1 Introduction

Data has become extremely valuable and plays an important role in daily life. They are captured in various ways such as through the Internet of Things (IoT) [28] and social networks [29]. They are used by decision makers, data analysts, and engineers to better understand various phenomena and provide improved services for real-world applications, such as product recommendation for e-commerce websites, analyzing energy usage in logistics or urban transportation, and even studying the human behavior in response to some specific events.

To incorporate the time dimension in data analysis, several temporal data-mining algorithms have been proposed in recent years. These algorithms can analyze a variety of temporal data such as time series and event sequences. An event sequence is a long sequence of events that are associated with time stamps.

To discover useful patterns in event sequences, Frequent Episode Mining (FEM) was introduced by Mannila et al. [8]. This framework has been applied successfully in many real-life applications, including alarm sequence analysis in telecommunication networks [8], user-behavior analysis from Web logs [26], and financial event and stock trend analysis [23]. The input data in the FEM is a single sequence of events, each of which is characterized by a type and an occurrence timestamp. The patterns discovered by an FEM algorithm are called frequent episodes, which are either subsequences or sets of events that occur frequently in an event sequence.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A simple event sequence with five events and five timestamps

Since the seminal work of Mannila et al. [8], many recent studies have been conducted to improve the performance of FEM. In general, any FEM algorithm utilizes a frequency definition to find frequent episodes, which is based on a specific definition of episode occurrences. Generally, there are two types of frequency definitions: dependent frequencies that are based on occurrences which may share some events between them; and independent frequencies that only count occurrences that do not share any events between them.

In several studies, frequent episodes have also been used to derive a related pattern type called episode rules [8]. An episode rule is an implication that reveals a strong temporal relationship between two frequent episodes, and is also observed in an event sequence. The interpretation of an episode rule is that if the left side of the rule occurs in the sequence, it will trigger the occurrence of the rule’s right side shortly after with high confidence. Owing to the practical significance of mining episode rules in finding strong relationships, many algorithms have been proposed to mine these rules efficiently. Each algorithm uses a specific frequency definition and considers a given sequence type (either a simple or complex event sequence).

After reviewing the literature, two key limitations were identified. First, most FEM algorithms can only handle simple event sequences (where there can be at most one event per timestamp). However, it is not uncommon in real-world applications to encounter multiple events with the same timestamp, resulting in complex event sequences. Thus, traditional episode discovery algorithms cannot identify strong patterns with simultaneous events. Second, most frequency definitions count an event multiple times if there are overlapping occurrences, which may result in significant overestimation of the frequency of episodes. This is illustrated by the simple event sequence shown in Fig. 1, which contains three event types (a, b, c) observed at five timestamps (1,2, ...5).

Fig. 2
figure 2

A simple event sequence with 7 timestamps

A traditional episode mining algorithm considers that episode a before c appears four times at timestamps (1,4), (3,4), (1,5), and (3,5); thus, it has a frequency (support) of 4. However, this can be seen as an overestimation because each event is counted twice. For instance, event a at timestamp 1 is shared by occurrences (1,4) and (1,5). To address this problem, FEM algorithms have been designed to count only non-overlapping occurrences [10, 13, 19]. However, one could argue that this definition is too strict and may discard many important events, which may lead to an underestimation of the frequency of episodes. This is also illustrated by the sequence shown in Fig. 1. According to the non-overlapped occurrence-based frequency, episode a before c appears only once because a set of at most one non-overlapping occurrence can be found in that sequence, such as \(\{(1,4)\}\) or \(\{(2,4)\}\). However, this may seem unreasonable because there are two a that appear before two c in the sequence.

The extraction of distinct occurrences from complex event sequences has two major goals: first, to handle real-life phenomena with simultaneous events at a given timestamp. Hence, the resultant sequence will be a complex event sequence. This makes the analysis of such a sequence a challenging task that consumes a huge amount of resources. Second, the analysis should reveal hidden information without any duplicate occurrences of episodes or duplicate combinations of events within the set of interesting patterns, since the purpose is to understand the targeted phenomena as much as possible. To achieve this, new techniques must be developed that allow simultaneous events to be taken into consideration in the calculation of the maximum possible number of episodes. As a consequence, we propose an approach to mining frequent parallel episodes in complex sequences under distinct occurrences. The proposed approach also enables the discovery of episodes that may occur at one timestamp since it does not consider any order between the nodes of such an episode.

To the best of our knowledge, no prior studies have attempted to jointly solve these two limitations. In this paper, we address them by proposing two new episode mining algorithms called EMDO (Episode Mining under Distinct Occurrences) and EMDO-P (EMDO with pruning strategy), based on a novel frequency definition that is less strict than the non-overlapped occurrence-based frequency, using a novel concept of distinct occurrences. The main intuition is to count the frequency of episodes by allowing overlapping occurrences, but not allowing the same event to be used twice to reduce the problem of underestimation. For example, in the sequence illustrated in Fig. 2, the episode a before c has a set of two distinct occurrences (1,4) and (3,5), since these occurrences do not reuse the same events, and thus the frequency of that episode is deemed to be two.

The two key contributions of this study are as follows: First, a novel frequency definition is defined for episodes and episode rules based on distinct occurrences of complex event sequences. Second, this definition is integrated into two novel algorithms, EMDO and EMDO-P, to efficiently find episodes and episode rules with this new definition, respectively. The experiments presented in this paper on various datasets show that the algorithms are efficient for different types of data and parameter settings.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the related work. Section 3 presents preliminaries and reviews the key concepts of frequent episodes and episode rules. Section 4 describes the studied episode discovery tasks and the novel algorithms in detail. Results from an experimental evaluation of the designed algorithms and a discussion is then presented in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the study and discusses future directions for research.

2 Related work

FEM is a data science task that has drawn the attention of many researchers, as evidenced by the increasing number of FEM algorithms. Since the initial study by Mannila et al. [8], several approaches have been proposed to enhance the efficiency of the FEM process by extending previous algorithms or mining new types of episodes or related patterns that reveal interesting relationships between events in a sequence.

Mannila et al. [8] introduced the first frequency definition, known as the window-based frequency. For a given episode, it counts the number of fixed-width windows in which the episode appeared at least once. Mannila et al. created an algorithm called WINEPI to mine such episodes. In the same paper, they also presented another algorithm called MINEPI, where the frequency is defined as the number of minimal windows that contain an occurrence of a target episode, and is called the minimal occurrence-based frequency. To overcome some of the limitations of previous approaches, two additional frequency definitions, namely, the head frequency [9] and total frequency [9], were also designed. For instance, Huang et al. [1] proposed two algorithms, EMMA and MINEPI+, to overcome the limitations of the window-based frequency using the head frequency [8].

Other studies have proposed other types of frequencies based on independent occurrences, such as the non-overlapped occurrences-based frequency [10] and the distinct occurrences-based frequency [11]. Another recent study proposed a frequency definition based on the earliest transiting occurrences [12], which provides a unified view of all previous frequency definitions. However the algorithm in [12] is limited to mining serial episodes with distinct occurrences using this unified view. This means that simultaneous events are not permitted, although they are common in many applications. An algorithm called ONCE + was also proposed to mine serial episodes in event streams [27].

Some studies have focused on identifying specific frequent episodes that met some additional conditions(s). In particular, several episode mining algorithms have been proposed for retrieving concise representations of frequent episodes. For instance, Xiang et al. [4] presented an algorithm called LA-FEMH+ that mines maximal episodes. An episode is maximal if and only if it has no proper frequent super-episode. Algorithms were also devised to discover closed episodes and generator episodes. A closed episode is a frequent episode with no proper super-episode and the same support (occurrence frequency). Closed episode mining algorithms include FCEMiner [14], 2PEM [15] under minimal and non-overlapping frequency, and Clo-episode [13] under minimal occurrence-based frequency. Generator episodes are frequent episodes that have No sub-episodes with the same support. The only algorithm that mines generator episodes is called Extractor [24]. Another area of research on episode mining is high utility pattern mining. The problem of mining high-utility episodes was defined as locating episodes with high importance, as measured by a utility function. The motivating application of this task is to identify episodes that are highly profitable. HUE-Span [17] and UP-Span [16] are efficient algorithms for mining utility episodes in event sequences.

Another recent variant of episode mining is the discovery of the top-k most frequent episodes in an event sequence, where k is a user-defined parameter. A modified version of the EMMA algorithm [1] called TKE was developed to perform this task [18]. Two other notable extensions of FEM are weighted episode mining [22] and fuzzy episode mining [25], which consider event sequences with varying weights. The former allows for the importance of different event types to be weighted, whereas the latter handles events with quantities using fuzzy sets to deal with imprecise events. These two extensions can be viewed as forms of high utility pattern mining.

Some algorithms, such as PFSE [3] and D-PFSE [2] have also extended the FEM to model the data uncertainty of event sequences by using possible worlds semantics to mine frequent probabilistic episodes in uncertain sequences.

To extract strong relationships between sets of events in a complex event sequence, FEM was extended to mine episode rules that satisfy a minimum confidence constraint. Several algorithms have been proposed for this task. Generally, they discover the set of frequent episodes first and then evaluate the relationships between pairs of frequent episodes to build episode rules. Only episode rules with confidence above a user-defined confidence threshold are considered valid.

Mannila et al. proposed the first procedure for mining episode rules [8]. Further efficient algorithms have been proposed to handle time-sensitive applications such as program security trading using an algorithm called PPER [20]. These two algorithms use the minimal occurrence-based frequency.

In addition, the discovery of episode rules for event streams has been studied. For instance, the Extractor algorithm of Zhu et al. [24] finds closed episodes and their generators to identify nonredundant episode rules in an event stream under minimal and nonoverlapped occurrence-based frequency. Another technique, called MESELO, has also been proposed to mine episode rules in event streams too. The MESELO algorithm processes an event stream by decomposing it into smaller batches.

Recently, several algorithms have been proposed for mining partially ordered episode rules in a complex event sequence. For instance, POERM [6] uses the non-overlapped occurrence-based frequency and POERMH [7] is based on the head frequency. Furthermore, NONEPI [19] is an algorithm that performs a depth-first search to mine episode rules in simple event sequences using the non-overlapped occurrence-based frequency.

The analysis of existing works shows that most studies discover serial episodes in simple sequences, leaving many areas unexplored, such as other types of sequences, frequency definitions, and episodes. We focus on complex event sequences and parallel episodes with the distinct occurrence-based frequency definition, which is a very interesting topic in practice but has not been studied sufficiently. To the best of our knowledge, there is no algorithm that can mine parallel episodes and episode rules in a complex event sequence under a distinct occurrences-based frequency.

3 Preliminaries and problem definition

This section reviews the fundamental concepts used in Frequent Episode Mining (FEM) before giving a clear definition of the problem that we will be addressing in this paper: mining frequent episodes and valid episode rules in a sequence under a frequency definition based on distinct occurrences. The input of FEM is an event sequence.

Definition 1

(Event) An event is a pair (et) where e is an element from a set E (set of all event types) that represents the event type and t is an integer that indicates the event’s timestamp.

For instance, in TCP/IP network communication, an event occurring at a given time may be of type accept, representing the accept operation from a server receiving connections.

Definition 2

(Simple Event Sequence) Given a set E of event types, a simple sequence \(S = \langle (e_1, t_1),\) \( (e_2, t_2),..., (e_n, t_n) \rangle \) is an ordered set of events \((e_i, t_i)\) such that \(e_i \in E\) is the event type of the \(i^{th}\) event and \(t_i\) is its occurrence time in the sequence S. The sequence S is ordered, that is, for any integers ij if \(i < j\) then, \(t_i < t_j\).

For example, Fig. 2 provides a visual representation of a simple sequence with 7 events occurring at seven timestamps. The event types in this example are denoted by lower case letters, i.e. \(E = \{a\), b, c, d, \(e \}\). The formal definition of that sequence is \(S = \langle (a, 1),\) (c, 2), (a, 3), (b, 4), (a, 5), (e, 6), \( (d, 7) \rangle \). For instance, this sequence may represent a list of web pages accessed through a web browser by a user, or its list of purchases in a web store.

A more general type of event sequence considered in this work is called a complex sequence and is simply referred to as sequence in the following.

Definition 3

(Complex Event sequence) Given a set E of event types, a complex sequence \(S = \langle (\varepsilon _1, t_1), (\varepsilon _2, t_2),...,\)\( (\varepsilon _n, t_n) \rangle \) is an ordered set of pairs \((\varepsilon _i, t_i)\) such that \(\varepsilon _i \subseteq E\) is a set of event types and \(t_i\) is the occurrence time of all events in \(\varepsilon _i\) in the sequence S.

Fig. 3
figure 3

A complex event sequence with 7 timestamps

An example of a complex sequence is shown in Fig. 3. This sequence contains 7 event sets and the same event types as in the previous example: \(E = \{a,b,c,d,e\}\). The sequence starts at time \(t_1 = 1\) and ends at time \(t_{7}=7\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

The three main episode types

The sequence illustrated in the previous figure may represent the logs of a server in which the events are logged simultaneously. We can observe that the server logs, for each timestamp, different types of events that represent an action such as, for example, a request to establish a channel between a client and a server on a specific port. Here, the same port may be targeted by several machines. Therefore, the server should log the incoming requests for a given port at each timestamp, which clearly form a complex event sequence.

The goal of FEM is to discover patterns called episodes. A general definition is as follows:

Definition 4

(Episode) An episode \(\alpha \) is a triple \((V,<_{\alpha }, g_{\alpha })\) where V is a set of nodes \(\{v_1, v_2, ..., v_n\}\), \(<_{\alpha }\) is an order on V and \(g_{\alpha } : V \rightarrow E\) is a mapping that associates an event type to each node.

According to the nature of the order \(<_{\alpha }\), we can distinguish between different kinds of episodes:

  • if the order \(<_{\alpha }\) is total, \(\alpha \) is a serial episode. In this case, \(\alpha \) is denoted by \(\alpha = A_1 \rightarrow A_2\rightarrow ...\rightarrow A_n\) where each \(A_i\) is an event type. In this case, the events must occur in the exact order specified by the episode. (see Fig. 4a for an example)

  • If the order is trivial, the episode \(\alpha \) is called parallel episode and it is denoted as \(\alpha = A_1 A_2...A_n\). In this case, the events may occur in any order. An example is shown in Fig. 4b.

  • Another type of episodes has been studied, called episode with general partial order [5,6,7]. In this case, event occurrences are partially ordered. Figure 4c shows an example of such an episode.

In addition, an episode \(\alpha \) is said to be injective if it does not contain any repeated event types, that is, for any \(1 \le i, j \le n\), if \(i\ne j\) then \(g(v_i) \ne v(v_j)\).

In this study, we focus on discovering parallel injective episodes. Hence, in the following sections, we use the term episode to refer to any injective parallel episode.

For instance, establishing TCP/IP communication in a client/server architecture forms a serial episode. Here, a TCP connection is a sequence of actions, such as request(), accept(), send(), and receive(). First, the client sends a request message requesting a connection to a specific port on the server. Then, the server must accept the request sent by the client to allow the sending and receiving of data. Note that there is a strict order between these events (TCP operations) to establish a link; hence, it is a typical example of a serial episode. In contrast, user clicks on a website may constitute a parallel episode because the user’s behavior may not depend on the order between the clicks on the website.

In the example sequence, shown in Fig. 3, the events ab and c can form an episode in that sequence, and this episode is denoted by \(\alpha = abc\). Additional definitions are introduced to formally define how an episode \(\alpha \) occurs in a sequence.

Definition 5

(Sub-episode) Let \(\alpha =A_1 \dots A_n\) and \(\beta = B_1 \dots B_m\) be two episodes. \(\beta \) is said to be a sub-episode of \(\alpha \) (denoted as \(\beta \sqsubseteq \alpha \) ) if and only if there exist m integers \(i_1, i_2, \dots , i_m\) such that : \(1\le i_1< \dots < i_m \le n\) and \(B_1 = A_{i_1}, B_2=A_{i_2} \dots B_m=A_{i_m}\).

In other words, \(\beta \) is a subepisode of \(\alpha \) if the events of \(\beta \) are a subset of those of \(\alpha \). Note that if \(\beta \) is a subepisode of \(\alpha \) then it is easy to see that every occurrence of \(\alpha \) contains an occurrence of \(\beta \). [8].

For instance, consider episode \(\alpha = abc\) from the sequence of Fig. 3. By Definition 5, episode \(\beta = ac\) is a sub-episode of \(\alpha = abc\) (\(\beta \sqsubseteq \alpha \)).

The task of FEM consists of identifying all the frequent episodes in an event sequence. To achieve this, it is first necessary to select a frequency definition to count the occurrence of an episode. Generally, the number of occurrences of an episode is called its support, and an episode is frequent if and only if its support is not less than a user-specified threshold, minsup. The notion of an episode occurrence is defined as follows:

Definition 6

(Occurrence of episode, Distinct occurrences) Let S be a sequence and \(\alpha = A_1 A_2 \dots A_n\) be an episode.

  • An occurrence of the episode \(\alpha \) in the sequence S is a vector of integers \(h = [t_1 t_2 \dots t_n ]\) such that each \(t_i\) is the occurrence time (timestamp) of the \(i^{th}\) node (event) of the episode \(\alpha \), i.e., \(A_i\) occurs at time \(t_i\) in S.

  • Given two occurrences \(h\! = [t_1 t_2 \dots t_n], h'\!=[t'_1 t'_2 \dots t'_n]\), h and h are said to be distinct if and only if \(t_i \ne t'_j\) for all \(t_i \in h\) and \(t'_j \in h'\) and \(1 \le i \le \Vert \alpha \Vert \) and \(1\le j \le \Vert \alpha \Vert \).

Then, the maximal (w.r.t. set inclusion) set of distinct occurrences of an episode is defined as:

Definition 7

(Maximal set of distinct occurrences) Let H be a set of distinct occurrences of episode \(\alpha \): H is said to be maximal if and only if for every set \(H'\) of distinct occurrences, \(\Vert H\Vert \ge \Vert H'\Vert \). The notation \(do(\alpha )\) denotes the maximum set of distinct occurrences of \(\alpha \).

For instance, consider the example sequence in Fig. 3. The maximal set of distinct occurrences of episode \(\alpha = abc\) in that sequence is \(do(\alpha )\) = {[1 1 2],[3 4 4],[5 7 6]}. FEM algorithms have been designed to mine frequent episodes using various frequency definitions, each capturing a notion of how often an episode occurs in an input sequence. Under the distinct occurrences-based frequency, the support of an episode merely corresponds to the maximum number of its distinct occurrences in the sequence.

Definition 8

(Support of episode, Frequent episode) Let S be a sequence and \(\alpha \) be an episode:

  • The support of \(\alpha \) under the distinct occurrences-based frequency definition (denoted by support(\(\alpha \))) is the cardinality of the maximal set of its distinct occurrences, that is \(support(\alpha ) = \Vert do(\alpha )\Vert \).

  • An episode \(\alpha \) is frequent under distinct occurrence-based frequency if and only if \(support(\alpha ) \le minsup\) i.e., \(support(\alpha ) = \Vert do(\alpha )\Vert \), where minsup is a user-specified threshold.

Frequent episodes are interesting because they can capture frequent relationships between events. To find patterns that are more actionable, several studies have focused on discovering episodes in the form of rules called episode rules [8, 19]. The concept of the episode rule is similar to that of association rule used in traditional frequent itemset mining [30]. Generally, an episode rule is an expression of the form \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are two frequent episodes. This represents a binary relationship between two frequent episodes according to a specific frequency definition. To evaluate such a rule, the confidence measure, which is the probability that the consequent of an episode rule appears when its antecedent is observed, is commonly used. An episode rule is said to be valid if and only if its confidence exceeds the confidence threshold, denoted by minconf. Note that the exact definition of the confidence of an episode rule may vary depending on the algorithm and type of episode rules that are extracted.

The approach presented in this paper is called EMDO, which stands for Episode Mining under Distinct Occurrences. It relies on distinct occurrences-based frequency to capture how often a rule is frequent. An episode rule is then formally defined as follows:

Definition 9

(Episode Rule) An episode rule is an implication of the form \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are two frequent episodes under the distinct occurrence-based frequency.

As mentioned above, episode rules reveal important relationships between frequent episodes. The meaning of an episode rule under Definition 9 is that if an episode \(\alpha \) appears in sequence S, it will trigger the occurrence of episode \(\beta \). Since we are using parallel episodes, any event of \(\alpha \) can trigger the episode \(\beta \). To capture the idea that \(\beta \) is a consequence of \(\alpha \) we require that the beginning (resp. the end) of \(\beta \) must be after the beginning (resp. the end) of \(\alpha \). Therefore, the new form of episode rules studied in this paper covers many other works as in [6, 7] that mines partially ordered episode rules as well as episode rules under non overlapped occurrence-based frequency [19].

Definition 10

(Episode Rule Occurrence) Consider an episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) and two occurrences \(\alpha _i\) and \(\beta _j\) of episodes \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) respectively (\(\alpha _i \in do(\alpha )\ and\ \beta _i \in do(\beta )\)). An occurrence of the rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is a vector \(h = [t_{\alpha _{1}} ... t_{\alpha _{n}} t_{\beta _{1}} .... t_{\beta _{m}}]\). An occurrence h is said to be a valid occurrence of the rule if and only if: \(T_s(\alpha ) < T_s(\beta _j)\) and \(T_e(\alpha ) < T_e(\beta _j)\) where \(T_s\) (resp. \(T_e\)) is a function that takes an occurrence of an episode as an input and returns its starting (resp. ending) time. The set of all valid occurrences of an episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is denoted by \(occER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ).\)

For example, consider the sequence shown in Fig. 3 and the support threshold \(minsup=3\). We calculate the set of frequent episodes with respect to minsup. We start with episodes of size 1. For \(\alpha = a \), the maximal set of distinct occurrences in sequence S is \(do_\alpha = \{ [1], [3], [4], [7] \}\); hence, the support of \(\alpha \) is 4. Next, we determine the maximal set of distinct occurrences of \(\beta = b\), \(\gamma = c\), and so on. Then, by joining the timestamp of each occurrence of any pair of episodes according to Definition 6, we obtain the occurrences of larger episodes.

Based on the concept of episode rule occurrence, the support of an episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is defined as the number of all valid occurrences in the sequence.

Definition 11

(Episode Rule Support) The support of an episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \), denoted by \(supER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )\) is defined as follows:

$$supER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) = \Vert occER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )\Vert $$

The confidence of an episode rule is defined as in a previous work, that is, as the ratio between the support of that episode rule and the support of its antecedent.

Definition 12

(Episode Rule Confidence) The confidence of an episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is denoted by \(conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )\) and it is defined as follows:

$$conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) = \frac{\Vert occER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )\Vert }{support(\alpha )}$$

In addition to the set of frequent episodes already demonstrated, a set of episode rules can be derived in a straightforward manner. Consider the confidence threshold \(minconf=50\%\). For instance, let \(\alpha = a\) and \(\beta = d\) be two frequent episodes, each identified by its distinct occurrence, as shown in Table 1. According to Definition 10, we can obtain the set of occurrences of \(ER=a\ \Rightarrow \ d\) as \(occER(a\ \Rightarrow \ d)=\{[1\ 2],[3\ 7]\}\); hence, the support of the rule is \(suppER(a \Rightarrow d) = \Vert occER(a \Rightarrow d)\Vert = 2\). Therefore, the confidence is straightforwardly calculated by Definition 12 as \(conf(a \Rightarrow d) = \frac{\Vert occER(a \Rightarrow d)\Vert }{support(a)} = \frac{2}{4} = 0.5 = 50\%\). Table 2 lists a subset of episode rules derived from sequence Fig. 3 with respect to a confidence threshold \(minconf=50\%\).

Table 1 Frequent episodes with \(minsup=3\)
Table 2 Frequent episodes with \(minconf=50\%\)

The problem addressed in this paper is the mining of frequent episodes and episode rules using the distinct occurrence-based frequency. More precisely, given a sequence S, a support threshold minsup and a confidence threshold minconf, the proposed approach consists of two tasks:

  • Finding all frequent episodes under distinct occurrences-based frequency, i.e., having a support which is greater or equal to minsup.

  • Finding all valid episode rules of the form \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) such that \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are frequent episodes and \(conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) \ge minconf\).

4 Novel efficient algorithms for episode rule mining in complex sequences

This section presents the proposed approach for mining frequent episodes and episode rules under distinct occurrences-based frequency. The proposed approach involves two main phases: the first phase consists of mining frequent episodes using a procedure to recognize distinct occurrences, whereas the second phase extracts all valid episode rules in the proposed form, as discussed in the previous section.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Frequent Episode Generation function flowchart

Fig. 6
figure 6

Maxmimal set of Distinct Occurrences Recognition function flowchart

4.1 Frequent episode mining with distinct occurrences-based frequency

The first step is to mine the set of all frequent episodes according to their distinct occurrences. Initially, the function Mine_frequent_episodes, presented in Algorithm 1 and Fig. 5, scans the input sequence to extract episodes of size 1 (containing a single event). For each event type e that occurs at a timestamp \(t_k\), \(t_k\) is added to a variable \(do_e\) that stores the distinct occurrences of e. Next, the function retains only frequent event types (line 1-9). Then, the algorithm mines larger episodes using a depth-first search strategy by repeatedly combining each n-node episode with a single event episode to form larger episodes. Function Distinct_Occurrence_Recognition (Algorithm 2 and Fig. 6) is used to find the maximal set of distinct occurrences of each produced episode.

Algorithm 1
figure d


To avoid exploring all of the search space, the function for frequent episode generation under distinct occurrences-based support utilizes the following anti-monotonicity property.

Algorithm 2
figure e


Proposition 1

Let \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) be two episodes such that \(\alpha \sqsubseteq \beta \). If the episode \(\beta \) is frequent then the episode \(\alpha \) is also frequent. Equivalently, if the episode \(\alpha \) is infrequent then the episode \(\beta \) is also infrequent.


Since \(\alpha \sqsubseteq \beta \), it follows that each occurrence of \(\beta \) in S includes an occurrence of \(\alpha \). Hence, the number of occurrences of episode \(\beta \) is at most equal to the number of occurrences of episode \(\beta \), i.e. \(support (\alpha ) \ge support(\beta )\). Therefore, if the episode \(\beta \) is frequent, i.e., \(support (\beta ) \ge minsup\) and since \(support(\beta ) \le support(\alpha )\) then \(support(\alpha ) \ge minsup\), hence, episode \(\alpha \) is also frequent. Consequently, the anti-monotonicity property holds for the distinct occurrences-based support.

Function Distinct_Occurrence_Recognition, which finds the maximal set of distinct occurrences (Algorithm 2), receives two input episodes: an episode \(\alpha \) to be grown using a single event episode beta. The output is the distinct occurrences of the resulting episode \(do_{\alpha \sqcup \beta }\). Several FEM algorithms perform multiple scans of the input sequence to calculate the occurrences of an episode. However, these scans generally consume excessive time and memory. The proposed algorithm avoids this problem by calculating the occurrences of any new larger episode of size \(n+1\) starting from the set of occurrences of episodes of size n and that of a single event episode.

For each occurrence, \(O_i \in do_\alpha \), the algorithm parses the set of distinct occurrences of \(\beta \) to obtain an occurrence \(O_j \in do_\beta \) and builds an occurrence of \(\alpha \sqcup \beta \) whose vector of timestamps contains timestamps of \(O_i\) (i.e., \(O_i.timestamps\) from \(do_\alpha \)) joined with timestamps of \(O_j\) (i.e., \(O_j.timestamps\) from \(do_\beta \)).

Then, the algorithm compares the new occurrence with all the occurrences in the set \(do_{\alpha \sqcup \beta }\); if that new occurrence overlaps with any other occurrence in the current maximal set of distinct occurrences of \(\alpha \sqcup \beta \) (i.e., the set \(do_{\alpha \sqcup \beta }\)), the algorithm simply checks which occurrence it is to remove from the set \(do_\alpha \) or from \(do_{\beta }\); if the timestamp of the event in \(\beta \) (here, since \(\Vert \beta \Vert = 1\), \(O_j.timestamps[1]\) is the occurrence time of the single event episode \(\beta \) in S) exists in the vector newocc.timestamps, then \(O_j\) is removed from \(do_\beta \). Otherwise, one timestamp from \(O_i.timestamps\) surely exists in newocc.timestampsj; in this case, \(O_i\) is removed from \(do_\alpha \) (line 10-16). Here, the function \(exists(t_k, O_i)\) returns true if the integer (timestamp) \(t_k\) exists in the vector of times \(O_i.timestamps\); otherwise, it returns false.

4.1.1 An illustrative example

Consider the complex sequence of Fig. 3 as an example, and let \(minsup=3\). In the first step of Algorithm 1, each event type in E is viewed as a single event episode (i.e., an episode with one event). Next, the algorithm computes, for each episode, the set of its occurrences in each event set by scanning the complex event sequence, and the support according to Definition 8 (see line 1-14). Then, the algorithm removes the non-frequent single event episodes based on the support threshold (see line 15-19). Table 3 shows the set P of frequent episodes obtained by executing lines 1-19.

Table 3 Frequent episodes of size 1 with \(minsup=3\)
Algorithm 3
figure f


To discover larger episodes, the algorithm creates a copy of the frequent episodes already obtained and then starts the search for larger episodes, following a depth-first strategy. Before deciding whether a new episode \(\alpha \sqcup \beta \) is frequent, the algorithm computes the episode’s distinct occurrences denoted by \(do_{\alpha \sqcup \beta }\). An example of this process will be given after. Next, the algorithm checks if the episode’s support meets the requirement. If so, the episode is added into the set F of frequent episodes and the algorithm continues the search (line 21-28). To perform the step of distinct occurrences recognition, the algorithm 1 calls Algorithm 2. Consider two episodes \(\alpha =a\) and \(\beta =b\) where \(do_\alpha =\{ [1], [3], [4], [7] \}\) and \(do_\beta = \{[1], [4], [7]\}\). The first step of each iteration in Algorithm 2 within the loop is to create a new occurrence and initialize its timestamps as the union between the timestamps of an occurrence of \(\alpha \) and those of the occurrence of \(\beta \). As explained before, the first occurrences \(O_\alpha = [1]\) and \(O_\beta = [1]\) will result in an occurrence of \(\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta \) such that \(newocc_{\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta }.timestamps = [1\ 3]\). The algorithm continues for the next occurrences \(O_\alpha = [3]\ and\ O_\beta \ =\ [4]\) such that \(newocc_{\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta }.timestamps\ =\ [3] \cup [4] = [3\ 4]\) and stores each occurrence in \(do_{\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta }\). However, there is an exceptional case where an occurrence of \(\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta \) does not meet the criteria of Definition 6 (line 11). In this case, the process uses another way of selectingd which occurrence to overstep. Therefore, if the timestamp of the single event episode \(\beta \) exists already in any old occurrence of \(\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta \) then, the algorithm loops with the same occurrence of \(\alpha \) and selects the next occurrence of \(\beta \). Otherwise, the algorithm keeps the occurrence of \(\beta \) and tests the combination with the next occurrence of \(\alpha \) since it absolutely intersects with any other occurrence of \(\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta \). For instance, consider two episodes \(\alpha \ =\ a \) and \(\beta \ =\ b\). If the algorithm has the occurrence \(O_\alpha \ =\ [3]\) and \(O_\beta \ =\ [4]\) then, \(do_{\alpha \sqcup \beta }\ =\ [3\ 4]\). However, the next combination between \(O_\alpha \ =\ [4]\) and \(O_\beta \ =\ [7]\) will not be valid since the timestamp \(t=4\) already exists in \([3\ 4]\). Hence, the algorithm simply keeps the occurrence \(O_\beta = [7]\) and moves to the next occurrence \(O_\alpha \ =\ [5]\), which gives a valid occurrence of \(\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta \) such that: \(do_{\alpha \ \sqcup \ \beta } = \{[1\ 1],[3\ 4],[5\ 7]\}\). When the algorithm terminates, all frequent episodes have been found. Table 1 shows the final set of frequent episodes generated by Algorithm 1 for the sequence of Fig. 3.

4.2 Episode rule mining

The following paragraphs present an extension of the algorithm proposed in Section 4.1 to derive all valid episode rules of the form \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are two frequent episodes under the distinct occurrences-based frequency.

Algorithm 4
figure g


The episode rule mining process is given by the function Extract_Episode_Rules described in Algorithm 3 and Fig. 7 which takes as input a complex event sequence S, support threshold minsup and confidence threshold minconf where the output is the set R of the valid episode rules.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Episode Rules Generation function flowchart

Initially, the function calculates the set of frequent episodes by calling the Mine_Frequent_Episodes function (Algorithm 1), and initializes the set of rules (lines 1-2). Then, it iterates on the set of frequent episodes to capture valid rules using Definition 11. Here, the function Episode_Rule_Support(\(\alpha \), \(\beta \)) (line 5) calculates the support of the rule according to Definition 11 (See Algorithm 4)

4.3 Episode rule mining with pruning

The approach presented in the previous subsection allows finding all episode rules. However, considering all possible combinations of \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) to form an episode rule leads to a large search space. To reduce this search space, a pruning technique is applied as follows: For a given single event episode used as a consequent of an episode rule, only its super-episodes are candidates to be consequents of valid episode rules. This is obtained using the anti-monotonicity property in the rule generation step, as stated by Proposition 2 below.

Proposition 2

Let \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) be two frequent episodes under distinct occurrences-based frequency. If the rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is invalid, then every episode rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \gamma \) such that \(\beta \sqsubseteq \gamma \) is invalid too.


Proving the correctness of that proposition simply requires to use the anti-monotonicity of the distinct occurrences-based support, to show that the confidence of a rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \gamma \) obtained from a single event episode \(\beta \) such that \(\beta \sqsubseteq \gamma \), will be invalid. Let \(\beta \sqsubseteq \gamma \) be two episodes, and assume that the support of the rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is invalid. By the anti-monotonicity property in Proposition 1, \(support(\beta ) \ge support(\gamma )\). It follows that :

$$\begin{aligned} conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )= & {} \frac{ \Vert occER(\alpha , \beta )\Vert }{ support(\alpha ) } \ge conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \gamma ) \\= & {} \frac{ \Vert occER(\alpha , \gamma )\Vert }{support(\alpha )}. \end{aligned}$$

However, since the rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) is invalid, this means that \(conf(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) < minconf\), and therefore, the rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \gamma \) is invalid as well.

Algorithm Extract_Episode_Rules_With_Pruning (Algorithm 5) integrates a pruning strategy based on Proposition 2 to generate all valid episode rules from the input complex-event sequence.

Algorithm 5
figure h


Initially, the algorithm calculates the set of all frequent episodes with respect to the support threshold minsup, initializes the set R of valid rules to be calculated, and initializes the set P of frequent single episodes (lines 1-3). Then, for each frequent episode \(\alpha \) as an antecedent of rule \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \), the algorithm calculates the set of valid consequents with respect to the confidence threshold minconf by combining larger and larger episodes with single event episodes. First, the algorithm uses the \(j^{th}\) single event as a consequence of the episode rule. Here, the episode root in line 8 is used to backtrack the process if there is no other candidate super-episode of \(\beta \) as a consequence. For each episode \(\beta \), the algorithm calculates the episode rule support by calling the function \(Episode\_Rule\_Support(\alpha , \beta )\) and calculates its confidence: If the confidence exceeds the confidence threshold, the algorithm adds the episode \(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) into R and updates the root episode for the later combination of the consequents (lines 11-19). The algorithm stops if there are no other possible single-event episode candidates; otherwise, it updates episode \(\beta \) to become larger with the next \(j^{th}\) episode from P (lines 20-23).

4.3.1 An illustrative example

An example is presented to illustrate the process of discovering the set of all episode rules in the sequence S given in Fig. 3 for \(minsup=3\) and \(minconf=50\%\) by applying Algorithm 5. Initially, the algorithm calculates the set of frequent episodes as explained before (see Table 1). Then, it creates the set P of frequent episodes of size 1 (line 3) from the sequence S, i.e., \(P=\{a,b,c,d\}\). Next, the algorithm will search for episode rules. Take episode \(\alpha = a\), the algorithm finds all rules where the antecedent is \(\alpha = a\) (\(\alpha \in F\)) and then, it considers \(\beta = b\) (\(\beta \in P\)) as the first consequent and the root of potential consequents (line 4 -10), where \(do_\alpha = \{ [1], [3], [4], [5], [7] \}\) \(do_\beta = \{[1], [4], [7]\}\). Then, the algorithm calculates the support of the episode rule \(ER=\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \) (line 13) according to Definitions 10 and 11. Here, the support is calculated as follows: for each occurrence \(O_i \in do_\alpha \), Algorithm 4 is applied to find an occurrence \(O_j \in _\beta \) where \(do_\alpha = \{ [1], [3], [4], [7] \}\) and \(do_\beta = \{[1], [4], [5]\}\) such that \(start(O_i) < start(O_j)\) and \(end(O_i) < end(O_j)\). Hence, for the episode rule \(ER=\alpha \Rightarrow \beta \), its first occurrence is \([1\ 4]\) and cannot be \([1\ 1]\) since the occurrence \(O_\alpha =[1]\) and \(O_\beta =[1]\) do not meet the previous criteria. Thus, the algorithm jumps to the second occurrence of \(\beta \) (\(O_\beta = [4]\)), which produces a valid occurrence of the episode rule. Then, the algorithm moves to the next occurrences \(O_\alpha = [3]\) and \(O_\beta =[5]\) of \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) respectively, which make the vector \([3\ 5]\) a valid occurrence of the episode rule. The set of occurrences of the rule \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta \) is \(ER-occ(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) = \{[1\ 4],[3\ 7]\}\) Finally, the support is calculated as \(supER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta ) = \Vert occER(\alpha \Rightarrow \beta )\Vert =2\). Then, Algorithm 5 continues its process by calculating the confidence on line 14. If the confidence exceeds the minconf threshold, then, the current rule is considered as valid and the current consequent \(\beta \) becomes the root of potential consequents such that it is joined with the next single event episode \(\gamma =c\) from the set P and the process is repeated. Notice that, if the consequent is not frequent, the root takes the place of the valid consequent to join. For \(minconf=50\%\), the rule \(a \Rightarrow \beta \) is valid and \(\beta = b\) is the root for future consequents, hence, it is joined with episode \(\gamma =c\). Therefore, the next episode rule to check is \(a \rightarrow bc\). if the last rule is not valid with respect to minconf, \(\beta = b\) will be joined with \(\delta =d\) and so on according the Proposition 2. Table 2 shows the final set of valid episode rules found by the algorithm.

5 Experimental study

Several experiments were conducted on both synthetic and real datasets to evaluate the proposed approach for mining frequent episodes and episode rules. The experiments were performed on an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G with Radeon Graphics 3.70 GHz PC with 16 Gb of main memory and 256 Gb of SSD storage, running the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. All algorithms were coded in Java. These experiments only evaluates the designed approach since there exist no prior work on discovering frequent episodes in complex event sequences using the distinct occurrences-based frequency definition.

5.1 Data generation

Several synthetic datasets were used for the experiments, which were randomly generated using three main parameters:(i) the length of the complex sequence (the number of events), (2) the number of event types, and (3) the maximal size of event sets in the complex sequence. To evaluate the proposed approach under different scenarios, three types of synthetic sequences were considered: short, medium, and large. Table 4 lists the details of the chosen synthetic datasets for these experiments. The datasets are available publicly on GitHubFootnote 1

Table 4 Synthetic datasets parameters

Three real datasets were obtained in the form of transaction databases from the SPMF dataset collection.Footnote 2 For this purpose, each item is considered an event, and hence each transaction (itemset) is considered as an event set in the complex sequence. Furthermore, each event set is associated with an integer (the transaction number) to represent its timestamp. The first dataset that was used is called OnlineRetail with 541880 event sets and 2603 event types, the second dataset is called FruitHut with 181970 event sets and 9390 event types, and the last one is called Mushrooms which contains 8416 event sets and 119 event types. These three real datasets were chosen owing to their different characteristics.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Influence of minsup on the number of frequent episodes and the size of the largest episode on synthetic datasets

5.2 Results and discussion

The experiments described in this section aim to evaluate the performance of two processes: mining frequent episodes (Section 5.2.1) and generating valid episode rules (Section 5.2.2).

For frequent episode mining, the performance analysis considers both synthetic and real datasets and the variation according to the support threshold of: (1) the runtime (in seconds), (2) the number of frequent episodes, (3) the size of the largest frequent episode, and (4) the memory used during the process.

For episode rule mining, the baseline algorithm (called EMDO) was compared with the algorithm for mining episode rules using the pruning strategy (called EMDO-P), both proposed in this paper, in terms of (1) runtime and (2) memory cost for both synthetic and real datasets.

5.2.1 Frequent episode mining

The first step of the proposed algorithm is to generate a set of frequent episodes using Algorithm 1. Figure 8 and 9 show how the support threshold influences the number of frequent episodes and maximum episode size on synthetic and real datasets, respectively.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Influence of minsup on the number of frequent episodes and the size of the largest episode on real datasets

Fig. 10
figure 10

Influence of minsup for frequent episode generation in terms of execution time and memory usage on synthetic data sets

The variations in the number of frequent episodes with respect to the support threshold values clearly show that the anti-monotony property of the distinct occurrence-based frequency is very effective for pruning the search space by the proposed approach on both synthetic and real datasets. Moreover, the size of the largest frequent episode is much smaller when the minimum support value is increased. The smaller minsup values are, the more frequently large episodes occur, and the greater the number of frequent episodes is for synthetic or real datasets.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Influence of minsup on execution time and memory usage on real data sets

Figures 10 and 11 depict the results obtained from the application of the proposed EMDO algorithm for different minsup threshold values in terms of runtime (in seconds) and memory usage (in megabytes) for synthetic sequences (short, medium and large size) and real sequences, respectively.

The number of frequent episodes with respect to the minsup threshold in Figs. 10 and 11 decrease when the support increase. Moreover, the memory cost also decreases rapidly for greater support thresholds. This shows in particular the efficiency of applying the anti-monotonicity property in the context of distinct occurrences-based frequency. The property states that the support of an episode is not greater than that of any of its subepisodes. Consequently, the greater support threshold values, the less runtime and memory costs. Therefore, the results show the efficiency of the proposed approach in terms of runtime, memory usage, frequent episode count, and episode sizes.

5.2.2 Episode rule generation

The second step of EMDO is the generation of valid episode rules from a derived set of frequent episodes. Because there are no other algorithms that rely on distinct occurrences-based support to mine frequent parallel episodes and/or episode rules in complex event sequences, we focus here on the comparison between the baseline version of the proposed EMDO algorithm and the modified version, (EMDO_P) which utilizes the pruning technique described in Section 4.3. The main objective of this experiment was to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed pruning technique for generating valid episode rules. Note that the two versions (EMDO and EMDO_P) yield the same output, that is, generate the same valid episode rules. However, they differ in performance, as explained below. The different minimum support values are presented in Table 5.

Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the influence of the minconf threshold on runtime (in seconds) and memory usage (in megabytes) for the naive algorithm EMDO and the improved algorithm EMDO_P on synthetic and real datasets, respectively.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Influence of minconf on execution time and memory usage of episode rules generation on synthetic datasets

Fig. 13
figure 13

Influence of minconf on execution time and memory usage of episode rules generation on real datasets

Unsurprisingly, the naive algorithm globally uses less memory to generate valid episode rules for different values of the confidence threshold minconf than the algorithm using the pruning strategy. This remark is valid both for synthetic and real datasets. This is not problematic because the increase in memory cost remains reasonable and does not challenge the modified algorithm.

However, the modified algorithm EMDO_P is clearly better than the naive EMDO algorithm in terms of runtime for both synthetic and real datasets, particularly when the confidence threshold is increased. This is because the pruning strategy enables EMDO_P to eliminate many large episodes that cannot be a consequent of valid rules. This is due to the new episode rule pruning strategy of our algorithm that avoid the combination of many frequent episodes, when compared to the naive algorithm.

5.3 Discussion of some discovered patterns

Using the EMDO_P algorithm, several patterns can be retrieved from datasets that reveal hidden relationships between events. For instance, we executed the proposed method on the FruitHut dataset, and the resulting set of episode rules was significant. As example, Table 6 presents some of the rules extracted from this dataset.

These rules represent strong relationships between purchases made by customers. It is interesting to note that those rules cannot be generated by the NONEPI algorithm because this latter only generate rules where the antecedent is a subepisode (predecessor) of the consequent. However, our approach can combine all episodes to make rules, rather than only those where an antecedent is a sub-episode of a consequent. Moreover, the rules generated by the NONEPI algorithm can be generated using the EMDO_P algorithm. For instance, the rule \(Field\ Tomatoes \rightarrow Field\ Tomatoes,\ Banana\ Cavendish\) was generated by both NONEPI and EMDO_P for a confidence threshold of \(minconf=50\%\). However, NONEPI cannot generate any of the rules shown in Table 6 except for the rule previously mentioned.

These episode rules are interesting as they show the temporal relationships between items such that if some items are bought in some order, then other items on the left side of such a rule will also be bought by such a customer, which reveals the customer’s preference or needs. Consequently, these rules can be used to develop marketing strategies based on promotions or recommendations.

On the real FruitHut dataset, we further performed a comparison of patterns found by EMDO and other episode mining algorithms, namely the MINEPI+, NONEPI and MINEPI algorithms. MINEPI+ uses a frequency definition called the head frequency whereas NONEPI uses the non-overlapped occurrence-based frequency to calculate the support of episodes and MINEPI uses the minimal occurrence-based frequency.

Table 7 shows the comparison of support values of frequent episodes discovered by all algorithms. The table indicates that the support calculated by the proposed algorithm is greater than that calculated by NONEPI and MINEPI and less than that calculated by MINEPI+. Consequently, we conclude that EMDO can discover the same frequent episodes but by exploring a smaller search space than MINEPI+ and may provide a more reasonable view as it captures more occurrences than NONEPI and MINEPI.

First, the head frequency is greater than any other frequency definitions owing to the duplicate count of the same events with their timestamps for many windows of length k. Therefore, for a given episode, the head frequency increase with the window length. Second, the minimal occurrence of an episode \(\alpha \) is a time interval that contains the occurrence of a given episode such that no proper sub-window contains an occurrence of \(\alpha \), which means that any pair of occurrences can be distinct, but they must be minimal; hence, this additional constraint will eliminate such occurrences that are not minimal. Consequently, distinct occurrence-based frequency will be absolutely greater than minimal occurrences-based frequency since there is no constraint of the presence of occurrences in such time intervals except that they do not share common events (timestamps). Finally, the non-overlapping occurrence-based frequency is the smallest frequency for episodes because of the strong elimination due to the condition that occurrences must not overlap, which eliminates the majority of occurrences of any episode.

Table 5 The supports value used in the episode rules generation step

Furthermore, Table 8 shows the comparison of the number of frequent episodes, the number of candidate episodes and the size of the largest frequent episodes for each algorithm. It is easy to see that the ratio between the number of frequent episodes to the number of candidate episodes is larger for EMDO which shows the efficiency of our new approach relative to other algorithms. In other words, EMDO has to explore less candidates to find each valid pattern on average.

On overall, the experiments show that EMDO can reveal significant episodes in real data. Due to its frequency function, EMDO may provide a more accurate view compared to using other algorithms, especially those that use occurrence definitions that shares common events.

Table 6 Example of discovered patterns from FruitHut dataset
Table 7 Example of discovered episodes by different algorithms from FruitHut dataset
Table 8 Statistics of different algorithms on the FruitHut dataset

6 Conclusion

Several algorithms have been developed to identify episodes in an event sequence. Generally, a frequent episode mining algorithm is designed to utilize a frequency function based on a specific definition of episode occurrence. Although, several algorithms for episode mining have been proposed, most of them consider serial episodes or simple event sequences with only one event per timestamp. Furthermore, most algorithms allow for occurrences to overlap, which can result in counting the same events multiple times, whereas algorithms based on non-overlapping occurrences tend to underestimate the frequency of the episodes.

Based on these observations, this paper studied the problem of episode rule mining in a complex event sequence using distinct occurrences-based frequency. An efficient depth-first strategy was proposed for discovering frequent parallel episodes and valid episode rules, which were integrated into two efficient algorithms, named EMDO and EMDO_P, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that identifies parallel episodes with a distinct occurrences-based frequency in a complex event sequence.

In addition to mining frequent episodes, episode rules represent another important type of pattern to mine from the temporal sequences. An episode rule reveals a strong relationship between frequent episodes that may be used for different practical purposes, such as prediction and diagnosis. In this paper, we propose an adapted strategy for pattern recognition and use it to propose two approaches for extracting episode rules from complex sequences. The first is a naive approach that explores the totality of the search space. The second approach exploits the anti-monotonicity property of the support under the distinct occurrences-based frequency to propose a new pruning strategy for reducing the explored part of the search space. Our pruning strategy is based on the fact that if an episode rule \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta \) is not valid with respect to a confidence threshold, then any episode rule \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta '\) with \(\beta \sqsubseteq \beta '\) is invalid. Consequently, as soon as the algorithm recognizes a non-valid episode rule \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta \), it stops the search process for any rule with the form \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta '\) such that \(\beta '\) is a super-episode of \(\beta \).

To demonstrate the performance of our techniques, we performed multiple tests on synthetic and real-world datasets. For synthetic datasets, we built a generator that produces random complex event sequences based on three keys: (i) the length of the result sequence, (ii) the number of event types, and (iii) the maximum number of events per timestamp. For real-world sequences, we used existing real-world transactional databases and added a timestamp to each transaction to obtain a complex sequence. The obtained results confirm the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in terms of both the runtime and memory usage. In particular, they demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed pruning strategy based on the anti-monotonicity property in discovering episode rules under distinct occurrence-based frequency.

Episode mining and related pattern mining have been active research fields in recent decades. There are still many opportunities for further research in this area. In the following lines, we provide some opportunities for episode and episode rule mining:

  • Building prediction models that are based on existing techniques including our approach to be used in production environments.

  • Extend our approach to consider uncertain data and/or other kind of important episodes like high utility episodes. This undoubtedly leads to the exploration of new techniques and strategies for pruning search spaces.

  • Extending our approach to consider more complex event sequences like event streams.