
The marine organism is a significant source of organic iodides and many of these show their significance in biology [1,2,3]. These are used in medical imagining in the identification of diseases related to oncology and neurology [4, 5]. Moreover, the aryl halides are the most reactive starting materials in several organic reactions including cross-couplings, radical-induced reactions, and nucleophilic reactions in the presence of metals [6,7,8,9]. Aryl iodides are highly reactive than other aryl halides due to the easy cleavage of the C-I band than other C-halogen bonds [10, 11]. Besides the high reactivity of aryl iodides, the less availability and high cost of aryl iodides are because of less available iodinating agents and the requirement of oxidants, additives, and high temperature [12, 13]. In addition, N-iodosuccinimide [14,15,16,17,18], I2 [19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30], KI [31,32,33], and mixed halides [34,35,36,37] are the frequently used reagents for the iodination of aromatic compounds. The substitution reactions of aryl diazonium/boronic acid compounds with nucleophiles [38,39,40,41,42] are the other alternatives for the synthesis of aryl iodides but these suffer from the requirement of harsh reaction conditions and metals. The applications of I2 as an iodinating agent represents the natural process of synthesizing organic iodides and iodine is also accepted as an environmentally benign reagent [43]. Further, I2 is a readily available and inexpensive substance. Despite these advantages, the low reactivity of I2 with aromatic substances is the limitation and it requires an external oxidant. In this connection H5PV2Mo10O40-O2 [19], Fe(NO3)3·1.5N2O4-charcoal [20], graphene oxide-CH3NO2 [21], NO2 [12], [bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene-pyridine [22], silver sulfate [23], silica supported ferric nitrate monohydrate [24], ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate (CAN) [25], tetra-n-butylammoniumperoxydisulfate [26], NaNO2-HCl-trifluoroethanol [27], lead(IV) acetate-AcOH-(CH3CO)2O [28], and IBX-CH3CN-TFA [29] in the presence of I2 are reported as efficient catalytic systems for aryl iodination. Most of these systems suffer from drawbacks including the necessity of oxidant, high temperature, costly catalysts, or no control over monoiodination products. Hence, it is necessary in developing a simple protocol for the synthesis of aryl/heteroaryl iodides. Therefore, we directed to develop an economical protocol for the easy synthesis of aryl iodides under added oxidant free conditions and found NH4OAc–I2 as an advantageous catalyst–reagent system in CH3CN (Scheme 1) in this search. Moreover, NH4OAc is a rich source of nitrogen and is a highly convenient alternative to ammonia in a wide range of organic transformations [44,45,46,47]. NH4OAc was also utilized as an effective catalyst in synthetic methodologies [44, 48,49,50]. This method can be an extra attractive addition towards the application of NH4OAc in organic synthesis.

scheme 1

Results and discussion

We have initiated the present iodination protocol using the reaction of o-toluidine (1a) (1.0 mmol) with I2 (1.05 mmol) employing 0.5 mmol of NH4OAc as a catalyst in 4 cm3 ethanol and observed the formation of 34% of mono iodinated product, 4-iodo-2-methylaniline (2a) and 15% of diiodo product, 2,4-diiodo-6-methylaniline (2aa) in 1 h (Table 1, entry 3). To our delight, the reaction was preceded without the aid of an external oxidant. The reaction was then screened using solvents methanol, tetrahydrofuran (THF), CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CH3CN, n-hexane, (CH3)2SO, and water (Table 1, entries 4–11) and identified that the CH3CN is appropriate for the mono iodination of 1a (Table 1, entry 7). The increase of the quantity of catalyst, NH4OAc to 0.75 mmol and 1.0 mmol, the reaction resulted from 2a with 89% yields in CH3CN (Table 1, entries 11, 12) was indicated the requirement of 0.75 mmol of NH4OAc for this selective iodination of 1a. Other ammonium salts such as NH4OH, NH4Cl, NH4OCHO, CAN, and (NH4)6Mo7O24 are also screened for the selective iodination of 1a (Table 1, entries 13–17), and observed that the NH4OAc was suitable among these (Table 1, entry 7).

Table 1 Screening for reaction conditions

With the developed conditions, we have screened a variety of substrates for the selective monoiodination and the results were shown in Table 2. Aniline was observed as a good substrate under NH4OAc catalyzed iodination and provided 99% of monoiodination product in 0.25 h (Table 2, entry 2). The occurrence of diiodo products was reported with several reported procedures. The substituted anilines with the functional groups such as methyl, chloro and fluoro provided 83–89% of monoiodination products, 2a [52, 53], 2b-2f [54,55,56,57,58] in 0.25—1.0 h (Table 2, entries 1, 3–6). Phenol 2h [59] and substituted phenols 2i [60], 2j [61], 2k [62, 63], and 2n [52, 64] with the functional groups such as methyl and carboxyl produced the corresponding monoiodination products with excellent yields (Table 2, entries 8–11, 13). Anisole (1m) are also observed as good substrate under the present iodination procedure for 2m [65, 66] (Table 2, entry 12). The method has also been studied for its successful application to the iodination of heteroaryl substance such as 2-aminopyridine 2l [52, 67] and 2-amino-5-bromopyridine (2g) [68,69,70] (Table 2, entries 7, 14).

Table 2 Substrate scope

The possible mechanism of NH4OAc catalysed iodination of aryl or heteroaryl compounds has been shown in Scheme 2. The reaction of ammonium acetate with I2 may form acetyl hypoiodite A and ammonium iodide. The electrophilic iodine species, A on reaction with aryl or heteroaryl compounds results in the aryl iodides or heteroaryl iodides and acetic acid through a usual electrophilic substitution mechanism of aromatic compounds.

scheme 2


In conclusion, an easy and simple procedure has been developed for the monoiodination of aromatic compounds using I2 in the presence of NH4OAc as an efficient catalyst. A variety of arylamino, phenolic, and heteroaryl compounds are regioselectively iodinated using the developed protocol at ambient conditions under external oxidant and additive-free conditions. The substrates with a wide range of functional groups such as methyl, amine, hydroxyl, methoxy, bromo, chloro, fluoro, and carboxyl are tolerated under present conditions. Quick reactions, high regioselectivity, simple reaction conditions, ambient conditions, and oxidant, and additive-free conditions are the important attributes of this iodination protocol.


All starting materials and solvents were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). All reagents were used as it is without further purification. All reactions were conducted under standard operating conditions without the use of any stringent conditions. The reaction progress was monitored on Merck TLC Silica gel 60 F254 plates, and the spots were visualized under ultraviolet (UV) light, followed by iodine or KMnO4 staining solution followed by heating. Chromatographic purifications were carried out using flash-grade silica gel (SDS Chromatogel 60 ACC, 40–60 µm). NMR spectra were recorded at 23 ºC on Varian 400 Ultrashield apparatus. 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on 400 MHz NMR spectrometer using CDCl3 as solvent unless otherwise stated. Mass spectra were recorded on a Waters Acquity TQDLC/MS/MS system.

General experimental procedure

To a mixture of aromatic compound 1 (1.0 mmol), I2 (1.05 mmol), and NH4OAc (0.75 mmol) was added 4 cm3 CH3CN and stirred the resultant mixture at room temperature for an appropriate time. After the completion of the reaction, as indicated by TLC, the reaction mixture was added 5 cm3 of water. Extracted the mixture using EtOAc (3 × 5 cm3) and the combined portions of EtOAc were subjected for evaporation to obtain crude aryl iodide. The crude aryl iodides were purified by using silica packed columns using varying ratios of EtOAc and hexanes as eluent. Pure aryl iodide was subjected to the confirmation of their structures using 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and mass spectral data. The spectral data of representative iodo (hetero)arenes is provided in supporting material and the spectral and physical properties have been found to coincide with the reported data.