1 Introduction

In different scientific fields, the adoption of machine learning algorithms has shown significant promise to enhance the understanding and analysis of complex systems, as well as to improve the efficacy of current solutions. Specifically, a field that could greatly benefit from the study and application of these techniques is quantitative finance, particularly the pricing of financial instruments. Recently, a diverse range of machine learning techniques was effectively applied to this problem, as summarized by Bloch (2019). For example (Hernandez, 2017) applied neural networks to the market calibration of interest rate models; Masters and Luschi (2018), Ferguson and Green (2018), Cao et al. (2021) applied deep learning respectively to plain vanilla, basket and exotic options; Cao et al. (2019) employed neural networks to understand the option’s implied volatility; while (Huge & Savine, 2020) combined automatic adjoint differentiation (AAD) with modern machine learning for option pricing.

In the realm of financial instruments’ pricing, one crucial problem is determining the optimal stopping time; in general, it involves devising a strategy for determining when to take action to maximize an expected reward or minimize an expected cost. This issue is particularly relevant especially when pricing financial products such as American or Bermudan-type options, in which the purchaser can exercise their right at the most favourable time, making the determination of the optimal stopping time policy essential to achieve the highest expected value. Several studies explored optimal stopping time problems from a theoretical point of view, including works by Carriere (1996), Kobylanski et al. (2011). From a practical point of view, Monte Carlo simulations and dynamic programming are widely used; in fact, a number of algorithms were proposed in the literature, such as those presented by Barraquand and Martineau (1995), Longstaff and Schwartz (1998), Glasserman (2003), Egloff et al. (2007). However, the efficiency of Monte Carlo methods and, more importantly, the computational power available are critical factors affecting these techniques. Recently, researchers proposed the application of machine learning algorithms to solve or expedite the solution of optimal stopping time problems. For example, Becker et al. (2020a) and Becker et al. (2021) established a generalized framework and provided practical applications. Chen and Wan (2019), Lapeyre and Lelong (2020) utilized neural network regression to estimate continuation values, while (Becker et al., 2020b; Gaspar et al., 2020; Kohler et al., 2010) focused on pricing American/Bermudan options using deep learning. Hoencamp et al. (2022), Lokeshwar (2022) employed machine learning techniques for pricing and hedging American-type options. Additionally, Goudenège et al. (2019) proposed variance reduction techniques. These approaches are limited to a subset of machine learning algorithms that belong to the field of artificial neural networks to solve dynamic programming problems or approximate the optimal exercise boundary. Furthermore, they are still based on Monte Carlo numerical simulations, which may prove to be computationally intensive for path-dependent exotic options (Goldberg & Chen, 2018).

The present study contributes to this field by proposing an original approach based on a different perspective. We focus on supervised learning, a branch of machine learning, that facilitates the automation of decision-making processes by drawing generalizations from previously known examples. Specifically, we aim to establish a connection between the price of a Bermudan swaption, which is a well-known interest rate derivative used for hedging or speculation purposes in callable debt instruments or OTC trading, and the relevant financial quantities quoted on the market.

To achieve this goal, we employ different supervised algorithms and non-parametric regressions to obtain estimators for Bermudan swaption prices. Some, by nature, fit better to regression problems than others (e.g. regression models, k-nearest neighbours, etc), some are more suited to classification problems (e.g. decision trees, random forest, etc), some are more sensitive to hierarchical feature selection and assume some sort of feature independence (e.g. decision trees, etc) and some are more global models and treat the full feature vector together (e.g. kNN, MLP, etc). Since the selected machine learning algorithms differ profoundly in the way they interpret, process and represent the data, we carry out a comparative analysis in order to identify the algorithm with the best performance.

Moreover, as the actual market does not provide enough information and scenarios to build a sizeable dataset and, to make our models as general as possible, we generate a synthetic coherent price dataset through numerical simulations based on the Hull-White interest rate model (Hull & White, 1994). We consider two dimensions to increase the size of the dataset: the first consists of the contractual information of the Bermudan options, i.e. tenors, strikes and moneyness, that we select to cover a huge tradable domain. The second dimension consists of market scenarios. Typically the parameters of the pricing model are calibrated to the current market; instead in our approach, in order to consider a variety of market conditions, we select a large domain of feasible and market-consistent values of the model parameters. At this point, the synthetic option’s prices are derived using the Least Square Monte Carlo dynamic programming algorithm proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (1998). Both the Hull-White model and the Least Square Monte Carlo technique are standard approaches widely used in the market.

Summarizing, the novelties introduced by our work range in several fields: first, to our knowledge, the paper is the first one to use machine learning to address the Bermudan swaption pricing problem, offering a viable solution to the computational challenges posed by Monte Carlo numerical simulations discussed above. Moreover, we do not the training of the models to a single market condition, but rather we have created a huge dataset with different feasible market scenarios trying to cover the research space in the most exhaustive and possible way. Furthermore, in order to maintain an agnostic view of the problem and to make our approach as general as possible, we implemented a heterogeneous set of machine learning algorithms with different peculiarities. Consequently, through feature importances analysis, we can obtain insights into the primary drivers of Bermudan swaption prices, a piece of information that cannot be obtained from traditional simulations. In addition, our approach is fully extendable to any other American-type instrument.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we provide a concise overview of the various tools employed in this study. This includes a discussion of the Hull-White One Factor model, which we use to generate synthetic market data, and the description of the Least Square Monte Carlo algorithm, which we use to obtain target prices for Bermudan swaptions. Additionally, we provide a brief summary of the supervised learning algorithms used to estimate option prices. In Sect. 3, we provide a detailed description of the dataset creation process, including the specific market scenarios considered and the methodology used to generate synthetic data. In Sect. 4, we present the numerical results obtained from our analysis, including a comparative analysis of the performance of different supervised learning algorithms and an investigation of the relative importance of different input features. Finally, in Sect. 5, we summarize our findings and present some potential directions for future research.

2 Theoretical Setting

In this section, we give a short compendium of the tools implemented for this work. The first two sections briefly deal with the financial topics at the core of our research, while the last section introduces supervised learning and the algorithms considered.

2.1 Bermudan Swaptions

Swaptions are interest rate derivatives on an Interest Rate Swap (IRS) typically traded by large corporations, banks, financial institutions, and hedge funds. There are two main versions of swaptions, a payer and a receiver. A payer swaption is an option that gives the right, but no obligation, to enter a payer IRS at the maturity of the option; in other words, the buyer has the right to become the fixed rate payer in an IRS, which length is called the tenor of the swaption. Instead in the receiver version, the buyer has the right to become the receiver of the fixed leg. There are two standard market payoffs, that differ in the settlement convention: physical or cash. We will focus only on the first type, i.e. those once exercised, are transformed into the underlying swap. In general, three main styles define the exercise of derivative instruments and therefore also of a swaption: European, Bermudan and American. In this work, we will focus only on co-terminal Bermudan swaptions, i.e. exotic interest rate derivatives that allow the buyer to enter, at multiple exercise dates \(\left\{ T_{1},\dots ,T_{N} \right\} \) into a swap starting at time \(T_{i}\), \(i=1,\dots ,N\) and maturing at \(T_{M} > T_{N}\). If we indicate the valuation date as t the period \(T_{1} - t > 0\) is defined as no call period. Notice that European swaptions can be seen as Bermudan with a single exercise date and in turn, the American type can be seen as the extension to the continuum of the Bermudan. There are no market quotations or broker pages available for Bermudan swaptions because they cannot be priced analytically; in fact, their value depends, at each exercise date, on the choice of the option holder whether it is more convenient to exercise it (retrieving the payoff) or to continue with the contract (continuation value).

2.2 Hull-White One-Factor Model and Least Square Monte Carlo

To analyze and price instruments described in the previous section we implemented two tools: the Hull-White One-Factor Model (G1++) (Hull & White, 1994) and the Least Square Monte Carlo (LSMC) (Longstaff & Schwartz, 1998).

The Hull-White One-Factor Model, also known as G1++, is a specific case of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process characterized by a single stochastic factor (see Appendix A). It is one of the major exogenous short rate models which is nowadays often used for pricing and risk management purposes and specifically, we used it for the simulation of the underlying stochastic dynamics and hence for the evolution of the interest rate curve. This model is analytically tractable, in fact, there are closed pricing formulas for some instruments, e.g. European swaptions (Brigo & Mercurio, 2006); this feature is decisive for us as European swaptions represent the natural hedges of Bermudan swaptions and they have a fundamental role in the pricing of these products (Hagan, 2002). Our aim is to probe different market scenarios, but since in recent years the rates and their correlations have always been low, these historical data do not allow us to have enough wealth in the dataset. For this reason, we have exploited the two G1++ parameters, i.e. speed of mean reversion (a) and volatility \((\sigma )\), to create many different market scenarios that differ in the global level of variances and covariances of the relevant stochastic processes, in order to increase the variability of our dataset, avoiding any type of calibration.

On the other hand, the Least Square Monte Carlo (LSMC) is one of the most widely used dynamic programming tools for the pricing of American-type options. It is one of the methods proposed to reduce the complexity of American option pricing avoiding nested Monte Carlo; it is a regression-based method that uses some specific function (basis function) to approximate the continuation values in the underlying optimal stopping time problem (Brigo & Mercurio, 2006). The success of this type of method, as well as depending on the computational power available, strongly relies on the choice of the basis functions and their number, making it still tied to the efficiency of the Monte Carlo simulation.

2.3 Supervised Learning Algorithms

The implementation of the tools explained in previous sections allowed us, starting from real market data (Appendix F) to obtain a synthetic price dataset used to train the supervised algorithms. To find out which supervised algorithm is best suited to our problem, we analysed a very heterogeneous set of models. Generally, since the problems faced with these techniques involve inferences on complex systems, it is a common choice to select several candidate models to which their predictive performance must be compared. Below we present the list of algorithms used in our work. For a more in-depth discussion of their main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses we refer to Appendix B, while for all mathematical details, we refer to Hastie et al. (2001), Géron (2017).

  • k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN);

  • Linear Models;

  • Support Vector Machine (SVM);

  • Tree-based algorithms;

    • Random Forest (RF);

    • Gradient Boosted Regression Tree (GBRT).

  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN or MLP).

Although these algorithms are all different from each other in how they interpret and represent the features and the data, in order to define their predictive capabilities and to be able to compare them, we have adopted a similar approach for all. It can be divided into 3 steps:

  1. 1.

    The first focuses on the modelling of the input data in such a way as to present the dataset to the algorithms in the most effective way possible based on its intrinsic characteristics of the algorithm;

  2. 2.

    The second step concerned the optimization of the algorithms by modifying the respective hyperparameters to exploit their potential. This research on hyperparameters was carried out using exclusively the training set and the technique known as k-fold cross-validation; it consists of dividing the training set into k sets and in rotation using \(k-1\) to the training and the remainder for validation. Once all the possible combinations have been completed, the average performance is used as a measure of the goodness of the model and as a comparison metric for the same algorithm with different values of the hyperparameters;

  3. 3.

    The third, and last step, consists of quantifying the errors of each algorithm in order to be able to compare them with each other. For this phase, we used exclusively the test set and different evaluation metrics with different characteristics. For definitions and their peculiarities, we refer to Appendix C.

3 Creation of the Dataset

Each supervised learning algorithm needs a dataset to start from and, given its importance, we will focus on its creation and exploration of it. Since our goal is to predict the price of Bermudan swaptions starting from some of their characteristics available to market participants, we need a dataset containing this information. Specifically, the prices of the Bermudan swaptions represent the dependent variable also known as the target, while all the information that we decide to use as independent variables, is known as features. Furthermore, it is well to underline that in our case the quantity to be predicted is a single real number (the Bermudan swaption price) and therefore the problem we face falls into the category of single output regression problems.

For the creation of the dataset, we selected a heterogeneous set of 434 Bermudan swaptions such as their terms cover the typical trading activity on the market. We report the entire set with their contractual specifications in Table 11 of Appendix G. The Bermudan swaptions considered have different characteristics like the side, i.e. the payer and receiver version, tenor, no call period and strike. Specifically, the tenor represents the duration (months) of the underlying swap contract, the no-call period is the period (months) until the first possible exercise date, and the strike is the distance in basis points from the ATM. Unlike pricing these instruments in a single market scenario, we considered different market scenarios to increase the number and variability of our dataset. This operation is possible considering multiple values of the parameters of the short-rate model implemented. Pricing the entire swaption set with different speed of mean reversion and volatility values allows us to consider different variance levels of the underlying stochastic processes, thus generating different market situations. In theory, these parameters could be chosen arbitrarily, but to obtain values that were reasonable with today’s market we acted differently: we calibrated the G1++ parameters (with the Nelder-Mead algorithm) for each of the Bermudan swaptions in the basket to their natural hedges, i.e. the underlying European swaption, not only using the market data available (Appendix F) but also other two scenarios obtained by modifying the implied Black volatility of those available. Specifically, we built high and low volatility scenarios by bumping the original volatility of \(+25\%\) and \(-25\%\) of its original value. In conclusion, this procedure allowed us to define reasonable ranges for the parameters of the Hull-White model:

$$\begin{aligned} a \in [ -2\%,30\% ], \qquad \sigma \in [ 0.1\%,9\% ]. \end{aligned}$$

within this parameter space, we identified two pathological areas that are not interesting to be explored, which are respectively the one with high speed of mean reversion and low volatility values and the opposite one, i.e. with high volatility and low speed of mean reversion. Specifically, the first combination returns an almost deterministic model as it does not have volatility while the second combination returns an explosive behaviour of the model. For these reasons, we have selected a central area in which to sample the parameters. We have selected 10 pairs of values which homogeneously cover the parameter space and we report them in Appendix E. Once these values were defined, it was possible to obtain the price, through the Least Square Monte Carlo, for each of the 434 Bermudan swaptions in the basket for a total of 4340 prices (10 different scenarios for each swaption). With the aim of speeding up the computation, we parallelized the simulations on a cluster; specifically, we used 25 CPU cores each of which is entrusted with \(2 \times 10^{4}\) simulations for a total of \(5 \times 10^{5}\) Monte Carlo paths for each sample.

Having defined the possible values of the G1++ parameters and obtained the corresponding prices, i.e. the target, we just have to identify the features. Since we want supervised learning algorithms to be independent of the underlying model, neither the speed of mean reversion nor the volatility will be used as a feature, but we have decided to designate as independent variables some parameters related to the distribution of underlying stochastic process (Cao et al., 2021). In particular, we choose the no-call period, the tenor, the strike, and the side. The first two are related to the variance of the underlying swap rate and the last two are linked to the moneyness of the swaption. This information uniquely identifies the 434 Bermudan swaptions that make up our basket. We have decided not to include maturity as a feature because, knowing the tenor and the no-call period, it is redundant information and we have also excluded the exercising frequency as for all swaptions it is the same (annual). To help supervised algorithms to distinguish the Bermudan swaptions in the different market scenarios, we decided to provide two additional elements that could be useful for characterising the target. First, the price of the underlying maximum European swaption, computed with the closed-form of G1++, since we know it to be the lower bound of the Bermudan swaption price. Second, once the Monte Carlo paths have been simulated we compute the correlations between the swap rates of the underlying European swaptions and used them as a feature. With such simplified dynamics, the speed of mean reversion is related to these statistical quantities. Specifically, we have calculated the correlation between the swap rates of the European swaption with the longest tenor and that with the shortest tenor. For example, if we consider a Bermudan swaption with a 10-years no-call period and a 5-years tenor, we have evaluated the correlation between the swap rates of the \(11 \times 4\) European swaption and the \(14 \times 1\) European swaption. We report in Fig. 1 the correlation obtained between the swap rates and the price of the maximum European swaption while in Fig. 2 we report the distributions of the target (Bermudan price).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Distribution of the correlation between the swap rates (left) and the price of the maximum European swaption (right). It can be noted that the correlations obtained cover the space in a homogeneous way while the prices of European swaptions, obtained with the closed formula of G1++, vary on very different scales

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of the target (Bermudan price). The price of the Bermudan options is obtained through the Least Square Monte Carlo algorithm with \(5 \times 10^{5}\) paths each. Note that the price obtained varies on very different scales

In conclusion, to summarize, we report in Table 1 all the features (independent variables) and their possible ranges and in Table 2 the target (dependent variable) and its domain.

Table 1 Features (independent variables) of the dataset
Table 2 Target (dependent variable) of the dataset; it is unique and is represented by the price of the Bermudan swaption obtained through the LSMC

As stated previously, in the development of supervised learning algorithms, it is fundamental how features are presented. The side feature in our dataset is the encoding of a categorical variable to distinguish the payer version from the receiver. The most common way to represent categorical variables is one-hot-encoding; since any of the possibilities excludes the other, we have decided to create a single feature that takes value 1 when it is payer and 0 otherwise.

At this point, before applying supervised algorithms it is necessary to separate our dataset into the training set, used to build our model, and the test set used to assess how well the model works. We decided to use 80% (3472 samples) of the dataset for training and the remaining 20% (868 samples) for testing. Since the data were collected sequentially before dividing the dataset it is necessary to shuffle it to make sure the test set contains data of all types. Moreover, a purely random sampling method is generally fine if the dataset is large enough, but if it is not, there is the risk of introducing a significant sampling bias. For this reason, we have performed what is referred to as stratified sampling (Géron, 2017): since we know that the price of the maximum European swaption is an important attribute to predict the price of Bermudan swaptions, we have divided the price range of the maximum European swaptions into subgroups and in order to guarantee that the test set is representative of the overall population the instances are sampled from each of them. The test set thus generated has been put aside and will be used only for the final evaluation of each model. The construction of the various models and the choice of hyperparameters was based exclusively on the training set.

4 Numerical Results

This section is devoted to the comparison of the predictive performance of all the algorithms analyzed. For simplicity, we will not report here the data preparation and optimization phase of the individual algorithms, but we report in Table 3 all of them with their respective pre-processing phase and the optimized hyperparameters on the training set. For more details, we described in Appendix D the hyperparameters tuning for all supervised algorithms. All the algorithms were implemented through Python open-source libraries like scikit-learn, Keras and Tensorflow on a MacBook Pro (MacOS version 10.15.7) with an Intel Quad-Core i5 2.3 GHz processor with a memory of 2133 MHz and 8GB of RAM.

Table 3 All models with their pre-processing phase and optimized hyperparameters
Fig. 3
figure 3

Values of the different evaluation metrics on the test set for each algorithm. The graph above shows the comparison for the absolute metrics, that is, those that report the error in the unit of interest (euro). The graph below shows the comparison for relative metrics in which the relative error is expressed in percentage terms

An easy way to compare models and their predictive capabilities is to observe their performance on the test set. For this purpose, we report in Fig. 3 the comparison between all the values of the evaluation metrics (Appendix C), both absolute and relative, grouped by the algorithm. For completeness, we also report in Table 4 a comparison between all the indices of the relative error distribution for each of the algorithms and in Fig. 4 the respective error distributions. Furthermore, we have also reported in Table 5 the comparison between the training and pricing times for all the supervised algorithms. To compare these results with the standard method, we priced the same set with the Least Square Monte Carlo considering \(5 \times 10^{4}\) paths for each Bermudan swaption obtaining a pricing time equal to 1086.6 s. Given these results, the first observation in Fig. 3 is purely statistical; as expected the RMSE values are always greater than the MAE ones for all the algorithms. Furthermore, the values of WAPE and RRMSE, introduced to reduce and limit some negative aspects of the MAPE and the RMSRE respectively, are in fact lower or equal to the latter. It can be observed that the model that can be considered the worst for this type of problem is undoubtedly the k-NN as it has the highest generalization error in almost all the metrics considered. We believe that this is due to the too-simple nature of the algorithm and above all to the lack of flexibility of its hyperparameters, which limit the reachable complexity. Among all the tree-based models, we can observe that the RF and GBRT perform better than the simple decision tree as we reasonably expect for ensemble methods. The best of this kind of model and the most promising is the GBRT that have the lowest generalization error of all and for all the metric considered. The great strength of this type of algorithm, which makes them very versatile, is the fact that they require practically no preprocessing of the data. For this reason, we consider the GBRT promising and usable even with a larger dataset above all as the first-entry algorithm. Instead, SVM has slightly worse performance than the GBRT for all the metrics considered; also note that it has the highest RMSRE value among all the analyzed models. Let us consider the two best algorithms obtained; the best performance of all belongs to the Ridge regressor. Moreover, note that it has the lowest generalization error whatever the metric considered. A slightly worse result than this, but still very promising, is obtained by MLP. However, we believe that with even more research on hyperparameters and especially with a greater amount of training data, ANN could improve its performance. The only downside to the Neural Network is the long time it takes to train the model (Table 5).

Table 4 Comparison for all relevant statistics of relative error for each algorithm
Fig. 4
figure 4

Relative error distributions for each of the algorithms. To make them comparable, all the distributions were superimposed and the interval was reduced; for this reason, some of the distribution queues are not visible. The distributions were obtained with a Gaussian kernel density estimation

All these deductions are also supported by the information reported in Table 4 and Fig. 4. In fact, it can be noticed the algorithms that have been identified as the best, have the average values closest to zero with the lowest standard deviation. Furthermore, it can also be seen from the values of skewness, kurtosis and quantiles that these models are characterized by the most symmetrical distributions without outliers. All the others, on the other hand, are characterized by higher standard deviations and in some cases larger tails of the distributions.

Table 5 Comparison between training and pricing times of all supervised algorithms and Monte Carlo simulation.

In general, from Fig. 3 it can be seen, apart from a few exceptions, that the result of the comparison between two models does not change if we observe different metrics. In other words, if one model is better than another by considering the error reported by one metric, it will remain better even if they are compared using a different metric. Consequently, if the goal is the pure comparison between models, we can say that the use of a particular metric with respect to another is useless. The use of a particular metric becomes decisive if we consider the purpose of the work and what represents the generalization error. Since in our case the goal was to predict prices over an extended range with different scales, we believe a relative metric has more meanings than an absolute one, and among the relative metrics (on the bottom of Fig. 3), we prefer the RRMSE (green) for its intrinsic characteristics. Summarizing, we can say that the average price error of the Ridge equal to 1% is an excellent result in comparison to the 2% average of the standard deviation found from market data. In conclusion, we can state that the Ridge Regressor and the Neural Networks are the most reliable algorithms for this type of problem as they have shown the greatest pricing precision and represent valid alternatives to Monte Carlo simulations as their pricing time is at least 5 orders of magnitude fewer.

Typically, in supervised learning algorithms it is customary to ask what the relative weight of the independent variables in target prediction; this analysis is commonly known as feature importance. In other words, it gives a qualitative measure of the impact that each explanatory variable has in predicting the target. In Fig. 5 for each of the features, the importance assigned by each of the algorithms is reported together with their average value and the standard deviation.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Feature importance for each of the algorithms grouped by feature. The values assigned by the algorithms to each of the features have been normalized so that sum up to 1. Note that all tree-based models have an endogenous method while for all the other models we used an indirect method, known as permutation importance. The last bar on the right for each feature represents the mean value and standard deviation of the feature importance assigned by each of the individual algorithms

Specifically, all methods based on decision trees have an endogenous method which is based on the reduction of the value of the metric used in the construction of the trees. For all the other models, however, we used an indirect method, known as permutation importance, which consists of evaluating the deterioration in performance when the values of a feature are randomly mixed and then using it as an indirect measure of the importance of a variable.

From Fig. 5 we can see a significant aspect: although with different weights, all the models developed indicate the price of the maximum underlying European swaption as the most explanatory variable. This outcome is reassuring as all models are able to recognize that the price of the Bermudan swaption is closely linked to the price of the maximum European swaption which constitutes its lower bound. Furthermore, except for the no-call period which is practically unused by all algorithms, the other features have comparable average values, with the only difference that the correlation between the swap rates has the lowest standard deviation, a sign that the returned weights by the individual algorithms are very similar to each other.

5 Conclusions and Perspective

In this paper we explored supervised learning techniques to address optimal stopping time problems in quantitative finance, focusing on the pricing of Bermudan swaptions. Our main goals were to assess the capability of these algorithms to correctly price these options overcoming the computational limitations of traditional Monte Carlo simulations, and identify the most important price drivers relying on feature selection analysis. To achieve these goals, we employed a heterogeneous set of different machine learning algorithms trained and tested on a synthetic dataset generated by means of the popular Hull and White short-rate model. By tuning its parameters we were able to explore different market conditions. Benchmark prices of Bermudan swaptions were obtained with a classic Least Square Monte Carlo simulation.

Our analysis demonstrates that the considered machine learning algorithms display high pricing precision yet being at least four orders of magnitude faster than the benchmark Monte Carlo simulation. In particular, the Neural Network and Ridge Regression are the most effective algorithms for this problem, with Ridge Regressor having a faster training phase. Gradient Boosted Regression Tree is also a promising algorithm due to its minimal data preparation requirements and intrinsic feature importance evaluation.

Furthermore, all the employed algorithms consistently highlight that the most relevant feature to explain Bermudan swaption prices is the maximum underlying European swaption premium. This result is coherent with the market knowledge that in order to price a Bermudan swaption it is essential to adopt pricing models capable of correctly pricing the underlying European swaptions quoted on the market. Finally, we emphasize that the approach developed in this work is easily generalizable to other American-type financial products.

The findings of this paper open new perspectives. For example, the set of features could be extended to include, for each Bermudan swaption, all the corresponding underlying European swaptions, leading to interesting analyses about optimal hedging strategies vega risk. Another interesting application of our approach regards co-terminal rate correlations, which are typically very difficult to imply from observed market prices. Instead to include their estimation with Hull and White model in the features set, one could use the machine learning algorithms to estimate them from historical Bermudan prices (i.e. swapping target and feature). Once available, these estimations could be used for pricing and correlation risk hedging purposes.