1 Introduction

In the world of rapid advancements in technology and Internet adoption, an increasing number of devices and exponentially growing data, recommender systems are becoming increasingly important to enable users to tackle the increasing information overload in order to make the right choices. Recommender Systems form a very useful mechanism to improve the quality and efficacy of decisions by users. Increased number of products and services, increased competition for the customer’s wallet share and mind share, focus on personalized products, services and communications to the customers have been the focus of almost all companies. There are various definitions of recommender systems (RS) in the literature and we will not attempt to go through them but make a broad statement that they provide a rating to a user-item pair. A popular categorization of recommender system techniques is into the Content-based, Collaborative Filtering based and Hybrid techniques. The differences between these methods have been covered in literature in detail [1], and we will not go into the semantics in this paper. Deep learning methods have seen increasing adoption due to the advancements in Graphical processing unit hardware that speeds up neural network training, advancements in software algorithms and the availability of automatic differentiation enabling software like PyTorch [2], MXNet [3] and TensorFlow [4]. Deep learning methods have seen huge success in structured dataset RSes like the DNNRec [5] method.

We now describe the motivation of the study. Hybrid recommender systems that combine collaborative filtering (that only looks at user-item interactions) and content-based methods (that look at user and item features) are popular as they address the cold-start problem. However, they require feature engineering that is domain-specific. Manual Feature Engineering requires domain expertise and is not scalable across domains and requires maintenance over time. The criticism of CF methods is that while they capture latent user and item features that are linear in nature, they fail to capture subtle factors. In light of the above, the first motivation for this study is to engineer subtle nonlinear features automatically in a domain-agnostic way. A novel deep learning method called autoencoders is a self -supervised method that creates a nonlinear high-dimensional representation in the innermost layer and have multiple hidden layers of lower dimensions in between. In other words, they attempt to learn an identity function with a compressed set of the input layer in between and the network is trained using gradient descent like in other deep neural network methods like in DNNRec, the loss here being the squared loss. The innermost layer of the autoencoder, also referred to as the bottleneck layer, has been used to engineer features as it represents a lower-dimensional representation of the input features [6]. The second motivation of this study is to leverage the features learned for the users and items by autoencoders in a deep learning solution for rating prediction and thereby address the gap in CF methods that do not learn nonlinear latent factors.

We describe a novel solution called DAFERec (Deep Autoencoders for Feature Learning for Recommendations) that uses the inner-most layer activations of a deep autoencoder as features in a Deep Neural Network for recommendations. Our key contributions are as follows. First is that we use the activations of the inner-most bottleneck layer of the autoencoder as features in a deep neural network (DNN) based recommender system in combination in combination with embeddings. Second is that we demonstrate that this combination enables learning of sophisticated features that have nonlinearity from the user autoencoder and the item autoencoder, in addition to the user and item embeddings. We explain that the outperformance is achieved as our method can learn nonlinear latent representations of features from the autoencoder in the DNN. Third contribution is that this approach of incorporating nonlinear latent features leads to a powerful feature map that beats the comparative techniques results in CF. We demonstrate the outperformance of DAFERec on multiple datasets like BookCrossing, MovieLens 100 k, MovieLens 1 M, and FilmTrust datasets. Our model beats the previous best results reported for predictive accuracy on these datasets in literature. The scope of our study is for the RS case where the goal is to predict numerical ratings and not for the case where the output is a polarity score or for the case where the output is a ranking of items for a user.

We organize the paper into five sections. Section 1 introduces the study and explains the motivation for this study from a business and technical perspective and also highlights the key contributions of the work. Section 2 looks at work related to the solution proposed in this paper and also looks at the comparative methods in this field. The third section describes our DAFERec solution and algorithmic aspects with a mathematical foundation. Section 4 contains the details of the experimental setup and evaluation metrics. The fourth section has a results discussion and. The final section highlights the opportunities for further research.

2 Past work

We look at related work in literature to our solution and describe how our work is different from or extends each of these works, in this section.

CF methods have been hugely successful in recommender systems with matrix factorization (MF) approach heavily employed to find latent factors of users and items. Several methods have been used for MF, including Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), variants of SVD like SVD++ and other methods like Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [7], Bayesian form of Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (BPMF) [8], etc. Latent Factor methods specifically combine user and item latent factors into the same latent factor space, making them directly comparable and explain ratings by characterizing them on these factors. Singular Vector decomposition (SVD) captures linear relationships between users and items in a compressed form [9]. Addition of bias term to SVD, that is independent of the interactions results in SVD++ . SVD++ is a very powerful method and has one of the best RMSEs on the ML-1M dataset. TrustSVD extends SVD++ with trust information [10] using both the explicit and implicit influence of user-item ratings to generate predictions. Deep Learning methods have been successfully applied DNNRec [5], RBMs [11], NCFs [12], DCNs [13], etc. It was shown that wide linear models [14] a combination of wide and deep networks allows the memorization of sparse feature interactions and generalization as well. CNN and RNNs have been used to extract features about users and items to solve the cold-start problem. Examples of CNNs include image feature extraction [15], speech feature extraction [16], text feature extractions [17], etc. For textual data, RNNs have been employed to learn the language model and then use these features learned in the modeling process, with variants like LSTM, GRU, QRNN etc. [18].These methods have been used in a family of models called Collaborative Sequencing Models [19]. Audio features have been engineered using LSTM-based networks and also using CNNs [20].

Autoencoders have been employed as stand-alone recommender systems both at a user level and at an item level. [6, 21, 22] are good examples of the application of autoencoders. Autoencoders have been stacked to form powerful ensembles. An example of such a novel technique is called AutoRec [23]. The I-AutoRec method [24] has the best benchmark RMSE on the ML-1M dataset. There have been variations of stacked autoencoder approaches that add Gaussian noise to make them generalize better [25]. This helps discover more robust features versus simply learning the identity function. Deep collaborative filtering (DCF) [26] leverages side information for outperformance with the treatment of dense and categorical features into a powerful network. This method uses a user autoencoder and an item autoencoder to learn a compressed representation of the user and item features, respectively. These are used alongside the latent features learned from matrix factorization of the rating matrix. Side information integration [27] has been accomplished by extending the construction of embeddings by neural networks to a collaborative filtering setting. COFILS, Collaborative Filtering to Supervised Learning [28] uses the values of the compressed representation of users and items resulting from CF into a subsequent model as features, to further achieve outperformance. A-COFILS [29] extended COFILS to use autoencoders to generate user and item features but in a way that is similar to the DCF technique that was explained earlier. Combining matrix factorization methods and autoencoders [30] has been used as a way to learn effective latent representations using deep learning. It models the mappings between the latent factors used in CF and the latent layers in deep models. This has the best-reported benchmarks on the BookCrossing and ML 100 K datasets.

The existing approaches have several drawbacks. Stand-alone autoencoder based recommender systems suffer from poor predictive accuracy. That is the reason they have not seen adoption to the levels of collaborative filtering methods. Deep collaborative filtering is able to generate high predictive accuracy but the features engineered from the side information tend to be domain-specific. COFILS approach does not make use of embeddings and therefore misses out on rich representations that can be learned by these embeddings. Our approach has several differences to prior approaches like [23,24,25,26,27,28]. Instead of using AutoRec for rating prediction, we take the activations of the bottleneck layers for the user autoencoder and the item autoencoder and use them as features in a subsequent deep neural network along-with embedding. Our method differs from the DCF approach as we do not make use of any side information and the user and item autoencoders in our model are based on the user and item identifiers only. That said and done, our approach is scalable enough to take advantage of side information and is domain agnostic in the sense that no domain-specific information are engineered using the side information. The semantic similarity of COFILS with our approach is that our method uses latent features that are learned by the autoencoders as features in a particular instance of supervised learning, namely a deep neural network. The differences with COFILS are that our approach is based on an autoencoder that can learn nonlinear latent features, and we also make use of embeddings. Further we use a DNN which was not used in COFILS. Further, these features were combined using a random forest technique in A-COFILS and not using a DNN, like in the proposed DAFERec solution.

As we see, autoencoders have been employed as stand-alone recommender systems, and the activations from the inner-most layer have been used as features in non-recommender system applications. Based on our research, we believe this is the first time that the activations from the innermost layer of the user and item autoencoders have been used as features in a DNN solution in combination with embeddings for recommender systems to achieve outperformance. While autoencoders have been employed in recommender systems in a stand-alone way, there is no study to the best of our knowledge that uses the features learned by the autoencoders in a recommender system.

3 Proposed solution DAFERec (deep neural network with autoencoder features and embeddings for RS)

We present a framework for rating prediction by a recommender system. The solution has two major parts, namely extraction of features using an autoencoder and prediction in a DNN incorporating these features. The extraction of features is achieved by training a user autoencoder and an item autoencoder for recommendations. Prediction involves combining the activations of the bottleneck layer of the user autoencoder and item autoencoder along-with the embeddings for the user and item identifiers into a deep neural network. Table 1 has the symbol list and their corresponding meanings.

Table 1 Notations and meanings

3.1 Feature extraction using item autoencoder and user autoencoder

The first step in our solution is to build an autoencoder to predict the ratings. The first step in the solution is to create a rating matrix from the list of \(\left\langle {{\text{user}},{\text{item}},{\text{rating}}} \right\rangle\) tuples. The pivot operation is standard in several programming languages, and we will not go into the intricacies of the data preparation. The explanations below are for the item autoencoder. The same holds true for the user autoencoder except that the rating matrix will be the user-item matrix instead of the item-user matrix that is used for the item autoencoder. As in Table 1, \(R \in {\mathbb{R}}^{m*n}\) is an observed user-item rating matrix, \(U = \{ U_{1} ,U_{2} ,U_{3} .....U_{m} \}\) is a list of users, \(I = \{ I_{1} ,I_{2} ,I_{3} .....I_{n} \}\) is a list of items, \(r_{U}^{(u)} = (R_{u1} ,R_{u2} ,.....R_{un} ) \in {\mathbb{R}}^{n}\) and \(r_{I}^{(i)} = (R_{i1} ,R_{i2} ,.....R_{im} ) \in {\mathbb{R}}^{m}\) refer to the individual rows of the user-item rating matrix and the item-rating matrix respectively. Given that we refer to \(R\) as the rating matrix, the simple transpose operation of \(R\), denoted by, \(R^{T}\) is the item-rating matrix. Clearly, the user autoencoder has the user identifiers as inputs and the item identifiers as features, while the item autoencoder has the item identifiers as inputs and the user identifiers as features. The inputs to the user autoencoder and the item autoencoder are denoted by \(E_{U}\) and \(E_{I}\) respectively and shown in Eqs. (1) and (2) below.

$$E_{U} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {r_{U}^{(1)} } \\ {r_{{}}^{(2)} U} \\ \ldots \\ {r_{U}^{(m)} } \\ \end{array} } \right){\text{is the input to the user autoencoder}}$$


$$E_{I} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {r_{I}^{(1)} } \\ {r_{I}^{(2)} } \\ \ldots \\ {r_{I}^{(m)} } \\ \end{array} } \right){\text{is the input to the item autoencoder}}$$

The item-based autoencoder takes as input the values of \(r_{U}^{(i)}\) for each user and attempts to recreate the values at the output, after passing these values through a low-dimensional latent space. The item autoencoder architecture is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Item autoencoder architecture—Example for ML1M dataset (Step 1)

The user autoencoder architecture is very similar to only input differences, as explained earlier and is shown in Fig. 2. The autoencoder learns the identify function through various order feature interactions that are combined in its innermost layers. This can be formally expressed as Eq. (3), where \(f(r;\theta )\) is the reconstruction of the input \(r \in {\mathbb{R}}^{d}\)

$$\min \sum\limits_{r \in S} {||(r - f(r,\theta ))||^{{^{2} }} }$$
Fig. 2
figure 2

User autoencoder architecture for ML-1M dataset. Similar to item autoencoder

The equations for the user autoencoder are given by Eqs. (4) to (6). As we see, the encoder E follows an affine transformation \(R_{U}\) with a nonlinear sigmoid transformation in (4), which is followed by a lower-dimensional affine and nonlinear sigmoid transformation in (5). The decoder is the exact mirror image of the encoder in the opposite direction, meaning the number of hidden nodes increases, as we see in Fig. 2. The parameters \(\theta\) are learned through back-propagation. To ensure efficient autoencoder training, a batch normalization step is added after each hidden layer. We have not explicitly shown the regularization term in the autoencoder equation, as the same is achieved by a combination of the weight decay parameter in the Adam Optimizer and dropouts in the different layers of the encoder and the decoder as shown in Fig. 2. The weight decay and the dropouts are used to regularize the weights so that the approach generalizes.

$$E = \sigma \left( {W_{2} .\left( {\sigma \left( {W_{1} .R^{I} + b_{1} } \right)} \right) + b_{2} } \right)$$
$$D = \sigma (W_{3} .E + b_{3} )$$
$$f(r;\theta ) = W_{4} .D + b_{4}$$

For the item autoencoder, the equations are given in (7) to (9), and they are similar to the equations in (4) to (6).

$$E = \sigma \left( {W_{2} .\left( {\sigma \left( {W_{1} .R^{U} + b_{1} } \right)} \right) + b_{2} } \right)$$
$$D = \sigma (W_{3} .E + b_{3} )$$
$$f(r;\theta ) = W_{4} .D + b_{4}$$

3.2 DNN integrating user and item embeddings with user and item autoencoder features

In Step 2 of the solution, the activations of the bottleneck layers of the user autoencoder and item autoencoder are used as features in a Deep Neural Network (DNN) as shown in the solution flow diagram in Fig. 4. The autoencoder features are used in combination with embeddings for the users and items, all together as inputs into a DNN. Figure 3 contains the overall architecture of Step 2 of the solution. Embeddings are an alternate representation of the one-hot encoding or dummy variable coding in traditional machine learning. They are dense lookup matrices that return a dense array for each identifier instead of a single one-hot encoded vector. They are able to learn a richer representation of the identifier in multiple dimensions. The weights of these embeddings are learned like any other features, similar to the autoencoder derived features in our solution.

Fig. 3
figure 3

DAFERec architecture: proposed solution

Figure 4 presents the overall solution architecture.

Fig. 4
figure 4

DAFERec overall flow: proposed solution

Our proposed solution has two hidden layers that are basically an affine followed by a \(ReLU\) transformation. Dropouts enable regularization and help in a generalized solution. The batch normalization ensures that similar to the inputs being on the same scale, which helps in faster convergence, the intermediate layers also have the same benefit. While our proposed solution has encompassed two hidden layers, an arbitrary number of hidden layers might be added to create a deeper neural network. Figure 4 depicts the overall flow of the solution.

The outputs of each of the hidden layers in the DNN are shown in Eqs. (10) to (12) below. As we see, each of the hidden layers perform an affine and nonlinear \(ReLU\) activation in consecutive order. The output of the innermost layer is passed through a sigmoid activation function, as shown in Eq. (13). The resulting output, which is a real number between 0 and 1, is then transformed to the rating scale, as shown in (14). (15) shows the entire list of operations performed on the input

$$X_{1} = {\text{dropout}}_{1} ({\text{Re}} LU(W_{1} *X_{0} + b_{1} ))$$
$$X_{2} = {\text{dropout}}_{2} ({\text{Re}} LU(W_{2} *X_{1} + b_{2} ))$$
$$X_{3} = {\text{dropout}}_{3} ({\text{Re}} LU(W_{3} *X_{2} + b_{3} ))$$
$$\sigma_{{{\text{output}}}} = \sigma (X_{3} )$$
$${\text{output}} = \min_{{{\text{rating}}}} + \sigma_{{{\text{output}}}} *\left( {\max_{{{\text{rating}}}} - \min_{{{\text{rating}}}} } \right)$$
$$\sigma_{{{\text{output}}}} = \sigma \left( {{\text{dropout}}_{3} \left( {{\text{Re}} LU\left( {W_{3} *{\text{dropout}}_{2} \left( {{\text{Re}} LU*\left( {W_{2} *\left( {{\text{dropout}}_{1} \left( {{\text{Re}} LU(W_{1} *X_{0} + b_{1} } \right)} \right)} \right) + b_{2} } \right)} \right) + b_{3} } \right)} \right)$$

Considering a motivational example of ML 100 K dataset, that has 100,836 ratings from 6000 users for 4000 items. The first step of DAFEREC will create an user autoencoder that has 4000 features at the input and the same is attempted to be replicated at the output. The second step of DAFEREC will create an item autoencoder that has 6000 features at the input and the same are attempted to be replicated at the output. The inner-most layers of the user autoencoder and item autoencoder have 25 features each, say, for example. The third step of DAFEREC uses a Deep Neural Network with the 25 user autoencoder features combined with the 25 item autoencoder features, along-with the user and item embeddings, thus learning a very rich representation from incorporating multiple nonlinearities.

4 Experimental setup, results and discussion

This section presents the dataset, holdout dataset creation methodology, criteria for evaluation and describes how the comparative methods were implemented.

4.1 Datasets used

In this paper, we considered MovieLens data. The benchmark MovieLens 100 K (ML100k) and MovieLens 20 M (ML 0M) datasets are used for experimentation. Of the different MovieLens datasets, the ML20M dataset and ML100K datasets are employed for this study. ML20M dataset has 20 million ratings while the ML100k dataset has 100,000 ratings. These datasets do not include any demographic data, include tagging features, and map the MovieLens movies to IMDB and YouTube. ML20M dataset is employed as it is the suggested dataset for research. ML100K dataset has a smaller set of users but is similar in format and structure to the ML20M dataset and is the dataset that is recommended for research and development. Both these datasets are provided by GroupLens. In addition to movie recommendation datasets, we also considered book recommendations. The BookCrossing [31] dataset was utilized for book recommendation that consists of book ratings provided by users. It is a relatively large dataset as we see in Table 2 with over a million ratings. In addition to the above three datasets, we also considered the FilmTrust dataset [32] that also contains side information. The characteristics of these datasets are in Table 2.

Table 2 Datasets used for experimentation

4.2 Side information

The use of side information in algorithm construction has been employed in several studies, and they also present a way of addressing the cold-start issue. The experiments were performed without using side information. Side information was not considered as these are not available for all the datasets, and the goal is to achieve the state-of-the-art considering just the \(\left\langle {{\text{user}},{\text{item}},{\text{rating}}} \right\rangle\) tuples. Further, most of the benchmark papers on these datasets have state-of-the-art scores for the datasets without side information. So, while DAFERec has the capability to incorporate side information, the same was not attempted in this paper. Additional information available about the user and item profiles was not considered for reasons already stated. The BookCrossing dataset contains attributes of books like author, title, ISBN, publisher and also attributes of authors like title, gender, age, location, etc. Incorporating side information into DAFERec is actually very straightforward and just involves stacking the features from the side information as input into the first hidden layer in Fig. 3. Incorporating these would further improve the results of DAFERec, but a comparison against the state-of-the-art in the benchmark papers would not be possible. TrustSVD is not comparable to our proposed solution as it uses side information about the users and items. We include a reference to this method as the best-reported RMSE on the FilmTrust dataset is using this method. Only for the purposes of comparison, our solution has been tested with side information for the FilmTrust cases to ensure an apple-to-apple comparison.

4.3 Evaluation metrics

To be able to benchmark the solution against existing papers, multiple evaluation criteria were considered like the L1-error (also called MAE, that penalizes the absolute deviation), the L2-error (also called MSE, that penalizes larger errors more severely) and a penalization that is in between like the RMSE. Equations (15) to (17) contain the forms of RMSE, MSE and MAE respectively.

$${\text{RMSE}} = \sqrt {\sum\limits_{i,j}^{m,n} {T_{ij} \left( {r_{ij}^{{{\text{actual}}}} - r_{ij}^{{{\text{predicted}}}} } \right)^{2} } }$$
$${\text{MSE}} = \sum\limits_{i,\,i}^{m,n} {T_{ij} \left( {r_{ij}^{{{\text{actual}}}} - r_{ij}^{{{\text{predicted}}}} } \right)^{2} }$$
$${\text{MAE}} = \sum\limits_{i,j}^{m,n} {T_{ij} \left| {\left( {r_{ij}^{{{\text{actual}}}} - r_{ij}^{{{\text{predicted}}}} } \right)} \right|}$$

4.4 Comparison with existing approaches

Other than these, the best scores reported by recommender system packages like LibRec, LensKit, MyMediaLite, and Surprise were also considered.The same cross-validation methodology that was used in the benchmark papers and software systems was used in our study. The set of benchmark papers considered in our study are in Table 3.

Table 3 Comparative benchmarks on the considered datasets

5 Results and discussion

Before we discuss the results, we present our testing process and validation approach.

5.1 Testing process and validation approach

To be able to compare our solution against the reported benchmarks on the six datasets, it is important to use the same evaluation metric that was used in the papers that reported the benchmark results. Since different papers used different metrics like MSE, RMSE, and MAE, we used the same metrics to evaluate algorithm performance. The existing approaches test environment is similar to the benchmark reference papers in Table 3.

5.2 Results

Here, we discuss the results that are presented. We see that the proposed solution in the paper, DAFERec, outperforms on all the benchmark datasets. The proposed solution is benchmarked against some key papers in the area and the software tools that are listed in Table 3. As already mentioned, to ensure comparability, the validation and training split for the datasets were chosen to be the same as that in the benchmark papers. The tenfold cross-validation technique that we used ensures the reliability of the obtained results.The MSE, RMSE, and MAE metrics for the different methods are tabulated in Table 4. We have made our implementation available for reproducing the results.Footnote 1 The DAFEREC hyper-parameters and architecture for each of the datasets is optimized on the respective datasets using the holdout dataset.

Table 4 Results of running DAFERec on the different datasets

5.3 Performance delta against existing methods

Table 5 shows the extent of outperformance of DAFERec against the comparative studies.

Table 5 Performance Delta of DAFERec vs. comparative studies

We see that DAFERec beats the benchmarks reported in the literature for the four datasets of varying sizes. We have demonstrated the outperformance of DAFERec on different datasets. Based on the results, we see that the outperformance is on datasets of varying sizes and sparsity. Note that the outperformance on the BookCrossing dataset is rather stark, and the reason for the same is that there are not many benchmarks available for the BookCrossing recommendation dataset. The explanation of the outperformance is that it is due to the nonlinear latent features about users and items that are captured by the user autoencoder and the item autoencoder, respectively.

6 Conclusion and future research

Improving the predictive accuracy of recommender systems has very useful management implications as it limits the choice overload resulting in better choices for users and more profits for businesses. We propose a novel solution called DAFERec (Deep Autoencoders for Feature Learning with Embeddings for Recommendations). DAFERec combines the inner-most activations of the autoencoders as features into a DNN together with the embeddings. The higher order innermost nonlinear latent features from the user autoencoder and the item autoencoder are employed to enable the DNN to learn a compressed higher order representation. The usage of latent variables in recommender systems is to exploit the underlying user preferences or item characteristics. This work proposes a novel approach to feature engineering in recommender systems using features from the bottleneck layers of the autoencoder in combination with embeddings in a DNN to generate recommendations. This method learns linear and nonlinear latent variables from both the autoencoder features as well as the embeddings, resulting in a rich feature set that is exploited by the DNN for improved system performance. Our approach provides a useful way to learn effective linear and nonlinear latent factors to improve recommender system performance. We also propose a systematic and easy way to integrate auxiliary information as additional features into our architecture and demonstrate the outperformance on the FilmTrust dataset, where the existing state-of-the-art TrustSVD method used side information. Details about the type of side information used is in Sect. 4.2.

There are several opportunities for further research. One opportunity could be to understand the additional value that side information about users and items could bring to the predictive accuracy of the recommender systems. A study could incorporate all the side information from each of the datasets to publish the state-of-the-art possible with such addition. No such study exists, and most of the studies are concentrated on the MovieLens, Epinions, and Netflix datasets. Part of this study could also focus on the benefits of side information for users and items with many ratings versus the ones with few ratings so that the utility of the auxiliary information in several cases is comparable. The incremental value from a denoising autoencoder could also be incorporated. A denoising autoencoder corrupts information randomly in the input to help increase the generalization and prevent the learning of just an identity function. Such a study could help identify if there is incremental value and the extent of the incremental value of denoising autoencoders. One of the limitations of the study is that autoencoders are slow to train compared to other linear matrix factorization methods. A part of future work could also be to optimize the computation of our algorithm for training time and prediction time considerations.