
Structures resulting from bioerosion of calcareous, siliceous, osteic, and xylic hard substrates classify as trace fossils and comprise various microborings, macroborings, grazing traces, attachment etchings and predation traces (e.g., Neumann 1966; Bromley 1994; Wisshak and Tapanila 2008; Tribollet et al. 2011). They are the work of a wide range of organisms across kingdoms and scales, and include traces made by bacteria, fungi, algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates. Trace fossils are named using a conceptual framework referred to as ichnotaxonomy, based on the Linnaean binominal nomenclature, with their names being governed by the ‘International Code of Zoological Nomenclature’ (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, ICZN 1999, in its current 4th edition; online version partially updated). Even though bioerosion ichnotaxa include the work not only of animals (explicitly protected by the ICZN), but also of plants, fungi, and bacteria (whose nomenclatural codes do not recognize trace fossils), they are commonly named within the framework of the ICZN as if they were protected (Bertling et al. 2004; Rindsberg 2012). Concepts and reviews on ichnotaxonomic principles, such as the validity and hierarchy of suitable ichnotaxobases, were provided, for instance by Pickerill (1994), Bertling et al. (2006), and Bertling (2007). Overview papers on trace-fossil systematics and the history of ichnotaxonomy were given by Magwood (1992), Bromley (1996), Knaust (2012), and Rindsberg (2012).

The dawn of taxonomical treatment of bioerosion trace fossils dates back almost two centuries (Fig. 1). Bronn (1837: p. 691) was the first to establish a still valid bioerosion ichnotaxon, Entobia, produced by excavating sponges. He did so, however, without introducing a species name, which was not a prerequisite at that time. The first of the many entobian ichnospecies was not described until 1843 as Entobia cretacea Portlock, 1843; it was subsequently designated as the type ichnospecies of Entobia by Häntzschel (1962). The first published and still valid bioerosion ichnospecies is Talpina ramosa von Hagenow, 1840, which was established together with Talpina solitaria von Hagenow, 1840, now cited as Trypanites solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840). Since these classical bioerosion trace fossils were established, more than a hundred ichnogenera and several hundred ichnospecies were described.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The timeline of bioerosion ichnotaxonomy, showing the number of valid as well as invalid ichnotaxa established per decade (bars) and cumulative per year (line). Arrows indicate landmark publications, initiations of workshop/conference series (IBW = International Bioerosion Workshop, WIT = Workshop on Ichnotaxonomy, ICHNIA = International Congress on Ichnology), and the various editions of the ‘Trace Fossils’ part of the ‘Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology’ and the ‘International Code of Zoological Nomenclature’ (ICZN)

The primary objective of this contribution is to present an inventory of the currently recognized bioerosion ichnotaxa (Table 1), including taxa of dubious or invalid status (Table 2). While these lists were compiled, numerous redundant or otherwise invalid ichnotaxa were identified and consequently recombined, synonymized, and/or rejected. It is the very nature of such a taxonomic inventory that it is work in progress, and we hereby call for feedback from the research community. Input on errors of fact, conceptual pitfalls, and missing or potentially invalid ichnotaxa is highly appreciated: it would aid ichnotaxonomic stability and improve the completeness of this list. A web-based interactive bioerosion ichnotaxonomy database is currently under construction.

Concepts and methods

The present compilation is the result of an extensive literature query that primarily included searching and browsing the available publications on bioerosion trace fossils for records of ichnotaxa. In addition, a general Internet search was performed for all ichnogenera, and key online databases were consulted, such as the Index of Organism Names (ION; including all entries of the Zoological Record;, the Global Names Index (GNI;, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF;, and ZooBank ( An earlier version of this list was presented as an interactive poster at the 9th International Bioerosion Workshop in Rome, October 2017, and feedback from the participants is considered in this review.

With respect to the definition of a trace fossil, we follow Bertling et al. (2006), defining it as ‘a morphologically recurrent structure resulting from the life activity of an individual organism (or homotypic organisms) modifying the substrate’. For confining bioerosion ichnotaxa, we acknowledge the original definition of the term by Neumann (1966), who defined bioerosion as ‘the removal of consolidated mineral or lithic substrate by the direct action of organisms’. We follow Bromley (1994), however, who refined the definition of bioerosion as ‘… the process by which animals, plants and microbes sculpt or penetrate surfaces of hard substrates’. With respect to traces in ‘hard substrate’, this definition includes bioerosion of calcareous substrates (biogenic and abiogenic carbonates), siliceous substrates (sensu lato; biogenic and abiogenic silica, silicate minerals and rocks, siliciclastic rocks), osteic substrates (bone, teeth, scales), and xylic substrates (wood, seeds, amber; soft plant tissues are excluded due to their consistency). These four principal substrate types (and more constrained substrates in some instances) are herein accepted as relevant ichnotaxobases on ichnospecies and especially on ichnogenus level, whereas ichnofamilies address primarily morphological categories across substrate types.

For clarification and complementation, Table 2 also lists those ichnotaxa that are not bioerosion ichnotaxa, but which were considered as such in the editions of the ‘Trace Fossils’ part of the ‘Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology’ (Häntzschel 1962, 1975). The way ichnogenera and affiliated ichnospecies are presented largely follows the latest revision of the respective ichnotaxa. For those cases where (1) ichnotaxa are synonymized or otherwise rejected, (2) new combinations are established herein, or (3) nomenclatural acts are performed (introduction of nomina nova or emendations in spelling), this is briefly justified and discussed in a dedicated section.

Infrasubspecific varieties, such as Schloz’s (1972) Talpina ramosa var. curvata, recta, and subtilis, or the various varieties of Müller’s (1968) Conchifora zylindriformis, are not considered here, because such names are not regulated by the Code, if established after 1960 (ICZN 1999: Art. 15.2, 45.6.1). Similarly, the very few existing ichnosubspecies such as Müller’s (1977) Sedilichnus spongiophilus minus and maximus, are not considered herein, although such a subspecific rank is valid according to the Code (ICZN 1999).

The validity and availability of the ichnotaxa were assessed to the best of our knowledge following the jurisdiction of the ICZN (1999), thereby treating those ichnotaxa established in the years of ichnotaxonomic limbo (1931–1985) as if they were protected by the Code. Most relevant cut-off dates are the validity of extant animal traces and of illustrations without description prior to 1931, the validity of conditionally proposed ichnotaxa prior to 1961, and the validity of ichnogenera without a designated type ichnospecies, as well as nominal ichnotaxa established without designation of a holotype or syntypes prior to 2000.

As for traces of ctenostome bryozoans, there is a long-standing and still unresolved debate over which taxa to consider as biotaxa and which as ichnotaxa (e.g., Bertling 1995; Bromley 2004; Bertling et al. 2006; Rosso 2008; Buatois et al. 2017). The group remains in need of a revision that is beyond the scope of this paper. Consequently, we only list those taxa that were established as ichnotaxa in the first place (see Rosso 2008 for the latest review). Other (ichno-) genera that would need to be considered in a reevaluation include at least Electra Lamouroux, 1816; Terebripora d’Orbigny, 1847; Haimeina Terquem and Piette, 1865; Spathipora Fischer, 1866; Ropalonaria Ulrich, 1879; Vinella Ulrich, 1890; Penetrantia Silén, 1946; Immergentia Silén, 1946; Condranema Bassler, 1952; Foraripora Voigt and Soule, 1973; Casteropora Pohowsky, 1978; Cookobryozoon Pohowsky, 1978; Fischerella Pohowsky, 1978; Marcusopora Pohowsky, 1978; Orbignyopora Pohowsky, 1978; and Voigtella Pohowsky, 1978.

The distinction between true bioerosion traces and so-called ‘pseudoborings’ is of paramount importance. The latter are embedment structures termed ‘bioclaustrations’ (Palmer and Wilson 1988). They form when a living skeleton-secreting organism overgrows a living symbiont (sensu lato). This process has to be distinguished from ‘bioimmuration’ (Voigt 1972), where a dead organism is being overgrown. There is an ongoing discussion whether bioclaustration structures should be considered trace fossils. According to Bertling et al. (2006), they are not, because they were formed by means of a host reaction rather than active modification of the substrate by a tracemaker. It was (and is again here) consequently suggested that such structures be addressed as parataxa outside ichnotaxonomy in a yet to be defined ‘collective group’ within the framework of the ICZN. Nevertheless, numerous taxa have been established for bioclaustration structures prior to and after this rejection (see Tapanila and Ekdale 2007 and Klompmaker et al. 2014 for discussion), including the establishment of an ethological class ‘impedichnia’ by Tapanila (2005). This makes the standpoint expressed in Bertling et al. (2006) controversial.

Further complicating the matter, combinations of bioclaustration and bioerosion do occur, leading to so-called ‘compound boring-bioclaustrations’ (Tapanila and Ekdale 2007), as exemplified by Klemmatoica linguliforma Tapanila and Holmer, 2006 and Kanthyloma crusta Klompmaker et al., 2014. However, only those cases are herein considered as bioerosion trace fossils, where bioerosive action is predominant and identified as largely independent from the host reaction. These instances are the ichnogenus Tremichnus Brett, 1985 (see Wisshak et al. 2005), and the ichnospecies Gastrochaenolites vivus Edinger and Risk, 1994. All other bioclaustration structures proposed as trace fossils are not considered ichnotaxa here: Streptindytes Calvin, 1888; Gitonia Clarke, 1908; Hicetes Clarke, 1908;Chaetosalpinx Sokolov, 1948; Phragmosalpinx Sokolov, 1948; Diorygma Biernat, 1961; Torquaysalpinx Plusquellec, 1968; Helicosalpinx Oekentorp, 1969; Burrinjuckia Chatterton, 1975; Palaeophytobia Süss and Müller-Stoll, 1975; Protophytobia Süss, 1979; Catellocaula Palmer and Wilson, 1988; Clavatulicola Radwański and Bałuk, 1997; Eodiorygma Bassett et al., 2004; Klemmatoica Tapanila and Holmer, 2006; Caupokeras McKinney, 2009; Imbutichnus Santos et al., 2012; Ostiocavichnus Bohaty et al., 2012; Kanthyloma Klompmaker et al., 2014; Galacticus Klompmaker et al., 2016, and Thatchtelithichnus Zonneveld et al., 2015. The same applies to the related group of galls formed in calcareous skeletons, namely the ichnogenera Castexia Mercier, 1936; Endosacculus Voigt, 1959; and Heckerina Alekseev and Endelman, 1989.

The list of valid bioerosion ichnotaxa (Table 1) is organized in alphabetical order (ichnogenera) and year of publication (ichnospecies) instead of morphological criteria or higher taxonomic rank (existing and new ichnofamilies are characterized in a separate section). In addition, the type ichnospecies of each ichnogenus is indicated, as is the original combination of regrouped ichnospecies. The list is complemented by information about the nature of the bioeroded hard substrate, the general type of bioerosion trace, and the known or inferred tracemaker. Original publications are listed in the reference section.

The compilation of dubious or invalid ichnogenera and ichnospecies (Table 2) likewise is ordered alphabetically (ichnogenera) and according to the year of publication (ichnospecies). For each taxon, the reasoning for its present nomenclatural status and the respective reference are given.

This published work and the nomenclatural acts therein have been registered in ZooBank:

Bioerosion ichnofamilies

Only a limited number of the currently recognized bioerosion ichnotaxa is grouped within the higher systematic unit of an ichnofamily, although such a classification is supported by the ICZN (1999) and common for other groups of trace fossils (Bertling 2007). Some of the categories of architectural designs in trace fossils, as defined by Buatois et al. (2017), largely coincide with the currently recognized ichnofamilies (for instance the Dendrinidae), and were suggested by the latter authors as representing a suitable basis for the establishment of further ichnofamilies.

Acknowledging the demand for additional ichnofamilies that are primarily morphologically based (Bromley 1996; Bertling 2007) yet ecologically and ethologically meaningful, we additionally define a number of new ichnofamilies for bioerosion ichnotaxa accordingly. This way, emphasis is put on covering the most common and important ichnotaxa on the one hand, and on recognizing those groups that share enough morphological characters to allow inclusion of a fair amount of ichnogenera on the other hand. Several ichnogenera with a unique form remain without ichnofamily for the time being. Borings of ctenostome bryozoans are not considered here, because a revision of this group of bioerosion trace fossils is needed in order to clarify which of the established family names actually are to be regarded as ichnofamilies (see above).

Trypanitidae Mägdefrau, 1932

Type ichnogenus: Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932.

Diagnosis: ‘Unbranched, straight tubes’ [original diagnosis, translated], here revised to: unbranched, cylindrical borings of approximately constant diameter with straight, winding, or spiraling course.

Members: Anobichnium Linck, 1949; Australocerambyx Peña, 1971; Carporichnus Genise, 1995; Eocavum Buchholz, 1986; Helicotaphrichnus Kern et al., 1974; Linckichnus Schlirf, 2006; Osprioneides Beuck and Wisshak in Beuck et al., 2008b; Paleobuprestis Walker, 1938; Paleoipidus Walker, 1938; Pecinolites Mikuláš and Dvořák, 2002; Spirichnus Fürsich et al., 1994; Stipitichnus Genise, 1995; Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932; Tubulohyalichnus McLoughlin et al., 2009.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Rogerellidae Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958

Type ichnogenus: Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951.

Diagnosis: ‘stalked slit, marginal bulge’ [original diagnosis, translated], here revised to: pouch-shaped borings.

Members: Aurimorpha Wisshak et al., 2008; Cubiculum Roberts et al., 2007; Cuenulites Rodríguez-Tovar et al., 2015; Cuniculichnus Höpner and Bertling, 2017; Petroxestes Wilson and Palmer, 1988; Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951; Sanctum Erickson and Bouchard, 2003; Umbichnus Martinell et al., 1999.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Remarks: Bromley and D’Alessandro (1987) considered the ichnogenus Zapfella de Saint-Seine, 1954 as a subjective junior synonym ofRogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951. They did not touch upon the question of synonymy at the ichnofamily level, even though Codez and de Saint-Seine (1958) erected the ichnofamily Zapfellidae in the same paper as their Rogerellidae, with Zapfella as its type ichnogenus. With synonymous type ichnogenera, the two ichnofamilies are synonymous as well. As it is up to the first reviser to clarify the synonymy of synchronously erected taxa (ICZN 1999: Art. 24.2), we here select Rogerellidae Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 as the valid ichnotaxon, rendering Zapfellidae invalid.

Dendrinidae Bromley et al., 2007

Type ichnogenus: Dendrina Quenstedt, 1849.

Diagnosis: Originally defined as ‘microborings having a rosetted or incompletely rosetted (i.e., fan-shaped) morphology, with or without a central or marginal main chamber’, slightly revised here to: dendritic or rosetted to fan-shaped borings, with or without a central or marginal main chamber.

Members: Abeliella Mägdefrau, 1937; Antodendrina, Wisshak, 2017; Calcideletrix Mägdefrau, 1937; Clionolithes Clarke, 1908; Dendrina Quenstedt, 1849; Dictyoporus Mägdefrau, 1937; Neodendrina Wisshak and Neumann, 2018; Nododendrina Vogel et al., 1987; Pyrodendrina Tapanila, 2008; Rhopalondendrina Wisshak, 2017.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces), fodinichnia? (combined dwelling and feeding traces).

Osteichnidae Höpner and Bertling, 2017

Type ichnogenus: Osteichnus Höpner and Bertling, 2017.

Diagnosis: Originally defined as ‘non-branched borings in bone substrates irrespective of their orientation’, here revised to: cylindrical borings with fused U-loops.

Members: Asthenopodichnium Thenius, 1979; Canaliparva Furlong and McRoberts, 2014; Caulostrepsis Clarke, 1908; Maeandropolydora Voigt, 1965; Osteichnus Höpner and Bertling, 2017; Pseudopolydorites Głazek et al., 1971; Sertaterebrites Ekdale et al., 1989.

Remarks: Originally erected with osteic substrate as a main criterion, the ichnofamily can no longer be defined this way and is consequently redefined here based on the U-shaped morphology of its type ichnogenus.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Gastrochaenolitidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842.

Diagnosis: Unbranched, distally widened borings.

Members: Apectoichnus Donovan, 2018; Clavichnus Höpner and Bertling, 2017; Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842; Palaeosabella Clarke, 1921; Phrixichnus Bromley and Asgaard, 1993; Teredolites Leymerie, 1842.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Talpinidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Talpina von Hagenow, 1840.

Diagnosis: Branched cylindrical borings that may anastomose.

Members: Cunctichnus Fürsich et al., 1994; Cycalichnus Genise, 1995; Ipites igen. nov.; Lapispecus Voigt, 1970; Paleoscolytus Walker, 1938; Talpina von Hagenow, 1840; Xylonichnus Genise, 1995.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces) or agrichnia (farming traces).

Entobiaidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Entobia Bronn, 1837.

Diagnosis: Uni-camerate borings to multi-camerate boxwork borings, connected to the substrate surface by several apertures.

Members: Entobia Bronn, 1837; Unellichnus Breton, 2015a.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Remarks: The family name Entobiidae is already preoccupied by a family of copepods, established by Ho (1984) based on the type genus Entobius Dogiel, 1908. In order to avoid homonymy between family-group names, we follow recommendation 29A of the ICZN (1999) and use the entire ichnogeneric name as the stem for the new ichnofamily.

Planobolidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Planobola Schmidt, 1992.

Diagnosis: Spherical, hemispherical or clavate microborings with a single or multiple connection(s) to the substrate surface.

Members: Cavernula Radtke, 1991; Cyclopuncta Elias, 1958; Granulohyalichnus McLoughlin et al., 2009; Planobola Schmidt, 1992.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces).

Ichnoreticulinidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Ichnoreticulina Radtke and Golubić, 2005.

Diagnosis: Systems of strongly ramifying microborings composed of cylindrical tunnels that often show intercalary, lateral, or terminal swellings.

Members: Conchocelichnus Radtke et al., 2016; Eurygonum Schmidt, 1992; Filuroda Solle, 1938; Ichnoreticulina Radtke and Golubić, 2005;Irhopalia nom. nov.; Orthogonum Radtke, 1991; Palaeomycelites Bystrov, 1956.

Ethological category: Domichnia (dwelling traces) or fodinichnia (combined dwelling and feeding traces).

Saccomorphidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Saccomorpha Radtke, 1991.

Diagnosis: Spherical, sac-shaped, or multilobate microborings interconnected by thin tunnels.

Members: Polyactina Radtke, 1991; Saccomorpha Radtke, 1991.

Ethological category: Fodinichnia (combined dwelling and feeding traces).

Centrichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Centrichnus Bromley and Martinell, 1991.

Diagnosis: Single to multiple, roughly circular depressions on the surface of hard substrates, shallower than wide, with individual grooves often arranged concentrically or excentrically.

Members: Augoichnus Arendt, 2012; Centrichnus Bromley and Martinell, 1991; Lacrimichnus Santos et al., 2003; Ophthalmichnus Wisshak et al., 2014; Solealites Uchman et al., 2018a; Tremichnus Brett, 1985.

Ethological category: Fixichnia (attachment traces).

Renichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Renichnus Mayoral, 1987a.

Diagnosis: Spiral to elongate depressions on the surface of hard substrates, shallower than wide.

Members: Camarichnus Santos and Mayoral, 2006; Canalichnus Santos and Mayoral, 2006; Renichnus Mayoral, 1987; Spirolites Uchman et al., 2018a; Sulcichnus Martinell and Domènech, 2009.

Ethological category: Fixichnia (attachment traces).

Podichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Podichnus Bromley and Surlyk, 1973.

Diagnosis: Multiple round or oval depressions on the surface of hard substrates, regularly spaced in a cluster.

Members: Finichnus Taylor et al., 2013; Flosculichnus Donovan and Jagt, 2005; Podichnus Bromley and Surlyk, 1973.

Ethological category: Fixichnia (attachment traces).

Gnathichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Gnathichnus Bromley, 1975.

Diagnosis: Repetitive sets of linear, shallow grooves on the surface of hard substrates.

Members: Gnathichnus Bromley, 1975; Radulichnus Voigt, 1977.

Ethological category: Pascichnia (combined locomotion and grazing traces).

Circolitidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Circolites Mikuláš, 1992.

Diagnosis: Circular to irregular-shaped depressions in hard substrates, with steep to overhanging marginal walls that may show sets of linear, shallow grooves.

Members: Circolites Mikuláš, 1992; Ericichnus Santos and Mayoral in Santos et al., 2015; Osteocallis Roberts et al., 2007; Planavolites Mikuláš, 1992.

Ethological category: Combined pascichnia (combined locomotion and grazing traces) and domichnia (dwelling traces).

Oichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Oichnus Bromley, 1981.

Diagnosis: Complete circular penetrations or sets thereof in biogenic hard substrates, in some cases surrounded by shallow etchings.

Members: Dipatulichnus Nielsen and Nielsen, 2001; Kardopomorphos Beuck et al., 2008a; Lamniporichnus Mikulaš et al., 1998; Loxolenichnus Breton et al., 2017; Oichnus Bromley, 1981; Stellatichnus Nielsen and Nielsen, 2001.

Ethological category: Praedichnia (predation traces; but also in xylic seeds), occasionally combined with fixichnia (attachment traces).

Belichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Belichnus Pether, 1995.

Diagnosis: Recurrent fracture patterns in shells and other skeletal material.

Members: Belichnus Pether, 1995; Bicrescomanducator Donovan et al. in Andrew et al., 2010.

Ethological category: Praedichnia (predation traces).

Machichnidae ifam. nov.

Type ichnogenus: Machichnus Mikuláš et al., 2006.

Diagnosis: Punctures to grooves, both of somewhat irregular outline, often in sets, in bone.

Members: Knethichnus Jacobsen and Bromley, 2009; Linichnus Jacobsen and Bromley, 2009; Machichnus Mikuláš et al., 2006; Mandaodonites Cruickshank, 1986; Nihilichnus Mikuláš et al., 2006.

Ethological category: Praedichnia (predation or scavenging traces).

Nomenclatural acts, invalidations, synonymizations and new combinations

This section contains the justification and discussion of all nomenclatural acts (i.e., introduction of nomina nova and nomina corrigenda), new combinations, and invalidations performed in this review, with represented ichnotaxa in alphabetical order.

Table 1 List of all bioerosion ichnotaxa currently recognized as valid, with author(s), indication of the type ichnospecies (asterisk), original name or combination, principal type of bioerosion trace fossil, nature of infested hard substrate, and known or inferred tracemaker (Abbreviations: comb. nov. = combinatio nova; nom. corr. = nomen corrigendum; nom. nov. = nomen novum)
Table 2 List of all bioerosion ichnotaxa currently considered dubious or invalid, their senior synonym or homonym, as well as the reason and the reference for the rejection

Aggregatella Elliott, 1962, with its type ichnospecies A. pseudohieroglyphicus Elliott, 1962, was erected based on a thin-section and interpreted as a microcoprolite (pellet). However, these ‘small, flexuous curved or twisted elongate solid bodies’ are more likely microborings, but they cannot be identified with certainty based on the two-dimensional thin-section image. Accordingly, the two ichnotaxa must be considered nomina dubia.

Anellusichnus Santos et al., 2005 is herein regarded as subjective junior synonym of Centrichnus Bromley and Martinell, 1991 and its two ichnospecies are well accommodated within the original diagnosis of Centrichnus. Because they differ in morphology from the other ichnospecies, they are considered valid as new combinations.

Anoigmaichnus Vinn et al., 2014 and its type ichnospeciesA. odinsholmensis Vinn et al., 2014 include a cylindrical shaft with an elevated aperture, the latter interpreted as an embedment structure. Being mainly a boring, A. odinsholmensis resembles Trypanites weisei Mägdefrau, 1932, whose type material occasionally shows elevated apertures (so-called ‘Ringwälle’, Mägdefrau, 1932), and is therefore regarded as junior synonym of it.

Archaeomycelites Bystrow, 1959 and its type ichnospeciesA. odontophagus Bystrow, 1959 are herein synonymized with Palaeomycelites Bystrov, 1956 and its type ichnospecies P. lacustris Bystrov, 1956, respectively, based on identical shape of the borings; neither the position in bone/enamel nor facies should be used as ichnotaxobases (Bertling et al. 2006).

Asthenopodichnium fallax Francischini et al., 2016 does not belong to this ichnogenus, which is restricted to xylic substrates (Höpner and Bertling 2017). Rather, its substrate is calcareous; given this and the well-defined shape, it belongs to Petroxestes and is here considered a junior synonym of Petroxestes altera Jagt et al., 2009.

Asteriastoma Breton, 1992 and its type ichnospeciesA. cretaceum Breton, 1992 are subjective junior synonyms of Gnathichnus Bromley, 1975 and its type ichnospecies G. pentax Bromley, 1975, respectively, as suggested by Buatois et al. (2017). Asteriastoma merely constitutes a composite trace fossil of G. pentax oriented around a preexisting boring as a result of grazing and/or predation (see Bromley 1970b and Wisshak 2006 for examples).

Bascomella Morningstar, 1922, represented by its type ichnospecies B. gigantea Morningstar, 1922, was originally considered to be a ctenostome bryozoan boring composed of zooidal chambers and interconnecting stolons. Two additional ichnospecies were later proposed, namely B. fusiformis Condra and Elias, 1944 and B. subsphaerica Condra and Elias, 1944. Their actual composite nature of accidentally co-occurring acrothoracican borings and tubular borings of unknown origin was recognized by Elias (1957), who advocated redefiningBascomella as the pouch-shaped borings only. Restricting a composite ichnotaxon to one of its components, however, deviates from the original author’s intention: Morningstar (1922) meant to name the composite structure and hence, no single element can and may be isolated from it. The redefinition by Elias (1957) fails for this reason and consequently the composite ichnotaxon is invalidated, as it contains the work of more than one organism (e.g., Bertling et al. 2006). The taxonomic status of the other Bascomella ichnospecies is identical, even if they may contain different representatives ofRogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951 or other ichnogenera.

Belichnus Pether, 1995 was erected based on Holocene shells, but the determined age of 13.5–12.5 ka now corresponds to a Pleistocene age (Gradstein et al. 2012). Because no type ichnospecies was designated, B. monos is herein subsequently designated as type ichnospecies (ICZN 1999: Art. 69). Belichnus dusos Pether, 1995 was considered as a potential junior synonym of B. monos by Cadée and de Wolf (2013), which is formally confirmed herein.

Brachyzapfes Codez in Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 was synonymized with Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951 by Bromley and D’Alessandro (1987), based on close morphological resemblance. Accordingly, its type ichnospecies B. elliptica Codez in Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 is herein formally transferred to Rogerella as a new combination.

Brutalichnus Mikuláš et al., 2006, with the type ichnospecies B. brutalis Mikuláš et al., 2006, was erected on irregular though intense cracks in bones. They were claimed to have been produced by a carnivorous animal but do not exhibit tooth traces. The breakage is at least as likely due to diagenetic effects such as compaction, i.e., the biogenic nature of the structure remains to be demonstrated.

Caedichnus Stafford et al., 2015 and its type ichnospeciesC. spiralis Stafford et al., 2015 are phenomena of gastropod shell damage of various shape, which are consistent with the diagnosis of Bicrescomanducator Donovan et al. in Andrew et al., 2010. Caedichnus is therefore synonymized with that ichnogenus, maintaining its type ichnospecies as a new combination.

Calciroda Mayer, 1952 and its type ichnospeciesC. kraichgoviae Mayer, 1952 consists of ‘branched, horizontal tunnels running along the surface of organism hard parts, sometimes going vertically into the depth’ [original diagnosis, translated]. No holotype was designated, but the figured specimens indicate an overlapping or cross-cutting relationship of individual tunnels instead of true branching, in addition to unbranched specimens. Plewes (1996: pl. 13, Fig. 5) studied Mayer’s type material and confirmed that ‘…both branching points and avoidance by tunnels can be seen…’; she regarded Calciroda as junior synonym of Talpina von Hagenow, 1840. In comparison with the recently rediscovered type material of Talpina and its revision (Wisshak et al. 2017: Fig. 2.1), the branched specimens of the dubious (because composite) and partly eroded trace fossil C. kraichgoviae can be assigned to Talpina ramosa von Hagenow, 1840, whereas the unbranched specimens belong to Trypanites solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840). The second ichnospecies, C. tubulata Hary, 1975, mainly differs by its fill and preservation from branched C. kraichgoviae and thus is also synonymized with T. ramosa.

Chaetophorites Pratje, 1922, including the type ichnospecies C. gomontoides Pratje, 1922 and C. tenuis Mägdefrau, 1937, are nomina dubia. A neotype designation for lost type material of the former has proven infeasible (Glaub 1994), and C. tenuis is too poorly defined and illustrated to allow an unambiguous application. Chaetophorites appears to have represented a storage tank for various microborings, which have only become accessible to reliable morphological characterization with the advent of the epoxy casting method in the 1970s (Golubić et al. 1970). A third ichnospecies, C. cruciatus Mägdefrau, 1937, was later recognized as bryozoan trace fossil and was recombined by Voigt (1973) asImmergentia cruciata (Mägdefrau, 1937).

Cliona Grant, 1826 - > see Entobia Bronn, 1837 below.

Clionites Morris in Mantell, 1850 is an ichnogenus for sponge bioerosion traces with close affinity to Entobia Bronn, 1837. Its type ichnospecies C. conybeari Morris in Mantell, 1850 was consequently considered by Bromley (1970a) as a subjective junior synonym of E. cretacea Portlock, 1843, thus also synonymizing the two ichnogenera. We cannot judge C. parkinsoni Morris in Mantell, 1850 because we have not researched and investigated the holotype; it is only rudimentarily described, and the corresponding illustrations do not allow distinction of this ichnospecies. C. glomerata Morris, 1851 clearly is a cavernous sponge boring, and thus adequately grouped in the ichnogenusEntobia Bronn, 1837. As a result, it becomes a secondary junior homonym toE. glomerata (Michelin, 1846) comb. nov., another sponge bioerosion trace herein included in Entobia, thus demanding establishment of a nomen novum (see below underEntobia).

Clionoida Smith, 1910 and its type ichnospeciesC. arbiglandensis Smith, 1910 are nomina dubia, since the original illustration is poor and no type material could be tracked down in the two relevant Glasgow collections. Furthermore, no explicit definition is given for this ichnogenus.

Clionoides Fenton and Fenton, 1932, with C. thomasi Fenton and Fenton, 1932 as type ichnospecies, was erected for tubular and infrequently branched borings along the surface of shells. Furlong and McRoberts (2014) erroneously regarded the ichnogenus Palaeosabella Clarke, 1921 as a synonym of Clionoides, but disregarded the principle of priority (ICZN 1999: Art. 23). Moreover,Clionoides is a tubular boring without a club-shaped extension as in Palaeosabella. Although no holotype was specified by Fenton and Fenton (1932), their figures show shells with numerous tunnels and grooves running along or close to the surface. Branching occurs but can be regarded as false due to overlapping borings rather than true branching. Given that circumstance, Clionoides and C. thomasi can be defined as tubular borings along the surface of the substrate and thus become junior synonyms of Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932 and T. solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840), respectively.C. utaturensis Ghare, 1982 describes ‘flexuous or more or less straight borings with circular openings’ in belemnite rostra, which is also consistent with the diagnosis of T. solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840) (see Bromley 1972), and is therefore included in it as another subjective junior synonym.

Conchifora zylindriformis Müller, 1968, including varieties, is synonymized with Trypanites solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840) based on the course more or less parallel to the curvature of the substrate surface.

Conchotrema Teichert, 1945 is an ichnogenus often discussed as probable synonym of Talpina von Hagenow, 1840 because of their close morphological similarity and comparable dimensions (e.g., Voigt 1972; Plewes 1996; Bromley 2004). However, to our knowledge its two ichnospecies were, never formally recombinedTalpina, and thus are formally recombined herein on grounds of the valid arguments put forward by these authors. It still needs to be clarified, however, whether the two ichnospecies are invalid junior synonyms or valid senior synonyms of other Palaeozoic ichnospecies of Talpina.

Cubiculum inornatus Xing et al., 2015 as well as the nomenC. levis Pirrone et al., 2014 are emended to corresponding gender of genus and species names, i.e., to C. inornatum and C. leve, respectively, as the gender of the ichnogenus is neuter (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Cunicularis isodiametricus Li, 1997 was established based on phosphatized natural casts of microborings and thus is to be considered an ichnotaxon as opposed to a cyanobacterium body fossil of the biotaxon Cunicularis Green et al., 1988. However, morphologically it is reminiscent of Endoconchia lata Runnegar in Bengtson et al., 1990, and thus herein considered a junior synonym of it.

Cylindricavus Borkar and Kulkarni, 1987, based on the type ichnospecies C. perplexus Borkar and Kulkarni, 1987, consists of ‘cylindrical, unbranched borings with variable disposition’ and occurs in freshwater carbonates. It is compared with Paleolithophaga (lapsus calami; junior synonym of Gastrochaenolites), but erected based on its freshwater instead of marine origin. However, facies or environment are not valid ichnotaxobases (Bertling et al. 2006). Moreover, freshwater borings are very rare compared to their marine counterparts, and bioerosion ichnotaxa of this size are essentially unknown. Various shapes and sizes of the figured C. perplexus suggest an alternative interpretation, e.g., as fossil root casts, and thus Cylindricavus is at present regarded as nomen dubium.

Cylindrocavites Ghare, 1982, based on its type ichnospecies C. cretacea Ghare, 1982, consists of cylindrical borings penetrating belemnite rostra perpendicular to their surface. Its form is identical with Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932, and it is therefore regarded as junior synonym, following Pemberton et al. (1988). At the ichnospecies level, C. cretacea shares all diagnostic features with T. weisei Mägdefrau, 1932 and is herein synonymized with it.

Dekosichnus Genise and Hazeldine, 1995, with its type ichnospecies D. meniscatus Genise and Hazeldine, 1995, appears to be a junior synonym of Xylonichnus Genise, 1995. The diagnoses claim slight differences in the relative height and the more or less oval cross-section, but the figures of the type do not exhibit these characters. The greater density of borings of theDekosichnus type is not an ichnotaxobase (Bertling et al. 2006). Hence,D. meniscatus is herein transferred toXylonichnus as new combination.

Entobia Bronn, 1837 is by far the most speciose bioerosion ichnogenus. In the course of this compilation, it has received further accrual of former sponge biotaxa that actually describe empty fossil sponge bioerosion traces. These are to be considered bioerosion ichnotaxa, just as empty recent sponge borings described prior to 1931. This concerns species formerly in the invalid junior synonym Vioa Nardo, 1833: E. michelini (Nardo, 1845) comb. nov., E. nardina (Michelin, 1846) comb. nov., E. glomerata (Michelin, 1846) comb. nov., E. duvernoyi (Michelin, 1847) comb. nov., E. pectita (Michelotti, 1861) comb. nov., E. cerithii (Fraas, 1867) comb. nov., andE. catenata (Frič, 1883) comb. nov. Three further Vioa species were recently transferred to Entobia by Schönberg et al. (2017). Two Vioa ichnospecies are herein considered nomina dubia based on unspecific descriptions and lack of specific types, i.e., V. ostrearum Fraas, 1869 and V. millaris Frič, 1883. Another two Vioa ichnospecies, V. rependa Sismonda, 1871 and V. superficialis Sismonda, 1871, are herein considerednomina dubia, owing to vague descriptions and a poor or no illustration, respectively. Furthermore, the authorship of Sismonda (1871) is unclear: He apparently was the first to record the two taxa in question, but he cited Michelotti as their author. We were unable, however, to find the names in Michelotti’s work. In addition, numerous species of the valid sponge genus Cliona Grant, 1826 are here transferred to Entobia, namely E. irregularis (d’Orbigny, 1850) comb. nov., E. ramosa (d’Orbigny, 1850) comb. nov., E. perforata (Seguenza, 1882) comb. nov., E. intricata (Seguenza, 1882) comb. nov., E. peregrinator (Chapman, 1907) comb. nov., E. bullini (Annandale, 1920) comb. nov., E. radiciformis (Lehner, 1937), comb. nov., and E. microtuberum (Stephenson, 1941) comb. nov., the latter tentatively synonymized withE. megastoma (Fischer in d’Archiac et al., 1866) by Bromley and D’Alessandro (1984), a view that is not shared here. Two species of Cliona, C. duchassaingi Fischer, 1868 and C. studeri Mayer, 1872, are nomina nuda, since they were only listed without any description or indication. Yet four more Cliona species were described by Seguenza (1879), only the first one of which appears to be a fossil sponge boring, consecutively recombined as E. tubulosa (Seguenza, 1879) comb. nov. herein. The second one is recombined asMaeandropolydora vermicularis (Seguenza, 1879) comb. nov., the third is an unspecific assemblage of minute microborings and thus considered a nomen dubium, and the last one is an ascothoracid barnacle boring, recombined herein as Rogerella oostoma (Seguenza, 1879) comb. nov. However, according to Cleevely (1983) the collections of Seguenza were devastated during the 1908 Messina earthquake, rendering re-investigation of his types impossible. Three Cliona species established by Fischer in d’Archiac et al. (1866) and Fischer (1868) were considered nomina dubia by Bromley and D’Alessandro (1984). The type material, however, is accessible at the Paris Natural History Museum, and it is sufficiently well preserved to merit further investigation. Hence, these species are formally transferred to Entobia as E. falunica (Fischer in d’Archiac et al., 1866) comb. nov., E. praecursor (Fischer, 1868) comb. nov., and E. cerithiorum (Fischer, 1868) comb. nov. Finally, Cliona kelheadensis Smith, 1910 is considered a nomen dubium since its original illustration is poor and the type material appears to be lost. The ichnospecies E. glomerata (Morris, 1851) is clearly distinct from E. glomerata (Michelin, 1846) comb. nov., judged by the respective illustrations showing two very different forms of sponge borings. Given that Morris (1851) did not make any reference to Michelin (1846) when erecting his species, E. glomerata (Morris, 1851) becomes a secondary junior homonym ofE. glomerata (Michelin, 1846) comb. nov. The former thus requires a replacement name, and accordingly, E. morrisi nom. nov. is hereby introduced for E. glomerata (Morris, 1851). The name honours John Morris and his pioneering work on bioerosion trace fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of northern Europe. A similar case is E. mammillata Bromley and D’Alessandro, 1984, which is a secondary junior homonym to E. mammillata (Chapman, 1907) comb. nov., and is herein transferred from Cliona to Entobia. We introduce E. tuberculata nom. nov. as a replacement name, thereby largely retaining the original reference to the diagnostic mammillate hemispherical tubercles. In any case, in order to identify synonyms, the present plethora of 53 Entobia ichnospecies, and in particular the recently transferred early taxa, are in need of revision.

Feldmannius cavernosa (Casadío et al., 2001) is emended in spelling to read F. cavernosus (Casadío et al., 2001), in order to comply in gender with the generic name (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2). This measure is deemed necessary as a result of Feldmannius Low and Guinot, 2010 having been introduced as a nomen novum for Feldmannia Casadío et al., 2001.

Gaspeichnus Hunt et al., 2018 and its type ichnospeciesG. complexus Hunt et al., 2018 are considered nomina dubia, since lithification of the substrate prior to emplacement of traces cannot be demonstrated, and the flattened traces likely represent burrows of uncertain affinity rather than borings.

Gitonia Clarke, 1908, defined by its type ichnospecies G. corallophila Clarke, 1908, is a bioclaustration and not a bioerosion trace (Oliver 1983). However,G. siphon Clarke, 1908, is a cylindrical bioerosion trace and was synonymized with Vermiforichnus clarkei by Cameron (1969b), which in turn is herein synonymized with Palaeosabella prisca (McCoy, 1855). Examination of Clarke’s (1908) type material of G. siphon will show whether it belongs to Palaeosabella Clarke, 1921 or to Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932.

Glirotremmorpha entectus Collinson and Hooker, 2000 is emended to G. entecta, because the gender of the ichnogenus is feminine (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Hemicanalis Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977, including its type ichnospecies H. reticulata Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977, as well as the second ichnospecies H. prolius Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977, are netlike, ramified burrows on the internal moulds of molluscan shells rather than bioerosion trace fossils. This way they have to be considered junior synonyms of Arachnostega Bertling, 1992 and A. fossiger (Fenton and Fenton, 1932).

Heterodontichnites Rinehart et al., 2006, with its type species H. hunti Rinehart et al., 2006, was supposed to differ from Mandaodonites coxi Cruickshank, 1986 by alleged round tooth traces of the latter and a more curved pattern. Owing to the incomplete preservation of the single specimen with Heterodontichnites, the latter difference cannot be substantiated, whereas the single tooth traces of Mandaodonites are ovoid, as in Heterodontichnites. With no significant difference remaining, the two ichnogenera and their type ichnospecies are respectively synonymized.

Ichnogutta erectus Botquelen and Mayoral, 2005 is emended to read I. erecta Botquelen and Mayoral, 2005 and to comply in gender with the generic name (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Ipites has been established by Karpiński (1962) explicitly noting twice the supposed close relationship to the Recent ‘Ips duplicatus Sahlb.’. The author introduces the name by stating: ‘The genus of the beetle I define with the name Ipites.’, i.e., without designating it as ‘igen. nov.’ or similar, after noting that this ‘is the first finding of brood galleries of a representatitve resembling the modern genus I. duplicatus Sahlb.’ Article 20 of the Code (ICZN 1999), however, states that ‘A name […] applied to fossils to distinguish them from extant members of that taxon, without clear evidence of intent to establish a new genus-group taxon, […] cannot be used as the valid name of a taxon.’ Ipites is not an available name therefore, leaving its sole ichnospecies name bobrowskianus without ichnogenus name. For this reason, we reintroduce Ipites as a new ichnogeneric name here and designate Ipites bobrowskianus (Karpiński, 1962) as its type ichnospecies. The etymology is based on the similarity of the trace fossil to the borings of the modern bark beetle genus Ips. We diagnose the ichnogenus as follows: Complex boring in xylic substrates, with regularly branched, larger central tunnels and numerous smaller tunnels radiating from the branches; the system lies parallel to the substrate surface. As differential diagnosis we remark that modern bark beetles exhibit a rather wide array of boring architecture, and informed by these patterns, we distinguish Ipites igen. nov. from Scolytolarvariumichnus Guo, 1991 with just one simple shaft in the centre.

Karethraichnus kulindros Zonneveld et al., 2015 is distinguished from K. lakkos Zonneveld et al., 2015 by ‘its cylindrical vs hemispherical morphology’. However, this difference can be explained as various developmental stages of the same boring, a situation analogous to the variable penetration depth found in ichnospecies ofOichnus. We follow the reasoning of Wisshak et al. (2015) and regard K. kulindros as a junior synonym of K. lakkos.

Knethichnus parallelum Jacobsen and Bromley, 2009 is emended to K. parallelus, because the gender of the ichnogenus is masculine (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Maeandropolydora filosa Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977 is based on limited and poorly preserved material in a gastropod shell. The U-shaped tube has no specific orientation, a constant diameter and circular cross-section. As such it may be regarded as part of an originally more extensive boring assignable to M. sulcans Voigt, 1965 (cf. Bromley and D’Alessandro 1983).

Megascolytinus Petrov, 2013, with M. zherikhini Petrov, 2013 as its type ichnospecies, was established solely because of its large size, which should not be an ichnotaxobase (Bertling et al. 2006). In principle, its shape is identical withScolytolarvariumichnus Guo, 1991, but the ichnospecies deviates fromS. radiatus Guo, 1991. Therefore, it is herein cited asS. zherikhini (Petrov, 2013) comb. nov.

Mycelites Roux, 1887, with M. ossifragus Roux, 1887 as its type ichnospecies, was long deemed to be the only available ichnotaxon for fungal borings. Roux’ descriptions, at least in part, refer to organic material, as he writes about septa in channels. This excludes a void boring (a trace) but rather points to the presence of an organism. For this reason, the ichnogenus and ichnospecies are rejected. Mycelites conchifragus Schindewolf, 1962 was proposed only conditionally and is thus a nomen nudum (atelonym): ‘Simply in accordance with a handy label, I name them Mycelites conchifragus. If one wanted to attach species value to this name, the specimen […] may serve as a holotype’ [translated].

Mycobystrovia Goujet and Locquin, 1979 and its type ichnospecies M. lepidophaga Goujet and Locquin, 1979 are a taxa combining a fungus biotaxon and the probable boring of the same producer. The diagnosis makes it clear, however, that the name refers to the spores, and thus a fungus body fossil, whereas the boring is not described.

Nygmites Mägdefrau, 1937 and its type ichnospeciesN. solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840) are junior synonyms of Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1937 and T. solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840), respectively (Bromley 1972). Mägdefrau (1937) included N. pungens (Quenstedt, 1849) (= Terebripora pungens) and established the new ichnospecies N. sacculus, which differs from the other two ichnospecies by its pouch instead of cylinder shape. Consequently, N. sacculus was assigned toBrachyzapfes elliptica Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 by Seilacher (1968), synonymized with Zapfella pattei (de Saint-Seine, 1955) by Tomlinson (1969), and combined as Brachyzapfes sacculus (Mägdefrau, 1937) by Voigt (1972). Its nature as the boring of a cirriped was also revealed by Kennedy (1970). Based on its morphology, N. sacculus is herein transferred toRogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951 as new combination. A thorough review ofRogerella will show its ichnospecific affinity.

Osedacoides cretaceus Karl and Nyhuis, 2012 is a nomen dubium since it may be a valid ichnospecies, but the illustrated unique type specimen does not allow to decide whether it belongs to Karethraichnus Zonneveld et al., 2015. If this is the case it may form a senior synonym of one of the ichnospecies of Karethraichnus as well as of this ichnogenus.

Ostreoblabe Voigt, 1965 and its type ichnospeciesO. perforans Voigt, 1965 were originally described from the inner valve of oyster shells and are partly embedment structures and partly borings (Bromley 1970a, 2004). The borings are to be identified asPalaeosabella Clarke, 1921 and P. prisca (McCoy, 1855), respectively, thus being considered junior synonyms here.

Palaeachlya Duncan, 1876, (including the ichnospeciesP. perforans Duncan, 1876; P. tortuosa Etheridge, 1891; and P. torquis Etheridge, 1899), Palaeoperone Etheridge, 1891 (ichnospecies P. endophytica Etheridge, 1891), and Palaeopede Etheridge, 1899 (ichnospeciesP. whiteleggei Etheridge, 1899) were established as biotaxa, but the original descriptions and illustrations combine features of the tracemakers and their borings. The illustrations are, however, too unspecific to justify the status of the ichnotaxa; all are regarded as nomina dubia rather than algal or fungal body fossils; the type material needs to be researched and reinvestigated to clarify their status.

Palaeosabella arrogarum Plewes, 1996 was erected in an unpublished thesis and is therefore a nomen nudum.

Paleolithophaga Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1976 was synonymized with Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842 by Kelly and Bromley (1984). Its type ichnospeciesP. andurensis Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1976 currently is a nomen dubium and would require the definition and inspection of a lectotype out of the several clusters of circular and incomplete borings contained on the type material. P. velasensis Badve and Ghare, 1984 appears to be a soft-bottom burrow with affinity toTisoa siphonalis de Serres, 1840, rather than a bioerosion ichnotaxon, and was synonymized with the latter (Knaust 2019).

Paleolithopholas Badve and Ghare, 1984 is defined as ‘circular to oblong’ borings. The figured material has to be assigned to Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842 and is thus synonymized with this ichnogenus. Accordingly, its type ichnospecies P. raigadensis Badve and Ghare, 1984 is transferred to Gastrochaenolites, awaiting ichnotaxonomic revision to resolve potential synonymy with other ichnospecies in that ichnogenus.

Paleoscolytus sussexensis Jarzembowski, 1990 does not belong to this ichnogenus because it does not display the highly significant branched tunnels. Rather, it is a member of Scolytolarvariumichnus Guo, 1991, a scolytid boring with radial unbranched tunnels, leading to the new combination S. sussexensis (Jarzembowski, 1990).

Pennatichnus moguerenica Mayoral, 1988 is emended to P. moguerenicus, because the gender of the ichnogenus is masculine (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Planobola radicatus Schmidt, 1992 is emended to P. radicata, because the gender of the ichnogenus is feminine (ICZN 1999: Art. 31.2).

Polydorichnus Ishikawa and Kase, 2007 and its type ichnospecies P. subapicalis Ishikawa and Kase, 2007 are cylindrical borings in the columella of gastropod shells. They are identical with Helicotaphrichnus Kern et al., 1974 and H. commensalis Kern et al., 1974, respectively, and thus identified as junior synonyms.

Rhopalia Radtke, 1991 is an invalid junior homonym, because this genus name is preoccupied by the dipteran genus Rhopalia Macquart, 1838. This has already seen another junior homonym, the tunicate genus Rhopalia Norman, 1897 (now Rhopalaea Philippi, 1843). In consequence, we here introduce Irhopalia nom. nov., following a suggestion of the original author who had established Rhopalia (Radtke pers. comm. 2018). Irhopalia now includes the type ichnospecies Irhopalia catenata (Radtke, 1991) comb. nov., as well asI. spinosa (Radtke and Golubić, 2005) comb. nov. and I. clavigera (Golubić and Radtke, 2008) comb. nov.

Sedilichnus smiley Pokorný and Štofik, 2017 is a circular opening in a shell with an inner opening of crescentic outline. Following the review of Oichnus by Wisshak et al. (2015), this form represents an incomplete (unfinished) O. paraboloides, forming a junior synonym of it.

Seminolithes Hyde, 1953 is a subjective junior synonym of Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951, as already regarded by Bromley and D’Alessandro (1987). As a consequence, its type ichnospecies S. linii Hyde, 1953 (by monotypy) is now listed as the new combination Rogerella linii (Hyde, 1953).

Simonizapfes Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 is another subjective junior synonym of Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951, according to Bromley and D’Alessandro (1987), its type ichnospecies S. elongata Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958 to be cited asR. elongata (Codez and de Saint-Seine, 1958) comb. nov. Likewise,S. davenporti Tomlinson, 1969 is transferred to Rogerella until a proper review of this ichnogenus is undertaken.

Specus Stephenson, 1952, based on the type ichnospecies S. fimbriatus Stephenson, 1952, includes curved or irregular, club-shaped borings and was synonymized with Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932 by Bromley (1972). After Plewes (1996) reinstated Palaeosabella Clarke, 1921, Bromley (2004) suggested to synonymize Specus with that ichnogenus, while Furlong and McRoberts (2014) prefer synonymization with Clionoides Fenton and Fenton, 1932. With Clionoides herein considered a junior synonym of Trypanites (see above), however, we follow Bromley’s (2004) view and regard Specus as a junior synonym of Palaeosabella. S. fimbriatus is synonymous with P. prisca (McCoy, 1855), although a lectotype is still to be defined.

Spiracavites Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977 was regarded a junior synonym of Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932 by Pemberton et al. (1988), and its type ichnospeciesS. vermicularis Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977 can well be assigned toT. solitarius (von Hagenow, 1840). The other two ichnospecies, S. radialis and S. marginaria Chiplonkar and Ghare, 1977 are recognized as morphological variations and thus synonymous with T. solitarius.

Spirichnus contentus Plewes, 1996 and S. vacillarum Plewes, 1996 were erected in an unpublished thesis and therefore are nomina nuda.

Stichus Etheridge, 1904 and its type ichnospeciesS. mermisoides Etheridge, 1904 are difficult to judge because the original illustrations lack resolution and spatial detail. We have not investigated the type material, but the structures described may not be bioerosion traces but diagenetically altered pores in the host shell. Consequently, both ichnotaxa are considered nomina dubia for the time being.

Talpina astartina Étallon in Thurmann and Étallon, 1864 is a nomen dubium, owing to a poor illustration and lost type material. Talpina scalariformis Ghare, 1982 does not comply with the characteristics of the ichnogenus Talpina von Hagenow, 1840. Instead, the parallel course of its tunnels and the rectangular branching pattern identify this ichnospecies as belonging to the ichnogenus Orthogonum Radtke, 1991, and it is here recombined accordingly. A closer investigation of the type material will be necessary to verify whether it is a senior synonym of O. giganteum Glaub, 1994.

Terebripora (?)portlocki Fischer, 1866 was introduced as a name referring toEntobia antiqua Portlock, 1843, thus representing an objective junior synonym only. However, E. antiqua indeed is a boring of a ctenostome bryozoan with affinity to Terebripora d’Orbigny, 1847.

Trypanites helicus Nielsen and Görmüş, 2004 was erected for planispirally tubular borings, thus not complying with the diagnosis ofTrypanites Mägdefrau, 1932. It is better accommodated in Helicotaphrichnus Kern et al., 1974, despite the different host organism, as the new combination H. helicus (Nielsen and Görmüş, 2004). The main difference from H. commensalis is its planispiral instead of trochospiral shape.

Trypetesa Norman, 1903 is a genus of acrothoracican body fossils and not an ichnogenus (e.g., Buatois et al. 2017). Similarly, Murphy and Williams (2013) recognized five species ofTrypetesa as valid acrothoracican cirriped species. T. caveata Tomlinson, 1963 and T. polonica Bałuk and Radwański, 1991, however, refer to borings and consequently are here transferred to Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951 as new combinations, until a review of that ichnogenus is performed.

Vermiforichnus Cameron, 1969a and its type ichnospecies V. clarkei Cameron, 1969a were established as replacement ichnotaxa for Palaeosabella Clarke, 1921 and its type ichnospecies P. prisca (McCoy, 1855), respectively. Cameron (1969a) followed McCoy’s (1855) original interpretation, repeated by Fenton and Fenton (1932) that the holotype ofPalaeosabella consists of a single sponge boring with a central cavity and radiating tunnels. This way it would belong toTopsentia Clarke, 1921 rather than a cluster of individual clavate worm borings. A thorough reinvestigation of McCoy’s holotype by Plewes (1996) and the present authors confirmsPalaeosabella and its type ichnospecies as valid ichnotaxa for individual clavate borings. A comparison of the holotypes ofV. clarkei Cameron (1969a) and P. prisca (McCoy, 1855) shows that P. prisca is the senior synonym ofV. clarkei, and as a consequence, Vermiforichnus is synonymous with Palaeosabella.

Vioa Nardo, 1833 - > see Entobia Bronn, 1837 above.

Ichnotaxonomy by numbers

A total of 714 bioerosion ichnotaxa have been described since 1837, 480 (67%) of which are currently considered as valid. These are grouped into 18 ichnofamilies and 123 ichnogenera, constituting a total of 339 ichnospecies. The latter include 179 (53%) macroborings, 97 (28%) microborings, 26 (8%) predation traces, 26 (8%) attachment etchings, and 11 (3%) grazing traces (Fig. 2a), described from calcareous (81%), xylic (8%), osteic (8%), and siliceous (3%) substrates (Fig. 2b). Their known or inferred tracemakers (Fig. 2c) are invertebrates (79%), bacteria (6%), fungi (5%), vertebrates (4%), plants (3%), or unknown (3%).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Quantitative analysis of the 339 valid bioerosion ichnospecies with respect to the type of bioerosion trace (a), the preferred substrate (b), and their known or inferred tracemaker (c)

Those 234 ichnotaxa that are currently recognized as invalid include one ichnofamily, 76 ichnogenera, and 157 ichnospecies. Among the latter are 65 (41%) subjective junior synonyms, one (1%) objective junior synonym, one (1%) primary homonym, two (1%) secondary junior homonyms, 55 (35%) nomina dubia, 21 (13%) nomina nuda, 2 (1%) ichnotaxa that are trace fossils unrelated to bioerosion, and 10 (6%) taxa that actually are to be regarded as body fossils and thus are biotaxa. As for the current group of nomina dubia, it shall be noted that in several cases ichnotaxa can potentially be stabilized by reinvestigation, improved definition and enhanced illustration of the type material with designation of suitable lectotypes where applicable, or, in those cases where the type material remains lost, the definition of neotypes.

Bioerosion ichnotaxonomy appears largely as a European domain, with the most productive protagonists being Richard G. Bromley, who established no fewer than 50 valid bioerosion ichnotaxa between 1970 and 2013, and Max Wisshak (52 ichnotaxa since 2005). Other ichnotaxonomists who established a considerable amount of the currently valid bioerosion ichnotaxa are Gudrun Radtke (33 ichnotaxa since 1991), Eduardo Mayoral (30 ichnotaxa since 1987), Markus Bertling (23 ichnotaxa since 2017), Radek Mikuláš (19 ichnotaxa since 1992), Dirk Knaust (18 ichnotaxa herein), and Ana Santos (15 ichnotaxa since 2003). Together, these eight authors have established more than a third of all valid bioerosion ichnotaxa.

The quantitatively by far most productive decades (Fig. 1) were the 2010s (97 ichnotaxa so far), closely followed by the 2000s (96 valid bioerosion ichnotaxa), and the 1990s (92 ichnotaxa). Milestones in ichnotaxonomy were the two compilations of known bioerosion ichnogenera by Häntzschel (1962, 1975) in the ‘Trace Fossils’ volumes of the ‘Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology’. This is also in accordance with the marked increase in bioerosion research and publications since Neumann’s (1966) definition of the term bioerosion (Schönberg and Tapanila 2006), and was furthermore catalyzed by the initiation of the series of International Bioerosion Workshops (IBW) by Richard Bromley in 1996, the Workshops on Ichnotaxonomy (WIT) by Markus Bertling in 1998, and the International Congress on Ichnology (ICHNIA) by Jorge Genise and others in 2004.

Conclusions and outlook

The past few decades have seen a boost in bioerosion research and the establishment of new ichnotaxa describing bioerosion trace fossils. In fact, the number of valid bioerosion ichnotaxa has nearly quadrupled since the time of the last compilation of ichnogenera in the ‘Trace Fossils’ part of the ‘Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology’ by Häntzschel (1975). The present inventory includes a total of 339 valid ichnospecies, grouped into 123 ichnogenera and 18 ichnofamilies. Such an ichnotaxonomic ‘radiation’ inevitably bears a tendency for splitting and has created numerous redundant (synonymous) or otherwise invalid ichnotaxa. We see the present compilation as an expression of the current phase of ichnotaxonomic consolidation, by identifying synonymous ichnotaxa, lumping and recombining ichnotaxa, and invalidating or excluding taxa that do not comply with the definition of a trace fossil in general, or a bioerosion trace fossil in particular.

Together with measures performed herein, the list of invalid bioerosion ichnotaxa now includes 157 invalid ichnospecies, 76 rejected ichnogenera, and one invalid ichnofamiliy. However, there remains a strong demand for ichnotaxonomic revisions of certain groups of bioerosion trace fossils, such as the wealth of ichnotaxa and biotaxa that have been erected for traces of ctenostome bryozoans (revision in progress). Likewise, there is a need to reinvestigate the most speciose ichnogenera, foremost Entobia Bronn, 1837 (53 ichnospecies),Gastrochaenolites Leymerie, 1842 (15 ichnospecies; revision in progress),Rogerella de Saint-Seine, 1951 (14 ichnospecies), and Talpina von Hagenow, 1840 (13 ichnospecies). Ultimately, this process is expected to maintain ichnotaxonomic stability, to raise awareness of the inventory of available bioerosion ichnotaxa, and to improve the basis for utilizing bioerosion traces as paleoenvironmental indicators.