1 Introduction

Scientific computing uses the state-of-the-art of high performance computing capabilities to solve the complex problems in various scientific domains such as weather forecasting, earthquake, sub-atomic particle behavior, turbulent flows and manufacturing processes etc. As the demand of resource requirements for solving the scientific problems is dynamic, so there is a need for a flexible platform which can handle the above-mentioned challenges in scientific applications concerning data storage and computation.

Cloud computing provides a dynamic environment for deploying scientific applications by offering services such as infrastructure, platform and software. Various other features such as on-demand service, resource pooling, pay-as-per-use, elasticity, etc. has attracted the scientists to deploy scientific applications on cloud. For effective utilization of virtualized resources in cloud, there is a need for efficient prediction based scheduling of tasks inorder to maximize performance and minimize execution time. Therefore, it is essential to first predict the resource requirements for scientific applications and then schedule them appropriately to meet the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the scientific users by taking SLA violations into consideration.

This research work focuses on the design of a prediction based scheduling approach which maps the tasks of scientific application with the optimal VM by combining the features of swarm intelligence and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach. The proposed approach improves the accuracy rate, minimizes the execution time, cost and SLA violation rate in comparison to existing scheduling heuristics.

2 Related work

Various researchers have proposed prediction and scheduling techniques but to perform prediction based scheduling, is still a challenging problem. A brief overview of the existing resource prediction based scheduling techniques is illustrated through Table 1.

Table 1 Existing resource prediction based scheduling techniques

Clovis et al. [1] designed Kalman filter based predictive grid scheduling framework for scheduling Condor jobs. The authors suggested that there is a need to develop flexible prediction mechanism for heterogeneous and distributed environment.

Shen [2] combined Support Vector Machine (SVM) with scheduling heuristic which predicted and scheduled the virtual resources within local scope. Gemm et al. [3] presented self-adjusting and analytical predictor along with First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS), Shortest-Job-First (SJF) and Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) approaches for handling the translation problem of scheduling. But, the error rate while predicting resource usage was too high. Therefore, the authors recommended to reduce the error rate and predict the resource requirements for web workloads. Qingjia et al. [4] proposed a Prediction based Dynamic Resource Scheduling (PDRS) technique which reduced the SLA violation rate and improved resource utilization. The authors suggested predicting resource usage requirements for large-scale scientific applications. Micha et al. [5] employed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for predicting utilization of resources on task level and schedule those tasks while Jiangtian et al. [6] combined ANN with Modified Critical Path (MCP) scheduling algorithm to improve prediction accuracy and runtime performance. Kang et al. [7] integrated Linear Regression (LR) and Dynamic Scheduling Strategy (DSS) to predict node availability and schedule the tasks accordingly. The authors suggested that there is a need of prediction based scheduling strategy for handling scientific applications.

2.1 Gap analysis

Based on the literature survey following gaps have been identified:

  • Due to the large size datasets of scientific applications, there is need for large computing capabilities [11].

  • Non-functional information such as resource consumption information would lead to more rapid (reduced execution time) or less energy consuming (save cost) execution of scientific applications [11].

  • Scientific applications have fluctuating resource demands which can be handled effectively when deployed on cloud [12]. Cloud Computing provide on demand service to users which guarantees convenience and effectiveness.

  • Effective utilization of resources in cloud is very complex. A uniform scheduling method is needed for scientific applications to solve resource utilization issue [13]. Efficient prediction of resources can lead to effective scheduling. Hence, there is a need to design an efficient resource prediction technique which can predict a requisite set of resources for future and optimize resource deployment [14].

  • To enhance scheduling efficiency for scientific applications of different size, it is important to have prior information of the resource requirements for executing the applications [15].

  • Scheduling [16] can be described as the mapping and execution of the workload of cloud users based on the resource prediction outcomes of the application. Considering the large execution time and cost of resources required by scientific applications, resource scheduling has become a research challenge in cloud. Efficient scheduling [15] can reduce the execution time, cost and power consumption taking into consideration QoS factors. So there is a need to develop new solutions to handle the scheduling problems.

  • Effective scheduling can help in improving the application efficiency, reduce the cost, increase the resource utilization and minimize the SLA violations [13].

  • Hybridization of existing scheduling algorithm with other metaheuristic optimization techniques should be explored. This can enhance the scheduling effectiveness for scientific applications [17].

Therefore, this research work is focused towards developing prediction based task scheduling approach for scientific applications. The motive of proposed approach is to improve the accuracy rate, minimizes the execution time, cost and Service Level Agreement (SLA) violation rate.

3 Problem formulation

The objective of task scheduling algorithm in this research work is to solve a problem of scheduling n tasks of a scientific application on a set of m heterogeneous VMs to attain certain goals such as minimizing total execution time, minimizing cost and reducing SLA violations. So, there is a need of an efficient scheduling algorithm which can take into consideration multiple objectives. Many parameters have been initialized as shown in Table 2 and various terms used in problem formulation are given in Table 3.

Table 2 Initialization parameters
Table 3 Description of various terms

The following objective problems are taken into account for developing an optimal scheduling algorithm.

3.1 Total execution time

The time taken by a job to execute on a particular VM is known as execution time [18]. \({ET}_{n}\) is the execution time of the jobs running in VMs on the nth node and is defined as Eq. 1:

$${ET}_{n}= \sum_{m=1}^{{v}_{n}}\sum_{k=1}^{{j}_{n}}{ET}_{nmk}$$

where \({ET}_{nmk}\) is the execution time for k jobs running on m VMs on the nth node. Hence, the total execution time (ET) is Eq. 2:

$$ET= \sum_{n=1}^{M}{ET}_{n}$$

where M is the total number of nodes.

Total execution cost: The cost of executing a job on a VM is computed by Eq. 3:

$$EC = Processing\,cost\,per\,second* ET_{n} .$$

3.2 SLA violation (SLAV)

The end users state the QoS requirements to the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) in the form of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) [19]. It is the responsibility of the CSPs to make sure that an appropriate amount of resources are allocated to an application in order to fulfill the users’ demands and minimize the SLA Violations (SLAV). The formula to compute SLAV is given in Eq. 4:

$$SLAV= \frac{prevRequested-prevAllocated}{prevRequested}$$

Here, \(prevRequested\) is the total amount of CPU MIPS and memory bytes requested/required by a job for execution and \(prevAllocated\) is the total amount of CPU MIPS and memory bytes allocated for the execution.

3.3 Average CPU utilization

At any given time, for nth node, the CPU utilization \({ACU}_{n}\) can be given as Eq. 5:

$${ACU}_{n}= \sum_{m=1}^{{v}_{n}}\sum_{k=1}^{{j}_{n}}{JCT}_{nmk}$$

where \({v}_{n}\) is the number of VMs running on the \({n}{\text{th}}\) node and \({j}_{n}\) is the number of jobs assigned to \({v}_{n}\) VMs. \({JCT}_{nmk}\) is the CPU utilization of \(k\) jobs running on m VMs on the \({n}{\text{th}}\) node. The CPU utilization in percentage is calculated as Eq. 6:

$${ACU}_{n}\,\left(\%\, age\right)= \frac{\sum_{m=1}^{{v}_{n}}\sum_{k=1}^{{j}_{n}}{JCT}_{nmk}}{{TCU}_{n}}*100$$


$${\text{Total}}\,{\text{CPU}}\,{\text{utilization}}\,\left( {TCU_{n} } \right) = { }\frac{{\text{Clock cycles per instruction * instruction count}}}{{Clock{ }\,rate}}.$$

3.4 Average memory utilization

At any given time, for \({n}{\text{th}}\) node, the memory utilization \({AMU}_{n}\) can be given as Eq. 7:

$${AMU}_{n}= \sum_{m=1}^{{v}_{n}}\sum_{k=1}^{{j}_{n}}{JMU}_{nmk}$$

where \({v}_{n}\) is the number of VMs running on the \({n}{\text{th}}\) node and \({j}_{n}\) is the number of jobs assigned to \({v}_{n}\) VMs. \({JMU}_{nmk}\) is the memory utilization of \(k\) jobs running on m VMs on the \({n}{\text{th}}\) node. The memory utilization in percentage is calculated as Eq. 8:

$${AMU}_{n}\,\left(\% \,age\right)= \frac{\sum_{m=1}^{{v}_{n}}\sum_{k=1}^{{j}_{n}}{JMU}_{nmk}}{{TMU}_{n}}*100$$

where \({TMU}_{n}\) is the total memory utilization for the \({n}{\text{th}}\) node.

3.5 Fitness value formulation

In this research work, the problem formulation for minimizing objective criterion mentioned in Eqs. 1, 3 and 4 can be optimized. The relative closeness score (RCS) for each task is calculated using multi-criteria decision making algorithm, TOPSIS [20, 21]. This algorithm will enhance the proficiency of task scheduling by supporting multiple objectives. The RCS value computed by TOPSIS is taken as Fitness Value (FV) of the tasks for proposed scheduling algorithm.


 = \({RCS}_{t1}\)


 = \({RCS}_{t2}\)


 = \({RCS}_{ti}\)

Where \(RCS\) of tasks obtained using TOPSIS is \({RCS}_{t}= {RCS}_{t1}, {RCS}_{t2},\dots ,{RCS}_{ti}\) which corresponds to the \(FV\) of tasks \({FV}_{t}= {FV}_{t1}, {FV}_{t2},\dots , {FV}_{ti}\), respectively. The TOPSIS algorithm for computing \(RCS\) of tasks is elaborated in the next section.

4 Resource prediction based scheduling (RPS) framework

To achieve highly effective computations and best Quality of Service (QoS) of cloud, it is vital to perform scheduling of tasks in an efficient manner. The mapping of the submitted applications and VMs is considered to be successful if cloud has attained minimum execution time, cost, SLA violations and maximum utilization of resources. To solve the problem of multi-objective task scheduling, an Optimized Prediction based Scheduling Approach (OPSA) [22] has been proposed in this paper.

This section details the framework of the proposed RPS technique as portrayed in Fig. 1. This framework contains three modules: deployment, prediction and scheduler which are explained further.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed RPS framework

In deployment module, the scientific application is deployed on actual cloud platform. Here, “Floodplain” as a scientific application is used as a case study in this research work. Floodplain application [23, 24] is committed to develop the accurate simulation for frequent surges in storms at North Carolina’s coastal regions. Currently, a four model system is deployed which comprises of different models namely Hurricane Boundary Layer which is focused on winds, ADCIRC is for surges in the storms, SWAN and Wavewatch III are directed towards waves generated by winds at near-shore along with oceans. To achieve accuracy in analysis and floodplain mapping in a given region, a broader coverage of parametric space is needed which also describes the characteristics of storms. The dynamic portion of the application is illustrated in Fig. 2 [23, 24]. The applications’ instance executes in about a day, hence demanding large computational and storage resources.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Structure of floodplain

Once the application is deployed, a resource usage dataset is generated and passed onto prediction module for further processing. The prediction module performs the preprocessing of data so that there are no null values and converts the alphabetic values to numeric for smooth processing. It utilizes a meta-heuristic feature selection approach, Genetic Algorithm, to select relevant set of features. The advantage of using GA for feature selection is that it is a proven algorithm for solving problems of combinatory and optimization. In machine learning, one of the uses of GA is to pick up the right number of variables in order to create a predictive model. The idea of GA is to combine the different solutions generation after generation to extract the best genes (variables/features) from each one.

Table 4 illustrates the features which were selected to perform further experiments.

Table 4 Illustration of the features

Finally, this module predicts the usage of resources by implementing ensemble algorithm [25] as proposed in our previous research work.

Ensembling is the process of stacking multiple machine learning models and improving the prediction accuracy or decrease variance, by combining the capabilities of models. The machine learning regression models are applied to generated dataset for predicting resource usage. The brief detail of the methods with the required packages and their tuning parameters is described in Table 5.

Table 5 Machine learning regression models

These methods are available in R open source software [26] which is licensed under GNU GPL. To obtain better results, parameters of the models need to be tuned. These models are further grouped based on the proposed ensemble Algorithm 1.

figure a

In the proposed algorithm, a variety of combinations is formed for different models and mean accuracy (acc) is calculated for each combination. The computed accuracy rate is further compared with the best accuracy (BestAcc) already generated. If the calculated acc is better than BestAcc then BestAcc is replaced with the calculated acc and the provided combination of models is returned as the best model set to ensemble. The primary focus of the pro-posed algorithm is to generate a best set of models which can be assembled to enhance the performance of regression models for predicting the usage of resources.

The working of the scheduler module depends upon the output of the pre-diction module. In this module, the availability of the resources is checked from the resource pool. Then, the resources are scheduled efficiently based on the usage requirements of application for further processing as discussed in Algorithm 2. The aim of this scheduling algorithm is to improve the performance in terms of execution time, cost and SLA by efficiently allocating the resources to the tasks.

figure b

4.1 Proposed algorithm

The objective of this algorithm is to find an optimal solution by considering multiple criteria. Therefore, the features of swarm intelligence are combined with TOPSIS. The former technique is very quick at determining the optimal solutions and the latter helps to make a decision based on multiple criteria. The advantage of using PSO for scheduling is that the number of iterations has been reduced leading to less computational effort to reach the global optimum. In this algorithm, the resources are scheduled on the basis of predicted set of resources by ensemble algorithm [25]. Initially, the average CPU utilization (\(Ap\_cp\)) and average memory utilization (\(Ap\_mem\)) requirement of a scientific application is checked against the available CPU and memory size of the \(firstIdleVm\). If the CPU and memory requirement of the application are less than the available MIPS and current size of VM, then the application is mapped to that particular VM. Further, to schedule the tasks of mapped application, an optimization approach is followed. The velocity \(vi\) and position \(pi\) of particles (tasks) are randomly initialized and further updated using formula 9 and 10.

$${P}_{i[k+1]}= {P}_{i[k]}+{V}_{i[k+1]}$$

where Vi[k + 1] is current velocity and Vi[k] is the previous velocity of particle i. Pi[k + 1] is current position and Pi[k] is the previous position of the particle i. \(c1\) and \(c2\) are acceleration coefficients whose value can be taken between 1 and 2. \(rand1\) and \(rand2\) are the random number whose value lie between 0 and 1. Particle’s best position is denoted by \(pbest\) and the position of the best particle in the entire population is denoted as \(gbest\). \(w\) is the interia weight usually lie between 0 and 1. Fitness Value (\(FV\)) is used as an evaluation tool to measure the performance of a particle. The \(FV\) for each task is computed using TOPSIS algorithm which is explained in Sect. 4.2. If the current fitness value of a task is less than its \(pbest\) value, then current fitness value is assigned as its \(pbest\) value and the same process is repeated for all the tasks. Next, all the \(pbest\) are compared and highest \(pbest\) value is assigned as \(gbest\) value. Again, if current \(gbest\) value is less than current fitness value, then current fitness value is assigned as \(gbest\) value and task with highest \(gbest\) value is given to VM for execution. The same procedure is applied to rest of the tasks of the mapped application with different sizes. The time complexity of the nested loops is equivalent to the number of times the innermost expression is executed. Hence, the proposed algorithm have O(n4) time complexity.

4.2 TOPSIS: a multi-criteria decision making algorithm

Several heuristic techniques such as PSO, ACO, ABC, etc. have been utilized by various researchers for optimizing single criteria based problems. These optimization techniques lack the ability to handle decision making based on multiple criteria. Inorder to attain better optimized results for problems based on multiple criteria, a multi-objective decision making algorithm named “TOPSIS" is incorporated [20, 21]. This method takes multiple factors into consideration while computing the fitness value for tasks. Algorithm 3 depicts the overall process followed by TOPSIS algorithm.

Initially, a decision matrix is constructed of size \(t * c\), where t are the number of tasks (alternatives) and \(c\) represents the number of criterion Next, the decision matrix is normalized using Eq. 11.

$${DM}_{n}\leftarrow (DM\left[c\right]\left[i\right])/\sum \sqrt{{i}^{2}}$$

where i = {1, 2,…,t}, j = {1, 2,…,c} and (\({DM}_{n}\left[j\right][i])\) are the elements of the decision matrix corresponding to ith alternative and jth criteria. Further, the elements of \({(DM}_{n}\left[j\right][i])\) are multiplied by inertia weight as shown in Eq. 12, provided by the decision maker as per the importance of criteria in the scheduling process.

$${DM}_{nw}\left[i\right]\left[j\right]\leftarrow {DM}_{n}\left[i\right]\left[j\right]*inertiaweight[j]$$

Now, calculate the \({Att}_{p}\) and \({Att}_{n}\), where \({Att}_{p}\) are the set of attributes that have positive impact and \({Att}_{n}\) are those set of attributes which have negative impact on the solution.

figure c

Next step is to evaluate the separation measure for \({Att}_{p}\) and \({Att}_{n}\) for each attribute using Eq. 13 and 14.

$$SM\_{Att}_{p}[i]\leftarrow \left(\sum_{j}{\left({Att}_{p}\left[\mathrm{c}\right]-{DM}_{nw}\left[i\right]\left[c\right]\right)}^{2}\right)^\frac{1}{2}$$
$$SM\_{Att}_{n}[i]\leftarrow \left(\sum_{j}{\left({Att}_{n}\left[\mathrm{c}\right]-{DM}_{nw}\left[i\right]\left[c\right]\right)}^{2}\right)^\frac{1}{2}$$

Finally, compute the relative closeness score (\(RCS\)) using Eq. 15 and update the velocity of tasks (particles) in Algorithm 2 for determining the \(gbest\) value for scheduling.

$$RCS[i]\leftarrow SM\_{Att}_{n}[i]/S{M}_{{Att}_{n}\left[i\right]}+SM\_{Att}_{p}[i]$$

The final computed RCS is shown in Table 6. The score is sent as FV for the tasks in Algorithm 2 for scheduling.

Table 6 Configuration of VMs

5 Experimental setup

The tools used to set up testbed for experiments include Netbeans IDE 8.2, CloudSim 3.0, WorkflowSim 1.0, Java SDK 8, and Microsoft Azure. WorkflowSim extends the features of CloudSim that facilitates to simulate cloud environment by creating datacenters, hosts, VMs, cloudlets, etc. This has been used to collect the resource usage requirements of scientific applications. Further, four heterogeneous virtual machines are created on cloud platform for parallel execution of application. The performance of proposed resource prediction model has been validated on actual cloud environment. The characteristics of the VMs are mentioned in Table 6 which clearly indicates that all the four VMs have different configuration which creates a distributed environment for deploying applications. There are four different sizes of Floodplain application namely flood10, flood20, flood30 and flood50, which vary in number of jobs. The resource usage requirement of Floodplain application with different number of jobs like 10, 20, 30 and 50 is shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Resource usage requirement of floodplain

The proposed prediction based scheduling approach has been compared with the existing heuristics namely DataAware, FCFS, MaxMin, MinMin and MCT on the basis of execution time and cost. The results are also validated on the basis of SLA violation rate and the comparative analysis is shown between proposed and existing scheduling approaches.

6 Discussion: results and limitations

6.1 Results: RPS for floodplain

The proposed RPS approach has been executed and tested on Microsoft Azure Cloud by incorporating Azure Scheduler. Firstly, a resource group has been set up in cloud where VMs have been created for executing scienti c applications. Further, the jobs of scientific applications have been uploaded in scheduler job collections directory for execution. Finally, the resources are scheduled efficiently to the application for further processing as discussed in Algorithm 2.

The proposed prediction based scheduling approach has been compared with the existing heuristics namely DataAware, FCFS, MaxMin, MinMin and MCT on the basis of execution time and cost. The results are also validated on the basis of SLA violation rate and the comparative analysis is shown between proposed and existing scheduling approaches.

6.1.1 Case 1: Execution time

The performance of proposed scheduling approach has been analysed for floodplain application with 10, 20, 30 and 50 jobs where every single job can comprise of hundred to thousand tasks. It is evident from Fig. 3 that the proposed scheduling approach has minimal execution time (20.65 ms) for flood application with 10 jobs, whereas Max–Min has the maximal execution time of (68.65 ms).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Execution time comparison of existing and proposed scheduling approach

The performance of proposed approach is also verified by incrementing the size of application to 20, 30 and 50 jobs. The proposed approach obtains the least execution time of (32.106 ms) for 20 jobs, while FCFS attains the highest execution time (73.68 ms). Similarly, for 30 and 50 jobs the proposed approach has lowest execution time (48.84 ms) and (62.719 ms), wherein MCT and Max–Min gives the highest execution time (91.36 ms) and (109.53 ms), respectively. The experimental results shown in Fig. 3 clearly states that the execution time taken by the proposed prediction based scheduling approach are far less than the execution time taken by existing scheduling approaches.

6.1.2 Case 2: Cost

With every action during the application execution there is a cost associated with it, for instance-cost for execution, resource usage and data transfer. The cost incurred by existing and proposed approaches is depicted through Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Cost comparison of existing and proposed scheduling approach

The proposed approach obtained the cost of 98.87 INR for executing flood application with 10 jobs which is least amongst existing approaches, whereas Max–Min scheduling approach incurred highest cost of 328.71 INR. Similarly, the cost incurred by proposed RPS approach for 20, 30 and 50 jobs is 153.73 INR, 233.85 INR and 300.31 INR respectively. On the contrary, FCFS attained the maximum cost of 352.80 INR for flood application with 20 jobs, MCT incurred highest expense of 437.45 INR for flood application with 30 jobs and Max–Min obtained the cost of 524.45 INR for flood application with 50 jobs, respectively. It is apparent that for all the different sizes of application the proposed approach has least execution cost, therefore the proposed RPS approach is better in comparison to existing scheduling heuristics.

6.1.3 Case 3: SLA violation rate

It is very important that there should be minimal violation of SLAs so that cloud providers are able to retain their users. Another major goal of the proposed approach was to reduce the SLA violation. FCFS has the highest SLA violation rate of 8.21%, followed by DataAware and MCT with 6.04% and 2.19%. The MaxMin and MinMin have very minute difference between SLA violation, the former attained 1.92% while the latter obtained 1.13%. The proposed approach has 0.74% of SLA violation rate, which is least amongst existing scheduling approaches.

The graphical representation of the above mentioned results is depicted using Fig. 5. It can be clearly seen that the proposed approach has the minimum rate of SLA violation. Therefore, the proposed prediction based scheduling approach is better than the existing approaches.

Fig. 5
figure 5

SLA violation rate comparison of existing and proposed scheduling approach

6.2 Limitations

Various aspects of scientific application execution such as scalability, band-width usage, response time, etc. have not been taken into consideration. These aspects can help in improving the accuracy rate, reducing the response time and enhance the scheduling efficiency. In future, the proposed prediction approach can be extended for predicting anomalies, peak resource usage period for improving the scheduling, load balancing and resource scaling.

7 Conclusion

This research work presented the case study of scientific application "Floodplain" considered for validating the proposed approach in the actual cloud environment. It elaborated the characteristics chosen through the feature selection approach and discusses a cloud test bed that was set up for testing and validating the proposed approach using the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The results of proposed prediction based scheduling approach are validated for floodplain scientific application along with existing scheduling heuristics. The proposed RPS approach outperforms the existing approaches in terms of execution time, cost and SLA violation rate.