
Cancer is the abnormal uncontrolled growth of cells. Unlike biopsy, medical imaging approaches are non-invasive for the assessment and grading of cancer and are able to assess the heterogeneity and functional information of the tumor using radiomics other than geometrical and morphological information [1]. At the same time, suitable treatment strategies like surgery, radiation therapy (RT), or chemotherapy are important for proper management of a patient with cancer. For the RT treatment in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), there are numerous fractionation schemes like normal fractionation or hyperfractionated scheme, which depend on the cancer staging [2].


Radiomics is the approach that extracts the radiographic image features for the tumor phenotype information. To analyze the prognosis using radiomics, medical images are obtained from one or more imaging modalities, such as Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The regions of interest (ROIs) are delineated manually or automatically to define the macroscopic tumor. Manual delineation is usually performed by oncologists or experienced radiologists [1], while computer-aided delineation is implemented by automatic or semi-automatic segmentation methods [3]. The radiomic features are then extracted as quantitative image features (such as intensity, texture, shape, and size of the tumor) and it can help to correlate prognostic imaging phenotypic information of the tumor, including tumor heterogeneity and the protein expression [4]. The clinical outcomes such as disease recurrence or patient survival can be used as “gold standards” for machine learning to establish the predictive models [5].

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a computational method that learns experience from the finite sample data in order to predict the outcome of the unseen data. The use of radiomics in cancer prognosis prediction has received a lot of attention recently. Machine learning with radiomics has been used to predict the outcome of rectal cancer, head and neck cancer, and NSCLC [6, 7]. Feature classification is a step of deducing the hypothesis from the training data to predict the outcome of the unseen testing data [8]. The feature classifiers include support vector machine (SVM), decision trees, linear model, etc. [9, 10]. There were studies comparing different feature classifiers on radiomics which indicated that random forest (RF) produces the highest prediction performance on the overall survival [11]. Several studies on esophageal cancer and glioma concluded that deep learning improved the prediction performance on radiomics, when compared with the statistic-based methods such as SVM, RF, gradient boosting, etc. [12].

There are diverse machine learning methods for radiomics while the deep learning method, a more special type of machine learning that comprises complicated layers of algorithms, appears to be more promising for the treatment outcome prediction [13] and image feature extraction [14,15,16]. There are concerns that when the number of radiomic features is comparable with sample size (e.g., about 100–200 features against 200–300 sample size), the performance of machine learning methods will be adversely affected [9].

Table 1 Radiomic features summary

In this study, we attempted to evaluate the prediction performance of different machine learning methods including deep learning ANNs for prediction of prognosis for patients with NSCLC, with the survival endpoints of 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 7 years after RT treatment.


Data Acquisition and Case Selection

Data Acquisition

Since cases with validated clinical data are limited, we tried to retrieve the eligible cases as many as possible. The criteria are (1) cases with confirmed diagnosis, (2) cases with more than one primary tumor were excluded, and (3) image dataset should include radiotherapy structure sets, DICOM Segmentation with Gross Tumor Delineation. In this retrospective study, 422 patients with stage I, II, and III non-small cell lung carcinomas of various histological types were acquired from The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). TCIA is an online public database with cancer medical images for cancer research hosted by the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and contracted with National Cancer Institute. Data were reviewed and approved by the TCIA Advisory Group before allowing for public access. Our dataset consisted of pretreatment CT scans with 3-dimensional Gross Tumor Volume (GTV) delineation, and clinical outcome data. Data that we obtained for this study included CT image sets, the radiotherapy structure sets (RTSTUCT), DICOM Segmentation (SEG) with the GTV delineation, organs at risk delineation, and clinical data of patients including histology and survival status. The DICOM structure set ensured the same region was used in the radiomics analysis. The GTV and anatomical delineation were performed manually by radiation oncologists who contributed to TCIA [17].

Table 2 Patient Demographic

Case Selection

In the 422 cases collected, 28 cases with more than one primary tumor inside the lung (multiple GTVs in the lung) were excluded. However, for the cases with multiple GTVs due to lymph nodes involvement or distal metastasis (one GTV in the lung, others locate at other body sites such as bronchus, mediastinal lymph nodes, etc.) were included, because the lymph node GTV neighboring the lung were considered as the same tumor originated from the primary tumor due to the cancer spread. The primary tumor lesion was able to be distinguished with the radiomics features extraction. Finally, 394 cases were used for this study.

Radiomics Feature Extraction

A total of 107 radiomic features of each sample were utilized for machine learning in this study (Table 1). These include the following: 6 groups of features, namely the shape, gray level dependence matrix (gldm), gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm), first-order feature, gray level run length matrix (glrlm), gray level size zone (glszm), and neighborhood gray tone difference matrix (ngtdm). The 3D slicer (4.10.2 version) with the Pyradiomics extension (Computational Imaging and Bioinformatics Lab, Harvard medical School) [18] was utilized to extract the radiomic features.

Machine Learning Analysis and Predictive Performance

Radiomics model used quantitative imaging features to generate predictions with classifications of “survival” or “death” as outcome. In our study, 6 machine learning classification algorithms were used: decision tree (DT), boosted tree (BT), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), generalized linear model (GLM), and deep learning neural networks (DL-ANNs) (see Table 7 in Appendix for the characteristics of common machine learning algorithms). The predictive performance was evaluated by Area Under Curve (AUC) from Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. ROC curves are used to evaluate the accuracy of a diagnostic test. The technique is used when there is a criterion variable which will be used to make a binary outcome (yes or no decision) based on the value of this variable. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a summary index of an ROC curve and is the probability that an observer correctly determines which of the disease positive or negative subjects are more likely to have the disease [19]. In this study, survival status was dichotomized for prediction: patients survived beyond the time endpoint were denoted as “1”, whereas the patients died were denoted by “ 0 “(survived=1, death=0). There were 4 endpoints for survival: 1 years, 3 years 5 years and 7 years.

Since in radiomics studies, the number of radiomics features as the input nodes or input parameters is comparable with the sample size, in order to evaluate the effects of distribution of positive and negative outcomes, the data is further divided into two groups. In group A (all data group), the entire sample (n=394) was used as input data for training, validation, and testing. In group B (balanced data group), equal numbers of survived and death cases were randomly selected from the 394 cases respectively for machine learning, validation and testing. In each group A or B, there were 4 subgroups: 1-year survival with 286 samples (143 survived and 143 deaths), 3-year survival with 236 samples (118 survived and 118 deaths), 5-year survival with 136 samples (68 survived and 68 deaths), and 7-year survival with 86 samples (43 survived, 43 deaths).

The machine learning analyses (DT, BT, RF, SVM, GLM) were performed using R software (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) version 4.0.4 implemented through Rattle (the graphic user interface using R) version 5.4.0 [20]. The AUC values were used to evaluate the performance of each machine learning algorithm with the 70:30 cross-validation, which used 70\(\%\) of the samples for training and the rest 30\(\%\) for validation and testing (70/15/15). This is the hold-out validation technique by stratified sampling in which the sample is randomly partitioned into subsamples as the training, validation and test dataset. Part of data is set aside for training the model. Another set is held out for testing and evaluating the model. The deep learning neural networks used in this study was implemented by Python programming language using a convolutional model with a two 1D convolutional layers (the numbers of units are 64 and 128) followed by two fully connected layer with output size 2. The model is regularized by dropout with probability of 0.5 between each layer. Rectified linear unit (ReLU) function was deployed after each layer except the last fully connected layer. We adopt the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer with a learning rate of 0.01 and a weight decay of 1e-6 and 10 epochs of training.


Patient Demographics

A total of 394 patients with NSCLC were included in this study (Table 2). Among the patients, 70\(\%\) were male and 30\(\%\) were female, mostly aged above 50. For the overall staging of the patients, a high proportion of patients were diagnosed with stage III NSCLC: 27\(\%\) patients with stage IIIa and 42\(\%\) patients with stage IIIb. For the histology of the NSCLC, 37\(\%\) of patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, 26\(\%\) patients with large cell carcinoma, and 12\(\%\) patients had adenocarcinoma.

Table 3 Summary of predictive performance of ML methods. (AUC)
Table 4 Test for Balanced and All sample datasets

Prognostic Performance of Machine Learning Methods

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) was used to evaluate the prognostic performance of different machine learning algorithms. For boosted trees (BT), random forests (RF), decision trees (DT), support vector machine (SVM), and generalized linear model (GLM) the area under the curve (AUC) of ROC was generated by Rattle. For Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks (DL-ANNs), the AUC is generated by scikit-learn in Python. All machine learning methods were performed with 70:30 cross-validation.

The overall average prediction performance of the BT, RF, DT, SVM, GLM and DL-ANNs were AUC of 0.912, 0.938, 0.793, 0.746, 0.789 and 0.705 respectively (Table 3). The highest performance in prediction were from RF (1st) and BT (2nd). The DL-ANN did not show obvious advantage in prediction of prognostic outcomes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

ROC curves showing best, immediate and lowest results. a Random Forest (3-year survival, balanced sample data), b Generalized Linear Model (3-year survival, all sample data), c Decision Tree (5-year survival, all sample data)

The best AUC was 0.974 for the balanced sample sets of RF with 3 year survival endpoint, while the moderate AUC was 0.829 for sample set of GLM with 3 year survival endpoint and lowest AUC was 0.685 for DT with all sample set with 5 year survival endpoint (Fig. 1). The AUC with 0.200 for all sample sets of SVM with 5 year endpoint was considered as outlier. The paired t-test did not demonstrate any significant difference between the “Balanced” and “All” groups endpoints with different numbers of survival years as endpoint (p>0.05, paired t-test, Table 4). In summary, the best predictive values of the algorithms in C-index or AUC (for survival after 1, 3, 5, 7 years) are noted in Table 5. All ROC curves (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) are shown in Appendix.

Table 5 Summary of best predictive value. (*The samples are tested with 70:30 cross-validation.)
Table 6 Performance of machine learning


Radiomics is becoming a clinically effective tool for personalized medicine and prognostic prediction of cancer treatment. However, the large number of radiomics features and limited number for each category of observations with unbalanced datasets posed a challenge for radiomics-based machine learning model. In this study, we attempted to document the effect of small datasets for the performance of machine learning methods in radiomics prediction.

Feature selection was an issue for radiomics. Li et al. used 671 radiomics features for prediction of low-grade glioma [12]. Kotsiantis et al. [9] mentioned about 14 features in their selection methods. To address the problem of a lack of standardization in feature selections, Pyradiomic, an open-source python package developed mainly by researchers from the Department of Radiation, Harvard Medical School [18], was used for the extraction of radiomics features from medical images as a reference standard for radiomics analysis. The features needed to be preprocessed with a set of filters (including wavelet, Laplacian of gaussian, square, square root, logarithm and exponential [18]) to reduce noises before calculation for radiomics features used in this study. For different machine learning algorithms, random forests had the highest accuracy (average AUC= 0.94) throughout different survival years and sample sizes. Boosted tree (with average AUC= 0.91) also showed a good prediction performance. This performance was consistent with those in other studies [11, 25]. It appears that random forest can have a lower susceptibility to the biased samples. Also, the out-of-bag method helps to validate the trees and achieved a higher accuracy with more robust results [26]. Random forest was formed by many decision trees. The results of all trees were averaged out to generate the result, since the samples were randomly selected to form a decision tree by many training subsets [27]. However, it was noted that random trees and boosted trees were not good for regression prediction as they did not predict precise continuous data beyond the range in the training data, and they suffered from overfitting in noisy datasets. As random forest used a black box approach, there was little control on the model from the users’ perspective.

Our results indicated that the balanced datasets performed slightly better than the whole sample data (average AUC= 0.80 against average AUC= 0.76). However, the paired t-test did not indicate any significant difference for our datasets, although the balanced data could foster a higher accuracy [28].

Xu et al. [29] used transfer learning convolution neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) for patients with NSCLC and obtained AUC=0.74 (n=268), while Joost [18] used CNN with transfer learning obtained AUC=0.7 (n=771) for NSCLC patients with CT images. In our study, we obtained a comparable result of AUC=0.795 for balanced data with 5-year survival endpoint (n=136) for 1D CNN DL-ANN. It appears that small sample size with large input parameters may affect the predictive performance of neural networks for radiomics data. It is noted that the relative performance of the algorithms with other studies in radiomics was similar to our study using deep learning algorithm. However, random forest in our study performed better than other studies (Table 6).


Our study attempted to evaluate the prediction performance of different machine learning methods for radiomics prognosis prediction. DL-ANNs with 70:30 cross-validation did not show a significant improvement compared with other traditional machine learning methods such as random forest and boosted trees. On the whole, the accurate outcome prediction using machine learning serves as a supportive reference for formulating treatment strategy for cancer patients. This helps to facilitate personalized treatment for cancer patients in the clinical settings.