to be erratic. Thus, it is made a necessary condition for Le Verrier’s hypothesis about Mercury’s orbit that Vulcan exists, which goes far too far by turning believing into a factive attitude. The quantification would also misconstrue what notional attitudes are all about. When Quine wants, on a notional interpretation, a sloop then it should exactly not follow that there is a sloop such that Quine wants it. But, as Kaplan (1986, 230) is right to stress, Quine does want to quantify into relational attitudes. Quine’s problem then becomes how exactly to go about that. Quine himself offers his three-place analysis as an attempt to formulate what is, by his lights, a non-opacity-inducing formalisation that makes co-referential terms substitutable. Kaplan (1968) also puts forward some inconclusive proposals, which, however, tie relational attitudes tightly together with the particular terms chosen.

Still, the general problem of variable-binding remains. There is an incongruity between the notional and the relational reading. On both readings, the ∃-bound occurrence of x is located within the scope of χ. But on the notional reading, also ∃ is within the scope of χ. For sure, the entire context induced by χ may be ‘opaque’ or ‘intensional’, but the two occurrences of x in ∃x (… x …) are on the same level. Not so on the relational reading. While ∃x is in a transparent or extensional position, the occurrence of x within the scope of χ is in an opaque or intensional position. And whereas the quantificational range of x is restricted, due to Quine’s extensionalist predilections, to extensional entities, the occurrence of x in an opaque context demands a shift in quantificational range, most likely so as to include individuals-in-intension as well as other extensions-in-intension. However, apart from such entities being beyond the pale for Quine, the formal predicament becomes obvious if we rename the second variable:

$$ \exists x\,( \ldots \chi a \ldots y \ldots ) $$

The above formula is open, because y occurs free, and there is no semblance of contact between ∃x and y. On the other hand, there is a semblance of contact between ∃x and x here:

$$ \exists x\,( \ldots \chi a \ldots x \ldots ) $$

However, the contact between ∃x and x has been severed, appearances notwithstanding. Thus, the formula exemplifies vacuous quantification, again making ‘∃x’ a dummy.

2.2 Substitutability

In the rest of this section, we will describe and critique some contemporary positions regarding transparency, opacity and substitution, all of which affect the prospects of quantifying-in. The form in which the problem of quantifying-in has been handed down is that it challenges us to make relational attitudes transparent—and the hallmark of transparency is the validity of quantifying-in.Footnote 13 Transparency would seem to validate an inference such as this:

$$ \frac{\begin{gathered} b\,{\text{is }}\,{\text{such}}\,{\text{ that}}\,a\,{\text{believes}}\,{\text{ that}}\,{\text{ she}}\,{\text{ is }}\,{\text{an}}\,F \hfill \\ b = c \hfill \\ \end{gathered} }{{c\,{\text{is }}\,{\text{such}}\,{\text{ that}}\,a\,{\text{believes}}\,{\text{ that }}\,{\text{she }}\,{\text{is }}\,{\text{an}}\,F~}} $$

This seems like a straightforward application of Leibniz’s Law, and so ought to be uncontroversial, also because it aligns with the tenet of ‘no opacity de re’. Yet Pickel (2015), Cumming (2008) and Caie et al. (2019) think otherwise. Pickel (2015, 345) says,

What is wanted is a theory that is sensitive to both the state of the world that the agent believes to obtain […] and the peculiar take she [i.e., the agent] has concerning ‘who is who’ in this state of the world [so as to make room] for the possibility that sentences differing only by the substitution of co-referential names […] differ in truth-value.

The point about ‘who is who’ in a given context is to be captured by

[…] the fact that variable xl associated with the name ‘Lindsay’ may designate different individuals relative to different assignment functions as representing the fact that Lindsay may be each of these individuals, where this ‘may’ reflects epistemic possibility. (Pickel, 2015, 339.)

On our interpretation, the effect of adding a so-called assignment-unsaturated meaning for the sentence “… Lindsay …” is similar to the effect sententialists and inscriptionalists obtain when they make the very syntax in which an attitude is reported part of the reported attitude. Of course, substitution of co-referential, or even synonymous, terms and expressions will not go through; but that is because the substitution context is a quotational one. The respective attitude contexts of Pickel and Cumming are not quotational. Whereas the sententialist/inscriptionalist makes it matter that their agents may know one name for an individual, but not another, Pickel and Cumming make it matter that an agent may fail to identify a as b, even though a is identical to b. This is captured by including assignments relative to which xa, xb take different values, although a = b.Footnote 14 TIL, however, does not want to model “that [the agent] is unsure of whether Lindsay and Nellie are the same person” (Pickel, 2015, 339), for there is no such thing to model. Not to put too fine a point on it, Lindsay and Nellie not being the same person is not a matter of epistemic (or doxastic) possibility, but a case of the agent being conceptually confused. TIL assumes that its agents are aware of the identity of the individuals toward which they adopt an attitude. Of course, it makes perfect sense for us that agents may be unsure of whether the sun that sets in the evening is the same sun that rises in the morning. But this should be analysed as being unsure about whether two different individual offices are co-occupied.Footnote 15 When a pair of semantically proper names are synonyms (and assume ‘Lindsay’ and ‘Nellie’ to be such a pair), no Fregean puzzle arises, and ‘Millian’ substitution is valid. There is no semantic or logical difference between the two names, which are merely notational variants of one another. The initial inference is valid, by the lights of TIL, and the single problem is to safeguard the anaphoric reference from ‘she’ to ‘b’, ‘c’.Footnote 16 A transparent semantics is characterised by being able to do so. The substitution is subsequently validated by Leibniz’s Law.

Still, we are not entirely on board with framing the problem of quantifying-in in terms of making contexts reporting relational attitudes transparent. We do agree that Quine’s distinction between notional and relational readings is intuitively persuasive. In fact, anyone who has absorbed the implications of Russell’s example of “I thought your yacht was longer that it is” will probably be fine with Quine’s distinction. We also agree that attitude reports de re are logically distinct from attitude reports de dicto.Footnote 17 But we do not agree with the residual distinction between opacity and transparency. First and foremost, all of our contexts are transparent. Put bluntly, if a theory ends up with a category of what it calls opaque contexts then there is something wrong with the theory. The context-invariant semantics of TIL is obtained by universalising Frege’s denotation-shifting semantics custom-made for ‘indirect’ contexts. Whereas Frege’s semantics for attitude contexts was located on the margins of his overall semantic theory, we locate it right in the centre of ours. The upshot is that it becomes trivially true that all contexts are transparent. All singular-term positions are ‘purely referential’ (to use Quine’s phrase), in the sense that pairs of terms that are co-denoting outside an attitude context remain co-denoting inside an attitude context, and pairs of terms that are not co-denoting inside an attitude context do not become co-denoting outside an attitude context. Thus, although Quine’s ‘the man in the brown hat’ and ‘the man on the beach’ contingently share the same extension (Bernard J. Ortcutt, as it happens) they never co-denote him. Rather they denote, in every context/independently of context, two distinct individual offices. One comes with the uniqueness condition that its occupant must be the man in the brown hat (relative to some unspecified empirical context), and the other comes with the uniqueness condition that its occupant must be the man on the beach (again relative to some unspecified empirical context).

Second, we do not agree with the (by now obsolete?) dismissive understanding of ‘intensional’ as ‘failing to validate rules of extensional logic and invoking creatures of darkness’. ‘Intensional’, as we use the term, means only ‘involves intensional entities identified with functions from possible worlds’.

Third, and relatedly, when discussing quantifying into non-extensional contexts, we distinguish between intensional and hyperintensional contexts. Quantifying into intensional contexts is smooth sailing.Footnote 18 Quantifying into hyperintensional contexts is technically complicated and ontologically more exacting. The problem is less to do with the fine-graining of such contexts and more to do with having to operate on logical structures, or parts of structures, as opposed to merely operating on functions or their arguments. Quine’s original problem with reaching an x inside an attitude context is, thus, also ours. But labelling the problematic context as ‘opaque’ explains nothing and just relabels the problem. The actual problem is that this x occurs in a different fashion inside a hyperintensional context than in either an intensional or extensional context.Footnote 19

Fourth, the ability or inability to quantify-in is not what sets attitudes de re apart from attitudes de dicto. In TIL, both kinds are equally susceptible to quantifying-in. Nor should their difference be captured by means of scope differences between ∃ and χ. Quantified formulas (or rather their semantic counterparts) are a logical consequence of both kinds of attitudes, and not definitional of either of them. Rather their difference is anchored in a difference in logical structure (see Sect. 4.1). Their logical structure reveals that attitudes de re come with an existential presupposition on the level of extensional res, and if the presupposition is not satisfied then the quantified sentence is neither true nor false. This is as it should be, for attitudes de re are object-dependent. For instance, in the absence of Le Verrier’s intermercurial planet, the appropriate res is not around to instantiate properties and fail to instantiate other properties, so predications de re about Vulcan cannot acquire a truth-value. By contrast, attitudes de dicto allow flights of fancy, so to speak, because they are not restrained by existential presuppositions. Still, attitudes are intentional relations that are invariably about something, so also attitudes de dicto qualify as object-dependent, provided objects other than extensional ones are allowed into one’s ontology. What quantifying-in brings out is exactly what type of object a given attitude de dicto is dependent upon in the sense of having it as its complement. Logic and semantics intersect with metaphysics here, because the validity of existential quantification into hyperintensional contexts presupposes both suitable quantificational ranges, a transparent semantics and an extensional logic of hyperintensions.

2.3 Transparency versus opacity

To locate TIL in the wider landscape, we are aware of four diverse avenues one might pursue when attempting to validate quantifying-in. One is contextualism as made presentable by Frege and later formally encoded by luminaries such as Church and Montague. Our problem with this is that it allows some contexts to be opaque.Footnote 20 Another invokes ‘flat’ (hyper-) intensions as urged by, e.g., Bealer and Turner.Footnote 21 Our problem with this is that it foregoes any notion of objectual (hence, extra-syntactic) logical structures within which to operate on constituents. We are left with manipulating symbols, which sheds no light on hyperpropositions themselves. Yet another approach turns to various variants of sententialism, which relates agents directly to inscribed or uttered tokens (of types) of sentences.Footnote 22 Our problem with this is not only its excessive fine-graining and the fact that attitude ascriptions are held hostage to a particular symbolism or spoken language, but also the absurdity of quantifying into quotation contexts. The final one would be top-down, highly expressive, context-invariant theories, which enable objectual quantification into hyperintensional contexts. TIL is, to the best of our knowledge, the only theory of this very kind. It is a defining feature of this sort of position that hyperintensional contexts are continuous with the semantics for intensional and extensional contexts. This marks a departure from Frege’s contextualist semantics, of course, as does the introduction of a typed universe. But we still wish to characterise TIL as a broadly Fregean semantics. One reason is that we draw liberally on senses. Another is that the notion of function has been chosen as a theoretical primitive in TIL. This second point explains why our general logical framework is provided by the (typed) λ-calculus and its two key operations of application and abstraction, together with its rules of conversion. When a function is a mapping, sets and relations are rendered particular species of functions, namely such as are identified with their respective characteristic functions.Footnote 23

Interestingly, there is another theory which also employs the typed λ-calculus (except in the vein of Montague Grammar), though with a view to developing a logic of opacity. Caie et al. (2019) sets out to develop such a logic compatible with higher-order classical logic.Footnote 24 Classical opacitists (as they call themselves) and TIL (‘classical transparentists’, presumably) agree on the semantics for the connectives and the identity predicate, but part company over the unconditional validity of Leibniz’s Law. This ‘law’ being unconditionally valid is a necessary condition for Substitution being unconditionally valid. This is the schema of Substitution:

$$ Substitution.\qquad \quad \quad a = b \to (\varphi \leftrightarrow \varphi [b/a]) $$

Opacity is defined as a false instance of Substitution:

$$ Opacity.\qquad \quad \quad \quad a = b \wedge \neg(\varphi \leftrightarrow \varphi [b/a]) $$

The metaphysics that goes together with opacity is this:

We take it to be obvious that Hesperus and Phosphorus are identical, though we are exploring views on which Hesperus and Phosphorus have different properties. (Caie et al., 2019, 12, fn. 31.)

This is anathema to TIL. If the second clause is true then we reject the first clause (or vice versa). We are quite happy to do so, in fact, because many standard cases of “… is …”, such as “Hesperus is Phosphorus” and “Water is H2O”, should not go into “… = …”, as in “Hesperus = Phosphorus” or “Water = H2O”.Footnote 25 The welcome upshot is that Leibniz’s Law is rendered inapplicable instead of invalid. If one, nonetheless, pushes ahead with “a = b” followed by substitution, one ends up with an inference that is valid, for sure, but also unsound. This schema summarises the position TIL assumes as regards substitutability within hyperpropositional attitude contexts, whether de re or de dicto:

$$ Transparency.\qquad a = b \to \chi \varphi a = \chi \varphi b $$

Substitutability within the scope of χ is a necessary condition for the identity, or at least hyperintensional isomorphism, of a and b.Footnote 26 This schema is perfectly trivial in TIL, which is because the threshold for being a correct instance of “a = b” is high. The constraint is that the substituends for ‘a’ and ‘b’ must be pairs of synonymous terms. TIL has a catalogue of identity, congruence and equivalence relations, and depending on whether the context within which one intends to perform substitution is extensional, intensional or hyperintensional, one or the other relation is required for valid substitution (see, e.g. Duží et al., 2010, §2.7.1). Obviously, self-identity guarantees substitutability even in hyperintensional contexts. As soon as transparency is adopted, one steers clear of a tangle such as the following, which opacity seems to be tasked with disentangling:

[…] although for Hesperus to be visible at night just is for Phosphorus to be visible at night, the ancients knew that Hesperus is visible at night, but did not know that Phosphorus is visible at night. (Caie et al., 2019, 15)Footnote 27


$$ \varphi a = \varphi b \wedge (\chi \varphi a \wedge \neg \chi \varphi b) $$

We agree about what the ancients knew and did not know; we disagree that Hesperus being visible at night is the same as Phosphorus being visible at night. In TIL, Hesperus is the office of being the brightest non-lunar object in the evening/night sky, and Phosphorus is the office of being the brightest non-lunar object in the morning sky. These two offices are contingently vacant or occupied, and when occupied, then contingently co-occupied. Hence, “(the occupant of the office of) Hesperus is visible at night” and “(the occupant of the office of) Phosphorus is visible at night” denote two different possible-world propositions that just happen to be both true (perhaps since the origin of our Solar system). If “φa = φb” is read de dicto or intensionally (meaning that φa, φb are one and the same possible-world proposition), then it is false. If “φa = φb” is read de re or extensionally (meaning that φa, φb are both true), then the second conjunct, “(χφa ∧ ¬χφb)”, is improper, hence without truth-value, because χ is not an attitude to a truth-value. The de dicto reading is more consonant with the quote above. The opacitist needs their semantics to accommodate a case of this form: “Something is the same, but the ancients did not know it was the same”. The transparentist needs their semantics to accommodate a case of this form: “Something and something are not the same, and the ancients did not know that they were the same.”

Opacity helps the opacitist to a true conjunction and the preservation of the Frege puzzles of cognitive significance. The opacitist has recourse to opacity to save the conjunction above from coming out false: it cannot be true that the ancients knew, and also did not know, that the same celestial body was visible at night. The complications that opacity incurs—developing two logics, one for transparency and one for opacity, and maintaining a system of double bookkeeping, one book for transparent contexts and another book for opaque contexts—serve the purpose of maintaining a fairly simple semantics for “a is b”, “φa” and “φb”.

Transparentists will have to discard the first conjunct in order to preserve the Frege puzzles. To see this, if the conjunction were instead “a = b ∧ (χφa ∧ ¬χφb)” then the conjunction would be necessarily false. If the conjunction were “a = b ∧ (χφa ∧ χφb)” then the conjunction would be necessarily true, with the conjuncts of “χφa ∧ χφb” being mere notational variants. In order to preserve both transparency and the non-triviality of both conjuncts, the transparentist develops a more elaborate semantics for “a = b”, “φa” and “φa = φb” that remains the same whether occurring within the scope of χ or not. Let the first conjunct be “a = b”. In prose, the result becomes: the office of Hesperus and the office of Phosphorus happen to share the same occupant, and the ancients knew that the occupant of the office of Hesperus was visible at night, but the ancients did not know that the occupant of the office of Phosphorus was visible at night. This is a true conjunction. Let the first conjunct now be as above: “φa = φb”. In prose, the result becomes: the occupant of the office of Hesperus being visible at night is identical to the occupant of the office of Phosphorus being visible at night, and the ancients knew that the occupant of the office of Hesperus was visible at night, but the ancients did not know that the occupant of the office of Phosphorus was visible at night. As we have argued, “(the occupant of the office of) Phosphorus is visible at night” is a different proposition than “(the occupant of the office of) Hesperus is visible at night”; therefore, “φa = φb ∧ (χφa ∧ ¬χφb)” comes out false. This outcome is in keeping with Transparency; if one maintains that “¬(χφa = χφb)” then it is no option to maintain, nonetheless, that “φa = φb”.

For a general characterisation of classical transparentism, we would not hesitate to characterise TIL as a transparent higher-order logic, although TIL would not entirely fit the opacitists’ description of such a logic in Caie et al., (2019, 8). We are only hesitant about one element in their description, though. This is their list of what characterises a transparent higher-order logic (ignoring the logical relationships between the various principles, as some entail others), together with further principles from their catalogue that also suit TIL (we follow their formalisation):


a = a ∧ (a = ba = cb = c)

Material Equivalence.

p = qpq

Beta-Eta Equivalence.

φψ, provided φ and ψ are βη-equivalent

Lift Congruence.

a = b → (λX.Xa) = (λX.Xb)

Application Congruence.

F = GFa = Ga


a = b → (φφ [b/a]

Universal Instantiation.

φ[a/x], where a is free for x in φ

Leibniz’s Law.

a = b → ∀X (XaXb)

Our proviso remains intact: (the substituends of) ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ must be constants denoting individuals and not offices or anything else, unless we wish to express the self-identity of an office (etc.) bearing more than one name, which is the exception rather than the rule. Our only reservation is with the constraint Beta-Eta Equivalence, in case it is recruited for the purposes of hyperintensional individuation or for a logic of partial functions. If βη-equivalence is instead only applied to conversion of terms denoting total functions occurring in non-hyperintensional contexts, then Beta-Eta Equivalence applies to TIL.Footnote 28

3 Transparent Intensional Logic

This part describes and defines the foundations of TIL, together with the particular devices required to operate on hyperintensions.

3.1 Function and procedure

The most fundamental distinction in TIL is between procedures and functions. Procedures are structured, higher-order entities, and on a given occasion a procedure occurs either in the displayed or executed mode within another procedure. The default is that procedures occur in executed mode. Functions are modern-day mappings from a domain to a range, f: x \(\mapsto\) f(x), with the important proviso that TIL allows also functions that are only partially defined. Functions are set-theoretic (hence, unstructured) and first-order entities, unless the elements of a domain or range of a given function are higher-order objects, in which case the function also becomes a higher-order object in the type hierarchy. Sets and relations are defined as particular kinds of functions; a set is identified with its characteristic function, and an n-ary relation is identified with a function from n number of arguments to a truth-value. Intensional entities (as per possible-world semantics) are identified with functions from a logical space of possible worlds, and necessary co-extensionality equals co-intensionality. Extensional entities such as individuals and truth-values are typed as medadic, or nullary, functions, i.e., as constant values. One important thing to bear in mind is that execution applies to procedures while evaluation applies to functions.

The syntax of TIL is that of a typed λ-calculus enriched with the tools to operate on hyperintensions, i.e., either to execute them or to present them as arguments. Its semantics is a procedural one that conceives of meanings as abstract procedures.Footnote 29 This means that TIL λ-terms denote procedures producing functions rather than denoting the functions themselves. A procedure is structured in a manner that details which logical operations of which types apply to which operands of which types. Typically, the output of one operation will serve as input for another operation. Given the types of the operations and the operands, it can be calculated which type of object the procedure is structured to produce. A simple example: if the procedure specifies the application of a function taking two numbers to a truth-value then the procedure is typed to produce a truth-value. A truth-value is obtained by picking two numbers and applying the function to them. The fact that there may be no object of a particular type as output does not detract from there being a procedure typed to produce an object of this type. Our procedures specify what types of entities to manipulate in what ways in order to produce some particular type of entity. The atomic procedures are of one step and provide their products (i.e., the entities they are typed to produce) as input objects on which molecular procedures operate. The molecular procedures are of two steps or more and detail how to proceed from input to output (or in the direction of output, if there is none). Of the procedures we define below, two of them may fail to yield a product.

The connection between procedures and hyperpropositions is that hyperpropositions are identified with particular procedures.Footnote 30 Those of the procedures that are hyperpropositions are either those that are typed to produce truth-values or are typed to produce truth-conditions, where truth-conditions are typed as functions from possible worlds to a partial function from times to truth-values.

We account for propositional structure in terms of procedural structure. We must explain how finely individuated procedurally structured propositions are. Otherwise, we cannot know which prospective input operands are admissible in an extensional logic of hyperintensions, for we would not know which substitutions would be valid. Our principle of granularity is quite strict, contributing to an exact calibration of the entities that can be quantified over. The principle is called procedural isomorphism and is an obvious nod to its predecessors, Carnap’s intensional isomorphism and Church’s synonymous isomorphism. Procedural isomorphism will be presented formally in Sect. 4.1.1.

3.2 Invariance and transparency

The title of the paper promises that quantifying-in is transparent, and it is because quantifying-in does not trigger shift of denotation and, thus, does not induce opacity. What contextualist semantic theories have got right is that another entity than the one being salient in extensional contexts needs to be picked out. What contextualism is wrong about is its tenet that each term or expression must have a bespoke semantics to suit each different sort of context. Thus, we are not erecting a tower of increasingly indirect senses and denotations. In our context-invariant semantics, a term or expression retains its fixed sense and denotation. This explains why we need devices that can insert a term’s or expression’s meaning rather than its denotation into argument position so as to make the displayed parts themselves amenable to logical manipulation.

This is the semantic schema of TIL:

figure a

The relation of encoding, or expressing, between an expression and the procedure assigned to it as its meaning is semantically primary. Once we have the meaning procedure, we are in a position to examine which object the procedure produces, prove what is entailed by the procedure, examine its structure, etc. The semantic relation of denoting between an expression and a denotation (if any) piggybacks on the logical relation of producing between a procedure and its product (if any).

The semantics of definite descriptions, predicates and all other terms must be top-down for full referential transparency. This is to say that the above semantic schema that illustrates the relation between a term, the procedure that is its meaning, and its denotation (if any) in a hyperintensional context is the same schema that applies to intensional and extensional contexts. A term or expression expresses a (privileged) procedure as its meaning and denotes the entity (if any) that the procedure is typed to produce.Footnote 31 The denoted entity (if any) can be an object of one of the two basic kinds already sketched at the beginning of this part:

  1. (i)

    a non-procedural entity, i.e., an object of a type of order 1 (see below), which comprises all partial functions, neither the domain nor range of which contains any procedures;

  2. (ii)

    a procedure of a lower order in the type hierarchy (see below) than that of the relevant meaning procedure, in which case the produced (hence, denoted) procedure occurs as a functional argument.

Abstract procedures cannot be sets, tuples or aggregates of instructions, because sets, tuples or aggregates cannot be executed. Rather, they are structured wholes that themselves can be executed.Footnote 32 Importantly, empirical terms, such as the definite description ‘the Bishop of Rome’ or the predicate ‘is a planet’, never denote their extension at any world/time pair, a fortiori not the extension in the actual world at the present time. The world/time-relative extensions (if any) fall outside the purview of the semantics. Empirical terms invariably denote the condition that an individual, a set, etc., must satisfy in order to be (in) its extension at the world/time pair of evaluation. We model these conditions as possible-world intensions.Footnote 33

In TIL we reserve the terms ‘refer’ and ‘reference’ for the factual and extra-semantic relation between an empirical term and the value of the denoted intension at a given \(\langle w, \, t\rangle\) pair. Thus, ‘the man in the brown hat’ and ‘the man on the beach’ co-refer to Mr Orcutt, as a matter of extra-semantic fact.Footnote 34

3.3 Variables and Trivialisation

The two atomic ‘feeder’ procedures are:

  • Variable

  • Trivialisation

TIL deviates in four relevant respects from the version of λ-calculus made popular by Montague’s Intensional Logic. First, meanings are not identified with (or modelled as) mappings from world/time pairs. Instead Montague-like meanings (i.e., mappings) are the products of our meaning procedures.

Second, variables are not linguistic items. The term ‘y’ expresses an atomic procedure as its meaning and picks out the entity that an assignment function has assigned to y as its value. Thus, three entities are involved: a term, a variable (a procedure), a value. We are adopting an objectual version of Tarski’s conception of variables. Our objectual variables are procedures that produce entities dependently on valuations, i.e. assignment functions; we say that variables v-produce. Countably many variables are assigned to each type (see below). Moreover, entities of each type can be organised into sequences of countably many elements. Valuation v picks up one such sequence, and the ith variable v-produces the ith element of the sequence.

Third, the analysis of a piece of language, and this includes “b believes hyperproposition A”, does not amount to translating it from some natural language into an artificial language (say, the λ-calculus), which in turn receives an interpretation, which is transferred back to the natural-language sentence. Instead our λ-calculus is an inherently interpreted formal language, which serves as a device to directly denote meaning procedures. Our λ-terms denote procedures. Meanings are studied by studying their structure and constituents as encoded in the λ-calculus of TIL in virtue of the stipulated isomorphism between formulae and meanings. It should be stressed again that our hyperpropositional procedures are not linguistic entities; they are higher-order abstract entities.

Fourth, TIL comes with explicit intensionalisation and temporalisation. See Sect. 3.5.1 below.

The ideography of TIL also comes with constants, which are vehicles of reference that pick out a specific entity in one go without the assistance of other terms and without invoking anything descriptive. We can potentially develop constants for any entity of any type, including hyperpropositions. The semantic counterpart of a constant is a Trivialisation. A Trivialisation is a procedure that picks out a specific entity in one go. Where ‘Pluto’ denotes Pluto (typed as an individual), the Trivialisation of Pluto, 0Pluto, is a one-step procedure for identifying Pluto. The procedure, just like a non-descriptive proper name, does not specify how to identify the object in question. Trivialisation embodies merely the procedure of ‘reaching’ into a particular type (here, the type of individuals) and ‘extracting’ a particular object (here, Pluto) from there. A variable, by contrast, embodies the procedure of ‘reaching’ into a particular type and ‘extracting’ an arbitrary object from there.

3.4 Composition, Closure, Double Execution

The two complex, or multi-step, procedures are:

  • Composition

  • Closure

Composition is the procedure of functional application, rather than the functional value (if any) resulting from the application. Closure is the procedure of functional abstraction, rather than the resulting function.

TIL contains a duo of explicit Execution procedures, which include these two:

  • Single Execution

  • Double Execution

Single Execution, 1X, is part of Tichý’s inductive definition of procedures (called constructions) in (1988, §15), but has been left out of the definition below. It is not needed for present purposes because, importantly, the default mode in which procedures occur is as executed. 1X is the same procedure (though of a higher order in the type hierarchy) as X, provided X is a procedure at all.

Double Execution, 2X, encodes the transitivity of descending from procedure to product (if any). Double Execution is complex, provided X is a procedure at all. Double Execution will appear in some type specifications in the interest of clarification.

Here is the inductive definition of procedure.

Definition 1


  1. (i)

    Variables x, y, … are procedures that produce objects (elements of their respective ranges) dependently on a valuation v; they v-produce.

  2. (ii)

    Where X is an object whatsoever (an extension, an intension or a procedure), 0X is the procedure Trivialisation. 0X produces (displays) X without any change of X.

  3. (iii)

    Let X, Y1, …, Yn be arbitrary procedures. Then Composition [X Y1Yn] is the following procedure. For any valuation v, the Composition [X Y1Yn] is v-improper if at least one of the procedures X, Y1, …, Yn is v-improper by failing to v-produce anything, or if X does not v-produce a function that is defined at the n-tuple of objects v-produced by Y1,…,Yn. If X does v-produce such a function, then [X Y1Yn] v-produces the value of this function at the n-tuple.

  4. (iv)

    The (λ-) Closurex1xm Y] is the following procedure. Let x1, x2, …, xm be pair-wise distinct variables and Y a procedure. Then [λx1xm Y] v-produces the function f that takes any members B1, …, Bm of the respective ranges of the variables x1, …, xm into the object (if any) that is v(B1/x1,…,Bm/xm)-produced by Y, where v(B1/x1, …, Bm/xm) is like v except for assigning B1 to x1, …, Bm to xm.

  5. (v)

    The Double Execution 2X is the following procedure. Where X is any entity, the Double Execution 2X is v-improper if X is not itself a procedure, or if X does not v-produce a procedure, or if X v-produces a v-improper procedure. Otherwise, let X v-produce a procedure Y and Y v-produce an entity Z; then 2X v-produces Z.

  6. (vi)

    Nothing is a procedure, unless it so follows from (i) through (v).\( \square \)

3.5 Typed universe

TIL comes with a thoroughly typed universe. The ground floor is populated by first-order, non-procedural entities. First-order entities are functions, whether ‘typical’ functions such as mathematical functions, or characteristic functions and the functions of possible-world semantics, or nullary functions such as individuals and truth-values. Note that intensions—functions from possible worlds—are typed as first-order entities, unless they are functions that contain in their range or domain a procedure such as a hyperpropositional attitude, which is typed as a relation-in-intension of an individual to a procedure.Footnote 35

Definition 2

(simple type) Let B be a base, where a base is a collection of pair-wise disjoint, non-empty sets. Then:

  1. (i)

    Every member of B is an elementary type of order 1 over B.

  2. (ii)

    Let α, β1, ..., βm (m > 0) be types of order 1 over B. Then the collection (α β1 ... βm) of all m-ary partial mappings from β1 × ... × βm into α is a functional type of order 1 over B.

  3. (iii)

    Nothing is a type of order 1 over B unless it so follows from (i) and (ii).\( \square \)

For the purposes of natural-language analysis, we are currently assuming the following base of ground types, which form part of the ontological commitments of TIL:

  • ο: the set of truth-values {T, F}

  • ι: the set of individuals (the universe of discourse)

  • τ: the set of real numbers (doubling as times)

  • ω: the set of logically possible worlds (the logical space)

Hence, we are able to type both extensional and intensional entities. Intensions are polymorphous functions of type (βω), where β is frequently a chronology of α-objects of type (ατ); thus α-intensions are frequently of type ((ατ)ω), which will be abbreviated as ‘ατω’. An object of type ατω is a function from worlds to a function from times to α-typed objects.Footnote 36

Some important extensional and intensional entities include:

  • Characteristic function (here, set of individuals)/(οι)

  • Set-in-intension (here, property of individuals)/(οι)τω

  • Individual-in-intension (individual office or role)/ιτω

  • Truth-value-in-intension (truth-condition or PWS proposition)/οτω

  • Binary relation-in-intension (here, attitude)/(οια)τω

Note that if the complement of the attitude is a truth-condition, as per standard possible-world semantics, then the type of the attitude is (οιοτω)τω, because α = οτω. If the complement of the attitude is a hyperproposition, as in this paper, then α = \(\ast_n\), hence (οι\(\ast_n\))τω is the type of the attitude. The higher-order types \(\ast_n\) fall outside the purview of Definition 2 and are the province of the ramified type hierarchy, as per Definition 3 below.

3.5.1 Explicit intensionalisation and temporalisation

One of the key features of how TIL analyses natural-language discourse is what we call explicit intensionalisation and temporalisation. It is developed in opposition to Montague’s intensional logic. Montague’s IL comes with the ‘half-hearted’ type s, where s is the type of world/time pairs. s is neither a ground type nor a functional type, but only occurs as a fragment of functional types, as in (st). TIL, by contrast, contains a full-fledged type ω for worlds and a full-fledged type τ for instants of time. This enables formulas like “λw [… w …]”, “λt [… t …]”, “λwt [… wt …]”, and “λwλt [… wt …]”, where it is explicit from the syntax that the evaluation takes place at empirical indices.Footnote 37 These indices are not relegated to a meta-language, as is common in other formal-semantic frameworks for natural-language discourse. The non-vacuous occurrence of at least one ‘w’ or ‘t’, denoting a modal or temporal variable, in the syntax is what marks the difference between empirical and non-empirical language.

Empirical languages incorporate an element of contingency, because they denote empirical conditions that may or may not be satisfied at some world/time pair of evaluation. For instance, it is only at some world/time pairs that a given individual entertains a given attitude. Our explicit intensionalisation and temporalisation enables us to encode procedures producing possible-world intensions directly in the logical syntax in virtue of terms for world and time variables. Where variable w ranges over possible worlds (type ω) and t over times (type τ), the following logical form essentially characterises the logical syntax of empirical language:

$$ \lambda w \lambda t\,[ { \ldots w \ldots .t \ldots } ] $$

The above schematic Closure is typed to produce a condition satisfiable by world/time pairs.Footnote 38 Here is the (privileged or canonical) form of the hyperproposition that Pluto is a planet:Footnote 39

$$ \lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{{^{0} Planet}}_{{wt}} \,{{^{0} Pluto}}} ] $$

The above Closure is a hyperproposition that produces a truth-condition/οτω. The Closure does what it does by abstracting over the respective values of the variables w, t. The purpose is to isolate exactly those worlds and times at which it is true that Pluto is an element of the respective (i.e., world-and-time-relative) set of planets (assuming that a crisp definition of planethood is in place). The general flow of the procedure is to break down and then build up again. An analysis will spell out what is going on.Footnote 40 The above procedure contains three occurrences of Composition (‘breaking down’):

  1. [1]

    [0Planet w]: the application of Planet/(οι)τω to a possible world v-produced by w → ω to obtain a function of type ((οι)τ), a chronology which inputs instants of time and outputs the respective sets of planets at those particular times.

  2. [2]

    [[0Planet w]t], or 0Planetwt, for short: the application of the chronology obtained at [1] to a time v-produced by t → τ to obtain a set of individuals/(οι).

  3. [3]

    [[[0Planet w]t] 0Pluto], or [0Planetwt 0Pluto], for short: the application of the set obtained at [2] to Pluto/ι to obtain a truth-value/ο.

The truth-value obtained is relativised to worlds and times by means of two instances of Closure (‘building up’) to obtain a truth-condition.

3.5.2 Ramified type hierarchy

The relevant logical feature of our ramified hierarchy of types is that we are guaranteed to always have a hyperintension of a higher order at our disposal that will present a hyperintension of a lower order. Without this possibility, we would be falling short of the expressive power required to pull off quantifying-in, once hyperintensions are construed as higher-order entities rather than primitive first-order entities.

The definition of the ramified hierarchy of types decomposes into three parts: firstly, simple types of order 1; secondly, procedures of order n; thirdly, types of order n+1.

Definition 3

(ramified hierarchy of types)

T1 (types of order 1). See Definition 2.

Cn (procedures of order n)

  1. (i)

    Let x be a variable ranging over a type of order n. Then x is a procedure of order n over B.

  2. (ii)

    Let X be a member of a type of order n. Then 0X, 2X are procedures of order n over B.

  3. (iii)

    Let X, X1, ..., Xm (m > 0) be procedures of order n over B. Then [X X1... Xm] is a procedure of order n over B.

  4. (iv)

    Let x1, ..., xm, X (m > 0) be procedures of order n over B. Then [λx1...xm X] is a procedure of order n over B.

  5. (v)

    Nothing is a procedure of order n over B unless it so follows from Cn (i–iv).

Tn+1 (types of order n+1). Let \(\ast_n\) be the collection of all procedures of order n over B. Then:

  1. (i)

    \(\ast_n\) and every type of order n are types of order n + 1.

  2. (ii)

    If m > 0 and α1, ..., αm are types of order n + 1 over B, then (α1 ... αm) (see T1 (ii)) is a type of order n + 1 over B.

  3. (iii)

    Nothing is a type of order n + 1 over B unless it so follows from Tn+1 (i) and (ii).\( \square \)

Notational conventions.

y → α’ means that variable y ranges over the type α. If C is a procedure, then ‘C → α’ means that C is typed to produce an entity of type α. That an object a is of a type α is denoted ‘a/α’. Thus, for instance, ‘C/\(\ast_n\) → ι’ means that the procedure C is of order n (i.e. belongs to type \(\ast_n\)) and is typed to produce an individual. Throughout this paper we use variables w → ω and t → τ. If C → ατω then the frequently used Composition [[C w] t] → α will be written as ‘Cwt’ for short.

Definition 4

(existential and universal quantifiers). The existential quantifierα/(ο(οα)) is a total polymorphic function that takes a set of α-typed elements to the truth-value T if the set is non-empty and otherwise to F. The general quantifierα/(ο(οα)) is a total polymorphic function that takes a set S of α-typed elements to the truth-value T if S contains all the elements of type α and otherwise to F.\( \square \)

‘∃’, ‘∀’ are categorematic terms in TIL, namely functors that denote functions of the above type. Once a set produced by, e.g., λy [… y …] is inputted as an argument to ∃ or ∀, the quantifier returns a truth-value as value. The strings ‘∃y’, ‘∀y’ count as ill-formed in TIL, because all binding is λ-binding or 0-binding (see below for the definition). The proper notation is ‘[0∃λy [… y …]]’, ‘[0∀λy [… y …]]’. Anyway, for the sake of simplicity, we may sometimes stick to ‘∃y [… y …]’, ‘∀y [… y …]’, when no confusion can arise.Footnote 41

3.6 Displayed versus executed; free versus bound; valid substitution

We define here what it means for procedures to occur in the displayed mode and to occur in the executed mode, and we explain what it means for variables to have free and to have bound occurrences.

When a procedure occurs in the displayed mode, the procedure itself becomes an object on which other procedures can operate. We also say that the context of its occurrence is hyperintensional, because all the sub-procedures of a displayed procedure occur neither intensionally nor extensionally; they are displayed as well. When a procedure occurs in the executed mode, the product (if any) of the procedure is susceptible to being operated on. In this case, the executed procedure is a constituent of its super-procedure, and an additional distinction crops up at this level. A constituent producing a function may occur either intensionally (de dicto) or extensionally (de re). If intensionally, then the produced function is the object of predication; if extensionally, then the value (if any) of the produced function is the object of predication. The pair of distinctions between displayed/executed and intensional/extensional occurrences enables us to distinguish between three kinds of context. The rigorous definitions of the three kinds of contexts can be found in Duží et al. (2010, §2.6). Though the basic ideas are fairly simple, the exact details are rather complicated. For this reason, we only explain intuitively the main ideas here.

  • Hyperintensional context. A procedure occurs in the displayed mode (though another procedure at least one order higher needs to be executed in order to produce the displayed procedure).

  • Intensional context. A procedure occurs in the executed mode in order to produce a function rather than one of its values (moreover, the executed procedure does not occur within another hyperintensional context).

  • Extensional context. A procedure occurs in the executed mode in order to produce a particular value of a function at a given argument (moreover, the executed procedure does not occur within another intensional or hyperintensional context).

We next turn to a definition of sub-procedure.

Definition 5

(sub-procedure). Let C be a procedure. Then:

  1. (i)

    C is a sub-procedure of C.

  2. (ii)

    If C is 0X or 2X and X is a procedure, then X is a sub-procedure of C.

  3. (iii)

    If C is [X X1Xn] then X, X1, …, Xn are sub-procedures of C.

  4. (iv)

    If C is [λx1xn Y] then Y is a sub-procedure of C.

  5. (v)

    If A is a sub-procedure of B and B is a sub-procedure of C then A is a sub-procedure of C.

  6. (vi)

    A procedure is a sub-procedure of C only if it so follows from (i–v).\( \square \)

In particular, the constituent parts of a procedure are not the particular material, or otherwise non-procedural abstract, objects the procedure operates on. Correspondingly, Mont Blanc cannot be a constituent of a procedure; 0Mont_Blanc can. Instead, the constituents of a procedure are exclusively those sub-procedures that occur in executed mode. (See the 10-part decomposition below for illustration.) To define the distinction between displayed and executed mode, we must take the following factors into account. A procedure C can occur in displayed mode only as a sub-procedure within another procedure D that operates on C. Therefore, C itself must be produced by another sub-procedure C′ in D. And it is necessary to define this distinction for occurrences of procedures, because one and the same procedure C can occur in executed mode in D and at the same time serve as an input/output object for another sub-procedure C′ of D that operates on C. The distinction between displayed and execution mode of a procedure can be characterised like this. Let C be a sub-procedure of a procedure D. Then an occurrence of C occurs in displayed mode in D if the execution of D does not involve the execution of this occurrence of C. Otherwise, C occurs in executed mode within D, i.e., C occurs as a constituent of the procedure D.

To see how this works, consider this sentence:

$$ ``{\text{Tilman }}\,{\text{solves }}\,{\text{the }}\,{\text{equation}}\,Sin\left( x \right) = 0"$$

When solving the problem of seeking the numbers x such that the value of the function Sine at x equals zero, Tilman is not related to the set of multiples of the number π, i.e., to an object of type (οτ). If he were, Tilman would have already solved the problem, thus pre-empting the search for suitable values of x. Rather Tilman wishes to find the product of the procedure [λx [0= [0Sin x] 00]]. In other words, the sentence expresses Tilman’s relation-in-intension to this very procedure, Solve emerging as an object of type (οι\(\ast_1\))τω. Therefore, the whole sentence encodes this procedure:

$$ \lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0} Solve}_{{wt}} {^{0}Tilman}\,{{^{0} [ {\lambda}} x\,[ {{^{0}\!\!=} \,[ {{^{0} Sin}\,x} ]\,{^{0} 0}} ]} ]} ]$$

Types and type checking: 0Solve→(οι\(\ast_1\))τω; 0Solvewt→(οι\(\ast_1\)); 0Tilman→ι; 0Sin→(ττ); 0=→(οττ); 00→τ; x→τ; [0Sin x]→τ; [0= [0Sin x] 00]→ο; [λx [0= [0Sin x] 00]]→(οτ); 0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]→\(\ast_1\); [0Solvewt 0Tilman 0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]]→ο;

$$ \lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{{^{0} Solve}}_{{wt}} {^{0}Tilman}\,{{{^{0} [ {\lambda}}} x\,[ {{^{0}\!\! =} \,[ {{^{0} Sin}\,x} ]\,{^{0} 0}} ]} ]} ] \rightarrow o_{\tau\omega}.$$

The procedurex [0= [0Sin x] 00]], which is the meaning of the term “The equation Sin(x) equals 0”, is displayed (by means of Trivialisation) as the second argument of the relation Solvewt. The evaluation of the truth-conditions expressed by the sentence consists in checking, for any possible world w and for any time t, whether Tilman and this procedure occur in the extensionalised relation-in-intension of solving as its first and second argument, respectively. Hence the execution of the hyperproposition expressed by the sentence does not involve the execution of the procedure of solving the equation; this is something Tilman is tasked with.

The execution steps specified by the above Closure, i.e., its constituents, are as follows. Each procedure is an executed part of itself, hence the Closure (1) is a constituent of itself.


λwλt [0Solvewt 0Tilman 0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]]


λt [0Solvewt 0Tilman 0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]]


[0Solvewt 0Tilman 0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]]




[0Solve w]










0x [0= [0Sin x] 00]]

It might seem that in order to define rigorously the distinction between displayed and executed occurrence it would suffice to say that a procedure occurs displayed within another procedure if it occurs within the scope of a Trivialisation. Yet it is not that simple. The complicating factor is that Trivialisation has a dual procedure, namely Double Execution. It follows from Definition 1 that while Trivialisation of a procedure raises the context to the hyperintensional level, Double Execution cancels the effect of Trivialisation, thus lowering the level of the context. The reason is this law of 20-elimination:

$$^{20}{\rm C}= {\rm C}$$

for any procedure C.

Note, however, that 02C is not equivalent to C, because 02C produces 2C for any valuation v. The procedure 2C, and thus also the procedure C, occurs displayed in 02C because they occur within the scope of Trivialisation. Another complicating factor is iteration of Double Execution and Trivialisation. For instance, in 2200C procedure C occurs in executed mode while in 2002C procedure C occurs in displayed mode. The reason is that by applying the above law twice, we get 2200C=C, but the law can be applied only once to 2002C, thus obtaing 2002C = 02C.

For the purposes of this paper, we shall say that a procedure occurs displayed exactly when it occurs within the scope of a Trivialisation, whose effect is not cancelled by Double Execution. To simplify the definition of displayed versus executed mode, we first define 20-normal form of a procedure.

Definition 6

(20-elimination, 20-normal form).

Let X be a procedure and let 20X occur as a sub-procedure of a procedure C. Then the replacement of an occurrence of 20X by the procedure X, the result of which is a procedure , is called 20-elimination, C20 C´. If a procedure C can be transformed into a procedure D by a finite (or empty) sequence of 20-eliminations, so that D does not contain any occurrence of a sub-procedure 20X, then D is the 20-normal form of C.\( \square \)

Definition 7

(occurrence of a procedure in displayed vs. executed mode).

Let C and D be procedures in 20-normal form and let D be a sub-procedure of C. Then:

  1. (i)

    If C is identical to D then D occurs in C in executed mode.

  2. (ii)

    If C is identical to 0X, and D is a sub-procedure of X, then D occurs in C in displayed mode.

  3. (iii)

    If C is identical to [X1 X2 … Xm] and D is a sub-procedure of the Xi, for some i, 1 ≤ im, then the occurrence of D in C is the same as the occurrence of D in Xi.

  4. (iv)

    If C is identical to [λx1…xm X] and D is a sub-procedure of X, then the occurrence of D in C is the same as the occurrence of D in X.

  5. (v)

    If C is identical to 1X or 2X and D is a sub-procedure of X, then the occurrence of D in C is the same as the occurrence of D in X.

  6. (vi)

    The occurrence of D in C is in displayed or executed mode only due to (i–v).\( \square \)


For the sake of simplicity, we define the occurrence in displayed or executed mode only for procedures in their 20-normal form. This means that we first eliminate those pairs of Double Execution and Trivialisation (in this order) that can be validly eliminated, and then the occurrence of a procedure D in C is in displayed mode if D occurs within the scope of Trivialisation (see Definition 7 (ii)). Thanks to this simplification, Definition 7 leaves undefined the occurrences of, for instance, 200X in 2200X, 00X in 2200X, or 0X in 2200X. All of these sub-procedures of 2200X occur in executed mode, as does the procedure X in 2200X (according to Definition 6 (i)). Yet, for the purpose of this paper, this simplification is harmless.\( \square \)

Definition 8

(constituent of a procedure). Let C be a procedure and D a sub-procedure of C. The executed occurrences of D are constituents of C.\( \square \)


Each procedure C is a constituent of itself, namely its improper constituent. All the other constituents of C are its proper constituents. (The notions of being proper or improper constituents should not be confused with the notions of being v-proper or v-improper procedures.)

Analogously to formal languages, variables can occur free or bound within a procedure. Importantly, though, it is occurrences of variables that occur free or bound. This is because the same variable can have both free and bound occurrences within the same context. An occurrence can also be doubly bound, as when a λ-bound occurrence is also 0-bound. Yet in the case of doubly-bound variables, we say that the variable is simply 0-bound, because if a procedure C is displayed then all its sub-procedures, including its variables, are displayed as well and therefore 0-bound. The general rule is that a higher context is dominant over a lower one. Thus, we define:

Definition 9

(free variable, bound variable, open/closed procedure).

Let C be a procedure with at least one occurrence of a variable x. Then:

  1. (i)

    If the occurrence of x in C is in the displayed mode, then this occurrence of x is 0-bound in C.

  2. (ii)

    Let the occurence of x in C be in the executed mode and let the Closure [λx1xm X] be a sub-procedure of C. If this occurrence of x is a sub-procedure of X and x is identical to one of the variables xi, 1 ≤ im, then this occurrence of x is λ-bound in C.

  3. (iii)

    If the occurrence of x is neither 0-bound nor λ-bound in C, then this occurrence of x is free in C.

  4. (iv)

    An occurrence of x is free, λ-bound, 0-bound in C only due to (i–iii).

A procedure with at least one occurrence of a free variable is an open procedure. A procedure without any occurrences of free variables is a closed procedure.\( \square \)


If a procedure D occurs in the displayed mode in C, then all the variables occurring in D are 0-bound in C.

Definition 10

(correct substitution).

Let x be a variable and C, D procedures in 20-normal form. If the variable x is not free in C, then the result of the substitution of D for x in C is C. Let now the variable x be free in C. Then:

  1. (i)

    If C is identical to x, then the result of the substitution of D for x in C is D.

  2. (ii)

    If C is identical to [X X1Xn], then the result of the substitution of D for x in C is [Y Y1Yn], where Y, Y1, …, Yn are the results of the substitution of D for x in X, X1, …, Xn, respectively.

  3. (iii)

    If C is identical to [λx1xm Y], then for 1 ≤ im let yi be xi if xi is not free in D, otherwise let yi be the first variable v-producing entities of the same type as xi such that yi does not occur in C or D and distinct from y1yi-1. Then the result of the substitution of D for x in C is [λy1ym Z], where Z is the result of the substitution of D for x in the result of the substitution of yi for xi (1 ≤ im) in Y.

  4. (iv)

    If C is identical to 2X, where X is a procedure, then the result of the substitution of D for x in C is 2Y, where Y is the result of the substitution of D for x in X.\( \square \)


The procedure that is the result of the substitution of D for x in C will be denoted ‘C(D/x)’.

We proceed to define two functions already adumbrated above, namely Sub and Tr, which are needed to address the technical difficulties of quantifying into hyperintensional contexts. These difficulties stem from the fact that all the variables occurring within the hyperintensional context of a displayed procedure are 0-bound. Hence, the objects v-produced by such variables are irrelevant, and so is their λ-binding. Yet, in order to quantify into a hyperintensional context, we need a mechanism that makes it possible to operate on displayed procedures; in particular, we need to substitute for a displayed variable. To this end, we have developed a substitution method that makes use of Sub and Tr.

The polymorphous function Sub/(\({\ast_n}{\ast_n}{\ast_n}{\ast_n} \)) operates on procedures: one procedure is substituted for another within a third procedure, thus yielding a fourth procedure. Formally:

Definition 11

(Subn). Let \(Q_{1}/{\ast_{n+1}}\rightarrow {\ast_n}, Q_{2}/{\ast_{n+1}}\rightarrow {\ast_n},Q_{3}/{\ast_{n+1}}\rightarrow{\ast_n} \) v-produce procedures P1, P2, P3, resp., where P2 is a variable. Then the Composition [0Subn Q1 Q2 Q3] v-produces the procedure P4 that is the result of a simultaneous correct substitution of P1 for all occurrences of P2 in P3.\( \square \)

In what follows we will omit the superscript n whenever no confusion can arise.

Definition 12

(Tr). The polymorphic function Trα/(\( \ast_{n} \) α) returns as its value the Trivialisation of its α-typed argument.\( \square \)

In what follows we will omit the superscript α whenever no confusion can arise.


Tr takes Pluto/ι to its Trivialisation of type \( \ast_{1} \). Thus, the product of the Composition [0Tr 0Pluto] is 0Pluto. The Composition [0Tr y] v(Pluto/y)-produces 0Pluto. Where Planet/(οι)τω, the Composition [0Sub [0Tr y] 0x 0[0Planetwt x]] v(Pluto/y)-produces the Composition [0Planetwt 0Pluto], which produces a truth-value (which one depends on the particular values chosen for w, t).

Notice the substantial difference between Trivialisation, which is a procedure, and Tr, which is a function. 0y produces the variable y regardless of valuation: 0y just displays y without executing the procedure y. Thus, the variable y is bound by Trivialisation in 0y. On the other hand, [0Tr y] v-produces the Trivialisation of the object v-produced by y. Hence, y occurs free in [0Tr y] and can be λ-bound.


Let variable y → τ. Then [0Tr y] v(π/y)-produces 0π. The Composition [0Sub [0Tr y] 0x 0[0Cot x]] v(π/y)-produces the Composition [0Cot 0π]. Hence, the Composition [0Sub [0Tr y] 0x 0[0Cot x]] is v(π/y)-congruent with [0Cot 0π]. Importantly, the variable y is free for λ-binding in the former, unlike the variable x that is 0-bound.

Definition 11 of the substitution function is also helpful in explaining why our objectual manner of addressing quantifying-into hyperintensional contexts does not inherit the problems of attempting to quantify into quotational contexts. Objectual quantifying-in contrasts with quantifying into quotations. Since our hyperintensional λ-calculus tracks syntactic structure closely (though not slavishly, with procedural isomorphism serving to soak up semantically redundant differences; see Sect. 4.1.1), why are we immune to the notorious problems of quantifying into quotation contexts? In an objectual hyperintensional context an expression E is used to express the procedure that is its meaning, and this procedure is, furthermore, displayed as an argument susceptible to logical manipulation. In a quotational context, E is just mentioned, which renders E semantically inert, whereby its meaning plays no role at all and so is neither displayed nor used. Whereas in our logic we can operate on displayed procedures, we never get around to operating on mentioned expressions. However, when we do operate on displayed hyperpropositional procedures, we need a technique to work around the fact that the constituent sub-procedures we want to manipulate also occur displayed. The substitution method (see Definition 11) makes it possible to enter displayed hyperpropositions, extract parts and insert other parts in their place.

3.7 Inference and entailment

Attitudinal sentences being empirical, we need to define analytical entailment between empirical hyperpropositions, i.e., procedures that produce truth-conditions of type οτω. We first characterise entailment in prose followed by a definition. A hyperproposition P is entailed by the hyperpropositions Q1,, Qn, iff necessarily, i.e., in all possible worlds and at all times where all the assumptions Q1,, Qn produce true propositions (i.e., satisfied truth-conditions), the hyperproposition P produces a true proposition/satisfied truth-condition as well.

TIL being a logic of partial functions, it is apt for dealing with presuppositions, truth-value gaps, non-referring terms and other phenomena of natural language. Yet partiality, as we all know all too well, brings about technical complications. In particular, propositions can take the truth-value T at some worlds and times, F at others, and at yet other worlds and times have truth-value gaps. Hence, if not all the assumptions of an argument are true, some may be false and others gappy. Consequently, entailment in a logic of partial functions is truth-preserving from premises to conclusion, but not falsity-preserving from conclusion to premises. To manage partiality properly, we need the empirical propositional property of True. For completeness, we also define two other properties, namely False and Undefined, all of type (ooτω)τω. They are defined as follows (P → oτω):

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {\,[ {{{{^{0} True}}}_{{wt}} P} ]\,v{\text{-produces}}\,{\mathbf{T}}\,{\text{if}}\,P_{{wt}} ,\,{\text{otherwise}}\,{\mathbf{F}};} \\ {\,[ {{^{0} False}_{{wt}} P} ]\,v{\text{-produces}}\,{\mathbf{T}}\,{\text{if}}\,\neg P_{{wt}} ,{\text{otherwise}}\,{\mathbf{F}};} \\ {\,[ {{^{0} Undefined}_{{wt}} P} ]\, = \neg \,[ {{{{^{0} True}}}_{{wt}} P} ] \wedge \neg \,[ {{^{0} False}_{{wt}} P} ].} \\ \end{array} $$

Definition 13

(Analytical entailment).

Let P, Q1, …, Qn → oτω be hyperpropositions. Then P is entailed by Q1,, Qn, denoted Q1, …, QnP, iff ∀wt [[[0Truewt Q1] \(\wedge \ldots \wedge\) [0Truewt Qn]] ⊃ [0Truewt P]].\( \square \)

Note that if in Definition 13 we had not applied the property True, and instead used simply the Composition [[Q1wt \(\wedge \ldots \wedge\) Qnwt] ⊃ Pwt], the whole Composition ∀wt [[Q1wt \(\wedge \ldots \wedge\) Qnwt] ⊃ Pwt] would produce F. The reason is that at those \(\langle w, t \rangle\)-pairs where at least one of the Qiwt is v-improper, the whole Composition is v-improper, due to partiality being propagated up.

The last technical devices that we need are λ-introduction and elimination of the left-most λwλt. These are applied when dealing with empirical hyperpropositions. If the assumptions are empirical hyperpropositions, our task is then to infer the hyperproposition that is logically entailed by the hyperpropositions in the premises. Entailment means that at any world w0 and time t0 of evaluation, the derivation sequence must be truth-preserving from premises to the conclusion. Thus, the typical sequence of derivation steps is this. We have assumptions of the form λwλt [… w … t …] producing entities of type oτω, and we assume that the propositions produced by these procedures are true at the world w0 and time t0 of evaluation. Using the detailed notation, we obtain the Composition

$$ [[[\lambda w\,[\lambda t\,[ \ldots w\, \ldots \,t\, \ldots ]]]w_{0} ]\,t_{0} ] $$

which produces an o-object, i.e., a truth-value. By applying restricted β-reduction twice, we eliminate the leftmost λwλt, thus obtaining [… w0 … t0 ] → o.Footnote 42 Now we proceed with derivation steps, until the conclusion of the form [… w0 … t0 ], producing a truth-value/o, is derived. Since we are to derive a hyperproposition, we finally abstract over the values of the variables w0, t0, thus reintroducing the leftmost λwλt to produce a proposition: λwλt [… w … t …] → oτω. In order to simplify the derivations occurring in proofs and rules, in what follows we omit the initial and final steps of λ-elimination and λ-introduction, respectively.

The proof calculus we usually apply is Gentzen’s system of natural deduction adjusted to TIL.Footnote 43 We follow Church and Genzten in the classical style of a proof calculus as it is applied in, for instance, HOL languages.Footnote 44 The standard rules of a proof calculus are, in TIL, applicable to the constituents of procedures that are typed to produce a truth-value. The rules follow the general pattern of I/E pairs. The rules handling the truth-functions are standard, as in classical propositional logic. Since the quantifiers of TIL are functions applicable to classes of objects, the rules for quantifiers are introduced in the way similar to standard λ-calculi. For instance, the rule for universal quantifier eliminiation (∀E) in TIL comes in this form. Let x → α, B(x) → o: the variable x is free in B; [λx B] → (oα), ∀/(o(oα)), C → α: a procedure that is not v-improper. Then:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {[{^{0} \forall} \lambda x\,\,B]~~\quad ~~~ \emptyset } \\ {[[\lambda x\,\,B] {\,C} ]~\quad ~\forall {\text{E}}} \\ {B\left( {C/x} \right)~~\,\,\,\quad ~~\beta{\text{-reduction}}} \\ \end{array} $$

where B(C/x) arises from B by a valid (hence, correct or collision-free) substitution of the procedure C for all occurrences of the variable x in B. That C is not v-improper is a crucial condition for the applicability of this rule. Otherwise, the rule would not be truth-preserving.

For the sake of simplicity, we usually write this rule in the ordinary abbreviated form:

$$ \frac{{X{\,\vdash\,}[{^{0} \forall} \lambda x\,B]}}{{X{\,\vdash\,}B\left( {C/x} \right)}}(\forall E) $$

The dual rule (∀I) receives this form (y being a fresh, free variable, i.e., one local to this part of the derivation):

$$ \frac{{X{\,\vdash}\,B\left( {y/x} \right)}}{{X{\,\vdash\,}[{^{0} \forall} \lambda x\,\,B]}}(\forall {\text{I}}) $$

In this paper, we will, however, need the rule of ∃-introduction, (∃I). In classical extensional logics and λ-calculi of total functions, the rule is unproblematic. Yet, since TIL is a hyperintensional logic of partial functions, we must be careful not to derive that there is a value of a function at an argument when there is none.

(∃I) is valid in its classical form, provided it is applied to a constituent of an assumption B. Recall that a constituent of B is a procedure that in B occurs in executed mode. Hence, let D → α be a procedure that occurs as a constituent of the procedure B, the other types as above. Since, by assumption, B produces the truth-value T and D is a constituent of B, procedure B is of the form of a Composition: [… D …]. Then, as per the definition of Composition, procedure D cannot be v-improper, and so the Composition [[λx B] D] v-produces T as well. Thus, the set of α-elements produced by [λx B] is non-empty, and the application of the quantifier ∃ is truth-preserving. As a result, we arrive at the classical rule:

$$ \frac{{X{\,\vdash\,}B\left( {D/x} \right)}}{{X{\,\vdash\,}[{^{0} \exists} \lambda x\,\,B]}}(\exists {\text{I}}) $$

The crucial condition for the validity of (∃I) is that D must occur as a constituent of B. Hence, this rule quantifies over constituents; it does not quantify into a hyperintensional context. If it did, we might risk deriving the existence of a non-existent object, thus crossing the line between logic and magic.

Still, any hyperintensional logic worthy of the name is obliged to also explain how to quantify into a hyperintensional context. In TIL, this task assumes the form of explaining how to logically operate on a displayed procedure. To this end, we make use of the two functions Sub and Tr defined above (Definitions 11, 12).

Consider the sentence “There is an object such that Tilman believes (hyperintensionally) that it is a planet”. To analyse the sentence, we encounter the problem of the need to λ-bind a 0-bound variable, which does not work as we would like it to (Believe*/(οι\(\ast_{n}\))τω; Planet(οι)τω; y → ι):

$$ \lambda w\lambda t\,[{^{0} \exists} \lambda y\,[{{^{0}\! Believe}}^*_{{wt}}\, {{^{0} Tilman}}\,{^{0}\![\lambda} w\lambda t\,[{{^{0}\! Planet}}_{{wt}} y]]]] $$

The problem is this. The Closure λy [0Believe*wt 0Tilman 0wλt [0Planetwt y]]] produces either the whole universe of discourse or an empty class of individuals, according as Tilman believes that the incomplete procedure [λwλt [0Planetwt y]] produces a truth-condition satisfied in the world and at the time of evaluation, and independently of the objects assigned to the variable y by valuation v. To obtain a plausible analysis, we must extract the variable y out of the hyperintensional context to make it free for λ-binding. Here is how:

$$\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0} \exists} \lambda y\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe^*\,_{{wt}}} {^{0} Tilman}\,[ {{{^{0} Sub}}\,[^0\!Tr \, y] \, ^0\!x \, ^0\![ {\lambda w\lambda t\,[ \,{{^{0} Planet}_{{wt}} x} ]} ]} ]} ]} ] $$

Now everything runs like clockwork. The Composition [0Sub [0Tr y] 0x 0wλt [0Planetwt x]]] v-produces a hyperproposition that some object y is a planet. Assume, e.g., that Tilman believes that Venus is a planet. Then this Composition v(Venus/y)-produces the hyperproposition [λwλt [0Planetwt 0Venus]], and the class of objects produced by the Closure λy [0Believe*wt 0Tilman [0Sub [0Tr y] 0x 0wλt [0Planetwt x]]]] is non-empty, as it contains at least the object Venus.

Still, there is more to the story of quantifying into hyperintensional contexts. As stated above, in hyperintensional attitudinal sentences we must fully respect the attributee’s perspective when one complement is substituted for another. For this reason, we can substitute only procedurally isomorphic complements. To illustrate the problem, consider this argument:

$$\frac{\begin{gathered} {\text{Tilman believes that the ninth \, celestial body}} \hfill \\ {\text{moving in an elliptical orbit around the Earth is a planet}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered}}{{{\text{There is an object such that Tilman believes that it \, is a planet}}}}$$

Abbreviate ‘the ninth celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around’ as ‘9-body-moving-around’, and analyse the term ‘the ninth celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around the Earth’ simply as λwλt [09-body-move-aroundwt 0Earth] → ιτω: the individual role of the ninth celestial body moving around the Earth. Types: Earth/ι; 9-body-move-around/(ιι)τω.

Then the analysis applying the same technique as above results in an invalid argument:

$$ \frac{{\lambda {{w}}\lambda {{t}}\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe^{*}\,_{{wt}}} {^{0} Tilman}\,^{0}\![ {\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0} Planet}_{{wt}} \,[ {^{0} {\text{9-}}body{\text{-}}move{\text{-}}around_{{wt}} {^{0} Earth}} ]} ]} ]} ]}}{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {^{0} \exists \lambda y\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe^{*}\,_{{wt}}} {^{0} Tilman}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0} Tr}}\,\,y} ]\,^{0}\!x\,^{0} [ {\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0} Planet}_{{wt}}\,x} ]} ]} ]} ]} ]}}$$

As the ninth celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around the Earth is Pluto (in the actual world at the present time), consider the valuation v(Pluto/y). The Composition

$$ [\,{{{^{0}\!Sub}}\,[ \,{{{^{0} Tr}}\,\,y} ]\,^{0}\!x\,^{0}\!\,[ {\lambda w\lambda t\,[ \,{{^{0}\!Planet}_{{wt}}\, x} ]} ]} ] $$

then v(Pluto/y)-produces [λwλt [0Planetwt 0Pluto]], which, however, is not the procedure to which Tilman is related in the premise, nor is this procedure procedurally isomorphic to that procedure:

$$ [ {\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0} Planet}_{{wt}} \,[ {^{0} {\text{9-}}body{\text{-}}move{\text{-}}around_{{wt}} {^{0} Earth}} ]} ]} ] $$

4 Quantifying-in

In this part, we describe, prove and apply two rules for quantifying into hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto. The two rules validate quantifying into hyperpropositions. One rule quantifies over a constituent procedure; the other rule quantifies over an object produced by a constituent Trivialisation.

4.1 Hyperpropositional attitude contexts de dicto

We study first how to analyse two sample sentences, one expressing an attitude to an empirical and the other to a mathematical hyperproposition:


“Tilman believes that Pluto is a planet”


“Tilman believes that the cotangent of π equals zero”

The first sentence expresses that a doxastic relation-in-intension obtains between Tilman and the hyperproposition that Pluto is a planet. The analysandum does not necessitate hyperpropositional treatment per se, for a standard intensional analysis would suffice, provided we are analysing implicit (i.e., logically closed) beliefs that the agent need not be aware of having and which the agent is not going to manipulate logically, e.g., by drawing inferences. As soon as Tilman is related to a hyperproposition, his attitude is an explicit one. Matters get a good deal more complicated when Tilman believes that Vulcan is not (defined as) a planet, despite Vulcan having been defined to be a planet, and so has an attitude toward Vulcan that flies in the face of its definition. This sort of attitude demands that the complement be a hyperproposition on pain of relating the agent to a blatant contradiction.

Sentence (M) does necessitate hyperintensional treatment, as does any other mathematical attitude. Neither the necessary proposition (the one true at all worlds), nor the impossible proposition (the one true at no worlds) is a suitable complement, because there could be but two mathematical attitudes then. More specifically to the example embedded in (M), since the function Cotg is not defined at the argument π, no number is produced, and so there is nothing to be compared to the number zero. The procedure encoded by “Cotg (π) = 0” is improper in the sense of producing no truth-value.Footnote 45 What Tilman believes (wrongly) is that the very procedure encoded by the term “Cotg (π) = 0” produces T.

The analysis of the two sentences issues in these two Closures:


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[λw′λt′ [0Planetw′t 0Pluto]]]


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00]]

Types: Believe/(οι\(\ast_{1}\))τω; Tilman/ι; Planet/(οι)τω; Pluto/ι; w, w′→ω; t, t′→τ;

[0Planetwt 0Pluto] → ο; [λw'λt' [0Planetwt 0Pluto]] → οτω;

0w'λt' [0Planetwt 0Pluto]] → \(\ast_{1}\); =/(οττ); Cotg/(ττ); π, 0/τ; [0Cotg 0π]→τ;

[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00] → ο; the other types are obvious.

The single most important bit is the Trivialisation of the Closure [λw′λt′ [0Planetwt 0Pluto]] and of the Composition [0= [0Cotg 0π] 00], thereby generating a hyperintensional context by displaying the Closure and the Composition, respectively. In both analyses the context becomes, furthermore, an attitude context thanks to the binary relation Believe, which we stipulate to be a relation between doxastic agents and the hyperpropositions they believe to be true.Footnote 46 Finally, the attitudes are de dicto in virtue of the form of the attitude complement. In the first case, the agent is related to the hyperproposition that Pluto is a planet, and in the second case to the hyperproposition that Cotg takes π to 0. (E*) and (M*) are instances of the schema of the logical forms that characterise hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto:

$$ \begin{gathered} \lambda w\lambda t\,[\chi _{{wt}}\,a\,^{0}\!\,[\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[\varphi _{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} b]]] \hfill \\ \quad \lambda w\lambda t\,[\chi _{{wt}} \,a\,^{0}\!\,[F\,{\text{ }}c]] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

Types: χ→(οι\(\ast_{1} \))τω; a, b→ι; φ→(οι)τω ; F → (οτ); c→τ.

By contrast, hyperpropositional attitudes de re are characterised by either of these two schemas:

$$ \begin{gathered} \lambda w\lambda t\,[\chi _{{wt}}\, a\,[{^{0} \!Sub}\,[{^{0}\!Tr}\,{\text{ }}b]\,^{0}\! it\,^{0}\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[\varphi _{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} \,it]]]] \hfill \\ \quad ~\lambda w\lambda t\,[\chi _{{wt}}\, a\,[{^{0} Sub}\,[{^{0} Tr}{\text{ }}\,c]\,^{0}\!it^{\prime}\,^{0} [F{\text{ }}\,it^{\prime}]]] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

The first schema should be read as “a χ’s of b that it is a φ”. In the mathematical case, the second schema should be read as “a χ’s of c that it is an F.”

Note that the occurrences of the anaphoric pronoun ‘it’ are analysed as the 0-bound variables it→ι, it’→τ. The anaphoric references ‘of b that it is a φ’ and ‘of c that it is an F’ are then resolved by the Compositions [0Sub [0Tr b] 0it 0w′λt′ [φwt it]]] and [0Sub [0Tr c] 0it’ 0[F it’]], respectively.Footnote 47

The question now arises what can be validly deduced from (E) and from (M). Since in both cases Tilman is related to a procedure, we can obviously validly infer that there is a procedure (a hyperproposition, in this case) to which Tilman is related by a doxastic attitude:


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0w′λt′ [0Planetwt 0Pluto]]]


λwλt [0∃ λc [0Believewt 0Tilman c]]



λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00]]


λwλt [0∃ λd [0Believewt 0Tilman d]]


Types: c/\(\ast_{2}\)\(\ast_{1}\); 2c→οτω; d/\(\ast_{2}\)\(\ast_{1}\); 2d→ο; the other types as above. The inclusion of 2c, 2d spells out the fact that c, d v-produce procedures typed to produce empirical truth-conditions and truth-values, respectively.

In both cases the complements of the attitude, i.e. the procedures 0w′λt′ [0Planetwt 0Pluto]] and 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00] are constituents of the premise; hence, we simply applied the (∃I)-rule proved above. This is a simple matter, because we just quantified over a believed hyperproposition, i.e., over an entire hyperintensional context. Still, our main goal and the main novelty of this paper is quantifying into hyperintensional contexts.

First, we are going to tackle a simpler case, which is to quantify over a procedure that is a constituent of an attitude complement. Then we are going to show that in some special, rigorously defined cases we can also quantify over a product of such a procedure. For instance, (M) entails that there is a procedure such that Tilman believes that its product equals zero. Indeed, there is such a procedure, namely the improper Composition [0Cotg 0π], such that Tilman believes (wrongly) that this procedure produces 0.

As explained above, quantifying into displayed contexts is not a straightforward thing to do. Carelessly quantifying-in is not truth-preserving (c→*1; 2c→τ, i.e., c v-produces a procedure that is typed to produce a number):

$$ \frac{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe}_{{wt}} {^{0}\!{Tilman}}\,{^{0}\![ \,{^{0}\!\!=} \,[ {^{0} Cotg^{0} {\uppi }} ]^{0} 0} ]} ]}}{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {^{0} \exists \lambda c\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe}_{{wt}} {^{0}\!Tilman}\,{^{0}\![ \,{^{0}\!\!=}\,^{{\text{2}}}\!c\,^{0}\!0} ]} ]} ]}} $$

Its invalidity is due to the Trivialisation of the attitude complement, which displays the believed hyperproposition [0= [0Cotg 0π] 00], but does not execute it. As defined above (see Defs. 6, 7), all the sub-procedures of a displayed procedure are displayed as well. The Trivialisation 0[0= 2c 00] produces the Composition [0= 2c 00] regardless of any valuation of the variable c. In particular, a displayed occurrence of a variable does not descend to the value of the variable. For this reason, the truth of the premise does not warrant the non-emptiness of the class of procedures v-produced by the Closure

λc [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= 2c 00]]

This class is either the whole type *1 or the empty set of first-order procedures, depending on whether or not Tilman is related to the Composition [0= 2c 00] and independently of the truth of the premise, i.e. independently of whether or not Tilman is related to the Composition in the premise, [0= [0Cotg 0π] 00].

Fortunately, we have a way out, or rather a way in. It is our substitution method that makes it possible to operate on displayed procedures. This inference is valid:


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00]]


λwλt [0∃* λc [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub c 0d 0[0= d 00]]]]


Additional types: ∃*/(ο(ο\(\ast_{n}\))); c/*2 → *1; 2c→τ; d/*1→τ. The inclusion of 2c makes it explicit that c v-produces a procedure that is typed to produce numbers.

The variable c occurs free in the Composition [0Sub c 0d 0[0= d 00]], and the Composition v([0Cotg 0π]/c)-produces exactly what it should produce, namely the procedure [0= [0Cotg 0π] 00], which Tilman is related to as per the premise above. Recall that v([0Cotg 0π]/c) is a valuation just like v, except for assigning the Composition [0Cotg 0π] to c.

One might wonder whether in the case of (E) we could actually infer more than that there is a procedure believed by Tilman to produce a condition that is satisfied, as stipulated by (EA). No Closure is v-improper for any v.Footnote 48 A Closure of the form [λx1xm X] v-produces a function for any v, even when the produced function is degenerate, i.e., one that is undefined at each of its arguments, namely when X is a v-improper procedure for every v. Thus, it might seem that we could validly infer from (E) not only that there is a hyperproposition but also that there is a truth-condition r/οτω, such that Tilman believes that r is true in the world w and at the time t of evaluation. Yet this cannot be inferred. According to the premise, Tilman is related to the hyperproposition

$$ ^{0}\!\,[\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0} Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} {^{0} Pluto}]] $$

rather than the truth-condition produced by this very hyperproposition. Tilman might, of course, be in some relation to the state-of-affairs that Pluto is a planet, and if we inferred that he is in a coarse-grained belief relation to this state-of-affairs, i.e. r, we would face the same problem as many attitude logics do, namely one or more variants of the problem of omniscience. Furthermore, no less importantly, we would not be respecting Tilman’s doxastic perspective, and so the ascription would not be of a de dicto attitude.

Yet we would still want to draw further conclusions. We want to infer that in some special cases there is some product of the procedure which is the constituent of attitude complement. In the empirical case, we would want to derive, for instance, that there is an individual x such that Tilman believes that x is a planet. And indeed, there is such an individual x, namely Pluto. Or, additionally, that there is a property p such that Tilman believes that Pluto has property p. And indeed, there is such a property, namely the property of being a planet. Similarly, in the mathematical case, we would like to infer, for instance, that there is a number y such that Tilman believes that the value of Cotg equals zero at y. And indeed, there is such a number, namely π. Furthermore, we can validly infer that there is a function f such that Tilman believes that the value of f at π is zero.

But again, this inference is invalid (x→τ):

$$ \frac{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe}_{{wt}} {^{0}\!Tilman}\,{^{0}\![ {^{0}}\!= \,[ {^{0}\!Cotg\,^{0}\! \uppi } ]\,^{0}\! 0} ]} ]}}{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[ {^{0} \exists \lambda x\,[ {{^{0}\!Believe}_{{wt}} {^{0}\!Tilman}\,{^{0}\![ {^{0}}\!= \,[ {^{0}\! Cotg\,^{0}\!x} ]} ]\,^{0}\! 0} ]} ]}} $$

because the variable x is 0-bound (see Definition 9). To obtain a valid inference, we must apply the substitution method:


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00]]


λwλt [0∃ λx [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub [0Trτ x] 0y 0[0= [0Cotg y] 00]]]]


Gloss: “There is a number x such that Tilman believes that the value of Cotg at x is 0.” Additional types: ∃/(ο(οτ)), x, y→τ.

We are substituting the Trivialisation of a number being quantified over, using the functions Sub, Tr (see Defs. 11, 12). Similarly, we can derive that there is a function f→(ττ) such that Tilman believes that the value of f at π is zero:


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0[0= [0Cotg 0π] 00]]


λwλt [0∃’ λf [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub [0Tr(ττ) f] 0g 0[0= [g π] 00]]]]


Additional types: ∃'/(ο(ο(ττ))), g→(ττ).

Now everything is as it should be. The variables x, f occur free in

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {\,[ {{{^{0} Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Tr}}^{\tau } x} ]\,^{0}\! y\,{^{0}\![ {^{0}} \!= \,\,[ {^{0}\!Cotg\,y} ]\,^{0}\!0} ]} ]} \\ {\,[ {{{^{0}\!Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Tr}}^{{(\tau \tau )}} f} ]\,^{0}\! g\,^{{0}}\! \,[ {^{0}\!= [ {g\,\uppi } ]\,^{0}\!0} ]} ]} \\ \end{array} $$

respectively, and the first Composition v/x)-produces [0= [0Cotg 0π] 00], while the second Composition v(Cotg/f)-produces the same procedure, namely the one believed by Tilman.

Hence, concerning (MA1), provided the Composition

$$ [{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt}{^{0}\!Tilman}\,\,^{0}\!\,[\,^{0}\!= \, [^{0}\!\, Cotg\,^{0}\!\,\uppi ]\,^{0}\!\,0]] $$

v-produces the truth-value T, the class of numbers v-produced by

$$ \lambda x[{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt}{^{0}\!Tilman}\,[{^{0}\!Sub}\,[{^{0}\! Tr}^{\tau } \,x]\,^{0}\!y\,^{0}\!\,[^{0}\!= [^{0}\! Cotg\,y]\,^{0}\!\,0]]] $$

is non-empty (as it contains at least the element π) and the application of ∃/(ο(οτ)) is truth-preserving.

Similarly, concerning (MA2), provided the Composition

$$ [{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt}{^{0}\!Tilman}\,^{0}\!\,[^{0}\!= [^{0}\!Cotg\,^{0}\!\pi ]\,^{0}\!\,0]] $$

v-produces the truth-value T, the class of functions of type (ττ) v-produced by

$$ \lambda f[{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt} \,{^{0}\! Tilman}\,[{^{0}\!Sub}\,[{^{0}\!Tr}^{\tau \tau }\, f]\,^{0}\!g\,^{0}\!\,[^{0} = \, [g\,\pi ]\,^{0}\!\,0]]] $$

is non-empty (as it contains at least the function Cotg), and the application of ∃′/(ο(ο(ττ))) is truth-preserving.

Still, from (M) we cannot validly infer that there is a number n such that Tilman believes that this number equals 0. The reason is that the function Cotg is not defined at the argument π; hence the Composition [0Cotg 0π] is improper by failing to produce anything. Deriving that there is such a number n would, again, cross the line from logic into magic.

Turning now to the empirical case, valid inferences that involve quantifying into a hyperpropositional context are, for instance, these (x, y → ι; p, q→(οι)τω):


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0w′λt′ [0Planetwt 0Pluto]]]


λwλt [0∃ λx [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub [0Trι x] 0y 0w′λt′ [0Planetwt y]]]]]


Gloss: “There is an individual x such that Tilman believes that x is a planet.”


λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0w′λt′ [0Planetwt 0Pluto]]]


λwλt [0∃ λp [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub [0Tr(((οι)τ)ω) p] 0q



              0w′λt′ [qwt 0Pluto]]]]]

Gloss: “There is a property p such that Tilman believes that Pluto has p.

The arguments (MA1), (MA2), (EA1) and (EA2) are valid, because we are quantifying over objects produced by Trivialisation, namely 0π, 0Cotg, 0Pluto, 0Planet, and these procedures are not v-improper for any valuation v. Trivialisation just displays the object which we go on to quantify over, and when applied to this object (v-produced by a variable) the function Tr returns as its value the Trivialisation of the object. Moreover, we are fully respecting Tilman’s perspective here, because our analyses are literal ones. This means that semantically simple terms like ‘planet’, ‘Pluto’, ‘cotangent’ and ‘π’ are analysed by their Trivialisations. Indeed, the sentences do not convey any more information about the meaning of these terms, as a definition or meaning postulate would.Footnote 49

On the other hand, if a constituent of the attitude complement can be v-improper, then we cannot validly infer the existence of the respective object. Assume that instead of a Trivialisation displaying Pluto we were to conceptualise Pluto by means of the individual role denoted by the definite description ‘the first Kuiper Belt object to be discovered’. Abbreviate this description as ‘FKBO’. The analysis of ‘FKBO’ amounts to this procedure:

λwλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]] → ιτω

Types: First/(ι(οι)): the function that picks out at most one individual from a set of individuals (namely the first one to be discovered); KuiperBeltObj, Discovered/(οι)τω, x→ι; [0KuiperBeltObjwt x], [0Discoveredwt x] → ο;

λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]] → (οι);

[0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]] → ι.

Since the office can possibly go vacant, the following argument similar to (EA1) is invalid:

$$ \frac{\begin{gathered} \lambda w\lambda t\,[{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt} \,{^{0}\!Tilman}^{0}\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0}\!Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} \hfill \\ \lambda w\lambda t\,[^{0}\!First\,\lambda x\,[[^{0}\!KuiperBeltObj_{wt}\,x] \wedge [^{0}\!Discovered_{wt}\,x]]]_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} ]]] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} }{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[^{0} \exists \lambda x\,[{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt}{^{0}\!Tilman}\,[{^{0}\!Sub}\,[{^{0} Tr}^{\iota } x]\,^{0}\!y\,^{0}\,\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0} Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} y]]]]]}} $$

The conclusion that there is an individual x such that Tilman believes that x is a planet is not entailed by the premise, because the Composition (note the rightmost subscripted w’t’)

wλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]]w’t’]

may be v-improper. Thus, though [0Sub [0Trι x] 0y 0w’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ y]]] v(a/x)- produces the procedure [λw’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ 0a]] for some individual a, it is not excluded that a fails to be an element of the class of individuals which Tilman believes to be a planet. In other words, the class produced by the Closure

λx [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub1 [0Trι x] 0y 0w’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ y]]]]

can be empty, and when it is, applying ∃ to this class will yield F.

Since the Closure λwλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]] cannot be v-improper for any v, it might seem that we could validly infer that there is an individual office f → ιτω such that Tilman believes that the occupant of the office is a planet (though the office may be vacant or, if occupied, its occupant may fail to be a planet). Yet, again, an argument to this effect would be invalid:

$$ \frac{\begin{gathered} \lambda w\lambda t\,[{^{0}\!Believe}_{wt} \,{^{0}\!Tilman}^{0}\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0}\!Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} \hfill \\ \lambda w\lambda t\,[^{0}\!First\,\lambda x\,[[^{0}\!KuiperBeltObj_{wt}\,x] \wedge [^{0}\!Discovered_{wt}\,x]]]_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} ]]] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} }{{\lambda w\lambda t\,[^{0} \exists \lambda x\,[{^{0} Believe}_{wt}\,{^{0}\!Tilman}\,[{^{0}\!Sub}\,[{^{0} Tr}^{((\tau \tau )\omega )} f]\,^{0}\!y\,^{0}\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0} Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} g_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} ]]]]]}} $$

Gloss: “There is an individual office f such that Tilman believes the hyperproposition that the occupant of f is a planet.” Additional types: f, g→ιτω.

The argument is invalid, because the office in the premise is conceptualised by means of the Closure λwλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]] rather than by its Trivialisation.

4.1.1 Procedural isomorphism

The main reason these last two arguments are not valid is this. When deriving something from a hyperintensional attitude de dicto, we must strictly respect the agent’s perspective. Hence, there must be a valuation v such that the procedure resulting from the substitution is exactly the same procedure as the one to which the agent was originally related. More precisely, the so v-produced procedure must be procedurally isomorphic to the procedure to which Tilman is related as per the premise.Footnote 50 In other words, the derived procedure must be encoded by a sentence synonymous with Tilman’s original attitude complement. In Duží (2019) a series of criteria for procedural isomorphism—hence co-hyperintensionality, hence synonymy—has been defined. These criteria are partially ordered from the strongest (most restrictive) to the weakest (most liberal) with respect to synonymy. Here we opt for the almost-strongest criterion C1. Let us pause to reflect on why we are going for C1 rather than C7, which we have elsewhere labelled (A1′′) to incorporate it into Church’s hierarchy of Alternatives.Footnote 51

  • C1. α-conversion

  • C7. α-conversion + β-reduction by value

C7 is applicable to hyperintensional contexts, but only if a slightly contentious assumption is granted. The assumption is that [[λx1xn Y] D1Dn] is the same procedure as

$$ ^{{\text{2}}}\!\,[ {{{^{0}\!Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Tr}}\,D_{{\text{1}}} } ]\,^{0}\!x_{{\text{1}}} \ldots \,\,[ {{{^{0} Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0} Tr}}\,D_{n} } ]\,^{0}\!x_{n}\,^{0}\!Y}]}]$$

Is the assumption reasonable? That depends. Our hypothesis is that C7 is applicable to natural-language discourse, including attributions of hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto. But the problem is that C7 does not extend to attributions of mathematical and logical attitudes de dicto. To see this, consider this example:

$$ \begin{gathered} {\text{Tilman}}\,{\text{believes}}\,{\text{that}}\,[{^{0}\!\!=\, [ {\lambda x\,[ {^{0}\!\!+ \,[ {log_{{\text{2}}} \,^{0}\!{\text{16}}} ]\,x} ]\,[ {^{0}\!Cos\,^{0} 0} ]} ]\,^{0}\!{\text{5}}} ] \hfill \\ \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$

Then by C7 this should follow:

$$ {\text{Tilman}}\,{\text{ believes }}\,{\text{that}}\,[{^{0}\!\!=\, ^{{\text{2}}} [ {{{^{0} Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Tr}}\,[ {^{0}\!Cos\,^{0}\!0}]]\,^{0}}\!x\,{^{0}\![ \,{^{0}}\!\!+ \,[ {log_{{\text{2}}}\,^{0}\!{\text{16}}}\,]\,x}]}]\,^{0}\!{\text{5}}}]\, $$

But what if Tilman’s idiosyncratic perspective is quite another so that he would compute the equation in another way than predicted? The second equation specifies that Tilman first computes Cos(0) to obtain the number 1 and afterwards substitutes 1 for x in log2(16)+x, which gives log2(16)+1. Then he computes log2(16) to obtain 4, and finally the number 5. Yet, a different computation would be to first compute log2(16) to obtain 4, and then substitute the result of computing Cos(0), hence number 1, for x into 4+x, and finally obtain the result 5. If we instead restrict ourselves to C1 then if the original attitude is the same as above, what follows is only this:

Tilman believes that [0= [λy [0+ [log2 016] y] [0Cos 00]] 05]

as only α-conversion is admitted.Footnote 52 Here is the formal definition:

Definition 13

(α-conversion). Let a procedure Y contain at most x1, …, xn as free variables. Then:

$$ \,[\lambda x_{{\text{1}}} \ldots x_{n} Y] \Rightarrow _{{\alpha}} \,[\lambda y_{{\text{1}}} \ldots y_{n} Y(y_{{\text{1}}} /x_{{\text{1}}} \ldots y_{n} /x_{n} )] $$

where Y(y1/x1yn/xn) is the procedure that arises from Y by correct substitution of y1 for all the occurrences of x1, …, and yn for all the occurrences of xn, is α-conversion.\( \square \)

Thus, our bifurcation of attitude complements into those hyperpropositions that produce empirical truth-conditions and those hyperpropositions that produce truth-values is accompanied by a bifurcation of what procedural isomorphism amounts to. Our current stance is that C1 is suitable for the former and C7 for the latter when the relevant context is a hyperpropositional attitude de dicto.

Back to the Kuiper Belt. If FKBO is the office produced by the Closure

$$ \lambda w\lambda t\,[{^{0} First}\,\lambda x\,[[{^{0} KuiperBeltObj}_{{wt}} \,x] \wedge [{^{0} Discovered}_{{wt}} \,x]]], $$

then the Composition

$$ [{^{0} Sub}\,[{^{0} Tr}^{{((\iota \tau )\omega )}} f]\,^{0}\!g\,^{{0}}\![\lambda w^{\prime}\lambda t^{\prime}[{^{0} Planet}_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} g_{{w^{\prime}t^{\prime}}} ]]] $$

v(FKBO/f)-produces the Closure [λw’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ 0FKBOw’t’]], and this procedure differs significantly from the one Tilman was originally related to, namely the Closure

w’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ λwλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧

[0Discoveredwt x]]]w’t’]]

Hence, we can only derive that there is a procedure producing the office of FKBO such that Tilman believes that whichever the produced office may be, its occupant is a planet:


               λwλt [0Believewt 0Tilman 0w’λt’ [0Planetwt

λwλt [0First λx [[0KuiperBeltObjwt x] ∧ [0Discoveredwt x]]]w’t’]]]




λwλt [0∃ λc [0Believewt 0Tilman [0Sub c 0d 0w’λt’ [0Planetw’t’ dw’t’]]]]]

Additional types: c/*2 → *1; 2c/*3 → ιτω; d/*1→ιτω.

A further variation is this. Suppose we type Vulcan as an office rather than an individual (as we must, since TIL has no category of inexistent or merely possible individuals) and that the office of Vulcan comes with the constraint that its respective occupants must each be a planet (as we should in order to align with Le Verrier’s specification of Vulcan).Footnote 53 Suppose also that it is a datum that Tilman believes that Vulcan is not (defined as) a planet. Then what Tilman believes is necessarily (in this case, analytically) false, because his belief about Vulcan runs afoul of the stipulated definition of Vulcan. What can be derived from his attitude is that there exists an office such that Tilman believes that this office comes without the analytic property of being a planet. This attitude must be construed as a hyperpropositional one, in order to distinguish it from other analytically impossible complements.Footnote 54

The moral to be drawn from the above examples is this. We can quantify over and into hyperpropositional contexts, even though the procedure occurring as attitude complement is just displayed in such contexts. We can quantify over procedural complements of attitudes and over their procedural constituents. And we can also quantify over those objects that are produced by the constituents of an attitudinal complement, but only if the respective object is displayed by Trivialisation. In the following section, we formulate two rules for quantifying into hyperpropositional contexts de dicto.

4.2 Rules for quantifying into hyperpropositional contexts

As we both warned and promised at the outset, a logic of quantifying-in comes at the end of a long story. We have now obtained everything required to introduce and prove our general rules for quantifying into hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto. These are the hardest cases of quantifying-in, and they constitute the core of our novel contribution. Rule (1) quantifies over a procedure that is a constituent of an attitude complement, and rule (2) quantifies over an object presented by a Trivialisation that is a constituent of an attitude complement.

rule 1. Quantifying over a constituent of an attitude complement.

$$ \frac{{[ {B_{{wt}}\,a\,^{0}\!P\left( {X/d} \right)} ]}}{{[^{0} \exists\;\lambda c[ {B_{{wt}}\,a\,} [{^{0}\!Sub}\,c\,^{0}\!d\,^{0}\!P\left(d \right)]]]}} $$

Types: P(X/d)/\(\ast_{n}\): a procedure with a constituent X/\(\ast_{n}\) → α that has been substituted for the variable d/\(\ast_{n}\) → α; c/\(\ast_{n+1}\)\(\ast_{n}\); 2c → α.



[Bwt a 0P(X/d)]


[Bwt a [0Sub 0X 0d 0P(d)]] = [Bwt a 0P(X/d)]

Definition 11


c [Bwt a [0Sub c 0d 0P(d)]] 0X]

2, β-expansion


[0∃ λc [Bwt a [0Sub c 0d 0P(d)]]]

3, Definition 4


Step (4) is truth-preserving, because the class of procedures produced by λc [Bwt a [0Sub c 0d 0P(d)]] is non-empty, as it contains at least the procedure X. Actually, since 0X is a proper constituent of [Bwt a [0Sub 0X 0d 0P(d)]], we could have just applied the (∃I)-rule on the left-hand side of step (2), omitting step (3). Yet, for the sake of clarity, we proceeded from (2) to (4) via (3).

Finally, we have the rule for quantifying over an object such that its Trivialisation is a constituent of a procedure that occurs as attitude complement.

rule 2. Quantifying over a Trivialised object.

$$ \frac{{[ {B_{{wt}}\,a\,^{0}\!P\left( {^{0}\! b/y} \right)} ]}}{{\,[ {^{0} \exists\, \lambda x\,[ {B_{{wt}}\, a\,[ {{{^{0}\!Sub}}\,[ {{{^{0}\!Tr}}^{{\alpha}}\,x} ]\,^{0}\!y\,^{0}\!P\left( y \right)} ]} ]} ]}} $$

Types: P(0b/y)/\(\ast_{n}\): a procedure with a proper constituent 0b/\(\ast_{n}\) → α that has been substituted for the variable y/\(\ast_{n}\) → α; x/\(\ast_{n}\) → α.



[Bwt a 0P(0b/y)]


[Bwt a [0Sub [0Trα 0b] 0y 0P(y)]] = [Bwt a 0P(0b/y)]

Definition 11


x [Bwt a [0Sub [0Trα x] 0y 0P(y)]] 0b]

2, β-expansion


[0∃ λx [Bwt a [0Sub [0Trα x] 0y 0P(y)]]]

3, Definition 4

Step (4) is justified, because the class of α-objects produced by the Closure

λx [Bwt a [0Sub [0Trα x] 0y 0P(y)]] is non-empty, as it contains at least the object b.

Note that, in Rule 2, x occurs free in the Composition [0Sub [0Trα x] 0y 0P(y)], whereby it lends itself to being λ-bound.

5 Conclusion

The above rules are almost trivial, as indeed they should be. After all, quantifying over and into hyperintensional contexts should, in principle, if not technically, be as trivial as quantifying into extensional contexts, as soon as we have availed ourselves of a fully transparent semantics and an extensional logic of hyperintensions that is strictly compositional. However, the near-triviality of the rules can be obtained only by means of a theory possessing great expressive power (hence the qualification ‘almost trivial’). We obtain a sufficient measure of expressive power by means of ramification of procedures so that we can display any given procedure by going one level higher. The Sub function would become inoperative if it were not for procedures occurring displayed, i.e., presented as functional arguments. The technical finesse the conclusion exhibits resides in the fact that the λ-bound variables over whose values we quantify occur outside the hyperintensional context of the displayed procedures.

It is critical for a theory such as Transparent Intensional Logic to demonstrate exactly how it makes quantifying-in come out valid also with respect to hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto. The theory claims to have an extensional logic of hyperintensions, so the extensional rule of existential quantification had better be valid for hyperintensional contexts too. But the impact of the results above extends beyond our particular theory. First, it is good news for the community-wide project devoted to developing and substantiating theories of hyperintensionality that quantifying-in is not unattainable. And second, the demonstrated feasibility of quantifying-in provides the hyperintensional community with a touchstone: does a theory of hyperintensionality succeed in rendering quantifying-in valid? The theory scores a point if it does.