1 Introduction

Android platform has dominated the smart phone market for years now. With currently more than three billion devices running Android, it is the most popular end-user operating system in the world. Unsurprisingly, its enormous user base, coupled with the popularity of mobile apps led to the launch of several malicious applications by hackers. Symantec Symantec (2019) reported that in 2018, it detected an average of 10,573 mobile malware per day; found that one in 36 mobile devices has high risk apps installed; and one in 14.5 apps accesses high risk user data.

To detect Android malware, several approaches have been proposed by the research community. These approaches have built detection models utilizing either sequence of API call features Tobiyama et al. (2016); Karbab et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019), use of API call features Sharma and Dash (2014); Chan and Song (2014); Yerima et al. (2015); Arp et al. (2014) or frequency of API call features Aafer et al. (2013); Garcia et al. (2018). API call features represent invocations of Android APIs. Some approaches Enck et al. (2009); Sanz et al. (2013); Huang et al. (2013); Liu and Liu (2014); Sharma and Dash (2014); Chan and Song (2014); Arp et al. (2014); Lindorfer et al. (2015) categorized Android APIs according to privilege levels (known as Android permissions). In Android, APIs are classified into four privilege levels — normal, signature, dangerous, and special. These approaches rely on the concept that malware typically require privileged operations (i.e., dangerous permissions) such as read/send SMS, read contact, read location, etc. Given that modern malware often use reflections and system (native API) calls, to hide their true behaviours and implement their malicious functionalities, some approaches such as Garcia et al. (2018); Suarez-Tangil et al. (2017); Afonso et al. (2015) utilized features that represent native API calls and reflections, in an attempt to further distinguish malware from benign apps. In addition to permission uses, Kim et al. Kim et al. (2018) also investigated the use of app components as features. Hence, a study of the significance of those features for Android malware detection on a common benchmark would be beneficial.

The API calls can be extracted at various abstraction levels such as method, class, package, and family. Since there are millions of unique methods in Android, some approaches Garcia et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Ikram et al. (2019) have proposed to abstract API calls at class and package levels. This reduced the number of features significantly and yet produced comparable or even better results Garcia et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Ikram et al. (2019) than using API calls at method level.

To extract these features, in general, two types of techniques are used — static analysis Arp et al. (2014); Chan and Song (2014); Yang et al. (2018); Garcia et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Ikram et al. (2019) and dynamic analysis Dini et al. (2012); Tobiyama et al. (2016); Afonso et al. (2015). Typically, static analysis-based features cover more information since static analysis can reason with the whole program code whereas dynamic analysis-based features are limited to the code that is executed. On the other hand, static analysis may have issues dealing with complex code such as code obfuscation, and modern malware is usually crafted with obfuscated code Garcia et al. (2018). In general, static analysis and dynamic analysis complement each other. Hence, some approaches such as Lindorfer et al. (2015) perform both analyses and use both types of features.

Once these features have been extracted using program analyses, machine learning classifiers, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbours, and Random Forest, are used to train on the features to build malware detectors. For instance, DadiDroid Ikram et al. (2019) and MamaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019) used all the three classifiers mentioned above; RevealDroid Garcia et al. (2018) used SVM; Huang et al. Huang et al. (2013) used AdaBoost, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and SVM. In parallel, other studies Tobiyama et al. (2016); McLaughlin et al. (2017); Karbab et al. (2018); Xu et al. (2018) have focused on the use of deep learning classifiers, such as Convolutional Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network, to build malware detectors. Deep learning classifiers use several neural network layers to study various levels of representations and extract higher-level features from the given lower-level ones. Hence, in general, they have a built-in feature selection process and are better at learning complex patterns. On the other hand, it generally comes with a much larger cost in terms of computational resources. Deep learning classifiers also typically have more parameters to tune and typically require intensive fine-tuning to match the characteristics of datasets.

In terms of evaluating the malware detection performance, cross validation or random split schemes are commonly used in literature Lindorfer et al. (2015); Arp et al. (2014); Afonso et al. (2015); Karbab et al. (2018). But, as reported by Allix et al. (2016) and Pendlebury et al. (2019), these evaluation schemes are biased because data from the ‘future’ is used in training the classifier. Fu and Cai (2019) showed that F-measure drops from 90% to 30% when training and test data are split based on one year gap. Additionally, Pendlebury et al. (2019) reported an issue with spatial bias where the evaluation does not consider the realistic distribution between malware and benign samples.

In view of the proposals of different types of features, different types of underlying analyses used for feature extraction, and different types of classifiers, there is a need for a comprehensive evaluation on the performance of current state-of-the-art in Android malware classification on a common benchmark. There is also a need to evaluate the performances in a time- and space-aware setting. Hence, in this study, we evaluate the malware detection accuracy of features, analyses, and classifiers based on a common benchmark. Our evaluation includes the comparison between 14 types of features, the comparison between conventional machine learning classifier and deep learning classifier, the study of the impact of additional features such as native API calls and reflection, and combined static and dynamic features, and the robustness of features over Android evolution.

The experiments are conducted on a benchmark of 13,772 apps (7,860 benign apps and 5,912 malware) that are released from 2010 to 2020. Benign samples were collected from Androzoo repository Allix et al. (2016) while malware samples were collected from both Androzoo and Drebin Arp et al. (2014) repositories. We extract static features from call graph of Android package (apk) codes and dynamic features by executing the app in an Android emulator using our in-house intent-fuzzer combined with Android’s Monkey testing framework Android (2019).

Our preliminary study, documented in our conference paper Shar et al. (2020), evaluated the performance between sequence of API calls features and use of API calls features and evaluated the performance between un-optimized classifiers. This paper extends the previous work and makes the following new contributions:

  • We conduct a more systematic evaluation of the performances of features and classifiers. More specifically, we evaluate the performances in a time- and space-aware setting in which classifiers are trained with older apps and tested on newer apps and the distribution of benign and malware samples is representative of in-the-wild malware-to-benign ratio. These biases were not considered in our previous work.

  • We significantly increase the size of our dataset. Our earlier work used the dataset of 6,971 apps. In this extension, we use the dataset of 13,772 apps collected over a period of 11 years.

  • We analyze sequence/use/frequency of API calls features at two different abstraction levels — class and package. We consider additional features that characterize reflection, native API calls, and permission uses and app component uses in our evaluation.

  • We perform a series of optimizations on the deep learning classifier and the conventional machine learning classifier and compare their performance.

More specifically, the new research questions investigated in this study are:

  • RQ1: Features. Which types of features perform the best? Are class-level features or package-level features better? Are static analysis-based features or dynamic analysis-based features better? Finding. Permission use features perform the best; Package-level features generally perform better than class-level features. Static features generally perform better than dynamic features.

  • RQ2: Classifiers. When optimized, which type of classifiers — conventional machine learning (ML) classifier or deep learning (DL) classifier — performs better? Finding. In our previous work Shar et al. (2020), the un-optimized DL classifiers did not perform as well as the best conventional ML classifier (Random Forest). In this evaluation, we observed that when optimized, the DL classifier (Recurrent Neural Network) performs better than the conventional ML classifier (Random Forest) on sequence-type features.

  • RQ3: Additional features. Does the inclusion of features that characterize reflection, native API calls, and API calls that are classified as dangerous (dangerous permissions) improve the malware detection accuracy? Does combining static analysis-based and dynamic analysis-based features help? Finding. Overall, inclusion of reflection feature, native API calls features, dangerous permission features does not improve the performances significantly; combining static and dynamic-based features in a naive manner results in a worse performance.

  • RQ4: Robustness. How robust are the malware detectors against evolution in Android framework and malware development? Finding. Generally, the performance of malware detectors is sensitive to changes in Android framework and malware development.

Data Availability

The scripts used in our experiments and sample datasets are available at our github page.Footnote 1 We provide more detailed results and the complete dataset upon request. The rest of the paper is organized as follows.

Section 2 discusses related work and motivates our work. Section 3 discuses the methodology — it explains the data collection and features extraction processes, and the machine learning and deep learning classifiers we optimized and used. Section 4 presents the empirical comparisons and discusses the results. Section 5 draws conclusions from this study and provides insights for Android malware researchers. Section 6 provides the concluding remarks and proposals for future studies.

2 Related Work on Android Malware Detection


citenaway2018review reviewed the use of deep learning in combination with program analysis for Android malware detection. Recently, Liu et al. (2022) also reviewed the use of deep learning for Android malware defenses. In contrast to Naway and Li (2018), Liu et al. additionally reviewed critical aspects of using deep learning to prevent/defend against malicious behaviors (e.g., malware evolution, adversarial malware detection, deployment, malware families). However, the contributions of both studies is a literature survey, focusing on the use of deep learning for Android malware detection, rather than an empirical study like ours.

Empirical studies

There are a few empirical studies Allix et al. (2015, 2016); Ma et al. (2019); Cai (2020) in literature, which contrast different types of features and classifiers to detect Android malware. Among them, Zhuo et al.’s study Ma et al. (2019) is closely related to ours as it also investigates static sequence/use/frequency features extracted from control flow graph. The main differences between Zhuo et al.’s study and ours are a) we consider both static and dynamic analysis, b) we evaluate the use of native calls, reflection, permissions, and API calls at class level and package level, c) we evaluate a DL algorithm whereas we evaluate both conventional ML and DL algorithms, d) most importantly, Zhuo et al’s study applied cross validation for performance evaluation, which introduces temporal and spatial biases whereas our evaluation takes measures to address these biases. In general, the other studies focus on a single dimension such as features, analyses, classifiers, or temporal and spatial aspects. By contrast, our study look at all those aspects and evaluate them on a common benchmark.

Allix et al. (2016) conducts a large-scale empirical study on the dataset sizes used in Android malware detection approaches. Allix et al. (2015) also investigates the relevance of timeline in the construction of training datasets. Both studies Allix et al. (2015, 2016) observed that performance of malware detector significantly dropped when they are tested against the malware in the wild, i.e., malware that were not seen in the training. Allix et al. (2015) presents a critical literature review of Android malware classification based on supervised machine learning. They define a dataset to be historically coherent when the apps in the training set are all historically anterior to all the apps in the testing set. According to their experiment, when the dataset is not historically coherent, classification performances (e.g., F-measure) are artificially inflated. According to their literature review, a relevant portion of the papers uses historically incoherent datasets, causing results to be biased. Another study Pendlebury et al. (2019) additionally discussed the importance of space-aware setting that consider the realistic distribution of malware and benign samples during both training and testing. We took measure to mitigate these two biases in our evaluations. The need of retraining an ML-based malware detector is defined by Cai (2020) as the sustainability problem. Cai (2020) compares five malware detectors, revealing limitations with respect to sustainability of the learned model. Our results confirm these findings. These existing studies were conducted on limited types of analyses (static analysis) and features (e.g., sequence of API calls), and limited span of app released years (\(\le \) 3 years). Our work addresses the gap by investigating the relevance of timeline in the construction of datasets representing different types of features extracted from apps released in a wide time span of 11 years. We provide complementary, additional findings to these existing studies.

Static analysis-based features

Several approaches rely on static analysis to extract features from the app such as permissions Enck et al. (2009); Wu et al. (2012); Sanz et al. (2013); Huang et al. (2013); Liu and Liu (2014); Sharma and Dash (2014); Chan and Song (2014); Arp et al. (2014); Suarez-Tangil et al. (2017), the sequence of API calls McLaughlin et al. (2017); Chen et al. (2016); Shen et al. (2018); Karbab et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Shi et al. (2020); Zou et al. (2021), the use of API calls Sharma and Dash (2014); Zhang et al. (2014); Chan and Song (2014); Yerima et al. (2015); Arp et al. (2014); Suarez-Tangil et al. (2017); Ikram et al. (2019); Xu et al. (2019); Bai et al. (2020); Wu et al. (2021), or the frequency of API calls Aafer et al. (2013); Chen et al. (2016); Fan et al. (2016); Garcia et al. (2018). A few approaches Garcia et al. (2018); Suarez-Tangil et al. (2017) also relied on features that characterize native API calls and reflections. Since these approaches evaluate various types of features independently and majority of these approaches were not evaluated in a time- and/or space-aware manner, our work addresses this by evaluating all these types of features on a common benchmark in a time- and space-aware manner. In addition, our study evaluates features extracted not only with static analysis but also with dynamic analysis and with both static and dynamic analysis combined. And we evaluate these features on both ML and DL classifiers. Considering that analysis at method level leads to millions of features, resulting in long training time and memory consumption, some approaches Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Ikram et al. (2019); Yang et al. (2018) abstracted features at class, package, family, or entity levels, to save memory and time. Our study evaluates features at class level and package level.

Dynamic analysis-based features

Dynamic analysis-based approaches such as Dini et al. (2012); Tobiyama et al. (2016); Afonso et al. (2015); Spreitzenbarth (2013) have mainly focused on features at native API calls (system calls). Narudin et al. Narudin et al. (2016) evaluate the performance of five ML classifiers on network features (API calls that involve network communication) extracted with dynamic analysis. Most dynamic analysis approaches have largely used Monkey (UI) test generator Naway and Li (2018). But Monkey test generator only focuses on exercising UI components and could miss out component interactions. In contrast to these approaches, our approach employs a combination of Monkey test generator and intent fuzzing.

Hybrid analysis-based features

As reported in Liu et al. Liu et al. (2022), possibly due to high computational cost, very few approaches Yuan et al. (2014); Lindorfer et al. (2014); Alshahrani et al. (2019); Spreitzenbarth (2013); Bläsing et al. (2010) combine static analysis and dynamic analysis. And, these approaches focus on extracting specific features that are generally considered to be dangerous, such as sending SMS and connecting to Internet. For example, Droid-sec Yuan et al. (2014) uses features that characterize permission requested and permission use, which are coarse-grained and prone to false positives Enck et al. (2009). DDefender Alshahrani et al. (2019) uses features that are based on permissions, network activities and native API calls. Monkey tool was also used in the dynamic analysis; thus it may not be able to generate all the events that a malware can make. Mobile-Sandbox Spreitzenbarth (2013) applies static analysis of manifest file and bytecode to guide the dynamic analysis process. It then analyzes native API calls during the application’s execution. AASandbox Bläsing et al. (2010) uses static analysis to extract suspicious code patterns, such as the use of Runtime.exec() and functions related to reflection. During the dynamic step, AASandbox runs the app in a controlled environment and monitors system calls. In contrast to the above-mentioned approaches, we evaluate more types of features, and evaluate both conventional machine learning and deep learning classifiers. We also employ a combination of Monkey test generator and intent fuzzing to cover both UI events and component interactions. Marvin Lindorfer et al. (2015) also uses both static analysis and dynamic analysis to extract features that are similar to the features extracted by our work. The features extracted include permissions, reflection, native calls, Java classes, etc. But its classifier is evaluated by randomly splitting training and test data, without considering the timeline in the construction of training data, which could produce biased results.

Robust classifiers

While Zhang et al. (2020) proposes a way to mitigate the problem of model aging, Fu and Cai (2019), MaMaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019), Afonso et al. (2015), and RevealDroid Garcia et al. (2018) propose the use of features that could be robust against the evolution of apps (timeline). Our empirical study complements their work by evaluating which combination of features, program analyses, and classifiers produces robust malware detectors, on a common benchmark.

3 Methodology

This section explains the workflow of our empirical study. As illustrated in Fig. 1, it consists of three phases. In the first phase, static analysis is used to extract manifest files and call graphs; dynamic analysis is used to generate execution traces, from benign and malware apps. In the second phase, various features — sequence/use/frequency of API calls features at class level and package level, permission uses, and app component uses — are extracted from call graphs and execution traces. Each type of features forms a distinct dataset. Each record in the dataset, representing an app, is tagged with its known label. In the last phase, classifiers — Random Forest (RF) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) — are trained and tested on the labeled datasets in a time- and space-aware setting and produce the evaluation results.

The following subsections discuss each phase in detail. As a running example, we will use a malicious app called com.test.mygame released in year 2017, which has been flagged as malware by 27 anti-viruses. It is a variant of the SmsPay malware where a legitimate app is repackaged with covert functions to send and receive SMS messages, potentially causing unexpectedly high phone charges.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The workflow of our experiments

3.1 Program Analysis

In this phase, static analysis and dynamic analysis are performed on the given Android Application Packages (APKs).

Static analysis

Given an APK, we use apktoolFootnote 2 to extract Android manifest file and use FlowDroid Arzt et al. (2014) to extract call graph. Call graph contains paths from public entry points of the app to the program termination. Those paths contain sequences of API calls. FlowDroid is based on Soot (2018). Firstly, Soot converts a given APK (i.e., the DEX code) into an intermediate representation called Jimple and FlowDroid performs flow analysis on the Jimple code. The analysis is flow- and context-sensitive. FlowDroid also handles common native API calls. Using some heuristics, it tracks data flow across some commonly used native calls.

Dynamic analysis

Static call graphs characterize all possible program behaviors, in terms of API calls. But static analysis has inherent limitations, such as dealing with code obfuscation and reflection. FlowDroid can only resolve reflective API calls when the arguments used in the call are all string constants. Dynamic analysis can overcome this limitation. Hence, the goal of dynamic analysis here is to execute test inputs to observe concrete program behaviors. Since mobile apps are event driven in general, a good test generator needs to be able to generate various kinds of events. In Android, events are typically triggered by means of inter-component communication (intent messages sent by app components) or GUI inputs. Hence, we use two different test generators — an Intent fuzzer and a GUI fuzzer. Our Intent fuzzer was developed in our previous work Demissie et al. (2020). Firstly, it analyzes call graph of the app to extract paths from public entry-points (i.e., inter/intra-component communication interfaces) to the leaf nodes. Similar to the static analysis phase, we generate the call graph of the app using Soot with FlowDroid plugin for Android. The call graph is then traversed forward in depth-first search manner starting from the root node until a leaf node is reached. The output of this step is paths from component entry points to the different leaf nodes (method calls without outgoing edges). Once the list of paths is available, the intent fuzzer generates inputs in an attempt to execute each path (target). The given app is installed and executed on a fresh Android emulator. The generated inputs are Intent messages that are sent to the app under test via Android Debug Bridge (ADB) commands. With ADB’s privilege, we can also invoke private components as well as send events that can only be generated by the system (e.g., BOOT_COMPLETED). Execution traces are then collected using ADB logcat command. A genetic algorithm is used to guide the test generation, where fitness function is defined based on the coverage of nodes in the target path. To this end, we first instrument the app to collect execution traces and install the app on an Android emulator. We then run our intent fuzzer with statically collected values (such as static strings) from the app as seed (initial values). The generated inputs are Intent messages that are sent to the app under test via the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). Our goal is to maximize coverage and collect as many traces as possible. The traces are also used to guide the test generation.

While the Intent fuzzer exercises code parts that involve inter-/intra-component communications, it does not address user interactions through GUI. Therefore, to complement our intent fuzzer, we use Google’s Android Monkey GUI fuzzer Android (2019). Monkey comes with the Android SDK and is used to randomly generate GUI input events such as tap, input text or toggle WiFi in an attempt to trigger abnormal app behaviors. We used Monkey because the random exploration of Monkey has been found to yield higher statement coverage than tools utilizing advanced exploration techniques Choudhary et al. (2015). And by complementing Monkey’s approach with other strategies (in this case inter-/intra communication), we expect that the coverage could be further improved.

We measure the coverage achieved by this approach. Since code coverage is difficult to measure due to the usage of libraries, we measured component coverage, by measuring the ratio of the components that are executed when performing dynamic analysis and the components that are listed in the Android manifest file. Component coverage is shown in the histogram in Fig. 2. While on average component coverage is approximately 43%, a remarkable number of apps reach 100% coverage. This degree of coverage is in line with literature results Choudhary et al. (2015).

3.2 Features Extraction

From the call graphs and the execution traces generated in the previous phase, we extract sequence features, use features, and frequency features at class level and package level. Each type of features forms a distinct dataset. From the extracted API calls, we identify API calls that require dangerous permissions. We also identify native API calls (e.g., API calls that require system services and access hardware devices). Finally, we identify reflections (i.e., classes that start with java.lang.reflect) and mark them as additional features. From the Android manifest files, we extract features that represent permission uses (permission requests) and Android component uses as well, which are also considered as distinct datasets.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Histogram of component coverage

Note that the API calls that we extract here are abstracted at class level and package level. The rationale for choosing class and package level features instead of method level features is to reduce the amount of features, following the recent state-of-the-art approaches Garcia et al. (2018); Yang et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019); Ikram et al. (2019). Method level features would result in millions of features that cost significantly long training time. Those recent approaches have reported that, despite the cost, the classifiers may not achieve a better accuracy since the feature vectors of the samples would be sparse and abstracted API calls features characterize Android malware even better. The abstraction also provides robustness against API changes in Android framework because methods are often subject to changes and deprecation. Figure 3 shows an example of an API at different levels.

Regarding the extraction of dangerous features, we implemented an in-house tool that crawls the Android permission documentation websiteFootnote 3 and maps API calls to dangerous permissions. This tool is similar to PScout Au et al. (2012) but PScout only supports up to Andriod 5.11. Our tool supports Android 11 (API 30).Footnote 4

Sequence Features Extraction. We extract sequence of API calls from call graphs and execution traces. Given a call graph, we traverse the graph in a depth first search manner and extract class/package signaturesFootnote 5 as we traverse (hence, sequence). If there is a loop, the signature is traversed only once. Note that we only extract Android framework classes/packages, Java classes/packages, and standard org classes/packages (org.apache, org.xml, etc.). This is because it is common for malware to be obfuscated to circumvent malware detectors. The obfuscation often involves renaming of custom (user-defined) library and classes/packages. Hence, a malware detector will not be robust against obfuscation if it is trained on custom library and classes/packages. A study Rastogi et al. (2013) has shown that a simple renaming obfuscation can prevent popular anti-malware products from detecting the transformed malware samples. Hence, we filtered classes/packages that are not from the above-mentioned standard packages. Similarly, we extract classes/packages from the execution traces. However, since execution traces are already sequences, depth first search is not necessary. An excerpt of sequences of API calls extracted from a repackaged malware app com.test.mygame is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example of an API and its package, class, and method

Next, we discretized the sequence of API calls we extract above so that it can be processed by the classifiers. More precisely, we replace each unique class/package signature with an identifier, resulting in a sequence of numbers. We build a dictionary that maps each class to its identifier. During the testing or deployment phase, we may encounter unknown API calls. To address this, (1) we consider a large dictionary that covers over 160k class signatures and 4605 package signatures from standard libraries and (2) we replace all unknown signatures with a fixed identifier.

The length of the sequences varies from one app to another. The sequence length determines the number of features and to have a fixed number of features, it is necessary to unify the length of the sequences. Since we have two types of API calls sequences — from call graphs and from execution traces — we chose two different uniform sequence lengths. Initially, we extracted the whole sequences. We then took the median length of sequences from call graphs as the uniform sequence size, denoted as \(L_{cg}\), for call graph-based sequence features and took the median length of sequences from execution traces as the uniform sequence, denoted as \(L_{tr}\), for execution traces-based sequence features.Footnote 6 If the length of a given sequence is less than L, we pad the sequence with zeros; if the length is longer than L, we trim it to L, from the right. Hence, for each app, we end up with a sequence of numbers which is a feature vector. Each number in the sequence corresponds to the categorical value of a feature. The number of features is the uniform sequence length L. As a result, we obtain static-sequence features from call graphs at class level and package level, denoted as ssfc and ssfp, respectively. Likewise, we obtain dynamic-sequence features from execution traces at class level and package level, denoted as dsfc and dsfp respectively. As an example, Table 1 shows a sample dataset containing sequence features.

Use Features Extraction

We extract use of API calls at class level and package level from call graphs and execution traces. The extraction process is the same for both call graphs and execution traces. We initially build a database that stores unique classes and packages. Again for obfuscation resiliency, we only consider the Android framework, Java, and standard org classes similar to extracting sequencefeatures. Given call graphs or execution traces, we scan the files and extract the class signatures and the package signatures (sequence does not matter in this case). Each unique class or package in our database corresponds to a feature (Table 5). The value of a feature is 1 if the corresponding class/package is found in a given call graph or execution trace; otherwise, it is 0. As a result, we obtain static-use features from call graphs at class level and package level, denoted as sufc and sufp, respectively. Likewise, we obtain dynamic-use features from execution traces at class level and package level, denoted as dufc and dufp respectively. Table 2 shows a sample dataset containing use features at class level.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An excerpt of sequence of API calls from a malware sample. It shows the sequence of API calls that require dangerous permissions (Telephony and Sms) and invoke a (potentially malicious) functionality via reflection

Table 1 An excerpt of sequence features extracted from static call graphs. Sequence length L is fixed at 21,000 for dynamic features and 85,000 for static features, which are the median lengths observed in our datasets
Fig. 5
figure 5

AndroidManifest snippet showing permission and component definition

Table 2 An excerpt of use features including additional (native calls and reflection) features

Frequency Features Extraction

We extract frequency of API calls from call graphs and execution traces in a similar way to use of API calls features. Except that, for each unique class/package signature, we record the number of its occurrences in the given call graph or execution trace, instead of recording the value 1 to denote the presence of a class/package signature. As a result, we obtain static-frequency features from call graphs at class level and package level, denoted as sffc and sffp respectively. Likewise, we obtain dynamic-frequency features from execution traces at class level and package level, denoted as dffc and dffp respectively. Table 3 shows a sample dataset containing frequency features.

Permission and App Component Features Extraction

Android manifest file specifies permissions requested and app components used by the app. Some approaches have used features that characterize permission uses Enck et al. (2009); Chan and Song (2014); Arp et al. (2014); Lindorfer et al. (2015) and app component uses Kim et al. (2018) to detect Android malware. Therefore, it is important to analyze those features as well. We wrote a Python script to extract those features from Android manifest files. Figure 5 shows a snippet of AndroidManifest file. Line 1 shows the definition of the permission RECEIVE_ BOOT_COMPLETE the app wishes to be granted to receive system notification when the device completes booting. Line 3 shows the definition of a Broadcast Receiver app component RestartServiceReceiver that will handle the system notification for the boot-complete. Table 4 shows a sample dataset containing permission-use features.

Table 5 shows a summary of the features (datasets) extracted in this study. There are 14 types of features based on Type and Level of features and Analysis method used.

3.3 Classifiers

In the last phase, classifiers are trained and tested on the datasets. The following describes the classifiers used in our evaluations.

Table 3 An excerpt of frequency features including additional (native calls and reflection) features
Table 4 An excerpt of permission-use

3.3.1 Deep Learning (DL) Classifier

Deep learning is a class of machine learning algorithms that uses multiple layers to progressively extract higher level features from raw input features. Deep learning classifiers typically comprise an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. In our previous work Shar et al. (2020), we studied three kinds of DL classifiers — standard deep neural network (DNN), convolutional neural network (CNN), and recurrent neural network (RNN). However, in this work, we decided to use only one DL classifier due to the huge amount of computation required for tuning and evaluating DL classifiers in general. We chose RNN and our rationale is as follows:

Table 5 Characteristics of the features (datasets) extracted

The main principles behind CNN are sparse interaction, parameter sharing and equivariant representations to implement filter operators (i.e., kernels), particularly fitting for the image recognition problem. But, in our context, API calls features hardly enjoy these properties. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is suitable for learning serial events such as language processing or speech recognition Deng et al. (2014). Unlike feed-forward neural networks like standard DNN and CNN, RNN can use their internal memory to process arbitrary sequences of inputs. More specifically, RNN has memory units, which retain the information of previous inputs or the state of hidden layers and its output depends on previous inputs, i.e., what API is used last will impact what API is used next. Hence, by design, RNN is suitable for sequence-type features. Furthermore, in our previous work Shar et al. (2020), we observed that RNN performs well for use features. Therefore, we opted for RNN in our evaluation.

For use and frequency features, we use the RNN with one input layer, one LSTM layer, one hidden layer, and the output layer with Softmax function. The input layer accepts use or frequency features as vectors (Section 3.2). Each vector represents an app instance. These vectors are directly fed to the LSTM layer. The LSTM layer is used to avoid the error vanishing problem by fixing weight of hidden layers to avoid error decay and retaining not all information of input but only selected information which is required for future outputs.

Unlike use and frequency features, sequence features are not suitable for directly feeding to the LSTM layer because numerical values for the features will then be treated as frequency values by the classifier. As discussed in Karbab et al. (2018); McLaughlin et al. (2017), it requires an additional vectorization technique that preserves the sequential patterns. Therefore, for sequence features, we add a vectorization step as follows: the RNN input layer accepts sequence features of each app instance (Section 3.2) as a vector. Each class/package identifier in the input vector is transformed into a vector using one-hot encoding McLaughlin et al. (2017); Tobiyama et al. (2016). The output from this input layer is then fed to the LSTM layer. Alternative to one-hot encoding, embedding techniques such as word2vec Mikolov et al. (2013), apk2vec Narayanan et al. (2018), node2vec Grover and Leskovec (2016) and graph2vec Narayanan et al. (2017) can also be applied. However, we leave the problem of evaluating various embedding techniques in Android malware detection context as future work.

3.3.2 Conventional Machine Learning (ML) Classifier

Random Forest (RF) has been proven to be a highly accurate classifier for malware detection Eskandari and Hashemi (2012). In our previous work Shar et al. (2020), RF classifier was evaluated to be the best classifier among ML classifiers. Since we are not comparing the performance among ML classifiers in this extension work, we use only RF classifier as the flagship of ML classifiers.Footnote 7 RF is an ensemble of classifiers using many decision tree models Barandiaran (1998). A different subset of training data is selected with a replacement to train each tree. The remaining training data serves to estimate the error and variable importance. We used Scikit-learn Pedregosa et al. (2011) to run the RF classifier. Similar to RNN, we applied one-hot encoding for sequence features.

3.3.3 Optimizing the Classifiers

We tuned the hyper-parameters of both classifiers to achieve optimal performances as follows.

Tuning the hyper-parameters of RNN

For tuning the parameters, we sampled the data from year 2013 and year 2014 (see Table 8), which is never used as test data in our experiments. In total, the data contains about 1000 malware and 1000 benign samples. During the preliminary tuning, we observed that different datasets require different parameter configuration for improved results. In our preliminary phase, it took about 10 days to tune a relatively small dataset (dufc). It would take about 30 days each for the larger ones. Since it is intractable to do the tuning for each of the datasets. We decided to do tuning for only dsfc, dufc and dffc datasets. We then used the same optimal configuration of dsfc for other sequence-type datasets, i.e., dsfp, ssfc, and ssfp. The same is done for use and frequency datasets. We used Optuna, a hyper-parameter optimization framework Akiba et al. (2019), to tune the following hyper-parameters:

  • Optimizer (ADAM, SGD, or RMSprop)

  • learning rate (lr)

  • number of neurons in hidden layer (hidden_sz)

  • dropout ratio (p)

  • Epoch

  • decay weight

Table 6 shows the tuned hyper-parameter values and the F-measure results before and after hyper-parameter optimization.

Table 6 Results of RNN before tuning and after tuning, on the benchmark of apps from year 2013 and year 2014. F1 (bf.) represents the results before optimization; F1 (aft.)

Tuning the hyper-parameters of RF. Scikit-learn provides two widely-used tuning libraries — Exhaustive grid search and Randomized parameter optimization — for auto-tuning the hyper-parameters of a given classifier to a given dataset.Footnote 8 We combined both tuning methods as follows:

We first apply Randomized parameter optimization, which basically conducts a randomized search over parameters, where each setting is sampled from a distribution over possible parameter values. This gives us a good combination of hyper-parameter values efficiently. We then widen those hyper-parameter values to a reasonable rangeFootnote 9 and use exhaustive grid search to search for the best hypyer-parameter values among the given range. We followed the same process of tuning the RNN classifier. That is, we used the same apps from year 2013 and year 2014 as a basis to tune the RF classifier and we only tuned for dsfc, dufc, and dffc datasets. This results in the optimized hyper-parameters of random forest for Android malware classification as shown in Table 7.

3.4 Data Preprocessing

Imbalanced data causes the learning algorithm to bias towards the dominant classes, resulting in misclassification of minority classes. One effective way to improve the performance of classifiers is the synthetic generation of minority instances during the training phase. In our experiments, we use synthetic minority oversampling technique (smote) Chawla et al. (2002) to balance the training data.

Table 7 Results of RF before tuning and after tuning, on the benchmark of apps from year 2013 and year 2014. F1 (bf.) represents the results before optimization; F1 (aft.) represents the results after optimization; n_estimators represents the number of trees used; min_samples_split represents the minimum samples required for splitting a branch; max_depth represents the maximum depth of the tree.

4 Evaluation

This section presents the experimental comparison results of features, analyses, and classifiers for Android malware detection. Specifically, we investigate the following research questions:

  • RQ1: Features. Which types of features perform better?

  • RQ2: Classifiers. When optimized, which type of classifiers — conventional machine learning classifier or deep learning classifier — performs better?

  • RQ3: Additional features. Does the inclusion of features that characterise reflection, native API calls, and API calls classified as dangerous (dangerous permissions) improve the malware detection accuracy? Does combining static analysis-based and dynamic analysis-based features help?

  • RQ4: Robustness. How robust are the malware detectors against evolution in Android framework and malware development?

4.1 Experiment Design


Our benchmark consists of 13,772 apps — 7,860 benign samples and 5,912 malware samples. The apps are released in a time-period between 2010 and 2020. Benign samples were collected from Androzoo repository Allix et al. (2016). Malware samples were collected from Androzoo repository Allix et al. (2016) and Drebin repository Arp et al. (2014). The labeling of malware samples is confirmed by at least 10 antivirus software via VirusTotal.Footnote 10 Zhao et al. Zhao et al. (2021) highlighted the importance of considering sample duplication. That is, a dataset might contain the same or very similar apps with minor modification which might cause duplication bias. To avoid this bias, we randomized the download process. Initially, we downloaded over 50k samples from the repositories. However, as we evaluate the use of both static and dynamic analysis-based features, we had to filter those samples that can be analyzed by both static and dynamic analysis tools. When we use FlowDroid Arzt et al. (2014) tool to extract call graphs, some of the apps caused exceptions. But the main bottleneck was dynamic analysis as our intent-fuzzing test generation tool encountered crashes or exceptions for several apps. Therefore, we were not able to extract features for those cases. Note that these are the limitations of the underlying program analysis tools and the objective of this experiment is to compare features and classifiers and not to assess the feature extraction components. We took the intersection of the apps that can be commonly analyzed by static and dynamic analysis tools and ended up with 13,772 apps. Several malware samples from our datasets are obfuscated. This is important to reflect the real world setting because malware authors heavily rely on obfuscation to hide the true behaviors. Table 8 shows the statistics of the datasets according to app release years.

In comparison, Table 9 shows the sizes of dataset used by Android malware detection approaches in related work. But note that in comparison with these studies, we evaluate different types of features and both conventional machine learning and deep learning classifiers. Hence, it was intractable for us to use a larger dataset size. Yet, our dataset size is comparable to the sizes used in some recent studies such as Shen et al. (2018); Yang et al. (2018).

Table 8 Dataset Statistics

Performance measure

We use F-measure (F1) to evaluate the performances, which is a standard measure typically used for evaluating malware detection accuracy Garcia et al. (2018); Onwuzurike et al. (2019). F1 score reports an optimal blend (harmonic mean) of precision and recall, instead of a simple average because it punishes extreme values. A classifier with a precision of 1.0 and a recall of 0.0 has a simple average of 0.5 but an F1 score of 0. It can be computed as \(F1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)\).

Evaluation Procedure

To avoid temporal bias problem as discussed in Allix et al. (2016); Pendlebury et al. (2019), we split the data based on their release years. We then train the classifier on the data released in a sequence of years and test it on the data released in the subsequent years. To avoid spatial bias problem as discussed in Pendlebury et al. (2019), we sample the malware instances from the test dataset so that malware-to-benign ratio is 18%.Footnote 11 We note from  Pendlebury et al. (2019) that malware-to-benign ratio in the wild ranges from 6% to 18% and we did evaluate the features and classifiers with both ratios. But we will discuss the results based on the 18% ratio only.

Our general evaluation procedure to investigate our research questions is as follows: For a given feature (listed in Table 5), we run 21 training and test experiments with the given classifier (RF or RNN) as shown in Table 10.

Table 9 Statistics of datasets of some popular malware detection approaches
Table 10 Time- and space-aware train and test procedure used in our experiments

Hardware used

The experiments were performed on two Linux machines — 1) 40 cores Intel CPU E5-2640 2.40GHz 330GB RAM and 2) 12 cores Intel CPU E5-2603 1.70GHz 204GB RAM. It took about three months to extract call graphs and execution traces from all the 50k plus samples. It took about one month to extract the features from the final benchmark which contains 13,772 samples in total. It took about three months to conduct the machine learning experiments.

4.2 RQ1: Comparison among Features

To investigate this research question, we compare the performance of 14 types of features listed in Table 5. Since we are not comparing the performance of the classifiers in this case, we shall use only Random Forest classifier to evaluate the features. For each feature listed in Table 5, we run 21 training and test experiments with the RF classifier as shown in Table 10.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of features based on F1 scores. See Table 5 regarding the feature notations

Table 11 P-values of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test between each pair of features

Figure 6 shows the boxplot, mean, and standard deviation of F1 scores of Random Forest classifier with 14 different types of features based on the 21 train and test evaluations. We apply the Wilcoxon rank-sum test to perform pairwise comparison among features. For each feature, we perform the Wilcoxon rank-sum test against a different feature and test whether its F1 scores are statistically the same as the F1 scores of that feature (null hypothesis). The corresponding p-values are reported in Table 11.

We assume a standard significance level of 95% (\(\alpha =0.05\)), i.e., we reject the null hypothesis if p-\(value<0.05\). Table 12 shows the comparison result of each feature against other features based on the p-values reported in Table 11. Each feature, say f, in a given row is compared against the features in the ‘columns’. The label < or > in a given cell indicates whether the feature, f, is worse than or better than the feature listed in the corresponding column or not. The label ! denotes that there is no significant difference. For example, in the first row, the feature dsfc is compared against other features. It performs worse than dufc, dufp, sufc, sufp, dffc, dffp, sffc, sffp, and pu features; it has no statistical difference with other features.

Table 12 Comparison of features. The label ! denotes no statistical difference; the labels < and > denote whether the F1 scores of a feature are statistically worse or better than the other feature, respectively

Overall, we can observe that permission-use feature (see row ‘pu’) significantly outperformed all other features, except class-level and package-level static-use features (sufc and sufp). It achieved the best F1 mean score at 0.64. The second best type of features is package-level static-use feature ( sufp) with the F1 mean score of 0.57. Component-use feature performed the worst with the F1 mean score at 0.24. In general, we observe that package-level features achieve better or equal F1 scores against their class-level counterparts, e.g., sufp=0.57 vs sufc=0.5 and sffp=0.5 vs sffc=0.47, except for the dynamic-use case. This result is consistent with the observation made in Onwuzurike et al. Onwuzurike et al. (2019). We also observe that static features achieve better F1 scores against their dynamic counterparts, e.g., sufp=0.57 vs dufp=0.41 and sufc=0.5 vs dufc=0.45, except for the dynamic-sequence case. We also observe that Sequence features did not perform well in general as they all achieved less than 0.35 F1 mean score. All these results (of low F1 scores) show that Android malware detection is not actually a solved problem even though majority of the approaches in literature reported near perfect accuracy scores in their experiments. We believe that this is because those approaches did not take into account the biases that we considered in our experiments.

figure h
Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison between optimized ML classifier and optimized DL classifier based on F1 scores. RF-dsfp denotes Random Forest classifier tested with package-level dynamic sequence features; RNN-dsfpdenotes Recurrent Neural Network classifier tested with package-level dynamic sequence features, and similarly for the rest. The last box plot shows the F1 scores of MaMaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019) which is used as a baseline comparison

4.3 RQ2: Optimized DL Classifier vs Optimized Conventional ML Classifier

In this section, we compare the performance of RF classifier and RNN classifier based on the following 7 types of features: dsfp, ssfp, dufp, sufp, dffp, sffp, and pu. Essentially we omitted class-level features and component use features because a) those datasets contain a large number of features and it would be computationally intractable to run all those datasets with deep learning classifier and b) in RQ1, it is already established that those omitted features do not perform as well as the others. To provide a baseline comparison, we also additionally compare our classifiers here against a state-of-the-art approach, MaMaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019). The train and test procedure is the same as the one applied in RQ1.

Figure 7 shows the boxplot of F1 scores of Random Forest classifier and RNN classifier based on the 7 types of features evaluated with the 21 train and test procedure (Table 10). Assuming a significance level of 95% (\(\alpha =0.05\)), we apply Wilcoxon rank-sum test to perform the following pairwise comparisons:

  1. 1.

    RF-dsfp vs RNN-dsfp

  2. 2.

    RF-ssfp vs RNN-ssfp

  3. 3.

    RF-dufp vs RNN-dufp

  4. 4.

    RF-sufp vs RNN-sufp

  5. 5.

    RF-dffp vs RNN-dffp

  6. 6.

    RF-sffp vs RNN-sffp

  7. 7.

    RF-pu vs RNN-pu

Table 13 shows the comparison results between RF classifier and RNN classifier based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. In previous work Shar et al. (2020), we observed that un-optimized RNN classifier performs badly compared to ML classifiers. Here, we see that the optimization results in an improved performance for RNN classifier, especially for sequence features where RNN performed statistically better than RF in terms of F1 means. On the other hand, RF classifier performed better than RNN on four other features (but not statistically significant), especially for frequency and permission features. Overall, RNN achieved statistically better performance than RF on 2 out of 7 cases whereas RF performed better for 4 out of 7 cases though statistically not significant.

For the sake of completeness, we also evaluated RNN classifier using word embedding for sequence features (dsfp and ssfp). It achieved the F1 means of 0.325 and 0.354 for dsfp and ssfp datasets, respectively. This result is not better than that of RNN classifier with one-hot encoding but is still better than the RF classifier. These results align with the general agreement that RNN is suitable for learning serial events Deng et al. (2014), especially since we used LSTM-based RNN that has the ability to effectively capture both long-term and short-term dependencies. On the other hand, we note that word embedding was much more efficient as it produces more compact vectors compared to one-hot encoding Mikolov et al. (2013). Time taken to train RNN with word embedding is in the order of hours whereas time taken to train RNN with one-hot encoding was in the order of days, for one round of training.

It may be surprising that the DL classifier, the more advanced classifier, does not perform significantly better than the ML classifier, except for sequence-type features. However, recent empirical studies Xu et al. (2018); Liu et al. (2018) also found that DL classifiers are not always the overall winner. Even though those studies are conducted on different application domains (predicting relatedness in stack overflows Xu et al. (2018) and generation of commit messages Liu et al. (2018)), they also performed similar optimizations of the classifiers as us and used similar experiment designs. Typically, DL classifier needs thorough fine-tuning to the characteristics of the data. Although fine-tuning was done, it is only done on year 2013 and year 2014 data. App characteristics change with the evolution of Android, and this degrades the performance of both types of classifiers. But it seems to affect the DL classifier more. This is discussed in more detail in Section 4.5. Note that fine-tuning to fit all data is intractable, as it is computationally expensive. And it would also bias the results.

Table 13 Wilcoxon test of F1 scores for RF and RNN classifiers. At significant level of 0.05, RNN performs statistically better than RF for dsfp and ssfp datasets

Note that our previous work observed that Random Forest classifier achieved the best performance overall. Hence, we chose Random Forest as the Flagship of conventional ML algorithms for comparing against a DL algorithm. For a sanity check, we also evaluated Logistic Regression and Linear Support Vector Machines on package-level static-frequency features using the same training and test procedure. These classifiers achieved the F1 means of 0.48 and 0.41 , respectively. In comparison, RF classifier achieved 0.503. Hence, RF classifier achieved a better result.

To provide a baseline comparison, we also additionally compare our classifiers here against a state-of-the-art malware detector, MaMaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019), which is based on sequence-type features. MaMaDroid builds a model from sequences obtained from the call graph of an app as Markov chains. Sequences are extracted at class level, package level, and family level. Four types of classifiers — Random Forest, 1-Nearest Neighbour, 3-Nearest Neighbor (3-NN), and Support Vector Machines are used to learn on the extracted sequence features. As a data preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis is applied. Random Forests achieved the best results in MaMaDroid’s experiments. We used MaMaDroid toolFootnote 12 (used as-is) to extract the sequence features from our benchmark apps. For the sake of consistency, we extracted package-level features.Footnote 13 We then used the same configuration of Random Forests classifier stated in MaMaDroid Onwuzurike et al. (2019). The last boxplot in Fig. 7 shows the F1 scores of MaMaDroid classifier evaluated on our datasets with the same train and test procedure in Table 10. As we can observe in Fig. 7, MaMaDroid achieved similar performance to our classifiers with sequence-type features but generally it does not perform as well as other classifier+feature configurations we used here.

figure i

4.4 RQ3: Additional Features

In this RQ, we perform two kinds of comparisons: (1) to determine whether additional features, which represent native calls, reflection, and API calls that require dangerous permissions, would improve the performance (2) to determine whether combining the static analysis-based features and the dynamic analysis-based features (hence “hybrid” features) would improve the performance. For both comparisons, we use Random Forest as a classifier.

Regarding the first kind of comparison, we evaluate the RF classifiers trained with additional features based on the datasets: dsfp, ssfp, dufp, sufp, dffp, and sffp. ‘with additional features’ means that a given dataset is concatenated with its corresponding additional features. For example, dsfp ‘with’ denotes dynamic-sequence features concatenated with sequence of native calls features, reflection, and API calls that require dangerous permissions. The train and test procedure is the same as the one applied in RQ1.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of “without” and “with” additional features. dsfp ‘with’ denotes that dynamic-sequence features are concatenated with sequence of native calls features, reflection, and API calls that require dangerous permissions; likewise for the others

Figure 8 shows the box plots of the F1 scores for ‘without’ and ‘with’ additional features. Similar to RQ2, we apply Wilcoxon rank-sum test to perform pairwise comparisons and Table 14 reports the F1 means and the statistical test results. We observe that the performance significantly improved for the dynamic-sequence features when additional features are included. The F1 mean also increases for static-sequence and dynamic-use features but the improvements are not statistically significant. The F1 mean actually decreases for other types of features.

Table 14 Wilcoxon test of F1 scores for “without” and “with” additional features. “without” and “with” columns show the F1 means. Only dynamic-sequence feature shows statistical improvement when incorporated with additional features

To explain this behavior, we performed principal component analysis of the static-use datasets containing only the additional features, i.e., use of native API calls, reflection, and dangerous permissions. Figure 9 shows the PCA plot of six most significant features from year 2015 to year 2020 datasets. As shown in the figure, the data points of malware samples largely overlaps with those of benign samples. Therefore, there is no difference between malware samples and benign samples in terms of the use of additional features.

This can be explained by the fact that it is legitimate for mobile apps to use those features to implement their services. That is, mobile apps do need to request dangerous permissions to access camera, microphone, heart rate (body sensor), etc. It is also common to use native calls to use system services like reading and writing to files, and use reflection to dynamically load new functionalities. For example, Fig. 10 shows an excerpt of API calls extracted from a benign app biart.com.flashlight that we sampled from our dataset. It contains the use of native API calls for accessing system services and dangerous permissions to use camera device.

We note that both benign and malware apps use API call features as well. And yet API call features can still discriminate malware. It is likely because each set of additional features look at a specific aspect of app behaviors, e.g., whether an app uses dangerous permission or not, whereas API call features cover the complete app behaviors based on call graphs or execution traces and thus, specific behaviors covered by additional features may have already been implicitly covered by API call features. Hence, we believe that API call features better profile the app behaviors and additional features do not further discriminate malware.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Principal component analysis (6 components) of additional features used in malware and benign apps. Yellow color indicates malware and blue color indicates benign apps

Fig. 10
figure 10

An excerpt of API calls found in a benign app sample

Regarding the second kind of comparison, we combine static analysis-based features and dynamic analysis-based features to determine whether the hybrid features would improve the performance. We concatenate static-sequence features and dynamic-sequence features, let us denote as hsfp = ssfp \(\Vert \) dsfp. Table 15 shows an example of hsfp. Likewise, we concatenate static-use features and dynamic-use features, and concatenate static-frequency features and dynamic-frequency features, denoted as hufp and hffp, respectively. We then perform the 21 training and test evaluations on those 3 new types of features using Random Forest as classifier. Note that we simply concatenate the two types of features without any data processing.

Table 15 An excerpt of hybrid-sequence features
Fig. 11
figure 11

F1 scores for “without” and “with” combining features

Table 16 Wilcoxon test of F1 scores for “without” and “with” combining features. No statistical difference was observed at a significance level of 0.05

Figure 11 shows the F1 scores for “without” and “with” combining the static analysis-based features and the dynamic analysis-based features. Table 16 hows the Wilcoxon test results. As we can observe, the F1 mean actually decreases when the two types of features are combined, although there is no statistical difference according to Wilcoxon tests. This is likely due to overlapped features from the two analyses since both analyses extract features from the same app. For example, both analyses extract the package android.net as a feature. Assuming use features, static analysis will report the value 1 for this feature if it detects the presence of this package in the call graph. But dynamic analysis will report a value 0 for the same feature if it does not observe the execution of this package at runtime. On the other hand, static analysis will report the value 0 for android.net feature if it does not detect the presence of this package in the call graph; but dynamic analysis will report the value 1 for android.net if the app invokes this package using dynamic code loading, which is not presented in the static call graph. Hence, the conflicting values in the overlapped features may be confusing to the classifier, resulting in worse performance. Dealing with such overlapped features deserves a separate, thorough investigation as it requires to investigate how to leverage different types of information conveyed by static and dynamic analyses and extract the semantic meaning provided by these analyses together, rather than simply concatenating the two types of features.

figure j

4.5 RQ4: Robustness Against Android Evolution

In this research question, we investigate which combination of classifiers and features is most robust against Android evolution over time. Figure 12 shows the F1 scores of different classifier-feature combinations against time. In Fig 12, we observe that most of the classifier-feature combinations show similar patterns in terms of F1 scores over time, which means that those features are all sensitive to changes in Android permissions and API calls, and malware construction. For example, in late 2015, Google released Android 6 that introduced a redesigned app permission model. As in the previous version, apps are no longer automatically granted all the permissions they request at install-time. Users are required to grant or deny the specified permissions when an application needs to use it for the first time. The user can also revoke these permission at anytime. This caused a shift in the characteristics of benign apps in terms of permission and API usage. Furthermore, malware authors are also constantly advancing their malware so as to bypass the detection mechanisms, for example, by using obfuscation or applying adversarial learning Shahpasand et al. (2019). Adversarial learning Huang et al. (2011) is a technique that generates samples (e.g., malware variants) which are carefully crafted/perturbed to evade detection. Clearly, such changes in Android permissions and API calls, and malware construction affect malware detection performances.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Performance vs Time

Fig. 13
figure 13

Principal Component Analysis of permission use features from malware apps. Yellow color indicates malware and blue color indicates benign apps

Based on Fig. 12, among the classifier+feature combinations, the RF classifier with permission-use (RF-pu), followed by the RNN classifier with permission-use (RNN-pu) could be considered most robust. When trained on year 2010-2014 dataset (Fig. 12a), all other combinations did not achieve more than 0.65 F1 scores on the datasets from subsequent test years whereas RF-pu and RNN-pu maintained above 0.65 F1 scores , except for test year 2017 and 2018. We also observe that the RF classifier with static-use (RF-sufp) is an interesting combination. When trained on year 2010-2014 dataset, it did not perform well; but when trained with more data, i.e., year 2010-2015 dataset and subsequent ones, it produced a performance similar to RF-pu and RNN-pu. But its classifier counterpart RNN-sufp did not perform quite as well and it is likely that RNN needs further fine tuning in this case. When there is sufficient training data, RF-sufp may be considered another robust classifier+feature combination.

We expected that the performances of classifiers+features will generally decrease over time. As observed in Fig. 12a, this is the case from year 2015 to year 2018. But we observe that the performances actually improve in year 2019 and 2020, especially for RF-pu and RNN-pu. To understand this behavior, we did the PCA analysis of permission-use features in malware apps from years 2010-2014 versus malware apps from year 2019 and the PCA analysis of permission-use features in malware apps from years 2010-2014 versus malware apps from year 2020. The goal is to analyze the difference in characteristics between malware from those different released years. The result is shown in Fig. 13. We observe that malware characteristics in terms of the use of permissions are similar. To further investigate the behavior shown in Fig. 12(a), we extracted the most informative permission-use features for Random Forest for making classification decisions.Footnote 14 We found that most informative features from years 2010-2014 and from year 2019 and year 2020 commonly include READ_PHONE_STATE, SEND_SMS, READ_SMS, and GET_TASKS. Therefore, it is likely that those common features improved the detection performance for year 2019 dataset and year 2020 dataset.

Other commonly informative permission-use features across years (i.e., 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) include ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, CHANGE_WIFI_STATE, INSTALL_SHORTCUT, INTERNET, and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Likewise, we analyzed the most informative static-use features across years; they include org.apache.http.conn, org.apache.http.client, java.security.cert, java.lang. annotation, android.net.wifi, android.transition, android.support.v4.accessibility service, android.media.session, javax.net, android.telephony, com.google.ads. mediation, and com.google.android.gms.ads. The functionality of these APIs range from network connection and telephony services to media and advertisement services. Hence, these APIs can be considered as good predictors of malware.

To evaluate whether time-aware and space-aware evaluation setting is important, we also ran 10-fold cross validation on RF classifier, with all the datasets combined (from year 2010 to year 2020). Table 17 compares the results. As shown in Table 17, the cross validated results are clearly better than the results of time-aware and space-aware evaluation setting (Table 10). That is, time and space biases unfairly report improved results. Allix et al. Allix et al. (2015) reported that the F1 scores of Android malware classifier were lower than 0.7 in a time-aware scenario. Similarly, our best classifier achieved 0.64 F1 mean score. Fu and Cai Fu and Cai (2019) also reported that the F1 scores dropped from about 90% to below 30% with a span of one year. Our results not only corroborate with the results of previous studies Allix et al. (2015); Fu and Cai (2019) but also confirm that the biased improvement occurs regardless of features used. From this observation, we can conclude that timeline is an important aspect in malware detection. That is, malware detector should be re-trained whenever possible.

Table 17 Comparison of F1 mean scores between ten fold cross validation and time- and space-aware classification settings)
figure k

4.6 Threats to Validity

Here we discuss the main threats to the validity of our findings.

Threats to the conclusion validity are concerned with issues that affect the ability to draw the correct conclusion. To limit this threat, we applied a statistical test (i.e., Wilcoxon rank-sum test) that is non-parametric, thus it does not assume experimental data to be normally distributed. Additionally, to increase heterogeneity of samples in the data set, we considered apps from multiple markets (Androzoo and Drebin) and released over multiple years (from 2010 to 2020).

Threats to internal validity concern the subjective factors that might have affected the results. To limit this threat, apps have been randomly selected and downloaded from markets among those that satisfy our experimental settings (year 2010 to 2020) and experimental constraints (that they work with FlowDroid static analysis tool and with Monkey testing tool).

The threats to construct validity concern the data collection and analysis procedures. Labeling case studies as benign/malware is based on a standard approach, that is (i) relying on VirusTotal classification available as metadata information for apps from Androzoo; and (ii) manually recognized malicious behavior for apps from Drebin. Empirical results are based on F-measure, which is a standard performance measure. Moreover, to limit bias, we split the training data and the test data based on their release years and a realistic malware-to-benign distribution. A threat regarding the analysis procedure is the code coverage. As we explained in Section 3.1, we used a combination of GUI fuzzer and Intent fuzzer so as to cover both GUI events and inter-component communications which are typical and essential behaviors in mobile apps. However, like any other test generation-based approach, the code coverage of our test generator is also limited. Although we apply genetic algorithm, a state-of-the-art technique for Intent generation developed in our previous work Demissie et al. (2020), it was not able to generate test cases (Intents) for some of the paths in the call graphs. This could result in missing information in dynamic features and we acknowledge that this may explain the reason why static features perform better than dynamic features.

Regarding the analysis of sequence features, we trimmed the call sequences that are too long, taking into account the variances in sequence length among apps (see Section 3.2). One may argue that this may result in missing information in sequence features. However, our rationale is that using a longer sequence length result in many zero-features for most of the apps, resulting in several redundant features. We did some preliminary experiments using a longer sequence length and observed that the performance actually decreases. Another analysis-related threat is regarding the extraction of API-permission mapping (to extract dangerous permission features). We looked at the official Android documentation, which includes the mappings for public APIs only. The mappings for hidden and private APIs (which can be invoked through reflection) were not included. Thus, we acknowledge that such APIs, which may be in the dangerous permission category, would be missed by our approach. However, our argument here is that undocumented APIs change frequently and it is intractable for us to document them comprehensively, especially since we are dealing with versions across 11 years. Also from malware detection point of view, we believe that relying on a more consistent (official) list of APIs to build malware detector is more robust.

Threats to external validity concern the generalization of our findings due to the relatively smaller size of our dataset compared to the literature (Table 9). This is due to our consideration of several features and types of analyses (static and dynamic). By contrast, existing work that uses larger dataset size tends to focus on static analysis. However, as both static analysis- and dynamic analysis-based features are relevant and useful for malware detection, we decided to evaluate them in this work. Despite our best efforts, we were able to analyse only 13,772 apps due to the time taken and the computation complexity of our analyses. Especially our test generation tool took a long time to complete. It also encountered compatibility issues due to changes in different versions of the Android platform and we had to adapt our tool. On the other hand, to mitigate the issue, we considered apps from multiple app stores and released over 11 years.

5 Insights

For Antivirus vendors

In RQ1, we found that features at permission level or package level produce the best performances, while they are also computationally more efficient compared to more fine-grained features at class level. Deep learning algorithms have recently been used in the context of Android malware detection. They have the ability to learn hierarchical features and complex sequential features. But this usually comes at the cost of careful fine-tuning the hyper-parameters, which may take some time. On the other hand, conventional machine learning classifiers have been shown to be effective at Android malware detection. Especially, ensemble classifiers like Random Forest aggregates multiple classifiers to learn complex patterns. It achieves good classification results without much hyper-parameter tuning. In our experiments, we tuned both types of classifiers. But in RQ2, we observed that tuning Random Forest takes much less time and effort compared to RNN, the deep learning classifier. Yet the results are comparable, except for sequence features. Hence, our recommendation to antivirus vendors is that it is more cost-effective to use conventional machine learning classifiers for Android malware detection when using other types of features. In RQ4, we learnt that malware detectors’ performance is sensitive to changes in Android framework and malware construction. Our recommendation to antivirus vendors is to take these findings into consideration when building and evaluating malware detectors and update them often.

For research community

In RQ1, we observed that dynamic features do not perform as well as static features in general. We discussed in Section 4.6, this could be due to code coverage issue by our test generator. Essentially, the test generator fails to generate test inputs when the target path requires satisfying certain conditions in the application logic or if the path involves user interaction (e.g., a click action). Researchers could improve on this aspect by combining dynamic test generation with static constraint solving techniques such as Thome et al. Thomé et al. (2017) for more effective test generation. In RQ3, we learnt that features that characterize reflection, native API calls, and dangerous permissions on top of API calls features do not further discriminate Android malware from benign apps. In Android, all the features, including native API calls, reflection and dangerous permissions are designed to be used, to serve their various functional purposes. However, malicious apps often abuse this to conduct malicious activities like accessing sensitive information. Hence, the empirical study conducted in this work is not complete. Distinct apps might have very different functionalities. What is considered legitimate of a particular set of apps (e.g., sharing contacts for a messaging app) can be considered a malicious behavior for other apps (e.g., a piece of malware that steals contacts, to be later used by spammers). A more accurate ML model should also take into consideration the main functionalities that are declared by an app, such as the ones proposed in Yang et al. (2017); Demissie et al. (2018). Hence, the future study should investigate the use of clustering to group apps with similar functionalities and evaluate based on clusters of those similar apps. In another note, we found that combining static-based features and dynamic-based features does not result in better performance. But in this case, we simply concatenated the two types of features without any data preprocessing to filter overlapped or redundant features. Future studies could consider applying an appropriate feature reduction technique, such as Principal Component Analysis, t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding, Multidimensional Scaling, Isometric mapping, etc., to deal with overlapped features.

In RQ4, we learnt that cross validation, which is typically used in Android malware detection approaches, allow malware “from the future” to be part of the training sets and thus, produce biased results. Allix et al. Allix et al. (2015) observed that such a biased construction of training datasets has a positive impact on the performance of the classifiers and thus, the results are unreliable. In addition, Pendlebury et al. Pendlebury et al. (2019) also reported an issue with spatial bias where the evaluation does not consider the realistic distribution between malware and benign samples. Our studies also produced similar findings, despite different types of features we used. Therefore, researchers from Android malware detection community should validate their proposed state-of-the-art approaches again, taking into consideration the temporal and spatial biases.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we evaluated various techniques commonly used for building Android malware detectors. More specifically, we evaluated 14 types of features. We applied both static and dynamic analyses to extract those features. We evaluated two types of classifiers (conventional machine learning classifier and deep learning classifier). We also evaluated additional features (native API calls, reflection, and APIs that require dangerous permissions) and combined (static+dynamic) features. We investigated which types of features perform better; evaluated which types of classifiers perform better when optimized; evaluated whether additional features can improve the performance; and evaluated which combination of features and classifiers are more robust against the evolution of Android. We conducted the experiments in a time- and space-aware setting. We conducted all the experiments on a common benchmark containing 7,860 benign samples and 5,912 malware samples, collected over a period of 11 years (from year 2010 to 2020). We observed that permission-use features performed the best among features, followed by static-use package-level features; package-level features represent a good abstraction level as they perform well and are computationally efficient; static features perform better than dynamic features. We also observed that even when optimized, deep learning algorithm does not always perform better than conventional machine learning algorithm. Due to the tendency of benign apps to use reflection, native API calls, and APIs that require dangerous permissions, inclusion of those features does not further improve the accuracy of malware classification. Lastly, we found that malware classifier needs to be updated whenever applicable, regardless of features and classifiers used, as they are sensitive to changes in Android APIs and malware construction. In future work, we intend to further investigate other deep learning classifiers, given that we only evaluated one deep learning classifier in this work due to the time and resource required for optimization and evaluation. We also intend to investigate the effect of clustering the apps based on their functional similarities and performing the training and testing according to the clusters of apps.