For more than a decade now, laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been the treatment of choice for uncomplicated cholelithiasis. The introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the rapid evolution of minimal access surgery (MAS) have challenged the classical apprenticeship model for surgical training. In fact, it is known that with the introduction of MAS, complications are bound to arise during surgeons' early experience with the particular procedure [16]. Currently, because of shortened surgical curricula, stress on working hours, and medico-legal issues, MAS training needs to be intensified to ensure safe and high-quality patient care. The traditional apprenticeship model for teaching is under debate, because it is costly in terms of time and resources and unlikely to provide adequate training for the skills needed [2, 10]. In fact, such skills cannot be extrapolated directly from those acquired in open surgery because MAS requires quite distinct psychomotor abilities, hand–eye coordination, and different skills. Moreover, the surgeon engaging in MAS has to overcome the hurdles of the two-dimensional videoscopic surgical interface, the restricted degrees of freedom of movement for the MAS instruments, and different haptic sensations.

Virtual reality (VR) surgical simulators provide excellent opportunities for enhancing psychomotor skill and training MAS procedures in a safe environment. Such systems allow repeated, unbiased practice of a standardized task, provided they are well validated in order to be accepted by the surgical community. In the literature, few studies have assessed the transfer of skill using VR simulation to actual operation room performance. The majority of these studies indeed have showed improved performance [46, 14], although some have failed to do so. [1] These studies all feature basic psychomotor skills trainers such as the MIST-VR (Mentice Medical Simulation, Gothenburg, Sweden), and LapSim (Surgical Science Ltd, Gothenburg, Sweden).

Recent developments in VR simulation have put simulators beyond the level of basic computerized psychomotor skills trainers. The newer generation of VR simulators and simulations are in fact able to mimic a MAS surgical procedure convincingly. No studies have investigated operating room performance using such a second-generation VR simulation.

The aim of the current study was to investigate the operation performance of surgical residents after their participating in the Eindhoven virtual reality laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course. This course uses the Xitact LS500 as a second-generation open platform VR simulator. The procedure of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy is featured. Participants' operating room performance was compared with the operating room performance of a matched control group.

Materials and methods


The study investigated surgeons-in-training working in 1 of 11 participating teaching hospitals. Participants were recruited between April 2003 and March 2004. All were surgeons-in-training and novices in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Twelve surgeons participating in the Eindhoven course constituted the experimental group, and 12 other surgeons-in-training constituted the case–control group. All the participants, both in the experimental and the case–control group, attended a Basic Surgical Skills Course before participating in this study. None of the participants engaged in a specific cholecystectomy skills training course. Inclusion in either group was restricted to participants who had performed no more than four laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Patients selected for the course were patients considered American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) class 1, with a medical history of uncomplicated cholelithiasis and no previous abdominal complaints or surgery.


The surgeons in the experimental group participated in the 4-day virtual reality laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course at the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The participants were insured as active surgical residents for the duration of the course. The course was set up to incorporate a variety of teaching elements relevant to the procedure under study. Videos featuring the use of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for both uncomplicated and complicated cases were discussed alongside a variety of oral presentations. Table sessions on the interactive “transfer of laparoscopic cholecystectomy” knowledge were incorporated, and laparoscopic instruments and stack (e.g., camera, light source) needed for performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy were explained and displayed.

Core elements of the course were repetitive training sessions on a variety of VR software simulations using the open Xitact LS500 laparoscopy simulator platform (Xitact SA, Morges, Switzerland). Increasingly difficult levels of both basic psychomotor VR simulation (MIST-VR) and procedural laparoscopic cholecystectomy simulation, including the clip-and-cut, navigation, and dissection modules (Xitact), were featured. Thus, an integrated, procedure-specific, multimodality VR training curriculum was presented to the participants.

On days 2 and 3 of the course, the residents attended the operating room (OR) in conjunction with their VR training sessions to act as either an assistant surgeon or a camera assistant helping with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy being performed by an expert laparoscopic surgeon. On day 4 of the course, the participants performed a full laparoscopic cholecystectomy themselves under the close supervision of the expert surgeon. The procedure was videotaped.

The course was supervised by a faculty member assigned by the Scientific, Educational and Programme Committee of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). Subsequently, the course accredited formal EAES certification.


The participants in both research groups performed the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure under expert surgical supervision. Only the clip-and-cut part of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy (e.g., the clipping and cutting of the cystic artery and cystic duct was the object of study. This part was chosen for multiple reasons. First, it is likely to be one of the most essential stages of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure that must be performed safely to avoid possible damage to the common bile duct.

Second, by selective assessment of the clip-and-cut scenery, technical skills can be assessed quite independently of other factors influencing outcome variation. Third, it is likely to be a good predictor of overall performance. Finally, by monitoring this specific part of the procedure, assessment is facilitated because the outcome assessment scale can be properly standardized.

The procedure was assessed starting from the moment the laparoscopic clip applier was introduced and ending at the moment the laparoscopic scissors were removed from the operative field. Video fragments from both the experimental and control group residents were evaluated by two reviewers, both laparoscopic engaged surgeons from different academic training hospitals, independently of each other. The participant’s video fragments were mixed in random order before being copied to the reviewers videotape. In both the experimental and the control group, two recordings were excluded from the analysis as a result of technical recording failure. Statistical analysis assessing the data of the remaining 20 procedures was performed using the SpSS Version 10.0 software package (SpSS, Chicago, IL, USA).

Outcome parameters

A structured questionnaire using a 5-point Likert rating scale ranging from 0 (completely disagree) to 5, (completely agree) was used for assessment. The parameters of interest were “fluency,” which was operationalized by the statement “Pattern of movement is fluent, precise, and efficient (few unnecessary/random movements),” and “carefulness,” which was operationalized by the statement “The tissue is treated with respect during the procedure, without visible excessive force, traction, or resulting in injury.”

A specific rating scale termed “sumscore” was designed to focus on the phase of the cholecystectomy clip-and-cut procedure with this scale, performance is judged according to an integration of psychomotor skills, procedural knowledge of anatomy, and decision making. This sumscore was constructed primarily according to the metrics used as a framework for the assessment of Xitact’s clip-and-cut simulation [10].

The final outcome parameter, “judgement” was operationalized by the following question: “For the procedure of clipping and cutting of the cystic duct and cystic artery by this surgeon, I would grade him or her a ––” (number in the range of 1 to 10, carried to one decimal). Time to complete the clip-and-cut procedure was recorded.



The mean age of the participants in both groups was 31 years. All the participants were right-handed. There were 4 females in the experimental group, whereas there were 2 females in the control group. The mean years of training was 1.8 for both groups.

All the participants in both the experimental and the control groups were either in training for general surgery or in the first two mandatory general surgery training years while in training for another surgical subspecialty. Half (50%) of participants in the experimental group were in training to become (general) surgeons, in contrast to 70% of the participants in the control group. Two participants in the control group had engaged in an animal gallbladder training course, and one had taken a nonanimal one. The participants in the experimental group were not previously engaged in specific cholecystectomy training courses.

Of the demographic variables, only the number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed before participation in the study differed significantly (Table 1; p = 0.008, Mann–Whitney U test. The mean number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in the experimental group was 0.3 (range, 0–1), whereas the mean number of procedures performed in the control group was 1.8 (range, 0–1), whereas the mean number of procedures performed in the control group was 1.8 (range, 0–3).

Table 1 Demographics by group (experimental vs control)

Course satisfaction

Figure 1 depicts the course satisfaction 95% confidence intervals according to course participants, opinion, in reference to the satisfaction statements 1-10 presented in (Table 2.)

Figure 1
figure 1

Course satisfaction 95% confidence intervals.

Table 2 Satisfaction statements

Outcome parameters

The normal distribution of the primary outcome parameter, “judgment,” and the secondary outcome parameters, “fluency” and “carefulness,” was confirmed by Q–Q plots.

Agreement on performance outcome

Cohen’s kappa could not be computed using the original outcome scale, because it was not dichotomous or nominal, nor did the judgment outcomes fit in a similar number of classes. Compression or data into fewer classes to compute kappa as a measurement of interobserver agreement was not chosen because too much information would be lost. An alternative approach was chosen: comparing the scoring results of the two observers using nonparametrical testing (Table 3). Observers did not seem to differ in their opinion on surgeon’s performance in either category.

Table 3 Agreement on the performance outcome parameters: “fluency,” carefulness, and “judgment”

The parameter sumscore, used to estimate the clinical outcome, was related to the final judgment. Indeed, the scores were significantly and highly correlated (Table 4).

Table 4 Correlations between the sumscore and judgement

Differences in performance outcome between experimental and control groups

Figure 2a and 2b graphically represent the clinical outcome as judged by both observers. Table 5 depicts the null hypothesis and its rejection for the outcome parameter “judgment” by both observers and “fluency” by observer 1.

Figure 2
figure 2

a Clinical outcome (observer 1). b Clinical outcome (observer 2).

Table 5 H0: Groups do not differ in performance status


Published evidence on the ability to transfer skill in using VR simulation to the operating room is present, but it is limited. Few studies have focused on the transfer of such skill [46, 14]. Grantcharov’s [4] study randomized between surgical trainees receiving basic psychomotor VR training and a control group of surgical trainees who received no form of training whatsoever. In this study, the mean number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in the experimental group was higher than in the control group. Considering the study design and the nonrandom bias introduced in this study, it is not surprising that the outcome results were positive

The study of Seymour et al. [14] randomized between basic psychomotor VR training and standard programmatic training. Unfortunately, perhaps the most critical phase in decision making in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (i.e., the clipping and cutting of the cystic duct and artery) was not performed by their experimental group. It is not clear whether the OR model porcine or human, nor is there information regarding patients’ variability. The study conducted by Hyltander’s et al. [6] research group used a Likert rating scale for camera navigation and instrument navigation in a porcine OR model.

The study by Hamilton et al. [5] was in fact the first to show improvement in OR performance with humans through MIST-VR training, with the video-trained control group showing no improvement. Psychomotor skills improved in both the VR and the video-trained control groups.

It seems that, independently of the study design, all the aforementioned studies show a marked decrease in the time required to perform the clinical procedure and the error reduction for their experimental group, as well as a significantly enhanced economy of movement. This must be regarded as indicating predictive validity for the transfer of psychomotor laparoscopic skill.

This study investigated the OR results for novice surgical residents after their participation in the Eindhoven virtual reality laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course. This tailored course integrates both basic and procedural VR skills training tasks to provide a multimodality approach, which is a novelty in procedural teaching. Surgical novice residents were compared with control subjects who had none or some (animal) training, but were considered able to start with the procedure by their superiors. In fact, the constitution of our case–control group refers much to the common, unstructured clinical practice of today. As in the traditional apprenticeship model, it is the expert surgeon who decides whether a resident is ready to start operating on patients or not. The groups were demographically comparable except for the number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed (Table 1).

In the case–control group, there was even a somewhat more clinical experience present. However, as defined by the selection criteria, this was limited to a maximum of three clinical procedures. Therefore, the participants in both groups had to be considered well at the beginning of the learning curve [12, 16]. The fact that among the controls significantly more clinical experience was present, did not seem to contribute much to their performance outcome, as observers agreed (there were no significant differences between observers on outcome parameters) (Table 3). Rating scales were constructed for the observers because this is regarded as the most reliable and valid method for observers to use in assessing performance during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy [3].

Observers judged the overall performance in the experimental group to be clearly superior. One observer also considered the pattern of movement, in terms of fluency, to be significantly better for this group than for the performers in the control group (Table 5). The parameter “sumscore,” used to estimate performance outcome in earlier validation studies of the Xitact simulation software, seemed to correlate highly with observers’ judgment (Table 4). Indeed, the scores were highly correlated, so the sumscore is thought to be a reliable estimate of observers’ final judgement. As for parameter “time,” it cannot be said that there was a significant difference between the groups (Table 5). This is probably because of the large dispersion in outcome (i.e., large confidence interval). However, as depicted in Fig. 3, linking observers’ judgment to time needed for completion of the clip-and-cut task results in less dispersion in procedural time within the experimental group, suggesting more efficient performance. As for the participants, they enjoyed and valued the course highly, according to the statements presented (Fig. 1 and Table 2). The participants, rated the clip-and-cut scenery, as developed and validated by Xitact the highest (Fig. 4) [9, 10].

Figure 3
figure 3

Plot of “judgment” vs “time” (sec).

Figure 4
figure 4

Virtual reality simulation ratings (0–10 point scale).

A few limitations to the methods of this study must be addressed. The participants were not randomly assigned to either group. In fact, the experimental subjects were analyzed against the background of a group of controls trained according to “current clinical practice in The-Netherlands” (i.e., declared fit to perform the procedure according to the opinion of their own clinical supervisor). Because there were no baseline recordings using VR simulation available for both the experimental and the control groups on the assessed clip-and-cut procedure, it cannot be firmly stated that the participants were equally skilled at inclusion. Although the inclusion criteria restricted clinical experience to a maximum of four procedures, and although the control subjects were in fact more experienced beforehand, their outcome was significantly worse. The better performance of the residents in the experimental group after the VR course must be interpreted with care because it cannot be ruled out that the control group had a lower level of skills to begin with.

Also, by assessing only the clip-and-cut part, one must be careful in extrapolating study results to the whole procedure of the laparoscopic, cholecystectomy. Nevertheless, it is highly unlikely that residents who are not fluent or careful in their motions on the clip-and-cut part are technically able to dissect Calot’s triangle properly.

Nonanimal training models for acquiring endoscopic surgical skill usually are limited to box trainers. Bench models are safe, usually readily available, and inexpensive. It is believed that psychomotor skills can be trained in these environments effectively, although there is no form of objective assessment besides structured observation, and no procedural training can be performed [8, 13, 15].

Animal training models provide excellent opportunities for tissue handling and exposure to anatomy almost identical to the human counterpart. However, animal models are costly and cannot be repeated easily, thus providing inadequate possibilities for the resident to reach the plateau phase inherent to training for a new laparoscopic procedure. Also, animal training models require a demanding skills laboratory infrastructure.

Virtual reality simulation is bound to become “the next big thing” in surgery training, and more specifically in MAS. Virtual reality simulation is free of the aforementioned boundaries and limitations, provided the systems are well validated according to a consented route [10]. In fact, simulation systems have the extra asset of an objective scoring system and the inherent possibility of constructing individual learning curves [12].

Earlier studies have shown that VR training results in psychomotor skill acquisition at least as good as, if not better than, programs using conventional box trainers [7, 8]. The second generation of VR simulators provide excellent real-time graphics, various patient scenarios, and anatomic variations, combined with near-to-real haptic sensations and behavior of the simulation. Therefore, it is important for both surgeons and educators to be aware and oriented in this fast-expanding field of educational tools [11]. Precisely so, the Eindhoven course was further on developed featuring aspects of both LapSim and Simbionix LapMentor VR simulation software.


Procedural VR simulation can no longer be considered fancy “eye candy.” Indeed, it should be regarded as a serious, cost-effective teaching instrument for acquiring endoscopic surgical skill. Our study, integrating multiple repetitive, complementary VR simulations, showed that OR performance was significantly better in the experimental group.

Therefore, the Eindhoven virtual reality laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course is likely to increase participants’ level of skill such that it shortens the learning curve inherent to the procedure in a safe environment. Skills derived from the course can be brought to bear on clinical situation, and will be an asset in the curriculum used to train future surgeons.