1 Introduction

The problem of computing all the best swap edges (ABSE) of a tree has a long and rich algorithmic tradition. Basically, let \(G = (V(G), E(G),w)\) be an n-vertex and m-edge 2-edge-connected undirected graph, with edge-weight function \(w : E(G) \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^+\), and assume we are given a spanning tree T of G, which was computed by addressingFootnote 1 some criterion (i.e., objective function) \(\phi \). Then, the problem is that of computing a BSE for every edge \(e \in E(T)\), namely an edge \(f \in E(G) \setminus E(T)\) such that the swap tree \(T_{e/f}\) obtained by swapping e with f in T optimizes some objective function \(\phi ^\prime \) out of all possible swap trees. Quite reasonably, the function \(\phi ^\prime \) must be related (if not coinciding at all) with \(\phi \).

The first immediate motivation for studying an ABSE problem comes from the edge fault-tolerance setting—a commonly accepted framework. Broadly speaking, the algorithmic question here is to design sparse subgraphs that guarantee a proper level of functionality even in the presence of an edge failure. In such a context, the rationale of an ABSE-based solution is the following: operations are normally performed on a (possibly optimal) spanning tree, and whenever an edge failure takes place, a corresponding BSE is plugged in. This way, the connectivity is reestablished in the most prompt and effective possible way (see also [14, 20] for some additional practical motivations).

Besides their practical relevance, ABSE problems have also an interesting theoretical motivation. Indeed, swapping can be reviewed as an exploration of the space of the perturbed (w.r.t. an edge swap) solutions to a given spanning tree optimization problem. Thus, the algorithmic challenge of solving efficiently an ABSE problem is related with the understanding of the structure of this space of perturbed solutions. And this is exactly why each ABSE problem has its own combinatorial richness, and thus requires a specific approach to be solved efficiently. Then, different ABSE problems have required the use of completely different approaches and methods in order to obtain efficient solutions. For instance, the most famous and studied ABSE problem comes when T is a minimum spanning tree (MST) of G. In this case, a best swap is of course a swap edge minimizing the cost (i.e., sum of the edge weights) of the swap tree, i.e., a swap edge of minimum weight (and we know this produces a MST of the perturbed graph). This problem is also known as the MST sensitivity analysis problem, and can be solved in \(O(m\log \alpha (m,n))\) time [19], where \(\alpha \) denotes the inverse of the Ackermann function, by using an efficient data structure, namely the split-findmin [12]. This was improving on another efficient solution given by Tarjan [22], running in \(O(m \, \alpha (m,n))\) time and making use of the transmuter, namely a compact way of representing the cycles of a graph. Other data structures which revealed their usefulness to solve efficiently ABSE problems include kinetic heaps [6], top trees [3], mergeable heaps [18], and many others.

In this paper, we focus on the ABSE problem on the elusive spanning tree structure, namely the tree spanner (ABSE-TS problem in the following). A tree spanner is built with the aim of preserving node-to-node distances in G. Indeed, the stretch factor \(\sigma \) of a spanning tree T of G is defined as the maximum, over all the pairs \(u,v \in V(G)\), of \(d_T(u,v)/d_G(u,v)\), where \(d_T\) and \(d_G\) denote distances in T and G, respectively. Correspondingly, an optimal tree spanner has minimum stretch out of all the spanning trees of G. Unfortunately, finding an optimal tree spanner is notoriously an APX-hard problem, with no known o(n)-approximation. Hence, once a given solution undergoes a transient edge failure, the recomputation from scratch of a new (near) optimal solution is computationally unfeasible. Thus, swapping in a tree spanner is even more attractive than in general, and indeed the ABSE-TS problem was studied in [10], where the authors devised two solutions for both the weighted and the unweighted case, running in \(O(m^2 \log n)\) and \(O(n^3)\) time, respectively, and using O(m) and \(O(n^2)\) space, respectively. However, there the authors assume that a BSE is an edge minimizing the stretch of the swap tree w.r.t. distances in the original graph G, and not in the graph G deprived of e, say \(G-e\). This contrasts with the general assumption (and the intuition) that the quality of a swap tree should be evaluated in the surviving graph. Hence, in [3] the authors resorted to such a standard setting, and provided two efficient linear-space solutions for both the weighted and the unweighted case, running in \(O(m^2 \log \alpha (m,n))\) and \(O(m n \log n)\) time, respectively, and both using linear space. Notice that from a computational point of view, as shown in [3], the two settings are substantially equivalent, so our solutions can be used to improve the results given in [10] as well.

1.1 Our Result

In this paper, we present a new algorithm that solves the ABSE-TS problem in \(O(n^2 \log ^4 n)\) time and \(O(n^2 + m \log ^2 n)\) space. Thus, our solution improves on the running time of both the algorithms provided in [3], for weighted and unweighted graphs, respectively, whenever \(m = \varOmega (n \log ^3 n)\). Most remarkably, for dense weighted graphs, the improvement is almost quadratic in n.

To put into focus our result, it is worth noticing that, as observed in [10], the estimation of the stretch of the swap tree induced by a single swap edge f for a given failing edge e, would in principle ask for the evaluation of the stretch of \(\varOmega (m)\) relevant pairs of nodes in G, namely the endvertices of all the non-tree edges that may serve as swap edge for e besides f. And in fact, for the sake of intuition, a critical edge for f can be thought as one whose endvertices maximize such a stretch out of these non-tree edges,Footnote 2 and two swap edges will be essentially compared on the basis of their stretch w.r.t. their critical edge. This is basically the reason why both previous approaches take \(\varOmega (m^2)\) time. Thus, to avoid such a bottleneck, we drastically reduce, on the one hand, the number of candidate best swap edges, and on the other hand, the number of potential critical edges that need to be checked. More precisely, for each of the \(n-1\) considered edges in T, we succeed in reducing to \(O(n \log n)\) the number of best swap edge candidates, and for each one of them we just need to check \(O(\log ^2 n)\) possible critical edges. The key ingredients to reach such a goal are the following:

  • A centroid decomposition of T, which consists of a log-depth hierarchical decomposition of the vertices in T; a careful use of such a decomposition, combined with a set of preprocessing steps that associate various information with the tree nodes, allows us to reduce the number of candidate BSEs and of their corresponding candidate critical edges. As far as we know, this is the first time that such a decomposition is used to solve an ABSE problem, and we believe it will possibly be useful in other contexts as well.

  • The second ingredient is given by the dynamic maintenance of the upper envelopes of a set of linear functions. Each of these functions is associated with a non-tree edge, and whenever the failure of a given tree edge is considered, it expresses the stretch such a non-tree edge induces w.r.t. a variable candidate BSE. This way, when we have to find a critical edge for a given candidate BSE f, we have to select the maximum out of all the functions once they are evaluated in f. In geometric terms, this translates into the maintenance of the upper envelope of a set of functions, with the additional complication that, for consistency reasons, this set of functions must be suitably partitioned into groups according to the underlying centroid decomposition, and moreover these groups are dynamic, since they depend on the currently considered tree edge.

1.2 Related Work

The research on tree spanners is very active, also due to the strong relationship with the huge literature on spanners, where distances in G are approximately preserved through a sparse spanning subgraph. As mentioned before, finding an optimal tree spanner is a quite hard problem. More precisely, on weighted graphs, if G does not admit a tree 1-spanner (i.e., a spanning tree with \(\sigma =1\), which can be established in polynomial time [9]), then the problem is not approximable within any constant factor better than 2, unless \(\textsf {P}=\textsf {NP}\) [16]. In terms of approximability, no non-trivial upper bounds are known, except for the O(n)-approximation factor returned by a minimum spanning tree (MST) of G. If G is unweighted, things go slightly better. More precisely, in this case the problem becomes \(O(\log n)\)-approximable, while unless \(\textsf {P}=\textsf {NP}\), the problem is not approximable within an additive term of o(n) [11]. Moreover, the corresponding decision problem of establishing whether G admits a tree spanner with stretch \(\sigma \) is NP-complete for every fixed \(\sigma \ge 4\) (for \(\sigma =2\) it is polynomial-time solvable [9], while for \(\sigma =3\) the problem is open). Finally, it is known that constant-stretch tree spanners can be found for several special classes of (unweighted) graphs, like strongly chordal, interval, and permutation graphs (see [7] and the references therein).

Concerning the problem of swapping in spanning trees, this has received a significant attention from the algorithmic community. There is indeed a line of papers that address ABSE problems starting from different types of spanning trees. Just to mention a few, besides the MST, we recall the minimum diameter spanning tree (MDST), the minimum routing-cost spanning tree (MRCST), and the single-source shortest-path tree (SPT). Concerning the MDST, a best swap is instead an edge minimizing the diameter of the swap tree [13, 17], and the best solution runs in \(O(m \log \alpha (m,n))\) time [6]. Regarding the MRCST, a best swap is clearly an edge minimizing the all-to-all routing cost of the swap tree [23], and the fastest solution for solving this problem has a running time of \(O\left( m 2^{O(\alpha (n,n))}\log ^2 n\right) \) [5]. Concerning the SPT, the most prominent swap criteria are those aiming to minimize either the maximum or the average distance from the root, and the corresponding ABSE problems can be addressed in \(O(m \log \alpha (m,n))\) time [6] and \(O(m \, \alpha (n,n) \log ^2 n)\) time [21], respectively. Recently, in [4], the authors proposed two new criteria for swapping in a SPT, which are in a sense related with this paper, namely the minimization of the maximum and the average stretch factor from the root, for which they proposed an efficient \(O(m n +n^2 \log n)\) and \(O(m n \log \alpha (m,n))\) time solution, respectively.

Finally, for the sake of completeness, we mention that for the related concept of average tree \(\sigma \)-spanners, where the focus is on the average stretch w.r.t. all node-to-node distances, it was shown that every graph admits an average tree O(1)-spanner [1].

1.3 Preliminary Definitions

Let \(G = ( V(G), E(G), w)\) be a 2-edge-connected, edge-weighted, and undirected graph with cost function \(w : E(G) \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^+\). We denote by n and m the number of vertices and edges of G, respectively. If \(X \subseteq V(G)\), let E(X) be the set of edges incident to at least one vertex in X. When \(X=\{ v \}\), we may write E(v) instead of \(E(\{ v \})\). Given an edge \(e \in E(G)\), we will denote by \(G-e\) the graph obtained from G by removing edge e. Similarly, given a vertex \(v \in V(G)\), we will denote by \(G-v\) the graph obtained from G by removing vertex v and all its incident edges. Given a spanning tree T of G, and an edge \(e \in E(T)\), we let S(e) be the set of all the swap edges for e, i.e., all edges in \(E(G) \setminus \{ e \}\) whose endpoints lie in two different connected components of \(T-e\). We also define \(S(e, X)=S(e) \cap E(X)\), and \(S(e, X, Y)=S(e) \cap E(X) \cap E(Y)\). When \(X=\{ v \}\), we will simply write S(ev) in lieu of \(S(e,\{v\})\). For any \(e \in E(T)\) and \(f \in S(e)\), let \(T_{e/f}\) denote the swap tree obtained from T by replacing e with f.

Given two vertices \(x,y \in V(G)\), we denote by \(d_G(x,y)\) the distance between x and y in G. We define the stretch factor of the pair (xy) w.r.t. G and T as \(\sigma _G(T, x, y) = \frac{d_T(x,y)}{d_G(x,y)}\). Accordingly, the stretch factor \(\sigma _G(T)\) of T w.r.t. G is defined as \(\sigma _G(T) = \max _{x,y \in V(G)} \sigma _G(T, x, y)\).

Definition 1

(Best swap edge) An edge \(f^* \in S(e)\) is a best swap edge (BSE) for e if \(f^* \in \arg \min _{f \in S(e)} \sigma _{G-e}(T_{e/f})\).

In the sequel, in order to solve the ABSE-TS problem, we will show how to efficiently find a BSE for every edge e of a tree spanner T of G. After providing a high-level description of our approach, we will explain in detail how it works, by organizing our analysis as specified in the next section.

2 High-Level Description of the Algorithm

Let us consider the tree T spanning G as rooted at any fixed arbitrary vertex. W.l.o.g., and for the sake of simplifying the exposition of our algorithm, we can assume that T is binary. Indeed, if this is not the case, then we can transform G and T into an equivalent graph \(G^\prime \) with weight function \(w'\), and a corresponding binary spanning tree \(T^\prime \), with \(|V(G^\prime )| = \varTheta (n)\) and \(|E(G^\prime )| = \varTheta (m)\), and such that a BSE for any edge of T is univocally associated with a BSE for a corresponding edge of \(T'\). This transformation requires linear time and works as follows.

Initially, \(G', w'\), and \(T'\) coincide with Gw, and T, respectively. We iteratively search for a vertex u in \(T'\) that has 3 or more children, and we lower its degree. Let \(v_1,\ldots ,v_h\), with \(h\ge 3\), be the children of u. We remove all the edges \(\{(u,v_i):1\le i\le h\}\) from both \(G'\) and \(T'\), then we add to both \(G'\) and \(T'\) a binary tree whose root coincides with u, and that has exactly h leaves \(x_1,\ldots ,x_h\). We assign weight \(w'(e)=0\) to all the edges e of this tree. Finally, we add to \(G'\) and \(T'\) an edge \((x_i,v_i)\) for each \(1\le i \le h\), and we set \(w'(x_i,v_i)=w(u,v_i)\). An example of such a transformation is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Reducing the degree of vertices in G: on the left side, the tree T (solid edges) embedded in G, on the right side the superimposition of the binary tree to T in order to get a maximum degree of 3. Solid edges in the gray area have weight 0, while the weight of \((x_i ,v_i )\) is \(w(u,v_i)\)

Clearly, \(|V(G')|=O(|V(G)|)\), \(|E(G')|=O(|E(G)|)\), and, moreover, the computation of \(G'\) and \(T'\) requires linear time. Now, observe that, for every \(a,b \in V(G)\), it holds that \(d_{T_{e/f}}(a,b)=d_{T'_{e/f}}(a,b)\). Furthermore, for every edge \(e=(u,v_i)\) of T, f is a swap edge for e in T iff f is a swap edge for the edge \((z,v_i)\) in \(T'\), where z is the parent of \(v_i\) in \(T'\). As a consequence, we can conclude that, for every edge \(e=(u,v_i)\) of T, \(f \in S(e)\) is a BSE for e w.r.t. T iff f is a BSE for the edge \((z,v_i)\) w.r.t. \(T'\), where z is the parent of \(v_i\) in \(T'\).

Thus, let us assume T is binary. As a preprocessing step we compute a centroid decomposition of T. A centroid of an n-vertex tree is a vertex whose removal splits T into subtrees of size at most n / 2 [15]. A centroid decomposition can be defined as a tree \(\mathcal {T}\) whose nodes are subtrees of T and whose structure is recursively defined as follows: The root of \(\mathcal {T}\) is T; Then, let \(\tau \) be a node of \(\mathcal {T}\) (i.e., a subtree of T) such that \(\tau \) contains more than one vertex, and let c be a centroid of \(\tau \). Since T is binary, the forest \(\tau -c\) contains at most 3 trees, that we call \(\tau _c^1\), \(\tau _c^2\), and \(\tau _c^3\) (if \(\tau -c\) generates less than 3 subtrees, we allow some \(\tau _c^i\) to be the empty tree). Moreover, let \(\tau _c^0\) be the subtree of T containing the sole vertex c. Then, \(\tau \) will have in \(\mathcal {T}\) a child for each of the subtrees \(\tau _c^i, i=0,\ldots ,3\) (see Fig. 2a). Since a centroid on a n-vertex tree can be found in linear time, the whole procedure requires \(O(n \log n)\) time, and it is easy to see that the height of \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(O(\log n)\). In the following we will often speak about a tree of the centroid decomposition of T to refer to the corresponding vertex of \(\mathcal {T}\) (i.e., to a subtree of T).

Our solution (see Algorithm ABSE-TS) works in \(n-1\) phases, one for each tree edge as considered in preorder w.r.t. T, and at the end of each phase returns a BSE for that edge. Let \(e \in E(T)\) be the currently considered edge, and let \(U_e\) (resp. \(D_e\)) be the set of vertices that belong to the connected component of \(T-e\) that contains (resp. does not contain) the root of T. We break down each of these phases into O(n) additional sub-phases: when edge e is failing, we consider all the vertices in \(U_e\) and, for each such vertex v, we solve a restricted version of the ABSE-TS problem where we compute: (i) a v-restricted best swap edge (v-BSE for short) for e, i.e., an edge \(f_v \in \arg \min _{f \in S(e,v)} \sigma _{G-e}(T_{e/f})\), and (ii) the corresponding stretch factor \(\sigma _{G-e}(T_{e/f_v})\). To simplify handling of special cases, whenever \(S(e, v) = \emptyset \), we assume that \(f_v=\bot \) and that \(\sigma _{G-e}(T_{e/f_v}) = +\infty \). Once all the v-BSEs for e are computed, a BSE \(f^*\) for e can be found as the one minimizing the associated stretch factor.

The core of our algorithm is exactly the efficient computation of a v-BSE and of its stretch factor. As we will discuss in more detail in Sect. 3, this is done through a clever selection of a set of \(O(\log n)\) candidate v-BSEs, each of which is evaluated against \(O(\log ^2 n)\) candidate critical edges (see Sect. 4). As we will show in Sect.  5, each of these latter candidates can be efficiently selected in \(O(\log n)\) time, by dynamically maintaining the upper envelopes of a set of linear functions expressing the criticality of an edge w.r.t. a given candidate swap edge. In this way, a total of \(O(\log ^3 n)\) pairs swap-critical edge are evaluated, at a cost of \(O(\log n)\) time each, and thus in \(O(\log ^4 n)\) we are able to retrieve a v-BSE for the currently considered tree edge e.

figure a

3 Selecting a Candidate Best Swap Edge

To show how a v-BSE for e can be computed efficiently, we need some preliminary definitions:

Definition 2

(Critical edge) Given \(e \in E(T)\) and a swap edge \(f = (v, u) \in S(e, v)\), a critical edge for f (w.r.t. e) is an edge \(g = (x,y) \in S(e)\) maximizing \( \phi (f, g) := \frac{d_T(x, v) + w(f) + d_T(u, y)}{w(g)}. \)

Notice that, for technical reasons,Footnote 3 we have that (i) the denominator of \(\phi (f, g)\) is the weight of edge \(g=(x,y)\) instead of the post-failure distance \(d_{G-e}(x,y)\) (as the definition of v-BSE would naturally suggest); and (ii) the set of possible edges g is restricted to S(e). Nevertheless, as long as v-BSEs are concerned, we can safely compare different swap-edges through their respective critical edges, as shown in [3] and summarized in the following:

Definition 3

(Best cut edge) A v-best cut edge for e (v-BCE) is an edge \(f \in S(e,v)\) minimizing \(\varphi _e(f)=\max _{g \in S(e)} \phi (f, g)\).

Proposition 1

[3] Every v-BCE for e is a v-BSE for e.

Let us first provide a high-level description of how we compute a v-BCE (i.e., a v-BSE) for e. The algorithm will compute \(O(\log n)\) v-BCE candidates, the best of which will be a v-BCE for e. Informally speaking, each candidate f will be a swap edge close to the centroid of a certain subtree \(\varLambda \) of T. Depending on the position of a critical edge for f, the algorithm will recurse on a subtree of \(\varLambda \) and it will look for the next candidate. Thanks to the centroid decomposition of T, the number of recursions/candidates will then be \(O(\log n)\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

a An example of centroid decomposition of the tree T (which corresponds to the first vertex of \(\mathcal {T}\)). b and c: Two of the four possible cases situation illustrated in Lemma 1. The subtree \(\widehat{T}\) is represented by the three gray triangles along with the vertex c. f is a swap edge for e that minimizes \(w(f) + d_T(u, c)\), and g is its corresponding critical edge. The (cy)-tree of \(\widehat{T}\) is drawn in bold. Notice that f and g do not need to be incident to \(\widehat{T}\)

The key ingredient for the correctness of our algorithm is the next lemma. Given a subtree \(\widehat{T}\) of T, a vertex \(c \in V(\widehat{T})\), and a vertex \(y \in V(T)\), consider the first vertex z of the unique path from y to c in T that also belongs to \(V(\widehat{T})\). The \((c,y)-\)tree of \(\widehat{T}\) is defined as follows: (1) if \(z=c\), then it is the empty tree; otherwise (2) it is the tree of the forest \(\widehat{T}-c\) that contains z. Then, the following holds (see also Fig. 2b, c):

Lemma 1

Let \(\widehat{T}\) be a subtree of T such that \(V(\widehat{T}) \subseteq D_e\), and let \(c \in V(\widehat{T})\). Moreover, let \(f =(v,u) \in S(e, v)\) be a swap edge for e that minimizes \(w(f) + d_T(u, c)\), and let \(g=(x,y)\) be a critical edge for f. Assume that \(S(e,v, V(\widehat{T}) )\) contains a v-BCE for e. If f is not a v-BCE for e, then \(S(e,v, V(T') )\) contains a v-BCE for e, where \(T'\) is the (cy)-tree of \(\widehat{T}\).


Suppose that f is not a v-BCE for e, we will show that no swap edge \(f^\prime = (v, u^\prime ) \in S(e,v)\) with \(u^\prime \not \in V(T')\) can be a v-BCE for e. Indeed:

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi (f^\prime )&\ge \phi (f^\prime , g) = \frac{d_T(x, v) + w(f^\prime ) + d_T(u^\prime , y)}{w(g)} \\&= \frac{d_T(x, v) + w(f^\prime ) + d_T(u^\prime , c) + d_T(c, y)}{w(g)} \\&\ge \frac{d_T(x, v) + w(f) + d_T(u, c) + d_T(c, y)}{w(g)} \ge \phi (f, g) = \varphi (f), \end{aligned}$$

where we used the fact that \(d_T(u^\prime , y) = d_T(u^\prime , c) + d_T(c, y)\) as either \(u^\prime =c\) or \(u^\prime \) and y are in two different connected components of \(T-c\). \(\square \)

Lemma 1 allows us to design a recursive algorithm for computing a v-BCE for e, whose key steps are highlighted in Procedure FindBCE (notice that v and e are fixed). More precisely, the algorithm takes a tree \(\varLambda \) of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) such that \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e \ne \emptyset \), and it computes a pair \((f^*,g^*)\) such that if \(S(e, v, V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e)\) contains a v-BCE for e, then \(f^*\) is a v-BCE for e, and \(g^*\) is its critical edge. Procedure FindBCE makes use of an additional function FindCritical (fT) that returns a critical edge for f w.r.t. the failure of e. The initial call will be FindBCE(T). In order to handle base cases, we assume \(\phi (\bot ,\bot )=+ \infty \).

figure b

We now prove the correctness of the procedure:

Lemma 2

Procedure FindBCE(T) computes a v-BCE for e.


Consider an invocation of the procedure and let \(\varLambda \) and \((f^*, g^*)\) be its parameter and the edges it returns, respectively. We prove the following claim by induction on the cardinality of \(V(\varLambda )\): if \(S(e,v,V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e)\) contains a v-BCE for e, then \(f^*\) is a v-BCE for e and \(g^*\) is a critical edge for \(f^*\).

If \(|V(\varLambda )|=0\), then the claim trivially holds. Otherwise, \(|V(\varLambda )| > 0\), and we distinguish two cases depending on the position of the centroid c of \(\varLambda \). If \(c \in U_e\), then there is only one child \(\tau _c^j\) of \(\varLambda \) in \(\mathcal {T}\) that contains all the vertices in \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\), as otherwise the vertices in \(D_e\) would be disconnected in \(\varLambda \). Hence, if \(S(e,v,V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e)\) contains a v-BCE for e, then \(S(e,v,V(\tau _c^j) \cap D_e)\) also contains a v-BCE for e, and the claim follows by the inductive hypothesis (as \(|V(\tau _c^j)| < |V(\varLambda )|\)). The remaining case is the one in which \(c \in D_e\), here the claim follows from Lemma 1 (where now \(\widehat{T}\) is the subtree of T induced by \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\)) together with the inductive hypothesis. \(\square \)

Next lemma provides an upper bound to the running time of the procedure:

Lemma 3

Procedure FindBCE(T) requires \(O( (\varGamma _{\texttt {cand} }+\varGamma _{\texttt {FC} }) \log n)\) time, where \(\varGamma _{\texttt {cand} }\) and \(\varGamma _{\texttt {FC} }\) is the time required by Lines 7 and 8, i.e., the time needed to find a candidate v-BCE f, and to execute Procedure FindCritical, respectively.


First of all, notice that Step 4 can be performed in O(1) time, after a \(O(\log n)\) preprocessing time in which we mark all the nodes of \(\mathcal {T}\) on the path between the leaf of \(\mathcal {T}\) containing the lower vertex of e (which clearly belongs to \(D_e\)) and the root of \(\mathcal {T}\). Then, we only need to bound the depth of the recursion of the call FindBCE (T). Observe that each time Procedure FindBCE (\(\varLambda \)) recursively invokes itself on a tree \(\varLambda '\), we have that \(\varLambda '\) is a child of \(\varLambda \) in \(\mathcal {T}\). The claim follows since the height of \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(O(\log n)\). \(\square \)

Actually, Procedure FindCritical will require \(O(\log ^3 n)\) overall time and \(O(m \log ^2 n)\) space, as we will show in the rest of the paper. We now argue that \(\varGamma _{\texttt {cand}}=O(\log n)\), after a preprocessing time and space of \(O(n^2)\), by making use of top-trees [2]. A top-tree is a dynamic data structure that maintains a (weighted) forest F of trees under link (i.e., edge-insertion) and cut (i.e., edge-deletion) operations. Moreover, some of the vertices of F can be marked and the top-tree is able to perform closest marked vertex (CMV, for short) queries, i.e., it can report the marked vertex that is closest to a given vertex z. A top-tree on n vertices can be built in linear time and each of all the aforementioned operations requires \(O(\log n)\) time.

We maintain a top-tree \(\varUpsilon _v\) of size O(n) for each vertex \(v \in V(T)\), and so we use a total of \(O(n^2)\) space. Each of these top-trees is the tree T augmented with some additional marked vertices. More precisely, for each \(v \in V(T)\) and for each edge \(f=(v,u) \in E(G) \setminus E(T)\) we add to \(\varUpsilon _v\) a marked vertex \(\overline{u}\) and the edge \((u,\overline{u})\) with a weight of w(f) (see Fig. 3).

Whenever we are finding a v-BSE for e and we need to find the edge f minimizing \(w(f) + d_T(u, c)\) we do the following: (i) we cut the edge e from \(\varUpsilon _v\), (ii) we perform a CMV query on \(\varUpsilon _v\) to find the closest marked vertex \(\overline{u}\) to c, if any, (iii) we undo the cut operation by linking the endpoints of e in \(\varUpsilon _v\), and finally (iv) we return the edge (vu) (or \(\perp \) if no \(\overline{u}\) has been found).

Fig. 3
figure 3

a The subtree of T induced by \(D_e\) along with swap edges in S(ev), and b the corresponding top-tree \(\varUpsilon _v\). The black vertices of \(\varUpsilon _v\) are the same of the tree T. For each \(u \in V(T)\) such that \(f=(v,u) \in S(e,v)\), \(\varUpsilon _v\) contains an additional vertex \(\overline{u}\) (shown as a white square), and a corresponding edge \((u,\overline{u})\) with weight w(f)

We can then give the following:

Lemma 4

Let \(e \in E(T)\) be a failing edge and let \(c \in D_e\). An edge \(f=(v,u) \in S(e,v)\) minimizing \(w(f) + d_T(u, c)\) can be found in \(O(\log n)\) time. Moreover, all the top-trees \(\varUpsilon _v\) can be initialized in \(O(n^2)\) time, and their space usage is \(O(n^2)\).


Each of the n top-trees \(\varUpsilon _v\) can be built in time O(n) by explicitly considering all the edges in E(v) (notice that \(\varUpsilon _v\) contains at most 2n vertices as there can be at most one marked vertex per vertex in V(T)).

As for the time complexity of finding edge f, it immediately follows from the fact that we perform a constant number of link, cut, and CMV query operations, hence we only need to argue about correctness.

Notice that after we cut edge e from \(\varUpsilon _v\) in step (i), the tree \(T^\prime \) of \(\varUpsilon _v\) containing c has exactly one (distinct) marked vertex \(\overline{u}\) for each edge \((u,v) \in S(e,v)\). The claim follows as, by construction, the distance from c to \(\overline{u}\) in \(T^\prime \) is \(d_{T^\prime }(c, \overline{u}) = d_{T^\prime }(c, u) + d_{T^\prime }(u, \overline{u}) = d_T(c, u) + w(f)\). \(\square \)

4 Selecting a Candidate Critical Edge

To implement Procedure FindCritical in the promised \(O(\log ^3 n)\) time, we will compute \(O(\log ^2 n)\) candidate critical edges for f, by paying \(O(\log n)\) time to select each one of them, and as anticipated one out of them will be a critical edge for f.

More precisely, we look at \(O(\log n)\) subtrees of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) and, for each such subtree \(\varLambda \), we will consider \(O(\log n)\) subtrees \(\varPsi \) to find a critical edge candidate having one endpoint in \(\varPsi \) and the other in \(\varLambda \). The choice of the \(O(\log ^2 n)\) pairs of trees is guided by the position of f, while the computation of a candidate for a given pair \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\) is the core of the procedure, and is performed efficiently through the dynamic maintenance of the upper envelope of a set of linear functions, as described in the next section.

Definition 4

(\((\varPsi ,\varLambda )\)-Critical edge) Given a failing edge e and a swap edge \(f = (v, u) \in S(e, v)\), and given two trees \(\varPsi , \varLambda \) of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\), a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f is an edge

$$\begin{aligned} g =(x, y) \in \arg \max _{g' \in S(e, V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e, V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e)} \phi (f, g'). \end{aligned}$$

When \(\varPsi =T\) we will refer to a \((\varPsi ,\varLambda )\)-critical edge as a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge.

Let \(f=(v,u) \in S(e, v)\) and let \(\varLambda \) be a tree of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) such that \(u \in V(\varLambda )\). Procedure FindCritical returns a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge for f, when edge e fails (such an edge always exists as f has one endpoint in \(U_e\) and the other in \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\)). Notice that the call  FindCritical(fT) in Procedure FindBCE computes a critical edge for f, since a T-critical edge for f is actually a critical edge for f.

Procedure FindCritical uses Procedure FindCriticalCandidate(f, \(\varPsi \), \(\varLambda \)) as a subroutine, which for the sake of clarity will be described in the next subsection. For the moment, it suffices to know that FindCriticalCandidate receives three inputs, i.e., edge \(f=(v,u)\) and two subtrees \(\varPsi , \varLambda \) of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) such that \(v \in \varPsi \) and, either \(u \not \in V(\varLambda )\) or \(\varLambda \) is the tree containing the sole vertex u, and it returns a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f. If no such edge exists, then FindCriticalCandidate returns \(\bot \) and we assume that \(\phi (f, \bot )= -\infty \).

figure c

Lemma 5

Let \(f=(v,u) \in S(e,v)\), and let \(\varLambda \) be a tree of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) such that \(u \in V(\varLambda )\). Procedure FindCritical(\(f, \varLambda \)) returns a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge for f.


The proof is by induction on the cardinality of \(V(\varLambda )\).

If \(|V(\varLambda )| = 1\), then u is the only vertex in \(\varLambda \) and Procedure FindCritical invokes Procedure FindCriticalCandidate \((f, T, \varLambda \)). Hence, assuming such a procedure is correct, it returns a \((T, \varLambda )\)-critical edge, i.e., a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge. If \(|V(\varLambda )| > 1\) then we distinguish two cases, depending on the position of the centroid c of \(\varLambda \).

If \(c \in D_e\) it is sufficient to notice that a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge for f must be incident to a tree \(\tau _c^i\) for some \(i=0,1,2,3\). Let j be the unique index in \(\{0,1,2,3\}\) such that \(u \in V(\tau _c^j)\). If \(j \ne i\) then, assuming Procedure FindCriticalCandidate is correct, it returns a \((T, \varLambda )\)-critical edge \(g_1\) (and hence a \(\varLambda \)-critical edge) for f. Procedure FindCritical then returns either \(g_1\) or another edge g such that \(\phi (f, g)=\phi (f, g_1)\). If \(j=i\), the algorithm is recursively invoked and, since \(|V(\tau _c^i)| < |V(\varLambda )|\) we know, by the induction hypothesis, that it correctly returns a \(\tau _c^i\)-critical edge for f, which is also \(\varLambda \)-critical edge for f.

If \(c \in U_e\), then we know that there is at most one \(\tau _c^i\) containing one or more vertices in \(D_e\) (as otherwise the vertices in \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\) would be disconnected in \(\varLambda \), a contradiction). Moreover, since \(u \in V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\), there is exactly one such tree \(\tau _c^i\), namely \(\tau _c^j\). The algorithm recursively invokes itself on \(\tau _c^j\) and, since \(|V(\tau _c^j)| < |V(\varLambda )|\), we know, by induction hypothesis, that it returns a \(\tau _c^j\)-critical edge for f, which is also \(\varLambda \)-critical edge for f. \(\square \)

Lemma 6

Procedure FindCritical \((f,\varLambda )\) requires \(O(\varGamma _{\texttt {FCC} } \log n)\) time, where \(\varGamma _{\texttt {FCC} }\) is the time required by an invocation of Procedure FindCriticalCandidate.


Notice that Procedure FindCritical performs exactly one recursive invocation for each vertex of the tree \(\mathcal {T}\) on the unique path between the root of \(\mathcal {T}\) and u in \(\mathcal {T}\). The claim follows since the height of \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(O(\log n)\). \(\square \)

In the next subsection, we show that \(\varGamma _{\texttt {FCC}} =O(\log ^2 n)\).

4.1 Procedure FindCriticalCandidate

In this subsection, we describe the core of the procedure that computes a critical edge for f. Let us first describe informally the main idea of this part. Let \(b \in U_e\) and \(c \in D_e\), and consider any two edges \(f=(v,u),g=(x,y) \in S(e)\) such that b (resp. c) is on the unique path from x to v (resp. from y to u) in T (see Fig. 4). It turns out that the stretch factor of any f w.r.t. a given g can be though as a linear function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}(t) = \alpha _{b,c}(g) \cdot t + \beta _{b,c}(g)\), where \(\alpha _{b,c}(g)\) and \(\beta _{b,c}(g)\) only depend on g. More precisely, we will have that \(\phi (f,g) = \varPhi _{b,c,g}(t_{b,c}(f))\), for a suitable value \(t_{b,c}(f)\) which only depends on f. Hence, whenever we look for a critical edge for f, we can ask for a corresponding function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}(t)\) with maximum value on \(t_{b,c}(f)\). Since we do not know a priori the edge f for which we need to compute a critical edge, we will maintain this information as the upper envelope of a suitable set of functions. Let us make this idea more precise.

Definition 5

(Upper Envelope) Let \(\mathcal {F}=\{ \varPhi _1, \varPhi _2, \dots , \varPhi _\ell \}\) be a finite set of functions, where \(\varPhi _i : \mathbb {R} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) for every \(i=1,2,\dots ,\ell \). The upper envelope of \(\mathcal {F}\) is defined as \(\displaystyle {{\,\mathrm{UE}\,}}_\mathcal {F}: t \in \mathbb {R} \mapsto \arg \max _{\varPhi \in \mathcal {F}}\varPhi (t) \in 2^{\mathcal {F}}\).

Let \(b \in U_e\) and \(c \in D_e\). Given an edge \(f=(v, u)\), define \(t_{b,c}(f)\) as the quantity \(d_T(b, v)+ w(f) + d_T(u, c)\). Given an edge \(g=(x, y)\), define \(\alpha _{b,c}(g) = \frac{1}{w(g)}\) and \(\beta _{b,c}(g) = \frac{d_T(x, b) + d_T(c, y)}{w(g)}\). Notice how, once b and c are fixed, \(t_{b,c}(f)\) only depends on f while \(\alpha _{b,c}(g)\) and \(\beta _{b,c}(g)\) only depend on g. Let \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}(t) = \alpha _{b,c}(g) \cdot t + \beta _{b,c}(g)\).

Lemma 7

Let \(f=(v,u) \in S(e,v)\). Let \(b \in U_e\) and \(c \in D_e\). Let X (resp. Y) be a set of vertices \(x \in U_e\) (resp. \(y \in D_e\)) such that vertex b (resp. c) is on the unique path from x to v (resp. from y to u) in T. For every \(g \in S(e, X, Y)\) we have \(\phi (f,g) = \varPhi _{b,c,g}(t_{b,c}(f))\).


Let \(g = (x, y)\). We have:

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (f, g)&= \frac{d_T(x, v) + w(f) + d_T(u, y)}{w(g)} \\&= \frac{d_T(x, b) + d_T(b, v) + w(f) + d_T(u, c) + d_T(c, y)}{w(g)} \\&= \frac{d_T(b, v)+ w(f) + d_T(u, c)}{w(g)} + \frac{d_T(x, b) + d_T(c, y)}{w(g)} \\&= \alpha _{b,c}(g) t_{b,c}(f) + \beta _{b,c}(g) \\&= \varPhi _{b,c,g}(t_{b,c}(f)). \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Illustration of Lemma  8. f is a swap edge for e, \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \) are two trees of the centroid decomposition, and b and c are their corresponding parent centroids. g is a potential \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f. Notice that the unique path from x to v (resp. from y to u) passes through b (resp. c)

Definition 6

(Parent centroid) Let \(\tau \) be a tree of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\). The parent centroid of \(\tau \) is the centroid of the parent of \(\tau \) in \(\mathcal {T}\).

Lemma 7 is instrumental to proving the following (see Fig. 4):

Lemma 8

Let \(f=(v,u) \in S(e,v)\), and let \(\varPsi , \varLambda \) be two trees of the centroid decomposition of T such that the following conditions hold: (i) \(v \not \in V(\varPsi )\) or \(V(\varPsi ) = \{ v \}\), and (ii) \(u \not \in V(\varLambda )\) or \(V(\varLambda ) = \{ u \}\). Let b (resp. c) be the parent centroid of \(\varPsi \) (resp. \(\varLambda \)), and assume that \(b \in U_e\) (resp. \(c \in D_e\)). Then, an edge g is a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f if and only if \(\varPhi _{b,c,g} \in {{\,\mathrm{UE}\,}}_{\mathcal {F}}(t_{b,c}(f))\) where \(\mathcal {F}=\{ \varPhi _{b,c,g'} : g' \in S(e, V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e, V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e) \}\).


First of all we show the following property of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\): let \(p,q \in V(T)\), and suppose that the unique path in \(\mathcal {T}\) between the leaf nodes associated with p and q contains a node whose corresponding centroid is z. Then, the unique path between p and q in T contains z. Indeed, if z is either p or q, the property is trivially true. On the other hand, suppose that \(z \not \in \{p, q\}\), and let \(\tau \) be the subtree of T associated with z in \(\mathcal {T}\). Then, let \(\tau _z^i\) be the child subtree of \(\tau \) containing p. Observe that q is not in \(\tau _z^i\). Moreover, by construction, each path from a node of \(\tau _z^i\), and in particular from p, to any node outside \(\tau _z^i\), and in particular to q, must pass through z.

We now prove the claim. If \(V(\varPsi ) = \{ v \}\) (resp. \(V(\varLambda )=\{u\}\)) then it follows from Lemma 7 by choosing \(X = \{ v \}\) and \(Y = V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\) (resp. \(X = V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e\) and \(Y = \{ u \}\)). The complementary case is the one in which \(v \not \in V(\varPsi )\) and \(u \not \in V(\varLambda )\). Consider the vertices v and b (resp. u and c) in \(\mathcal {T}\) and notice that v (resp. u) cannot be an ancestor of b (resp. c). Indeed, if that were the case, then the subtree of T induced by the vertices in \(V(\varPsi )\) (resp. \(V(\varLambda )\)) would contain b (resp. c) contradicting the hypothesis. Hence, the path from any vertex in \(V(\varPsi )\) to v (resp. \(V(\varLambda )\) to u) traverses b (resp. c) in \(\mathcal {T}\) and therefore the same holds in T. The claim follows by invoking Lemma 7 with \(X=V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e\) and \(Y = V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e\). \(\square \)

Lemma 8 allows us to design a recursive procedure to compute a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f (see Procedure FindCriticalCandidate). To this aim we will make use of a data structure \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) that, for each edge \(f \in S(e)\), and for each pair of trees \(\varPsi , \varLambda \) of the centroid decomposition, can perform a query operation that we name \(\mathcal {Q}_e(f, \varPsi , \varLambda )\). This query reports an edge whose function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is in \({{\,\mathrm{UE}\,}}_{\mathcal {F}}(t_{b,c}(f))\) where b and c are the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \), respectively, and \(\mathcal {F}=\{ \varPhi _{b,c,g'} : g' \in S(e, V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e, V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e) \}\).

Next two lemmas show the correctness and the running time of the procedure:

Lemma 9

Let be given an edge \(f=(v,u) \in S(e, v)\) and two trees \(\varPsi , \varLambda \) of the centroid decomposition such that: (i) \(v \in V(\varPsi )\), and (ii) \(u \not \in V(\varLambda )\) or \(V(\varLambda ) = \{ u \}\). Then, Procedure FindCriticalCandidate(\(f, \varPsi , \varLambda \)) computes a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f.


First of all notice that if \(V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e = \emptyset \), then the algorithm correctly returns \(\bot \). We now prove the claim by induction on \(|V(\varPsi )|\). If \(|V(\varPsi )| = 1\), then the only vertex in \(\varPsi \) must be v and Procedure FindCriticalCandidate queries \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) for \(\mathcal {Q}_e(f, \varPsi , \varLambda )\). By Lemma 8, the returned edge is a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f. If \(|V(\varPsi )| > 1\) then we distinguish two cases, depending on the position of the centroid b of \(\varPsi \). If \(b \in U_e\) it is sufficient to notice that a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f must be incident to a tree \(\tau _b^i\) for some \(i=0,1,2,3\). Let j be the unique index in \(\{0,1,2,3\}\) such that \(v \in V(\tau _b^j)\). If \(j \ne i\) then, by Lemma 8, the query \(\mathcal {Q}_e(f, \tau _b^i, \varLambda )\) returns a \((\tau _b^i, \varLambda )\)-critical edge \(g'\) (and hence \(g'\) is also a \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge) for f. Procedure FindCritical then returns either \(g'\) or another edge g such that \(\phi (f, g)=\phi (f, g')\). If \(j=i\), the algorithm is recursively invoked and, since \(|V(|\tau _b^i|)| < |V(\varPsi )|\) we know, by the induction hypothesis, that it returns a \((\tau _b^i, \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f, which is also \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\)-critical edge for f. If \(b \in D_e\), then there is at most one \(\tau _b^i\) containing at least one vertex in \(U_e\) (as the converse would imply that the vertices in \(V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e\) are disconnected in \(\varPsi \), a contradiction). Moreover, since \(v \in V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e\), there is exactly one such tree \(\tau _b^i\), namely \(\tau _b^j\). The algorithm recursively invokes itself on \(\tau _b^j\) and we know, by induction hypothesis, that it returns a \(\tau _b^j\)-critical edge for f, which is also \((\varPsi ,\varLambda )\)-critical edge for f. \(\square \)

figure d

Lemma 10

Procedure FindCriticalCandidate(\(f, \varPsi , \varLambda \)) requires \(O(\varGamma _{\mathcal {Q}_e} \log n)\) time, where \(\varGamma _{\mathcal {Q}_e}\) is the time required by a query on \(\mathcal {Q}_e\).


Notice that Procedure FindCriticalCandidate performs exactly one recursive invocation for each vertex of the tree \(\mathcal {T}\) on the unique path between the root of \(\mathcal {T}\) and u in \(\mathcal {T}\). The claim follows since the height of \(\mathcal {T}\) is \(O(\log n)\). \(\square \)

Thus, to get the promised running time of \(O(\log ^2n)\) for \(\varGamma _{\texttt {FCC}}\), we are left to prove that \(\varGamma _{\mathcal {Q}_e}=O(\log n)\). Actually, such a bound can be obtained by suitably implementing \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) in such a way that all the underlying upper envelope functions are efficiently maintained, as we explain in details in the next section.

5 Dynamic Maintenance of the Upper Envelopes

Procedure FindCriticalCandidate needs the auxiliary structure \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). Explicitly building such a structure for each edge e would be too expensive. Here we show how all the structures \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) can be built in \(O(m \log ^4 n)\) time and \(O(m \log ^2 n)\) space. The idea is to exploit the order in which failing edges are considered, so as to reuse previously computed information to build \(\mathcal {Q}_e\).

Our data structure \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) consists of any dictionary that allows to insert, delete, and search for an element in \(O(\log n)\) time per operation (e.g., AVL trees). Each of the elements contained in the dictionary is a (reference to a) data structure that can store a set \(\mathcal {F}\) of linear functions and is able (i) to dynamically add/remove a function to/from \(\mathcal {F}\) in \(O(\log |\mathcal {F}|)\) time, (ii) given \(t \in \mathbb {R}\), to report a function in \({{\,\mathrm{UE}\,}}_\mathcal {F}(t)\) in \(O(\log |\mathcal {F}|)\) amortized time. This is exactly what it is achieved by the data-structure in [8].Footnote 4 Each element (data structure) of the dictionary is associated with a pair \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\) of trees of \(\mathcal {T}\) and its set \(\mathcal {F}\) consists of all the functions \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) where b and c are the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \), respectively, and \(g \in S(e, V(\varPsi ) \cap U_e, V(\varLambda ) \cap D_e)\). We name such a structure \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\). The pair \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\) is also the key of \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) in the dictionary.Footnote 5 Then, we have the following:

Lemma 11

The query \(\mathcal {Q}_e (f, \varPsi , \varLambda )\) (used in FindCriticalCandidate) can be executed in \(O(\log n)\) amortized time.


First, we obtain a reference to \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\) in \(O(\log n)\) time by searching for the key \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\) in the dictionary of \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). Then, we perform a query operation on \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\) with \(t = t_{b,c}(f)\) where b and c are the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \), respectively (see Lemma 7). This latter query requires \(O(\log |\mathcal {F}|) = O(\log n)\) amortized time, where \(\mathcal {F}\) is the set of functions \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) stored in \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\). \(\square \)

We now show how to build and maintain the \(\mathcal {Q}_e\)’s. Remember that we process the edges \(e \in E(T)\) in a bottom-up fashion. Let \(T_e\) be the subtree of T induced by \(D_e\). Whenever \(T_e\) consists of a single vertex, we build \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) from scratch. If \(T_e\) contains 2 or more vertices then there are at most two edges \(e_1\), \(e_2 \in E(T_e)\) that are incident to e. We build \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) by merging \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) and \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\). This merge operation consists of a join step followed by an update step.

Whenever we add a function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) to a structure \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) of \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) and we are either performing the update step or we are building \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) from scratch, we say that we insert \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) into \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). We associate a non-negative integer \(\nu _e\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) that we call virtual size of \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). The virtual size of \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) is the overall number of inserts that have been performed either on \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) itself or on any other \(\mathcal {H}^{e'}_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\) such that \(e^\prime \) is an edge of \(T_e\).

5.1 Building \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) from Scratch

We start by creating an empty dictionary \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) (initially \(\nu _e=0\)). Since we are building \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) from scratch, \(T_e\) contains only one vertex, say y. For each edge \(g =(x,y) \in S(e,U_e,y)\), we explicitly consider all the pairs of trees \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\), such that \(\varPsi \) contains x and \(\varLambda \) contains y, and we let b and c be the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \), respectively. We look for \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) in the dictionary of \(\mathcal {Q}_e\), if \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) already exists, we add \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) to \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\). If \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) is not found, we create a new empty structure \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\), we add \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) into \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\), and we add \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). In both cases we have that \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is inserted into \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) and hence we increase \(\nu _e\) by 1.

5.2 Building \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) by Merging

Let \(e=(p,q)\) and remember that \(T_e\) contains more than 1 vertex. Since q has degree at most 3 in T, there are either 1 or 2 edges in \(T_e\) that are incident to q. Here we will discuss the case in which those edges are exactly 2 (as the case in which q is incident to only one edge is simpler).

Let \(e_1\), \(e_2\) be the two edges incident to q in \(T_e\). We will merge \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) and \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) in order to obtain \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). This operation is destructive, i.e., \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) and \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) will no longer exist at the end of the merge operation. Notice, however, that since we are processing the edges of T in a bottom-up fashion, \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) and \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) will no longer be needed by the algorithm.

The merge operation consists of two steps: the join step and the update step.

5.2.1 The Join Step

W.l.o.g., let \(\nu _{e_1} \ge \nu _{e_2}\). We start by renaming \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) (so that all the structures that belong to the dictionary of \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) that were named \(\mathcal {H}^{e_1}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) are now named \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\)).

Now, for each structure \(\mathcal {H}^{e_2}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\), we first search for the structure \(\mathcal {H}^{e}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e}\) and, if such a structure is not found, we add new empty structure \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). Then, we move each function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) in \(\mathcal {H}^{e_2}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) to \(\mathcal {H}^{e}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\), i.e., we remove \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) from \(\mathcal {H}^{e_2}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) and, if \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is not in \(\mathcal {H}^{e}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\), we add it to \(\mathcal {H}^{e}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\). Finally, after all the structures \(\mathcal {H}^{e_2}_{(\varPsi ,\varLambda )}\) in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) have been considered, we destroy \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) and we set \(\nu _e\) to \(\nu _{e_1} + \nu _{e_2}\).

5.2.2 The Update Step

After the merge step is completed, \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) contains all the functions corresponding to the edges g in \(S(e_1) \cup S(e_2)\).

Notice, however, that all the edges (xy) such that the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of x and y in T is q are both in \(S(e_1)\) and \(S(e_2)\) but they do not belong to S(e), and hence they should not appear in \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). On the converse, the edges in \(S(e, U_e, q)\) are neither in \(S(e_1)\) nor in \(S(e_2)\) but they belong to S(e), hence their corresponding functions should be added to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). This is exactly the goal of the update step.

We start by deleting the extra functions from \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). We iterate over each edge \(g=(x,y)\) such that the LCA of x and y is q and, for each pair of trees \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\) such that \(\varPsi \) contains x and \(\varLambda \) contains y, we delete \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) from \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\) where b and c are the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \) respectively. If \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\) becomes empty, we also delete \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\) from \(\mathcal {Q}_e\).

We now add the missing functions to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). For each \(g=(x,q) \in S(e, U_e, q )\), and for each pair of trees \((\varPsi , \varLambda )\), such that \(\varPsi \) contains x and \(\varLambda \) contains q, we first search for \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\) in \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) and, if it does not exist, we add new empty structure \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). Then, we add \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) to \(\mathcal {H}^e_{( \varPsi , \varLambda )}\), where b and c are the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) and \(\varLambda \) respectively. We increase \(\nu _e\) by 1 to account for this insertion.

5.3 Analysis

Here we bound the time required to dynamically maintain all the upper envelope structures.

Lemma 12

The overall number of distinct functions \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) ever inserted into at least one of the structures \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) is \(O(m \log ^2 n)\).


Let us consider any edge \(g=(x,y) \in E(G) \setminus E(T)\). If a function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) associated with g is inserted into any \(\mathcal {Q}_e\), this means that it added to some \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\) such that \(x \in V(\varPsi )\), \(y \in V(\varLambda )\), and b (resp. c) is the parent centroids of \(\varPsi \) (resp. \(\varLambda \)). Notice that there are \(O(\log n)\) trees \(\tau \) of the centroid decomposition \(\mathcal {T}\) that contain x (resp. y), meaning that there are \(O(\log ^2 n)\) functions \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) associated to g. The claim follows by summing over all the edges in \(E(G) \setminus E(T)\). \(\square \)

Lemma 13

Each function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) contributes at most 2 to the virtual size \(\nu _e\) of any \(\mathcal {Q}_e\).


It suffices to bound the overall number of insertions of \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) (regardless of the structure \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) into which \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is inserted). To this aim, consider the edge \(g=(x,y)\) associated with \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) and, w.l.o.g., let x be the vertex that is closest to the root of T. Let also \(e_x\) (resp. \(e_y)\) be the edge from the parent of x to x (resp. from the parent of y to y) in T. We distinguish two cases depending on the relative positions of x and y in T. If x is an ancestor of y, then \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is only inserted in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_y}\). Indeed, g belongs to \(S(e_y)\) but it does not belong to any \(S(e')\) where \(e' \in E(T_{e_y})\) is incident to \(e_y\) in \(T_{e_y}\). For any other pair of edges \(e'',e''' \in E(T)\) such that \(e'''\) is incident to \(e''\) in \(T_{e''}\) we have that either g does not belong to \(S(e'')\), or it belongs to both \(S(e'')\) and \(S(e''')\), and hence \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is not added to \(\mathcal {Q}_{e''}\). If x is not an ancestor of y, then a similar argument shows that \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) can only be inserted in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_x}\) and in \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_y}\). The claim follows. \(\square \)

Lemma 14

Each function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is moved \(O(\log n)\) times.


When a function is moved from any \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\) to \(\mathcal {Q}_{e}\) it is because we are merging \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_1}\) with \(\mathcal {Q}_{e_2}\), where \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are edges incident to e in \(T_e\). Notice that, before the merge operation takes place, we must have \(\nu _{e_1} \ge \nu _{e_2}\) and hence, at the end of the merge operation, \(\nu _e \ge \nu _{e_1} + \nu _{e_2} \ge 2 \nu _{e_2}\). In other words, each time a function \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) is moved, we have that the virtual size of the structure to which \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) belongs at least doubles. Therefore, after a function has been moved r times, the structure containing \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) must have a virtual size of at least \(2^r\).

Notice now that Lemma 12 and Lemma 13 imply an upper bound of \(O(m \log ^2 n)\) to the virtual size of any \(\mathcal {Q}_e\). We can conclude that a function can be moved \(O( \log (m \log ^2 n) ) = O( \log n )\) times. \(\square \)

From the above lemmas, we can now prove the following:

Proposition 2

The total time spent building and merging all the data structures \(\mathcal {Q}_e\) is \(O(m \log ^4 n)\).


From Lemma 12 and Lemma 13 we have that the total number of insertions of functions \(\varPhi _{b,c,g}\) into the structures \(\mathcal {H}^e_{(\varPsi , \varLambda )}\) is \(O(m \log ^2 n)\) and, since each insertion requires time \(O(\log n)\), the total time spent due to insertions is \(O(m \log ^3 n)\). Moreover, since each function is deleted at most once, and a deletion takes \(O(\log n)\) time, we have that the total time spent for deleting functions is \(O(m \log ^3 n)\).

Concerning moving of functions, by Lemma 14 we have that every function is moved \(O(\log n)\) times. Since there are \(O(m \log ^2 n)\) functions, as shown by Lemma 12, and a function can be moved in \(O(\log n)\) time, we have that the total time spent moving functions is \(O(m \log ^4 n)\). \(\square \)

By combining Lemmas 3, 4, 6, 10, 11 and Proposition 2, we can finally give our main result:

Theorem 1

The ABSE-TS problem can be solved in \(O(n^2 \log ^4 n)\) time and \(O(n^2+m \log ^2 n)\) space.

6 Conclusion

In this paper we have provided a new time-efficient algorithm for finding all the best swap edges of a tree spanner. This has been obtained by suitably combining a centroid decomposition of the tree spanner along with an efficient dynamic maintenance of the upper envelopes of a set of linear functions. We believe that our approach may be useful to solve other related swap problems.

Although our improvement was substantial as compared to the state of the art, the problem of designing an \(o(n^2)\) time algorithm remains a challenging open problem, even for the unweighted case. Another interesting research direction is that of studying the swap problem on the minimum average-stretch tree spanner, for which a solution whose average stretch is O(1) away from the distances in the underlying graph can be computed in polynomial time [1]. Finally, we mention the related problem of computing good swap edges for a tree spanner, namely sub-optimal swap edges that can be computed fast (ideally, in linear time), and whose induced stretch factor is provably close to that provided by a corresponding best swap edge.