1 Introduction

Nowadays, the research in the field of WSNs has taken a significant attention, in particular with the appearance of the Internet of Things. Sensor nodes used in these networks have distinctive characteristics which give it a chance to be used in a wide range of applications. These nodes are able to detect and monitor changes in physical phenomena such as pressure, temperature, and moisture. Furthermore, thanks to the evolution of the industry, sensors are infinitely small-sized and low-cost devices. These characteristics facilitate embedding them in everything around us and allow applications to use hundreds or even thousands of them. WSN applications include, but not limited to, industrial monitoring and control [1, 2], transportation and logistics [3, 4], smart buildings [5, 6], health care [7, 8], environmental monitoring [9,10,11,12], intelligent agriculture [13, 14], animal tracking [15, 16], military applications [17,18,19].

Despite the numerous advantages of WSNs, there are some challenges in their design. First of these challenges is the limited lifetime of the sensors because they are powered by small batteries. For this reason, researchers are always motivated to search for energy-aware communication protocols. Another challenge is the choice of a deployment method to be adopted by the application. Generally, there are two methods of deployment in WSNs. The first one is the planned deployment where the location of nodes is predetermined according to a prior study for the region of interest. In this type of deployment, the minimum number of nodes that can achieve the goals of the application is used. The second method of deployment is the random deployment. It is used in remote and dangerous places such as battlefields, forests, and volcanoes where human incursion is difficult. In this type of deployment, a large number of nodes are randomly and independently scattered via aircraft passing over the area of the network. Random deployment is an easy and less-expensive deployment method but has its own challenges. One of the important challenges in this method is the clustering process. Clustering is an essential stage in randomly deployed applications as the number of distributed nodes may vary from dozens to thousands which need to communicate together in an energy-restricted infrastructureless network. This process is used to divide deployed sensors into groups. Each group has a selected Cluster Head (CH) node responsible for managing the communication between the members of the group.

The importance of the clustering process come from its effect on the whole communication cycle. It helps in the subsequent stages of the communication such as data aggregation and routing. Data aggregation, which is used in such networks where energy is critical, helps in minimizing the number of data transmissions. By grouping sensors into clusters, CHs take the responsibility of aggregating sensed data from many source nodes in its cluster. Furthermore, routing techniques have to find a reliable path from the massive number of available paths to the final sink, mainly the Base Station (BS) of the network. To facilitate finding this route, data are routed between CHs only. For these reasons, aggregation and routing techniques can achieve the desired effect if sensors in the network are clustered in a proper manner. Consequently, clustering adds to the general network efficiency and has a great interest in research.

Our concern in this paper is clustering in randomly deployed WSNs. We aim to study the effect of randomness on the distribution of node densities before clustering. We study the spatial distribution of nodes to differentiate between dense and sparse sub-regions. This can help to configure clusters emerged in each of these sub-regions to suit the distribution of nodes inside it. Dense sub-regions are recognized by a large number of nodes distributed in a small area, i.e. neighbors are near to each other. Nodes located at the center of these areas are able to achieve more connectivity with less power consumption as it can detect more near neighbors. Therefore, these nodes are recommended to be selected as CHs. On the other hand, sparse sub-regions mean a small number of nodes distributed over a large area. Nodes in these areas have fewer neighbors and need to use more power to communicate with them because they reside away from it.

The proposed protocol takes all these points into consideration. It chooses mostly centered nodes in each sub-region as a CH. It also allows CHs in sparse sub-regions to use larger communication range to be able to communicate with more neighbors. Achieving these conditions produce balanced-size clusters and therefore balanced energy consumption distributed all over the area of the network.

The remaining of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 covers the related work of WSNs clustering techniques. Sections 3 and 4 provides preliminaries and assumptions needed for the proposed solution. In Sect. 5, we define the problem to be handled in this paper and the reasons for it. Section 6 reviews the detailed description of the proposed protocol. The complexity analysis of the proposed protocol is shown in Sect. 7. The specification of the simulation setup and the evaluation results are displayed in Sect. 8 and Sect. 9 respectively. We conclude this work and present future ideas in Sect. 10. Finally, “Appendix” is added at the end of the paper where we show in detail the steps of calculating the communication range used in the proposed protocol.

2 Related Work

Clustering has been extensively studied to improve the communication performance of WSNs. Heinzelman et al. in [20] proposed the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. It was the first dynamic clustering technique addressed mainly for WSNs. LEACH provides a simple mechanism to organize a large number of nodes into clusters and periodically changes the roles of each node in the network. It consists of two stages, which are the setup stage and the steady-state stage. These stages are repeated for a number of rounds during the whole lifetime of the network. The concept of rounds is used to give a chance for all nodes to become a CH. This helps in distributing the energy consumption between all nodes. The operation of LEACH starts with the determination of a percentage of nodes to become a CHs which is \(p\). This percentage value also controls the time to wait for any previously selected CH to become a CH again. This period of time is a number of rounds equal to or greater than \(1/p\). For example: if \(p = 0.\) 1 for a network contains 200 nodes, the number of CHs in each round equals \(200 \times 0.1 = 20\) node. Anyone of the selected 20 CH has to wait for at least \(1/0.1 = 10\) rounds to be selected as a CH again. Nodes that are not selected as a CH in the current round \(r\) belongs to a set named \(G\). The determination of a node \(s\) to become a CH or a member node depends on a generated random number. This random number is compared with a threshold \(T\left( s \right)\) computed using Eq. (1). If the random number is less than the threshold value, the node becomes a CH in the current round. After being selected, CHs broadcast an advertisement message to all other nodes. Member nodes join the cluster of the closest CH.

$$T(s) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\frac{p}{{1 - p \cdot \left( {r mod \frac{1}{p}} \right)}}} \hfill & {if\,node\, \in G} \hfill \\ 0 \hfill & {otherwise} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The problem of LEACH is that it does not ensure even distribution of clusters as it does not take into consideration the distribution of nodes and the size of produced clusters.

In [21], Younis and Fahmy proposed the Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed (HEED) clustering protocol. They produced two metrics to prolong the lifetime of the network. These metrics are the residual energy and the intra-cluster communication cost. In HEED, the probability of a node to be selected as a CH mainly depends on its residual energy. Nodes with higher residual energy are more candidate to become a CH. HEED protocol also takes the intra-cluster communication cost into consideration when member nodes choose their CH. After the selection and the announcement of CHs, member nodes select to join a cluster based on proximity or cluster density. Experiments show that HEED is effective in prolonging the lifetime of the network than LEACH, but it is an iterative technique which consumes more overhead until CHs are selected.

Ye et al. in [22] proposed the Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme (EECS) protocol. It is based on a competition mechanism to select CHs from a set of randomly chosen candidate nodes. The CHs are selected as nodes with higher residual energy between its neighbors. Remaining nodes join clusters based on a cost function. This cost is a tradeoff between the distance from the node to the CH and the distance from the CH to the BS. Tests show that EECS provide longer lifetime than LEACH but the initial randomly selected candidate nodes can produce a non-uniform CHs distribution.

In [23], Yan et al. proposed the Hybrid, Game-Theory based, Distributed (HGTD) clustering protocol. HGTD protocol utilized the concept of game theory to solve the problem of CHs selection. Many nodes compete for the CH role is the same as many players participate in a strategic game, and each one wants to take the leader role. The node with its neighbors are considered as a set of players in a game, and each one of them has to choose a strategy to be a CH or not. This strategy is based on an equilibrium probability which depends on (1) the overhead cost for the node to serve as a CH, (2) the amount of consumed energy for successfully transmitting the data of the members to the BS, and (3) the number of neighbors. Each node calculates its equilibrium probability and generates a random number. If the random number is less than its equilibrium probability, it will be selected as a CH; else it will be a member node. In HGTD, nodes with more neighbors and longer distance to the BS has a fewer opportunity to become a CH. However, HGTD provides a low energy dissipation; it consumes a great time because of many iterations until CHs are selected.

In [24], Heinzelman et al. proposed the LEACH-Centralized (LEACH-C) protocol to overcome the problems of LEACH. In this protocol, the selection of CHs done centrally, not distributed. The BS takes the responsibility of choosing the optimal CHs according to information collected from all nodes. All nodes send their energy and location to the BS at the beginning of the set-up phase. The BS calculates the average network energy then nodes having energy above the average network energy are selected as CHs.

Other authors also use the same concept of centralized clustering and produced performance enhancement using different optimization methodologies such as genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization.

In [25], Rahmanian et al. proposed a clustering technique based on the Genetic algorithm. The objective function of this Genetic-based technique minimizes the total distance from member nodes to their associated CHs and the distance from the CHs to the BS.

In [26], Latiff et al. used the particle swarm optimization to produce an energy-efficient clustering technique called (PSO-C). The objective function of PSO-C minimizes the average distances between member nodes and their associated CHs and the ratio of the total initial energy of all nodes to the total energy of candidate CHs.

Although it is proven that all these centralized techniques achieve longer lifetime than LEACH, it consumes too much overhead during the setup phase because all nodes have to send their information to the BS.

Discussion Through the previous work; we notice that the problem of clusters formation is solved using distributed or centralized mechanism. Some techniques use a distributed mechanism such as LEACH, HEED, EECS, and HGTD. These techniques depend on a probabilistic mechanism where a random number is generated and compared with a function which utilizes some different parameters such as the residual energy, distance to the BS, or the node degree. The problem of probabilistic techniques is that it does not guarantee uniform distribution of clusters because it does not consider the topological characteristic of the deployed network. Some of these techniques use several iterations trying to optimize their CHs selection such as HEED and HGTD. However, this increases the overhead in the network. Other techniques use a centralized mechanism such as LEACH-C, PSO-C, and Genetic-based clustering. This type of techniques can provide optimal clusters but consumes too much overhead especially with the large numbers of nodes used in WSNs. In these techniques, the central BS has to collect a lot of information about every node in every round of the clustering process. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a global, distributed clustering technique. Based on some global information about the network, each node can locally decide its role. This information is assumed to be known, by default, by the BS for any communication and control activities. This information helps to extract topological information about the network. This topological information helps to select CHs in a distributed manner based on a global view of the deployed network.

3 Preliminaries

Any sensor node consumes power in three activities which are sensing, processing, and communication. Processing power is the smallest one and is ignored in evaluations. Any sensor node has a defined value of a sensing range \(s_{r}\) and a communication range \(c_{r}\). Sensing and communication ranges are a distance measure that defines a circular sensing and communication area with the node at its center. The sensing range determines the area in which the node is able to monitor the change of the sensed phenomenon. The communication range determines the area in which the node can send and receive information. Nodes reside within the communication range of another one are considered to be neighbors. As shown in Fig. 1, \(s_{2}\) is a neighbor of \(s_{1}\), but \(s_{3}\) is not a neighbor. Most often, the communication range is an adaptable value that can be changed by the node and is assumed to be greater than twice the sensing range [27]. Our concern in this work is the communication range value. This value determines the number of neighbors and therefore the communication energy consumption of each node. The number of neighbors that each node can detect is denoted as the node degree \(d\left( s \right)\) of any node \(s\). For the whole network, the network degree is calculated as the average of degrees of all nodes in the network.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Communication range and sensing range of sensor nodes

4 Assumptions

In our proposed protocol, we use the following assumptions:

  • The location of nodes is fixed after deployment.

  • The number of nodes is \(N\).

  • Nodes are randomly distributed in a \(W \times H\) network area.

  • Nodes can adapt their communication range and use different values for different purposes.

  • Nodes can estimate the distance to neighbors.

  • Nodes can be heterogeneous and use different initial energy values.

5 Problem Formulation

Our focus in this work is randomly deployed WSN applications such as battlefields and forests applications. Random deployment in these applications leads to regions with different node densities. Actually, there are some reasons which lead to this network figure where some sub-regions are dense, and others are sparse. These reasons are:

  1. 1.

    The method of deploying the sensors:

In randomly deployed applications, nodes are usually deployed using aircraft passing over the area of interest. As sensors are lightweight, it can be easily affected by air while dropping. Moreover, antennas may be poorly placed. Therefore, even if a large number of sensors are deployed, some of them are not practically used because of placement failure.

  1. 2.

    The total number of scattered sensors:

Although it is theoretically advised to increase the number of deployed nodes in random distributions to achieve a uniform density all over the area of the network, we have to keep in mind that this increase is costly. For example, according to Theorem 2 in [28], for a \(200 \times 200 {\text{m}}^{2}\) network, 300 nodes are needed to achieve 98% coverage rate, while 500 nodes reach 99% coverage rate. The cost of 200 additional nodes for only more 1% increase has to be considered. Therefore, it is practically advised to use only the number of nodes that can achieve the coverage requirement of the application.

  1. 3.

    The nature of the application:

Even if enough number of nodes is initially used to get uniform densities all over the area of the network, this distribution changes by the time according to the communication load caused by the application in different regions of the network. For example, nodes located at the border of the network or near to the BS can be used more than other nodes. Different communication load affects the distribution of dead nodes through the lifetime of the network and different density sub-regions of the alive nodes appear.

According to all the previously mentioned reasons, some cases may appear which has a direct impact on the clustering process. These cases are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The first case shown in Fig. 2, if we apply different communication range values for the node in the middle, the node degree will change. Reducing the communication range may make it isolated with degree equal to 0, however increasing it with a small value change its degree to 30. Another case is shown in Fig. 3 where the red and yellow nodes have the same degree. However, if the whole network is considered, the red one is located in a middle of the dense region. In such situation, the red node is more suitable to be chosen as a CH than the yellow one. This is because the red one can communicate with a larger number of nodes with less energy consumption.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effect of node’s communication range and node’s degree

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect of random distribution and nodes density

When nodes are randomly deployed, similar cases may appear. All of these considerations affects the final number of clusters, their distribution in the network, and the size of each cluster. Factors such as the relative position of the node between its neighbors and the size of each cluster depending on the communication range value should be considered.

6 The SDC Protocol

The SDC protocol is a density-based clustering. However, it takes into consideration other factors besides the node degree. The relative position of the node within its neighbors and the effect of changing its communication range are also considered. In the SDC protocol, we try to discover the sub-regions with different density levels resulting from randomness in deployment. This is done by defining boundary nodes which border these sub-regions. The SDC protocol mainly depends on performing a prior spatial analysis for the network before clustering. The use of spatial analysis methods followed by spatial clustering is widely investigated in the field of data clustering [29]. In the SDC protocol, this analysis is based on some global information provided by the BS to every node in the network. The BS is supposed to know the area of the region of interest. And it is also expected to retain the number of deployed nodes because any node must have a connection to the BS to be considered as a working node in the network. By broadcasting these two values at the beginning of the clustering process, each node can start the SDC protocol. To give an overview of the SDC protocol working mechanism, we preview a flowchart in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flowchart of the SDC protocol

The SDC protocol can be divided into three main steps which are: (1) sub-regions border discovery, (2) cluster formation, and (3) data transmission and clusters adjustment.

In the following part of this section, we present the detailed description of each step along with a reference to the line numbers of these steps in the pseudo code of the protocol shown at the end of the section.

  1. (1)

    Sub-regions border discovery

The aim of this step is to discover the distribution of the neighbors around each node and to be able to differentiate between high-density and low-density sub-regions. Measuring the number of neighbors around each node is not enough. We also want to know how far these neighbors are. To do that, we use a border discovery mechanism to classify nodes into two types which are interior nodes and boundary nodes. The interior nodes are distributed close to each other and construct a region of high-density. These regions are bordered with a set of the boundary nodes located away at the border and begin a low-density region.

The problem of regions border detection in WSNs has been discussed by many authors such as [30,31,32]. We choose the protocol presented in [33]. The author uses the 1st hop neighborhood information in a distributed algorithm to differentiate between interior nodes and boundary nodes. The node will be interior if it is enclosed in a triangle of three neighboring nodes. This is described as the interior condition. Otherwise, it will be a boundary node. The difference between interior and boundary nodes is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Difference between interior and boundary node [33]

Based on the condition that the sum of the three angles drawn from each vertex node of the triangle and centered at the interior node equals to 360 degrees, the interior condition can be tested. Nodes that do not satisfy the interior condition are classified as boundary node. From Fig. 5, the interior condition can be written as:

$$\angle {\text{APB}} + \angle {\text{APC}} + \angle {\text{BPC}} + = 360$$

Using distances which can be calcuated according to the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) [34], the interior condition is written as Eq. (3):

$$\cos^{ - 1} \left( {\frac{{{\text{X}}^{2} + {\text{Y}}^{2} - {\text{c}}^{2} }}{{2{\text{XY}}}}} \right) + \cos^{ - 1} \left( {\frac{{{\text{X}}^{2} + {\text{Z}}^{2} - {\text{b}}^{2} }}{{2{\text{XZ}}}}} \right) + \cos^{ - 1} \left( {\frac{{{\text{Y}}^{2} + {\text{Z}}^{2} - {\text{a}}^{2} }}{{2{\text{YZ}}}}} \right) = 360$$

When each node tests this condition, the result will differ according to the number of neighbors it can detect. When the node uses a large communication range value, the number of its neighbors will increase and therefore its probability to be an interior node will increase. In Fig. 6, we preview the effect of changing the communication range value while testing the interior condition. We also show how the communication range value can be used to differentiate between dense and sparse sub-regions. The figure contains two cases (A) and (B). In the two cases, the same number of nodes are deployed, and the interior condition is tested at all nodes. By using different communication range value in each case, a different set of boundary nodes is defined. In case (A), all nodes use a communication range equals 130 m. It seems that the defined boundary nodes with red color construct the border of the whole area. In case (B), all nodes use communication range equals 65 m. It seems that the appearance of more boundary nodes indicates a low-density sub-region such as the two examples bordered with the green border. On the contrary, the appearance of more interior nodes indicates a high-density sub-region such as the area with the yellow border.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The effect of changing the communication range value when testing the interior condition

As the number of neighbors of each node is determined by its communication range, so the question here is: “what is the suitable communication range value that can be used by all nodes in a randomly distributed network which enables them to detect the boundaries of its different densities sub-regions?”. The calculation of this value is shown at the end of the paper (“Appendix”) in order not to distract the reader. The value calculated in this step is the initial communication range used by all nodes in the SDC protocol. We recall this value as \(r_{initial}\) (line 4). According to this value, the set of neighbors of each node is determined, and the interior condition is tested. According to this test, nodes are classified into two types: (1) interior nodes or (2) boundary nodes (lines 3–7). Each node sends a node_identification(S.id, S.Type) message to announce its type to all its neighbors (line 8). Upon receiving this message from all neighbors, each node begins to construct a neighboring table which contains the ids and types of all neighbors (lines 9–11). This information will be used in the following step to give an image about the distribution of neighbors around each node.

  1. (2)

    Clusters formation

In the SDC protocol, we depend on counting the number of interior and boundary neighbors around each node. This helps us to differentiate dense sub-regions from sparse ones and choose the best CHs according to this. The appearance of more interior neighbors around a node indicates that it is located in a dense sub-region. Nodes relatively located at the center of dense sub-regions are better candidates for being a CH because they achieve more connectivity with less communication range. On the other hand, the appearance of more boundary neighbors around a node indicates that it is located in a sparse sub-region. These regions are characterized by a small number of nodes distributed over large areas. CHs chosen for these areas have to use more communication range to balance its size i.e. to be able to communicate with more members and increase its connectivity in the network.

According to this, we set the conditions upon which each node can determine to be a CH or not. The first condition is that a CH must be an interior node. The second condition depends on the distribution of the neighbours of the node or the energy of the node. To be able to examine the distribution of the neighbours of the node, we have a new parameter. We named it as the Inner Degree (IN_degree) which is the ratio of the number of interior neighbors to all neighbors of the node as shown in Eq. (4).

$$IN\_degree = \left( {\frac{Number \,of\, interior \,neighbors}{Number \,of \,all \,neighbors }} \right)$$

Nodes calculate its IN_degree from the neighboring table information and broadcast it with its energy to its neighbors as a node_cost(S.id, S.INDegree, S.Energy) message (lines 12–13). Upon receiving the cost from all neighbors, each node updates its neighboring table by adding the \(IN_{degree}\) and energy of all neighbors to it (lines 14–16).

Now, the neighboring table can be used to help each node to decide its role in the network. The interior node with the highest \(IN_{degree}\) or highest energy in case of equal inner degrees will change its status to be a CH. By this way, the final selected CHs are highly centered in its sub-region. This choice produces a less and balanced intra-cluster communication cost. After that, we propose to adapt the communication range value of the selected CHs according to the distribution of neighbors around them. The aim of this adaptation is to produce relatively balanced-size clusters and achieve balanced energy consumption all over the network. The adaptation of the communication range of CHs is done according to Eq. (5). All nodes start the process of cluster formation with a communication range value equals to \(r_{initial}\) calculated in the first step of the SDC protocol. According to this value, the cluster radius is determined, i.e. the number of members that can join each cluster. Using Eq. (5), CHs which have more boundary neighbors will use larger communication range to be able to reach them.

$$Cluster Radius = r_{initial } + \left( {r_{initial} \times \frac{Number\, of \,boundaries\, neighbors}{Number\, of\, all \,neighbors }} \right)$$

After the adaptation of the communication range value of the selected CHs, these nodes announce itself as a CHs and broadcast a head(S.id, S.status) message to all nodes in its range (lines 17–21). After CHs selection, non-selected nodes start to join the cluster of the nearest CH by sending a join(S.id, S.CH) message to that CH. Nodes that does not hear from any CH announce itself as a CH (lines 22–29).

  1. (3)

    Data transmission and clusters adjustment

After the creation of the first clusters, data transmission starts. CHs use a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheduling to allocate the time for each member node.

All nodes in the network start the clustering process with an initial energy value. During the lifetime of the network, nodes consume power for sensing, processing, and communication activities. CHs consume more power than members of the cluster because it is responsible for aggregating and sending data sensed by all members in the cluster to the BS. Therefore, staying as a CH for a long time will accelerate the death of this node. For this reason, CHs have to change their role in order to give the chance for other nodes to become a CH and distribute the communication load among other nodes of the network. In the SDC protocol, rounds of clusters adjustment process start after data transmission. New CHs are proposed to be selected as the nearest node to the current CH with higher residual energy. The reason for that is to preserve the same structure of constructed clusters with CHs mostly centered in the middle as possible and have higher energy than other members. This is done by calculating a cost value and the new CH is the node with the maximum cost. This cost function is shown Eq. (6) where β and γ are factors stated by the application, \(E_{Resdiual}\) is the residual energy and \(D_{CH}\) is the distance to the current CH.

$$Cost = \beta E_{Resdiual} - \varUpsilon D_{CH}$$

Current CH broadcasts an Announce_new_CH(S(i).id, New_CH_id) message to its neighbors to announce the new selected CH (lines 30–38).

7 Complexity Analysis

In this section, the overhead complexity of the SDC protocol is calculated. In the first step of the spatial analysis, the BS broadcasts a message with the value of the N and the value of the W × H. The cost of receiving this message is 1. Upon receiving this message, each node calculates the initial communication range. According to this value, each node sends messages to its n neighbours to estimate the distance to them., Therefore, the cost of the initial spatial analysis is (1 + nN) messages.

In the first round of the proposed protocol, each node in the network broadcasts a node_identification and node_cost messages to its neighbors. Therefore, if \(N\) nodes are deployed, a \(\left( {2N} \right)\) messages are sent. Based on this analysis, if \(K\) CHs are selected, a \(\left( K \right)\)head messages and \(\left( {N - K} \right)\) join messages are sent. Therefore, the cost of the first round is \(\left( {2N + K + N - K} \right) = \left( {3N} \right)\). In the remaining subsequent rounds, new CHs are chosen as the nearest neighbor of the current CH with higher residual energy. In these rounds, the N nodes sends their cost to select \(K\) new CHs. After that, these new CHs will send Announce_new_CH. Therefore, the cost in these rounds is \(\left( {N + K} \right) = \left( {N + K} \right)\). Clearly, the total overhead complexity of the control messages in all rounds is a value of order \(N\). So, the overhead complexity of the proposed protocol is \(O\left( N \right)\).

figure e

8 Simulation Setup

The simulation was done to compare the performance of the SDC protocol with LEACH, HEED, and HGTD. Simulation is performed by MATLAB. Presented results have been averaged over 50 simulation runs.

It is assumed that the locations of the nodes and the BS are fixed. BS is located at the center of the area. Simulation parameters are shown in Table 1. To evaluate the energy consumption in the network, we use the same radio model of [35]. We assume that each node sends one packet to the BS in each round. CHs aggregate data from all members of each cluster and send it to the BS. Circuits of nodes consume \(E_{elec} {\text{to }}\) send or receive data. Amplifier consumes energy \(\varepsilon_{fs}\) of the free space model for small distances and \(\varepsilon_{mp}\) of the multipath fading model for large distances. Nodes also consume \(E_{DA}\) to aggregate data before being sent to the BS. Values of the simulation parameters are the same as used in [20] and many of its variants [36,37,38,39].

Table 1 Values of the simulation parameters

Equations of the energy consumption activities are calculated for each node as follows:

  1. 1)

    Transmit a \(L\)-bit message to a sink located at distance \(d\)

$$E_{TX} = E_{elec} \cdot L + \varepsilon_{fs} \cdot L \cdot d^{2} \,when\,d < D_{0}$$
$$E_{TX} = E_{elec} \cdot L + \varepsilon_{mp} \cdot L \cdot d^{4} \,when \,d \ge D_{0}$$
  1. 2)

    Receive a \(L\)-bit message.

$$E_{RX} = E_{elec} \cdot L$$
  1. 3)

    Aggregate a \(L\)-bit message.

$$E_{Agg} = E_{DA} \cdot L$$

The energy consumption in the network is the total value of energy lost in all nodes. Nodes lose different energy amount according to its rule in the network. If the node is a member (Me) node, energy lost during the transmission of the sensed data to the CH is shown in Eq. (11). If the node is a CH, energy lost during the aggregation and the transmission of the collected data to the BS is shown in Eq. (12). The total energy consumption in the network is shown in Eq. (14) where \(N\) is the total number of nodes in the network, \(L\) is the length of the packets, and \(K\) is the number of CHs.

$$E_{Me} = E_{elec} \cdot L + \varepsilon_{fs} \cdot L \cdot d_{CH}^{2}$$
$$E_{CH = } E_{DA} \cdot L + E_{elec} \cdot L + \varepsilon_{mp} \cdot L \cdot d_{BS}^{4}$$
$$E_{total } = N \cdot E_{elec} L + N. \varepsilon_{fs} \cdot L \cdot d_{CH}^{2} + N. E_{DA} \cdot L + N.E_{elec} \cdot L + K \cdot \varepsilon_{mp} \cdot L \cdot d_{BS}^{4}$$
$$E_{total} = L \left( {2N \cdot E_{elec} + N \cdot E_{DA} +_{ } N \cdot \varepsilon_{fs} \cdot d_{CH}^{2} + K \cdot \varepsilon_{mp} \cdot d_{BS}^{4} } \right)$$

9 Simulation Results

Simulation experiments were done to show the effectiveness the SDC protocol when compared with other techniques. In Fig. 7, we preview the distribution of produced clusters after applying each protocol for one round to the same deployed network. In SCD, it is evident that member nodes belong to any CH are the nearest set to it. Other techniques do not have control on the distance between the CHs and members. Therefore, we can see some clusters with members located at far distances. These clusters suffer from high intra-communication energy consumption. We can also notice that there is a variation between the sizes of clusters in all techniques other than SDC. These notifications will be proven by measurements in the following part.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison between LEACH, HEED, HGTD, and SDC clusters

We evaluate the performance of the four techniques for a 200 × 200 m2 network by measuring a set of parameters at different number of deployed nodes ranging from low-density (which tends to be non-uniform) to high-density (which tends to be uniform) networks. These parameters are:

  1. (1)

    The mean and the standard deviation of clusters sizes.

  2. (2)

    The mean and the standard deviation of the energy consumption inside clusters.

  3. (3)

    The total energy dissipation at different rounds.

  4. (4)

    The number of dead nodes at different rounds.

  5. (5)

    The total lifetime of the network for a different number of nodes.

The first and the second parameters are measured to prove the achieved load balance of the SDC protocol. we measure the mean cluster size and the standard deviation between the sizes of the constructed clusters in five scenarios where a 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 nodes are deployed. We also measure the mean energy consumption inside each cluster and the standard deviation between the energy consumption values of clusters. These values are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 Mean and standard deviation of clusters size
Table 3 Mean and standard deviation of energy consumption inside clusters

In Table 2, it appears that the sizes of the SDC clusters have a little dispersion, i.e. clusters have approximately similar sizes. This is due to the communication range adaptation step. On the contrary, LEACH, HEED, and HGTD suffer from a high dispersion between the sizes of their clusters which leads to unbalanced energy consumption between clusters. We also notice that the density of the network does not have a noticeable effect on the sizes of the resulting clusters in LEACH, HEED, and HGTD. For example, the mean cluster size is approximately 20 in LEACH protocol even if a 100, 150, 200, 250, or 300 nodes are deployed. The same situation in HEED and HGTD with approximately an 18 and 16 mean cluster size respectively in different density deployments. However, the mean cluster size in SDC increases with the increase of the network density. In LEACH, HEED, and HGTD, the large cluster size in a low-density network leads to high intra-cluster communication cost because distances between nodes are expected to be high. For this reason, these techniques require high network density to achieve acceptable performance, however, the efficiency of the SDC protocol is the same regardless of the network density.

We measure the mean energy consumption inside each cluster in Table 3. We find that the energy consumption of the SDC clusters also has smaller dispersion than other techniques. The unbalanced energy consumption in LEACH, HEED, HGTD protocols causes fast energy dissipation and therefore the fast death of CHs inside large clusters. We also notice that at the same deployment scenario, the SDC protocol achieves smaller mean energy consumption inside its clusters than other techniques. For example, if 200 nodes are deployed, a mean energy consumption equals to 8.93, 11.96, 12.84, and 16.18 J for SDC, HGTD, HEED, and LEACH respectively. This means that SDC achieves lower intra-cluster communication cost because CHs are highly centered between members of the cluster.

In Figs. 8 and 9, we preview the number of dead nodes at different rounds for a 150 and 300 deployed nodes respectively. We notice that the number of dead nodes in the SDC protocol is less than other techniques at the same time. For example, after 500 round in a network with 150 deployed nodes, the SDC protocol achieves about 76, 66, and 45% decrease rate for the number of dead nodes than LEACH, HEED, and HGTD respectively. And about 34, 24, and 15% decrease rate in case of 300 deployed nodes. From these values, we can also notice that the SDC protocol outperform other techniques in case of low-density networks.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The number of dead nodes during the rounds of the communication (150 nodes)

Fig. 9
figure 9

The number of dead nodes during the rounds of the communication (300 nodes)

In Figs. 10 and 11, we show the total energy consumption in the network for a 150 and 300 deployed nodes respectively. These values are calculated according to Eq. (13). The SDC protocol achieves a less energy consumption rate than other techniques at the same round of communication.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Energy consumption during the rounds of the communication (150 nodes)

Fig. 11
figure 11

Energy consumption during the rounds of communication (300 nodes)

The values of the achieved saving rate of energy consumption by the SDC protocol over other techniques are shown in Table 4 for the two networks.

Table 4 The saving rate of the SDC protocol energy consumption over LEACH, HEED, and HGTD protocols

According to the saved energy during the rounds of the communication, the SDC protocol achieves longer lifetime than other techniques. In Fig. 12, we measure the total lifetime for a 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 deployed nodes as the number of rounds till the last node dead. We notice that the SDC protocol achieves significant longer lifetime with about 36, 32, and 24%, when 150 nodes are deployed, and 34, 30, and 23% increase when 300 nodes are deployed than LEACH, HEED, and HGTD respectively.

Fig. 12
figure 12

The lifetime of the network at different number of nodes

From all the measured results, we conclude that heuristic techniques which depend on random probability such as LEACH, HEED, and HGTD are not efficient. All of these techniques suffer from a significant dispersion in the sizes of the constructed clusters. It also does not produce even cluster distribution in all cases. Therefore, its performance clearly decreases when the number of nodes decreases. The initial spatial analysis performed in the SDC protocol helps to provide more uniform clusters distribution with a guarantee of load-balancing regardless of the network density.

10 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, the effect of randomness in randomly distributed wireless sensor networks is studied. A global, distributed clustering technique named Spatial Density-based Clustering (SDC) is proposed. It depends on performing an initial spatial analysis for the distribution of nodes in the network. This analysis helps to differentiate between dense and sparse sub-regions of the network. According to this analysis, mostly centered nodes in each sub-region are selected as CHs. These nodes are also allowed to update its communication range based on the type of its sub-region to produce balanced clusters all over the network. In the subsequent rounds of the SDC protocol, the residual energy besides to the location of the CH is considered while selecting new CHs. Compared to heuristic techniques such as LEACH, HEED, and HGTD which depend on the random selection of CH, SDC provides even distribution of produced clusters. Unlike these techniques, the number of SDC clusters is controlled by the initial distribution of the total number of nodes in the network. Extensive simulations were conducted, and results show that the SDC protocol significantly improves the energy consumption rate and therefore extends the network lifetime. Results show that the SDC protocol performs well in low and high-density networks. Other techniques need high-density networks to achieves acceptable performance.

The concept of using spatial analysis presented in this paper can be used in solving other problems in WSNs such as hole detection and target tracking. The topological structure defined after the spatial analysis, which helps us to define sparse and dense sub-regions, also defines empty sub-regions. These sub-regions are probably suffering from coverage holes. In addition to that, the defined boundary cycles between nodes can help to track moving targets in the network.