
Associative rings are considered. The lattice of all subrings of an arbitrary ring R is denoted by L(R). Two rings R and R are said to be lattice-isomorphic if their subring lattices L(R) and L(R′), respectively, are isomorpic. A lattice isomorphism (or else a projection) L(R) ≅ L(R′) is denoted by the letter φ and the ring R′ is denoted as Rφ. We call Rφ the projective image of a ring R and call R itself the projective preimage of a ring Rφ. If the lattice isomorphism L(R) L(Rφ) implies an isomorphism RRφ, then we say that the ring R is lattice definable. We say that some class of rings \(\mathcal{K}\) is lattice definable if the projective images of rings in the class \(\mathcal{K}\) also belong to \(\mathcal{K}\). In studying lattice isomorphisms of rings, we consider the problems of lattice definability of classes of rings and of lattice definability of rings.

Let k be a natural number. A finite ring R is said to be k-generated if any of its minimal sets of generators consists of k elements. For k = 1, R will be referred to as a one-generated ring. In [1, 2], it was proved that the property of being one-generated for rings is preserved under projections of nilpotent rings and finite fields. Lattice definability of Galois rings was stated in [3] (for a definition of a Galois ring, see [3, Def. 1]). However, one-generatedness of rings is not always preserved under projections [4, Example 2]. It is worth noting that the problem of preserving the property of being k-generated under lattice isomorphisms is important as for proving the lattice definability of rings as well as for constructing examples [5, Lemma 3, Example 2]. Let \(\mathcal{K}\) p be a class of rings whose additive groups are p-groups. The main results of the first part of the paper are Theorem 5 and Corollary 1, which prove that the property of being k-generated for a finite ring is preserved under projections in the class \(\mathcal{K}\) p. The relevance of these statements is strengthened by the fact that projective images of rings in \(\mathcal{K}\) p not infrequently themselves belong to \(\mathcal{K}\) p, which is confirmed in the second part of the paper devoted to projections of matrix rings.

Lattice isomorphisms of matrix algebras were first considered by D. W. Barnes [6], who proved that an algebra lattice-isomorphic to an algebra Mn(Δ), where n ≥ 2 and Δ is a finite-dimensional division algebra, is also a matrix algebra Mn(D) considered over some division algebra D lattice-isomorphic to Δ. A. V. Yagzhev [7] generalized Barnes’s result by lifting the restriction on the dimension of the algebra Δ. That matrix rings treated over different types of Galois rings are lattice definable was proved in [8, 9]. Lattice isomorphisms of matrix rings, when considered over finite local rings, were dealt with in [10]. The main results of the second part of this paper are Theorems 6 and 7, which prove that if R = Mn(K) is the ring of all square matrices of order n over a finite ring K with identity, and φ is a projection of the ring R onto the ring Rφ, then Rφ = Mn(K), where K′ is a ring with identity, lattice-isomorphic to the ring K. The question whether the ring R is lattice definable remains open.

We specify the notation used in the paper. Let S and T be subgroups in the additive group R+ of a ring R. If R = {s + t | s St T}, then we use the notation R = S + T. And use R = S + T whenever R = S + T and S ∩ T = {0}. The equality R = S T will mean that R = S + T and S and T are two-sided ideals in R. In this case we say that a ring R is decomposable into a direct sum of rings S and T. Other designations are standard: S T is a subring generated by subrings S and T in a ring R; Rad R is the Jacobson radical of a ring R; L(R) is the subring lattice of a ring R; l(R) is the length of a ring R, i.e., the length of its subring lattice L(R), where by the length of a finite lattice L is meant the greatest of the lengths of the chains in L; char R is the characteristic of a ring R; ℕ and ℤ are the sets of natural numbers and integers, respectively; \(\langle {a}_{1},{a}_{2},... , {a}_{n}\rangle \)⊃ is a ring generated by elements a1, a2,... , an; (r) is a principal ideal generated by an element r in R; o(r) is the additive order of an element r; ind r is the nilpotency index of an element r; the letters k, l, m, n, p, q with or without indices stand for natural numbers, and p and q also stand for prime numbers. Lower-case Greek letters, except φ, denote integers. The letter φ is used to denote a lattice isomorphism of the ring R onto the ring Rφ. In the cases when the projective image of a ring R generated by an element r is a one-generated ring, we denote \(\langle r\rangle \) φ as \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \), in particular \(\langle 0\rangle \) φ = \(\langle 0{\prime}\rangle \).


By a p-ring R we mean a ring whose additive group is a p-group. By an algebraic ring we mean a ring in which every element is a root of some primitive polynomial in the ring xℤ[x]. In proving a series of statements, we use a description of p-rings whose subring lattices are decomposable into direct products of lattices. For the reader’s convenience, we give this description.

THEOREM 1 [11, Thm. 1]. The subring lattice of a p-ring R is decomposable into a direct product of lattices if and only if R is an algebraic ring isomorphic to one of the rings

$$\begin{array}{l}{Q}_{1}=N\oplus P, L({Q}_{1}) \cong L(N)\times L(P),\\ {Q}_{2}=\left(N\oplus S\right)\dot{+}\langle e\rangle , L\left({Q}_{2}\right)\cong L\left(N\right)\times L\left(S \dot{+}\langle e\rangle \right),\\ {Q}_{3}={Q}_{2}\oplus P, L({Q}_{3})\cong L(N)\times L((S \dot{+}\langle e\rangle )\oplus P);\end{array}$$

here N, P are nonzero rings, N is a nil ring, P is a ring without nilpotent elements other than zero, S = {0} or S is a ring without nilpotent elements other than zero, and e is the identity element of order p in the ring Q2.

As a criterion for one-generatedness of a finite commutative ring we use the following:

THEOREM 2 [4, Prop. 2]. Let a finite commutative p-ring R be representable as R = S + (r), where S is a subring decomposable into a direct sum of Galois rings and r is a nilpotent element. The ring R is generated by a single element if and only if the subring S is generated by a single element.

To study projective images of finite one-generated p-rings, we need a description of rings whose subring lattices are finite chains. We give this description.

THEOREM 3 [12, Thm. 1.6]. The subring lattice of a ring R is a finite chain if and only if R is isomorphic to one of the rings

$$\begin{array}{l}{C}_{1}=\langle r\rangle , \text{where} o\left(r\right)= {p}^{n},{r}^{n}={p}^{k}r,k=\overline{1,n}, \\ {C}_{2}=\langle r\rangle , \text{where} o\left(r\right)=p, \text{ind} r=3,\\ \begin{array}{l}{C}_{3}=\langle e\rangle , \text{where} o\left(e\right)={p}^{n}, {e}^{2}=e,\\ {C}_{4}=GF\left({p}^{{q}^{n}}\right).\end{array}\end{array}$$


Recall that by \(\mathcal{K}\) p we denoted a class of p-rings. Let k ∈ ℕ. It is easy to see that the property of a ring to be k-generated is preserved under projections in the class \(\mathcal{K}\) p if it is preserved for k = 1.

Therefore, in this section we mainly focus on the projections of one-generated finite p-rings.

PROPOSITION 1. Let R be a one-generated nilpotent ring of order pn, and let φ be a lattice isomorphism of the ring R onto the ring Rφ. Then Rφ is a one-generated ring. If L(R) is not a chain, then Rφ is a nilpotent ring of order pn; if, in addition, char R = char Rφ = p, then RRφ.

Proof. Let R = \(\langle r\rangle \) The ring R is finite and contains a unique maximal subring M = pR + R2, so Rφ is a one-generated ring. Let Rφ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \).

Suppose that the lattice L(R) is not a chain. According to [1, Thm. 1], Rφ is a nilpotent p-ring. By [1, Lemma 7], |Rφ| = |R|. If char R = char Rφ = p, then R and Rφ are lattice-isomorphic finite- dimensional nilpotent algebras over a finite prime field GF (p). For finite-dimensional nilpotent algebras, the dimension of an algebra coincides with the length of its subalgebra lattice [6, p. 107]. Then ind Rφ 1 = dim Rφ = l(Rφ) = l(R) = dim R = ind R − 1, whence ind Rφ = ind R. It is clear that indr = ind R = ind Rφ = ind R′, and so \(\langle r\rangle \)\(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \). The proposition is proved.

We move on to examining projections of one-generated nonnilpotent rings. Projections of one- generated finite rings with identity were studied in detail in [4], where sufficient conditions were found under which the projective image of a finite one-generated ring with identity likewise is a one-generated ring.

LEMMA 1. Let R be a finite nonnilpotent commutative ring without identity. The ring R is one-generated if and only if R is representable as

$$R=\langle t\rangle \oplus \langle r\rangle ,$$

where \(\langle t\rangle \) is a subring with identity, decomposable into a finite direct sum of rings Ti = Si + (ri), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, n}\); moreover, SiGR(pni, mi), ri is a nilpotent element, and the identity element of the subring Si is also one in Ti, and r is a nonzero nilpotent element.

Proof. Necessity. Let R be one-generated. Since R is not a nil ring, it contains at least one nonzero idempotent element and, hence, contains a maximal orthogonal system of idempotents e′,..., en. Using the Peirce decomposition of R with respect to idempotents ei, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, n}\), we represent R as R = T N , where T = e′R ⊕ ··· ⊕ enR is a subring with identity and N is a nilpotent subring. As shown in [4, Lemma 1], if the ring R is one-generated, then so are its direct summands T and N : T = \(\langle t\rangle \) and N = \(\langle r\rangle \), where t, r R. Consequently, equality (1) holds. The structure of finite one-generated rings with identity is described in [4, Thm. 1]. According to that description, the ring \(\langle t\rangle \) is decomposable into a finite direct sum of rings Ti = Si + (ri), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, n}\),, in which case SiGR(pni, mi), ri is a nilpotent element, the identity of the subring Si is also one in Ti.

Sufficiency. Let R be representable in form (1). Denote by e an identity element of the subring \(\langle t\rangle \) and represent e as a polynomial in t, setting e = f (t), where f (x) ∈ xℤ[x]. Let v = t + r. Then f (v) = e + f (r). Let rk = 0. Then (f (v))k = e, and so e\(\langle v\rangle \), whence \(\langle v\rangle \) = R. The lemma is proved.

As follows from Lemma 1, the simplest one-generated rings not containing an identity are rings decomposable into a direct sum of two subrings, of which one is generated by an idempotent and the other, by a nilpotent element. A description of projective images of such rings is given in

PROPOSITION 2. Let φ be a lattice homomorphism of the p-ring R = \(\langle e\rangle \)\(\langle r\rangle \), where o(e) = pn, e2 = e, and r is a nonzero nilpotent element, onto the ring Rφ. Then Rφ is a one- generated ring and the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) if n = 1 and \(\langle r\rangle \)Ci, i = 1, 2 (cf. Theorem 3), then Rφ ≅ P1 or RφP2, where P1 = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \)\(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \), o(s′) = p1, \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \) is a p2-ring, p1, p2 are primes, \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \) Cj, and also either

(a) (s′)2= 0′ or (s′)2 = s′ and j = \(\stackrel{-}{1, 4}\), p2p1, or

(b) (s′)2 = 0′ and j = 3, 4, p2 = p1, or

(c) (s′)2 = s′ and j = 1, 2, p2 = p1;

P2 = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \) + \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \), o(s′) = p1, \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \)Cj, j = 1, 2, s′ is the identity of P2;

(2) if n = 1 and the lattice L(\(\langle r\rangle \)) is not a chain, then Rφ = \(\langle e\rangle \) φ + \(\langle r\rangle \) φ, \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) is a nilpotent p-subring, \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \), o(s′) = q (q is a prime), and also

(a) for q = p, it is true that (s′)2 = s′, s′r′ = r′s′ = 0′ or s′ is the identity of the ring Rφ;

(b) for q ≠ p, it is true that s′r′ = r′s′ = 0′, (s′)2 = 0′ or (s′)2 = s′;

(3) if n > 1, then Rφ is a q-ring, \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \), (e′)2 = e′, o(e′) = qn, \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \), r′ is a nilpotent element, and one of the following holds:

(a) Rφ = ˂e′˃ + ˂r′˃, where e′ is an identity, q = p;

(b) Rφ = ˂e′˃ ⊕ ˂v′˃, where v′ is a nilpotent element, q = p;

(c) RφGF (qq1) ⊕ GF (q), and also n = 2, p = 2, q1 is a prime.

Proof. The ring R satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 3 in [13] and, therefore, contains exactly two maximal subrings. This means that the ring R itself and its projective image Rφ are one- generated. There are three cases to consider.

Case 1. Let n = 1 and \(\langle r\rangle \)Ci, i = 1, 2. According to Theorem 1, L(R) ≅ L(\(\langle e\rangle \)) × L(\(\langle e\rangle \)). Let \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \) and \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \). By Theorem 3, o(s′) = p1 and (s′)2 = 0′ or (s′)2 = s′, \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \) is a p2-ring, and \(\langle t{\prime}\rangle \)Cj, j = \(\stackrel{-}{1, 4}\), p1, p2 are some primes. If p2 ≠ p1, then RφP1 by [11, Thm. 2], and condition (1a) holds. Let p2 = p1. If Rφ does not contain an identity, then RφP1 by Theorem 1, and condition (1b) or (1c) holds, and if Rφ is a ring with identity, then RφP2.

Case 2. Let n = 1 and the lattice L(\(\langle r\rangle \)) not be a chain. In view of Proposition 1, \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) is a nilpotent p-subring. According to Theorem 1, L(R) is decomposable into a direct product of lattices L(\(\langle e\rangle \)) and L(\(\langle r\rangle \)). The subring \(\langle e\rangle \) is an atom in the lattice L(R), so \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \), where s′Rφ and o(s′) = q for some prime q.

Suppose q = p. Since L(Rφ) ≅ L(\(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \)) × L(\(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \)), and the subring \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) is nilpotent, the subring \(\langle e\rangle \) φ does not contain nonzero nilpotent elements, and we may therefore assume that (s′)2 = s′. Applying Theorem 1, we conclude that either s′r′ = r′s′ = 0′ or s′ is the identity in the ring Rφ. In the latter case, it is obvious that o(r′) = p. If q ≠ p, then s′r′ = r′s′ = 0′, and either (s′)2 = 0′ or (s′)2 = s′. Conditions (2a) and (2b) hold.

Case 3. Let n > 1. If the subring \(\langle r\rangle \) contains just p elements, then conditions (3a)-(3c) hold in view of [3, Lemma 7]. Therefore, below we assume that |\(\langle r\rangle \)| > p. Then a nilpotent subring S = \(\langle pe\rangle \)\(\langle r\rangle \) contains more than p2 elements. Furthermore, its subring lattice is not a chain, and hence the projective image Sφ is a p-ring, as follows by [1, Thm. 1]. Recall that Rφ is a commutative ring. Applying again [1, Thm. 1] to the subring S, we conclude that Sφ is a p-nil ring. This fact and Proposition 1 imply that \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) is a nilpotent subring. In addition, Rφ is a p-ring because all minimal subrings of Rφ are contained in the subring Sφ. Since L(\(\langle e\rangle \)) is a finite chain, it follows by Theorem 3 that the ring \(\langle e\rangle \) φ either is a finite field or is generated by a nilpotent or idempotent element. The ring \(\langle e\rangle \) φ cannot be a finite field since \(\langle e\rangle \) φ ∩Sφ =\(\langle pe\rangle \) φ is a nonzero nil ring. Suppose that \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \), where s′ is a nilpotent element. Then the ring Rφ is generated by two nilpotent elements s′ and r′, and Rφ being commutative implies that it will be nilpotent. We have arrived at a contradiction with [13, Lemma 2], which says that a finite p-ring that contains exactly two maximal subrings will contain a nonzero idempotent element. Hence \(\langle e\rangle \) φ = \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \), where (e′)2 = e′ and o(e′) = pn. Thus the ring Rφ is generated by elements e′, r′ and contains exactly two maximal subrings. If the element e′ is an identity in the ring Rφ, then condition (3a) holds.

Assume that e′ is not an identity in Rφ and consider the Peirce decomposition: Rφ = e′Rφ ⊕ (1 − e′)Rφ. According to [13, Lemma 4], the subrings e′Rφ and (1 − e′)φR each contains one maximal subring. The ring e′Rφ contains a nonzero idempotent element e′ of nonprime order. By [13, Thm. 1], one of the following two cases holds: either e′Rφ = \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \) or e′RφGR(pn, \({q}_{2}^{m}\)), where q2 is a prime. If the second case holds, then [3, Thm. 3] says that the subring R contains a subring isomorphic to the ring GR(pn, \({q}_{2}^{m}\)). The ring R does not have such subrings since any subring of R containing an idempotent element e has the form \(\langle e\rangle \)T, where T\(\langle r\rangle \), and cannot be isomorphic to GR(pn, \({q}_{2}^{m}\)). Hence e′Rφ = \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \). If the subring (1 − e′)φR is nonnilpotent, then it contains a nonzero idempotent element \({e}_{1}{\prime}\), and hence the ring Rφ will have two orthogonal idempotent elements e′ and \({e}_{1}{\prime}\). By virtue of [3, Lemmas 6, 8], the projective image of a subring \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \)\(\langle {e}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \) should also contain two nonzero orthogonal idempotent elements. Clearly, the ring R lacks such idempotent elements. Consequently, the subring (1 − e′)Rφ is generated by a nilpotent element. Let (1 − e′)Rφ = \(\langle v{\prime}\rangle \). Then Rφ = \(\langle e{\prime}\rangle \)\(\langle v{\prime}\rangle \), and condition (3b) holds. Proposition 2 is proved.

LEMMA 2. Let a finite one-generated p-ring R = S + (r) be given, where S = GR(pn, m), m, n ∈ ℕ, r is a nilpotent element. Suppose also that φ is a projection from the ring R to the ring Rφ. Then Rφ is a one-generated ring.

Proof. Let r = 0. If, in addition, m = 1, then R = GR(pn, 1) is a ring generated by an idempotent and L(R) is a finite chain. That the statement of the lemma is true in this case follows from Theorem 3. If n = 1 and m > 1, then R = GR(p, m) is a field of order pm. In this case the statement of the lemma is true in virtue of [2, Thm. 2.1]. For n > 1 and m > 1, RRφ according to [3, Thm. 4], and hence Rφ is one-generated.

Let r ≠ 0. Further we assume that m > 1 since R = GR(pn, 1) ⊕ \(\langle R\rangle \) for m = 1, and according to Proposition 2, the ring Rφ is one-generated.

Let e be an identity element of a ring S. By [4, Lemma 14], e is the unique nonzero idempotent element of the ring R. Suppose R is a ring with identity. Then e is the identity element in R. If n > 1, then [4, Lemma 17] implies that the statement of the lemma is true. Let n = 1. Then SGF (pm), and by [5, Lemma 3], RφR. Hence the ring Rφ is generated by a single element.

Let R be a ring without identity. Consider the Peirce decomposition of R with respect to an idempotent e: R = eR ⊕ (1 − e)R. The subring (1 − e)R is nilpotent since e is the unique nonzero idempotent element of the ring R. Let r = s′ + r′, where s′S and r′ ∈ (1 − e)R. Since R = S\(\langle r\rangle \) = S\(\langle {r}_{1}\rangle \) = S\(\langle {r}_{1}\rangle \), there is no loss of generality in assuming that er = 0, and so R = S\(\langle r\rangle \). There are two cases to consider.

Case 1. Let n = 1. Then S = GF (pm). By Theorem 1, the subring lattice L(R) is decomposable into a direct product of lattices: L(R) ≅ L(S) × L(\(\langle r\rangle \)). Consequently, L(Rφ) ≅ L(Sφ) × L(\(\langle r\rangle \) φ). In view of [2, Thm. 2.1], combined with Proposition 1, Sφ and \(\langle r\rangle \) φ are one-generated rings. Let Sφ = \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \) and \(\langle r\rangle \) φ = \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \). The rings \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \) and \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) have primary additive groups since their subring lattices are not decomposable into direct products of lattices. Let \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \) be a p1-ring and \(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) a p2- ring, where p1 and p2 are primes. If p1 ≠ p2 then \(\langle {s}{\prime}+r{\prime}\rangle \)= \(\langle s{\prime}\rangle \)\(\langle r{\prime}\rangle \) = Rφ. Let p1 = p2. The rings Sφ and \(\langle r\rangle \) φ are one-generated, and by Theorem 1, Rφ is a commutative ring, and the set of its nilpotent elements is an ideal. Hence Rφ satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2 and is therefore one-generated.

Case 2. Let n > 1. By [3, Thm. 4], SφS, and by [4, Cor. 2], Rφ is a p-ring. Let a number m have the following canonical decomposition: m = \({q}_{1}^{{m}_{1}}\) ... \({q}_{k}^{{m}_{k}}\) , where q1,... , qk are primes.

According to [14, Lemma XVI.7], the ring S contains subrings Gi = GR(pn, \({q}_{i}^{{m}_{i}}\) ), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, k}\). By [14, Thm. XVI.8], S = G1G2 ∨ ··· ∨ Gk. In view of [13, Thm. 3], the ring Si = Gi\(\langle r\rangle \), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, k}\), contains exactly two maximal subrings; hence the subring Sφ = Gφ\(\langle r\rangle \) φ, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, k}\), is commutative, and so therefore is the ring Rφ itself. In accordance with Theorem 2, Rφ is a one-generated ring.

The lemma is proved.

It is well known that direct sums of Galois rings play an important role in finite ring theory. Projective images of finite rings decomposable into direct sums of different types of Galois rings were dealt with in [4]. The structure of projective images of one-generated finite rings decomposable into direct sums of Galois rings are described in the following:

THEOREM 4. Let R be a finite one-generated p-ring decomposable into a direct sum of n Galois rings. Suppose also that φ is a projection of the ring R onto the p-ring Rφ. Then Rφ is a one-generated ring, and if n > 1 and RGF (2q) ⊕ GF (2), then Rφ is also decomposable into a direct sum of n Galois rings.

Proof. By hypothesis, R is a ring with identity. We represent R as follows: R = R1 R2 R3, where R1 = {0} or R1 = GR(pk1 , α1) ⊕ ··· ⊕ GR(pk , αl) and (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, l}\)) (ki > 1, αi > 1); R2 = {0} or R2 = GF (pm1) ⊕ ··· ⊕ GF (pms) and (∀j = \(\stackrel{-}{1, s}\)) (mj > 1); R3 = {0} or R3 = \(\langle {v}_{1}\rangle \) ⊕ ··· ⊕ \(\langle {v}_{n}\rangle \), \({v}_{i}^{2}\) = vi, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, n}\). By hypothesis, the ring R is one-generated, and so are the subrings R1, R2, R3 by [4, Lemma 1]. We prove that projective images of these subrings are one-generated.

Consider the ring R′. According to [4, Thm. 9], \({R}_{1}^{\varphi }\) = (GR(pk1, α1))φ ⊕··· ⊕ (GR(pkl, αl))φ and (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, l}\)) = (GR(pki, αi))φ ≅ = (GR(pki, αi)). Consequently, \({R}_{1}^{\varphi }\)R1 and so \({R}_{1}^{\varphi }\) is a one-generated ring.

Consider the ring R2. If s = 1, then R2 is a finite field, and by [2, Thm. 2.1], \({R}_{2}^{\varphi }\) is a one generated ring. Let s > 1 and

$${R}_{2}={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)}_{{n}_{1}}}\oplus \cdots \oplus {\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)}_{{n}_{s}}.}$$

In view of [4, Thm. 6],

$$\begin{array}{c}{R}_{2}^{\varphi }={\underbrace{{\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }}_{{n}_{1}}}\oplus \cdots \\ \oplus {\underbrace{{\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }}_{{n}_{s}},}\end{array}$$

with (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, s}\)) = (GR(pmi))φ ≅ = (GR(\({p}^{{m}_{i}{\prime}}\))), and if ni > 1, then \({m}_{i}{\prime}\) = mi by virtue of [4, Lemma 7]. The subring R2 is generated by a single element, and according to [4, Prop. 1], for all i = \(\stackrel{-}{1, s}\) the following condition is satisfied:

$${n}_{i}\le {N}_{p}\left({m}_{i}\right),$$

where Np(mi) is the number of all normed irreducible polynomials of degree mi over the field GF(p). Applying [4, Prop. 1] to \({R}_{2}^{\varphi }\), we conclude that \({R}_{2}^{\varphi }\) is one-generated.

Consider the ring R3. If R3 = \(\langle {v}_{1}\rangle \), then L(R3) is a chain, and so \({R}_{3}^{\varphi }\) is a one-generated ring. Let R3 = \(\langle {v}_{1}\rangle \)\(\langle {v}_{2}\rangle \). If o(v1) = o(v2) = p, then, in view of R3 being one-generated, we conclude that p ≠ 2. By hypothesis, Rφ is a p-ring. If we apply [6, Lemma 6] we conclude that \({R}_{3}^{\varphi }\)R3. In all other cases, to R3 we can apply [5, Prop. 2], according to which \({R}_{3}^{\varphi }\)R3. The above argument implies that the theorem that we are proving is true if some two summands in the sum R = R1R2R3 equal zero.

Let R3 = {0} and R1, R2 be nonzero subrings. Then

$$R={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{k}_{1}},{m}_{1}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{k}_{l}},{m}_{l}\right)}_{{R}_{1}}}\oplus {\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+s}}\right)}_{{R}_{2}}.}$$

If among the positive integers m1, . . .,ml+s there are repetitions, then we number them anew, assigning all equal ones the same number. Let γ be the amount of the resulting numbers. Denote by ni the amount of positive integers in the sequence m1, . . .,ml+s equal to mi, 1 ≤ i ≤ γ. Taking into account that GF(pm) = GR(p, m), we rewrite equality (3) in the following form:

$$R=\left({R}_{11}\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{{1n}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus \left({R}_{\gamma 1}\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{{\gamma n}_{\gamma }}\right),$$

where RijGR(pki,mi), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,\upgamma },\) j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,{n}_{i}},\) and m1, . . .,mγ are pairwise distinct positive integers.

The ring R is one-generated, and [4, Prop. 1] says that the positive integers ni, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,\gamma },\) satisfy equality (2). By [4, Thm. 11],

$${R}^{\varphi }=\left({R}_{11}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{1{n}_{1}}^{\varphi }\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus \left({R}_{\upgamma 1}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{\upgamma {n}_{\upgamma }}^{\varphi }\right),$$

with \({R}_{ij}^{\varphi }\cong {R}_{ij}\) or \({R}_{ij}^{\varphi }\cong GF\left({p}^{{m^{\prime}}_{j}}\right)\) for all i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,\upgamma }\) and all j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,{n}_{i}}.\) Consider an arbitrary summand Ti = \(\left({R}_{i1}\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{{in}_{i}}\right)\) in the right part of (4) and its projective image \({T}_{i}^{\varphi }=\left({R}_{11}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{i{n}_{i}}^{\varphi }\right).\) Minimal polynomials of elements generating subrings \({R}_{ij}\left(j=\stackrel{-}{1,{n}_{i}}\right)\) have the same degree equal to mi. If ni > 1, then [4, Lemma 7, Thm. 9, Lemma 13] says that minimal polynomials of elements generating subrings \({R}_{ij}^{\varphi }\left(j=\stackrel{-}{1,{n}_{i}}\right)\) have the same degree mi. If ni = 1, then the degrees mi and m′i of minimal polynomials of elements generating rings Ti and \({T}_{i}^{\varphi },\) respectively, may differ; however, mi ≠ = mk for i ≠ = k, and so m′i ≠ m′k, i.k = \(\stackrel{-}{1,\gamma }.\) Consequently, inequality (2) for the ring Rφ holds, and by [4, Prop. 1], Rφ is a one-generated ring.

Let R2 = {0} and R1,R3 be nonzero subrings. Then

$$R={\underbrace{GR\left({p}^{{k}_{1}},{m}_{1}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GR\left({p}^{{k}_{l}},{m}_{l}\right)}_{{R}_{1}}}\oplus {\underbrace{\langle {v}_{1}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}\rangle }_{{R}_{3}}},$$

where v1, . . . , vn are nonzero idempotent elements. Let ei be the identity element of the ring \(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{i}},{m}_{i}\right), i=\stackrel{-}{1,l}.\) By [3, property 9], ˂ei˃φ = ˂ei˃ and ei is the identity element in the ring \(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{i}},{m}_{i}\right)\) φ. Consider a subring W = ˂ei˃ ⊕⋯⊕ ˂el˃ ⊕ ˂v1˃ ⊕⋯⊕ ˂vn˃. By hypothesis, o(e1) = \({p}^{{k}_{1}}\) and k1 > 1. To the subring W, therefore, we can apply [5, Prop. 2], which says that WφW. Let \({W}^{\varphi }=\langle {e}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {e}_{l}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}{\prime}\rangle ,\) where \({\left({v{\prime}}_{j}\right)}^{2}={v{\prime}}_{j}, j=\stackrel{-}{1,n}.\) At the beginning of the proof, it was noted that \({R}_{1}^{\varphi }\cong {R}_{1},\) so

$${R}^{\varphi }={\underbrace{{\left(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{1}},{m}_{1}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {\left(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{l}},{m}_{l}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }}_{{R}_{1}^{\varphi }}}\oplus {\underbrace{\langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}{\prime}\rangle }_{{R}_{3}^{\varphi }}\cong R.}$$

Consequently, being one-generated for R implies being one-generated for Rφ.

Let R1 = {0} and R2, R3 be nonzero subrings. Then

$$R={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)}_{{R}_{2}}\oplus }{\underbrace{\langle {v}_{1}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}\rangle}_{{R}_{3}}},$$

where v1, . . . , vn are nonzero idempotent elements. We rewrite (7) in the form

$$\begin{array}{l}R={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{1}}\right)}_{{n}_{1}}\oplus \cdots \oplus }{\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{s}}\right)}_{{n}_{1}}}\\ \oplus \langle {v}_{1}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}\rangle ,\end{array}$$

where, as above, ni is the number of direct summands in the right part of (8) which are defined by a minimal polynomial of degree mi, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,s}.\) Consider several versions.

(a) Let s = n1 = n = 1, R = GF(pm1 ) ⊕ ˂ v1˃, and o(v1) = p. If l(GF(pm1 )) = 2, then it follows by [13, Thm. 3] that the ring R contains only two maximal subrings, and so both the rings R and Rφ are one-generated. If l(GF(pm1 )) > 2, then l(R) > 3, and by [2, Cors. 3.1, 3.2]. the projective image Rφ is decomposable into a direct sum of two finite fields F′1 and F′2 of characteristic p. In view of [5, Lemma 7], the fields F′1 and F′2 are not isomorphic, and hence the ring Rφ satisfies the hypotheses of [4, Prop. 1] and is therefore one-generated.

(b) Let s = n1 = n = 1, R = GF(pm1 ) ⊕ ˂ v1˃, o(v1) = pk, and k > 1. According to [4, Lemma 8, Remark 1], the rings R and Rφ are one-generated, with Rφ decomposable into a direct sum of two Galois rings.

(c) Let s = n1 = 1, n > 1, R = GF(pm1 ) ⊕ ˂ v1˃ ⊕ · · · ⊕ ˂ vn˃, and o(vi) = p \(\left(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\right).\) In this case [2, Cor. 3.1] implies that the ring Rφ is decomposable into a direct sum of n + 1 fields in characteristic p. Among these fields, only (GF(pm1 )) φ is not a prime field, and the other n fields are isomorphic to GF(p). If the ring R is one-generated, then it satisfies [4, Cor. 1], and so n < p. This means that the ring Rφ satisfies the hypotheses of [4, Prop. 1] and is therefore also one-generated.

(d) Let s = n1 = 1, n > 1, R = GF(pm1) ⊕ ˂ v1˃ ⊕· · · ⊕ ˂ vn˃, o(vi) = pki , ki > 1, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,t},\) and 1 < tn. In this case, by [4, Lemma 9; 3, Lemma 6], Rφ = GF \(\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right) \oplus \langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}{\prime}\rangle ,\) where \(\langle {v}_{i}{\prime}\rangle \cong \langle {v}_{i}\rangle , i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}.\) By [4, Prop. 1], the rings R and Rφ are one-generated for n < p.

(e) Let s > 1. Suppose also that β = n1 + · · · + ns. In view of [4, Thm. 6],

$${R}_{2}^{\varphi }={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{s}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{s}}\right)}_{\beta },}$$

where \(GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{i}}\right)={\left(GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }, i=\stackrel{-}{1,\beta };\) moreover, in view of [4, Lemma 7], m′i = mi, for ni > 1, and m′im′k for ni = 1 and ik. Let ei be the identity of a field GF(pmi ), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,\beta },\) and ˂ e1˃ φ = ˂ e′i˃. Then e′i is an identity of the field \(GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{i}}\right),\) and e′1,⋯, e′β is an orthogonal system of idempotents. Consider a subring U = ˂ e1˃ ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ ˂ eβ˃ ⊕ ˂ v1˃ ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ ˂ vn˃. Since β + n > 2, and Rφ is a p-ring, it follows by [5, Prop. 2] that Rφ contains idempotents v′i, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n},\) satisfying the following conditions: o(vi) = o(vi) (i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\)) and Uφ = ˂ e′i˃ ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ ˂ e′β˃ ⊕ ˂ v′1˃ ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ ˂ v′n˃ Consequently,

$$\begin{array}{l}{R}^{\varphi }={\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{1}}\right)}_{{n}_{1}}}\oplus \cdots \oplus {\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{s}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m{\prime}}_{s}}\right)}_{{n}_{s}}}\\ \oplus \langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle .\end{array}$$

Numbers ni, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,s}\), satisfy niNp(m′i) and n < p, and by Theorem 2, Rφ is a one-generated subring.

Let R = R1R2R3 and Ri ≠ = {0}, \(i=\stackrel{-}{\text{1,3}}\). Consider a subring

$$K={\underbrace{GR\left({p}^{{k}_{1}},{m}_{1}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GR\left({p}^{{k}_{l}},{m}_{l}\right)}_{{R}_{1}}}\oplus {\underbrace{GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+1}}\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+s}}\right)}_{{R}_{2}}}.$$

According to [4, Thm. 11],

$$\begin{array}{l}{K}^{\varphi }={\underbrace{{\left(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{1}},{m}_{1}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {\left(GR\left({p}^{{k}_{l}},{m}_{l}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }}_{{R}_{1}^{\varphi }}}\\ { \oplus \underbrace{{\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+1}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {\left(GF\left({p}^{{m}_{l+s}}\right)\right)}^{\varphi }}_{{R}_{2}^{\varphi }}}.\end{array}$$

Let ei be an identity of the ring GR(pki,mi), \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,l},\) and el+j be one of the field GF(pml+j ), \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,s}\). Consider a subring E = ˂e1˃ ⊕· · ·⊕ ˂ el+s ˃ ⊕ ˂vi ˃ ⊕· · ·⊕ ˂vn˃. Since Rφ is a p-ring, Eφ E by virtue of [5, Prop. 2]. Consequently, there exist idempotent elements viRφ, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n},\) for which Rφ = Kφ ⊕ ˂v′1˃ ⊕· · ·⊕ ˂v′n˃. Rewriting the ring K in form (4) and applying equality (5), we obtain

$${R}^{\varphi }=\left({R}_{11}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{{1n}_{1}}^{\varphi }\right)\oplus \cdots \oplus \left({R}_{\gamma 1}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{{\gamma n}_{\gamma }}^{\varphi }\right)\oplus \langle {v}_{1}{\prime}\rangle \oplus \cdots \oplus \langle {v}_{n}{\prime}\rangle .$$

Numbers ni, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,\gamma },\) in (9) satisfy the condition niNp(m′i), and the inequality n < p holds likewise. By [4, Prop. 1], Rφ is a one-generated ring. The theorem is proved.

One of the basic results of the paper is the following:

THEOREM 5. Let φ be a projection of a finite one-generated p-ring R onto a p-ring Rφ.

Then Rφ is a one-generated ring.

The proof is divided into two parts.

Part 1. Let R be a ring with identity. By [15, Thm. II.5], R is decomposable into a direct sum of n local rings Ri, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\). In view of [4, Lemma 1], every subring Ri, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n},\) is one-generated and is therefore representable as Ri = Si +(ri), where Si = GR(pki,mi), ri is a nilpotent element, and the identity ei of the subring Si is also one in Ri. Let S = S1· · ·Sn and r = r1 +· · · +rn.

Then R = S + (r).

That the theorem that we are proving is true for n = 1 follows from Lemma 2.

Let n > 1. By Theorem 4, the subring Sφ is one-generated, and if r = 0, then we are done.

Let r ≠ 0. Consider the particular case where n = 2, S1GF(2q), and S2GF(2). Then R = (S1 S2)+(r). We prove that the ring (S1S2)φ does not contain nonzero nilpotent elements. Assume the contrary. The subring S1S2 satisfies [3, Lemma 7]. Consequently, (S1S2)φ contains nonzero nilpotent elements iff \({S}_{1}^{\varphi }\) is generated by an idempotent element of order 22. If e1r = 0, then S1r = {0}, and by Theorem 1, L(S1 ⊕ ˂r˃) ≅ L(S1) × Lr˃). In view of Theorem 1, a p-ring whose subring lattice decomposes into a direct product of lattices does not contain idempotent elements of nonprime additive order. If e1r ≠ 0, then S1 + (e1r) is a local ring. According to [5, Lemma 3], (S1 +(e1r))φS1 +(e1r). This argument implies that the subring (S1 S2)φ contains no nonzero nilpotent elements and, therefore, decomposes into a direct sum of two finite fields.

Coming back to the general case and applying Theorem 4 to a subring S, we conclude that Sφ is a one-generated ring decomposable into a direct sum of n Galois rings.

Let \(\left(\forall i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\right) {S}_{i}^{\varphi }={S}_{i}{\prime}.\) The ring Sφ is one-generated, so \(\left(\forall i,j=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\right) {S}_{i}{\prime}{S}_{j}{\prime}={S}_{j}{\prime}{S}_{i}{\prime}.\)

Proposition 1 implies that ˂r˃φ = ˂r′˃, where r′Rφ. Then Rφ = \({S}_{1}{\prime}\)· · ·\({S}_{n}{\prime}\) ∨ ˂r′˃. If we apply Lemma 2 to a subring Si +(r) for every \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\) we conclude that \({S}_{1}{\prime}\) ∨ ˂r′˃ is a one-generated subring. Consequently, the ring Rφ is commutative.

By hypothesis, R is a ring with identity. Obviously, an identity in R is the element e = e1 + · · · + en. Since er = r ≠ 0, there exists an index i ∈ {1, . . . , n} with which eir = ri ≠ 0. Without loss of generality, we may assume that i = 1. Let ˂r1˃φ = \(\langle {r}_{1}{\prime}\rangle .\) We prove that \({r}_{1}{\prime}\) is a nilpotent element. Consider a subring H = ˂e1, r1˃ ⊕ ˂e2˃. By [13, Thm. 3], the subrings H1 = ˂e1, r1˃ and H2 = ˂e2˃ ⊕ ˂r1˃ each contains two maximal subrings, while H3 = ˂e1˃ ⊕ ˂e2˃, in view of [3, Lemma 4], contains three maximal subrings. Let ˂ei˃φ = \(\langle {e}_{i}{\prime}\rangle \), i = 1, 2. If o(e1) > p or o(e2) > p, then \({H}_{3}^{\varphi }\cong {H}_{3}\) by virtue of [3, Lemmas 6, 8]; so \({e}_{i}{\prime}\) are nonzero idempotents, and \({r}_{1}{\prime}\) is a nonzero nilpotent element by virtue of [13, Thm. 3]. Suppose o(e1) = o(e2) = p. Then o(r1) = p, and so pH = {0}. According to Theorem 1, L(H) ≅ L(H3) × Lr1˃). Consequently, L(Hφ) ≅ L(\({H}_{3}^{\varphi }\)) × Lr1˃φ˃). In view of [11, Cor, 6], one of the subrings \({H}_{3}^{\varphi }\) or ˂r1˃φ is nilpotent and the other, on the contrary, contains no nonzero nilpotent elements. If the subring \({H}_{3}^{\varphi }\) is nilpotent, then p = 2 and ˂r1˃φ is a chain of length at most two. By Theorem 3, either ˂r1˃φ = GF(2) or ˂r1˃φ = GF(2q). According to [4, Cor. 4], the ring H is not generated by one element in either case. Therefore, RH. Hence two cases are possible.

Case (1). Let o(e1) = o(e2) = p and l(S1) +l(S2) > 2. Suppose l(S1) > 1. Then the subring S1 is a field, and S1 + ˂r1˃ is a local subring. In view of [16, Thm. 3], the subring ˂r1˃φ is nilpotent, which contradicts the assumption. If l(S2) > 2, then the subring S2 is a field. If we apply [2, Cor. 3.1] to a subring S1S2 we conclude that S2 is a field of length 2. By Theorem 1, Le1, r1˃ ⊕ S2) ≅ Le1˃ ⊕ S2) × Lr1˃). The subrings ˂e1˃φ and ˂e2˃φ being nilpotent implies that so is \({S}_{2}^{\varphi }\) . Consequently, the subring (˂e1˃ ⊕ S2)φ, too, is nilpotent. However, (˂e1˃ ⊕ S2) satisfies the hypotheses of [3, Lemma 7] and cannot be lattice-isomorphic to a nilpotent ring, a contradiction.

Hence Case (1) is impossible.

Case (2). Let n > 2. Consider a subring D = H ⊕ ˂e3˃, where e3 is the identity of the subring S3. Let E = ˂e1˃ ⊕ ˂e2˃ ⊕ ˂e3˃. By Theorem 1, L(H ⊕ ˂e3˃) ≅ L(E) × Lr1˃). According to [2, Lemma 3.1], EφE, and hence the assumption that the subring \({H}_{3}^{\varphi }\) is nilpotent is untrue. Consequently, nilpotent is the subring ˂r1˃φ . Thus the element r′1 is nilpotent, as also are all elements r′1 \(\left(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\right).\)

Let ˂r˃φ = ˂r′˃ and ˂ri˃φ = ˂r′i ˃, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\). Since r ∈ ˂r1, . . . , rn˃, we have r′ ∈ ˂r′1, . . . , r′n˃, The ring Rφ is commutative, so the ring ˂r′1, . . . , r′n˃ is nilpotent. This implies that r′ is a nilpotent element. It is clear that Rφ = Sφ + (r′), and since Sφ is a one-generated subring, Rφ is a onegenerated ring, as follows by Theorem 2.

Part 2. Let R be a ring without identity. If R is nilpotent, then the result follows from Prop. 1.

Let R be nonnilpotent. By Lemma 1, the ring R is representable as R = ˂t˃ ⊕ ˂r˃, where ˂t˃ is a nonzero subring with identity, decomposable into a finite direct sum of rings Ti = Si+(ri), \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\), in which case SiGR(pni,mi), ri is a nilpotent element, an identity element of a subring Si is one in Ti, and r is a nonzero nilpotent element. The first part of the proof implies that the projective image of a subring ˂t˃ is one-generated. Let ˂t˃φ = ˂t′˃. In view of Proposition 1, ˂r˃φ = ˂r′˃ for some element r′Rφ. Consequently, Rφ = ˂t′˃ ∨ ˂r′˃.

We prove that Rφ is a commutative ring. Consider a subring Wi = Ti⊕ ˂r˃ = (Si + (ri)) ⊕ ˂r˃ = Si + (wi), where wi = ri + r, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n}\). Obviously, wi is a nilpotent element. By hypothesis, every subring Si, \(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n},\) is one-generated, and so is the ring Wi in virtue of Theorem 2. By Lemma 2, the ring \({W}_{i}^{\varphi }\) is also one-generated. Since (∀\(i=\stackrel{-}{1,n},\)) (\({W}_{i}^{\varphi }\) = \({T}_{i}^{\varphi }\) ∨ ˂r′˃ and \({T}_{1}^{\varphi }\)· · ·\({T}_{n}^{\varphi }\) = ˂t′˃), we have r′t′ = t′r′, and hence Rφ is commutative.

Let w = r1+· · ·+rn+r. Then w is a nilpotent element, and R = S+(w), where S = S1· · ·Sn. By hypothesis, the ring R is one-generated, and so is the ring S in virtue of Theorem 2. Since w is a nilpotent element, ˂w˃φ is a one-generated ring. Let ˂w˃φ = ˂w′˃. By Theorem 4, the ring Sφ is one-generated. If w′ is a nilpotent element, then Rφ = Sφ + (w′), and Rφ is a one-generated ring by Theorem 2.

Let N = <r1> ⊕· · ·⊕ <rn> ⊕ <r>. It is clear that wN. There are three cases to consider.

Case (a). Suppose (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\)) (ri = 0). Then N = <r> and R = S ⊕ <r>. By Lemma 2, Rφ is a one-generated ring for n = 1.

Let n = 2 and SGF(2q) ⊕ GF(2). According to Theorem 1, L(S ⊕ <r>) ≅ L(S)×L(<r>). By [11, Cor. 6], one of the subrings Sφ or <r> φ is nilpotent and the other contains no nonzero nilpotent elements. In view of [3, Lemma 7], no nil ring can be lattice-isomorphic to a ring S. Therefore, the subring <r> φ is nilpotent, and hence r′ is a nilpotent element. If n ≥ 2 and SGF(2q) ⊕ GF(2), then it follows by Theorem 4 that Sφ is decomposable into a direct sum of n Galois rings, and so Sφ contains an orthogonal system of n nonzero idempotents. If the ring Nφ is nonnilpotent, then Rφ will contain an orthogonal system of n + 1 nonzero idempotents. Since n + 1 ≥ 3, it follows by [5, Prop. 2] that such an orthogonal system of idempotents should also be in R. Obviously, in the ring R = S1· · ·Sn ⊕ <r> any orthogonal system of nonzero idempotents consists of not more than n elements. Thus if n > 1 and (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\)) (ri = 0), then the subring Nφ = <r>φ = <r′> is nilpotent, and hence, as shown above, Rφ is a one-generated ring.

Case (b). Let (∃i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}) (i ≠ = j, ri ≠ = 0, rj ≠ = 0). By [1, Thm. 1], Nφ is a nil ring, and hence, as above, Rφ is a one-generated ring.

Case (c). Let (∃i ∈ {1, . . . , n}) (ri ≠ = 0) and (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , n} \ {i}) (rj = 0). There is no loss of generality in assuming that i = 1. Then R = (S1 ∔ <r1>) ⊕ · · ·Sn ⊕ <r>. For n = 1, R = (S1 ∔ <r1>) ⊕ <r> = S1 +(w), where w = r1 +r. By Lemma 2, Rφ is one-generated. Let n > 1. If we treat the subring R1 = S1· · ·Sn ⊕ <r> and apply to it the argument from Case (a) we conclude that r′ is a nilpotent element. Then the ring Nφ contains a nonzero nilpotent element r′, and by [1, Thm. 1], Nφ is a nil ring. Since w′Nφ, the ring Rφ = Sφ + (w′) is one-generated by Theorem 2. The theorem is proved.

Using Theorem 5 as the base of induction on a variable k, we derive

COROLLARY 1. Let φ be a projection of a k-generated finite p-ring R onto a p-ring Rφ.

Then Rφ is a finite k-generated ring.


The theorem below likewise pertains to the basic results of the paper. Its proof relies essentially on the results and methods in [8,9,10].

THEOREM 6. Let R = Mn(K), where K is a finite p-ring with identity, n ≥ 2. Let φ be a lattice isomorphism of the ring R onto the ring Rφ. The following statements are valid:

(1) Rφ = Mn(K′), where K′ is a finite p-ring with identity;

(2) <u> φ = <u′>, where u and u′ are the identity elements of the rings R and Rφ, respectively;

(3) charRφ = charR;

(4) the projective image Yφ of a nilpotent ring YR is a nilpotent ring;

(5) (RadR) φ = RadRφ;

(6) |RadRφ| = |RadR|;

(7) if K is a semiprime ring then RφR;

(8) |Rφ| = |R|;

(9) (eiiReii) φ = e′iiRφe′ii, where eii are diagonal matrix units in R, and <eii> φ= <e′ii>, i =\(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\);

(10) the ring K′ is matrix isomorphic to the ring K.

Proof. Let R = Mn(K), where n > 1, and K be a finite p-ring with identity e. Suppose also that o(e) = pk. Let φ be a projection of R onto Rφ. Consider a subring S = Mn(<e>). By [8, Thm. 1.2], SφS. This, in particular, implies that the subring Sφ and hence the ring Rφ itself will be p-rings. Consequently, φ is a projection of the p-ring R onto the p-ring Rφ. According to Theorem 5, the projective image of any one-generated subring in R will be a one-generated subring in Rφ, and conversely, the projective preimage of any one-generated subring in Rφ will be a one-generated subring in R. In what follows, these facts will be used without further comments.

Let eij (i, j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\)) be a system of matrix units in a ring S and u = e11+· · ·+ enn be an identity in the ring R. By [10, Lemma 6], (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\)) (∃e′iiRφ) (<eii> φ = < e′ii > ≅ <eii>); e′11, e′22, . . . , e′nn is an orthogonal system of idempotents; u′ = e′11 + e′22 + · · · + e′nn is an identity of the ring Sφ, and

$${\langle u\rangle }^{\varphi }=\langle {u}{\prime}\rangle .$$

By [10, Thm. 3], the system of idempotents e′11, e′22, . . . , e′nn can be complemented to a full system of matrix units e′ij , i, j = 1, n in the ring Sφ.

We prove that u′ is the identity in the ring Rφ. Assume the contrary and consider a two-sided Peirce decomposition of Rφ with respect to an idempotent u′:

$${R}^{\varphi }={u}{\prime}{R}^{\varphi }{u}{\prime}\dotplus {u}{\prime}{R}^{\varphi }\left(1-{u}{\prime}\right)\dotplus \left(1-{u}{\prime}\right){R}^{\varphi }{u}{\prime}\dotplus \left(1-{u}{\prime}\right){R}^{\varphi }\left(1-{u}{\prime}\right).$$

Note that Sφu′Rφu′ since u′Rφu′ is the greatest subring of Rφ in which the element u′ is an identity. In addition, the subring u′Rφu′ contains a system of matrix units e′ij , i, j = 1, n, and according to [17, Prop. 6], u′Rφu′ = Mn(K′), where K′ is a subring of u′Rφu′ consisting of all elements commuting with all e′ij , i, j = 1, n. The projective preimage of the ring u′Rφu′ contains a subring S; hence it contains an identity element and a system of matrix units and is therefore also the complete matrix ring over some subring B of K. Let T = Mn(B) and Tφ = u′Rφu′. By [10, Lemma 5], the ring T contains as a subring the Galois ring T1 = GR(pk, n). If k = 1, then T1 = GF(pn), and since the unique minimal subring of the field T1 is the subring <u>, with equality (10) in mind, we conclude that u′Tφ1 . Projective images of finite fields were taken up in [2]. According to [2, Thm. 2.1], Tφ1 is a field. If k > 1, then Tφ1T1 in view of [3, Thm. 4].

Suppose that u′Rφ (1 − u′) ≠ = {0} and choose a nonzero element s′u′R(1 − u′) of additive prime order. It is clear that u′s′ = s′, s′u′ = 0, and (s′)2 = 0. For any integer α, therefore, the element u′ + αs′ is a nonzero idempotent, and hence a subring U′ = <u′> ∔ <s′> contains exactly p + 1 maximal subrings

$$\langle {u}{\prime}\rangle ,\langle {u}{\prime}+{s}{\prime}\rangle ,\cdots ,\langle {u}{\prime}+\left(p-1\right){s}{\prime}\rangle ,p\langle {u}{\prime}\rangle \dotplus \langle {s}{\prime}\rangle .$$

The ring R contains an element s of additive prime order such that <s> φ = <s′>. A subring U = <u> ∔ <s> is the projective preimage of the ring U′ under the lattice isomorphism φ. The subring U is commutative and is not a nil ring. In addition, it is not a direct sum of prime fields if k > 1 and, obviously, L(U) is not a chain. By virtue of [13, Thm. 4], the ring U contains a subring in which there are exactly two maximal subrings. In U′ every commutative subring either is generated by an idempotent element or is a nil ring, and by [13, Thm. 4], also, it does not contain a subring having exactly two maximal subrings, a contradiction. Consequently, u′Rφ (1−u′) = {0} for k > 1.

Let k = 1. Again we address the subring T1 = GF(pn) and its projective image Tφ1 . Let Tφ1 = <x′>. Then x′s′, s′ are linearly independent nilpotent elements. A subring W′ = <u′, x′s′, s′> has order p3, and the length of its subring lattice equals three. The subring lattice of the projective preimage W of the ring W′ also has length three. According to [2, Lemma 3.1], the ring W cannot be decomposed into a direct sum of three prime fields, and W, being generated by its subrings of order p, lacks subfields of length 2. Consequently, the ring W contains a nonzero nilpotent element y of nilpotency index 2 and additive order p. Clearly, a subring <u, y> contains exactly two proper subrings <u> and <y>. By [13, Thm. 4], the ring W′ does not contain a subring in which there would be only two proper subrings, a contradiction. Consequently, for k = 1, too, the equality u′R(1 − u′) = {0} holds.

The equality (1 − u′) Rφu′ = {0} is proved in a similar way.

Suppose that (1−u′)Rφ (1−u′) ≠ = {0} and choose in (1−u′)Rφ(1−u′) a nonzero element w′.

Let w′ be a nilpotent element of characteristic p and nilpotency index 2 in the subring (1 − u′)Rφ (1 − u′), wR, and <w>φ = <w′>. Consider a subring V′ = Tφ1<w′> and its projective preimage V = T1<w>. If k = 1, then, as noted, Tφ1 is a nonprime field, and by Theorem 1, the subring lattice L(V′) decomposes into a direct product of lattices. It is not hard to see that a ring V does not satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 1, and so the subring lattice L(V ) does not decompose into a direct product of lattices. If k > 1, then Tφ1T1 = GR(pk, n), and Theorem 2 says that V′ is a one-generated subring. Applying [4, Lemma 16] to the inverse projection φ1, we conclude that VV′. We are led to a contradiction since the ring V contains the identity of R, while the ring V′ has no identity element. Consequently, the ring (1− u′)Rφ (1 −u′) lacks nonzero nilpotent elements and, therefore, decomposes into a direct sum of fields.

Let y′ be a nonzero idempotent in a subring (1−u′)Rφ (1−u′), yR, and <y>φ = <y′>. Applying [9, Thm. 4(2)] to a subring Y ′ = Sφ<y′> and the inverse projection φ1, we conclude that y is a nonzero idempotent of characteristic p. According to [10, Lemma 5], a subring Sφ contains a Galois subring G′1 = GR(pk, n) which contains the identity element u′ of the subring Sφ. If k = 1, then G′1GR(p, n), i.e., G′1 is a field of length n > 1. In this case the projective preimage G1 of G′1 is also a field since it cannot contain nonzero nilpotent elements in virtue of [10, Thm. 3(b)]. Furthermore, the field G1 contains the identity of R, and so the subring G1<y>, in view of [2, Lemma 1.2, Cor. 3.1], cannot be lattice-isomorphic to ring G′1<y′>. If k > 1, then G1G′1 by [3, Thm. 4], and by [4, Lemma 12], the subring G1<y> too cannot be lattice-isomorphic to G′1<y′>. Thus our supposition is invalid. Hence u′ is an identity element in the ring Rφ, and so Rφ = Mn(K′). Statements (1) and (2) are proved.

The truth of statement (3) follows from statement (2).

(4) Let N be a nilpotent subring in the ring R. Consider a local subring D = <u> + N and its projective image Dφ = <u′> +Nφ. The subring D and the projection φ of the ring D onto the ring Dφ satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 4 in [10], which says that Nφ is a nilpotent subring.

(5) Let M be a maximal nilpotent subring in R. According to statement (4), Mφ is a nilpotent subring in Rφ. Suppose that the subring Mφ is not a maximal nilpotent subring in the ring Rφ. Let MφM′1, where M′1 is a nilpotent subring in Rφ. A subring H′ = <u′> + M′1 is a local ring. The projective preimage of the ring H′ is a ring H = <u> + M1, where M1 is the projective preimage of the subring M′1. Applying [10, Lemma 4] to a subring H′ and the inverse projection φ1, we conclude that M1 is a nilpotent subring. Since M is a proper subring of M1, we arrive at a contradiction. Hence Mφ is a maximal nilpotent subring in Rφ. According to [18], RadR is the intersection of all maximal nilpotent subrings in R. Consequently, (RadR) φ = RadRφ. Statement (6) follows from [1, Lemma 7].

(7) Let K be a semiprime ring, and namely: K = K1· · ·Km, where Ki is a finite prime ring, i.e., either Ki = GF(pki ) or Ki = Mni(GF(pki )), with ni > 1, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\). Then R = Mn(K1) ⊕· · ·Mn(Km). By statement (1), (Mn(Ki)) φ = Mn(K′i), where K′i is a ring with identity, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\). Let ei be an identity in a ring Ki, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\). Then e = e1+· · ·+em, and so S = Mn(<e>) = Mn(<e1>) ⊕· · ·Mn(<em>). In view of [10, Thm. 3.4] and statement (1), Sφ = Mn1(<e′1>) ⊕· · ·Mnm(<e′m>), where e′i is an identity element of a ring K′i, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\). This implies that Rφ = Mn(K′1) ⊕· · ·Mn(K′m). Let i ∈ {1, . . . ,m}. For Ki = GF(pki), the lattice definability of a ring Mn(Ki) follows from [9, Thm. 1]. If Ki = Mni(GF(pki)), then Mn(Ki) = Mn(Mni (GF(pki)) = Mnni(GF(pki)), and so the lattice definability of Mn(Ki) again follows from [9, Thm. 1]. Statement (7) is proved.

Statement (5) implies that the factor rings \(\overline{R }\) = R/RadR and \(\overline{{R }^{\varphi }}\) = Rφ/RadRφ are latticeisomorphic. In view of statement (7), \(\overline{R }\)\(\overline{{R }^{\varphi }}\), and in virtue of statement (6), |RadRφ| = |RadR|.

Hence |R| = \(\left|\overline{R }\right|\) · |RadR| = \(\overline{{R }^{\varphi }}\) · |RadRφ| = |Rφ|. Statement (8) is proved.

(9) Let |K| = pκ. We use induction on κ.

For κ = 1, K = <e> , o(e) = p, and R = Mn(<e>). That statement (9) is true follows from [10, Thm. 3(d)].

Suppose statement (9) has been proven for all numbers 1 ≤ κ < ν. Let κ = ν. If K = <e>, then the truth of statement (9) again follows from [10, Thm. 3(d)]. Let K′ = <e>. Suppose that the ring K contains two distinct maximal subrings W1 and W2 containing an identity e. Let Ti = Mn(Wi), i = 1, 2. By the induction hypothesis, the following equalities hold: (ejjTiejj)φ = e′jjTφi e′jj for i = 1, 2 and j = 1, n. It is obvious that

$$\begin{array}{l}\left({e}_{jj}{T}_{1}{e}_{jj}\right) \bigvee \left({e}_{jj}{T}_{2}{e}_{jj}\right)={e}_{jj}\left({T}_{1} \bigvee { T}_{2}\right){e}_{jj}\\ ={e}_{jj}{M}_{n}\left({W}_{1} \bigvee { W}_{2}\right){e}_{jj}\\ ={e}_{jj}{M}_{n}\left(K\right){e}_{jj}\\ ={e}_{jj}R{e}_{jj}.\end{array}$$


$$\begin{array}{l}{\left({e}_{jj}R{e}_{jj}\right)}^{\varphi }=\left({e}_{jj}{\prime}{T}_{1}^{\varphi }{e}_{jj}{\prime}\right) \bigvee \left({e}_{jj}{\prime}{T}_{2}^{\varphi }{e}_{jj}{\prime}\right)\\ ={e}_{jj}{\prime}\left({T}_{1}^{\varphi } \bigvee {T}_{2}^{\varphi }\right){e}_{jj}{\prime}\\ ={e}_{jj}{\prime}{M}_{n}\left({W}_{1}^{\varphi } \bigvee {W}_{2}^{\varphi }\right){e}_{jj}{\prime}\\ ={e}_{jj}{\prime}{M}_{n}\left(K{\prime}\right){e}_{jj}{\prime}\\ ={e}_{jj}{\prime}{R}^{\varphi }{e}_{jj}{\prime}.\end{array}$$

Let W be the unique maximal subring in K containing an identity e. Obviously, (∀vK \ W) (<e, v>W), and so <e, v> = K. This implies that K is a commutative ring. It is well known that a finite commutative ring with identity either is local or is decomposable into a direct sum of local rings [15, Chap. 2, Thm. 5]. Let K be decomposable into a direct sum of local rings, i.e., K = P1· · ·Pl. Put Rj = Mn(Pj) (j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\)). Then eiiReii = eiiR1eii· · ·eiiRleii. By [10, Thm. 3], (∀j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\))((eiiRjeii)φ = e′iiRφj e′ii. By [10, Cor. 2], Rφ = Rφ1· · ·Rφl . Hence (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,n}\))((eiiReii)φ = (eiiR1eii)φ· · · ⊕(eiiRleii)φ = e′iiRφ1 e′ii· · ·e′iiRφl e′ii = e′iiRφe′ii.

Thus statement (9) is true also for κ = ν, and hence for all numbers κ.

(10) In view of [17, Prop. 6], there are isomorphisms e11Re11K and e′11Rφe′11K′. By virtue of statement (9), the rings e11Re11 and e′11Rφe′11 are lattice-isomorphic, and so L(K) ≅ L(K′). The theorem is proved.

THEOREM 7. Let R = Mn(K), where K is a finite ring with identity, n ≥ 2. Suppose also that φ is a lattice isomorphism of the ring R onto the ring Rφ. Then Rφ = Mn(K′), where K′ is a finite ring with identity, lattice-isomorphic to the ring K.

Proof. Let K = K1· · ·Km be a decomposition of K into a direct sum of pi-rings Ki taken over distinct prime numbers pi, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\) . Then R = R1· · ·Rm, where Ri = Mn(Ki), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\) , and L(R) ≅ L(R1)×···×L(Rm). Let φ be a lattice isomorphism of R onto Rφ. Clearly, L(Rφ) ≅ L(Rφ1)×· · ·×L(Rφm). By Theorem 6, Rφi = Mn(K′i), where K′i is a pi-ring with identity, lattice isomorphic to a ring Ki, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\) . Since prime numbers pi, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,m}\) , are pairwise distinct, we have Rφ = Rφ1· · ·Rφm . Let K′ = K′1· · ·K′m. Then Rφ = Mn(K′) and K′, in this case, is a ring with identity, lattice-isomorpic to the ring K. The theorem is proved.

THEOREM 8. Let R = Mn1(K1) ⊕ · · ·Mnl(Kl), where Ki is a finite local p-ring, |Ki/RadKi| = pmi , i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\). Suppose that R is not isomorphic to the rings GF(pq) ⊕ GF(p) (q is a prime) and GF(p) ⊕ GF(p). Let φ be a lattice isomorphism of the ring R onto the ring Rφ.

Then the following statements hold:

(1) Rφ = Rφ1· · ·Rφl (group sum);

(2) (∀i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\)) (Ri is a prime ring ⇒ Rφi is a prime ring);

(3) if nimi> 1 for all i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\) , then Rφ = Rφ1· · ·Rφl , and also (RadR)φ = RadRφ.

Proof. Let Ri = Mni(Ki), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\) . According to [14, Thm. XIX.4], every local p-ring Ki, i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\) , contains as a subring the Galois ring Si = GR(pki,mi), i = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\) . In R we consider a subring T = T1· · ·Tl, where Ti = Mni(Si). This subring satisfies the hypotheses of [9, Thm. 4], which implies that statements (1) and (2) are true.

Suppose that, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , l}, the conditions that nimi > 1 are satisfied. By [9, Thm. 4], (∀i, j = \(\stackrel{-}{1,l}\))(i ≠ = j ⇒ (TiTj)φ = TφiTφj). These equalities imply the equality

$${R}^{\varphi }={R}_{1}^{\varphi }\oplus \cdots \oplus {R}_{l}^{\varphi }.$$

It is clear that RadR = RadR1· · · ⊕ RadRl. Let i ∈ {1, . . . , l}. According to [17, Thm. 3], RadRi = Mni(RadKi), i = 1, l. For ni = 1, Ri = Ki, and since mi > 1, in view of [16, Thm. 3] it is true that

$${\left(\text{Rad} {R}_{i}\right)}^{\varphi }=\text{Rad }{R}_{i}^{\varphi }.$$

If ni > 1 then, by [10, Thm. 3], equality (13) holds as well. The truth of statement (3) follows from equalities (12) and (13). The theorem is proved.