1 Introduction

Natural language question answering is a critical artificial intelligence task that has attracted substantial attention in recent years. Question answering systems use two kinds of sources to determine an answer: unstructured text corpora [1,2,3,4,5] and knowledge bases [6,7,8,9,10]. Knowledge base question answering (KBQA) aims to determine the answer to a natural language question based on the facts available in a knowledge base(KB), such as Dbpedia [11], YAGO [12], and Freebase [13].

Because knowledge bases are large (for example, although Freebase is no longer updated, its scale is still on the order of hundreds of GB, and real-time access during model training is not feasible), traditional KBQA approaches usually adopt the following architecture: (1) named entity recognition, in which topic entities in complex questions are identified; (2) entity linking, in which the topic entity in the question is linked to a knowledge base; (3) question-specific subgraph retrieval, in which a subgraph corresponding to the question is constructed; and (4) entity scoring, in which the subgraph entities are scored and sorted. In recent years, with the development of knowledge graph embedding and representation learning, the performance of information retrieval-based (IR-based) models, which encode input questions via a question representation module and output reasoning instructions, has improved considerably. However, the performance of these IR-based models is hindered by two major challenges.

Challenge 1. A lack of supervised labels during each reasoning step. In contrast to simple questions [14], answering complex questions requires the aggregation of more information and the use of multiple-reasoning steps (such as comparison, aggregation, and sorting); as a result, complex question answering is also known as multi-hop question answering. It is well known that obtaining the subquestions of complex questions or the subanswers of the results during each reasoning step is costly when a large amount of training data is required. Min et al. [15] manually labelled 400 examples with complete supervised labels to training their model. In addition to manual data annotation, deep reinforcement learning [16,17,18] is often used to address this problem when intermediate supervised data are not available. These deep reinforcement learning methods alleviate the delayed and sparse reward problem caused by weak supervision by designing new reward functions. He et al. [19] utilized the correspondence between the state information acquired from forwards and backwards reasoning processes to alleviate the problem of weak supervision. However, for some complex questions, the intermediate distributions of forwards and backwards reasoning differ.

Challenge 2. Uninterpretable reasoning. Compared with semantic parsing-based (SP-based) methods [20,21,22], which translate natural language questions into logical form expressions that can be executed directly on knowledge graphs, the working mechanisms of IR-based methods are less interpretable. One of the core components of IR-based models is a black-box style instruction module [19, 23, 24], which uses neural networks to parse complex questions and generate a sequence of reasoning instructions. While neural networks are powerful, the black-box style of the component results in a less interpretable inference process. Obviously, it is difficult to incorporate user interactions for further improvement. In addition, there are no datasets that include multiple types of complex questions, and each question type is clearly identified to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the model.

Figure 1 shows part of the Freebase knowledge base. Two entities (dots) are connected by a relationship (line) representing a set of facts to form a triple, such as \(\langle\)United States, currency, dollar\(\rangle\). The triple can be framed as a simple question:’What is the currency of the United States?’. More complex questions can be constructed with different combinations of entities and relationships, and intermediate answers are readily available.

In this paper, to address the above challenges, we take advantage of the structured knowledge base to construct a dataset, CoSuQue, that contains multiple types of complex questions and includes all intermediate supervised labels in the inference process. We construct 9 types of questions with different combinations of logical operations to evaluate IR-based models. The impact of complete supervised labels on the training process and the performance of models in answering different questions are analysed in detail, and these experimental results contribute to explain the inference process of models. To take full advantage of the intermediate supervised labels in the CoSuQue dataset, we pretrained two models on the CoSuQue dataset and saved their parameters; then, we trained and tested these models on two public datasets, Complex WebQuestions (CWQ) [25] and WebQuestionsSP (WebQSP) [26]. The experimental results show that the convergence speed of the two models is significantly faster and the performance is also improved.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Part of the knowledge facts in Freebase. The black dots represent entities, and the lines represent relationships between entities

The contributions of this paper can be summarised as follows:

  1. 1.

    We propose a new dataset construction approach that includes steps such as query graph construction and natural language generation. The proposed approach is low cost and highly feasible. We construct a complex question answering dataset, CoSuQue, with strongly supervised labels that includes multiple types of complex questions and intermediate answers for each reasoning step.

  2. 2.

    An in-depth analysis of two typical IR-based models is performed on the proposed dataset. We analyse the impact of strongly supervised labels on model training in the context of different types of complex questions, as well as the preference of the two models for different types of complex questions. For most complex question answering systems, testing the ability of the system to answer different types of questions separately may help researchers to improve the model structure in a more targeted manner.

  3. 3.

    We propose a novel training method that uses our constructed dataset to improve model performance on other publicly available datasets. We pretrain IR-based models on the CoSuQue dataset, allowing the model to benefit from the complete supervised labels. Then, we test the model on two public complex question answering datasets, Complex WebQuestions and WebQuestionsSP. The results show that the convergence speed and accuracy of the model on the two public datasets improve after the model is pretrained on the CoSuQue dataset.

Our code and interactive demo are publicly available at https://github.com/NLPercx/CoSuQue.

2 Related work

Neural approaches for KBQA. In this paper, we focus on complex question answering over knowledge bases. In addition to traditional methods, such as defining templates and rules, KBQA solutions can be divided into two main branches: SP-based methods and IR-based methods [27]. SP-based methods analyse natural language questions and generate logical query graphs corresponding to the questions (such as SPARQL and SQL). The generated query is executed over the given knowledge base to finally arrive at the answer. Lan et al. [28] consider two types of complex questions (with constraints and with multiple relation hops.) at the same time. The constraints were added during query generation to reduce the search space of the query graph. By designing different tasks (Split, TextSpanPrediction, HeadwordIdentification, and AttachmentRelationClassification) for query graph construction [29], the prior knowledge of BERT [30] can be used to improve the semantic parsing accuracy. However, the query graph generated by the model does not match the structure of the corresponding question, which increases the noise. To solve this problem, Chen et al. [21] employed abstract query graph (AQG) to describe the query structure. Das et al. [31] proposed a case-based reasoning model, which maintains a memory module that stores questions that have been answered correctly and a reasoning module that generates logical forms by retrieving relevant cases from memory. The IR-based methods uses named entity tools to extract topic entities in the question and retrieve question-specific graphs from a set of knowledge graphs based on the topic entity. Finally, ranking algorithms are applied to select entities from the top position. To address issues with error cascades caused by the pipeline architecture, Zhang et al. [32] proposed an end-to-end variational learning algorithm that simultaneously handled uncertain topic entities and multi-hop reasoning. Yan et al. [33] identified all the paths in the subgraph that connected the topic entity to the candidate entity \(e_i\), constructed the textual form of each path by replacing nodes with entity names and edges with relational names, and concatenated the question and path as an input sample for BERT. Finally, a score \(s_i\) was calculated for each candidate entity that indicated whether \(e_i\) is the answer entity. This approach solves the problem that the model only grasps the topological structure of the knowledge graph while ignoring the textual information.

The lack of supervised data for answers at each reasoning step remains a major challenge. He et al. [19] proposed a teacher-student structure that explores in both directions, allowing the two reasoning processes to synchronize with each other at intermediate steps. Qiu et al. [17] adopted a stepwise reasoning method based on reinforcement learning and proposed a potential-based reward shaping strategy to accelerate the convergence of the training algorithm.

Knowledge graph embeddings. Some researchers have built deep architectures to embed knowledge bases and represent entities and relations as low dimensional vectors in a continuous vector space, such as TransE [34], TransH [35], TransR [36], TransD [37], LineaRE [38], and PairRE [39]. Saxena et al. [40] first used knowledge base embeddings for KBQA. They employed the pretrained model Roberta to encode complex questions as a relation vector \(e_q\). This relation vector forms a triple with the head entity \(e_h\) and tail entity \(e_t\), and the ComplEx score [41] was used to identify the answer entity. Reasoning plays a major role in question answering tasks. Ren et al. [42] proposed the Query2Box embedding-based framework, which regards first-order logical queries as geometric operations, and the resulting entity embedding is more suitable for question answering reasoning tasks. The NewLook method proposed by Liu et al. [43] used a nonlinear neural network to learn the projection operation. The cone embedding approach [44] represented entities and queries as Cartesian products of two-dimensional cones, instead of representing entities as points and questions as boxes, as performed in in Query2box.

3 Task definition

In this section, we first define knowledge bases and complex questions; then, we discuss the goal of the knowledge base question answering task. Table 1 shows the main notations used throughout this paper.

Definition 1 (Knowledge Base/Graph)

A knowledge base G consists of an entity set E, a relation set R, and a set of knowledge facts K in the form of triples, denoted as \(G = \{<h,r,t> \in K\Vert h,t \in E,r \in R \}\). The head entity, h, denotes the source entity. r represents the relation, and t is the target entity, which is also called the tail entity. A triple \(<h, r, t>\) denotes that a relationship r exists between the head entity h and tail entity t and that this relationship is directional. Consider an example in which entity h is described as character James Bond, and entity t is the actor Ian Fleming. Then, a fact in the knowledge graph can be defined as <James Bond, fictional_universe.fictional_universe.created_by, Ian Fleming>, where the corresponding r is fictional_universe.fictional_universe.created_by.

Definition 2 (Complex Question)

Questions that require multi-hop reasoning are called complex questions. Complex questions are more suitable for practical application scenarios than simple questions. For example, answering the question “Which movie was produced by Neil Moritz and starred Tupac Shakur?” requires that the model perform two-hop reasoning.

Given a question \(Q=\{q_{1}, q_{2}, q_{3}...q_{n}\}\) consisting of n words, the task is defined as determining the answer to the given question using the facts K stored in the knowledge base G. Specifically, the goal of the knowledge base question answering task is to identify the answer entities in a knowledge base. In this paper, we focus on complex question answering, and there are often multiple triples between the answer entity and the topic entity in the knowledge base; thus, a question answering model should be able to learn multi-hop reasoning from question-answer pairs.

Table 1 The important symbols and their definitions

4 Proposed approach

In this section, we first introduce the definition and construction methods of the query graph in Sect. 4.1, which can be regarded as the skeleton of the complex question. Sect. 4.2 describes how to generate the corresponding natural language questions based on the query graph. In Sect. 4.3, we introduce two models: GraftNet, a classical IR-based model, and NSM, the model that achieved the best performance on the CWQ dataset. The NSM and GraftNet models are pretrained on our constructed dataset in Sect. 4.4.

4.1 Query graph construction

Constructing question answering datasets from unstructured textual data (such as Wikipedia) is expensive, especially when the complex question answering dataset requires multi-hop supervised data labelling. In contrast to unstructured data, knowledge bases contain structured data that is composed of a series of triples. Therefore, it is easy to obtain query graphs of different topological structures composed of multiple logical operations from the knowledge base.

Complex questions include two common types of logical operations,chain and interaction, which are defined below.

  • Chain: Consider an entity e \(\in\) E, and a set of relations r \(\in\) R. We can obtain a set \(e_r\), where \({e_r} = {e^{\prime } \in E \langle e, r, e^{\prime }\rangle \in K}\).

  • Interaction: Consider an entity \(e_1\) \(\in\) E, an entity \(e_2\) \(\in\) E, and a set of relations r \(\in\) R. We can obtain two sets: \(e_{r}^1\) = {\(e^{\prime }\) \(\in\) E, \(\langle e_1\), r, \(e^{\prime }\rangle\) \(\in\) K} and \(e_{r}^2\) = {\(e^{\prime \prime }\) \(\in\) E, \(\langle e_2\), r, \(e^{\prime \prime }\rangle\) \(\in\) K} by performing chain logical operation. The interaction operator obtains \(e_{r}^1\cap e_{r}^2\).

We perform different permutations and combinations of the above two logical operations to construct 9 types of query graphs {1c, 2c, 3c, 2i, \(2i^2\), 1c2i, 2c2i, 2i1c and 2i2c}. These 9 query graphs correspond to 9 different types of natural language questions.

As shown in Fig. 2, the light blue circles represent the topic entities extracted from the question, and the blue and green circles represent the intermediate entities, which are also known as subanswers to the question. The yellow circle represents the answer entity. We refer to the topic entity as the head entity and perform a one-step chain logical operation to obtain \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}\). The one-step chain logical operation 1c can be defined with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} 1c =\{e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}} \in E, <head , r , e_{answer_{1c}}> \in K\} \end{aligned}$$

On the basis of \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}\), another chain logical operation is performed, which is called a two-step chain operation. The answer to 1c is the head entity of the second chain logical operation. 2c represents the two-step chain operation, and \(e_{answer_{2c}}\) is the target entity. The two-step chain logical operation can be defined with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned}2c =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}} \in E,<head , r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}>, \right. \\ \left. <e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}, r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}> \in K\} \right. \\ \end{aligned}$$

Moreover, 3c is obtained by adding a chain operation on the basis of 2c, and the answer to 2c is the head entity of the third chain operation. \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{3c}}\) is the target entity of 3c. The three-step chain logical operation can be defined with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 3c =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{3c}} \in E,<head , r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}>, \right. \\ \left.<e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}, r , e_{answer_{2c}}> \in K, \right. \\ \left. <e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}, r , e_{answer_{3c}}> \in K\} \right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

2i represents the one-step interaction logical operation, which selects two head entities to perform chain logical operations, yielding two entity sets, \(e_{r}^1\) and \(e_{r}^2\). The intersection of the two sets is used to obtain the final answer, namely \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i}}\) = \(e_{r}^1\cap e_{r}^2\). The one-step interaction logical operation 2i can be defined with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 2i =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i}} \in E,<head_1, r , e_{r}^1>,\right. \\ \left. <head_2, r , e_{r}^2> \in K, e_{r}^1\cap e_{r}^2 \} \right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(2i^2\) represents the two-step interaction logical operation, which uses the answer to 2i as a head entity and performs a one-step interaction operation with the other head entity \(head_3\) to determine the target entities \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i^2}}\). The two-step interaction logical operation \(2i^2\) can be defined with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 2i^2=\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i^2}} \in E,<head_1, r , e_{r}^1>, \right. \\ \left.<head_2, r , e_{r}^2> ,<e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i}}, r , e_{r}^3>,\right. \\ \left. <head_3, r , e_{r}^4> \in K, e_{r}^3\cap e_{r}^4 \} \right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Increasing the semantic complexity of natural language questions is more suitable for practical application scenarios. We combine the two logical operations, chain and interaction, to construct more types of complex questions. The type of complex question in which there is a one-step interaction operation after the one-step chain operation is denoted as 1c2i. After the chain operation is performed on the first head entity \(head_1\), the obtained subanswer is used as one of the head entities in the next interaction operation. 1c2i can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 1c2i =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c2i}} \in E,<head_1, r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}>, \right. \\ \left.<e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}, r , e_{r}^1>, <head_2, r , e_{r}^2> \in K, e_{r}^1 \cap e_{r}^2\}\right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the type of complex question in which a two-step chain operation is followed by a one-step interaction operation is denoted as 2c2i. The intermediate answers in this reasoning process include \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}\) and \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}\). \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}\) and \(head_2\) are the head entities of the interaction logical operation. 2c2i can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 2c2i =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c2i}} \in E,<head_1, r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}>, \right. \\ \left.<e_{{\text {answer}}_{1c}}, r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}>,<e_{{\text {answer}}_{2c}}, r , e_{r}^1>,\right. \\ \left. <head_2, r , e_{r}^2> \in K, e_{r}^1 \cap e_{r}^2\} \right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Next, we reverse the order of the two types of logical operations; that is, the one-step interaction operation is first performed on two head entities to obtain \(e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i}}\), and then, the one-step chain operation is performed on the obtained subanswer. This type of complex question is denoted as 2i1c. 2i1c can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} 2i1c =\left. \{e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i1c}} \in E,<head_1, r , e_{r}^1>,<head_2, r , e_{r}^2>, \right. \\ \left. <e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i}}, r , e_{{\text {answer}}_{2i1c}}> \in K\}\right. \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the intermediate answer entity of 2i goes through two-step chain operations to obtain a query graph of type 2i2c. Type 2i2c includes two intermediate answers, \(e_{answer_{2i}}\) and \(e_{answer_{2i1c}}\), and can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} 2i2c = & \left\{ {e_{{{\text{answer}}_{{2i2c}} }} \in E, < head_{1} ,r,e_{r}^{1} > , < head_{2} ,r,e_{r}^{2} > } \right., \\ & \left. { < e_{{{\text{answer}}_{{2i}} }} ,r,e_{{{\text{answer}}_{{2i1c}} }} > , < e_{{{\text{answer}}_{{2i1c}} }} ,r,e_{{{\text{answer}}_{{2i2c}} }} > \in K} \right\} \\ \end{aligned}$$

This query graph construction method has several advantages. First, the process of constructing data is efficient and has a low cost. Second, the intermediate answer (fully supervised data) of the complex reasoning process is easy to obtain and has a high accuracy rate. More importantly, the intermediate supervised data in the reasoning process are crucial for training the model, especially for complex reasoning tasks.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Query graph

4.2 Natural language question construction

The inputs to the complex question answering over knowledge bases model are natural language questions. After the various query graphs are constructed, the query graphs must be converted into the corresponding natural language questions.

For each question, we constructed a series of components, denoted as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘R’, ‘C’ and the head entity. ’A’ represents interrogative words, such as what, which, who and where. We use the Stanford CoreNLPFootnote 1 grammar tool to perform named entity recognition on the final answers to the complex questions. If the answer is a person’s name, ‘A’ chooses the word Who. If the answer is the name of an institution, a city, or a country, ‘A’ chooses among the words where, what organization and which country. ‘B’ represents linking verbs and depends on the number of final answer entities. If the number of answer entities is greater than one, ‘B’ selects a plural form, such as are or were. ‘R’ represents the relation set {\(r_1\),\(r_2\)....\(r_n\)} connected to the head entity in the query graph. If \(r_n\) contains prepositions such as {by, for, in, on, of, with}, the preposition of is not added between the relation and the head entity. The head entity is as defined in Sect. 4.1 ‘C’ is a set of pronouns or phrases that connect the answers of the interaction operations, such as that, the people who, the cities that, the organization that and in the month when. The specific form of “C” depends on the type of the answer of the interaction logical operation. For example, in the question corresponding to 2i1c in Table 2, the answer of 2i is a person’s name, then “C” selects the phrase “the people who”. Specific templates are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Rules for generating natural language questions from query graphs

4.3 Model and loss function

We chose two mainstream models, the GraftNet model [24] and the NSM model [19], to analyse and improve through the dataset constructed in this paper. The structure of the model and our improved loss function are described below.

4.3.1 GraftNet

GraftNet is a conventional model for the KBQA task that combines a knowledge base with additional text to build hierarchical graphs and perform multi-hop reasoning. In this paper, we focus on the case in which the model uses only the knowledge graph for question answering, with the goal of predicting whether an entity v in the knowledge base is the answer to question Q.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of the GraftNet model

Figure 3 shows the architecture of the GraftNet model. Each word in the natural language question \(Q=\{q_{1}, q_{2}, q_{3}...q_{n}\}\) is converted to a Glove word embedding representation and encoded by a bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) network to obtain a set of hidden states{\(h_{j}\)}\(_{j=1}^n\). The final state in the output of the LSTM is considered to be the initial representation of the question, \(h_q^{(0)}\). The question initial representation is computed as:

$$\begin{aligned} h_q^{(0)}=LSTM\left( q_1,q_2,...q_n\right) _{|n |} \end{aligned}$$

The GraftNet model updates node representations through message propagation and aggregation among entities in the knowledge graph, and the entity nodes are updated with a single-layer feedforward network (FFN) over the concatenation of three states:

$$\begin{aligned} h_v^{(l)}=FFN\left( \left[ h_v^{(l-1)};h_q^{(l-1)};{\sum _{r}}{\sum _{v^{\prime } \in N_r(v)}\alpha _r^{v^{\prime }}\varphi _r(h_{v^{\prime }}^{(l-1)})}\right] \right) \end{aligned}$$

where [;] represents vector concatenation across rows, and \(h_v^{(l-1)}\) is the representation of entity v in the previous layer. \(h_q^{(l-1)}\) corresponds to the question representation in the \((l-1)\)-th layer, which can be calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} h_q^{(l-1)}=FFN\left( \sum _{v_q \in S_q}h_{v_q}^{(l-1)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_q\) denotes the seed entities mentioned in the question. The third term in Eq. 11 aggregates the states from the entity neighbours of the current node. \(N_r(v)\) represents the entity neighbourhood, denoting the neighbours of v along edges of type r. \(\alpha _r^{v^{\prime }}\) is the attention weight of the question \(h_q^{(l-1)}\) and the set of relations connected to entity v, which can be computed as:

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _r^{v^{\prime }}={\text {softmax}}\left( x_r^Th_q^{(l-1)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

\(\varphi _r\) corresponds to relation specific transformations, and the update along a relation can be computed as:

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _r\left( h_{v^{\prime }}^{(l-1)}\right) =pr_{v^{\prime }}^{(l-1)}FFN\left( x_r,h_{v^{\prime }}^{(l-1)}\right) \end{aligned}$$

’PageRank’ scores [45] \(pr^{(l)}_v\) which calculates the total weight of paths between a seed entity and the current node, as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} pr^{(0)}_v= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{|S_{q} |}&{} if \ v \in S_q \\ 0&{} o.w. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} pr^{(l)}_v=(1-\lambda )Pr^{(l-1)}_v + \lambda {\sum _{v^{\prime } \in N_r(v)}\alpha _r^{v^{\prime }} pr_{v^{\prime }}^{(l-1)}} \end{aligned}$$

The final representations \(h_v^{(L)}\) are used for binary classification to select the answers, as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P_{v}(v \in \{a\}_q\Vert G_q,Q)=\sigma \left( W^Th_v^{(L)}+b\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma\) is the sigmoid function. The training process uses the binary cross-entropy loss over these probabilities.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{v}=-(y \cdot log P_{v} + (1-y) \cdot log (1-P_{v})) \end{aligned}$$

where y is the ground truth label, which indicates whether v is the answer entity of the question. Our constructed dataset uses supervised labels in the intermediate inference steps, and the loss function of the GraftNet model trained with strongly supervised data is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_s^\mathrm{GraftNet}=\sum _{l=1}^{L}-\left( y^l \cdot log P^l + (1-y^l) \cdot log (1-P^l)\right) \end{aligned}$$

where L is the number of layers in the model, corresponding to the maximum path length that information should be propagated in the graph.

4.3.2 NSM

The NSM model is the current best performing model on the CWQ dataset, which consists of two parts, an instruction component and a reasoning component. The output of the instruction module is used as the input to the reasoning module, which updates the entity representation in the subgraph and sorts the entities to determine the answer to the question.

The instruction component is used to analyse complex questions and generate a series of instruction vectors. As shown in Fig. 4, the input of the instruction component consists of a query embedding and an instruction vector obtained from the previous reasoning step. The question encoded by the bidirectional LSTM, a set of hidden states {\(h_{j}\)}\(_{j=1}^n\) is obtained, and the last hidden state is considered to be the question representation. The formula is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&i ^{(k)}=\sum _{j=1}^{l} \alpha ^{(k)}_j h_j \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\alpha ^{(k)}_j={\text {softmax}}_j\left( W_\alpha (q^{(k)}\odot h_j)+b_\alpha \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&q^{(k)}=W^{(k)}\left[ i^{(k-1)};q\right] +b^{(k)} \end{aligned}$$

where \(W_\alpha \in \mathbb {R}^{d \times 2d}\), \(W^{(k)} \in \mathbb {R}^{d \times d}\), \(b_\alpha \in \mathbb {R}^{d}\) and \(b^{(k)}\) are parameters to learn.

The instruction component is used to generate a series of instructions, and the reasoning component updates the representations of entity nodes in the subgraph according to these instructions. The initial entity embeddings are obtained as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} e^{(0)}=\sigma \left( \sum _{<e,r,e^{\prime }>\in N_r(e)}r \cdot {W_T}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(W_{T} \in \mathbb {R}^{d_r \times d_r}\) are the parameters to learn, and \(N_{r}(e)\) means entity neighbourhood, denoting the neighbours of e. The output of the reasoning component is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&m^{(k)}_{<e,r,e^{\prime }>}=\sigma \left( i^{(k)}\odot W_{R}r\right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\widetilde{e}^{(k)}=\sum _{<e,r,e^{\prime }>\in N_e}P_{e^{\prime }}^{(k-1)}\cdot m^{(k)}_{<e,r,e^{\prime }>} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&e^{(k)}=FFN\left( \left[ e^{(k-1)}; \widetilde{e}^{(k)}\right] \right) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&P^{(k)}={\text {softmax}}\left( E^{\left( k\right) ^T}w\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(W_{R} \in \mathbb {R}^{d_e \times d_e}\) are the parameters to learn, \(FFN(\cdot )\) is a feedforward layer and \(E^{\left( k\right) ^T}\) is a matrix in which each column vector is the embedding of an entity at the k-th step. The Kullback–Leibler divergence [46] measures the difference between two distributions. The loss on one instance is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}=D_{KL}\left( P^{\prime },P\right) \end{aligned}$$

where P denotes the final entity distribution for the forward reasoning process, and \(P^{\prime }\) denotes the ground truth entity distribution. The loss function of the NSM model trained with strongly supervised data is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_s^\mathrm{NSM}=\sum _{k=1}^{N} D_{KL}\left( {P^{\prime }}^k,P^k\right) \end{aligned}$$

where N indicates that each instance requires N reasoning steps. \({P}^k\) denotes the entity distribution of the reasoning process at the \(k_{th}\)-step, and \({P^{\prime }}^k\) denotes the ground truth entity distribution at the \(k_{th}\)-step.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Architecture of the NSM model

4.4 Model pretraining

We pretrain the KBQA models on the constructed dataset CoSuQue with strongly supervised labels, so that the model can take advantage of the complete supervised labels to accurately parse the complex semantics of the questions and reason on the question-specific subgraphs.

Since the CoSuQue dataset includes a variety of questions with varying degrees of semantic difficulty, we extract an equal amount of data from each type of question to form a new subset, referred to as ’All type’ dataset. The parameters of the model are saved to a.ckpt file after the GraftNet model and the NSM model converge on the All type dataset. For the public datasets, we load the saved model parameters before training, and test the model performance after training.

5 Experiments

In this section, we utilize the CoSuQue dataset to evaluate the impact of strongly supervised labels on the training process and analyse the preference of IR-based models for different types of questions. We pretrain the GraftNet and NSM models on the CoSuQue dataset, obtaining the \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{CoSuQue}}\) and \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model, which are then evaluated on the CWQ and WebQSP datasets.

5.1 Dataset construction and implementation details

According to in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2, a variety of complex questions and their corresponding answers can be obtained. Following the traditional architecture of the KBQA model, we retrieve the corresponding subgraphs (multiple triples) from the knowledge base (Freebase)Footnote 2according to the topic entities in the question.

As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, we calculate the statistics of each type of dataset, including the average answer coverage and the average number of triples in the subgraph. The average number of triples indicates the average number of triples \(<h , r , t>\) contained in the subgraphs of 30,000 questions. The answer coverage represents the percentage of subgraphs that contain answers to the questions.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Answer coverage

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average number of triples

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the hyperparameter settings of the two models are consistent with those of Sun et al. [24] and He et al. [19].

GraftNet. The number of layers is set to 3 (L = 3), the batch size is set to 10, and the learning rate is set to 0.001. The embedding size of both question words is set to d = 100, and the hidden dimensions of the relations and entities in the knowledge base are set to \(d_r\) = 100 and \(d_e\) = 50.

NSM. The number of reasoning steps is set to 4 (n = 4), the batch size is set to 40, and the learning rate is set to 0.00005. The embedding size of both question words is set to d = 300, and the hidden dimensions of the relations and entities in the knowledge base are set to \(d_r\) = 100 and \(d_e\) = 50.

We optimize the two models with the Adam optimizer, and the number of training epochs set to 100.

5.2 Datasets

CoSuQue The CoSuQue dataset contains ten subdatasets, including nine types of question subdatasets and one subdataset composed of multiple types of questions mixed in the same proportion, which are denoted as \(\{1c, 2c, 3c, 2i, 2i^2, 1c2i, 2c2i, 2i1c, 2i2c,and\ Alltype \}\). Each subdatasets includes 30,000 questions and is divided into a training set, a validation set and a test set according to a weight ratio of 8:1:1.

WebQuestionsSP (WebQSP) The WebQSP dataset is one of the commonly used datasets for CQA tasks. This dataset includes 4737 natural language questions that can be answered using the Freebase knowledge base.

Complex WebQuestions 1.1 (CWQ) The CWQ dataset contains 34,689 questions that can be answered using the Freebase knowledge base. This dataset was generated from the WebQuestionsSP dataset by extending the question entities or adding constraints to the answers; thus, the CWQ dataset has a significantly higher proportion of complex questions with multi-hop relations and constraint operations.

5.3 Baselines

We consider the following methods in our performance comparison.

KV-Mem [47] model maintains a memory table for retrieval, that stores KB facts as key-value pairs, with the head entity and relation stored in the key slot and the tail entity stored in the value slot.

PullNet [48] builds on GraftNet and pays more attention to utilizing an iterative process to construct question-specific subgraphs.

QGG [28] is an improved staged query graph generation method that constrains the search space by incorporating constraints into the query graph early and using beam search.

\(\mathbf { NSM_n}\) [19] is a series of ablation models with a teacher-student architecture proposed by He et al. \(\mathrm NSM_{+f}\) and \(\mathrm NSM_{+b}\) indicate that the model only uses forwards or backwards reasoning, respectively. \(\mathrm NSM_{+p}\) and \(\mathrm NSM_{+h}\) indicate that the model uses parallel or hybrid reasoning, respectively. \(\mathrm NSM_{+n,-c}\) indicates that the model removes the correspondence loss.

SGREADER [49] uses two sources of information, text and a knowledge base, and employs graph attention to achieve effective reasoning.

EmbedKGQA [40] employs Roberta to encodes complex questions as relation vectors \(e_q\) and uses the ComplEx score to determine the answer entity.

Tree2Seq [22] adopts an encoder-decoder framework that encodes the order of the entities and relationships into its representation. The decoder decodes the candidate query into the given question, and the decoding probability is used to select the best query.

BERT [33] encodes questions and paths by using the representations of special characters [CLS] for classification. \(\mathrm BERT_{n}\) are loaded with BERT model parameters that are pretrained on other binary classification tasks before training.

KRN [50] interactively calculates the similarity between question and relation representations through a Siamese network and outputs the highest-scoring path to query the answers in the knowledge base.

SF-ANN [51] uses a novel attention mechanism to capture intrinsic dependencies between questions and candidate answers by deeply coupling the complex interactive information between them.

5.4 Main results

Following the standard assessment metrics for question answering over knowledge bases tasks, we evaluate the accuracy of the approaches by using the F1 and Hits@1 (H1) metrics. Specifically, Hits@1 indicates whether the answer with the highest score is the correct answer. If the top answer predicted by the model is the correct answer, Hits@1 = 1; otherwise, Hits@1 = 0.

Tables 3 and 4 report the evaluation results of the NSM and GraftNet models on the CoSuQue dataset. Table3 shows the results of the models on different types of complex questions involving only a single type of logical operation. When the models are trained with only the last supervised labels, the resulting models are abbreviated as \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{weakly}}\) and \(\mathrm {NSM_{weakly}}\). Table 4 shows the results of the models on complex questions that combine different types of logical operations. When the two models consider questions that require only one type of logical operation, the questions that require interaction operations are often more difficult than those that require chain operations. The experimental results show that the structures of the two models may need to be improved for the interaction operations. In the majority of cases, the performance of the model gradually decreases as the semantic difficulty of the complex question increases. Among the three types of datasets 1c, 2c, and 3c, the model exhibits the worst performance on the 3c dataset. The results in Tables 3 and 4 show that, in most types, the models trained with complete supervised labels outperformed the models trained with only the last supervised labels.

Table 3 Performance comparison of models on different types of complex questions involving one type of logical operation
Table 4 Performance comparison of models on different types of complex questions combining different types of logical operations
Table 5 Experimental results obtained on the WebQSP and CWQ datasets

Table 5 reports the performance of different methods on the CWQ and WebQSP datasets. \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{+PE}}\) represents a model that used the embeddings of the entities and relations in the knowledge base that were pretrained by two methods. In this paper, we mainly compare \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{CoSuQue}}\) and GraftNet, \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) and NSM. The \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{CoSuQue}}\) model pretrained with CoSuQue outperforms GraftNet on all metrics on the CWQ and WebQSP datasets. The \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model pretrained with CoSuQue achieves better results than the above methods in terms of the Hits@1 metric on the CWQ dataset, which represents the best ability of the model to predict the best answer. The Hits@1 value of the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model on the WebQSP dataset is higher than that of the NSM model 6.8 trained for 100 epochs, and that of the NSM model 4.9 trained for 200 epochs.

The model inference performance with incomplete knowledge graphs is also important, and we conduct experiments using the sparse WebQSP dataset constructed by Sun et al. [24], which was constructed by downsampling the number of KB facts to 10%, 30%, and 50% of the original data. The experimental results are shown in Table 6 demonstrating that the performance of the \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{CoSuQue}}\) model on knowledge graphs with different degrees of sparseness is better than that of the GraftNet model. The above experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Table 6 Performance comparison with incomplete KBs of the WebQSP dataset
Fig. 7
figure 7

The training process of the NSM model on different types of question datasets

Fig. 8
figure 8

The impact of different supervised labels on NSM model training

Fig. 9
figure 9

The impact of different supervised labels on GraftNet model training

5.5 Analysis and visualization

In this section, we conduct a series of visual analysis on the training processes of the GraftNet and NSM models under different supervised labels to address different types of questions, then analyse the model inference process accordingly.

5.5.1 Preference for different types of questions

We visualize the training process of the model for different types of question data. In Fig. 7, the x-axis of each subgraph is the number of epochs, and the y-axis is the Hits@1 value of the model on the validation set.

As shown in Fig. 7a, the NSM model converges the fastest on the 1c dataset and has the best performance. The difficulty of the questions in the 3c dataset relative to 2c dataset is significantly greater than that of 2c relative to 1c. This result demonstrates that for chain-type questions, the semantic difficulty does not increase linearly with the number of reasoning steps.

5.5.2 Impact of strongly supervised labels

To explore the impact of intermediate supervised labels on model training, we visualized the training process for each type of question with and without intermediate supervised labels. The model shown in Figs. 8 and 9 that was trained with only the last supervised labels is denoted as the ‘\(\mathrm Type_{weakly}\)’.

As shown in Figs. 8a and 9a, for the simplest chain questions, such as those in 1c, the training process is more stable when each reasoning step is supervised. Except for 2i and 1c2i, the models using intermediate supervised labels outperformed the models using only the last reasoning step supervised labels on other types of datasets. Comparing the training process in Figs. 8 and 9, the figures demonstrate that when dealing with a certain type of questions, strongly supervised labels are more helpful for improving the performance of the NSM model, while improvement in the GraftNet model is relatively smaller. This result may have occurred because the GraftNet model contains a mechanism that continuously updates the question representations during the reasoning steps, while the N-step instructions in the NSM model are generated before reasoning.

When GraftNet deal with certain types of question, its performance is better than that of NSM on some types of questions, and when dealing with data mixed with multiple types of questions, the performance of GraftNet is significantly lower than that of NSM. The GraftNet model may not be as good at learning knowledge from various types of questions, as confirmed by Fig. 10a and b. The strongly supervised labels have a greater impact on GraftNet with the All type subdataset than the other subdatasets, while this effect is not as obvious with the NSM model. This finding may be due to the fact that the NSM model is more capable of gradually learning knowledge through different types of questions than the GraftNet model. The All type dataset contains 9 types of questions in equal proportions, and for questions containing the same type of logical operations, a question with fewer reasoning steps can be regarded as an intermediate reasoning process of a question requiring more reasoning steps. For example, 1c can be regarded as an intermediate reasoning process of 2c, and 1c and 2c can be regarded as intermediate reasoning processes of 3c.

5.5.3 Model comparison on the public dataset

Figure 11a and b shows the training processes of the two models on the CWQ and WebQSP datasets. The \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) and \(\mathrm {GraftNet_{CoSuQue}}\) models converged significantly faster than the NSM and GraftNet models. As shown in Fig. 11a, the pretrained model significantly outperforms the model that was not pretrained on CoSuQue. After epoch 2, the Hits@1 value of the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) reaches 40.81, while the Hits@1 value of the NSM model is 26.91 in the same training epoch.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The training processes of the NSM and GraftNet models

Fig. 11
figure 11

The training process of the two models on public datasets

Fig. 12
figure 12

Comparison of model performance on WebQSP dataset (epoch=200)

Figure 12 shows the training process of the NSM model on the WebQSP dataset with a maximum of 200 epochs. When the maximum number of epochs is 100, the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model performs better than the NSM model on both the validation and test sets. When the maximum number of epochs is 200, the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model performs comparably to the NSM model on the validation set. However, on the test set, the Hits@1 value of the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CoSuQue}}\) model is still higher than that of the NSM model. Thus, the experimental results show that the model pretrained on the CoSuQue dataset may be more generalizable.

5.5.4 Case study

The experimental results show that the strongly supervised labels of the CoSuQue dataset can accelerate the model convergence and improve the performance, and the performance of the model on the public dataset is also improved after the model is pretrained on the CoSuQue dataset. We present a case study to illustrate how the CoSuQue dataset helps models.

We select examples from the CoSuQue dataset to analyse the contribution of strongly supervised labels. Figure 13 shows the different parts of the question that the NSM model focuses on at each reasoning step, with darker squares indicating that the model focuses more on the corresponding word. From the perspective of human reasoning, a model should focus first on the “nationality of Albert Einstein” part of the question and then on the “what are time zones of” part when answering the complex question “what are time zones of nationality of Albert Einstein?”. As shown in Fig. 13a, the \(\mathrm {NSM_{weakly}}\) model focuses on the same part in the first two steps of reasoning and gradually shifts its attention to the other part in the last two steps of reasoning. Only one keyword, “of”, received high attention in the last reasoning step. As shown in Fig. 13b, the NSM model under the strong supervision condition focuses on different parts of the question in the first and second reasoning step and quickly focuses on the two keywords “of”.

To verify the effectiveness of the method of pretraining the model through the CoSuQue dataset, we selected two examples from the CWQ dataset to compare the differences between the NSM model and the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CosuQue}}\) model. Figure 14a shows the chain type of questions in the CWQ dataset. It can be found that the NSM model without pretrained focuses only on the same part of the question in the four reasoning steps, while the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CosuQue}}\) (shown in Fig. 14b) model focuses on the other part of the question in the second reasoning step. The reasoning process of the intersection type question is different from that of the chain type question, and models should address every constraint of the question in the whole reasoning process. The example in Fig. 15 is the intersection type question in the CWQ dataset. As shown in Fig. 15a, the NSM model without pretrained focuses only on one question constraint, while the \(\mathrm {NSM_{CosuQue}}\) model (shown in Fig. 15b) focuses on every constraint in a balanced way.

Fig. 13
figure 13

A case from the CoSuQue dataset

Fig. 14
figure 14

A case (chain type question) from the CWQ dataset

Fig. 15
figure 15

A case (intersection type question) from the CWQ dataset

5.5.5 Explanation of the model reasoning process

We conducted an in-depth analysis of the NSM and GraftNet models through the CoSuQue dataset and explained the reasoning processes of the two models by analysing the experimental results, which can be summarized in the following three aspects.

Comparing the model performance when handling 1c, 2c and 3c types of questions, it can be found that when the number of steps required for complex question reasoning increases, the difficulty of the model in answering questions does not increase linearly. The experimental results of models dealing with questions involving chain logic operations or interaction logic operations prove that questions that require interaction operations are typically more difficult than questions that require only chain operations.

When the GraftNet model is dealing with a single type of complex question, the use of strongly supervised labels improves the performance of the model; however, the model improvement is less than the improvement of the NSM model with strongly supervised labels, which proves that the algorithm that updates complex question representations in a step-by-step manner is beneficial for weakly supervised training. Thus, the question representation stepwise update algorithm should be considered when designing models in future work.

In the model training process, each reasoning step has a corresponding supervised label, improving the model’s inference ability for most types of complex questions. To a certain extent, it is proven that the reasoning process of these models is similar to that of humans.

6 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we propose a new dataset construction approach and a complex question answering dataset that contains complete supervised labels, and the question types are clearly divided. The proposed method is low-cost, efficient and accurate. In summary, (1) the constructed data could be used to evaluate the performance and preferences of deep learning models at a fine-grained level, which could be helpful for improving models in a more targeted manner. (2) Intermediate supervised labels in datasets could improve the robustness of model training and the model performance on most types of question datasets. (3) Models pretrained on the CoSuQue dataset perform better on other datasets.

In future work, we plan to study the following directions: (1) add more types of logic operations, such as negation logic operations, when constructing query graphs to enrich the types of complex questions in the dataset; (2) use deep learning models to transform query graphs into natural language questions to make the question expression more fluent; (3) transform the generated question and query graph into a vector space and explore using the query graph to guide model reasoning.