1 Introduction

The access time and bandwidth requirements are always two important issues of network application services. With the rapid growth of network data and the prevalence of distributed systems, recent efforts on improving network services have paid more attention to replication algorithms of network resources. A server maintains a copy of popular network data objects locally according to the replication algorithm, and then provide it to local users or other servers that are close to the server. A good replication algorithm can efficiently use the storage capacity to replicate network data objects and acquire the best access performance. A commonly considered model to study such a problem is the distributed replication group.

A distributed replication group consists of a number of servers that provide storage capacities to replicate network data objects. The requests of a user are processed by a local server. If the local server has stored the required data objects, the requests can be responded to in a very short period of time. Otherwise, the local server should retrieve the storage resources of other servers in the same group. If the required data objects are found, the requests can be responded to within a longer period of time. In the case that no required data objects are fetched in the group, the local server must contact the original server that lays outside of the group to get the required data, the response time will be very long.

Consequently, the replication problem can be defined as follows. Each server receives the requests for network data objects in accordance with certain rates, and the servers replicate some data objects to serve the requests that come from local users and nonlocal users within the group. The replication algorithm should efficiently use the storage resources and maximize the total performance of all the servers in the group. Two distributed replication algorithms are proposed to solve the problem in our study: An approximation optimal replication algorithm (AORA) and a fast replication algorithm (FRA). AORA is an asynchronous distributed algorithm with shared memory, it will spend more time to complete the configuration, but its results will approach those of the optimal algorithm. Then we will give the detailed proofs of the time and communication complexities of the algorithm after its description. The FRA is a three-step optimization algorithm that can complete the configuration of the servers’ storage resources in a short period of time. It is very suitable as the initial algorithm of the AORA for the reason that it can make the configuration close to the optimal state and greatly reduce the running time of the approximation optimal algorithms. The FRA can also be suitable for high real-time requirements due to its low latency. At last, we will compare the various performances of the AORA and FRA with the algorithms that have been proposed.

Some replication algorithms have been proposed to solve the replication problems in different environments. Leff [1] classifies the algorithms for the model of distributed replication group as three kinds of algorithms: optimal algorithms, distributed algorithms and isolationist algorithms, and then tests their performances by simulations. An optimal algorithm shares all the access patterns at every server and the replication decisions are completely coordinated, so at every moment, the best decisions are made. The distributed algorithm doesn’t make decisions in a completely coordinated fashion but will consider the information of other servers. The isolationist algorithm ignores all the decisions made by other servers when a server replicates data objects. The optimal algorithms require a lot of computing resources and time, and the performance derived by isolationist algorithms can’t meet the requirements of systems. Therefore a distributed algorithm is thus more appropriate, the results of simulations show us that the distributed algorithm is a more appropriate solution.

Zaman [2] and Laoutaris [3] also consider the model of the distributed replication group and propose two distributed algorithms: distributed greedy replication (DGR) and two-step local search (TSLS). The performances of these two algorithms will be compared with the algorithm that we propose in the section of experiments. The time complexity of the TSLS is low, but it doesn’t approach the performance of the optimal algorithm. The DGR is an approximation algorithm, but the time complexity is very high. In our work, the time complexity of the AORA is proved that it has been reduced by the times of the number of servers, and under some conditions, the performance can remain the same. Khan [4] proposes the \(A\epsilon \)-star algorithm that is used to replace the optimal algorithm for comparison in the section of experiments. The other replication algorithms for a variety of systems are considered in [523]. The studies of [514] are used to minimize the data access cost and [1523] consider the algorithms that can improve the system reliability. The performance analysis is a key method to validate the proposed algorithms. The studies of [2427] use the Markov chain to model the network transmission procedure and do the performance evaluation, they can provide great help to the simulation of the proposed algorithms. The studies of [2830] provide more ideas for the later research in the distributed and cloud computing systems.

2 Problem Formulation

We consider that the distributed replication group consists of M servers, and there are N data objects of unit size that will be replicated in the group. Let \(s_m, 1\le m\le M\) and \(o_n, 1\le n\le N\) denote the mth server and the nth data object respectively, and s m is supposed to have a storage capacity of c m . The request rates of objects are described as a M × N matrix r, and its member \(r_{m,n}\) denote the number of requests for \(o_n\) that arrive at s m in a unit time.

Since there are many notations in the definition of the problem, we want to give a summary list to make the notations clear in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary notations

We assume that a server can access the data object with the access cost t l , if the object is stored locally. Else, if the object can be retrieved in other servers of the group, the access cost becomes t r . Otherwise, if the object can only be found in the original server which is outside of the group, the access cost is t s . In the actual model of [1], t l , t r and t s are given values of tenths of millisecond, milliseconds and tens of milliseconds, respectively. We can see that t s is much larger than t r and t l in the actual background. The collaboration of the storage resources of servers in the same group becomes meaningful when the access cost of the original server is large. Here, we adopt the model, which has been defined in the study of [2].

Each server knows the copies of objects stored locally. The copies of all servers are described as M vectors \(\{\mathbf{X}_1,\mathbf{X}_2,\ldots ,\mathbf{X}_M \}\), and one member of \(\mathbf{X}_m\) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} X_{m,n}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} \hbox {if }s_m\hbox { stored a copy of }o_n\\ 0 &{} \hbox {otherwise} \end{array}\right. . \end{aligned}$$

Then, the total access cost of the group AC [2] can be given by

$$\begin{aligned} \sum_{X_{m,n}=1}r_{m,n}t_l+{\mathop{\mathop{\sum}\limits_{X_{m,n}=0}}\limits_{\sum\nolimits_{m=1}^M X_{m,n}\ge 1}}r_{m,n}t_r+\sum _{\sum _{m=1}^M X_{m,n}=0}r_{m,n}t_s \end{aligned}$$

subject to

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{n=1}^N X_{m,n}\le c_m, 1\le m\le M. \end{aligned}$$

The first term of (1) represents the total access cost when the required objects are stored locally. The second term represents that the required objects are stored in the group, but they are not stored locally. The third term represents that the required objects can only be found in the original server. The replication algorithm should make its best effort to minimize AC. From the opposite side, when the distributed replication group doesn’t replicate any data objects in the servers, all the servers have to access the original servers to serve the users, the access cost ACO [2] is maximum, and it can be given by

$$ACO=\sum _{m=1,n=1}^{M,N}r_{m,n}t_s.$$

Consequently, we can denote the performance gain PG [2] of a replication algorithm for the group as


By transforming the equation above, we can obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} PG=\sum _{X_{m,n}=1}r_{m,n}(t_s-t_l)+{\mathop{\mathop{\sum}\limits_{X_{m,n}=0}} \limits_{\sum\nolimits_{m=1}^M X_{m,n}\ge 1}} r_{m,n}(t_s-t_r) \end{aligned}$$

The first term of (2) represents the performance gain when the required data objects are stored locally, and the second term represents the performance gain while the required data objects are stored in the group. So the higher the value of PG, the better the replication algorithm.

To describe the algorithms, two important parameters \(pg_{m,n}^+\) and \(pg_{m,n}^-\) must be defined. Let \(pg_{m,n}^+\) denote the performance gain of s m when it stores a copy of \(o_n\) locally, and \(pg_{m,n}^+\ge 0\). Let \(pg_{m,n}^-\) denote the performance gain of s m when it deletes a copy of \(o_n\) that stored locally, and \(pg_{m,n}^-\le 0\). First, to simplify the expressions of the parameters, some restrictions are given simplified notations in Table 2.

Table 2 Simplified notations of restrictions

Then, the values of the parameters can be obtained by the following equations.

$$\begin{aligned}&pg_{m,n}^+=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l)&{} case_1^+ \\ r_{m,n}(t_s-t_l)&{} case_2^+ \\ 0&{} case_3^+ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&pg_{m,n}^-=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l)&{} case_1^- \\ -r_{m,n}(t_s-t_l)&{} case_2^- \\ 0&{} case_3^- \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

With the definition of \(pg_{m,n}^+\) and \(pg_{m,n}^-\), we can get the impact of the replication and deletion operations of s m on the total performance gain of the group. Let \(tpg_{m,n}^+\) denote the total performance gain of the group when s m stores a copy of \(o_n\) locally, and \(tpg_{m,n}^+\ge 0\). Let \(tpg_{m,n}^-\) denote the total performance gain of the group when s m deletes a copy of \(o_n\) that stored locally, and \(tpg_{m,n}^-\le 0\). Their values can be obtained by the following equations.

$$\begin{aligned}&tpg_{m,n}^+=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l) &{} case_1^+ \\ \sum \nolimits _{i=1}^M r_{i,n}(t_s-t_r)+r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l) &{} case_2^+ \\ 0 &{} case_3^+ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&tpg_{m,n}^-=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l)&{} case_1^- \\ -\sum \nolimits _{i=1}^M r_{i,n}(t_s-t_r)-r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l)&{} case_2^- \\ 0&{} case_3^- \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Under \(case_1^\pm \) and \(case_3^\pm \), the expressions of \(tpg_{m,n}^\pm \) can be obtained from the definition of PG. Under \(case_2^+\), there is not any copy of \(o_n\) in the group. If the replication operation of \(o_n\) happens in s m , the other servers in the group can access \(o_n\) in s m rather than the original server, this affects the performance of the group, so we get the expression in Eq. (5). Under \(case_2^-\), there is only one copy of object \(o_n\) in the group. The deletion operation of \(o_n\) also affects the performance of the other servers, so we can get the expression in Eq. (6).

3 Approximation Optimal Replication Algorithm

The AORA is an asynchronous distributed algorithm with the shared memory, it essentially makes the servers in a group perform the non-critical operations asynchronously. Here, the non-critical operation denotes the operation that doesn’t affect the performance gains of the other servers, such as the operation under \(case_1^\pm \) or \(case_3^\pm \). The critical operation denotes the operation that affects the performance gains of the other servers, such as the operation under \(case_2^\pm \).

The shared memory denotes the shared variables that can be writable and readable by all servers. The group will be locked and all servers stop the operations if a critical operation arrives, this criterion can guarantee the total performance gain of the group. Since the number of non-critical operations is much larger than the critical operations’, the AORA can greatly reduce the running time of the replication algorithm.

To describe the algorithm, we first define the vector \(\mathbf{s}^c=(s_1^c,\ldots ,s_N^c)\) where \(s_n^c\) is denoted by \(\sum _{m=1}^M X_{m,n}\). Let \(n_d\) and \(n_r\) denote the sequence numbers of two objects that will be deleted and replicated in a server, respectively. Let \(n_d^i\) denote the sequence number of the object that has been replicated in a server for \(1\le i\le c_m\). Let \(n_r^j\) denote the sequence number of the object that has not been replicated in a server for \(1\le j\le N-c_m\). Let \(t_{wait}\) denote the total sum of the maximum processing time of actions \(try{\text {-}}update_m, update_m, crit{\text {-}}update_m, send_m\) and \(receive_m\), which will be defined in the following algorithm. Meanwhile, s m should maintain a replication vector \(X_m\). With these definitions, the description of the AORA is given in Algorithm 1.

figure a
figure b

Since the detailed description of the AORA is complex and unreadable, we summarize the state transition process in Fig. 1 to give a concise description. Initially, the state is try-update in a server. Then, if the data allocation of this server is globally optimal, the state goes to wait, else the state goes to update. The server should first check whether the system has been locked when its state is update. If the system has been locked, the server’s state should go to wait, else the server checks whether the system needs to be locked in order to perform the update operation. According to the result, the server’s state will go to crit-update or return try-update. We should note that the state of a server may leave wait when it is motivated by an update message. The detailed text description is given as follows.

Fig. 1
figure 1

State transition process of AORA

For the server s m , first, it will set the state as try-update which leads to try-update m . In try-update \(_m, s_m\) calculates the minimum of the performance degradation of the group when a copy of \(o_{n_d}\) is deleted. Then the maximum of the group’s performance improvement will also be calculated when a copy of \(o_{n_r}\) will be replicated. To improve the the group’s performance, s m can decide whether to replace \(n_d\) with \(n_r\) by comparing these two values. If the server tries to replace the copies, the state goes to update, and the server performs \(update_m\), else the state goes to wait.

In \(update_m, s_m\) first checks turn to see if turn = 0. If not, and if the current value of turn is not m, the state goes to wait. If \(turn=0, s_m\) checks \(s_{n_d}^c\) and \(s_{n_r}^c\). If \(s_{n_d}^c>1\) and \(s_{n_r}^c>0\), the replication and deletion operations of s m will not affect the performances of the other servers, the group doesn’t need to be locked. When the replacement of the copies of \(o_{n_d}\) and \(o_{n_r}\) is completed, the sendbuff is filled with the message {replication placement change} to be broadcast to the other servers. The state will be back to try-update for examining that whether the copies of s m need to be optimized again. If \(s_{n_d}^c=1\), which means that the group has only one copy of \(o_{n_d}\), the deletion operation of s m will affect the performances of the other servers. If \(s_{n_r}^c=0\), which means that the group doesn’t have any copy of \(o_{n_r}\), the replication operation of s m will affect the performances of the other servers, the value of turn will be set as m to lock the group, and the state goes to crit-update.

In \(crit-update_m, s_m\) will first check turn to see if turn = m. If it is, when the copies of \(o_{n_d}\) and \(o_{n_r}\) are completed, turn is set as 0 to unlock the group, the sendbuff is filled with the message {replication placement change} to be broadcast to other servers. Then, the state will be back to try-update to examine that whether the copies of s m needs to be optimized again.

In \(wait_m, s_m\) repeatedly checks receivebuff to see if receivebuff = NULL until the waiting time exceeds \(t_{wait}\). If not, which means the copies in the group has changed, and this affects the configuration in s m , the state should go to try-update. Once the waiting time expires, the state will go to finish, and the AORA will be stopped. When the group stays on state finish, the AORA is completed.

4 Complexity of the AORA

We analyze the time and communication complexities of the AORA in this section. The time complexity is determined by the maximum number of replacement operations that take place in a server, and the communication complexity is determined by the total number of replacement operations that take place in the group. We will give the proofs of these two propositions in the following lemmas. Before getting the further conclusions, we first define a assumption to limit the values of \(t_s, t_r\) and \(t_l\).

Assumption 1

\(t_s, t_r\) and \(t_l\) are such that \(t_s-t_r \gg t_r-t_l\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\sum _{j=1}^M r_{j,n_2}}{r_{i,n_1}}\frac{t_s-t_r}{t_r-t_l} > 1 \end{aligned}$$

for each \(i,n_1,n_2, 1\le i\le M, n_1\ne n_2,1\le n_1,n_2\le N\).

Assumption 1 is always true in the actual network model.

Let C denote the total sum of the storage resources of the group \(\sum _{m=1}^M c_m\). Let \(n_{ro}\) denote the maximum number of replacement operations which take place in a server. Let \(t_{ro}\) denote the maximum time of one replacement operation. Then, we can give the following proposition.

Proposition 1

The time complexity of the AORA is determined by the maximum number of replacement operations that take place in a server.

We first give a lemma to support Proposition 1.

Lemma 1

s m doesn’t replace any copy that has been stored to optimize the performance gain when its state goes to finish, for each \(m\in \{1,2,\ldots ,M\}\).


By contradiction. We assumed that s m still needs to replace some copies when its state went to finish. There are two cases that may lead to this result. Case 1: when s m stays in finish, it receives a message. Case 2: when the state of s m is try-update, s m doesn’t transfer its state to wait.

In case 1, when s m is in finish, we assume that one server \(s_i,i\ne m\) performs the replacement operation and broadcasts a message. Because \(t_{wait}\) is larger than the total sum of the processing time of all actions, s m should be in wait when \(s_i\) is in try-update. Then, we consider the action that makes \(s_i\) go to try-update, the previous state of \(s_i\) should be update, crit-update or wait. Consequently, \(s_i\) has broadcast a message or received a message. s m should receive a message in either case, it can’t go to finish. A contradiction, case 1 doesn’t hold.

In case 2, s m can transfer state from try-update and update to wait. But when the previous state is update, by the code, a server is performing replacement operation and then broadcasts a message, s m can’t go to finish. So s m must transfer state from try-update to wait before going to finish. A contradiction, case 2 doesn’t hold.

The lemma is thus true. \(\square \)

Then the proof of Proposition 1 can be given.


With the proof of Lemma 1 in case 1, we can see that there is not any replacement operation in the group. Consequently, the entire group is in wait, all the servers will go to finish at most \(t_{wait}\) time later. The maximum running time should be less than \(n_{ro}(t_{ro}+t_{wait})\). So the maximum running time is determined by \(n_{ro}\). \(\square \)

4.1 Time Complexity

Let \(c_{max}\) denote \(max\{c_1,c_2,\ldots ,c_M\}\), we can give the time complexity of the AORA.

Theorem 1

If the initial algorithm replicates the copies of all data objects in the group, the time complexity of the AORA is \(O(c_{max}(t_{ro}+t_{wait}))\) under Assumption 1.

We first give some lemmas to support Theorem 1.

Lemma 2

If one copy of \(o_n\) replaces one copy of \(o_i,i\ne n\) in a server s m , this copy of \(o_n\) will never be replaced if no server goes to \(crit-update\) after this event for each \(1\le n\le N, 1\le m\le M\).


By the code, if the deletion operation takes place in \(update_m\), the value of turn should equal 0, and \(s_{n_d}^c>1\). Consequently, there are at least 2 copies of \(o_{n_d}\) in the group. So, when s m deletes the local copy, the other servers can still access \(o_{n_d}\) in the group. Only the access cost of s m has changed from \(t_l\) to \(t_r\). The performance gains of replacement operations that take place in the other servers will not change. If the replication operation takes place in \(update_m\), the value of turn should equal 0, and \(s_{n_r}^c>0\). Consequently, there has been at least 1 copy of \(o_{n_r}\) in the group. Therefore, the other servers can still access \(o_{n_r}\) in the group when s m replicates one copy of \(o_{n_r}\) locally. Only the access cost of s m has changed from \(t_r\) to \(t_l\). The performance gains of replacement operations that are taking place in the other servers will not change.

We can see that the deletion or replication operation of one server can’t affect the performance of the other servers if the server won’t go to crit-update. Here, s m has completed the replacement operation, and goes to try-update. Because the performance doesn’t change, with the result of the previous action try-update \(_m\), we know that the performance improvement of \(o_n\) is maximum in the set of objects that have not been replicated in s m . In the following replacement operations, if no server goes to crit-update, the performance improvement of the set of objects, which have not been replicated in s m , will always be less than that of \(o_n\). Consequently, \(o_n\) will never be replaced. \(\square \)

Lemma 3

If the group has the copies of all objects, no server will go to crit-update under Assumption 1.


By contradiction. We assume that s m goes to crit-update and replaces the copy of \(o_n\) with \(o_i\) for each \(1\le m\le M\), \(1\le n\le N, i\ne n\), the value of \(s_n^c\) is 1. s m will delete the only copy of \(o_n\), and make \(s_n^c\) be 0. Meanwhile, because all the objects have copies in the group, the value of \(s_i^c\) must be not less than 1. Because of Assumption 1, we can get the following inequality.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} tpg_{m,n}^-= &{} \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^M r_{j,n}(t_s-t_r)+r_{m,n}(t_r-t_l)> \\ &{} \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^M r_{j,n}(t_s-t_r)> \\ &{} r_{m,i}(t_r-t_l)=tpg_{m,i}^+ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

A contradiction, the inequality shows us that the copy of \(o_i\) can’t replace \(o_n\). So if the group has copies of all the objects, no server will go to state crit-update under Assumption 1. \(\square \)

Then, we can prove Theorem 1.


First, we can get that no server will go to state crit-update according to Lemma 3. For each \(1\le m\le M, 1\le n\le N, i\le n\), because once s m replaces \(o_n\) with \(o_i\), the copy of \(o_i\) will never be replaced according to Lemma 2, we can get that s m can perform at most c m replacement operations during the running time of the AORA. Consequently, the maximum number of replacement operations of one server is \(c_{max}\). Then, we can get that \(n_{ro}=c_{max}\), and the time complexity is \(O(c_{max}(t_{ro}+t_{wait}))\) according to Proposition 1. \(\square \)

4.2 Communication Complexity

Let \(B_{mes}\) denote the number of bytes of the broadcast messages, we can give the communication complexity of the AORA.

Theorem 2

If the initial algorithm replicates the copies of all the objects in the group, the communication complexity of AORA is \(O(Mc_{max}B_{mes})\) under Assumption 1.


According to Theorem 1, we can get that the maximum number of replacement operations of one server is \(c_{max}\), so the maximum number of replacement operations of the group is \(Mc_{max}\). Each replacement operation broadcasts a message, so the communication complexity of the AORA algorithm is \(O(Mc_{max}B_{mes})\). \(\square \)

5 A Fast Replication Algorithm

The FRA is used as the initial algorithm of the AORA. The FRA is essentially a 3-step optimization algorithm, the performance of the group is optimized in step 2 and step 3. At step 1, we replicate all the data objects in the chosen servers of the group. As a result, each remaining server in step 2 can access the data objects in the chosen servers, the replication and deletion operations of one server can’t affect the other servers. Consequently, the remaining servers will become independent of each other. When each remaining server obtains its best performance, the remaining servers will obtain the best performance. At step 3, we optimize the performance of the chosen servers whose storage capacity is nearly N. Each chosen server can release some storage resources when some copies of objects can be retrieved in the remaining servers. Like step 2, the released storage resources of the chosen servers become independent of each other, we can make these storage resources utilized with their best performances.

Especially, the FRA can greatly supplement the AORA according to Theorems 1 and 2; it can guarantee that the copies of all objects are replicated in the group, the complexity of the AORA can thus be greatly reduced. The details of the FRA are given in Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2. FRA

Step 1::

We first choose \(M^c\) servers, and \(M^c\) subjects to:

$$\begin{aligned} M^c\le M,\,\sum _{m=1}^{M^c}c_m\ge N,\,\sum _{m=1}^{M^c-1}c_m< N \end{aligned}$$

Then, we replicate all the data objects to these servers according to the following greedy algorithm.

The values of \(\{pg_{1,n}^+,pg_{2,n}^+,\ldots ,pg_{M^c,n}^+\}\) are calculated under \(case_2^+\) for each \(1\le n\le N\). If the remaining storage resources of s m is 0, or one copy of \(o_n\) has been replicated in a server, \(pg_{m,n}^+\) should equal 0. \(o_n\) will be replicated in the server with the maximum value. When all the objects are replicated in the group, the greedy algorithm is completed.

Step 2::

The remaining servers \(s_{M^c+1},\ldots ,s_M\) calculate the values of \(\{pg_{m,1}^+, pg_{m,2}^+,\ldots ,pg_{m,N}^+\}\) under \(case_1^+\). s m should replicate the data objects corresponding to the c m largest values for each \(M^c+1\le m\le M\).

Step 3::

s m deletes all the copies of objects that can be retrieved in the servers \(s_{M^c+1},\ldots ,s_M\) for each \(1\le m\le M^c\), and calculates the values of \(\{pg_{m,1}^+, pg_{m,2}^+,\ldots ,pg_{m,N}^+\}\) under \(case_1^+\) and \(case_3^+\). Then, s m should replicate the data objects corresponding to the largest values according to the remaining storage resources.

From the implementation of the FRA, we can see that the optimizations in step 2 and step 3 are distributed computing in each server, so the algorithm will finish in a short period of time. Let \(t_c\) and \(t_r\) be the maximum times of one calculation operation and one replication operation, respectively. The time complexity of the FRA is \(O(Nt_c+c_{max}t_r)\).

6 Numerical Validation

In this section, we perform experiments to test the performance of the FRA algorithm and the AORA algorithm in practice.

6.1 Experimental Environment

The experimental environment is set as a video on demand platform, which is shown in Fig. 2. Such a system has been running for two years in our laboratory, and we can get the adequate system log. The video server cluster stores all the videos and serves five residential districts, all the modification operations on the videos should be performed here. In a residential district, there are about ten residential buildings, and each residential building has one local server that stores the popular video blocks. The local servers are used to share the service pressure of the video server cluster and reduce the access time of the video on demand platform for the users in the residential building. All the servers in a residential district are considered as one server group, and we apply the distributed replication algorithms for such a group.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Experimental environment

However, a server group doesn’t have the capacity to store all the videos, it can only store the popular videos blocks. In the platform, one video is first encapsulated into some blocks by the package tasks, then these blocks are stored. The size of one block is usually 20 MB. Consequently, the blocks of the popular videos should be replicated by the server group. Meanwhile, since people usually watch the beginning of new videos, the blocks at the beginning of the unpopular videos should also be replicated. Thus, the size of all the popular video blocks is not very large and the server group can satisfy the storage requirements of the popular data in practice. Then we can give the values of \(t_l,t_r,t_s\). Because the block access time in the local server is similar, the block access time in the server group is similar, the block access time in the video server cluster is similar, we use the average block access time in the local server, the average block access time in the server group, the average block access time in the video server cluster to denote \(t_l,t_r,t_s\), respectively. In our system, the values of \(t_l,t_r,t_s\) are very different from the actual model of [1], and they are calculated as \(t_l=7.19s,t_r=28.56s,t_s=373.28s\).

The measurement of the access time is an important problem. The time to get the data from the original server fluctuates dramatically while the time to get the data from the local and group servers fluctuates gently. We consider this problem from two aspects. The most important aspect is that the access time of original server \(t_s\) is much larger than the access time of local server \(t_l\) and the access time of group server \(t_r\). If this condition doesn’t hold, the work of the replication algorithm has no practical meaning. In the experiment, \(t_l=7.19s,t_r=28.56s,t_s=373.28s\) , even \(t_s\) changes dramatically and becomes 273.28 s , it’s still much larger than \(t_l\) and \(t_{r},\) this only has a small impact on the overall result. The second aspect is that the average access time of the original server in a period of time fluctuates gently. The average access time can be used to replace the instantaneous access time.

A simulation system is designed to improve the performance of the video on demand platform in our laboratory, the communication environment is set as the actual platform. We select the system log of the past month to simulate the users’ behaviors in such a simulation system for the reason that statistical regularities of the users’ behaviors will become invalid over time. We extract the demand information from the system log for each popular video block, and the values of request rates \(r_{m,n}\) can be counted according to the demand information. The performance gain of the replication algorithms can be given by the following equation according to its definition.

$$\begin{aligned} PG=\sum _{userID}(t_s-t_{userID}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_{userID}\) denotes the actual video block access time of the user with ID userID.

The experiments include 2 steps. In the first step, we compare the performances of the FRA and AORA with the optimal algorithm and isolationist algorithm. A fully optimal algorithm is determined by the optimal solution of knapsack problem that has not been solved, so we use a centralized algorithm A\(\epsilon \)-star proposed in [4] to replace it. The isolationist algorithm work as follows: s m replicates c m copies of objects with the highest performance gains independently, the performance gain of \(o_n\) is denoted by \(r_{m,n}(t_s-t_l)\) for each \(1\le m\le M, 1\le n\le N\).

In the second step, we compare the performance of the AORA with the Distributed Greedy Replication algorithm(DGR) proposed in [2] and the two-step local search algorithm (TSLS) proposed in [3]. These two algorithms are both synchronous distributed algorithms. The DGR works as follows: In the beginning, all the servers have been fully filled with copies of objects by the initial algorithm. Then in a round, each server calculates the maximum total performance gain of replacement operations of a server, and then the algorithm chooses the maximum total performance gain, and performs the operation. The algorithm continues until the maximum total performance gain is less than 0 in a round. TSLS works as follows: In the beginning, all the servers don’t have any copy of objects, and the algorithm sorts all the servers with \(1,\ldots ,N\). Then in the round m, server m chooses c m replication operations with the highest total performance gain for the group, and performs the operations for each \(1\le m \le M\). The algorithm stop in the round M. Since the simulation system is a typical distributed replication group and the DGR, TSLS are specially applied to such a system, the fair comparisons can be made in this experimental environment.

Today the trend of video systems is to go towards adaptive streaming protocols that make the server keep several variants of the same video. This technique is called as scalable coding. For example, one scalable video has two copies according to high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD), respectively. A user may request the HD copies of one video if the network condition and the terminal equipment are very good, else the user may request the SD copies. In our model, the AORA is also suitable for this case for the reason that we replicate the copies of the video chunks instead of the video chunks into the servers. One video may have two groups of copies according to HD and SD. The HD and SD copies are very different from each other. The number of SD copies must be far less than that of HD, and one SD copy contains more frames than the HD copy. The weight of one copy is very important in our algorithm. However, the value of the weight is not assigned by our algorithm, the behaviors of the users decide the weight. For example, if the users usually request a copy, this copy is very popular and its weight is large, else the weight is small. For one video, its weights of the SD and HD copies may be different, the SD copy’s weight may be large when the HD copy’s weight is small. Consequently, the AORA focuses on the copy’s weight of one video instead of the video’s weight, and it is also suitable for adaptive streaming protocols.

6.2 Experimental Results

In the first step of experiments, we compare the performances of the algorithms under the following situations: 10 servers and 100, 500, and 2,000 objects. We calculate the ratio of the performance gains of the FRA, AORA and isolationist, as well as the optimal algorithms to analysis the performances of the FRA and AORA. In the second step of experiments, we compare the performances, the time and communication overhead of the algorithms under the following situations: 10 servers and 100, 500, and 2,000 objects; 1,000 objects and 5, 10, and 20 servers. The storage capacity of a server is set as 30 % of the number of objects.

Here, we set the number of servers as 10, and adjust the number of objects as 100, 500, and 2,000, respectively. We repeat each comparison experiment 1,000 times. In Table 3, we give the performance comparison results of the FRA and isolationist algorithms. The first column of the table is the number of objects. The second column shows the percentage of comparison results when the performance gain of the AORA is larger than the isolationist algorithm’s within the repeated experiments. The third, fourth and fifth columns indicate the minimum, maximum and average of the values of the FRA/Isolationist, respectively. The similar descriptions are suitable for Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Table 3 Performance comparison of FRA and isolationist
Table 4 Performance comparison of FRA and optimal
Table 5 Performance comparison of AORA and isolationist
Table 6 Performance Comparison of AORA and Optimal
Table 7 Performance comparison of AORA and DGR
Table 8 Performance comparison of AORA and DGR
Table 9 Performance comparison of AORA and TSLS
Table 10 Performance Comparison of AORA and TSLS
Table 11 Time and communication overhead

From the results of Tables 3 and 5, we can see that both the FRA and AORA can obtain better performance gains than the isolationist algorithm. The reason is that both the FRA and AORA consider the total performance gain of the group when they make decisions. But in fact, when the size of the group is very small, the first step of the FRA may let the performance be worse than the isolationist in some rare cases. From the results of Tables 4 and 6, we can see the comparison results of the FRA, AORA and the optimal algorithm. If there is a real optimal algorithm, the percentages should be all 100 %, but here we replace it with an approximation algorithm. We can see that the performance of the FRA is worse than AORA, and the performance of the AORA is similar with the optimal algorithm’s.

In the second step of experiments, we will compare the AORA with two other distributed algorithms: the TSLS and DGR. We first set the number of servers as ten, adjust the number of objects as 100, 500, and 2,000, respectively, and then set the number of objects as 1,000, adjust the number of servers with 5, 10, and 20, respectively. We repeat each comparison experiment 1,000 times. From Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10, we can see that the performance of the AORA is higher than the TSLS’ and DGR’s. The DGR is an approximation algorithm, and increases the time complexity to get a high performance, but the high latency also reduces its performance in our experiments. The TSLS is a distributed selfish algorithm, it can be completed quickly, so the comparison results of the performance is not unexpected. We also plot the frequency distribution for the relative gain of AORA over DGR in Figs. 3 and 4. A bar in these figures represents the percentage of the performance ratio in the specific limit. Figures 3 and 4 show the distributions summarized in Tables 7 and 8. From Fig. 3, we can see that the performance ratio of the AORA and DGR increases as the number of data objects increases. From Figure 4, we can see that the performance ratio of the AORA and DGR increases as the number of servers increases. Meanwhile, we can also observe this slight increase of performance ratio in Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10. By analyzing the performance records of the algorithms, we find that the performance gains of the AORA, DGR, and TSLS for one server or one data object decreases for different data objects or servers, however, the AORA’s decreases more slowly.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Distribution of relative gain of AORA over DGR for M = 10. a N = 100, b N = 500, c N = 2,000

Fig. 4
figure 4

Distribution of relative gain of AORA over DGR for N = 1,000. a M = 5, b M = 10, c M = 20

Then, we compare the time and communication overheads of the AORA, GDR, and TSLS. In Table 11, we can see the comparison results of the time and communication overhead. The first column indicates the number of servers, and the second column indicates the number of objects. The capacity of a server keeps 30 % of the value of N The column with the label Time indicates the time overhead of the algorithm, and the unit of a value is a millisecond. The column with the label Com indicates the communication overhead of the algorithm, and the unit of a value is Kb. From the comparison results, we can see that the time overhead of the AORA almost doesn’t increase with the growth of the number of servers; the reason is that the time complexity of the AORA is not affected by the number of servers M. Meanwhile, since the time complexities of the DGR and TSLS are polynomial with respect to M, the time overhead of the DGR and TSLS have large growth with different rates; the DGR’s increases faster, and the TSLS’ increases more slowly. Then we consider the experiment results over different values of N, because the maximum capacity of a server \(c_{max}\) is indicated by the value of N and the time complexities of the AORA and TSLS are polynomial with respect to \(c_{max}\), the time complexity of the DGR is polynomial with respect to the sum of the capacities of all servers \(Mc_{max}\), all the time overhead of the DGR, TSLS and AORA have large growth. The DGR’s increases faster, TSLS’ and AORA’s increase more slowly. Since the communication complexity is affected by the similar variables that affect the time complexity, the similar comparison results in communication overhead. From Table 10, we can find that the AORA is much faster and requires a less amount of data for the communication than the DGR in all cases, and performs better than the TSLS in most cases. And another important observation in Table 10 is that the AORA with the initial algorithm FRA has greatly reduced both the time and communication overhead for the reason that the FRA can make the storage configuration of the group close to optimal state and guarantee the requirements of the AORA. So the AORA is highly recommended to use the FRA as its initial algorithm.

Table 12 Time and communication overhead for c m  = 50

In the above experiments, the storage capacity of a server is fixed as 30 % of the number of objects for the reason that the number of popular data objects is not very large and the server group can usually meet the storage requirement. Here, we want to explore the case where the server group cannot meet the storage requirement. The storage capacity of one server is set as c m  = 50.

Figure 5 shows the frequency distribution for the relative gain of the AORA over the DGR when c m  = 50 and N = 1,000. We can see that the distribution is similar with the distribution of Fig. 4, the performance gain of the AORA is still better. However, we also compare the time and communication overhead in Table 12. Since Theorems 1 and 2 can’t be met, the time and communication complexities of the AORA have a great increase; for example, the theoretical time overhead for M = 30 and N = 9,000 should be 1.1s if Theorems 1 and 2 can be satisfied, however, it is now twenty times.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Distribution of relative gain of AORA over DGR for c m  = 50 and N = 1,000. a M = 5, b M = 10, c M = 20

At last, we want to explore the performance gain of the proposed algorithms when the capacities of servers are heterogeneous. We adopt ten servers, and three servers have the storage capacity of 10 % data objects, three servers have the storage capacity of 20 % data objects, four servers have the storage capacity of 30 % data objects. The number of data objects varies over 100, 500, and 2,000. Figure 6 shows the frequency distribution for the relative gain of the AORA over the DGR when the capacity of servers is heterogeneous. We can see that the AORA performs a little worse when the results are compared with Fig. 3. This is because the performance gain of the AORA greatly decreases when its complexity doesn’t change according to Theorems 1 and 2.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Distribution of relative gain of AORA over DGR for heterogeneous capacities. a N = 100, b N = 500, c N = 2,000

7 Conclusion

An effective replication algorithm can help reduce the access time and improve the performance of services. This work has described two distributed replication algorithms: the FRA and AORA. The FRA is the initial algorithm of the AORA, and can greatly meet its requirements. The AORA is an asynchronous distributed algorithm with shared memories; it spends more time to complete the configuration, but its result will approach the optimal algorithm’s. We give detailed proofs of the complexity of the AORA, and the proofs show us that the time complexity has been reduced by the times of the number of servers when the performance is similar with the DGR’s. The results of the experiments also show us that the FRA can be completed in a short period of time and reach 77 % performance of the optimal algorithm, and the AORA can be completed much faster than the DGR, and obtain 98 % performance of the optimal algorithm.

However, there are still some problems that can be considered to improve the distributed replication algorithms. First, from the simulation results, we can find that the time and communication complexities of AORA significantly increase if the storage capacity of the group can’t meet the requirements. Second, the replication algorithms need the values of \(t_l,t_r,t_s\) to allocate the data objects. If the data sizes of the objects are very different from each other, the values of \(t_l,t_r,t_s\) can’t be calculated, and the package technique may be used to solve this problem. Third, an adequate system log is required for the reason that the statistic regularities of access rates are needed to complete the replication algorithm.