1 Introduction

A wireless mesh network (WMN) consists of mesh routers and mesh clients (Fig. 1). This network is organized in a three-level architecture, including application, infrastructure and Internet. Mesh routers are usually immobile nodes without power constraint that form a multi-hop wireless infrastructure between mesh clients and Internet gateways. Each mesh router not only operates as a host but also as a router, forwards data packets on behalf of other mesh nodes that may not be within direct wireless transmission range of their destinations [1, 2]. The issue of interference reduction in MRMC WMNs is typically dealt with by developing a channel assignment strategy which effectively specifies the most appropriate channel-radio associations. However, channel assignment brings about its own complications; in effect, an additional constraint ought to be satisfied for network connectivity in MCMR WMNs as compared to the conventional wireless networks; more specifically, two nodes are considered neighbors only if: (1) they are located within the transmission range of each other and; (2) there exists a common channel assigned to the radios of both nodes [3, 4]. To increase the capacity and performance of WMNs, mesh routers can be equipped with multiple radios, each tuned on a different channel. Additionally, each mesh router is equipped with a control radio interface to exchange control packets in the network. Using the control radio interface separates the network traffic and also speeds up packet processing in the mesh nodes [5]. Due to the limited number of channels supported by radios, network performance is highly impacted by frequency interferences [6]. Hence, it is necessary to propose an appropriate channel selection scheme to minimize interference and congestion, thereby reducing packet loss and delay.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The infrastructure of MRMC WMN

Gateway nodes are routers with additional features such as higher buffer size, wired and wireless interfaces, etc. Gateway nodes usually are directly connected to a wired network. In many applications, most of the traffic load is conducted to the gateway nodes. Therefore, traffic aggregation occurs on paths leading to the gateway nodes and causes congestion. One of the most important considerations is selecting proper gateway in these networks and sending traffic to them [1, 7]. Proper gateway selection has a considerable impact on the WMN efficiency and robustness. In this paper, the proposed LA based gateway selection algorithm (LAGS) selects the gateway nodes based on their performance impact on network traffic and controls which gateway nodes the traffic should be sent to. The proposed method selects the gateway nodes by LA in a distributed fashion on each mesh router. In addition, LAGS selects the proper channel based on LA by determining the most appropriate channel-radio associations. Therefore, LAGS decreases interference and improves efficiency which results in desirable utilization of network capacity. Existence of two approaches, gateway selection in each router on the network layer and channel assignment in each radio on the MAC layer, is according to cross-layer concept. Since the joint gateway selection and channel assignment problem is known as NP-hard, use of operation research (OR) methods is not efficient for high dimensions of the given problem in polynomial time order; therefore it is reasonable to apply LA converging to sub-optimal solution.

This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, the prior art gateway selection methods in the wireless networks are surveyed. The theory of LA along with its interaction with the stochastic environment is briefly reviewed in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, the proposed algorithm for solving gateway selection and channel assignment sub-problems are described in separate phases. In Sect. 5, performance of the proposed method is evaluated by the OMNET simulator and the experimental results are compared with other methods. Section 6 presents the conclusion of the paper.

2 Literature review

To date a number of studies [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] have been done on gateway selection in WMNs. However, they have not considered MRMC architecture which is one of the promising methods for improving performance. Therefore, these studies are not compared with the method proposed in this paper. Some studies [16] have just considered the distance to gateway nodes which leads to performance reduction and the traffic load being unbalanced among gateway nodes as some gateway nodes have low load and others experience overload and congestion states. Hop count metric is not a desirable choice as it might be a shorter path between the source node and gateway node that have high interference and high packet loss. In [11] a centralized gateway selection algorithm with a proactive approach in single-radio single-channel (SRSC) multi-hop wireless networks was introduced. In this study, wireless hosts had the same hop count to gateways. Each end host selected its default gateway by a predefined cost function based on load balancing. This study not only considered traffic intensity and load balancing, but also considered wireless channel interference around the gateways. The results of this study indicated that the proposed scheme, by considering two cost functions, increases gateway throughput. Although this scheme used hop count threshold and had limited gateway selection policy to a subset of gateway nodes, it used hop count metric for gateway selection, which may cause performance reduction and the traffic load being unbalanced. Also it is clear that centralized algorithms have a lower performance than distributed algorithms due to high network overhead and low scalability and reliability. In some studies, such as [17], gateway switching occurs heuristically and in a centralized fashion; it does not switch to a better gateway and path. Besides, these studies did not utilize learning approaches which consider the previous state of the network environment for proper gateway and path selection. In [18] proposed a link-state and distributed algorithm in MRMC, multi-tier wireless mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) with a proactive approach for dynamic gateway selection in each sub-network. Obviously, hop count and interference have a trade-off. This study is trying to compromise between them. To enhance network responsibility in critical situations, gateway nodes are categorized in two classes of active and backup gateways. However, adding, removing or replacing a gateway node disrupts the network until nodes reconfigure successfully and paths converge again. In addition, by adding backup gateway nodes over time, proper sub-optimal solution cannot be achieved. This algorithm uses the network’s current situation and a plan for nodes’ future shift to calculate a ranked list of gateway nodes allocation to sub-networks. This list has been ranked according to a combination of link costs and congestion costs with inspired by enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP). On the other hand, the gateways cost is determined in this list for allocating them to sub-networks in the future. Some studies [17, 19, 20] did not take path state between the wireless routers and gateway nodes into account and only considered traffic load. Moreover, [9, 10] suggested gateway load as a metric to select the best gateway in a SRSC WMN. The aim is to achieve load balancing among different gateway nodes. Considering the gateway load as the sole metric for selecting the best route is not a good idea. In fact, there are some cases in which the gateway load is low, however, the interference and packet loss on the paths leading to the gateway is high. Some other studies [8] examined a distributed algorithm, including gateway discovery, route selection and gateway selection with a proactive approach in SRSC WMNs. Best gateway selection (BGS) algorithm presented in this study used a combination of metrics including gateway load and ETX. In addition, this study calculated a logical estimate of the interference and link quality in order to select the path to gateway nodes. However, it measured the approximate expected link quality (ELQ) just according to ETX without considering other effective parameters on the link quality. Expected transmission time (ETT) and ETX [21, 22] are routing metrics that only consider delivery ratio without concerning about interference among links. It led to load imbalance, because these metrics do not have true perception of traffic load. In [17], a two-layer heterogeneous MRMC MANET with a distributed algorithm were proposed as a solution for gateway selection according to current MLI metric. In this study, gateway current load was approximated based on previous estimates and processing traffic volume. Besides, this algorithm ensured that the hosts did not switch among the gateway nodes quickly. When a host receives an advertisement from gateway j with lower load, it can adjust gateway j as its new gateway if it uses gateway i at least for a while. Plus, j load index must be at least a predetermined threshold ΔL less than i load index. Moreover, in the aforementioned conditions, a node just switches the gateway nodes with a specific gateway-switching probability to avoid switch fluctuations among gateway nodes. As it was mentioned, although load based approaches, such as MLI, reflect gateway load, they do not reflect path states between the mobile hosts and gateways; this is one of the disadvantages of these approaches. Some studies [6, 23] on gateway selection problem only attended to load balancing and did not consider inter-channel interference and advertisements overhead. In [24], a distributed heuristic algorithm in a MRMC WMN was presented to solve the gateway access point selection problem. In this study, a cost function was presented to minimize total traffic among gateways in order to reduce congestion. Plus, to avoid interference, gateway selection and optimization of gateway placement and channel assignment algorithms were evaluated. In this scheme, a simple algorithm was used to select a number of gateway nodes; however, communication patterns in a real network and the method of using selected gateways were not considered. In particular, this study used the hop count metric and the number of under-service hosts for all gateways. These metrics do not consider the interference among different gateways and hosts traffic loads (demands) difference. In [25] a distributed heuristic algorithm with a proactive approach in MRMC WMNs was proposed for the best path and gateway selection problem which was called BP2BG. This scheme considers gateway load, ETX and interference metrics to select the best path in terms of path quality calculation and the best gateway selection with proper load index (LI). It not only distributes the traffic load among gateway nodes, but also reduces traffic passing through each gateway. However, due to only considering traffic load and inattention to distance (hop count) from the gateway nodes, it caused reduced total network performance. In some studies such as [23] proposed a distributed meta-heuristic method in MRMC WMNs for solving the gateway placement problem and load balancing. This study presented a genetic algorithm to divide WMN into limited-to-the radius clusters, under relay load and cluster size constraints. It maintains service quality parameters such as delay and bandwidth. Within each cluster, the cluster head serves as a gateway. A spanning tree rooted at the gateway is used for traffic forwarding. Each node is associated with a tree and can be connected to another tree as an alternative path in case of path failure. This study utilized the local traffic pattern to make a compromise between path length and available bandwidth (λ); as each node sends data only to neighbor gateways within a fixed radius independent of network size. In [6] proposed a distributed meta-heuristic algorithm with a proactive approach in MRMC WMNs which is called RLBPR problem. The RLBPR algorithm learns a proper gateway selection and routing policy depending on various optimization metrics such as packet loss ratio, interference and gateway load. This method was inspired from BP2BG [25] and learns the best neighbor and best gateway for sending incoming data packets to them by gateway selection and next hop selection algorithms as well as a learning agent in each router. In [26] presented the conflict graph (CG) concept for channel assignment problems in a multi-radio infrastructure and used it to model the interference among mesh routers. In this scheme, a multi-radio conflict graph (MCG) forms based on interference among links, then channels were initially assigned to radios greedily via breadth-first search (BFS). The search begins with links emanating from the gateway node by giving channel assignment priority to links starting from the gateway and then in decreasing levels of priority to links fanning outward towards the edge of the network. It is the first algorithm that has considered inter-flow interference. Recently, a cross-layer concept optimization framework has been proposed for joint channel assignment and multicast throughput maximization in MCMR WMNs. The proposed method is composed of two phases; in the first phase, using Cellular LA, channels were assigned to the links established between the radios of the nodes in a distributed fashion such that the minimal interference coefficient for each link was provided. Then, the resultant channel assignment scheme was utilized in the second phase for throughput maximization within an iterative optimization framework based on Lagrange relaxation and primal problem decomposition [27]. In [28] proposed a distributed load balancing algorithm in WMNs to achieve load balancing on gateway nodes which was called LALB. This study uses LA in order to select the appropriate gateway node to send traffic. The strategy of this paper is to associate nodes with a particular gateway, therefore a domain of nearest gateways will be created for each router. Every time that a router wants to send data, it will choose a gateway from its domain by using its LA to send data. In general, the proposed algorithm associates each router with a domain of its nearest gateways. This paper does not utilize routing metrics and just uses the hop count metric for domain creation and gateway selection that is not an exhaustive metric. By using the hop count metric, the routers have to send data packets only to a few particular gateways in their domain; whereas the situation of farther gateways in the moment would be better than gateways inside the domain. It is also possible that a few routers just add a gateway into its domain which its selection probability is always one. In addition, authors in this paper have not considered MRMC architecture which is one of the promising methods for improving performance. While in our method, first, each node located inside the broadcasting area, by having multiple radios, receives gateways advertisements. Then, it tries to select the most proper gateway among all gateways in terms of gateway LI and routing metrics by its LA.

The proposed LAGS method presented a distributed meta-heuristic algorithm in a MRMC WMN. The LAGS performs proper gateway selection on each router and proper channel assignment on each radio interface based on LA in a cross-layer manner. Contrary to the existing methods, these two sub-problems will be solved conjointly. The LAGS uses a scheme in flooding to reduce network overhead in proactive approach which broadcasts gateway advertisements in the form of a bounded broadcasting area by gateway nodes centrality. The LAGS models interference among all neighbor frequency channels and studies the state of the path to the selected gateway.

3 Theory of learning automata (LA)

The main capability of WMNs is developing in dynamic and unknown environments resulting in their features to change over time. Changes in many of these features, such as link quality, topology, power consumption, radio resources allocation and traffic patterns, can affect network performance. LA can be used in dynamic environments for correct behavior learning and as one of the soft computing tools in various contexts, such as WMNs, that lead to substantial improvements in network performance [29]. LA is a machine that can perform a finite number of actions. Every selected action is evaluated by a stochastic environment. Then the environment responds to LA as a signal. LA utilizes this signal and selects its action for the next step. During this process, LA learns how to select the appropriate action from among its actions [30]. It does not require prior knowledge of network traffic and does not require complex analysis of the network during the learning phase. Moreover, each LA needs to keep just one action probability vector (APV) which indicates its lower memory demands. Figure 2 shows the interaction between LA and environment.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Interaction between LA and environment [29]

The LA can be classified into fixed structure (FSLA) and variable structure (VSLA) groups. In the FSLA, the transition and the output functions are time invariant. On the other hand, In the first group different actions probability is fixed but in the last group, actions probability updates in each iteration of the algorithm [31]. Stochastic learning automata (SLA) can be shown by five tuple \( SLA \equiv \left\{ {\alpha , \beta , P, L, C} \right\} \) in which \( \alpha \equiv \left\{ {\alpha_{1} , \alpha_{2} , \ldots ,\alpha_{r} } \right\} \) is a set of environment inputs, \( \beta \equiv \left\{ {\beta_{1} , \beta_{2} , \ldots ,\beta_{r} } \right\} \) is a set of environment outputs, \( p \equiv \left\{ {p_{1} ,p_{2} , \ldots , p_{r} } \right\} \) is the APV, \( p(t + 1) = L[\alpha (t), \beta (t), p(t)] \) is a linear function of the learning algorithm that t is time and \( c \equiv \left\{ {c_{1} , c_{2} , \ldots ,c_{r} } \right\} \) is a set of LA output actions penalty probabilities. The main idea of all learning algorithms is: if for the n-th repetition of SLA, \( a_{i} \) action is selected and a desirable signal is received from the environment, then \( P_{i} (t) \) probability increases and other actions probability decreases. In the case of receiving an undesirable signal, \( P_{i} (t) \) probability decreases and other actions probability increases. The general learning algorithm is given by:

  • Upon receiving desirable signal from the environment:

    $$ \begin{aligned} P_{i} (t + 1) &= P_{i} (t) + \alpha [1 - P_{i} (t)] \\ P_{j} (t + 1) &= (1 - \alpha )P_{j} (t) ;\quad \forall_{j} ;\;j \ne i \\ \end{aligned} $$
  • Upon receiving undesirable signal from the environment:

    $$ \begin{aligned} P_{i} (t + 1) &= (1 - b)P_{i} (t) \\ P_{j} (t + 1) &= \frac{b}{r - 1} + (1 - b)P_{j} (t); \quad \forall_{j} ;\;j \ne i \\ \end{aligned} $$

In Eqs. (1) and (2), a, b and r denote reward and penalty parameters and the number of actions, respectively. According to different values that are considered for a and b parameters, different algorithms are achieved. If a = b, linear reward-penalty (\( L_{RP} \)) algorithm is achieved. If b ≪ a, linear reward-ε-penalty (\( L_{R\varepsilon P} \)) algorithm is obtained. If b = 0, algorithm is called linear reward-inaction (\( L_{RI} \)) [32, 33].

4 The proposed method

In the proposed method, WMN backbone is modeled as a topology graph G = (V, E). V is a set of mesh routers, Vr, Vg ∈ V, and E is a set of radio links. Each mesh router in V is equipped with multiple radios. Each radio interface can be tuned on an available channel at the same time. In addition, every node in Vr and each radio interface is equipped with one LA. There are gateway nodes in V as Vg which provide connection to the Internet. The problem is how to select the proper gateway and channel assignment based on LA conjointly.

4.1 Preliminaries and assumptions

In what follows, the gateway advertisement packet (GWA) structure and effective metrics in gateway selection, such as LI and airtime, will be discussed in separate sections.

4.1.1 Customized advertisement packet

The proposed algorithm uses the zone creation (ZC), GWA, data, and gateway reply (GWR) packets. By using ZC packet, the broadcasting area is formed and the depth of gateway advertisements sending is limited. The GWA packet is a gateway advertisement that each gateway broadcasts to area routers periodically in defined intervals to reduce network overhead and effort for reducing frequent gateway switching. GWA is applied to gateway discovery in broadcasting area routers and is used as a feedback of gateway and network state. Besides, this packet updates routing metric and traveled path in the routing table of the different routers. GWR packet is a gateway reply in response to receiving the data packet. The GWA packet format of the proposed method is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Gateway advertisement packet

GWA fields include: (1) \( GW No. \) field is a gateway number, (2) \( GW Seq.No. \) field is the sequence number of n-th advertisement packet sent by this gateway, (3) \( Load Index_{i} \) field is LI of gateway i, (4) \( Airtime Metric_{i} \) field is the best traveled path airtime metric for all GWAs from gateway i to the intended router, (5) \( Hop Metric_{i} \) field is the number of hops from gateway i to the intended router, (6) \( Router Seq.No. \) field is the relay router sequence number of GWA, and (7) \( Radio No. \) field is the radio number the GWA is received from.

4.1.2 Effective metrics in the gateway selection

In order to quantify the gateway load amount, the LI parameter is defined by Eq. (3).

$$ LI_{i} = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k \in N} \beta k_{i} \times T_{k} }}{{C_{i} }} = \frac{{T_{i} }}{{C_{i} }} $$

where \( LI_{i} \), factor \( \beta k_{i} \), \( T_{k} \), \( T_{i} \), \( C_{i} \) indicates the LI of the gateway i, a fraction of k-th node’s traffic that is sent by gateway i-th to the Internet, generated total traffic by node k, the total traffic of gateway i, and the capacity or bandwidth of gateway i Backhaul links, respectively. The LI value is in interval [0, 1] where 1 indicates 100% loaded gateway [28].

The airtime metric estimates the amount of channel resources consumption as a function of loss rate and bandwidth which is defined by Eq. (4).

$$ C_{a} = \left[ {O_{ca} + O_{P} + \frac{{B_{t} }}{w} } \right] \frac{1}{{1 - e_{pt} }} $$

Here \( O_{ca} \), \( O_{P} \) and \( B_{t} \) denote the channel access overhead, the protocol overhead and the number of bits in a test frame, respectively. Parameters w and \( e_{pt} \) are the bit rate in terms of Mbit/s and the frame error for the test frame size \( B_{t} \), respectively [34].

4.2 LAGS: learning automata based gateway selection algorithm

The proposed method utilizes the proactive flooding mechanism. To reduce overhead, LAGS calculate the depth of the broadcasting area in the form of a zone with gateway nodes centrally. Then mesh routers of this area in the gateway discovery phase insert the discovered gateway nodes to its routing table; thereafter routers by using its LA, select the proper gateway and send data packets on the radio which has received the best selected gateway advertisement from it according to the hop by hop routing protocol with the defined destination. Each radio, upon receiving a data packet with a defined destination selects the proper channel by its LA; then sends the data packet to the next hop router. The next hop router receives the data packet with the defined gateway destination; then according to its routing table forwards the data packet on one of its radios that has realized which next hop is the most appropriate for this destination. This process repeats in each router until the data packet reaches the considered gateway. Finally, the source router surveys received feedback from the gateway and routing metrics; in case the selected gateway is the proper gateway, the proposed algorithm rewards the gateway by LA, and increases the corresponding act selection probability with the selected gateway in APV for the next step; otherwise it will penalize the corresponding act and reduce its selection probability. In what follows, all the phases will be discussed.

4.2.1 Network connectivity graph (NCG) formation and initial channels assignment phase

While channel assignment is an efficient method for network communication in WMNs, two important issues should be considered at the same time in such a network implementation. The first is to locate the neighboring nodes within the transmission range of each other and make a clean and utilizable connection, and the second is the existence of a common channel assigned to the radios of both nodes [35]. In this phase, at first by transmission range of routers, connectivity links among the same range of routers in the network are established. First, radio interfaces of mesh routers are tuned on different channels temporarily by BFS [26]. In fact, the initial channels are assigned to the links. Then LAGS algorithm selects the proper channels for radio interfaces by each radio LA. Thereafter, the network connectivity graph (NCG) is formed and according to it, MCG is constructed. The purpose of the channel assignment phase is effort to increase the difference of the same range of channels number based on the number of considered standard channels.

4.2.2 Broadcasting area construction phase

In this phase, by setting up time-to-live (TTL) parameter in gateways ZC packet with values of 1 to n hops, an area of routers is constructed with gateway nodes centrally. In fact, until the packet is alive, it reaches the special routers and each router by receiving ZC, minus 1 unit from the TTL, sets its D flag to 1 as a sign of membership in the broadcasting area. Of course, 1 and n hops setting for TTL is passed up because of preventing the negative effects of the proactive approach (Fig. 4).

figure a
Fig. 4
figure 4

Block diagram of the LAGS algorithm. a The initial channel assignment and b broadcasting area construction

4.2.3 Gateway discovery phase in broadcasting area routers

In this phase, each gateway node broadcasts the GWA packet in the created area periodically every t seconds. The GWA includes updated information on the gateway and route states. GWA fields are filled by the intended gateway as follows: \( GW No. \) field equal to its gateway number,\( GW Seq.No. \) equal to GWA sequence number, \( Load Index_{i } \) field equal to its gateway LI, and \( Airtime Metric_{i} \), \( Hop Metric_{i} \), \( Router Seq.No., Radio No. \) fields equal to zero.

Thereafter, the broadcasting area routers create an entry in the routing table and store the necessary information if there is not any entry for the intended gateway after receiving the GWA. However, in the case of existing entries, if the received GWA is from a different neighboring router or brings a better routing metric, the routers update the intended gateway entry. Then each router updates the GWA fields of each gateway and rebroadcasts the updated GWAs to the neighboring routers within the area. Subsequently, the LA of each router that has received a GWA forms its APV by the number of discovered gateways and determines the initial probability of each gateway’s corresponding action in this vector. In the proposed method, the initial probability of all actions in APV is equal (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Block diagram of the gateway discovery phase

4.2.4 Gateway selection phase

Once all routers located in the broadcasting area receive a GWA from each gateway, gateway discovery is performed. Then the APV of each area’s router is formed. Every time data exists in a router for sending, the proposed algorithm selects the proper gateway through generating a random number in the interval [0, 1] and matches it with the APV members’ probability. Then the router sends the data packets that contain the source node and destination gateway fields according to its routing table to the best next hop (the best radio). This next hop has been recognized based on better airtime metric when receiving the selected gateway’s GWAs. At the next hop, the forwarding operation is repeated again according to the routing table until the data packet reaches the intended destination gateway. Then the gateway sends the GWR reply packet to the source router through the incoming path unicast-based. Each router upon receiving a GWA from the gateway at a specific time interval, as feedback from the network, updates its APV and routing table by the learning algorithm. When the selected gateway is proper its selection probability in APV increases based on the learning algorithm; otherwise, its selection probability decreases. Therefore, over time the proper gateway selection probability increases and the probability of other gateways selection in APV correspondingly decreases. Each router upon receiving a GWA that contains gateway LI and airtime metrics, as feedback from the gateway and network states, rewards and penalizes the selected gateway node’s corresponding action by the learning algorithm as follows.

Whenever gateway LI (as \( \beta_{i} (t) \)) is less than P1 of the average LI of other gateways within APV, it is rewarded by \( 3\alpha \) parameter (desirable signal). Reward and penalty parameters are calculated by Eqs. (5) and (6). If the LI is more than P1 and less than P2 of the average LI of other gateways, the selected action is rewarded by Eq. (7). If the LI is more than P2 and less than 100% of the average LI of other gateways, the selected action is penalized by Eq. (8) (undesirable signal). Finally, if LI is more than 100% of the average LI of other gateways, the selected action is penalized by \( 3b \) (Fig. 6).

$$ a = \delta + \frac{{LI_{i + } \frac{{(MaxAirtime - Airtime_{i} ) - L}}{U - L}}}{{MaxLI + \frac{MaxAirtime - L}{U - L}}} \to \theta $$
$$ b = \delta + \frac{{(AvgLI - LI_{i} ) + \frac{{Airtime_{i} - L}}{U - L}}}{{AvgLI + \frac{MaxAirtime - L}{U - L}}} \to \theta $$
$$ V_{Reward} = \left( {1 + \frac{{1 - \frac{{LI_{i} }}{AvgLI}}}{{(p_{2} - p_{1} )}}} \right)\alpha $$
$$ V_{Penalty} = \left( {1 + \frac{{\frac{{LI_{i} }}{AvgLI} - 1}}{{(1 - p_{2} )}}} \right)b $$

The \( LI_{i} \) parameter refers to the LI in the gateway node that a GWA is received from. \( Airtime_{i} \) is the calculated airtime metric from gateway i to the router. MaxAirtime is the maximum value of airtime routing metric from the GWA receiving router to the furthest gateway. By calculated hop count metric in each GWA, the MaxAirtime is calculated. AvgLI is the average LI of other discovered gateway nodes within the routing table of the router. MaxLI is the highest LI among discovered gateway nodes for the router. The rationale behind the use of \( \delta \) and \( \theta \) is intuitive. \( \delta \) parameter indicate the minimum acceptable values for reward (a) and penalty (b) parameters, respectively. \( \theta \) parameter are selected as the reward (a) and penalty (b) parameters’ value is not greater than a certain threshold. \( LI \) and \( Airtime \) metrics have different measurement units; therefore, L and U parameters are defined for the alignment of these metrics measurement units. The L and U parameters are lower and upper limits of the considered metric, respectively.

figure b
Fig. 6
figure 6

Block diagram of the gateway selection phase

4.2.5 Channel assignment phase

Channel assignment in MRMC WMNs is the assignment of channels or radio frequencies to radio interfaces of each mesh router, as it uses most radio frequencies efficiently and minimizes the radio frequencies’ interference. By considering the dynamic states of WMNs, it seems impossible to access some quite non-overlapping (orthogonal) channels constantly. Therefore, whatever the rate of variation and convergence towards non-overlapping channels is higher, the algorithm will be more efficient. To achieve improved efficiency, the proposed method uses LA in each radio for proper channel selection. The main advantage of LA in this algorithm is high flexibility in reaching sub-optimal solutions. LAGS algorithm selects channels with the least interference by considering the aforementioned cases and using the local information of each node. As a result, inter-channel interference and end-to-end delay reduces significantly and PDR increases. In IEEE 802.11g, there are 13 available channels among which four channels are orthogonal. Channels that have less than four-channel separation with only 20 MHz separation are referred to as partially overlapped channels and could be very useful for interference reduction. Efficient utilization of partially overlapping channels allows significant enhancement in parallel transmissions and overall network throughput [36]. To formulate the channel assignment sub-problem \( u \), \( I(u) \), \( R_{T} \), \( R_{I} \), \( d(u,v) \), \( e_{i} \), \( k \), \( e_{k} \), and \( Int(e_{i} ) \) denote the mesh router, number of mesh routers radios, transmission range, interference range, distance between u and v nodes, selected channel on the intended radio, number of interferer links with the intended link selected channel in MCG, interferer channels (overlapping channels) number with selected channel, and the most interference percentage on the selected channel \( e_{i} \), respectively. MCG is utilized to check inter-channel interference. Channels interference percentage is calculated according to the channels correlation coefficient formulation in the first part of Algorithm 3 (Fig. 7).

figure c
Fig. 7
figure 7

Block diagram of the channels correlation coefficient and proper channel selection

MCG shows some links have interference with the intended radio link. The correlation between any two channels is known for all possible channel separations, as depicted in Fig. 8. For example, the separation between channels 1 and 3 is 2. Thus, the correlation coefficient between them equals 0.5267 [37]. The separation between each interferer link channel number and the intended radio selected channel number in MCG is calculated. Based on the minimum difference value, the correlation coefficient in the selected channel and same range neighbor channels is determined. Then the interferer link with the least difference value is considered for determining reward and penalty. Selected initial probability for each channel in APV is considered equal. The learning algorithm rewards and penalizes selected channel action in APV according to Fig. 8. If the channel separation between two interferer links is 2 and less, the selected channel action is penalized; and if the channel separation equals 3 and more, the selected channel action is rewarded. There is not any inter-channel interference for the channel separation 4 and 5.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Channel correlation coefficient versus channel separation for the thirteen-channel 802.11g [37]

Each channel is penalized to the value of the determined interference percentage and this penalty is apportioned among all other channels as a reward. For rewarding, the selected channel probability is deduced from the other channels probability and added to the selected channel. Channels with more probability receive more reward. Reward and penalty is calculated by Eqs. (9) and (10) in which b denotes the interference percentage.

$$ \begin{aligned} P_{i} (t + 1) &= P_{i} (t) + a \cdot \mathop \sum \limits_{{i \notin \left\{ {1 \le k \le 13} \right\}}} P_{k} (t) \\ P_{j} (t + 1) &= (1 - a)P_{j} (t)\quad \forall j, j \ne i\quad 0 < a < 1 \\ \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} P_{i} (t + 1) &= (1 - b)P_{i} (t) \\ P_{j} (t + 1) &= P_{j} + \frac{{(1 - b)P_{i} (t)P_{j} (t)}}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{{i \notin \left\{ {1 \le k \le 13} \right\}}} P_{k} (t)}}\quad \forall j, j \ne i\quad 0 < b < 1 \\ \end{aligned} $$

5 Performance evaluation

In this study, the OMNET++ [38] open source simulator and INETMANET framework were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed LAGS algorithm. The obtained results compared with other protocols, such as NGW [24, 34, 39, 40], ETX [8, 34], BP2BG [25], MLI [6, 25, 39], and RLBPR [6]. Experimental results demonstrate that LAGS improved PDR, throughput, and efficient utilization of network capacity compared with the aforementioned protocols. Also LAGS provided a smaller number of GWA which led to lower overhead, resulting in average end-to-end delay decreases in network. PDR is the ratio of data packets being successfully received by the mesh gateways versus data packets being sent by the all mesh routers. Network throughput represents the total number of bits that are correctly sent by each one of nodes in the WMN during a second in kilo bit per second (Kbps). Control messages overhead is the ratio of bytes sent by the mesh routers as control messages versus all bytes sent by the mesh routers which contain data packets and control messages. Average end-to-end delay represents the average delay for sending constant bit rate (CBR) packets from source nodes to GWs.

Table 1 shows the simulation environment initial settings. This study attempted to apply identical settings and the same topology for all protocols in experiments to metrics measurement, so as to make the comparison quite fair. No hypothesis was considered on the network topology and all distributions were normal. The LA type used in this paper was \( L_{R\varepsilon P } \) and the model of automata interacting environment was the S model which sent the reinforcement signal as a random variable in the interval [0, 1]. Empirically, in the learning algorithm in Eqs. (5) and (6) the \( \delta \) and \( \theta \) parameters were considered 0.1 and 0.15 [28], and P1 and P2 in Eqs. (7) and (8) have been set to 0.45 and 0.75, respectively.

Table 1 The LAGS simulation parameters

Experimentally, in the present study the depth of the broadcasting area is considered 4 hops as TTL parameter; that is, different TTL were set, and TTL = 4 indicated the best results. We choose IEEE 802.11g for our simulations since it is widely accepted radio technique and is commonly used. Besides, it has longer transmission range for WMNs (compared to IEEE 802.11a/b) [5, 36, 41,42,43,44].

In Fig. 9PDR versus the number of mesh routers is compared for the given algorithms. It is evident that the LAGS algorithm increased PDR 17.66% more than RLBPR, the best studied algorithm. This result indicates that LAGS leads to low collision in radio channels and proper routing between routers and gateways. The main reason for this improvement is utilizing LA to select one of the gateway nodes to receive data from the router. The LAGS mechanism selecting the most appropriate gateway led to decreasing control messages’ shift distance and the number of control messages.

Fig. 9
figure 9

PDR versus number of mesh routers

In Fig. 10, the volume of control messages that are necessary to be passed between gateways and routers in order to different algorithms can present their intended service are measured. Low control messages overhead enables the algorithm to use network capacities properly; therefore, network efficiency to data transfer increases. It is clear that one of the major challenges is to achieve a suitable balance between control messages’ volume and providing the appropriate service in the network. This study aimed to address this problem, and it was successful. LAGS could obtain the lowest control messages overhead for each number of gateway nodes; i.e., it improved control messages overhead 6.34% more than RLBPR which was better than the others for reducing network overhead.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Control messages overhead versus the number of gateway nodes

In Fig. 11, the effect of routers’ number on throughput among different algorithms is compared. In a definite traffic load, each router’s throughput is affected by the number of waiting packets in the queue and neighbors’ readiness for receiving packets from that router. The upper limit of this metric is equal to the throughput of each router which can change by its neighbors’ numbers and radio interference rate. The LAGS algorithm is able to provide a higher throughput for router nodes in spite of using higher control overhead compared to some other algorithms. This was due to proper routes’ selection and load balancing among different gateways and thus using the maximum capacity of router nodes. Dynamically proper channel selection by LA caused channels-switching diversity. It has a positive impact on the likely collision rate, resulting in an increase in the routers’ total throughput. As the graphs show, LAGS not only increase throughput 5.36% more than RLBPR, but also has a significant difference with other disscussed algorithms. A general rule in WMNs demonstrates that by increasing the number of mesh routers to 50 and more, the traffic and the network load would be increase, therefore environmental conditions of the network would lead to decrease in PDR and throughput which is shown in Figs. 9 and 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Throughput versus the number of mesh routers

In Fig. 12, the average delay versus network traffic load rate is studied. The growth rate of received packets’ average delay in a router in LAGS was lower than other algorithms. This reduction was 15.34% more than RLBPR, the best one of the former algorithms. In the LAGS algorithm, the dynamic manner of LA in paths switching was one of the effective factors on delay reduction. It led to load balancing among routers and thus more ability to conduct its outgoing traffic to gateway nodes.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Average delay versus traffic load rate

The time complexity of the LAGS was analyzed through studying the LA convergence, control messages overhead, and the distributed algorithm behavior on the network scale. Since LAGS acts in an iterative manner, and the iterations continue until achieving a sub-optimal solution, and also because of low convergence rate of LA, the time complexity of proposed method is high; however, compare to the involved methods, provides lower time complexity by declining control messages overhead, enhancing PDR and throughput, and balancing the load between the different gateways.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, proper gateway selection and proper channel assignment in MRMC WMNs were studied which are known as NP-hard problems. LA has a lot of applications in developing non-deterministic complex algorithms and to solve different kinds of NP problems. The proposed method utilizes LA in two phases, proper gateway selection and proper channel assignment. According to the experimental result, the proposed algorithm is able to improve PDR and network routers throughput more than other algorithms. Using the LAGS algorithm leads to improvements in PDR by decreasing inter-channel interference and, as a result, decreased traffic congestion and end-to-end delay. Moreover, utilizing LA in gateway selection and channel assignment algorithms leads to increased network flexibility against traffic changes outcomes and even likely topological changes; hence, the network can adapt itself to the new environment in any situation. Summing all these contents together indicate that LAGS as a cross-layer and distributed algorithm can increase performance and decrease interference simultaneously, thereby can be utilized as a base method for performance evaluation of different network layers.