1 Introduction

In recent years, unexpected water contamination accidents occasionally happen in China. Some unexpected drinking water contamination accidents and hostile attacks to water supply pipe network cause serious economic losses and baneful social influence. In order to prevent the losses and catastrophes caused by serious water contamination accidents, it is necessary for water supply pipe network of cities and towns to install real-time monitoring systems which maintain drinking water security. In this system, real-time supervision can be achieved through placing water quality sensors in key nodes or water sources [1,2,3,4,5,6]. However, when contamination accidents happen, how to collect information by water-quality sensors, how to analyze the characteristics of pollution sources and how to forecast pollution locations, injection time, injection duration and injection quality are challengeable.

Particle backward tracing method, reversely deducing the state of every node according to the information detected by sensors, is mainly used in the early study of contaminant sources identification. For example, Shang proposes particle backward method. It regards pollutants as a particle which can reversely deduce pollution sources from the nodes with detected pollution sources according to chronological order within inverse time [7]. Laird uses source-tracking algorithm to locate multiple pollution sources and simulation experiments shows that this method is effective in small-scale pollution sources identification [8]. Particle backward algorithm adopted by De Sanctis can immediately identify possible pollution sources through analyzing the consistency between hydraulic power and water quality. This method is effective in localization problem; however, false and missed locations of sensors are ignored [9]. Costa continuously collects information from sensors and excludes unmatched nodes to sift possible pollution sources by forward and reverse comparison. Additionally, author discusses the influence of sensor misinformation on algorithm performance [10].

Machine learning algorithm, widely adopted by a majority of experts, can sort the pollution probability of water supply pipe network, which helps to find the node with maximum pollution probability. In reference [11], though pollution sources can be quickly found with the methods of data mining and maximum probability, only approximate range of pollution sources can be found under the circumstance of multiple pollution sources. From the perspective of Perelman, water supply pipe network is divided into different clusters by flow direction and connectivity. The probability calculation is based on Bayesian Rules. The disadvantage of this reference is that only the cluster where pollution source is located can be found and the node in clusters cannot be localized [12]. In 2013, Wang proposed Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to collect samples from stochastic data. Then, Bayesian Rules is adopted to calculate the probability of becoming pollution sources in every node [13]. The combination of MCMC and support vector regression proposed in 2014 greatly shortens computation time [14]. As a forecasting method based on probability, Machine learning can not only dynamically collect samples through MCMC, but also forecast the probability of every node where pollutions are injected. However, its forecast precision should be further improved. Meanwhile, the complexity of calculating node probability will sharply increase because of the growth of pipe network size.

A hypothetical CSI problem that pollution can be injected in any pollution sources is constructed through pollution concentration accumulated by the node of analog sensors. If the information of pollution sources in a forward simulation model is known, the accumulated pollution concentration of sensor can be concluded through simulation. CSI, a backward problem of this process, is defined as an optimization problem whose goal is to find a pollution source which minimize the difference between accumulated simulated concentration and practical accumulated detected concentration of sensor nodes. Simulation and optimization method solves problems by optimization algorithm which drives simulators. In 2006, Guan proposed simulation–optimization method to solve non-linear CSI problem. Forecasts are optimized and pollution sources are revised by the continuous reading of sensor data. Finally, pollution sources and the history of pollutants release are identified [15]. Liu proposes a self-adapting dynamic-optimization method based on evolution algorithm to search the characteristics of pollution sources (starting time, location and release history). The characteristics of pollution sources gradually converge until the only optimization solution is obtained when new workable sensors are constantly added in [16]. Hu et al. think CSI problem is characterized by its extremely high computation complexity, uncertainty and non-uniqueness of the solution in a large-scale water distribution network with dynamic water demands. To tackle this issue, they develop a Map-Reduce based Parallel Niche Genetic Algorithm (MR-PNGA) that is not only able to achieve high identification accuracy but also to explore the cloud resources for performance improvement [17]. Yan et. al., formulated the CSI problem into an optimization problem, and used hybrid encoding method to code the problem according to the properties of a variable, so as to improve the convergence speed and accuracy. They also used different size of pipe network data in experiment, which results finally verified the validity and robustness of the proposed method [18].

At present, most of the study about this problem is based on the presupposition that the water demand of users is known. It is also the input of model. However, in real world, the uncertainty water demand of users leads to the uncertain input of model. In order to improve the precision of model, the water demand as unknown input is should be firstly defined when the model is established. In this paper, the water demand of users simulated by Gaussian model is treated as the input of simulation–optimization model and an improved genetic algorithm is used as optimization algorithm to solve CSI problem under uncertain water demand. The effectiveness of algorithm is verified by simulation experiments in the end.

2 CSI problem

2.1 The model of CSI

CSI problem is to find the location of pollution sources and pollution injection history of the time. Pollution injection history includes starting time, duration and the quality of injected pollution. In the view of optimization, when the minimum variance between accumulated simulated-concentration of contamination accidents and practical accumulated detected-concentration is zero or less than a certain threshold value e, this contamination accident is a real one. In previous references, if the data of water demand is known, the model of CSI is formulated as formula (1). However, the data of water demand in this paper are unknown and we suppose the starting time and duration of pollutants injection are known. This means the CSI problem is simplified as finding the location of pollution sources and the accumulated concentration of injection pollution. So the model of CSI is formulated as formula (2). In formula (2) uses the max-min principle and it is proved that max–min principle is better than least square error principle used in formula (1).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} Find\{L,M_{t_c } ,T_0 \} \\ \hbox {minmize} F=\sqrt{\frac{\sum _{t=t_0 }^{t_c } {\sum _{i=1}^{N_S } {\left[ {C_{it}^{obs} -C_{it} (L,M_{t_c } ,T_0 )} \right] ^{2}} } }{N_S *t_c }} \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In formula (1), F indicates for forecasting error; L indicates for the nodes of pollution source position; \(T_0\) indicates for the starting time of pollution injecting; \(t_0\) indicates for the time when sensor firstly detects pollution; \(t_c\) indicates for the time step of the time; \(M_{t_c}\) is the vector of pollution injecting quality, indicating for the situation of pollution injecting quality from time \(T_0\) to \(t_c\); i indicates for the position node placed by analog sensor; t indicates for observing time step; \(N_s\) indicates for the total number of sensors, \({{M}_{t_{c}}}=({{m}_{T_{0}}}; {{m}_{T_{0}}} _{+1} ;\ldots ; {{m}_{t_{c}}})\); \(C_{it}^{obs}\) indicates for the concentration detected at sensor i and time step t; \(C_{it} (L,M_{t_{c}} ,T_0)\) indicates for the concentration simulated by analog sensor at sensor i and time step t.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} Find\{L,C_0 \} \\ \hbox {minmize }F=\mathop {\max }\limits _{k=1,...,N_s } \left\{ {\sum _{t=1}^T {\left( {C_k^{obs} (t)-C_k^*L,C_0 ,t} \right) ^{2}} } \right\} \\ \end{array}\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

In formula (2), F indicates for forecast error; L indicates for the position node of pollution source;\(C_0\) indicates for the concentration of pollutants source within known pollution-injecting time; t indicates for the time step of the time; T the total number of sample time steps;k indicates for the position of a certain sensor;\(N_S \) indicates for the total number of sensors;\(C_k^{obs} \) indicates for the practical accumulated detected concentration at sensor k; \(C_k^*(L,C_0 )\) indicates for the simulated accumulated concentration at sensor k; Notice: the uncertainty of water demand is in the calculation of \(C_k^*\) not \(C_k^{obs} \), the threshold value is empirical value.

2.2 Simulation–optimization model

In the solving of CSI problem by simulation–optimization model, EPANET simulator is used to simulate the pollution data in sensors. The main job of EPANET simulator is to forward input the information of water quality which is compared with the information of water quality practically detected by sensors. If the error value is smaller than the given value \(\varepsilon \), the solution conducted from optimization algorithm is an effective value, which means the pollution sources location and concentration have been found. Or else, optimization algorithm will continue to work until a specified condition is found, and then the program will come to an end. The framework of simulation–optimization model is shown in Fig.1, EPANET simulator has three input conditions: (1) the known input composed by pipe network information and hydraulic condition; (2) unknown water demand data which can be collected through water demand model, (3) unknown pollution source characteristics. Optimization algorithm is used to reduce the errors in accumulated detected data and accumulated simulated data in every iteration process.

In optimization algorithm, every individual in species stands for a contamination accident which can be simulated by EPANET simulator. EPANET simulator can also input the pollutants accumulated concentration of sensor nodes and the adaption degree of every individual can be calculated through the comparison between the pollutants accumulated concentration of sensor nodes and practical accumulated detected concentration of sensors. It is concluded that the smaller the adaptive value is, the higher occurring possibility the contamination accident has.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Framework of simulation–optimization

3 Water demand model

The water demand of urban residents follows a certain rule. As it is mentioned in the articles of Praveen et al. [19], in order to find a residential water-demand model which is time-variable and stochastic, Buchberger and Wells are applied to analyze the water demand information from about 21 families in Milford within 30 days in 1996. A rule of residential water demand is concluded from the observed data. In this paper, through the experimental measurement of the water-consumption data from Milford residents, the weighting factors of water consumption of every hour can be calculated from the total water consumption of every day. The total water consumption of every hour can be calculated with the help of weighting factors and given water-demand data of pipe network of every day. Then, the total water demand of every hour will be distributed to every node by the weighting factors of every node. The average water consumption of every hour is shown in Fig. 2. We can conclude that though the residential water demand is uncertain, it still follows a certain rule. Therefore, we adopt Gaussian model to simulate the rule of water demand in this paper.

Gauss model, a complete dissociation model added with simple white noise interference, is applied in the situation without prior probability. In Gauss model, the water demand of every time step in every node is added with a Gauss disturbance, which is shown in formula (3):

$$\begin{aligned} d_i^j \rightarrow d_i^j \left[ {1+\sigma \cdot N(0,1)} \right] \end{aligned}$$

In formula (3), \(d_i^j \) indicates for the water demand in pipe node i at time stepj; \(\sigma \), a constant, indicates for the percentage of changing requirements; in this essay, we suppose that the value of \(\sigma \) is 0.25,N(0, 1) indicates for a standard normal distribution whose mean value is 0 and variance is 1; the basic water-demand in every node produces a random water-demand set through the calculation of formula (3).

If Gauss model is used to simulate random water demand as shown in Fig. 3, an uncertain water demand needed by experimental pipe network is gained. As the complete dissociation of Gauss model, a certain difference and randomness exist between the water demand curve produced by Gauss model and basic water demand curve produced by statistic data.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Mean hourly demand of Milford

Fig. 3
figure 3

Demand of Gaussian model

4 Solving CSI problem based on improved genetic algorithm

Genetic algorithm is considered to be an intelligence heuristic search algorithm which originates from nature. This intelligent optimization algorithm was introduced by Holland [20] in 1975 and next his student Goldberg [21] made a complete description about simple genetic algorithm in the book “Genetic algorithms in search, optimization, and machine learning”. In the book, it involves all important parameters discussion of genetic algorithm which includes crossover operator, mutation operator and fitness calculation, etc. And the genetic algorithm has been used in the real life. The main characteristic of genetic algorithm is that swarm search strategy and information exchange and search among individuals in swarm don’t depend on gradient information. As a representative of heuristic probability search, the genetic algorithm is concise, adaptable, and easy to parallel programming design. It is widely applied in much areas such as bioscience, data mining, mechanical control, intelligent optimization, etc. And the genetic algorithm is an extremely important keyword about intelligent computing in this century. In the genetic algorithm, it is a practical matter about the components of genetic chromosome which need encoding firstly and replace the original mathematical expression. Therefore, the algorithm can be easily settled no matter it is discrete variable or continuous variable. The genetic algorithm dominates the algorithm searching process without depending on other auxiliary external information so that it doesn’t require to design function or understand spatial smoothness or continuity in order to easily handle many practical mathematical models; on the other hand, evolvement genetic algorithm has a lot of different research directions in scientific research [22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. The evolvement genetic algorithm can effectively improve algorithm parameter and searching strategy and fuse other heuristic algorithms which then compose of hybrid genetic algorithm.

4.1 Chromosome coding

In improved genetic algorithm, every individual, standing for a contamination accident, covers two variables: node position and the quality of injected pollutant (the above paper supposes that the starting time and duration of injected pollutants are known). The node position, an integer variable, adopts integer coding; the quality of injected pollutants, a real number, adopts real coding. For example, a polluted scene is illustrated: 300mg pollutants are continuously injected into position 374, the chromosome of polluted scene is shown as {374, 300.0f}. (Note: continuous injection and instantaneous injection have no differential influence on the code of chromosome, only affecting the pollution sources injection method in pipe network); time multiplicator corresponds to the method of pollutants injection. If the injection time is one hour, time multiplicator is required: {1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if the injection is instantaneous, time multiplicator is zero.

4.2 Crossover operator

Hybrid cross method is adopted in this paper. Decimalize uniform crossover is for position, and arithmetic crossover method is for concentration. The crossover probability is 0.8. New individuals produced by crossover are compared with parent individuals. The individuals with low adaptive degree will be saved.

If the individual 1 is: {259, 672.7663}, the individual 2 is: {126, 550.8366}. It is assumed that the mask work of stochastic equal length of decimal cross is 011 (0, 1 are character strings, crossover probability is 0.8); if the arithmetic divisors of arithmetic crossover are 0.2 and 0.6, the two new individuals after crossover are: individual 3: {226, 672.7663\(\times \)0.2 + 550.8366\(\times \)0.6} and individual 4: {159, 672.7663\(\times \)0.6 + 550.8366\(\times \)0.2}.

4.3 Optimization strategy

Optimizing population structure and keeping population diversity: population should be sorted according to its location. Only one individual is left in very node and other individuals are reinitialized, which refers to stochastic pollution sources position and concentration. The goal is that the convergent rate of pollution sources position almost presents an exponential convergent rate without optimization process.

Jumping out of the local optimal solution: when decision algorithm is caught into the local optimal solution, we will compare the adaptive degree of local optimal solution with that of global optimal solution. If the adaptive degree of local optimal solution is smaller than that of global optimal solution, the global optimal solution will be updated and this individual and its adaptive degree will be saved; if not, the global optimal solution will not be updated.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Uncertainty water demand optimization algorithm

4.4 Algorithm flowchart

A group of stochastic water demand produced by Gaussian model is used as algorithm input when optimization algorithm is used to solve the problem of pollution sources localization of uncertainty water demand. Figure 4 is the block diagram of uncertainty water demand solving by optimization algorithm. In order to calculate the precision of optimization algorithm when pollution source localization problem of uncertainty water demand is solved, n stochastic groups of uncertainty water demand produced by Gaussian model are indispensible. The times of correct pollution source information through statistic algorithm stands for the precision rate of solved algorithm.

In this paper we proposed the improved genetic algorithm, in the new algorithm we added with population structure optimization algorithm and jump out of local optimal solution method, as optimization algorithm to solve the pollution sources localization problem of uncertainty water demand. Population structure optimization means that the individuals in population with same pollution sources location are sorted according to adjective degree after a crossover and variation and before algorithm enters into a next iterative. Among individuals with the same pollution sources location, the one whose adjective degree is the best will be saved and others will be reinitialized. If identical local optimization solutions are produced by multiple-iteration based on genetic algorithm, the optimal solutions fall into local optimization solution. As falling into local optimization solution, optimal solutions should jump out. Or else, optimal solution will be eliminated because algorithm converges too early. The improved genetic algorithm flowchart shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Improved genetic algorithm flowchart

5 Experimental simulation and analysis

5.1 Parameter setting

This paper does experiments on two different water supply pipe networks: standard testing pipe network 1 includes 92 nodes, 3 reservoirs, 2 pools and 2 water pumps; testing pipe network 3 includes 430 nodes, 4 reservoirs, 3 pools and 11 water pumps. 4 sensors are randomly placed in pipe network in every experiment. We suppose that the threshold value of sensor detected concentration is 0.0001 mg/l. All the nodes in pipe network are supposed to supply water to residential water-supply area. With the incorporation with EPANET simulator, the specific parameters of these two pipe networks are shown in Table 1 and the parameter setting genetic algorithm in experiments is shown in Table 2.

What we need to emphasize is that as white noise algorithm requires 8 times of recurrent water demand for every individual, the water demand parameter of white-noise genetic algorithm is 100 on condition that total water demand realizes certain times.

In this paper, we suppose the real pollution source is a single one. There are two groups of experiments done in this essay: experiment 1, placed on standard pipe network, is to verify the accuracy of algorithm. The reasonability and precision of the algorithm in experiment 1 is checked by the basic algorithm and improved white-noise algorithm mentioned in the article of Praveen et al. for verifying the robustness of algorithm, experiment 2 is placed on big pipe network with basic genetic algorithm and improved genetic algorithm. Statistic algorithm is correspondent to the rate of finding real pollution source.

Table 1 Parameters of network
Table 2 Algorithm parameter setting
Table 3 Algorithm hit probability

5.2 Experiment 1: verifying the accuracy of algorithm

The goal of pollution-source-localization problem is to forecast the position of pollution sources and the concentration of injecting pollution. Four sensors are randomly placed in detected pipe network 1. Standard genetic algorithm, white-noise genetic algorithm and genetic algorithm are used in the experiment based on Gaussian model, which can verify the accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Three experimental scenes are shown below (scene 1 and scene 2 are mentioned in the experiments involved in the paper [19]):

  1. Scene 1:

    Gaussian model and standard genetic algorithm optimization method;

  2. Scene 2:

    Gaussian model and white-noise genetic algorithm optimization method;

  3. Scene 3:

    Gaussian model and improved genetic algorithm optimization method.

What we need to notice is that the pollution-source concentration in scene 1 and scene 2 is processed with maximum integer hypothesis, for example, the injection concentration is 2674.21 which is set into 3000 in practical experiments. However, this paper is not so.

800 groups of water demand data randomly produced by Gaussian model are adopted to do experiments in pipe network 1 in every scene. This paper uses hit probability to describe algorithm precision which means water demand times in practical pollution scene optimally simulated by several water demand times are divided into the total times of water demand. It is shown in formula (4):

$$\begin{aligned} P=\frac{N_r }{N_s }. \end{aligned}$$

In formula (4), P indicates for hit probability, \(N_r \) indicates for the times when real pollution sources are found, \(N_s \) indicates for the total times of simulated water demand.

As it is shown in Table 3, the rates of finding pollution source position and concentration with three different algorithms are 68% (Standard GA), 80% (White-noise GA) and 100% (Improved GA). Figure 6 shows that: in scene 1, the possible pollution source nodes found by standard genetic algorithm are presented by circles; in scene 2, the possible pollution sources nodes found by white-noise genetic algorithm are expressed by triangles; in scene 3, the experimental results is that the node position of pollution sources is only marked by triangles. Triangle stands for the nodes position of real pollution sources and stars and circles stands for the position of jamming nodes which are introduced by algorithm uncertainty. This is because genetic algorithm added with improved strategy helps algorithm to effectively jump out of local optimal solution. Meanwhile, the size of pipe network, containing not too many nodes, is relatively small, therefore, disturbance items can be excluded and real pollution source can be found.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Experiment 1 results

5.3 Experiment 2: the robustness of verification algorithm

In experiment 1, it is proved that the accuracy rate of improved algorithm is the highest one among three testing algorithms. Now, we need to verify whether this algorithm is still effective in big pipe network or not. Four sensors are placed in experiment 2 which runs in pipe network 2. Two scenes are set:

  1. Scene 4:

    Gaussian model and standard genetic algorithm;

  2. Scene 5:

    Gaussian model and improved genetic algorithm.

As it is shown in Table 4, the rates of finding pollution source through algorithm are 33% (SGA) and 65% (Improved GA). Figure 7 presents the position nodes of real pollution sources marked by triangles. Figure 8 is an amplification result of real pollution sources location, coming from Fig. 7. Circles stand for the node location of possible pollution sources found by improved algorithm; stars stand for the node location ofpossible pollution sources found by standard genetic algorithm. Compared with the experiment 1 results, basic genetic algorithm is not suitable to localize pollution sources in big pipe network. While, though improved genetic algorithm cannot find the node location of real pollution sources with a 100%, it has a very high percentage of finding the node location of real pollution sources between two false locations. Thus, improved genetic algorithm can solve the problem of pollution sources localization in relatively big pipe network.

Table 4 Algorithm hit probability
Fig. 7
figure 7

Experiment 2 results

Fig. 8
figure 8

Experiment 2 amplification results

6 Conclusion

Pollution sources localization problem is an interdisciplinary problem, covering environmental science and computing science. This essay studies the pollution sources localization problem under uncertainty water demand. The problem of pollution sources identification are defined as optimization problem by known hypothesis of water supplying pipe network and simulation–optimization model is used in proof. In order to solve this problem, the water demand randomly produced by Gaussian model is used to simulate uncertainty water demand and improve genetic algorithm is proposed as optimization algorithm. Through simulation experiments, we check the accuracy of algorithm which is applied in two different pipe networks and the robustness of algorithm is checked as well. In the study of pollution sources localization, if the pipe network nodes in cities and towns are more than 1000 and residential water demand constantly changes, this problem can be regarded as an abstract optimization problem which are dynamic, large-scale and multimodal function. Therefore, further proposing a method to solve a dynamic, large scale and multi-model problem is the following research of this paper.