1 Introduction

Due to its 4F9/26H13/2 (~480 nm), 4F9/26H15/2 (~573 nm), 6H11/26H13/2 (~1.34 μm) and 6H13/26H15/2 (~3.02 μm) emission bands, the incorporation of Dy3+ into a great variety of hosts has received considerable attention for W-LED, solid state laser and optical amplifier applications, among others [13]. By adjusting the relative blue (4F9/26H13/2) and yellow (4F9/26H15/2) emission intensities, it is possible to generate white light emission in Dy3+ singly-activated phosphors upon near-ultraviolet (NUV) excitation [4, 5], making Dy3+ a very attractive ion for W-LED applications. However, the negligible red emission of Dy3+ singly-doped phosphors represents a drawback to modulate and produce warm white light. In order to overcome this deficiency, Eu3+ ions are introduced to contribute with a red component, generating by this way tunable white emission [46]. Such emission can be achieved by an efficient Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer process upon NUV excitation, which matches well with the emission for instance of InGaN-based LED. Among the hosts tested for the incorporation of Dy3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+/Eu3+, phosphate glasses possess unique characteristics, such as low melting temperature, high transparency in the NUV–Vis range, high thermal expansion, high luminous ion concentration, large emission and absorption cross section, among others [79]. However, their poor chemical durability is an inconvenience for many applications [8, 10]. As a solution, it has been reported that ZnO improves the chemical stability because Zn2+ is able to form ZnO4 tetrahedron and/or P–O–Zn bridges through phosphate chain linkages in the glassy structure [9]. Furthermore, the combination of lithium and aluminum in phosphate glasses offers high transparency and thermal stability. All these characteristics make lithium–aluminum–zinc phosphate glass very attractive for potential W-LED applications [9, 11]. Thus, in this work a spectroscopy study based on absorption, excitation and emission spectra, and decay time profiles of lithium–aluminum zinc phosphate glasses activated with Eu3+, Dy3+ and Dy3+/Eu3+ is presented.

2 Experimental details

The molar compositions of the lithium–aluminum–zinc phosphate glasses under investigation were 5.0 Li2O–5.0 Al2O3–39.5 ZnO–50.0 P2O5–0.5 Dy2O3, 5.0 Li2O–5.0 Al2O3–39.0 ZnO–50.0 P2O5–1.0 Eu2O3, 5.0 Li2O–5.0 Al2O3–38.5 ZnO–50.0 P2O5–0.5 Dy2O3–1.0 Eu2O3, which will be referred hereafter as LAZD, LAZE and LAZDE, respectively. The glasses were synthetized by mixing stoichiometric amounts of reagent grade NH4H2PO4, ZnO, Li2CO3, Al2O3, Dy2O3 and Eu2O3 in a sintered alumina crucible and melting the mixture for 6 h at 1250 °C. The melts then were quenched onto a copper plate. The glasses were annealed at 350 °C for 16 h to obtain thermal and mechanical stability. Photoluminescence spectra were recorded by a Horiba Jobin–Yvon Fluorolog 3–22 spectrofluorometer operating with a 450 W ozone-free Xe lamp in the steady mode or with a pulsed Xe lamp for decay time profile measurements. The decay times were recorded in the phosphorescence mode using a delay time of 0.01 ms after the excitation pulse (3 μs half-width) and a 5 ms sample window. The absorption spectra were recorded by a Carry 5000 spectrometer. All measurements were carried out at room temperature.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 LAZD glass phosphor

Figure 1a shows the characteristic absorption spectrum of the LAZD glass on the 300–770 nm range. It consists of several bands centered at about 324, 348, 364, 386, 425, 452, 474 and 750 nm, corresponding to Dy3+ ion 4K15/2, (4M15/2,6P7/2), 4I11/2, (4K17/2,4M19/2,21/2,4I13/2,4F7/2), 4G11/2, 4I15/2, 4F9/2 and 6F1/2 + 6F3/2, respectively. The absorption spectrum on the 800–1800 nm range displayed in Fig. 1b, shows bands at 886, 1094, 1266 and 1677 nm, associated with the Dy3+ ions 6H5/2 + 6F7/2, 6H7/2 + 6F9/2, 6H9/2 + 6F11/2 and 6H11/2 transitions from the 6H15/2 ground state, respectively. The absorption edge located below 340 nm reveals a high host transparency, which fulfills the requirements for optical applications in the visible range.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Absorption on the a 300–770 and b 800–1600 nm ranges and c emission spectra of the LAZD glass

The emission spectrum, exciting into the 6H15/2 → (4M15/2,6P7/2) absorption transition at 348 nm (Fig. 1c), displays the typical Dy3+ emissions centered at 454, 483, 572 and 661 nm, associated with the 4I15/26H15/2, 4F9/26H15/2, 6H13/2 and 6H11/2 Dy3+ ion transitions, respectively. These emissions are originated by an initial population from the (4M15/2,6P7/2) state, which non-radiatively relaxes to the 4F9/2 emitting level, giving rise to the blue, yellow and red Dy3+ emissions. The feeble 4I15/26H15/2 emission at 454 nm is related with a non-radiative relaxation from the 4I15/2 state to the 4F9/2 one, as consequence of the small energy gap (~1000 cm−1) between the 4I15/2 and 4F9/2 levels (see Fig. 2). On the other hand, the intensity ratio of the 4F9/26H13/2 (yellow) and 4F9/26H15/2 (blue) transitions dominates the emission tonality, and it is associated with the predominant symmetry around Dy3+ ions into the host. It is well known that emissions with ΔJ = 0, ±1, ±3 correspond to magnetic dipole (MD) transitions, and they are insensitive to the host environment, whereas emissions, with ΔJ = ± 2, ±4, ±6, are associated with hypersensitive transitions to the host environment. So that, when Dy3+ is mainly located into a non-inversion symmetry site, the intensity of the 4F9/26H13/2 emission is significantly higher than that of the 4F9/26H15/2 emission. Thus, the (4F9/26H13/2)/(4F9/26H15/2) emission intensity ratio can be used to evaluate the predominant symmetry around Dy3+ into the lithium–aluminum zinc phosphate glass host. In this case, the (4F9/26H13/2)/(4F9/26H15/2) emission intensity ratio resulted to be 1.57, suggesting that Dy3+ ions are mostly distributed into non-inversion symmetry sites. Thereby, neutral white emission is obtained from the LAZD glass according to its x = 0.367 and y = 0.412 CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT) of 4547 K, as calculated by the following Eq. [12]:

Fig. 2
figure 2

Dy3+ and Eu3+ energy level diagram illustrating the possible energy transfer pathways among the Dy3+ and Eu3+ ions


where n = (x − 0.3320)/(0.1858 − y), and x and y are the chromaticity coordinates.

3.2 LAZE glass phosphor

The absorption spectrum of the LAZE glass (Fig. 3a) shows eight bands located at 318, 362, 375, 382, 393, 415, 465 and 533 nm, corresponding to transitions of the 5H6, 5D4, 5G2,3,4,5, 5L8, 5L7, 5D3, 5D2 and 5D1 Eu3+ excited states, respectively. The emission spectrum, upon 393 nm excitation into the 5L7 predominant absorption, exhibits the Eu3+ emissions centered at 577, 591, 611, 651 and 699 nm, associated with the 5D07F0, 5D07F1, 5D07F2, 5D07F3 and 5D07F4 electronic transitions, respectively (Fig. 3b). Such emissions are achieved after non-radiative relaxations from the 5L7 state to the 5D0 one, through the (5D3,5L6), 5D2 and 5D1 intermediate levels (see Fig. 2). Similarly to the dysprosium emissions, the europium 5D07F2/5D07F1 emission intensity ratio is useful to test the dominant symmetry around Eu3+ [4]. If Eu3+ ions occupy non-inversion symmetry sites, the intensity of the 5D07F2 emission should be higher than that of the 5D07F1 emission. In this case, the 5D07F2/5D07F1 emission intensity ratio is around 2.56, suggesting that like Dy3+ ions, Eu3+ ions mainly occupy sites without inversion symmetry. The overall emission of the LAZE glass upon 393 nm excitation was also characterized by the CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT), resulting in values of x = 0.638 and y = 0.354, and 2070 K, respectively. Such color coordinates are within the reddish-orange region, with a high red color purity of 97.2%. The color purity was estimated from the the weighted average of the sample emission colour coordinates (x s, y s) relative to the CIE1931 Standard Source C illuminant coordinates (x i, y i) and the dominant wavelength coordinates (x d, y d) relative to the (x i, y i) coordinates, through the following relation [13]:

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Absorption and b emission spectra of the LAZE glass

$${\text{Color}}\;{\text{purity}}=\frac{{\sqrt {{{({x_s} - {x_i})}^2}+{{({y_s} - {y_i})}^2}} }}{{{{({x_d} - {x_i})}^2}+{{({y_d} - {y_i})}^2}}} \times 100\%$$

where the coordinates (x d, y d) are those of the monochromatic wavelength having the same color as the light source. The dominant wavelength is determined by drawing a straight line from the (x i, y i) coordinates through the (x s, y s) coordinates until the line intersects to the outer locus of points along the spectral edge of the CIE1931 chromaticity diagram.

3.3 LAZDE glass phosphor

In order to study the effect of Dy3+ co-doping on the Eu3+ excitation, Fig. 4a displays the excitation spectra of the LAZDE and LAZE glasses monitoring the europium 5D07F2 emission at 611 nm, wherein Dy3+ does not emit (see Fig. 1c). Besides the Eu3+ characteristic excitation bands, the excitation spectrum of the LAZDE glass shows two additional bands centered at 348 and 452 nm, related with the dysprosium 6H15/2 → (4M15/2,6P7/2) and 4I15/2 excitations, respectively, suggesting that Dy3+ sensitizes Eu3+. This process leads to Eu3+ emission through the Dy3+ excitation. The europium excitation band intensity in the LAZDE glass is lower than in the LAZE one, which could be evidencing Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer, as discussed below.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Excitation spectra of the glasses a LAZE and LAZDE and b LAZD and LAZDE monitoring the Eu3+ and Dy3+ emissions at 611 and 480 nm, respectively

Figure 4b depicts the excitation spectra of the LAZDE and LAZD glasses recording the dysprosium 4F9/26H15/2 emission at 480 nm, wherein Eu3+ is not able to emit. The excitation spectrum of the LAZDE glass displays, in addition to the Dy3+ transitions, a shoulder mounted on the dysprosium 6H15/2 → (4K17/2,4M19/2,21/2,4I13/2,4F7/2) excitation band, which matches with the europium 7F05L7 excitation, pointing out a feasible Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer process. Also, it can be noticed that the dysprosium excitation band intensity in the co-doped glass (LAZDE) is lower than in the singly doped one (LAZD). This fact might be associated with Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer according to the Dy3+ excitation bands observed by monitoring the isolated Eu3+ emission.

In order to clarify the mechanism involved in the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy process, Fig. 5a shows the decay profiles of the isolated dysprosium 4F9/24H15/2 emission at 480 nm under excitation at 348 nm of the LAZD and LAZDE glasses. The emission of the Dy3+ singly doped glass (LAZD) follows a non-exponential decay, attributed to cross relaxation processes among Dy3+ ions [14]. In presence of Eu3+, the decay remains non-exponential and becomes shorter, suggesting a non-radiative Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer process. Because both decays are not exponential the lifetime was taken as the average lifetime [15], resulting to be 0.92 and 0.85 ms for the LAZD and LAZDE glasses, respectively. So that, the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer process is accomplished with an efficiency and probability of 0.08 and 89.51 s−1, respectively [16]. According to the Dy3+ and Eu3+ energy levels and overlap region of the Dy3+ emission and Eu3+ absorption portrayed in Fig. 5b, this process could be achieved through the following channels illustrated in Fig. 2 [15, 17]:

Fig. 5
figure 5

Decay time profiles of a Dy3+ emission at 480 nm for the LAZD and LAZDE glasses. Solid lines represent the best fitting by using Eq. (3), and b overlap region of the Dy3+ emission and Eu3+ absorption

ET1: 4F9/2(Dy3+) + 7F0,1(Eu3+) → 6H15/2(Dy3+) + 5D2(Eu3+) and.

ET2: 4F9/2(Dy3+) + 7F0,1(Eu3+) → 6H13/2(Dy3+) + 5D0(Eu3+).

The dominant electrostatic mechanism involved in the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer process is inferred by fitting the emission decay at 480 nm of the Dy3+ and Eu3+ co-doped glass with the Inokuti-Hirayama model given as follows [18]:

$$I\left( t \right)={I_o}\exp \left( { - \frac{t}{{{\tau _0}}} - {\gamma _s}{t^{3/S}}} \right)$$

where I 0 is the intensity at t = 0, \(\tau _{0}\)is the donor (Dy3+) lifetime in absence of acceptors (Eu3+), \({\gamma }_{\text{s}}\) is a measure of the direct energy transfer and S is the multipolar interaction parameter. The latter one can take values of 6, 8 and 10 for electric dipole–dipole (d–d), dipole–quadrupole (d–q) and quadrupole–quadrupole (q–q) interactions, respectively. The best fitting was achieved for S = 10, with \({\gamma }_{10}=\) 5.24 s−3/10 (see Fig. 5a). Therefore, it is inferred that an electric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction might dominate the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer process, as expected from the inter-4f transitions of the interacting ions.

The R c critical energy transfer distance and \(\gamma _{{\text{S}}}\)parameter are related as follows:

$$\gamma _{S} = \frac{{4\pi }}{3}\Gamma \left( {1 - \frac{3}{S}} \right)\rho _{a} \left( {\frac{{R_{c} }}{{\tau _{0}^{{{\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 S}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$S$}}}} }}} \right)^{3}$$

In this equation, \({\rho }_{\text{a}}\)is the acceptor (in this case Eu3+) concentration (8.9  × 1019 ions cm−3), \(\tau _{0}\) is the donor average lifetime in absence of acceptors and \(\Gamma (1-\frac{3}{S})\) is the Euler´s gamma function, which takes values of 1.77, 1.43 and 1.30 for S = 6, 8 and 10, respectively. Based on this relationship, the R c critical distance for an electric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction resulted to be 11 Å. The Dy3+–Eu3+ interaction distance for a random ion distribution [19], considering ρ Dy + ρ Eu ≈ 1.3 × 1020 ions cm−3, is around 24 Å. This distance is larger than the critical distance, suggesting that the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer predominantly arises from Dy–Eu clusters instead of from the randomly distributed ions.

With regard to the Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer, Fig. 6a depicts the isolated Eu3+ emission decay profiles at 611 nm, under excitation at 393 nm, for the LAZE and LAZDE glasses. Unlike to the Dy3+ emission decay, in the singly Eu3+ doped glass (LAZE) the Eu3+ emission decay exhibits an almost exponential evolution. In the co-doped glass (LAZDE) the Eu3+ emission decay displays a non-exponential behavior at times shorter than 1 ms and it becomes faster, which reveals Eu3+ → Dy3+ non-radiative energy transfer. The average lifetimes of the Eu3+ emission resulted to be 2.82 and 2.60 ms for the LAZE and LAZDE glasses, respectively. These values suggest that the Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer process is achieved with efficiency and probability of 0.08 and 30.00 s−1, respectively [16]. Based on the Dy3+ and Eu3+ energy level diagram and overlap region of the Eu3+ emission and Dy3+ absorption showed in Fig. 6b, such process might arise through the following pathways (see Fig. 2) [15, 17]:

Fig. 6
figure 6

a Eu3+ emission at 611 nm for the LAZE and LAZDE glasses. Solid lines represent the best fitting by using Eq. (3), and b overlap region of the Eu3+ emission and Dy3+ absorption

ET3: 5D3(Eu3+) + 6H15/2(Dy3+) → 7F2(Eu3+) + 4G11/2(Dy3+),

ET4: 5D3(Eu3+) + 6H15/2(Dy3+) → 7F3(Eu3+) + 4I15/2(Dy3+) and

ET5: 5D2(Eu3+) + 6H15/2(Dy3+) → 7F1(Eu3+) + 4F9/2(Dy3+).

To infer the dominant electrostatic mechanism involved in the Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer, the Eu3+ emission decay at 611 nm was fitted by Eq. (3). The best fitting was attained for S = 10 with \({\gamma }_{10}=\) 2.12 s−3/10 (Fig. 6a), suggesting that the energy transfer from Eu3+ to Dy3+ might be mediated by a quadrupole–quadrupole electric interaction, in a similar way as the Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer. In this case, the R c distance determined by Eq. (4), for a Dy3+ acceptor concentration of 4.4⨉1019 ions cm−3, is 12 Å, which is smaller than the Eu–Dy interaction distance assuming a random ion distribution (24 Å). Therefore, the Eu3+ → Dy3+ energy transfer might take place among Eu–Dy clusters.

3.4 CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature for different excitation wavelengths

By comparing the Dy3+ and Eu3+ relative excitation intensities illustrated in Fig. 4a, b, it can be observed that excitation wavelengths at 348, 362, 381 and 387 could be useful to modulate the relative intensity of the Dy3+ and Eu3+ emissions in order to produce different light tonalities. Such excitations are within emissions of commercial AlGaN (348 nm), GaN (360 nm) and InGaN (380–405 nm) LEDs [2022]. Figures 7 and 8 show respectively, the feature emissions and CIE1931 color chromatic coordinates of the LAZDE glass, upon the excitations above described. The emissions of the LAZD and LAZE singly doped glasses were included for comparison as well. Upon Dy3+ excitation [6H15/2 → (4M15/2,6P7/2)] at 348 nm (Fig. 7a), the LAZDE glass exhibits, besides the Dy3+emissions a band located at 611 nm, which is due to the europium 5D07F2 transition. In the LAZDE glass pumped at 348 nm, wherein Eu3+ is hardly excited (Figs. 4a, 7a), the Eu3+ (5D07F2) red emission is achieved at expensed of Dy3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer. This fact allows to obtain warm white light emission with x = 0.406 and y = 0.409 CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates and CCT value of 3629 K, evidencing that the Eu3+ addition shifts the neutral white emission of the LAZD glass to warm one (Fig. 8). Under dysprosium 6H15/24I11/2 and europium 7F05D4 co-excitations at 362 nm, the dominant Eu3+ emission in the LAZDE glass (Fig. 7b) produces reddish-orange tonality with x = 0.513 and y = 0.377 CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates, CCT value of 1839 K and red color purity of 71.7% (Fig. 8). Upon dysprosium 6H15/26P3/2,5/2 and europium 7F05L8 co-excitations at 381 nm (Fig. 7c), the overall emission of the LAZDE glass is within the reddish-orange region with x = 0.566 and y = 0.368, CCT value of 1620 K and red color purity of 82.8% (Fig. 8). Upon dysprosium 6H15/2 → (4K17/2,4M19/2,21/2,4I13/2,4F7/2) and europium 7F05L8 excitations at 387 nm (Fig. 7d), the overall emission of the LAZDE glass results in reddish-orange light with red color purity of 63.7% (Fig. 8), according to x = 0.471 and y = 0.392 CIE1931 coordinates and CCT value of 2385 K. In all cases, it can be observed that the emission intensity of the LAZDE glass is lower than that of the Dy3+ and Eu3+ singly doped glasses, which is associated with energy transfer between Dy3+ and Eu3+ ions. Finally, from Fig. 8 and Table 1, it can be appreciated that the overall emission of the Dy3+ and Eu3+ co-doped glass (LAZDE) can be tuned from warm white to reddish-orange light with red color purity in the 50.1–82.8% range, depending on the excitation wavelength, as consequence of the relative Dy3+ and Eu3+ emission intensities.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Emission spectra of the LAZD, LAZE and LAZDE glasses upon excitations at a 348, b 362, c 381 and d 387 nm

Fig. 8
figure 8

Chromaticity coordinates in CIE1931 diagram of the global emissions observed in the LAZD, LAZE and LAZDE glasses upon 348, 362, 381 and 387 nm excitations

Table 1 CIE1931 color chromaticity coordinates, correlated color temperature (CCT), dominant wavelength (λ d), red color purity and emission tonality of the glasses LAZD excited at 348 nm, LAZE excited at 393 nm, and LAZDE excited at 348, 362, 381 and 387 nm

4 Conclusions

A spectroscopic analysis was carried out in Dy3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+/Eu3+ doped lithium-aluminum-zinc phosphate glasses from absorption, excitation and emission spectra, and decay time measurements. It was observed that the Dy3+ and Eu3+ doped glasses exhibits the absorption edge below than 350 nm, which fulfils the requirements for W-LEDs applications. Reddish-orange emission tonality was obtained in the Eu3+ singly doped glass exciting at 393 nm, whereas neutral white emission was generated in the Dy3+ singly doped glass upon 348 nm excitation. The Dy3+ and Eu3+ co-doping allowed shifting the emission tonality from neutral white to warm white, induced by the Eu3+:5D07F2 red emission contribution, upon excitation of 348 nm. Under excitations at 362, 381 and 387 nm, the emission tonality is located in the reddish-orange region due to the Eu3+ dominant red emission. Dy3+ → Eu3+ non-radiative energy transfer, dominated by an electric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction, allows to obtain warm white emission in the Dy3+/Eu3+ co-doped glass. Such process was achieved with efficiency and probability values of 0.08 and 89.51 s−1, respectively. The decay time shortening of the Eu3+ emission in the Dy3+/Eu3+ co-doped glass revealed that Eu3+ → Dy3+ non-radiative energy transfer, mediated by an electric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction, occurs with an efficiency and probability of 0.08 and 30.00 s−1, respectively.