Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the most commonly performed procedures in surgical training. While many instruments purport to measure LC performance, it is not clear which assessment tool can best meet the needs of training programs, and under which conditions. Assessment can be used in various ways: formative assessments to provide useful feedback during training, and summative assessments to demonstrate evidence of competence with the goal of increasing patient safety [1]. If the purpose of the tool is to confirm competency at the end of training or for credentialing purposes, it is critical that robust evidence be available to support the validity and reliability of the assessment.

A variety of LC performance assessment instruments have been developed and tested in different settings (e.g., bench-top models, animal models and in the operating room) and for different purposes (e.g., research outcome, formative feedback, competency assessment). However, evidence for validity under one set of conditions cannot necessarily be assumed when the assessment is used in another setting or for another indication. There is no systematic review of performance assessments available for LC that appraises the tools using a contemporary framework of validity [2]. The purpose of this review is to identify LC performance assessment tools and to provide critical appraisal of their measurement properties using the unitary framework of validity. This will ultimately support the informed selection and implementation of these tools in surgical training.

Materials and methods

Search strategy

We performed a systematic literature search of all full-text articles published between January 1989 and April 2013 according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines(3). Search strategies were developed with the assistance of a health science librarian (E.L). A systematic search was completed in May 2014 in MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, and Cochrane as well as in grey literature sources (LILACS, Scirrus, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, Bandolier, Current Controlled Trials, Clinical,, and Google Scholar). No geographical or language limits were applied. Articles written in languages other than English were assessed through their English abstract only, if available. Reference lists were hand-searched to identify additional studies. The search terms used were “laparoscopic cholecystectomy” AND “clinical competence” OR “assessment” and thesaurus terms such as Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and Emtree terms. To increase the sensitivity of the search strategy, we combined key words with thesaurus terms individually (key words AND thesaurus terms). A more detailed search strategy is provided in the “Appendix” and is available on request.

Study selection

Eligible studies described observational assessment tools used for LC in the operating room (OR). Studies using assessment tools for LC exclusively outside of the OR, such as in simulated settings, as well as reviews, meeting abstracts, editorials, and letters were excluded.

Data extraction

All studies were assessed independently by two reviewers (Y.W. and E.B.). Differences in data abstraction were resolved through consensus adjudication. Extracted information included study characteristics, characteristics of performance assessment tools using predefined criteria (Table 1), and validity evidence according to a contemporary framework of validity.

Table 1 Extracted characteristics of included performance assessment tools


Validity is defined as appropriate interpretation of assessment results; a validation study is a process of collecting evidence to support the interpretations of assessment results [2, 3]. The five sources of validity (content, response process, internal structure, relations to other variables, and consequences) were evaluated according to the Standards established by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education [2, 4, 5]. The summary of data extraction is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Five sources of validity


Study characteristics

The primary search identified 1762 studies. Three hundred and thirty-seven duplicates were removed, and the remaining 1425 titles and abstracts were screened for relevance. Of these 1425 articles, 68 titles underwent full-text review, of which 54 met our inclusion criteria and were included for qualitative synthesis (Fig. 1). Characteristics of the articles included can be seen in Table 3. We excluded eight studies from further analysis for the following reasons: a unique tool with no validity evidence (n = 2) [6, 7], modifications of original tools without additional validation studies (n = 4) [811], and unclear descriptions of the setting in which the data were acquired (n = 2) [12, 13].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Study identification and selection flow chart

Table 3 Characteristics of 54 studies describing performance assessment tools in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Tool characteristics and appraised conditions for utilization

Of the 17 unique tools identified, 15 technical skills assessment tools and two non-technical assessment tools were identified. Technical skills assessment tools were grouped into three categories: generic skills assessment tools (GA; n = 7), procedure-specific assessment tools (PA; n = 4), and a hybrid of generic and specific assessment tools (HA; n = 4). The operative performance rating system (OPRS; HA) and global operative assessment of laparoscopic surgery (GOALS; GA) described intended use of an assessment tool for both summative and formative evaluation [14, 15]. The procedural-based assessment (PBA; HA) has been used for formative purposes only [16]. The appraised conditions setting in which each assessment tool was validated is summarized in Table 4. Out of 17 tools, 11 (65 %) tools used a Global Rating Scale, three (18 %) were categorized as checklists (two tools included error rating), and three (18 %) error ratings. Nine (53 %) tools were used by experienced surgeons or reviewers to assess recorded cases, and five (30 %) were used for assessment during direct observation; three (18 %) were used for both. OPRS, GRITS, and OpRate reported routine implementation of the assessment tools in surgery residency programs.

Table 4 Description of performance assessment tools and supportive evidence in different conditions

While OPRS, GOALS, Scott’s objective structured assessment of technical skill (OSATS; GA) tools had evidence for either direct observation or recorded assessment, OPRS and Scott’s OSATS were recommended for direct observation. OPRS and GOALS were used for assessment by direct observation by multiple raters. Only the PBA supported its use both in the OR and in the simulation setting (LapMentor virtual reality (VR) simulator, Simbionix, Ltd., Israel). Only GOALS was evaluated in the clinical and animal laboratory setting [16, 17]. None of the technical skills assessment tools were used in human cadaver training. To increase the sensitivity, Moldovanu et al. [18] used a global rating index for technical skill (GRITS; GA) to rate each procedural step (exposure of biliary region and adhesiolysis, dissection of the cystic pedicle and critical view, and dissection of gallbladder) as well as overall performance. The generic items of the technical assessment tools were based on either OSATS or GOALS, and the LC-specific tools were based on task analysis or hierarchical task analyses [19, 20].

Validity evidence

In this section, the results of the studies included are analyzed on the basis of the sources of validity evidence specified in the unitary framework [2, 4]. The reported validity evidence of the performance assessment tools is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Validity evidence of performance assessment tools in laparoscopic cholecystectomy


Within technical skills assessment tools, two hybrid tools developed by Sarker et al. (Sarker’s Global Rating Scale and PBA) and the observation clinical human reliability assessment (OCHRA; PA) which is an error rating tool were developed based on task analyses using training manuals and the technical protocol of the operation [19, 21]. The other tools were developed by expert judgment including institutional expert panels. None of the tools used a comprehensive strategic method, which includes task analysis or cognitive task analysis, a cross-sectional expert panel, and the process of achieving consensus such as Delphi methodology or nominal group technique.

Response process

OPRS, PBA, non-technical skills (NOTECHS), and observational teamwork assessment for Surgery (OTAS) include user manuals for raters. NOTECHS is associated with concrete evidence of rater training [22]. Only two studies reported rater training clearly before the implementation of a tool [10, 23]. OPRS, GOALS, OpRate, and GRITS described orienting raters to the tool via informal techniques or preexisting institutional faculty meetings. OPRS used behavior anchors on overall scores: a rating of four or higher indicating technical proficiency and ability to perform operations independently. The anchor assumes that a resident consistently performs at this level and has met institutional benchmarks for achievement. All residents must be evaluated at least three times, by a minimum of two different raters, and with no ratings of three or less. PBA also has behavior anchors, for example, a satisfactory standard for certification level or development required.

Internal structure

Inter-rater reliability was reported for 12 technical skills assessment tools and two nontechnical assessment tools, and was the most commonly reported evidence for raters. However, there was no consistent way of calculating inter-rater reliability; techniques used included intraclass correlation coefficient, internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), and Kohen κ coefficient. Four technical skills assessment tools reported item analyses; internal consistency was described for GOALS, GRITS, and OpRate; inter-item correlations were analyzed for OPRS; item-total correlations were described for GOALS. The reliability coefficient of Generalizability Theory was reported for OPRS, delineating the number of assessment scores per month that would be desirable in residency training, in order to achieve a valid assessment of performance by direct observation [24]. No studies reported data using item response theory.

Relations to other variables

None of the studies attempted to investigate the relationship between performance scores and patient outcomes. OSATS and Eubanks’s checklist compared scores with operative time [25, 26]. Performance scores were compared across training levels in nine (53 %) tools, and all studies demonstrated improved scores with increasing levels of training. Comparison with other performance assessment scores was described for nine (53 %) tools. Comparison with simulation scores, written exams, and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) was less common than comparison to training levels: GOALS versus bench-top simulation scores (McGill Inanimate System for Training and Evaluation of Laparoscopic Skills: MISTELS) [27], original OSATS versus motion tracking data [25] or VR scores [28], Scott’s OSATS versus American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE) or bench-top simulation scores (Southwestern Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery Guided Endoscopic Module: SCMIS GEM) [29], and OpRate versus VR scores [30], modified Eubanks’s checklist versus motion tracking data [8], OCHRA versus OSCE [31] or NOTECHS scores [22, 32].


Only OPRS and GOALS reported the intended use clearly which are for formative and summative assessments [14, 15]. OPRS, GRITS and OpRate reported routine implementation of the assessment tools in surgery residency programs, using scores to identify residents who required remediation, indicating that the intended use could be for summative assessment. The OPRS is used to establish benchmarks that residents should achieve prior to advancing to the next level of training [33]. There were no investigations determining pass/fail scores as a summative assessment or predicting patient outcomes from the assessment scores which may represent the quality of their performance. The educational impact of using the tools for providing feedback was reported for Grantcharov’s OSATS and GRITS [34, 35]. Figure 2 proposes an algorithm for selecting and implementing LC performance assessment tools in residency training according to existing evidence.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The selection of an assessment tool in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. LC laparoscopic cholecystectomy, GRS Global Rating Scale, CL checklist, OPRS operative performance rating system, GOALS global operative assessment of laparoscopic surgery, OSATS objective structured assessment of technical skill, GRITS global rating index for technical skills, PBA procedural-based assessment, NOTECHS non-technical skills, OTAS observational teamwork assessment for surgery, OCHRA observation clinical human reliability assessment. Asterisk combination of generic and LC-specific items; dagger symbol Eubanks’s checklist includes error rating


Our results provide a summary of LC performance assessment tools including the conditions for their implementation in training and their validity evidence based on a contemporary validity framework using a systematic approach. From the validity evidence framework, our systematic review reports that the validity evidence for the internal structure and relations to the other variables are more commonly demonstrated. However, the validity evidence for the content, response process, and consequences aspects are limited. To apply LC assessment tools in surgical training, there may be a need to acquire additional validity evidence, depending on the intended use and consequences of the results.

Assessment of surgical competence has historically emphasized the need to adopt careful scientific methodology in order to establish validity evidence. Until recently, the methodology usually applied in surgical education has been based on an outdated validity framework, which includes concepts such as construct, content, and criterion-related validity. The most recently accepted framework of validity is based on identifying evidence from multiple sources including content, response process, internal structure, relations to other variables, and consequences of assessment. Validity states “the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by the proposed uses of tests.” [2]. Validity evidence should be gathered for the intended use of performance assessments and not as a property of the assessment tool itself. The quality of the validity evidence should therefore be analyzed and interpreted according to its intended use and the conditions and environment in which the evidence was obtained. As a result, the commonly used term “validated assessment tool” is often inaccurate, as it refers to the tool itself. The evidence for validity under one set of conditions is often expanded and applied incorrectly to a new setting when implementing and interpreting the results. For example, a tool used by trained evaluators to measure technical skills during an OSCE in a simulated environment may not perform in the same way if used by untrained surgeons to assess laparoscopic skills in the clinical environment. Conditions and the interpretation of scores in a given study would have to be reproduced in order to be implemented in surgical training for a different purpose or under different conditions. As another example, some instruments have had evidence for direct observation but were used for blinded assessment of recorded procedures, while others have been described only in the OR but are applied in simulated environments.

With the lack of a definitive consensus regarding the desirable conditions of performance assessments, the following factors should be considered when applying performance assessment instruments to residency training: the purpose, the rater and other conditions. Surgical performance is classically assessed in two ways: by direct observation or by assessment of a recorded procedure. Direct observation by an attending surgeon would be practical for formative evaluations in regular training curricula because it is practical, immediate and requires little extra time or equipment. Assessment of a recorded case may have value for credentialing purposes and offer the benefit of blinding the rater so as to reduce potential bias related to the relationship between the rater and the trainee. The OSATS-derived performance assessment systems are well known, although most have evidence for blinded assessment of recorded LCs. Thus, additional evidence might be required to use this tool for assessing performance by direct observation, such as for formative assessment. OPRS and GOALS have evidence for both direct observation and videotaped evaluations. The OPRS, which is a hybrid tool, is recommended to be used during direct observation by attending surgeons, or could be used in combination with audio of the OR team for videotaped assessments. GOALS was also designed for direct observation, and it can be used not only for self-assessment but also for videotaped evaluations using only the laparoscopic view without audio recordings. Most generic items were composed of OSATS, GOALS, or a combination of parts of both.

GOALS can be scored by direct observation or video of the laparoscopic view, while using OSATS for videotaped assessment might be challenging since it includes items that cannot be assessed just by the laparoscopic video such as knowledge of instruments, knowledge of anatomy, knowledge of specific procedure, and use of assistants. Error rating tools such as OCHRA have been used based on videotaped evaluations, though the feasibility of this approach for routine implementation has been questioned due to the limited resources of trained raters and time. PBA can be used in the VR setting (LapMentor, Simbionix, Ltd., Israel), and GOALS can be used in the porcine model in addition to the OR. Therefore, when applying other tools in simulated environments, further investigations are required.

When selecting a LC assessment tool, what is being assessed and how the results will be used in your training program are essential. Although hybrid or procedure-specific tools are preferred because the trainee can obtain more specific feedback, the role of the trainee during a LC in your program should also be considered. If more than two trainees have different roles based on their training levels to perform a LC, for example, the senior resident dissects the Calot’s triangle and then the junior resident removes the gallbladder from liver bed, it might be challenging to use procedure-specific or hybrid tools for one resident. Although the generic assessment tools are flexible and suitable to assess trainees’ performance in these situations, the concrete goals of each step of the procedural are not described or assessed specifically.

Evidence for previously established construct, face, content, and criterion-related validity, based on more dated frameworks of validity, was abundant in the studies that were reviewed. For content validity, all tools for LC performance assessment were developed using either local experts or task analysis, or both. To have more reliable assessment tools, comprehensive item development strategies should be used which could include cognitive task analysis, cross-sectional expert panels, or consensus development methods such as Delphi method or nominal group technique.

Rater training, included in the response process of validity, was minimally described but crucial for reliable assessments. Although raters need training to rate learners’ performance reliably and discriminate between performance levels, it might be a challenge to implement rater training due to perceived cost, time constraints, or unawareness of the importance of rater training. Rater training also includes rater knowledge of the meaning of assessment scores and the consequences of the scores on the trainee. Surgical residents can be given instructional resources, such as videos, demonstrating expected LC performance. For example, Ahlberg et al. [10] used the modified Seymour error rating tool to measure the effect of virtual reality simulation training on LC performance. All subjects and attending surgeons viewed an instructional video including all defined errors. The two raters were trained to reach predefined inter-rater reliability before the study to improve validity of response process, but inter-rater reliability was not reported. The impact of response process on assessment scores is unclear, but should be considered.

There was abundant evidence in terms of inter-rater reliability as internal structure of validity. The other reliabilities such as internal consistency, and inter-item/item-total correlations, are important to evaluate whether each item is measuring skills required to perform LC. However, these reliabilities cannot assess if the reliability of an instrument is affected by other factors such as different procedures, the quality of supervision, or the difficulty of the procedure. They also cannot evaluate the desired number of items, cases, and raters necessary in certain conditions. Generalizability Theory calculates the independent variability attributed to these factors and therefore can assess how these factors may affect reliability [36, 37]. Additionally, the scores of each item could have various meanings and have different impacts on the entire performance score, so item response theory could help clarify these aspects and weight each item by its difficulty and discriminative power [38].

In many studies, the comparison between assessment scores and experience level (post-graduate level, case experience), other instruments, and scores on simulators were described heterogeneously in order to demonstrate relations to the other variables. To investigate this component of validity evidence, a consensus about what data are meaningful might help to provide a common language for this type of research, thus allowing comparisons between different performance assessment tools. Although it is no longer feasible to compare scores with LC-related complications as they are infrequent and resident performance is usually supervised by a senior surgeon in residency training, whether the scores of these assessment tools are associated with patient outcomes remains an area for future research [39].

The consequences component of validity refers to the impact of the assessment, decisions, and outcomes, as well as the impact of assessments on teaching and learning. In other words, the intended purpose of the assessment tool’s use and how to interpret the scores are very important. Although this aspect of validity is solidly embodied in the current Standards, it is relatively unstudied and reported ambiguously. It could have a profound impact on the identification of trainees who need remediation or for a certification process, or increasing learners’ motivation when used for formative purposes. Assessment is important for both summative and formative purposes. Summative evaluations are completed at the end of a training period and play a role in determining whether an individual has achieved expected levels to move on to the next step of training or, perhaps to perform procedures independently, or be considered competent. Formative assessments are used at regular intervals to track progress and to provide constructive feedback with the goal of helping the learner improve. Within the validation process, different types and amounts of validity evidence are needed depending on the intended uses and consequences associated with assessment tools. For instance, a formative assessment might require a different amount of validity evidence, but not necessarily less rigorous, from a summative assessment which might be used to decide whether an individual is competent or should have privileges to perform a procedure.

It is tempting to pay attention to characteristics and contents of the assessment tool, but caution must be exercised in interpreting the results of tools used in conditions other than those for which evidence for its validity exist. If one desires to use an assessment tool under conditions other than those for which the tool has validity evidence, then, depending on the intended purpose, the tool should ideally be validated for the applied setting before the application of the tool.

In conclusion, this study provides a review of the assessment instruments available for laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the validity evidence associated with each based on the most current framework. We also provide recommendations about how to select the tool that best meets your training needs. In the end, the goal is to try and provide assessments of trainees performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy that represents their true skill level as much as possible. This will increase the efficiency of education and hopefully have a positive impact on patient safety.