1 Introduction

Big Data applications require efficient storage systems to support them. The ever increasing amount of data generated (we are expecting data to reach 35 zettabytes by the year 2020), places stress on existing storage solutions [1]. The storage research community has responded by developing new techniques in both storage system design and hardware design.

Data deduplication has emerged as an important technique to manage this increase in data [2, 3]. This technique is based on the observation that a lot of the data is not unique, and proposes efficient ways of identifying and eliminating duplicate data. Data deduplication has been shown as an essential and critical component in cloud backup, synchronization and archiving storage systems. It not only reduces the storage space requirements, but also improves the throughput of the backup and archiving systems by eliminating the network transmission of redundant data, as well as reduces the energy consumption by deploying fewer disks.

This paper focuses on inline deduplication, a type of deduplication system where the objectives are to minimize the data transfer between the client and server, as well as minimize the storage utilized at the backend server. This is done by having the client transmit metadata to the server to detect duplications and only the new data is going to be sent to the server. One of the challenges in inline deduplication is the need to maintain a large index of existing data fragments, or chunks, to avoid sending duplicated data over. Maintaining this type of index in magnetic hard disk (HD) is slow, because of the long disk IO time. Keeping the index in RAM is much faster, but the size of RAM in existing systems limits the number of index entries we can keep in memory. This is especially true when these systems have to handle tens of terabytes to petabytes of data.

In this paper, we present an elasticity aware deduplication (EAD) system to address this problem. EAD is designed for cloud based storage systems. EAD improves the performance of the deduplication cache system by taking advantage of multi-tier storage architecture that is increasingly becoming popular [4, 5]. A multi-tier storage architecture has an extra tier between RAM and HD. This extra tier is faster than HD, but cheaper than RAM. This middle tier is commonly implemented using solid-state disks (SSDs) made from NAND flash memory. We make the following contributions.

  1. 1.

    Elasticity aware deduplication includes an adaptive sampling algorithm to decide the allocation of data chunks in each of the three tiers. Our adaptive algorithm is compatible with existing deduplication systems that use sampling to take advantage of locality [6, 7], as well as systems that use content-based chunking techniques [8,9,10].

  2. 2.

    Elasticity aware deduplication takes advantage of the rapid scalability property of cloud computing systems to dynamically adjust the amount of RAM and SSD resources as needed to detect sufficient amount of duplicate data. The EAD algorithm will determine when to trigger the scaling up operation, and how many new resources to request. This avoids paying for additional resources that do not contribute to the performance of the system. The EAD algorithm can detect duplicated datasets from different VMs.

  3. 3.

    We present extensive theoretical analysis and experimental results to evaluate EAD. Results show that EAD can detect over 98% of the duplicated data with only 25% of existing approach’s IO access cost.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 explores the background of the deduplication system. Section 3 describes the design of our EAD system, and Sect. 4 evaluates our solution. We discuss the related work in Sects. 5 and 6 concludes this paper.

2 Background

A cloud-based storage system that uses data deduplication has three main components, the Client, the Dedup Server, and the Storage Pool. The interaction of these three components is illustrated in Fig. 1. The client that wants to upload data to the cloud will first split the data into smaller chunks. These chunks can either have a pre-defined fixed size, or a variable size divided using known metric such as Rabin fingerprinting [11]. A group of chunks that exhibit locality is known as a segment.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A typical cloud-based deduplication system

2.1 Measuring deduplication performance

Key metrics for deduplication performance are the deduplication ratio (DR, i.e., removed redundancy data ratio) and unique data ratio (UR, i.e., unique data ratio) [12, 13]. These are combined together as:

$$\begin{aligned} DR = 1- \frac{S_{Dep}}{S_{Org}} \le 1- \frac{S_{Unq}}{S_{Org}}=1-UR , \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_{Org}\), \(S_{Dep}\) and \(S_{Unq}\) are the size of the original dataset, the size of the dataset after deduplication, and the size of the actual unique dataset of the workload, respectively. UR is determined by the workload’s redundancy and also caps the upper bound of the deduplication performance, while DR reflects the deduplication performance of the system. In general, the higher DR is, the less bandwidth and storage will be consumed, and thus the better the performance.

2.2 Impact of storage resources

As more data is stored in the storage pool, the size of the IndexTable will also increase. Since storing the IndexTable in disk incurs a bottleneck during the lookup process, parts of the IndexTable need to be cached in RAM, as illustrated in left-top corner in Fig. 1. While it may appear that the solution to improving performance is to maximize the amount of RAM, this is not always correct.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Intuitive test on amount of duplicate detected on two equal-sized VMs by using equal-size indexes

To illustrate this, we conducted an experiment to show the relationship between RAM size and deduplication performance. We used two virtual machine images as our workload, a common workload used in deduplication research [7, 14]. The first virtual machine image, VM1, contains majority of text files, mimicking an operating system in office use. The second virtual machine image, VM2, contains majority video data, representing an operating system for home use.

Figure 2 shows the results. We see that the number of index entry slots indicates how much information of already stored data the system can provide for duplicate detection. We set fixed number of index entries for duplicate detection and gradually increase it. We see that when index entry slots number increases to 270 thousand, both VMs exhibit the same amount of duplicate data. As we increase the index size, VM1 shows limited improvement, while VM2 shows much better performance. If we simply use VM1 to estimate memory demand, then it will lead to much less bandwidth savings, since buying too much memory is wasteful if most of the data resemble VM1.

3 Elasticity aware deduplication (EAD)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Elasticity aware deduplication infrastructure

Our EAD system comprises of four components: (1) EAD Client runs on the client side and is responsible for file chunking, fingerprint computation and sampling; (2) EAD Server is executed by the cloud provider and controls the index management; (3) Network Layer connects a centralized EAD Server and multiple EAD Clients; and (4) Storage Pool stores all the data (\({\mathbb {D}}\)). Each chunk that is detected as new unique data will be transmitted and stored within \({\mathbb {D}}\). Figure 3 illustrates how these components work together. To better represent our algorithm, we summarize some frequently used notations in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of frequently used notations

Elasticity aware deduplication is designed for a multi-tier storage architecture consisting of RAM, SSD, and HD. We store three types of data in the RAM of EAD Sever. The first type of data is the “Hot Metadata Library” (\({\mathbb {T}}_M\)), which is the hot cache of \({\mathbb {T}}_D\). \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) will be shrinked and refined during downsampling, thus may not necessarily cover the entire \({\mathbb {D}}\). This is inevitable and will lead to re-send and re-storage the existing data in the Storage Pool (i.e., false negative error). The second type of data is the Estimation Base (\({\mathbb {B}}\)), which is for downsampling and performance analysis. Each entry slot in \({\mathbb {B}}\) includes a fingerprint and two counters, \(h_{Smp}\) and \(h_{Seg}\), where counter \(h_{Smp}\) records the number of fingerprint hits in \({\mathbb {B}}\) from the sample set, and \(h_{Seg}\) records the number of fingerprint hits in \({\mathbb {B}}\) from all chunks uploaded during the current deduplication epoch. The third type of data is the Chunk Cache (\({\mathbb {C}}\)), which is a dedicated loading area for comparing the segments prefetching from \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) with the incoming fingerprints (FPs). This loading area will be emptied after each epoch. We mark \({\mathbb {C}}\) as “volatile” and mark others as “persistent” in Fig. 3.

We consider a high-speed SSD and a large-capacity HD that resemble a “fusion disk” [15] (\({\mathbb {T}}_D\)) in EAD Server side to improve the access speed of the metadata library. The server does not store dataset content but only metadata. The “Entire Metadata Library” (\({\mathbb {T}}_H\), and we have \({\mathbb {T}}_D={\mathbb {T}}_S+{\mathbb {T}}_H\)) is maintained and stored in the HD, which maps the relationship between chunks and segments, and chunk’s fingerprints with their physical addresses in the Storage Pool. Meanwhile, as a write-back cache of the HD, SSD stores the Warm Metadata Library (\({\mathbb {T}}_S\)). Different caching replacement policies can be adopted in this fusion disk.

Notice that although we focus on a centralized EAD server cluster, it also supports multiple servers-clients cluster. In this case, EAD servers periodically sync updates of libraries to each other. Moreover, load balancing mechanisms are also adopted to balance the load.

3.1 EAD deduplication algorithm

figure f

Elasticity aware deduplication first applies the downsampling algorithms until the deduplication performance becomes unsatisfactory, and then triggers the scaling up process to obtain more RAM for better performance. Algorithms 1, 2 and 3 describe the main procedure of EAD algorithm. There are three phases: phase 1 and 2 are as generic inline deduplication systems, and phase 3 is responsible for adjusting the sampling rate and triggering the scaling process.

[Phase 1.1] Client sends FPs to server The first deduplication phase is to identify duplicate chunks. For each new segment \(S_{in}\), the client first randomly selects \(\kappa\) samples from it and groups them into a sample set \(S_{Smp}\). The client then sends all FPs of \(S_{in}\) together with \(S_{Smp}\) information to the server (Alg. 1 line 3 and 4). This integrates our estimation for downsampling process into the regular deduplication operations, so as to avoid the separate sampling and scanning phases as done by [16]. Thus, there is no extra overhead for our estimation purpose. Notice that in order to ensure the atomicity under concurrent accesses, a buffer is built to queue and sequentialize these incoming accesses in the centralized EAD server.

[Phase 1.2] Deduplication prefetch process Once received \(S_{in}\) and \(S_{Smp}\), the EAD server searches for each FP of \(S_{in}\) in the hot metadata library in RAM (\({\mathbb {T}}_M\)). If found, then it prefetches the entire segment(s) stored in \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) from the disk to the chunk cache \({\mathbb {C}}\) (Alg. 1 line 5–8) in the RAM for later comparison. The purpose of prefetch is to take advantage of the spatial and temporal locality, although it may be possible that the prefetched segment(s) is(are) not as same as the incoming segment that contains the current FP. Meanwhile, to reduce overhead, we limit the max number (\(C_{Max}\)) of segments to be loaded since it is possible that more than one segment are found in \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) (an FP may appear in different segments during runtime). If the FP is not found, then EAD records this new FP in \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) (line 9–10). Finally, EAD adds the information of the current iterated fingerprint “\(FP_{x_i} \in S_{in}\)” to \({\mathbb {T}}_D\), regardless of whether it is found or not in \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) (Alg. 1 line 11).

[Phase 1.3] Sampling and estimation process After the prefetching process, EAD uses the sample chunks in \(S_{Smp}\) to update the estimation base \({\mathbb {B}}\) and downsampling counter \(h_{Smp_i}\). Specifically, EAD searches each received sample FP in \(S_{Smp}\) for each estimation base \({\mathbb {B}}\). If the FP is found in \({\mathbb {B}}\), the counter \(h_{Smp_i}\) of that FP stored in the \({\mathbb {B}}\) will be increased by one, otherwise this FP will be added to \({\mathbb {B}}\) with \(h_{Smp_i}\) and \(h_{Seg_i}\) counters being initialized to zero (Alg. 2 line 1–6).

[Phase 1.4] Duplication detection process EAD then compares each fingerprint \(x_i \in S_{in}\) with the prefetched segments in \({\mathbb {C}}\) during the current epoch, and marks them as “dup” or “unq” (indicating it is a duplicate or an unique chunk). Meanwhile, EAD updates \({\mathbb {B}}\) again—incrementing the counter \(h_{Seg_i}\) by one every time its correspondent fingerprint appears (Alg. 2 line 7–18). Once EAD finishes this process, it empties the \({\mathbb {C}}\) (Alg. 2 line 19).

[Phase 2] Data transmission

figure g

The second deduplication phase is that EAD Client only transmits unique data chunks along with metadata of duplicate chunks to EAD Server (Alg. 3 line 1–3), which saves both bandwidth and storage space.

[Phase 3] Downsampling and scaling

figure h

The last deduplication phase (Alg. 3 line 4–14) is adaptively adjusting the sampling rate and triggering RAM scaling up process. We will discuss them in detail in Sect. 3.2.

3.2 Dynamically adjust sampling rate

As one of the key features, EAD determines whether it is beneficial from scaling operation, by first investigating what causes current poor deduplication performance once the RAM limitation is reached (Alg. 3 line 4). In order to distinguish whether poor deduplication performance is due to overly aggressive downsampling or inherent within the dataset (e.g. data in multimedia or encrypted files), EAD needs to know the DR of the entire dataset (denoted as “\(DR_{er}\)”). If the RAM reaches the limitation and \(DR_{er} < \Gamma\), then one needs to trigger the sampling rate or scaling up adjustment. In fact, the same methodology can be applied to SSD scaling, but in this paper we only focus on RAM scaling.

Unfortunately, obtaining the actual \(DR_{er}\) of the entire dataset is impractical, since it requires performing the entire deduplication process. Prior work from [16] provided an estimation algorithm to estimate the deduplication performance for static, fixed-size data sets. Their algorithm requires the actual data to be available in order to perform random sampling and comparisons. However, in our case, the dataset can be viewed as a stream of data, thus there is no prior knowledge of the size or characteristics of the data to be stored in advance. One more bad news is that it is not possible to perform back and forth scanning of the complete dataset for estimation. Therefore, we need to find a way to estimate the \(DR_{er}\). One straightforward way to measure the deduplication ratio of stream accumulated from the beginning, note as \(DR_{mr}\):

$$\begin{aligned} DR_{mr}=\frac{S_{mrDup}}{S_{curTtl}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_{mrDup}\) stands for the detected duplicated data size until current moment. \(S_{curTtl}\) is the total data size so far. The measured \(DR_{mr}\) may not accurately reflect the real duplication ratio of the workload since it is highly affected by the prefetching process. That is to say, a low \(S_{mrDup}\) may due to aggressive low sampling rate and low hit ratio in the prefetched set \(\mathbb (C)\), rather than the workload’s actual characteristics.

We develop a more accurate method to estimate the \(DR_{er}\), called Expectation of dataset’s Duplication Ratio (“EDR”). The design goal is to directly conduct statistical analysis on the accumulated incoming stream and try best to be independent from the prefetching process and the cache system, so that EDR has higher chance to reflect and predict the entire \(DR_{er}\). To achieve this goal, EDR uses the counters stored in \({\mathbb {B}}\):

$$\begin{aligned} EDR = 1 - \frac{1}{\kappa \cdot n_{s}} \sum _{i \in {\mathbb {B}}} \dfrac{h_{Smp_i}}{h_{Seg_i}}. \end{aligned}$$

The intuition and correctness proof of EDR will be provided in next two sections. The computation of EDR happens while the index size is approaching the memory limit (the first threshold as shown in Alg. 3 line 4). EAD has a second threshold (Alg. 3 line 5) which is based on user-acceptable deduplication performance level \(\Gamma \in (0,1)\). This qualify of service (QoS) related parameter indicates that the lower the cost a user is willing to pay, the worse deduplication performance (a lower \(\Gamma\)) the user needs to tolerate as an exchange. Only if both these thresholds are reached, EAD enlargers RAM size, and adjusts the current sampling rate R (Alg. 3 line 9–12). Otherwise, EAD will not scale up and only apply downsampling on the index (Alg. 3 line 14). This is based on the fact that given a dataset that inherently exhibits poor deduplication characteristics [17], adding more RAM will incur some overhead with slight or even no improvement on deduplication performance.

3.3 EAD parameters and scaling procedures

Our EAD algorithm has several parameters that can be adjusted by taking advantage of runtime observations to improve the overall performance. Here we discuss the key paramters and their adjustments.

\(\blacksquare\) Adjusting \(\Gamma\)

The parameter \(\Gamma\) is specified by the user, and indicates the user’s desired level of deduplication performance. However, the user may sometimes be unaware of the underlying potential deduplication performance of the data, and set an excessively high \(\Gamma\) value, resulting in unnecessary scaling over time. We first need to adjust (calibrate) the user’s \(\Gamma\) value to \(\frac{DR_{mr}}{EDR}\), in the case that \(DR_{mr}\) has not reached the acceptable performance, even if the sampling rate is one (fully sampled). In fact, when the current sample rate \(R=1\), \(\frac{DR_{mr}}{EDR}\) represents the current system’s maximum deduplication ability. Later, EAD will tune down the sample rate if \(DR_{mr}\) is larger than \(\frac{DR_{mr}}{EDR}\). Scaling up the RAM will be finally triggered if (1) \(R=1\), after several downsampling operations; and (2) \(DR_{mr}\) is worse than the \(\frac{DR_{mr}}{EDR}\). In this way, EAD is able to elastically adapt variations on incoming data.

\(\blacksquare\) Adjusting amount of RAM to scale up (\(\Delta\))

A simple way to compute the amount of RAM is using a fixed scaling up multiplier \(\Delta\), as:

$$\begin{aligned} M_{ New }=M_{ Cur }\cdot \Delta \end{aligned}$$

For example, we double the RAM each time (\(\Delta =2\)) and reset the sampling rate back to 1, and start all downsampling process over again. However, workloads may not use up all exponentially scaled-up RAM space. Moreover, cost of adding RAM and overhead of corresponding migration are expensive. Therefore, we need to adaptively turn down the \(\Delta\), while satisfying the performance requirement and trying best to trigger the scaling up operation as less as possible.

Our solution considers both scaling RAM and the sample rate. For scaling RAM, we gradually decrease the value of \(\Delta\) to slow down the exponentially scaling speed. For the sampling rate, instead of directly setting it back to \(R=1\) which will quickly occupy the RAM again, we adjust the sampling rate (Alg. 3 line 11) to the same sample rate before the latest downsampling operation (Alg. 3 line 14). Because this sampling rate is able to support a satisfying performance.

We propose the detail of conservative RAM incrementation policy. We introduce a parameter d (initialized as zero) to record occurrences of downsampling, every time the downsampling happens, d increases by one. We set the new RAM (\(M_{New}\)), after scaling up as a function of the current RAM size (\(M_{Cur}\), refer Alg. 3 line 10):

$$\begin{aligned} M_{ New }=M_{ Cur }\cdot \Delta \cdot \phi (d), \end{aligned}$$

where the (conservative) step \(\Delta \cdot \phi (d)\in [1,\Delta ]\) (i.e., \(\phi (d)\in [\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } ,1]\)) and incremental step of each scaling up epoch should be less. Under this constraint, we design \(\phi (d)\), as a monotonous decreasing function of downsampling operation counter d, as:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (d)= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \Delta ^{ d-1, }, &{} { d<2 } \\ 1-\sum \nolimits _{ i=2 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } , } &{} { d\ge 2} \end{array}\right. }. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the RAM size can be calculated as (Alg. 3 line 10):

$$\begin{aligned} M_{New} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} M_{0} \cdot \Delta ^d ,&{} {d < 2}\\ M_{ Cur }\cdot \Delta \cdot \left( 1-\sum \nolimits _{ i=2 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } } \right) ,&{}{ d\ge 2 } \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(M_0\) is the original RAM size. We next prove the value space of \(\phi (d)\) is in \([\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } ,1]\). When \(d<2\), it obviously holds, as

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (d)=\Delta ^{ d-1 }\in [1,\Delta ]. \end{aligned}$$

When \(d \ge 2\), we compare \(\phi (d)\) with the upper bound 1:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (d)-1=1-\sum _{ i=2 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } }-1=-\sum _{ i=2 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } } <0, \end{aligned}$$

so it holds. For the lower bound \(\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta }\), we also have:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (d)-\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } =1-\sum _{ i=2 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } } -\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } =2-\sum _{ i=0 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } } } . \end{aligned}$$

Equation 10 is a monotone decreasing function with the minimum value:

$$\begin{aligned} min[\phi (d)-\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta }]=\lim _{ \Delta =\infty }{ \Big (2-\sum _{ i=0 }^{ d }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \Delta ^{ i } }\Big ) } } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =\lim _{ \Delta =\infty }{ \left\{ 2-\frac{ 1[1-(\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } )^{ n }] }{ 1-\frac{ 1 }{ \Delta } } \right\} } =\frac{ \Delta -2 }{ \Delta -1 } \ge 0. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, our \(\phi (d)\) satisfies the design constrains. Notice that when \(\Delta =2\), the RAM size will finally converge, while RAM sizes in all other cases are divergence. As the times of downsampling operation increase, EAD requires less amount of RAM for index table after scaling up. Comparing such optimization with always requiring \(\Delta\) times of original RAM, such optimized approach is able to claim higher memory utilization efficiency.

\(\blacksquare\) Managing size of \({\mathbb {B}}\)

One concern with our estimation scheme is that the size of \({\mathbb {B}}\) may become too large. If we need a large amount of RAM to store \({\mathbb {B}}\), we will be wasting RAM resources that could be used in caching the hot index \({\mathbb {T}}_M\). In practice, the size of \({\mathbb {B}}\) is relatively modest. Each entry in \({\mathbb {B}}\) consists of a fingerprint and two counters. Using SHA-1 to compute the fingerprint results in a 20 byte fingerprint. Additional four bytes are used for each counter. Thus, each \({\mathbb {B}}\) entry is 28 bytes, indicating that approximately the total size of \({\mathbb {B}}\) would be at most 33.38 MB to support 1 TB of data. In our experiment, it only requires 4.32 MB for estimating 163.2 GB dataset.

\(\blacksquare\) Refining of \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) and\({\mathbb {T}}_D\)

figure i

Elasticity aware deduplication removes certain amount of entries from the hot index \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) according to the new sample rate R during downsampling. After the scaling up operation is finished, we are left with the original index \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) and new RAM space for extending \({\mathbb {T}}_M\). EAD will do two things: (1) refining the original index by removing low hit ratio entries, and (2) adding new entries that are predicted to have better deduplication-detection ability than removed ones from \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) to \({\mathbb {T}}_M\). This adding operation is with new sample rate which is higher than original one. Here we partition \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) into two virtual zones: the original index as IndexOrg, and the extension part which consists of new appending entries as IndexExt. EAD compensates the poor deduplication performance due to previously too sparse sampling rate by index refining, which has two steps:

  1. 1.

    Re-detect duplication Search through the IndexOrg, re-detect duplication chunks from already stored segments. Since extra IO operations may bring unexpected cost, EAD is only processing limited number of segments which are able to claim duplicate chunks.

  2. 2.

    Evict duplication It is possible that not all index entries in the old index are useful, meaning that some entries contain FPs for chunks that are unlikely to be encountered again. Therefore, after duplication re-detection, these entries are removed from the IndexOrg.

Instead of reprocessing all the segments on the storage, EAD is able to select only part of them for detecting majority duplicate for evictions. We first introduce the additional information into index table to help estimating the expected number of entries to be evicted: a counter (\(count_{FP}\), initialized as zero for new added entries) is used for each index entry to record its hit time in vector \({\mathbb {T}}\), which we call hit rate. Every time when an entry has been found a match, this counter increments by 1. Therefore the larger the counter is, the more duplicate chunks this entry can detect. Among those segments hooked by FPs with low hit rate, there exists “evictable” duplicate chunks. This conclusion is derived based on the following analysis of FPs in the index:

  1. 1.

    Entries with high hit rate These FPs in the index indicate that segments have found matches and lots of chunks near the sampled chunks are identical, which is the natural result of chunk locality. Theoretically, more entries having high hit rate imply that more space can be saved.

  2. 2.

    Entries with low hit rate Some segments themselves share few chunks with stored ones, naturally resulting in lower index matching rate. However, we also claim that low hit rate does not always imply that there is no chunk locality. For example, some segments share lots of chunks with stored segments, however they are not hooked by right FPs due to the sparse sampling rate. Thus not enough or even no matches from their sampled chunks’ FPs are found in the index.

This index refining function is called in Alg. 3 line 12, and the detail of the refining function is illustrated in Alg. 4. The main idea is:

  1. 1.

    Refine \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) To solve the “low hit rate entries cannot represent hooked segment” problem, we give segments of those selected low hit rate entries one more chance. Specifically, we re-sample new entries from these segments and put them into the IndexExt (i.e., Alg. 4 line 9), and remove those low hit rate entries.

  2. 2.

    Refine \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) Those low hit rate entries whose segments have also been sampled by other entries in \({\mathbb {T}}_M\) with high hit rate will be deleted. Duplicated entries in their hooked segments in \({\mathbb {T}}_D\) will also be removed (i.e., Alg. 4 line 10-13).

Furthermore, to avoid adding them back to the index table, a  Bloom Filter (BL) [18] (Alg. 4 line 14) is used to record hash information of removed FPs. By doing so, entries in IndexOrg will not be entirely kept and valuable space will be released for future use. When scaling up finishes, EAD will merge IndexOrg and IndexExt, and calculate the updated Deduplication Ratio. If the new Deduplication Ratio is still lower than \(\Gamma \cdot EDR\) after duplication re-detection, EAD will reset the value of \(\Gamma\), and make \(\Gamma \cdot EDR\) to be equal to the value of current Deduplication Ratio. Therefore, the requirement on deduplication performance will not surpass the system ability. In order to select as few chunks as possible to conduct this expensive refining operation, we also propose a method to estimate, how many entries need to go through the duplication re-detection and then be removed from IndexOrg to release the space. We use entries with low hit rate to track their correspondent segments and detect evicted duplicate chunks. The threshold for labeling hit rate as high or low is not arbitrary. Suppose that we have n chunks come in for a backup process, the measured Deduplication Ratio is \(DR_{mr}\) (\(DR_{mr}<\Gamma \cdot EDR\)). At the meantime, we have the value of hit counters as \(\{0,1, \ldots , c, \ldots , m\}\) (c and m are two positions that will be used later), and their correspondent amount of entries are \(\{n_0,n_1, \ldots ,n_c, \cdots n_m\}\) (i.e., there are \(n_0\) entries whose counter values are zero, etc.). Assume that the sampling rate before the latest downsampling operation is \(R_0\), thus we claim that the minimum number of index entries to be selected is:

$$\begin{aligned} n_{evt} = R_{ 0 } \cdot (\Gamma \cdot EDR - DR_{mr})\cdot \sum _{ i=0 }^{ m } n_{ i } . \end{aligned}$$

To evict this amount of chunks, based on above calculation, EAD starts picking index entries with counter value as zero (\(n_0\)), if \(n_0< R_0 \cdot n_{evt}\), EAD picks entries with hit rate as one and vice versa, until it satisfies (at cth counter position, \(0\le c\le m\)):

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{ i=0 }^{ c } n_{ i }\ge n_{evt}. \end{aligned}$$

The intuition is that the system should perform as close to the real deduplication ratio of the workload \(\Gamma \cdot EDR\) (QoS adjusted) as possible, but it can only detect \(DR_{mr}\). It is highly possible that the missing part of the detection is due to no enough space for right sample entries in the index. Therefore, we need to remove space of this part of “junk” or “duplicated” entries for other more useful entries. Lastly, since the sample rate before last downsampling (\(R_0\)) is able to handle the current workload, we use this sample rate to pick entries in the \((\Gamma \cdot EDR - DR_{mr})\cdot \sum _{ i=0 }^{ m } n_{ i }\) to help decrease the overhead.

4 Analytical analysis of EAD

In this section, we focus on the design intuition of the core technique of EAD: how to estimate the expectation of dataset’s duplication ratio (EDR). Notice that more detailed proof is presented in “Appendix”. If we randomly pick one sample from a segment, then the number of chunks that are same with the picked sample in the segment can somehow reflect the duplication ratio of segment. Our EDR is inspired by this idea and further extends to the case that randomly picking multiple samples from multiple segments. In detail, EDR uses the repeating time of sampled chunks in the stream to estimate the duplication data amount, and uses the repeating time of samples in the estimation base to get the unique sample number. The fraction of them reflects the duplication ratio as well as the expected deduplication ratio of the stream received so far (\(DR_{Cur}\)). This process is independent of the prefetching and is purely relying on the workload, so it would be more accurate than the measured system-performed deduplication ratio \(DR_{mr}\).

To further explain this intuition, we model the problem in Fig. 4. The incoming stream can be divided into multiple same size (T chunks) segments. We introduce the concept of “dupSet” which is a group of duplicated chunks with same FP in each segment. It is a virtual “group” for analysis purpose, and same-FP chunks do not need to come continuously as long as they are in the same segment. Let T be the total size of a segment, and \(d_i\) be the ith dupSet (we also use \(d_i\) to refer to as \(dupSet_i\) for convenience). Since segments consist of these duplicated dupSets, \(|d_i| \in [1,T]\) and \(\sum _{i=1}^{n}{|d_i|}=T\). \(|d|=1\) means this dupSet is a non-duplicated chunk in the segment, and \(|d|=T\) means the entire segment is fulfilled by chunks with same FP. We then show how EDR is equal or close to the actual \(DR_{Cur}\) in three levels. Notice that all the analysis below are after the warming up period (i.e., “first time” indexing).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example of dupSet, segment and stream

[Level 1] DupSet Denote the number of samples from each dupSet as \(\kappa _i\) (\(\in [0,d_i]\)). When \(\kappa _i=0\), this dupSet is not sampled, and when \(\kappa =d_i\) all chunks in this dupSet are sampled. We also have \(\sum _{i=1}^{n}{\kappa _i}=\kappa\), where \(\kappa\) is the sample number of each segment. The exact deduplication ratio of \(d_i\) can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} DR(d_i)=1-UR(d_i)=1-\frac{ 1 }{ d_{ i } }. \end{aligned}$$

Since EAD is based on the sampling counters, it cannot estimate and will ignore those non-sampled dupSet. EDR of a sampled dupSet is calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} EDR(d_i)=1-\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa _{ i } } \left( \sum _{ j\in { \mathbb {B}(d_{ i }) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ j } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ j } } } } \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =1-\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa _{ i } } \cdot \frac{ \kappa _{ i } }{ d_{ i } } =1-\frac{ 1 }{ d_{ i } }=DR(d_i), \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathbb {B}}(d_{ i })\) means chunks in \({\mathbb {B}}\) that belong to \(d_i\). Specifically, Eq. 17 holds due to the following facts: (1) all chunks in \(d_i\) are exactly same, thus the sample counter \(h_{Smp_j}\) is equal to sample size \(\kappa _i\); and (2) the total hit-in-sample counter \(h_{Seg_j}\) in a dupSet should be the same as the total chunk number of the dupSet (\(d_i\)). Notice that if there are more than one sample from this dupSet, only one of them will be stored in \({\mathbb {B}}(d_i)\) (Alg. 2 line 2 and 3). To sum up, in level 1, \(DR_{ i }=EDR_{ i }\) stands, which means \(EDR_i\) can accurately reflect the actual \(DR_i\). For further comparison, we can accurately calculate the \(UR_i\) by using these two counters, as:

$$\begin{aligned} \quad UR(d_i)=\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa _{ i } } \left( \sum _{ j\in { \mathbb {B}(d_{ i }) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ j } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ j } } } } \right) . \end{aligned}$$

[Level 2] Segment Segment s has T chunks and is assembled by n dupSets. Its \(DR(Seg_s)\) can be exactly calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} DR(Seg_s)=1-UR(Seg_s)=1-\frac{ n }{ T } =1-\frac{ 1 }{ \bar{ d } }. \end{aligned}$$

We can calculate EDR of \(Seg_s\) (can contain some non-sampled dupSets) as:

$$\begin{aligned} EDR(Seg_s)=1-\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa } \left( \sum _{ i\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg_s) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ i } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ i } } } } \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =1-\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa } \left[ \sum _{ { \mathbb {B} }(d_{ i })\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg_s) } }^{ }{ \left( \sum _{ j\in { \mathbb {B}(d_{ i }) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ j } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ j } } } }\right) }\right] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =1-\frac{ 1 }{ \kappa } {\left\{ \sum _{ { \mathbb {B} }(d_{ i })\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg_s) } }^{ }{ \Bigg [\kappa _{ i }\cdot UR(d_i)} \Bigg ]\right\} } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =1-\sum _{ \mathbb {B}(d_{ i })\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg_s) } }^{ }{ \Big (\frac{ \kappa _{ i } }{ \kappa } \cdot \frac{ 1 }{ d_{ i } } } \Big ),\end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathbb {B}}(Seg_s)\) is the estimation base \({\mathbb {B}}\) of \(Seg_s\). Eq. 21 divides the sum in Eq. 20 into multiple subsums from each sampled dupSet. We then use Eqs. 18 and 17 to calculate those subsums, and finally get Eq. 23. To solve Eq. 23, we hereby introduce the following approximation based on the assumption that sampled dupSet can reflect the entire segment:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{ \mathbb {B}(d_{ i })\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg) } }^{ }{ \Big (\frac{ \kappa _{ i } }{ \kappa } \cdot \frac{ 1 }{ d_{ i } } } \Big ) \approx UR(Seg_s)= \frac{ 1 }{ \bar{ d } }. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, Eq. 23 can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} EDR(Seg_s)\approx 1-\frac{ 1 }{ \bar{ d } } =1- UR(Seg_s)=DR_(Seg_s). \end{aligned}$$

This approximation has two error sources: (1) EDR may not accurately reflect duplication status of those dupSets with zero samples (\(\kappa _i=0\)); and (2) Different dupSets may have different sizes. EDR ignores this and assigns them same weights in Eq. 24. We provide more detailed analysis on them later.

[Level 3] Stream Since the stream is assembled by multiple (even unlimited) segments, we can accurately calculate \(DR_{Stream}\) at moment \(T_{Cur}\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} DR_{ Cur }(Stream)&=1-\frac{ \sum _{ s=1 }^{ n_{ s } }{ T\cdot UR(Seg_{ s }) } }{ T\cdot n_{ s } }\nonumber \\&=1-\frac{ \sum _{ s=1 }^{ n_{ s } }{ UR(Seg_{ s }) } }{ n_{ s } }, \end{aligned}$$

where \({ n_{ s } }\) is number of segments in the stream. We further calculate EDR as:

$$\begin{aligned} lhs&=1-\frac{ 1 }{ n_{ s }\cdot \kappa } \left( \sum _{ i\in { \mathbb {B}(n_{ s }Seg) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ i } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ i } } } } \right) \nonumber \\&=1-\frac{ 1 }{ n_{ s }\cdot \kappa } \left[ \sum _{ \mathbb {B}(Seg)\in { \mathbb {B}(n_{ s }Seg) } }^{ }{ \left( \sum _{ i\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ i } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ i } } } } \right) } \right] \nonumber \\&=1-\frac{ 1 }{ n_{ s } } \left[ \sum _{ \mathbb {B}(Seg)\in { \mathbb {B}(n_{ s }Seg) } }^{ }{ \frac{ 1 }{ \kappa } \left( \sum _{ i\in { \mathbb {B}(Seg) } }^{ }{ \frac{ h_{ Smp_{ i } } }{ h_{ Seg_{ i } } } } \right) } \right] \nonumber \\&=1-\frac{ 1 }{ n_{ s } } \left\{ \sum _{ \mathbb {B}(Seg)\in { \mathbb {B}(n_{ s }Seg) } }^{ }{ \Bigg [1-EDR(Seg_{ s })\Bigg ] } \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Here we use the “average” segment’s \(UR(Seg_s)\) (Eq. 25) to regress “\(1-EDR(Seg_s)\)” in Eq. 27 with a slight regression error, as:

$$\begin{aligned} lhs \approx 1-\frac{ 1 }{ n_{ s } } \left[ \sum _{ \mathbb {B}(Seg)\in { \mathbb {B}(n_{ s }Seg) } }^{ }{ UR(Seg_{ s }) } \right] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} =1-\frac{ \sum _{ s=1 }^{ n_{ s } }{ UR(Seg_{ s }) } }{ n_{ s } } =DR_{ Cur }(Stream). \end{aligned}$$

5 Evaluation

We created a realistic dataset to evaluate our solution. The dataset comprises of virtual machine images. These images have different types of programs installed, as well as different types of data drawn from Wikimedia Archives [19] and OpenfMRI [20]. For the following results, we denote our EAD solution as Elastic, and compare against two alternatives. The first alternative, denoted as FullIndex, represents an ideal situation where there is unlimited RAM available. This will serve as an upper bound on the total amount of space savings. The other alternative is denoted as DownSample, which is a recent approach [7] that dynamically adjusts the sampling rate to deal with insufficient RAM. Table 2 summarizes the configuration of our testbed.

Table 2 Testbed configuration
Fig. 5
figure 5

Norm. dedup ratio

Fig. 6
figure 6

Dedup efficiency

Fig. 7
figure 7

Index usage comparison

Fig. 8
figure 8

Sampling rate comparison

Fig. 9
figure 9

Estimation accuracy

Fig. 10
figure 10

Dedup ratio (diff \(\Gamma\))

Fig. 11
figure 11

Dedup efficiency (diff \(\Gamma\))

Fig. 12
figure 12

Dedup Ratio (diff \(\Delta\))

Fig. 13
figure 13

Dedup efficiency (diff \(M_I\))

Fig. 14
figure 14

Hit ratios (diff cache algorithms)

Fig. 15
figure 15

Norm. IO resp. time costs (diff cache algorithms)

Fig. 16
figure 16

Hit ratios (diff SSD & RAM sizes)

Fig. 17
figure 17

Norm. IO resp. time costs (diff SSD & RAM sizes)

5.1 Performance of EAD

\(\blacksquare\) Deduplication ratio Deduplication ratio is the standard metric used to evaluate deduplication systems [13, 21]. Here, we use the normalized deduplication ratio as our metric for evaluation (normalized by the full index as the theoretical upper bound). The normalized deduplication ratio is defined as the ratio of measured Deduplication Ratio to Deduplication Ratio of FullIndex deduplication.

As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, although EAD does not claim equally high ratio compared to FullIndex and Downsample, the performance of Elastic is always higher than 98% and the gap between it and the other two is less than 2%. When about 5% of data has been processed, Elastic has a thriving performance. Because of trivial size of initial index size, Elastic cannot detect enough duplicate chunks, leading to a poor performance. Figures 7 and 8 further show how sampling rate and number of index slots used vary above cases. Both DownSample and Elastic have comparatively very low memory cost, which shows that EAD is able to use less RAM space to achieve a satisfying deduplication ratio.

\(\blacksquare\)Deduplication efficiency Another metric we use is the deduplication efficiency. The deduplication efficiency is the ratio of the duplicat data detected to the number of index entry slots, which reflects a deduplication algorithm’s ability to cache most valuable index entry slots.

By using this criterion, we make more fairly comparisons among EAD and the other two solutions, as shown in Fig. 6. It shows that Elastic outperforms both Downsample and FullIndex on efficiency. Notice that Elastic always yields a higher efficiency, almost 4 times of that from Downsample and 30 times of that from FullIndex. This is because that its elastic feature enables it to utilize as little memory space as possible to detect enough duplicate data as required, avoiding memory waste as the other two do.

5.2 Monitoring accuracy

Elasticity aware deduplication can work properly only when it is able to accurately monitor the real time deduplication efficiency. As the criteria of judging deduplication performance, estimated duplication rate is supposed to be as accurate as possible. Otherwise, elasticity might bring unexpected effect on the performance if it makes an inappropriate decision for index scaling up. Figure 9 shows the accuracy of monitored deduplication ratios during the backup process. 500 independent tests were conducted on the dataset. We consider the ratio of estimated deduplication ratio in EAD to that in FullIndex as error deviation, which indicates the real time accuracy of monitoring. We can see that initially the error deviation is at most 10% , but as more data comes in, the deviation reduces to 2%, which offers a reliable criterion for evaluation on system performance.

5.3 Performance of different EAD parameters

We also conducted experiments to determine the impact of different parameters on our EAD algorithm under multiple clients running heterogeneous workloads such as video streaming, file backup, big data processing applications, and etc.

\(\blacksquare\) Impact of \(\Gamma\) The parameter \(\Gamma\) represents the system’s tolerance to missing duplicate data. The higher the \(\Gamma\) is, more sensitive it will be to trigger the RAM scaling up, and vice versa. However, an inappropriately large \(\Gamma\) will also lead to a high scale-up frequency due to workload bursties [22]. Thus, in order to investigate how to balance the performance and sensitivity, we conduct sensitivity analysis on different values of \(\Gamma\), as shown in Fig. 10, where the initial index entry slots are 100 K and \(\Delta =2\). We see that a higher \(\Gamma\) has a higher deduplication ratio, though \(\Gamma =0.95\) case also yields the highest overall efficiency. This implies that EAD is able to achieve both good deduplication ratio and efficiency (Fig. 11). This can be seen from Fig. 10, where there is a nearly 30% of difference on deduplication ratio between the case of trigger value as 60 and 90%.

\(\blacksquare\) Impact of \(\Delta\) The \(\Delta\) parameter indicates the magnitude of both sampling rate and RAM incrementation. A \(\Delta\) value of two, for example, means that the sampling rate doubles during the scaling operation. Figure 12 shows the improvement on deduplication ratio under different scaling parameter policies. In general, a higher \(\Delta\) will aggressively expand RAM space during scaling up and will also help to explore more duplicate data after scaling up as shown in Fig. 12. This is because of its higher sampling rate after resampling.

\(\blacksquare\) Impact of\(M_I\) The \(M_I\) parameter is the initial size of the memory for the index. Figure 13 shows the Deduplication Efficiency of EAD with different initial memory sizes, which indicates that the most conservative RAM initialization case claims the highest deduplication efficiency. Thus, EAD provides well balance between RAM and storage savings.

\(\blacksquare\) Impact of SSD and RAM sizes To evaluate the effectiveness of assignment of SSDs into the EAD storage system, the RAM size is fixed to hold 10 k index entries, and the SSD size is varying from 125 to 4000 GB. Different caching algorithms (e.g., LRU [23], CLOCK [24], ARC [25], CAR and CART [26]) are used to manage pages in SSDs. Figure 14 shows IO hit ratios under different SSD sizes when RAM is set to store at most 10k index entries. Figure 15 shows the corresponding normalized IO operation costs under different SSD sizes, where the cost under our RAM-HD design is used as the baseline.

We first observe that advanced algorithms like ARC, CAR and CART have higher hit ratio and lower IO cost than naive algorithms like LRU and CLOCK. We can see that our design is able to save almost 75% of IO operation costs compared to our RAM-HD design. This is because of their enhanced methods to avoid being flushed by IO spikes.

We also observe that, although in general, the larger the SSD is, high hit ratio and low IO cost it will obtain (i.e., the red rectangle in Figs. 14 and  15). However, the performance improvement brought by larger SSD size is not a linear function of SSD size and price. This implies that in real implementation, it is necessary to find a sweet spot, where EAD has sufficient capacity to hold active working sets of all traces.

We further investigate the impact of both RAM and SSD sizes during the scaling up process under more than 120 virtual machines. Figures 16 and 17 show IO hit ratios and normalized IO operation costs (i.e., RAM-HD design is used as the baseline) under different amounts of RAMs and SSDs during a real scaling up progress, respectively. We see that increasing RAM and SSD size can dramatically improve IO hit ratios. We also observe that the IO cost is more sensitive to the change of RAM size than SSD. In the future, this observation can be used to develop a metics (e.g., a weight function of performance improvement and scaling up cost), such that EAD can use that to dynamically make decisions to add more RAMs or SSDs during runtime.

6 Related work

Numerous research has been done to improve the performance of finding duplicate data. Work by [27] focused on techniques to speed up the deduplication process. Researchers have also proposed different chunking algorithms to improve the accuracy of detecting duplicates [28,29,30,31,32]. Other research considers the problem of deduplication of multiple datatypes [12, 33].

These of researches are complementary to our work, can be easily incorporated into our solution. ChunkStash [34] also attempted to speedup inline storage deduplication by indexing a small fraction of chunks per container in the Flash memory. However, it does not consider the adaptive sampling rate to help to absorb bursties from large-scale datacenter I/O streams. [35] further explored the effectiveness of deduplication for large host-side caches in virtualized datacenter environments running dynamic workloads. Nitro [36] is an SSD cache design with adjustable deduplication, compression, and large replacement units. It evaluates the trade-offs between data reduction, RAM requirements, SSD writes, and storage performance. Our previous work [37] presented a basic model of centralized data deduplication using elasticity feature of cloud computing, however we did not utilize Flash resources in that work to improve the I/O performance. In this paper, we present a deduplication framework that takes advantage of a multi-tier storage architecture consisting of RAM, SSD and HD. We further provide mathematical proof of our algorithm.

The ever increasing amounts of data coupled with the performance gap between in-memory searching and disk lookups, mean that increasingly, disk IO has become the performance bottleneck. Recent deduplication researches have focused on addressing the problem of limited memory. Work by [38] proposed integrated solutions which can avoid disk IOs on close to 99% of the index lookups. However, [38] still puts index data on the disk, instead of memory. Estimation algorithms like [39] can be used to improve the performance by reducing total number of chunks, but the fundamental problem remains as the amount of data increases. Other existing research in this area have proposed different sampling algorithms to index more data using less memory:  [6] introduced a solution by only keeping part of chunks’ information in the index; and [7] proposed a more advanced method based on the work in [6] by deleting chunks’ fingerprints (FPs) from the index when it’s approaching fullness.

Many research works have been done to investigate the problem about how to best utilize the SSD resources as a cache-based secondary-level storage system or integrated with HDD as a hybrid storage system. Some conventional caching policies [23, 40,41,42] such as LRU and its variants maintain the most recent accessed data for future reuse while some other works intended to design a better cache replacement algorithm by considering frequency in addition to recency [25, 43]. Guerra et al. [44] presented a SSD-based multi-tier solutions to perform dynamic extent placement using tiering and consolidation algorithms. Tai et al. [45] presented a new VMware Flash Resource Manager, named, which considers of both performance and incurred cost for managing Flash resources, and updates the content of SSDs in a lazy and asynchronous mode. Studies [46,47,48,49,50] investigated SSD and NVMe storage-related resource management problems, such as how to reduce the total cost of ownership and how to increase the Flash device utilization. Recently, [51] proposed a hybrid elasticity approach that takes into account both the application performance and the resource utilization to leverage the benefits of both approaches. Study [52] designed a secure ciphertext deduplication scheme based on a classical CP-ABE scheme by modifying the construction with a recursive algorithm, eliminating the duplicated secrets and adding additional randomness to some certain ciphertext. Study [53] investigated the difference between inline and offline deduplication algorithms, and proposed a collective inline memory contents deduplication proposal algorithm.

7 Conclusions

This paper presents a deduplication framework that takes advantage of a multi-tier storage architecture consisting of RAM, SSD, and HD, and the rapid scalability capabilities of a virtualized cloud environment. Our EAD solution balances both deduplication performance and memory size allocation to ensure effective use of cloud resources. We evaluated EAD using real trace driven experiments, and the results indicate that EAD save at least 74% of overall IO access cost compared to the traditional design. Meanwhile, our EAD is able to detect more than 98% of all duplicate data, but it only consumes less than 5% of expected memory space. In the further, we plan to implement EAD to a larger cluster with multiple deduplication servers. We also plan to improve EAD by adding one more NVMe disks tier in the future.