1 Introduction

Developing formal semantics for a programming language could provide a mathematical foundation for the language. The semantics can be used as a reference model and, more importantly, as a foundation for proving language-level properties and constructing automated verification tools.

Rust [1] is an emergent systems programming language aiming at providing memory safety guarantees with its Ownership and Borrowing System (OBS). One of the most important guarantees the OBS invariants maintain is the exclusive mutation capability for memory locations, which can avoid various memory errors such as dangling pointers, double frees, and data races.

Several formal semantics for Rust has been developed. RustBelt [2] formalizes a variant \(\lambda _{Rust}\) of Rust in Coq, to prove in Coq that the type system of Rust can guarantee the memory and thread safety of \(\lambda _{Rust}\) programs. Patina [3] formalizes the semantics of an early version of Rust. Stacked Borrows [4] give an explanation of Rust’s OBS using alias stacks and further define undefined behaviors of Rust.

All these existing works understand Rust’s OBS at the language-level. In other words, their explanation of OBS is bound to Rust’s constructs. For instance, RustBelt formalizes OBS using a type system over Rust’s constructs. Even though the language-level OBS can provide clear instructions for users on how to follow OBS in Rust programming, we still need a deep insight into OBS over low-level memory management. Because language level can only present the effect of OBS over Rust’s constructs, such as bindings and assignments, but memory-level OBS can directly illustrate the effect of OBS over memory operations, such as reading or writing a memory location.

In this paper, we propose a new executable operational semantics for Rust. The core of our semantics is a formal memory model that includes memory layouts and the semantics of memory operations. More importantly, the memory model gives a memory-level formalization of OBS, which is independent of Rust’s constructs. Its basic idea is mapping the OBS invariants to a language-independent memory model. The OBS invariants are checked during the execution of memory operations. Besides the OBS invariants, the memory model formalizes the interaction between safe and unsafe operations in Rust. To show the correctness of the memory model, we define a high-level abstraction of OBS (HOBS) and have proved the refined relation between HOBS and the memory model.

The interests of the memory model are twofold. On the one hand, our memory-level formalization of OBS helps people understand the relationship between OBS and memory safety. On the other hand, our language-independent formalization of OBS makes it possible to reuse OBS in different programming languages, as memory manipulation is a common and essential feature of mainstream languages.

Based on the memory model, we have developed an executable operational semantics called RustSEM. RustSEM consists of an operational semantics for the Core Language (CL) and a semantics for the translation from Rust to CL. The CL is an intermediate representation (IR) for avoiding redundant semantics definitions of Rust’s constructs. Its semantics contain the semantics of memory operations. To execute a Rust program, RustSEM first translates the program into a corresponding CL program and then executes the CL program wrt. the CL semantics, in which all memory accesses are carried out by invoking the interfaces of the memory model. Recall that Rust also has an IR, namely Mid-level Intermediate Representation (MIR) [5]. However, the gap between Rust and CL is much smaller than MIR, simplifying the translation semantics from Rust to CL.

We have implemented RustSEM in the executable semantics modeling tool K-Framework (\(\mathbb {K}\)) [6]. \(\mathbb {K}\) is based on rewriting-logic. Thanks to its built-in parser, language semantics can be defined on abstract syntax trees. \(\mathbb {K}\) has been successfully applied in formalizing the semantics of real-world programming languages, such as Java [7] and C [8, 9]. \(\mathbb {K}\)’s execution and verification engines facilitate the testing of RustSEM and constructing automated verifiers.

RustSEM distinguishes from the existing semantics of Rust in the following aspects.

Firstly, RustSEM directly formalizes the semantics based on Rust’s grammar instead of a variant, thus covering a much larger subset of the significant language constructs than existing semantics. For instance, RustSEM supports safe and unsafe constructs, concurrency, dynamic OBS, closures, pattern matching, and polymorphism.

Secondly, RustSEM is an executable semantics, which means that RustSEM can execute a Rust program concerning its semantics. This makes semantics-based runtime verification and formal verification possible.

Thirdly, thanks to the integrated memory model, RustSEM can verify the runtime behavior of Rust programs against the OBS invariants, i.e., reject the programs violating the OBS invariants. RustSEM can also detect undefined behavior (cf. Stacked Borrows [4]) of the programs with mixed safe and unsafe operations, by noting that unsafe constructs can escape from OBS and make programs error-prone [10],

We have evaluated the semantic correctness of RustSEM wrt. the Rust compiler, including semantic consistency (i.e., absence of ambiguities), functional correctness, and OBS implementation correctness, using around 700 tests which mainly come from the Rust benchmarks [11], the Rust libraries, and the Rust textbook [12]. In particular, we have proposed a new testing technique for detecting ambiguities, which has discovered more than 36 ambiguities in the early versions of RustSEM.

We have also evaluated the potential applications of RustSEM in automated runtime verification and formal verification for both functional and memory properties. The application in runtime verification is evaluated on 118 Rust programs for detecting memory errors. The application in formal verification is evaluated on a collection of benchmarks, including Vec_Deque in the Rust library implementing a ring buffer. Experimental results show that RustSEM can enhance Rust’s memory safety mechanism, as it is more powerful than OBS in detecting memory errors.

In summary, we make the following contributions:

  1. 1.

    We propose a high-level abstraction of OBS and a memory model containing the operational semantics of OBS. We have also proved the refinement relation between them.

  2. 2.

    We propose a new executable operational semantics for Rust, based on the memory model. Our semantics supports a larger subset of the significant language constructs (compared with existing semantics). It contains the semantics of unsafe raw pointers and the executions with mixed safe and unsafe pointers.

  3. 3.

    We have evaluated the correctness of our semantics. In the evaluation, we have also proposed a novel testing technique based on \(\mathbb {K}\)’s verification engine for detecting ambiguities.

  4. 4.

    We show that RustSEM can be applied to both runtime and formal verification against functional and memory properties.

This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 recalls the OBS of Rust. Section 3 presents a high-level abstraction of OBS. Section 4 defines the operational semantics of the memory model while Sect. 5 presents the basic idea of the semantics of CL and the translation semantics from Rust to CL. Section 6 evaluates the proposed semantics. Section 7 compares related work. Section 8 concludes.

2 The ownership and borrowing system

In this section, we recall Rust’s Ownership and Borrowing System (OBS) and the related OBS invariants.

2.1 Ownership

A variable can declare a memory block’s unique ownership using a binding or an assignment. The owner can read and write the block if the ownership is declared mutable with the mut keyword. Otherwise, it is read-only. A read-only (resp. mutable) owner is called a shared (resp. mutable) alias of the block. We denote by \(\texttt {x} \rightarrow _o \texttt {B}\) that variable x is the owner of block B, i.e., x owns \(\texttt {B}\). For instance, in Listing 1, the binding “let mut v = vec![1,2]” at Line 1.1 first allocates a block \(\texttt {B}\) in the memory to store the vector [1,2], and then the owner v obtains the ownership of \(\texttt {B}\), denoted by \(\texttt {v} \rightarrow _o \texttt {B}\).

figure a

An ownership can be moved from one variable to another. Moving an ownership from variable x to another variable y means that the ownership now belongs to y and x no longer owns it. For instance, in Listing 1, the binding “let v1 = v” at Line 1.3 moves the ownership of the vector from v to v1, i.e., v1 becomes the new owner of the vector and v can no longer be used to access it. Indeed, the vector is read and written through v1 at Lines 1.4 and 1.5, respectively.

The timestamp is a way to distinguish the execution order of program statements. This section uses line numbers as timestamps. The lifetime of an owner begins from the timestamp at which it obtains the ownership and ends at the timestamp at which it loses the ownership, e.g., when the ownership is moved, or it goes out of the program scope (i.e., curly braces). The owned block is automatically deallocated through its owner when the owner goes out of scope. For instance, in Listing 1, the lifetime of owner v begins at Line 1.1 and ends at Line 1.3 , whilst the lifetime of owner v1 begins at Line 1.3 and ends at Line 1.6. The vector is deallocated through v1 at Line 1.6 as v1 goes out of scope.

2.2 Borrowing and reborrowing

Borrowing is a way to create references from the owner of a memory block. There are two kinds of references: shared references (read-only, created by &) and mutable references (readable and writable, created by &mut). A shared (resp. mutable) reference is also called a shared (resp. mutable) alias of the block.

A borrowing creating a shared (resp. mutable) reference is called a shared (resp. mutable) borrowing. We denote by \(x\rightarrow _{s} y\) (resp. \(x\rightarrow _m y\)) that x is a shared (resp. mutable) reference to y, i.e., x borrows y. For instance, in Listing 2, the borrowing “let b1 = &v[0]” at Line 2.3 creates a shared reference b1 to v, denoted by \(\texttt {b1} \rightarrow _s \texttt {v}\), where b1 can only be used to read the memory location v[0] owned by v. The borrowing “let b2 = &mut v" at Line 2.4 creates a mutable reference, denoted by \(\texttt {b2} \rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\), where b2 can be used to both read and write the block owned by v.

figure b

Reborrowing is a way to create references from another reference, instead of an owner. For instance, in Listing 3, b1 borrows the owner v at Line 3.2 and b2 reborrows b1 with the referent \(* \texttt {b1}\) at Line 3.3 , denoted by the link \(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _s\) \( \texttt {b1}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\). To access the first element of the vector, we can use v[0], (*b1)[0] or (*b2)[0], where v, *b1 and *b2 are three paths to access the vector. Each path uses an alias as the entry to access the block. For instance, the paths v, *b1 and *b2 use the alias entries v, b1 and b2, respectively.

figure c

As borrowing and reborrowing are similar, we define unified relations for them.

Definition 1

(Unified borrowing relations) Let x and y be two variables, where y can be either an owner or a reference. x borrows or reborrows y is denoted by \({x}\rightarrow _b{y}\). The borrowing relation \(\rightarrow _b\) contains two sub-relations: shared borrowing \(\rightarrow _s\) and mutable borrowing \(\rightarrow _m\), i.e., \( x \rightarrow _b y \Longleftrightarrow (x\rightarrow _s y) \vee (x\rightarrow _m y)\).

The lifetime of a reference begins from the timestamp of its creation and ends at the last timestamp at which it is used (read, written, or borrowed), according to the definition of Non-Lexical Lifetimes (NLL) [13]. Unlike the owner’s lifetime, which the program scope can easily decide, the last use of it decides the lifetime of a reference. For instance, in Listing 2, the lifetime of b1 is from Line 2.3 to Line 2.6, while the lifetime of \(\texttt {b2}\) is from Line 2.4 to Line 2.5.

2.3 The OBS invariants

Because multiple aliases can access a memory block, the OBS should ensure that a Rust program fulfills the following guarantees

  1. 1.

    Each alias only accesses (reads or writes) one valid block. For owners, they should own the block. For references, their owners should be in their lifetimes to ensure validity.

  2. 2.

    At any time in execution, each block can be accessed by either multiple shared aliases (but no mutable alias) or exclusively accessed by a unique mutable alias.

These guarantees can be used to avoid memory errors such as dangling pointers (guarantee 1) and data races (guarantee 2).

To meet these two guarantees, the OBS checks Rust programs against a collection of invariants. We have summarized the following five invariants by studying the Rust documents and the compiler implementation. We will prove that these invariants precisely ensure the guarantees in Sect. 3.

Definition 2

(The OBS invariants) The following invariants must be satisfied:

  1. 1.

    Unique owner invariant. Each block has a unique owner. The block is deallocated only when the owner’s lifetime ends.

  2. 2.

    Lifetime inclusion invariant. If \({x}\rightarrow _b{y}\), then the lifetime of x should always be within the lifetime of y.

  3. 3.

    Lifetime disjoint invariant. There are no two direct references to the same referent such that their lifetimes intersect, and one of them is a mutable reference. For example, if \({x}\rightarrow _m {y}\) and \(z \rightarrow _b {y}\), then the lifetimes of x and z should not intersect.

  4. 4.

    Write permission disabled invariant. If \({x}\rightarrow _s {y}\), then the write permission of y should be turned off until the end of x’s lifetime.

  5. 5.

    Full permission disabled invariant. If \({x}\rightarrow _m {y}\), then both the read and write permissions of y should be turned off until the end of x’s lifetime.

We now illustrate the above invariants by examples. The unique owner invariant is obvious. The move operation preserves the invariant.

figure d

Listing 4 violates Invariant (2). The lifetime of owner v is from Line 4.3 to 4.6 and the lifetime of reference \(\texttt {b}\) is from Line 4.4 to 4.7. Therefore, the reference’s lifetime is not within the owner’s, leading to a dangling pointer.

Listing 2 violates Invariant (3). The lifetime of \(\texttt {b1}\rightarrow _s \texttt {v}\) is from Line 2.3 to 2.6. The lifetime of \(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\) is from Line 2.4 to 2.5. The intersection of the lifetimes of \(\texttt {b1}\rightarrow _s \texttt {v}\) and \(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\) is not empty and one of them is a mutable reference. This is a potential vulnerability. At Line 2.5, if the memory space of the vector is already full then the push operation will reallocate a memory block for the vector. But the reference b1 still points to the old memory block and is used to read at Line 2.6, resulting in a dangling pointer.

Listing 3 violates Invariant (4). The lifetime of shared reference b2 is from Line 3.3 to 3.6. Since b2 reborrows b1, b1’s write permission should be disabled within the lifetime of \(\texttt {b2}\). Thus, the write through b1 at Line 3.5 is illegal.

2.4 Unsafe constructs

Note that the OBS only concerns safe pointers such as owners and references. Recall that Rust also supports unsafe raw pointers, which can escape from OBS checking. Unsafe raw pointers are widely used in real-world Rust programs to facilitate programming but may introduce more memory errors. Raw pointers do not need to preserve the OBS invariants, but they need to know safe pointers’ ownership and borrowing information. For instance, when a raw pointer tries to read through an owner, we need to know whether the ownership has been moved away to check dangling pointers. We will formalize raw pointers in our memory model in Sect. 4.

Besides unsafe pointers, Rust also supports other unsafe features, including unsafe scopes and unsafe functions, in which unsafe raw pointers are used. We will model these unsafe features in our Core Language and translation semantics in Sect. 5.

3 A high-level abstraction of OBS

In this section, we propose a new high-level abstraction of OBS, which formalizes the ownership and borrowing relations among aliases and memory blocks as graphs. At the end of this section, by using this abstraction, we will formalize the OBS invariants in Sect. 2.3 and prove that they precisely ensure the OBS guarantees.

Definition 3

(Timestamp) Let \(Tim \) be an infinitely countable set of timestamps. \((Tim ,\le )\) is a Totally Ordered Set (TOS). A strict order < over \(Tim \) is defined as \(t< t'\) iff \(t\le t'\wedge t\ne t'\). The function \(Su :Tim \rightarrow Tim \) is the successor function of timestamps, such that \(Su (t)=t'\) iff \(t<t'\wedge \not \exists t''. t< t'' < t'\).

Definition 4

(Lifetime) A lifetime \(t_1\sim t_2\), where \(t_1,t_2\in Tim \), is defined as \(\{t\mid t_1\le t\le t_2\}\), which is a subset of \(Tim \). Let LT be the set of all lifetimes.

An OBS graph consists of a memory block, its aliases and their relations.

Definition 5

(OBS graph) An OBS graph G is a tuple \((B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\), where

  • B is a memory block.

  • V is a set of aliases of B, e.g., owners and references.

  • \(E: V \rightarrow \{o,s,m\} \times (\{B\} \cup V)\) is a set of edges, i.e., a total mapping from aliases to the product of \(\{o,m,s\}\) and \(\{B\} \cup V\), where \(E(a)=(o,B)\) iff \(a\rightarrow _o B\), i.e. a owns B; \(E(a)=(s,a')\) iff \(a\rightarrow _s a'\), i.e., a is a shared reference to \(a'\); \(E(a)=(m,a')\) iff \(a\rightarrow _m a'\), i.e., a is a mutable reference to \(a'\).

  • \({\mathcal {F}}: E\rightarrow LT\) is the lifetimes of edges.

figure e
Fig. 1
figure 1

The OBS graph of the program in Listing 5

Note that E is a total mapping, as each alias holds exactly one value. In sequel, \(E(a)=(*,a')\) and \((a\rightarrow _* a')\in E\) are used interchangeably, where \(* \in \{ o, s, m\}\). We also reuse the notation \(\rightarrow _b\) in Sect. 2 to denote either \(\rightarrow _{m}\) or \(\rightarrow _{s}\).

Figure 1 shows an OBS graph corresponding to the program in Listing 5, where \(\texttt {B}\) denotes the memory block that stores the vector vec![1,2,...,n]. Each edge is labeled with the mutability of the borrowing and its lifetime. For instance, the edge from b2 to b1 is labeled with \(s[5.3 \sim 5.4]\), which denotes \(\texttt {b2} \rightarrow _s \texttt {b1}\) and \({\mathcal {F}}(\texttt {b2} \rightarrow _s \texttt {b1})\) = 5.3 \(\sim \) 5.4.

To formalize the OBS invariants in Definition 2, we define well-formed OBS graphs (for Inv 1, 2, 3) and the read and write permission functions (for Inv 4, 5).

Definition 6

(Well-formed OBS graph) An OBS graph \(G=(B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) is well-formed if and only if it satisfies:

  1. 1.

    There is a unique \(a\in V\) such that \(E(a)=(o,B)\).

  2. 2.

    \(\forall a, a', a'' \in \{B\}\cup V\). \(E(a)=(*,a') \wedge E(a')=(*,a'')\) \(\implies \) \({\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _* a')\subset {\mathcal {F}}(a'\rightarrow _* a'')\).

  3. 3.

    \(\forall a, a', a'' \in V\). \(E(a')=(b,a) \wedge E(a'')=(m,a)\) \(\implies \) \({\mathcal {F}}(a'\rightarrow _b a) \cap {\mathcal {F}}(a''\rightarrow _m a)=\emptyset \).

For example, the OBS graph in Fig. 1 is well-formed. Indeed, the block B is uniquely owned by v. The lifetime of \(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _s \texttt {b1}\) is within the lifetime of \(\texttt {b1}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\). The lifetimes of \(\texttt {b1}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\) and \(\texttt {b3}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\) do not intersect. One property of a well-formed OBS graph is that it is acyclic. The proof is in Appendix A.

Lemma 1

A well-formed OBS graph is acyclic.

The read and write permission functions permit an alias to read or write at a specific timestamp only if the read or write permission function returns true, respectively.

Definition 7

(Read and write permission functions) Let \(G=(B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) be an OBS graph. The read permission function \(R_G:V\times Tim \rightarrow \mathbb {B}\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} R_G(a,t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} true &{} if ~(\exists a'. {a\rightarrow _* a'\in E}\wedge t\in {\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _* a')) \wedge (\not \exists a''. t\in {\mathcal {F}}(a''\rightarrow _m a))\\ false &{} otherwise \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(t\in {\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _* a')\) ensures that t is in the lifetime of a and \(\not \exists a''. t\in {\mathcal {F}}(a''\rightarrow _m a)\) ensures that a’s read permission is not disabled at t.

The write permission function \(W_G:V\times Tim \rightarrow \mathbb {B}\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} W_G(a,t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} true &{} if ~{(\exists a'. a\rightarrow _{\{o,m\}}a'\in E}\wedge t\in {{\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _{\{o,m\}} a'))} \wedge {(\not \exists a''. t\in {\mathcal {F}}(a''\rightarrow _b a))}\\ false &{} otherwise \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(a\rightarrow _{\{o,m\}}a'\) denotes \(a\rightarrow _o a'\) or \(a\rightarrow _m a'\).

For example, in Fig. 1, \(W_G(\texttt {b1},5.3)=false \) as there exists \(\texttt {b2}\) such that 5.3 \(\in {\mathcal {F}}(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _s\texttt {b1})\). \(R_G(\texttt {b3},5.7)=true \) as 5.7\(\in {\mathcal {F}}(\texttt {b3}\rightarrow _m\texttt {v})\) and \(\not \exists a'. a'\rightarrow _b \texttt {b3}\in E\).

The relations between the permission functions in Definition 7 and Inv 4 and 5 in Definition 2 can be specified as: (1) an alias’s reading (resp. writing) operation is disabled at the timestamp t due to Inv 4 or 5 if and only if the read (resp. write) permission function for the alias at t returns false.

We can show in the following two theorems that a well-formed OBS graph satisfying the permission functions precisely ensures the OBS guarantees. The proof is in Appendix B.

Theorem 1

Let \(G=(B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) be a well-formed OBS graph satisfying the permission functions and t be a timestamp. We have either (1) \(\forall a\in V\), \(W_G(a,t)={\text {false}}\) or (2) \(\exists ! a\in V\), \(W_G(a,t)=\text {true}\) \(\wedge \) \(\forall a'. (a\ne a'\Rightarrow R_G(a',t)\) = \(W_G(a',t)\) = \(\text {false})\). The notation \(\exists !\) denotes unique existential quantification.

Theorem 2

Let \(G=(B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) be a well-formed OBS graph satisfying the permission functions and t be a timestamp. For any \(a\in V\), if \(R_G(a,t)= true \) or \(W_G(a, t)=true\), then a is not a dangling pointer.

In other words, Theorem 1 shows that the exclusive mutation guarantee is fulfilled if all reads and writes performed by an alias are executed at the timestamps when the corresponding permission functions return true. Theorem 2 shows that the memory block accessed by an alias is valid at the timestamp when the permission function returns true.

Discussions. Our high-level abstraction of OBS is language-independent and flexible.

Firstly, the definitions of OBS graphs and permission functions do not use Rust’s constructs. This is potentially helpful to reuse OBS in other programming languages, such as C, to improve their memory safety.

Secondly, there is another definition of lifetime in Rust, called two-phase borrowing [14], in which the lifetime of a mutable reference starts from the timestamp of its first use instead of the timestamp of its creation. Our high-level abstraction is also compatible with this definition by simply overriding the lifetime definition of reference, For instance, in Fig. 1, with two-phase borrowing, \({\mathcal {F}}(\texttt {b3}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}) = 5.7 \sim 5.7\). Definitions 6 and 7 remain unchanged. Theorems 1 and 2 still hold.

4 The memory model

In this section, we introduce our memory model, the core of RustSEM that formalizes OBS. It can be viewed as an implementation or a refinement of the high-level abstraction of OBS. The memory model supports the dynamic checking of OBS invariants. Moreover, it also supports sequential consistency checking for concurrent accesses.

We first illustrate dynamic lifetime extension using a motivating example in Fig. 2. Line 6.1 creates a block B for vec![1,2] and assume the block location of B is \(\texttt {b}\). An ownership relation \(\texttt {v}\rightarrow _o B\) that variable v is the owner of B is also created. The notation \(\texttt {v}\mapsto \texttt {own}(\texttt {b})\) denotes that variable \(\texttt {v}\) starts to own the block whose location is b where \(\texttt {own}(\texttt {b})\) indicates the ownership of B. Line 6.2 creates a borrowing relation \(\texttt {b1}\rightarrow _m \texttt {v}\). We introduce value \(\texttt {mut}(6.2\sim 6.2, \texttt {v})\) to denote a reference value to \(\texttt {v}\) in the memory model, where \(6.2\sim 6.2\) is a timestamp span in which b1 is used, since we have only scanned the code up to Line 6.2. When we scan Line 6.3, b1 is used to write the vector, thus the timestamp span of the reference b1 should be extended. The new span is \(6.2\sim 6.3\). This treatment of lifetimes is called dynamic lifetime extension. Line 6.4 writes the vector via its owner v. Note that \(\texttt {b1}\) does not disable v here since its lifetime has not been extended to Line 6.4. Line 6.5 creates a relation \(\texttt {b2}\rightarrow _{s}\texttt {v}\). We introduce the value \(\texttt {shr}(6.5\sim 6.5,\texttt {v})\) to denote a shared reference value to v, whose lifetime is from Line 6.5 to 6.5 at this moment. Line 6.6 writes the vector via its owner; this is allowed at this moment since the existing two references cannot disable it up to now. But at Line 6.7, since b2 is used to read, the lifetime of the reference b2 should be extended to 6.7. Now, an error occurs, i.e., the write by v at Line 6.6 is within the lifetime of the shared reference b2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A motivating example for dynamic lifetime extension. An error exists at Line 6.7, since b2 should disable the write permission of v during the lifetime \(6.5 \sim 6.7\), but v writes at Line 6.6

This motivating example shows that we need to store the lifetimes of references to support dynamic OBS invariant checking without looking backward. Moreover, we also need to record the timestamps at which an alias is used to read or write. For instance, in Fig. 2 the owner v is recorded to be used to write at Lines 6.4 and 6.6.

Figure 3 illustrates the grammar of the memory model. Note that semantic rules generate timestamps instead of line numbers. We will explain these constructs in the following subsections.

figure f
Fig. 3
figure 3

The grammar of the memory model

4.1 Memory configurations

A memory configuration is defined as a 4-tuple \(mem=(S,H,{\mathcal {P}}, ms)\), where S is a set of stacks, H is the heap, \({\mathcal {P}}\) stores the latest timestamps at which alias is used to read or write as we explained in the motivating example, ms is used for sequential consistency checking of concurrent access. We elaborate on them as follows.

The stacks are modeled as a finite partial map from stack locations in the set \(L_s\) (“Stack locations” in Fig. 3. POR denotes Partially Ordered Set) to typed values, denoted as \(v:\texttt {t}\), where \(v\in \texttt {Val}\) is a value and \(\texttt {t}\in {\mathcal {T}}\) is its type. Different stacks have disjoint location spaces in \(L_s\) to ensure they are local to their corresponding threads. \(L_s\) is partial order under \(\le _s\) since only stack locations in the same thread are ordered to denote the creation order of local variables. Various strategies could be selected to implement \(L_s\). For instance, a stack location could be a pair \(( tid ,\texttt {n})\), where \( tid \) is a thread id and \(\texttt {n}\) is a natural number to denote a local stack location of \( tid \).


The heap is defined as a set of blocks \(H=\{B_1,\ldots ,B_n\}\). A block \(B_i\) is 4-tuple \((\texttt {b}_i,\texttt {n}_i,m_i,\texttt {t}_i)\), where \(\texttt {b}_i\in L_b\), \(L_b\) is a set of block locations (“Block locations” in Fig. 3) and each block has a unique block location, \(\texttt {n}_i\in \mathbb {N}\) is the size of the block, \(m_i: [0, \texttt {n}_i-1]\rightarrow \texttt {Val}\times {\mathcal {T}}\) is a map from the offsets in the range \([0,\texttt {n}_i-1]\) to the corresponding typed values (\([\texttt {n}_1,\texttt {n}_2]\) denotes the set of natural numbers \(\texttt {n}_1,\texttt {n}_1+1,\ldots ,\texttt {n}_2\)), and \(\texttt {t}_i\in {\mathcal {T}}\) is the block’s type. A heap location is defined as a pair \((\texttt {b},\texttt {m})\) (“Heap locations” in Fig. 3), where \(\texttt {b}\) is a block location and \(\texttt {m}\) is the offset within the block \(\texttt {b}\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of the stacks and heap

The definitions of stacks and heaps are capable of storing values of various types, such as primitive types (integers, boolean values, among others), pointers, arrays, product types, and sum types. Heap blocks storing values of primitive types or pointers have size 1. Blocks storing arrays or values of product types have size greater or equal than 1, according to the number of elements the types are composed of, and two elements in the case of sum types: one for the value itself and another to indicate the constructor that the sum type selects to construct the value. Figure 4 illustrates the stacks and heap created by the program in Listing 7.

Three variables \(\texttt {a,b,t}\) created at lines 7.3 , 7.4, and 7.5 have the corresponding stack locations \(s_0,s_1,s_2\), respectively. Line 7.1 and 7.2 define a struct type and an enum type, respectively. Line 7.3 creates a block to store an array of the type [i32:3] (a 32-bits integer array of the size 3). The location, size, and type of the block are b1, 3, and [i32:3] respectively. The offsets 0, 1, 2 store the values 1, 2, 3 of type i32, respectively. Line 7.4 creates two blocks b2 and b3. The block b2 stores the value of the type L defined by the constructor L in the enumeration type B. The symbol own(b1) denotes a value storing the address of the block b1. The block b3 stores the value of the type B, which has two constructors: Empty and L. The value “1” at the offset 0 in the block b3 indicates the constructor L is selected, otherwise if it is 0 then the constructor Empty is selected. Line 7.5 creates the block b4 storing the value of type T.

In order to access memory locations, paths are introduced (Paths in Fig. 3). A path could be a stack location, a dereference, or a field. Consider a struct type: "struct P{x:i32,y:i32}" and the code "let v = P{x:1,y:2}; let z = & v; ”, if we want to access the field x of v with the alias z then the path is \((* \texttt {z}).\texttt {x}\). Assume the stack location of z is s and the field x corresponds to the offset 0. The path in the memory model is \(\texttt {(* s)}.0\).

The third element in the configuration mem is a finite partial map from memory locations (“Memory locations” in Fig. 3) to pairs of timestamps, which stores the latest timestamps at which a location was used to read and write, respectively. For instance, \(\texttt {s}\mapsto (\texttt {ts}_1,\texttt {ts}_2)\in {\mathcal {P}}\) means that the latest read and write using \(\texttt {s}\) happened at \(\texttt {ts}_1\) and \(\texttt {ts}_2\), respectively. This information is used to check whether a read or write is disabled by other references (cf. the motivating example).

Finally, is a finite partial map from memory locations to pairs of natural numbers, used to detect data races with respect to sequential consistency, where \(l \mapsto (\texttt {n}_1,\texttt {n}_2)\in ms\) represents that there are \(\texttt {n}_1\) reads and \(\texttt {n}_2\) writes that simultaneously access from/to the location l. This idea is inspired by Jung et al. [2].

At the end of this subsection, we introduce some notations for \(mem=(S,H,{\mathcal {P}},ms)\). For a partial map M, M(k) denotes value of the key k in the map. If k has no value in M then M(k) is undefined. The notation \(M[k\leftarrow v]\) denotes a new map obtained from M by replacing the value of k with v, which is defined as: \(M[k\leftarrow v](k')\triangleq {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} v &{} k= k'\\ M[k'] &{} k\ne k'\\ \end{array}\right. }.\) Let \(B=(\texttt {b},\texttt {n},m,\texttt {t})\) be a block in H and \(l=(\texttt {b},\texttt {n}'),0\le \texttt {n}'< \texttt {n}\). \(H(l)\triangleq m(\texttt {n}')\) denotes the value stored in the heap location l. \(H[l\leftarrow v]\triangleq (H\backslash \{B\})\cup \{(\texttt {b},\texttt {n},m[\texttt {n}'\leftarrow v],\texttt {t})\}\) denotes a new heap by replacing the value in l with v. Moreover, we use \(mem(l)=v\) to denote \(S(l)=v\vee H(l)=v\) and \(mem[l\leftarrow v]\) to denote a new memory configuration in which S is replaced with \(S[l\leftarrow v]\) or H is replaced with \(H[l\leftarrow v]\) when l is a stack or a heap location, respectively.

4.2 Memory values

We now introduce the kinds of values used in the memory. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of values: primitive values, pointers, and \(\bot \) denoting the uninitialization of a memory location. Primitive values include integers, floating-pointer values, boolean values, characters, and strings, which are standard. Here we focus on elaborating pointer values (“Pointer Values” in Fig. 3). Pointer values consist of the following 3 kinds:

  1. 1.

    Own pointers (own(b)) to indicate the ownership of a block b, a location holds an own pointer means it owns the block.

  2. 2.

    Shared and mutable reference values. The shared (resp. mutable) reference values have two forms \(\texttt {shr}(lt,p)\) and \(\texttt {shr}(p)\) (resp. \(\texttt {mut}(lt,p)\) and \(\texttt {mut}(p)\)). The reason is that lifetimes are transparent for users using the model, whilst, in the memory, a reference should be attached with a lifetime for OBS checking.

  3. 3.

    Unsafe pointers (\(\texttt {raw}(l)\)), which are raw pointers to memory locations. Unsafe pointers belong to the unsafe features of Rust.

Own pointers and shared and mutable reference values are safe pointers. Rust distinguishes safe and unsafe pointers to decide whether to carry out OBS invariant checking.

The values \(\texttt {shr}(p)\) and \(\texttt {mut}(p)\) are reference values to p. For instance, we can write a borrowing like “let x = & (*v); ” in Rust. Assume the stack locations of \(\texttt {v}\) and x are \(\texttt {s}\) and \(\texttt {s1}\) respectively then the reference value to be assigned to s1 (the location of x) is \(\texttt {shr}(* \texttt {s})\). Moreover, we have the relation \(\texttt {s1}\rightarrow _s \texttt {s}\) created by the binding statement.

For two locations l and \({l}'\) in the memory mem, if l is a shared (resp. mutable) reference to \({l}'\) then we write \({l}\rightarrow _s {l}'\in mem\) (resp. \({l}\rightarrow _m {l}'\in mem\)). The notation \({\mathcal {L}}({l},mem)\) denotes the lifetime of \({l}\rightarrow _b{l}'\).

4.3 Lifetime-free memory operation interfaces

The memory operation interfaces (“Memory Operations” in Fig. 3) are lifetime-free, which means that the parameters of memory operations have no lifetimes. This design aims at abstracting lifetime information from the memory interfaces to enable reusability, since other languages may not have the notion of lifetimes. Memory operations include:

  1. 1.

    Allocation (\(\texttt {alloc}(\texttt {n},\texttt {t})\)), allocates a new memory block of size n for storing the value of the type t. Free (free(b)), deallocates the memory block b.

  2. 2.

    Raw read and write (\(\texttt {rawRead}(l)\), \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v)\)) provide non-atomic read and write without integrating OBS invariant checking.

  3. 3.

    Atomic read and write (\(\texttt {aRead}(l)\), \(\texttt {aWrite}(l,v)\)) provide atomic read and write without integrating OBS invariant checking.

  4. 4.

    Safe read and write (\(\texttt {read}(p)\), \(\texttt {write}(p,v)\)) provide read and write with the integration of OBS invariant checking.

  5. 5.

    Lvalue (\(\texttt {lv}(p)\)), computes the Lvalue of the path p. Lvalue of a path is the memory location identified by the path that is to be read or written and Rvalue is the value stored in the Lvalue of the path.

Here we need to restrict that if the parameter v in either rawWrite, aWrite, or write is a reference value then it can only be \(\texttt {shr}(p)\) or \(\texttt {mut}(p)\), i.e., no lifetimes. Actually, lifetime computation is hidden in the implementation of memory operations, which will be introduced in the following.

4.4 Operational semantics for memory operations

The semantics is defined by two kinds of transition relations. The first one is \(\langle mem,tm \rangle ^{\texttt {ts}}\rightsquigarrow _m\langle mem',tm' \rangle ^{\texttt {ts}'}\). tm and \(tm'\) are terms that can be a value, a memory operation, or “.” indicating that the operation is consumed (empty sequence). The symbols \(\texttt {ts}\) and \(\texttt {ts}'\) are the timestamps of the pairs and satisfying \(\texttt {ts}\le \texttt {ts}'\). The second one is \(\langle mem,tm \rangle ^{\texttt {ts}}\rightsquigarrow _m\texttt {stuck}\) indicating the semantics gets stuck. Some of \(S,H,{\mathcal {P}},ms\) can be omitted in rules if they are not used to make rules more concise.

Rule defines the semantics for \(\texttt {alloc}(\texttt {n},\texttt {t})\), where \(\texttt {n}\) and \(\texttt {t}\) are the size and type of the new block, respectively. It creates a new block with a fresh block location (\(fresh (H)\)) and adds the new block to the heap H. Moreover, it also initializes ms for the new block. \(\texttt {initBlk}(\texttt {n})\) denotes the map \(\{0\mapsto \bot ,\ldots ,\texttt {n}-1\mapsto \bot \}\). \(\texttt {initMS(b,n)}=\{\texttt {(b,0)}\mapsto (0,0),\ldots ,\texttt {(b,n-1)}\mapsto (0,0)\}\). removes a block from H. The set bLoc(H) denotes all the block locations used in H, i.e., for any \(\texttt {b}\in bLoc(H)\), there is a block \((\texttt {b}, \texttt {n},m,\texttt {t})\) in H. “\(\_\)” matches anything. The timestamps are increased by \( Su (\texttt {ts})\).

figure i
figure j

4.4.1 Operational semantics for non-atomic raw read and write

The rules for rawWrite and rawRead are non-atomic write and read that are directly applied to raw pointers. The execution of a raw operation will get stuck under data races. For a location l and \(l\mapsto (\texttt {n}_1,\texttt {n}_2)\in ms\), data races are defined as (1) \((\texttt {n}_1+\texttt {n}_2\ge 2)\wedge (\texttt {n}_2\ge 1)\), i.e., there are at least two threads accessing the location and at least one of them writes the location. In order to simulate non-atomic operations, both raw read and write are decomposed into two steps that can be interleaved.

The raw write is defined by Rule and . It is a two step operation where the first step modifies ms and translates \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v)\) to \(\texttt {rawWrite}'(l,v)\) and \(ms(l)=(0,0)\) ensures that the write will not cause a data race. The second step writes v in the heap location l, and resets ms. The two steps can be interrupted by other threads. The semantics of raw read is similar to the raw write, which is defined by Rule and . Timestamps are not increased, since they are not for safe pointers. We still need the semantics for detecting race conditions. Rule defines the semantics for the race conditions of the read. It evolves into the stuck state. The race semantics for other operations are similar.

figure p
figure q
figure r
figure s
figure t
figure u
figure v

For instance, we consider the concurrent execution of two operations \(\texttt {rawRead}(l)\) and \( \texttt {rawWrite}(l,v)\) under a concurrent semantics based on interleaving, whose grammar is \(con::= tm \mid \mid tm \), where \( tm \) can be a memory operation, a value, or “.” The semantics is defined by the Rule , , and , with the relation \(\leadsto _c\) (The concurrent semantics is only for illustration here. RustSEM concurrent semantics is implemented in CL level.

Assume the initial memory configuration satisfies \(ms(l)=(0,0)\) and \(H(l)\ne \bot \), there are 4 possible execution sequences as follows:

(Sequence 1) \(\texttt {rawRead}(l);~~\texttt {rawRead}'(l);~~\) \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v);~~\texttt {rawWrite}'(l,v)\);

(Sequence 2) \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v);\) \(\texttt {rawWrite}'(l,v);~~\) \(\texttt {rawRead}(l);~~\texttt {rawRead}'(l)\);

(Sequence 3) \(\texttt {rawRead}(l);~~\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v);~~\texttt {stuck}\);

(Sequence 4) \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v);~~\texttt {rawRead}(l);~~\texttt {stuck}\).

Sequences (1) and (2) are safe, but Sequence (3) and (4) are unsafe. For instance, in Sequence (4), after executing \(\texttt {rawWrite}(l,v)\), we have that \(ms(l)=(0,1)\), which makes \(\texttt {rawRead}(l)\) get stuck (Rule ). We will not present atomic read and write without OBS invariant checking as their semantics rules are trivial.

4.4.2 The semantics of safe read and write

The read and write operations for the safe pointers need to maintain the invariants of OBS. The sketch of the semantic rules for \(\texttt {read}(p)\) and \(\texttt {write}(p)\) is the following: (1) compute the lvalue of p, (2) reads value from or writes value to the lvalue of p, (3) update the lifetimes of references during the read and write, and finally (4) check the OBS invariants for the resulting memory configuration.

The OBS invariants mapped in memory configurations are defined as follows.

Definition 8

(Well-formed memory configurations) Let \(mem=(S,H,{\mathcal {P}},ms)\) be a memory configuration. It is well-formed, denoted as \(\texttt {wellform}(mem)\), iff it satisfies the following invariants.

  1. 1.

    \(\forall \texttt {b},l,l'.(mem(l)=mem(l')=\texttt {own}(\texttt {b}))\Longrightarrow l= l'\).

  2. 2.

    \(\forall {l},{l}_1,{l}_2. {l}_1\rightarrow _m {l}\in mem\wedge {l}_2\rightarrow _b {l}\in mem\Longrightarrow {{\mathcal {L}}({l}_1,mem)\cap {\mathcal {L}}({l}_2,mem)=\emptyset }\).

  3. 3.

    \(\forall l,l'. l\rightarrow _s l'\in mem\Longrightarrow {\mathcal {P}}( l')=(\texttt {ts},\texttt {ts}')\Longrightarrow \texttt {ts}'\notin {\mathcal {L}}( l,mem)\).

  4. 4.

    \(\forall l, l'. l\rightarrow _m l'\in mem\Longrightarrow {\mathcal {P}}( l')=(\texttt {ts},\texttt {ts}')\Longrightarrow \texttt {ts}\notin {\mathcal {L}}( l,mem)\wedge \texttt {ts}'\notin {\mathcal {L}}( l,mem)\).

Invariant 1 ensures that no block is owned by more than one location. Invariant 2 ensures that a location cannot be borrowed by two references simultaneously with one of them being mutable. Invariant 3 ensures if a location is borrowed by a shared reference then its latest write timestamp cannot be in the lifetime of the reference. Invariant 4 ensures if a location is borrowed by a mutable reference then both its latest read and write timestamps cannot be in the lifetime of the reference.

Compared with well-formed OBS graphs, well-formed memory configurations also contain unique owner and lifetime disjoint invariants, but no lifetime inclusion invariant. Lifetime inclusion invariant will be maintained by the semantic rules directly. Invariants 3 and 4 of well-formed memory configurations correspond to the permission functions, but not exactly since it only disable the latest read and write. We will prove that it is enough to enforces memory operations to follow the permission functions later in Sect. 4.5.

figure aa
figure ab
figure ac
figure ad
figure ae
figure af
figure ag
figure ah
figure ai
figure aj

The Semantics of Lvalue

We first introduce the semantics of Lvalue, as both read and write operations need to use Lvalue. The lifetimes of references accessed during the computation of lv should be extended since the references are used. The result of \(\texttt {lv}(p)\) is pair (lwp) where l is the Lvalue and wp is a boolean value indicates whether p is permitted to write.

The first rule for Lvalue is , which computes the Lvalue of \(*p\), where p is a path. We use \(\texttt {ref}(p')\) (resp. \(\texttt {ref}(lt,p')\)) to denote a reference, which can be either a shared reference \(\texttt {shr}(p')\) (resp. \(\texttt {shr}(lt,p')\)) or a mutable reference \(\texttt {mut}(p')\) (resp. \(\texttt {mut}(lt,p')\)).

  1. 1.

    Premise (1) recursively computes the Lvalue of p, which is l. Lvalue semantics does not increase the timestamp as it is one of the sub-steps for read and write.

  2. 2.

    Premise (2) checks whether the location is being written by a non-atomic operation. \(\llbracket mem_1\rrbracket .ms\) denotes the element ms in the memory configuration \(mem_1\). For a location l and \(ms(l)=(\texttt {n},\texttt {m})\), n and m denotes the number of threads, which are reading and writing the location using raw pointers, respectively. It requires that the number of writes is 0 and the number of reads is greater than or equal to 0. Therefore it could be used to check the data races that a non-atomic write is carrying out but interleaved by safe operations.

  3. 3.

    Premise (3) requires that the location l must be a shared or mutable reference, since we can only dereference a reference.

  4. 4.

    As the reference l is used, its lifetime is extended to the timestamp ts (Premise (4)) by the function extLT. Assume \(mem(l)=\texttt {ref}(\texttt {ts}_1\sim \texttt {ts}_2, p')\), it is defined as: \( \texttt {extLT}(mem,l,\texttt {ts}){~~~\triangleq ~~~} mem[l\leftarrow \texttt {ref}(\texttt {ts}_1\sim \texttt {ts}, p')]\).

  5. 5.

    Since the referent \(p'\) is a path, its Lvalue needs to be further computed (Premise (5)).

  6. 6.

    Premise (6) ensures the memory configuration is still well-formed after the computation.

  7. 7.

    Premise (7) checks whether l is a mutable reference (The notation \(e?v_1:v_2\) denotes that if e is true then \(v_1\) otherwise \(v_2\)).

The resulting permission is decided by \(wp\wedge wp_1\wedge wp_2\), i.e., whether all references accessed by the semantic rule are mutable references. Rule and compute the Lvalues of a location (which is itself) and a field, respectively.

For instance, assume in the memory, we have \(\texttt {s}_1\mapsto \texttt {mut}(1\sim 2, \texttt {s}_2)\), \(\texttt {s}_2\mapsto \texttt {own}(b)\) and \(ms(\texttt {s}_1)=(0,0)\), \(ms(\texttt {s}_2)=(0,0)\). If we try to compute \(\texttt {lv}(* \texttt {s}_1)\), Rule works as follows.

  • Premise (1) computes \(\langle mem,\texttt {lv}(\texttt {s}_1) \rangle \) and gets \((\texttt {s}_1,true )\) by Rule .

  • Premise (2) and (3) are true as \(ms(\texttt {s}_1)=(0,0)\) and \(\texttt {s}_1\) holds \(\texttt {mut}(1\sim 2,\texttt {s}_2)\).

  • Premise (4) extends its lifetime to the current timestamp (assume it is 4). Thus value of \(\texttt {s}_1\) is updated as \(\texttt {mut}(1\sim 4,\texttt {s}_2)\) now.

  • Premise (5) further computes the lvalue of \(\texttt {lv}(\texttt {s}_2)\), which is \((\texttt {s}_2,true)\). Therefore \(\texttt {lv}(*\texttt {s}_1)\) is \(\texttt {s}_2\).

  • The write permission is true as \(\texttt {s}_1\) a mutable reference and the write permission of both \(\texttt {lv}(\texttt {s}_1)\) and \(\texttt {lv}(\texttt {s}_2)\) are true.

The Semantics of Write

The semantics of \(\texttt {write}(p,v)\), writes the value v to the Lvalue of p. Rule defines the semantics for writing a reference value \(\texttt {ref}(p')\) to the Lvalue of the path p. The semantics is elaborated as follows.

  1. 1.

    Premise (1) computes the Lvalue of the path p by \(\texttt {lv}(p)\) and requires the permission to write.

  2. 2.

    Premise (2) ensures no read nor write to l,

  3. 3.

    Premise (3) writes the value v to the location l. The reference value should be attached with the lifetime \(\texttt {ts}\sim \texttt {ts}\), i.e., the reference starts to have a lifetime.

  4. 4.

    Premise (4) updates the latest write timestamp of p’s alias by the function addWrite. Assume \(mem=(S,H,{\mathcal {P}},ms)\), the function \(\texttt {addWrite}\) is defined as: \( \texttt {addWrite}(mem,\texttt {a},\texttt {ts})\triangleq (S,H,{\mathcal {P}}[\texttt {a}\leftarrow (\texttt {ts}_1,\texttt {ts})],\) ms) \(\texttt {if }{\mathcal {P}}(\texttt {a})=(\texttt {ts}_1,\texttt {ts}_2). \) The function alias is defined as: \( \texttt {alias}(p)\triangleq {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p &{} p = \texttt {s}\text { or }p =\texttt {s}.\texttt {n}_1\ldots \texttt {n}_m\\ \texttt {alias}(p') &{} {p = * p'\text { or }p=(*p').\texttt {n}} \end{array}\right. }. \) It is the entry alias used by the path p.

  5. 5.

    Premise (5) ensures that the memory configuration is well-formed after the write.

Rule is the semantics for writing an owner to a memory location. Rule is the semantics for writing primitive values, such as integers.

The Semantics of Read

The operation \(\texttt {read}(p)\) reads a value from the Lvalue of a path p. and define the semantics for reading reference and non-reference values, respectively. The function addRead updates the latest timestamp, at which the alias of p is read, which is similar to addWrite.

4.5 Refinement relation between high-level OBS and memory model

In this subsection, we prove the refinement relation between high-level abstraction of OBS and the memory model. We begin with the definition of safe sequences.

Definition 9

Let \(\pi = (mem_0,\texttt {ts}_0),op_1,(mem_1,\texttt {ts}_1),\ldots , \) \((mem_{n-1}, \texttt {ts}_{n-1}),op_n,\) \((mem_n,\texttt {ts}_n)\) be an alternating sequence of memory configurations with timestamps and operations. For each pair \((mem,\texttt {ts})\), mem is a memory configuration and \(\texttt {ts}\) is the timestamp reaching mem. \(\pi \) is a safe sequence iff

  1. 1.

    \(mem_0\) is an empty configuration, i.e., S, \({\mathcal {P}}, ms\) are empty maps and H is an empty set,

  2. 2.

    \(op_i,1\le i\le n\), is one of the memory operations: \(\texttt {alloc}(\texttt {n}\), \(\texttt {t})\), \(\texttt {read}(p)\), \(\texttt {write}(p,v)\), \(\texttt {free}(\texttt {b})\),

  3. 3.

    \(\langle mem_i,op_{i+1} \rangle ^{\texttt {ts}_i}\rightsquigarrow _m\langle mem_{i+1},re \rangle ^{\texttt {ts}_{i+1}}\), for all \(0\le i < n\), where re can only be a value if \(\texttt {op}_{i+1}\) is read or alloc, otherwise consumed “.”.

The memory configurations are the data refinement of the high-level OBS graphs. For each memory configuration, it has an underlying OBS graph.

Definition 10

Let \(\pi = (mem_0,\texttt {ts}_0),op_1,(mem_1,\texttt {ts}_1),\ldots , \) \((mem_{n-1}, \texttt {ts}_{n-1}),op_n,(mem_{n}, \texttt {ts}_{n})\) be a safe sequence and B be a block in \(mem_i,(0\le i \le n)\), whose location is \(\texttt {b}\). The OBS graph \((B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) of \(mem_i\) is defined as:

  • V is a set of locations in \(mem_i\) that can access B,

  • for any node a in V, \( E(a)={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (o,B) &{} if ~~mem(a)=\texttt {own}(\texttt {b})\\ (s,a') &{} if ~~a\rightarrow _s a'\in mem_i\\ (m,a') &{} if ~~a\rightarrow _m a'\in mem_i\\ \end{array}\right. }\)

  • \({\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _b a')={\mathcal {L}}(a,mem_i)\). \({\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _o B)=\texttt {ts}_j\sim \texttt {ts}_i\) where for all \(j\le k\le i\), \(mem_k(a)=\texttt {own}(\texttt {b})\) and \(mem_{j-1}(a)\ne \texttt {own}(b)\).

It is now sufficient to present Theorem 3, which specifies the refinement relation between the high-level abstraction and the memory model.

Theorem 3

Let \(\pi = (mem_0,\texttt {ts}_0),op_1,(mem_1,\texttt {ts}_1),\ldots , \) \((mem_{n-1}, \texttt {ts}_{n-1}),op_n,(mem_{n}, \texttt {ts}_{n})\) be a safe sequence and B be a block. Assume the OBS graph of B in \(mem_i~(0\le i\le n)\) is \(G=(B,V,E,{\mathcal {F}})\) then we have

  1. 1.

    (Data refinement) G is well-formed.

  2. 2.

    (Operation refinement) For any two nodes \(a,a'\in V\cup \{B\}\) such that \({\mathcal {F}}(a\rightarrow _* a')=lt\), for any operation \(op_k~(0< k\le n)\), which is executed at the timestamp \(\texttt {ts}\in lt\),

    • if \(op_k\) is an operation that reads B by the alias a then \(R_{G}(a,\texttt {ts})=\text {true}\),

    • if \(op_k\) is an operation that writes B by the alias a then \(W_{G}(a,\texttt {ts})=\text {true}\).

The proof is in Appendix C. Theorem 3 shows that all operations by an alias a follow the permission functions of \(mem_i\)’s OBS graph for B.

5 The core language and translation semantics

In this section, we present the basic idea of the Core Language (CL) and translation semantics and explain the supported Rust’s constructs and the efforts of developing RustSEM. For a Rust program, RustSEM first translates it to a CL program and then invokes the CL semantics to execute the CL program. Because the core of RustSEM, i.e., OBS, has already been formalized in the memory model, in CL semantics, we do not need to be concerned about modeling OBS invariant checkings.

The design of CL is intended to reduce the Rust grammar to a simple core to avoid redundant formalization. The key to the translation semantics from Rust to CL is that the semantics of a Rust program should be preserved in the corresponding CL program.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Selected grammar rules and configurations of CL

CL language

Fig. 5 illustrates some selected grammar rules of CL. All constructs in CL are expressions e that can be evaluated to values. The notion of variables (x), values (v), dereferences (\(*e\)), fields (\(e.e'\)), arithmetic and boolean expressions, print, skip (clskip), and assertions are all standard. The operator \(\texttt {move}(e)\) moves the value of an expression. Shared ( &e) and mutable (& mut e) references are identical to those in Rust.

CL functions are expressions that can be evaluated and assigned to variables. Functions can represent Rust closures, which are anonymous functions with environments. Two function call forms are \(\texttt {call}\) and \(\texttt {pcall}\). The former directly calls the function f with a sequence of arguments, whilst the latter is a polymorphic call \(\texttt {pcall}(e',f,\textbf{e})\) implementing dynamic dispatches. For instance, for expressions like \(e'.f(e_1,\ldots ,e_n)\) in Rust, we only know that \(e'\) is an object implementing a trait (like an interface) containing f. Since there may be more than one type implementing the trait, the concrete function f to be invoked depends on the type of \(e'\) at run time. As we model the memory as typed, i.e., each memory location stores values and their types, the type of \(e'\) at runtime can be obtained by reading the memory. Branches in CL are defined by the case construct. Each case \(e\rightarrow e'\) is a guarded action such that \(e'\) can be executed only if e evaluates to true. The constructs of threads (thread), bindings (binding), assignments (assign), and sequences (seq) are standard. The memory operations mop are also constructs in CL. It means that the memory access in CL invokes the memory operations in Sect. 4. As the OBS is formalized in the memory model, the CL semantics does not need to be concerned about it.

CL language is independent of Rust and can be reused by other programming languages. In the following, we briefly discuss how to reuse CL for C. Most language constructs in CL are general for all programming languages. The only distinguishing constructs are move and &mut. As C also has the reference operator, mapping C constructs to move is modeling direct pointer assignments as move operations. But for &mut, we have two ways to model it: (1) add user-specified comments to clarify which references are mute, (2) do a static analysis over the code to check whether the reference has the potential to be modified in the code.

The translation from Rust to CL.

Now let us elaborate on the translation semantics from Rust to CL. The first important topic we need to present in the translation semantics is the type system. Table 1 illustrates a subset of types used in the translation. The types i32, bool, and str are the primitive types for integer, boolean, and string values, respectively. Pointer types include own(Type), representing the owner of a resource, and reference type (ref(Type)), for references to other variables. Compound types include the sum type sumTy(\(Type^+\)), representing unions, and the product type prodTy(\(Type^+\)), representing structs or tuples. The function type fnTy\((Type^+,Type)\) contain two elements: the first one is the types for parameters and the second one is the return type. trait(\(Id_t\)) denotes the types of traits, where \(Id_t\) represents the name of the trait. In our semantics, traits are considered as types.

Table 1 Main types in RustSEM
Table 2 Configuration for Rust Level

The translation semantics translates a Rust program to a CL program. Table 3 shows the constructs in Rust that can be translated into corresponding CL constructs. The translation semantics covers all the important features related to operational semantics, which enables RustSEM to run real Rust programs.

Table 3 Modeled Rust Features

The configuration for the semantics of this level is shown in Table. 2. \(V\triangleq Type\times \mathbb {N}\) is used to record the information of variables, which has two elements: (1) the type of the variable and (2) the lifetime, which is a natural number. The notation Tenv (type environment) is a type of maps from variable identifiers to their type and lifetime. The configuration keeps context types for functions and compound types that are necessary to check the types of function identifiers and compound type identifiers. This information is stored in types FCtx and CCtx, respectively mapping function and compound identifiers to function types and compound types.

It is possible for a program to declare bindings of variables with the same name but different types in nested scopes. When this happen, the type environment of the outer scope must be recovered after the inner scope finishes. This is performed by introducing a stack EnvStack for type environments. The translation semantics pushes the current environment in the stack when a new scope is created, and will recover the top of the stack when the scope finishes. In this way, any possible type overwriting in the inner scope will be removed.

Finally, \(Config_r\) is the type of the configuration, containing: function and compound types definitions, the type environment and its stack.

The translation semantics is defined by the relation \((Config_r \times \mathbb {N} \times Rust_e)\times (Config_r \times \mathbb {N} \times CL_e)\), notated by \(R_c \mid _{lt} E_R \rightarrow _r R'_c \mid _{lt'} E_{cl}\), indicating that given an initial configuration \(R_c\) and a lifetime lt, the semantics translates the Rust program \(E_R\) to the CL expression \(E_{cl}\) with the new configuration \(R'_c\) and lifetime \(lt'\). Giving \(R = (fCtx, cCtx,tenv,stack)\) with \(R\in Config_r\), \(R.fCtx = fCtx\), \(R.cCtx =cCtx\), \(R.tenv = tenv\), and \(R.stack = stack\).

We present our translation semantics for variable bindings, functions, and traits in the following.

Variable Bindings in Rust.

A variable binding in Rust creates a new variable and binds it to the value of an expression. The translation from a binding to CL constructs needs to know the lifetime of the binding. Therefore, the translation cannot be done by only scanning the binding. It also needs to scan the whole scope of the variable before finishing the translation.

figure au

Rule defines the translation semantics of a variable binding from a non-copyable expression e of a type implementing the Drop trait to the variable x (Premise 1). The rule translates \(let\ x=e\), into a CL binding, where \(e_{cl}\) is a CL expression translated from e (Premise 2). The expression \(e_{cl}\) is translated first with the initial configuration \({\mathcal {R}}\), resulting in a configuration \(\mathcal {R'}\). \(\mathcal {R'}\) is updated with the information of the binding, storing the type and lifetime of x in the environment tenv (Premise 3). The type is T inherited from e and the lifetime is lt.

In Rust, non-copyable expressions must do a ownership transfer to the assigned value, therefore the CL binding must move the ownership from \(e_{cl}\). The translation must also consider that x is only available in the statements stmts within its scope. Therefore, the translation from stmts to its CL expression S, should use the configuration \(R''\), which stores the information of x (Premise 4). Finally, since T implements the trait Drop, the call to the drop function of x should be executed after the execution of S.

Traits and Functions.

Traits in Rust are like interfaces in Java or some other object-oriented programming languages. The provide are a way to implement polymorphism and to tell the Rust compiler about the functionality that a type must implement.

CL supports dynamic dispatch with the support of typed memory model greatly easing the translation from Rust to CL.

figure aw

Rule defines the translation semantics for trait definitions in Rust. The symbol \(Id_t\) creates a function identifier combining a trait identifier with a function identifier. For each function declaration with n argumets \({\textbf {fn}}\,f_i(x_{i1}:t_{i1},\ldots ,x_{in}:t_{in})\texttt {->}t_i\) in a trait T (Premise 1), the pair \(Id_t(T,f_i)\mapsto fnTy(t_{i1},\ldots ,t_{in};t_i)\) is added to the type context (Premise 2). This characterizes the function type of the method \(f_i\) in the trait T. In order to make the rule easy to explain, here we only give a simplified version function declaration, which has no lifetime variables and other type parameters.

figure ay

Rule defines the translation semantics of the implementation of the trait tt for the type T. Each function definition \({\textbf {fn}}\,f_i(x_{i1}:t_{i1},\ldots ,x_{in}:t_{in})\texttt {->}t_i\{stmts_i\}\) in the trait tt is translated to

$$\begin{aligned} {\textbf {fn}}\,Id_{f}(T,f_i)(x_{i1}:replace(t_{i1},T),\ldots ,x_{in}:replace(t_{in},T))\texttt {->}t_i\{stmts\} \end{aligned}$$

The notation \(Id_{f}(T,f_i)\) creates a function identifier that combines the type implementing the trait, the trait and the function implemented by the type. Functions in traits may use self in types of the input arguments to refer to the type T. The type of each parameter is modified by \(replace(t_i,T)\), where replace simply replaces self by T in \(t_i\) flattening function \(f_i\) (Premise 1). The sequence of flattened function definitions \(FN'_1\ldots FN'_k\) is translated to CL functions one by one with the rule for general function definition (Premise 2).

Function calls in Rust have different forms. For instance, \(f(e_1,\ldots ,e_k)\), where f is a function name, calls the function f with the arguments \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\). The expression \(x.f(e_1,\ldots ,e_k)\), where e is an expression and f is a function name, calls the function f of the type of x with the arguments \(e_1,\ldots ,e_k\). This form of function calls may trigger dynamic dispatch.

figure ba
figure bb

We illustrate the translation semantics for function calls \(e.f(e_1,\ldots ,e_k)\), where e is an expression of type T and \(e_1\ldots ,e_k\) are arguments, by Rule and . We assume that a type does not implement two functions with the same function name.

In Rule , we assume the expression e is of type T and it is not a trait (Premise 1). Therefore, the version of the function definition for the identifier \(Id_f(T,f)\) can be decided at compilation time, and the Rust call is translated into a static CL call. On the other hand, in Rule , the type of e can only be inferred as a trait (Premise 1), for which we do not know during translation which version of the functions needs to be executed, but only the function type, invoking a polymorphic call pcall.

In both cases, the argument e is translated to \(e_1'\) (premise 2). The function type of \(Id_f(T,f)\) is obtained from fCtx (premise 3). The first argument of a function for a type can be “self", or a reference to “self" (Premise 4). In such case, \(e_1'\) should be added as the first argument after modifying it by mod_self \(e_1'\) \(t_1\). The term mod_self modifies the CL expression \(e_1'\) according to the type t to obtain the CL reference of \(e_1'\) if t is a reference of “self". Finally, input parameters \(e_i\) are translated into \(e'_i\) (Premise 5). Rule shows the case where the first argument does not refer to \(self \).

Developing a formal semantics for real-world languages from scratch always requires huge efforts. RustSEM is formalized in \(\mathbb {K}\) and consists of around 1100 semantic rules, taking two and a half man-years.

6 Evaluation on correctness and applicability to verification

In this section, we evaluate the correctness of our RustSEM (Sect. 6.1) and its applicability to runtime verification (Sect. 6.2) and formal verification (Sect. 6.3). All experiments are conducted on a computer with an Intel Xeon(R) E5-1650-v3 CPU at 3.50GHz \(\times \) 12 and a 16GB DDR4 RAM.

6.1 The correctness of the semantics

We first formally define the notions of semantics and its correctness. Then, we will show the correctness of our semantics by testing its consistency (i.e., absence of ambiguities), functionality correctness (compared with the Rust compiler), and OBS invariant correctness in detecting memory errors.

Definition 11

(Semantic rules and semantics) Let C be a set of configurations and M be a set of terms, where a term could be a program, a statement, or a value. A semantic rule is a partial function: , i.e., mapping (or reducing) a pair (cm) of configuration c and term m to a new pair \((c',m')\) of configuration \(c'\) and term \(m'\). A semantic rule is also denoted by \((c,m)\leadsto (c',m')\), where \(c,c'\) are configurations and \(m,m'\) are terms. A semantics is a set of semantic rules: \(Sem=\{Ru_0,\ldots ,Ru_n\}\).

Definition 12

(Execution traces of semantics) Let Sem be a semantics. A finite execution trace of Sem is a sequence \(\pi =(c_0,m_0)(c_1,m_1)\ldots (c_n,m_n)\), such that for each \(0\le i < n\), \(\exists Ru\in Sem\) such that \(Ru(c_i,m_i)=(c_{i+1},m_{i+1})\). The trace \(\pi \) is called terminating if for all rule \(Ru\in Sem\), \(Ru((c_n,m_n))\) is undefined. An infinite or divergent trace is an infinite sequence \(\pi =(c_0,m_0)(c_1,m_1)\ldots \), such that for each \(0\le i \), \(\exists Ru\in Sem\) such that \(Ru(c_i,m_i)=(c_{i+1},m_{i+1})\). We denote by \(Trace _{Sem}(c,m)\) the set of all terminating or infinite traces of Sem with (cm) as the initial pair.

Definition 13

(Correctness of semantics) Let Sem be the semantics of a language, P be a program written in the language, \(pre_P\subseteq C\) (a subset of configurations) be the precondition of P and \(post_P\subseteq C \times (C\cup \{\infty \})\) be the postcondition of P, where \(\infty \) denotes that the computation is divergent.

The semantics Sem is called partially correct iff, for any program P and any configuration \(c\in pre_P\), there exists either a terminating trace \((c,m)\ldots (c',m')\) satisfying \(((c,m),(c',m'))\in post_P\) or an infinite trace starting from (cm) satisfying \(((c,m),\infty )\in post_P\).

The semantics Sem is called completely correct iff, for any program P and any configuration \(c\in pre_P\), any terminating trace \((c,m)\ldots (c',m')\) satisfies \(((c,m),(c',m'))\in post_P\) and any infinite trace starting from (cm) satisfies \(((c,m),\infty )\in post_P\).

We have used over 400 test programs for testing the memory operations and the CL semantics and over 300 test programs for the translation semantics. These test programs mainly come from the Rust benchmark [11], the Rust libraries, and the Rust textbook [12]. Besides, we have also developed new test programs for testing our new grammar for memory operations and CL.

Ambiguity testing. The first correctness criterion is the consistency of semantics, i.e., the absence of ambiguities (no more than one semantic rule can be applied to the same pair of configuration and term). An ambiguous semantics may be partially correct but is not completely correct. Thus, we must detect ambiguities to ensure complete correctness. Indeed, partially correct semantics yield an unsound formal verifier.

Let us demonstrate ambiguities by example. Consider the if-else construct “if e B\(_1\) else B\(_2\)” where e is an expression and \(B_i\) is an execution block for \(i=1, 2\). The semantics of the construct is as follows:

figure bi
figure bj

Rule evaluates the expression e to a value v under the configuration c and c evolves to a new configuration \(c'\) since the evaluation may have side effects. Thus the if-else construct is reduced to another if-else construct with e replaced by its value v. Rule is for the case that v equals true, in which the first block should be executed. Rule is for the case that v equals false, in which the second block should be executed. Note that we have deliberately removed the premise v=false from Rule , which leads to ambiguity. Indeed, both Rule and Rule can match an if-else construct with v being true.

At the implementation level, the execution engine of \(\mathbb {K}\) always selects the first matching rule to execute. That is, if \(\mathbb {K}\) first matches Rule , then the execution is correct. Unfortunately, if Rule is matched before Rule , then the execution is incorrect. That is, the ambiguity results in the inconsistency of the semantics. This bug can be fixed by adding v=false as the premise of Rule .

This example contains another ambiguity. If we do not distinguish expressions (e.g., e) and values (e.g., v), then the construct “if true \(B_1\) else \(B_2\) ” can match both Rule and Rule , since the value true is also an expression. Further, Rule can match it infinitely many times, resulting in an incorrect infinite trace. Obviously, such ambiguities should be avoided in our semantics.

Note that the consistency of semantics cannot be automatically checked by \(\mathbb {K}\), as \(\mathbb {K}\) is not a theorem prover like Coq [15] or Isabelle [16] that can prove given properties of a semantics. As a solution, we propose a new testing strategy that exploits \(\mathbb {K}\)’s execution engine and verification engine to test our semantics. The following two steps are carried out for each test case.

  1. 1.

    Run \(\mathbb {K}\)’s execution engine on the test case. This can quickly detect some bugs. However, this is insufficient in detecting ambiguities as the engine always executes the first matching rule in case of ambiguity. That is, formally, the engine selects one of the traces in \(Trace _{Sem}(c,m)\).

  2. 2.

    Run \(\mathbb {K}\)’s verification engine on the test case. This can detect some ambiguities by exploring all possible execution traces. That is, formally, the verification engine searches for all possible execution traces in \(Trace _{Sem}(c,m)\).

This testing strategy has detected more than 36 ambiguities, showing that our testing technique is efficient and effective. It is efficient because the test cases are small and the inputs are fixed, thus no state explosion exists. The semantics of one construct in Rust is usually formalized with a collection of \(\mathbb {K}\) rules, and thus, one test case can cover a collection of rules. It is effective because it can detect ambiguities, even with simple test cases. For instance, the following test case with the if-else construct could detect the two ambiguities in Rules , , and by running the verification engine.

figure ca

Functionality testing. We have tested the functional correctness of our semantics by comparing the execution output of every input of every test program with the output of the machine code generated by the Rust compiler version 1.78.0.

Even though we compared with a specific version of the Rust compiler, our initial objective is to separate Rust’s constructs from CL. CL holds all the ownership and borrowing features. Rust’s constructs may evolve in the future, but our semantics does not need to modify CL; instead, only the translation from Rust’s new constructs to CL needs to be modified.

OBS invariant testing. We have tested the correctness of OBS formalization and comparing the results with the compilation result of the Rust compiler. The experimental results show that:

(1) Some programs are accepted by RustSEM but rejected by the Rust compiler due to its over-approximation of lifetimes to improve the efficiency of its OBS analysis. For instance, Listing 9 shows a function that fails to pass the Rust compiler. It is a function with one parameter y, which refers to an integer value. The Rust compiler always requires the lifetime of the reference (the parameter y) passed to the function foo to outlive the function body. As z is only available inside foo, after the call to foo, the Rust compiler reports that y points to an invalid memory location. However, the value of y is not returned by foo. Therefore it cannot be used by the caller of foo, and we do not need to enforce its lifetime to outlive the function body of foo. Therefore, the program has no memory error. It is understandable for the Rust compiler to enforce such restrictions, since it makes the OBS checking of the Rust compiler very efficiently. But RustSEM aims at providing a more accurate understanding of OBS and thus relaxes such restrictions.

(2) Some programs are rejected by RustSEM but accepted by the Rust compiler. Most of those programs are mixed with safe and unsafe operations.

For instance, the program in Listing 8 contains a dangling pointer. Indeed, Line 8.1 creates a vector vec and assigns it to the variable p (called owner in Rust). Line 8.2 creates a raw pointer r (an unsafe pointer) to p. Line 8.3 moves the value of p to y. The variable p will lose ownership of the vector after the move action; therefore, p should not access the vector hereafter. Line 8.4 tries to access the vector via the raw pointer r and implicitly via p (as *r accesses p), resulting in a dangling pointer error. In stacked borrows [4], this program is also identified as an undefined behavior. Stacked borrows also give a model of OBS using dynamic OBS checking, but stacked borrows strictly follow Rust’s type system. This means that the OBS semantics in RustSEM and stacked borrows are Different. For instance, Listing 9 is an example that also cannot pass stacked borrows’ OBS checking.

figure cb
figure cc

6.2 Runtime verification

RustSEM provides a runtime checker for detecting memory errors, since the memory model integrates a checking mechanism for detecting invalid memory accesses (c.f. Sect. 4). RustSEM can detect memory errors: accessing uninitialized locations, reading dangling pointers, double frees, data races, and deadlocks, ownership and borrowing errors, and buffer overflows. Our runtime checker is implemented using a semantics instrumentation technique rather than the source code instrumentation techniques used by most existing runtime checkers such as Chen et al. [17].

Table 4 Results for runtime verification

Table 4 shows the results for runtime verification. For each type of memory error, we collected a set of test programs with several inputs that can trigger the errors. RustSEM can successfully detect all the memory errors in the test programs with memory errors, Also, note that data races are not always detected in every execution since the executions are non-deterministic.

Compared with other runtime checkers, RustSEM is slower and depends on the efficiency of \(\mathbb {K}\)’s execution engine. Note that, to execute a program, \(\mathbb {K}\) first constructs its abstract syntax tree and searches for the corresponding semantic rules for the tree at each execution step. Thus, the time spent parsing and interpreting the source code leads to slower execution.

There is another method to construct a runtime checker for Rust based on semantics, which first generates the binary code of Rust programs based on the semantics and then runs the binary code. One of such case is the C semantics in K-Framework [18]. One of our future works is to apply this method to our Rust semantics.

One advantage of RustSEM is that the runtime verification is based on semantics instrumentation instead of code instrumentation. To the best of our knowledge, RustSEM is the first runtime verification tool capable of checking the ownership and borrowing constraints in Rust programs.

6.3 Formal verification for both memory and functional properties

\(\mathbb {K}\) has a verification engine, which can be used to construct a program verifier for a language by instantiating it with the operational semantics of that language. \(\mathbb {K}\)’s verification engine takes an operational semantics given in \(\mathbb {K}\) and generates queries to a theorem prover (for example, Z3 [19]). The program correctness properties are given as reachability rules between matching patterns in \(\mathbb {K}\) semantic rules. Internally, the verifier uses the operational semantics to perform symbolic execution. Also, it has an internal matching logic prover for reasoning about implications between patterns (states), which reduces to SMT reasoning (refer to the \(\mathbb {K}\) verification infrastructure [20] for more details).

For the verification, it is necessary to specify a pre- and postcondition similar to Hoare logic, and loops must be annotated with invariants. For simplicity, we show the verified properties as a pair \(\{Precondition\}\{Postcondition \}\), indicating that if the program’s input satisfies the precondition, the result satisfies the postcondition. Thanks to the memory access check formalized in RustSEM, we can uniformly specify memory properties such as data races, buffer overflows, or borrowing errors, as {True}{\(\lnot stuck\)}, which means that for any input, the program cannot get stuck. For other kinds of properties, such as functional properties, the program should satisfy both the OBS invariants and the properties being specified.

Table 5 Results for formal verification

Table 5 shows the verification results of several programs verified in RustSEM using the \(\mathbb {K}\) verifier. The program sum(N) is a function that computes the sum from 1 to the input N, and the verified property is \(\{N\ge 1\}\{N\times (N+1)/2\}\). The program sumvec(V) computes the sum of all elements in V, and the verified property is \(\{[v_1,\ldots ,v_n]\in \texttt {vec<i32>}\}\{\Sigma _{1\le i\le n} v_i\}\) where the precondition specifies a vector of n random integers and the postcondition specifies the sum of the n elements. The program insertion_sort implements an insertion sort algorithm and the verified property is \(\{V\in \texttt {vec<i32>}\}\{V'\in \texttt {vec<i32>}\) s.t. \(\texttt {sameElem}(V,V')\wedge \texttt {order}(V')\}\) where the precondition specifies an integer vector and the postcondition specifies a new vector with the same elements (checked by sameElem) and ensures that the vector is ordered (checked by order). The programs polymorphism, closure and trait use polymorphism, closures and traits, respectively, and we have verified some functional properties. The program concur-race is a multi-threaded program with a data race bug and the verified property is \(\{True\}\{\lnot stuck\}\), i.e., the program terminates without getting stuck. The verifier can successfully detect the bug. The program concur-order is a multi-threaded program without data races and the verified property is the same as concur-race. The verifier explores all possible interleavings in the concurrent program without bugs detected.

The benchmark “VecDeque” is a module from the Rust standard library. It is a library implementing a ring buffer in which an element can be pushed to its head or tail. One of its previous versions contains a bug [21]. VecDeque is a non-trivial standard library, as it implements more than 15 methods and invokes other low-level Rust libraries such as ptr and RawVec. Here, we only illustrate the verification of methods new, push_front, push_back, and reserve. The method new creates a new VecDeque. The methods push_front and push_back push a new element to the head and the tail of a VecDeque, respectively. The method reserve reserves a memory space of a specific size for the vector. These four methods implement non-trivial functions. For instance, push_front tries to push an element to the vector by first checking whether the vector is full. If not full, it just pushes the element and updates its head. Otherwise, it reallocates a memory space, copies elements to the new memory space recomputes the vector’s head and tail and finally pushes the element.

The property to be verified is: \(\{0\le \texttt {head}< \texttt {cap}\wedge 0\le \texttt {tail}< \texttt {cap}\} \{0\le \texttt {head'{} }< \texttt {cap'{} }\wedge 0\le \texttt {tail'{} } <\texttt {cap'{} }\}\). VecDeque has a head to indicate the memory location for push_front and and a tail to indicate the memory location for push_back. The variable cap is the capacity of the VecDeque. The property requires that the head and tail of a VecDeque have to be within the range \([0,\texttt {cap})\) before and after executing any of its methods. The primed variables denote the variables’ values after executing the methods. The bug [21] can be rediscovered by RustSEM in the method reserve, resulting in a buffer overflow. RustSEM does not support infinite heap structure specification and verification now. For the verification, we use an approach similar to bounded model checking, setting a bound in the maximum capacity of vecDeque to 16, limiting the state space exploration.

Now, we discuss the limitations of formal verification. Firstly, the property specification language in \(\mathbb {K}\)  needs to specify pre- and post-conditions and loop invariants for each memory location, which requires much effort. We only give an abstract description of the properties being verified here. More details of specification languages could be found in \(\mathbb {K}\) verification infrastructure [20]. Secondly, we cannot specify infinite heap data structures like trees. \(\mathbb {K}\) has the capability to reason about infinite heap data structures, such as binary search trees, which is shown in \(\mathbb {K}\) verification infrastructure [20]. The challenge is that \(\mathbb {K}\) verification infrastructure uses a memory model different from RustSEM, as RustSEM incorporates OBS. Therefore, we cannot directly inherit the framework from it. More work needs to be done to define a language that could be used to define infinite data structures in RustSEM inductively. One solution is discovering the relations between RustSEM’s memory model and separation logic [22][23]. In this paper, we focus on the semantics of Rust. A more user-friendly and powerful verifier is our future work.

7 Related work

Rust semantics Table 6 compares the existing semantics for Rust on their target languages (lang), their formalization of OBS (language-level OBS or memory-level OBS), as well as their verification capabilities, i.e., whether they support automatic verification (AV) and machine-checked manual verification (MV).

Except for RustSEM, all other semantics works model OBS at the language level. RustBelt, Oxide, and Patina formalize either a variant or an outdated version of Rust. RustHornBelt combines RustBelt and RustHorn [24] to extend RustBelt with the verification ability for the interaction between safe and unsafe constructs. However, it still uses a type system instead of a memory-level operational semantics. KRust gives semantics directly on the Rust grammar, but it covers a limited subset. For instance, they do not model traits, closures, concurrency, and pattern matching. RustSEM covers a much larger set of Rust’s constructs than KRust.

For the verification, RustSEM and KRust can be used for automated verification. RustBelt, implemented in the Coq theorem prover, can verify \(\lambda _{Rust}\) programs using Coq; the verification is interactive and needs expertise and manual inspection. Patina and Oxide have yet to be implemented in any tool. Thus, they provide neither automated nor machine-checked verification.

Rust verification CRust [25], SMACK-Rust [26] and Viper-based Prusti [27] can verify Rust programs by translating them into the input languages of existing verification tools, instead of building formal semantics for Rust. For instance, SMACK-Rust compiles Rust programs into the LLVM code which can be verified by SMACK [28]. Prusti translates a subset of safe constructs to the intermediate language of Viper [29] to construct core proofs. Aeneas [30] is an interesting work to leverage Rust’s type system to eliminate memory reasoning for safe Rust programs and instead focus on Rust programs’ functionalities.

Stacked borrows [4] presents an alias model to regulate unsafe pointers in Rust by proposing a dynamic OBS checking. The differences between stacked borrows and our work include: (1) Stacked borrows formalize OBS at the language level, whilst our work formalizes OBS at the memory level. (2) Stacked borrows strictly follow Rust’s type system, whilst our work relaxes some restrictions of Rust’s type system to yield a more accurate OBS semantics.

Ownership and borrowing The concept of ownership has been proposed for many years and most related works exploit type systems to enforce various ownership disciplines. Cyclone [31] is designed to be a safe dialect of the C language by using region based memory management [32]. Mezzo [33] and Alms [34] follow the ML tradition and employ substructural type systems for managing ownership. There are also many type systems associating read and write permissions to aliases [35], such as Mezzo [33], Pony [36] and AEminium [37]. All these works have different technique details with Rust and exploit type systems to enforce memory safety. Our work aims to explain Rust’s techniques from an operational aspect at the memory level to provide new insight into OBS.

Table 6 A comparison of semantics works

8 Conclusion

We have proposed a memory model integrating of OBS checking and an executable operational semantics for Rust. Compared with existing works, it covers a larger subset of the major language constructs of Rust. The core of the semantics is the memory model with the operational semantics of OBS, which other languages can potentially reuse to improve memory safety. We have proved the refinement relation between OBS’s high-level abstraction and the memory model’s operational semantics. Moreover, we proposed a technique for testing semantic consistency to detect ambiguities and provide completely correct semantics. We have shown that RustSEM can be applied in automated runtime and formal verification.

In future works, we are working on reusing our memory model for the \(\mathbb {K}\) semantics of the C programming language to improve C memory safety by checking the preservation of the OBS invariants. Moreover, we are also working on developing a more efficient Rust verifier based on the semantics.