1 Introduction

In the context of model-driven engineering, models are the primary development artefacts and model transformations are crucial elements to define operations over models, such as querying, synthesising and transforming models. Model transformations are essential for Model-Driven Engineering to be practical. However, they are challenging to maintain and adapt when requirements and implementation platforms change [1].

As the size and complexity of model transformations increase, the cost and complexity of their reuse, evolution and maintenance become a challenge, e.g. during their adaptation to new application contexts. Hence, new mechanisms and tools are needed to help engineers with the complex activities involved in model transformation evolution and maintenance.

As a response to this, several model transformation testing approaches have been proposed during recent years. Some of these approaches allow engineers to specify and run regression tests to assess the behaviour of their model transformations, but they only report whether a test has passed or failed, e.g. [2,3,4,5,6,7]. In other cases, actual fixes are proposed, or even automatically applied, for a given error, e.g. [8,9,10]. These techniques are based on static analysis of the code, and the fixes they propose are still based on single errors. This kind of unitary information helps find errors in model transformations, yet we think it falls short. Engineers have to review the errors and fix them one by one to detect the source of the problem and figure out how to solve it, which implies interpreting the error correctly within its context. This task is incredibly cumbersome in the case of transformations composed of a large number of rules. Consequently, we believe that there is a need for more meaningful results which provide a deeper understanding of how a model transformation is behaving. In this sense, metrics—i.e. aggregated numeric values—might give additional information about an error, such as its extension for an actual input or some hints about its nature. Although there are previous works that use metrics for pinpointing guilty rules in a model transformation, e.g. [11, 12], they neither suggest repairing actions nor offer hints at the cause of the errors.

In this work, we present a Model Transformation TEst Specification (MoTES), an approach to easily leverage testing results to automatically derive proper corrective actions when tests fail. Those adaptations are derived from the computation of precision and recall metrics for every output pattern whose generation is controlled by an invariant condition or contract between input and output patterns. Those metric values are then analysed and categorised to identify a probably guilty model transformation rule (fault localisation) and propose a corrective action (fault repair). As a result, engineers can focus their efforts on applying specific corrective actions to particular model transformation rules. Note that our results are independent of how the contracts are specified and executed and the results collected. That is, the main novelty of this work lies in (1) defining a metric-based test oracle, (2) generating output-centred test results for enhanced interpretation and (3) recommending abstract repairing actions [13] based on these results.

This paper is an extension of previous papers presented at the MoDELS 2015 conference [14] and the Fifth International Workshop on the Verification of Model Transformation 2016 [15]. Besides a comprehensive presentation of our approach to make it self-contained, this article introduces a substantial extension over previous papers. The result computation and interpretation section has been extended with the subdivision of False Positive results into input or output-originated. We have also thoroughly rewritten the section on suggesting adaptations to encompass such subdivision, including mutation operators as a base for repairing actions, introducing a new adaptation action, and, finally, providing an extended and revised version of our adaptation cheatsheet. Moreover, a whole new evaluation section has been added, which presents several empirical studies to assess the validity and applicability of our approach. In this sense, we present herein the results obtained by the replication of the mutation test analysis originally performed in [7] for two case studies.

The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sect. 2 gives an overview of our approach. Contract definition in MoTES is explained in Sect. 3. Sections 4 and 5 present the main contribution of this paper: how the resulting metrics are interpreted and how to map them to adaptation suggestions, respectively. Section 6 presents our evaluation using a replica of two case studies and an application case study. Section 7 discusses the related works. Furthermore, finally, Sect. 8 outlines the main conclusions of this work and indicates future directions for the approach.

2 MoTES overview

The main goal of MoTES is to provide engineers with a fast and lightweight model transformation repairing approach that they can seamlessly use in any stage of their model-driven development process. Therefore, using our approach, engineers can (1) specify what the expected behaviour of a model transformation is, (2) get easy-to-interpret results about its correctness, and (3) automatically obtain a list of suggested repair actions for every transformation rule of interest. In that sense, our approach uses model transformation testing as a foundation to derive suggestions of concrete adaptation actions.

2.1 MoTES structure

In Fig. 1, a graphical overview of our approach is presented. On the left-hand side, a simple model-driven development scenario is depicted, which mainly entails an input model, the model transformation under test (MTUT), a transformation engine and the products of such transformation: the output model and the execution trace model. Input models and MTUTs are manually specified by modelling engineers, while a particular engine automatically generates output and trace models.

On the right-hand side, our approach’s primary artefacts and activities are organised into two fundamental stages: testing and repairing.

At the testing stage, modelling engineers have to manually specify the expected behaviour of the MTUT using contracts (number 1 in the figure), as in [5, 6, 16]. Contracts are a structured and formal way of defining invariants, pre- and postconditions, which must be fulfilled by the model transformation execution. Although our approach can define pre- and postconditions, we focus on invariants since they are the only relevant properties to compute our metrics upon. It is important to note that a contract can be related to several rules, i.e. it can express a requirement in a concise manner that actually requires multiple rules to be fulfilled, rendering contracts a lightweight method for model transformation testing. As stated by [17], a dedicated language for contract definition allows designers of transformations to make explicit the desired properties of a transformation before implementing or evolving it. The abstract syntax of MoTES is partially shown in Fig. 2. A detailed explanation of contract specification with MoTES is provided in Sect. 3.

Once contracts are defined, test oracles can be automatically derived from them (number 2 in the figure), as [2] suggests. For convenience, we automatically generate test oracle artefacts as model transformations (see Sect. 3.3) whose main mission consists in querying input–output model pairs from the MTUT and yielding a result report model, which conforms to the MoTES Result metamodel (see Fig. 3). That metamodel conveniently allows representing precision and recall values for every output pattern whose generation is constrained by contracts. Note that every Result element is labelled as True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN) and False Negative (FN) for metric computation. Basically, given an input model, the execution of the MTUT (number 0 in the figure) generates its corresponding output model, so the input–output model pair is compared against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally, for easier interpretation, we propose a categorisation of various valid result combinations (see Sect. 4). Testing results are quickly computed utilising a transformation engine taking as input a test oracle (number 3 in the figure), i.e. contracts, an input model and its corresponding output model. Additionally, a testing report provides an overall vision of the MTUT behaviour for a concrete input model because the generation of all the output patterns is correctly reported: error and non-error results. MoTES assumes a complete enough test input model, i.e. covering all the specified constraints, is provided. Therefore, the generation of test input models is out of the scope of this work.

The final stage of our approach, the repairing stage, is shown on the right side of the figure. In this stage, a specific algorithm (see Algorithm 1) is responsible for matching contract results to MTUT execution traces to derive a particular repair suggestion for every transformation rule involved (number 4 in the figure).

Note that a transformation trace model mainly provides a mapping from output elements to transformation rules. Even though these recommendations refer to specific model transformation rules, our approach can still be considered black-box testing since we do not require the static analysis of the actual model transformation code, but only the traceability information, which is provided as a byproduct after the MTUT is executed. A complete specification is presented in Sect. 5.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Approach overview

Fig. 2
figure 2

MoTES contract metamodel

Fig. 3
figure 3

MoTES result metamodel

2.2 Running example

In the following, we introduce a running exampleFootnote 1 to present our approach better. This example will be used for contract definition, fault localisation, and fault repair.

Let us suppose that a model transformation is defined between a metamodel defining shapes and another one just specifying stars. In the input metamodel there are two types of shapes: Squares and Ellipses. All Shape elements contain two attributes: name (String) and light (Boolean). Stars are the only type of elements defined in the output metamodel, and they have just the attribute name (String). Both metamodels are presented in Fig. 4 (at top). Table 1 shows the rules defining such transformation in a language-agnostic manner: rule S_R1 generates stars from squares whose name is not “E”; rule S_R2 generates stars from ellipses with light, and rule S_R3 generates stars with name “F” from squares with name “E”. Those rules then define the MTUT.

Table 1 Star example transformation rules

As aforementioned, our approach, in addition to contract specification, needs the input model, its corresponding output model, and the trace model produced by MTUT execution. Figure 4 shows an example of those three models (at the bottom). In this case, the input model contains four squares (A, B, C and E) and one ellipse (D). According to the MTUT specification, all of them are generating stars in the output model and the trace model stores the name of the particular rule generating each concrete star. Every trace stores the name of the applied rule and relates input (inElems reference) to output elements (outElems reference). The elements pointed by such references can be of any type of the input and output models because their actual type is EObject. For the sake of simplicity, in Fig. 4 those references are pointing to concrete types in the input and output models, but they can reference any type.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Star example: input, output, and trace (meta)models

3 Contract specification with MoTES

MoTES defines a minimalistic, declarative, domain-specific language (DSL) for the specification of model transformation contracts, initially presented in [15]. The syntax of this language is based on three main elements: input–output element relationships, detection criteria and inclusion/exclusion criteria. This syntax is specifically designed to simplify the calculation of precision and recall metrics.

Note that other approaches have already defined specific languages to define contracts for model testing (see Sect. 7). Although some of them are not clearly tailored to compute our metrics because they lack an explicit definition of pattern, for instance, Tracts [5] (see Sect. 6.2 for more differences), others may be successfully applied, for instance, PAMoMo [6]. Indeed previous contracts already defined by those languages might be reused to apply our approach, playing a complementary role in a testing scenario. Hence, we could provide additional test results for the same model transformations.

Therefore, the MoTES language might not be considered a novel contribution, but it plays a relevant role for the illustrative purposes of our approach. In the following, we present its abstract syntax, concrete syntax, and semantics.

3.1 Abstract syntax

The abstract syntax of MoTES is defined as an Ecore metamodel, partially shown in Fig. 2, whose main concept is Contract. A contract contains the following elements:

  • Contract name: the identifier for the contract.

  • Input pattern: the typed elements to match over in the input model.

  • Input exclusion: input elements that fit these criteria will not be matched.

  • Input inclusion: only the input elements which fit these criteria will be matched.

  • Output pattern: the typed elements to match over in the output model.

  • Output exclusion and inclusion: same as for input.

  • Detection: it defines a relationship between an input pattern and an output one, i.e. a constraint between the input model and the output model, consequently constraining the model transformation.

Input and output patterns are defined according to a collection of input/output elements and some conditional criteria for their inclusion and exclusion. Note that it is possible to replace exclusion criteria with negative inclusion criteria, but we have found our choice of using both as more intuitive, and it conveys better the set-oriented view of our approach. It is also important to stress that only input metamodel types are allowed in the input pattern, while only output metamodel types are allowed in the output pattern. Conversely, only detection criteria can specify expressions concerning elements from input and output elements because their mission is to express conditions that input–output relationships must hold (invariants).

Although patterns allow for the specification of many-to-many relations between input and output elements, each input pattern is associated with exactly one output pattern at the pattern level. The support for pattern cardinality would be very interesting, but it remains as future work. Nevertheless, given that a MoTES contract establishes a one-to-one relationship between an input pattern instance and an output pattern instance, multiplicity (set/size) invariants are implicitly held in MoTES contracts. As a result, this feature would reduce the number of contracts, for example, compared to Tracts (see 6.2 for more details).

Furthermore, the definition of input or output patterns is not mandatory for two special cases: preconditions and postconditions. Only the input pattern needs to be specified to define a precondition contract. Meanwhile, to define a postcondition, only its output pattern needs to be specified. Detection criteria are not necessary in those special cases because there is no need to define a relationship between input and output patterns. Preconditions and postconditions may define additional constraints in input and output models, respectively, but they are not used for precision and recall computation. Therefore, we do not consider preconditions and postconditions in the rest of this work for the sake of brevity and clarity.

3.2 Concrete syntax

The textual concrete syntax of MoTES is defined using Xtext [18]. This simple syntax permits specifying all the relevant concepts of our approach. As shown in Listing 1, input and output patterns are specified as a list of typed in/out elements, while all the different criteria are specified as a list of named predicates.

figure e

We use predicate expressions for the specification of all the different criteria of a contract (inclusion, exclusion and detection). Specifically, the following subset of first-order logic is used for criteria definition: the universal quantifier (variables of a contract are universally quantified), the existence quantifier (for expressing some conditions of output elements), conjunction, disjunction, negation and equality. Moreover, predicates can be logically connected by conjunction and disjunction operators. Nevertheless, for implementation purposes, we are using OCL because its expressiveness is far more than enough, and we have no intention of defining a new expression language.

Named predicates is another pragmatically convenient feature of the MoTES language. Named predicates provide testers with fine-grained test results by presenting the particular predicate failing in a contract. For instance, let us assume a contract that defines an invariant between input and output elements to check that output elements are generated and their properties are appropriately bound. If the binding is complex (many properties involved and difficult assignment expressions), providing testers with the specific faulty binding may significantly reduce the repairing effort. By means of named predicates, testers can assign a name to each expression guarding a concrete property binding. Therefore, when an error occurs, MoTES will yield the name of the predicate whose expression is not satisfied, and testers can pinpoint the source of error more accurately.

Another interesting feature of the MoTES language consists of inter-contract invocation. One contract can use the special predicate invoke to call a previously defined contract by passing as arguments: the invoked contract name, an input instance matching its input pattern, and another one for its output pattern. The usage of this special predicate is constrained to the detection clause of a contract. Therefore, it works as a modularisation means by fostering code reuse (see 6.2 for more details).

Regarding the star example, let us suppose modelling engineers now decide stars must be only generated from lighted squared shapes. In this sense, the MoTES contract, shown in Listing 2, defines the constraints to consider for the transformation, i.e. squared shapes with its light property True must generate stars with the same name.

figure f

3.3 Semantics

In this section, we will outline a denotational semantics of the contracts definition language. We translate the contracts from the MoTES DSL syntax presented in Fig. 2 and Listing 1 to ATLFootnote 2 [19] by means of a code generator built upon XtendFootnote 3.

For each contract, an ATL matched rule will be generated using a template. That rule will generate Result elements in the resulting model by querying the input/output models to relate an input pattern instance to an output pattern instance, according to the inclusion/exclusion and detection criteria (see Sect. 4.2 for a detailed description). For example, the test oracle for Listing 2 is shown in Listing 3.

The generated rule takes the name and the input pattern of the MoTES contract (Square2Star and Square, respectively). As output it generates a Result element (line 5) containing input/output patterns, the contract name and the result value of type ResultEnum. The inputPattern refers to a particular input pattern instance (line 20), while the outputPattern may refer to one or many instances of the output pattern (line 21). The function getOutput (line 47) is responsible of returning all the output instances related to a concrete input pattern instance.

Contract inclusion/exclusion and detection criteria are used to generate final isExcluded (line 26) and isTransformed (line 29) helpers for the input type, which act as proxies of the defined predicates. Eventually resultValue helper (line 33) computes the proper result (FP, FN, TP, TN) for the matching input–output relationship at instance level (see Sect. 4.1 for a detailed description). For example, if the MTUT has generated a Star (named C) from a lighted Square with the same name, the output of this ATL transformation would be a Result element named “Square2Star”, whose input pattern refers to Square C and output pattern to Star C and its result value is TP (True Positive).

figure g

The oracle in Listing 3 is executed using an ATL engine, as shown in Fig. 1 (oracle execution), by taking as input: the input and output model of the MTUT and the contract specification (test oracle). As a result, the oracle execution produces an output model conforming to the results metamodel presented in Fig. 3. In Sects. 4 and 5 we detail how we interpret these results and what actions can be performed based on these results, which are also the main contributions of the paper.

3.4 Formalisation

We will use Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) [20] as the foundation to formalise the MoTES contract specification DSL, the result interpretation and classification of input and output elements into the sets TN, FN, TP, and FP. Details of TGGs are out of the scope of this paper, and the interested reader may consult [20]. Here we only explain how we employ TGGs in our formalisation. TGGs is a declarative formalism for the specification of bidirectional translations between different graph languages. They generate languages of graph triples which consist of a source graph and a target graph, plus a correspondence graph between them (hence the name “triple”). The correspondence graph is used to define the traces between the source and target graphs explicitly. These three graphs (\(Source \xleftarrow []{src} Corr \xrightarrow []{trg} Target\)) are connected by two graph morphisms srctrg (i.e. maps which send nodes to nodes and edges to edges while respecting the source and target of the edges) from the correspondence graph to the source and target graphs. In the bidirectional transformations literature, TGGs are used for forward and backward translations, which take either the source or the target graph as input and produce as output, respectively, an appropriate target or source graph in addition to the correspondence graph. TGGs are also used for incremental synchronisation, which are operational programs that propagate changes made in one artefact (source or target graph) to corresponding changes in another existing artefact (target or source graph), respectively [21].

As in the Graph Transformations (GT) framework [22], the component graphs in TGGs may be typed, attributed graphs with type-inheritance [23]. This kind of graphs is inspired by UML- and EMF-like models in which graph nodes can have (1) attributes with values from a predefined domain, e.g. String or Integer, and (2) inheritance edges which are used in the same sense as in object-oriented models.

Figure 5 shows a TGG rule which represents the contract in the illustrative example in Listing 2, i.e. Square2Star. We use some syntactic sugar to indicate that the parts which are marked with ++ will be added in forward translations—i.e. when a match of the Source is found in an Input graph, co-matches of the Corr, Target, and the corresponding morphisms srctrg will be created, as shown in Fig. 6. As an example, a match of a TGG rule corresponding to the contract in Listing 2 in a trace model like the one shown in Fig. 4 corresponds to a TGG morphism, which in turn consists of a triple of graph morphisms from the source (i:Square), target (o:Star) and correspondence (Sq2:St) graphs into the input, output, and trace models, respectively, in the lower part of Fig. 4.

Fig. 5
figure 5

TGG rule corresponding to contract in Listing 2

Fig. 6
figure 6

TGG match

Considering the concrete syntax in Listing 1, input corresponds to Source while output corresponds to Target. Moreover, inclusion and exclusion criteria correspond to pre- and postconditions which are formulated as expressions over attribute values. For input patterns, negative and positive application conditions can also be used to express these criteria. Finally, detection criteria correspond to the graph morphisms srctrg from Corr to Source and Target, which may also be augmented with expressions over attribute values. By employing TGG as the formal foundation, we can rely on the rich theory and results of TGG (and GT) to verify the contracts, e.g. one can reason about conflicts, contradictions and relations between contracts [17].

4 Result computation and interpretation

4.1 Metric-based test oracle

A metric-based test oracle and output-centred reports are keys to simplifying result interpretation. We use precision and recall metrics for this purpose, which are calculated for every output pattern. That way, we can get an overall measure of the correctness of all the transformation rules generating that kind of output pattern. Test result reports that are focused on contracts are only helpful to locate failures, while result reporting focused on output can provide additional information, e.g. how many output elements are affected by a specific error. Furthermore, we believe output-focused result reporting aligns better with the way model transformation designers think since they are usually concerned about the output (not contracts) when building transformations.

In the following, we use the star example again to illustrate the different definitions presented herein.

4.1.1 The candidate set

Precision and recall metrics are defined in terms of true positives (TP), false positives (FP), false negatives (FN) and true negatives (TN). We explain what these four categories represent using the sets of input elements (candidate input pattern for generating a particular output pattern) depicted in Fig. 7. Considering the MoTES contract defined in Listing 2, we can compare the input–output model pair generated by the MTUT, shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Candidate set and subsets

Fig. 8
figure 8

Illustrative example to define TP, FP and FN

The larger set, Candidates, represents all the patterns in the input model suitable for generating a concrete output pattern. In the star example, all square shapes in the input model are candidates. Inside the candidate set, two other subsets are depicted: Transformed and Excluded. All the input patterns generating output patterns belong to the Transformed subset. To find them, we propose the definition of detection criteria, as explained in Sect. 3. In the example contract (Listing 2), the criteria used is that both patterns must have the same name. Therefore, squares A, B and C belong to the Transformed subset because we can find stars with the same name in the output model. Conversely, the input patterns contained in the Excluded subset are those that should not be transformed. Input patterns that are not supposed to be transformed are those which are satisfying the exclusion criteria. To detect them, we propose the definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria, also presented in the previous section. In the example contract (Listing 2), the exclusion criteria used for square shapes is having the light attribute set to false. Therefore, square C is part of the Excluded subset.

Using these three sets, it is possible to obtain the values required to calculate the precision and recall metrics for each output pattern. Thus, for every kind of output element, there is a partition of the set of candidates in four subsets, as depicted in Fig. 7.

  • True Positives (TP). Number of non-excluded input elements that have been appropriately transformed in output elements. In the example, Stars A and B are correctly generated from Squares A and B, i.e. they are TP.

  • False positives (FP). Number of excluded input elements that have been transformed into output elements by mistake. Star C is incorrectly generated, but it can be related to Square C, which is explicitly excluded by the contract, i.e. it is a \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\)

  • True Negatives (TN). Number of excluded input elements that have not been transformed.

  • False negatives (FN). Number of non-excluded input elements that have not been transformed. Star E (dashed line star in the figure) was expected because there is an input element, Square E, eligible to generate a Star and inside the contract scope. So the missing Star E is an FN.

Although we are using the terms TP, FP, TN and FN to name these subsets defined in the candidate set (input model), they classify the output elements generated from elements of each subset. Therefore, output elements are conceptually marked as TP, FP, TN or FN, as illustrated in Fig. 8.

4.1.2 Classifying output elements based on TGG rules

In Sect. 3.4, we outlined how the contracts are formalised as TGG rules and briefly explained how such rules are applied (see Fig. 6). We use these TGG rules in check mode with forward translation semantics, i.e. instead of applying the rules and generating a target model, we check whether for each match of Source, there exist co-matches of Corr and Target. Based on these matches, we classify the output model elements into the four above-mentioned sets as follows, where \(s \in Source\), \(t \in Target\), \(i \in Input\), and \(o \in Output\) are all model elements. To make this classification intuitive, we use the convention \(comatch(t) = \bot \) to indicate that t does not have an image in Output. Moreover, we simplify the formulae below by assuming that s and t (resp. i and o) are in correspondence.

  • \(t \in TP\): \(match(s) = i \wedge comatch(t) = o\)

  • \( s \in FN\): \(match(s) = i \wedge comatch(t) = \bot \)

  • \(t \in FP\): \(match(s) = \bot \wedge comatch(t) = o\)

  • \(t \in TN\): \(match(s) = \bot \wedge comatch(t) = \bot \)

Note that here we include the TN set as a formula only to explain its meaning in terms of matches of the TGG rule. In practice, this desired situation means that unexpected elements were not generated; hence, no matches are found.

4.1.3 \({FP_{out}}\)

As a novel extension of this work, we propose herein to divide FP into two different subsets: \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\) (FP in Fig. 7) and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\). Note that in order to explain \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) thoroughly, we have added a Star B to the output model in Fig. 8, whose generation is not covered by the MTUT presented in Table 1 to keep the example simpler. \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) are those output patterns incorrectly generated that cannot be related to any input element from the candidate set, for example, Stars B (second instance), D and F. According to its origin, we distinguish three different types of \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\):

  • Replicas They are caused because there are more output pattern instances than expected for a concrete input pattern instance. For example, Square B has already generated another star, so the second instance (replica) is not expected.

  • Unrelated It means that the generation of the output pattern is not constrained by any contract. For instance, Star D has been generated from a different type of shape (input pattern), which is not constrained by any contract.

  • FN-associated They are a special case of unrelated, which relates the unexpected output pattern instance (\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)) to an FN case. For example, there is no Square named F, so Star F does not match any candidate Square (detection criteria), i.e. \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) unrelated. However, at the same time, there is an FN case involving input element Square E. Star F is supposedly generated from Square E, but an error has been inadvertently introduced in property binding, so their names do not match. Note that such error produces two different consequences in the output model: a \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) and its associated FN.

We have found FP additional subdivision helpful to interpret test results for adaptations suggestion better. However, concerning metrics computation (precision and recall calculation), all of them are aggregated as FP.

4.2 Metrics computation

In this work, we are interested in a fast and practical method to assess if a model transformation is working as expected for a concrete input model. Then, we also check to which degree the generated output model satisfies a set of contracts. From this point of view, a model transformation may be considered an information retrieval process, i.e. patterns of input elements trigger the generation of patterns of output elements. In pattern recognition and information retrieval with binary classification, precision and recall are standard metrics of the relevance of the results obtained. Precision is the fraction of retrieved instances that are relevant, while recall is the fraction of relevant instances that are retrieved. We compute precision and recall using their classic formulae:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {Precision} = \dfrac{|\text {TP} |}{|\text {TP} |+ |\text {FP} |} \quad \text {Recall} = \dfrac{|\text {TP} |}{|\text {TP} |+ |\text {FN} |} \end{aligned}$$

According to these formulae, their values can range from 0 to 1, but we normalise them to the range 0–100 for the sake of readability.

Metrics computation is implemented as a three-step process (Results Report in Fig. 1). First, an intermediate result model is generated by the execution of the test oracles, which are model transformations derived from contracts (see Sect. 3.3). This transformation queries input and output models and marks every input pattern instance as TP, TN, \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\) or FN (result types). Basically, it iterates over all the input pattern instances inside the candidate set of every contract to evaluate their isTransformed and isExcluded predicates. According to such predicates, a particular result type is selected for the Result element generated.

Secondly, we define an additional step to compute \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), because they need different processing. All output pattern instances not related to an input pattern in the previous step are marked as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) because they are instances of unrelated or FN-associated \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\). Note that, in this case, neither the contract nor the input pattern can be set in the Result element because it is not inside the candidate set defined by the contracts. Therefore, default values are assigned in this case to be further processed in repairs computation. Conversely, replicas are detected by searching for results containing more than one output pattern for a concrete input pattern. As the final product of those two steps, a result model containing a Result element for every relationship between input and output pattern instances is generated. Output patterns are then indirectly marked as TP, TN, FP or FN by marking the Result instance defining its input–output relationship.

Finally, this result model is queried to aggregate all the results and provide the developer with an easy-to-understand comprehensive report, grouped by output patterns. All the Result instances for a concrete output pattern are summed to count for TP, TN, FP or FN, so precision and recall metrics can be computed for every output pattern. Therefore, precision and recall provide a thorough examination of the MTUT behaviour by output pattern according to all the MoTES contracts defined.

In the star example, after the execution of the first two steps of metrics computation, the generated result model contains 6 Result instances (illustrated in Fig. 8) for the output pattern considered (Star): 2 are marked as TP, 1 is marked as FPin, 2 are marked as FPout, and 1 is marked as FN. Note that the replica of Star B, marked as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), is not considered here to be consistent with the running example defined. Therefore, by applying the metrics formulae, we get a precision of 40 and a recall of 67 for the Star elements.

4.3 Results categorisation

To simplify result interpretation we reduce the set of possible values for the metrics to four:

  • 100. Perfect result.

  • \(0< t < 100\) (t from threshold: tp for precision and tr for recall in Table 2).

  • 0. Worst result.

  • NA. Value cannot be computed (division by zero).

Table 2 MoTES result cases

According to these values, Table 2 presents the eight possible result combinations. Those cases provide testers with a uniform method to classify the results obtained for each output pattern. In the star example, the result obtained (precision and recall values) for Stars (output pattern) can be further classified as a \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFPFN}}\)case (see description below). Following, a concise description of every case is introduced:

  1. 1.

    \(C_\mathrm{TP}\) This is the perfect situation. All expected elements were generated, and all generated elements were expected.

  2. 2.

    \(C_\mathrm{TPFP}\) All expected elements were transformed; however, excluded elements were also transformed.

  3. 3.

    \(C_\mathrm{TPFN}\) All transformed elements were expected; however, not all expected elements were transformed.

  4. 4.

    \(C_\mathrm{TPFPFN}\) Neither all expected elements were transformed, nor all transformed elements were expected.

  5. 5.

    \(C_\mathrm{FPFN}\) This is the worst situation. No expected element was transformed, and no transformed element was expected. It is an extreme version of \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFPFN}}\).

  6. 6.

    \(C_\mathrm{FN}\) There were expected elements, but no element was transformed. It is an extreme version of \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\).

  7. 7.

    \(C_\mathrm{FP}\) There were no expected elements, but some elements were transformed. It is an extreme version of \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\).

  8. 8.

    \(C_{0}\) There were no expected elements, and no element was transformed. It represents an exceptional case: all the contracts for that output pattern are not applicable to the input model.

In \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\), \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\) and \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFPFN}}\), different values for the threshold t may imply diverse adaptation efforts. A proper threshold value allows the user to find a balance between effort and correctness. Therefore, we consider them in a generic way in the following, since t can get different values on each application scenario. For instance, in a reverse engineering process, it might be acceptable to get some FP for particular output patterns because they can be effortlessly filtered out in a following step. Conversely, trying to fix the faulty transformation rules might be comparatively more complex and expensive.

5 Suggesting adaptations

At this point, precision and recall (test results) have been calculated for each output pattern whose generation is constrained by the contracts defined, and the generation of every output pattern then receives a classification according to its test results. Recall that traceability knowledge is kept for each output pattern (see Fig. 4), detailing which rules operate on a particular output pattern. Combined with this classification, MoTES can then suggest a fixing action per output pattern, per contract, and per rule. Those actions have been defined upon the observed consequences of failing transformation rules. A mutations catalogue for model transformations, which defines mutation operators and their consequences in the output model, has been analysed from the perspective of precision and recall metrics complemented by a more detailed examination of TP, \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\), \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) and FN values.

5.1 Mutations in transformations

As a foundation for repair actions, we have used the catalogue of mutations for ATL transformations presented in [24], which are also considered in Sect. 6 to perform an experiment replication. Table 3 shows the set of mutations considered and their consequences in the output model, where a consequence enclosed within square brackets means that it may happen or not.

Since our approach analyses only input and output models, we are primarily interested in getting good coverage of the consequences of the mutations but not full coverage of potential mutations. Those consequences may be: (1) Object Addition (OA), (2) Object Deletion (OD), (3) Object Replacement (OR), (4) Relationship Addition (RA), (5) Relationship Deletion (RD), (6) Object Property Initialisation (OPI), (7) Object Property changing to Null (OPN), and (8) Object Property Modification (OPM).

Additionally, Table 3 presents those consequences in terms of \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\), FN and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) to better understand them from the point of view of our approach. In the following, we explain them organised by the mutant target.

Table 3 Transformation mutation operators and consequences. First four columns defined by [24]

Target: matched rule and in/out pattern element Mutants with those targets produce a new input–output relationship constrained by no contract. Those kinds of mutation operators generate output pattern instances that cannot be related to any input pattern instances by the defined contracts (candidates in Fig. 7). Therefore, all those output pattern instances are marked as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), which may be replicas, FN-associated or unrelated depending on the case.

Target: filter In contrast, these mutants would alter an established input–output relationship constrained by an existing contract. Therefore, they only generate \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\) (with or without FN) because either they accept excluded input candidates or filter out too many included ones.

Target: binding Finally, these last mutants are only relevant when they change a property included in the detection criteria of the constraining contract. In that case, they always produce \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) of the type FN-associated, so FN-\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) pairs for the same output pattern appear.

Note that there exist other catalogues of mutant operators, like the one defined in [25] which collects all mutant operators in the literature and proposes new ones derived from the authors’ own experiences. They define new mutant operators to cover common syntactic errors in ATL divided into: typing errors or faults causing a runtime error. Typing errors are interesting for static analysis, but they entail no new output consequences. Furthermore, introducing faults makes the transformation not executable, hence not valid for dynamic approaches. In conclusion, there are no other mutant operators that our approach needs to consider as far as we know.

5.2 Repair actions

For the sake of simplicity, we believe that any evolution scenario (or repair process) can be represented as a sequence of six basic actions. The column Actions in Table 3 shows how to canonically solve every mutation operator using these basic actions. So, in order to adapt our original transformation to a new application scenario (or repair it), we need to know the proper sequence of actions to perform over the initial transformation rules. Those six basic actions are:

  • Create (Creat.) A new transformation rule (or output target) should be created to satisfy a contract.

  • Delete (Del.) A transformation rule (or output target) is useless, and it can be marked for deletion.

  • Constrain (Constr.) When \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\) are generated, additional restrictions may need to be included in the selection criteria for input elements of a concrete transformation rule, i.e. check the rule filter. Conversely, when \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) appear in the test results, incorrect input pattern elements may need to be deleted.

  • Relax (Relax) Some restrictions may need to be removed from the selection criteria for input elements of a concrete transformation rule, i.e. check the rule input pattern or filter.

  • Check Binding (Bind.) Property binding should be checked to avoid errors producing FN-\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) tandems.

  • No Action (NoAct.) When no action needs to be performed on a concrete transformation rule. No action is defined to provide a comprehensive list of actions for all the involved transformation rules in the MTUT. This is the default action for some cases, like the rules that get \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TP}}\) as result.

Table 4 presents a listing of suggested actions to perform for any possible test result case, according to the number of transformation rules involved in the generation of a concrete output pattern. Possible values for the number of transformation rules involved are 0 (no rules) or n (n>0). In order to provide more concrete repair actions, the latter case may be decomposed as:

  • \(n_\mathrm{TP}\) rules generating only TP,

  • \(n_\mathrm{FP}\) rules generating only FP,

  • \(n_\mathrm{TPFP}\) rules generating both TP and FP,

  • \(n_{0}\) rules not generating anything.

Table 4 can be used as a reference sheet to recommend adaptation actions. It comprises 37 different possibilities: thirty-three are related to concrete transformation rules, and the remaining four are exceptional situations. These exceptions have no value in the fourth column, and they always suggest the action Create new rules. Due to their exceptional nature, the recommended action should only be performed when other suggested actions for a concrete output pattern have been already tried, but metric values are still not good enough for our purposes. Additionally, for testing cases \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFPFN}}\) and \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FPFN}}\) (FN and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) both appear for the same output pattern), it is worthy of considering whether we obtain a similar number of FN and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), which may imply FN-associated \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) for a concrete output pattern. In such a situation, Check Binding is with significant probability the right action to take.

Eventually, engineers get a comprehensive list of adaptations grouped by the transformation rules involved in the generation of a particular output pattern or, from another point of view, particular adaptation actions are suggested for every transformation rule. The repairing of model transformations may then be completed with the assistance of the list of recommended actions per transformation rule.

Regarding the star example, given the MTUT defined in Table 1 and the MoTES contract defined in Listing 2, after the execution of MoTES we get the \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFPFN}}\) result for the output pattern Star, because MoTES has labelled the generated stars as shown in Fig. 8. By analysing the trace model, we can see that MoTES classifies rule S_R1 into the \(\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\) rule subset and rules S_R2 and S_R3 into the \(\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{FP}}\) subset. As Table 4 suggests for such a result case, we decide to delete S_R2 and S_R3 because they are just generating \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), while we constrain S_R1 because it is generating both TP and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\). In this case, the Star labelled as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{in}}\) is C, which has been generated from a non-lighted square, and the failing named predicate is pi1 (checking the light property is true), specified in the input pattern inclusion criteria of the contract. Therefore, the concrete repair action consists in adding the following filter to S_R1: “(sq.light==true)”. Once repair actions have been performed, we rerun MoTES to test new MTUT behaviour and get the \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\) result, which means there are no more FP errors. Given that we have now only one rule, S_R1, we applied the suggested abstract action Relax on that rule. In this case, the failing named predicate is p1 (contract detection criteria), which checks that input and output pattern instances have the same name for the candidate input element Square E. Therefore, by reviewing S_R1 we derive the concrete action of deleting the filter “(sq.name!=“E”)”. Again, we run MoTES to check whether our repair actions have worked as expected, and we get the \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TP}}\) result, meaning the MTUT is now working properly.

Table 4 Suggested adaptation/repair actions

5.3 Repairs computation

Adaptation reporting is defined as a model query mixing both the MoTES result model and the transformation trace modelFootnote 4, as illustrated by Alg. 1. The procedure defined computes the list of adaptation suggestions for a particular tuple of output pattern and result case, which can be obtained from the SummaryItem elements of the resulting model.

figure h

Firstly (lines 4–8), for each Result element, we query the trace model to obtain the identifier of the rule responsible for the transformation of its input pattern instance into its output pattern instance by searching for the Rule element containing the relationship between those two instances (getRuleId). In the case of Result elements marked as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\), we also obtain its input pattern from the trace model, so we can also assign this result to the contract constraining such pattern. When more than one contract is constraining that input pattern, we assign the result to all of them because they may be relevant for any of them. As a result, we get a list of tuples associating each result with the corresponding rule.

Secondly (lines 9–18), all those tuples are grouped by MoTES contract, so for each contract, we create the list of tuples containing the results obtained and their corresponding rules.

Thirdly (lines 19–33), for every contract, we aggregate the results by rule, so for every rule, a list of results is created.

Finally (lines 34–36), we map every combination of result case for an output pattern with the results obtained by every rule involved into a particular list of adaptations suggestions for that rule. Tables 9, 11 and 17 show particular examples of adaptation suggestions in an experimental setting.

As illustrated, our approach to suggest repair actions is completely independent of the model transformation language of the MTUT since rule identifiers are obtained by means of the trace model. Therefore, it is not necessary to statically analyse the model transformation rules to locate the faulty ones. However, such independence also means that we cannot execute concrete automatic fixes for model transformation rules. That is, our suggested actions define abstract repairs following the terminology specified by [13], but how to derive concrete repairs for a concrete transformation language from them remains as future work.

5.4 Repair selection

Our approach provides testers with data about transformation success according to the contracts defined, and eventually, it derives some repair suggestions stemming from those results. However, in some situations, human intervention is still needed for the final decision: (1) when several actions are suggested for a particular rule; (2) when conflicting suggestions are provided; and (3) when there is a long list of repair suggestions. Several examples of those situations are illustrated in Sect. 6 and discussed in Sect. 8. Although a detailed analysis of conflicts and prioritisation among repair actions is out of the scope of this paper, in the remainder of this section, we elaborate on them a little bit further.

Sometimes several actions may be suggested for a particular model transformation rule. In those cases, testers are responsible for selecting the final repair action to apply, but our approach helpfully narrows down the possibilities to a shortlist for each faulty rule. Actually, testers always have the final word because they can decide which suggestion makes more sense in light of the particular transformation rule involved.

Additional concerns might need to be taken into account when conflicts appear. For instance, two different result cases might suggest conflicting actions over the same model transformation rule. Furthermore, another source of conflicts might be combining the results obtained from multiple input/output model pairs. A deeper analysis of such conflicting suggestions should then be carried out, and proper solutions should be derived.

In real scenarios, MTUTs may have many complex rules, so many contracts need to be defined. In such cases, the list of test results and repair suggestions might become too long. Moreover, the order of application of repairs might also be relevant because different orders may entail different efforts. Therefore, for testers to select, some priority criteria could be followed to provide them with the best sequence of adaptations to follow.

Finally, human intervention is error-prone, so testers might incorrectly select the wrong repair action from the choices provided. Nevertheless, if a repairing is wrongly selected, the error will not be fixed, and test results will not improve. Therefore, for any action taken, our approach can be executed to see if results are getting better or worse for a concrete output pattern. Our approach is designed to be lightweight and easily interpretable, so it can be quickly re-executed to assess the impact of every repair action applied in the MTUT.

6 Evaluation

In this section, we discuss the validity and limitations of our approach. More specifically, we aim to answer the following research questions:

  1. 1.

    RQ1 - Applicability.

    1. (a)

      RQ1.1: Are all the errors appropriately detected?

    2. (b)

      RQ1.2: Are there appropriate suggested actions for all the detected errors?

  2. 2.

    RQ2 - Correctness.

    1. (a)

      RQ2.1: Are the detected errors (unsatisfied contracts) correct in the sense that all reported errors are representing real model transformation failures?

    2. (b)

      RQ2.2: Are the suggested actions correct in the sense that they indicate which rules to fix and how?

  3. 3.

    RQ3 - Usefulness. Could the approach be successfully used in a real application domain?

RQ1 and RQ2 have been answered by replicating a case study aimed at locating errors and suggesting repair actions in faulty model transformations by applying mutation analysis to two different transformation projects. In order to answer RQ3, we have applied our approach to helping us adapt to a new application scenario, an ATL transformation that implements a static analysis in a Model-Driven Reverse Engineering (MDRE) project. In particular, how to adapt it to a different legacy project.

6.1 Experiment replication

Given that our approach is based on model transformation testing, to assess its correctness and completeness, we have performed a comparative experiment with the static analysis approach based on Tracts [7]. Both in the original experiment and here, the tests aim at locating faulty model transformations from the case study in [26]. Additionally, in our case, we also propose repair actions for those faulty model transformations. The authors in [7] used mutation analysis [27] to inject faults into model transformations [28] systematically and then used their approach to locate those bugs. The purpose of a mutated rule is to emulate a model transformation that contains bugs and can be used to check whether the model transformation testing approach can identify them. To define the possible mutations of ATL transformations, they use the list of transformation change types presented in [29]. We have used the same testing artefacts (model transformations, contracts and mutants) to compute our test oracle and comparatively analyse the results of both approaches.

Table 5 Transformation metrics overview
Table 6 Metamodel Metrics Overview

Setup For this experiment replica, we have used the following model transformation projects: (1) UML2ER, which takes as input a UML Class Diagram and outputs the equivalent Entity-Relationship diagram, and (2) E2M, which generates a Maude metamodel from an Ecore metamodel. Tables 5 and 6 present complexity data for the projects considered. In these case studies, input and output elements are uniquely identified; hence, concrete input–output relationships can be established. The following steps have been taken in order to set both experiments up properly:

  1. 1.

    Manual translation of the considered constraints from Tracts to MoTES.

  2. 2.

    Slight adaptation of the ATL transformations’ source code to the specific requirements of the EMFTVM engine Footnote 5 (to meet the technical requirement for trace information of our current implementation platform).

  3. 3.

    Analysis and completion of existing test input models in order to check that they cover all the specified constraints.

  4. 4.

    Execution of the transformation under test using EMFTVM engine.

  5. 5.

    Execution of the ATL-based implementation of our approach for the MoTES contracts.

  6. 6.

    Report elaboration with the obtained measures.

The last three steps have been repeated for all the mutations considered in each case. Hence, in each iteration, a different mutation is applied to the original model transformation, one at a time.

Table 7 ATL mutations and consequences considered (defined by [7])

Table 7 summarises the mutation operators considered and their consequences. The affected rules are explained in the following. As shown, most possible consequences are considered in this case study.

Measures For each mutation, we collect, grouped by output pattern, the total number of TP, FP, TN and FN yielded by checking all the contracts related to every output pattern. From these data, our test oracle is computed, i.e. precision and recall metrics are calculated. We then use the values those metrics provide to categorise the results obtained for every output pattern (result cases). Moreover, all the ATL rules involved in the generation of every output pattern are identified. By analysing those rules together with the previously collected and derived data, we are able to automatically suggest a list of recommended repair actions for every faulty transformation rule.

Results In this case, we have formatted into tables all the results derived from applying our approach to simplify its understanding. Those tables are presented in the context of each case study.

Table 8 Transformation rules (UML2ER)

6.2 UML2ER case

In this case, studyFootnote 6, the model transformation under test takes as input a UML Class Diagram and outputs the equivalent Entity-Relationship diagram.

6.2.1 Transformation rules

Table 8 shows the input–output pairs of every rule in this transformation, as well as whether the rule is abstract (Abs) and the rule it inherits from (Inh), if any. In ATL [19], rule inheritance can be used as a code reuse mechanism. Subrules have to match a subset of what their parent rules match, while subrules’ target patterns need to extend their parent target patterns. A parent rule can be abstract, which makes it useful for inheritance but also non-executable.

6.2.2 Constraints and contracts

The constraints that should be satisfied by the model transformation are:

  1. 1.

    U_Co1 All Package elements should generate a Model element with the same name.

  2. 2.

    U_Co2 For each Class in a Package an Entity in its corresponding Model should be generated.

  3. 3.

    U_Co3 For each Property in a Class a Feature in its corresponding Entity should be generated.

  4. 4.

    U_Co4 There should be as many Element instances as NamedElement instances.

  5. 5.

    U_Co5 There should be as many Model elements as Package elements.

  6. 6.

    U_Co6 There should be as many Entity elements as Class elements.

  7. 7.

    U_Co7 There should be as many Feature elements as Properties elements.

  8. 8.

    U_Co8 For each primitive Property in a Class an Attribute in its corresponding Entity should be generated.

  9. 9.

    U_Co9 For each complex non-containment Property in a Class a WeakReference in its corresponding Entity should be generated.

  10. 10.

    U_Co10 For each complex containment Property in a Class a StrongReference in its corresponding Entity should be generated.

For these ten constraints, ten contracts are defined in Tracts. Listing 4 shows an excerpt of the Tracts contract definitions. The interested reader might review [26] for more detailed information about these contracts. Those same constraints are defined in only five MoTES contracts (shown partially in Listing 5). Such reduction is possible mainly because multiplicity (set/size) invariants are implicitly held in MoTES contracts. Given that a MoTES contract establishes a one-to-one relationship between an input pattern instance and an output pattern instance, the number of input and output pattern instances has to be the same, whereas Tracts must make such invariants explicit (e.g. Tract U_Tr6). Another interesting difference is that MoTES allows inter-contract invocation. For instance, container correspondence of elements is checked by explicitly invoking a MoTES contract whose input and output patterns fit; meanwhile, Tracts does not provide any means of modularisation. Hence, this container check should be redundantly checked in those Tracts constraining deeper elements. In this sense, U_Tr10 includes the code to check the container correspondence for a concrete Property-StrongReference pair but also the code to perform the same check for its container Class-Entity pair. Conversely, U_Mo5 performs this check by invoking U_Mo2, which correspondingly invokes U_Mo1.

figure i
figure j

6.2.3 Mutations

Regarding the mutation analysis, the following mutations, summarised in Table 7, have been performed in the UML2ER ATL source code:

  1. 1.

    \({U\_M1(U\_R1)}\). Modification of the value feature of a binding in U_R1, which results in incorrectly initialised features (name) in the target model.

  2. 2.

    \({U\_M2(U\_R3)}\). Addition of an out pattern with two bindings in U_R3, which results in the creation of unexpected additional elements in the target model.

  3. 3.

    \({U\_M3(U\_R8)}\). Modification of a filter in U_R8, resulting in the generation of fewer elements than expected in the target model.

  4. 4.

    \({U\_M4(U\_R5)}\). Modification of the class feature in an out pattern and deletion of a binding in U_R5, which results in incorrectly initialised features in the target model.

Table 9 Results and suggested adaptations (UML2ER)

6.2.4 MoTES results

For brevity, we do not present the final number of collected TP, TN, FP, and FN. We present rather the values of the metrics calculated from them. Table 9 presents, for each mutation (column Mut.), the affected output elements (column Output), the result case obtained (column Case), the MoTES contracts involved (column Contract), the types of result obtained (column Res.) and the adaptations suggested (column Act.) for every faulty rule (column Rule). Note that bold text in the column Act. indicates which action was finally selected in case of multiple suggestions. As shown, all mutations were detected by our approach, and proper repair actions were suggested for each case. In the following, a brief explanation of each analysed mutation is presented.

U_M1 When analysing test results, we find that all the contracts yield the same result: \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FPFN}}\), which means that none of the expected elements has been generated, while all generated elements were not expected. All the input elements are marked as FN because no output element has been found to relate to, while all the elements of the output model were marked as \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) elements, which means they could not be related to an input element. In addition, we get the same number of Fn and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\). In such a situation (\(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FPFN}}\) and FN=\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)), a thorough review of the bindings of every transformation rule involved is recommended, as stated in Table 4. Moreover, if specific named predicates have been defined for that criteria, MoTES can indicate which predicate is not satisfied and therefore narrow the search space for the incorrect binding.

In the end, for this first mutation, a single change has made all the rules fail. The rationale behind this is that all the rules are bound to the mutated one by an inheritance relationship. Since we use a black-box approach, we can conclude that all the rules are failing, but we cannot mark U_R1 as the source of the problem because this entails statically analyse the transformation rules. However, in such a case, in which all the contracts get the same extreme case, and we previously knew that all the rules are inside the same inheritance hierarchy, we conceivable could conclude the problem might be in the rules at the top of such hierarchy, again named predicates may be helpful (p1 predicate failing implies the problem is in U_R1).

U_M2 The obtained results indicate that everything is working as expected, except for EntityType output elements, whose contract yields a 50% precision (some unexpected EntityType elements have been wrongly generated in the output model). Our approach can indicate straightforwardly that U_R3 (Class2EntityType) is the only guilty rule involved in the generation of such output pattern and responsible for the TP and \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) results. The default suggested action when \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\) appears is to delete the output target responsible for them. Therefore, our approach can locate the faulty rule and suggest the right repair action.

Table 10 Comparison Summary (UML2ER)

U_M3 In this case, our approach indicates everything is working as expected for any considered output pattern, except for StrongReference. For that output pattern, it yields a \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FN}}\) result, which means that, although there were expected elements, none of them has been generated. Only U_R8 is responsible for generating that output pattern so that it can be directly located by our approach. Different from U_M1, in this case, there are no extra output elements generated by that rule. Therefore, we can infer that the problem is related to the rule filter and not to the output pattern. As a result, instead of deleting the rule, we would select “Relax” and review the filter to know why it is filtering out too many elements.

U_M4 This is an interesting case because two different but related mutation operators have been applied simultaneously. Therefore, we get two test error cases (\(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FN}}\) and \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\)) for two different output patterns (Attribute and WeakReference). However, only one model transformation rule is affected: U_R5. \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FN}}\) is just indicating that none of the expected elements have been generated (FN), while \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\) is indicating that some of the generated elements were not expected (\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)), decreasing precision. By analysing both cases at the same time, we find that the source of the problem is just the rule U_R5 (Property2Attribute), which is incorrectly generating WeakReference elements (\(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)) but no Attribute elements (FN), and that the number of affected elements are the same for both cases. In this case, different (partially contradicting) actions are suggested:

  • \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FN}}\) suggests to “Relax” rule U_R5.

  • \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFP}}\) suggests to “Delete” rule U_R5 or “Delete one of its output targets”.

Interestingly, we get that \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)(WeakReference) = FN(Attribute), which generally means that bindings must be reviewed instead of relaxing or deleting the rule. In the end, we can easily conclude that U_R5 might be incorrectly generating WeakReference elements when it should generate Attribute elements. Therefore, the suggested actions can be properly applied to fix the rule.

6.2.5 Comparison summary

In this case, we have been able to run all the originally defined mutations under our approach, and the comparative results are presented in Table 10. Basically, both approaches can detect all the mutations (detection column), although slight differences appear when considering how easy it is to find the guilty rule (direct identification column). In the following, we present the comparison of locating the faulty rule for every mutation:

  1. 1.

    \({U\_M1}\) Since it is a black-box approach, MoTES cannot deal with inheritance relationships between transformation rules. Therefore, it concludes that all the rules are failing according to the provided contracts. However, by using named predicates, it is straightforward to identify the source of error and, therefore, the faulty rule. A similar result is yielded by Tracts in this case: more than half of the Tracts contracts fail, specifically U_Tr1, U_Tr2, U_Tr3, U_Tr8, U_Tr9 and U_Tr10. Therefore, a testing engineer has to thoroughly review the values from three different tables to detect the guilty rule for each of the failing constraints.

  2. 2.

    \({U\_M2}\) MoTES and Tracts can identify U_R3 as the faulty rule straightforwardly.

  3. 3.

    \({U\_M3}\) MoTES can directly identify the faulty rule and suggest a repair action; however, Tracts yields four failing constraints: U_Tr3, U_Tr4, U_Tr7 and U_Tr10. So the engineer has to check table values for those 4 constraints to find one guilty rule, in this case. U_Mo4 is reported to be the most cumbersome case taking seven steps to find out the guilty rule.

  4. 4.

    \({U\_M4}\) MoTES and Tracts can identify U_R5 as the faulty rule straightforwardly.

Summarising, MoTES might not precisely identify the faulty rule when syntactic relationships hold among rules if no named predicates are wisely used, as in U_M1; however, it provides additional information to testing engineers to help them with faulty rule identification. Conversely, MoTES seems to perform better than Tracts when the mutation changes filter conditions of the rules, e.g. U_M3. As a result, we may conclude that, for this case, our approach seems to be as correct and complete as Tracts-based static analysis presented by [7] when localising faulty model transformation rules. However, our approach is not just locating the faulty rules, but it also provides engineers with valuable action suggestions to guide their reparation.

Table 11 Transformations (E2M)

6.3 E2M case

In this case, studyFootnote 7, the model transformation under test takes as input a model which conforms to the Ecore metamodel and outputs an equivalent model which conforms to the Maude metamodel [26].

6.3.1 Transformation rules

As shown in Table 6, the E2M case is a large case study containing 40 transformation rules and more than one thousand lines of code. Nevertheless, the constraints already defined for this case only affect a subset of those rules. The relevant model transformation rules are shown in Table 11.

6.3.2 Constraints and contracts

The following constraints should be satisfied by the MTUT:

  1. 1.

    \({E\_Co1}\). All EPackage, EClass, EReference, EAttribute and EEnumLiteral elements should generate an Operation with the same name.

  2. 2.

    \({E\_Co2}\). For each Class a Sort in its corresponding Module should be generated with the same name.

  3. 3.

    \({E\_Co3}\). Size constraints should be observed on some of the output element sets.

In this case, three Tracts are defined, as Listing 6 shows. Meanwhile, the same constraints are defined by seven MoTES contracts (shown in Listing 7). In this case, we require more MoTES contracts than Tracts to express the same constraints. Firstly, we should define five different MoTES contracts to express E_Tr1 constraints: one contract for every input pattern that may generate Operation elements in the output. Note that those contracts are defined in a reverse manner compared to E_Tr1, checking the input for a concrete output. Additionally, no MoTES contract is defined from E_Tr3, because it specifies a postcondition. Postconditions can be expressed by MoTES, but they are not relevant for metrics computation, just focused on invariants. Therefore, that Tract is not considered in this case study.

figure k
figure l

6.3.3 Mutations

Regarding the mutation analysis, the following mutations have been performed in the E2M ATL source code (see Table 7):

  1. 1.

    E_M1 (E_R9). Addition of an input pattern in E_R9, so that more output elements than expected could be generated (Cartesian product of all input patterns).

  2. 2.

    E_M2 (E_R9). Modification of the value in a binding in E_R9, which might result in incorrectly initialised features (name) in the target model.

  3. 3.

    E_M3(E_R10). Filter condition in input pattern removed in E_R10, supposedly it might mean to generate more output elements than expected.

  4. 4.

    E_M4(E_R20). An output pattern element added to E_R20 with one binding, which might also mean an over-generation of output elements.

  5. 5.

    E_M5(E_R29). An output pattern element deletion in E_R29, likely resulting in the generation of fewer elements than expected in the target model.

  6. 6.

    E_M6(E_R1). An output pattern element deleted from E_R1 with the same consequences as the previous mutation.

  7. 7.

    E_M7(E_R38). Filter condition in input pattern added to E_R38, so the model transformation could not generate all the output elements expected.

6.3.4 MoTES results

Table 12 shows that all considered mutations were detected by our approach, and proper repair actions were suggested for each case. Unfortunately, some mutations cannot be considered because of operational issues (see 6.3.5 for a description). Note that, for the sake of consistency, we are keeping the original numbering for the mutations.

Table 12 Results and suggested adaptations (E2M)

E_M2 This case is similar to U_M1, but now the mutation is just affecting one specific rule (Class2Sort, E_R9), which can be directly marked as the faulty one. Again, we get \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FPFN}}\) and FN(Sort) = \(\mathrm{FP}_{\mathrm{out}}\)(Sort): the involved rule may be generating the expected output elements but some of their detection constraints are not fulfilled, e.g. they are given a different name. In such cases, a thorough revision of the bindings of each transformation rule is recommended, which can be significantly reduced by identifying the failing predicate of a MoTES contract.

E_M5 \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\) is obtained in this mutation for the output element Operation, i.e. some input elements had not been generated, but they were expected. By means of the analysis of the different rules generating Operation elements, we find all the rules are generating TP, except for E_R29 Attribute2Operation, which is the source of false negatives, because there are Attribute elements in the input model not transformed into Operation elements. According to the suggested actions, we should select which action to take for both E_R29 and all rules generating TP. For the latter ones, we choose “No Action” because there is another rule causing FN: Attribute2Operation (E_R29). In this case, there is no issue related to the filtering condition of input elements, but the problem is in the output pattern of the rule. Both issues look the same from a black-box point of view since we are missing some expected output elements. Therefore, for E_R29 we choose to “Create a new output target” as suggested in Table 4.

E_M7 This mutation defined a new input filter that was not applicable for the input type of the rule. It raised a VM Exception in both EMFTVM and ATL2006 engines. Therefore, we need to redefine this mutant to make it executable without modifying its basic semantics (filtering some valid input candidates out), as shown in Listing 8.

figure m

Regarding MoTES results, \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\) is again obtained for the output element Operation. Through the analysis of different rules generating Operation elements, we find that all rules are generating TP except for rule EnumLiteral2Operation (E_R38), which is the origin of the false negatives. In contrast to E_M5 results, in this case, we can safely perform the default suggested action “Relax” for this faulty rule.

6.3.5 Comparison summary

In Table 13, we present the comparison results for the successful mutations, while for the mutations with operational issues, only a brief description of them is included. For this case study, we were not able to run all the originally defined mutations under our approach because different operational issues appeared in some of them (see additional materialFootnote 8 for more information). In the following, firstly, the comparison of the mutation results are presented, and secondly, the mutations with operational issues are briefly described. Regarding the mutation results to compare to Tracts, they are:

Table 13 Comparison Summary (E2M)
  1. 1.

    E_M2 MoTES and Tracts can identify E_R9 as the faulty rule straightforwardly.

  2. 2.

    E_M5 In this case, Tracts is not able to find the guilty rule. According to the authors: “This leads to a false negative (FN) and the impossibility to detect the guilty rule. This happens in this concrete case because [E_]R29 has very few types, so removing some of them implies a significant loss of information.” In contrast, MoTES can easily find the guilty rule E_R29.

  3. 3.

    E_M7 Both approaches can straightforwardly identify E_R38 as the faulty rule.

Basically, both approaches can detect all the mutations (detection column), although small differences appear when considering how straightforwardly the guilty rule can be found (direct identification column). In conclusion, our approach appears at least as correct and complete as [7] for this second case study. Moreover, MoTES can provide those results while remaining a dynamic testing approach, so no additional static analysis of the model transformation under test is required. Furthermore, our approach is not just locating the faulty rules, but it also provides engineers with practical repair actions to guide them to their fixing.

Finally, a brief description of the commented operational issues is provided for each mutation involved:

  1. 1.

    E_M1 In its original form, this mutation yields an ATL runtime exception, so no test is needed to detect it. Although we tried to define a valid modified version of this mutation, it was not possible because of the tight coupling between the input and output patterns, i.e. most output pattern bindings depend on concrete elements of the input pattern.

  2. 2.

    E_M3 This mutation deletes a filter condition of the input pattern of an ATL lazy rule. Because that lazy rule is always invoked by just one rule which is already filtering its input pattern, an implicit filter is present on all its invocations. As a result, it behaves correctly according to contracts, so this mutation does not lead to any negative consequences in the output model.

  3. 3.

    E_M4 After the mutation, for every Reference in the input model, an Operation is added to the output model as it should be, but in addition, a Parameter is added too. However, no contract is actually constraining the generation of Parameter output elements. Hence, no failure has to be detected by any of the tools.

  4. 4.

    E_M6 This mutant is constrained by E_Co3 that is specifying a postcondition, so it is not relevant for our study, given our focus on invariants.

As aforementioned, mutations are useful to introduce synthetic changes to model transformations. However, sometimes those mutations make transformation rules invalid because they create syntax errors, e.g. E_M1, or they could not have any real or measurable impact on the transformation output, e.g. E_M3 and E_M4. Therefore, although those mutations can be useful for assessing static analysis approaches, they have no real consequences in the output model.

6.4 MDRE case study

This final case studyFootnote 9 is framed inside the MIGRARIA project [30,31,32], which defines a model-driven re-engineering process over Legacy Web Applications (LWAs) aimed to obtain Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and mobile clients (Fig. 9). In the reverse engineering stage inside this process, a static analysis on the software artefacts of the LWA is defined using MTs, in order to abstract its information and organise it according to the structure of our technology-independent metamodel: the MIGRARIA MVC metamodel. Contrary to the two previous case studies, in this one, we do not apply mutations to the MTUT. Nevertheless, the transformation, which is working properly in an application scenario, behaves wrongly for a new one. As a result, we can apply our approach to evolve such transformation to the new application scenario. For the sake of brevity, we just report herein the results and adaptations suggested.

Fig. 9
figure 9


In MDRE, one of the main goals is to increase the reusability of the model transformation chain that implements a static or dynamic analysis of the legacy system. For example, in the MIGRARIA project, it has been necessary to adapt or extend the transformation rules already defined so they contemplate new code patterns. This necessity arises since the code style guidelines used in the development of these LWAs may differ from the ones considered so far, even if all of them use the same technological platform. The final goal is to reuse an existing reverse engineering (RE) process most optimally and effortlessly.

In this section, we present one of the case studies in MIGRARIA to validate our approach. In this case, the model transformation chain defined for a legacy system named CRS has to be adapted to the characteristics of another legacy system named AL-SIGM. That model chain has two steps. The first one is a text-to-model transformation to get a model representation of the software artefacts of a legacy system. This transformation is implemented by means of the MoDisco project [33]. And the second one is a model transformation that defines a static analysis of the software artefacts (models) and generates a MIGRARIA MVC model. This model transformation is implemented in ATL.

In this paper, we are just considering that model transformation (second step). MIGRARIA MDRE process should execute a model transformation for each of the components of the MIGRARIA MVC metamodel, i.e. Model, View and Controller components. In this work, for brevity, we are just going to focus on the generation of the View Component.

For the original legacy system (CRS), 19 ATL transformation rules had been defined to implement the static analysis. Table 14 lists them.

Table 14 Transformations (CRS)

For the target legacy system (AL-SIGM), new contracts were defined to assess the feasibility of the original model transformation to this new system. For the sake of brevity, Table 15 describes some of them employing the fundamental terms of our approach.

Table 15 Contracts (AL-SIGM)

After computing our metrics according to AL-SIGM contracts, we get the results summarised in Table 16. As shown, most of the result cases defined appear in this analysis. Our approach covers all different situations that may appear, being cases \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{TPFN}}\) and \(\mathrm{C}_{\mathrm{FP}}\) the most common ones. This is a clear indicator that many input elements are not being transformed when they should be. One interesting case is the one for Data_PA output elements. It has got a perfect precision score and a recall of 91. As shown in Table 14, Data_PA elements are generated by six different transformation rules. In these circumstances, a score of 91 seems to be a high enough value to decide not to take any action to increase it. Actually, the threshold defined for the recall of this output element is 80. Values over that threshold mean that the effort to take (analysing and fixing at least six rules) is much greater than the potential benefits.

Table 16 Results (AL-SIGM)

Table 17 only lists a small group of the adaptations suggested. Here the most interesting case is the Request output element, which contains three different contracts and involves four different transformation rules. As shown, different adaptation actions are suggested for different rules according to the kind of results they are generating (TP, FP, FN). Note that this is the final listing of actions performed, so we selected a concrete action (bold in the table) when two alternative ones were suggested. For the rules generating only TP (M_R15 and M_R16) it was suggested to either “Relax” or “No Action”. After the analysis of M_R15 and M_R16 we concluded that the action to take was “No Action”. A similar situation happened for the contract M_Mo4.2. M_R19 was only generating FP, and it was marked for deletion. That way, M_R14 was also marked for deletion because it was not generating anything. And finally, after the suggested adaptation actions were performed, we computed the metrics again, and there were still FN in the output model. So we applied the exceptional case “Create new rules” to solve this situation, as recommended by the approach. In this case, the tester might have taken an educated guess and selected the create action in the first execution. However, given that other actions applied in the same rule or different ones might impact the results, our approach always suggests applying only one repair action per rule by default. Therefore, in this case, the second round of execution would also show the tester that there are no more errors detected except the FN, simplifying the decision making.

Table 17 Selection of adaptations (AL-SIGM) from Table 16

In conclusion, after performing this case study, we believe the usefulness of our approach is assessed in real scenarios.

6.5 Evaluation discussion

In the following, we summarise the results obtained from the evaluation experiments, which were guided by the questions at the beginning of this section.

6.5.1 RQ1: Applicability

Results suggest that MoTES is complete enough for the case studies shown in this paper (RQ1.1). MoTES have properly detected all errors introduced by mutations. Indeed, comparing MoTES to Tracts, MoTES was able to detect one case (E_M5) not detected by the static analysis reported in the original case study. Additionally, MoTES is supposed to perform properly in any other case study because, in a more general point of view, it can accurately deal with generic mutation operators. Moreover, in both case studies, MoTES provided relevant and appropriate repair actions for all the errors detected so that the faulty rules may be properly repaired (RQ1.2).

6.5.2 RQ2: Correctness

As aforementioned, MoTES may be seen as a two-step approach: (1) a contract-based model transformation testing step, and (2) a suggestion-based model transformation fixing step. Concerning the first step, MoTES can always detect misbehaving model transformations by contrasting their output with contracts definition. We have replicated two previous case studies performed over two ATL model transformations [7]: UML2ER and E2M. Eleven mutations (see Table 10 and Table 13) have been introduced into those transformations to test if MoTES can properly detect them. Moreover, MoTES’ results have been compared to results obtained in the original case studies to assess the correctness and performance of the approach. As a result, in those case studies, errors detected by MoTES were always caused by faulty model transformations (RQ2.1). Additionally, our approach suggested the right set of adaptations or repair actions to guide to their fixing (RQ2.2), as presented.

6.5.3 Q3: Usefulness

In order to assess the usefulness of MoTES, we have applied it in the context of a model-driven migration project. The model transformation chain that the project uses for MDRE required adaptation to a new application scenario: new legacy application models conforming to the same metamodel but featuring slightly different input patterns (see [14]). Once we adapted the contract definitions to the new scenario, MoTES provided us with a clear insight of what was working correctly and which model transformations were misbehaving. Additionally, suggested adaptations were helpful in order to guide the modifications introduced into the original model transformations. Furthermore, the information reported by MoTES was easily actionable to make decisions regarding the trade-offs of repairing model transformations, e.g. when repairing faulty transformations is more expensive than providing a post-transformation solution such as an ad-hoc filter for the output.

From a quantitative perspective, in this case, testers effort has been greatly reduced because: (1) MoTES was able to indicate one faulty rule from 19 possibilities for each result case; and (2) MoTES could suggest one or two repair actions from 6 possibilities for each faulty rule. In real application scenarios, when size and complexity are compelling, contract specification overhead pays off.

6.6 Threats to validity

In this section, we elaborate on several factors that may jeopardise the validity of our results. As stated by [34], in applied research, the relationships under study (internal validity) and the generalisation (external validity) are of high priority.

6.6.1 Internal validity

Are there factors that might affect the results of this case study? First, MoTES contracts have to be manually defined. If they do not contain valuable constraints, the results provided by MoTES turn out useless. Nevertheless, given that we have created a DSL tailored for such definitions, according to our approach, the overall complexity is reduced. Moreover, MoTES can be complementary to other testing approaches, providing richer results for the same contracts. Second, concerning the experiments with faulty transformations (UML2ER and E2M cases), we relied on the state-of-the-art of mutation operators for model transformations. However, in the future, we may find that further operators are required to deal with more fine-grained mutations. As a result, these new operators might have an impact on the results obtained in our experiments. Finally, in [14] one of the authors was in charge of both contract definition and result interpretation which might have altered the perceived usefulness of the approach.

6.6.2 External validity

To what extent is it possible to generalise our findings? First, our approach is, to some extent, independent of the transformation language. This is because it was designed for rule-based transformation languages (e.g. ATL) and requires an engine producing transformation trace information in order to be able to suggest repair actions (see Sects. 25.3 for additional details). Therefore it is possible to apply it to other model transformation languages fulfilling those requirements. Second, as a proof of concept, we have implemented it in the ATL language. MoTES contracts are specified in our DSL and later translated to ATL by means of Xtext templates [18]. Nevertheless, other technologies may have been used for this implementation because MoTES executes in its own isolated process without interacting with the existing transformation technology stack used. Regarding its usability, we have assessed it in an MDRE project developed by our own research group. Therefore, additional case studies might be needed to assess it in a broader scope and make our results more generally applicable.

7 Related work

According to [3], model testing presents three main issues: (1) test model generation, (2) test adequacy criteria definition, and (3) test oracle construction. In this work, we assume the existence of real input models for the model transformation under test. Our goal is then to adapt such a model transformation to the specific characteristics of these models, so the tests should just cover all the cases related to those characteristics. We deal with incorrect outputs, i.e. transformation logical errors according to the classification provided by [35]. In that sense, herein, we do not deal with the issue of the generation of artificial input test models nor the definition of test adequacy criteria. Nevertheless, our approach can be used in conjunction with existing approaches [6, 16] for the generation of input test models.

7.1 Test oracles

Regarding the aforementioned three model testing issues, this work is focused on the construction of test oracles. According to the different categories of oracle generation approaches, our approach belongs to generic contract specification [36,37,38].

Among the existing contract-based model testing approaches, the works in [6, 16, 17, 39] present clear similarities with our own. These works test model transformation (light) correctness, focusing on scalability and time-efficiency. They use the concept of contract definition, considering the model transformations as a black box. These approaches propose their own language to specify contracts and can automatically generate test models and test oracles from such specifications, following the approach pointed out by [3]. However, they are mainly focused on the specification of contracts and not on interpreting the test results to suggest concrete adaptation actions. Their test results are just reported as a list of passed/failed tests.

7.2 Faulty rule localisation

As aforementioned, one goal beyond detecting errors in transformation outputs by testing consists of the localisation of the particular transformation rule responsible for such error. For this goal, static and dynamic approaches have been proposed.

7.2.1 Static approaches

Leveraging those previous contract-based approaches, the work in [7] may locate the failing model transformation rule responsible for a contract violation by applying static analysis techniques to match contracts and rules. We have partially evaluated our approach by comparing it to this one (see Sect. 6). Moreover, in [40], ATL model transformations are translated to DSLTrans, and symbolic execution is applied to generate representations of all possible input models to the transformation. Another contract-based work is VeriATL [8, 41, 42], which proposes a formal (propositional logic) and static approach based on pre- and postconditions (contracts) for ATL transformations. The result is a set of possible failing scenarios, but testers must manually understand them and apply the proper corrections. Compared to MoTES, they just used postconditions to look for violations and cannot explicitly indicate the faulty rule.

There are also some static approaches not based on contracts. For example, the work in [43] also proposes a static analysis of ATL model transformations to discover typing and rule errors, which applies constraint solving to assert whether a source model triggering the execution of a given problem statement can exist.

All of these works define white-box approaches. Conversely, our work defines a black-box approach with a two-fold purpose: (1) to keep its independence from the model transformation platform used for development; and (2) to foster its reusability in different platforms and domains.

7.2.2 Dynamic approaches

More recently, several works [11, 12] propose using Spectrum-Based Fault Localisation (SBFL), which is a popular technique used in software debugging for the localisation of bugs [44], to the problem of debugging model transformations. In [11], authors can determine which assertions are not satisfied and can rank the rules according to their probability of being the faulty rule. Another work [12] has recently proposed an improvement of SBFL by adjusting the spectrum information of test models covered rules according to the weights of different test models. Both works use contracts as test oracles and define dynamic techniques, as we do.

Among the dynamic approaches, some can be collected together because they leverage the information in transformation trace models to localise the faulty rule. One of the first approaches in this collection is presented in [45], which proposes a generic trace metamodel for model transformations, the different ways in which models may be generated from it (language-dependent), and the algorithm for error localisation. The paper [35], from a mostly theoretical standpoint, advocates for an offline, a-posteriori verification based on trace models and some sort of oracle capturing the expected output elements according to the input. The authors also adopt two debugging strategies used in Prolog and other declarative programming languages (analysis through queries and partial re-execution) and propose algorithms (in pseudocode) for computing a slice of the program in order to narrow down the scenario causing a bug.

A different approach is to apply metamorphic testing techniques to model transformation testing, whose effectiveness has been empirically proved by [46]. A metamorphic relation is a necessary property of the target program that relates two or more input data and their expected outputs, i.e. a contract. More recently [47] proposes an approach to automatically infer metamorphic relationships from the analysis of transformation trace models, which is specifically tailored at detecting faults in model transformations under three application scenarios, namely regression testing, incremental transformations and migrations among different transformation languages.

7.3 Repairing transformation rules

The repairing of transformation rules has been studied in different contexts: (1) in testing to repair faulty transformation rules; (2) in co-evolution to adapt the rules to changes on metamodels; and (3) in refactoring to improve their quality.

7.3.1 Testing

Although, as previously presented, many works dealing with the localisation of faulty transformation rules can be found, there is still a significant scarcity of works for their assisted repairing. The work presented in [9, 48] is one of the few exceptions to the rule. The authors propose a static analysis approach to detect and fix errors in ATL transformations automatically. For each error, a list of ranked quick fixes is presented, which in their most recent work is sorted based on speculatively applying them in the background and checking their effects and side effects. The paper presents a rich taxonomy of quick fixes (concrete repairs) collected from their own experience and previous works. Furthermore, their repair actions can syntactically fix a transformation, but they do not consider semantic issues (the intent of the transformation developer). To solve that issue, they plan to use contracts in future works. A similar technique can also be found in [49], applied to the Eclipse Java IDE for code refactoring.

7.3.2 Co-evolution

Regarding co-evolution of models and transformations, different approaches have been published. Some techniques also propose (semi)automatically repairing MT rules by analysing changes on the source or target metamodels, based on a predefined set of atomic changes and combinations of these. The authors of [50, 51] define a set of atomic actions to adapt ETL rules [52] to changes in the metamodels and a default set of compositions of them which can be extended at will. Other approaches that deal with co-evolution of transformations once the metamodels change are [53] and [54], with a slightly different focus. The former deals with complex changes that border semantic analysis, while the latter prioritises the co-evolution of other artefacts like the models based on the changed metamodels. For the sake of completeness, it is also worth mentioning the works in [55, 56], which consider similar scenarios but direct their efforts towards both the estimation of the effort that the adaptation (i.e. co-evolution) of the transformations may entail and the application of co-evolution to model-to-text transformations.

7.3.3 Refactoring

Model transformation refactoring consists of applying a predefined set of actions to improve the code quality of the transformations rules (syntax changes) without modifying its behaviour. The authors of [57] adapt the notion of object-oriented refactoring to model-to-model transformations and propose a catalogue of 24 refactor actions for ATL. Moreover, in [58], an interesting fully-automated search-based approach to refactor model transformations is presented for ATL, which uses a multi-objective algorithm to optimise a set of ATL-based quality metrics.

7.3.4 Comparison to MoTES

All the works aforementioned in this subsection propose some taxonomy or classification of concrete repair actions for model transformations, whose main advantage is their automatic application, and the main disadvantage is their dependency on the transformation language. In testing and co-evolution, most of the actions proposed may be considered a particular implementation of MoTES abstract repair actions, whose goal is aligned with MoTES, i.e. fixing rules with a faulty behaviour. Those works may be considered as the foundation for future research in automating repair actions application. Conversely, in refactoring, though its relevance and interest, the proposed repair actions (refactorings) are not directly applicable to our approach because they are specifically designed to deal with a completely different problem.

7.4 Synopsis

In summary, our approach is, to the best of our knowledge, the first work proposing a categorisation of contract-based test results according to the output pattern generated. Such categorisation provides engineers with a quick diagnosis of the kind of transformation error they are facing. Additionally, rather than just locating the failing rules, our approach can also suggest proper actions to repair them according to the category of errors detected.

8 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, MoTES, a novel approach to assist engineers in repairing model transformations, is presented. The main contributions of this work can be summarised into (1) the definition of a metric-based test oracle, (2) the generation of output-centred test results for enhanced interpretation and (3) the recommendation of specific repairing actions for concrete transformation rules based on testing results.

MoTES uses contracts to specify the expected behaviour of the model transformation under test. Given a test input model, the derived input–output model pair is processed to mark input–output pattern relationships as TP, TN, FP or FN. Those marks are then stored as a result model, queried to calculate precision and recall metrics for every output pattern (testing results). In this work, a classification for the relevant combinations of precision and recall is defined to simplify the interpretation of testing results. Moreover, MoTES allows classifying each transformation rule based on its output pattern classification, according to its testing results, and the traceability information of the MTUT. MoTES defines 37 cases for these classifications, so for each specific rule, a particular (abstract) action is suggested, such as constrain.

Three case studies are presented in great detail for evaluation purposes. In order to assess MoTES applicability and correctness, two previous mutation testing case studies dealing with fault localisation in model transformations [7] (UML2ER and E2M) are replicated. As the main results, our approach has shown to be able to detect the errors introduced in the transformations, localise the faulty rule and suggest the proper abstract repair actions. Regarding MoTES usefulness, a model transformation evolution case study is presented in the context of a reverse engineering project. From a quantitative perspective, MoTES was able to indicate one faulty rule from 19 possibilities for each result case and suggest one or two repair actions from 6 possibilities for each faulty rule. In conclusion, testers’ effort can be significantly reduced by applying MoTES.

As future work, we envision the following lines of research.

Priority, dependency and consequences of adaptation actions. In real scenarios, several adaptation actions may be suggested; hence some priority criteria could be followed to indicate to engineers the best sequence of adaptations to follow. Such priority criteria have to be domain-dependent, but it may be partially generic, e.g. actions with a more significant impact in the output model may have a higher priority. Moreover, conflicting actions may be suggested for the same model transformation rule in some cases. Therefore, it could be necessary to properly specify different conflict relationships (dependencies) that might appear among adaptation actions. Furthermore, a concrete repairing action may generate unwanted consequences or side effects in the model transformation, e.g. introducing a new error. Although we are not providing concrete repairing actions, further analysis of those side effects might be insightful. Some works already propose interesting approaches to deal with repair consequences on models [51] and source code [49]. Consequences, dependency and priority should provide engineers with the proper sequence of actions to fix the model transformation.

Automatise adaptations application. We envision automation of the whole process of model transformation evolution once contracts are defined. Every adaptation action taken on the model transformation may imply a change in the sequence of adaptations suggested, e.g. a corrective action on a single model transformation may satisfy several contracts previously violated. Various potential sequences of adaptations define a search space; hence, search-based algorithms may be applied to find the best sequence. As the main trade-off, automatic repairing techniques of model transformations should be defined for the model transformation language used for development, as in [9]. Deriving concrete repairs from our abstract actions for a concrete transformation language remains still as future work.