1 Introduction

From the 1980s, the interest for the sub-Riemannian geometry increases with a lot of contributions in several domains as PDEs, analysis, probability, geometry, and control. One of the questions was to understand the local geometry of sub-Riemannian metrics, as the singularities of small spheres, local cut locus, local conjugate locus, and so on motivated in particular by new results on the heat kernel in the sub-Riemannian context (see [9, 10, 22, 23]). The contact and the Martinet cases were deeply studied (see [1, 2, 11, 12, 19]). The quasi-contact case in dimension 4 was also studied (see [15]). These results allowed to give new results on the asymptotics of the heat kernel at cut and conjugate loci in the 3D contact and 4D quasi-contact cases [5, 7].

In this article, we start the same work for Finslerian and sub-Finslerian metrics associated with a maximum norm: consider a manifold M, a vector bundle π : EM with fibers of same dimension as M endowed with a maximum norm, and a morphism of vector bundles f : ETM such that the map from Γ(E) → Vec(M) defined by σfσ is injective. An admissible curve is a curve γ in M such that exists a lift σ in E with \(\dot \gamma (t)=f(\sigma (t))\) a.e. The length of such a curve is the infimum of the \({{\int }_{0}^{T}} |\sigma (t)| dt\) for all possible such σ and the distance between two points q0 and q1 is the infimum of the lengths of the curves joining q0 and q1. Remark that the map f itself is not assumed to be injective everywhere: at points where f is injective the structure is Finslerian when at points where it is not, it is sub-Finslerian.

Here, we concentrate our attention on the local study of such structures in dimension 2, that is when M and the fibers of E have dimension 2.

Equivalently, with a control point of view and since we are interested in local properties, we consider control systems in a neighborhood of 0 in \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\) of the type

$$ \dot q=u_{1} F_{1}(q)+u_{2} F_{2}(q) $$

where F1 and F2 are smooth vector fields and u1 and u2 are control functions satisfying

$$ \left| u_{1}\right|\leq 1 \text{ and } \left| u_{2}\right|\leq 1. $$

Up to reparameterization, minimizing the distance in the geometric context is equivalent to minimizing the time of transfer in the control context.

We are interested in the study of the time optimal synthesis of such systems. Of course, the general situation cannot be completely described since singular cases may have very special behavior. For example, in the case F1 = x and F2 = y, any admissible trajectory with u1 ≡ 1 and \({{\int }_{0}^{1}} u_{2}(t) dt= 0\) joins optimally (0,0) to (1,0). Hence, in the following, we will consider only “generic” situations as defined in Section 2.1.

Few works exist concerning sub-Finsler geometry since it is a new subject. Let us mention the works [17, 18] for dimension 3, considering norms which are assumed to be smooth outside the zero section. In [14], the sphere of a left invariant sub-Finsler structure associated with a maximum norm in the Heisenberg group is described. In the preprint [6], the authors describe the extremals (and discuss in particular their number of switches before the loss of optimality) for the Heisenberg, Grushin, and Martinet distributions. In the preprint [4], we describe, in the 3D generic contact case, the small spheres and the local cut locus.

The paper is organized as follows.

In Section 2, we recall Thom’s transversality theorem and some of its corollaries, define what we mean by generic, give generic properties of the couples of vector fields on two-dimensional manifolds and give a normal form for the generic couples.

In Section 3, we give first general results about the optimal synthesis; recalling classical results as Chow-Rashevski, Filippov, and Pontryagin theorems; analyzing the possibilities for extremals to switch or to be singular depending on their initial conditions; giving details on the weights of coordinates in the normal form and on the associated nilpotent approximation.

In Section 4, we present the local synthesis in all the generic cases presented in the normal form of Section 2.

2 Normal Form

In this section, the goal is to give a list of properties of generic couples (F1,F2) and to construct a normal form for the couple (G1,G2) defined by G1 = F1 + F2 and G2 = F1F2. As we will see, ± G1 and ± G2 are the velocities of a large class of the minimizers of the optimal control system defined by Eqs. 1 and 2.

In all this article, we will consider the following sets. We define

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {\Delta}_{A}&=&\{q\in M | F_{1}(q) \text{ and } F_{2}(q) \text{ are colinear}\},\\ {\Delta}_{1}&=&\{q\in M | F_{1}(q) \text{ and } [F_{1},F_{2}](q) \text{ are colinear}\},\\ {\Delta}_{2}&=&\{q\in M | F_{2}(q) \text{ and } [F_{1},F_{2}](q) \text{ are colinear}\}. \end{array} $$

In order to give the list of properties, we use the Thom’s transversality theorem and some of its corollaries.

2.1 Generic Properties of Couples of Smooth Vector Fields on 2D Manifolds

2.1.1 Thom’s Transversality Theorem

Denote Jk(M,N) the set of k-jets of maps from M to N.

Theorem 1 (Thom Transversality Theorem, 21, Page 82)

LetM,Nbe smooth manifolds andk ≥ 1 an integer. IfS1,⋯ ,Srare smooth submanifolds ofJk(M,N) then the set

$$\{f\in C^{\infty}(M,N): J^{k} f \pitchfork S_{i}~\text{for}~i = 1,2,\cdots,r\}, $$

is residual in the C-Whitney topology.

Corollary 1

Assume thatcodimSi > dimMfori = 1,⋯ ,randk ≥ 1.Then, the set

$$\{f\in C^{\infty}(M,N): J^{k} f{(M)}\cap S_{i}=\emptyset~\text{for}~i = 1,\cdots,r\}, $$

is residual in the C-Whitney topology.

Corollary 2

For every f in the residual set defined in Theorem1, the inverse images\(\tilde {S_{i}}:=(J^{k} f)^{-1}(S_{i})\)area smooth submanifold of M and\(codim\ S_{i}=codim\ \tilde {S}_{i}\)fori = 1,⋯ ,r.

Remark 1

Let φ be a diffeomorphism of M and ϕ be a diffeomorphism of N. The map

$$\sigma_{\varphi,\phi} :\left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} C^{\infty}(M,N) & \longrightarrow & C^{\infty}(M,N) \\ f & \longmapsto & \varphi \circ f \circ \phi \end{array}\right. $$

induces a diffeomorphism \(\sigma ^{*}_{\varphi ,\phi }\) of Jk(M,N) sending submanifolds of Jk(M,N) on submanifolds of Jk(M,N). Moreover, f is in the residual set defined in theorem 1, if and only if σφ,ϕ(f) is in the residual set

$$\{g\in C^{\infty}(M,N): J^{k} g \pitchfork \sigma^{*}_{\varphi,\phi}(S_{i})~\text{for}~i = 1,\cdots,r\}. $$

This remark is important to facilitate the presentation of the proofs of the generic properties given in the next section.

Definition 1

In the following, we will say that a property of maps is generic if it is true on a residual set for the C-Whitney topology.

2.1.2 First Generic Properties

Here, we give a list of generic properties for couples of vector fields on 2D manifolds. In order to use Thom transversality theorem, we work locally in coordinates: we fix a point and consider the Taylor series of a couple of vector fields at this point. Locally, one can consider such a couple as the data of a map

$$g:\left\{\begin{array}{rcl} U\subset \mathbb{R}^{2} &\to& \mathbb{R}^{2}\times\mathbb{R}^{2}\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&((g_{1}(x,y),g_{2}(x,y)),(g_{3}(x,y),g_{4}(x,y))) \end{array}\right. $$

and the k-jet at q = (0,0) ∈ U of g as the data of the map

$$J^{k}g:\left\{\begin{array}{rcl} \mathbb{R}^{2} &\to& \mathbb{R}_{k}[x,y]^{4}\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&(P_{1}(x,y),\dots,P_{4}(x,y)) \end{array}\right. $$

where Pi (1 ≤ i ≤ 4) is the Taylor series of order k of gi at q.

In order to describe submanifolds of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{4}\) in coordinates, we write:

$$P_{\ell}(x,y)=\sum\limits_{i = 0}^{k}\sum\limits_{j = 0}^{k-i}p_{\ell,i,j}x^{i}y^{j}, \forall \ell= 1,..,4.$$

In the following, (g1,g2) are the coordinates of G1 and (g3,g4) the coordinates of G2 in a local coordinate system.

Generic property 1 (GP1): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the set of points where G1 = G2 = 0 is empty.

Indeed in coordinates, such points correspond to jets with p1,0,0 = p2,0,0 = p3,0,0 = p4,0,0 = 0 which form a submanifold of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{4}\) of codimension 4. Hence, thanks to corollary 1, the property is proven.

Denote \({J^{k}_{N}}\) the set of kjets such that P1 ≡ 1 and P2 ≡ 0. Once assumed that we choose a coordinate system such that G1 = (1,0), then Jkg is in \({J^{k}_{N}}\).

Assume that a set S of \(J^{k}(\mathbb {R}^{2},\mathbb {R}^{4})\) is defined as the zero level of a finite number of functions hi, i = 1…k, whose differentials form a free family when restricted to \(T{J^{k}_{N}}\). Then locally, the differentials of the functions hi form a free family and hence, close to \({J^{k}_{N}}\cap S\), the set S is locally a submanifold. In this context, the codimension of S in \(J^{k}(\mathbb {R}^{2},\mathbb {R}^{4})\) is equal to the codimension of \(S^{\prime }=S\cap {J^{k}_{N}}\) in \({J^{k}_{N}}\).

Thanks to remark 1, up to a permutation between ± F1 and ± F2 and a good choice of coordinates, we will assume in all the following that G1 ≡ (1,0) locally. This implies that is g1 ≡ 1 and g2 ≡ 0 and that the jet of (G1,G2) is in \({J^{k}_{N}}\). As a consequence, if a set S is defined by a finite number of functions hi, i = 1…k, whose differentials form a free family when restricted to \(T{J^{k}_{N}}\), then to apply Thom’s theorem and its corollaries we are reduced to apply them to the map

$$g:\left\{\begin{array}{rcl} U\subset \mathbb{R}^{2} &\to& \mathbb{R}^{2}\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&(g_{3}(x,y),g_{4}(x,y)) \end{array}\right. $$

and the set \(S^{\prime }=S\cap {J^{k}_{N}}\) seen as a submanifold of \(J^{k}(\mathbb {R}^{2},\mathbb {R}^{2})\).

Generic property 2 (GP2): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the set of points where G2 = 0 is a discrete set. The same holds for the set where F1 = 0 or the set where F2 = 0.

Indeed, such points correspond to jets with p3,0,0 = p4,0,0 = 0 which is a submanifold of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{2}\) of codimension 2. Hence, thanks to corollary 2, the set where G2 = 0 is generically a submanifold of M of codimension 2 that is a discrete set. For F2 = 0, the equations are p3,0,0 = 1 and p4,0,0 = 0 and for F1 = 0 the equations are p3,0,0 = − 1 and p4,0,0 = 0.

Generic property 3 (GP3): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the set ΔA of points where G2 is parallel to G1 is an embedded submanifold of codimension 1.

Indeed, ΔA is exactly the set of points where g4 = 0, corresponding to jets with p4,0,0 = 0. This last set is an embedded submanifold of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{2}\) of codimension 1. Thanks to (GP1) and to corollary 2, we can conclude that generically ΔA is an embedded submanifold of codimension 1.

Generic property 4 (GP4): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the set Δ1 of points where F1 is parallel to [F1,F2] is an embedded submanifold of codimension 1. The same holds for Δ2 where F2 is parallel to [F1,F2].

In order to prove (GP4), compute [F1,F2] and describe Δ1 in coordinates. \([F_{1},F_{2}]=-\frac 12 [G_{1},G_{2}]\) hence it has coordinates \(-\frac 12 p_{3,1,0}\) and \(-\frac 12 p_{4,1,0}\) and F1 has coordinates \(\frac 12 (1+p_{3,0,0})\) and \(\frac 12 p_{4,0,0}\). Hence, Δ1 corresponds to jets satisfying

$$\left|\begin{array}{lll} -\frac12 p_{3,1,0}&&\frac12 (1+p_{3,0,0})\\ -\frac12 p_{4,1,0}&&\frac12 p_{4,0,0} \end{array}\right| = 0. $$

The differential of this determinant is not degenerate hence the set of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{2}\) satisfying this equality is an embedded submanifold of codimension 1. Hence, generically, Δ1 is the preimage of an immersed submanifold of codimension 1 which, thanks to corollary 2, permits to conclude that Δ1 is an immersed submanifold of codimension 1.

Generic property 5 (GP5): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the sets (ΔA ∩Δ1), (ΔA ∩Δ2) and (Δ1 ∩Δ2) are discrete.

Since G1 = (1,0), the set (Δ1 ∩Δ2) ∖ΔA is the set of points where (F1,F2) is free and [F1,F2] = 0 that is

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} p_{4,0,0}&\neq&0,\\ p_{3,1,0}&=&0\\ p_{4,1,0}&=&0. \end{array} $$

This set is an immersed submanifold of codimension 2 of \(\mathbb {R}_{k}[x,y]^{2}\) hence, thanks to corollary 2, the set (Δ1 ∩Δ2) ∖ΔA is generically a discrete set.

The set (ΔA ∩Δ2) ∖Δ1 is a set of points where F2 = 0. By (GP2) it is a discrete set. The same holds for (ΔA ∩Δ1) ∖Δ2 which is a set of points where F1 = 0.

The set ΔA ∩Δ1 ∩Δ2 is the union of the subset where F1≠ 0 and F1 // F2 // [F1,F2] with a subset where F1 = 0. The second is discrete. The first set is also defined by G1 // G2 // [G1,G2] that is p4,0,0 = 0 and p4,1,0 = 0. Hence, thanks to corollary 2, the set where F1≠ 0 and F1 // F2 // [F1,F2] is a submanifold of codimension 2 that is a discrete set.

Generic property 6 (GP6): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, the set of points where G1 // G2 // [G1,G2] // [G1,[G1,G2]] is empty.

The set where G1 // G2 // [G1,G2] // [G1,[G1,G2]] is such that p4,0,0 = p4,1,0 = p4,2,0 = 0. Hence, thanks to corollary 2, it is a submanifold of codimension 3 that is an empty set.

Generic property 7 (GP7): :

for generic couples of vector fields (F1,F2) on M, at the points q where G1(q) // G2(q) // [G1,G2](q) one gets G1(q) ∈ TqΔA.

The property G1(q) // G2(q) // [G1,G2](q) implies that p4,0,0 = p4,1,0 = 0. If p4,0,1≠ 0 then ΔA can be written p4,0,1y = o(x) that is ΔA is tangent to the x axis and G1TqΔA. Hence, the set of points where G1(q) // G2(q) // [G1,G2](q) and G1(q)∉TqΔA corresponds to jets with p4,0,0 = p4,1,0 = p4,0,1 = 0 which is a submanifold of codimension 3. Hence, generically, at the points q where G1(q) // G2(q) // [G1,G2](q), one has G1(q) ∈ TqΔA.

One can even detail more the generic properties: using Thom transversality theorem and its corollaries, we can prove that generically

Generic property 8 (GP8): :

along Δ1 ∖ (Δ2 ∪ΔA), the points where G1 or G2 is tangent to Δ1 are isolated. The same holds true for Δ2 ∖ (Δ1 ∪ΔA).

Generic property 9 (GP9): :

at points of (Δ1 ∩Δ2) ∖ΔA, neither G1 nor G2 are tangent to Δ1 or Δ2.

Generic property 10 (GP10): :

along ΔA ∖ (Δ1 ∪Δ2), the set of points where G2 = 0 or G2 = ±G1 is discrete.

2.2 Normal Form

Thanks to the generic properties established in the previous section, we prove

Theorem 2 (Normal form)

For a generic couple of vector fields (F1,F2) on a 2d manifold M, at each point q of M, up to an exchange between± F1and± F2, we get thatG1(q)≠ 0 and that it exists aunique coordinate system (x,y) centered at q such that one of the following normal form holds

  • (NF1) G1(x,y) = x,

    G2(x,y) = y + x(a10 + a20x + a11y + o(x,y))x

    + x(b10 + b20x + b11y + o(x,y))y,


  • (NF2) G1(x,y) = x,

    G2(x,y) = (a0 + a10x + a01y + o(x,y))x + x(1 + x(b20 + O(x,y)))y,

    with 0 ≤ a0 ≤ 1,andq ∈ΔA ∖Δ1.

  • (NF3) G1(x,y) = x,

    \(G_{2}(x,y)=(a_{0}+o(1))\partial _{x} +(b_{01}y+\frac 12x^{2}+b_{11}xy+b_{02}y^{2}+o(x^{2},y^{2}))\partial _{y}\) ,

    withb01 > 0 and 0 < a0 < 1,q ∈ΔA ∩Δ1 ∩Δ2andG1(q) ∈ TqΔA.

For (NF1) and(NF2) oneof the following subcases holds

  • (NF1a) (NF1) holds witha10b10≠ 0 anda10 + b10≠ 0.It corresponds toq∉ΔA ∪Δ1 ∪Δ2.

  • (NF1b) (NF1) holds witha10b10 = 0 anda10 + b10≠ 0.It corresponds toq ∈Δ1 ∖ (ΔA ∪Δ2).

  • (NF1c) (NF1) holds witha10b10≠ 0 anda10 + b10 = 0.It corresponds toq ∈Δ2 ∖ (ΔA ∪Δ1).

  • (NF1d) (NF1) holds witha10 = b10 = 0.It corresponds toq ∈ (Δ1 ∩Δ2) ∖ΔA.

  • (NF2a) (NF2) holds with 0 ≤ a0 < 1.It corresponds toq ∈ΔA ∖(Δ1 ∪Δ2).

  • (NF2b) (NF2) holds witha0 = 1.It corresponds toq ∈ (ΔA ∩Δ2) ∖Δ1that is toq ∈ΔA ∖Δ1such thatF2(q) = 0.

Such coordinate system is called the normal coordinate system associated withF1andF2.


In order to prove this normal form, we construct in each situation a coordinate chart by mean of the flow of some linearly independent vector fields associated with the sub-Finslerian structure. More precisely, once identified such a couple of vector fields (X,Y ), we define the coordinate system by defining the map (x,y)↦exXeyYq.

We assume that all the generic properties given before are satisfied. Thanks to (GP1), and thanks to the fact that we are working locally, we can assume that G1 is not zero.

Thanks to (GP3), we know that ΔA is a submanifold of dimension 1. Let us start by considering a point q outside ΔA. We define the map φ which to (x,y) in a neighborhood U of (0,0) in \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\) associates the point reached by starting at q and following G2 during time y and then G1 during time x that is

$$\varphi : \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} U& \to& M\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&\mathrm{e}^{xG_{1}}\mathrm{e}^{yG_{2}}q \end{array} \right. $$

Since xφ(0,0) = G1(q) and yφ(0,0) = G2(q), φ is a local diffeomorphism hence defines a local coordinate system. One proves easily that at each point of coordinates (x,y) the vector G1(x,y) = (1,0). Moreover, along the y axis, since \(\varphi (0,y)=\mathrm {e}^{yG_{2}}q\) then G2(0,y) = (0,1). This implies the normal form (NF1). With the normal form (NF1), one gets that

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} [F_{1},F_{2}](0)&=&-\frac12[G_{1},G_{2}](0)=-\frac12(a_{10},b_{10}),\\ F_{1}(0)&=&\frac12(G_{1}(0)+G_{2}(0))=(\frac12,\frac12),\\ F_{2}(0)&=&\frac12(G_{1}(0)-G_{2}(0))=(\frac12,-\frac12) \end{array} $$

which implies that


The subcases follow immediately.

Assume now that q ∈ΔA ∖Δ1. Hence, G1(q) and G2(q) are parallel and since we assume that G1(q) is not 0, we can assume up to a change of role that G2(q) = αG1(q) with α ∈ [0,1]. Since q∉Δ1, G1(q) and [G1,G2](q) are not parallel. This implies that G1 is not tangent to ΔA. As a consequence, one can choose a local parameterization γ(t) of ΔA such that γ(0) = q and \(\dot \gamma (t)\) has second coordinate 1 in the basis (G1(γ(t)),[G1,G2](γ(t))). We can know define the map φ which to (x,y) in a neighborhood U of (0,0) in \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\) associates the point reached by starting at γ(y) and following G1 during time x that is

$$\varphi : \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} U& \to& M\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&\mathrm{e}^{xG_{1}}\gamma(y) \end{array} \right. $$

In this coordinate system, ΔA is the y axis, G1(x,y) = (1,0) and the second coordinate of G2 is null at x = 0 hence it is the product of the function (xx) with a smooth function g. Moreover, thanks to the property of γ, g(0,y) = 1 which implies that g(x,y) = 1 + xh(x,y) with h a smooth function. This is exactly (NF2). If 0 ≤ a0 < 1 then F1(q) and F2(q) are not null and since they are parallel but not parallel to [F1,F2](q) then q ∈ΔA ∖ (Δ1 ∪Δ2). If a0 = 1 then F2(q) = 0 and q ∈ (ΔA ∩Δ2) ∖Δ1.

The case where q ∈ (ΔA ∩Δ1) ∖Δ2 can de treated by exchanging the roles of G1 and G2 since in this case G2(q)≠ 0.

Assume finally that q ∈ΔA ∩Δ1 ∩Δ2. Thanks to (GP6) and (GP7) at such a point G1 and [G1,[G1,G2]] are not parallel. Hence, we can define the map φ which to (x,y) in a neighborhood U of (0,0) in \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\) associates the point reached by starting at q and following [G1,[G1,G2]] during time y and then G1 during time x that is

$$\varphi : \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} U& \to& M\\ (x,y)&\mapsto&\mathrm{e}^{xG_{1}}\mathrm{e}^{y[G_{1},[G_{1},G_{2}]]}q \end{array} \right. $$

The fact that G2 and [G1,G2] are parallel to G1 implies b0 = 0 and b10 = 0. The fact that, along the y axis, [G1,[G1,G2]] = (0,1) implies in particular that \(b_{20}=\frac 12\). □

3 General Facts About the Computation of the Optimal Synthesis

3.1 Local Controllability and Existence of Minimizers

In the three cases of the normal form (NF1), (NF2) and (NF3) one checks that


Hence, as a consequence of Chow-Rashevski theorem (see [3, 16, 25]), generically such a control system is locally controllable that is locally, for any two points, always exists an admissible curve joining the two points.

Moreover, since at each point, the set of admissible velocities is convex and compact, thanks to Filippov theorem (see [3, 20]), locally for any two points, always exists at least a minimizer.

3.2 Pontryagin Maximum Principle

The Pontryagn Maximum Principle (PMP for short, see [3, 24]) gives necessary conditions for a curve to be a minimizer of a control problem. For our problem, it takes the following form.

Theorem 3 (PMP)

Define theHamiltonian

$$H(q,\lambda,u,\lambda_{0})= u_{1} \lambda.F_{1}(q)+u_{2} \lambda.F_{2}(q)+\lambda_{0}$$

where \(q\in \mathbb {R}^{2}\), \(\lambda \in T^{*}\mathbb {R}^{2}\), \(u\in \mathbb {R}^{2}\) and \(\lambda _{0}\in \mathbb {R}\). For any minimizer (q(t),u(t)), there exist a never vanishing Lipschitz covector \(\lambda :t\mapsto \lambda (t)\in T^{*}_{q(t)}\mathbb {R}^{2}\) and a constant λ0 ≤ 0 such that

  • \(\dot q(t)=\frac {\partial H}{\partial \lambda }(q(t),\lambda (t),u(t),\lambda _{0})\),

  • \(\dot \lambda (t)=-\frac {\partial H}{\partial q}(q(t),\lambda (t),u(t),\lambda _{0})\),

  • 0 = H(q(t),λ(t),u(t),λ0) = maxv{H(q,λ,v,λ0)||vi|≤ 1 for i = 1,2}.

A couple (q,λ) satisfying the previous conditions is called an extremal. If λ0 = 0, it is called abnormal, if not, normal. A curve q may be associated with both abnormal and normal extremals.

Proposition 1

For a generic SF metric on a 2D manifold defined with a maximumnorm, there is no non trivial abnormal extremal. Hence, we can fixλ0 = − 1.This is our choice in the following.


It is a classical fact that an abnormal extremal should correspond to a covector λ≠ 0 orthogonal to F1, F2, and [F1,F2]. This implies that along the trajectory the three vectors are parallel. But generically this happens only on a discrete set, which forbids to get a non trivial curve. □

3.3 Switchings

In this section, we follow the ideas of [13]. Recall that ΔA is the set of point q where F1(q) and F2(q) are collinear, Δ1 is the set of point q where F1(q) and [F1,F2](q) are collinear, and Δ2 is the set of point q where F2(q) and [F1,F2](q) are collinear.

Definition 2

For an extremal triplet (q(.),λ(.),u(.)), define the switching functions

$$\phi_{i}(t)=<\lambda(t),F_{i}(q(t))> ,i = 1,2,$$

and the function ϕ3(t) =< λ(t),[F1,F2](q(t)) >.

Thanks to λ0 = − 1, the ϕi functions satisfy

$$u_{1}(t)\phi_{1}(t)+u_{2}(t)\phi_{2}(t)= 1, \quad\text{ for a.e. } t. $$

A direct consequence of the maximality condition is

Proposition 2

Ifϕi(t) > 0 (resp.ϕi(t) < 0)thenui(t) = 1 (resp.ui(t) = − 1).

Ifϕi(t) = 0 and\(\dot \phi _{i}(t)>0\)(resp.\(\dot \phi _{i}(t)<0\))thenϕichanges sign at time t and the controluiswitches from − 1 to + 1(resp.from + 1 to − 1).

Definition 3

We call bang an extremal trajectory corresponding to constant controls with value 1 or − 1 and bang-bang an extremal which is a finite concatenation of bangs. We call ui-singular an extremal corresponding to a null switching function ϕi. A time t is said to be a switching time if u is not bang in any neighborhood of t.

Definition 4

Outside ΔA, define the functions f1 and f2 by

$$[F_{1},F_{2}](q)=f_{2}(q)F_{1}(q)-f_{1}(q)F_{2}(q). $$

It is clear that

$${\Delta}_{1}\setminus{\Delta}_{A}=f_{1}^{-1}(0), \quad {\Delta}_{2}\setminus{\Delta}_{A}=f_{2}^{-1}(0). $$

Proposition 3 (Switching rules)

Outside ΔA ∪Δ1 ∪Δ2the possible switches of the controls are

  • iff1 > 0 thenu1can only switch from -1 to + 1 whenϕ1goes to 0,

  • iff1 < 0 thenu1can only switch from + 1 to -1 whenϕ1goes to 0,

  • iff2 > 0 thenu2can only switch from -1 to + 1 whenϕ2goes to 0,

  • iff2 < 0 thenu2can only switch from + 1 to -1 whenϕ2goes to 0.


The fact that \(\dot \phi _{1}(t)=-u_{2}.\lambda .[F_{1},F_{2}]\) and \(\dot \phi _{2}(t)=u_{1}.\lambda .[F_{1},F_{2}]\) implies that, outside ΔA ∪Δ1 ∪Δ2,

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \dot\phi_{1}(t)&=&u_{2}(t)\left( f_{1}(q(t))\phi_{2}(t)-f_{2}(q(t))\phi_{1}(t)\right)=-u_{2}(t)\phi_{3}(t), \end{array} $$
$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \dot\phi_{2}(t)&=&u_{1}(t)\left( f_{2}(q(t))\phi_{1}(t)-f_{1}(q(t))\phi_{2}(t)\right)=u_{1}(t)\phi_{3}(t). \end{array} $$

Now, if ϕ1(t) = 0 then |ϕ2(t)| = 1 which implies u2(t)ϕ2(t) = 1 and hence \(\dot \phi _{1}(t)\) and f1(q(t)) have same sign and the sign of f1(q(t)) determines the switch.

The same holds true for f2, ϕ2 and u2.□

As a consequence, on each connected component of the complement of ΔA ∪Δ1 ∪Δ2, each control ui can take only values − 1 and + 1 and can switch only once from − 1 to + 1 if fi > 0 or from + 1 to - 1 if fi < 0.

Proposition 4

At any point q outside ΔAit exists aτ > 0 such that for any extremal issued from q and of length less thanτ,only one of the two controls may switch.


If ϕ1(t) = 0 then |ϕ2(t)| = 1. Hence, if ϕ1(t) = 0 and ϕ2(t) = 0 then ϕ1 passes from value 0 to ± 1 in time tt which implies that \(|\dot \phi _{1}|\) takes values larger than \(\frac {1}{|t^{\prime }-t|}\). But, since \(\dot \phi _{1}(t)=-u_{2}(f_{2}(q(t))\phi _{1}(q(t))-f_{1}(q(t))\phi _{2}(q(t)))\), we have \(|\dot \phi _{1}(t)|\leq |f_{1}(q(t))|+|f_{2}(q(t))|\). As a consequence, if locally |f1 + f2| < M then |tt| cannot be smaller than 1/M. □

A consequence of the previous proposition is

Proposition 5

At any point q outside ΔA,consider the normal coordinate system centered at q.Any local extremal stays in one of the followingdomains:\(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\),\(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\),\(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\)or\(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\).


Thanks to previous proposition, only one control may switch in short time. Assume that u1 ≡ 1. Then at each time u1F1 + u2F2 = F1 + u2F2 hence the dynamics takes the form αG1 + (1 − α)G2 with α ∈ [0,1]. This dynamics leaves invariant the set \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\), hence the extremal does not leave this set. By the same argument one proves that if u1 ≡− 1 then the extremal stays in \(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\), if u2 ≡ 1 then the extremal stays in \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\) and that if u2 ≡− 1 then the extremal stays in \(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\). □

3.4 Initial Conditions and Their Parameterization

On proves easily that in the (NF1) case, max(|λx(0)|,|λy(0)|) = 1. Hence, the set of initial conditions λ is compact and extremals switching in short time or singular extremals should have a ϕi null or close to zero. Moreover, only one control can switch in short time (see Proposition 4).

In the (NF2) and (NF3) cases |λx(0)| = 1 and there is no condition on λy. Hence, the set of initial condition is not compact. This allows to consider initial conditions with |λy| >> 1 and hence will appear optimal extremals along which the two controls switch. It is not in contradiction with the Proposition 4 since in this case the base point belongs to ΔA.

In the (NF2a) and (NF3) cases, \(\phi _{1}(0)=\pm \frac {1+a_{0}}2\) and \(\phi _{2}(0)=\pm \frac {1-a_{0}}2\). Hence, if one considers a compact set of initial conditions, the corresponding extremals do not switch in short time. And are not singular. As a consequence, to consider the extremal switching at least once, one should consider initial conditions with |λy(0)| >> 1.

Let us give an idea of how to estimate the |λy(0)| corresponding to a u1-switch at small time t and the consequence in terms of choice of change of coordinates.

In the (NF2) case, \(\phi _{1}(0)=\frac {1+a_{0}}2\geq \frac 12\). Hence, if along an extremal the control u1 switches for t small hence one gets, since x(t) = O(t) and y(t) = O(t2),

$$0=\lambda(t).F_{1}(x(t),y(t))=\frac{1+a_{0}}2+\lambda_{y}(0)\frac{x(t)}{2}+O(t) $$

and it implies that if an extremal sees its control u1 switching at τ then λy(0) should be like \(\frac 1 \tau \). Hence, in order to make estimations of the corresponding extremals, it is natural to choose as small parameter \(r_{0}=\frac {1}{\lambda _{y}(0)}\), to make the change of coordinate \(r=\frac {1}{\lambda _{y}}\), the change of time \(s=\frac {t}{r}\) and the change of coordinate px = rλx. This is what we do in the Sections 4.2 and 4.3.

In the (NF3) case, \(\phi _{1}(0)=\frac {1+a_{0}}2\geq \frac 12\). Hence, if along an extremal the control u1 switches for t small hence one gets, since x(t) = O(t) and y(t) = O(t3),

$$0=\lambda(t).F_{1}(x(t),y(t))=\frac{1+a_{0}}2+\lambda_{y}(0)\frac{x^{2}(t)}{4}+O(t) $$

and it implies that if an extremal sees its control u1 switching at τ then λy(0) should be like \(\frac 1 {\tau ^{2}}\). Hence, in order to make estimations of the corresponding extremals, it is natural to choose as small parameter r0 such that \(\lambda _{y}(0)=\pm \frac 1 {{r_{0}^{2}}}\), to make the change of coordinate \(r=\frac {\pm 1}{\sqrt {|\lambda _{y}|}}\) and the change of time \(s=\frac {t}{r}\). This is what we do in the Section 4.4.

3.5 Weights, Orders and Nilpotent Approximation

Privileged coordinates and nilpotent approximations are well-known notions in SR Geometry. Their definitions being too long and classical we refer to [8]. The coordinates we constructed in the normal form are privileged coordinates.

In the (NF1) case, x and y have weight 1 and x and y have weight − 1 as operators of derivation. In the (NF2) case x has weight 1 and y has weight 2, x has weight − 1 and y have weight − 2. In the (NF3) case, x has weight 1 and y has weight 3, x has weight − 1 and y have weight − 3.

In privileged coordinates, one way to understand the weights of the variables naturally is to estimate how they vary with time in small time along an admissible curve. As seen before, in the (NF1) case x and y are O(t) (and may be not o(t)), in the (NF2) case x = O(t) and y = O(t2) and in the (NF3) case x = O(t) and y = O(t3).

In the following, ok(x,y) will denote a function whose valuation at 0 has order larger than k respectively to the weights of x and y. For example x7 has always weight 7 and y3 has weight 3 in the (NF1) case but 9 in the (NF3) case.

With this notion of weights, we define the nilpotent approximation of our normal forms in the three cases

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} (NF_{1})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&\partial_{y},\\ (NF_{2})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&a_{0}\partial_{x}+x\partial_{y},\\ (NF_{3})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&a_{0}\partial_{x}+\frac12x^{2}\partial_{y}, \end{array} $$

which corresponds to an approximation up to order − 1. In the following, when we will compute developments with respect to the parameter r0, that is for |λy(0)| >> 1, we will need the approximation up to order 0 for (NF2a) and (NF3), and the approximation up to order 1 for (NF2b)

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} (NF_{2a})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&(a_{0}+a_{10}x)\partial_{x}+x(1+b_{20}x)\partial_{y},\\ (NF_{2b})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&(1+a_{10}x+a_{01}y+a_{20}x^{2})\partial_{x}+x(1+b_{20}x+b_{30}x^{2})\partial_{y},\\ (NF_{3})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&(a_{0}+a_{10}x)\partial_{x}+\left( \frac{x^{2}}2+b_{01}y+b_{30}x^{3}\right)\partial_{y}, \end{array} $$

In the (NF1) case, we will need the approximation up to order 2 in order to compute the cut locus, when present

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} (NF_{1})\quad G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x}, \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&x(a_{10}+a_{20} x+a_{11} y+a_{30}x^{2}+a_{21}xy+a_{12}y^{2})\partial_{x}+\\ &&+(1+x(b_{10}+b_{20} x+b_{11} y+b_{30}x^{2}+b_{21}xy+b_{12}y^{2}))\partial_{y}, \end{array} $$

3.6 Symbols of Extremals

As we will see in the following, the local extremals will be finite concatenations of bang arcs and ui-singular arcs. In order to facilitate the presentation, a bang arc following ± Gi will be symbolized by [[±Gi]], a u1-singular arc with control u2 ≡ 1 will be symbolized by \([[S_{1}^{+}]]\), a u1-singular arc with control u2 ≡− 1 will be symbolized by \([[S_{1}^{-}]]\), and we will combine these symbols in such a way that \([[-G_{1},G_{2},S_{2}^{+}]]\) symbolizes the concatenation of a bang arc following − G1 with a bang arc following G2 and a u2-singular arc with control u1 ≡ 1.

3.7 Symmetries

One can change the roles of the vectors F1 and F2 and look at the effect on the functions fi or on the invariants appearing in the normal form. For this last part, one should be careful that changing the role of F1 and F2 implies changing G1 and G2 and hence changing the coordinates x and y.

First look at the effect on the functions fi on an example: \(\bar F_{1}=-F_{1}\) and \(\bar F_{2}=F_{2}\). If we define the control system with \((\bar F_{1},\bar F_{2})\), it defines the same SF structure. We compute easily that

$$[\bar F_{1},\bar F_{2}]=[-F_{1},F_{2}]=-[F_{1},F_{2}]=-(f_{2} F_{1}-f_{1} F_{2})=f_{2} \bar F_{1} - (-f_{1})\bar F_{2}$$

hence \(\bar f_{1}=-f_{1}\) and \(\bar f_{2}=f_{2}\). With this choice \(\bar G_{1}=-G_{2}\) and \(\bar G_{2}=-G_{1}\). Of course, with such a change on the vectors G1 and G2 the change on the invariants is not so trivial to compute.

In the following, we consider changes that send G1 to ± G1 and G2 to ± G2. These changes are interesting from a calculus point of view. Effectively, once computed the jet of a bang-bang extremals with symbol [[G1,G2]] and of its switching times, we are able to get the expressions for the bang-bang extremals with symbols [[±G1G2]] without new computations. For example, if one gets the expression of an extremal with symbol [[G1,G2]] as function of the initial conditions, one gets the expression of an extremal with symbol [[−G1,G2]] by respecting the effect on the coordinates and the invariants a0, a10, etc. of the corresponding change of role of F1 and F2.

3.7.1 \(\bar G_{1}=-G_{1}\) and \(\bar G_{2}=G_{2}\)

Consider the change \(\bar F_{1}=-F_{2}\) and \(\bar F_{2}=-F_{1}\). Then \(\bar G_{1}=-G_{1}\) and \(\bar G_{2}=G_{2}\), \([\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]=-[G_{1},G_{2}]\) and \([\bar G_{1},[\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]]=[G_{1},[G_{1},G_{2}]]\). With this choice,

$$[\bar F_{1},\bar F_{2}]=[-F_{2},-F_{1}]=-[F_{1},F_{2}]=-(f_{2} F_{1}-f_{1} F_{2})=(-f_{1}) \bar F_{1} - (-f_{2})\bar F_{2}$$

hence \(\bar f_{1}=-f_{2}\) and \(\bar f_{2}=-f_{1}\).

We can know consider the effect of this change of role on the coordinates and on the invariants in the three cases of the normal form

  • (NF1) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1} & = & \partial_{\bar x},\\ \bar G_{2} & = & (a_{10}\bar x-a_{20}\bar x^{2}+a_{11}\bar x\bar y+o_{2}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\ &&(1-b_{10}\bar x+b_{20}\bar x^{2}-b_{11}\bar x\bar y+o_{2}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF2) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{0}+a_{10}\bar x-a_{01}\bar y-a_{20}\bar x^{2}+o_{2}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\ && (\bar x-b_{20}\bar x^{2}+b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF3) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{0}+a_{10}\bar x+o_{1}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (\bar x^{2}/2+b_{01}\bar y-b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$

3.7.2 \(\bar G_{1}=G_{1}\) and \(\bar G_{2}=-G_{2}\)

Consider the change \(\bar F_{1}=F_{2}\) and \(\bar F_{2}=F_{1}\). Then \(\bar G_{1}=G_{1}\), \(\bar G_{2}=-G_{2}\), \([\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]=-[G_{1},G_{2}]\) and \([\bar G_{1},[\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]]=-[G_{1},[G_{1},G_{2}]]\). With this choice,

$$[\bar F_{1},\bar F_{2}]=[F_{2},F_{1}]=-[F_{1},F_{2}]=-(f_{2} F_{1}-f_{1} F_{2})=(f_{1}) \bar F_{1} - (f_{2})\bar F_{2}$$

hence \(\bar f_{1}=f_{2}\) and \(\bar f_{2}=f_{1}\).

We can know consider the effect of this change of role on the coordinates and on the invariants in the three cases of the normal form

  • (NF1) In this case, \(\bar x=x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{10}\bar x-a_{20}\bar x^{2}+a_{11}\bar x\bar y+\bar x o(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (1+b_{10}\bar x+b_{20}\bar x^{2}-b_{11}\bar x\bar y+\bar x o(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF2) In this case, \(\bar x=x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{0}-a_{10}\bar x+a_{01}\bar y-a_{20}\bar x^{2}+o_{2}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (\bar x+b_{20}\bar x^{2}+b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF3) In this case, \(\bar x=x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\) and

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{0}-a_{10}\bar x+o_{1}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (\bar x^{2}/2-b_{01}\bar y+b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$

3.7.3 \(\bar G_{1}=-G_{1}\) and \(\bar G_{2}=-G_{2}\)

Consider the change \(\bar F_{1}=-F_{1}\) and \(\bar F_{2}=-F_{2}\). Then \(\bar G_{1}=-G_{1}\), \(\bar G_{2}=-G_{2}\), \([\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]=[G_{1},G_{2}]\) and \([\bar G_{1},[\bar G_{1},\bar G_{2}]]=-[G_{1},[G_{1},G_{2}]]\). With this choice,

$$[\bar F_{1},\bar F_{2}]=[-F_{1},-F_{2}]=[F_{1},F_{2}]=(f_{2} F_{1}-f_{1} F_{2})=(-f_{2}) \bar F_{1} - (-f_{1})\bar F_{2}$$

hence \(\bar f_{1}=-f_{1}\) and \(\bar f_{2}=-f_{2}\).

We can know consider the effect of this change of role on the coordinates and on the invariants in the three cases of the normal form

  • (NF1) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\). Moreover

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(-a_{10}\bar x+a_{20}\bar x^{2}+a_{11}\bar x\bar y+\bar x o(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (1-b_{10}\bar x+b_{20}\bar x^{2}+b_{11}\bar x\bar y+\bar x o(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF2) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=\partial _{y}\). Moreover

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(a_{0}-a_{10}\bar x+a_{01}\bar y+a_{20}\bar x^{2}+o_{2}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (\bar x-b_{20}\bar x^{2}+b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$
  • (NF3) In this case, \(\bar x=-x\) and \(\bar y =-y\), hence \(\partial _{\bar x}=-\partial _{x}\) and \(\partial _{\bar y}=-\partial _{y}\). Moreover

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \bar G_{1}&=&\partial_{\bar x}, \\ \bar G_{2}&=&(a_{0}-a_{10}\bar x+o_{1}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar x}+\\&& (\bar x^{2}/2-b_{01}\bar y-b_{30}\bar x^{3}+o_{3}(\bar x, \bar y))\partial_{\bar y}. \end{array} $$

4 The Generic Local Optimal Synthesis

We present for generic couples (F1,F2) the local synthesis issued from a point q. The coordinates (x,y), centered at q, are those which have been constructed in the corresponding normal form in Section 2.

4.1 (N F 1) Case

At points q where (NF1) holds, one can compute that

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} f_{1}(x,y)&=& \frac12(a_{10}-b_{10})\\ &&+(2(a_{20}-b_{20})-b_{10}(a_{10}-b_{10}))\frac{x}2+(a_{11}-b_{11})\frac y2 \\ &&+ (3(a_{30}-b_{30})-b_{10}(a_{20}-b_{20})-(2b_{20}-b_{10}^{2})(a_{10}-b_{10})) \frac {x^{2}}2\\ &&+(2(a_{21}-b_{21})-b_{11}(a_{10}-b_{10})-b_{10}(a_{11}-b_{11}))\frac{xy}2\\ &&+(a_{12}-b_{12})\frac {y^{2}}2+o_{2}(x,y),\\ f_{2}(x,y)&=& -\frac12(a_{10}+b_{10})\\ &&-(2(a_{20}+b_{20})-b_{10}(a_{10}+b_{10}))\frac x2-(a_{11}+b_{11})\frac y2 \\ &&- (3(a_{30}+b_{30})-b_{10}(a_{20}+b_{20})-(2b_{20}-b_{10}^{2})(a_{10}+b_{10})) \frac {x^{2}}2\\ &&-(2(a_{21}+b_{21})-b_{11}(a_{10}+b_{10})-b_{10}(a_{11}+b_{11}))\frac{xy}2\\ &&-(a_{12}+b_{12})\frac{y^{2}}2+o_{2}(x,y). \end{array} $$

Hence, thanks to Proposition 3, if a10b10 > 0 (resp. < 0) then u1 is bang-bang and the only possible switch is − 1 → + 1 (resp + 1 →− 1) and if a10 + b10 < 0 (resp. > 0) then u2 is bang-bang and the only possible switch is − 1 → + 1 (resp + 1 →− 1).

Remark 2 (Generic invariants)

Remark that generically, in the (NF1) case, one of the following situation occurs

  • |a10|≠|b10| (NF1a),

  • a10 = b10≠ 0 and a20b20≠ 0 and a11b11≠ 0,

  • a10 = b10≠ 0 and a20b20 = 0 and a30b30≠ 0 and a11b11≠ 0,

  • a10 = b10≠ 0 and a20b20≠ 0 and a11b11 = 0 and a12b12≠ 0,

  • a10 = −b10≠ 0 and a20 + b20≠ 0 and a11 + b11≠ 0,

  • a10 = −b10≠ 0 and a20 + b20 = 0 and a30 + b30≠ 0 and a11 + b11≠ 0,

  • a10 = −b10≠ 0 and a20 + b20≠ 0 and a11 + b11 = 0 and a12 + b12≠ 0.

  • a10 = b10 = 0 and a20 + b20≠ 0 and a11 + b11≠ 0.

4.1.1 Singular Extremals

We consider now the properties of singular extremals and their support.

Proposition 6

Under the generic assumption that ΔA,Δ1andΔ2aresubmanifolds transversal by pair then

  1. 1.

    The support of aui-singularis included in Δi.

  2. 2.

    Au1-singularextremal can follow Δ1being optimal only if, at each pointq(t) of the singular,G1(q(t)) andG2(q(t)) are pointing on the same side of Δ1(or one is tangent to Δ1)wheref1 > 0.

  3. 3.

    Au2-singularextremal can follow Δ2being optimal only if, at each pointq(t) of the singular,G1(q(t)) andG2(q(t)) are pointing on the same side of Δ2(or one is tangent to Δ2)wheref2 > 0.

  4. 4.

    Consider aui-singularq(.) satisfying 2 or 3. If it does not intersectΔAand if at each timeG1(q(t)) andG2(q(t)) are not tangent to Δithenq(.) is a local minimizer that is at each time t exists𝜖such thatq(.) realizes the SF-distance betweenq(t1) andq(t2) for anyt1andt2in ]t𝜖,t + 𝜖[.


  1. 1.

    Outside ΔA ∪Δi, ϕi has isolated zero hence any ui-singular should live in ΔA ∪Δi. Moreover, since generically the set of points of ΔA where the dynamics is tangent to ΔA is isolated, a ui-singular crosses ΔA only at isolated times, which are consequently also in Δi.

  2. 2.

    Same proof as for point 3.

  3. 3.

    If a u2-singular q(.) has u1 = 1 then its speed is F1(q(t)) + u2(t)F2(q(t)) which is tangent to Δ2. But u2 ∈ [− 1,1] hence either |u2(t)| = 1 and G1 or G2 are tangent to Δ2 or |u2(t)| < 1 and G2(q(t)) = F1(q(t)) − F2(q(t)) and G1(q(t)) = F1(q(t)) + F2(q(t)) point on opposite sides.

    Now, assume that Δ2 is such that G1 and − G2 point in the same side where f2 < 0 at q and that the u2-singular is optimal. Consider the normal coordinate system centered at q and the domain \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\). One can show, with the previous analysis, that the only possible extremals issued form q and entering the domain are the singular arc \([[S_{2}^{+}]]\) following Δ2 and the bang-bang extremals starting with symbol [[G1,G2]] or [[G2,G1]].

    Let us prove that these last ones do not switch again before crossing Δ2. If an extremal starts with [[G2,G1]], switching for the first time at t = 𝜖 and hence at y = 𝜖 then along the second bang x = t𝜖, y = 𝜖, λ ≡ (1,1) and one computes easily that for t > 𝜖

    $$\phi_{2}(t)=-\frac12 ((a_{20}+b_{20})(t-\epsilon)^{2}+(a_{11}+b_{11})(t-\epsilon)\epsilon+o_{2}(\epsilon, (t-\epsilon))). $$

    If (a20 + b20)(a11 + b11) < 0 then the second time of switch satisfies \(t-\epsilon = -\frac {a_{11}+b_{11}}{a_{20}+b_{20}}\epsilon +o(\epsilon )\) and hence the second switching locus has the form \((-\frac {a_{11}+b_{11}}{a_{20}+b_{20}}\epsilon ,\epsilon )\). But Δ2 satisfies that \(x=-\frac 12 \frac {a_{11}+b_{11}}{a_{20}+b_{20}}y+o(y)\) and hence the second bang crosses Δ2 before ending. In the case a20 + b20 = 0 hence (a11b11)(a30 + b30) < 0 and one shows that the second switching locus has the form \((\sqrt {-\frac {a_{11}+b_{11}}{a_{30}+b_{30}}\epsilon },\epsilon )\) and Δ2 satisfies that \(x=\sqrt {-\frac {a_{11}+b_{11}}{3(a_{30}+b_{30})}y}+o(y)\) hence again the second bang crosses Δ2 before ending. The same kind of computations show the same result when a11 + b11 = 0 and (a20 + b20)(a12 + b12) < 0. The same holds for extremal starting by [[G1,G2]].

    Finally, the different extremals with symbol [[G1,G2]] do not intersect each other after their first switch hence they cannot lose optimality by crossing each other. Idem for those with symbol [[G2,G1]]. Hence, they can lose optimality by crossing the singular extremal or extremals with the other symbol.

    The last argument implies that optimal extremals are coming back to Δ2 with symbol [[G1,G2]] or [[G2,G1]]. But this is not possible since in this case, since \([[S_{2}^{+}]]\) is optimal, an optimal extremal with symbol \([[G_{1},G_{2}, S_{2}^{+}]]\) would exist which is not the case since the switching is coming strictly after the crossing with Δ2 as seen before.

    Hence, in this case, the u2-singular is not optimal.

  4. 4.

    Assume that the u2-singular satisfies 3, that it does not intersect ΔA and that G1(q) and G2(q) are pointing on opposite sides of Δ2. Let construct normal coordinates centered at q, then the only local extremals entering the domains {xy > 0} are the one starting by a u2-singular and switching or not locally only once to u2 = ± 1. For example, if we consider \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\), since G1(q) points in the side of the domain {q|f2(q) > 0} then an extremal starting by G1 enters the domain {q|f2(q) > 0} and hence u2 cannot switch and the extremal stays on the boundary of \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\) and do not enter it. As a consequence the u2-singular is locally optimal.

Remark 3

For what concerns the point 4, assume that q is a point where G1 or G2 is tangent to Δ1 and Δ1 ∩{xy < 0} is such that at each point G1 and G2 are transverse to Δ1 and point in the domain {f1 > 0}. Then, starting from q, a u1-singular can run on Δ1 ∩{xy < 0} and is locally optimal. The same arguments as those exposed at point 4 work.

Definition 5

If a connected part of Δ1 (resp. Δ2) is such that at each point G1 and G2 (resp. G1 and − G2) point on the same side where f1 > 0 (resp. f2 > 0), it is called a turnpike. If it does not at each point, it is called an anti-turnpike (see [13]).

Remark 4

Along a ui-singular extremal the control ui is completely determined by the fact that the dynamics should be tangent to Δi.

4.1.2 Optimal Synthesis in the Domain \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\)

Consider a point q and the normal coordinate system (x,y) centered at q. The dynamics entering \(\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\) is with u1 ≡ 1 since u2 switches (Propositions 4 and 5). Three different cases can be identified.

1st. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\setminus \{0\})\) is empty locally. Thanks to proposition 6, no u2-singular enters the domain. It corresponds to the case (NF1a) where |a10|≠|b10| and to the cases (NF1c) and (NF1d) where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • (a20 + b20)(a11 + b11) > 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and (a30 + b30)(a11 + b11) > 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and (a20 + b20)(a12 + b12) > 0.

Only one u2-switch can occur along the extremal. One has f2 > 0 in the domain if

  • a10 + b10 < 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 < 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 < 0,

and in this case the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[G1]] or [[G2]] or [[G2,G1]]. One has f2 < 0 in the domain if

  • a10 + b10 > 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 > 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 > 0.

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[G1]] or [[G2]] or [[G1,G2]].

In this case 1, the picture of the synthesis is given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The syntheses when f2≠ 0 in \((\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+})\setminus \{0\}\)

2nd. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a turnpike. We are in the context of point 4 of proposition 6. It corresponds to the cases where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • a20 + b20 < 0 and a11 + b11 > 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 > 0 and a30 + b30 < 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and a20 + b20 < 0 and a12 + b12 > 0.

Then f2 > 0 locally along {x > 0,y = 0} and f2 < 0 along {x = 0,y > 0}. Hence, no bang-bang extremal with symbol [[G1,G2]] or [[G2,G1]] exists and any extremal entering the domain starts with a u2-singular arc. If it switches to G1 then it enters the domain \((\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\cap \{f_{2}>0\}\) which is invariant by G1 hence it does not switch anymore. If it switches to G2 it enters the domain \((\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\cap \{f_{2}<0\}\) which is invariant by G2 hence it does not switch anymore.

As a consequence, the only possible symbols for extremals are [[G1]], [[G2]], \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{1}]]\) and \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{2}]]\).

In this case 2, the picture of the synthesis is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The syntheses when a10 + b10 = 0 and Δ2 is a turnpike

3rd. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a anti-turnpike. Then, thanks to proposition 6, no singular can enter the domain. It corresponds to the cases where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • a20 + b20 > 0 and a11 + b11 < 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 < 0 and a30 + b30 > 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and a20 + b20 > 0 and a12 + b12 < 0.

Then, as seen in Proposition 6, no u2-singular is extremal. Hence, the possible beginning of symbols entering the domain are [[G1,G2]] and [[G2,G1]]. In order to complete the synthesis in this case, we have to compute the cut time and cut locus. In fact, the two kinds of extremals intersect before their second switching time. Let us prove it.

Fix an 𝜖2 > 0 and consider at time t > 𝜖2 the extremal with symbol [[G2,G1]] switching at time 𝜖2. One computes easily that x(t) = t𝜖2 and y(t) = 𝜖2. For an 𝜖1 > 0 and the extremal with symbol [[G1,G2]] switching at time 𝜖1, one gets by integrating the equations

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x(t)&=&\epsilon_{1}+a_{10}\epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1}) + a_{20} {\epsilon_{1}^{2}} (t-\epsilon_{1}) + \frac12 (a_{10}^{2} + a_{11}) \epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{2} \\&&+ a_{30} {\epsilon_{1}^{3}} (t-\epsilon_{1}) + \frac12 (3 a_{10} a_{20} + a_{21} + a_{11} b_{10}) {\epsilon_{1}^{2}} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{2} \\&&+ \frac13 (\frac12 a_{10}^{3} + \frac32 a_{10} a_{11} + a_{12}) \epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{3}\\ y(t)&=&(t-\epsilon_{1}) + b_{10} \epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1}) + b_{20} {\epsilon_{1}^{2}} (t-\epsilon_{1}) + \frac12 (a_{10} b_{10} + b_{11}) \epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{2} \\&&+ b_{30} {\epsilon_{1}^{3}} (t-\epsilon_{1}) +\frac12 (a_{20} b_{10} + b_{10} b_{11} + 2 a_{10} b_{20} + b_{21}) {\epsilon_{1}^{2}} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{2} \\&&+\frac13 (\frac12 (a_{10}^{2} + a_{11}) b_{10} + a_{10} b_{11} + b_{12}) \epsilon_{1} (t-\epsilon_{1})^{3} \end{array} $$

Assume first that a20 + b20 > 0 and a11 + b11 < 0. Along the first front (depending on 𝜖2) x + y = t when along the second \(x+y=t+\epsilon _{1}(t-\epsilon _{1})((a_{20}+b_{20})\epsilon _{1}+\frac 12(a_{11}+b_{11}),\) hence, they are transverse at


and they intersect at a point such that \(y=-2\frac {a_{20}-b_{20}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x+o(x)\). As seen previously, the switching locus for extremals with symbol [[G2,G1]] satisfies \(y=-\frac {a_{20}-b_{20}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x+o(x)\) hence it stops to be optimal before switching. The same holds true for the extremals with symbol [[G1,G2]]. Finally, the cut locus satisfies

$$y_{cut}=-2\frac{a_{20}-b_{20}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x_{cut}+o(x_{cut}) $$

and is tangent to Δ2.

The same computations can be done when G1 or G2 is tangent to Δ2. Then one computes that the extremals lose optimality by crossing the cut before the second switch and that

  • if a20 + b20 = 0 then

    $$y_{cut}=-3\frac{a_{30}+b_{30}}{a_{11}+b_{11}}x_{cut}^{2}+o(x_{cut}^{2}), $$
  • if a11 + b11 = 0 then

    $$x_{cut}=-\frac12\frac{a_{12}+b_{12}}{a_{20}+b_{20}}y_{cut}^{2}+o(y_{cut}^{2}). $$

In all cases, the cut is tangent to Δ2 and the contact is of order 2 when (a20 + b20)(a11 + b11) = 0.

In this case 3, the picture of the synthesis is given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The syntheses when a10 + b10 = 0 and Δ2 is not a turnpike

Remark 5

Using the symmetries presented in Section 3.7, one can obtain from the optimal synthesis in the domain \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\) the optimal synthesis in the three other domains.

4.1.3 Optimal Synthesis in the Domain \(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\)

The dynamics entering \(\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\) is with u1 ≡− 1 since u2 switches (Propositions 4 and 5). Three different cases can be identified.

1st. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\setminus \{0\})\) is empty locally. No u2-singular enters the domain. It corresponds to the case (NF1a) where |a10|≠|b10| and to the cases (NF1c) and (NF1d) where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • (a20 + b20)(a11 + b11) > 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and (a30 + b30)(a11 + b11) < 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and (a20 + b20)(a12 + b12) < 0.

Only one u2-switch can occur along the extremal. One has f2 > 0 in the domain if

  • a10 + b10 < 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 > 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 > 0,

and in this case the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[−G1]] or [[−G2]] or [[−G1,−G2]]. One has f2 < 0 in the domain if

  • a10 + b10 > 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 < 0,

  • or a10 + b10 = 0 and a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 < 0.

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[−G1]] or [[−G2]] or [[−G2,−G1]].

2nd. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • a20 + b20 < 0 and a11 + b11 > 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 > 0 and a30 + b30 > 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and a20 + b20 < 0 and a12 + b12 < 0.

In this case, the possible symbols for extremals are [[−G1]], [[−G2]], \([[S_{2}^{-},-G_{1}]]\) and \([[S_{2}^{-},-G_{2}]]\).

3rd. case. :

\({\Delta }_2\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a anti-turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10 + b10 = 0 and

  • a20 + b20 > 0 and a11 + b11 < 0,

  • or a20 + b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 < 0 and a30 + b30 < 0,

  • or a11 + b11 = 0 and a20 + b20 > 0 and a12 + b12 > 0.

The only optimal symbols are [[−G1]], [[−G2]], [[−G1,−G2]], and [[−G2,−G1]]. Moreover

  • if a20 + b20 > 0 and a11 + b11 < 0, the cut locus satisfies

    $$y_{cut}=-2\frac{a_{20}+b_{20}}{a_{11}+b_{11}}x_{cut}+o(x_{cut}), $$
  • if a20 + b20 = 0 then

    $$y_{cut}=-3\frac{a_{30}+b_{30}}{a_{11}+b_{11}}x_{cut}^{2}+o(x_{cut}^{2}), $$
  • if a11 + b11 = 0 then

    $$x_{cut}=-\frac12\frac{a_{12}+b_{12}}{a_{20}+b_{20}}y_{cut}^{2}+o(y_{cut}^{2}). $$

In all cases, the cut is tangent to Δ2 and the contact is of order 2 when (a20 + b20)(a11 + b11) = 0.

4.1.4 Optimal Synthesis in the Domain \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\)

The dynamics entering \(\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\) is with u2 ≡ 1 since u1 switches (Propositions 4 and 5). Three different cases can be identified.

1st. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}\setminus \{0\})\) is empty locally. No u1-singular enters the domain. It corresponds to the case (NF1a) where |a10|≠|b10| and to the cases (NF1b) and (NF1d) where a10b10 = 0 and

  • (a20b20)(a11b11) < 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and (a30b30)(a11b11) < 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and (a20b20)(a12b12) > 0.

Only one u1-switch can occur along the extremal. One has f1 > 0 in the domain if

  • a10b10 > 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 > 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 < 0,

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[G1]] or [[−G2]] or [[−G2,G1]]. One has f1 < 0 in the domain if

  • a10b10 < 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 < 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 > 0.

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[G1]] or [[−G2]] or [[G1,−G2]].

2nd. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10b10 = 0 and

  • a20b20 > 0 and a11b11 > 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 > 0 and a30b30 > 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and a20b20 > 0 and a12b12 < 0.

In this case, the possible symbols for extremals are [[G1]], [[−G2]], \([[S_{1}^{+},G_{1}]]\), and \([[S_{1}^{+},-G_{2}]]\).

3rd. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{-}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a anti-turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10b10 = 0 and

  • a20b20 < 0 and a11b11 < 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 < 0 and a30b30 < 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and a20b20 < 0 and a12b12 > 0.

Then, the only optimal symbols are [[G1]], [[−G2]], [[G1,−G2]], and [[−G2,G1]]. Moreover,

  • if a20b20 < 0 and a11 + b11 < 0, the cut locus satisfies

    $$y_{cut}=-2\frac{a_{20}-b_{20}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x_{cut}+o(x_{cut}), $$
  • if a20b20 = 0 then

    $$y_{cut}=-3\frac{a_{30}-b_{30}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x_{cut}^{2}+o(x_{cut}^{2}), $$
  • if a11b11 = 0 then

    $$x_{cut}=-\frac12\frac{a_{12}-b_{12}}{a_{20}-b_{20}}y_{cut}^{2}+o(y_{cut}^{2}). $$

In all cases, the cut is tangent to Δ1 and the contact is of order 2 when (a20b20)(a11b11) = 0.

4.1.5 Optimal Synthesis in the Domain \(\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\)

The dynamics entering \(\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*}\) is with u2 ≡− 1 since u1 switches (Propositions 4 and 5). Three different cases can be identified.

1st. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}\setminus \{0\})\) is empty locally. No u1-singular enters the domain. It corresponds to the case (NF1a) where |a10|≠|b10| and to the cases (NF1b) and (NF1d) where a10b10 = 0 and

  • (a20b20)(a11b11) < 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and (a30b30)(a11b11) > 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and (a20b20)(a12b12) < 0.

Only one u1-switch can occur along the extremal. One has f1 > 0 in the domain if

  • a10b10 > 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 < 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 = 0 and a11 + b11 > 0,

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[−G1]] or [[G2]] or [[−G1,G2]]. One has f1 < 0 in the domain if

  • a10b10 < 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 > 0,

  • or a10b10 = 0 and a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 < 0,

and in this case, the possible extremals of the domain have symbol [[−G1]] or [[G2]] or [[G2,−G1]].

2nd. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10b10 = 0 and

  • a20b20 > 0 and a11b11 > 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 > 0 and a30b30 < 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and a20b20 > 0 and a12b12 > 0.

In this case, the possible symbols for extremals are [[−G1]], [[G2]], \([[S_{1}^{-},-G_{1}]]\), and \([[S_{1}^{-},G_{2}]]\).

3rd. case. :

\({\Delta }_1\cap (\mathbb {R}_{-}^{*}\times \mathbb {R}_{+}^{*})\) is not empty locally and is a anti-turnpike. It corresponds to the cases where a10b10 = 0 and

  • a20b20 < 0 and a11b11 < 0,

  • or a20b20 = 0 and a11b11 < 0 and a30b30 > 0,

  • or a11b11 = 0 and a20b20 < 0 and a12b12 < 0.

Then the only optimal symbols are [[−G1]], [[G2]], [[−G1,G2]], and [[G2,−G1]]. Moreover

  • if a20b20 < 0 and a11 + b11 < 0, the cut locus satisfies

    $$y_{cut}=-2\frac{a_{20}-b_{20}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x_{cut}+o(x_{cut}), $$
  • if a20b20 = 0 then

    $$y_{cut}=-3\frac{a_{30}-b_{30}}{a_{11}-b_{11}}x_{cut}^{2}+o(x_{cut}^{2}), $$
  • if a11b11 = 0 then

    $$x_{cut}=-\frac12\frac{a_{12}-b_{12}}{a_{20}-b_{20}}y_{cut}^{2}+o(y_{cut}^{2}). $$

In all cases, the cut is tangent to Δ1 and the contact is of order 2 when (a20b20)(a11b11) = 0.

4.2 (N F 2a) Case

Recall that the normal form (NF2a) gives

$$G_{1}(x,y)=\partial_{x}, \quad G_{2}(x,y)=(a_{0}+a_{10}x+o_{1}(x,y))\partial_{x} +(x+b_{20}x^{2}+o(x,y))\partial_{y}, $$

with 0 ≤ a0 < 1.

A point where the normal form is given by (NF2a) is neither in Δ1 nor in Δ2. Hence, no singular extremal will appear in the study of the local synthesis.

One can compute easily that, for any extremal starting at 0, \(\phi _{1}(0)=\frac 12\lambda _{x}(0) (1+a_{0})\) and \(\phi _{2}(0)=\frac 12\lambda _{x}(0) (1-a_{0})\). With H = 0 it gives |λx(0)| = 1. Hence, since \(\dot \phi _{1}=-u_{2}\phi _{3}\) and \(\dot \phi _{2}=u_{1}\phi _{3}\), if we want to study extremals that switch in short time, we need to consider ϕ3 large that is |λy| large.

Moreover, since along an extremal issued from 0 \(|\dot x(t)|\leq 1\) for t small, one gets easily that |x(t)|≤ t and |y(t)|≤ t2 for t small enough. Hence \(\phi _{1}(t)=\frac {1+a_{0}}2 \lambda _{x}(0)+x(t)\lambda _{y}(0)+o(t,x(t)\lambda _{y}(0))\) and \(\phi _{2}(t)=\frac {1-a_{0}}2 \lambda _{x}(0)+x(t)\lambda _{y}(t)+o(t,x(t)\lambda _{y}(t))\). This implies that if one wants to consider an extremal switching at time τ small, he should consider initial conditions \(\lambda _{y}(0)\sim \frac {1}{\tau }\). Inversing the point of view, if we consider an initial condition \(\lambda _{y}(0)=\frac 1{r_{0}}\) with r0 small, the switching time should be of order 1 in r0. This motivates the following change of coordinates on the fibers of the cotangent: \(r=\frac {1}{\lambda _{y}}\), p = rλx and the change of time s = t/r.

4.2.1 Equations of the Dynamics

With the new variables (x,y,p,r) and the new time s, the Hamiltonian equations become

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} x^{\prime}&=&r\frac{\partial H}{\partial \lambda_{x}}\left( x,y,p,-1\right),&&p^{\prime}&=&-r\frac{\partial H}{\partial x}\left( x,y,p,-1\right)+rp\frac{\partial H}{\partial y}\left( x,y,p,-1\right),\\ y^{\prime}&=&r\frac{\partial H}{\partial \lambda_{y}}\left( x,y,p,-1\right), &&r^{\prime}&=&r^{2}\frac{\partial H}{\partial y}\left( x,y,p,-1\right). \end{array} $$

Now, looking for the solutions as taylor series in r0, that is under the form

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} x(r_{0},s)&=& x_{1}(s)r_{0}+ x_{2}(s){r_{0}^{2}} + o({r_{0}^{2}}),&&p(r_{0},s)&=&p_{1}(s)r_{0} +p_{2}(s) {r_{0}^{2}} + o({r_{0}^{2}}),\\ y(r_{0},s)&=&y_{2}(s){r_{0}^{2}} + y_{3}(s){r_{0}^{3}} + o({r_{0}^{3}}),&&r(r_{0},s)&=&r_{0}+r_{2}(s){r_{0}^{2}}+o({r_{0}^{2}}), \end{array} $$

one finds the equations

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} x_{1}^{\prime}&=&\frac{u_{1}+u_{2}}{2} +\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}{2}a_{0},&&x_{2}^{\prime}&=&\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}2a_{10}x_{1},\\ y_{2}^{\prime}&=&\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}{4} x_{1},&&y_{3}^{\prime}&=&\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}2(b_{20} {x_{1}^{2}} + x_{2}),\\ p_{1}^{\prime}&=&-\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}{2} x_{1},&&p_{2}^{\prime}&=&-\frac{u_{1}-u_{2}}2(a_{10} p_{1} + 2 b_{20} x_{1}),\\ r_{2}^{\prime}&=&0,&&&& \end{array} $$

with the initial conditions x1(0) = x2(0) = y2(0) = y3(0) = p2(0) = r2(0) = 0 and p1(0) = ± 1.

4.2.2 Computation of the Jets

Using these equations, we are able to compute the jets with respect to r0 of four types of extremals: depending on the sign of p1(0) = ± 1 and of r0. For each of these types, we can compute the functions x1, x2, y2, y3, p1, p2 of the variable s for the first bang. We can then compute the jets of ϕ1 and ϕ2 for the first bang and look for the first switching time under the form s1 = s10 + s11r0 and then repeat the procedure for the second bang and so on. Finally, if we denote δp = sign(p(0)) and δr = sign(r0) then the controls during the first bang are u1 = u2 = δp. The first time of switch is

$$s_{1}=\delta_{r}(1-\delta_{r} a_{0})-\delta_{p}(1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) (\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} -\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20})r_{0}+o(r_{0})$$

and corresponds to ϕ2(s1) = 0 if δr = 1 or ϕ1(s1) = 0 if δr = − 1. The second bang corresponds to u1 = δpδr and u2 = −δpδr and the second switch is at

$$s_{2}=\delta_{r}(3 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) -\delta_{p} ((1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) (\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} -\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20}) + 4 b_{20}) r_{0}+o(r_{0})$$

where ϕ1(s2) = 0 if δr = 1 and ϕ2(s2) = 0 if δr = − 1. At this time

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x(s_{2})&=&\delta_{p}(\delta_{r} + a_{0})r_{0}-\delta_{r}(\delta_{r} + a_{0}) (-\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} +\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20}){r_{0}^{2}}+o({r_{0}^{2}}),\\ y(s_{2})&=&2\delta_{r} {r_{0}^{2}}-\delta_{p}\frac43 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}){r_{0}^{3}}+o({r_{0}^{3}}). \end{array} $$

The third bang corresponds to u1 = u2 = − 1 if δp = 1 and to u1 = u2 = 1 if δp = − 1. The third switching time satisfies s3 = δr(5 − δra0) + O(r0) and the corresponding time t3 is larger than the cut time as we will see later.

Let us analyze a little the situation in terms of cut locus for these extremals: if we consider the extremals with δp = δr = 1, they all start following G1, without loosing optimality. Then they switch to G2 at t = r0(1 − a0) + o(r0). During this second bang, they do not intersect one each other since they are all following G2 with a different initial condition on {x > 0,y = 0}. Then they switch to − G1 but at a different y hence again they cannot intersect. The loss of optimality cannot come from an intersection with extremals with δr = − 1 since these last one live in {y ≤ 0}. As we will see in the following, the loss of optimality will come from the intersection with an extremal with − δp = δr = 1 during the third bang. Of course, the same occurs for extremals with δr = − 1.

Fix a small parameter ρ > 0. Since the dynamics during the third bang of all the extremals is given by ± G1 = ±x, y is constant during these third bangs. Hence, for the extremals with δr = 1, we can look for the r0, as a jet in ρ, such that y = 2ρ2 during the third bang, and for the extremals with δr = − 1, we can look for the r0, as a jet in ρ, such that y = − 2ρ2 during the third bang. The result is

$$r_{0}=\delta_{r}\rho+\delta_{r}\delta_{p}\frac13 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20})\rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2})$$

which allows to compute

$$t_{2}=(3 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) \rho -\delta_{r}\delta_{p} \frac{3 a_{10} - {a_{0}^{2}} a_{10} +\delta_{r} 6 b_{20} - 3 a_{0} b_{20} + {a_{0}^{3}} b_{20}}{3} \rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2}). $$

Hence, we can compute x(t) = x(t2) + (tt2) for this r0 that is

$$x(t)=-\delta_{p} t+\delta_{p} 4 \rho - \frac23 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}) \rho^{2} +o(\rho^{2}).$$

We are now in situation to complete the computation of the jet of the cut locus: an extremal intersects an extremal of same length at the time tcut = 4ρ + o(ρ2) which is less than t3 = (5 − δra0)ρ hence tcut is the cut time. When δr = 1 the cut point satisfies

$$x_{cut}=-\frac23 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}) \rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2}),\quad y_{cut}= 2\rho^{2}, $$

and when δr = − 1 the cut point satisfies

$$x_{cut}=-\frac23 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}) \rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2}),\quad y_{cut}=-2\rho^{2}. $$

Finally, if one wants to describe the sphere at time t small, one have that the first switching time is

$$t_{1}=\delta_{r}(1-\delta_{r} a_{0})r_{0}-\delta_{p}(1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) (\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} -\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20}){r_{0}^{2}}+o({r_{0}^{2}}) $$

and hence, at t small, the r0 corresponding to a first switching point is

$$r_{1}=\frac{t}{\delta_{r}(1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) }+\delta_{r}\delta_{p} \frac{\delta_{r} a_{10} +b_{20}(1-\delta_{r} a_{0})}{(1 - a_{0})^{2}} t^{2}+o(t^{2}). $$

The second switching time is

$$t_{2}=\delta_{r}(3 -\delta_{r} a_{0})r_{0} -\delta_{p} ((1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) (\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} -\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20}) + 4 b_{20}) {r_{0}^{2}}+o({r_{0}^{2}}) $$

which implies that, at t small, the r0 corresponding to a second switching point is

$$r_{2}=\frac{t}{\delta_{r}(3 -\delta_{r} a_{0})} +\delta_{p} \frac{(1 -\delta_{r} a_{0}) (\delta_{r} a_{10} + b_{20} -\delta_{r} a_{0} b_{20}) + 4 b_{20}}{\delta_{r}(3 -\delta_{r} a_{0})^{3}}t^{2}+o(t^{2}). $$

And the cut time is

$$t_{cut}= 4\delta_{r} (r_{0} -\delta_{r}\delta_{p} \frac13 (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}) {r_{0}^{2}})+o({r_{0}^{2}}) $$

which implies that at t small the r0 corresponding to a cut point is

$$r_{cut}=\frac{\delta_{r}}4(t + \frac{\delta_{p}}{12} (-a_{0} a_{10} + 3 b_{20} + {a_{0}^{2}} b_{20}) t^{2})+o(t^{2}). $$

4.3 (N F 2b) Case

Recall that the normal form (NF2b) gives G1(x,y) = x, and

$$G_{2}(x,y)=(1+a_{10}x+a_{01}y+a_{20}x^{2}+o_{2}(x,y))\partial_{x} +(x+b_{20}x^{2}+b_{30}x^{3}+o_{3}(x,y))\partial_{y}. $$

In this case, the extremals with initial condition |λy(0)| >> 1 are the limit when a0 goes to 1 of the extremal presented in the case (NF2a). If λy(0) >> 1 then the symbol starts with [[G2,−G1]] or with [[−G2,G1]] and if − λy(0) >> 1 then the symbol starts with [[G1,−G2]] or with [[−G1,G2]] (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

The optimal synthesis in the (NF2a) case

But F2(0) = 0 then for all extremals ϕ2(0) = 0. Hence, an extremal may also, depending on the invariants, have symbol starting by [[G2,G1]], [[G1,G2]], \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{1}]]\) or \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{2}]]\) if λx(0) = 1, or starting by [[−G2,−G1]], [[−G1,−G2]], \([[S_{2}^{-},-G_{1}]]\) or \([[S_{2}^{-},-G_{2}]]\) if λx(0) = − 1.

If λx(0) = 1 then at least for small time u1(t) = 1 and x(t) = t + o(t) and y(t) = o(t). Then, computing ϕ2 one finds \(\phi _{2}(t)=-\lambda _{x}(t)\frac {a_{10}}{2}-\lambda _{y}(t) \frac {x(t)}2+o(t) =-(\frac {a_{10}+\lambda _{y}(0)}{2})t+o(t)\). Hence if λy(0) > −a10 then, since ϕ2(0) < 0 for small time, the extremal starts by a bang following G2. If λy(0) < −a10 then ϕ2(0) > 0 for small time and the extremal starts by a bang following G1.

If λx(0) = − 1 then at least for small time u1(t) = − 1 and x(t) = −t + o(t) and y(t) = o(t). Then \(\phi _{2}(t)=(\frac {a_{10}-\lambda _{y}(0)}{2})t+o(t)\). Hence if λy(0) > a10 then, since ϕ2(0) < 0 for small time, the extremal starts by a bang following − G1. If λy(0) < a10 then ϕ2(0) > 0 for small time and the extremal starts by a bang following − G2.

In coordinates, one can compute that

$$\det(F_{2},[F_{1},F_{2}])(x,y)=\frac14 ((a_{10} b_{20}-a_{20} )x^{2} + a_{01} y)+o_{2}(x,y) $$

where x has weight 1 and y has weight 2. Since generically at such points (which are isolated points) a01≠ 0 then an equation for Δ2 is given by

$$y=\frac{a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }x^{2} +o(x^{2}). $$

Remark that generically \(\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }\) is neither 0 nor \(\frac 12\). Moreover

$$f_{2}(x,y)=\frac{\det(F_{2},[F_{1},F_{2}])(x,y)}{\det(F_{2},F_{1})(x,y)} =\frac{((a_{10} b_{20}-a_{20} ) x^{2} + a_{01} y)+o_{2}(x,y)}{2x}. $$

Recall that an equation of the support of the integral curve of G1 passing by 0 is y = 0 and that an equation for the support of the integral curve of G2 passing by 0 is \(y=\frac {x^{2}}{2}+o(x^{2})\).

If \(\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }<0\) or if \(\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }>\frac 12\) then Δ2 does not enter the domain \({\mathcal {D}}=\{x>0, 0<y<\frac {x^{2}}2 \}\) and along it G1 and G2 point on the same side of Δ2 hence Δ2 is not a turnpike. In these cases

  • if a10b20a20 > 0 then f2 > 0 in \(\mathcal {D}\) and the new extremals, that are not described as limit of the case NF2a, have symbol [[G2,G1]].

  • if a10b20a20 < 0 then f2 < 0 in \(\mathcal {D}\) and the new extremals, that are not described as limit of the case NF2a, have symbol [[G1,G2]].

If \(0<\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }<\frac 12\) then Δ2 enters \(\mathcal {D}\) and along it G1 and G2 point on opposite sides of Δ2. In this case:

  • if a10b20a20 > 0 then, along \({\Delta }_2\cap {\mathcal {D}}\), G1 points in direction of f2 > 0 and Δ2 is a turnpike. Then, the only extremals entering the domain \(\mathcal {D}\) start with a singular arc and have symbols \([[S_{2}^{+}]]\), \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{1}]]\) or \([[S_{2}^{+},G_{2}]]\).

  • if a10b20a20 < 0 then, along \({\Delta }_2\cap {\mathcal {D}}\), G1 points in direction of f2 < 0 and Δ2 is not a turnpike. In this case, the symbols start with [[G1,G2]] and [[G2,G1]]. One can compute, with the same techniques that in Section 4.2.2, the switching times and the second switching locus for extremals that enter the domain \(\mathcal {D}\), that is for extremal with initial condition λy(0) = −a10 + δ𝜖 with 𝜖 > 0 small and δ = ± 1. If δ < 0 then the symbol is [[G1,G2,G1]] and the switching times are \(t_{1}=\frac {\epsilon }{a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}\) and \(t_{2}=t_{1}+\frac {2\epsilon }{a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20}}\), the second switching locus being

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x(\epsilon)&=&\frac{a_{01}\epsilon}{(a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}) (a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20})},\\ y(\epsilon)&=&\frac{2 (a_{01} - a_{20} + a_{10} b_{20})\epsilon^{2}}{(a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}) (a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20})^{2}}. \end{array} $$

    If δ > 0 then the symbol is [[G2,G1,G2]] and the switching times are \(t_{1}=\frac {2\epsilon }{a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20}}\) and \(t_{2}=t_{1}+\frac {\epsilon }{a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}\), the second switching locus being

    $$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x(\epsilon)&=&\frac{a_{01}\epsilon}{(a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}) (a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20})}, \\ y(\epsilon)&=&\frac{2 \epsilon^{2}}{ (a_{01} - 2 a_{20} + 2 a_{10} b_{20})^{2}}. \end{array} $$

    In fact, these extremals lose optimality before the second switching. Effectively, the two fronts intersect before creating cut locus. In order to compute this cut locus, one can compute the jets of the two corresponding families of curves: the first one following G1 during time 𝜖11 then following G2 during time 𝜖12, with 𝜖11 + 𝜖12 = t; the second one following G2 during time 𝜖21 then following G1 during time 𝜖22, with 𝜖21 + 𝜖22 = t. Writing 𝜖11 = t𝜖12 and 𝜖22 = t𝜖21 and then 𝜖12 = s1t + s2t2 + o(t2) and 𝜖21 = t1t + t2t2 + o(t2), one can compute the jets with respect to t of both families and compute the cut locus. On finds

    $$t_{1}=\frac{a_{01} - 6 (\alpha - a_{10} \beta) - 2 (a_{01} -3 (\alpha - a_{10} \beta)) s_{1} + (a_{01} - 2 (\alpha - a_{10} \beta)) {s_{1}^{2}}}{2 (\alpha - a_{10} \beta) (-2 + s_{1})} $$


    $$s_{1}=\frac{1 - 2 \gamma + 8 \gamma^{2} - 2 \sqrt{\gamma}}{1 + 4 \gamma^{2}} $$

    where \(\alpha =\frac {a_{01}+ 2a_{20}+a_{10}^{2}}{6}\), \(\beta =\frac {2b_{20}+a_{10}}{6}\), \(\gamma =\frac {\alpha -a_{10}\beta }{a_{01}-2(\alpha -a_{10}\beta )}\). Under the hypotheses of this case, one proves easily that \(\frac 14\leq \gamma \leq 1\) which allows to prove that the expression in the formula of s1 varies between 0 and 1. Finally, one gets the formula for the cut locus

    $$x(t)=t +\frac12 (2a_{10} s_{1} - a_{10} {s_{1}^{2}}) t^{2} +o(t^{2}), y(t)= \frac12(2s_{1} - {s_{1}^{2}}) t^{2} +o(t^{2}). $$

    Hence, the only optimal symbols entering the domain \(\mathcal {D}\) are [[G1,G2]] and [[G2,G1]].

Pictures for the (NF2b) case are in Figs. 5 and 6.

Fig. 5
figure 5

(NF2b) case: when \(0<\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }<\frac 12\)

Fig. 6
figure 6

(NF2b) case: when \(\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }<0\) or \(\frac {a_{20} - a_{10} b_{20}}{a_{01} }>\frac 12\)

4.4 (N F 3) Case

Recall that in the (NF3) case, x has weight 1 and y has weight 3. Hence, we can write

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} G_{1}(x,y)&=&\partial_{x} \\ G_{2}(x,y)&=&(a_{0}+a_{10}x+o(x,y))\partial_{x} +\left( \frac{x^{2}}2+b_{01}y+b_{30}x^{3}+o_{3}(x,y)\right)\partial_{y} \end{array} $$

with b0,1≠ 0 and 0 < a0 < 1, where ok(x,y) has the meaning given in Section 3.5. As in the (NF2b) case, for any extremal starting at 0,

$$\phi_{1}(0)=\frac12\lambda_{x}(0) (1+a_{0}) \quad \text{and} \quad \phi_{2}(0)=\frac12\lambda_{x}(0) (1-a_{0}).$$

And for the same reasons, if we want to study extremals that switch in short time, we need to consider |λy| large.

The set of initial condition is {(λx(0),λy(0))|λx(0) = ± 1}. We parameterize the upper part of this set by setting \(\lambda _{y}(0)=\frac 1{{r_{0}^{2}}}\) and the lower part by \(\lambda _{y}(0)=-\frac 1{{r_{0}^{2}}}\).

As explained in Section 3.4, in order to compute extremals with λy(0) >> 1 we make the change of coordinates \(r=\frac {1}{\sqrt {\lambda _{y}}}\), \(X=\frac x r\), \(Y=\frac y {r^{3}}\) and the change of time \(s=\frac t r\).

Now, looking for the solutions as taylor series in r0, that is under the form

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} X(r_{0},s)&=&X_{0}(s) + r_{0} X_{1}(s) + o(r_{0}),&&\lambda_{x}(r_{0},s)&=&\lambda_{x0}(s) + r_{0} \lambda_{x1}(s) + o(r_{0}),\\ Y(r_{0},s)&=&Y_{0}(s) + r_{0} Y_{1}(s)+ o(r_{0}),&&r(r_{0},s)&=&r_{0}+{r_{0}^{2}} r_{2}(s)+o_{2}(r_{0}) \end{array} $$

one finds the equations

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} X_{0}^{\prime}(s)&=&\frac{1}{2} (u_{1}+u_{2})+\frac{a_{0}}{2}(u_{1}-u_{2}),\\ X_{1}^{\prime}(s)&=&\frac{(u_{1}-u_{2})}4(2 a_{10} - b_{01})X_{0}(s),\\ Y_{0}^{\prime}(s)&=&\frac{1}{4} (u_{1}-u_{2}) {X_{0}^{2}}(s),\\ Y_{1}^{\prime}(s)&=&\frac{(u_{1}-u_{2})}4(2 b_{30} {X_{0}^{3}}(s) + 2 X_{0}(s) X_{1}(s) - b_{01} Y_{0}(s)),\\ \lambda_{x0}^{\prime}(s)&=&-\frac{1}{2} (u_{1}-u_{2}) X_{0}(s),\\ \lambda_{x1}^{\prime}(s)&=&-\frac{(u_{1}-u_{2})}2(a_{10} \lambda_{x0}(s) + 3 b_{30} {X_{0}^{2}}(s) + X_{1}(s)),\\ r_{2}^{\prime}(s)&=&\frac{b_{01}}{4} (u_{1}-u_{2}), \end{array} $$

For an initial condition λx(0) = 1, one find ϕ1(0) > 0 and ϕ2(0) > 0, hence u1(0) = u2(0) = 1. One can integrate the equations and look for the first switching time as a Taylor series \(s^{1}={s^{1}_{0}}+r_{0} {s^{1}_{1}}+o(r_{0})\) and compute \(\phi _{2}(r_{0},{s^{1}_{0}}+r_{0} {s^{1}_{1}}+o(r_{0}))\) in order to compute

$${s^{1}_{0}}=\sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}} \quad \text{and}\quad {s^{1}_{1}}=-a_{10} - 2 b_{30}(1-a_{0}).$$

At the switching time

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} X(s^{1})&=&\sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 - a0}-(a_{10} + 2 b_{30})(1-a_{0})r_{0},&&\lambda_{x}(s^{1})&=&1,\\ Y(s^{1})&=&0,&&r(s^{1})&=&r_{0}. \end{array} $$

After this first switch ϕ1(0) > 0 and ϕ2(0) < 0, hence u1(0) = 1 and u2(0) = − 1. We can compute and look for the next switching time and one finds that ϕ1 goes to 0 at \(s^{2}={s^{2}_{0}}+r_{0} {s^{2}_{1}}+o(r_{0})\) with

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {s^{2}_{0}}&=&{s^{1}_{0}}+\sqrt 2\frac{\sqrt{1 + a_{0}}-\sqrt{1 - a_{0}}}{a_{0}}, \\ {s^{2}_{1}}&=&{s^{1}_{1}}+\frac{b_{01}((1 - a_{0})^{\frac32} - \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}(1-2a_{0})) - 12b_{30} {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}} }{3 {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{ 1 + a_{0}}}. \end{array} $$

At the second switching time

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} X(s^{2})&=&\sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}\\&+&\frac{3 a_{10}a_{0} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}+b_{01}((1-a_{0})^{\frac32}-(1+a_{0})^{\frac32}) -6b_{30}a_{0}(1+a_{0})^{\frac32}}{3 a_{0} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}} r_{0},\\ Y(s^{2})&=&\frac{\sqrt{2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\\&-&\frac{2 b_{01}(1-a_{0}+{a_{0}^{2}}-(1 - a_{0})^{\frac32} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}} )+ 12 {a_{0}^{2}} b_{30} }{3 {a_{0}^{2}} } r_{0},\\ \lambda_{x}(s^{2})&=&-1,\\ r(s^{2})&=&r_{0}+\frac{(\sqrt{1 + a_{0}}-\sqrt{1 - a_{0}}) b_{01}}{\sqrt{2} a_{0}} {r_{0}^{2}}. \end{array} $$

After this second switch, ϕ1(0) < 0 and ϕ2(0) < 0, hence u1(0) = u2(0) = − 1. One can compute the third switch as being \(s^{3}={s^{3}_{0}}+r_{0} {s^{3}_{1}}+o(r_{0})\) with

$${s^{3}_{0}}={s^{2}_{0}}+ 2 \sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 + a0}, \quad {s^{3}_{1}}={s^{2}_{1}}-\frac{2 ((1+a_{0})^{\frac32}-(1 - a_{0})^{\frac32} ) b_{01}}{3 a_{0} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}}. $$

At this time \(X(s^{3})=-\sqrt {2} \sqrt {1 + a_{0}}+O(r_{0})\) and we will see that this third switching time comes after the cut time.

The same computations can be done for the extremals starting with λx(0) = − 1. We use the notation \(\bar z\) for variables z corresponding to these extremals. During the first bang the controls are \(\bar u_{1}=\bar u_{2}=-1\), during the second \(\bar u_{1}= 1\) and \(\bar u_{2}=-1\) and during the third one \(\bar u_{1}=\bar u_{2}= 1\). The switching times are \({\bar s}^{1}\) and \({\bar s}^{2}\) satisfying

$$\begin{array}{rclcrcl} {\bar s}^{1}_{0}&=&\sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}, && {\bar s}^{1}_{1}&=&-a_{10} + 2 b_{30}(1+a_{0}),\\ {\bar s}^{2}_{0}&=&{\bar s}^{1}_{0}+\sqrt 2\frac{\sqrt{1 + a_{0}}-\sqrt{1 - a_{0}}}{a_{0}}, && {\bar s}^{2}_{1}&=&{\bar s}^{1}_{1}+\frac{b_{01}((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} - \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}(1 + 2a_{0})) + 12b_{30} {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}} }{3 {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}}. \end{array} $$

And at the second switching time

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {\bar X}({\bar s}^{2})&=&-\sqrt{2} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}\\&+&\frac{-3 a_{10}a_{0} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}+b_{01}((1+a_{0})^{\frac32}-(1-a_{0})^{\frac32}) -6b_{30}a_{0}(1-a_{0})^{\frac32}}{3 a_{0} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}} \bar r_{0},\\ \bar Y({\bar s}^{2})&=&\frac{\sqrt{2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\\&-& \frac{2 b_{01}(1+a_{0}+{a_{0}^{2}}-\sqrt{1 - a_{0}}(1+a_{0})^{\frac32})- 12 {a_{0}^{2}} b_{30} }{3 {a_{0}^{2}} } \bar r_{0},\\ \bar \lambda_{x}({\bar s}^{2})&=&-1,\\ \bar r({\bar s}^{2})&=&\bar r_{0}+\frac{(\sqrt{1 + a_{0}}-\sqrt{1 - a_{0}}) b_{01}}{\sqrt{2} a_{0}} \bar {r_{0}^{2}}. \end{array} $$

One can compute that at the third switching time \(\bar X({\bar s}^{3})=\sqrt {2} \sqrt {1 - a_{0}}+O(r_{0})\).

We are now ready to compute the cut locus. As one can estimate easily, an extremal starting with λx(0) > 0 intersects an extremal starting with λx(0) < 0, both during their third bang. Moreover, since \(Y(s^{2})=\bar Y(\bar s^{2})+o(r_{0})\) one have that \(\bar r_{0}=r_{0} +o(r_{0})\).

Fix ρ and look for the extremals intersecting at \(y=\frac {\sqrt {2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac 32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac {3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\rho ^{3}\). We write r0 = ρ + Rcutρ2 + o(ρ2) and look for Rcut such that \(r_{0} Y(s^{2})=\frac {\sqrt {2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac 32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac {3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\rho ^{3}+o(\rho ^{4})\). We find

$$R_{cut}=\frac{\sqrt2 ((-2 {a_{0}^{2}} + (2+a_{0}) (-1 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}}) ) b_{01} + 6 {a_{0}^{2}} b_{30})}{3 a_{0} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac32})}.$$

For \(\bar r_{0}=\rho +\bar R_{cut} \rho ^{2}+o(\rho ^{2})\) one finds

$$\bar R_{cut}=\frac{\sqrt2 ((-2 {a_{0}^{2}} + (2-a_{0}) (-1 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}}) ) b_{01} - 6 {a_{0}^{2}} b_{30})}{3 a_{0} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac32})}.$$

With these values, we can compute the second switching times \(t^{2}=r s^{2}={t^{2}_{1}} \rho +{t^{2}_{2}} \rho ^{2}+o(\rho ^{3})\) and \(\bar t_{2}=\bar r \bar s^{2}=\bar {t^{2}_{1}} \rho +\bar {t^{2}_{2}} \rho ^{2}+o(\rho ^{3})\) with

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {t^{2}_{1}}&=&\sqrt2 \left( \sqrt{1 - a_{0}} + \frac{\sqrt{1 + a_{0}} - \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}}{a_{0}}\right)\\ {t^{2}_{2}}&=&-a_{10}+\frac{2 (-4 + a_{0} - 2 {a_{0}^{2}} + {a_{0}^{3}} + (-1 + a_{0}) \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}}) }{3 + {a_{0}^{2}} }b_{30}\\ &&+\frac{(-5 + 2 a_{0} - 6 {a_{0}^{2}} + {a_{0}^{3}}) \sqrt{1 + a_{0}} - (-5 - 3 a_{0} + {a_{0}^{2}} + 3 {a_{0}^{3}})\sqrt{1 - a_{0}} }{ 3 {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{1 + a_{0}} (2 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}})} b_{01}\\ \bar {t^{2}_{1}}&=&\sqrt2 \left( \sqrt{1 + a_{0}} + \frac{\sqrt{1 + a_{0}} - \sqrt{1 - a_{0}}}{a_{0}}\right)\\ \bar {t^{2}_{2}}&=&-a_{10}+\frac{2 (4 +a_{0} + 2{a_{0}^{2}} + {a_{0}^{3}})+(1 +a_{0}) \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}} ) }{3 + {a_{0}^{2}}}b_{30}\\ &&-\frac{ (-5 + 3 a_{0} + {a_{0}^{2}} - 3 {a_{0}^{3}}) \sqrt{1 + a_{0}}+ (5 + 2 a_{0} + 6 {a_{0}^{2}} + {a_{0}^{3}})\sqrt{1 - a_{0}} } {3 {a_{0}^{2}} \sqrt{1 - a_{0}} (2 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}})} b_{01} \end{array} $$

and the x coordinates of the point of second switching under the form x = x1ρ + x2ρ2 + o(ρ3) and \(\bar x=\bar x_{1} \rho +\bar x_{2}\rho ^{2}+o(\rho ^{3})\) with

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x_{1}&=&\frac{2 \sqrt{2} (1 + 3 {a_{0}^{2}} - (1 - {a_{0}^{2}})^{\frac32})}{a_{0} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} -(1 - a_{0})^{\frac32} )},\\ x_{2}&=&-\frac{5+a_{0}+ 5{a_{0}^{2}}-(5+a_{0})\sqrt{1-{a_{0}^{2}}} }{3 {a_{0}^{2}} }b_{01}-4b_{30},\\ \bar x_{1}&=&-\frac{2 \sqrt{2} (1 + 3 {a_{0}^{2}} - (1 - {a_{0}^{2}})^{\frac32})}{a_{0} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} -(1 - a_{0})^{\frac32} )},\\ \bar x_{2}&=&\frac{ 5-a_{0}+ 5{a_{0}^{2}}+(-5+a_{0})\sqrt{1-{a_{0}^{2}}}}{3 {a_{0}^{2}}}b_{01}-4b_{30}. \end{array} $$

One find easily that the cut locus is at \(x_{c}=\frac {x_{1}+\bar x_{1}}2\rho +\frac {x_{2}+\bar x_{2}}2\rho ^{2}+o(\rho ^{2})\) that is

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x_{cut}^{+}&=&-\left( \frac{a_{0}}{3 (1 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}})}b_{01}+ 4 b_{30}\right)\rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2}),\\ y_{cut}^{+}&=&\frac{\sqrt{2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac32} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\rho^{3}. \end{array} $$

When − λy(0) >> 1, then we set \(r=\frac {1}{\sqrt {-\lambda _{y}}}\). Equations are changed but the final result is very similar

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x_{cut}^{-}&=&-\left( \frac{a_{0}}{3 (1 + \sqrt{1 - {a_{0}^{2}}})}b_{01}+ 4 b_{30}\right)\rho^{2}+o(\rho^{2}),\\ y_{cut}^{-}&=&-\frac{\sqrt{2} ((1 + a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}} - (1 - a_{0})^{\frac{3}{2}})}{3 a_{0}}\rho^{3}. \end{array} $$

Finally, the cut locus appears to be a cusp whose tangent at the singular point is the tangent to ΔA, see Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The synthesis in the (NF3) case