1 Introduction

The single machine coupled task scheduling problem aims to schedule a set of jobs on a single machine (processor) such that a performance criterion (objective function) is optimized. In this study, we investigate the performance criterion of minimizing the makespan, i.e., the completion time of the last job in the sequence. Each job consists of two separated tasks with an exact delay (time interval) between them. The second (completion) task must be processed after the completion of the first (initial) task. A job \(j \in J\), where J is the set of all jobs, is shown by a triple \((a_j,L_j,b_j)\). Parameters \(a_j, L_j\) and \(b_j\) denote the processing time of the initial task, the amount of delay and the processing time of the completion task.

Shapiro (1980) modeled a pulsed radar system as a coupled task scheduling problem. A pulse of electromagnetic energy is used to track an object. The pulse is transmitted, and then, its reflection is received after a period of time, helping to measure the size and/or the shape of the object. The objective is to maximize the number of detected objects. Other applications of the coupled task problem include certain scheduling problems in chemistry manufacturing, where there is an exact technological delay between the completion time of the first task and the starting time of the second one (Ageev and Baburin 2007), in robotic cells, in which a cell includes input and output stations, a machine and a robot, which transports material between stations and machine (Lehoux-Lebacque et al. 2015), and in healthcare appointment scheduling, for example, in a chemotherapy treatment once the medicine is prescribed the patient visits the health center at treatment days separated by a fixed number of rest days (Condotta and Shakhlevich 2014).

The coupled task scheduling problem can be applied to certain healthcare problems with multi-stage characteristics. Consider scheduling the appointment of patients in a nuclear medicine clinic. The problem consists of strict multi-stage sequential procedures (Pérez et al. 2011, 2013), where a single procedure requires multiple stages and each stage needs to be successfully completed within a strict time window. The cost of required resources and the short half-life of the radio-pharmaceuticals needed for the procedure justifies minimizing a performance criterion related to the patients flow time. In this context, the tiredness of the staff, which typically occurs in practice and impacts the processing time and hence, the start time of the next job, can be modeled as a time-dependent event. For example, Pérez et al. (2013) highlight the importance of modeling human resource fatigue within the patient appointment scheduling in nuclear medicine clinics or in similar environments, proposing therefore studies on the coupled task scheduling with time-dependent processing times. The problem of scheduling patients in a pathology laboratory is another example. Certain blood tests, e.g., the fasting blood sugar test, require multiple tests and there is an exact time interval between a pair of tests. Although the next test cannot be administered until an exact delay is elapsed, the tests associated with other patients can be administered within such a delay period. In the simplest form, a pair of tests form a coupled task job. Here, the performance criterion is to minimize the waiting time of the patients (Marinagi et al. 2000; Azadeh et al. 2014). This problem can also be investigated with regard to the human resource fatigue. Similar characteristics can be found in the patient appointment scheduling in radiotherapy clinics (Legrain et al. 2015) and in hemodialysis treatment services (Liu et al. 2019).

We also note that Mosheiov (1994) and Gawiejnowicz (2008) studied the time-dependent processing times to model the time of performing the medical services as the time increases under deteriorating health conditions. It is true that in the aforementioned applications, particularly, in chemotherapy and radiotherapy services, the symptoms of the patient rapidly grow over time, i.e., the patient needs longer treatment if that treatment is started late.

Shapiro (1980) showed that the coupled task scheduling problem is equivalent to an NP-hard class of two-machine job-shop problem. They proposed two heuristic algorithms of “interleaving” and “nesting” for the problem. The interleaving heuristic aims to sequence jobs such that the completion tasks arrive for processing in the same order as the initial tasks (Fig. 1a). In the nesting procedure, the completion tasks arrive in the reverse order of the initial tasks (Fig. 1b). Scheduling a single job without interleaving or nesting is often referred to as “appending.” The strong NP-hardness of minimizing the makespan for the coupled task problem was proved by Sherali and Smith (2005). Condotta and Shakhlevich (2012) showed that the problem remains strongly NP-hard even if the sequence for the initial tasks is given. Several special cases were also shown to be strongly NP-hard. For example, under the objective function of minimizing the makespan problems \((a_j = L_j = b_j)\), \((a_j, L_j = L, b_j = b)\) and \((a_j = p, L_j, b_j = p)\), where L, b and p are positive integers, are strongly NP-hard (Orman and Potts 1997). Even the complexity of a restricted case where all jobs have the same tasks and delay, i.e., \((a_j = a, L_j = L, b_j = b)\), which is commonly known as the “identical” case, is still open. Two notable studies for the identical case are due to Ahr et al. (2004), who proposed an \(O(nr^{2L})\)-time dynamic program, where r is a function of a, and to Baptiste (2010), who improved the complexity to \(O(\log n)\) for fixed a, L and b.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Interleaving jobs j and k (a) and nesting jobs j and k (b)

For the general case of the problem, Ageev and Kononov (2007) proposed a 3.5-approximation algorithm that operates by ordering the jobs in a non-increasing order of \((a_j + L_j)\). Li and Zhao (2007) presented lower bounds for the problem. Heuristic algorithms (Li and Zhao 2007; Condotta and Shakhlevich 2012) and exact methods (Békési et al. 2014) were also proposed. The recent heuristic of binary search by Khatami and Salehipour (2020) systematically tightens lower and upper bounds until a feasible schedule is obtained. Several studies investigated the problem with additional constraints, e.g., with the precedence constraints (Blazewicz et al. 2010), with the compatibility constraints (Simonin et al. 2011; Bessy and Giroudeau 2019), and with the fixed-job-sequence constraints (Hwang and Lin 2011). In the shop environment, Yu et al. (2004) and Leung et al. (2007) studied the makespan minimization in a two-machine flow-shop problem. Ageev (2018) recently studied the complexity of the open-shop problem with the coupled tasks. For a comprehensive review of the coupled task studies, applications and models, we refer the interested reader to Khatami et al. (2020).

Certain special cases of the coupled task problem have been shown to be polynomially solvable. For example, Orman and Potts (1997) proved that the case \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j)\) (identical initial tasks and delays for all jobs) is polynomially solvable for the objective function of minimizing the makespan. We investigate the same case, and also with the objective function of minimizing the makespan; however, with a time-dependent processing time characteristic for the completion tasks. Under this setting, the processing time of the completion task depends on its starting time. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first attempt toward studying the coupled task scheduling problem with time-dependent processing time characteristic.

Gupta and Gupta (1988) introduced the scheduling problems with time-dependent processing times. The time-dependent processing times have various applications, e.g., in steel production, in financial management and in resource allocation, where a delay in starting a job may decrease or increase its processing time (Kunnathur and Gupta 1990; Cheng et al. 2004). Under this setting, job j has a normal processing time \(\alpha _j \ge 0\) and a processing rate \(\beta _j\ge 0\). The actual processing time of job j depends on its starting time \(s_{j}\), and is typically shown as \(p_j=\alpha _j\pm \beta _js_{j}\). A variant of this model, which is called the “simple linear processing time”, assumes \(\alpha _j = 0\), and therefore, \(p_j = \beta _j s_{j}\). We investigate the simple linear processing times model for the completion tasks. Therefore, with considering the three-field scheduling notation proposed by Graham et al. (1979), the present study investigates the problem \(1|(a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_j)|C_{{\mathrm {max}}}\). We assume \(a_j, L_j\) and \(b_j\) only take positive integers values. There are other cases that we do not study in this paper, either because their time-dependent processing times counterpart remains polynomially solvable or remains strongly NP-hard. For example, the case \((a_j=p, L_j=L, b_j=p)\), i.e., all jobs are identical was shown to be polynomially solvable (Orman and Potts 1997). We do not study that case with the time-dependent processing times because the problem is trivial if all jobs share the same processing rate (a greedy approach leads to the optimal makespan). Also, the strongly NP-hard cases of \((a_j=L_j=b_j)\), \((a_j, L_j=L, b_j=b)\) and \((a_j=p, L_j, b_j=p)\) remain strongly NP-hard with the addition of the time-dependent processing times.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we present a mathematical formulation for the problem. In Sect. 3, we discuss optimal properties for the problem. A dynamic program and a heuristic are also proposed. The results of numerical experiments are presented in Sect. 4. The paper ends with a few conclusions in Sect. 5.

2 Problem definition and formulation

Given a set of coupled task jobs \(J=\{1,2,\dots ,n\}\), each with two tasks and there is an exact delay period between two consecutive tasks, to be processed on a single machine, a job \(j \in J\) is represented by \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j=\beta _js_{j})\), where p is a positive integer, and \(\beta _j,s_j > 0, \forall j \in J\). Therefore, parameter \(b_j, \forall j\) is a time-dependent variable defined by a simple linear processing time. The goal is to develop a schedule for \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\), so to minimize the makespan, i.e., \(C_{{\mathrm {max}}}\).

There are a number of mathematical programs available in the literature for the general coupled task problem. Khatami et al. (2020) discussed that the model proposed by Békési et al. (2014) is computationally among the top performing models. Hence, we extend that formulation for the problem of this study. The formulation utilizes linear ordering variables, and the sequence is therefore built by ordering the tasks. For this reason, we define a set of tasks \(H=\{1,2,\dots ,2n\}\), where \(H_{2j-1}\) and \(H_{2j}\) represent the initial and completion tasks of job j. For any pair of tasks \(h,h'\), we define a binary variable \(x_{h,h'}\), which takes a value of 1 if task \(h'\) starts after task h in the sequence, and 0 otherwise. The problem P1 below shows the formulation for \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j=\beta _js_{j})\).

Problem P1

$$\begin{aligned} z = \min C_{{\mathrm {max}}} \end{aligned}$$

subject to

$$\begin{aligned}&C_{{\mathrm {max}}}\ge s_{2j}+\beta _js_{2j}, \quad 1\le j\le n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&x_{2j-1,2j}=1, \quad 1\le j\le n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&x_{h,h'}+x_{h',h}=1, \quad 1\le h<h'\le 2n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&x_{h,h'}+x_{h',h''}+x_{h'',h}\le 2, \quad 1 \le h< h' < h'' \le 2n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&s_{2j}=s_{2j-1}+2p, \quad 1\le j\le n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&s_{2j}\le UB-\beta _js_{2j}, \quad 1 \le j\le n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&s_{h}\ge s_{2j-1}+p-UB(1-x_{2j-1,h}), \quad 1\le j\le n, \nonumber \\&\quad 1\le h\le 2n, \quad h\notin \{2j-1,2j\}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&s_{h}\ge s_{2j}+\beta _{j}s_{2j}-UB(1-x_{2j,h}), \quad 1\le j\le n, \nonumber \\&1\le h\le 2n, \quad h\notin \{2j-1,2j\}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&s_h \ge 0, \quad 1\le h\le 2n, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&x_{h,h'} \in \{0,1\}, \quad 1\le h,h'\le 2n, \quad h\ne h'. \end{aligned}$$

The objective function (Eq. (1)) minimizes the makespan. The constraints (2) ensure that the makespan is larger than the completion time of any job. Constraint (3) ensures that the completion task of each job should be scheduled after its initial task. Constraints (4) and (5) set the relative order of any pair of tasks and any triple distinct tasks, respectively. The link between the starting time of the tasks (of the same job) is established by constraints (6), while an upper bound (UB) is considered for the starting time of the completion tasks in constraints (7). Constraints (8) and (9) relate the starting time of tasks, and also relate the starting time variables to the linear ordering variables. Constraints (10) and (11) ensure that the decision variables are non-negative and binary. We note that the total number of variables and constraints of the model is equal to \(4n^2+1\) and \(\frac{8}{3}n^3+2n^2+\frac{1}{3}n\), respectively.

3 Minimizing the makespan

We show that problem P1 can be easily solved for these two cases: (1) \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j \in J\) and (2) a two-job instance. In addition, under the condition that jobs are grouped into a few classes we propose a dynamic program for problem P1 that delivers the optimal schedule in polynomial time. In many applications, it is indeed safe to group the jobs. For the general case, we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm.

3.1 Optimal schedule

Orman and Potts (1997) showed that for problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j)\) under general processing times, the nesting of jobs is not possible. For a pair of jobs j and k, if \(b_j \le p\), it is possible to interleave jobs j and k, where j is the first job and k is the second job of the pair. The contribution of this setting to the makespan is equal to \(3p+b_k\). This is illustrated in Fig. 2a. On the other hand, any job j with \(b_j>p\) contributes \(2p+b_j\) to the makespan (see Fig. 2b). Therefore, the optimal schedule is derived when as many jobs as possible are interleaved. We will investigate whether this is the case in problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Contribution of an interleaving pair of jobs (a) and a single job (b) to the makespan

In the classical single machine setting, the optimal schedule for both simple linear and linear time-dependent processing times exists. For example, under the simple linear condition Mosheiov (1994) showed that all schedules lead to the same makespan, which is equal to \(s_1 \times \prod _j{(1+\beta _j)}, s_1 > 0\), where \(s_1\) is the start time of the schedule. Under the linear processing times, Gupta and Gupta (1988) proved that the optimal makespan is obtained when jobs are sequenced in a non-decreasing order of \(\alpha _j/\beta _j\).

The results of Gupta and Gupta (1988) may be extended for problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\). We note that the combination of the initial task and the delay period of job j can be considered as the normal processing time of job j, i.e., \(\alpha _j = p + p = 2p\). If no interleaving is possible, problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\) reduces to the single machine scheduling with linear time-dependent processing times, for which sequencing jobs in a non-decreasing order of \(\alpha _j/\beta _j\) leads to the optimal makespan. Therefore, it is suffice to investigate if interleaving is possible.

It is safe to assume that the first job starts at time zero because all jobs are available at time zero. Then, the processing time of its completion task will be \(b_j = \beta _j \times 2p\). Two cases are possible: (1) \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j \in J\) and (2) \(\beta _j\le 0.5, \exists j \in J\). The following theorem leads to the optimal schedule if \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j\).

Theorem 1

The optimal solution for problem P1 is obtained when jobs are sorted in a non-increasing order of \(\beta _j\), if and only if \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j\).


Without loss of generality let the first job start at time zero. Therefore, its completion task starts at time 2p and \(b_j = \beta _j \times 2p\). It is clear that \(b_j > p\), since \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j\). Recall that there is no possibility for jobs interleaving if \(b_j > p\) (see Fig. 2b). Hence, the optimal sequence is obtained by ordering jobs in a non-decreasing order of \(\alpha _j / \beta _j\), or equivalently in a non-increasing order of \(\beta _j\) since \(\alpha _j = 2p > 0, \forall j \in J\).\(\square \)

The proof of Theorem 1 shows that even though the actual processing time of jobs depends on the start time of the completion tasks, this does not impact the optimal sequence because \(\alpha _j = 2p, \forall j \in J\). The result of Theorem 1 may also be utilized to locate jobs that cannot be the first of an interleaving pair. This leads to the following lemma.

Lemma 1

Under arbitrary values of \(\beta \) the jobs in set \(\bar{J} \subset J\), where \(\bar{J} = \{j | \beta _j > 0.5\}\) appear in the optimal schedule in a non-increasing order of \(\beta _j, j \in \bar{J}\).


Let \(\beta _j> \beta _k > 0.5\) for jobs \(j, k \in \bar{J}\). Assume that job k precedes job j in the optimal schedule. It is easy to see that swapping jobs j and k decreases the makespan, which implies that job k cannot precede job j in the optimal schedule. We note that the jobs in \(\bar{J}\) cannot be the first of an interleaving pair, and swapping jobs jk does not therefore change the order of other jobs.\(\square \)

We now investigate the case of \(\beta _j\le 0.5, \exists j \in J\). There might be some possibility for interleaving of jobs. The following scenario shows the impact of interleaving two jobs on the makespan. Let \(l=(p,p,b_l=\beta _ls_l)\) and \(k=(p,p,b_k=\beta _ks_k)\) be a two-job instance of problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\). Also, let \(\beta _l \le 0.5\) and \(\beta _k > 0.5\). Assume that the schedule starts at time zero and the first completion task therefore starts at time 2p. Because \(\beta _l \le 0.5\), \(\beta _l(2p)\le p\), implying that the jobs can be interleaved if the schedule starts with l. On the contrary, because \(\beta _k > 0.5\), and therefore \(\beta _k(2p) \nleq p\), the interleaving of jobs is not possible if the schedule starts with k. The Gantt chart of Fig. 3 illustrates these two cases. The makespan for those cases can be derived as follows.

$$\begin{aligned}&(l,k): C_{(1)}=p+p+p+3p\beta _k=3p+3p\beta _k, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&(k,l): C_{(2)}=p+p+2p\beta _k+p+p+(4p+2p\beta _k)\beta _l \nonumber \\&\quad \qquad =4p+2p\beta _k+(4p+2p\beta _k)\beta _l. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3
figure 3

Two possible schedules for a two-job instance: (lk), where interleaving occurs, and (kl), where interleaving is not possible

Obviously, we are interested in finding the values of \(\beta _l\) and \(\beta _k\) such that \(C_{(1)} \le C_{(2)}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&3p+3p\beta _k\le 4p+2p\beta _k+(4p+2p\beta _k)\beta _l \Longrightarrow \\&p\beta _k\le p+4p\beta _l+2p\beta _l\beta _k\Longrightarrow \\&\beta _k\le 1+4\beta _l+2\beta _l\beta _k\Longrightarrow \\&\beta _k-2\beta _l\beta _k\le 1+4\beta _l\Longrightarrow \\&\beta _k(1-2\beta _l)\le 1+4\beta _l. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

It should be noted that if \(\beta _l = 0.5\), Inequality (14) always holds, i.e., interleaving is beneficial. Following this, we propose Lemma 2.

Lemma 2

If there exists a job l with \(\beta _l = 0.5\), and the remaining jobs with \(\beta _j > 0.5, \forall j \in J \setminus \{l\}\), the optimal schedule is obtained by interleaving job l with the job with the largest value of \(\beta _j, j \in J \setminus \{l\}\), and sequencing the remaining jobs in a non-increasing order of their \(\beta \) values.


Interleaving job l with a job \(k, \beta _k > 0.5\) leads to a smaller makespan. This is shown in Inequality (14). It is clear that the largest improvement in the makespan is obtained when interleaving job l with the job with the largest value of \(\beta \). The optimal sequence for the remaining jobs can be determined by Theorem 1.\(\square \)

Lemma 2 further shows that it is only enough to investigate the potential of interleaving when \(0< \beta _l < 0.5\). Given a pair of jobs lk, Inequality (15) calculates a threshold for \(\beta _k > 0.5\) such that an interleaving improves the makespan:

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _k \le \frac{1+4\beta _l}{1-2\beta _l}.&\end{aligned}$$

This leads to the following theorem.

Theorem 2

In a two-job (lk) instance of problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\), an interleaving reduces the makespan if \(0.5< \beta _k\le \frac{1+4\beta _l}{1-2\beta _l}, 0< \beta _l < 0.5\).


As discussed above.\(\square \)

We note that Theorem 2 does not necessarily hold when \(n \ge 3\). A counter-example is shown in Fig. 4. The optimal schedule for a three-job instance with \(\beta _1 = 0.1\), \(\beta _2 = 1\), \(\beta _3 = 1.5\) and \(p = 1\) does not follow Theorem 2, because the theorem implies that we may schedule an interleaving pair of jobs 1 and 3 at the beginning of the schedule since \(\beta _3 < \frac{1+4\beta _1}{1-2\beta _1}\) (prioritizing job 3 to job 2 since \(\beta _3 > \beta _2\) due to applying Lemma 1), followed by job 2. However, the optimal sequence is (3, 1, 2).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Counter-example for generalizing the result of Theorem 2

3.2 Groups of identical jobs

Although the computational complexity of problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\) under arbitrary values of \(\beta \) remains open, we now investigate a polynomially solvable case, in which jobs are partitioned into a set of \(G =\{1, \dots , m\}, |G| = m\) groups. An important characteristic of group \(g \in G\) is that all of its jobs share the same processing rate denoted by \(\beta _g\).

The simplest case includes only one group of jobs, i.e., \(m = 1\), implying that all jobs are identical and in the form of \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta s_j)\). The problem can easily be solved because the sequence is immaterial. We further show this in Sect. 3.4. When \(m > 1\), however, the number of all possible permutations of jobs grows exponentially. As an example, consider \(m = 2\). For the simplicity, let n be an even number and let each group have an equal number of jobs. Therefore, \(\frac{n}{2}\) jobs have a processing rate of \(\beta _1\) and the remaining \(\frac{n}{2}\) jobs have a processing rate of \(\beta _2\). It is clear that the number of all possible permutations of jobs is equal to \(\frac{n!}{\frac{n}{2}!\frac{n}{2}!}\). Next, we present a dynamic program for problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_j)\), and show that DP runs in polynomial time when m is relatively small.

3.2.1 The dynamic programming algorithm

Let \(i = 1, \dots , n\) denote the current stage of the algorithm, where the total number of stages is equal to the number of jobs. At stage i the set of i first jobs is scheduled. Let \(\pi \) denote the set of jobs-group at stage i and j denote the last job scheduled in stage i. We denote by \(z_{\pi ,j}^i = (c_{\pi ,j}^i, t_{\pi ,j}^i)\) the state of the system at stage i, where \(c_{\pi ,j}^i\) presents the completion time of i first jobs and \(t_{\pi ,j}^i\) represents two operations of “interleaving” (int) or “appending” (app) for the next job in the sequence. The recursive formula for \(z_{\pi ,j}^i, 1 \le i \le n-1\) is shown in Eq. (16).

$$\begin{aligned} z_{\pi ,j}^i= (c_{\pi ,j}^i,t_{\pi ,j}^i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}+b_j,{\mathrm {app}}) &{} \text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {int}},\\ (c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}+2p+b_j,{\mathrm {app}}) &{}\text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {app}} \wedge b_j > p, \\ (c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}+3p,{\mathrm {int}}), (c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}+2p+b_j,{\mathrm {app}}) &{} \text {if} \quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {app}} \wedge b_j \le p. \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} b_j = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \beta _j(s_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}) &{} \text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {int}},\\ \beta _j(s_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}+2p) &{} \text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {app}}.\\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Given that \(c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}\) represents the completion time of the \(i-1\) first jobs and \(s_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}\) and \(t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}\) denote the starting time and the operations “int” or “app” for the last job in the sequence of \(i-1\) first jobs, then at each stage \(i>1\), we show the state of the system at the previous stage by \(z_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1}\).

The initial state is \(\left( c_{\varnothing }^0, t_{\varnothing }^0\right) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}(0,{\mathrm {int}}) \\ (0,{\mathrm {app}}), \end{array}\right. }\) and the final state is

$$\begin{aligned} z_{\pi ,j}^n = c_{\pi ,j}^n = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{n-1}+b_j &{} \text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{n-1} = {\mathrm {int}},\\ c_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{n-1}+2p+b_j &{}\text {if}\quad t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {app}}. \quad \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

The four possible cases for \(z_{\pi ,j}^i\) in Eq. (16) are as follow. If \(t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {int}}\), job j is interleaved with the last job in the sequence and the next job should be in the form of appending (case 1). If \(t_{\pi \setminus \{j\}}^{i-1} = {\mathrm {app}}\), job j will be appended, but the possibilities for the next job depend on the value of \(b_j\). If \(b_j > p\), the next job is also in the form of appending since it cannot be interleaved with job j (case 2). However, if \(b_j \le p\), the next job can be interleaved with job j. We point that both interleaving and appending (cases 3 and 4, respectively) must be considered for the next job. Consider a three-job instance, where \(\beta _1 = 0.25, \beta _2 = 0.20, \beta _3 = 0.17\) and \(p=1\). Figure 5 shows that although job 2 can be interleaved with job 1, instead, its appending leads to the optimal schedule (Fig. 5a).

Fig. 5
figure 5

A three-job example showing that appending job 2 (a) leads to a smaller makespan than interleaving jobs 1 and 2 (b)

Table 1 The dynamic programming calculations for stage \(i = 1\) of the numerical example

We note that at most three cases, out of four, need to be considered in any stage. Also, at each stage i, for any \(\pi \), from the cases with similar \(t_{\pi ,{j}}^{i}\) the one with smaller \(c_{\pi ,{j}}^{i}\) is stored for the next stage. Therefore, in each stage at most two options of appending and interleaving may be possible. Next, we show that the proposed dynamic program can be solved in polynomial time when m is relatively small.

3.2.2 Complexity of the proposed dynamic program

We assume that jobs are partitioned into m groups. Let first consider the case that each group contains an equal number of jobs, which is \(\frac{n}{m}\).

In stage i there is a number of candidates for \(\pi \). Each candidate includes exactly i jobs. The number of candidates depends on both i and m because we only distinguish jobs by their group(s). In stage \(i, 1 \le i \le \frac{n}{m}\), the number of candidates, which we denote by \(\eta \), is equal to the number of solutions of Eq. (19):

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{m'=1}^m x_{m'} = i, \quad 0 \le x_{m'} \le \frac{n}{m}, \forall m'\in \{1,\dots , m\}. \end{aligned}$$
Table 2 The dynamic programming calculations for stage \(i = 2\) of the numerical example
Table 3 The dynamic programming calculations for stage \(i = 3\) of the numerical example

Since both i and \(x_{m'}\) are bounded from above by \(\frac{n}{m}\), \(\eta \) is equal to \(i+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()i\). In stage \(i, \frac{n}{m}< i \le n\), \(\eta \) is still derived by using Eq. (19), however, out of the total number of \(i+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()i\) some are invalid. More precisely, because \(i > \frac{n}{m}\) the solutions including \(x_{m'} > \frac{n}{m}, \exists m' \in \{1, \dots , m\}\) are not considered, leading to a smaller value of \(\eta \). Therefore, \(\eta \) in any stage i is not greater than \(i+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()i\). Now consider the case where the groups do not contain an equal number of jobs. We can still derive \(\eta \) by using Eq. (19), however, again some of the solution are invalid, and hence, \(\eta \) in stage i is never greater than \(i+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()i\).

Additionally, in stage i there are at most m candidate jobs to occupy the last position because m groups of jobs exist. Also, at most three cases of appending or interleaving need to be considered. Hence, the time complexity of stage i is in the order of \(O(m{n+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()n})\), implying that the time complexity of the proposed dynamic program is \(O(nm{n+m-1 \atopwithdelims ()n})\), which is shown by Theorem 3 to be polynomial for small values of m.

Theorem 3

The proposed dynamic program solves problem P1 with n jobs and m groups of identical jobs in \(O(mn^m)\).


The proof is by induction:

  • If \(m=2\), then \(2n{n+2-1 \atopwithdelims ()n} = 2n(n+1) \approx O(n^2)\),

  • If \(m=3\), then \(3n{n+3-1 \atopwithdelims ()n} = 3n(n+2)(n+1)/2 \approx O(n^3)\),

  • If \(m=4\), then \(4n{n+4-1 \atopwithdelims ()n} = 4n(n+3)(n+2)(n+1)/6 \approx O(n^4)\),

  • \(\dots \).

In general, if m groups of identical jobs exist, the time complexity is \(O(mn^m)\). We note that when \(m = n\), the complexity of the dynamic program is \(O(n^{n+1})\).\(\square \)

Next, we explain a numerical example to illustrate the operation of the dynamic program.

3.2.3 A numerical example

Consider a four-job problem, where \(G = \{1, 2\}\), \(\beta _1 = 0.1, \beta _2 = 0.2\) and \(p = 1\). Each group consists of an equal number of jobs.

Stage \(i = 1\) includes only one job, and the two options for \(\pi \) include \(\{k\}\) and \(\{l\}\), where k represents jobs that belong to group 1 and l denotes jobs of group 2. It is clear that there is only one candidate for job j (the job in the last position in the sequence). Table 1 shows the calculations. Because there is one option for app and one for int, both will be stored by the algorithm for the next stage. Those are shown by an asterisk in Table 1.

Table 2 shows the calculations for stage \(i = 2\). Three candidates for \(\pi \) include \(\{k, k\}\), \(\{k, l\}\) and \(\{l, l\}\). In the second set both k and l may fill the last position. Also, because there are more than one option for app under \(\{k, k\}\) and \(\{l, l\}\), and more than one option for both app and int under \(\{k, l\}\), the ones with the smaller value of makespan will be kept by the algorithm for the next stage.

Due to the example’s assumption that there are an equal number of jobs in each group, in stage \(i = 3\) we have only two candidates for \(\pi \), which are \(\{k, k, l\}\) and \(\{k, l, l\}\). Table 3 shows the calculations. The algorithm proceeds to stage \(i = 4\). There is a single candidate for \(\pi \) and \(\pi = \{k, k, l, l\}\) since all jobs are considered. Table 4 shows that the optimal value of makespan is equal to 7.26. By starting from stage \(i = 4\) and going backward, we observe that the optimal solution is formed by first scheduling jobs of group 2, followed by jobs of group 1. Figure 6 depicts the optimal schedule.

3.3 The heuristic algorithm

In Sect. 3.1, we showed that in problem \((a_j = p, L_j = p, b_j = \beta _j s_{j})\) the first priority must be given to jobs with greater values of \(\beta _j\) (implied by Theorem 1). An interleaving of jobs, however, may potentially decrease the makespan if Theorem 2 holds. Therefore, when constructing a schedule the only two available options at any point include (1) appending a single job, or (2) interleaving a pair of jobs. We utilize those principles and develop a heuristic algorithm for problem P1. The proposed heuristic first constructs a schedule (see Algorithm 1), and then iteratively improves the schedule (see Algorithm 2).

Let \(T = J\) be the set of unscheduled jobs and \(S=()\) be the sequence of performing jobs. Each iteration of the constructive heuristic consists of identifying a single job to be appended, or a pair of jobs to be interleaved. Let assume that the jobs can start at time zero. Therefore, the start time of the completion task in the first iteration is \(s_1 = 2p\). At every iteration \(i \ge 1\), a threshold on \(\beta \) is calculated: \(\beta _{thr}=\frac{p}{s_{i}}\) (the threshold is used to identify jobs with \(b_j \le p\)). The subset of jobs with \(\beta _j \le \beta _{thr}\) are identified as the jobs that can be the first of a potential interleave. From those, the job with the largest value of \(\beta \) is selected. Let l denote this job. The other job, say k, is then selected such that it has the largest value of \(\beta \) among all jobs.

Next, it is checked whether job k satisfies the bound \(\beta _k\le \frac{1+4\beta _l}{1-2\beta _l}\). If so, the interleaving pair of jobs l and k is scheduled, where job l is the first job of the interleaving pair. Otherwise, job k is appended to S. At the end of each iteration, the makespan, i.e., the start time of the next completion task, and S and T are updated. The procedure continues until all jobs are scheduled, or no interleaving is possible, i.e., \(b_j \nleq p, j \in T\). In this case, the remaining jobs are appended to S in a non-increasing order of \(\beta _j\).

figure a

By utilizing the delay periods, Algorithm 1 constructs as many interleaving pairs as possible, while it gives higher priority to the jobs with larger value of \(\beta \). The total number of iterations performed by the algorithm is at most equal to the number of jobs. Because finding jobs l and k in each iteration requires O(n) time, the algorithm therefore has a time complexity of \(O(n^2)\).

We now present an example to clarify the operation of Algorithm 1. Consider four jobs with \(\beta \) values of \(\{0.1, 0.15, 0.18, 3.0\}\) and \(p=1\). We initialize \(T=\{1, 2, 3, 4\}\) and \(S=()\). Assuming that we start at time zero, then \(s_1=2\). Table 5 shows that the algorithm appends job 4 in the first iteration. In the second iteration, jobs 1 and 3 are interleaved, where job 1 is the first job of the interleaving pair. Then, because the condition in line 5 of Algorithm 1 is not satisfied, the loop is terminated and the remaining job, i.e., job 2 is appended. The Gantt chart depicted in Fig. 7 shows the schedule delivered by Algorithm 1, which is indeed the optimal schedule.

Table 4 The dynamic programming calculations for stage \(i = 4\) of the numerical example
Fig. 6
figure 6

Optimal schedule of a four-job problem produced by the dynamic program

The schedule obtained by Algorithm 1 may further be improved. To do so, we iteratively apply swap moves. This is presented in Algorithm 2. We implement the “first improvement” criterion, i.e., once an improving solution is obtained it is accepted and the schedule is updated. It is clear that the run time of Algorithm 2 is \(O(n^2)\). Therefore, the run time of the proposed heuristic is \(O(n^2)\).

figure b
Fig. 7
figure 7

The sequence and schedule for a four-job instance delivered by Algorithm 1

3.4 Lower bound

We derive a lower bound for problem P1 by letting \(\beta _j = \min _{j \in J} \beta _j, \forall j \in J\), i.e., all jobs have an identical processing rate. Theorem 4 shows this.

Theorem 4

Optimizing problem P1 under the setting \(\beta _{{\mathrm {min}}} = \min _{j \in J} \beta _j\) leads to a makespan, which is never greater than the makespan under the arbitrary values for \(\beta \).


Assume that the makespan under the setting \(\beta _{{\mathrm {min}}} = \min _{j \in J} \beta _j\) is greater than the makespan under the arbitrary values for \(\beta \). Then, there exits an optimal makespan where \(\beta _j > \beta _{{\mathrm {min}}}, j \in J\). Because the initial task and the delay period take identical values for all jobs, the makespan under \(\beta _j > \beta _{{\mathrm {min}}}, j \in J\) is never less than the one under \(\beta _{{\mathrm {min}}}\), implying that the initial assumption is contradicted.\(\square \)

Table 5 The operation of Algorithm 1 for a four-job instance

Next, we show that obtaining this lower bound is trivial.

Lemma 3

Under the setting \(\beta _j = \beta _{{\mathrm {min}}}, \forall j \in J\) the makespan for problem P1 is minimized if the sequence includes a number of adjacent interleaving pairs followed by appending the remaining jobs once no interleaving is possible (sequence 1), or if the sequence includes appending a single job at the beginning, followed by a number of adjacent interleaving pairs and then appending the remaining jobs (sequence 2).


We note that the schedule with the minimum makespan consists of as many interleaving pairs (of jobs) as possible. Intuitively, this implies that a number of adjacent interleaving pairs followed by appending the remaining jobs once no interleaving is possible must lead to the minimum makespan. We show that in some cases a better makespan (with smaller value) is obtained if we first append a single job, and then add a set of interleaving pairs followed by a set of appending jobs. We note that interleaving is possible as long as the completion task of the first job (of an interleaving pair) starts no later than \(\frac{p}{\beta _{{\mathrm {min}}}}\).

Let illustrate sequences 1 and 2 by a three-job example, where \(p=1\) and \(\beta _{{\mathrm {min}}} = 0.1\). Sequence 1 consists of one interleaving pair, followed by appending the third job. This results in \(C_{{\mathrm {max}}}=5.83\) (see Fig. 8a). In sequence 2, the third job is scheduled before the interleaving pair. This results in \(C_{{\mathrm {max}}}=5.72\), i.e., the minimum makespan (see Fig. 8b).

Fig. 8
figure 8

A three-job instance to illustrate calculation of the lower bound for problem P1

Table 6 Number of feasible and optimal solutions delivered by Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and Gurobi

There is no possibility to append two (or more) jobs at the beginning of the sequence because an interleaving pair of those jobs would complete earlier than appending them adjacently.\(\square \)

4 Computational results

We evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic on a set of 120 randomly generated instances. The instances include 5, 10, 20, 50, 75 and 100 jobs (n). We set the parameter \(\beta \) in a way to allow some interleaving in the schedule. Since large values of \(\beta \) result in less possibility for interleaving, and hence, easier instances, we therefore consider two settings. For the first setting, we randomly select \(\beta \) from the continuous uniform distribution such that \(\beta _j \in (0, 0.1), \forall j \in J\), and for the second setting \(\beta _j \in (0,0.2), \forall j \in J\). We generated 10 instances for each combination of n and \(\beta \). This results in 120 instances in total. We set \(p=1\) for all instances.

We also solve the instances by optimizing problem P1 with the solver Gurobi version 8.0.0 (Gurobi Optimization 2018). We implement problem P1 and the heuristic algorithm in the programming language Python version 2.7. We perform all computational experiments on a PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7500 CPU clocked at 3.40GHz with 8GB of memory under Linux Ubuntu 18.04 operating system. We set a time limit of 3600 seconds for the solver Gurobi. We utilize one processor (thread) for the heuristic algorithm, however, we run the Gurobi by using one processor and four processors (denoted as Gurobi\(^1\) and Gurobi\(^4\)). For the remaining parameters of the solver Gurobi we used the default values.

Table 6 reports the outcomes of the heuristic algorithm, denoted as “Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\)” and Gurobi. We use two criteria of “Feasible” and “Optimal”, which denote the number of feasible and optimal solutions, respectively, obtained by the heuristic and Gurobi in order to evaluate the performance of the methods. According to the results, Gurobi\(^1\) and Gurobi\(^4\) generate feasible solution for only 71 instances, out of 120 (i.e., for almost 59%). Within 3600 seconds of running, Gurobi reports feasible solution for only one instance with 75 jobs and \(\beta _j\in (0, 0.1)\); it also does not report feasible solution for the instances with 50 jobs and \(\beta _j\in (0,0.2)\). For the instances with 100 jobs, Gurobi runs out of memory. The performance of Gurobi\(^4\) is slightly better than that of Gurobi\(^1\) since it obtains three additional optimal solutions. The proposed heuristic, however, delivers feasible solution for all instances. Interestingly, the heuristic produces the same best solutions for 18 of those instances, i.e., for 45%.

Table 7 reports two criteria of “Gap (%)” and “Time (sec)” (computation time in seconds), which are averaged over 10 instances per setting (either heuristic or Gurobi). The gap is calculated as \(\frac{z - z^*}{z^*} \times 100\), where z is the objective function value, i.e., the makespan delivered by the method, and \(z^*\) is the best objective function value between the heuristic and Gurobi. The gap measures proximity of a solution obtained by the method from the best available one. Consistent with earlier findings, for small instances with 5 and 10 jobs the solver Gurobi outperforms the proposed heuristic. For larger instances, however, the heuristic delivers improved solutions. Particularly, we note that both versions of Gurobi have a gap of 75.42% and 77.16% for instances with 50 and 75 jobs, not to mention that because Gurobi is not able to report any feasible solution for four groups of instances, the value of gap cannot be calculated for those instances (“-” in Table 7 shows this).

Table 7 Gap from the best obtained solution and the computation time for Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and Gurobi

Table 8 summarizes the outcomes of Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and Gurobi\(^1\) and Gurobi\(^4\). The highlighted values denote the superiority of the method with respect to the criterion. As the table shows, the proposed heuristic performs very well, and obtains high-quality solutions: its average gap is 0.30%, while its worst gap is nearly 1.22%. In addition, it is very efficient since it solves even the problems with 100 jobs within three seconds. The average time of both Gurobi\(^1\) and Gurobi\(^4\) is almost 40 min, and significantly increases with the number of jobs.

Table 8 Overall results for Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and Gurobi

To further evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic, i.e., Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\), we compare the values of its gap to the lower bound and those of the solver Gurobi. We report the outcomes in Table 9, where the values of gap are averaged over 10 instances per setting. The gap is calculated as \(\frac{z - lb}{lb} \times 100\), where z is the objective function value, i.e., the makespan delivered by the method, and lb is the lower bound obtained via procedure explained in Sect. 3.4. We report the results only for instances with \(n=5,10\) because proven optimal solutions are available only for these instances. The results indicate that Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) performs very closely to Gurobi because its average values of gap to the lower bound are very close to those of Gurobi.

Because Gurobi cannot deliver feasible solutions for large instances, we further assess the performance of the proposed heuristic, i.e., Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) by solving the instances with two new settings and comparing the outcomes of Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and those of the two settings. For this purpose, we generate initial solutions via sorting the jobs in non-increasing and non-decreasing orders of their \(\beta \) values that results in two new variants for the heuristic, denoted as “Heur\(_{LPT}\)”, “Heur\(_{SPT}\)”, respectively. We summarize the results in Table 10, where the metric best denotes the number of best solutions obtained by each setting. The results show that Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) obtains significantly better solutions than those two variants of Heur\(_{LPT}\) and Heur\(_{SPT}\). Indeed, Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) obtains the best solution in 108 instances. The average gap of Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) over all instances is almost 0.44%, that is much lower than the average gap of the two settings of Heur\(_{LPT}\) and Heur\(_{SPT}\). Those results further indicate the quality of solutions produced by the proposed heuristic.

Table 9 Gap to the lower bound for Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\) and Gurobi
Table 10 Assessing the performance of Heur\(_{{\mathrm {cons}}}\), Heur\(_{LPT}\) and Heur\(_{SPT}\)

5 Conclusion

We investigated the single machine coupled task scheduling problem where the processing time of initial tasks and the delay periods have identical values, and the processing time of completion tasks follow a time-dependent characteristic. We showed that the optimal schedule can be obtained under certain conditions. Also, we proposed a dynamic program that can solve the problem in polynomial time if jobs can be grouped with respect to their processing rates, and the number of groups is not large. For general case, the computational complexity of the problem still remains open, and we therefore developed certain theoretical results and utilized those in a very efficient heuristic algorithm. Particularly, in large instances where the solver Gurobi is unable to generate even feasible solutions, the proposed heuristic is shown to perform very well and obtains quality solutions very quickly.

A direction for future research includes studying the problem where the delay duration is time-dependent. Also, it is interesting to investigate the identical case, i.e., \((a_j = a, L_j = L, b_j = b)\) with time-dependent processing times.