1 Introduction and Preliminaries

To study necessary conditions for existence of fixed points of mappings satisfying certain comparison conditions on partially ordered domains equipped with an appropriate distance structure is an active area of research.

The existence of fixed points in partially ordered metric spaces was first considered in 2004 by Ran and Reurings [18], and then by Nieto and Lopez [15]. Later, in 2016, Nieto et al. [16] studied random fixed points theorems in partially ordered metric spaces. Further results in this direction under different contractive and comparison conditions were proved in [2, 3, 7, 8].

The theory of multivalued maps has various applications in convex optimization, dynamical systems, commutative algebra, differential equations, and economics. Markin [13] initiated the study of fixed points for multivalued nonexpansive and contractive maps. Later, a rich and interesting fixed point theory for such maps was developed; see, for instance [6, 8, 10]. Recently, Wardowski [21] introduced a new contraction called F-contraction and proved a fixed point result as a generalization of the Banach contraction principle. Very recently, in 2018, Wardowski [22] studied the existence of fixed points of nonlinear F-contraction and sum of this type mapping with a compact operator. Minak et al. [14] proved some fixed point results for Ćirić-type generalized F-contraction. Abbas et al. [4] obtained common fixed point results employing the F-contraction condition. Further, in this direction, Abbas et al. [5] introduced a notion of generalized F-contraction mapping and employed these results to obtain fixed point of generalized nonexpansive mappings on star-shaped subsets of normed linear spaces. Further useful results in this direction were proved in [11, 22].

The aim of this paper is to prove some common fixed point theorems for a family of multivalued generalized F-contraction mappings without using any commutativity condition in the setup of partially ordered metric space. These results extend and unify various comparable results in the existing literature [1, 12, 19, 20].

In the sequel, the letters ℕ, \(\mathbb {R}_{+}\), ℝ will denote the set of natural numbers, the set of positive real numbers, and the set of real numbers, respectively.

Consistent with [21] and [8], the following definitions will be needed in the sequel.

Let 𝘍 be the collection of all mappings \(F:\mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) such that the following conditions hold:

  • (F1) F is strictly increasing, that is, for all \(\alpha ,\beta \in \mathbb {R}_{+}\) such that α < β implies that F(α) < F(β).

  • (F2) For every sequence {αn} of positive real numbers, \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\alpha _{n}= 0\) and \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }F(\alpha _{n}) =-\infty \) are equivalent.

  • (F3) There exists h ∈ (0, 1) such that \(\lim _{\alpha \rightarrow 0^{+}}\alpha ^{h}F(\alpha )= 0\).

Latif and Beg [12] introduced a notion of K-multivalued mapping as an extension of Kannan mapping to multivalued mappings. Rus [19] coined the term R-multivalued mapping as a generalization of a K-multivalued mapping. Abbas and Rhoades [1] gave the notion of a generalized R-multivalued mappings, which in turn generalized R-multivalued mappings, and obtained common fixed point results for such mappings.

Let (X, d) be a metric space. Let P(X)(Pcl(X)) be the family of all nonempty (nonempty and closed) subsets of X.

A point x in X is a fixed point of a multivalued mapping T : XP(X) if and only if xTx. The set of all fixed points of multivalued mapping T is denoted by Fix(T).

Definition 1

Let (X, ≼) be a partially ordered set. We define

$$ {\Delta}_{1}=\{(x,y)\in X\times X:x\preceq y\} $$


$$ {\Delta}_{2}=\{(x,y)\in X\times X:x\prec y\text{ or }y\prec x\}. $$

That is, Δ2 is the set of all comparable elements of X.

Definition 2

Let (X, ≼) be a partially ordered set, A and B two nonempty subsets of (X, ≼). We say that A1B, whenever for every aA, there exists bB such that ab.

Now, we give the following definition:

Definition 3

Let \(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}\) be a family of mappings such that Ti : XPcl(X) for each i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} and Tm+ 1 = T1. The set \(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}\) is said to be

  1. 1.

    F1-contraction family, whenever for any x, yX with (x, y) ∈ △1 and uxTi(x), there exists uyTi+ 1(y) for i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} with (ux, uy) ∈ △2 such that the following condition holds

    $$ \tau (U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}))+F\left( d(u_{x},u_{y})\right) \leq F(U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})), $$

    where \(\tau : \mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\) is a mapping with \(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\) for all t ≥ 0 and

    $$ U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})=\max \left\{d(x,y),d(x,u_{x}),d(y,u_{y}),\frac{d(x,u_{y}) +d(y,u_{x})}{2}\right\}. $$
  2. 2.

    F2-contraction family, whenever for any x, yX with (x, y) ∈ △1 and uxTi(x), there exists uyTi+ 1(y) for i ∈ {1, 2, … , m} with (ux, uy) ∈ △2 such that

    $$ \tau (U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}))+F\left( d(u_{x},u_{y})\right) \leq F(U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})) $$

    holds where \(\tau : \mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\) is a function such that \(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\) for all t ≥ 0 and

    $$ U_{2}(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})=\alpha d(x,y)+\beta d(x,u_{x})+\gamma d(y,u_{y})+\delta_{1}d(x,u_{y}) +\delta_{2}d(y,u_{x}) $$

    for α, β, γ, δ1, δ2 ≥ 0, δ1δ2 with α + β + γ + δ1 + δ2 ≤ 1.

Note that for different choices of mappings F, one can obtains different contractive conditions.

Recall that, a map T : XPcl(X) is said to be upper semi-continuous, if for xnX and ynTxn with xnx0 and yny0, then we have y0Tx0.

2 Common Fixed Point Theorems

In this section, we obtain several common fixed point results for family of multivalued mappings in the framework of partially ordered metric space. We begin with the following result.

Theorem 1

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially orderedcomplete metric space and\(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}\)anF1-contractionfamily of multivalued maps. Then, the following hold

  1. (i)

    Fix(Ti) ≠ ∅ for anyi ∈ {1, 2, … , m} if and only if Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tm) ≠ ∅.

  2. (ii)

    Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tm) ≠ ∅ provided that there exists somex0Xsuch that {x0} ≼1Tk(x0) for anyk ∈ {1, 2, … , m} and any one ofTiis upper semi-continuous fori ∈ {1, 2, … , m}.

  3. (iii)

    \(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\)iswell ordered if and only if\(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\)isa singleton set.


To prove (i): Let xTk(x) for any k ∈ {1, 2, … , m}. If xTk+ 1(x), then there exists an xTk+ 1(x) with (x, x) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau(U(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x)) + F(d(x^{\ast},x)) \leq F(U(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x)), $$

holds, where

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x) &=&\max\left\{d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast}),d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast}),d(x,x^{\ast}),\frac{d(x^{\ast},x)+d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast})}{2}\right\}\\ &=&d(x,x^{\ast}). \end{array} $$

Thus, we have

$$ \tau (d(x^{\ast},x))+F(d(x^{\ast},x)) \leq F(d(x^{\ast},x)), $$

a contradiction as τ(d(x, x)) > 0. Thus x = x. Hence, xTk+ 1(x) and Fix(Tk) ⊆Fix(Tk+ 1). Similarly, we obtain that Fix(Tk+ 1) ⊆Fix(Tk+ 2). Continuing this way, we get Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tk). The converse is straightforward.

To prove (ii): Suppose that x0 is an arbitrary point of X. If \(x_{0}\in T_{k_{0}}(x_{0})\) for any k0 ∈ {1, 2, … , m}, then by using (i), the proof is finished.

So, we assume that \(x_{0}\notin T_{k_{0}}(x_{0})\) for any k0 ∈ {1, 2, … , m}. For i ∈ {1, 2, … , m}, x1Ti(x0), there exists x2Ti+ 1(x1) with (x1, x2) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (U(x_{0},x_{1};x_{1},x_{2}))+F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) \leq F(U(x_{0},x_{1};x_{1},x_{2})), $$

holds where

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U(x_{0},x_{1};x_{1},x_{2}) &=&\max\left\{d(x_{0},x_{1}),d(x_{0},x_{1}),d(x_{1},x_{2}),\frac{d(x_{0},x_{2})+d(x_{1},x_{1})}{2}\right\} \\ &=&\max \left\{d(x_{0},x_{1}),d(x_{1},x_{2}),\frac{d(x_{0},x_{2})}{2}\right\} \\ &=&\max \{d(x_{0},x_{1}),d(x_{1},x_{2})\}. \end{array} $$

If U(x0, x1;x1, x2) = d(x1, x2), then

$$ \tau (d(x_{1},x_{2}))+F(d(x_{1},x_{2}))\leq F(d(x_{1},x_{2})) $$

gives a contradiction as τ(d(x1, x2)) > 0. Therefore, U(x0, x1;x1, x2) = d(x0, x1) and we have

$$ \tau \left( d(x_{0},x_{1})\right) +F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{0},x_{1})\right). $$

Similarly, for the point x2 in Ti+ 1(x1), there exists x3Ti+ 2(x2) with (x2, x3) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (U(x_{1},x_{2};x_{2},x_{3}))+F\left( d(x_{2},x_{3})\right) \leq F(U(x_{1},x_{2};x_{2},x_{3})), $$

holds where

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U(x_{1},x_{2};x_{2},x_{3}) &=&\max\left\{d(x_{1},x_{2}),d(x_{1},x_{2}),d(x_{2},x_{3}),\frac{d(x_{1},x_{3})+d(x_{2},x_{2})}{2}\right\} \\ &=&\max \{d(x_{1},x_{2}),d(x_{2},x_{3})\}. \end{array} $$

In case U(x1, x2;x2, x3) = d(x2, x3), we have

$$ \tau (d(x_{2},x_{3}))+F\left( d(x_{2},x_{3})\right) \leq F(d(x_{2},x_{3})), $$

a contradiction as τ(d(x2, x3)) > 0. Therefore, U(x1, x2;x2, x3) = d(x1, x2) and we have

$$ \tau \left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) +F\left( d(x_{2},x_{3})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right). $$

Continuing this way, for x2nTi(x2n− 1), there exists x2n+ 1Ti+ 1(x2n) with (x2n, x2n+ 1) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau \left( U(x_{2n-1},x_{2n};x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) +F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) \leq F\left( U(x_{2n-1},x_{2n};x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right), $$

holds that is,

$$ \tau \left( d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})\right) +F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})\right). $$

Similarly, for x2n+ 1Ti+ 1(x2n), there exist x2n+ 2Ti+ 2(x2n+ 1) with (x2n+ 1, x2n+ 2) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau \left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) + F\left( d(x_{2n + 1},x_{2n + 2})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) $$

holds. Hence, we obtain a sequence {xn} in X such that xnTi(xn− 1) and xn+ 1Ti+ 1(xn) with (xn, xn+ 1) ∈ △2 and it satisfies

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})) &\leq &F(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) - \tau(d(x_{n-1},x_{n}))\\ &<&F(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})). \end{array} $$

Thus, {d(xn, xn+ 1)} is decreasing and hence convergent. We now show that \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})= 0\). By property of mapping τ, there exists c > 0 with \(n_{0}\in \mathbb {N}\) such that τ(d(xn, xn+ 1)) > c for all nn0. Note that

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})) &\leq &F(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) - \tau(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) \\ &\leq &F(d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1}))-\tau (d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1}))-\tau(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) \\ &\leq &\cdots\\ &\leq& F(d(x_{0},x_{1})) - \tau(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) + \tau(d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1}))\\ &&+\cdots+\tau (d(x_{0},x_{1})) \\ &\leq &F(d(x_{0},x_{1}))-n_{0}, \end{array} $$

gives \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1}))=-\infty \) which together with (F2) implies that \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})= 0\). By (F3), there exists h ∈ (0, 1) such that

$$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})) = 0. $$

From (1), we have

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}F\left( d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})\right) -[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}F\left( d(x_{0},x_{1})\right) \\ &&\leq [d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}(F(d(x_{0},x_{1})-n_{0}))-[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}F\left( d(x_{0},x_{1})\right) \\ &&\leq -n_{0}[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}\leq 0. \end{array} $$

Taking the limit as n, we obtain that \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }n[d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})]^{h}= 0\) and \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }n^{\frac {1}{h}}d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})= 0\). There exists \(n_{1}\in \mathbb {N}\) such that \(n^{\frac {1}{h}}d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})\leq 1\) for all nn1 and hence \(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})\leq \frac {1}{n^{1/h}}\) for all nn1. So, for all \(m,n\in \mathbb {N}\) with m > nn1, we have

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} d(x_{n},x_{m}) &\leq &d(x_{n},x_{n + 1}) + d(x_{n + 1},x_{n + 2}) +\cdots+d(x_{m-1},x_{m}) \\ &\leq &\sum\limits_{i=n}^{\infty}\frac{1}{i^{1/h}}. \end{array} $$

By the convergence of the series \({\sum }_{i = 1}^{\infty }\frac {1}{i^{1/h}}\), we obtain that d(xn, xm) → 0 as n, m. Therefore, {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X. Since X is complete, there exists an element xX such that xnx as n.

Now, if Ti is upper semi-continuous for any of i ∈ {1, 2, … , m}, then x2nX, x2n+ 1Ti(x2n) with x2nx and x2n+ 1x as n imply that xTi(x). Using (i), we get xT1(x) = T2(x) = ⋯ = Tm(x).

Finally, to prove (iii): Suppose the set \(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\) is well ordered. Assume that there exist u and v such that \(u,v\in \cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\) but uv. As (u, v) ∈ △2, we have

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \tau (U(u,v;u,v))+F(d(u,v)) &\leq &F(U(u,v;u,v)) \\ &=&F\left( \max\left\{d(u,v),d(u,u),d(v,v),\frac{d(u,v) +d(v,u)}{2}\right\}\right) \\ &=&F(d(u,v)), \end{array} $$

that is, τ(d(u, v)) + F(d(u, v)) ≤ F(d(u, v)), a contradiction as τ(d(u, v)) > 0. Hence, u = v. The converse is obvious. □

Corollary 1

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially ordered complete metric space andT1, T2 : XPcl(X). Suppose that for every (x, y) ∈ △1anduxTi(x), there existsuyTj(y) withijwith (ux,uy) ∈ △2such that

$$ \tau (U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}))+F(d(u_{x,}u_{y}))\leq F(U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}) $$

holds, where i, j ∈ {1, 2}, \(\tau : \mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\)is a function such that\(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\)for all t ≥ 0 and

$$ U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})=\max \left\{d(x,y),d(x,u_{x}),d(y,u_{y}),\frac{d(x,u_{y})+d(y,u_{x})}{2}\right\}. $$

Then, the following statements hold:

  1. (I)

    Fix(Ti) ≠ ∅ for any i ∈ {1, 2} if and only if Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) ≠ ∅.

  2. (II)

    Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) ≠ ∅ provided that either T1or T2is upper semi-continuous.

  3. (III)

    Fix(T1) ∩ Fix(T2) is well ordered if and only if Fix(T1) ∩ Fix(T2) is singleton set.

Example 1

Let X = [0, 10] be endowed with usual order ≤. Define the mappings T1, T2 : XPcl(X) by

$$ T_{1}(x)=\left[0,\frac{x}{10}\right]\quad \text{ and }\quad T_{2}(x)=\left[0,\frac{x}{12}\right]\quad \text{ for all }x\in X. $$

Take F(γ) = lnγ + γ for all γ > 0. The mapping \(\tau : \mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\) is defined as follows:

$$ \tau (t)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \frac{t}{20}& \text{ if }t\in (0,10], \\ \frac{1}{2}& \text{ if }t>10. \end{array} \right. $$

We consider the following cases:

  1. 1.

    When x, y ∈ (0, 10] with (x, y) ∈ △1, then for uxT1(x), there exists uy = 0 ∈ T2(y) with (ux, uy) ∈ △2 such that

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} d(u_{x},u_{y})e^{d(u_{x},u_{y})-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\tau \left( U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})\right)}&=&u_{x}e^{u_{x}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\frac{U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &\leq &\frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}\\ &\leq& \frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}\left( \frac{d(x,u_{y})+d(y,u_{x})}{2}\right)}\\ &\leq &\frac{9}{10}xe^{\frac{-131x-190y}{400}}\\ &=&d(x,u_{x})e^{0}\leq U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}). \end{array} $$
  2. 2.

    If x = 0 and y ∈ (0, 10] with (x, y) ∈ △1, then for ux = 0 ∈ T1(x), there exists 0 ≠ uyT2(y) with (ux, uy) ∈ △2 such that

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&d(u_{x},u_{y})e^{d(u_{x},u_{y})-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\tau \left( U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})\right) } \\ &=&u_{y}e^{u_{y}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\frac{U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &\leq &\frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{12}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\frac{U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &=&\frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{12}-\frac{19}{20}U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}\leq \frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{12}-\frac{19}{20}d(y,u_{y})} \\ &\leq &ye^{\frac{y}{12}-\frac{19}{20}(\frac{11y}{12})}\leq d(x,y)e^{0}\leq U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}). \end{array} $$
  3. 3.

    In case x ∈ (0, 10] and y = 0 with (x, y) ∈ △1, we have for uxT1(x), there exists uy = 0 ∈ T2(y), such that

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&d(u_{x},u_{y})e^{d(u_{x},u_{y})-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\tau \left( U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})\right)} \\ &&\leq \frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})} \\ &&\leq \frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}d(x,u_{x})} \\ &&\leq \frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}(x-\frac{x}{10})}=\frac{x}{10}e^{\frac{x}{10}-\frac{19}{20}(\frac{9x}{10})} \\ &&\leq xe^{0}\leq d(x,y)\leq U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}). \end{array} $$
  4. 4.

    When x = 0 and y ∈ (0, 10] with (x, y) ∈ △1, we have for ux = 0 ∈ T2(x), there exists 0 ≠ uyT1(y) with (ux, uy) ∈ △2 such that

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&d(u_{x},u_{y})e^{d(u_{x},u_{y})-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\tau \left( U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})\right) } \\ &&=u_{y}e^{u_{y}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\frac{U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &&\leq \frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{10}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\frac{ U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &&=\frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{10}-\frac{19}{20}U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})} \\ &&\leq \frac{y}{12}e^{\frac{y}{10}-\frac{19}{20}d(y,u_{y})} \\ &&\leq ye^{\frac{y}{10}-\frac{19}{20}(\frac{11y}{12})}\leq d(x,y)e^{0}\leq U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}). \end{array} $$
  5. 5.

    Finally, if x ∈ (0, 10] and y = 0 with (y, x) ∈ △1, then for 0 ≠ uxT2(x), there exists uy = 0 ∈ T1(y) with (uy, ux) ∈ △2 such that

    $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&d(u_{x},u_{y})e^{d(u_{x},u_{y})-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})+\tau \left( U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})\right) } \\ &&\leq \frac{x}{12}e^{\frac{x}{12}-U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})-\frac{ U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y})}{20}} \\ &&= \frac{x}{12}e^{\frac{x}{12}-\frac{19}{20}d(x,u_{x})} \\ &&\leq \frac{x}{12}e^{\frac{x}{12}-\frac{19}{20}(\frac{11x}{12})} \\ &&\leq \frac{11x}{12}e^{0}\leq d(x,u_{x})\leq U(x,y;u_{x},u_{y}). \end{array} $$

    Thus, all the conditions of Corollary 1 are satisfied. Moreover, Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = {0}.

The following results generalizes [19, Theorem 3.4].

Theorem 2

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially orderedcomplete metric space and\(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}\)beF2-contractionfamily of multivalued maps. Then, the following hold

  1. (i)

    Fix(Ti) ≠ ∅ for anyi ∈ {1, 2, … , m} if and only if Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tm) ≠ ∅.

  2. (ii)

    Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tm) ≠ ∅ provided that there exists somex0Xsuch that {x0}≼1Tk(x0) for anyk ∈ {1, 2, … , m} and any one ofTiis upper semi-continuous fori ∈ {1, 2, … , m}.

  3. (iii)

    \(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\)iswell ordered if and only if\(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\)issingleton set.


To prove (i): Let xTk(x) for any k ∈ {1, 2, … , m}. If xTk+ 1(x), then there exists an xTk+ 1(x) with (x, x) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (U_{2}(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x)) + F\left( d(x^{\ast},x)\right) \leq F(U_{2}(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x)), $$


$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U_{2}(x^{\ast},x^{\ast};x^{\ast},x) &=&\alpha d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast})+\beta d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast})+\gamma d(x,x^{\ast}) +\delta_{1}d(x^{\ast},x)+\delta_{2}d(x^{\ast},x^{\ast}) \\ &=&(\gamma +\delta_{1})d(x,x^{\ast}). \end{array} $$

Thus, we have

$$ \tau((\gamma +\delta_{1})d(x^{\ast},x))+F\left( d(x^{\ast},x)\right)\leq F((\gamma +\delta_{1})d(x^{\ast },x)) <F(d(x^{\ast },x)), $$

a contradiction as τ((γ + δ1)d(x, x)) > 0. Thus, x = x and hence xTk+ 1(x) and Fix(Tk) ⊆Fix(Tk+ 1). Similarly, we obtain that Fix(Tk+ 1) ⊆Fix(Tk+ 2). Continuing this way, we get Fix(T1) = Fix(T2) = ⋯ = Fix(Tk). The converse is straightforward.

To prove (ii): Suppose that x0 is an arbitrary point of X. If \(x_{0}\in T_{k_{0}}(x_{0})\) for any k0 ∈ {1, 2, … , m} then by using (i) the proof is finished. So, we assume that \(x_{0}\notin T_{k_{0}}(x_{0})\) for any k0 ∈ {1, 2, … , m}. For i ∈ {1, 2, … , m}, x1Ti(x0), there exists x2Ti+ 1(x1) with (x1, x2) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (U_{2}(x_{0,}x_{1;}x_{1,}x_{2}))+F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) \leq F(U_{2}(x_{0},x_{1};x_{1},x_{2})), $$


$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U_{2}(x_{0},x_{1};x_{1},x_{2}) &=&\alpha d(x_{0},x_{1})+\beta d(x_{0},x_{1})+\gamma d(x_{1},x_{2}) +\delta_{1}d(x_{0},x_{2})+\delta_{2}d(x_{1},x_{1}) \\ &\leq &(\alpha +\beta +\delta_{1})d(x_{0},x_{1})+(\gamma +\delta_{1})d(x_{1},x_{2}). \end{array} $$

If d(x0, x1) ≤ d(x1, x2), then

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\tau ((\alpha +\beta +\gamma + 2\delta_{1})d(x_{1,}x_{2}))+F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) \\ &&\leq F((\alpha +\beta +\gamma + 2\delta_{1})d(x_{1},x_{2})) \\ &&\leq F(d(x_{1},x_{2})), \end{array} $$

gives a contradiction as τ((α + β + γ + 2δ1)d(x1,x2)) > 0. Thus, we have

$$ \tau (d(x_{0,}x_{1}))+F\left( d(x_{1},x_{2})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{0},x_{1})\right). $$

Continuing this way, for x2nTi(x2n− 1), there exist x2n+ 1Ti+ 1(x2n) with (x2n, x2n+ 1) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (U_{2}(x_{2n-1,}x_{2n;}x_{2n,}x_{2n + 1}))+F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) \leq F\left( U_{2}(x_{2n-1},x_{2n};x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) $$

holds, where

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U_{2}(x_{2n-1},x_{2n};x_{2n},x_{2n + 1}) &=&\alpha d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})+\beta d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})+\gamma d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1}) \\ &&+\delta_{1}d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n + 1})+\delta_{2}d(x_{2n},x_{2n}) \\ &\leq &(\alpha +\beta +\delta_{1})d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})+(\gamma +\delta_{1})d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1}). \end{array} $$

If d(x2n− 1, x2n) ≤ d(x2n, x2n+ 1), then

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\tau ((\alpha +\beta +\gamma + 2\delta_{1})d(x_{2n,}x_{2n + 1})+F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) \\ &&\leq F\left( (\alpha +\beta +\gamma + 2\delta_{1})d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right)\\ &&\leq F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right), \end{array} $$

gives a contradiction as τ((α + β + γ + 2δ1)d(x2n,x2n+ 1)) > 0. Therefore,

$$ \tau (d(x_{2n-1,}x_{2n}))+F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{2n-1},x_{2n})\right). $$

Similarly, for x2n+ 1Ti+ 1(x2n), there exist x2n+ 2Ti+ 2(x2n+ 1) with (x2n+ 1, x2n+ 2) ∈ △2 such that

$$ \tau (d(x_{2n,}x_{2n + 1}))+F\left( d(x_{2n + 1},x_{2n + 2})\right) \leq F\left( d(x_{2n},x_{2n + 1})\right) $$

holds. Hence, we obtain a sequence {xn} in X such that xnTi(xn− 1) and xn+ 1Ti+ 1(xn) with (xn, xn+ 1) ∈ △2 and it satisfies

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})) &\leq &F\left( d(x_{n-1},x_{n})\right) -\tau \left( d(x_{n-1},x_{n})\right) \\ &<&F\left( d(x_{n-1},x_{n})\right) . \end{array} $$

Thus, the sequence {d(xn, xn+ 1)} is decreasing and hence convergent. We show that \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})= 0\). By the property of mapping τ, there exists c > 0 with \(n_{0}\in \mathbb {N}\) such that τ(d(xn, xn+ 1)) > c for all nn0. Note that

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F\left( d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})\right) &\leq &F(d(x_{n-1},x_{n}))-\tau(d(x_{n-1},x_{n})) \\ &\leq &F(d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1}))-\tau (d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1}))-\tau \left( d(x_{n-1},x_{n})\right) \\ &\leq &\cdots\\ &\leq& F(d(x_{0},x_{1}))-(\tau \left( d(x_{n-1},x_{n})\right) +\tau(d(x_{n-2},x_{n-1})) \\ &&+\cdots+\tau (d((x_{0},x_{1})) \\ &\leq &F(d(x_{0},x_{1}))-n_{0}. \end{array} $$

Thus, \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }F(d(x_{n},x_{n + 1}))=-\infty \) which together with (F2) gives \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }d(x_{n},x_{n + 1})= 0\). Following the arguments similar to those in the proof of Theorem 1, {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X. Since X is complete, there exists an element xX such that xnx as n. Now, if Ti is upper semi-continuous for any i ∈ {1, 2, … , m}, then as x2nX, x2n+ 1Ti(x2n) with x2nx and x2n+ 1x as n, so we have xTi(x). Using (i), we get xT1(x) = T2(x) = ⋯ = Tm(x).

To prove (iii): Suppose the set \(\cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\) is well ordered. Assume that there exist u and v such that \(u,v\in \cap _{i = 1}^{m}\text {Fix}(T_{i})\) but uv. As (u, v) ∈ △2, we have

$$ \tau (U_{2}(u,v;u,v))+F(d(u,v)) \leq F(U_{2}(u,v;u,v)), $$


$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} U_{2}(u,v;u,v) &=&\alpha d(u,v)+\beta d(u,u)+\gamma d(v,v) +\delta_{1}d(u,v) +\delta_{2}d(v,u) \\ &=&(\alpha +\delta_{1}+\delta_{2})d(u,v), \end{array} $$

that is,

$$ \tau (d(u,v))+F(d(u,v)) =F((\alpha+\delta_{1}+\delta_{2})d(u,v))\leq F(d(u,v)), $$

a contradiction as τ(d(u, v)) > 0. Hence, u = v. The converse is obvious. □

Corollary 2

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially ordered complete metric spaceand\(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}:X\rightarrow P_{cl}(X)\)withTm+ 1 = T1. Suppose that for anyx, yXwith (x, y) ∈ △1anduxTi(x), there existsuyTi+ 1(y) fori ∈ {1, 2, … , m} with (ux, uy) ∈ △2such that

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\tau (\alpha d(x,y)+\beta d(x,u_{x})+\gamma d(y,u_{y}))+F(d(u_{x},u_{y}))\\ &&\leq F(\alpha d(x,y)+\beta d(x,u_{x})+\gamma d(y,u_{y})) \end{array} $$

holds, where\(\tau : \mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\)is afunction such that\(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\)forallt ≥ 0 andα, β, γ ≥ 0 andα + β + γ ≤ 1. Then, the conclusions obtained in Theorem2 remain true.

Corollary 3

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially ordered complete metric spaceand\(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}:X\rightarrow P_{cl}(X)\)withTm+ 1 = T1. Suppose that for anyx, yXwith (x, y) ∈ △1anduxTi(x), there existsuyTi+ 1(y) fori ∈ {1, 2, … , m} with (ux, uy) ∈ △2such that

$$ \tau (h[d(x,u_{x})+d(y,u_{y})])+F(d(u_{x},u_{y}))\leq F(h[d(x,u_{x})+d(y,u_{y})]) $$

holds, where\(\tau :\mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\)is a function such that\(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\)for all t ≥ 0 and\(h\in \lbrack 0,\frac {1}{2}]\). Then the conclusions obtained in Theorem 2 remain true.

Corollary 4

Let (X, d, ≼) be a partially ordered complete metric spaceand\(\{T_{i}\}_{i = 1}^{m}:X\rightarrow P_{cl}(X)\)withTm+ 1 = T1. Suppose that for anyx, yXwith (x, y) ∈ △1anduxTi(x), there existsuyTi+ 1(y) fori ∈ {1, 2, … , m} with (ux, uy) ∈ △2such that

$$ \tau (d(x,y))+F(d(u_{x},u_{y}))\leq F(d(x,y)), $$

holds, where\(\tau :\mathbb {R}_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\)is a function such that\(\lim \inf _{s\rightarrow t^{+}}\tau (s)\geq 0\)for all t ≥ 0. Then, the conclusions obtained in Theorem 2 remain true.

Remark 1

  1. 1.

    Theorem 1 extends, improves and generalizes (i) Theorem 1.9 in [1], (ii) Theorem 4.1 in [12], (iii) Theorem 3.4 of [19], (iv) Theorem 2.1 of [17], and (v) Theorem 3.1 of [20].

  2. 2.

    Corollary 1 improves and generalizes (i) Theorem 1.9 in [1], (ii) Theorem 4.1 in [12], (iii) Theorem 3.4 of [19], and (iv) Theorem 3.1 of [20].

  3. 3.

    Theorem 2 improves and extends (i) Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 4.1 in [9], (ii) Theorem 3.4 in [19], and (iii) Theorem 3.4 in [20].

  4. 4.

    Corollary 2 extends and generalizes (i) Theorem 3.4 in [19] and (ii) Theorem 4.1 of [12].

  5. 5.

    Corollary 3 improves and generalizes Theorem 4.1 in [12].

  6. 6.

    If we take T1 = T2 = ⋯ = Tm in F1 and F2-contraction family of multivalued maps, then we obtain the fixed point results for F1-contraction and F2-contraction of a multivalued map, respectively.