1 Introduction

Chaos has been widely used for secure communications and encryption which enabled the development of a number of chaotic cryptosystems [10]. Chaotic systems are often used as the core component of PRNG [4, 22]. PRNGs have a wide application, especially in cryptographic systems developed for encryption of image and video files which require a large amount of randomly generated bits. Cryptographic properties of a PRNG are very important because cryptographic security of stream encryption schemes depends largely on quality of a produced pseudo-random sequence [22].

In recent years a great number of chaos based PRNGs have been proposed. However, a significant percent of these PRNGs have serious shortcomings which makes them inadequate for the use in secure cryptographic systems. The key space of chaos-based PRNGs could be very vulnerable in the case when the secret key is used for generation of control parameters of the underlying chaotic system. For example, in the pseudo-random bit generator based on multi-modal maps, initial values of chaotic map are used as a secret key but some features of the used multi-modal map caused the existence of a certain number of weak keys [11]. The inadequate selection of interval for control parameters of quantum chaotic map in PRNG [2] caused a situation in which 99 percent of the key space is composed of weak keys [9]. In the efficient chaos PRNG applied to video encryption, initial conditions of two chaotic maps were used as a part of a secret key, but a considerable number of these conditions leads to the fixed points which reduced the security of this PRNG [10]. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a stream cipher based on the symbolic dynamics of the logistic map and tent map can satisfy certain security conditions only in the case when the parameters of these maps are selected conveniently [4]. Otherwise, in the case of a random selection of parameters, this stream cipher can suffer from some cryptographic weaknesses [4].

In many cases, the features of chaotic map used in cryptographic system are the main cause of its security deficiencies [3]. For example, the logistic map was used extensively in PRNG design but a significant number of such PRNGs have some security problem [12,13,14, 17, 18].

The logistic map has one parameter μ ∈ [0,4] whose value significantly affects the behaviour of this chaotic map. When the value of μ is closer to 4, there is a greater probability that the non-chaotic behaviour of this continuous-space chaotic map will be avoided. For this reason, it is desirable to use μ = 4 or values which are very close to 4 but in this way the key space of the logistic map for this parameter is significantly reduced which diminishes the applicability of this chaotic map in cryptography. The logistic map has two fixed points regardless of value of its parameter, which can also cause some security problems in certain cryptographic applications.

Apart from the aforementioned chaotic properties there are other features of the logistic map which indicate its inadequacy for cryptographic applications [5]. Efficiency of the encryption process depends greatly on the uniformity of a probability of occurrence of values from each subinterval of the domain in which applied chaotic map is defined. Values near fixed points of the logistic map are obtained more often than other values which negatively affects efficiency of cryptographic systems based on Logistic map [5].

Another significant problem of the logistic map is the relation between the maximal length of orbits and value of the parameter μ. Depending on the type of cryptographic system there are various ways in which an attacker can estimate the maximal length of orbits of a chaotic map used. When an attacker knows the maximum value of orbit length, he or she can estimate value of the control parameter μ and therefore reduce the security of a cryptographic system [5].

The return map is used to show the relationship between two consecutive values of some chaotic map. The return map can provide valuable information regarding some characteristics of chaotic map. The return map of the logistic map provides sufficient information required for the calculation of value of the control parameter μ. For example, in the paper [21] it is demonstrated how chosen cipher-text attack can be used in order to obtain the return map which provided sufficient information for estimation of the value of the control parameter μ.

Another important characteristic of the logistic map which could be used by an attacker is structural complexity. The statistical complexity of the logistic map is closely related to the value of the control parameter μ [5]. The statistical complexity of the logistic map is almost a bijective application of the control parameter and it decreases when the control parameter μ increases [5].

All previously mentioned features of the logistic map indicate that the control parameter of the logistic map μ should not be used as a secret parameter of some cryptographic system. Therefore, the only parameter of this continuous-space chaotic map which can be used as a part of the secret key of some cryptographic system is its initial value. For this reason new versions of the logistic map with variable parameter μ are developed.

In some cases inadequate design of PRNG or cryptographic system is the main cause for low security, regardles of the features of used chaotic map. For example, initial condition and control parameter of the pseudorandom number generator based on the pseudorandomly enhanced logistic map, are calculated on the basis of a secret key. However, the inadequate design enabled the relations between different values of the secret key which caused that approximately 250 different secret keys produce the same initial condition and control parameter of the enhanced logistic map, which makes this PRNG non-resistant to a brute-force attack [8]. The inadequate design of the image cipher based on the chaotic standard and logistic maps leads to the creation of equivalent cipher which enabled the chosen plain-text attack [18]. Although the mentioned cipher was modified in order to resist the chosen plain-text attack, further research has shown that the modified version is still insecure [12, 13]. The above mentioned examples indicate that key space of the existing PRNGs and their design should be thoroughly analyzed from the aspect of security, in order to eliminate possible shortcomings which could enable cryptographic attacks.

In [22] a pseudorandom number generator based on piecewise logistic map is proposed. The proposed PRNG is designed for the application in a stream cipher for secure communication, but the security analysis revealed the existence of a serious security problem. The detected security problems of PRNG [22], which are described in this paper, are not directly caused by the piecewise logistic map but they are a consequence of the auxiliary mechanism which is used to change value of the parameter μ. If the attacker has found a weakness in the cryptosystem which can be exploited with the complexity lower than an estimated key space, then we can consider that the analyzed cipher is broken [20]. PRNG must have more than 2128 different secret keys in order to resist a brute-force attack [6]. Although the safety of PRNG presented in [22] is estimated at approximately 2136, it is possible to carry out a successful brute-force attack with the complexity of less than 2128.

The main contribution of this paper is the security analysis of the pseudo-random number generator based on piecewise logistic map [22] which has shown that estimated security of this PRNG, which was not cryptanalized before, is much higher than its real security level. In order to demonstrate the deficiencies of this PRNG, a brute-force attack and an attack based on known sequence of output bits are presented. Presented attacks are important for two reasons. First, users of PRNG [22] will know the real security level of this PRNG and therefore can decide whether this security is appropriate for their intended applications. Second, designers of PRNGs will know that this particular auxiliary mechanism (and similar ones) used to change value of some secret parameter of a chaotic map is not secure enough and therefore should be avoided in this form in PRNG design.

A secondary contribution of this paper is the proposed improvement of the analyzed PRNG which could serve as a quick patch to prevent proposed attacks until users of this PRNG switch to a new PRNG. Bearing in mind that this improvement is designed only with the goal to prevent attacks presented in this paper, its application in systems which require very high security is not recommended before more thorough tests prove that it is completely safe.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the analyzed PRNG is described. The security analysis and examples of the attacks on the analyzed PRNG are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, the improvement of the analyzed PRNG is presented. The performance analysis of the proposed improvement is presented in Section 5. The conclusions are drawn in Section 6.

2 Description of the Analyzed PRNG

The analyzed PRNG is based on the piecewise logistic map (PLM) which is proposed and described in the paper [22]. PLM is defined by

$$ {\kern1.1pc}x_{i+1}=PLM(x_{i})= $$
$$ = \left\{\begin{array}{lllllllll} {N^{2}\mu x_{i}(\frac{1}{N}-x_{i}),} &\quad\text{for } 0<x_{i}<\frac{1}{N} \\ {1-N^{2}\mu(x_{i}-\frac{1}{N})(\frac{2}{N}-x_{i}),} &\quad\text{for } \frac{1}{N}<x_{i}<\frac{2}{N} \\ {\vdots} \\ {N^{2}\mu(x_{i}-\frac{j-1}{N})(\frac{j}{N}-x_{i}),} &\quad{\frac{j-1}{N}<x_{i}<\frac{j}{N}} \\ {1-N^{2}\mu(x_{i}-\frac{j}{N})(\frac{j+1}{N}-x_{i}),} &\quad{\frac{j}{N}<x_{i}<\frac{j+1}{N}} \\ {N^{2}\mu(x_{i}-\frac{N-2}{N})(\frac{N-1}{N}-x_{i}),} &\quad{\frac{N-2}{N}<x_{i}<\frac{N-1}{N}} \\ {1-N^{2}\mu(x_{i}-\frac{N-1}{N})(1-x_{i}),} &\quad{\frac{N-1}{N}<x_{i}<1} \\ {x_{i}+\frac{1}{100N},} &\quad{x_{i}=0,\frac{1}{N},...,\frac{N-1}{N}} \\ {x_{i}-\frac{1}{100N},} &\quad{x_{i}=1} \end{array}\right. $$

State value of the PLM is xi ∈ (0,1), the control parameter is μ ∈ (0,4] and N is the number of segments of the PLM. Secret key of the analyzed PRNG consists of the initial status value x0 ∈ (0,1) and parameters μ0 ∈ (0.01,3.99), m ∈ (0.01,0.1) and R0 ∈ [0,255] [22]. The key space of this PRNG is estimated at 9.17 ⋅ 1040 ≈ 2136, when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 [22]. For the precision of a floating-point number of 10− 15, the estimated key space is approximately 2156. PRNG proposed in [22] is described by following steps.

  1. 1.

    Choose the PLM with N = 64. Set the initial values of the secret key x0,μ0,m,R0.

  2. 2.

    Iterate the PLM one time. Transform the current status value xi of the PLM to the binary format. Use 8 bits, 9th to 16th bits after the decimal point, to obtain integer Ki.

  3. 3.

    Calculate Pi = KiS(Ri), where S(Ri) returns the substitution value of Ri according to the AES S-box [1].

  4. 4.

    Update the value of R by Ri+ 1 = Ki.

  5. 5.

    Adjust the value of μ based on the following rules:

    1. (i)

      \(\mu _{i+1}=\mu _{i}+\frac {P_{i}}{256}\)

    2. (ii)

      if μi+ 1 > (4 − m) then μi+ 1 = μi+ 1 − (4 − m)

    3. (iii)

      if μi+ 1 < m then μi+ 1 = m

  6. 6.

    Omit the first 1024 generated numbers in order to get rid of the transient effect of the chaotic map. If the sufficient quantity of pseudorandom numbers have been generated, stop this PRNG. Otherwise, go to Step 2 to generate another 8-bit pseudorandom number Pi.

3 Security Analysis

The security level of the analyzed PRNG will be demonstrated based on its resistance to a brute-force attack and an attack based on known sequence of output bits.

3.1 The Brute-force Attack on the Analyzed PRNG

It is very important that the secret key is selected in a random manner. If there is any connection between the parameters, which are parts of the secret key, the attacker can take advantage of this connection in order to speed up the process of cryptanalysis. In step 5 of the analyzed PRNG [22], a very strong connection between parameters μi and m is established, which significantly accelerates the brute-force attack.

In step 5, if μi+ 1 < m then the value of parameter μi+ 1 is set to m (μi+ 1 = m) in order to restore the parameter μi+ 1 in the set of allowed values μ ∈ (m,4 − m]. For that reason the attacker can guess the secret key xi+ 1,m,Ri+ 1 instead of x0,m,μ0,R0 (because some μi+ 1 = m) which reduces the complexity of the brute-force attack for 245 times which represents the complexity of the search for μi when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 (or 251 times for precision of 10− 15). Here we must bear in mind that the attacker must repeat the attack for each i > 0 until μi+ 1 = m is found, which to some extent slows the described attack.

In order to determine how many attempts are approximately required to find the case in which μi = m, testing of the analyzed PRNG was conducted. The number of the required attempts largely depends on the value of the parameter m. When the value of m is lower, the probability of finding the case in which μi = m is also lower. For this reason, tests were conducted for m = 0.01 and m = 0.1. For both values of parameter m, 200 tests with different values of Pi were conducted. For m = 0.01 the maximal value of i for which μi = m was found is i = 2599 and the average value of i is 530. For m = 0.1 the maximal value of i for which μi = m was found is i = 223 and the average value of i is 38.

In order to estimate the total complexity of the described attack, the worst case scenario for the attacker will be used. The maximal number of attempts to find the case in which μi = m was 2599 < 212. Therefore the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key xi,m,Ri is approximately \(\frac {2^{136}\cdot 2^{12}}{2^{45}}=2^{103}\) when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13. In the case when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15, the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key xi,m,Ri is approximately \(\frac {2^{156}\cdot 2^{12}}{2^{51}}=2^{117}\). In both cases, the estimated complexity of the attack is less than 2128 recommended in [6].

3.2 The Example of the Brute-force Attack on the Analyzed PRNG

In this section example of the brute-force attack on analyzed PRNG [22] will be described. Assume that the user of the analyzed PRNG randomly selected the initial values x0 = 0.519067023060468, μ0 = 2.881509362057897, R0 = 201 and m = 0.09 which will be considered as a secret key. Based on these initial values, the user generates a sequence of pseudo random numbers by using the analyzed PRNG. During this process, the user must calculate the values of μi for i ≥ 0 which are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Calculation of μi

The attacker does not know any of the secret values, but know that some value μi will eventually be equal to m. For this reason, the attacker first tries to find the secret key x0,m,μ0 = m,R0 by checking all the combinations of the values x0,m,R0 in order to generate the pseudorandom number P0. Because μ0m, the attacker cannot generate P0 and therefore must continue the search. The attacker repeats this procedure for all xi,m,μi = m,Ri until the pseudorandom number Pi is successfully generated. In Table 1 it can be seen that μ18 = m = 0.09. Therefore, after checking all the combinations of the values x18,m,R18 the attacker can successfully generate the pseudorandom number P18 and therefore find out the values of the secret key x18 = 0.211869763952096,m = 0.09,μ18 = 0.09,R18 = 149. This secret key enables the attacker to calculate all subsequent values of pseudorandom numbers. The complexity of this search when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 was \(19\cdot \frac {2^{136}}{2^{45}}<2^{96}\). In the case when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15, the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key x18,m,R18 is approximately \(\frac {19\cdot 2^{156}}{2^{51}}<2^{110}\). In both cases, the estimated complexity of the attack is less than 2128 recommended in [6].

3.3 The Attack on the Analyzed PRNG Based on Known Sequence of Output Bits

An important feature of cryptographically secure PRNG is that an attacker cannot obtain information on a secret key based on known sequence of output bits. Unfortunately, based on sequence of 8 output bits Pi of the analyzed PRNG, the attacker can calculate value of Ki which represents 8 bits, 9th to 16th bits after the decimal point of part of the secret key xi.

Assume that the attacker knows the values of some 8 output bits Pi of the analyzed PRNG. Because there is no information about cryptosystem in the paper [22], which is intended to use the bits generated by the analyzed PRNG, we can only assume the way in which the attacker can find out the values of the sequence of output bits. It is fully expected that the attacker can obtain the sequence of output bits of the analyzed PRNG based on a certain number of known plaintext bits.

The attacker guesses the value of part of the secret key Ri and based on step 3 of the analyzed PRNG [22] calculates the value of Ki by using the formula Ki = PiS(Ri), where S(Ri) returns the substitution value of Ri according to the AES S-box [1]. Now the attacker knows the values of 8 bits of xi (9th to 16th bits after decimal point) and needs to guess only the remaining bits of xi (in addition to μi and m). For this reason, the complexity of the search for the secret key xi,m,μi,Ri is \(\frac {2^{136}}{2^{8}}=2^{128}\) when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 or \(\frac {2^{156}}{2^{8}}=2^{148}\) when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15. When used alone, this attack does not lead to a more serious threat to the analyzed PRNG security, because the required complexity of the attack is still equal to or higher than 2128 guesses. However, this attack can further reduce the complexity of the attack described in the previous subsection.

Assume that the attacker knows the values of first 8 ⋅ (i + 1) output bits of the analyzed PRNG P0,...,Pi. The attacker guesses the value of Ri and calculates the value of Ki which reduces the complexity of the search for xi by 28 times. Then the attacker guesses the remaining bits of xi and m, assuming that μi = m which further reduces the complexity of the search for 245 or 251 times depending on the precision of a floating-point number. The maximal number of attempts to find the case in which μi = m was estimated at 2599 < 212. Therefore the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key xi,m,Ri is approximately \(\frac {2^{136}\cdot 2^{12}}{2^{45}\cdot 2^{8}}=2^{95}\) when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13. In the case when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15, the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key xi,m,Ri is approximately \(\frac {2^{156}\cdot 2^{12}}{2^{51}\cdot 2^{8}}=2^{109}\). In both cases, the estimated complexity of the attack is less than 2128 recommended in [6]. For this reason, the analyzed PRNG [22] cannot be considered safe for the use in cryptographic systems.

3.4 The Example of the Attack on the Analyzed PRNG Based on Known Sequence of Output Bits

In this section, an example of the attack on analyzed PRNG [22] based on known sequence of output bits will be described. In this example, the same initial values as in the previous example will be considered as the secret key x0 = 0.519067023060468, μ0 = 2.881509362057897, R0 = 201 and m = 0.09. Based on these initial values, the user generate sequence of pseudo random numbers Pi presented in Table 1, by using the analyzed PRNG.

Assume that the attacker knows the values of first 8 ⋅ 20 = 160 output bits of the analyzed PRNG P0,...,P19. Also, the attacker knows that some value μi will eventually be equal to m. First, the attacker guesses the value of R0 and based on the known value of P0 = 10 calculates the value of K0 which represents 9th to 16th bits after the decimal point of x0. After that the attacker tries to guess the remaining bits of x0 and the value of μ0 = m. However, because μ0m, the attacker cannot recover the secret key and therefore must continue the search for i > 0. The attacker repeats this procedure for all Pi until whole secret key is found.

In Table 1 it can be seen that μ18 = m = 0.09. The attacker knows the value of P18 = 33 and checks all possible values of R18. When R18 = 149, the attacker calculates bits of K18 by using the formula K18 = P18S(R18) and obtains a binary representation of K18 = 11101000. Because K18 represents 9th to 16th bits after the decimal point of x18 the attacker only needs to guess the remaining bits of x18 and the value of μ18 = m. In this way, the attacker recovers values of the secret key x18 = 0.211869763952096,m = 0.09,μ18 = 0.09,R18 = 149 which enables the calculation of all the subsequent values of pseudorandom numbers Pi for i > 18.

The complexity of this search when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 was \(19\cdot \frac {2^{136}}{2^{45}\cdot 2^{8}}<2^{88}\). In the case when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15, the total complexity of the brute-force attack on the secret key x18,m,R18 is approximately \(19\cdot \frac {2^{156}}{2^{51}\cdot 2^{8}}<2^{102}\). In both cases, the estimated complexity of the attack is less than 2128 recommended in [6].

4 The Improvement of the Analyzed PRNG

Although the security of the analyzed PRNG is significantly threatened, the perceived shortcomings can be removed. The improvement of the PRNG proposed in [22] is described by the following steps.

  1. 1.

    Choose the PLM with N = 64. Set the initial values of the secret key x0,μ0,m,R0.

  2. 2.

    In order to generate one value of Kj, two iterations of PLM x2j,x2j+ 1 will be used in the following way. Iterate the PLM one time. Transform the current status value x2j of the PLM to the binary format. Calculate the value of v = floor(x2j ⋅ 32) where floor(y) denote a function which map a real number y to the largest integer less than or equal to y. Let b denote the bits of x2j after the decimal point. Use 4 bits bv+ 8bv+ 9bv+ 10bv+ 11 of x2j as first four bits of integer Kj. Iterate the PLM once again and transform the value x2j+ 1 to the binary format. Calculate the value of w = floor(x2j+ 1 ⋅ 32) and use 4 bits bw+ 8bw+ 9bw+ 10bw+ 11 of x2j+ 1 as second four bits of integer Kj.

  3. 3.

    Calculate Pj = KjS(Rj), where S(Rj) returns the substitution value of Rj according to the AES S-box [1].

  4. 4.

    Update the value of R by Rj+ 1 = Kj.

  5. 5.

    Adjust the value of μ based on the following rules:

    1. (i)

      \(\mu _{j+1}=\mu _{j}+\frac {P_{j}}{256}\)

    2. (ii)

      if μj+ 1 > (4 − m) then μj+ 1 = μj+ 1 − (4 − m)

    3. (iii)

      if μj+ 1 < m then μj+ 1 = μj+ 1 + m

  6. 6.

    Omit the first 1024 generated numbers in order to get rid of the transient effect of the chaotic map. If the sufficient quantity of pseudorandom numbers has been generated, stop this PRNG. Otherwise, go to Step 2 to generate another 8-bit pseudorandom number Pj.

In the proposed improvement, only the necessary changes are made in order to avoid the perceived shortcomings, while at the same time most of the features of the original PRNG are preserved. For this reason, steps 1, 3, 4 and 6 have remained unchanged. In step 2, two important changes were made. First, two iterations of PLM are used in order to obtain integer Kj, instead of one. In this way, based on step 3, the attacker can discover only four bits of some xi instead of eight bits in the original version of the analyzed PRNG. Although the attacker can also discover four bits of the next iteration of PLM xi+ 1, these bits cannot be used in order to recover the value of xi. Second, the positions of bits from xi used to obtain integer Kj are not fixed as in the original version of the analyzed PRNG, but they depend on value of xi. The attacker can calculate the values of four bits of xi, based on step 3, which could reduce the complexity of the attack on xi by 24 if the positions of these bits were fixed. However, because there are 32 = 25 different positions in which four bits from Kj could be located in xi, the attacker cannot use this information to reduce the search complexity.

In step 5, the rule (iii) from the original version of the analyzed PRNG is changed to:

(iii) if μj+ 1 < m then μj+ 1 = μj+ 1 + m.

In this way, a significant relationship between parameters μj and m is avoided. Therefore, the attacker is forced to guess the whole key x2j,m,μj,Rj, because the situation in which μj+ 1 = m is highly unlikely. Based on the above changes the perceived shortcomings of the original version of the analyzed PRNG are removed. Therefore, the security of this improvement of the analyzed PRNG is estimated at 2136 when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 13 and 2156 in the case when the precision of a floating-point number is 10− 15. This security level satisfies the general requirement for resisting brute-force attack [6].

Also, the security of the improved PRNG can be additionally improved by using additional parameters. Step 5 could be completely changed to μj+ 1 = f(μj) where f is some chaotic map. For example, any of the chaotic maps [7, 15, 16] can be used with certain modifications. In this way, the parameters of used chaotic map could be considered as additional part of a secret key, so the complexity of the brute-force attack would be increased.

5 Performance Analysis of the Proposed Improvement

In this section a randomness analysis of the proposed improvement will be conducted in order to determine whether the proposed changes to the original PRNG affected the randomness of the generator. The randomness of the original version of the analyzed PRNG was determined according to the NIST 800-22 test suite so the same test will be applied to the improved version. Also, some important characteristics of the original and improved version of the analyzed PRNG will be compared.

5.1 Randomness Analysis

The NIST test suite is a standard library of tests which is used for statistical testing of randomness of binary sequences [19]. The NIST test suite consists of 15 tests which are aimed to detect various regularities in bit sequences. In several papers, including the paper [22] in which the analyzed PRNG is proposed, the randomness of some PRNG is evaluated by using NIST library in the following way. A certain number of sequences are generated and tested, and afterwards the fraction of sequences that pass each test are calculated. In order to confirm the randomness of a generator the fraction should be from the interval

$$ (1-\alpha)\pm 3\sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{n}} $$

where α = 0.01 and n is the number of tested sequences. In order to determine the randomness of the improved version of the analyzed PRNG, 1,000 sequences of 1,000,000 bits each are tested by using the NIST test suite. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Results of the NIST statistical tests

Random excursions, random excursions variant, and non-overlapping template tests are actually families of subtests which consist of more than one test. Random excursions and random excursions variant consist of 8 and 18 tests respectively (which is a reasonable amount of data) so all results could be included in Table 2. The non-overlapping template consists of 148 tests which is a significant amount of data so only the minimum and maximum proportions are presented in Table 2. All proportions for the non-Overlapping template test are in the interval [0.984, 0.997].

Also, random excursions and random excursions variant tests have certain limitations which prevented testing of the whole sample. These tests are not applicable to the binary sequences with an insufficient number of cycles which is below 500. For this reason only 631 samples with the number of cycles exceeding 500 were evaluated for these tests [22]. According to the results from Table 2, we can claim that the proposed improvement of the analyzed PRNG successfully passed all NIST tests due to fact that all proportions are within the interval defined by the Eq. 2. Therefore, the proposed improvement of the original PRNG can be used for pseudo-random number generation.

5.2 Comparison of the Analyzed and the Improved PRNG

In this section, the analyzed PRNG [22] and its improvement proposed in this paper will be compared according to some basic criteria for which there is available data in paper [22]. The comparison results are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 Comparison of the analyzed and the improved PRNG

The ability to produce a pseudo-random sequence is an essential characteristic of every PRNG. According to the NIST test suite, both versions of the analyzed PRNG (original and improved) satisfy this requirement. Another very important property of a random number generator is its speed which depends on a number of operations required to obtain one bit or certain number of bits which represent the output of one iteration of a generator. The original and improved version of the analyzed PRNG produce 8 bits per one iteration. The original version of the analyzed PRNG require only 18 basic operations in order to generate 8 bits. The improved version of the analyzed PRNG require 32 operations in order to generate 8 bits, which is almost double compared to the original. However, this cost in the complexity and speed is small if we consider that the improved PRNG is much safer than the original PRNG. Bearing in mind that the original version of the analyzed PRNG has a very good reported speed of about 164 Mbit/s [22], the speed of the improved version (which is almost two time slower) should be sufficient for every application of the original PRNG.

When we consider security levels of the original and improved versions of the analyzed PRNG, the data from Table 3 show that the improved version of the analyzed PRNG has much better security than the original version. Regardless of the precision used to represent floating point numbers, the advantage of the improved version with respect to security is so great that it fully justifyies the reduced speed. When the precision of 10− 13 is used, the improved version is 241 times safer than the original version of the analyzed PRNG. When the precision of 10− 15 is used, the security advantage is even greater because the improved version is 247 times safer than the original version of the analyzed PRNG.

If we consider safety against attacks based on known sequence of output bits, the original version of the analyzed PRNG suffers from the reduced security by 28 times if the attacker knows sequence of 8 output bits. On the other hand, the improved version of the analyzed PRNG is immune to this type of attack and its security is the same regardless of the attacker’s knowledge of output bits.

When the safety of a PRNG against a brute-force attack is in question, a PRNG must have at least 2128 different secret keys in order to resist this type of attack [6]. Although the key space of the original version of the analyzed PRNG [22] has more than 2128 different secret keys regardless of a precision used, due to the connection between parameters μi and m established in step 5, the number of possible keys is reduced below the acceptable level after a certain number of iterations. Because all the values of μi+ 1 < m are set to a single value m it means that all the keys x0,m,μ0,R0 after i + 1 iterations generate sequences which are equivalent to sequences generated by a much shorter key xi+ 1,m,Ri+ 1. Therefore, the original version of the analyzed attack cannot resist a brute force attack on the secret key xi+ 1,m,Ri+ 1. On the other hand, the improved version of the analyzed PRNG has the same size of key space, which is larger than 2128, regardless of the number of iterations. Therefore we can consider that the improved version of the analyzed PRNG is safe against a brute-force attack.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, a security analysis of the pseudorandom number generator based on piecewise logistic map [22] is presented. The security analysis revealed some defects in the design of this PRNG which cause serious problems. Although the assumed safety of this pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is estimated at 2136, it is possible to carry out a successful brute-force attack with the complexity of about 2103. If an attacker knows some values of Pi, this attack can be further reduced to the complexity of about 295. For this reason, the analyzed PRNG cannot be considered safe for the use in cryptographic systems. In order to eliminate the perceived shortcomings, the improved version of the analyzed PRNG is proposed which satisfies the general security requirements.