1 Introduction

Bug reports are an important kind of software artifact. They generally provide information about the behavior of software and bug-occurring environments (Bettenburg et al. 2008). With bug reports, software practitioners could better understand and fix a bug and identify potential software-quality improvement directions (Bertram et al. 2010). Currently, many software projects use a bug tracking system such as BugzillaFootnote 1 or JiraFootnote 2 to collect and track their bug reports, where any end users are free to submit a bug report to describe what problems they are facing (Anvik 2006). The openness of receiving bug reports and the increasing software scale make software practitioners have to handle a large number of bug reports (Zou et al. 2018). How to effectively and efficiently manage as many bug reports as possible under limited resources is increasingly becoming a big challenge for modern software projects.

To help address the problem mentioned above, researchers have been developing various kinds of bug report management (BRM) techniques, such as bug localization (Kim et al. 2013; Ye et al. 2015), duplicate bug detection (Wang et al. 2008; Sun et al. 2011), bug priority prediction (Tian et al. 2013, 2015), bug fixing time prediction (Weiss et al. 2007; Choetkiertikul et al. 2017), etc. A key step of BRM techniques is to correctly retrieve the semantics of bug reports as much as possible since it is the basis for further prediction. A bug report’s two most important items are the brief one-line summary of a bug and the detailed problem description that provides important information such as reproduction steps and observed/expected behavior (Lamkanfi et al. 2010). These two items are generally written in plain text and are widely considered in existing BRM research. To a large extent, the semantic retrieval of a bug report is taken as the semantic retrieval of textual bug summary and description items.

Currently, existing BRM studies mainly use some information retrieval models to represent the semantics of bug reports, where the vector space model (VSM) is mainly used. These models, like VSM, generally take bug reports as a bag of words, considering little about the contextual semantics of words, which may negatively affect the BRM performance. With the fast development of NLP techniques, more advanced semantic retrieval approaches from the NLP area have appeared. Among them, word embedding models, such as Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013a) and BERT (Devlin et al. 2018), attract much attention from both the academic and industrial community (Yang et al. 2016; Xiao et al. 2019). Word embedding models represent the semantics of a word with an N-dimensional numeric vector, with each element capturing a specific semantic aspect of the word in the world. They are expected to capture the contextual semantics of words better and have been proven effective in many NLP downstream tasks (such as text classification and question answering) relying on textual semantic retrieval. Inspired by the applications of WE models in the NLP area, some researchers also try to integrate WE models such as Word2Vec and GloVe into BRM techniques (Van Nguyen et al. 2017; Deshmukh et al. 2017; Jia et al. 2021).

While word embedding has become more prevalent in NLP, its adoption in BRM tasks remains relatively limited. Most existing studies have focused on earlier WE models like Word2Vec, even though the NLP community has since introduced a range of more advanced models, such as BERT. The success of WE in NLP tasks encourages us to study the potential of WE in BRM tasks systematically. Our exploration in this study is motivated by two key observations. On one hand, bug reports can be taken as general text in the same form as NLP tasks. It provides the basis for applying WE models to bug reports. On the other hand, unlike general text, bug reports are software artifacts that have domain-specific knowledge. How well WE models can capture the semantics of bug reports is still a question mark.

We attempt to answer four research questions to understand the value of WE in BRM tasks. Five widely recognized WE models are thoroughly tested on six typical BRM tasks using a dataset of 20 products from different domains to get as general conclusions as possible. Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, ELMo, and BERT are the five WE models. Six BRM tasks include duplicate bug report detection, bug severity prediction, bug priority prediction, bug fixing time prediction, reopened bug prediction, and bug field reassignment prediction. The concrete RQs, as well as their corresponding key findings, are as follows.

RQ1. Which machine learning approach performs best for BRM tasks on the whole? This research question is about finding the most suitable machine learning (ML) algorithm for BRM tasks under the constraint of applying WE models to retrieve the semantics of bug reports. Four classical machine learning algorithms are compared in the study, namely Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine.

Findings: The Random Forest classifier always outperformed other machine learning algorithms based on retrieved semantic features of five pre-trained WE models. Naive Bayes performed worst among all classifiers.

RQ2. Is there a word embedding model that generally outperforms others for BRM tasks? This research question is to study whether there is a dominant WE model that outperforms other WE models in various BRM tasks. This RQ could show some insights into selecting the WE model in performing BRM tasks.

Findings: We rarely observed statistically significant performance differences among five WE models in five BRM classification tasks (i.e., bug severity prediction, bug priority prediction, bug fixing time prediction, reopened bug prediction, and bug field reassignment prediction); we only detected a statistically significant performance difference between smaller-dimensional WE models and relatively larger ones for the duplicate bug report detection task (a recommendation task).

RQ3. Do word embedding models outperform the most used VSM model for BRM tasks? This RQ could help us understand whether WE models are preferred to be applied in domain-specific BRM tasks rather than general NLP tasks. This gives practitioners better guidance in adopting traditional VSM or WE models in their BRM tasks.

Findings: Among three BRM tasks, i.e., bug severity prediction, reopened bug prediction, and duplicate bug report detection, that showed statistically significant performance differences, VSM outperformed studied WE models; the performance differences are found to be negligible to small on the bug severity prediction and reopened bug prediction tasks, but are large on the duplicate bug report detection task, according to Cliff’s delta effect sizes.

RQ4. How will the performance change if word embedding models are fine-tuned with bug data? This RQ investigates the performance of fine-tuned BERT with bug reports compared to the generic pre-trained BERT model. Answering this RQ could help us understand the value of domain-specific corpus for pre-trained WE models in semantic extraction.

Findings: We did not observe performance improvements of the fine-tuned BERT over the generic pre-trained one. Their performance differences that show statistical significance are all negligible according to Cliff’s delta effect sizes on experimental products. The main contributions of our work are as follows:

  • We conduct a systematic study to explore the potential of word embedding models on bug report management tasks by evaluating five typical embedding techniques across six representative downstream BRM tasks.

  • We attempt to investigate the most suitable machine learning algorithm for applying WE models, the best-performance WE model in BRM tasks, the advantage of WE over the most used VSM model, and the value of the model fine-tuned with bug report corpus.

  • We obtain a list of actionable findings that could guide developers or researchers in adopting suitable semantic retrieval models while performing BRM tasks.

Paper Organization The remaining parts are structured as follows: we present the background of WE and BRM in Section 2 and describe our experimental design in Section 3. Section 4 presents our experimental results and answers to research questions. Section 5 lists the implications and the threats to the validity of our experiment. After surveying the related work in Section 6, we conclude our work in Section 7.

2 Background

In this section, we discuss the background related to this study. We first introduce word embedding(WE), including five typical word embedding models and pre-trained models. Then, we talk about bug report management(BRM).

2.1 Word Embedding

Text representation is an important work in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Effectively converting text data into a meaningful representation that computers can recognize is a very important step in the NLP area. The word embedding technique is such a popular and effective method for presenting the semantics of text contents. This technique maps a single word to a \(\delta \)-dimensional vector space (Hinton et al. 1986). It aims to capture the latent semantics of words by using neural network-based word embedding vectors that are dense, distributed, and with a fixed length. Textual content within bug reports can also be transformed by word embedding technology into numeric embedding vectors. In this section, we describe the existing popular and representative embedding techniques evaluated in this work, i.e., Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, ELMo, and BERT.

2.1.1 Five Typical Word Embedding Models

Word2Vec is a language model published in 2013 (Mikolov et al. 2013a). It takes a large text corpus as input and generates a vector space, typically of several hundred dimensions, with each unique word in the corpus being assigned a corresponding vector in the space. Word2Vec has two model architectures: continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) and continuous skip-gram. In the CBOW architecture, the model predicts the masked word by a given window of its surrounding context words, and the order of context words does not influence the prediction results (due to the bag-of-words assumption). In the continuous skip-gram architecture, the model uses a given word to predict the context words surrounding the word. Unlike CBOW, the skip-gram architecture weighs nearby context words more heavily than more distant context words (Mikolov et al. 2013b). Regardless of CBOW or skip-gram, Word2Vec would assign a unique numeric vector to a word, limiting it in handling the polysemy problem.

GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation) is proposed by Pennington et al. (Pennington et al. 2014) in 2014. It is a global log-bilinear regression model for unsupervised learning of word representations. Compared to Word2Vec, GloVe aims to use a global word-word co-occurrence matrix to learn word representation, which is expected to better represent a word’s meaning. It is reported to outperform other models on word analogy, word similarity, and named entity recognition tasks.

FastText is proposed by Bojanowski et al. (Bojanowski et al. 2017) in 2017. Unlike models like Word2Vec or GloVe which treat a word as an atom during model training, FastText treats a word as a set of n-gram units. Based on these n-gram sets, a skip-gram model is built, and an embedding vector for each n-gram is obtained. The vectors of n-gram sets of a word are then integrated to obtain the final embedding vector for the word. In this way, FastText can capture the semantics of short/rarely appeared words and those pre/suffixes.

ELMo (Embeddings from Language Models) is proposed by Peters et al.(Peters et al. 2018) in 2018. The ELMo embedding vectors are derived from a bi-directional LSTM trained with a coupled language model on a large text corpusFootnote 3. In ELMo, character-level tokens are taken as the input to a bi-directional LSTM that would then produce word-level embeddings. It is a new type of deep contextualized word representation that models both (1) complex characteristics of word use (E.G., syntax and semantics), and (2) how these uses vary across linguistic contexts. Unlike “Bag of Words” approaches such as Word2Vec, ELMo is context-sensitive and could generate different representations for words with the same spelling but different meanings.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is proposed by Devlin et al. (Devlin et al. 2018) in 2018. BERT is based on the transformer architecture and is pre-trained on a large corpus of unlabelled text, including the entire Wikipedia (with 2,500 million words) and Book Corpus (with 800 million words). BERT is a deeply bidirectional model. Bidirectional means that BERT learns information from both the left and the right side of a token’s context during training. The word embedding representation obtained through BERT incorporates more grammatical, lexical, and semantic information. With BERT, words would have different word embedding representations in different contexts.

2.1.2 Pre-trained Word Embedding Models

As mentioned above, in the NLP area, word embedding is generally an n-dimensional numeric vector that captures the semantics of a word, with similar words that are closer in the vector space being expected to have similar meanings. Generally speaking, one can obtain the word embedding for a word with two approaches. One approach is to train a word embedding model (E.G., Word2Vec) on their dataset from scratch to obtain the word embeddings, while the other way is to obtain the word embeddings from an existing word embedding model trained on other large datasets, i.e., a pre-trained word embedding model.

Due to the sparsity of training data and a large number of trainable parameters, it becomes a challenging problem for users to learn their own embeddings from scratch, especially when they have limited small-scale datasets. In this case, pre-trained models would be a preferred choice for them due to the following advantages: 1) Pre-training on large-scale unlabeled data can learn more general language representation and apply it to downstream tasks; 2) Pre-training provides better initialization parameters, which helps to improve the generalization performance of the model and accelerate the convergence of the model; 3) Pre-training can be regarded as an effective regularization method to avoid over-fitting on small data sets. Currently, there is a list of pre-trained WE models kindly shared by the academics and industry, including the five typical word embedding models we compared in the study, such as the pre-trained BERT through training BERT on a large amount of Wikipedia content. Sometimes, practitioners would use domain-specific data to fine-tune the pre-trained models to understand their tasks better. The advantages of pre-trained models have made them find numerous important applications in the real world (Yang et al. 2019; Zhou et al. 2020).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A Bug report example with ID=550200 in Eclipse

2.2 Bug Report Management

In this part, we will first briefly introduce typical bug reports collected by bug tracking systems of Eclipse and Mozilla. Then we introduce six typical bug report management techniques we focused on in this paper.

2.2.1 Bug Report

Bug reports are an important information carrier for software practitioners to find/fix bugs and ensure software quality. Fig. 1 shows a typical bug report collected by bug tracking systems. As shown in the figure, a bug report generally has information items like BugID, Status, Product, Component, Importance, Reported, Summary, Description, Comment, etc. BugID (E.G., 550200 in the figure) is a number that uniquely identifies a bug of a project. Summary is generally one sentence briefly summarizing a bug. The Description item provides details about the bug, where the details generally include steps to reproduce the bug, the expected behavior or observed behavior, etc. Status describes the current state of a bug report. During the lifecycle of a bug report, its status could be from Unconfirmed to Closed/Resolved as shown in Fig. 2, each closed bug report would have a corresponding resolution such as FIXED, DUPLICATE, etc. Detailed introduction to the status and resolutions can be found in the websiteFootnote 4. The Reported field includes the reporting time of a bug and the person who reports it. The Importance field has two parts, namely priority (E.G., “P3” in the figure) and severity (E.G., “normal” in the figure). The modifications towards a bug report, such as status changes would all be recorded in the “History” item, and the Modified item memos the last modification time.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The life-cycle of a bug report

2.2.2 Six BRM Techniques

To help resolve as many bug reports as possible with limited resources, researchers proposed a list of techniques to manage these bug reports, namely bug report management techniques (Zou et al. 2018), including bug localization, bug severity/priority prediction, bug fixing time prediction, etc.

This section mainly introduces six bug report management techniques studied in our work, also considered important by software practitioners (Huo et al. 2014; Zou et al. 2018). They are duplicate bug report detection, bug severity prediction, bug priority prediction, bug fixing time prediction, bug field reassignment prediction, and re-opened bug prediction. These techniques can help us more purely understand the usefulness of WE models in representing bug report semantics. This is because they mainly rely on the analysis of textual summary and description of a bug report. In other words, we can avoid the situation that our findings get biased by the potential interactions between bug reports and other software artifacts, as well as imprecise processing steps such as bug-code linking in other BRM techniques.

Duplicate Bug Report Detection aims to identify whether or not a newly reported bug is duplicated with existing bugs in the bug tracking system. With duplicate bug detection, users could avoid reporting the same problems, while developers could save time in handling more bug reports without wasting time doing redundant work. In a bug tracking system, a bug report with a “DUPLICATE” resolution represents that the bug is duplicated with an existing bug(s). Existing studies mainly take duplicate bug report detection as a recommendation task ((Runeson et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2008; Sun et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2023)). The process is to use typical VSM to represent the semantics of the summary and description items first, then rank bug reports based on the cosine similarity of VSM vectors where a word is mainly weighted by TF-IDF (Sun et al. 2010), BM25F (Sun et al. 2011), etc. Some studies attempt to take this task as a classification one by applying machine learning algorithms like SVM, LSTM, and CNN to predict whether a bug report is duplicated with another one or not (Sun et al. 2010; Budhiraja et al. 2018a; Rodrigues et al. 2020).

Bug Severity Prediction aims to predict the severity of a bug report. The severity of a bug report reveals how severe the bug is in the software. Some bugs are particularly critical such as data corruption and need to be fixed immediately; while some may be minor problems and can be delayed until resources are available. Thus, bug severity prediction can help stakeholders better arrange resources in fixing bugs and ensure that software works properly as much as possible. Existing research usually regards bug severity prediction as a classification problem. Among those studies, the summary and description items are mostly used, items like stack trace, components, priorities, product, and code change history are sometimes used to improve prediction performance(Menzies and Marcus 2008; Yang et al. 2014; Roy and Rossi 2014; Sahin and Tosun 2019; Ramay et al. 2019; Arokiam and Bradbury 2020; Kim and Yang 2022). The VSM with TF/TF-IDF weighting is commonly adopted to represent the textual semantics of bug reports; other models like LDA or Word2Vec are also used in a few studies. Regarding the selection of ML models, most studies tend to use traditional classification algorithms like SVM, NB, and RF; few studies use deep learning methods such as MLP and LSTM to make severity predictions.

Bug Priority Prediction aims to predict the priority of a bug report, which could save practitioners from the time-consuming and error-prone manual priority assignment activity. Bug reports with high priority, such as those impacting a large number of consumers should be fixed first. With automated priority prediction, software maintainers could have a better mind about collected bug reports before manually diving into the bugs and make a better resource allocation in resolving them to avoid letting high-priority bugs go without notice among large amounts of bugs. For bug priority prediction, mainstream research also regards it as a classification task. Besides the summary and description features, other features like historical similar bug reports, reporter information, and the component/product a bug report belonged to, would also be integrated to facilitate prediction performance (Kanwal and Maqbool 2012; Tian et al. 2013, 2015; Umer et al. 2019; Zhang and Challis. 2020). The VSM is mostly used in the semantic retrieval of textual content; the LDA and word embedding models are also used in some cases. As for the adoption of ML methods, it shows a route from using traditional ML models like SVM, NB, and KNN to (deep) neural networks like CNN.

Bug Fixing Time Prediction aims to predict how long a bug report would be fixed. For a large and evolving software system, a project team may receive many bug reports over a long period. It would be very valuable to achieve a quantitative understanding of bug-fixing time for those bugs, in that not only users could know possible feedback or status of their reported bugs but also project maintainers could make a better resource schedule for fixing bugs. Towards the bug-fixing time prediction task, some researchers choose to estimate the total time required to fix a bug (Panjer 2007; Weiss et al. 2007; Hewett and Kijsanayothin 2009; Vieira et al. 2022) while some researchers try to predict whether it would be a slow or fast fix (Giger et al. 2010; Marks et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2013; Habayeb et al. 2017; Yuan et al. 2021). The items used in existing studies mainly include the summary and description, bug severity/priority, reporter popularity, open bugs, developer activities, field updates, etc. Prediction models also mainly focus on traditional ML methods such as Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Hidden Markov Model, with some recent work also applying neural networks such as MLP (Yuan et al. 2021; Vieira et al. 2022).

Re-opened Bug Prediction Re-opened bugs are bugs closed by developers but re-opened later (i.e., status being “Reopen” in the lifecycle of a bug in Fig. 2). Bugs can be re-opened for a variety of reasons such as partial fixing. The existence of re-opened bugs makes developers generally have to take a longer time to resolve them and hence further increase the maintenance costs of a project. Thus, a series of studies have emerged to automatically predict whether a bug report would be re-opened during its lifecycle (Shihab et al. 2010; Zimmermann et al. (2012); Shihab et al. 2013; Xia et al. 2013, 2015b; Mi et al. 2018; Tagra et al. 2022). These studies generally take re-opened bug prediction as a classification task, by applying traditional supervised machine learning models like NB, DT, LR, and Bagging towards bug instances represented by a set of features such as textual bug description, reporter/fixer reputation, work habit, etc.

Bug Report Field Reassignment Prediction A bug report contains many fields, such as product, component, severity, priority, and so on. Those important information items can help developers a lot in bug fixer assignments and bug fixing. However, as reported by (Xia et al. 2014), reporters often provide wrong values for bug report fields, which prevents developers from effectively fixing bugs. Bug report field reassignment prediction aims to predict which fields would have their values reassigned so that developers or reporters could better cope with their bug reports, E.G., by trying to correct them timely. Bug report field reassignment is also generally taken as a classification task. In this field, ML algorithms like NB, KNN, and HMM are generally tested; the textual summary and description items are commonly used to build prediction models, function call sequences from stack traces and some categorical features like operating systems are also considered in specific studies (Lamkanfi and Demeyer. 2013; Xia et al. 2015a; Islam et al. 2021).

3 Experiment Setup

In this section, we will first briefly present the overall workflow of our experiments. Then we introduce the datasets we use to conduct our experiments. After that, we describe how we use WE models to retrieve bug report semantics and build prediction/recommendation models to perform BRM tasks. Last we present the four research questions whose answers may help us understand the potential of WE models in BRM tasks.

3.1 Overflow

Figure 3 shows the whole experiment process of our study. First of all, we separately crawled all bug reports from the bug tracking systems (BTS) of Eclipse and Mozilla by the time we conducted our study. For each bug report, we extract the summary and description items from bug reports for experiments. Then, we use pre-trained word embedding models to extract semantics from the textual content of summary and description items.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overall framework of our study

After applying WE models, each word of a bug report would be represented as a numeric vector with N dimensions (E.G., general pre-trained Word2Vec would generate a 300-dimensional numeric vector for a word), and a final N-dimensional vector would be generated for a bug report after operations such as max/average-pooling. The final N-dimensional vector represents the semantic features of a bug report.

Based on these embedding vectors, six models for six downstream BRM tasks are built. These models are then tested on the new bug data. The prediction results are further analyzed to answer four research questions that explore the most suitable ML for WE models, the best WE models, the comparison between WE models and the VSM model, and the value of fine-tuning general pre-trained WE models for BRM tasks.

As shown in the figure, when we build corresponding BRM models, we only consider textual semantic features of summary and description items without leveraging other helpful factors such as developer experience. We adopt this strategy mainly because: 1) The two textual items are most important for a bug report and play a major role in existing BRM techniques; 2) The goal of our study is to understand the potential of WE in representing bug report semantics for various BRM tasks not to propose most-advanced BRM techniques; 3) Considering other factors may introduce confounding factors that prevent us from obtaining unbiased conclusions related to the value of using WE in BRM tasks; 4) Since we use performance difference to answer our research questions, the possibly even-not-so-high performance values would not harm our analysis.

3.2 Data Collection

We conduct our experiments on data from two famous open-source foundations, Eclipse and Mozilla. For each foundation, we first crawl all bug reports from its bug tracking system (BTS). The BTS supports several bug data formats, including XML, CSV, JSON, etc. In this study, we downloaded the corresponding XML files of those bug reports. Each XML file represents a whole bug report, and a tag can identify each information item of the bug report. For example, the tags indicated the one-line summary and description items are “short_desc” and “long_desc” for Eclipse and Mozilla. We also use these tags to retrieve the needed information items.

After obtaining all bug reports for each foundation, we select the top 10 products with the largest number of bug reports. The selected 20 products are popular among developers and users. Some are often used in existing studies (Lamkanfi et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2012; Tian et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2016). They come from different domains and are of different sizes, which to some extent guarantee the generalizability of our findings in practice. We would first retrieve each product’s bug reports and prepare corresponding datasets for different BRM tasks. Specifically, we would filter out not-yet-closed bug reports for bug severity/priority/reassignment prediction tasks since we can not determine their final status or resolutions. For the bug fixing time prediction task, we only consider the bug reports whose resolution is “fixed”. As for the reopened bug prediction task, besides closed ones, bug reports whose status is “reopened” are also included during experiments. Table 1 shows the basic statistics of our experimental products.

After obtaining the text of the one-line summary and description items for each bug report, we take the extracted content as plain text and follow a common flow to preprocess it. That is, we first tokenize the text into words. At the same time, special symbols, digits, and single characters are also removed. We further split camel case words into individual words (E.G., windowWidth \(\rightarrow \) window + width), with original camel case words being also kept. After that, we convert each word to its lowercase and then use Porter Stemmer to do stemming by transferring individual words into their root forms (E.G., reported \(\rightarrow \) report). At last, we use the NLTK stop-word listFootnote 5to remove stopwords (such as “the”, “and”, and “a”) that frequently appeared in a corpus and generally contribute little to one’s understanding of text content. Like most BRM studies (Roy and Rossi 2014; Xia et al. 2015b, a), we did not further handle the hyperlinks and stack traces after applying the above preprocessing steps towards them.

Table 1 Basic Statistics of Our Experimental Products

3.3 Semantic Extraction

We mainly use five typical pre-trained word embedding models (i.e., Word2Vec, FastText, GloVe, ELMo, and BERT) to extract the textual semantics of bug reports. For each word, a WE model would generate a N-dimensional numeric vector for it. For a bug report of a list of words, we take each dimension’s average value from vectors for all words it contains (i.e., average pooling) and generate a final N-dimensional vector. This final vector is taken as the semantic representation of the bug. We directly use the shared five pre-trained WE models from their official websitesFootnote 6.

All WE models except Word2Vec (N=300) provide several vector-dimension options. For example, users can download pre-trained GloVe models that generate 50/100/200/300-dimensional vectors for words. The dimensional options of BERT and ELMo are 768/1024 and 1024/2048/4096 respectively. FastText provides a 300-dimensional model but also provides a tool to transform it to a customized size. Based on our preliminary exploration, we find three options of FastText, i.e., 100, 200, and 300, are mostly used in previous studies. As we have no idea in advance whether the dimension size would affect the findings or not, we decide to test all those options.

Furthermore, considering that larger feature numbers generally require a much larger dataset to well approximate their weights during model building, for BERT and ELMo, we only test the smallest pre-trained model, i.e., 768 for BERT and 1024 for ELMo. Based on our investigation, larger BERT/ELMo pre-trained models are not so commonly used in existing software engineering studies. Finally, the dimensions we use for numeric vectors generated by BERT, ELMo, FastText, Word2Vec, and GloVe are 768, 1024, 100/200/300, 300, 50/100/200/300 respectively.

Meanwhile, since one of our goals is to compare the performance of WE models to mostly used VSM in existing BRM studies, we also use the VSM model to represent the semantics of bug reports. VSM (Vector Space Model) is a typical information retrieval model for text. It treats a bug report as a bag of words and generates a bug vector. The vector size is the number of unique words in a corpus (all bug reports), with each element corresponding to a unique word, and the value of an element is the weight of a term in a document (bug report). Following existing studies (Zhou et al. 2012; Saha et al. 2013; Ye et al. 2014), we use TF-IDF to measure the term weight.

3.4 Model Building and Evaluation for Six BRM Tasks

3.4.1 Model Building

After obtaining semantic feature vectors of individual bug reports, our next step is to train models for six BRM tasks, namely duplicate bug report detection, bug severity prediction, bug priority prediction, bug fixing time prediction, re-opened bug prediction, and bug field reassignment prediction. Following the mainstream BRM studies (Jalbert and Weimer 2008; Lamkanfi et al. 2010; Giger et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2012; Deshmukh et al. 2017), we take duplicate bug report detection as a recommendation task and the other five as classification tasks. In other words, duplicate bug report detection aims to recommend a list of potential duplicate bug reports for a given bug report, where the recommendation is mainly based on the cosine similarity between two semantic feature vectors. The remaining five tasks aim to classify a bug report into pre-defined categories, where a prediction model generally needs to be built by applying a machine learning (ML) algorithm to a dataset of labeled bug reports represented in semantic feature vectors. In this study, we test four typical machine learning algorithms, namely NB (Naive Bayes), SVM (Support Vector Machine), RF (Random Forest), and LR (Logistic Regression) in model building. These algorithms are classical machine learning approaches for classification tasks and are often used in BRM studies (Lamkanfi et al. 2010; Tian et al. 2013, 2015; Zhang et al. 2016). The combination of different WE/VSM models and ML algorithms could help us explore the suitable ML or semantic feature extraction models in the study.

To build or evaluate a model, we need to have a benchmark dataset for the six BRM tasks. The previous subsection has helped us obtain semantic feature vectors for individual bug reports, and we need to label each bug report further to have a ground truth (with both instance features and labels determined) for model training and prediction. The detailed labeling strategies of six BRM tasks are as follows.

Duplicate Bug Report Detection. We mainly rely on the resolution field to find those duplicate bug pairs. Specifically, for a bug report, if it is a duplicate one with another bug report, the resolution field of this bug report would be set as “duplicate”, with the corresponding dupId also being attached. dupId indicates which bug report the current bug report is duplicated with. For example, for a bug with id 1234, suppose its resolution is “duplicate” and its dupId is 5678, then we can understand that bug 1234 is a duplicate of bug 5678. The bug 5678 is also called the master bug report. We can identify whether two bug reports are duplicates by referring to the “duplicate” resolution and dupId. We can find all possible duplicate pairs by collecting all such pairs and constituting a directed diagram. Those pairs would work as the ground truth when we evaluate the built duplicate bug detection model.

Bug Severity Prediction.According to the configuration of bug tracking systems adopted by Eclipse and Mozilla, a bug report generally has a severity field, whose values are among Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, Trivial, and Enhancement; sometimes, Mozilla would also use S1, S2, S3 and S4 to indicate severityFootnote 7 Following (Lamkanfi et al. 2010, 2011; Tian et al. 2015), we classify bug reports into two categories, i.e., Severe or Non-severe. Bug reports with severity levels of Blocker, Critical, and Major, or S1/S2 are put into the Severe category. Bug reports with severity levels of Minor and Trivial, or S4 are considered Non-severe. Bug reports with the Enhancement level or S3 are ignored because these reports are requests for new functionalities.

Bug Priority Prediction. Similar to bug severity, a bug report has a field to indicate its priority. The priority field has 5 levels, namely P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, with P1 indicating the highest priority and P5 indicating the lowest priority. Reports whose priority is “–” are ignored in this task. Following (Alenezi and Banitaan 2013; Izadi et al. 2022), we divide these five levels into three class labels namely High, Medium, and Low. High includes P1 and P2, Medium includes P3, and Low includes P4 and P5.

Bug Fixing Time Prediction. We take a two-step way to determine the fixing time label for a bug report with a “fixed” resolution inspired by the study of (Vieira et al. 2022). First, we calculate the time span from the creation time of a bug report to the time the bug was fixed. Then we classify all bug reports into three categories, i.e., \(\texttt {<}\)5 days, 5-10 days, and \(\texttt {>}\) 10 days. As claimed in (Vieira et al. 2022), 5 days roughly represent a week of 5-weekdays and are considered as a more reasonable or practical time unit than other studies by, E.G., classifying bug reports into slow-fixing or fast-fixing categories.

Re-opened Bug Prediction. For each resolved bug report, we retrieve its history item and check its content to find whether there is a record reporting that the status of a bug report has ever been changed to “reopened”. If there is, then the re-opened label of the bug report is 1, otherwise 0. The bug reports whose current status is “reopened” are directly labeled as 1.

Bug Report Field Reassignment Prediction. For each resolved bug report, we retrieve its history item and check whether the values of certain items have ever been changed to other values. Following (Xia et al. 2015a), we mainly check the field reassignment problem of meta-items including status, component, product, priority, severity, operating system(OS), and version. These items are important for bug locating/fixing and tend to have wrong values submitted by reporters. Note that unlike (Xia et al. 2015a), we ignored the reassignment to the assignee item (who or which team is responsible for fixing a bug) as it has little to do with reporters and is most likely to be changed during the lifecycle of a bug report. For each considered item, if its value has ever been modified, as shown in the history item, then the reassignment label is 1, otherwise 0. Notice that for the status item, like (Xia et al. 2015a), we only consider the case where the status field is changed from resolved, removed, and reopened values to other values.

Table 2 Numbers of bug reports for five BRM classification tasks

During model building for the five classification tasks, our project datasets present the class imbalance problem to different degrees, i.e., a class may have many more instances than others. Table 2 shows the instance numbers of each class for five BRM tasks. Such an imbalanced class problem may bias the prediction results. For example, the model may always predict an instance as one of the majority class. To avoid potential threats brought by imbalanced class data, we adopt the random oversampling strategy to balance the datasets in our study. Oversampling aims to balance uneven datasets by keeping all instances in the majority class and repeatedly sampling an instance from the minority class until the sizes of the two classes are the same. We use functions provided by Python package imblearn to do oversampling.

After handling the class imbalanced problem, we apply ML algorithms to the balanced datasets to obtain prediction models for BRM tasks. We use the functions provided by Python package cuMLFootnote 8to build those models. cuML package provides a series of GPU-accelerated machine learning algorithms, and its APIs mirror Scikit-learn’sFootnote 9 Only for those models that encountered the out-of-memory problem on a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU (with 30G memory), would we train them with the CPU-based Scikit-learn ML APIs. All ML algorithms use the default settings provided by cuML or Scikit-learn. Using default settings improves the replicability of our study and what is more important, makes our findings more general and hence more referenable in practice. This is because practitioners could not know in advance what optimal settings are for their BRM tasks at hand, in which case choosing a relatively better ML in general cases is very likely to be their first step in building their models. We adopt stratified ten-fold cross-validation during model building. That is, for each dataset, we first divide it into ten mutually exclusive subsets of approximately equal size, with each subset being testing data and the remaining nine subsets as training data. Both the training and testing data preserved the percentage of samples for each class. Then, for each pair of training and testing data (10 pairs in total), we perform the model training and prediction activities. Last, we take the averaged prediction results of ten rounds as the final performance of built BRM models. Note that, for the three quite large products, namely Platform, Core, and Firefox, we do not use all but the latest 50,000 closed/reopened bug reports for model training, which we think is sufficient to build a representative classifier but with much less time for model training. Moreover, we only do oversampling to the original training data of 9 folds. When we test the model, we use the original 1-fold testing data, which is still imbalanced. We think this is more reasonable than using balanced testing data to evaluate built models, as the testing data is imbalanced in real-world situations.

3.4.2 Evaluation Metrics

As mentioned previously, the detection of a duplicate bug report is a recommendation task, which recommends a list of bug reports that may be duplicated with a given bug report. In this study, following (Runeson et al. 2007; Hindle et al. 2016), we calculate the cosine similarity between two semantic vectors of two bug reports to get the recommendation list. When evaluating detection performance, we calculate the Recall-N value for the tested bug reports. Here Recall-N refers to the ratio of duplicate bug reports whose master reports are within the suggested recommendation lists of N bug reports, over the total number of duplicate bug reports used in the experiment. In this study, we use N=20 for the duplicate bug detection task.

$$\begin{aligned} Recall-N = \frac{\# \ duplicate \ bugs \ correctly \ detected \ in \ top \ N}{total \ \# \ duplicate \ bugs} \end{aligned}$$

For the other five classification BRM tasks, by following the practice of prior BRM studies (Xia et al. 2015b; Zhang et al. 2016; Ardimento and Mele 2020; Jia et al. 2021), we adopt the widely used Precision, Recall, and F1 score to measure the performance of our models for BRM tasks. The calculation of the three metrics is shown in the following formula, where S represents a predicted class label.

$$\begin{aligned} Precision = \frac{\# \ bugs \ correctly \ predicted \ as\ S}{\# \ bugs \ predicted \ as \ S}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Recall = \frac{\# \ bugs \ correctly \ predicted \ as\ S}{\# \ bugs\ of\ S}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F1-Score = \frac{2 \times Precision \times Recall}{Precision + Recall} \end{aligned}$$

3.5 Research Questions

We try to answer four research questions (RQs) to understand the potential of word embedding models in bug report management tasks.

RQ1. Which machine learning approach performs best for BRM tasks on the whole? To the best of our knowledge, most existing studies take BRM tasks as classification tasks, which generally apply typical machine learning (ML) algorithms, such as SVM, NB, and RF, to semantic features obtained by classical information retrieval models like VSM, LDA, etc. We have no idea whether the findings on existing studies about suitable ML for BRM tasks still hold under the situation that we use WE models to retrieve bug report semantics. Hence, we plan to answer this RQ with the aim of helping developers choose suitable ML for their BRM tasks. We compare four typical and commonly used ML methods in this paper, including Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine.

RQ2. Is there a word embedding model that generally outperforms others for BRM tasks? Semantic retrieval of bug reports is a fundamental step for BRM tasks. For the five WE models (i.e., Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, ELMo, and BERT) we studied in this paper, we attempt to explore whether there is a dominant WE model that always tends to outperform other WE models for BRM tasks. The answer to this RQ could guide developers in choosing the most suitable WE model for their BRM tasks at hand.

RQ3. Do word embedding models outperform the most used VSM model for BRM tasks? Before the applications of WE models for BRM tasks, most studies used the simple and effective VSM model to retrieve the semantics of bug reports. Compared to VSM, WE models are relatively complex. The performance of WE models compared to that of VSM is still a question mark. Answering this question could help us understand whether it is beneficial to use WE or the VSM model for various BRM tasks.

RQ4. How will the performance change if word embedding models are fine-tuned with bug data? To fully exploit the potential of WE models, it is not uncommon for researchers/practitioners to adapt the general pre-trained WE models to their tasks, through further training those models with domain-specific data. This naturally inspires us to explore whether we could obtain better prediction performance of BRM tasks if we further train the general WE models on bug data. In this study, we choose to further train BERT whose architecture is designed to facilitate further training. We use a large dataset of bug reports to further train the general pre-trained BERT. Then, we compare the performance difference between ML models built on feature vectors obtained by general pre-trained BERT and fine-tuned BERT, to answer this RQ.

Table 3 Friedman tests of ML algorithms on five BRM classification tasks

4 Experiment Results

4.1 RQ1. Which machine learning approach performs best for BRM tasks on the whole?

Approach. To find the most suitable ML algorithm under the situation of using WE models to retrieve bug report semantic features, we conducted a series of experiments. For each BRM classification task (duplicate bug report detection is excluded as it is mainly considered as a recommendation rather than a classification problem), we first use five WE models to retrieve the semantics of bug reports for each product (as described in Section 3.1). Then we apply four ML approaches, namely LR, SVM, RF, and NB, to the feature vectors of five WE models separately to obtain prediction models. Last, we use corresponding testing datasets to evaluate the performance of those prediction models. In other words, we would have 800 prediction results for each BRM classification task, i.e., 20 products * 4 ML algorithms * 10 WE models with different dimension sizes = 800. Similarly, each ML would have 20 * 10 = 200 prediction values for each BRM task.

Since our results do not fulfill the residual normality and sphericity assumptions of parametric ANOVA, we followed the guidelines by (Demšar 2006) to combine non-parametric Friedman test and Nemenyi post-hoc test to do the statistical comparison of multiple ML over multiple datasets. Friedman test can tell us whether or not there are statistically significant differences among three or more populations. If yes, then the Nemenyi test can be applied to compare the classifier with each other. The Nemenyi test uses the critical difference (CD) between average ranks to define significantly different populations. If the distance between the average ranks of two populations is larger than the CD value, then the two populations are significantly different. Otherwise, the experimental data is not sufficient to reach any conclusions related to the compared approaches. A CD diagram is used to visualize the Nemenyi test results. Such a diagram provides the rank order of compared approaches, the significance of observed differences, etc. Both the Friedman test and the Nemenyi test can only tell us whether there are statistically significant differences among compared approaches. We further use Cliff’s delta effect size (Macbeth et al. 2011) to measure how large the difference might be quantitatively. The non-parametric Cliff’s delta does not require the data to follow certain distributions like the normal distribution. The effect size of Cliff’s Delta is divided into four levels:|d| < 0.147 (Negligible, N), 0.147 \(\le \) |d| < 0.333 (Small, S),0.333 \(\le \) |d| < 0.474 (Medium, M) and |d| \(\ge \) 0.474 (Large, L).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Comparison of all classifiers against each other with the Nemenyi test. Groups of classifiers that are not significantly different (p-value\(\texttt {>}\)0.05) are connected with the bold line(s)

Table 4 The magnitude of statistically significant F1 score differences between ML algorithms for five BRM classification tasks

Results. Table 3 and Fig. 4 present the results of the Friedman test and the Nemenyi post-hoc test over the F1-scores of four ML algorithms on five BRM classification tasks. In this study, we use a p-value of 0.05 as the significance level threshold. If the p-value of a statistical test is less than 0.05, then we conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between/among compared populations. Related to the CD diagrams, a pair of techniques connected with a bold line indicates that the post-hoc test does not detect a significant difference in F1 scores between them (E.G., the pair of RF and SVM in the bug severity prediction task in Fig. 4).

From the p-values in Table 3, we can conclude that there indeed exists a statistically significant difference among the four ML methods for every studied BRM classification task. Further, from the CD diagram in Fig. 4, we can find that RF achieved the best performance ranks among four ML algorithms on all five BRM classification tasks. All performance differences between them are statistically significant except the pair of RF and SVM in the bug severity prediction task. To understand the magnitude of performance differences between these ML approaches, we further calculate their corresponding Cliff’s delta effect sizes. The results are shown in Table 4. From the table, we can find that the F1-score difference between RF and SVM ranges from small to large over four BRM tasks; the performance difference over the bug severity prediction task is excluded in that it shows no statistical significance in the CD diagram. The performance differences between RF and LR/NB are also obvious according to Cliff’s delta effect sizes, with 6 large, 1 medium, and 1 small magnitude levels respectively on five BRM classification tasks. Similarly, we can conclude that SVM outperforms LR and NB while LR outperforms NB in five BRM classification tasks.

figure h

4.2 RQ2. Is there a word embedding model that generally outperforms others for BRM tasks?

Approach. Similar to RQ1, we use the same statistic tests, i.e., Friedman test, Nemenyi test, and Cliff’s delta effect size, to compare the studied WE models over 20 products on six studied BRM tasks. In detail, for the five BRM tasks, we would collect the F1 scores by applying four ML algorithms to feature vectors of bug reports obtained by different WE models. As for the duplicate bug report detection task, for each duplicate bug report, we would first calculate the cosine similarities between the WE vectors of this bug report and all its previous bug reports; then, a rank list is created from those similarity scores, where bug reports with the largest scores ranked first in the list. Based on the rank lists of all duplicated bug reports and the ground truth, i.e., duplicate pairs obtained in Section 3.4.1, we can compute the Recall-N values. We consider five N values in this study, namely 1/5/10/15/20, indicating providing a rank list of the most similar 1/5/10/15/20 bug reports for a given duplicate bug report. When we compare the WE models over the duplicate bug report detection task, we conduct the statistical tests over Recall-1, Recall-5, Recall=10, Recall-15, and Recall-20, respectively. For BRM classification tasks, each WE model would have a population of 80 prediction result samples, i.e., 4 ML algorithms * 20 products, used to perform statistical tests; while for the cosine-similarity-based duplicate bug detection task, the number would be 20 (we conduct experiments on 20 products) at each level of Recall-N.

Results. (a) Comparison of FastText/GloVe with different dimension sizes. As mentioned in Section 3, the official websites provide several dimension options for some pre-trained WE models. For example, users can use GloVe-50/100/200/300 to obtain a GloVe embedding vector with 50/100/200/300 elements separately. To understand the possible effects of dimension sizes over BRM tasks, we compare the prediction performance of using different dimension sizes for pre-trained FastText (100/200/300) and GloVe (50/100/200/300). We first check the Friedman test results and find that all p-values are \(\texttt {<}\)0.05 (detailed test results can be found in the Appendix Table 12). Hence, we can conclude that there indeed exists pre-trained FastText/GloVe with a certain dimension size that performs differently than others.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of FastText with different dimension sizes on five BRM classification tasks with the Nemenyi test. Groups of FastText-N that are not significantly different (p-value\(\texttt {>}\)0.05) are connected with the bold line(s)

Table 5 Friedman tests of five WE models on five BRM classification tasks and the duplicate BR detection task
Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of five WE models against each other on five BRM classification tasks with the Nemenyi test. Groups of WE models that are not significantly different (p-value\(\texttt {>}\)0.05) are connected with the bold line(s)

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of five WE models against each other on the duplicate BR detection task with the Nemenyi test. Groups of WE models that are not significantly different (p-value\(\texttt {>}\)0.05) are connected with the bold line(s)

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of five WE models against VSM on five BRM classification tasks with the Bonferroni-Dunn test. Models with ranks outside the marked interval line are considered significantly different from the VSM

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of five WE models against VSM on the duplicate BR detection task with the Bonferroni-Dunn test. Models with ranks outside the marked interval line are considered significantly different from the VSM

By further checking the CD diagrams in Figs. 5, 11, 12, 13 (Figs. 11-13 show a similar trend with Fig. 5, we place them in the Appendix section) we can find that, on five BRM classification tasks, FastText-300 performs best, with FastText-200 being the second best; the only exception is that we cannot conclude whether FastText-200 performs better or not than FastText-100 on the bug fixing time prediction task as the test result is not statistically significant (connected with a bold line). As for GloVe, we can find that except for the connected pair of GloVe-100 and GloVe-50 in the bug report reassignment task (no conclusion can arrive), GloVe models generated larger vectors always perform better than those with smaller dimension sizes on the five BRM classification tasks. As for the duplicate bug report detection task, we cannot tell whether GloVe-300 performs better than Glove-200 or not, but we can tell that GloVe-300 and GloVe-200 perform better than GloVe-50. The differences between pairs (GloVe-200, GloVe-100), (GloVe-100, GloVe-50) also have no statistical significance, indicating no conclusion can be arrived.

figure i

(b) Comparison of five WE Models. Based on the above analysis, we decided to use GloVe-300 and FastText-300 while comparing the performance of five WE models, that is, FastText-300, GloVE-300, Word2Vec-300, BERT-768, ELMo-1024. Similarly, we resort to the Friedman test results in Table 5 and CD diagrams in Figs. 6 and 7, to help us compare these models. From the Friedman test results, we find that nothing can be concluded on the bug fixing time prediction and bug report field reassignment tasks as the tests are not statistically significant. For the remaining BRM classification tasks, we can find that most pairs are connected with bold lines, indicating we cannot determine whether the connected WEs perform the same. Only a few comparisons show statistically significant performance differences, such as the ELMo-1024 performs better than FastText-300 on the bug priority prediction task. As for the duplicate bug report detection task, at different recommendation list sizes, i.e.,1/5/10/15/20, we can find that the group of small WE models that generate smaller embedding vectors, namely FastText-300, GloVe-300, and Word2Vec-300 generally perform better than the relatively larger group of WE models, including BERT-768 and ELMo-1024. But we cannot tell whether one performs better or not than another one within the small WE group or large WE group, as the connected bold lines indicate statistically non-significant differences.

figure j

4.3 RQ3. Do word embedding models outperform the most used VSM model for BRM tasks?

Approach. To compare the effectiveness between VSM and the word embedding techniques, we build different classification and recommendation models where VSM and the five WE models are used to extract the semantic features of bug reports separately for the six BRM tasks on 20 products from Eclipse and Mozilla. For the five BRM classification tasks, we chose RF as the classifier as it performed better than other traditional ML algorithms in RQ1. The term weighting strategy of VSM we used is the tf-idf. As suggested in (Demšar 2006), instead of using the Nemenyi post-hoc test for the case when all approaches are compared to each other, Bonferroni-Dunn test (Dunn 1961) is more powerful than Nemenyi test in the specific case when all approaches are compared with a control one as it controls the family-wise error in multiple hypothesis testing. Hence, we use the Bonferroni-Dunn test to compare all WE models to the controlled model, namely VSM. The test results can be found in the CD diagrams shown in Figs 8 and 9. In the figures, VSM is the controlled model. For each subfigure, a bold line is drawn to mark an interval where all WE models with ranks outside the marked interval are significantly different from the control VSM at \(\texttt {p-value<0.05}\).

Results. From the results in Fig. 8, we can find that for three out of five BRM classification tasks (i.e., bug fixing time prediction, bug priority prediction, bug report field reassignment prediction), we cannot arrive at any conclusion about whether WE models perform better or not than VSM, as all statistical tests are not statistically significant (the ranks of all WEs are within the marked interval bold line).

Table 6 The magnitude of statistically significant F1 score differences between small WE Models and VSM for two BRM classification tasks

For the bug severity prediction and reopened bug prediction tasks, we can tell that the small WE models, namely FastText-300, GloVe-300, and Word2Vec-300 perform worse than the traditional VSM; while we cannot conclude whether the relatively large WE models, namely Bert-768 and ElMo-1024 perform the same with VSM or not. For the comparisons between VSM and those small WE models that show statistically significant performance differences, we further check the magnitude of these differences by Cliff’s delta effect size. Table 6 shows the results. From the table, we can find that the magnitude of F1 score differences between VSM and the three small WE models on the bug severity prediction task are all small, while for the reopened bug prediction task, the difference is negligible according to Cliff’s delta effect sizes.

Table 7 The magnitude of statistically significant Recall-N differences between WE models and VSM for the duplicate BR detection task

As for the recommendation task, i.e., duplicate bug report detection, we can find that at all recommendation levels, namely, 1,5,10,15,20, in most cases except the three comparisons of VSM and FastText-300 (no statistically significant Recall_N difference is detected), VSM always achieved the best Recall_N scores than WE models. Similarly, we further check the magnitude of Recall_N differences for those comparisons with statistical significance. The results are shown in Table 7. The table shows that all differences between VSM and other WE models are large based on Cliff’s delta effect size values.

figure k

4.4 RQ4. How will the performance change if word embedding models are fine-tuned with bug data?

Approach. This RQ aims to investigate how the performance of WE models would change when they are fine-tuned on a domain-specific corpus. To this end, we first constructed a bug dataset of more than 3 million bug reports crawled from the Eclipse, Mozilla, and Apache foundations. We extract the summary and description from each bug report and then feed them sentence by sentence to the general pre-trained BERT, i.e., the bert-base-uncased model downloaded from HuggingFaceFootnote 10 We chose BERT’s built-in Masked Language Model (MLM) task during the further training to let the general pre-trained BERT capture the deeper contextual semantics of bug data. With MLM, the model is trained to fill in the missing tokens in a text where certain tokens are masked or replaced with a special token, typically “[MASK]”. After we obtained the fine-tuned BERT (named ftBERT), we use ftBERT to extract the semantics of bug reports and then perform the six BRM tasks. We also collect the F1 scores of five BRM tasks and Recall_N of the duplicate bug report detection task after adopting ftBERT for semantic extraction. Then, we compare the performance of using ftBERT with that of general pre-trained BERT. As the comparison only involves two models, we use the Wilcoxon signed ranks test to determine whether the F1 score or Recall_N difference is statistically significant. The Wilcoxon singed-ranks test is non-parametric. It assumes commensurability of differences but only qualitatively, does not assume normal distributions of samples, and is less affected by outliers than the alternative paired t-test (Demšar 2006). After conducting the Wilcoxon test, we use the Cliff’s delta effect size to identify the magnitude of such a difference.

Table 8 Wilcoxon signed ranks tests and the magnitude of F1 score differences between general pre-trained BERT and fine-tuned BERT over five BRM classification tasks
Table 9 Wilcoxon signed ranks tests and the magnitude of Recall-N differences between general pre-trained BERT and fine-tuned BERT on the duplicate BR detection task

Results. Table 8 shows the test results and the associated effect sizes over five BRM classification tasks. The table shows that the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test detects a statistically significant F1 score difference between the general pre-trained Bert and the fine-tuned BERT (i.e., ftBERT) on three out of five BRM classification tasks. They are fixing time prediction, reopened bug prediction, and bug report field reassignment prediction tasks. By further referring to Cliff’s delta effect sizes, we can say that the pre-trained BERT performs better than the ftBERT, but the difference is negligible.

As for the duplicate bug report detection task shown in Table 9, except the Recall_1, all comparisons do not show statistically significant differences. In other words, we cannot conclude whether the fine-tuned BERT is better than the general pre-trained BERT based on our experimental results.

figure l

5 Discussion

In this section, we first discuss the potential effect of hyperparameter tuning of RF on arrived conclusions. Then we introduce the implications of our work. Last, we present the threats to the validity of our study.

5.1 Hyper Parameter Tuning

Motivation. Among the six BRM tasks, five of them are classification tasks, which involve applying a specific ML algorithm to WE-based or VSM-based semantic representations of bug reports. Given that an ML algorithm generally has some hyperparameters whose values could also be set by users, and it is not uncommon for practitioners to tune these hyperparameters to obtain optimal hyperparameter settings for their adopted ML models, we also checked whether the hyperparameter tuning would affect our arrived conclusions in this study. This could help us understand whether hyperparameter optimization plays a role in our arrived sort of counterintuitive results, i.e., with default parameter settings, we did neither find the advantage of using WE over VSM in studied BRM tasks nor the performance improvement of fine-tuning the general pre-trained BERT with bug data.

Approach. Specifically, for five BRM classification tasksFootnote 11, we decided to perform hyperparameter tuning on the RF classifier after we obtained the semantic representations of bug reports through the WE or VSM models. RF is an ensemble method that constructs multiple decision trees at training time and leverages their power to make predictions. Its hyperparameters include the number of samples or features used to train a meta tree, the number of meta trees to be constructed, the maximum depth of a tree, the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node, etc. Each hyperparameter is associated with a value range, E.G., for the number of samples used to construct a tree, its value range is (0.0,1.0] (E.G., 0.1 means 10 percent of all samples are used to build a meta tree).

Given the constraints of combinatorial explosion and computational resource limitations, it is generally impractical to test all possible hyperparameter settings when tuning the RF. Hence, we adhere to the common practice that using a well-chosen subset of the hyperparameter space to find the optimal settings for each dataset. Detailedly, inspired by the findings of RF tuning studies that are widely recognized by the research community (Probst et al. 2019b, a; Probst and Boulesteix. 2018), we decided to fine-tune two hyperparameters, namely the number of samples used to build a tree (referred to as sampleNum), and the number of features used to construct a tree (referred to as featureNum), in that they are found to be most important and tunable (may have a significant effect on results). For other less important and relatively untunable hyperparameters (like the number of trees to be constructed (Probst et al. 2019a), since the settings of sampleNum and featureNum actually have inexplicitly placed constraints on their value options (E.G., affect the depth of a tree (Probst et al. 2019b), we think it is acceptable to focus on tuning the two hyperparameters.

During hyperparameter tuning, we choose five values for the sampleNum hyperparameter: 0.2*N, 0.4*N, 0.6*N, 0.8*N, and 1.0*N, where N is the number of training instances. By default, RF constructs each meta tree using all N training instances. For the featureNum hyperparameter, we choose seven values, namely sqrt(M), log2(M), 0.1*M, 0.2*M, 0.3*M, 0.4*M, 0.5*M, where M is the number of instance features (E.G., M would be 300 for 300-dimensional Word2Vec model, and M would be the number of all unique words in the VSM model). sqrt(M) and log2(M) are two recommended value options by the cuML and scikit-learn libraries. In both cuML and scikit-learn, the default value is sqrt(M). Given that it is generally best practice to use only a limited number of features to construct each tree so that RF can ensure its diversity of meta trees (such diversity could help RF improve its predictive performance, reduce overfitting, and effectively handle complex datasets with many features), we decide not to consider larger featureNum (i.e., \(\texttt {>0.5*N and <=1.0*N}\)). Hence, we would have 35 combinations (5*7=35) of sampleNum and featureNum. For each BRM classification task, we rerun our experiments with each parameter combination on every dataset whose bug reports are represented by five pre-trained WE, the VSM, and the fine-tuned WE (ftBERT), with parameters besides sampleNum and featureNum still using their default settings. In total, we would repeat our whole experiments with RF 245,000 times (35 parameter combinations * 5 BRM tasks * 20 projects * 7 semantic representations * 10 stratified cross-validation).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparison of five WE models against VSM on five BRM classification tasks with the Bonferroni-Dunn test after hyperparameter tuning. Models with ranks outside the marked interval line are considered significantly different from the VSM

Results. After we performed hyperparameter tuning, we retrieved the best F1 scores from 35 parameter combinations for each dataset of five BRM tasks. Then, we compared the performance of BRM techniques using WE models and that of using VSM. Similarly, we also checked the performance between BRM techniques using general pre-trained WE and the fine tuned WE with bug data. Details are as follows.

(a) WE vs. VSM after hyperparameter tunning. We used the same statistical method as RQ3 to explore whether WE models show advantages over VSM in five BRM classification tasks after hyperparameter tuning over RF. Fig. 10 shows the results. From the figure, we can find that most comparisons between WE and VSM are still not statistically significant after hyperparameter tuning (their ranks are within the marked interval bold line), just like that by using default hyperparameter settings in Fig. 8.

Table 10 The magnitude of statistically significant F1 score differences between WE Models and VSM for BRM classification tasks after hyperparameter tuning
Table 11 Wilcoxon signed ranks tests and the magnitude of F1 score differences between general pre-trained BERT and fine-tuned BERT over five BRM classification tasks after hyperparameter tuning

Only few performance comparisons between WE models and the VSM show statistical significance, which means we can tell which one is better from the statistical perspective. Specifically, for the bug-fixing time prediction task, Word2Vec outperformed the VSM. For the bug priority prediction task, all comparisons are not statistically significant. For the bug field reassignment prediction task, ELMo performed worse than the VSM. For the reopened bug prediction task, GloVe and FastText performed worse than the VSM. For the bug severity prediction task, three WE models including Word2Vec, GloVe, and ELMo, performed worse than the VSM. To understand how large these performance differences are, we further computed their Cliff’s delta effect size as shown in Table 10. From the table, we can see that only the magnitude of F1 score differences between VSM and GloVe on the bug severity prediction task is small, with all others being negligible according to Cliff’s delta effect sizes. In other words, whether we performed hyperparameter tuning or not, we did not find the advantages of using WE models over the VSM model on the five BRM classification tasks.

(b) General pre-trained BERT vs. ftBERT after hyperparameter tuning. After we obtained the embedding vectors of general pre-trained BERT and the fine-tuned BERT, we also tuned RF with different combinations of sampleNum and featureNum to these instance feature vectors to build prediction models with different performances. Then, the models with the best prediction performance are selected to compare the general pre-trained BERT and ftBERT in the five BRM classification tasks. Like in RQ4, we use the Wilcoxon signed ranks test to determine whether the F1 score difference between general pret-trained BERT and the ftBERT is statistically significant or not, and use Cliff’s delta effect size to identify the difference magnitude. Table 11 shows the corresponding test results. From the table results with hyperparameter tuning, we can find that all F1 score differences between the general pre-trained BERT and the ftBERT are negligible according to Cliff’s delta effect size; this is similar to that of using default hyperparameter settings. But we cannot tell whether these negligible differences are a fact or just caused by accident, as the p-values of their Wilcoxon signed ranks tests are all larger than 0.05 (which means no statistical significance was detected).

5.2 Implication

We would recommend practitioners use RF to build their BRM classifiers when pre-trained WE models are used to represent the semantics of bug reports. In RQ1, we find that RF generally outperformed the other ML classifiers (SVM, NB, and LR) based on various WE-based semantic feature representations of bug reports. The performance differences among them ranged from small to large (mostly large) measured by Cliff’s delta effect sizes. Such an advantage, to a certain degree, may be due to the fact that RF is an ensemble method based on a list of meta-decision trees, which can combine the advantages of different meta-classifiers for learning specific semantic aspects of bug reports. Moreover, during our experiments, we found that as an ensemble approach, the training process of RF is actually not slower than, E.G., the second-best SVM. Hence, RF would be a good choice for practitioners to build BRM models based on WE feature vectors of bug reports. Further, if practitioners choose RF as their BRM classifier, it would be suitable for them to use the default parameter settings when they need to further decide which pre-trained WE to use, as the conclusion would not make much difference based on our hyperparameter tuning results in Sect. 5.1.

Practitioners have a relatively high degree of freedom when choosing which WE model to use in their BRM tasks as none of them is dominant, but larger FastText/GloVe is more recommended than their smaller versions once FastText/GloVe is their option. The statistical test results in RQ2 indicate that we cannot conclude whether a dominant WE model exists for five BRM classification tasks. This means practitioners are more free to choose WE models that they can consider more about their concrete task constraints, such as computing power, storage space, or room for future fine-tuning. Further, if practitioners decide to use FastText/GloVe for semantic retrieval in their BRM tasks, we recommend they use the largest ones, i.e., FastText-300/GloVe-300, as they are found to generally perform better than their smaller versions such as FastText-100/GloVe-50. This is also consistent with the statement that for a general pre-trained WE model, the larger dimension generally means the more information it can capture. The FastText-300/GloVe-300 (actually also includes the Word2Vec-300) also perform better than other large-WE models (BERT-768/ELMo-1024) for the duplicate bug report detection task based on our experimental results.

The traditional VSM is still a good option of semantic representation for BRM tasks. From the results of RQ3, regardless of whether they show statistically significant differences or not, we find that the traditional VSM generally gets better performance than WE models when combined with traditional ML methods. We think the reason may lie in the not important or noisy terms. For the VSM model, the tf-idf value may do reveal the importance of a term in a bug report. While in the use of WE models, the importance of key terms is weakened. That is, in general settings of using WE models for bug report semantic extraction, each term is represented as an N-dimensional numeric vector first, and then an average pooling strategy is applied to these vectors to get a final N-dimensional vector for a bug report. As the number of important terms is generally much smaller than that of insignificant terms, averaging them would flatten the importance of key terms but relatively increase the influence of less important terms. Whatever the reason, at least from the performance perspective, the traditional VSM is still a good choice for practitioners to use in their BRM tasks, especially in the duplicate bug report task. Further, it should be noted that, for five BRM classification tasks, we find that the performance difference between the VSM and five WE models is quite small. Hence, if practitioners focus more on other aspects than performance such as the computation cost, we think it would be a good choice to use pre-trained WE models (in our experiments, the sparse, high-dimensional semantic vector of the VSM costs much more training time than the smaller N-dimensional vectors of WE models (N ranged from 50 to 1024)).

Further efforts are required to help WE models better learn the semantics of bugs. In RQ4, we find that using the fine-tuned BERT with bug data to represent the semantics of bug reports did not achieve better BRM performance than the general pre-trained BERT. This may lie in the knowledge gap between general website contents and domain-specific bug data, which is still not learned well by using the built-in objective task to further train the general pre-trained BERT. Or it may be the quality of the textual content of bug reports is not high and the embedded noisy information adversely affects the fine-tuning process. In the future, one valuable attempt would be to test or develop new objective tasks to fine-tune general pre-trained WE models to better capture the domain knowledge of bug reports. Meanwhile, we think it would be interesting and valuable to combine key term identification techniques (which help reduce noisy bug information) with WE models to perform semantic retrieval of bug reports.

5.3 Threats to Validity

Internal Validity The experimental design method used in the empirical study does have an impact on the results. In our work, we try our best to follow the literature of previous experiments for each step in the experiment. In order to make the experimental results more reliable, researchers may repeat the whole process many times, such as Bennin et al. (Bennin et al. 2019), Giger et al. (Giger et al. 2010) (they repeated 10 times). In our experiment, we do not repeat each BRM task on the same open-source software multiple times. Nevertheless, we use the following strategies for experiments instead: 1) the top 10 products in each open source project are selected for experiments, which is equivalent to conducting 10 repeated experiments on that project; 2) four machine learning classification methods are used for each WE technique, which equals to conducting 4 repeated experiments for that WE technique; 3) last, we perform 10-fold cross-validation during model building for each BRM classification task. The above-repeated experiments to some extent ensure the reliability of our observations in the study.

External Validity Our experiments are conducted on all open-source projects from Eclipse and Mozilla with varied scale sizes. We cannot guarantee that our arrived conclusions could be applicable to other OSS projects, non-open-source projects, or commercial projects. However, considering that all selected experimental projects are typical software products with active developments among developers and are popular among users, this makes us believe that our findings still shed some light on the adoption of word embedding techniques in BRM tasks. We encourage future research to replicate our studies in bug reports from other projects to further improve the generalizability of our findings. Another threat is that we only use the oversampling strategy to solve the data imbalance problem. Whether the conclusions could hold for other imbalanced-data-handling strategies such as SMOTE is still unknown. Further consideration arises from our methodology in constructing experimental datasets, we perform average pooling to word embedding vectors to obtain the final instance features. Actually, besides the commonly-used average pooling (Deshmukh et al. 2017; Messaoud et al. 2022), there also exist other pooling strategies such as max pooling. We cannot guarantee that our conclusions still hold when tested with other pooling strategies. We encourage researchers to replicate our studies to further improve the generalizability of our work in the future.

6 Related Work

Among various kinds of bug report management technologies, a common process is to extract the textual semantics of bug reports. The extracted semantics would be used as an important source of features that are fed into E.G., a classification model or recommendation model, to help build models to finish a series of BRM tasks. Hence, it is full of important to explore semantic extraction approaches for bug reports. Our study is also a study that focuses on investigating the potential of word embedding models in semantic feature extraction of bug reports. Based on the way in semantic extraction, we divide existing studies into two parts. One is to introduce existing BRM studies that use traditional information-based approaches to represent the semantics of bug reports, such as VSM, LDA, etc. The other one is to introduce BRM studies that try to adopt word embedding techniques to extract the semantics of bug reports. They are as follows.

IR-Based Semantic Extraction To the best of our knowledge, a majority of bug report management tasks generally use traditional IR-based approaches to represent the textual semantics of bug reports, including VSM, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), etc. VSM uses a numeric vector to represent a bug report. The length of the vector is the number of unique words in a corpus. Each element the vector represents a unique word and its numeric value represents the weight (E.G., term frequency) of the word in the bug report. As a classic information retrieval method, VSM is used in many BRM tasks and those tasks often use the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) to weigh the terms of bug reports, those tasks include bug localization (Wang et al. 2014; Tantithamthavorn et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2019), duplicate bug detection (Runeson et al. 2007; Jalbert and Weimer 2008; Wang et al. 2008; Tian et al. 2012), bug priority prediction (Tian et al. 2013; Alenezi and Banitaan 2013; Tian et al. 2015; Izadi et al. 2022), and other tasks (Giger et al. 2010; Xia et al. 2015b, a; Zhang et al. 2022). LSI is an indexing and retrieval method that can identify the relationship between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text by using mathematical techniques such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). It is used in earlier, for example, bug localization studies (Poshyvanyk et al. 2006, 2007) or as a baseline or complementary part to later studies (Lukins et al. 2008; Chawla and Singh 2014). LDA is a topic model that represents a document with a distribution of topics. Its representation is a normalized vector in the topic space by converting a bag-of-words document from a word space into a topic space. It is usually applied in duplicate bug detection task (Nguyen et al. 2012; Han et al. 2012; Hindle et al. 2016; Aggarwal et al. 2017).

WE-Based Semantic Extraction With the development of word embedding technologies in the NLP area, more and more researchers also adopt WE techniques to do semantic extraction in their BRM tasks at hand. Existing BRM studies mainly use Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, etc (Budhiraja et al. 2018a; Jia et al. 2021; Ciborowska and Damevski 2022). For Word2Vec (supporting skip-gram and CBOW), since existing studies of Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013a, b) showed that the skip-gram model was better than the CBOW, researchers mostly used the skip-gram model for experiments (at the time it was mostly called skip-gram rather than Word2Vec). Yang et al. (Yang et al. 2016) propose an approach that computes and combines two similarity scores based on word embedding vectors by using the skip-gram model and TF-IDF vectors to recommend similar bug reports. Budhiraja et al. also use the skip-gram model to extract semantics for duplicate bug detection task (Budhiraja et al. 2018a, b). With the development of other word embedding techniques besides Word2Vec, some researchers also try to use more word embedding technologies and compare them with traditional technology in their BRM tasks. Cheng et al. (Cheng et al. 2020) applied Wor2Vec to bug localization task and compared it with TF-IDF. Ciborowska el al. (Ciborowska and Damevski 2022) compare BERT and VSM in bug localization task. Ardimento et al. (Ardimento and Mele 2020; Ardimento 2022) used fine-tuned BERT to predict bug fixing time and conducted a comparative experiment between BERT and DistilBERT. Kumar et al. (Kumar et al. 2021) applied CBOW, skip-gram, GloVe, Word2Vec, FastText, BERT and GPT to predict bug severity and also compared it with TF-IDF. Jia et al. (Jia et al. 2021) use FastText to get embedding vectors for the bug report severity prediction task.

To better mine the advantages of word embedding models and neural networks, some researchers propose to combine them to perform their BRM tasks (Sepahvand et al. 2020; Izadi et al. 2022). Xiao et al. (Xiao et al. 2017) and Guo et al. (Guo et al. 2020) use Word2Vec to extract the semantic information of a bug report and then feed the semantic vector to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for bug report management downstream tasks. Deshmukh et al. (Deshmukh et al. 2017) propose a retrieval and classification model using Siamese CNN and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) for accurate detection and retrieval of duplicate and similar bugs. They mainly use Word2Vec and GloVe to extract semantics from bug reports.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to explore the potential of pre-trained word embedding models in six BRM tasks. Our whole work aims to answer four research questions, related to the best-performance machine learning algorithm under various word embedding models, the best-performance word embedding model under various machine learning algorithms, the performance difference between word embedding models and the vector space model in semantic extraction, and the value of fine-tuning general pre-trained WE models with bug data. Based on experiments over a set of OSS products, we obtain a list of actionable findings that developers could refer to in choosing suitable techniques for building relevant bug report management models. Our study also indicates that it would be rewarding for researchers to conduct more cross-domain research in BRM tasks and even other software engineering tasks involving textual semantic extractionFootnote 12.