1 Introduction

Software maintenance is an essential activity in the software development lifecycle. In his seminal article, Swanson differentiated between three types of maintenance activities (Swanson 1976). Corrective maintenance involves fixing faults in response to observed failures of the program (e.g., the shopping cart of a customer gets suddenly deleted during checkout). Adaptive maintenance involves changes needed to adapt the software to new data or processing environments, while preventative maintenance is performed to improve the code such as eliminating processing inefficiencies, enhancing performance, or improving maintainability. All three types of code maintenance activities are necessary for projects to keep their code base up-to-date and ensure the system’s quality on the long run. We refer to any code changes that address the above maintenance categories as code maintenance changes.

To support the above maintenance activities, many software engineering support tools such as defect prediction (Fenton and Neil 1999), Application Programming Interface (API) misuse detection (Amman et al. 2016, 2018), or program repair (Gazzola et al. 2019) were developed with the goal of automatically detecting, recommending, or applying code maintenance changes. To build or evaluate such tools, data sets of real code maintenance changes are needed. The most common type of available data sets are bug-fix data sets that are typically used for corrective maintenance, especially bug fixes (e.g., Just et al. 2014; Dallmeier and Zimmermann 2007b; Cifuentes et al. 2009; Amann et al. 2016).

While less common, there are also data sets that record code improvement changes related to perfective maintenance, such as using faster or more secure API calls (Radu and Nadi 2019).

All the above code-maintenance change data sets (code maintenance data sets for short) usually contain pairs of faulty/incorrect/low-quality code and the corresponding fixed/improved code, and are typically constructed from linking commits from version-control systems to reports in issue-tracking systems (Śliwerski et al. 2005). The commonly used linking approach relies on searching for commit messages that have specific keywords (e.g., fix, crash, hang, slow) and/or explicit links to issue IDs in issue-tracking systems (Kim et al. 2006; Nguyen et al. 2012). While many widely used maintenance data sets have been constructed with this approach, relying on this linkage has several limitations: not all problems are documented in issue-tracking systems (Bachmann et al. 2010), not all developers are systematic about their linkage (Bird et al. 2009; Bissyandé et al. 2013), and even worse, not every issue labeled as a bug is actually a bug (Herzig et al. 2013). Additionally, since the amount of code in a version control system is typically large and grouping separate code changes in a single commit (a.k.a tangled changes (Herzig and Zeller 2013)) is common (Herzig et al. 2016), more advanced techniques that precisely identify the changes related to the maintenance activity of interest are required (Just et al. 2014).

Finally, finding good explanations (i.e., a “a reason or justification given for an action or belief” based on the Oxford English dictionary) to attach to the identified maintenance activity, be it a bug fix or an improvement, such that they can be used in detection or recommender systems is difficult. On one hand, commit messages are often short, meaningless, or non-descriptive (Maalej and Happel 2010; Dyer et al. 2013) and on the other hand, issue reports are often long with too many discussions (Rastkar et al. 2010). Thus, the question is: are there complementary or additional sources of information that can be used to curate additional code maintenance data sets? In this work, we investigate if Stack Overflow may be such a source.

Stack Overflow has become an essential resource for software developers. It contains a wealth of information such as code solutions, best practices, and documentation of common pitfalls in response to the asked questions. Given its crowd-sourced nature and high visibility as the go-to-place for information, Stack Overflow has the added advantage of community engagement where different developers point out various issues with the posted code snippets in the form of comments. Comments may, for example, include pointing out faster APIs, missing version information, or simply wrong answers. For example, AnswerFootnote 1 50383046 has a comment to include the rsplit method as it is more efficient, a comment on AnswerFootnote 2 19694159 mentions the version differences of the answer between PHP pre 5.3 and after 5.3, and AnswerFootnote 3 24261462 has comments mentioning that the answer and even subsequent edit are incorrect. The answerer, or other community members, then have a chance to edit the answer. Stack Overflow records such changes in the answer edit history, including the code snippets contained in these answers. Thus, if we can link comments to code-snippet edits, we can provide a new data source for building code maintenance data sets, which in turn can be used for the applications mentioned above, such as program repair or code improvement recommendations.

Extracting comment-edit pairs from Stack Overflow can potentially address some of the problems discussed above: Stack Overflow code snippets are typically short and targeted, which overcomes the issue of tangled changes and removing unrelated code. Additionally, comments that result in an edit likely have the description of the issue that was addressed, which means that these comments can provide meaningful explanations that can accompany any code-change recommender tools.

For example, AnswerFootnote 4 52517618 contains code that converts a byte array to a string as follows String s = new String(bytes, ‘‘UTF-8'');. This code snippet then gets updated to String s = new String (bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);. If a code improvement/recommendation tool suggests this change to a developer, the developer may be unsure as to why this change is necessary and may end up ignoring the suggestion. If, however, the following comment “On Java 7 you can also use new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); which avoids having to catch the UnsupportedEncodingException” is provided to the developer along with this change, they will understand the reasoning behind the suggestion and make an informative decision on accepting the suggestion. In short, a tool that detects the former (pre-edit) piece of code could suggest the latter (post-edit) piece of code and accompany that suggestion with the related comment to explain why the suggestion was made.

To explore the feasibility of using Stack Overflow as a source for code maintenance data, we first need to design a technique that maps comments to their corresponding edits. In other words, we need to extract comment-edit pairs, i.e., a comment and the resulting edit that addressed this comment.

To do so, we leverage the SOTorrent (Baltes et al. 2018) data set and adapt and improve a previous matching approach we designed to identify ignored comments (Soni and Nadi 2019). At a high level, our automated approach matches a comment to an edit if the comment occurred before the edit, the comment mentions a code term that gets added to or removed from a code snippet in the edit, and the commenter and editor are different users. To support our investigation of using these comment-edit pairs for creating code maintenance data sets, this paper then answers the following research questions:

  • RQ1 What is the precision of an automated technique for extracting comment-edit pairs from Stack Overflow? There is currently no way on Stack Overflow to relate a comment to an edit, so the first step of this research is to establish an automated technique for doing this pairing, and to evaluate its precision.

  • RQ2 How tangled are the changes in Stack Overflow comment-edit pairs? To investigate if the identified comment-edit pairs do indeed overcome the challenge of tangled changes, we investigate how often do the changes in mined pairs address issues other than that pointed out in the related comment.

  • RQ3 What type of changes occur in Stack Overflow comment-edit pairs? To understand what potential types of data sets and related software engineering applications can these comment-edit pairs be used for, we need to understand the types of changes that occur in them (e.g., syntax error fixes vs. catering the solution to the original poster’s question).

  • RQ4 What is the potential usefulness of the extracted comment-edit pairs for curating code maintenance data sets? Not all the mined comment-edit pairs are necessarily useful for code maintenance data sets. Thus, it is important to understand how many of the comment-edit pairs are useful for the intended applications. We consider a comment-edit pair as useful for code recommender systemsFootnote 5 if (1) the edit addressing the comment happens to an existing code snippet in the answer such that there is code to be matched in a target system and (2) if the comment describes this change in a way that is understandable in isolation of the posted Stack Overflow question. We also investigate how tangled these useful pairs are, and which categories they fall under. To further demonstrate usefulness, we also submit 15 pull requests based on our mined pairs to 15 different open-source repositories.

To answer the above research questions, we run our automated matching technique on five popular Stack Overflow tags (Java, JavaScript, Android, PHP, and Python). We then manually analyze a statistically representative sample of 1,910 detected comment-edit pairs to confirm true matches. We record the type of suggestion and change(s) being made, the presence of tangled changes in the edit, and the usefulness of the pair for the 1,482 confirmed pairs we find.

Our results show that the precision of our automated approach is 74%-80% across the five tags and that only 11% of the 1,482 confirmed pairs are tangled, while 27% are useful. To categorize the confirmed pairs, we use a coding guideline from previous work (Zhang et al. 2019a) that analyzed the types of comments on Stack Overflow but did not looking at corresponding edits. We find that 34%, 16%, and 13% of the confirmed pairs are of types Error, Request, and Correction respectively, collectively consisting over 50% of the confirmed pairs. However, when looking specifically at useful pairs, we find that types Correction, Obsolete, Flaw, and Extension are the most useful. This is promising for future maintenance applications as these types of comments are relatively more general and the corresponding edits will be applicable in a general setting. Additionally, 10 out of the 15 pull requests we submitted based on our collected data have already been accepted. These repos include popular and influential projects, such as Apache BeamFootnote 6 and NLTK,Footnote 7 which demonstrates the potential impact of our comment-edit pairs.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that maps Stack Overflow comments to edits and studies the potential of using these comment-edit pairs for constructing code maintenance data sets that also provide explanations for the provided changes. The summary of our contributions in this paper are as follows.

  • We implement an automated approach for matching comments to edits. We apply the approach to Stack Overflow posts covering five popular tags (Java, JavaScript, Android, Python, and Php) and extract a total of 248,399 comment-edit pairs.

  • We manually analyze 799 comments from 100 answers (20 from each of the five tags) to create a ground truth of 194 comment-edit pairs, and use it to evaluate our matching approach and compare it to a naive baseline.

  • We manually analyze a statistically representative random sample of 1,910 comment-edit pairs and confirm true matches for 1,482 pairs. We record the category the comment belongs to, the presence of tangled changes, as well its usefulness for code maintenance data sets.

  • Based on the above collected data, we answer four research questions to determine if comment-edit pairs can be used in future maintenance-related software engineering applications. We also discuss challenges and opportunities for future work in this direction.

  • For additional external validation, we use the confirmed comment-edit pairs to submit 15 pull requests to different open-source GitHub repositories. To date, 10 of these pull requests have been accepted.

All our code and data are publicly shared on our artifact page (Online artifact page).

2 Related Work

We discuss two categories of related work. The first is existing code maintenance data sets and the second is previous work that leverages data from Stack Overflow.

2.1 Existing code maintenance data sets

Over the last two decades, there has been a tremendous effort and movement towards curating useful data sets that can assist in maintenance tasks (Menzies et al. 2012), especially those related to corrective maintenance. We discuss a subset of the most relevant ones here.

iBugs (Dallmeier and Zimmermann 2007b) was early work that uses the technique of identifying bug-fixing commits through keywords in commit messages. It collected pairs of before (buggy) and after versions (fixed) of the code along with the associated test suite. Defects4J (Just et al. 2014) is a well-known data set of Java bugs that was built by mining version-control systems containing commit messages that explicitly reference a bug ID in the issue tracking system, or if a bug issue references a commit in the version-control system. The data set contains two versions of the code, one before and one after the fix.

Different from iBugs, Defects4J does some filtering of the test suite to keep only tests that fail on the buggy version and pass on the fixed version. To overcome the problem of tangled changes (Herzig and Zeller 2013), the authors manually reviewed the source code diffs of the before and after versions of the code and, if necessary, removed any irrelevant changes.

Dit et al. (2013) again mined change history, linking commits to issue IDs to curate a data set that can be useful for software maintenance tasks. Their goal was for this data set to be useful for various maintenance tasks such as feature location, impact analysis, developer recommendations, and traceability recovery; however, they did not provide a categorization of the entries in their data set, so we are not aware of the exact maintenance tasks supported and their distribution. Additionally, while both our work and theirs target software maintenance, our extracted data is focused on code maintenance activities, rather than more general tasks such as developer recommendation.

Ohira et al. (2015) manually categorized issue reports to identify high-impact bugs. While they considered issues labeled as both BUG and IMPROVEMENT, they mentioned that most of the improvements are actually considered as bugs. None the less, we assume that their data set may also be applicable to perfective maintenance activities, and not only corrective maintenance.

The recent BugHunter data set (Ferenc et al. 2020) again relied on issue trackers and commit history. Different from other data sets, it tried to reduce the code changes in the before/after versions of the code in order to identify the minimal set of affected code elements.

While following similar methods of relying on commit messages and manually reviewing the changes, Radu and Nadi (2019) specifically focused on non-functional bugs that are related to aspects such security, performance, memory management, etc.

BugSwarm (Tomassi et al. 2019) is a recent effort that attempts to remove some of the manual effort involved in curating bug-fix data sets. While it also relies on version-control history, it leverages the continuous integration (CI) service in the target repositories to identify bug-fixing commits through their CI build status. Additionally, BugSwarm containerizes the before and after versions of the code and build scripts to ensure fully reproducible problems.


To summarize, most existing code maintenance data sets seem to focus on corrective maintenance tasks, specifically bug fixes. Additionally, most of these data sets are constructed by mining version-control history or issue-tracking systems. As mentioned in the introduction, this construction technique has been criticized because of missing problems in issue-tracking sytems (Bachmann et al. 2010), lack of systematic linking between commits and bug reports (Bird et al. 2009; Bissyandé et al. 2013), misclassification in issue-tracking systems (Herzig et al. 2013), and tangled changes not related to the fix (Herzig and Zeller 2013; Herzig et al. 2016). Our work is an attempt to find another data source for code maintenance data sets other than version-control or issue-tracking systems. Additionally, since we do not limit ourselves to keywords such as “fix” or links to bug issues, using Stack Overflow may potentially provide changes related to additional code maintenance activities. In general, our goal is not to replace or compete with current data sets, but instead to explore the potential of using Stack Overflow for curating additional relevant data sets.

2.2 Stack Overflow Studies

Data from Stack Overflow has been used extensively in previous work with varying purposes. While some papers focus specifically on studying various characteristics of Stack Overflow and how information evolves on it (Zhang et al. 2019b; Zhang et al. 2019c; Barua et al. 2014), others use information from Stack Overflow for specific purposes such as augmenting documentation, code search, or improving code analysis tools (Rahman et al. 2019; Treude and Robillard 2016; Subramanian et al. 2014a; Ponzanelli et al. 2014; Lin et al. 2019; Liu and Zhong 2018). Given the nature of our work, which establishes a relationship between comments and code edits on Stack Overflow and investigates the nature of these pairs, in this section, we focus only on related work that studied/used comments or edits on Stack Overflow (SO).

Related Work we Rely on

Our previous MSR challenge paper (Soni and Nadi 2019) quantified how often comments cause answer updates, and how often comments are ignored even when they should have resulted in an answer update. We used three heuristics for matching comments to edits and categorizing them: (1) code checks where a comment caused an update if a code element in the comment is added or removed in the edit, (2) keyword phrase checks that suggest that the comment is explicitly asking for an edit but no edit occurred, and (3) question checks where a comment explicitly asks a question about the posted code. Our results showed that code checks resulted in the most matches between comments and edits and that most of the wrongly labeled pairs occurred when we tried to deduce that a comment should warrant an update and was ignored, or that a comment does not warrant an update. Based on these findings, in this paper, we only use the code check heuristic and focus on finding comment-edit pairs where an update actually occurred. This current paper differs from our previous work in terms of goals: we do not try to automatically categorize all comments and do not look for ignored comments. Our goal is to find comments that actually caused an edit, and to study the comment-edit pairs in terms of their suitability for creating code maintenance data sets. Additionally, we improve the matching algorithm and evaluate it against a manually constructed ground truth. We also manually validate a statistically representative sample of the pairs our tooling detects, measure the precision, and publicly share a validated data set containing the confirmed pairs.

Another recent work we rely on is that by Zhang et al. (2019a). In that work, the authors analyzed comments on Stack Overflow. They investigated the information discussed in comments and performed open coding to categorize the analyzed comments. They defined seven broad categories and 17 sub-categories of comments. They did not, however, attempt to match comments to edits or analyze the code changes in edits. Given that the comments we find in comment-edit pairs are a subset of all comments on Stack Overflow, we use the categories they create as our coding guideline for categorizing comments in our pairs. In other words, given Zhang et al.’s categories, we perform closed-coding (i.e., when codes/labels are predetermined) to categorize our comment-edit pairs. Some of the categories of comments they found, such as pointing out errors or weaknesses in answers or providing alternative solutions, give us assurance that finding the edits corresponding to these comments can potentially be useful for code maintenance data sets.

SO for Error Fixing

Wong et al. (2019) studied edits to Python code snippets on Stack Overflow in order to produce a syntax error data set. Their goal was to make a free, open, and public data set that would be representative of the kinds of syntax errors general developers would have. At a high level, they parse the before and after versions of the most recent edit in an answer.

If the prior version included a parse error and the most recent did not, then they store the two versions as a syntax error and fix respectively. Our work differs as we focus on linking comments and edits to attach a reason for an edit. We also do not focus solely on syntax errors and find changes related to more code maintenance activities, including various types of fixes and code improvements.

Thiselton and Treude (2019) used Stack Overflow answers in order to provide better compiler error messages for active development. Their work takes a Python compiler error message and constructs a Stack Overflow query. They take the first question on the first page that is returned by the query that contains at least one answer. They then take the accepted answer (or highest voted answer if there is no accepted answer) and modify the compiler error to incorporate a summary of the answer they found. They do not use comments or edits on a Stack Overflow answer at all. However, their work highlights that novel applications using information from Stack Overflow can be useful in helping developers during active development.

Gao et al. proposed an automated bug-fixing approach that relies on mining information from Stack Overflow (Gao et al. 2015), but they rely neither on answer edits or comments. Instead, they find answers that contain two code snippets and rely on heuristics to identify the buggy and correct version (e.g., Instead of code snippet X, use code snippet Y). Alternatively, they try to match the buggy code snippet in the question to a modified, and presumably correct, code snippet in the answer. After matching these two versions, they use GumTree (Falleri et al. 2014) to generate edit scripts for automated bug fixing. While our sources of data are different, we foresee that future work can apply their automated edit script generation technique to the pre/post pairs we extract.

Collaboration Characteristics on SO

Adaji and Vassileva (2016) also studied edits and comments on Stack Overflow. Unlike our work that analyzes the contents of comments and edits to link them together, their work used comments and edits to study collaboration characteristics on Stack Overflow with the goal of finding the types of users that contribute to high quality answers. Specifically, they investigated whether the number of comments on an answer or the reputation of the editor are correlated with the answer quality. Their results showed that most of the edits made were by users with no badges and that most high quality answers had more comments rather than less. Based on these findings, we study all comments and edits, regardless of the reputation of the user or the score of the answer.

Wang et al. (2018) studied Stack Overflow badges that are related to revisions of answers. They found that most revisions were made in spikes (i.e., many revisions made on the same day) rather than spread out over different days. These spikes coincided with the days Stack Overflow were awarding badges to members, and the corresponding revisions during these spikes were mostly simple revisions (i.e., typo correction and formatting). They also noted that most of the revisions made on these days needed to be rolled back due to the revision being incorrect or undesired. They concluded that the current system of using badges was insufficient in enforcing answer quality and that there needed to be a change in how Stack Overflow encourages revisions without lowering the quality of answers. Our work focuses on the contents of the revisions and relating them to comments, as opposed to motivation schemes for performing the edits.

Answer Quality

Dalip et al. (2013) created a learning to rank approach with the goal of automatically estimating the feedback a user would give regarding the quality of an answer. To do so, they extracted features related to both comments and edits. All their features are quantitative (e.g., number of edits, number of comments, or number of users who commented on answer), and they did not analyze the content of the comments or map comments to edits.

Diamantopoulos et al. (2019) analyzed answer edits to determine what makes an optimal answer. With that information, they discuss future Stack Overflow tools that could suggest edits on an answer to improve its quality. While our work can help with similar future goals, the methodology and the focus of both studies differ substantially. Diamantopoulos et al. (2019) used a neural network to study the edits made on Java answers and applied clustering to extract related edits. They then used the “commit” message associated with an editFootnote 8 to come up with representative descriptions for each cluster; however, as they also point out, having a message associated with the edit is rare. Since comments on an answer are much more common and are also more descriptive, we believe that studying answer comments to understand the types of edits that occur may provide more explanations and intuitions for answer edits, which would make any follow up recommender system more useful to users. Additionally, we pair comments with the corresponding edits while they do not.

Ragkhitwetsagul et al. (2019) studied the quality of Stack Overflow answers and found that many answers were outdated, buggy, incorrect, etc. They also raise the issue that many answers also violate licensing as most answers are copy-pasted from users’ own work. While general Stack Overflow answer quality is a concern, our work looks specifically at the answers for which such problems have already been pointed out in the form of comments, and based on which, the answer has been updated to fix the problem.

Zhang et al. (2019b) studied obsolete answers on Stack Overflow by analyzing answer comments. They found that most obsolete answers were already obsolete when they were first posted, and that most reactions to an obsolete answer happened an average of 118 days after the obsoleteness was even observed. They also found that most answers are not updated when observed to be obsolete and that there are certain languages that are more prone to obsolete answers than others, particularly the languages that are related to mobile application development. While they focused specifically on answers that were deemed obsolete, our study considers all forms of improvements and code edits, including errors in the code, non-functional improvements, and extensions.

Clarification Comments

Rao and III (2018) used a neural network to learn different kinds of clarification questions that were asked in the question comments to improve the question, e.g., What version of X are you using? While they do perform some matching of the comments posted on a question to the question edits, they focus only on explicit question statements found in comments (i.e., a sentence that ends with a question mark). They also did not compare the content of the comment to that of the edit, and assume that the first edit after a question is posted in a comment is the response to that question. Along similar lines, Jin and Servant (2019) studied how edits to a question affect the answers the question receives.

They focused on the edits made to a question before and after it received an accepted answer and how these edits affect the quality of received answers. In contrast to both efforts, we try to match code terms in a comment and an edit, and we focus on answer edits rather than question edits.


Apart from various technical/methodological differences noted above, the most important differences to prior work on Stack Overflow data are (1) the motivation of our work for constructing data sets that have before/after code versions with associated explanations, (2) we analyze the contents of both comments and edits in order to match them, (3) we extract pairs of comments and their corresponding edits, (4) we consider all types of changes and do not pre-limit ourselves to one type of edit, and (5) we study various characteristics, such as tangledness and usefulness, of these comment-edit pairs.

3 Mapping Comments to Edits

In this section, we describe our method for matching comments to edits. Our goal is to extract comment-edit pairs (ci, ej), where comment ci caused edit ej to occur.

As our main data source, we use the SOTorrent data set (Baltes et al. 2018) which captures the edit history of all Stack Overflow posts (we use version 2019-09-23). In SOTorrent, a Stack Overflow post is split into text and code blocks, based on the html formatting used in the post. Text blocks mark any text in the post, including inline code, while code blocks mark explicit code blocks formatted using the <code> html tag or the markdown back-tick symbol. An edit to a given post is thus any change to one or more of its text or code blocks. Given the goal of our work, we focus on edits to code blocks in Stack Overflow answers. We analyze all answer edits from five popular tags on Stack Overflow: Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Android. We choose these tags because, at the time of writing, they had the highest number of answers on Stack Overflow. The five tags contain a total of 11,119,517 answers, 12,130,068 comments, and 4,322,506 edits.

3.1 Ground truth creation

As a first step, we create a ground truth that can help us evaluate and refine any automated matching technique we develop. To select the answers that we will include in our ground truth, we use stratified sampling to select 20 answers from each tag. Our stratification strategy selects two answers in each of the following categories: high (above 1000) score, low (below zero) score, recent creation date (after Jan 01, 2018), and old creation date (before Jan 01, 2009). Our intuition behind this stratified sampling is to ensure the diversity of answers we examine. Since answer score is a commonly used metric for answer quality, we want to select answers with extreme scores. Similarly, we want to select answers from the beginning of Stack Overflow (2008) and recent answers from Stack Overflow (2018) to ensure that we see answers with diverse history. This resulted in eight selected answers. We then consider two factors to sample additional answers: (1) the number of comments and (2) the number of edits; these two factors may have direct impact on an automated matching technique so we again want to ensure diversity in our selection. For each of these factors, we consider two levels: (a) large (more than 10) and (b) small (less than 10). We sample two answers from each of the four combinations of these factors and levels (i.e., two answers with more than 10 comments and more than 10 edits, two answers with more than 10 comments and less than 10 edits, etc). This results in eight more answers. The intention of using 10 as the threshold for a “ and “small” is because we find that the majority of answers have less than 10 edits and less than 10 comments. For the goal of diversifying the sample, we also select answers that have more than 10 edits and/or comments. Finally, we select four additional random answers with at least one edit and one comment to create our 20 answers for each tag. In total, our ground truth contains 100 answers with a total of 521 edits and 799 comments.

The two authors then independently evaluated all 100 answers. For each comment on an answer, they separately analyze the edits for each answer to determine if the comment caused an edit using the following criteria:

  1. 1.

    The edit occurred after the comment.

  2. 2.

    The topic of the comment is related to the update in the edit.

We use only the above criteria to mark a comment as having caused an edit; it did not matter if the edit affected a text block or a code block or if the comment contained any code. This was intentional to avoid any bias towards our heuristics of using code terms for matching comments to edits, which we describe later in Section 3.2. For example, in AnswerFootnote 9 281433, we manually match the comment “But he is not calculating a simple mean. Remember there were only three votes given in his example.” to EditFootnote 10 3 that removed the SQL query that implemented a simple mean, even though there are no explicit code terms used in the comment.

The two authors then discussed and resolved any disagreements. For any labelling/coding exercise throughout this paper, we resolved disagreements as follows: together, the two authors discuss each disagreement and justify their label for the comment-edit pair in question. The authors continue discussing the pair until an agreement is reached.

Creating this ground truth set took around 26 hours, as both authors need to analyze all comments and edits for each selected answer. Overall, our Cohen’s Kappa score (McHugh 2012) for matching comment-edit pairs is 0.71.

Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics per tag in our ground truth. In total, we analyzed 100 answers with 799 comments and 521 edits to construct a ground truth of 194 comment-edit pairs.

Table 1 Ground truth statistics

3.2 Automatically matching comments and edits

Algorithm Overview

Given our motivation that mined comment-edit pairs can be later used for creating code maintenance data sets for use in various recommender systems, we only consider edits to code snippets. Based on that, the high-level idea of the algorithm is that if a comment mentions a code term that then gets removed or added in a later code edit, we can reasonably assume that the comment caused that edit. Following the analysis of the 100 ground truth answers, we also add the criterion that the comment-edit pairs are considered only if the users are different. This is because during the manual analysis, we noticed that when the users are the same, it was difficult to be certain that their own comment caused the edit. It could be the case the user was originally intending on making an edit and first commented an explanation. Thus, for the sake of precision, we add this criterion to our automated analysis.

Data Preparation

As a first step, we create two tables that are necessary to store the post-processed SOTorrent data that is relevant for our analysis. The first table we construct is adapted from the EditHistory table based on a blog post from Baltes (2018), one of the authors of the SOTorrent data set. This table keeps track of questions, answers, comments, and edits to both the questions and answers. This table also provides the creation date for each of these events and allows us to order the edits and comments in chronological order. We include the parent post ID in this table to allow us to find all the answers, edits, and comments related to a specific question. The second table we create is called EditHistory_Code, which is built from the EditHistory table and is similar except that instead of containing all changes in the edits, it contains only answers with code blocks and the corresponding edited text from only code edits. We obtain the actual code edits from the PostBlockVersion table provided in the SOTorrent data set (Baltes et al. 2018). The EditHistory_Code table we construct contains all the initial body of an answer, its subsequent edits, and comments to the answer in chronological order, while removing all unecessary data such as the title version history and textual answers and edits. Our program needs only the EditHistory_Code table to analyze whether comments cause edits to answers.

Algorithm Details

Listing 1 shows the algorithm we use to match comments to edits. We use the example in Fig. 1 as a running example to explain the algorithm. For each answer in the data set (Line 2), the program iterates through all the comments in chronological order (Line 3). It then extracts all code terms found in a comment, storing them in comment_code_terms (Line 4). Figure 1 shows the extracted comment code terms on the left side of the figure. To extract code terms, we first look for explicit markdown or html tags (i.e., <code>). However, not all users strictly follow the formatting guidelines, and comments on Stack Overflow are diverse in the ways they contain code. For example, some comments paste code from the answer that did not work for them, while others post comments on the exception that occurred for them. Some users use the markdown code symbol while others do not and instead paste the code as plaintext. To simplify the task of extracting code terms, we use regular expression patterns that identify code terms and do not rely solely on markers or formatting guidelines. Our regular expressions therefore catch code terms by, for example, matching camel case or snake case identifiers, or matching method calls.

Listing 1
figure a

Algorithm for matching comments to edits

We start with the list of regular expressions used by Treude and Robillard (2016). We modify some of the expressions based on testing on the ground truth set and also remove unnecessary or problematic expressions. Since the original set of expressions was developed mainly for Java, we also add additional regular expressions catered to the other languages in our data set.

To illustrate our use of regular expressions, we use the following two examples of Stack Overflow comments that contain different formats/styles of code terms: (1) “The question doesn’t mention the user entering *EXIT*. Also, System.exit(0) will terminate the whole JVM, which means that all processing done by the code till that statement will be lost.” on AnswerFootnote 11 52347606 and (2) “Sorry, I’m coming to this late, but shouldn’t `vars(a)` do this? For me it’s preferable to invoking the `__dict__` directly.” on AnswerFootnote 12 62680. Notice that the first example comment does not have code formatted with any explicit code formatting tags, while the second one does. Our corresponding regular expressions that identified the code terms in these two comments, in respective order, are [a-zA-Z0-9._()’#$∖”]+∖(.*∖)+, which matches method calls with dot accesses, and __[_̂]*__, which matches everything between two underscores on either side. The full list of regular expressions we use can be found in our artifact page (Online artifact page).

The algorithm then iterates over all edits for this answer, in chronological order, to try to match them to the current comment (Line 6). When the program finds an edit that was made after the comment (Line 7), it extracts the code terms found in the current edit (which has the snapshot of the code after the change) and the previous edit (which has the snapshot of the code before the change), using the same code identification technique used for comments (Lines 8-9). The program then takes the symmetric difference between these two lists of code terms to determine any added or removed code terms (Line 10). In Fig. 1, the symmetric difference of the edits is displayed on the right side of the figure. The common code terms between between the current edit and the previous edit are shown in the same color. The symmetric difference contains all the remaining terms, which appear only in one of the edits. Finally, our algorithm compares the code terms found in the comment to the code terms found in the symmetric difference between the two edits (Line 11). Since the code term used in the comment may not be exactly the same as that used in the code due to typos or placeholder text in the code snippet, we calculate the Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein 1966), using the fuzzywuzzy library in Python (ChairNerd 2011), between the code terms in the comments and those in symmetric difference to determine a match. We consider two code terms as a match if their similarity ratio is above 90%.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example from the SO answer 8949391 showing the matching process between comments and edits, based on code terms. The comment shown is matched to edit e5. Example has been reproduced and edited for better visualization. Note that we record a list of code terms, which takes into account how many times a code term appears. In this example, yourClientObject appears twice in the e5 code terms

We choose the 90% threshold based on examining the results of varying thresholds. According to Fig. 2, we can see that at an 80% threshold results in the highest precision. However, what is not conveyed through this graph are the number of terms that are caught by the program at the various thresholds. With the original goal of having comments as explanations for edits, we want to as accurately as possible select the code terms in the comment that get edited in the answer. Since precision reflects the percentage of matched comment-edit pairs and not which code terms get matched, the precision between the different thresholds does not change significantly. In other words, matching one code term is the same as matching five code terms; in both cases, the comment and edit will be matched. When we manually analyzed the matched code terms made by the program at the 80% and 90% thresholds, we found that using the 90% threshold removes some code terms that are caught at the 80% threshold but do not contribute to the edit. For example, in AnswerFootnote 13 34459380, the comment that causes EditFootnote 14 3 is: “So in this example is theArray also the key in the local storage. so for me if I had the key as keyword and the array as myArray would it then be, localStorage.setItem(‘keyword’, JSON.stringify(myArray)); ?” The matched edit contains the addition of example functions. One change adds “function setArrayInLocalStorage(key, array) { localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(array));}”. In this example, our program at an 80% threshold matches the following terms between the comment and the edit “[‘setItem’, ‘localStorage’, “localStorage.setItem(’keyword’, JSON.stringify(myArray))”, “setItem(’keyword’, JSON.stringify(myArray))”, ‘theArray’]”, while at the 90% threshold, it returns “[‘localStorage’, ‘setItem’, ‘theArray’].” From this example, with the original goal in mind, it is preferable to have the returned matches of the 90% threshold rather than the 80% threshold as it provides a more accurate depiction of which code terms in the comment truly attributed to the changes in the edit. While the difference in precision and recall is insignificant between the 80% and 90% thresholds, the previous preference of accuracy of the related code terms explains why we chose the 90% threshold. More details on the difference between the thresholds can be found on our artifact (Online artifact page) page.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparison of similarity threshold used to identify matching code terms

If the program finds a match between a code term in the comment and a code term in the edit, it labels the comment as having resulted in the edit, and adds this comment-edit pair to the set of matched pairs (Lines 12-14). In Fig. 1, the matched code terms (yourClient and yourClientObject) are shown at the bottom of the figure. Since there are matched code terms between the comment and the edit, in this example, we would say that the given comment is matched with e5. Note that the break on Line 14 indicates that a comment is matched to the first edit it is related to.

3.3 Comparison with ground truth

Before running our automated matching strategy on all the data we have for all tags, we want to evaluate its effectiveness and fix any issues. Thus, we run the above matching algorithm on the manually created ground truth set of 100 answers from Section 3.1 and calculate recall and precision. Recall is the percentage of comment-edit pairs the program could detect from the manually confirmed pairs in the ground truth, while precision is the percentage of comment-edit pairs identified by the program that are correct. Additionally, to understand if the code matching algorithm we use brings in any value, we compare our results to those of a simple baseline. This baseline simply matches a comment to the chronologically nearest edit that comes after it, regardless of the content of the comment or edit. We show the results in Table 2. As shown, the recall of our matching technique is low (ranging from 24% - 47% and 32% overall), but the precision is relatively good (ranging from 56% - 85% and 70% overall. To understand when our matching fails, we manually analyze the false positives and false negatives.

Table 2 Matching evaluation on ground truth data set

One of the main reasons for the low recall (i.e., false negatives) is that there are comments in the ground truth that caused an edit but did not contain any code suggestions. Our program is only able to pair comments and edits that share a code pattern; as such it is not able to find these comment-edit pairs. An example of this is AnswerFootnote 15 44765572. Here, both authors agreed that the comment on Jun 26 ’17 at 18:13: “I think it would be a lot cleaner to have the constructor accept the three parameters, instead of always creating it with the defaults and then overwriting them.” caused EditFootnote 16 9, that adds the parameters to the constructor instead of overwriting the default values. This comment does not use explicit code terms to detail inefficiencies or problems but rather explains how the code can be improved. Other comments that cause edits without having explicit code could be questions clarifying the logic of the answer, or comments mentioning the answer does not fully answer the original question, etc. All of these comments would cause edits but would not have any code for the program to match the comment and edit together.

While our program, by construction, is not able to capture such pairs and it might have been more “fair” to evaluate our program only on the comment-edit pairs it could potentially capture (i.e., those with code), we chose to conduct a strict evaluation to understand the worst case performance of the algorithm in terms of how many pairs it could potentially capture. However, for further investigation into recall, we also check what our program would have done only on pairs it could potentially match. While annotating the ground truth set of 799 comments, the two authors agreed on 194 comments that caused an answer edit (See Table 1). Out of these 194 comments, 135 comments had code terms that the program could potentially match. This means that 59 (30%) of the pairs can not, by construction, be found by the program as there is no code for it to match. If we evaluate the matching algorithm on only the 135 comments that it could potentially match, we find that we still maintain a 69% overall precision, but now achieve a 46% overall recall instead of 32%. This confirms our intuition that many of the false negatives are due to the comments not having any code to match. Other reasons for the remaining false negatives include potentially missed regular expressions for detecting code terms, matching the wrong edit if it contains the right code term and happens earlier than the ground truth edit, or that the answer edit itself is an added textual explanation rather than an edit to a code snippet.

On the other hand, the majority of false positives occur, because of coincidental matches between a comment and an edit, i.e., the program finds a code suggestion both in a comment and an edit, but the edit was not caused by that comment. An example for this is AnswerFootnote 17 6872517. Our program detects that comment “thanks , as i see on findViewById(R.id.mainframe) , i need to add a id ? and a layout file ?” caused EditFootnote 18 2. However, this edit simply properly formats the whole code snippet without addressing this comment in any way. The program catches this edit and matches the code in the comment (findViewById(R.id.mainframe)) to the code in the edit and assumes a relationship when there is none.

While in an ideal world, an automated technique would have both high recall and precision, in practice, there is often a tradeoff between both metrics. For the purposes of using the extracted pairs to build data sets, we believe it is more important to have high precision than high recall. Given the vast amount of data available on Stack Overflow, extracting even a tiny fraction of available comment-edit pairs will provide a large amount of data. However, if this data contains a large number of false positives, then its users will lose their trust in the data. Thus, it is important for the matching technique to have high precision, even if this is at the cost of missing out on other potential pairs. We, do, however, discuss opportunities for improving recall in Section 8. When compared to the proximity based baseline, our program achieves a much higher overall precision (70% vs. 32%), which gives us confidence in using our matching algorithm to answer our five research questions.

4 RQ 1: Precision of Comment-edit Pairs

We now discuss RQ1, which focuses on the precision of our automated mapping strategy. While the ground truth evaluation gave us confidence to proceed, our ground truth is still limited in size. Thus, for RQ1, we run our matching program on the data from all five tags. We first describe our evaluation methods and then report the results.


We first run our matching program on the data from all five tags we focus on. Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics for this data, as well as the number of comment-edit pairs detected by our tool.

Table 3 Number of answers, edits, and comments in each of the five Stack Overflow tags, as well as the number of comment-edit pairs we detect for each tag

Calculating precision requires manually analyzing the detected pairs. Since it is not feasible to manually validate close to 250,000 pairs, we take a statistically representative sample for each tag. For a confidence level of 95% with a 5% confidence interval, we need a sample size of 382 pairs for each tag. Therefore, we randomly select 382 pairs from each tag for our manual validation, resulting in a total of 1,910 comment-edit pairs to be validated.

The two authors of the paper then separately analyze all 1,910 comment-edit pairs, with the goal of confirming whether the identified comment is related to the corresponding edit in the pair. Determining if a comment-edit pair is correct and gathering additional data about its usefulness, category, and tangled changes takes on average 1.5 minutes. Thus, the two authors spent close to 95 hours to manually analyze the 1,910 pairs. An additional 8hrs (approximately 1.5 hours per tag) were taken to resolve conflicts since conflict resolution involved more discussion.

After the resolutions, each comment-edit pair was labelled with either zero (comment is not related to the edit) or one (comment is related to the edit). We use Cohen’s Kappa score (Viera et al. 2005) to calculate the inter-rater agreement rate.


Table 4 shows the precision of our matching strategy, as well as Cohen’s Kappa, for each analyzed Stack Overflow tag. The last row of the table shows the overall aggregate results over all analyzed data.

Table 4 Precision of detected comment-edit pairs across the full data set

As shown, our Kappa score ranged 0.67-0.86 across the five tags. Out of the 1,910 pairs we analyze, we confirm 1,482 pairs. The precision per tag ranges from 74-80%. When considering all 1,910 pairs, the overall precision of our algorithm is 78%. We also note that the precision across the five tags is fairly similar, which suggests that our matching heuristics are not biased toward a particular programming language or lexicographical pattern.

figure b

5 RQ 2: Tangled Changes

Recall that the term tangled change refers to grouping separate code changes in a single commit or edit (Herzig and Zeller 2013). In the introduction, we speculated that one of the attractive qualities of using Stack Overflow edits is that changes on Stack Overflow are likely to be less tangled than those found in commits in version-control systems. In this research question, we investigate if this is true in practice.


For each of the 1,482 confirmed comment-edit pairs found in RQ1, we also record whether the edit contains tangled changes or not. The two authors again independently labeled tangled changes and discussed disagreements.

In the context of comment-edit pairs, tangled changes occur if the edited answer contains additional changes that are not related to the matched comment. An example of a tangled change would be an edit that addresses multiple comments at a time. For example, in AnswerFootnote 19 5616616, the original questioner puts the following comment “Can I add a variable to the id like < id = $count.frDocV iewer > and then it would access #$count.frDocV iewer? ...”. The answerer posts a comment in response to this explaining how they can use the suggested variable. The questioner then posts another comment on a different part of the code “Should there be an else statement afterif(fr! = old_element){fr.style.display = “block”old_element.style.display = “hide”;old_element = fr;}? Why does there have to be “echo” in HideFrame(echo $count) ? At this point, the answerer edits the code snippetFootnote 20 to fix both the redundant echo and the if statement in question. However, they also address the initial comment to show how to correctly use the count variable. Pairing either of these comments with the edit is an example of a comment-edit pair with a tangled change since the edit addresses changes beyond those related to the matched comment. Tangled changes also occur when the answerer does not look at their answer for a period of time while other users view the answer and make comments on what, if any, changes they recommend. The answerer then returns and decides to create one edit to address all the comments received. Similarly, a tangled edit includes addressing a single comment but also making cosmetic changes, such as variable renames in the code snippet or text reformulation in the answer. For example, EditFootnote 21 6 of AnswerFootnote 22 5169321 addresses multiple issues that were brought up in the comments such as answering clarification questions, or that the answer still does not solve the question, while at the same time formatting the answer for visual clarity.


Table 5 shows the number of tangled pairs, both per tag and overall. As shown, only 11% of the total confirmed pairs are tangled. These results coincide with our intuition that since Stack Overflow snippets and answers are typically short, their edits would mostly focus on one issue at a time. From our general observations, the main reason for tangled changes are when the answerer includes additional refactorings to make the answer more concise or readable while addressing the feedback in the comment.

figure c
Table 5 Number of useful pairs and tangled edits in the confirmed comment-edit pairs

6 RQ 3: Types of Changes in Comment-Edit Pairs

In RQ3, we look at the types of changes that occur in comment-edit pairs. Understanding the types of changes helps determine what code maintenance changes, if any, the extracted comment-edit pairs can be useful in. For example, let us assume that we find that the majority of comment-edit pairs are simply questions where a commenter asks for a clarification and the editor adds a comment in the code snippet or changes a variable name for clarity. In this case, such pairs are very specific to the context of the question and cannot be used in recommender systems. On the other hand, if we find that most of the comments point out errors that the edits fix, then this data is specific to corrective maintenance/bug-fix data sets, as opposed to perfective maintenance for example. Thus, by understanding the nature of the comments, and accordingly the corresponding edits, we gain a deeper understanding of the potential applications and implications of the extracted pairs.


As mentioned in Section 2, Zhang et al. (2019a) previously categorized the types of comments that exist on Stack Overflow. Through open-coding, they derived seven high-level comment types (e.g., improvement, inquiry, praise) and 17 subtypes (e.g., support, flaw, reference). Thus, for consistency, we opt for not re-inventing the wheel by performing open coding and developing new categories ourselves; instead, we reuse their fine-grained subtypes to label our data. Given that their types cover all comments on Stack Overflow, the pairs we extract naturally fall under a subset of these types. This also means that some of the types they have do not make sense in our context. For example, a comment praising or supporting the answer will not likely end up causing an edit. In Table 6, we show the subset of nine subtypes (referred to as category) that are applicable to our context. For clarity, we also add an example of a real comment from a comment-edit pair that matches this category, as well as any additional assumptions we made about the category in our coding guidelines which may have not have been clear in the original publication. Given these categories, we perform closed coding where the two authors independently label each confirmed comment-edit pair and then discuss disagreements.

Table 6 Categories used from Zhang et al. (2019a) to label confirmed comment-edit pairs. Note that the listed Stack Overflow IDs are linkable to the answer the comment was addressed to


Our inter-rater agreement for the closed coding task, measured using Cohen’s Kappa, ranges from 0.82 - 0.95 and is 0.88 overall. Table 7 shows the number of comment-edit pairs in each category, per tag. For now, we focus on the All column which shows the categories across all confirmed pairs in each tag (and overall in the last column). From the overall numbers (which are also consistent with the individual tag numbers), the most frequent type of comment-edit pairs is the Error category, followed by Request, and Correction. This is good news since the pairs of type Error and Correction could potentially be used for automated bug-fix recommendations or other applications related to corrective maintenance. We further examine the usefulness of these pairs in RQ4.

Table 7 Number of total and useful pairs per category

It is interesting to see that pairs of type Question (143 total pairs) are also frequent. As shown in the example in Table 6, a comment of category Question asks clarifications about the already posted solution, such as asking what a specific statement is doing, or why is there a need to call a specified method call. The edit usually improves the code snippet to answer that question and/or provides additional textual explanation. This is interesting, because it conveys that users on Stack Overflow want more information regarding the answer in order to have a deeper understanding of how the answer addresses the question. While these comments are not useful by the definitions we use in this paper, since they are not self explanatory, their relatively high edit response rate suggest that they result in a quality enhancement of the answer and associated code snippet, in order to make the code more self-explanatory or properly documented.

The number of pairs of type Extension and Obsolete are low. This is consistent with Zhang et al. (2019a) findings where they find that only 0.8% of the comments they analyze are of type extension and 1.0% are of type obsolete. However, it is interesting to note that these types of pairs are related to perfective maintenance, which opens the door for new types of code recommender systems.

figure d

7 RQ 3: Usefulness of Comment-edit Pairs

So far, we have shown that the precision of the extracted pairs is high (i.e., the comment is really related to the edit), the majority of the edits are not tangled, and that the types of comments and changes are promising for various software engineering applications related to code maintenance activities. However, it is still not clear if these pairs are actually useful in the end. This is what we investigate in this last research question.


As part of our labeling, we also record the usefulness of the 1,482 confirmed pairs. As mentioned in the introduction, we consider a pair as useful if (1) the edit happens to an existing code snippet in the answer and (2) if the comment describes this change in a way that is understandable outside of the posted Stack Overflow question. The first criterion stems from how code maintenance data sets are typically used. For example, the before version of a bug-fix can be matched to existing code in a repository and the after version is then recommended or automatically applied. Thus, the first criterion ensures that there is a before version of a code snippet such that it can potentially be compared to existing code. The second criterion focuses on the comment and ties to our motivation of providing an explanation along with the recommended change. Instead of just notifying a developer of a potential change to their code, it would be more useful to tell them why this change is needed. This means that the comment must be understandable on its own without relying on the original thread context. Again, the two authors independently label the usefulness of the 1,482 confirmed pairs and discuss any disagreements.

Finally, to provide external validation for the pairs we mark as useful, we select a total of 15 comment-edit pairs and submit corresponding pull requests. For the selection of these 15 pairs, our goal was to include pairs from each analyzed SO tag and each pair category. At the same time, we look for pairs that are simple enough for us to manually implement and create a pull request. For example, some pairs identified detailed fixes that would require in depth refactoring and design deliberations by the target repository maintainers. As such, we selected simple comment-edit pairs, as we want to use these pull requests for additional external validation and confidence, rather than a comprehensive proof of usability. Table 8 provides descriptive statistics of these 15 comment-edit pairs. We wrote a scriptFootnote 23 that uses the GitHub search API to find repositories that match the following criteria:

  1. 1.

    The repository’s main programming language matches that of the tag

  2. 2.

    The repository was active in the last 90 days (i.e., a pushed commit)

  3. 3.

    The repository has at least five stars

  4. 4.

    The repository has at least one closed pull request

These criteria help find active repositories with a higher likelihood of having our pull requests reviewed. After finding these potential repositories, the script then searches each file in these repositories to find exact code matches of the “before” version of the target comment-edit pair. We manually check any identified files to make sure that we can propose a change that is similar to the edit of the comment-edit pair. After finding a promising file, we make a pull request that performs a similar change to that in the edit with the description of the pull request being the exact comment, if possible, or a slightly paraphrased version in order to make it more grammatically correct or understandable in a pull request context. For example, on AnswerFootnote 24 52517618, we paraphrased the comment “On Java 7 you can also use new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); which avoids having to catch the UnsupportedEncodingException” that caused Edit Footnote 25 4 on the answer, to “Using new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) avoids the possibility of throwing an UnsupportedEncodingException.” on the description of the pull request made to Apache Beam.Footnote 26. We show the details of all the pull requests, including their categories, in Table 9. Our artifact page (Online artifact page) also contains the details and links of all our submitted pull requests.

Table 8 Categories and tags of the 15 comment-edit pairs used to make pull requests
Table 9 Details of submitted pull requests (PR)


Table 5 shows the descriptive statistics of our useful labeling. Our Cohen’s kappa ranged from 0.62 - 0.81 across the tags, and is 0.74 across all pairs. Out of the 1,482 confirmed pairs, we find only 396 (27%) useful ones. We identify two main reasons for this low percentage. The first is that in many cases, the edit adds a new code snippet. For example, a comment points out an alternative way of accomplishing the task or an alternative API to use. Instead of updating the existing snippet, the edit adds an extra code snippet stating that this is another option to use. In this case, there is no “before” version of this code snippet and thus, it will not satisfy our first criterion. The second common reason was that the comment is too specific to the commenter’s context. For example, in AnswerFootnote 27 4605982, this comment caused an edit: “layout_height=“fill_parent” in combination with layout_below on ListView and layout_alignParentBottom on LinearLayout is correct and should work.” However, the comment is too specific to what the original poster is asking for. Not every developer will necessarily want to have that same layout. Thus, we mark that pair as not useful since it does not make sense outside of the question context.

To better understand the characteristics of the useful pairs, we look deeper into the category information in Table 7. The second column under every tag shows the number and percentage of the confirmed pairs in the corresponding category that are marked as useful. The results show that while pairs of type Error are the most frequent, only 27% of them are useful. This is mostly due to the error being specific to the context of the post; for example, reporting that the desired behaviour/functionality is not working correctly.

On the other hand, the Correction category shows both a high frequency and a high percentage of usefulness (67%). While pairs of type Solution, Obsolete, Extension and Flaw were not frequent, their usefulness was high at 48 - 67%. Their high usefulness suggest that if these pairs are presented to a developer, it is likely the recommendation will be taken.

Not surprisingly, the usefulness of pairs of type Request, Disagree, and Question is quite low (1 - 11%). Given that the nature of these types of pairs is inherently specific to the post context, it is not surprising that they would not be useful in wider applications. These results suggest that to increase the potential usefulness of comment-edit pairs, we may need to devise additional techniques that can specifically identify comment-edit pairs in the promising categories. We discuss this further in Section 8.

Table 9 shows that out of the 15 pull requests made to unique open source repositories on GitHub, 10 requests have been accepted and merged into their respective repository, two requests are still awaiting responses, and three requests were rejected. Of the 10 requests that were accepted, five of the comments taken from Stack Overflow needed to be paraphrased. As the table shows, we were able to merge contributions into popular repositories with thousands of stars and forks, such as Apache BeamFootnote 28 and NLTKFootnote 29.

The categories of the accepted PRs were diverse including Flaw, Solution, Correction, and Extension. Pairs of type Solution and Extension tend to fall under the category of preventative maintenance and these pull requests may serve as an indication of how developers view preventative maintenance code improvements. Of the four pull requests that were of type Solution, two of the pull requests were accepted and the other two were rejected. One of these requests was rejected because a developer replied that the repository was no longer maintained, while the other request was rejected because they thought that the the alternate solution brought no significant difference to the code. The pull request related to Extension was accepted. The pair categories Correction and Flaw belong to corrective maintenance and have a total of seven out of eight pull requests accepted. This indicates that the pairs retrieved from Stack Overflow have the same value as traditional bug-fix data sets in terms of corrective maintenance. Although our PRs are clearly not a representative sample, they provide some intuition regarding the potential usefulness and applications of our comment-edit pairs.

We note that the pull request of type Question does not have an obvious relationship to maintenance and is possibly information that is unique to Stack Overflow (repository code is not typically updated because of an asked question). Unfortunately the pull request has not been responded to yet and is neither accepted or rejected.

Finally, as a note in terms of tangledness of the identified 396 useful pairs, only 39 (10%) of these were tangled. This is aligned with the overall low tangledness of edits on Stack Overflow.

figure g

8 Discussion

In this paper, we built tooling to identify comment-edit pairs on Stack Overflow. Our goal was to investigate if these comment-edit pairs could potentially be used as an additional source of data for code maintenance activities. One advantage of using Stack Overflow comments is that they may provide a concise explanation for the observed change in the edit. However, the results from RQ4 show that while we do find useful pairs, the percentage of these pairs is low at 27%. We conclude that while Stack Overflow comment-edit pairs look promising, further improvements to our automated extraction techniques are needed to identify a larger number of useful comment-edit pairs for automated applications. Since our work is the first to investigate this research direction, our tooling and empirical results provide valuable insights for better leveraging Stack Overflow knowledge to build new data sets. Moving forward, the goal would be to find more pairs that are useful in automated applications related to code maintenance activities. In this section, we discuss our findings and the opportunities and challenges for further extending this line of work.

8.1 Applications

Software engineering applications

Recent work (Wong et al. 2019) already leverages answer edits for creating data sets of code errors and corrections, but focuses only on syntax errors that are found through compiling various versions of a snippet, and thus does not try to associate reasons for the changes. As our results in RQ3 show, there are many categories of changes that occur in the comment-edit pairs we analyzed, ranging from bug fixes to code style and generalizability improvements in the flaw and extensibility categories.

Our results in Table 7 show that the Error and Correction categories are amongst categories with the highest number of pairs. Both of these categories fall under corrective maintenance. Automated techniques for bug detection, bug localization, and program repair provide important corrective maintenance support for developers. Bug-fix data sets are often used to build (Liu et al. 2013) or evaluate (Dallmeier and Zimmermann 2007a) these techniques. Thus, the Error and Correction comment-edit pairs can be used to add more data to these data sets.

Table 7 also shows that there are several pairs in the Flaw, Obsolete, Solution, and Extension categories, which fall under corrective or preventative maintenance respectively. In total, from the 1,482 confirmed pairs, there are 188 (\(\sim 13\%\)) pairs across these four categories. Interestingly, despite not being a high absolute number, these four categories were amongst the highest percentage of Useful pairs (59%, 48%, 59%, and 67% respectively). This opens the door for automated applications that recommend improvements to the code, rather than only bug fixes.

Regardless of the specific type of application and code maintenance activity, the fact that a Stack Overflow edit in our data set is accompanied by a corresponding comment means that an explanation can be provided to the developer about why a specific code snippet is problematic or why an alternative method of solving something is recommended.

For example, in AnswerFootnote 30 26933338 from Android, the initial provided answer includes a snippet of the manifest file that includes both WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. The snippet is then edited to remove the latter permission. If such a removal is suggested to a developer, it will likely not make sense without a concrete reason. The mined comment that is associated with the edit to this answer is “If you have the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission you don’t need READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE [..]”. When suggesting a fix to this piece of code, providing this comment can help the developer understand why the fix or suggestion is being made. We used this comment to make one of the accepted pull requests to NativeScript in Table 9. Finally, our results show that the mined comment-edit pairs rarely have multiple unrelated changes (i.e., tangled changes). Thus, our work opens the door for more focused code maintenance data sets, which may potentially work better for generating automated fix scripts (Gao et al. 2015).

Linked Stack Overflow Edit History

Recently, Stack Overflow introduced a new feature that shows a history symbol beside each question and answer. Clicking on this history symbol shows the activity history of the post. Relating the comments on the post to the edits in the history could be useful to help users understand why an edit was made. Thus, our matching algorithm can also be applied in that context as future work.

8.2 Challenges and Opportunities

In the above, we discussed the potential applications of using the mined comment-edit pairs. However, these do not come without challenges since the nature of Stack Overflow data is different than what we traditionally see in version-control systems. In order to leverage this data source, the ultimate goal is to (automatically) differentiate useful and unuseful pairs. Such differentiation is difficult for multiple reasons. We discuss these reasons and potential solutions and/or future work opportunities we perceive.

Non-code Comments

Our extraction technique favors precision over recall. Given the amount of answers, edits, and comments on Stack Overflow, we wanted to ensure that we reduce false positives as much as possible. To do so, we relied on the simple heuristic of focusing on comments that contain code, which allows more precise matching of comments and edits. This came at the cost of a low recall, as shown in Section 3.3. Based on our manual investigations on our ground truth data, we find that non-code comments, which are comments that contain no code but contain textual descriptions that prompt the answer edit, are one of the main reasons for our low recall (of which an example is also described in Section 3.3). When considering only comments that contain code, we see that the overall recall of the program rises to 46%, from the original 32%. One path that could incorporate these non-code comments may be the addition of natural language processing (NLP) techniques that are able to match terminology in the comment and the edit and pair them together. For example, one could generate a textual change summary (Cortés-Coy et al. 2014) to describe the edit and then match that summary to the comment, while taking into account potential vocabulary mismatch (Ganguly et al. 2015). This could potentially enable pairing the explanation in the comment with the changes introduced in the edit even though the comment does not include a code term.


One challenge we came across during our manual validation is that there is often a conversation occurring in the comments section. Thus, while many of the comments we have analyzed are stand-alone (recall our second criterion for usefulness), many comments would be difficult to understand without the context of the rest of the conversation. Such comments would not be useful as explanations provided to users. The challenge here is to automatically differentiate these two types of comments while extracting comment-edit pairs. While this is a difficult problem, some ideas from the NLP domain may be potentially useful. For example, some work looks at automatically inferring context in a sentence (Chan and Franklin 2003). Such techniques can be used to check if the current comment refers to something from the previous comment. Another simpler technique is to not report comments that were posted within a specific time window (e.g., 30 seconds) from the previous comment. This is based on our observation that often, a user posts a single big comment split across multiple consecutive ones due to space limitation.

Filler Text

Another challenge related to the mined comments is that some comments are useful and provide a good explanation of the edit, but they contain “filler” text. This includes tagging another participant in the conversation (e.g., a comment from AnswerFootnote 31

53216022: “@Lothar For case-insensitive comparison, use comparing(Contact::getLastName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ ORDER). For language-sensitive comparison, use e.g. comparing(Contact:: getLastName, Collator.getInstance(Locale.US))”) or thanking someone for their help (e.g., a comment from AnswerFootnote 32 44470955, “@binariedM thank but i cant make it work. The console says: “Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment” in the line of “this = x.concat...””). In our pull requests, we manually paraphrased comments as needed. However, ideally, such filler text could be somehow automatically removed. Techniques for doing so can be investigated as future work.

Added Code

Many of the comment-edit pairs we found have helpful suggestions and edits, but unfortunately, the edit is made as an added code snippet. This happens especially in the context of the Solution category where the answerer typically adds the suggested alternative solution as another code snippet. An example of this is found in AnswerFootnote 33 20051167, which adds the alternative solution provided by the comment: “If you use substring, then use it till the end: “0123456789_”.indexOf(check) != -1 No need for matches :)”. These pairs are valuable but the main challenge is that there is no “before” version, which is why we mark them as not useful.

Answers may also contain multiple code snippets, for example, to separate steps to be taken or to separate code that should go into multiple files or classes. In these cases, it is not clear which code snippet is being addressed by the added code snippet. However, added code snippets are typically accompanied by descriptive text, and utilizing these descriptions may provide opportunity to solve this issue (e.g., looking for keywords like “an alternative is”). Accounting for added code may be another opportunity to improve recall of existing comment-edit pairs.

Incomplete Code

Many code snippets on Stack Overflow do not include import statements that are necessary to make them compilable or to help in resolving types. Resolving types is necessary for many recommender systems to make use of the comment-edit pairs. This problem has been discussed before in other contexts and there is existing work that tries to infer types for Stack Overflow snippets (e.g., Subramanian et al. 2014b; Saifullah et al. 2019). That said, one advantage of relying on version-control history, instead of Stack Overflow, is the ability to find tests or containers to reproduce the problem (Tomassi et al. 2019; Dallmeier and Zimmermann 2007b; Just et al. 2014). While specific to Python, there have been recent efforts that attempt to “dockerize” a given piece of code found on Stack Overflow or in a GitHub gist (Horton and Parnin 2019). It would be interesting to see if such efforts can be generalized to allow producing reproducible problems using our extracted comment-edit pairs.

Pair Categories

We manually categorized our mined pairs. Our results show that some categories have more potential for usefulness than others. Thus, a future opportunity could be automatically categorizing pairs and only reporting pairs that fall in the promising categories. Since we share all our data, we foresee future research on designing machine learning classifiers that can automatically assign a category based on specific features of the comment and edit. While determining these features is not something we explicitly worked on in the context of this work, potential features we foresee from our observations include the size of the edit, the presence of certain keywords (e.g., does not work, error, exception etc), and how many regions/blocks (i.e., text vs. code) have been changed in the edit.

9 Threats to Validity

As expected with any empirical study, there are several limitations and threats to the validity of our results. We discuss them below.

Construct Validity

Since we relied on manual validation to confirm the identified comment-edit pairs, there is a risk that the comments and edits in the pairs we analyze are not actually related. We mitigate this by defining what a positive label means and by having two authors review the pairs and discuss disagreements. We also erred on the side of precision and confirmed matches only when we were sure. We share our exact labeling on our artifact page to facilitate replication and further analysis.

Whether something is useful or not is mostly subjective. In addition to defining an explicit coding guide and having the two authors independently decide on usefulness and discuss disagreements, we also use external validation of usefulness by submitting pull requests to open-source systems based on our data.

Internal Validity

The regular expressions we used to identify code terms are taken from Treude and Robillard (2016). We modified this list to account for the other languages we analyze and based on experimenting with our ground truth. However, we cannot claim that the set of regex patterns are complete. While our precision was high, additional regular expressions may potentially catch more comment-edit pairs and improve recall.

External Validity

A potential threat to the generalizability of our results is that we manually analyze only 1,910 pairs. Even though the sample of 1,910 pairs is statistically representative of all detected pairs, the decision to limit the number of pairs to manually analyze was based solely on the amount of labour involved. The total manual labour involved with the current data is already around 129 hours (103 hours for the 1,910 comment-edit pairs and 26 hours to create the ground truth data set), or the equivalent of 16 working days. Although the authors spent time resolving conflicts and reviewing the analysis, there will always be an element of human bias.

We also analyze only five Stack Overflow tags. While these are popular tags on Stack Overflow and span four different programming languages, our results may not necessarily generalize beyond that.

Another limitation relates to the pull requests made on open source GitHub repositories. We make a small number of pull requests (15) which do not establish comprehensive usability of these pairs. However, the goal of these pull requests was not to be comprehensive but to provide some external validation and confidence in the application of the extracted pairs. Although these pull requests provide this confidence, there is inherent bias due to the methods we use to select pairs and find the potential repositories. Since we used exact code matching in order to find potential repositories instead of a more thorough and precise code parsing approach, we were limited to searching for simple and easily fixable code patterns. Thus, we do not know how pull requests for more complicated changes might be received by developers.

10 Conclusion

In this paper, we study comment-edit pairs extracted from Stack Overflow answers. We implement a technique for identifying comments that resulted in edits to code blocks in the answers. We run this technique on five popular Stack Overflow tags and share 248,399 resulting comment-edit pairs on our artifact page (Online artifact page). We then manually validate a statistically representative sample of 1,910 randomly selected comment-edit pairs and confirm 1,482 of them. We then categorize these 1,482 pairs and also determine their usefulness and whether the edits are tangled.

We find that the edits are rarely tangled (only 11%) and that 27% of the confirmed pairs are useful. Our results show that categories such as Correction, Extension, and Flaw are particularly useful. Since we share our data set, future work may explore automatically classifying comment-edit pairs such that only those from promising categories are reported.

We conclude that Stack Overflow is a promising additional source of information for mining code maintenance data sets that can be used in various types of code recommenders and software engineering applications. However, further work needs to be done to increase the number of extracted useful pairs. We presented the current open challenges, such as accounting for non-code comments and added code, as well as some ideas on how future work may address these problems. We also showed that the type of comments and edits we already find have been useful for getting pull requests merged in popular open-source repositories. All our data and code are available online (Online artifact page). We hope that this data along with the discussion we provide about future extensions and opportunities encourages further research in this area.