1 Introduction

Ensemble methods that create a strong classifier from a linear combination of weak classifiers are powerful tools to tackle real world machine learning challenges [1, 2]. Building an ensemble with boosting techniques has recently become popular; particularly, in an ensemble built using the adaptive boosting algorithm (AdaBoost), the generalization error is rapidly reduced when adding classifiers since the algorithm enhances/boosts the weights of misclassified samples for every added classifier in the ensemble. In supervised learning, the ensemble’s base classifiers are trained with well-characterized data and are required to be accurate only slightly better than random guess (weak classifiers). The AdaBoost algorithm dictates how to combine these base classifiers into a single classifier and allows for properties of data not used in the training phase to be inferred [3,4,5]. Examples of classifiers that have been successfully combined with Adaboost are: artificial neural networks [6], decision trees [7], k-nearest neighbors [8], naive Bayes [9] and convolutional neural networks [10].

Support vector machines (SVM) [11] are expected to be useful base classifiers in an ensemble, since they offer high accuracy and work well in high dimensional spaces. Their decision functions can be easily tuned by appropriate kernel functions [12]. SVMs rely entirely on a geometric approach to the binary classification problem, making them robust against noisy data and outliers [13, 14]. The use of SVMs is wide in several fields and is in constant expansion; for example, in agricultural sciences [15], stock market prediction [16], medical image recognition [17], swarm computing [18], health monitoring [19], and other disciplines.

An SVM classifier needs to be optimized in terms of its kernel function and hyper-parameters. Determining the optimal kernel and hyper-parameters is time consuming and computationally expensive. For example, the simplest practice is to perform a grid search to assess the performance of the SVM for several configurations. The number of configurations becomes intractable when the considered amount of kernel functions and hyper-parameters grows, thus rendering it impractical. To overcome this problem, the construction of ensembles using SVMs as base classifiers to avoid grid searches has been under study. Moreover, SVMs present a major inherent drawback: the training process escalates in time and memory complexity (O(n3) and O(n2), respectively) as the number of samples n in the training set increases, limiting the use of SVM within the realm of big data analysis. To reduce the number of training samples, and hence the training time, for an SVM to obtain a good generalization performance, a promising approach is to use genetic algorithm selections [20].

To collectively study the benefits above mentioned when using SVMs, this paper investigates a novel method called GenBoost-SVM that combines genetic algorithms (GAs), SVMs, and AdaBoost ensembles. We constructed SVMs ensembles with AdaBoost weights and selected the most suitable data samples utilizing a genetic algorithm. Particularly, we boosted the SVM classifiers by changing the kernel hyper-parameters for different kernels. Moreover, we varied the genetic selections using several scores and selection types to find a reduced data sample that potentially contains the vectors needed to find an effective SVM separating hyper-plane. We also included ensemble diversity selection criteria to address the accuracy-diversity dilemma. We found the best ensemble configuration and genetic selection that maintains a competitive classifier performance and reasonable training times. The latter is achieved since no SVM hyper-parameter tuning is needed and the number of training vectors is reduced.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a description of the previous related work. Section 3 contains our proposed methodology and the manner in which the ensembles are constructed is found in Algorithm 2 GenBoost-SVM. Section 4 outlines the experimental details of our study. Section 5 presents and discusses our obtained results and gives a description of the best SVM ensembles found. We give a formal statiscal comparison of our ensembles against several popular classifiers (PCs). Our concluding remarks are given in Section 6.

2 Related work

Ensembles with SVMs as base classifiers have previously helped avoid the time consuming hyper-parameter grid searches. For example, X. Li et al. [21] showed that SVMs are suitable for use in ensembles that follow the AdaBoost algorithm and that they could improve the classification of imbalanced data sets without searching for optimal kernels and hyper-parameters. Moreover, H.C. Kim et al. [22] constructed SVM ensembles with bootstrap aggregation, demonstrating improvement with respect to single SVM in real data sets.

Genetic selections for training data reduction for support vector machines were studied by Nalepa and Kawulok [23]. In another work, they treated the problem of defining the genetic algorithm parameters with an adaptive selection [24]; they also implemented a memetic algorithm which uses the knowledge obtained during the genetic selection to improve the selected training data [25]. Verbiest et al. [26] demonstrated the effectiveness of using genetic algorithms to improve SVMs, by comparing the classifier accuracy between standard, adaptive, and steady genetic selections. Fernandes et al. [27] treated imbalanced data sets by constructing highly accurate and diverse ensembles. They utilized adaptive genetic sampling methods to optimize the SVMs that conform the ensemble. Kawulok et al. [28] combined the training data selection and the search of an optimal SVM kernel with the aid of genetic algorithms, yielding competitive results with respect to performing these selections separately.

3 Methods

3.1 AdaBoost

AdaBoost is an ensemble method that dynamically updates the sample weights using the training error of a given base classifier to train the next ensemble base classifier [29]. The process to construct an AdaBoost ensemble is described in Algorithm 1: For a set of N training samples xi with labels yi, a uniform distribution of weights wi, is initialized. In step (1) a base classifier is trained on the weighted samples and in step (2) the training error is calculated. Then, the weight αt for the base classifier ht(x) is computed as a function of the training error in step (3). The sample weights, subject to normalization, are updated in step (4). Samples which are correctly classified obtain lower weights and misclassified samples obtain higher weights; in this manner, samples harder to classify receive more attention by the algorithm. More classifiers are added sequentially to the ensemble, each one correcting its predecessor. This process is repeated T cycles. The predicted labels by the ensemble are given by the sign of the weighted sum of the base classifiers label predictions.

figure a

3.2 SVMs

In a binary SVM classifier, an optimal hyper-plane separating two classes in the feature space is found. During the optimization, the SVM model selects from the training samples, xi, a subset of support vectors (SVs) that are used to establish the location of the decision surface. To simplify the search of the SVs, the training samples are mapped into a high-dimensional space using kernel functions, k(xi,xj), which are expressed in terms of inner products of the training samples or their mappings. In the feature space, a specific kernel will yield a hyper-plane that is used to designate a prediction yi to every xi, depending on which side of the hyper-plane xi is located. The kernel functions solve the optimization problem without explicitly utilizing the actual mappings; the latter is known as the kernel trick. Data may not be completely separable and some points would lie within the margin or they may be incorrectly classified; consequently, SVM implementations allow for a given degree of misclassification by introducing an adjustable penalty cost C.

An SVM classifier is defined by its kernel and the parameters that describe the kernel. This paper considers SVMs with:

  • Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, \(k(x_{i},x_{j})=\exp (-\gamma \vert \vert x_{i} - x_{j} \vert \vert ^{2} )\), with hyper-parameter γ.

  • Sigmoid kernel, \(k(x_{i},x_{j})=\tanh (\gamma \langle x_{i},x_{j}\rangle +r)\) with hyper-parameters γ and r.

  • Polynomial, k(xi,xj) = (γxi,xj〉 + r)d with hyper-parameters γ, r and d.

  • Linear kernel, k(xi,xj) = 〈xi,xj〉 with no hyper-parameters.

3.3 Boosted SVMs

3.3.1 AdaBoost ensembles

The main motivation to construct AdaBoost ensembles using SVMs as base classifiers resides in the fact that only few kernel hyper-parameters are needed to achieve a good ensemble performance; the latter simplifies the task of building an effective ensemble. X. Li et al. [21] studied AdaBoost SVM ensembles with RBF kernels. They showed that the hyper-parameter γ has the most relevant role in the ensemble classifier accuracy and they updated the sample weights by automatically modifying this parameter. Here, we constructed AdaBoost SVM ensembles with the kernels mentioned above and modified the kernel hyper-parameters and penalty cost. We set the different kernel hyper-parameters in such a way that the first base classifier in the ensemble achieves a classification accuracy slightly better than random choice. For the next base classifier, if the latter condition is not met, the hyper-parameters are adjusted to fulfill it. A moderate accuracy is desired, as an ensemble constructed in this fashion is expected to be more diverse and hence may have better generalization performance [21]. To determine how to adjust the kernel hyper-parameters and the penalty cost C in our AdaBoost sample weight updates, we studied the effect of different values and intervals of the hyper-parameters on a single SVM. In Fig. 1, we show the hyper-parameter dependency for the RBF, sigmoid, polynomial, and linear kernels trained with the Abalone data sample, described in Table 2. The plots show the training error as a function of the hyper-parameter γ and the cost penalty C. Each cell/number corresponds to a single SVM. The same behaviour is observed for SVMs trained with the remaining data sets listed in Table 2. From these studies, we concluded that γ and C should start with their minimum values of their ranges; subsequently, to improve the classification accuracy of the next classifier in the ensemble, we should increase γ and C towards their maximum values. The study suggests ranges and directions of change of the hyper-parameters as follows:

  • For the RBF kernel, the ranges γ ∈ (0,100] and C ∈ [0,100] are used to cover a wide range.

  • For the sigmoid kernel, the ranges γ ∈ (0,0.1], C ∈ [0,100] are used and we fix r = − 1. The γ and r values are chosen following Lin et al. [30]. The C values are chosen to cover a wide range.

  • For the polynomial kernel, the ranges γ ∈ (0,0.1] and C ∈ [0,10] are used and we fix r = 1 and d = 2. The γ, r and d values are chosen following Chang et al. [31]. The C values are chosen to cover a wide range.

  • For the linear kernel, the range C ∈ [0,10] is used to cover a wide range.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SVM hyper-parameter study for the abalone data set. The plots show the change of the training error in percentage in function of γ and C for the RBF, sigmoid, polynomial and linear kernels, as indicated in each plot. The remaining hyper-parameters are fixed. The plots corresponding to the other data samples are not shown here, nevertheless they exhibit an analog behaviour

3.3.2 Ensemble diversity

Diversity in our AdaBoost process was carried out with the measure of diversity developed by Melville and Mooney [32], where the disagreement of an ensemble base classifier with the ensemble’s prediction is taken into account for the measure. This diversity has proven to improve boosted ensembles with SVMs [21, 33]. Here, the ensemble diversity was implemented as follows: let ht(xi) be the predicted label of the t-th base classifier upon the sample xi, and the label predicted by all the existing base classifiers in the ensemble is given as H(xi). The diversity of the t-th base classifier is determined as

$$ d_{t}(x_{i}) = \begin{cases} 0: & \text{if}\ h_{t}(x_{i})=H(x_{i}) \\ 1: & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$

Expressly, we examine the disagreement in predictions between a new base classifier and the ensemble composed by the already incorporated base classifiers. The diversity of the whole ensemble with n samples and m components is calculated as

$$ d_{ens} = \frac{1}{mn}\sum\limits_{t=1}^{m}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}d_{t}(x_{i}). $$

At each iteration, the ensemble diversity dens is calculated. If it is greater than a fixed threshold, the new base classifier is added to the ensemble, otherwise it is discarded and the cycle continues.

3.3.3 Ensemble regularization

To control the number of base classifiers in the ensemble, we considered a simple early stopping approach [34]. The stopping criteria rely on spotting the ensemble over-fitting that occurs within the training phase. The presence of an excessive number of classifiers in the ensemble makes the prediction accuracy on samples not used for training (test samples) decrease, diminishing the ensemble generalization. In this study, we state that over-fitting is reached when the test accuracy of an ensemble, with a given amount of base classifiers, decreases with respect to the previous ensemble with a lower amount of base classifiers. To ensure that the over-fitting corresponds to a global ensemble behaviour and not a local inflection point, we stop the AdaBoost algorithm when Ndr consecutive generalization drops take place. Furthermore, to avoid the inclusion of more classifiers than needed, we stop the AdaBoost construction after Nst consecutive times the ensemble generalization exhibits the same value. Finally, we set Tmax as the maximum amount of base classifiers allowed in the ensemble.

3.4 Genetic algorithms and SVMs

3.4.1 Genetic selection with support vectors

The GAs are stochastic optimization techniques inspired by the principles of the biological theory of evolution. GAs carry out selections with a binary representation and simple operators based on genetic recombinations and mutations [35]. In this work, we employ a GA to select a small subset of the training data that will likely contain the support vectors needed to address the binary classification problem. First, from the total training data, a group of Nc chromosomesFootnote 1 referred to as population, is initialized. Later, a fitness function, SVM, determines how good a chromosome is in classifying new data and assigns a fitness score considering a given performance metric. Once all the chromosomes are evaluated, the population is ranked by fitness score. Next, the selection process takes place. Two chromosomes, or parents Pa,b, are selected according to a specific genetic selection method. The two parents are used to generate a new offspring of length Nc. The new set of chromosomes is constructed by randomly selecting genes from both Pa and Pb. This stage of the GA is known as crossover. Afterwards, a mutation procedure is performed by replacing random vectors from the new offspring with vectors from the total data set, with a mutation rate Rm. Then, the new generation is appended to the original population and ranked by fitness. Only the fittest Nc individuals are kept, preserving the original population size. These steps are repeated until a termination criterion is reached to ensure that the scores are the best possible scores achieved by the algorithm; that is, it does not produce a new offspring which is significantly different from the previous generation. During the whole process, class balance is preserved.

3.4.2 Chromosome selection methods

High-low. Originally proposed in [36]. After the population is ranked by fitness, it is divided in two parts. Individual Pa is randomly selected from the high fit part, while Pb is randomly selected from the low fit part. The division point here is set to divide the population in two parts of equal length. Choosing a parent from the low fit part of the population promotes several different combinations and prevents early convergence.

Roulette wheel. This technique is analogue to a spinning roulette wheel, where all the chromosomes in the population occupy a portion of the roulette wheel according to their fitness values [37]. The fittest individual has the largest share of the wheel, while the weakest individual has the smallest share of the roulette wheel. Two parents, Pa and Pb, are selected with this method by spinning the wheel.

Tournament. Individuals are chosen at random from the total population and set to compete, the winner being the one with the highest fitness score [37]. First, a number k of competitors is chosen and the individuals are randomly drawn without replacement. Then the fittest competitor is selected as parent Pa and withdrawn from the total population. Parent Pb is selected similarly.

3.5 GenBoost-SVM

Our proposed method, GenBoost-SVM, implements the elements described within the previous sections. Algorithm 2 GenBoost-SVM proceeds as follows:

  • Global Input. Input the original sample vectors and labels {x,y} and define the SVM kernel with its hyper-parameters as in Section 3.3.1. Include the ensemble diversity and regularization as in Section 3.3.2 and Section 3.3.3, respectively. The input also requires the genetic selection criteria, which defines the chromosome length lc, the population size Nc, the chromosome ranking metric, the mutation rate Rm as in Section 3.4.1, and the selection method for parents Pa and Pb as in Section 3.4.2.

  • Genetic selection. Create a population from {x,y} comprising Nc chromosomes of length lc. Start a cycle until the termination criterion of Section 3.4.1 is met: In step (1), define an AdaBoost ensemble with Algorithm 1 and weights updated as the SVM kernel hyper-parameters vary according to the input ranges. Provide the ensemble diversity and regularization criteria. In step (2), use a given classifier metric to asses the performance of the ensemble for each chromosome in the population. Rank the chromosomes by score from low to high and keep Nc of them. In step (3), select parents Pa,b with the input selection method. In step (4), crossover the parents Pa,b to generate a new offspring and then mutate them with a mutation rate Rm. Append the new chromosomes to the population. After the cycle is terminated, a small subset \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\) is obtained.

  • Final training. With the obtained \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\), train an ensemble of SVM classifiers once, using the Algorithm 1 and same kernel, hyper-parameters, ensemble diversity and regularization used for the genetic selection.

  • Global output: The output is a final classifier trained with a reduced subset. Its prediction is given by the sign of the linear combination of SVMs with AdaBoost weights. This ensemble classifier is to be tested with the vectors not included in \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\).

figure b

4 Experimental setup

4.1 Classifier metrics

4.1.1 Metrics

The present paper is restricted to the simple case where the data is divided in two different classes; that is, binary classification. We follow the convention of labelling these classes as ± 1. It is possible to summarize the outcome of a classifier using an error matrix [38]. The error matrix elements are defined in function of the classifier’s ability to correctly (incorrectly) classify, as either positive or negative, a data point skipped during the training phase. In this paper, the error matrix elements are:

  • TP is the number the positive samples correctly classified (true positives);

  • FP is the number the negative samples incorrectly classified as positive (false positives);

  • FN is the number the positive samples incorrectly classified as negative (false negatives);

  • TN is the number the negative samples correctly classified (true negatives).

The following classifier metrics, in terms of the error matrix elements, are used through this document:

  • Accuracy ACC [39]. The ACC is the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions.

  • Precision-recovery PRC [40]. The PRC plot shows the precision values (positive predictive value) for the corresponding sensitivity values, is given by PRC = TP/(TP + FP).

  • Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve AUC [41]. This curve is a plot of the TP rates at different thresholds. The thresholds for the SVM are obtained when the offset of the hyper-plane from origin is varied to produce different predictions. In the ensembles, we vary the thresholds of the component base classifiers. The area under the curve is calculated with a trapezoidal integration.

The values of the metrics ACC, PRC and AUC are in the range [0, 1] where 0 corresponds to the worst performance and 1 to the best performance.

4.1.2 Cross-validation

To provide reliable performance metrics for each ensemble, we carried out a repeated k-fold cross-validation procedure [42]. We split the data samples into k different folds. The ki fold is used to test the model and yield the performance metrics, whilst the remaining folds are used for training the model. This process is done for each of the k-folds. The k-fold cross-validation is repeated Ncv times with a different ki random generation in every repetition. In total, we train and test our models k × Ncv times. The reported metric values are the mean values of the obtained distributions and we assign one standard deviation as their errors.

4.2 Model construction

4.2.1 Model combinations

We study a number of ensembles constructed using the elements of Section 3. First, we set whether to use a given genetic pre-selection or the traditional test-train data splitting. The ensembles that include genetic selections need a metric to assort the fittest vectors in the population and select the parents Pa,b. We studied the two fitness metrics ACC and AUC as the assorting metrics. Next, the ensemble diversity is defined exploring two possibilities: when there is no requirement for the ensemble diversity or when we require a threshold in Eq. 2 to add a new classifier in the ensemble. Finally, we select one of the four SVM base classifier’s kernels described in Section 3.3.1. Therefore, for each of the three genetic selection methods of Section 3.4.1, there will be 16 different manners of how to construct an ensemble. That is, 2 ⊗ 2 ⊗ 4=(AUC, ACC)⊗(Diversity, No-Diversity)⊗(RBF, sigmoid, polynomial, linear), where the first term of the right side of this equality corresponds to the metrics used for the genetic selection method, the second term to the ensemble diversity and the third term to the SVM kernel considered. Additionally, 8 combinations are included in our studies which do not use a genetic selection and are described with a similar equality, 2 ⊗ 4=(Diversity, No-Diversity)⊗(RBF, sigmoid, polynomial, linear). We refer to these selections as traditional selections. Overall, we study 3 ⊗ 16 ⊕ 8 = 56 different combinations. The ensembles adopt a naming scheme as follows: selection-kernel-diversity. In Appendix A we give a glossary of the abbreviations used. For example, an ensemble that uses a genetic selection with the high-low method is named as genHLAUC-RBF-YESdiv. This ensemble considers the AUC as the fitness metric and the RBF as the SVM kernel and fulfills the diversity criteria. There is an equivalence with the ensembles proposed by X. Li et al. [21]. That is, our ensembles trad-rbf-NOTdiv and trad-rbf-YESdiv correspond to the AdaBoostSVM and Diverse AdaBoostSVM algorithms respectively proposed in their work.

4.2.2 Ensemble parameters

To fully define our proposed ensembles, it is necessary to fix the ensemble parameters. A summary of these parameters is shown in Table 1 and are explained in the following:

  • AdaBoost ensemble. We state that the base classifier is an SVM. Next, we set the threshold diversity as described in Section 3.3.2, dens > 0.7 which ensures a highly diverse ensemble. The maximum number of base classifiers Tmax is 250, which avoids an excessive number of classifiers that may cause over-training and long training times. The number of performance drops, Ndr = 4, ensures that the reduction of the ensemble performance is a real effect. We stop adding base classifiers to the ensemble when the performance metrics stall after Nst = 10 times. This quantity will ensure that no ensemble improvement is possible.

  • SVM. For the four different types of SVM kernels, we set C and γ as described in Section 3.3.1. The remaining hyper-parameters are kept fixed.

  • Genetic selection. The population size is set to Nc = 10, which will give enough alternatives to select the parents Pa,b. The chromosome length lc is given in terms of the total number of data vectors n. By letting lc = n/4, we can achieve reasonable statistics for low statistics samples and reduce the training time for high statistics samples. We use AUC and ACC as two different chromosome ranking metrics in order to compare the effect of choosing a specific ranking metric. Different parent selections are considered in order to compare the effect of the popular parent selections, as described in Section 3.4.1. The mutation rate Rm = 0.25 means that one quarter of a given chromosome will mutate, whilst the rest will stay the same. This number is reasonable since the fraction of not-mutated genes will preserve the essence of the selected parents while including an effective mutation. The number of repetitions of the GA selection is driven by the stop criterion of Section 3.4.1.

  • Cross-validation. The 10 k-folds and the repetitions Ncv = 5 are chosen to produce enough statistics and provide reliable standard deviations of the performance metrics, while keeping the number of training times computationally reachable.

Table 1 Parameters used to construct and characterize our proposed ensembles

4.3 Data samples

The data samples used to test our models are taken from the UCI repository [43]. Their characteristics are summarized in Table 2. For the case when they exhibit categorical features, we convert these categories to numerical values by assigning integers in ascending order to every category. Afterwards, the features of the data samples are transformed to lie in the range [0,1], where the SVM classifiers perform the best [44]. Some data sets contain more than two classes, in which case we grouped them to allow only two classes. The last column of Table 2 contains the imbalance measures of the data samples. In a data sample labeled with two different classes, we define the imbalance as the ratio of the number of examples with lower presence to the number of examples with higher presence. Therefore, the imbalance measure is in the range [0,1], where a value close to 1 corresponds to a fully balanced data sample and a value close to 0 corresponds to a highly imbalanced data sample.

Table 2 UCI [43] data sets used in the experiments

4.4 Experimental implementation

The experiments were carried out within Python using NumPy [45] and the libsvm [44] implementation from scikit-learn [46]. The statistical tests of the repeated cross-validation results are performed using the SciPy [47] tools. Our experiments follow Algorithm 2, with the ensemble construction guided by Section 4.2.1, with the parameters of Table 1. Our code is publicily available on GitHub [48].

5 Results

5.1 Ensemble metrics

In Fig. 2 we present the ACC, PRC, AUC, total training time, number of classifiers, and number of training vectors produced by our 56 proposed ensembles across the data samples listed in Table 2. Each point in these plots represents the mean value of the k × Ncv cross validation calculated metrics. The ACC, PRC, AUC are computed with the predicted classes from the testing samples which were not included while training the models. The number of classifiers corresponds to the number of base classifiers that each ensemble acquired during the execution of our algorithm. The number of training vectors is the number of input vectors {x,y} for the ensembles which do not consider a genetic selection. For the ensembles that consider a genetic selection, the number of training vectors is the number of the reduced set of training vectors \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\) when applying the genetic selection of Algorithm 2. The training time is the total time to complete Algorithm 2. The solid lines rendered in the plots join the results of a given data sample in such a way that a solid line displays the general behaviour of our ensembles evaluating a specific data sample.

Fig. 2
figure 2

ACC, PRC, ACC, the number of classifiers in the ensemble, the training time and training vectors for our proposed ensembles. The x-axis lists the 56 ensembles following the name scheme selection-kernel-diversity. The points are the mean values of the k × Ncv repeated cross validation computations. Each marker and color correspond to a data sample

5.2 Best ensembles combinations

To provide insights on how well our proposed ensembles perform, we carefully studied a selection of them, as it is impractical to handle the 56 combinations. Therefore, using the samples listed in Table 2, we empirically conducted a selection to obtain the best ensembles. Our procedure is as follows: First, we computed the ACC and sorted the values from high to low. Next, the AUC and PRC were calculated and we only considered ensembles where their ACC and PRC is higher than the average of the 56 ensemble combinations. Then we selected the classifiers with the highest ACC and repeated these steps for each sample in Table 2. We selected four ensembles which appeared the most often within the ensembles displaying the highest ACCs in each data sample:

  • Ensemble trad-rbf-YESdiv (E1). Here, the traditional selection and data splitting procedure to divide the sample into training and testing is employed. The RBF kernel is used and diversity is considered. Recall that E1 is equivalent to the X. Li et al. [21] Diverse AdaBoostSVM ensemble.

  • Ensemble genHLACC-rbf-NOTdiv (E2). A subset of training vectors is selected with the high-low genetic selection method. For this ensemble the fitness metric is the ACC. The RBF kernel is used and the ensemble diversity constrains are not included.

  • Ensemble genHLAUC-sig-YESdiv (E3). A subset of training vectors is selected with the high-low genetic selection method. For this ensemble the fitness metric is the AUC. The RBF kernel is used and the ensemble diversity constrains are included.

  • Ensemble genHLACC-pol-YESdiv (E4). A subset of training vectors is selected with the high-low genetic selection method. For this ensemble the fitness metric is the ACC. The polynomial kernel is used and the ensemble diversity constrains are included.

5.3 Performance comparison

We compare the ACC, PRC and AUC of our selected best ensembles against the PCs with the aid of a paired ranked Wilcoxon statistical test [49]. This test is the analogue of the Student t-test for data showing non-Gaussian shapes. The test will assert whether the difference of a given metric between two classifiers is statistically significant. The Wilcoxon test performs a hypothesis test where the null hypothesis, H0, refers to the case when the classifiers metrics are equal. Namely, we reject H0 setting by α = 0.05, that is, we claim that the AUC, ACC and PRC of two classifiers are not equal if the p-value < 0.05.

5.3.1 Comparison with popular classifiers

The PCs we considered and their parameters are summarized in Appendix B. Tables 34 and 5 show the Wilcoxon statistical tests for the wine sample (the tables corresponding to this exercise were produced as well for the data samples in Table 2 but not shown here). In these tables, the mean value μ and the standard deviation σ of the k × Ncv metrics calculated for our ensembles and the PCs are shown and compared. Here, a cross mark (✗) indicates that we have failed to reject the null hypothesis H0. Conversely, the check mark (✓) indicates that it is possible to reject H0 with the established confidence level. In this way, the blue check mark represents the case when the difference of the mean value of the metrics between one of our proposed classifier and a PC is positive. The red check mark indicates that this difference is negative. Concisely, the (✗) mark states that our selected ensemble and the PC are not different, the blue (✓) mark states that our selected ensemble outperforms the PC, and the red (✓) mark states that the PC outperforms our selected ensemble.

Table 3 Wilcoxon tests for the wine sample using the ACC metric
Table 4 Same as Table 3 but for the wine data sample and the PRC metric
Table 5 Same as Table 3 but for the wine data sample and the AUC metric

5.3.2 Summary tables

Tables 68 condense the Wilcoxon statistical tests. In these tables, we summarize the results of Tables 34 and the ones corresponding to the rest of the samples of Table 2. Tables 68 contain the number of times we are able to reject H0 when comparing our selected ensembles E1, E2, E3, E4 (see Section 5.2) against all the considered PCs. Specifically, \(N_{rej}^{+}\) is the number of times we rejected H0, when the differences of the mean values of the performance metrics between one of our selected ensembles and the PCs, are positive. Similarly, \(N_{rej}^{-}\) represents the number of times when these differences are negative. Therefore, each count in \(N_{rej}^{+}\) implies that our selected ensemble performs better with respect to a given PC. On the other hand, each count in \(N_{rej}^{-}\) implies that our selected ensemble performs worse than a given PC. Hence, when \(N_{rej}^{+}\!\geq \!N_{rej}^{-}\), we could state that our selected ensemble is exhibiting a competitive or better performance compared with the considered PCs. Tables 67 correspond to classifiers metrics, ACC, AUC and PRC, respectively. The bottom row in these tables adds up the values of each data sample.

Table 6 Summary table for ACC and all data sets of Table 2
Table 7 Summary table for PRC and all data sets of Table 2
Table 8 Summary table for AUC and all data sets of Table 2

5.4 Discussion

5.4.1 Ensemble performance

In Fig. 2 it is found that most of the ACC, PRC and AUC values are above 0.5, meaning that our ensembles perform better than random guess. Another general feature is that the performance of the ensembles varies according to the data sample. This is expected since every data sample is pre-processed in the same manner to avoid biases arising from knowing too well a concrete data sample. In particular, the ACC plot shows for the cancer and german data samples that the metric value is above 0.5 and stable for all our proposed ensembles. The PRC for the solar, wine, cancer and german data samples displays a similar stability. Finally, the AUC for the titanic and solar data samples are similarly stable. This performance stability shown for some samples means that training our proposed ensembles with different combinations utilizing these data samples, does not significantly improve the ensembles’ ability to describe the data.

A more interesting behavior is when the values of the ACC, PRC, and AUC drastically change across different ensembles. There are ensembles which fail to model specific data samples as they perform worse than random guess. A clear example of the changing pattern arises for the PRC for ecoli, abalone and adult data samples, since some ensembles achieve metrics well above 0.5. This indicates that these ensembles are capable to model correctly these data samples, whilst other ensembles yield metrics close to 0 failing to describe the data samples. For these samples, we note that the PRC yielded by ensembles which use the SVM polynomial kernel (pol) is near zero regardless of the genetic selection or the inclusion of diversity criteria. Ensembles that use any other SVM kernel have an increased PRC. These changes of performance, along with the determination that the ensemble genHLACC-pol-YESdiv as one of our best ensembles (see Section 5.2), indicates that for some samples, the use of the SVM polynomial kernel should be avoided, whilst for other samples it is the most appropriate choice. Another interesting feature observed in Fig. 2, is that the AUC value reduces to zero for the ensembles that use the SVM RBF kernel and the diversity criteria is not included (rbf-NOTdiv) in the ecoli, car and heart samples. This issue is fixed when diversity is included, demonstrating its importance in some ensembles (rbf-YESdiv), even when in some samples the diversity effect may appear negligible. This is in agreement with our selected classifiers in Section 5.2, where three out four of the selected ensembles are constrained by the diversity criteria.

The number of classifiers plotted in Fig. 2 shows that some ensembles contain up-to 102 base classifiers, whilst other ensembles contain only contain a few of them. For the ecoli, abalone, and adult data samples the ensembles constructed with the SVM polynomial kernel contain only a few base classifiers. The latter should be related with the poor performance above mentioned for these samples, in which case the ensemble construction has failed. On the other hand, note that for the ensembles which include the diversity criteria, the number of base classifiers is around 102 and the performance for ensembles of the type rbf-NOTdiv is increased, meaning that constructing ensembles including diversity is advantageous. Another pattern seen in the number of classifiers plot for the titanic, solar, german, and heart, is that the number of base classifiers changes as a function of the SVM kernel used: the number of base classifiers increases for the RBF, slightly increases for the sigmoid kernel, and finally it diminishes for the linear kernel. This has impact on the ACC since for the solar and german samples, the more classifiers in the ensembles, the higher the ACC values are, and for the titanic and heart the opposite behaviour is found. We conclude that the number of classifiers conforming the ensembles highly depends on the SVM kernel and that our early stop criteria have proven to be profitable.

Furthermore, in Fig. 2, the training time and number of training vectors plots show interesting features. First, the number of training vectors is stable for most of the samples (except for the abalone and adult samples). Naively, one may think that the training time should also display this stability. Nevertheless, the training time is more closely related to the number of classifiers acquired by the ensemble, that is, the more base classifiers in the ensemble, the longer the training times. The relation of the training time with the ACC, PRC and AUC is more complex: As mentioned above some samples are stable for a specific metric across all the constructed ensembles. Contrastingly, it is observed that for samples where the ACC, PRC and AUC metrics values change, the relation of these metrics with the training time should follow the above mentioned performance pattern dictated by the number of classifiers. For the adult data sample, several ensembles constructed using genetic selections see a reduction of the total training time. It is important to mention that the training times displayed in the plot, are the total times to complete Algorithm 2, where the genetic selection to find \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\) stage is the lengthiest one. If the model training starts with \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\) (already pre-selected training vectors), the training time for the ensembles that use this genetic selection is reduced to a few seconds as the number of training vectors is below 103 for most of the samples.

5.4.2 Performance comparison with popular classifiers

The results in Tables 68 provide information of how competitive are our ensembles compared with out-of-the-box PCs of Appendix B. The following contains comments regarding the \(N_{rej}^{+,-}\) found for each studied data sample:

  • titanic. Our selected ensembles make marginal improvements.

  • cancer. E2 and E4 perform better than all the PCs for the ACC metric. For PRC our selected ensembles outperform the PCs.

  • german. E3 and E4 perform better than all the PCs for the ACC metric, while the opposite appears for E1 and E2. For PRC, E1 outperforms few PCs and on average the difference of our ensembles and the PCs is negligible; E2 and E3 exhibit the same or better performance than the PCs.

  • heart. Our selected ensembles perform worse than most of the PCs for the ACC metric. A small number of PCs are outperformed by our ensembles for the PRC and AUC metrics.

  • solar. E1 and E2 perform worse than the PCs for the ACC metric, whilst E3 and E4 mainly outperform the PCs. For PRC E2, E3, and E4 outperform all the PCs, and E1 shows negligible improvement.

  • car. E1 and E2 perform better than most of the PCs for the ACC and PRC metrics, whilst E3 and E4 show the opposite behaviour. For AUC, only E1 outperforms a considerable amount of PCs.

  • ecoli. E1 performs better against a few classifiers for the ACC metric, while showing similar performance for the remaining PCs. E2 outperforms some PCs, although is outperformed by the same number of PCs. E3 and E4 perform worse than most PCs. Only E1 shows a favorable number of outperformed PCs.

  • wine. E1 and E2 perform worse than the PCs for the ACC metric, whilst E3 and E4 perform better than all PCs. For PRC, E2, E3 and E4 perform better than all the PCs.

  • abalone. Our selected ensembles perform better than the PCs for the ACC metric. The PRC and AUC performance is worse in general than PC.

  • adult. E3 outperforms all the PCs for the ACC metric. For the remaining ensembles and metrics, the PCs perform better than our ensembles.

Note that for the highly imbalanced wine and solar data samples, E3 and E4 fully outperform all the PCs for the ACC and PRC metrics. This enhanced performance may be achieved as our genetic selection effectively addresses the class imbalance challenge. Hence, our algorithm is appropriate to describe imbalanced data. Furthermore, for the high dimension german data sample, our algorithms yield a superior performance for some metrics when compared with the PCs. This may be achieved as the SVM are effective for treating high dimensional data. A comment about the AUC is that in our ensembles the AUC is worse than most of the PCs. The reason is that the definition of AUC in our ensembles is somewhat arbitrary and may need further studies to improve the treatment of our ensembles.

The global performance of our selected ensembles can be analyzed with the total \(N_{rej}^{+,-}\), found at the bottom of Tables 68:

  • In E1 ensemble trad-rbf-YESdiv the total counts for ACC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); for PRC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); and for AUC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\).

  • In E2 ensemble genHLACC-rbf-NOTdiv the total counts for ACC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); for PRC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); and for AUC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\).

  • In E3 ensemble genHLAUC-sig-YESdiv the total counts for ACC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\), for PRC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); and for AUC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\).

  • In E4 ensemble genHLACC-pol-YESdiv the total counts for ACC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!>\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\), for PRC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\); and for AUC is \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}\!<\!N_{rej}^{-,tot}\).

In our selected ensembles there is a variety of SVM kernels. This is interesting since usually the RBF kernel is the most effective in the majority of cases. Thus, switching between kernels may significantly enhance the description of a data sample without the need of a hyper-parameter search. Furthermore, in our ensembles the high-low genetic selection is preferred. This could be explained given the simplicity of the parents Pa,b being selected with the high-low method to yield the reduced set \(\{x^{\prime },y^{\prime }\}\). In our study, the roulette wheel and tournament selections show decent performances. Nevertheless, the high-low genetic selection is superior. Including ensemble diversity seems to be an important element that improves the final performance of our models. E1, E2, E3, and E4 perform better than the out-of-the-box PCs on average for the ACC and PRC metrics. Moreover, we compare their ratios \(N_{rej}^{+,tot}/N_{rej}^{-,tot}\) and conclude that the best ensemble is E3 or genHLAUC-sig-YESdiv.

Table B.2 Popular classifiers used to compare with our proposed ensembles

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we studied a methodology of how to construct ensembles using the AdaBoost technique with SVMs as base classifiers. We also explored the possibility of pre-selecting a smaller subset of the training data with genetic algorithms, which potentially contains the optimal vectors. In this way, the performance was improved and the training time of large samples was reduced in comparison with using a single support vector machine and finding the optimal hyper-parameters. We found that our ensemble genHLAUC-sig-YESdiv performs the best, suggesting that a genetic selection and dedicated ensemble construction help overcome the issues faced by single classifiers. Moreover, our best ensemble successfully describes imbalanced data. In future studies, we will explore the different variables that we kept fixed during this study. Additionally, the extension to multi-class classification might be explored for SVMs where the problem must be separated into several binary classifications. In this case, different hyper-surfaces are determined and hence an ensemble and a genetic selection are needed for each pair of classes. The latter poses the question of whether using the same kind of genetic selection and ensemble is better than using a mix of them in terms of performance and simplicity