1 Introduction

In recent years, security threats, attacks and intrusions in network infrastructures have become one of the major causes of great losses and massive sensitive data leaks. A countless number of mechanisms are used to minimize, detect and counter these security issues.

Anomaly detection is one of the techniques proposed to ensure the integrity and the confidentiality of data. In general, anomaly/outlier detection can be seen as a normal/anomaly classification problem [32]. Several modern techniques exist in the literature addressing this issue using neural network [78], Bayesian network [17], clique clustering approaches [10, 38, 67], bandit clustering [26, 29, 35, 52, 55], support vector machine (SVM) [65], fuzzy logic [82], graph theory [37, 54, 69], decision tree [56], genetic programming [21, 34], artificial immune systems (AIS) [11, 16, 79, 80] and more.

The biological immune system (BIS) has several properties such as robustness, error tolerance, decentralization, recognition of foreigners, adaptive learning and memory which makes it a very complex and promising source of inspiration for several domains. Artificial immune system, which is the field that tries to mimic the complex mechanisms of the BIS, is the focus of much research since the early 1990s [22] to tackle with complex engineering problems. Theories and algorithms were proposed and exploited for pattern recognition, data mining, optimization, machine learning and anomaly detection to name only a few [3].

Indeed, anomaly detection approach [5, 8] in network security relies on building normal models or profiles and discovering variation/deviation from the model in the observed data. This process is strongly similar to the main objective of the biological immune system. Several models were proposed that imitate BIS mechanisms such as clonal selection, negative and positive selections and immune cells network [95].

In this paper, we propose a negative selection algorithm, namely Negative Selection for Network Anomaly Detection (NSNAD) which includes the following outlined contributions:

  1. (a)

    We propose a filter/ranking-based feature selection using the Coefficient of Variation. The advantage of this statistical metric is twofold: First, it is independent from the class, and second, it can be measured regardless of the attribute’s scale and unit.

  2. (b)

    Most of the previous works dealt with nominal attributes by coding them with iterative integers or binarizing them. The first approach depends on the categories’ order of the nominal feature, which means that different orderings will yield to different numerical values and thus a biased classification. The second requires more computational time and memory resources as each value will be represented by an additional binary attribute. In our work, we replace the nominal attributes by their occurrence probabilities when statistical operations are carried out (feature selection phase). Otherwise, we handle them as strings.

  3. (c)

    We noticed that traditional negative selection implementations, usually, generate detectors as random binary sequences with an R-chunk (r consecutive bytes) matching against binary strings representing the self. We consider, in our work, both the real and string representations of all attributes in the dataset. We randomly choose instances from the unlabeled training data to be detectors, and we validate them against self-data in each dimension. Unlabeled training data contain both normal and anomaly records.

  4. (d)

    Our detector radius is border-based, which means that every detector has its own range of activation and it corresponds to the distance between the detector and the border instances in self-data.

  5. (e)

    Furthermore, in order to identify new attacks, we optimize the detection phase with an additional verification against self-space. Inspired from the biological Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA), we define an Artificial HLA as the volume of self-space and ensure that the incoming instance is not actually a “self” before classifying it into anomaly.

  6. (f)

    Finally, we evaluate our approach not only under NSL-KDD dataset, which has been for the last decades the most used benchmark for the test and evaluation of IDS, but also using two more up-to-date datasets: Kyoto2006+ and UNSW-NB15.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents some background and related work regarding biological and artificial immune systems as well as feature selection techniques. Section 3 details each phase of our proposed algorithm. Section 4 presents an experimental design. The results, analysis and discussion are provided in Sect. 5. An extensive comparison between AIS-based intrusion detection techniques is given in Sect. 6. We finally draw some concluding remarks in Sect. 7.

2 Background and related works

In this section, we present some background on biological and artificial immune systems; we briefly explain the biological immune response and point out the artificial theories inspired from each step of this process. We also review some previous work done in the field of intrusion detection using artificial immune system (AIS) approaches. We discuss feature selection algorithms and their classification, and finally, we provide a brief comparison between our algorithm and other related work.

2.1 Biological and artificial immune systems

The biological immune system (BIS) responds to an intrusion or any pathogenFootnote 1 through two types of immunity: innate and adaptive immunity [85] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Biological immune system components

The innate immunity, also known as non-specific immunity, is considered as the first line of defence. It consists in four categories of barriers: (1) Anatomical, which includes the skin, the mucus, etc., (2) Physiological like the temperature and the pH, (3) Phagocytic such as the macrophages and the polymorph nuclear and (4) Inflammatory as an antibacterial activity. The phagocytic and cytotoxic cells, known as Natural Killer cells (NK), are the key agents that ensure the pathogen’s termination. If the innate immunity fails to destroy the pathogen, it triggers a specific immune response.

The adaptive immunity, on the other hand, is said to be specific because it only responds to a particular pathogen. Each pathogen caries a certain shaped protein called antigen. The lymphocytes recognize each cell of its own body as self through Human Leukocyte Antigen (\(HLA_1\) and \(HLA_2\)). The first class of HLA (\(HLA_1\)) has a ubiquitous expression. It is expressed on the surface of all nucleated cells including the Antigen Presenting Cells (APC), whereas the second class: \(HLA_2\) is expressed only by the Antigen Presenting Cells, such as dendritic cells, macrophage, and Lymphocytes B (LB) cells [70].

Any other antigen is flagged as foreign and has to be destroyed. To do so, the immune response produces killer lymphocytes (B and T) and antibodies to target this one particular foreign antigen as well as memory cells in order to enhance the immune response in case of a second exposure to the same pathogen [72].

The BIS is a very complex system, and its interaction and defence mechanisms are in constant discovery. Indeed, immune cells interactions during the specific immune response, their proliferation and their maturation process have led to the definition of the main artificial immune theories and models, namely clonal selection theory, negative and positive selection theories, immune network theory and Danger theory [23]. Moreover, BIS features have been a great source of inspiration for many researchers in several fields such as pattern recognition, optimization and anomaly detection. These features can be summarized as follows:

  • The self/nonself-discrimination During its maturation, the T cells precursor can either turn into LT4 or into LT8 through the positive selection process. Based on a survival signal delivered to the lymphocytes that can identify with a small affinity one of the HLA classes, it becomes an LT4 cell if it recognizes the HLA class II (\(HLA_2\)) or an LT8 cell if it recognizes a HLA class I (\(HLA_1\)).

    Thereafter, the LT cells, which recognize “too well” the HLA paired with a self-peptide (self-reactive T cells), must be eliminated. This elimination (apoptosis) process is called negative selection and has been an inspiration for several classification models [24].

    This maturation process leads to the generation of two types of mature LT cells (LT4 and LT8) capable of discriminating between the self-antigens, through HLA, and the foreign antigens during the immune response.

  • Immune response APCs are cells that present antigenic peptides on their surface along with \(HLA_1\) or \(HLA_2\) to recruit \(LT_8\) or \(LT_4\) cells, respectively. The \(LT_8\) cells become LT cytotoxic, and the \(LT_4\) cells become T-helpers. Those T-helpers are involved in the clonal selection process [77] and the maturation of LB cells to plasmocytes in order to produce antibodies.

    Several algorithms were proposed for classification, clustering and pattern recognition that are inspired from the biological clonal selection [15].

  • Memorization and distribution Some immune cells become memory cells for a specific foreign antigen once an immune response is activated from its first exposure. They ensure quicker and more effective immune responses of the BIS without going through the recognition and affinity maturation process.

In addition to all the above cited characteristics, self-regulation, decentralized functioning, immune response adaptation, cell proliferation are some other properties that inspired several models as solutions to real and complex problems [12]. Table 1 summarizes the immunological concepts, the models inspired therefrom and their use in computational problems.

Table 1 Immunity-based computational models and specific immunological concepts [23]

2.2 AIS in intrusion detection

Several researchers exploited adaptive biological immunity mechanisms, mimicked them and applied them to solve several real-world and engineering problems. The ability of the human body to automatically distinguish between self-cells and nonself-cells in order to protect itself from harmful pathogens is highly consistent with the concept of intrusion detection. Hence, we are interested to apply this mechanism in intrusion detection field.

Forrest and her team introduced in 1994 one of the first applications of AIS in intrusion detection [28]. They identified the problem of protecting computer systems as the problem of learning to distinguish self from nonself. Their algorithm runs in two steps; (i) generation of a set of string detectors that do not match any of the protected data and (ii) monitoring of the protected data by comparing them to the detectors. Any changes in the data that activate the detectors are considered as potential intrusions.

Later on, they designed an artificial immune system (ARTIS) framework [40] and applied it in network intrusion detection domains by implementing ARTIS into LISYS (Lightweight Intrusion detection SYStem).

An immune-based network intrusion detection system (AINIDS) was proposed in [94]. AINIDS has two main components: an antibody generation and an antigen detection. It includes the generation of passive immune antibodies to detect known attacks and automatic immune antibodies that integrate statistic methods with fuzzy reasoning systems to detect novel attacks. Experiments were carried out under collected data from authors’ LAN and DARPA dataset.

Others like Hong [41] presented a hybrid immune learning algorithm that combines the advantages of real-valued negative selection algorithm (RNSA) and a classification algorithm to mainly find a boundary between normal and anomaly classes.

More recently, Shen et al. [83] applied Rough Set Theory feature selection on KDDCup99 dataset and used a negative selection algorithm to detect anomalies.

Zhang et al. [100] proposed an integrated intrusion detection model based on artificial immunity (IIDAI), a vaccination strategy and a method to generate initial memory antibodies with Rough Set (RS). IIDAI integrates misuse detection model as well as anomaly detection model.

Seresht and Azmir [81] proposed a multi-agent AIS-based approach for a distributed intrusion detection system. Multiple functionalities of the proposed IDS (namely MAIS-IDS) were inspired from AIS paradigm such as the cloning, the mutation and the collaboration between agents. MAIS-IDS is a hybrid anomaly IDS (host and network) that uses agents in virtual machines where network traffic was being analyzed. Authors used a small portion of NSL-KDD to test the performance of their system with 19 features chosen from the literature. The results showed that the accuracy and false alarm rates reached 88% and 14%, respectively.

Mohammadi et al. [60] presented a real-time anomaly detection system based on a probabilistic artificial immune algorithm. A first version named SPAI (Simple Probabilistic Artificial Immune method) used the probability density function as self-detectors. As the computational cost seemed to be quite important, the authors proposed a second version, namely CPAI (Clustered Probabilistic Artificial Immune algorithm) where normal profile was clustered into subgroups. These subgroups were given priority values in a third version of the proposed algorithm in order to enhance the response time.

Ghanem et al. [30] presented a hybrid approach for anomaly detection using generated detectors, based on multi-start metaheuristic method and genetic algorithms. Detectors were generated using self- and nonself-training data, which was strongly inspired from negative selection-based detector generation. The approach reached 96% detection rate and 7% false positive rate when evaluated with NSL-KDD dataset.

Abas et al. [1] applied Rough Set Theory (RST) on gure-KddCup6percent dataset in order to eliminate irrelevant and redundant features. Then, they tested R-chunk and negative selection algorithm on the six resulting features. The accuracy of the experimental evaluation reached 90%.

Igbe et al. [43] proposed a framework for a distributed network intrusion detection system (d-NIDS) based on negative selection algorithm (NSA). They used a genetic algorithm to generate a set of detectors that were distributed between IDS participants. The performance of this framework was evaluated using NSL-KDD dataset; an average detection rate of 98% and false positive rate of 1.77% were recorded.

Authors in [80] presented an AIS-based anomaly detection and prevention system. They introduced self-tuning and detector power to achieve dissimilarities among the detectors in order to cover as much space as possible with minimum computational cost. Experiments were carried out using different percentages of KDDCup99 training dataset. They studied and compared the effects of the dataset and the affinity threshold on detectors’ generation as well as detection rate and false positive rate. The results showed a high detection rate (100%) but presented important false alarm values (68%).

2.3 Feature selection

Feature selection is an important data preprocessing phase used to remove irrelevant, redundant and noisy data with respect to the description of the problem at hand. It aims to improve the data processing performance and reduce the computational complexity.

Feature selection has been the focus of researchers in many fields since the early nineties [51]. Various methods have been proposed, tested and discussed. They can globally be classified into two categories: filter-based and wrapper-based methods.

2.3.1 Filter-based methods

These methods are based on performance evaluation metric deduced from general characteristics of the training data (Fig. 2). They are carried out once, and the output can be provided to different classifiers. Filters are commonly independent from the learning algorithm. They are known for their low computational complexity and good generalization ability.

Some filters provide a feature ranking rather than an explicit best feature subset, and the cutoff point in the ranking is usually chosen via cross-validation. Among feature selection and feature ranking techniques, we find: correlation-based feature selection (CFS), fast correlation-based feature selection (FCBF), gain ratio attribute evaluation (GR), information gain (IG), chi-squared evaluation and others [46].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Filters feature selection

2.3.2 Wrapper-based methods

As to wrapper methods, they use the feedback of a classification algorithm to assess the quality (efficiency) of feature subsets (Fig. 3). These subsets are usually created using some search strategy. Even though the wrapper approach has the advantage of handling the possible interactions between features, it does not ensure the generalization as good as filter approach does. This is mainly due to the fact that it leans toward the specific learning algorithm used to choose the best feature subset. Furthermore, wrappers are restricted by the time complexity of the learning algorithm, which increases rapidly as data get larger.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Wrapper feature selection

2.4 Feature selection in intrusion detection

In this section, we provide a small overview of feature selection techniques applied in intrusion detection area using different datasets, including UNSW-NB15, the latest benchmark provided by the Australian Centre for Cyber Security [63].

Kayacik et al. [47] investigate the relevance of each feature in KDD99 intrusion detection dataset to discriminate normal behavior form attacks using information gain (IG). Based on the entropy of a feature, IG measures the role of this feature in predicting the class label. It is said to be relevant if the value of IG is close to 1. Since IG is measured for discrete values, authors preprocessed continuous features by partitioning each one into equal-sized partitions using equal frequency intervals. Authors reached the conclusion that normal, neptune and smurf classes are highly related to certain features which make their classification easier as compared to other type of attacks that fall into U2R and R2L categories.

Gonzalez-Pino et al. [31] integrated a feature selection process based on information gain (IG) in their intrusion detection system that deploys data mining and fuzzy logic approaches. In order to efficiently detect malicious events and be able to analyze large amounts of data in real time, an IDS has to select attributes that are relevant enough for an adequate detection profile with a low FPR. To this end, authors used decision tree learning with IG algorithm to select features from DARPA99 dataset. They limited their experiments to evaluate the detection of ipsweep attack and compared the results with and without using IG algorithm.

The article in [66] presents a study of four filter-based feature selection methods using different classification algorithms (5-Nearest Neighbor, C4.5 decision tree and Naïve Baye) under Kyoto2006+ dataset for intrusion detection. Authors performed ANalysis Of Variance (ANOVA) along with Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test to compare the performance of three feature rankers: signal-to-noise ratio, chi-squared and AUC. Authors concluded with the statement that overall filter-based rankers perform better than the feature subset evaluation method. Among the feature rankers, S2N is performing best.

In [9], authors investigate the minimal subset of the most relevant features in NSL-KDD dataset. They used Correlation Feature Selection (CFS) technique to filter attributes highly correlated with the class and uncorrelated with each other. Different search methods were used to build subsets, and Naïve Bayes algorithm was the algorithm performed to compare the results. The experiments point out 12 features from the complete set that are commonly selected by all search methods as the most important and reliable attributes. The accuracy and FPR reported under these 12 attributes regarding U2R attack category are 65.43% and 0.01%, respectively.

Another article [75] studied feature selection for machine learning algorithms under NSL-KDD dataset. They tried to find the optimal feature subset using Discretized Differential Evolution (DDE), which is a population-based search technique, and C4.5 decision tree algorithm. The classification performances under training and testing sets with tenfold cross-validation reached 99.01% and 82.37%, respectively, with an average FPR of 0.007% and 0.15%.

Authors in [48] have tried to minimize the computational time of machine learning and data mining techniques with high-dimensional data using feature selection. They investigated a wrapper approach based on a GA as search strategy and logistic regression as learning algorithm. They used various subsets of both KDD99 and UNSW-NB15 datasets for their experiments. The proposed algorithm selected an average of 18 and 20 attributes from KDD99 and UNSW-NB15 with an accuracy reaching 99.3% and 92.5%. Moreover, the same features applied to C4.5, RF and NBTree reached an average accuracy of 99.7%, 99.8% and 99.7% under KDD99 and 80.6%, 80.45% and 80.2%, respectively.

Janarthanan and Zargari [44] explored relevant features in both NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 using machine learning techniques. Since the two datasets are significantly different, authors compared their results against previous works applied on both datasets with Random Forest algorithm. They employed several feature selection algorithms implemented in Weka tool as CfsSubsetEval with GreedyStepwise method and InfoGainAttributeEval with Ranker method. Experiments were carried out using two feature subsets, one extracted from previous work ([99] for KDD99 and [62] for UNSW-NB15 datasets) and the other proposed by the authors. The results show that the second subset improves Kappa statistic, which indicates better detection rates.

2.5 Comparison with related work

Most of the related work previously cited used a binary representation of data flow without fully explaining the conversion process from raw or featured data connections into binary strings, as well as the computational cost of such an operation. Moreover, when featured connections are considered without binary transformation, authors tend to deal with nominal attributes by coding them with iterative integers. This usually leads to the biased classification results. In this work, we replace the nominal attributes by their occurrence probabilities when statistical operations are conducted (as feature selection). Otherwise, we handle them as nominal in order to gain in efficiency and make most of the information provided by this type of features.

Besides, most of the empirical analyses are performed, exclusively, under KDDCup99 dataset, which have been for the past two decades the benchmark for the evaluation of IDS and the only labeled dataset publically available even though it is largely outdated.

We detail, in this paper, the full process of our proposed algorithm based on the negative selection theory, from the feature selection phase with a multi-type representation (real, nominal), through detectors generation to the decision rules and the classification phase. We test and evaluate our approach under NSL-KDD dataset, Kyoto2006+ dataset as well as UNSW-NB15 dataset.

As for feature selection, a great amount of work has been done regarding this preprocessing phase in network intrusion detection, but almost all of the published results used DARPA 98 [39] or KDDCup99 dataset [44, 47, 48, 68] and few used NSL-KDD [9, 75] or Kyoto2006+ [4, 6, 66] datasets. An increasing number of researches have been carried out using the new benchmark data for intrusion detection, namely UNSW-NB15 developed by Moustafa and Slay [63] at the Australian Center for Cyber Security. Table 2 gives a summarized overview of feature selection techniques discussed in the related work.

We propose as feature selection module, a new filter-based algorithm that exploits the Coefficient of Variation (CV) to rank attributes of datasets. The algorithm Coefficient of Variation-based Feature Selection (CVFS) is further explained in Sect. 3.2, and the results are presented in Sect. 5.1.

Table 2 Summary feature selection related work

3 NSNAD description

3.1 Overall architecture

The overall architecture and main components of the negative selection algorithm for network anomaly detection (NSNAD) are depicted in Fig. 4. The training dataset is passed through a filter/ranking-based feature selection, which results in a subset of relevant features with low dispersion. NSNAD is based on a semi-supervised classification, in the sense that the training data used as input contain labeled as well as unlabeled records [102]. The labeled instances represent normal or self-cells in the biological sense. These self-data are used to validate a set of detectors randomly picked from the complete unlabeled training data with both classes. A radius for each detector is computed and used to classify instances from the test set as anomaly.

NSNAD detectors can be assimilated to LT4 cells recognizing only AGs presented by APCs along with an \(HLA_2\). An interaction with the AG will allow it to be classified as “anomaly”. However, if the latter is not flagged by any detector, the possibility that it is (by analogy) a cell expressing only \(HLA_1\) (not recognized by LT4 cells) cannot be disregarded. This led us to add a second verification based on an \(Artificial-HLA_1\). It consists in comparing the structures of the AG (instance) with the self’s \(HLA_1\). If these structures are close enough, the instance is considered as “normal”; otherwise, it is classified as “anomaly”.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Block diagram of NSNAD

3.2 Feature selection

In the preprocessing phase, we introduce a feature selection technique that falls into filter-based category as it uses a statistical metric to rank the features. The cutoff point in the ranking can be fixed by two different ways: either using a subjective threshold or using a cross-validation feedback. The Coefficient of Variation (CV) is the statistical metric we use to define the most relevant attributes in terms of dispersion. It is expressed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} CV_i\ =\ \frac{\sigma _i}{\mu _i} ,\ \ \ {i= \{1..p\}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma _i\) and \(\mu _i\) are the standard deviation and the mean of the attribute i in the training data.

We compute the coefficient of Eq. 1 for each attribute in the training data regardless of instances’ class. In fact, one of the advantages of this technique is that it does not need a label attribute in the ranking process, unlike other filter-based algorithms. As another advantage of CVFS, it makes it possible to compare attributes with different scales and units. Moreover, CVFS defines both the dispersion and the homogeneity of attributes depending on whether their values are high or low.

The choice of whether to keep features with high or low CV values depends on the field of application. For instance, in radar image processing, the CV is used as filtering criterion. A value of CV below a threshold results in the application of a filter. It is also used for values lower than a threshold to select, in the multi-temporal radar images, the targets with a stable temporal backscatter.

In a multi-class classification case with p attributes, a high CV value of an attribute, usually, reflects its important contribution in the class’s discrimination. However, in anomaly detection, an intrusion is identified if it deviates from a normal behavior. Ideally, this normal behavior has to be projected as a compact sphere in the multidimensional space.

Since NSNAD is a semi-supervised algorithm, we rather seek the least disperse attributes, those that allow us to project normal instances as tightly as possible in order to reduce false negatives and optimize the detection rate.

Before applying CVFS process, we excluded some features of Kyoto2006+ dataset that, we believe, are irrelevant for the overall classification approach. We leave out the source and the destination IP addresses so that the method is independent from these particular addresses. We also omit the features related to security analysis resulting from some software (as clam anti-virus and Snort) so that our method can be generalized to other networks that might not have such software in their network.

We ordered the features in ascending order according to their CV values so that we can choose the best feature subset. In fact, there are two ways to determine the number of attributes to retain in a subset: (1) by choosing a threshold for the CV beyond which a subset of attributes is kept. In this case, the threshold is entirely subjective and may not yield the best subset for a given classifier. (2) by using another method that exploit the tested classifier feedback to choose the best attribute’s subset. In our work, we adopt the second method following these steps:

  • Fix the cardinality of the smallest feature subset, and let it be \(|FTsubset_0|\).

    \(|FTsubset_0| < |FT|\), with \(|FT| =\) number of features in the data.

  • Choose an evaluation metric, eg: f-measure;

  • Run the algorithm using k-folds cross-validationFootnote 2 (\(k = 6\)) against training data;

  • Add attributes incrementally with respect to the order made under CV values;

  • Choose the feature subset that gives the highest f-score to carry further experiments and comparison.

In this case, the algorithm has to be run at most \([(|FT|-|FTsubset_0|) + 1] \times 6\) times. The process’s results are detailed in Sect. 5.1.

3.3 Detector set generation

NSNAD is based on the negative selection algorithm known as the principle of self/nonself-discrimination of the immune system. In the proposed algorithm, normal records from train set represent the “self”. The detectors, on the other hand, represent the matured LT4 immune cells that do not match any self-data.

Along with the normal instances from the train set, the complete unlabeled training data are provided to NSNAD in order to generate the detectors. In a random manner, detector candidates are picked from the complete unlabeled dataset and validated against normal samples regarding each feature:

Let \(TR \in R^p\) be the training data featured by p attributes and contain both classes (normal and anomaly).

\(S \subset TR\) is a set of normal instances (represent self-antigens) and \(r_\mathrm{self}\) their radius. \(r_\mathrm{self}=\{r_1,r_2,\ldots ,r_p\}\) is a p-dimensional vector and:

$$\begin{aligned} r_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \alpha \times \sigma _{i_\mathrm{self}}, &{} \quad {\hbox {if}}\quad i\ {\hbox {is}}\ {\hbox {numeric}}\\ {\hbox {String value with the largest number of occurences in}}\, S &{} \quad {\hbox {if}}\quad i\ {\hbox {is nominal}} \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha\) is a regulation factor \(\in [1,3]\). For an average confidence interval of 96%, we put \(\alpha = 2\) (refer to three sigma rule or empirical rule [27]).

\(\sigma _{i_\mathrm{self}}\) is the standard deviation of the attribute i in S.

To construct a set of detectors, \(DT \in R^p\), we validate each detector candidate instance \(X =\{x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_p\}\), randomly picked from the non-labeled TR, versus self-data according to the nature of the attribute i as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} & {\text{if}}\;i\;{\text{is nominal}}:\;x_{i} \ne r_{i} \\ & {\text{if}}\;i\;{\text{is numeric}}: \\ & {\text{For}}\;j = 1 \ldots |S|,\;{\text{if}}\;\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {} \hfill & {|x_{1} - s_{{1j}} |} \hfill & { > r_{1} } \hfill \\ {{\text{and}}} \hfill & {|x_{2} - s_{{2j}} |} \hfill & { > r_{2} } \hfill \\ {{\text{and}}} \hfill & \ldots \hfill & {} \hfill \\ {{\text{and}}} \hfill & {|x_{p} - s_{{pj}} |} \hfill & { > r_{p} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right\}\begin{array}{*{20}l} {{\text{then}}} \hfill \\ {DT = } \hfill \\ {DT \cup X} \hfill \\ \end{array} \\ \end{aligned}$$

Which means that the distance between the instance X and all “normal” instances in S has to be greater than the self-radius \(r_\mathrm{self}\) regarding each and all the attributes.

If these conditions are met, X will be added to the detector set \(DT \in R^p\). Otherwise, another candidate instance is randomly picked from TR and validated with Eq. 3 as explained above. This process is repeated until DT contains a predefined number of detectors or all the instances were picked out.

Moreover, we assigned to each detector d from DT a radius rd used to test its activation in the classification phase. This radius represents the lowest Manhattan distance between d and self-instances (Eq. 4).

$$\begin{aligned} \left. \begin{aligned}&rd = \min _{j=1}^{|S|}\ dist\ (d,s_j)\\ {\hbox {and}} :&\ \ {\hbox {dist}}\ (d,s_j)\,=\, \sum _{i=1}^P {|d - s_{ij}|} \end{aligned}\right. \end{aligned}$$

Pseudocode 1 details the complete process.

figure a

3.4 Classification

The classification phase is a two-stage process. First, the radius of the generated detectors is used to identify and classify an incoming instance as “anomaly”. If this instance is not in the range of all the detectors’ radius, it is compared to an A-HLA class I (Artificial Human Leukocyte Antigen) to be classified as “normal”.

For an input instance a to activate the detector d, the Manhattan distance between d and a must at most be equals to the detector’s radius rd (Eq. 4). In other words, for an instance a to be classified as anomaly, the inequality Eq. 5 should be satisfied for at least one detector in DT.

$$\begin{aligned} {\hbox {dist}} \, (a,d) = \sum _{i=1}^P {|a_i - d_i|}\, \le \, rd \end{aligned}$$

If none of the detectors in DT has been activated, the instance a could be classified as normal/self. However, in our work we first compare a to the Artificial HLA (A-HLA) analogously to the HLA class I (see Sect. 2.1). We perform this additional verification in order to detect any new attack that was not covered by the detectors. We identify our A-HLA (Artificial HLA) as the volume of self-data \(V_\mathrm{self}\) (Eq. 6). S is the self-space and \(\mu\) its mean.

$$\begin{aligned} V_\mathrm{self} = {\left(\frac{2}{\sqrt{p}}\right) }^p \prod _{j=1}^P {\max \left( |s_{ij} - \mu _{ij}|\right) }, \quad { \forall s \in S\quad {\hbox {and}}\quad i=1\ldots |S| } \end{aligned}$$

In this case, for an incoming instance a to be classified as normal, it should:

  • not activate any detector in D,

  • and satisfy the inequality (Eq. 7) regarding the volume of self-space.

    $$\begin{aligned} {\left( \frac{2}{\sqrt{p}}\right) }^p\ \prod _{j=1}^P \ {|a_j - \mu _j|}\ < \ V_\mathrm{self} \end{aligned}$$

Pseudocode 2 summarizes the classification process.

figure b

4 Experimental design

Three baseline algorithms are chosen to compare against NSNAD performances: Naïve Bayes, K-means and One-class SVM.

Naïve Bayes is based on Bayes theorem; it uses a labeled input samples in order to build a model, wherefrom an unknown sample is classified under a likelihood probability [71]. We exploit in this work, JAVA package “NaiveBayes” from Weka tool [36].

K-means, on the other hand, is a clustering algorithm that does not need any prior knowledge of the data distribution or a label. It rather aims to partition n samples into k groups [53]. Training set is partitioned into two groups with k-means; incoming samples, from the test set, are then assigned to the nearest cluster (using Euclidean distance). It should be known that this kind of algorithms make the implicit assumption that normal samples are more frequent than anomalies, which means that the biggest cluster is assumed to contain normal instances after clustering [76].

As for One-class SVM, it is a semi-supervised variant of the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm [20]. The principle is to learn a decision function for novelty detection classifying new data as similar or different from the training set. A kernel function is implicitly used as similarity measure. The RBF kernel is the most used function with SVM classification algorithms [92]. One of its advantages is the possibility to apply other distances than the Euclidean distance in the exponential expression [14]. Moreover, its "sigma" parameter gives more flexibility with regard to the input space dimension. We used in this work the “svm” package of Scikit-learn tool [13, 74].

4.1 Datasets

To assess the performance of any detection approach, experimentation on benchmarks or enough heterogeneous and realistic data, with up-to-date network attacks, is required [96]. In our work, we evaluated our approach with three different datasets, namely NSL-KDD, Kyoto2006+ and UNSW-NB15 datasets. A brief description of each dataset is given in this section along with test subsets used in the empirical study.

4.1.1 NSL-KDD

NSL-KDD is the refined version of KDDCup99 known for some deficiencies mentioned in [90]. It has the following advantages over the original KDD dataset [25]:

  • Redundant records are removed so that the classifiers will not be biased toward more frequent records.

  • A sufficient number of records are available in the train and test datasets, which make it affordable to run the experiments on the complete set. Moreover, the evaluation results of different research works will be consistent and comparable.

  • The number of selected records from each difficult level group is inversely proportional to the percentage of records in the original KDD dataset.

The dataset contains a large volume of network TCP connections, the results of 5 weeks of capture in the Air Force Network. Each connection consists of 41 attributes plus a label of either normal or a type of attack. Simulated attacks fall into one of the four following categories:

  • DOS (Denial of service) aims at making a service or a resource unavailable.

  • U2R (User to root) A simple user tries to exploit a vulnerability in order to obtain super user or administrator privileges.

  • R2L (Remote to local) Attacker attempts to gain access (account) locally on a machine accessible via the network.

  • PROBE represents any attempt to collect information about the network, the users or the security policy in order to outsmart it.

NSL-KDD is actually available in the form of four datasets. Table 3 shows the distribution of normal and attacks instances in each dataset.

Table 3 NSL-KDD dataset

In our study, we use normal instances of nslKDDTrain+ dataset as self and we perform our tests under ten subsets from the complete NSL-KDD data (nslKDDTrain+ and nslKDDTest+ combined). Each test subset represents a percentage of the data as it is described in Table 4.

Table 4 NSL-KDD test subsets

4.1.2 Kyoto2006+

Kyoto2006+ dataset is a collection of over 2.5 years of real traffic data (Nov. 2006–Aug. 2009) realised by Kyoto University for evaluating IDSs using a much recent dataset than KDDCup99, which was for a long time, the only publically available labeled dataset. Kyoto dataset was collected from 348 honeypots (Windows XP, Windows Server, Solaris...) deployed inside and outside of Kyoto University. All traffic was thoroughly inspected using three security softwares SNS7160 IDS, Clam AntiVirus, Ashula, and since Apr.2010, snort was added.

Connections are featured by 24 attributes, among which, the first 14 ones were extracted based on KDDCup99 dataset and the remaining 10 attributes were added to further analyze and evaluate network IDSs. A detailed analysis can be found in [86]. The dataset is available as text files [91] representing the daily traffic labeled as “normal” or “attack”. Figure 5 shows the monthly distribution of the dataset in 2009 after removing duplicate records.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Monthly distribution of Kyoto2006+ in 2009

This study uses the January 1, 2009, as training set and tests the algorithms on the subsets described in Table 5.

Table 5 Kyoto2006+ test subsets

4.1.3 UNSW-NB15

UNSW-NB15 dataset is the newest benchmark dataset for IDS test and evaluation [64]. It was created by a research group at the Australian Centre for Cyber Security (ACCS). It contains both real modern normal network connections and synthetical attack traffic generated using IXIA PerfectStorm tool in the Cyber Range Lab of the ACCS. The following categories of attacks, along with normal traffic, were simulated from an updated CVE Web site:

  • Analysis represents different attacks like port scan, spam and scripts penetration.

  • Backdoors Bypassing normal authentication to secure unauthorized remote access to a resource.

  • DoS A malicious attempt to make a server or a network resource unavailable.

  • Exploits Commands or instructions that take advantage of a vulnerability in a network or program.

  • Fuzzers Injection of massive random data into an application or a network to crash it.

  • Generic Attack that works against all block-ciphers (with a given block and key size), without consideration about the structure of the block-cipher.

  • Reconnaissance contains all strikes that can simulate attacks that gather information.

  • Shellcode A small piece of code used as the payload in the exploitation of software vulnerability.

  • Worms Attacker replicates itself in order to spread to other computers. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it.

Simulations were performed during 16 h on Jan 22, 2015, and 15 h on Feb 17, 2015. 100GB were captured; the first 50GB were captured with a one attack per second configuration, while the second 50GB with ten attacks per second [63]. UNSW-NB15 dataset is available as csv files at [61]. The number of records in the training and testing set as well as their distribution is given in Table 6.

Table 6 UNSW-NB15 data distribution

Normal records in the train set are taken as “self” in this study, and test subsets are described in Table 7.

Table 7 UNSW-NB15 test subsets

4.2 Input parameters

NSNAD has as input parameters: the number of detectors (\(nbr\_detectors\)), the self-data (\(S \in R^p\), \(S \subset TR\)), the unlabeled train (\(TR \in R^p\)) set and test subsets (\(TS \in R^p\)). The number of detectors is set to 1% testing data. Normal records of the train set represent the self. The unlabeled train data, used to generate detectors, contain both classes (normal and anomaly).

Naïve Bayes classifier constructs a probabilistic model from a set of train data and assigns class labels to problem instances using Bayes’ theorem. It only takes as input a labeled train data with both classes and the unlabeled test sets to be classified.

As for K-means clustering algorithm, the number of clusters k is required as well as a similarity distance along with an unlabeled train and test sets. In this work, \(k = 2\) and the Euclidean distance is used for similarity comparison. Once the algorithm clusters train set into two groups, we assume that the largest cluster is the “normal” traffic and assigns test instances to the nearest cluster.

Finally, the input parameters required for One-class SVM classifier with radial basis function (RBF) are: gamma that defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches. It is set to \(\gamma = 1/p\), where p is the number of features in the data and nu which is an upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors [73].

All experiments are performed using Windows 8 64 bit platform with core i7 processor running at 2.40 GHz and 8 GB RAM.

4.3 Evaluation metric

Several performance metrics were used in this work. Their equations are given in Table 8 where TP (true positive) are anomalies correctly classified, TN (true negative) are normal events successfully identified as such, FP (false positive) are normal events wrongly identified as anomalies, and FN (false negative) are anomalies misclassified as normal.

Table 8 Evaluation metrics

5 Results and analysis

In this section, we aim to present a comprehensive comparison of two feature selection algorithms with CVFS and three different classifiers against NSNAD. We also aim to highlight the contribution of the \(A-HLA_1\) step in NSNAD’s overall performance optimization.

The validation process is carried out using train and test sets of each benchmark dataset. We incrementally varied the size of the provided sets in order to explore the algorithms’ scalability. The distribution of the subsets is described in the previous section, Tables 45 and 7.

Moreover, the results depicted in the manuscript for each sample are the mean of 10 successive runs.

5.1 Feature subset and normalization

At first, attributes of each dataset (NSL-KDD, Kyoto 2006+ and UNSW-NB15) are ranked according to their CV values (the results are given in Table 9). Then, a sixfold cross-validation is performed under training data with different feature subsets (Fig. 6). These subsets are created incrementally with respect to the order given in Table 9. The size of the outcome subsets is 29, 10 and 11 for NSL-KDD, Kyoto2006+ and UNSW-NB15 datasets, respectively. The description of each feature is detailed in Tables 1516 and 17 (see “Appendix”).

Fig. 6
figure 6

NSNAD+HLA versus number of attributes

In order to compare the relevance of our feature subset with other well-known algorithms, we applied information gain (IG) as well as Correlation Attribute Evaluation (CAE) algorithms under train set of each dataset. The ranked attributes are also reported in Table. 9. It is noteworthy to mention that both algorithms need labeled train data to evaluate the relevance of data attributes, which is not the case of CVFS.

We also present, in Fig. 7, the f-measure of NSNAD+HLA, NB, K-means as well as One-class SVM applied to the complete test sets using the same number of attributes as CVFS (29, 10 and 11 attributes for NSL-KDD, Kyoto 2006+ and UNSW-NB15 datasets, respectively). The depicted results show that NSNAD+HLA has better f-measure results under all datasets with both feature selection algorithms.

Table 9 Attributes' ranking
Fig. 7
figure 7

Performances with other feature selection

Furthermore, we noticed a huge difference in scale between attributes’ values in the training data. This usually leads to the biased results. To overcome this problem, we normalized the numerical attributes using Eq. 8.

$$\begin{aligned} x_{P\_{\rm{norm}}}\ =\ \left( \frac{x_p\ -\ \min _p}{\max _p\ -\ \min _p} \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_p\) is the pth attribute’s value in the instance x. \(\max _p\) and \(\min _p\) correspond, respectively, to maximum and minimum value of the Pth attribute in the dataset.

The results of multiple experiments under various datasets are compared in terms of all the evaluation metrics mentioned in the previous subsection. Hereafter, we present, compare and discuss the results of our algorithm against Naïve Bayes classifier, K-means clustering and One-class SVM algorithm.

5.2 True positive rate (TPR)/false positive rate (FPR)

As reported in Tables 1011 and 12, both versions of NSNAD exhibit better performances compared to the other algorithms. Indeed, their average TPR is 93%, 94% and 86% with an average FPR of 1%, 2% and 6% when it is tested under NSL-KDD, Kyoto2006+ and UNSW-NB15 datasets, respectively. These values demonstrate the efficiency of NSNAD to detect most attacks present in the dataset. The detection rate is further improved with the A-HLA optimization, although FPR is slightly increased because of new normal behaviors (instances) that are not represented in the train.

Table 10 TPR/FPR results under NSL-KDD dataset
Table 11 TPR/FPR results under Kyoto2006+ dataset
Table 12 TPR/FPR results under UNSW-NB15 dataset

As for Naïve Bayes classifier and K-means clustering when tested under NSL-KDD, the former displays a relatively better detection rate (~84%) than the latter (~78%). However, the FPR of K-means is much lower (~0.5%) than NB (~9%). The main reason is not only the difference in probability distribution between train and test data, but also the unbalanced type of attacks in both sets. When it comes to UNSW-NB15 dataset, the DR is almost the same (~65%), yet the FPR of K-means is nearly six times higher (~29%) than NB’s (~5%), which can be explained by the supervised nature of NB classifier and the difficulty level of the dataset for unsupervised techniques. The results of NB and K-means under Kyoto2006+ dataset are thought not different. Indeed, the average TPR and the average FPR are 85% and 1.5% for both algorithms.

However, the results of One-class SVM classifier under all test subsets are very bad, especially the false positive rates that reach the 48%, 45% and 70%. This can be explained by the non-exhaustive representation of the normal class in the train data as the algorithm depends entirely on the latter for the classification.

5.3 ROC and AUC

Roc (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves in Fig. 8 depict the relationship and visualize the detection rates versus the false positive rates as the classifier decision threshold is varied. The test sets used in the evaluation for each dataset are: the full NSL-KDD dataset; the records of January \(30\), 2009, of Kyoto2006+ dataset; and the complete test set of UNSW-NB15.

Fig. 8
figure 8

ROC results under a NSL-KDD, b Kyoto2006+ and c UNSW-NB15 datasets

Meanwhile, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) metric demonstrates the trade-offs between TPR and FPR. A higher AUC value indicates a high TPR and low FPR, which is the goal of intrusion detection algorithms.

AUC values reported in the plots highlight the algorithm that performs the best. Again, NSNAD with A-HLA optimization displays the best results with up to 0.995 on average. The worst values are recorded by One-class SVM classifier, especially under UNSW-NB15 since it is the most challenging dataset. AUCs of NB and K-means algorithms reach around 0.90 and around 0.8, respectively.

5.4 Accuracy and precision results

The accuracy of a classifier is a global measure that reflects the probability of correctly classified records over the complete data, regardless of a specific class. The precision, on the other hand, is the probability of correctly detected anomalies over the original amount of anomalies in the data. A classifier is said to be good if it is accurate and precise.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Accuracy results under a NSL-KDD, b Kyoto2006+ and c UNSW-NB15 datasets

Fig. 10
figure 10

Precision results under a NSL-KDD, b Kyoto2006+ and c UNSW-NB15 datasets

As shown in Fig. 9, NSNAD+HLA is the most accurate algorithm among the five (NSNAD without HLA included). Indeed, the rate of correctly classified samples is up to 97% with a precision as high as around 98% (Fig. 10). As it appears in the graphs, the A-HLA optimization enhanced the accuracy since it performs an additional verification before the final classification. The improvement is even more pronounced under NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 datasets.

One-class SVM, on the other hand, is the least accurate algorithm, especially under NSL-KDD and Kyoto2006+ datasets; its rate of accuracy and precision are around 70%.

K-means and NB perform broadly the same when it comes to accuracy. Yet, K-means exhibits a better precision than the other algorithms under NSL-KDD and Kyoto2006+ datasets due to its low FPR when tested under these datasets.

5.5 F-measure results

This metric considers both precision and TPR. It reflects the overall performance of the classifier to correctly identify anomalies. Figure 11 depicts the F-measure results of the four compared algorithms (NSNAD, NB, K-means and One-class SVM) plus the version of our proposed algorithm without the A-HLA step. It clearly shows that not only our algorithm outperforms the others with values up to 97%, but also point out the contribution of A-HLA step in achieving better results.

Fig. 11
figure 11

F-measure results under a NSL-KDD, b Kyoto2006+ and c UNSW-NB15 datasets

5.6 Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)

This coefficient was introduced by Brian W. Matthews in 1975 [59] to evaluate the quality of a binary classification. Contrary to F-measure, MCC takes into account TP, FP, TN and FN. Indeed, the f-measure results are dependent on one class (in this case anomaly). If we consider normal class, the f-measures’ values change accordingly. MCC considers the two cases at the same time and involves all the classifier outputs. The comparative results given in Fig. 12 show MCC values regarding each algorithm under the chosen benchmark dataset. Here again, NSNAD results outperform those of Naive Bayes, K-means and One-class SVM algorithms under every dataset. It also highlight that NSNAD with HLA verification gives slightly better results compared to its version without optimization.

Fig. 12
figure 12

MCC results under a NSL-KDD, b Kyoto2006+ and c UNSW-NB15 datasets

5.7 Computational time

As for the overall computational time of the proposed approach, it varies from 1 to 16 s \((T(train) + T(classif))\). The training phase involves the creation and the validation of the detectors as well as the computation of their radius. The classification phase includes the activation of the detectors and the A-HLA verification. The results, as depicted in Figs. 1314 and 15, represent the average time incurred by each algorithm in both training and classification stages after 10 runs.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Computational time of a training and b classification under NSL-KDD

Fig. 14
figure 14

Computational time of a training and b classification under Kyoto2006+

Fig. 15
figure 15

Computational time of a training and b classification under UNSW-NB15

The overall observation that we could point out from these figures is that the computational time of our approach slightly increases along with the size of the test data. Indeed, as the number of detectors depends on the size of test data, the time spent during the training is more important when the test data are large. Nevertheless, the mentioned time does not exceed 8 s, 2.8 s and 9 s under NSL-KDD, Kyoto2006+ and UNSW-NB15 datasets, respectively. The computational time of the classification step, on the other hand, depends on the detectors’ representation of the nonself-space. In fact, the best case (for each instance) is that the incoming instance activates the first detector to be classified as anomaly which, more likely, has been the case under Kyoto2006+ dataset with a maximum classification time of 4 s. The worst case is that after looping over all the detectors, none of them was activated so A-HLA verification is executed. This worst case have likely been seen under UNSW-NB15 dataset with maximum classification time of 7 s.

The computational time of One-class SVM has not been reported in the graphics due to their high values. Indeed, the mean time that this algorithm spends on the training/testing phases are about 16mn/19mn, 5mn/9mn and 3mn/7mn.

5.8 Summary of results

In order to summarize the overall results of NSNAD compared with the baseline algorithms, Table 13 provides the figures of each metric for algorithm under the benchmark datasets we used in our experiments. The results are for the complete NSL-KDD dataset, January 30, 2009, of Kyoto2006+ dataset and the complete test set of UNSW-NB15.

Table 13 Summary of results

6 Comparison with AIS-based intrusion detection techniques

For comparison purposes, Table 14 summarizes the performance of some recent AIS-based intrusion detection techniques. As can be seen, a large number of these researches used KDDCup99 dataset for their experiments [18, 19, 60, 79, 83, 89,90,89, 93, 97, 98], few of them used NSL-KDD dataset [30, 43, 60] and others used private [60] or non-networK-related [19, 49, 50] datasets. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the only artificial immune-based approach that uses UNSW-NB15 dataset for test experiments. In [33], UNSW-NB15 is used to test their approach based on artificial neural network to detect the attack in cloud infrastructures. In [7], these data are used to evaluate an ontology-based multi-agent model IDS for detection Web service attacks. Others like [2] used it along with KDDCup99 and NSL-KDD to test data mining techniques for intrusion detection in network traffic.

The true positive rate of most techniques under KDDCup99 dataset reaches high values (from 71.5 to 99.2%) with low values of false positive rate (from 0 to 3%). However, these figures no longer reflect the detection in nowadays networks because the database used is nearly 20 years old. It sure gives a comparative point of view against early papers, but researchers should validate their approaches with more recent datasets in addition to the old benchmarks.

Another important fact to point out from the table is the lack of techniques’ computational time or time complexity reported in a large number of papers. For instance, in [98], authors reported only the modeling time of their improved clonal algorithm before and after the feature selection without mentioning the settings of the machine they experimented on.

The distributed network intrusion detection system presented in [43] uses a genetic algorithm to generate detectors, yet authors did not present an estimation for time complexity knowing that GA is usually time-consuming algorithms as many previous works mentioned [42, 58, 84]. Another technique combining GA and AIS is presented in [88] without time complexity reported. The authors used genetic search for correlation-based feature selection and have proposed an AIS-based classifier to classify attacks over the selected features. Both papers did not mention the CPU/RAM settings of the machine used in experiments.

Authors in [1] claimed that using RST to reduce features of GureKDDcup dataset would enhance the computational time of the algorithm, but they did not present any comparative results to support their claim, where others like [93] state that their clonal selection-based method achieves high detection rate with low complexity time without showing any results regarding the second criterion. Another clonal selection-based technique was proposed in [49] where authors experimented on three datasets varying detectors sample size and antigen sample size to investigate their effects on TPR and FPR but not on the computational time.

Experiments of the probabilistic AIS-based IDS of [60] were conducted under six different datasets, from which two were generated by the authors. We reported in the table the last version’s results in terms of TPR, FPR and computational time. It is worth noting that the computational time is based on 2 s analysis, which means that the table’s figures correspond to the time that the algorithm spends on classifying 2sec of monitored traffic. The figures mentioned in the table are the algorithm’s time to classify 2 s of monitored traffic. In addition, authors fail to mention the actual time cost of their algorithm under KddCup99 and NSL-KDD datasets. They rather present a speedup ratio against that of SPAI, the first version of their algorithm. Although, they stated that the computational cost of SPAI is six times higher than that of RVNS (real-valued negative selection) and four times higher than that of PS (positive selection).

In this work, we evaluated our method under old benchmarks (NSL-KDD, Kyoto2006+) as well as the newest one, namely UNSW-NB15. We discuss and compare the process against two other algorithms regarding multiple metrics including TPR and FPR whose values are as good as other papers summarized in the table. Furthermore, we report training and classification computational time of each algorithm compared in this paper under each dataset.

Table 14 Comparison with AIS-based intrusion detection techniques

7 Conclusion and future work

The results presented in this paper clearly outline the efficiency provided by the artificial immune system to the field of intrusion detection. Indeed, we proposed a classification process based on the negative selection theory. This process begins with a reduction in the space through feature selection using the Coefficient of Variation to determine the least dispersed attributes. Detectors are subsequently generated and validated with respect to the normal (self-) data to cover the nonself-space via their radius. The classification we proposed exploits, at first, the radius of these detectors to classify an incoming instance as “anomaly”. Then, an additional verification with the volume of “self” is performed in order to classify the instance as “normal”. We called this latter, an Artificial-HLA optimization. The validation experiments of our process using old benchmark as well as up-to-date and challenging datasets show a promising tradeoff between detection rate, false positive rate and computational time compared to other algorithms.

There are many potential and interesting future works, including:

  • Improve the detectors generation process and their distribution over the nonself-space in order to balance between the detectors’ number, their coverage and minimize the overlapping of their radius.

  • Optimize computational time through parallelism.

  • Compare NSNAD to other methods as: subspace clustering [57, 101].

  • Analyze the resulting clusters through postprocessing techniques, such as quantification-based technique for cluster analysis [45].