1 Introduction

There are several Knowledge Graphs (KGs) expressed in RDF (Resource Description Framework) that integrate data from various sources, from general purpose KGs (like DBpedia [1] and Wikidata [2]) to domain specific semantic repositories, like Europeana [3, 4] for the cultural domain, DrugBank [5] for drugs, GRSF [6] for the marine domain, WarSampo [7] for historical data, ORKG [8] for scholarly works, and [9,10,11] for COVID-19-related datasets. There are also Markup data through schema.org expressed in RDF, as well as Knowledge Graphs producible from plain file systems [12]. Finally, Knowledge Graphs recently are used also for validating and enriching the responses of Large Language Models (like ChatGPT), for example in [13].

Plain users can (1) browse such graphs (i.e., the user can start from a resource, inspect its values, and move to a connected resource, and so on, or even decide to move to the more similar resources, e.g., [14]), (2) search them using keyword search where the emphasis is on the ranking of the resources according to their relevance to the submitted query (e.g., see the multi-perspective keyword search approach described in [15]), or (3) use interactive query formulators that aim at aiding the user to formulate a structured query (like A-QuB [16], FedViz [17], SPARKLIS [18], and SPARQL-QBE [19]). However, the latter, i.e., structured query formulation, is in general difficult for ordinary users, and it seems that there is no standard, or widely accepted, method of such query formulators, especially for analytic queries. To this end, in this paper, we focus on the formulation of analytic queries over RDF graphs, a task that for ordinary users is considered almost infeasible, while for expert users it is laborious and time-consuming. We aim at providing a user-friendly method that will allow even novice users to formulate analytic queries over Knowledge Graphs, easily and intuitively.

To emphasize that need, consider a KG with information about products and related entities (companies, persons, locations, etc.) with schema as shown in Fig. 1 (for reasons of brevity namespaces are not shown). Suppose that we want to find “the average price of laptops made in 2023 from US companies that have 2 USB ports and an SSD drive manufactured in Asia grouped by manufacturer”. This information need can be expressed in SPARQL as shown in Fig. 2. Obviously, the formulation of such queries is quite difficult for novice users who do not have the required technical background.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schema of the running example

Fig. 2
figure 2

Expression in SPARQL of the query “average price of laptops made in 2021 from US companies that have 2 USB ports and an SSD drive manufactured in Asia grouped by manufacturer”

Consequently, there is a need for an interaction model that will let users formulate such analytic queries with simple clicks, without presupposing knowledge neither of the vocabulary (schema, ontology, thesauri), nor the actual contents of the dataset, nor the syntax of the corresponding query language (i.e., SPARQL). To this end, we leverage the familiarity of users with Faceted Search [20], since this model supports the expression of complex conditions with simple clicks. In particular, we start from a general model for Faceted Search over RDF data, specifically from the core model for faceted exploration of RDF data (described in [21]), and we extend it with actions that enable users to formulate analytic queries, too. The user actions are automatically translated to a query according to the high-level query language for analytics, called HIFUN, and then, the HIFUN query is translated to a SPARQL query (see also Fig. 3). In brief, the contributions of this paper are: (1) we propose a generic user interface for intuitively analyzing RDF Knowledge Graphs without pre-supposing any technical knowledge, (2) we define formally the state space of the interaction model and the required algorithms for producing a UI (user interface) that supports this state space, (3) we present an implementation of the model that showcases its feasibility, and (4) we discuss the results of an evaluation of the proposed system with users.

The distinctive characteristics of the proposed model are: (1) it can be applied to any RDF dataset (i.e., not only to star-schema datasets), (2) it provides guidance in the sense that the generated SPARQL queries never produce empty results, and it provides count information during the interaction, (3) it offers expressive power in the sense that it supports arbitrarily long paths; it supports the formulation of HAVING clauses, as well as nested analytic queries, and (4) it supports both Faceted Search and analytic queries.

The basic idea was demonstrated in the demo paper [22]. In this paper, we detail and further elaborate on this direction, specifically: (1) we discuss in more detail the related works and our placement, (2) we formally specify the interaction model with states and transitions, (3) we express the query requirements of the model formally using a query language-independent formalism (HIFUN) facilitating in this way the implementation of the model over different technologies, query languages, and triplestores; (4) we provide the exact specification of the UI and the algorithms for facilitating the implementation of the model, (5) we describe the implementation of the model and its evaluation from various perspectives.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides the required background. Section 3 describes related work. Section 4 describes the basic idea behind interaction model including the GUI extensions. Section 5 discusses the extensions (in comparison to FS) that are required for analytics. Section 6 provides the formal notations and key points of the algorithms, Sect. 7 presents the algorithm that computes the state space, and Sect. 8 focuses on how the intentions of the states are expressed and computed. Section 9 discusses an implementation of the model. Section 10 describes the expressive power of the model. Section 11 discusses evaluation. Finally, Sect. 12 concludes the paper and identifies issues for further research.

2 Background

Here we briefly discuss RDF (in Sect. 2.1), Faceted Search (in Sect. 2.2), and HIFUN (in Sect. 2.3). A diagram that illustrates how these are connected (and the general context) is given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Context and main elements

2.1 The Resource Description Framework (RDF)

Resource Description Framework (RDF) The Resource Description Framework (RDF) [23, 24] is a graph-based data model for linked data interchanging on the web. It uses triples, i.e., statements of the form \(subject-predicate-object\), where the subject corresponds to an entity (e.g., a product, a company etc.), the predicate to a characteristic of the entity (e.g., price of a product, location of a company), and the object to the value of the predicate for the specific subject (e.g., “300,” “US”). Formally, a triple is considered to be any element of \(T = (U \cup B) \times (U) \times (U \cup B \cup L)\), where UB and L denote the sets of URIs, blank nodes and literals, respectively. Any finite subset of T constitute an RDF graph (or RDF dataset).

RDF Schema. RDF SchemaFootnote 1 is a special vocabulary that enables the definition of schemas that can be used for describing the resources in a more expressive, semantic, way. RDF Schema enables defining classes that can be used for categorizing the resources. It also enables defining properties to build relationships between the entities of a class and to model constraints. A class C is defined by a triple of the form <C rdf:type rdfs:Class> using the predefined class “rdfs:Class” and the predefined property “rdf:type.” For example, the triple <ex:Product rdf:type rdfs:Class> indicates that “Product” is a class, while the triple <ex:product1 rdf:type ex:Product> that the individual “product1” is an instance of class Product. A property can be defined by stating that it is an instance of the predefined class “rdf:Property.” Optionally, properties can be declared to be applied to certain instances of classes by defining their domain and range using the predicates “rdfs:domain” and “rdfs:range,” respectively. For example, the triples <ex:manufacturer rdf:type rdf:Property>, <ex:manufacturer rdfs:domain ex:Product>, <ex:manufacturer rdfs:range ex:Company> indicate that the domain of the property “manufacturer” is the class “Product” and its range the class “Company.” The RDF Schema is also used for defining hierarchical relationships among classes and properties. The predefined property “rdfs:subclassOf” is used as a predicate in a statement to declare that a class is a specialization of another more general class, while the specialization relationship between two properties is described using the predefined property “rdfs:subPropertyOf.” For example, the triple <ex:Laptop rdfs:subClassOf ex:Product> denotes that the class “Laptop” is sub-class of the “Product” class. And the triple <ex:fatherOf rdf:subPropertyOf ex:parentOf> defines that the property “fatherOf” is sub-property of “parentOf.” In addition, RDFS offers inference functionality,Footnote 2 for example, if <ex:myLaptop rdf:type ex:Laptop> and <ex:Laptop rdf:subClassOf ex:Product>, then it can be deduced that “ex:myLaptop rdf:type ex:Product,” i.e., that ex:myLaptop is also a Product.

2.2 Faceted Search

Faceted Search (or Faceted Exploration) [25,26,27] is a widely used interaction scheme for Exploratory Search. It is the de facto query paradigm in e-commerce [20, 28, 29] and in digital libraries [30, 31]. It is also used for exploring RDF Data (e.g., see [21] for a recent survey, and [32, 33] for recent systems), as well as for exploring general purpose Knowledge Graphs [34, 35]. There are also recent extensions of the model, with preferences and answer size constraints [33]. Informally we could define Faceted Search as a session-based interactive method for query formulation (commonly over a multidimensional information space) through simple clicks that offers an overview of the result set (groups and count information), never leading to empty result sets.

2.3 HIFUN: a functional query language for analytics

HIFUN [36] is a high-level functional query language for defining analytic queries over big datasets, independently of how these queries are evaluated. It can be applied over a dataset that is structured or unstructured, homogeneous or heterogeneous, centrally stored, or distributed. To apply that language over a dataset D, two assumptions should hold: The dataset should (1) consist of uniquely identified data items and (2) have a set of attributes each of which is viewed as a function associating each data item of D with a value, in some set of values. Let D be a dataset and A be the set of all attributes (\(a_1\),..., \(a_k\)) of D. An analysis context over D is any set of attributes from A, and D is considered the origin (or root) of that context. A query in HIFUN is defined as an ordered triple \(Q = (g, m, op)\) such that g and m are attributes of the dataset D having a common source and op is an aggregate operation (or reduction operation) applicable on m-values. The first component of the triple is called grouping function, the second measuring function (or the measure), and the third aggregate operation (or reduction operation). In addition, one can restrict the three components gmop of a HIFUN query. Thus, the general form of a HIFUN query is \(q=(gE/rg,mE/rm,opE/ro)\), where gE is the grouping expression, mE the measuring expression, and opE the operation expression, whereas rg is a restriction on the grouping expression, rm is a restriction on the measuring expression, ro is a restriction on the operation expression.

Later, when we will define formally the interaction model, we shall use HIFUN for expressing the formulated analytic query. This enables the exploitation of the model in other contexts where HIFUN is applicable. Returning to Knowledge Graphs over RDF, HIFUN queries are translated to SPARQL queries.

3 Related work

General Positioning and Focus. We focus on developing a user-friendly interface, where the user will be able to apply analytics to any RDF data in a familiar and gradual manner, without having to be aware of the contents of the dataset(s), nor the lower-level technicalities of SPARQL.

Below we discuss in brief the spectrum of related works, also illustrated in Fig. 4. For a more detailed survey, see [37]. In particular, we describe works about formulating analytic queries directly over RDF (in Sect. 3.1), defining Data Cubes over RDF data (in Sect. 3.2), defining domain-specific pipelines that produce RDF data and support particular analytic queries (in Sect. 3.3) and publishing statistical data in RDF (in Sect. 3.4). In addition, we compare with Query-by-Example (in Sect. 3.5), and finally, we describe our positioning and contribution (in Sect. 3.6).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Spectrum of related works

3.1 Formulation of analytic queries directly over RDF

Formulating Analytics Queries directly over RDF. Here, we refer to the three most related systems and works, i.e., to work/systems that enable the formulation of analytic queries directly over RDF. At first, [38] proposes an approach for guided query building that supports analytical queries, which can be applied over any RDF graph. The implementation is over the SPARKLIS editor [39], and it has been adopted in a national French project.Footnote 3 The approach is interesting; however, during query formulation, no count information is provided, reducing the exploratory characteristics of the process. As regards expressiveness, HAVING-restrictions are not supported. In addition, the GUI is not the classical of FS, so not every user is familiar with it. Nevertheless, the authors report positive evaluation results as regards the expressive power of the interactive formulator. The second is [40] that describes a possible extension of SemFacet [41] to support numeric value ranges and aggregation. The authors also state that they work toward extending the proposed approach to support reachability, too. However, the focus is on theoretical query management aspects, related to Faceted Search, and an interface as well as an implementation is lacked. From the mockups of the GUI, it seems that no count information is provided (which is considered important enough for exploration purposes). Moreover, explicit path expansion is not supported. The authors use the notion of “recursion” to capture reachability-based facet restrictions. Finally, the third one [42] (and the more recent paper [43]) explores the integration of Faceted Search and Visualization as a means to fetch data from SPARQL endpoints and analyze it, effectively. The approach incorporates filters, property paths, and count information. However, the analytical queries formulated within this framework are constrained to basic exploration capabilities Faceted Search offers, lacking the flexibility to impose restrictions on final results. Additionally, no evaluation of the proposed approach has been conducted to validate its effectiveness and performance.

3.2 Definition of data cubes over RDF

Another related topic is the definition of a data cube over RDF. There are works that implicitly define a data cube over existing RDF graphsFootnote 4 [44,45,46], and then apply OLAP (Online Analytical Processing). One weakness of this approach (as stressed also in [38]) is that is requires someone with technical knowledge to define the required data cube(s). Apart from reduced flexibility, the wealth of connections of the knowledge graph cannot be leveraged, since the user is restricted on one data cube. Also, it is not guaranteed that the constructed RDF Data Cubes will be multi-dimensional compliant and how multi-valued attributes, or empty values, will be treated. Towards this general direction, [47] analyzed the applicability of HIFUN (as described in Sect. 2.3), over RDF. Specifically it provides various methods for defining an analysis context (which is analogous to a data cube), and including feature construction operators for cases where the RDF data cannot fit to a cube. Moreover, that work provides the algorithms for translating HIFUN queries to SPARQL queries. What is missing from that work is the interactive formulation of a HIFUN query. In the current paper we want to fill this gap, i.e., we focus on how to formulate the HIFUN query interactively, while exploring the dataset. This task is not easy for users, since it is laborious to find and select the right property from a big schema, let alone the formulation of restrictions. Note that, in small star schema the tasks of selection and restriction formulation are not difficult. However, in knowledge graphs with broad coverage, these tasks can be very laborious. Therefore, methods that can reduce this effort and support exploration are required.

3.3 Domain-specific pipelines produce and analyze RDF data

There are also domain-specific works (focusing on a particular topic, not on any RDF dataset), like [48] that motivates Knowledge Graph-enabled cancer data analytics. An analogous work for covid-19-related data is [49]. Such works focus on defining specific pipelines for constructing the desired Knowledge Graph and then enabling particular analytic queries and visualizations to support domain-specific research purposes, i.e., they do not provide general-purpose methods for Knowledge Graph analytics.

3.4 Publishing of statistical data in RDF

Another related topic is the publishing of statistical data. Indeed, there are methods (e.g., [50]) for publishing statistical data as linked data, and toward this end the RDF data cube vocabularyFootnote 5 (QB) provides a means to publish such data on the web using the W3C RDF standard. In our work, we do not focus on publishing statistical data, but on formulating analytic queries over any RDF dataset.

3.5 Comparison with Query-By-Example

Query-By-Example, for short QBE, refers to a paradigm for interactive query formulation that aims at enabling even non-programmers to query relational databases (e.g., MS ACCESS), and this is achieved by asking the user to provide examples of the desired answer. The idea was first proposed for relational databases [51]; however, the main idea can be transferred also to Knowledge Graphs, in particular for aiding the formulation of SPARQL queries. Indeed, there are some works about QBE over KGs, including [19, 52,53,54].

As regards the comparison between FS (Faceted Search) and QBE, we could say that if the user knows that he wants, i.e., if he knows the desired conditions related to his information need, then FS is beneficial, because it enables him to apply the desired filter conditions(s), during the exploration of the information space. If on the other hand, the user has no idea about the desired constraints, e.g., suppose a user that likes some particular movies but he has no idea about the characteristics of these movies (actors, director, genre, etc.), then a QBE approach is beneficial, since it enables him to use these movies as examples and let the system formulate the constraints that describe these movies. We could therefore say that FS and QBE are complementary approaches. Finally, we should mention that FS is widely used by all users (for e-commerce, bookings, etc.); however, QBE is mainly for database developers. Furthermore, QBE for Knowledge Graphs is still subject of research and has not yet reached all users.

3.6 Our position and contribution

In general, we observe that are not so many works, neither running systems, that support the easy and intuitive analysis of RDF Knowledge Graphs; consequently, we could say that the majority of RDF datasets are not easily explored and queried.

Our work falls in the category of Sect. 3.1. In Table 1, we qualify the more relevant systems, mentioned in Sect. 3.1, according to some important functionalities, i.e., applicability (if they can be applied over star schemas or over any RDF graph), support of basic analytic queries, support of analytic queries with HAVING clause, support of plain Faceted Search, support of property paths in Faceted Search and analytics, support of results’ visualization, offer of running systems, and conduction of an evaluation.

Table 1 Comparing the functionalities of related systems

We observe that in comparison with the related systems, our approach (and the system RDF-ANALYTICS that we shall present later) out-stands since (1) it can be applied to any RDF graph (not only to star-schema graphs) without requiring data pre-processing, (2) it supports plain browsing of the graph as well as analysis of it, (3) it supports restrictions of the results and property paths, (4) it offers visualization of the results in a running system that is publicly available, and (5) it has been evaluated by users. We should also stress the support of nested queries, as well as the user guidance (stemming from the characteristics of Faceted Search).

As regards comparison with OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) operations, they are described after the presentation of the model, specifically in Sect. 10.2.

Below we describe the proposed approach from three perspectives: (a) we formally specify the interaction model with states and transitions, (b) we express the query requirements of the model formally using a query language independent formalism facilitating in this way the implementation of the model over different technologies, query languages, and triplestores (see [55] for a survey of triplestores), and (c) we provide the exact specification of the UI and the algorithms followed for facilitating the implementation of the model.

4 The interaction model in brief

GUI Extensions in Brief. The classical FS interface usually comprises two main frames: the left is used for presenting the facets and the right for displaying the objects, see Fig. 5 (left). The model, that we propose, extends the user actions of the left frame with actions required for the formulation of analytical queries. Specifically, it is enriched with two buttons, i.e., and next to each facet, as shown in Fig. 5 (right). Moreover, an additional frame, called “Answer Frame” (for short AF), has been added, for displaying the results of the analytic queries in tabular or graphical format. To grasp the idea, we describe below four (4) indicative examples that show how a simple or complex analytic query can be formulated using our model. We assume that the data of the examples follow the schema of Fig. 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Core elements of the GUI for Faceted Search and Analytics

Example 1 (an AVG query without GROUP BY). Suppose that we would like to find “the average price of laptops made in 2021 from US companies and have SSD and 2 USB ports”. The part of the query that refers to specific laptops (i.e., laptops made in 2021 from US companies that have SSD and 2 USB ports) could be expressed by using the classical FS system. Note that the condition “US companies” would be specified by expanding the path of the property “manufacturer” till the property of “origin.” What is missing is the specification of the aggregate function (in this case “AVG”). For that, the button laid on the right on the “price” facet is offered letting the users click and select the desired function from the displayed menu.

Example 2 (a COUNT query with GROUP BY). Suppose now that the user would like to find “the count of laptops that made in 2021 and have SSD and 2 USB ports grouped by manufacturers’ country.” The part of the query that refers to specific laptops, i.e., “laptops made in 2021 that have SSD and 2 USB ports,” could be expressed by using the classical FS system. As it has already been mentioned in the previous example, the aggregate function (in this case “count”) would be defined by clicking on the button laid on the right of the “price” facet and selecting the desired function from the displayed menu. What is missing is the specification of the grouping condition. For that, the button laid on the right of each facet lets the users group the results on any set of facets. In this case, the user would click on the button laid next to the “origin” facet. Note again that the condition “manufacturers’ country” would be specified by expanding the path of the property “manufacturer” till the property of “origin.”

Example 3 (a query with range values). Suppose now that the user would like to find “the count of laptops that made in 2021 and have SSD and 2 or more USB ports grouped by manufacturers’ country.” The only difference with the previous query is that the user should specify the range of the values that refer to USB ports. For that, the \(\square \) button laid on the right of each facet enables the users to filter the values based on the desired range. In this case, the user would click on the \(\square \) button laid next to the “USB ports” facet and (s)he would specify the desired range in the provided form.

Example 4 (a query with restriction on groups, i.e., with HAVING). Suppose now that, we would like to find “the average price of laptops grouped by company and year, only for the laptops that have average price above a threshold t.” The aggregate function and the grouping of the results would be specified via the and buttons laid next to the desired facets, as described in the previous examples. What is missing is to restrict the results over the aforementioned threshold. For that, the answer of an analytical query can be loaded as a new dataset on the extended FS system letting the users further restrict its values. For example, suppose that the results of the first part of the query “average price of laptops grouped by company and year” correspond to the table shown in Fig. 6a. In order to further restrict the answer, we have attached a button, called “Explore with FS” below this table (as shown in Fig. 5) which lets the users load the results as a new dataset on the FS system as shown in Fig. 6b. As it is shown, each column of the table corresponds to a facet of the system having instances the values of the corresponding column. Now, the users can express the desired restriction over the average price by clicking on the “filter” button laid next to the “price” facet and specifying the intended range on the pop-up window that is displayed.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example 3: Exploring the results of an analytic query with Faceted Search

Expressing the Queries of the Previous Examples in HIFUN. Above we described the interaction. During the interaction, HIFUN queries are formulated. For reasons of completeness, below we show the HIFUN queries that correspond to the aforementioned examples.

  • Example 1: \((\epsilon , price/E, AVG)\), where \(\epsilon \) is an empty grouping function and \(E = \{ i \in D/releaseDate(i) = 2021 \wedge origin \circ manufacturer(i) = US \wedge SSD = true \wedge USBPorts(i) = 2 \} \)

  • Example 2: (g/EIDCOUNT), where \(g = origin \circ manufacturer\), \(E = \{ i \in D/releaseDate(i) = 2021 \wedge origin \circ manufacturer(i) = US \wedge SSD = true \wedge USBPorts(i) = 2 \} \) and ID is the identity function

  • Example 3: g/EIDCOUNT), where \(g = origin \, \circ \, manufacturer\), \(E = \{ i \in D/year \circ releaseDate(i) = 2021 \wedge origin \, \circ \, manufacturer(i) = US \wedge SSD = true \wedge USBPorts(i) \ge 2 \} \) and ID is the identity function

  • Example 4: (g/EpriceAVG)/F, where \(g = (manufacturer \times ( \{ i \mid i \in D \wedge year \circ releaseDate(i)) \} )\), \(E = \{ i \in D/releaseDate(i) = 2021 \wedge origin \circ manufacturer(i) = US \wedge SSD = true \wedge USBPorts(i) = 2 \} \) and \(F = \{g_i \in (g/E)/ans(g_i/E) \ge t \} \)

GUI Extensions. Below, we describe in brief the UI extensions of the classical FS system that we introduce for supporting analytics, too.

  • Facets: On the right side of each facet name, there are two buttons: (1) the button for grouping the results of the analytical query on this facet and (2) the button that lets the users select the function, i.e., avg, min, max, etc., that will be applied to each group of the analytic results,

  • States of and buttons. If the user clicks on the button of more than one facets, then the system asks if (s)he wants to group the results by >1 attributes, or if (s)he wants to remove some of them. Analogously, for : If the user clicks on the button of more than one facets, then the system asks if (s)he wants to apply >1 aggregate functions to each group of the analytic results or if (s)he wants to remove some of them.

  • Answer Frame. A frame is used for showing the results of the analytic query in tabular or graphical format.

  • Michelanea. Extra Columns. The answer frame could let the users add or remove columns corresponding to the grouping attributes (i.e., display or remove attribute that corresponds to the grouping of the results).

Special cases. As stated in [47], there are cases where HIFUN is not applicable on a dataset, i.e., if multi-valued attributes or empty values exist. For those cases, we could add one more buttons next to each facet name, say , that would let users apply transformation functions, i.e., the feature constructor operators like those proposed in [47], over it. In addition, such a button would be useful for defining derived attributes, e.g., for decomposing a date-based attribute to Year, Month, Day, etc.

5 The required extensions of the formal model for FS over RDF for supporting analytics

Here, we describe in brief the basics of the underlying core model for FS over RDF data (in Sect. 5.1) and the required extensions of that model for supporting analytics (in Sect. 5.2).

5.1 Background: the core model for FS over RDF

Our approach is based on the general model for Faceted Search over RDF described in [21]. In brief, that model defines the state space of the interaction, where each state has an intention (query), an extension (set of resources), and transitions between the states. Each transition is enacted through a transition marker (anywhere that the user can click). The approach is generic in the sense that it is independent from the particular query languages (QLs) (used for expressing the intentions of the model).

That work describes formally how the transitions of a given state are determined and how each click is interpreted, i.e., how the new state is generated, etc. Distinctive characteristics of the model presented, in comparison with the classical FS system, are that: (1) it leverages the rdfs:subclassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf relations, (2) it supports the formulation of path expressions (exploiting the RDF principles), and (3) it supports switching of entity types. Thus, this model leverages the complexity of RDF graphs.

5.2 The extension of the model for analytics (formally)

Let Obj be the set of all objects (i.e., all individuals in our case), let ctx the current state, ctx.Ext be the set of objects of the current focus (i.e., displayed objects), and ctx.Int be a query whose answer is ctx.Ext. The question is: How a HIFUN query can be formulated over such an FS system?

Initially, the user should specify the context of analysis, this is, the set of object in ctx.Ext, and the attributes to be analyzed, which are the properties applicable to ctx.Ext. Next, (s)he should specify the grouping function, the measuring function and the aggregate operation of the query. Recall that the general form of a HIFUN query is \(q=(gE/rg,mE/rm,opE/ro)\). Each of these parts of the query can be specified through the and buttons laid next to each facet. In particular,

  • clicking on f.: when the user click on f. the intention ctx.Int of the model is changed. Specifically, the grouping function is defined as: \(gE' = gE + f\), where f can denote a facet or a property path. If f corresponds to a value, then a restriction on the grouping function is applied.

  • clicking on f.: when the user click on f. the intention ctx.Int of the model is changed. Specifically, the measuring function is defined as: \(mE' = mE + f\), where f can again denote a facet or a property path. If f corresponds to a value, then a restriction on the measuring function is applied.

In both cases, the extension, i.e., ctx.Ext, as well as the transitions remains the same, since these buttons do not affect neither the displayed objects on the right frame nor the available transition markers.

In addition, as we mentioned earlier, for supporting HAVING queries, the result set should be loaded as a new dataset to the system. That will also enable users to define analytical queries of unlimited nesting depth.

6 The interaction model formally and the related algorithms

In Sect. 6.1, we introduce the notations that we shall use for describing (in Sect. 6.2) the desired state space of the proposed interaction declaratively (the procedural specification is given later in Sect. 7), while in Sect. 6.3 we describe how a result set can be reloaded as a new dataset.

6.1 Notations

RDF. Let K be a set of RDF triples and let \(\mathcal {C}\) \((K)\) be its closure (i.e., the set containing also the inferred triples). We shall denote with C the set of classes, with Pr the set of properties, with \(\le _{cl}\) the rdfs:subclassOf relation between classes, and with \(\le _{pr}\) the rdfs:subPropertyOf relation between properties. We also define the instances of a class \(c \in C\) as \(inst(c)=\{o\;\mid \; (o, \mathtt{rdf:type}, c) \in \mathcal {C}\) \((K)\}\) and the instances of a property \(p \in Pr\) as \(inst(p) = \{~(o,p,o')~\mid ~(o,p,o') \in \mathcal {C}\) \((K)\}\).

For defining formally the transitions, we provide some auxiliary definitions, too. We shall denote with \(p^{-1}\) the inverse direction of a property p, e.g., if \((d,p,r) \in Pr\), then \(p^{-1} = (r, inv(p), d)\), and with \(Pr^{-1}\) the inverse properties of all properties in Pr.

Below, we introduce notations for restricting the set of resources E; p is a property in Pr or \(Pr^{-1}\), v is a resource or literal, vset is a set of resources or literals, and c is a class.

$$\begin{aligned} Restrict(E,p:v)= & {} \{~ e \in E~ \mid ~ (e,p,v)\in inst(p)\} \\ Restrict(E,p:vset)= & {} \{~ e \in E~ \mid ~ \exists ~ v' \in vset \;\text{ and }\; (e,p,v')\in inst(p)\} \\ Restrict(E,c)= & {} \{~ e \in E~ \mid ~ e \in inst(c)\} \end{aligned}$$

We also provide a notation for joining values, i.e., for computing values which are linked with the elements of E:

$$\begin{aligned} Joins(E,p)= & {} \{~ v ~\mid ~ \exists e \in E \;\text{ and }\; (e,p,v)\in inst(p)\} \end{aligned}$$

6.2 Defining the state space of the interaction

Here, we describe the transitions between the states followed by examples, for understanding the sought interaction.

Interaction States. If s denotes a state, then we shall use s.Ext to denote its extension. Let \(s_0\) denote an artificial (or default) initial state. We can assume that \(s_0.Ext = URI \cup LIT\), i.e., the extension of the initial state contains (1) every URI and literal of the dataset, i.e., all individuals,Footnote 6 or a subset of the dataset, e.g., the result of a keyword query [15], or of a natural language query [56].

6.2.1 Initial class-based transitions

Below we shall refer to examples assuming the schema of Fig. 1; in particular, we consider a few instances, specifically the ones illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8; the latter is created by Protege; however, in both cases the diagrams show only the more important information.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Data of our running example

Fig. 8
figure 8

Data of our running example (as visualized by Protege)

Initially, the top-level or maximal classes \(maximal_{\le _{cl}} (C)\) are presented, see Fig. 9a.

Fig. 9
figure 9

a Class-based transition markers, b class-based transition markers expanded, c property-based transition markers, d property-based transition markers and grouping of values

Each of these classes corresponds to a “class-based transition marker” and leads to a state with extension inst(c). These classes can be expanded and unfold their subclasses (see Fig. 9 (b)) as well as their top-level or maximal properties \(maximal_{\le _{pr}} (Pr)\) (see Fig. 9c). Each subclass \(c \in subclasses_{\le _{cl}} (C)\) corresponds to a “class-based transition marker.” Each such transition yields again a state with extension inst(c). If the number of the subclasses is high, then they are hierarchically organized based on the subClass relationships among these classes. Such a layout illustrates the structure of the reflexive and transitive reductionFootnote 7 of the restriction of \(\le _{cl}\) on the applicable transition markers C (i.e., on \(R^{refl,trans}(\le _{cl~\mid ~ C}))\).

6.2.2 Property-based transitions

Having expanded the top-level classes, their maximal properties \(maximal_{\le _{pr}} (Pr)\) unfold (Fig. 9c). Each applicable value of these properties corresponds to a “property-based transition marker.” Specifically, if E is the set of current objects, the property-based transitions by p are the set Joins(Ep). By clicking on a value v in Joins(Ep), we transit to a state with extension Restrict(Ep : v).

If the number of the subproperties is high, then they are hierarchically organized based on the subproperty relationships among these properties.

Transitions for Path Expansion. Let \(p_1, \ldots , p_k\) be a sequence of properties. We shall call this sequence successive, if \(Joins(Joins( \ldots (Joins(s.Ext, p_1), p_2) \ldots p_k) \ne \emptyset \), i.e., if such a sequence does not produce empty results. Let \(M_1, \ldots M_k\) denote the corresponding sets of transition markers at each point of the path. If we assume that \(M_0 = s.Ext\), then the transition markers for each i, where \(1 \le i \le k\), are defined as: \(M_i = Joins(M_{i-1}, p_{i})\) (Fig. 10).

Now suppose that the user selects a value \(v_k\) from the transition marker \(M_k\) (i.e., one value from the end of the path). Such an action will restrict the set of transitions markers in the following order \(M_k, \ldots , M_1\), and finally, it will restrict the extension of s. Let \(M'_k, \ldots M'_1\) be these restricted sets of transitions markers. They are defined as \(M'_k = \{v_k\}\) (this is the value that the user selected from the end of the path), while for \(1\le i < k\) they are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} M'_i = Restrict(M_i, p_{i+1}: M'_{i+1}) \end{aligned}$$

The extension of the new state \(s'\) is defined as \(s'.e = Restrict(s.Ext, p_1: M'_1)\). Equivalently, we can consider that \(M'_0\) corresponds to \(s'.e\), and in that case Eq. 1 holds also for \(i=0\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

a Property-based transition markers, b property path-based transitions markers

6.3 Loading AF as a new dataset

The results of an analytic query can be loaded as a new derived (RDF) dataset that the user can further explore and restrict. Assume that the answer of the current analytic query is a table with attributes \(A_1, \ldots , A_k\), comprising a set of tuples \(T = \{t_1, \ldots , t_n\}\). We assign to each tuple \((t_{i1},\ldots ,t_{nk})\) a distinct identifier, say \(t_i\), and we produce the following k RDF triples: \((t_i, A_j, t_{ij})\) for each \(j=1\ldots k\). These \(n*k\) triples are loaded to the system, and they can be explored as if they were an ordinary RDF dataset. Any restriction expressed over this model corresponds to HAVING clauses over the original data.

7 The algorithm that implements the state space

Here, we provide the exact algorithm for building the GUI of the proposed model that will be in compliance with the state space described in Sect. 6.2. Below we describe each step of the algorithm.

7.1 Starting points

The function Startup shows that the interaction can start in two ways: (1) from scratch, or (2) by exploring a set, let’s call it Results provided by an external access method (e.g., a keyword search query). In both cases, the function ComputeNewState is called. The responsibility of this function is to compute and display the facets of the left frame and the objects of the right frame.

7.2 Computing the objects in the right frame

The computation of the objects in the right frame is described in the Part A of the algorithm Alg. 1. As we can see the parameter Filt can be equal to “CLASS c,” “PVALUE p:v,” “PVALUE p:vset,” or empty (\(\epsilon \)). If empty, the current set E is set to be all objects of the KG. If nonempty, it restricts the current set of resources E according to the notations given in Sect. 6.1.

Algorithm 1
figure y

Computing Active Facets, Zoom points (Filters) and Analytics

7.3 Computing the facets corresponding to classes

The part of the algorithm for computing the facets of classes is Part B.1 of Alg. 1. Being at a state s with extension E, the classes that can be used as class-based transition markers, denoted by \(TM_{cl}(E)\), are those that the entities in E belong, and they are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} TM_{cl}(E) = \{c \in C~\mid ~ Restrict(E, c) \ne \emptyset \} \end{aligned}$$

If the user clicks on a class-based transition marker, i.e., \(c \in TM_{cl}(E)\), then the extension of the targeting state \(s'\) is defined as \(s'.e = Restrict(E,c)\).

For each such transition marker, a node is created. Each node has a name, i.e., the name of the corresponding subclass, a count information, i.e., the number of entities that belong to this subclass, and an on-click behavior. Clicking on the node, the function “ComputeNewState” is called. In that case, where the objects are restricted to a class, the filtering condition that is passed to the call of this function is “Class C”, i.e., ComputeNewState(E, “CLASS c”, s).

7.4 Computing the facets that correspond to properties

The part of the algorithm for computing the facets that correspond to properties is Part B.2 of Alg. 2.

Algorithm 2
figure z

Computing Active Facets, Zoom points (Filters), and Analytics

In brief, being at a state s, with extension E, the properties that can be used in the expansion of a property p are those that connect to that property as well as to the current entities E of focus, and they are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} P = \{p \in Pr~\mid ~ Joins(E, P) \ne \emptyset \} \end{aligned}$$

For each such property p, a heading node is created. For each property value of p that is joinable, a node is created with the appropriate name, count, and on-click behavior. Moreover, two buttons for analytics, i.e., and   are created. Finally, an additional expansion button, i.e., “\(\rhd \)”, is added enabling the user to further expanding the property path (described next in Sect. 7.4.1).

Clicking on a node corresponding to a property value, the function “ComputeNewState” is called. In that case, where the objects are restricted over a property, the filtering condition that is passed to the function is “PVALUE p:v”, i.e., ComputeNewState(E, “PVALUE p:v”, s).

As regards the part of the algorithm about Entity Type Switch (line 15), this function enables the user to set as focus (new state) the transition markers of a property. This can be useful for navigating through different types of entities connected by the chosen property. For instance, while the user is filtering products based on their manufacturer and other filters, he can decide to switch the type, and start exploring (and filtering out) these manufacturers. For achieving this, it is enough to set a extension of the new state and joins of the property (line 17).

7.4.1 Computing the facets corresponding to path expansion

Notice in Alg. 2 the line about path expansion (line 18). On clicking on the element “\(\triangleright \)”, the algorithm for computing the facets that correspond to path expansion is called, shown in Alg. 3. By clicking on “\(\rhd \)”, the function “ExpandAndRestrictRecursive(M)” is called again and the process is repeated (as described in Sect. 6.2.2).

Algorithm 3
figure ac

Function for Path Expansion

8 Expressing and computing the intentions of the states

Here, we explain how the intentions of the proposed model are expressed in a specific query language that of RDF data, i.e., SPARQL.

Table 2 (adapted from [21]) interprets the notations specified for this model and shows how the intentions are expressed in SPARQL. We assume that all the inferred triples (deduced from subClassOf and subPropertyOf relations) are available (materialized) in the storage level.

Table 2 SPARQL expression of the model’s notations, assuming that the extension of the current state (either E or s.Ext) is stored in temporary class temp

As it is shown, the extension of the current state (i.e., ctx.Ext) can be computed either (1) extensionally or (2) intentionally. “Extensional” means that the current state is stored in a temporary class temp, i.e., the RDF triples (e , rdf:type, temp) for each \(e \in ctx.Ext\) have been added to the triplestore. On the other hand, “intentionally” means that instead of storing the current state in a temporary class, the desired triples are obtained by querying the triplestore. The way queries are formulated is given in Table 3.

Table 3 For SPARQL-only evaluation approach

The approach to be selected (extensional or intentional) depends on the size of the dataset and the server’s main memory. In particular, if the dataset is quite big and cannot not fit in the memory, then the intentional approach is preferred. In our implementation, described in the next section, we adopt the intentional approach.

9 Implementation

We have implemented the proposed model as a web application, called RDF-ANALYTICS. The server-side uses the triplestore VirtuosoFootnote 8 that offers persistent storage and the SPARQL endpoint for executing the queries. The front-end side of the system is implemented in Angular.Footnote 9 The states are computed using the intentional approach, i.e., the extension of the new state is computed using a SPARQL query without based on the extension of the previous state. Figure 11 shows the main components of the implementation and the responsibilities of each component.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Architecture of the system RDF-ANALYTICS

Figure 12 shows a screenshot of the left frame of the GUI representing the data of our running example. Here, the user has expressed the query “Average price of laptops that have been manufactured by US companies and they have from 2 to 4 USB ports, group by manufacturer”. The results of this query are initially displayed in tabular form as shown in Fig. 13 (a). At this point, the user can (1) change the attributes of analysis (by clicking on the “BACK” button), (2) export the results as a.csv file (by clicking on the “EXPORT AS EXCEL” button), (3) visualize the results (by clicking on the “VISUALIZE” button) as shown in Fig. 13b, or (iv) further restrict the final results (by clicking on the “EXPLORE WITH FS” button) as shown in Fig. 13c.

Fig. 12
figure 12

GUI of the system RDF-ANALYTICS for formulating the query “Average price of laptops that have 2–4 USB ports and have been manufactured by US company, group by manufacturer”

Fig. 13
figure 13

Tabular and graphical visualization of the results—loading of the results as a new dataset

Common Extensions. The system could be enriched with auxiliary functionalities that are useful in case the ontology is too big, i.e., it contains numerous classes and schema properties, and the values that are used as property values are too many. Such extensions include: search boxes on each individual facet, methods for facet/value ranking (as described in Sect. 6.3.2 of the survey [21] and more recent ones like [35, 57]), methods for predicting useful facets [58], as well as with similarity-based browsing functions (as in [14]). Currently, we are investigating the connection of the system with a 3D visualization (based on [59]) for enabling a more interactive exploration of the results.

9.1 Efficiency

Complexity and Optimizations. The implementation does not have any additional cost except for the evaluation of the respective SPARQL queries. As described in the previous section (Sect. 8), there is an extensional and an intentional approach. The intentional is beneficial for big datasets. Below we discuss the time complexity of the algorithms, for the intentional implementation, i.e., for computing the required queries. In particular, part A of the main algorithm (that computes the extension of the new state) evaluates a SPARQL query that performs a simple restriction. Part B.1 (that computes the class-based transition markers and their count information), evaluates a SPARQL query (like the one shown in row (5) of Table 2) that finds and counts the instances of a particular class. Part B.2 (that computes the property-based transition markers and their count information), evaluates a SPARQL query that (1) fetches and (2) counts the range values of the properties that connect to the current resources (as shown in rows (4) and (7) of Table 2, respectively), so essentially it relies on the evaluation a couple of queries. The algorithm for path expansion (Alg. 3) evaluates the queries of Part B.2 of the main algorithm for each expansion step.

The efficiency of queries’ execution depends on (1) the storing, indexing, and query processing techniques of the triplestore (as discussed in [55]) and (2) the size of the collection. Query optimization is beyond the scope of this work, i.e., our focus is how to facilitate the formulation of the query. We should mention that there are works that focus on optimizations for the evaluation of SPARQL analytic queries. Apart from the corresponding parts of the surveys [37, 55], we could mention that [60] focuses on queries that include several chain and star patterns.

[61] focuses on the optimization of SPARQL queries with aggregate operators; in particular, it implements pattern matching queries with the help of two index structures, a VS*-tree (which is a specialized B+-tree) and a trie-based T-index; [62] focuses on the optimization of aggregate queries over federations of SPARQL endpoints by materializing the intermediate results of the queries; in particular, it proposes a cost model for estimating result sizes for components, such as triple patterns, joins, grouping, and aggregation. These components are combined with the processing strategies into an approach called the Cost-based Optimizer for distributed aggregate queries. Finally, [63] focuses on the selection and materialization of aggregate RDF views for reasons of efficiency and provides the needed rewriting method for user queries.

Experimental Evaluation. Below, we report a few indicative execution times of such queries for datasets of various sizes. Based on the schema of the running example, we produced synthetic datasets of different sizes from 100 triples to 1 million triples. Then, we tested the following list of queries regarding the time needed for executing them as well as displaying the final results to the user. The set of queries ranges from simple to more complex containing groups, paths, filters, and combinations of them.

  • Q1: Average price of laptops group by manufacturer (simple group)

  • Q2: Average price of laptops group by manufacturer and release date (combination of groups)

  • Q3: Average price of laptops that have at least 2 USB ports group by manufacturer (filter)

  • Q4: Average price of laptops group by the birthplace of founders (path)

  • Q5: Average price of laptops released after 1/1/2021, and have at least 2 USB ports, group by the origin of manufacturer (complex query containing path, filters, group)

  • Q6: Average price of laptops released after 1/1/2021, have at least 2 USB ports, and have gdb of origin [2000, 15,000], group by the origin of manufacturer and the birthplace of the founders (complex query containing paths, filters, groups)

Table 4 Efficiency

We carried out experiments on a laptop equipped with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU, operating at a base clock speed of 2.50GHz and a turbo boost frequency of 2.70GHz.

The system was configured with 8.00 GB of RAM and used a 64-bit operating system, specifically Windows 10, version 22H2, on an x64-based processor architecture. As it is shown in Table 4, the response time depends mainly on the evaluation of the query, since the time required for displaying the results to the user is negligible.

We also notice that the functions and the aggregate operations that the query has do not affect its execution time. Overall, as we can see, we support real-time interaction. In general, the evaluation time of the query depends on the storage, indexing, and query processing techniques that the SPARQL endpoint uses (in this case Virtuoso).

10 The expressive power of the model

We aim to cover the more basic information needs in a familiar interaction style and not to propose an interaction model with extreme expressive power that would be complex to use. In such cases, the users could directly use SPARQL. Just like Faceted Search systems which offer an intuitive and widely successful method for incrementally formulating mainly conjunctive queries (or conjunctions over facet-restricted disjunctions), our goal is to support the main needs for analytic queries over RDF.

Below, we describe the expressive power of the proposed model with respect to (a) the kind of HIFUN expressions that can be formulated by this model (in Sect. 10.1) and (b) the OLAP operations it supports (in Sect. 10.2).

10.1 Expressible HIFUN queries

Here, we discuss about the kind HIFUN queries that can be expressed with the proposed model.

  • Analysis context: it is the set D of the objects of focus, i.e., ctx.Ext. The proposed model lets the users define this set through the facets it offers, since they restrict the information space and specify the focus.

  • gE is the grouping expression: refers to the facet(s) by which the analytical results are grouped. The facet(s) may belong to different categories, e.g., classes (pairing operator in HIFUN) and a facet can correspond to a path (composition operator in HIFUN). Since a button is laid next to each facet name of any level, the system supports both pairing and composition expressions for the grouping function.

  • mE is the measuring expression: refers to the facet(s) on which the aggregate operation will be applied. Again, the facet(s) may belong to different categories (pairing operator in HIFUN) and a facet can correspond to a path (composition operator in HIFUN). Since a button is laid next to each facet name of any level, the system supports both pairing and composition expressions for the measuring function.

  • opE the operation expression: it is the aggregation function applied to the grouped values. Since a button laid next to each facet name offers a menu with the basic aggregation functions of an analytical query, the system supports this function, too.

Attribute restrictions. Recall that the grouping and the measuring function may contain a set of restrictions. Any restriction is also supported by the proposed model, since the and buttons lay next to each value of every facet.

Results restrictions. Apart from restricting the attributes of a HIFUN query, the user can also restrict the results of it. The proposed model supports this functionality by loading the results of the analytical query as a new dataset on the FS system. In that case, the user is able to further restrict them by specifying the range of the values of the desired facets.

Nesting. A HIFUN query may express a query in terms of one or more other queries, i.e., nested queries. Since the proposed system lets the users load the current analytical results as a new dataset to the system and create new queries, it supports nested queries, too.

10.2 OLAP operators supported

Online Analytical Processing systems (OLAP).

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), introduced in the early ’90 s [64], is used for the analysis of transaction data.

In order to apply OLAP, data should be organized in a multi-dimensional (MD) structure, known as Data Cube. A Data Cube consists of (1) facts which are the subjects of the analysis and quantified by measures and (2) hierarchically organized dimensions allowing for measure aggregation. The operations that can be applied over it are: roll-up (performs aggregation by climbing up a concept hierarchy for a dimension or by dimension reduction), drill-down (is the reverse operation of roll-up and performs aggregation by stepping down a concept hierarchy for a dimension or by introducing a new dimension), slice (selects one particular dimension from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube), dice (selects two or more dimensions from a given cube and provides a new sub-cube), and pivot (provides an alternative presentation of data).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Correspondence with OPAP operations

The comparison of the exploration capabilities of plain Faceted Search with OLAP has been described long ago, e.g., in Sect. 3 of [20]. The model presented in the current paper is about graph data, and we have seen that it can be applied directly over the graph, i.e., without requiring to define first a data cube, as it is discussed in Sect. 3.2. The additions that we propose (to FS for enabling analytic queries) essentially cover the needs for OLAP over graph data. Assume an analytic query expressed with RDF-ANALYTICS. The user by applying restriction and group by actions can achieve the desired result, i.e., the desired level of granularity and the desired sub-cube. The correspondence is illustrated in Fig. 14. In particular, traversing up the hierarchy of a facet, or removing adding a GroupBy action, corresponds to a roll-up operation, traversing down the hierarchy of a facet, or adding a new GroupBy action, corresponds to a drill-down operation, picking one value for a facet corresponds to slice, picking two or more values from multiple facets corresponds to dice, and moving to a facet which is directly or indirectly connected to the facet of focus corresponds to pivot.

To make this more clear below, we provide one particular example of roll-up and drill-down. Suppose a user who has expressed the query “Average prices for products, grouped by manufacturer”, as shown in Fig. 15(left). If the user wants to drill down and inspect the average prices also based on the product type, he can press the button on the class Product. That would correspond to the query “average prices of product types grouped by manufacturer”. This is shown in Fig. 15(right). The inverse direction would be roll-up.

Fig. 15
figure 15

An example of roll-up and drill-down

11 Evaluation

Section 11.1 discusses the results of an evaluation of our approach with users, and Sect. 11.2 conveys an implementation of the model that proves its feasibility and the completeness of the introduced algorithms.

11.1 Task-based evaluation with users

We performed a task-based evaluation with users. The objective was to investigate if they can formulate easily analytic queries, especially complex queries containing various value restrictions and path expressions. Twenty (20) users participated to the evaluation. The number was sufficient for our purposes since, according to [65], 20 evaluators are enough for getting more than 95% of the usability problems of a user interface. The participants had varying educational levels (Computer Science Student (25%), Computer Science related (60%), Other (15%)), level of experience (experts (55%), medium knowledge of RDF and SPARQL (30%), novice (15%)), age groups (twenties (25%), thirties (40%), forties (20%), fifties (10%), sixties (5%)), and sex (male (80%), female (20%)). We did not train them; we just provided them with a concise assisting page that explains the functionality of the buttons laid next to each facet.Footnote 10

We defined 10 tasks for the evaluation; below we list them along with the success rates of the users.

  • Q1. Count the laptops grouped by manufacturer.: Success (85%), Partial success (0%), Fail (15%)

  • Q2. Count the number of laptops grouped by manufacturer that were released after 1/1/2022.: Success (85%), Partial success (0%), Fail (15%)

  • Q3. Count the number of laptops grouped by manufacturer that were released after 1/1/2022 and have at least 2 USB ports.: Success (85%), Partial success (0%), Fail (15%)

  • Q4. Average price of laptops released after 1/1/2022 and have at least 2 USB ports.: Success (80%), Partial success (0%), Fail (20%)

  • Q5. Average price of laptops released after 1/1/2022 and have at least 2 USB ports grouped by manufacturer.: Success (90%), Partial success (0%), Fail (10%)

  • Q6. Average price of laptops with HDD manufactured in an Asian country.: Success (50%), Partial success (0%), Fail (50%)

  • Q7. Average price of laptops with HDD manufactured in US.: Success (50%), Partial success (0%), Fail (50%)

  • Q8. Count the laptops grouped by the country of the founder.: Success (50%), Partial success (0%), Fail (50%)

  • Q9. Average price of laptops grouped by manufacturer.: Success (80%), Partial success (0%), Fail (20%)

  • Q10. Average prices of laptops grouped by manufacturer, having average price below 800 Euro.: Success (65%), Partial success (10%), Fail (25%)

We observe that users had higher success rates to questions related to simple aggregations (Q9) and applying filters to the data (Q1–Q5). They were able to successfully navigate the filtering options and effectively apply them to refine and manipulate the dataset. In contrast, they encountered challenges when it came to questions that required formulating paths in the graph data (Q6–Q8). This particular task seemed to present difficulties for users, as they struggled to navigate and comprehend the intricacies of the graph structure. Additionally, users encountered difficulties in understanding how to formulate “HAVING” clauses by loading the results as a new dataset, as they struggled to grasp the concept of applying conditions to aggregated data. This suggests that it is worth improving the system by providing more guidance in such cases (e.g. through info boxes, tooltips, etc.).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Task-based evaluation with users: task completion and user rating

The results indicate a clear correlation between participants’ experience levels and their task completion outcomes. Among those classified as “Experts,” a substantial 74% achieved success, while none reported partial success, and 26% faced failures. In the “Intermediate” group, 81.67% marked successful completion, 33.30% reported partial success, and 15% encountered failures. Novice participants demonstrated a 70% success rate, with 2.5% experiencing partial success and 27.5% facing difficulties. These findings highlight the influence of expertise on task completion, with experienced individuals tending to achieve higher success rates, while intermediate participants navigate a balance between success and partial success. The results of the analysis demonstrate that even novice users achieved a commendable level of success, showcasing their ability to perform tasks effectively. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the differences in task completion rates between novice users and more experienced participants were not significantly pronounced. This suggests that while expertise certainly plays a role in task success, novice users can still perform at a level that is competitive with their more experienced counterparts. These findings underscore the importance of user-friendly interfaces and well-designed systems that can accommodate a diverse range of users, regardless of their experience levels.

Regarding user rating, among expert users, an impressive 60% found the system “very useful,” indicating a high level of satisfaction and effective utilization. Intermediate users also reported a favorable 16% rating for “very useful,” showcasing its applicability to this user group. Novice users, despite their relative inexperience, expressed a noteworthy 50% rating for “very useful,” highlighting the system’s user-friendly design. The “useful” category received positive feedback from experts and intermediates, with 40% and 60%, respectively, and also garnered a favorable 50% rating from novice users. Remarkably, among expert and intermediate users, the product received no “little useful” or “not useful” ratings, emphasizing its overall effectiveness across these experience levels. These findings underscore the system’s versatility and its ability to cater to users of varying expertise (Fig. 16).

Fig. 17
figure 17

Task-based evaluation with users: total task completion and total user rating

As we can see in Fig. 17a, we can see a substantial total success rate of 75.89%; it is evident that a majority of participants demonstrated proficiency in achieving their objectives. However, the presence of a partial success rate of 11.60% suggests that there were instances where participants made notable progress, yet encountered some hurdles on their path to success. Meanwhile, a 22.50% fail rate signifies challenges and setbacks faced by participants during their tasks. Also in Fig. 17b, the analysis reveals that the system earned a solid average of 42% for being “Very Useful” across the spectrum of expertise. Additionally, the “Useful” rating garnered an average of 50%, indicating a generally positive reception across all experience levels. It is worth noting that even among less experienced users, represented by the “Novice” category, the system was considered “Very Useful” in 50% of cases, underlining its accessibility and effectiveness. While there was a modest 5.33% rating of “Little Useful” among Intermediate users, there were no instances of a “Not Useful” rating. These results underscore the system’s overall positive reception and suggest that it effectively caters to a diverse range of users, including those with varying levels of expertise.

Overall, the results are very promising in terms of task completion, as shown in Fig. 16a (i.e., success 75.89%, partial success 11.6%, fail 22.5%) and user rating as shown in Fig. 16b (i.e., Very useful 42%, Useful 50%, Little Useful 5,3%, Not Useful 0%), given that no training was provided to the users. These results align well with our target audience, where 55% of users have an expert-level background, 30% are at an intermediate level, and 15% are novice users. It’s important to emphasize that our system is designed with a focus on addressing the needs of non-expert users. Therefore, the positive outcomes in task completion and user satisfaction demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in assisting those who may not have prior expertise.

User Feedback. Users provided us with some additional comments for improving our system.

Firstly, there was a call for including a “Reset” button next to the “Analyze” button for clearing their input and starting a fresh with a new analysis.

They suggested to make the “Analyze” button “sticky,” so as to remain visible and accessible as they scroll through the page exploring various facets.

They also highlighted the importance of providing brief explanations next to faceted search symbols, i.e., , , \(\rhd \), for additional guidance.

Additionally, they suggested to enhance the manual with more clear guidelines and possibly sample queries, and screenshots showcasing various usage scenarios.

They faced a difficulty with the concept of “group by” and “group by having a condition,” and they asked for simplification for users not well versed in database queries.

Finally, they suggested to ensure the smooth system availability across different browsers.

In response to user feedback, we implemented several enhancements in our system.

We successfully addressed the call for a more user-friendly interface by introducing a “Reset” button adjacent to the “Analyze” button, allowing users to effortlessly clear their input and start a new analysis.

Furthermore, we have made the “Analyze” button “sticky”, ensuring its visibility and accessibility as users navigate through various facets while scrolling.

To enhance user understanding, we incorporated tooltips next to faceted search symbols (i.e., , , \(\rhd \)), providing concise explanations for improved guidance.

The manual was enriched with clearer guidelines, sample queries, and screenshots depicting various usage scenarios.

Acknowledging the challenge users faced with the concepts of “group by” and “group by having a condition,” particularly for those less familiar with database queries, we recognize the need for further simplification in these areas and we are exploring ways to present these concepts in a more intuitive manner, ensuring that users of varying levels of expertise can grasp these functionalities.

Lastly, in alignment with user suggestions, we are committed to ensuring the smooth availability of our system across different browsers.

11.2 Testing implementability

The development of Interactive User Interfaces is in general time-consuming. In this paper, we provided the concrete algorithms for producing the UIs in order to make the model easily implementable. To test the completeness and clarity of the description of the model and the proposed algorithms, we assigned an undergraduate student in the fourth year (not a member of the research group) to implement it (as a Diploma Thesis) by providing him with a preliminary version of the current paper. He was free to decide the implementation technologies he would use. For the back-end side, he used Java, Spring framework, and apache Jena, whereas for the front-end side, he used Vue.js, Bootstrap, and Font Awesome. He managed to implement the model correctly. A few screenshots are shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18
figure 18

An alternative implementation of the proposed model

12 Concluding remarks

The formulation of structured queries over RDF Knowledge Graphs is difficult, especially in case that the graph has a broad domain, and thus contains large number of classes and properties. To aid especially novice users (and to save time from expert users), we present a model that aims to enable them to formulate easily analytic queries over any RDF knowledge graph, without having any knowledge of the schema/terminology of the graph, nor the syntax of SPARQL. To come up with an intuitive interaction model and interface, we leverage the familiarity of users with the Faceted Search systems. We start from a general model for Faceted Search over RDF data, and we extend it with actions that enable users to specify analytic queries, too. Distinctive characteristics of the model are: (1) it can be applied to any RDF dataset (i.e. independently if it follows a star schema), (2) it supports only answerable queries (i.e., it never produces empty results due to lack of data), (3) it supports arbitrarily long paths, (4) it provides count information, (5) it supports the interactive formulation of HAVING clauses, (6) it supports both Faceted Search and analytic queries, and (7) it supports nested analytic queries.

We have detailed the model, specifically (1) we defined formally the state space of the interaction model and the required algorithms for producing the UI (User Interface), (2) we described a hybrid (extensional and intentional) query evaluation approach, (3) we presented an implementation of the model that showcased its feasibility, and (4) we discussed in brief the results of a preliminary evaluation of the proposed system that provided evidence about its acceptance by users in terms of task completion and user rating. As regards the latter, the results of the task-based evaluation with users are very positive in terms of task completion (i.e., Success 75.89%, Partial Success 11.6%, Fail 22.5%) and user rating (Very useful 42%, Useful 50%, Little Useful 5.3%, Not Useful 0%), given that no training was provided to the users, in an audience of 55% expert, 30% intermediate, and 15% novice users. As regards efficiency, without any particular optimization, the system offers real-time interaction, i.e., the analytic queries which are formulated during the interaction require around 3 secs to be evaluated over a KGs with 1 millions triples.

Perspectives. The model has wide applicability; it can be applied to any Knowledge Graph; it can complement the other access methods over graph data, In the future, we plan to enrich the model with (1) further visualization features for aiding the interpretation of the analytical results and (2) feature constructor operators (FCO) for cases where data transformations are required. Another direction for future research is to evaluate the system in very large datasets and then investigate what kind of optimizations is required.