
Fire prevention is becoming increasingly challenging because of accelerating urbanization and the continuous growth in building size. The quick and accurate detection of fire can effectively reduce fire losses. Most traditional detection algorithms use simple models, such as shallow convolutional neural network and Support Vector Machine; in addition, the complex environments in fire images could affect the performance of algorithm on detection. Therefore, it is difficult for traditional detection algorithms to detect small object proportions on images. However, the new image fire detection (IFD) technology can be used to automatically distinguish the characteristics of fire or smoke in a fire image by using a digital image processing method. IFD is not limited by space, height, air velocity, or dust, and it is a noncontact technology, thus avoiding some of the restrictions in traditional fire detection.

Currently, the development of detection algorithms is a research focus. As early as 1966, Foo [1] mentioned the application of brightness information in IFD. Subsequently, studies of and developments in detection algorithms have focused on fire image features [2,3,4,5]. However, the traditional detection algorithm artificially extracted fire image features, which exhibited weak generalization, a high false-positive rate, and low practicability. Therefore, deep learning (DL) algorithms, such as an advanced image classification convolutional neural network (CNN), were introduced to solve these problems. The common CNNs [6] included AlexNet [7], VGG [8], Inception [9], ResNet [10], a smoke detection algorithm, and a flame detection algorithm. Mao et al. [11] introduced time-series information to improve the accuracy of algorithms in IFD, and Namozov [12] used a modified VGG-Net to detect smoke and flame simultaneously. Dung et al. [13] used mixture-of-Gaussians background modeling to cluster and discriminate the background and foreground and then applied cascade classification to determine the candidate region. Zhong et al. [14] used a color model to determine the candidate region and then AlexNet to improve the flame detection in the candidate region, and Li et al. [15] studied object detection CNN in IFD. The results revealed that YOLOv3 provided the most suitable method for IFD.

An IFD algorithm based on DL experiences two problems: first, image classification is the focus of the detection algorithm, and it therefore lacks the ability to extract candidate regions, limiting its early fire detection ability. Second the part of algorithms uses the objective detection methods for fire detection. This only applies transfer learning to develop an algorithm, and the fire detection performance of the algorithm is not optimized, which is lacking practicability [16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27].

This study aimed to develop an IFD with a stronger early fire detection capability. To achieve this, a modified YOLOv3 algorithm was developed with six improvements: (1) Addition of images containing small object proportions; (2) data enhancement; (3) addition of a backend object detection network feature map; (4) improvements to the backend object detection network structure; (5) improvements to the anchorpoint setup; (6) improvements to the nonmaximum suppression (NMS).

Algorithm development and optimization

Development of the algorithm

The computer used in the study was an Intel Core I7-7700 CPU @ 3.6 GHZ, 16 GB DDR4 RAM 2400 MHz with a NVIDIA Titan X Pascal GPU with 3840 CUDA. The operating system was Ubuntu 16.0.4. The data set consisted of 29,180 images (13,400 fire images and 15,780 nonfire images) with various scenarios obtained from Li et al. [15] The fire image data set has been divided into development subsets and test subsets by using the min-Hash approximate image replacement method.

YOLOv3 network

YOLOv3 was used to design and generate a fire detection network. YOLOv3 is a network of object detection CNNs that can develop the image fire detection algorithm. It was trained using Microsoft’s COCO data set (a large-scale detection, segmentation, and captioning data set) and then retrained using transfer learning [28, 29]. The YOLOv3 network consisted of a frontend feature extraction network and a backend classification network. The frontend was frozen in transfer learning, and the backend was trained and optimized through the training and verification of the fire image data set obtained from Li et al.

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) was used to update the parameters. The batch size was set to 64, the SGD momentum to 0.9, and the intersection-over-union (IOU) threshold to 0.6. The NMS method was used to determine the number of candidate boxes as 300, the initial learning rate as 0.001, and the total number of iterations as 200 K. The learning rate was reduced by 10 when the number of iterations reached 120 K and 160 K. The other parameters remained set to the original network.

Improvement of the algorithm

The test set in Li et al.’s fire image data set was used to evaluate the reliability of the trained YOLOv3 algorithm. According to the results, the average accuracy was 84.5% and the detection speed reached 28 Frames Per Second (FPS), which represents a high detection level. However, in the early stages of fire development, the proportion of flame and smoke in an image is less than 20%; in a large building, the proportion is less than 1%. Therefore, an object proportion of less than 20% was used to evaluate the average accuracy of YOLOv3, which was only 80.95%.

An error analysis was conducted to achieve an object proportion of less than 20%. When the confidence threshold reached 0.5, 100 missed detection samples from the test set were randomly selected to evaluate YOLOv3’s missed detection rate. The missed detection samples with the different object proportions are shown in Table 1, which demonstrates that lower object proportions are associated with higher missed detection rates. Therefore, improved detection ability for lower object proportions is required.

Table 1 The missed detection samples with the different object proportions

Six improvements for YOLOv3

Addition of images containing small object proportions

The performance of algorithms depends on the design of the network architecture and the selection of suitable data sets. If the development data set differs considerably from the actual scenario in real-time detection, the network architecture is not able to achieve its desired effect. Therefore, the development data set should be consistent with real-life scenarios. 1,231 fire images containing small object proportions were added to the original development set to achieve this. Here, small object means that the object is proportion small in an image and difficult to be detected by algorithm (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1
figure 1

The 1,231 fire images containing small object proportions were added to the original development set


Data enhancement

Data enhancement is an effective method to expand data samples and improve an algorithm’s generalization ability and robustness. The shooting angle, pixel size, brightness, and other factors can cause differences between images of the same scene. Therefore, in this study, data enhancement was used to transform the original training data. Subsequently, the transformed data were used to train the neural network to improve the detection ability of the algorithm for different scenes (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The examples of images transformed using different methods of data enhancement. These images were produced with the addition of object proportions of less than 20% from the original development set

Addition of the backend object detection network feature map

The YOLOv3 through 8 times downsampled feature map to detect small objectives. But, when the size of objectives is less than 8 × 8 pixels, the algorithm has difficult to detect it. Therefore, addition the object detection network feature map of backend to improve the ability on detecting small objectives. The improvements in the YOLOv3 network structure achieved by the 4 \(\times\) downsampled feature map (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

An 8 downsampled feature map was produced through the YOLOv3 network. Subsequently, 2 upsampling was conducted combined with the second group of residual blocks in the frontend Darknet-53 feature extraction network to obtain a 4 downsampled feature map

Improvements to the backend object detection network structure

A previous study [30] used a residual unit to improve feature learning efficiency and reduce gradient dispersion. In the present study, a similar improvement was achieved by changing the original five CBL units in the convolutional block unit of the YOLOv3 network structure to two residual block units and one CBL unit (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

The improvements of Conv Block unit. Conv Block unit consists of 5 Conv + Bn + Leaky_relu (CBL) unites that original 5 CBL units in the Conv Block unit were changed to 2 Residual Block units and 1 CBL unit

Improvements to the anchorpoint setup

The K-means clustering method was used to obtain a new proposal for the region size of the box for the fire image data set, thereby reducing the complexity of box regression in the next step. The average intersection-over-union (Avg IOU) Eq. (1) serves as the cluster analysis metrics for determining the optimal value of K:

$$I = avg\max \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{{i = 1}}^{k} {\sum\nolimits_{{j = 1}}^{{nk}} {IOU(B,C)} } }}{n}$$

where B denotes the cluster sample box, C denotes the center of the cluster, k denotes the number of cluster centers, nk denotes the number of samples in the kth cluster center, n is the total number of samples, and IOU (B, C) denotes the intersection ratio of the central box and the sample box in the cluster (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

The Avg IOU against different K values using a cluster analysis. When k ≥ 10, the Avg IOU was stable. The central box could therefore be generated using a cluster analysis at k = 10, which indicated an improvement in the region proposal scheme

A cluster analysis of the object box in the fire image data set was conducted using K = 1–12. The Avg IOU before and after improvement is displayed in Table 2, and the improved region proposal is listed in Table 3. The region proposal IOU increased to 9.2%, indicating that, as a result of these improvements, the detection of small object proportions in large-scale feature maps can acquire more region proposals.

Table 2 Avg IOU before and after improvement
Table 3 The improved region proposal

Improvements to the NMS

The early stages of intensive image sampling may generate multiple region proposals for each image position, and therefore, the same objects can be predicted by multiple overlapping boxes. Equation (2) uses the NMS method to solve this problem, enabling the YOLOv3 algorithm to filtrate the output of prediction boxes:

$$s_{{{\text{confidence}}}} = \left\{ {_{{0,\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {} \\ \end{array} } & {} \\ \end{array} \begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {IOU(M,b) > I} \\ \end{array} }}^{{S_{{{\text{confidence}}}} ,\begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {IOU(M,b) < I} \\ \end{array} }} } \right.$$

where Sconfidence refers to the confidence of the prediction box, M refers to the prediction box with the maximum confidence in the box list, b refers to the prediction box that compares with M, IOU (M, b) refers to the intersection ratio of two boxes, and I refers to the IOU threshold.

However, if the IOU value of a box is greater than the threshold value, this box might be deleted. Therefore, when flame and smoke overlap in the images, the NMS can decrease the average detection accuracy. Bodla et al. [30] noted an improvement in the YOLOv3 algorithm using a soft-NMS method, as displayed in Eq. (3):

$$s_{{{\text{confidence}}}} = \left\{ {_{{S_{{{\text{confidence}}}} (1 - IOU(M,b)),\begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {IOU(M,b) > I} \\ \end{array} }}^{{S_{{{\text{confidence}}}} ,\begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {} & {} & {} \\ \end{array} \begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {} \\ \end{array} \begin{array}{*{20}c} {} & {IOU(M,b) < I} \\ \end{array} }} } \right.$$

Thus, when the IOU is larger, the confidence is lower. This method also decreased the probability of a box being removed, thereby improving the detection ability when flame and smoke overlap.

Evaluation of the algorithm’s performance

To evaluate the algorithm’s performance, the six improvements were used to develop different models separately, and a combination of all the improvements was used to obtain the modified YOLOv3. These seven models were comparable in terms of their algorithm performance. Table 4 presents the various models with their corresponding improvements.

Table 4 Model design scheme

Average precision (AP) was used to evaluate the detection ability of the different models. Table 5 lists the AP (fire and smoke individually), mAP (average AP of fire and smoke together), and detection speed calculated using the different models. According to the results, the AP increased in all the improved models and the detection speed decreased in the modified model, which satisfied the requirement of a detection speed of ≥ 20 FPS. Because the flame features were clearer than the smoke features, the AP for detecting smoke was lower than that for detecting flame.

Table 5 Evaluation results of model

Furthermore, although the YOLOv3_b model was only optimized using data, its AP was still higher than that of original YOLOv3, indicating that improvements in development data are important for promoting algorithm performance.

An evaluation of the model’s performance was conducted after the improvements to the algorithm design had been completed. The results revealed that the addition of the backend object detection network feature map and improvements to the anchorpoint setup increased the AP to 11.9% and 10.7%, respectively. The AP of the modified YOLOv3 model reached 95%, which was 14.1% higher than that of the original model. The detection speed of the modified YOLOv3 reached 22 FPS, which satisfied the real-time detection requirements.


This study provides an effective and reliable method for detecting smoke and flame in the early stages of a fire using images. The procedure for developing the model has been clearly described as well as the six improvements for promoting YOLOv3’s detection ability and speed and decreasing the missed detection rate. The AP of the modified YOLOv3 reached 95%, which was 14.1% higher than that of original model, and the detection speed satisfied the requirements of real-time detection. This model can be used to develop IFD technology for real-life situations and decrease the risk of fire losses.

The purpose of this study was to develop and optimize an image fire detection algorithm on deep learning. Six improvements were applied to promote the algorithm’s ability to detect fire early. These results were confirmed through the performance of algorithm. In the future study, we can consider the complex situations on real environment, thereby enhancing the detection ability of IFD.