1 Introduction

A general optimization problem with equality, inequality, and upper bound and lower bound constraints is stated as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \min \kern0.75em f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)\\ {} s. t.\kern0.75em \left\{\begin{array}{l}{g}_s\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)\le 0,\kern0.75em s=1,2,\dots, {n}_g,\\ {}{h}_t\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0,\kern0.75em t=1,2,\dots, {n}_h,\kern1.25em \\ {}\overrightarrow{x}=\left\{{\left({x}_1,{x}_2,\dots, {x}_D\right)}^T\in {R}^D|{l}_i\le {x}_i\le {u}_i, i=1,\dots, D\right\},\\ {}\overrightarrow{l}={\left({l}_1,{l}_2,\dots, {l}_D\right)}^T,\overrightarrow{u}={\left({u}_1,{u}_2,\dots, {u}_D\right)}^T.\end{array}\right.\end{array} $$

where \( \overrightarrow{x}={\left({x}_1,{x}_2,\dots, {x}_D\right)}^T \) is the decision vector, RD is the D-dimensional Euclidean space, \( f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right) \) is the objective function, \( {g}_s\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)\le 0 \) are the inequality constraints, \( {h}_t\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0 \) are the equality constraints, ng is the number of inequality constraints and nh is the number of equality constraints, and \( \overrightarrow{l} \) and \( \overrightarrow{u} \) are the lower and upper bounds of the decision variables, respectively. Without the loss of generality, the present paper aims at the sets of minimization problems.

The above general optimization problem (1) is the most general and important type of design optimization problems in engineering. Many real-world engineering optimization problems are often highly nonlinear and involve a number of different design variables under complex constraints [1]. The classical optimizations such as Newton method [2], the gradient technique [3], and the interior method [4] have been developed to solve the engineering optimization problems. However, the classical techniques suffer from various drawbacks. The Newton method is limited to continuity of the optimization problem. The practicality of gradient-based techniques has been reduced by the derivatives for nonlinearity of the engineering problems and the difficulty of generating automatically objective functions [5]. The interior method is also not very suitable to obtain the optima of engineering problems because it is more likely to return a local minimum and is always time consuming [6].

In view of these shortcomings of the classical techniques, for solving the optimization problem (1) efficiently, some researchers have focused on the application of heuristic algorithms. The heuristic algorithms can be broadly classified into three categories [7, 8]: constructive heuristic algorithms, improvement heuristic algorithms, and hybrid heuristic algorithms. In general, constructive heuristics can find a solution in a reasonable time but the quality of the solution is not very satisfactory [7]. The improvement heuristics are mainly the meta-heuristic evolutionary algorithms. In the last decade, meta-heuristic evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) [9], simulated annealing (SA) [10], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [11, 12], differential evolution (DE) [13], ant colony optimization (ACO) [14], bat-inspired algorithm (BA) [15], harmony search (HS) [16], dragonfly algorithm (DA) [17], and more recently, cuckoo search (CS) [18] have been developed to solve the engineering optimization problems. Improvement heuristic algorithms can normally converge to better-quality minimums, but they are timely and laborious processes.

Considering the restrictiveness of the constructive heuristic algorithms and the improvement heuristic algorithms, recently, the research concentration has expanded to hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms instead of a sole meta-heuristic algorithm. It has become evident that a combination of two or more meta-heuristic algorithms, called hybrid heuristic algorithms, is mostly efficient and can receive good application in dealing with the real-world engineering problems. For example, Nearchou [19] proposed a hybrid SA algorithm which integrates the basic structure of a SA algorithm together with features borrowed from the fields of GA and local search techniques for solving the flow shop scheduling problem, Alikhani et al. [20] hybridized electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm and Solis and Wets local search method for continuous optimization problems, Costa et al. [21] used a hybridization of genetic algorithm and pattern search method for constrained global optimization problems, Yildiz [22] hybridized an artificial immune algorithm with a hill climbing local search algorithm for optimization problems, Melo et al. [23] proposed a multi-view differential evolution for constrained engineering design problems, Su et al. [24] hybridized the particle swarm algorithm with the differential evolution algorithm to solve the multi-objective optimization problems, and Kanagaraj et al. [25, 26] hybridized genetic algorithm and cuckoo search algorithm to solve several constrained optimization problems. They have obtained good effects for the engineering optimization problems.

Although some improved techniques for the engineering optimization problems have been achieved, the further investigation is also needed due to the complexity of conflicting objectives and various constraints [27]. As one of the existing meta-heuristic algorithms, an evolution technique, called CS [1, 6, 7, 18, 28,29,30], is a population-based heuristic evolutionary algorithm that is simple to implement and has few parameters to be tuned [7]. This algorithm is based on the interesting breeding behavior such as brood parasitism of certain species of cuckoos. And it has gained promising importance and applicability in many fields like shop scheduling, parameter optimization in structure designing and machining processes, networking, and so on [6]. CS and its application in many fields have been discussed in [28].

Along with the development trend of hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms discussed above, this paper proposes a new hybrid algorithm combining cuckoo search and particle swarm optimization, called CSPSO in the following sections. The crucial idea behind CSPSO can be summarized as follows. Population of the algorithm is initialized by using the principle of orthogonal Lation squares, to cover search space with balance dispersion and neat comparability. A dynamically variable step size is proposed as a possible improvement over the original CS. PSO is incorporated to increase the diversity of population. The proposed CSPSO is used to optimize benchmark functions and solve engineering design problems. Result evaluation assures that the proposed algorithm provides better performance than other approaches.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the fundamentals of CS and PSO. Section 3 describes the proposed CSPSO algorithm. Sections 45 evaluate CSPSO using 20 standard benchmarking functions and 2 engineering optimization problems, compare the performance of CSPSO with other relative algorithms, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the CSPSO algorithm. Finally, the concluding remarks and some directions for future research are provided in Section 6.

2 The original PSO and original CS

In this section, the features of the original PSO, the original CS, and a hybridization of CS and PSO are discussed.

2.1 The original PSO

PSO is a meta-heuristic evolutionary technique proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [11, 12]. The original intent of particle swarm theory is to graphically mimic the swarm characteristics of a bird flock which is characterized by graceful but unpredictable choreography. Like other evolutionary techniques, PSO uses the common evolutionary computation method [31] as follows.

  1. (1)

    It is initialized with a random population called swarm. Each individual of the swarm can be written as a particle, and each particle’s position resembles a solution.

  2. (2)

    It finds out the best solution by updating generations consecutively.

  3. (3)

    The reproduction operation is on the basis of the old generation. A particle modifies its memorized values including velocity, position, personal best position, and global best position to achieve better position. The whole particles search the problem space for the best solution by the current optimal solutions.

Defined that D is the problem space dimension, and N is the number of particles. The position of particle i is noted as \( {\overrightarrow{y}}_i={\left({\overrightarrow{y}}_{i1},{\overrightarrow{y}}_{i2},\dots, {\overrightarrow{y}}_{i D}\right)}^T \), its velocity is defined as \( {\overrightarrow{v}}_i={\left({v}_{i1},{v}_{i2},\dots, {v}_{i D}\right)}^T \), and its best position (best previous performance) in history is called the personal best (\( {\overrightarrow{p}}_i \)). The best position found previously by all particles in the group is called the global best (\( \overrightarrow{g} \)). The updates of the swarm particles are accomplished using the following equations.

$$ {v}_{ij}\left( k+1\right)={v}_{ij}(k)+{c}_1{r}_1\left({p}_{ij}(k)-{y}_{ij}(k)\right)+{c}_2{r}_2\left({g}_j(k)-{y}_{ij}(k)\right) $$
$$ {y}_{ij}\left( k+1\right)={y}_{ij}(k)+{v}_{ij}\left( k+1\right) $$

where i = 1 , 2 ,  …  , N , j = 1 , 2 ,  …  , D.k is the current generation. c1 is the cognitive memory factor, c2 is the social memory factor, and they are two constants. r1 and r2 (r1 , r2 ∈ [0, 1]) are random numbers. Equation (2) calculates a new velocity for each swarm particle on the basis of its previous velocity \( {\overrightarrow{v}}_i(k) \), its personal best position \( {\overrightarrow{p}}_i(k) \), and the global best position \( \overrightarrow{g}(k) \). Equation (3) updates the position of each swarm particle in problem space.

Performance evolution of the particles depends on the fitness of an evolution function that is predefined and related to the objective functions of the optimization problem [32]. In the process of optimizing minimization problem, when the fitness of the improved solution is lower than that of the previous solutions, the improved solution is closer to the best solution. \( {\overrightarrow{p}}_i(k) \) of each swarm particle is updated only if its current position’s fitness value is lower than the previous best value, otherwise \( {\overrightarrow{p}}_i(k) \) will be unchanged. \( \overrightarrow{g}(k) \) is always the best position at which the best fitness so far has been achieved. Mathematically, this can be formulated as Eqs. (45).

$$ {\overrightarrow{p}}_i\left( k+1\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{l}{\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right),\kern0.75em \mathrm{if}\ f\left({\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right)\right)< f\left({\overrightarrow{p}}_i(k)\right);\\ {}{\overrightarrow{p}}_i(k),\kern0.75em \mathrm{otherwise}.\kern1.25em \end{array}\right. $$
$$ \overrightarrow{g}\left( k+1\right)= \arg \min f\left({\overrightarrow{p}}_i\left( k+1\right)\right) $$

where \( f\left({\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right)\right) \) is the fitness value of the current position of particle i. The pseudo code of the original PSO is given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Pseudo code of PSO algorithm

2.2 The original CS

2.2.1 Cuckoo breeding behavior and Lévy flight

The concept of meta-heuristic technique known as cuckoo search algorithm [1, 18] was first proposed by Yang and Deb in the year 2009. It is a novel algorithm based on the breeding behavior of cuckoo species. Cuckoo hens lay their eggs in other birds’ nests or the communal nests. While laying their eggs, they may remove the host birds’ eggs from the nest to increase the hatching probability of their own eggs. In general, eggs of cuckoo hens hatch slightly earlier than the host birds’ eggs, and the cuckoo chick grows faster. Once the first cuckoo egg hatches, the foremost action of the chick is to blindly roll the host eggs out of the nest, which can increase the cuckoo chicks’ share of food provided by its host bird [28]. Apart from the propelling action of the cuckoo chick, it also mimics the host chicks’ call in order to access more opportunity of feeding [29].

In the original CS, Yang and Deb also introduced the concept of Lévy flight. A cuckoo performs Lévy flight to search for a new nest. The Lévy flight process, named by the French mathematician Paul Lévy, is essentially a model of random walks that is characterized by random step lengths drawn from a power law distribution [30]. The foraging behavior of many animals and insects has the typical characteristics of Lévy flight [34, 35]. This process has previously been widely used to solve the problems in optimization and other fields of sciences [18, 33,34,35].

2.2.2 Cuckoo search implementation

As proposed by Yang, three idealized rules are suggested as follows [18].

  1. (1)

    Each cuckoo lays one egg at a time, and a random nest is chosen to dump the egg.

  2. (2)

    The best nest with high quality of eggs will pass onto the next generations.

  3. (3)

    The number of host nests is fixed and there is a probability pa ∈ [0, 1] with which a host bird discovers an alien. In this case, the host bird can either discard the egg or the nest so as to build a completely new nest in a new location.

Based on the above-mentioned rules, the original CS is developed as follows.

In the CS technique, one egg in a nest resembles a solution and a cuckoo egg resembles a new solution. The algorithm begins with an initial population generated randomly. The population uses D-dimension parameter vector restricted by the upper and lower bounds as given in Eqs. (6–7).

$$ \overrightarrow{l}={\left({l}_1,{l}_2,\dots, {l}_D\right)}^T $$
$$ \overrightarrow{u}={\left({u}_1,{u}_2,\dots, {u}_D\right)}^T $$

During the generation of a new solution \( {\overrightarrow{x}}_i\left( k+1\right) \), a Lévy flight is carried out as in Eq. (8).

$$ \overset{\rightharpoonup }{x_i}\left( k+1\right)=\overset{\rightharpoonup }{x_i}(k)+\alpha \oplus \mathrm{L}{\mathrm{e}}^{\hbox{'}}\mathrm{vy}\left( s,\lambda \right) $$

where \( {\overrightarrow{x}}_i(k) \) represents the current solution, k is the current generation, and α(α > 0) represents the step size. In general, α should be proportional to the scale of the studied problem, even though α = 1 can be used in common [18]. The product ⊕ means entry-wise multiplications. Lévy flights essentially resemble random walks, and their random steps follow the Lévy distribution as given in Eq. (9).

$$ \mathrm{L}{\mathrm{e}}^{\hbox{'}}\mathrm{vy}\left( s,\lambda \right)\sim {s}^{-\lambda},\left(1<\lambda \le 3\right) $$

Equation (9) has an infinite variance with an infinite mean [1]. Accordingly, the consecutive steps/jumps of a cuckoo have formed a process with random walks, and the process obeys a power law distribution with a heavy tail [1]. In fact, the process of generating a new solution can be seen as a stochastic equation for a random walk, and this random walk forms a Markov chain whose next location only depends on the current position and the transition probability [7]. In this way, the evolution process is to use the new and potentially better solutions to continually replace worse solutions. The final goal is to gain the best solution. The pseudo code of the original CS is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Pseudo code of CS algorithm

3 The hybrid CSPSO algorithm

3.1 Selection method of initial population

CS has succeeded in proving its superior performance, compared with PSO and GA [30]. But there is still some room for improvement in CS, we can control the intensification and diversification through the cuckoo’s mobility in the search space to help the individual find much better solutions [30]. It is a serious issue that how to use a minimum number of initial solutions to sample the distribution characteristic of the search space. A selection method of initial population presented here, called orthogonal arrays, is expounded in detail [36]. The key aim of using orthogonal arrays is to draw its advantage of balance dispersion and neat comparability.

Following the rule of probability and statistics, orthogonal arrays are generated based on the principle of orthogonal Lation squares. Here the orthogonal arrays, which include N initial solutions, can be constructed by the following two steps.

  1. Step: 1

    Calculate the dispersed coordinate points aij of each variable by using D-dimension vector in the problem space restricted by the upper and lower bounds.

$$ {a}_{ij}={l}_j+\left( i-1\right)\times \left({u}_j-{l}_j\right)/\left( N-1\right)\kern0.75em \left( i=1,2,\dots, N; j=1,2,\dots, D\right) $$
  1. Step: 2

    Generate the initial solutions by using the principle of orthogonal Lation squares.

$$ {b}_{ij}={a}_{hj}\kern0.75em \left( i=1,2,\dots, N; j=1,2,\dots, D\right) $$

where h = (i + j − 1) mod N, and if h = 0, then h = N.

Hence, an initial individual of the population \( {\overrightarrow{b}}_i={\left({b}_{i1},{b}_{i2},\dots, {b}_{i D}\right)}^T,\left( i=1,2,\dots, N\right) \) is generated via the above mentioned steps. In the proposed CSPSO, the initial individual can also be denoted as:\( {\overrightarrow{x}}_i,{\overrightarrow{y}}_i\ \mathrm{and}\ {\overrightarrow{z}}_i,{\overrightarrow{x}}_i={\overrightarrow{b}}_i,{\overrightarrow{y}}_i={\overrightarrow{b}}_i,{\overrightarrow{z}}_i={\overrightarrow{b}}_i\left( i=1,2,\dots, N\right). \).

3.2 Dynamic step size

The step size α is an important parameter in fine-tuning of improved solutions and can potentially affect the convergence rate of algorithm [37,38,39]. The performance of CS has been proved to be superior, compared with PSO and GA [1]. This relies on the introduction of Lévy flight process. However, a fast convergence of CS algorithm cannot be guaranteed, since the process is essentially a model of random walk. In the original CS, α is a fixed constant and α = 1 is used in [18]. To enhance the convergence rate, the original CS is slightly modified with respect to the step size α in this paper. α(k) is decreased with increasing iteration number. This is done similar to the principle that the inertia weight is reduced with increasing iteration number in PSO [11]. In the initial generations, α(k) is large enough to enforce the cuckoos to search more various solutions, which guarantee the diversity of the new solution vectors. In the final generations, α(k) is decreased to result in a better fine-tuning of improved solution vectors. In this paper, α(k) is dynamically adjusted with the generation number given below.

$$ \alpha (k)={\alpha}_{\max }-\frac{\left({\alpha}_{\max }-{\alpha}_{\min}\right)}{k_{\max }}\times k $$

where k is the current iteration, kmax is the total number of iterations. αmin and αmax are the lower and upper bounds of the parameter α, respectively, and their values are taken as αmin = 0.01, αmax = 0.5 in a hit and trial method.

3.3 The hybrid CSPSO procedure

In the original CS, there is no information exchange between each cuckoo, and actually, the search process of each cuckoo is performed independently [40]. Here, we will combine the good search ability of CS and the global search advantage of PSO to enhance the population diversity and the convergence rate of the proposed hybrid algorithm. In this case, instead of employing a single pattern which is called Lévy flight to generate new solutions in CS, we use an integration of two different ways to generate the solutions in CSPSO. The first way is the classical pattern of Lévy flight in CS, and the second is the updating ways as Eqs. (2–3) in PSO. The detailed hybrid process is described below.

Each cuckoo performs Lévy flight to generate a new solution \( {\overrightarrow{x}}_i\left( k+1\right) \) and follows the updating ways based on PSO to generate a new solution \( {\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right) \). A new solution of the CSPSO is generated with the combination of \( {\overrightarrow{x}}_i\left( k+1\right) \) and \( {\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right) \), and the updating formula of the new solutions is proposed in Eq. (13).

$$ {\overrightarrow{z}}_i\left( k+1\right)= d\times {\overrightarrow{x}}_i\left( k+1\right)+\left(1- d\right)\times {\overrightarrow{y}}_i\left( k+1\right) $$

where \( {\overrightarrow{z}}_i\left( k+1\right) \) is the new solution of the CSPSO, d (d ∈ [0, 1]) is a random number.

The steps involved in the hybrid CSPSO can be shown in detail in Fig. 3. As is shown in Fig. 3, there are three improvements in the proposed hybrid algorithm. The first improvement is that initial individuals of the hybrid algorithm are generated by using orthogonal Lation squares, which is described in Subsection 3.1. The second improvement is that the step size of the CS is dynamically adjusted instead of a fixed value which is discussed in subsection 3.2. The third improvement is that the CS is hybridized with the PSO to form a new hybrid optimization algorithm using the hybrid strategy which is described in this section. The proposed CSPSO can be summarized as given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Pseudo code of the proposed algorithm

4 Experimental studies on benchmark functions

4.1 Benchmark functions

To evaluate the performance of the proposed CSPSO and conduct a further comparative study, a set of well-known test functions [41,42,43,44] are used as benchmark problems. The dimension of these test functions can be fixed or unfixed. The number of dimensions is set as 10 in this work for unfixed dimension functions. But for a function with fixed number of dimension, the dimension number has been preset by the literature and cannot be changed. Both unimodal and multimodal functions are selected to evaluate the robustness of the proposed CSPSO algorithm. Functions F1 − F14 are unimodal functions and F15 − F20 are multimodal functions. The name (Function), the formula (Formula), the range of dimension (D), the searching range (Range), and the known optimal value (Optima) of these problems are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 The benchmark test functions

4.2 Algorithms used for comparison and parametric studies

To test the effectiveness of CSPSO and to conduct an exhaustive comparison, the proposed CSPSO and other six algorithms PSO [12], DE [13], BA [15], HS [16], CS [18], and ICS [37] are tested on the series of test functions above. The detailed computational data of all test functions for all these algorithms will be presented. The successful rate, the best fitness, the worst fitness, mean value, and standard deviation of all algorithms are given.

In all experiments, the values of the common parameters used in each algorithm such as the population size and the total iteration number are chosen to be the same. For all algorithms, the population size is set as N = 20, and the total number of iterations is set as kmax = 2000. To reduce the random error of the simulation, all experiments on each test function is repeated 50 times. All computational experiences for the benchmark problems are implemented using Matlab2013b on a PC with a Intel core i5-4460 3.20 GHz processor and 8.0 GB memory.

The algorithms and other specific parameters settings are given below:

  1. (1)

    CSPSO: pa = 0.25, αmin = 0.01, αmax = 0.5;

  2. (2)

    PSO [12]: c1 = c2 = 2, wmin = 0.4, wmax = 0.9;

  3. (3)

    DE [13]: F = 0.6, CR = 0.1;

  4. (4)

    BA [15]: A = 0.25, r = 1, Qmin = 0, Qmax = 2;

  5. (5)

    HS [16]: M = 30, HMCR = 0.95, PAR = 0.3, BW = 0.06;

  6. (6)

    CS [18]: pa = 0.25, α = 1;

  7. (7)

    (7)ICS [37]: pmin = 0.005, pmax = 0.5, αmin = 0.01, α(max) = 0.5.

4.3 Simulation and comparison

We begin with a discussion on the success rate obtained for 20 benchmark problems. Table 2 reports the success rate by applying the seven algorithms to optimize the benchmark problems F1 − F20, respectively. The success of an algorithm means that this algorithm can result in a function value less than the pre-specified optimal value, i.e., 1.0E−08, for all problems with the number of iterations less than the pre-specified maximum number. The successful rate is calculated as the number of successful runs divided by the total number of runs. In this paper, on one function, 0 success rate means that in all iterations the algorithm cannot obtain a fitness value less than 1.0E−08.

Table 2 The successful rate of all algorithms for test functions

From Table 2, it can be seen that CSPSO achieves best success rate on 16 functions, and on 15 of these 16 functions it achieves 100% success rate. Both CS and ICS achieve 100% success rate on 15 functions. DE achieves 100% success rate on 14 functions. On nine functions, PSO gets 100% success rate. On five functions, BA and HS all have 100% success rate. Only on function Griewank, DE has better performance than CSPSO. In summary, the CSPSO has a very good success rate in testing the majority of the benchmark problems.

Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 present the computational results obtained for 20 functions, respectively. The best results among the seven algorithms are shown in italics. “Best” represents the best fitness, “Worst” represents the worst fitness, “Mean” represents the mean value of the fitness, and “Std” represents the standard deviation of the fitness value.

Table 3 Experimental results of Sphere function and Schwefel 2.22 function
Table 4 Experimental results of Eason function and Step function
Table 5 Experimental results of Sum square function and Quadric function
Table 6 Experimental results of Dixon-Price function and Schwefel2.21 function
Table 7 Experimental results of Zakharov function and Matyas function
Table 8 Experimental results of Trid6 function and Powell function
Table 9 Experimental results of Beale function and Trid10 function
Table 10 Experimental results of Rastrigin function and Weierstrass function
Table 11 Experimental results of Griewank function and Bohachevsky1 function
Table 12 Experimental results of Bohachevsky2 function and Bohachevsky3 function

Sphere function and Schwefel 2.22 function are two unimodal functions. They are mainly used to test the accuracy of optimization algorithms. Here, they are easily optimized by the seven algorithms. From the results of Table 3, it can be observed that CSPSO shows the highest search performance in terms of the solution qualities. In comparison with PSO, DE, BA, HS, CS, and ICS algorithms, the proposed CSPSO gets the smallest best, worst, mean, and standard deviation values.

From Table 4, on Eason function, CSPSO, PSO, BA, CS, and ICS algorithms show the same performances in terms of the solution results. Except for DE and HS, the other five algorithms all could approximate to global optimum. Step function has one minimum and it is a discontinuous function. The same performances are obtained by CSPSO, DE, CS, and ICS algorithms. Except for PSO, BA, and HS, other four algorithms all approximate to the global optimum for the Step function.

Table 5 shows good capability of the proposed CSPSO algorithm on Sum square function and Quadric function. For Sum square function, CSPSO performs the highest performance and ICS shows a moderate performance. Quartic function is padded with random noise. It is hard to be optimized because every evaluation for function depends on the random noise generator (uniform or gaussian). From the results of Table 5, on Quadric function, it can be observed that the performance of CSPSO and HS are better than other five algorithms. HS gets the best “Best” result, and CSPSO achieves the best “Worst” “Mean” and “Std” results. Overall, CSPSO is also competitive and effective for solving Quartic function.

For Dixon-Price function in Table 6, CSPSO finds the best “Best” result in comparison with other six algorithms and it achieves the same best “Worst” result as DE, CS, and ICS. Regarding the “Mean” and “Std” results, ICS provides the best “Mean” result and “BA” provides the best “Std” result. In Table 6 and Table 7, it is obvious that CSPSO achieves the best results for Schwefel 2.21 function, Zakharov function, and Matyas function. Compared with other six algorithms, CSPSO performs the best and HS shows the worst performance.

The results of Trid 6 function and Powell function are presented in Table 8. For Trid 6 function, CSPSO shows the same best performance as PSO, DE, BA, CS, and ICS, but the performance of HS gets worse. On Powell function, CS achieves the best “Best” and “Mean” results. CSPSO gets the best “Worst” and “Std” results. Overall, CSPSO is very competitive and effective for solving Powell function.

From the results in Table 9, it can be clearly seen that CSPSO and CS show the same performance and they are much better than other five algorithms on Beale function. They both could approximate to the global optimum successfully. On Trid 10 function, all algorithms get the best “Best” result, CS achieves the best “Worst” and “Std” results, and PSO gets the best “Mean” result as well as CS and ICS. In general, CS performs the best and CSPSO shows a moderate performance on Trid 10 function.

Table 10 gives the results of all algorithms for Rastrigin function and Weierstrass function. Rastrigin function is a complex multimodal function and based on the above-mentioned Sphere function. It uses cosine function to consistently produce many local optimal points. So it could easily fall into the local optimum when the algorithm finds out the global optimum. In Table 10, for Rastrigin function, it is remarkable that ICS performs better than others and it approximates to the global optimum. The performance of CSPSO is also promising but slightly worse than ICS. For Weierstrass function, DE gets the best “Best”, “Worst”, “Mean”, and “Std” results and its performance is the best. CSPSO shows a moderate performance.

The results of Griewank function and Bohachevsky1 function are presented in Table 11, and the results of Bohachevsky2 function and Bohachevsky3 function are presented in Table 12. For Griewank function, DE achieves the best “Best” results, BA gets the best “Worst” “Mean” and “Std” results. In comparison with other six algorithms, CSPSO shows a moderate performance. For Bohachevsky1 function, Bohachevsky2 function, and Bohachevsky3 function, CSPSO, PSO, DE, CS, and ICS all could approximate to global optimum and they perform much better than BA and HS.

To give a visualized and detailed comparison, Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 gives the convergence curves of the proposed CSPSO algorithm and other six algorithms PSO [12], DE [13], BA [15], HS [16], CS [18], and ICS [37]. This paper only presents eight representative convergence curves on eight functions (Sphere, Schwefel 2.22, Sum square, Schwefel 2.21, Zakharov, Matyas, Powell, and Bohachevsky3). The plot depicts convergence trends of the considered seven algorithms in a random run. To clearly compare the performance of each algorithm, the log-based 10 of the obtained results is made in plotting figures. In a figure, the labels of X-axis and Y-axis represent the algorithm iteration numbers and the function value, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The convergence curve of Sphere function

Fig. 5
figure 5

The convergence curve of Schwefel 2.22 function

Fig. 6
figure 6

The convergence curve of Sum square function

Fig. 7
figure 7

Pseudo code of PSO algorithm

Fig. 8
figure 8

The convergence curve of Zakharov function

Fig. 9
figure 9

The convergence curve of Matyas function

Fig. 10
figure 10

The convergence curve of Powell function

Fig. 11
figure 11

The convergence curve of Bohachevsky3 function

From Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, we could observe that CSPSO converges to global optimum quickly. CSPSO has much faster convergence compared with other six algorithms on Sphere function, Schwefel 2.22 function, Sum square function, Schwefel 2.21 function, Zakharov function, Matyas function, and Bohachevsky3 function. From Fig. 10, for Powell function, CSPSO shows higher convergence rate than CS and they both converge faster than other five algorithms. What is more, the optimum obtained by CSPSO is better than that of other six algorithms. Through above analysis and discussion, it can be illustrated that the proposed CSPSO is efficient for solving these benchmark problems, while DE and ICS show a moderate performance in the comparison.

5 Application studies on two engineering cases

Several cases taken from the optimization literatures have been previously solved by using a variety of other methods [1, 45], which is useful to show the performance of the algorithms. In this section, to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed CSPSO, we use two typical design cases [1] as applications.

5.1 Constraint handing technique

For a constrained problem, it is an important aspect to choose a suitable method which is employed to handle constraints. The method should help the algorithm search in the feasible regions and be able to arrive at the bounds of the search space. An unfeasible solution may become a feasible solution in the population. A common method is the use of penalty function [46] (see Eqs. (14–15)) and this method is chosen for the proposed CSPSO in this paper. The idea of the penalty method is to transform the constrained problem into an unconstrained one by introducing a penalty factor.

The constrained violation degree is stated as:

$$ G\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{n_g} \max \left\{0,{g}_i\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)\right\} $$

The penalty function of the constrained problem (1) can be defined as follow:

$$ T\left(\overrightarrow{x},\sigma \right)= f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)+\sigma G\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right) $$

where \( f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right) \) is the objective function, σ is the penalty factor [48].

5.2 Tension/compression spring design problem

The tension/compression springs are often used in the field of engineering. A standard spring design problem has three design variables: the wire diameter w (=x1), the mean coil diameter d(=x2), and the number of coils l (=x3). The objective of this problem is to minimize the weight of spring. It also has four nonlinear inequality constraints.

The mathematical model of this problem can be written compactly as:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \min \kern0.75em f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\left({x}_3+2\right){x}_2{x}_1^2\\ {} s. t.\kern0.75em \left\{\begin{array}{l}{g}_1\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=1-\frac{x_2^3{x}_3}{71785{x}_1^4}\le 0,\kern0.75em \\ {}{g}_2\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\frac{4{x}_2^2-{x}_1{x}_2}{12566\left({x}_2{x}_1^3-{x}_1^4\right)}+\frac{1}{5108{x}_1^2}-1\le 0,\kern1.25em \\ {}{g}_3\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=1-\frac{140.45{x}_1}{x_2^2{x}_3}\le 0,\\ {}{g}_4\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\frac{x_2+{x}_1}{1.5}-1\le 0,\end{array}\right.\end{array} $$


$$ 0.05\le {x}_1\le 2.0,0.25\le {x}_2\le 1.3,2.0\le {x}_3\le 15.0. $$

This problem has been studied previously by several researchers from earlier studies. Belegundu [47] used eight different mathematical programming methods to solve this problem. Coello [48] also solved this problem by using GA algorithm. Additionally, Eskandar [49] solved this problem using a water cycle algorithm. In this work, the proposed CSPSO algorithm and other six referred algorithms: PSO [12], DE [13], BA [15], HS [16], DA [17], CS [18], HCSGA [25, 26], and ICS [37, 38] are all employed to solve the tension/compression spring design problem. The parameters of these algorithms for this problem are set as the same as subsection 4.2. The optimal solution is obtained at \( {\overrightarrow{x}}^{\ast }=\left(0.054719001,0.434025369,7.8714408840\right) \) with corresponding function value equal to \( {f}^{\ast}\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0.012665256 \). The best result obtained by the proposed CSPSO is compared with that gained by other eight algorithms and the comparisons are presented in Table 13. One important thing to note about this table is that the results of HCSGA are from [25, 26].

Table 13 Optimal results for minimization of the weight of spring

As it can be seen from Table 13, the searching quality of CSPSO is better than all other six algorithms, that is, the cost is the lowest.

5.3 Welded beam design optimization problem

The so-called welded beam design is another practical problem that has been often used as a benchmark for testing the performance of different optimization methods. The objective is to find the minimum of the overall fabrication cost which consists of the set-up, weld labor, and material costs, under the appropriate constraints of shear stress τ, bending stress in the beam σ, buckling load on the bar P, and maximum end deflection δ. The problem has four design variables: the width w(=x1), the length of the welded area l(=x2), the depth of the main beam d(=x3), and the thickness of the main beam h(=x4).

The mathematical formulation of this problem can be written as:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \min \kern0.75em f\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=1.1047{x}_1^2{x}_2+0.04811{x}_3{x}_4\left(14.0+{x}_2\right)\\ {} s. t.\kern0.75em \left\{\begin{array}{l}{g}_1\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)={x}_1-{x}_4\le 0,\kern0.75em \\ {}{g}_2\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\delta \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)-0.25\le 0,\kern1.25em \\ {}{g}_3\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\tau \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)-13600\le 0,\\ {}{g}_4\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\sigma \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)-30000\le 0,\\ {}{g}_5\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0.10471{x}_1^2+0.04811{x}_3{x}_4\left(14+{x}_2\right)-5.0\le 0,\\ {}{g}_6\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0.0125-{x}_1\le 0,\\ {}{g}_7\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=6000- P\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)\le 0,\end{array}\right.\end{array} $$


$$ \left\{\begin{array}{l}\sigma \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\frac{5040000}{x_3^2{x}_4},\\ {} Q=6000\left(14+\frac{x_2}{2}\right),\\ {} D=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{x_2^2+{\left({x}_1+{x}_3\right)}^2},\\ {} J=\sqrt{2}{x}_1{x}_2\left[\frac{x_2^2}{6}+\frac{{\left({x}_1+{x}_3\right)}^2}{2}\right],\\ {}\delta \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\frac{65856}{30000{x}_3^3{x}_4},\\ {}\beta =\frac{QD}{J},\\ {}\alpha =\frac{6000}{\sqrt{2}{x}_1{x}_2},\\ {}\tau \left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=\sqrt{a^2+\frac{\alpha \beta {x}_2}{D}+{\beta}^2},\\ {} P\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=0.61423\times {10}^6\frac{x_3{x}_4^3}{6}\left(1-\frac{x_3\sqrt{30/48}}{28}\right),\\ {}0.1\le {x}_2,{x}_3\le 10,0.1\le {x}_1,{x}_4\le 2.0.\end{array}\right. $$

The proposed CSPSO algorithm is applied to the welded beam design optimization problem and the optimal result is compared with that obtained by earlier algorithms: PSO [12], DE [13], BA [15], HS [16], DA [17], CS [18], HCSGA [25, 26], and ICS [37, 38]. The parameters set of these algorithms are the same as subsection 4.2. Their comparison results are listed in Table 14, where the results of HCSGA are from [25, 26]. Using the proposed CSPSO, we have the following optimal result \( {\overrightarrow{x}}^{\ast }=\left(0.219211677,3.354013957,8.634284996,0.225366761\right) \) with corresponding function value equal to \( {f}^{\ast}\left(\overrightarrow{x}\right)=1.7248544245 \).

Table 14 Optimal results for welded beam design

From Table 14, HCSGA achieves the best result, and the proposed CSPSO and PSO provide the better results for the welded beam design optimization problem. Additionally, except for HCSGA, the better function value 1.7248544245 obtained by the proposed CSPSO is the same as the result by PSO.

6 Discussion and conclusion

In the present study, we have formulated a hybrid algorithm called CSPSO to solve continuous optimization problems. From the formulation of CSPSO to its implementation and comparison, we can see that it is a promising algorithm. The proposed CSPSO algorithm is potentially more promising than PSO [12], DE [13], BA [15], HS [16], DA [17], CS [18], HCSGA [25, 26], and ICS [37, 38] for most of the test problems. The primary reason is that CSPSO takes the search advantage of PSO and combines it to CS. From the framework of the CSPSO, it can be observed that the population individuals in CSPSO evolve with two different mechanisms and then exchange their information with each other. This can be viewed as a kind of co-evolutionary to some extent. According to the interactive iterations of the CS and PSO, the diversity of the optimal solutions and the convergence rate of the CSPSO are both enhanced. This superior performance of CSPSO is guaranteed by the co-evolutionary mechanism.

Moreover, the population of the proposed CSPSO is initialized by using the principle of orthogonal Lation squares and a dynamic step size is employed in CS instead of the original fixed constant. The effectiveness of these improvements is checked for several different performance criteria, such as success rate, best solution, worst solution, and mean solution and the original deviation, convergence rate, etc.

Unlike the problem-dependent algorithms which are on the basis of specific assumptions, such as the gradient information of the optimization objective, the convexity of constraint regions, and so on [50], CSPSO has solved different types of problem directly. The results on 20 benchmark test functions and 2 typical engineering design cases validate the effectiveness of the proposed CSPSO. Moreover, the extensive conducted comparative study shows that CSPSO outperforms the other algorithms in the literature for most cases. However, the present algorithm is only suitable for single objective optimization problems. Application of the proposed algorithm to multi-objective optimization problems is the future work.