1 Introduction

This paper is concerned with planar drawings of graphs such that each edge is a poly-line with few bends, each segment has one of a limited set of possible slopes, and the drawing has a good angular resolution, i.e. it forms large angles between consecutive edges incident to a common vertex. Besides their theoretical interest, visualizations with these properties find applications in software engineering and information visualization (see, e.g., [15, 34, 49]). For example, degree-4 planar graphs (that is, with maximum degree four) are widely used in database design, where they are typically represented by orthogonal drawings, i.e. drawings such that every edge is a polygonal chain of horizontal and vertical segments. Clearly, orthogonal drawings of degree-4 planar graphs are optimal both in terms of angular resolution and in terms of the number of distinct slopes for the edges. A classical result in the graph drawing literature is that every degree-4 planar graph, except for the octahedron, admits a planar orthogonal drawing with at most two bends per edge [5].

It is immediate to see that more than two slopes are needed in any planar drawing of a graph with vertex degree \(\varDelta \ge 5\). The k-bend planar slope number of a graph G with degree \(\varDelta \) is defined as the minimum number of distinct slopes that are sufficient to compute a crossing-free drawing of G with at most k bends per edge. Keszegh et al. [39] generalize the aforementioned technique by Biedl and Kant [5] and prove that for any \(\varDelta \ge 5\), the 2-bend planar slope number of a degree-\(\varDelta \) planar graph is \(\lceil \varDelta /2 \rceil \); the construction in their proof has an optimal angular resolution, that is \(\frac{2 \pi }{\varDelta }\).

For the case of drawings with one bend per edge, Keszegh et al. [39] also show an upper bound of \(2 \varDelta \) and a lower bound of \(\frac{3}{4}(\varDelta - 1)\) on the 1-bend planar slope number, while a recent paper by Knauer and Walczak [40] improves the upper bound to \(\frac{3}{2}(\varDelta - 1)\). Both these papers use a similar technique: The graph is first realized as a contact representation with T-shapes [13], which is then transformed into a planar drawing where vertices are points and edges are poly-lines with at most one bend. The set of slopes depends on the initial contact representation and may change from graph to graph; also, each slope is either very close to horizontal or very close to vertical, which in general gives rise to a bad angular resolution. Note that Knauer and Walczak [40] also consider subclasses of planar graphs. In particular, they prove that any set of \(\lceil \frac{\varDelta }{2} \rceil \) slopes can be used to construct 1-bend outerplanar drawings of outerplanar graphs with \(\varDelta > 2\), and present an upper bound of \(\varDelta + 1\) and a lower bound of \(\frac{2}{3}(\varDelta -1)\) for planar bipartite graphs. In addition, Durocher and Mondal [23] prove that \(\frac{2}{3}\varDelta \) slopes and \(\varDelta \) slopes always suffice to compute 1-bend planar drawings of 2-trees and of planar 3-trees, respectively.

In this paper, we study the trade-off between number of slopes, angular resolution, and number of bends per edge in a planar drawing of a graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \). Our main contribution is a constructive proof that any set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 4\). More precisely, we prove the following.

Theorem 1

For any \(\varDelta \ge 4\), every set S of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \). Namely, every such graph has a planar drawing with the following properties: (i) each edge has at most one bend; (ii) each edge segment uses one of the slopes in S. Furthermore, a drawing with these properties can be constructed in linear time.

The first implication of Theorem 1 is an improvement on the upper bound of Knauer and Walczak [40] on the 1-bend planar slope number of planar graphs. In fact, our result, in conjunction with [35], implies that the 1-bend planar slope number of planar graphs with \(n \ge 5\) vertices and maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 3\) is at most \(\varDelta - 1\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A 1-bend planar drawing with 4 slopes and angular resolution \(\frac{\pi }{4}\) of a graph with \(\varDelta =5\).

Further, by using an equispaced set of slopes, in which the minimum angle between any two slopes is \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta -1}\), we can also guarantee that the constructed drawings have angular resolution \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta - 1}\). We formalize this observation in the following corollary of Theorem 1.

Corollary 1

For any \(\varDelta \ge 4\), every planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \) has a planar drawing with the following properties: (i) each edge has at most one bend; (ii) each edge segment uses one of the slopes of an equispaced set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes; and (iii) the minimum angle between any two consecutive edge segments incident to a vertex or a bend is at least \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta - 1}\). Furthermore, a drawing with these properties can be constructed in linear time.

An implication of the proof given in [39] for the \(\frac{3}{4}(\varDelta - 1)\) lower bound on the 1-bend planar slope number is that a 1-bend planar drawing may require angular resolution smaller than \(\frac{4\pi }{3(\varDelta - 2)}\) (see Corollary 2 in p. 27). Hence, the result in Corollary 1 is worst-case optimal up to a multiplicative factor of at least \(\frac{3}{4}\) (as \(\varDelta \) tends to infinity). We remark that our result also improves the best-known upper bound of \(\frac{\pi }{4\varDelta }\), proved by Duncan and Kobourov [22], on the angular resolution of 1-bend planar drawings (where the number of slopes is not limited). This comes at the cost of increased drawing area, since our algorithm may produce drawings with a non-polynomial area.

We prove Theorem 1 by using an approach that is conceptually different from that of Knauer and Walczak [40]: We do not construct an intermediate representation and then transform it into a 1-bend planar drawing, but we provide an algorithm that directly computes a 1-bend drawing of any planar graph with degree at most \(\varDelta \) on any set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes. Our proof is constructive and it gives rise to a linear-time algorithm, assuming the real RAM model of computation. Figure 1 shows a drawing computed by our algorithm with an equispaced set of slopes, while Figs. 8 and 15 show larger examples with different sets of slopes. The construction for triconnected planar graphs uses a variant of the shifting method of de Fraysseix, Pach, and Pollack [14]; this construction is the building block for the drawing algorithm for biconnected planar graphs, which is based on the SPQR-tree decomposition of the graph into its triconnected components (see, e.g., [15]). Finally, the result is extended to connected graphs by using a block-cutvertex tree decomposition as a guideline to assign subsets of the universal slope set to the different biconnected components of the input graph. If the graph is disconnected, since we use universal sets of slopes, the distinct connected components can be drawn independently.

Related Work The results on the slope number of graphs are mainly classified into two categories based on whether the constructed drawings are required to be planar or not. For a (planar) graph G with maximum degree \(\varDelta \), the slope number (planar slope number) is the minimum number of slopes that are sufficient to compute a straight-line (planar) drawing of G. The slope number of non-planar graphs is lower bounded by \(\lceil \varDelta / 2 \rceil \) [50] but it can be arbitrarily large, even when \(\varDelta = 5\) [1, 20]. For \(\varDelta =3\) this number is 4 [44], while it is unknown for \(\varDelta = 4\), to the best of our knowledge. Upper bounds on the slope number are known for complete graphs [50] and outer 1-planar graphs [16] (i.e., graphs that can be drawn in the plane such that each edge is crossed at most once, and all vertices are on the external boundary). Deciding whether a graph has slope number 2 is NP-complete [26]. Concerning poly-line drawings, Knauer and Walczak [40] proved that general graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \) have a 1-bend drawing with \(\lceil \frac{\varDelta }{2}\rceil +1\) slopes, which improves a previous result by Dujmovic et al. [20].

For a planar graph G with maximum degree \(\varDelta \), the planar slope number of G is lower bounded by \(3\varDelta -6\) and upper bounded by \(O(2^\varDelta )\) [39]. Improved upper bounds are known for certain subclasses of planar graphs, e.g., planar graphs with \(\varDelta \le 3\) [18, 19, 36], outerplanar graphs with \(\varDelta \ge 4\) [41], partial 2-trees [42], and planar partial 3-trees [33]. Note that determining the planar slope number of a graph is hard in the existential theory of the reals [32].

The slope number problem has been studied also in the upward setting, i.e., for straight-line and poly-line drawings of directed graphs such that all edges flow towards a common direction (see, e.g., [4, 28]). Upward drawings of ordered sets with straight-line edges and few slopes have been studied by Czyzowicz [10] and by Czyzowicz et al. [11]. Concerning 1-bend drawings, Di Giacomo et al. [17] proved that every series-parallel directed graph has an upward drawing with one bend per edge and \(\varDelta \) slopes. The construction is worst-case optimal in terms of the number of slopes, and it gives rise to drawings with optimal angular resolution \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta }\). Also, Czyzowicz et al. [12] studied upward drawings of ordered sets with one bend per edge and few slopes.

Closely related to our problem is the problem of finding d-linear drawings of graphs, in which all angles (that are formed either between consecutive segments of an edge or between edge-segments incident to the same vertex) are multiples of \(2 \pi / d\). Bodlaender and Tel [8] showed that, for \(d=4\), an angular resolution of \(2 \pi / d\) implies d-linearity and that this is not true for any \(d > 4\). Special types of d-linear drawings are the orthogonal [5, 7, 28, 48] and the octilinear [2, 3, 45] drawings, for which \(d=2\) and \(d=4\) holds, respectively. As already recalled, Biedl and Kant [5], and independently Liu et al. [43], have shown that any planar graph with \(\varDelta \le 4\) (except the octahedron) admits a planar orthogonal drawing with at most two bends per edge. Deciding whether a degree-4 planar graph has an orthogonal drawing with no bends is NP-complete [28], while it is solvable in polynomial time if one bend per edge is allowed [6] (see also the work by Felsner et al. [25]). On the other hand, octilinear drawings have been mainly studied in the context of metro map visualization and map schematization [46, 47]. Nöllenburg [45] proved that deciding whether a given embedded planar graph with \(\varDelta \le 8\) admits a straight-line planar octilinear drawing is NP-complete. Bekos et al. [2] showed that a planar graph with \(\varDelta \le 5\) always admits a planar octilinear drawing with at most one bend per edge and that such drawings do not always exist if \(\varDelta \ge 6\). Note that in our work we generalize their positive result to any \(\varDelta \). Later, Bekos et al. [3] studied bounds on the total number of bends of planar octilinear drawings.

Finally, trade-offs between number of bends, angular resolution, and area requirement of planar drawings of graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \) are, for example, studied in [9, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30].

Paper Organization The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Preliminaries are given in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we describe a drawing algorithm for triconnected planar graphs. The technique is extended to biconnected and to general planar graphs in Sects. 4 and 5, respectively. Finally, in Sect. 6 we list some open problems.

2 Preliminaries

A graph \(G=(V,E)\) containing neither loops nor multiple edges is simple. We consider simple graphs, if not otherwise specified. The degree of a vertex of G is the number of its neighbors. We say that G has maximum degree\(\varDelta \) if it contains a vertex with degree \(\varDelta \) but no vertex with degree larger than \(\varDelta \). A graph is connected if for any pair of vertices there is a path connecting them, and is k-connected, \(k \ge 1\), if the removal of any set of \(k-1\) vertices leaves it connected. A 2-connected (3-connected) graph is also called biconnected (triconnected, respectively).

A drawing\(\varGamma \) of a graph G maps each vertex of G to a point in the plane and each edge of G to a Jordan arc between its two endpoints. A drawing is planar if no two edges cross (except at common endpoints). A planar drawing divides the plane into connected regions, called faces. The unbounded one is called outer face. A graph is planar if it admits a planar drawing. A planar embedding of a planar graph is an equivalence class of planar drawings that combinatorially define the same set of faces and outer face.

The slopes of a straight line \(\ell \) is the angle that a horizontal line needs to be rotated counter-clockwise in order to make it overlap with \(\ell \).Footnote 1 The slope of an edge-segment is the slope of the line containing it. Let S be a set of slopes sorted in increasing order; assume without loss of generality up to a rotation, that S contains the 0 angle, which we call horizontal slope. A 1-bend planar drawing \(\varGamma \) of graph GonS is a planar drawing of G in which every edge is composed of at most two straight-line segments, each of which has a slope that belongs to S. We say that S is equispaced if the difference between any two consecutive slopes of S is \(\frac{\pi }{|S|}\). For a vertex v in G, each slope \(s \in S\) defines two different rays that emanate from v and have slope s. If s is the horizontal slope, then these rays are called horizontal. Otherwise, the one going upward is a top and the other one is a bottom ray of v. Consider a 1-bend planar drawing \(\varGamma \) of a graph G and a ray \(r_v\) emanating from a vertex v of G. We say that \(r_v\) is free if there is no edge attached to v through \(r_v\). We also say that \(r_v\) is incident to face f of \(\varGamma \) if \(r_v\) is free and the first face encountered when moving from v along \(r_v\) is f.

Let \(\varGamma \) be a 1-bend planar drawing of a graph and let e be an edge on the boundary of the outer face of \(\varGamma \) that has a horizontal segment. A cut ate is a strictly y-monotone curve that (i) starts at any point of the horizontal segment of e, (ii) ends at any point of a horizontal segment of an edge \(e'\) incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma \), where \(e'\ne e\), unless both sides of e are incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma \), and (iii) crosses only horizontal segments of \(\varGamma \). A cut at e is called degenerate if both sides of e are incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma \) and it does not cross any edge of \(\varGamma \) different from e.

Central in our approach is the canonical order of triconnected planar graphs [14, 37]. Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a triconnected plane graph and let \(\varPi = (P_0,\ldots ,P_m)\) be a partition of V into paths, such that \(P_0 = \{v_1,v_2\}\), \(P_m=\{v_n\}\), and edges \((v_1,v_2)\) and \((v_1,v_n)\) exist and belong to the outer face of G. For \(k=0,\ldots ,m\), let \(G_k\) be the subgraph induced by \(\cup _{i=0}^k P_i\) and denote by \(C_k\) the cycle delimiting the outer face of \(G_k\). We say that \(\varPi \) is a canonical order of G if for each \(k=1,\ldots ,m-1\) the following hold: (i) \(G_k\) is biconnected, (ii) all neighbors of \(P_k\) in \(G_{k-1}\) are on \(C_{k-1}\), (iii) \(|P_k|=1\) or the degree of each vertex of \(P_k\) is 2 in \(G_k\), and (iv) all vertices of \(P_k\) with \(0\le k < m\) have at least one neighbor in \(P_j\) for some \(j > k\). A canonical order of any triconnected planar graph can be computed in linear time [37].

Fig. 2
figure 2

A biconnected planar graph (left) and its SPQR-tree (right). For S-, P-, and R-nodes, the skeleton is depicted in the gray balloons and the reference edge is dashed; for Q-nodes the corresponding edge is shown

An SPQR-tree \(\mathscr {T}\) represents the decomposition of a biconnected graph G into its triconnected components [15]; refer to Fig. 2 for an illustration. Every triconnected component of G is associated with a node \(\mu \) of \(\mathscr {T}\). The triconnected component itself is called the skeleton of \(\mu \), denoted by \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\). A node \(\mu \) in \(\mathscr {T}\) can be of four different types: (i) \(\mu \) is an R-node, if \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) is a triconnected graph, (ii) a simple cycle of length at least three classifies \(\mu \) as an S-node, (iii) a bundle of at least three parallel edges classifies \(\mu \) as a P-node, (iv) the leaves of \(\mathscr {T}\) are Q-nodes, whose skeleton consists of two parallel edges. Neither two S- nor two P-nodes are adjacent in \(\mathscr {T}\). For each node \(\nu \) that is adjacent to \(\mu \) in \(\mathscr {T}\), graph \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) contains a virtual edge that corresponds to \(\nu \); symmetrically, \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\nu }\) contains a virtual edge that corresponds to \(\mu \). We also say that these two virtual edges correspond to each other. If we assume that \(\mathscr {T}\) is rooted at a Q-node \(\rho \), then the virtual edge of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) that corresponds to its parent is the reference edge of \(\mu \), and its endpoints are the poles of \(\mu \). Note that the reference edge always exists, unless \(\mu = \rho \). Every subtree \(\mathscr {T}_\mu \) rooted at a node \(\mu \) of \(\mathscr {T}\) induces a subgraph \(G_\mu \) of G called pertinent, which is described by \(\mathscr {T}_\mu \) in the decomposition. We remark that the SPQR-tree of a biconnected planar graph can be computed in linear time [31].

Finally, the BC-tree\(\mathscr {B}\) of a connected graph G represents the decomposition of G into its biconnected components. Namely, \(\mathscr {B}\) has a B-node for each biconnected component of G and a C-node for each cutvertex of G. Each B-node is connected to the C-nodes that are part of its biconnected component.

3 Triconnected Planar Graphs

Let G be a triconnected planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 4\) and let S be any set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes containing the horizontal one (as already observed, this assumption is not restrictive). We consider the vertices of G according to a canonical order \(\varPi = (P_0,\ldots ,P_m)\). At each step \(k=1,\ldots ,m\), we consider the planar graph \(G_k^-\) obtained by removing edge \((v_1,v_2)\) from \(G_k\). Let \(C_k^-\) be the path from \(v_1\) to \(v_2\) obtained by removing \((v_1,v_2)\) from \(C_k\). We seek to construct a 1-bend planar drawing of \(G_k^-\) on S satisfying the following invariants.

  1. I.1

    For any two vertices \(u \in P_i\) and \(v \in P_j\) with \(0 \le i \le j \le k\), one of the following hold:

    1. (a)

      If \(i=j\) or \(j=1\), then u and v have the same y-coordinate; also, if edge (uv) exists, then it is drawn as a horizontal segment.

    2. (b)

      Otherwise (i.e., \(i<j\) and \(j \ne 1\)), vertex u is strictly below v; also, if edge (uv) exists, then its bend-point (if any) is strictly above u, and below or at the same y-coordinate as v.

  2. I.2

    Every edge on \(C_k^-\) has a horizontal segment. Also, for any point p of this segment there is a strictly y-monotone curve on the outer face of the drawing that starts at p and ends at any point strictly above the drawing (i.e., all its interior points are above p and it does not cross the drawing).

  3. I.3

    Each vertex v on \(C_k^-\) has at least as many free top rays incident to the outer face of \(G_k^-\) as the number of its neighbors in \(G \setminus G_k\).

We briefly discuss some direct implications of Invariants I.1–I.3. Invariant I.1 implies that no part of the drawing lies below vertices \(v_1\) and \(v_2\), which are horizontally aligned. In particular, Invariant I.1a implies that any edge between two vertices in the same path \(P_i\), with \(i \ge 1\), is drawn as a horizontal segment. Invariant I.2 implies that the drawing of \(C_k^-\) does not “spiralize”. Finally, note that if Invariant I.2 holds for one point of the horizontal segment of an edge of \(C_k^-\), then it also holds for any point of this segment.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustrations for Lemma 1; edge (wz) in the proof is drawn dotted-red (Color figure online)

Once a 1-bend planar drawing on S of \(G_m^-\) satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3 has been constructed, a 1-bend planar drawing on S of \(G=G_m^-\cup \{(v_1,v_2)\}\) can be obtained by drawing edge \((v_1,v_2)\) as a polyline composed of two straight-line segments, one attaching at the first clockwise bottom ray of \(v_1\) and the other one at the first anti-clockwise bottom ray of \(v_2\). Note that, since \(\varDelta \ge 4\), there are at least three slopes in S, and thus these two rays cross at a point below \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) with finite coordinates. By Invariant I.1, adding this edge does not introduce any crossing.

In the following lemma we show another important property of any 1-bend planar drawing on S satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3.

Lemma 1

Let \(\varGamma _k\) be a 1-bend planar drawing on S of \(G_k^-\) satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3 and let \(\sigma \) be any positive number. For any edge (uv) of \(C_k^-\) such that u precedes v along path \(C_k^-\), there exists a 1-bend planar drawing \(\varGamma _k'\) on S of \(G_k^-\), satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3, such that: (i) the horizontal distance between u and v is increased by \(\sigma \); (ii) the horizontal distance between any two other vertices that are consecutive along \(C_k^-\) is the same as in \(\varGamma _k\).


We first show that there exists a cut of \(\varGamma _k\) at (uv) that separates the subpath of \(C_k^-\) connecting \(v_1\) to u from the subpath of \(C_k^-\) connecting v to \(v_2\). We use this cut to construct \(\varGamma _k'\) as a copy of \(\varGamma _k\) in which all the horizontal segments that are crossed by the cut are elongated by \(\sigma \). For an illustration refer to Fig. 3.

The existence of the cut is proved by induction on k. In the base case, \(k=1\) holds. In this case, each edge (uv) in \(C^-_1\) is drawn as a straight-line segment by Invariant I.1a, and thus any point of this edge can be used to define a degenerate cut. For the inductive case \(k \ge 2\), assume that a cut exists for all edges of \(C^-_\nu \), with \(1 \le \nu < k\). Consider now an edge (uv) that belongs to \(C^-_k\). If (uv) also belongs to \(C^-_{k-1}\), then the existence of the cut is guaranteed by the induction hypothesis. Otherwise, at least one between u and v belongs to \(P_k\), say v (the other case is symmetric). By Invariant I.2, edge (uv) has a horizontal segment. Let \(u \in P_i\) and \(v \in P_k\), for some \(i \le k\). We claim that the horizontal segment of (uv) is incident to v: If \(i=k\), then (uv) is drawn as a single horizontal segment by Invariant I.1a; otherwise, the bend-point of (uv) cannot be at the same y-coordinate as u by Invariant I.1b, and thus it must be at the same y-coordinate as v, as otherwise there would be no horizontal segment.

Let f be the internal face of \(\varGamma _k\) to which edge (uv) is incident to; this face is uniquely defined since \(G_k\) is biconnected and (uv) is incident to the outer face. By the canonical order, there exists at least an edge (wz) incident to f that belongs to \(G_{k-1}^-\) but not to \(G_k^-\). In particular, (wz) belongs to \(C_{k-1}^-\) and thus it contains a horizontal segment by Invariant I.2. Also, by Invariant I.1b, both w and z are strictly below v, and thus the horizontal segment of (wz) is strictly below the horizontal segment of (uv). Let p and \(p'\) be any two points that belong to the horizontal segments of (uv) and (wz), respectively. We have that p lies strictly above \(p'\); also, by Invariant I.2, f is below p; finally, by Invariant I.1a, all vertices of \(P_k\) have the same y-coordinate. It follows that we can join p and \(p'\) with a y-monotone curve that lies in the interior of f. By induction, there is a cut starting at any point of the horizontal segment of (wz), and in particular at \(p'\), that separates the subpath of \(C_{k-1}^-\) connecting \(v_1\) to w from the subpath of \(C_{k-1}^-\) connecting z to \(v_2\). We can join this cut with the y-monotone curve described above, obtaining the desired cut. In particular, recall that \(C_k^-\) is obtained by replacing a subpath \(\pi \) of \(C_{k-1}^-\) containing w and z and with end-vertices denoted by \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\), with a subpath starting at \(u_\ell \), visiting all vertices of \(P_k\), and finishing at \(u_r\). (Note that \(u_\ell \) or \(u_r\) may coincide with u; see e.g. Fig. 3). Thus, the obtained cut at (uv) starting from point p separates the subpath of \(C_k^-\) connecting \(v_1\) to u from the subpath of \(C_k^-\) connecting v to \(v_2\), as desired.

We now describe how to obtain a drawing \(\varGamma _k'\) of \(G_k^-\) satisfying all the required properties. Consider the y-monotone curve \(\gamma \) that is obtained by concatenating the cut at (uv) starting at point p with the y-monotone curve that starts at p and ends at any point above \(\varGamma _k\), which exists by Invariant I.2. Let L and R be the two sets of vertices separated by \(\gamma \). All the vertices in L and all the edges between any two of them are drawn in \(\varGamma _k'\) as in \(\varGamma _k\); all the vertices in R and all the edges between any two of them are drawn in \(\varGamma _k'\) as in \(\varGamma _k\), after a translation to the right by \(\sigma \). Finally, for each edge that is crossed by the cut, its horizontal segment is elongated by \(\sigma \); also, if this edge contains a segment that is not horizontal, then this segment is either drawn in \(\varGamma _k'\) as in \(\varGamma _k\), if it is to the left of the cut, or translated by \(\sigma \), if it is to the right of the cut.

We prove that \(\varGamma _k'\) satisfies all properties of the lemma. First, \(\varGamma _k'\) is a 1-bend drawing of \(G_k^-\) on S since \(\varGamma _k\) is, and since all the edge-segments have the same slope in \(\varGamma _k'\) as in \(\varGamma _k\). Also, \(\varGamma _k'\) is planar, since \(\varGamma _k'\) is obtained from \(\varGamma _k\) by elongating only the horizontal segments intersected by curve \(\gamma \), which is y-monotone and spans the whole vertical extension of \(\varGamma _k\). The fact that the horizontal distances between consecutive vertices of \(C_k^-\) are the required ones descends from the fact that L contains all the vertices in the path of \(C_k^-\) from \(v_1\) to u, while R contains all the vertices in the path of \(C_k^-\) from v to \(v_2\). We finally prove that \(\varGamma _k'\) satisfies the three invariants. Namely, Invariant I.1 holds since the y-coordinates of the vertices and of the bend-points, as well as the slope of the edge-segments, have not been changed, while Invariants I.2–I.3 hold since all the edges are attached to their incident vertices in \(\varGamma _k'\) using the same rays as in \(\varGamma _k\). \(\square \)

Invariant I.3 guarantees that every vertex on \(C_k^-\) has enough free top rays incident to the outer face to attach all its incident edges following it in the canonical order. The next lemma exploits Lemma 1 to show that these rays can be always used to actually draw these edges.

Lemma 2

Let \(\varGamma _k\) be a 1-bend planar drawing on S of \(G_k^-\) satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3. Let u be any vertex of \(C_k^-\), and let \(r_u\) be any free top ray of u that is incident to the outer face of \(G_k^-\) in \(\varGamma _k\). Then, there exists a 1-bend planar drawing \(\varGamma _k'\) on S of \(G_k^-\), satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3, in which \(r_u\) does not cross any edge of \(\varGamma _k'\).


Since \(r_u\) is a top ray of u incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma _k^-\), if \(r_u\) crosses some edges of \(G_k^-\), then it also crosses some edges of \(C_k^-\). So, we can focus on removing the crossings with the edges of \(C_k^-\).

Let \(P_1\) be the path of \(C_k^-\) between \(v_1\) and u, and let \(P_2\) be the path of \(C_k^-\) between u and \(v_2\). Also, let \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) be the neighbors of u in \(P_1\) and \(P_2\), respectively. Refer to Fig. 4. By Lemma 1, we can elongate \((u,u_1)\) to eliminate all crossings between \(r_u\) and edges of \(P_1\) without introducing any new crossings between \(r_u\) and edges of \(P_2\). Analogously, we can elongate \((u,u_2)\) to eliminate all crossings between \(r_u\) and edges of \(P_2\) without introducing any new crossings between \(r_u\) and edges of \(P_1\). The obtained drawing \(\varGamma _k'\) satisfies all the requirements of the lemma. The statement follows. \(\square \)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Illustration for Lemma 2

We now describe our algorithm. First, we draw \(P_0=\{v_1,v_2\}\) and \(P_1=\{v_3,\ldots ,v_j\}\) of partition \(\varPi \) such that \(v_1, v_3, \ldots , v_j, v_2\), and the path connecting them, lie along a horizontal line, in this order (recall that edge \((v_1,v_2)\) is not drawn at this stage). Invariants I.1a and I.2 clearly hold. Invariant I.3 follows from the fact that S contains \(\varDelta -2\) top rays and all vertices drawn so far (including \(v_1\) and \(v_2\)) have at most \(\varDelta -2\) neighbors later in the canonical order.

We now describe how to add path \(P_k\), for some \(k > 1\), to a drawing \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3, in such a way that the resulting drawing \(\varGamma _{k}\) of \(G_{k}^-\) is a 1-bend planar drawing on S satisfying Invariants I.1–I.3. We distinguish two cases, based on whether \(P_k\) is a chain or a singleton.

Suppose first that \(P_k\) is a chain, say \(\{v_i,v_{i+1},\ldots ,v_j\}\); refer to Fig. 5a. Let \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) be the neighbors of \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) in \(C_{k-1}^-\), respectively. By Invariant I.3, each of \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) has at least one free top ray that is incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\); among them, we denote by \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) the first one in anti-clockwise order for \(u_\ell \), and by \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) the first one in clockwise order for \(u_r\). By Lemma 2, we can assume that \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) do not cross any edge in \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). Consider any horizontal line that lies completely above \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). By possibly applying Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) we may assume that the crossing point of \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) is to the left of the crossing point of \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) along this horizontal line. Let h be the horizontal line segment between these two crossing points. We proceed by placing all the vertices \(v_i,v_{i+1},\ldots ,v_j\) of \(P_k\) on interior points of h, in this left-to-right order. Finally, we draw edge \((u_\ell ,v_i)\) with a segment along h and the other one along \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\); we draw edge \((u_r,v_j)\) with a segment along h and the other one along \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\), and we draw every edge \((v_q,v_{q+1})\), with \(q=i,\ldots ,j-1\), with a unique segment along h.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Illustration of the cases in which \(P_k\) is: a a chain, and b a singleton of degree \(\delta _i\) in \(G_k^-\)

By construction, \(\varGamma _k\) is a planar drawing on S and all the vertices of \(P_k\) lie above \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\). Further, the bend-points of edges \((u_\ell ,v_1)\) and \((u_r,v_j)\) lie at the same y-coordinate as \(v_1\) and \(v_j\). Hence, Invariant I.1b is satisfied. Since all the edges of \(P_k\) are drawn as horizontal segments, Invariant I.1a is also satisfied. For Invariant I.2, note that every edge that is drawn at this step has a segment along h, which is horizontal and lies above \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). Hence, the edges in \(C_{k}^- \setminus C_{k-1}^-\) satisfy Invariant I.2. Consider an edge e that is in \(C_{k}^- \cap C_{k-1}^-\). By Invariant I.2, there is a y-monotone curve starting at any point of the horizontal segment of e and lying in the outer face of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). Note that this curve may now be crossed by some edge in \(C_{k}^- \setminus C_{k-1}^-\) of \(\varGamma _k\). In this case, however, by following the drawing of the crossed edges, one can easily modify this curve so that it remains y-monotone and lies in the outer face of \(\varGamma _k\). Hence, Invariant I.2 is also maintained. Finally, Invariant I.3 is satisfied since we attached edges \((u_\ell , v_i)\) and \((u_r,v_j)\) at vertices \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) using the first anti-clockwise free top ray of \(u_\ell \) and the first clockwise free top ray of \(u_r\) among those that are incident to the outer face, respectively. Thus, we reduced only by one the number of free top rays incident to the outer face for \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\). For the other vertices of \(P_k\), the invariant is satisfied since their \(\varDelta -2\) top rays are free and incident to the outer face. This concludes our description when \(P_k\) is a chain.

Suppose now that \(P_k\) is a singleton, say \(\{v_i\}\), of degree \(\delta _i \le \varDelta \) in \(G_{k}^-\). This also includes the case in which \(k=m\), that is, \(P_k\) is the last path of \(\varPi \). If \(\delta _i=2\), then \(v_i\) is placed as in the case of a chain. So, we may assume in the following that \(\delta _i \ge 3\). Let \(u_\ell ,u_1,u_2,\ldots ,u_{\delta _i-2},u_r\) be the neighbors of \(v_i\) as they appear along \(C_{k-1}^-\).

By Invariant I.3, each neighbor of \(v_i\) in \(C_{k-1}^-\) has at least one free top ray that is incident to the outer face of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\); among them, we denote by \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) the first one in anti-clockwise order for \(u_\ell \) and by \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) the first one in clockwise order for \(u_r\), while for each vertex \(u_q\), with \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), we denote by \(\tau (u_q)\) any of these rays arbitrarily. Refer to Fig. 5b. By Lemma 2, we can assume that these rays do not cross any edge in \(\varGamma _{k-1}\).

Consider any horizontal line \(h_i\) lying above all vertices of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). Rays \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\), \(\tau (u_1), \ldots , \tau (u_{\delta _i-2})\), \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) cross \(h_i\); however, the corresponding intersection points \(p_\ell \), \(p_1, \ldots , p_{\delta _i-2}\), \(p_r\) may not appear in this left-to-right order along \(h_i\); see Fig. 6a. To guarantee this property, we perform a sequence of stretchings of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) by repeatedly applying Lemma 1. First, if \(p_\ell \) is not the leftmost of these intersection points, then let \(\sigma \) be the distance between \(p_\ell \) and the leftmost intersection point. We apply Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_\ell \) and \(u_1\) along \(C_{k-1}^-\) to stretch \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) so that all the vertices in the path of \(C_k^-\) from \(u_1\) to \(v_2\) are moved to the right by a quantity \(\sigma '\) slightly larger than \(\sigma \). This implies that \(p_\ell \) is not moved, while all the other intersection points are moved to the right by a quantity \(\sigma '\), and thus they all lie to the right of \(p_\ell \) in the new drawing; see Fig. 6b. Analogously, we can move \(p_1\) to the left of every other intersection point, except for \(p_\ell \), by applying Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) along \(C_{k-1}^-\). Thus, by applying this stretching at most \(\delta _i-1\) times, we obtain that in \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) the intersection points appear in the correct left-to-right order along \(h_i\).

Fig. 6
figure 6

a Intersection points \(p_\ell ,p_1, \ldots , p_{\delta _i-2},p_r\) appear in a wrong order along \(h_i\). b Applying Lemma 1 to make \(p_\ell \) be the leftmost intersection point

We now describe how to place \(v_i\). Let \(\beta _{1}(v_i),\ldots ,\beta _{\delta _i-2}(v_i)\) be any set of \({\delta _i-2} \le \varDelta -2\) consecutive bottom rays of \(v_i\). Observe that, if we place \(v_i\) at any point above \(h_i\), rays \(\beta _{1}(v_i),\beta _{2}(v_i),\ldots ,\beta _{\delta _i-2}(v_i)\) intersect \(h_i\) in this left-to-right order. Let \(\rho _1,\ldots ,\rho _{\delta _i-2}\) be the corresponding intersection points. The goal is to place \(v_i\) so that each \(\rho _q\), for each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), coincides with \(p_q\). To do so, consider the line \(\lambda \) passing through \(p_1\) with the same slope as \(\beta _{1}(v_i)\). Refer to Fig. 7a. Note that placing \(v_i\) along \(\lambda \) and above \(h_i\) results in \(\rho _1\) to coincide with \(p_1\). Also note that, while moving \(v_i\) upwards along \(\lambda \), the distance \(d(\rho _q,\rho _{q+1})\) between any two consecutive points \(\rho _q\) and \(\rho _{q+1}\), with \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-3\), increases. Thus, we can place \(v_i\) along \(\lambda \) in such a way that \(d(\rho _q,\rho _{q+1}) > d(p_1,p_{\delta _i-2})\), for each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-3\). This implies that all points \(p_2,\ldots ,p_{\delta _i-2}\) lie strictly between \(\rho _1\) and \(\rho _2\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Placement of a singleton \(v_i\). a Moving \(v_i\) upwards along \(\lambda \) increases the distance among any two points \(\rho _q\) and \(\rho _{q+1}\). For readability, \(\rho _3\) and \(\rho _4\) are not drawn in their correct position, which is more to the right. b After the stretching, \(p_2\) coincides with \(\rho _2\), and \(p_3,\ldots ,p_{\delta _i-2}\) lie between \(\rho _2\) and \(\rho _3\)

Then, we apply Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) along \(C_{k-1}^-\) to stretch \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) so that all the vertices in the path of \(C_k^-\) from \(u_2\) to \(v_2\) are moved to the right by a quantity \(d(p_2,\rho _2)\). Refer to Fig. 7b. In this way, \(u_1\) is not moved, and thus \(p_1\) still coincides with \(\rho _1\); also, \(p_2\) is moved to the right to coincide with \(\rho _2\); finally, since \(d(\rho _2,\rho _3)> d(p_1,p_{\delta _i-2}) > d(p_2,p_{\delta _i-2})\), all points \(p_3,\ldots ,p_{\delta _i-2}\) lie strictly between \(\rho _2\) and \(\rho _3\). By repeating this transformation for all points \(p_3,\ldots ,p_{\delta _i-2}\), we guarantee that each \(\rho _q\), with \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), coincides with \(p_q\). We draw each edge \((v_i,u_q)\), with \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), with one segment along \(\tau (u_q)\) and one along \(\beta _{q}(v_i)\); see Fig. 5b.

It remains to draw edges \((v_i,u_\ell )\) and \((v_i,u_r)\), which must have a horizontal segment, in order to satisfy Invariant I.2. By possibly applying Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_\ell \) and \(u_1\) along \(C_{k-1}^-\) to stretch \(\varGamma _{k-1}\), we can guarantee that \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) crosses the horizontal line through \(v_i\) to the left of \(v_i\). Similarly, by possibly applying Lemma 1 at any edge between \(u_{\delta _i-2}\) and \(u_r\), we can guarantee that \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) crosses the horizontal line through \(v_i\) to the right of \(v_i\). We draw edge \((v_i,u_\ell )\) with one segment along \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and one along the horizontal line through \(v_i\), and we draw edge \((v_i,u_r)\) with one segment along \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) and one along the horizontal line through \(v_i\). A drawing \(\varGamma _k\) produced in this step of the algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 5b.

The fact that \(\varGamma _k\) is a 1-bend planar drawing on S follows by the construction. We show that it satisfies Invariants I.1b, I.2 and I.3. For vertices \(v_i\), \(u_\ell \), and \(u_r\), for the edges \((v_i,u_\ell )\) and \((v_i,u_r)\), and for the edges of \(C_{k}^- \setminus C_{k-1}^-\), this can be proved as in the case in which \(P_k\) is a chain. For the other vertices and edges, note that \(u_1,\ldots ,u_{\delta _i-2}\) do not have neighbors in \(G \setminus G_k\) and do not belong to \(C_k^-\), and thus do not need to satisfy Invariants I.2 and I.3. On the other hand, the fact that the edges connecting these vertices to \(v_i\) satisfy Invariant I.1b follows from the fact that their bend-points are along \(h_i\), which lies above all the vertices of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) and below \(v_i\). This concludes our description for the case in which \(P_k\) is a singleton.

From the above discussion, it follows that the algorithm described in this section produces a 1-bend planar drawing on S of any planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \), where S is any set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes. We formalize this result in the following theorem, where we also prove that the algorithm can be performed in linear time. We refer to Fig. 8 for an example of a drawing constructed by our algorithm.

Fig. 8
figure 8

A 1-bend drawing with 5 slopes of a triconnected planar graph with maximum degree 6 constructed by applying the algorithm of Theorem 2

Theorem 2

For any \(\varDelta \ge 4\), every set S of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of triconnected planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \). Also, for any such graph on n vertices, a 1-bend planar drawing on S can be computed in O(n) time.


Let G be any triconnected planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 4\). Apply the algorithm described above to produce a 1-bend planar drawing of G on S. The correctness has been proven throughout the section.

We now prove the time complexity. As already mentioned, computing the canonical order \(\varPi \) of G takes linear time [37]. Hence, our algorithm can be easily implemented in quadratic time. In fact, when a path \(P_k\) of \(\varPi \) is added, we first apply Lemma 2 twice, once for \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and once for \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\); each application uses Lemma 1 twice with a suitable stretching amount \(\sigma \), which can be computed in constant time as follows. Let s be the slope of S such that \(a= \min \{s,\pi -s\}\) is minimum over all slopes in S (note that s is the “flattest” slope between the one that follows the horizontal slope in clockwise order in S and the corresponding one in anti-clockwise order). Let \(y_{max}\) be the largest y-coordinate of the current drawing. Consider the intersection point p between the horizontal line at \(y_{max}\) and the half-line starting at the origin and having slope s. Note that no segment of the drawing can have a horizontal projection larger than the absolute value of the x-coordinate of point p. Then we can choose \(\sigma \) equal to twice this quantity, which guarantees that the considered ray will not cross any segment of the drawing anymore after the stretching.

After having applied Lemma 2 twice as explained above, we apply Lemma 1 once if \(P_k\) is a chain, or \(O(\delta _i)\) times if \(P_k\) is a singleton \(v_i\) of degree \(\delta _i \le \varDelta \). In the latter case, since \(\sum _{i=1}^n \delta _i = O(n)\), the total number of applications of the lemma over all singletons is O(n). In each application of Lemma 1, the stretching amount \(\sigma \) can be computed in constant time as described in the algorithm. The total quadratic time comes from the fact that a straightforward application of Lemma 1 may require linear time.

To improve the time complexity of our algorithm to linear we seek to use the shifting method of Kant [35]. However, as the y-coordinates of the vertices are not necessarily consecutive, this method is not directly applicable. On the other hand, the y-coordinates of the vertices that have been placed at some step of our algorithm do not change in later steps. As noted by Bekos et al. [2], one can exploit this property so to allow the usage of the shifting method (even in the case of non-consecutive y-coordinates) in order to perform all applications of Lemma 1 in total linear time. This approach relies on two main observations. The first one is that each chain is not imposing any restriction on the height of the drawing, i.e., one may assume w.l.o.g. that the vertices of each chain are placed one unit above the drawing constructed so far. This can be guaranteed, e.g., by appropriately stretching the drawing horizontally. The second observation is that, in order to determine the y-coordinate of a singleton, one needs to compute the x-distances between its neighbors in the drawing constructed so far. This inevitably must be done by computing the exact x-distances between the neighbors of this singleton (which means that one has to “switch” from relative to exact x-distances for these vertices). The key observation is that the computation of exact x-distances will not involve the same set of vertices more than once, which guarantees that the total time of our algorithm will stay linear. \(\square \)

We conclude this section by observing that every planar graph G with maximum degree \(\varDelta \), even if not triconnected, can be triangulated by adding edges so that the resulting triangulated planar graph \(G'\) has maximum degree at most \(\lceil \frac{3}{2} \varDelta \rceil + 11\), as shown in [38]. Together with Theorem 2, it follows that every set S of \(\lceil \frac{3}{2} \varDelta \rceil + 10\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of planar graphs, which matches the upper bound on the 1-bend planar slope number by Knauer and Walczak [40] up to a small additive factor. In the next sections we improve this bound to \(\varDelta -1\) with a more sophisticated argument, hence extending Theorem 2 to all planar graphs.

4 Biconnected Planar Graphs

In this section we describe how to extend Theorem 2 to biconnected planar graphs. Note that variants of the canonical order for biconnected planar graphs exist (see, e.g., [29, 30]) and one may wonder whether these variants can be used to prove a bound of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes also for biconnected planar graphs. These variants however allow vertices having only one predecessor, which may create issues for our construction. More precisely, let v be a vertex with one predecessor and \(\varDelta -1\) successors. Since we have \(\varDelta -1\) slopes in total, and thus \(\varDelta -2\) top rays, we must use a horizontal segment incident to v when representing an edge that connects v to one of its successors in the order, but this would violate Invariant I.1b. To overcome this problem, we present a technique based on the SPQR-tree data structure (see Sect. 2).

The idea is to traverse the SPQR-tree of the input biconnected planar graph G bottom-up and to construct for each visited node a special drawing of its pertinent graph (except for its two poles) inside an axis-aligned rectangle. In particular, besides being a 1-bend planar drawing on S, this drawing must have additional properties concerning the placement of the neighbors of the two poles and the slope of the edge-segments incident to them. In the following we give a formal definition and describe how to compute this drawing for each type of node of the SPQR-tree.

Let \(\mathscr {T}\) be the SPQR-tree of G rooted at an arbitrary Q-node \(\rho \). Let \(\mu \) be a node of \(\mathscr {T}\) with poles \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \). Let \(G_\mu \) be the pertinent graph of \(\mu \). Let \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) be the graph obtained from \(G_\mu \) as follows: (i) Remove edge \((s_\mu ,t_\mu )\), if it exists; (ii) subdivide each edge incident to \(s_\mu \) (to \(t_\mu \)) with a dummy vertex, which is called a pin of\(s_\mu \) (is called a pin of\(t_\mu \)); and (iii) remove \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \), and their incident edges. Note that, if \(\mu \) is a Q-node other than the root \(\rho \), then \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) is the empty graph. We denote by \(\delta (s_\mu ,\mu )\) and \(\delta (t_\mu ,\mu )\) the degree of \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \) in \(G_\mu \), respectively; note that the number of pins of \(s_\mu \) (of \(t_\mu \)) is \(\delta (s_\mu ,\mu )-1\) (is \(\delta (t_\mu ,\mu )-1\)), if edge \((s_\mu ,t_\mu )\) exists in G, otherwise it is \(\delta (s_\mu ,\mu )\) (it is \(\delta (t_\mu ,\mu )\)).

The goal is to construct a 1-bend planar drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) on S, which lies inside an axis-aligned rectangle, called chip of \(\mu \) and denoted by \(C_\mu \), that satisfies the following invariant properties (see Fig. 9a):

  1. P.1:

    All pins of \(s_\mu \) lie on one vertical side of \(C_\mu \) and all pins of \(t_\mu \) lie on the opposite side.

  2. P.2:

    For each pin of either \(s_\mu \) or \(t_\mu \), the (unique) edge incident to the pin is horizontal.

  3. P.3:

    There exist pins on the bottom-left and on the bottom-right corners of \(C_\mu \).

A drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) that satisfies Properties P.1–P.3 is such that we can increase its width without changing the slope of its segments by elongating the horizontal edges incident to the pins on the left or right side of the chip; for this reason, we say that any of these drawings is horizontally-stretchable (or stretchable, for short). Note that a stretchable drawing remains stretchable after any uniform scaling and any translation.

Before giving the details of the algorithm, we describe a subroutine that we will often use to add the poles of a node \(\mu \) to a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) and draw the edges incident to them.

Fig. 9
figure 9

a Illustration of a stretchable drawing of a node \(\mu \) inside a chip \(C_\mu \). The poles \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \) (in gray) do not belong to the drawing. b Illustration for Lemma 3

Lemma 3

Let \(u \in \{s_{\mu },t_{\mu }\}\) be a pole of a node \(\mu \in \mathscr {T}\) and let \(u_1,\ldots ,u_q\) be the neighbors of u in \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \). Suppose that there exists a set of q consecutive free rays of u and a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) such that the elongation of the edge incident to each pin of u intersects all these rays. Then, it is possible to draw edges \((u,u_1),\ldots ,(u,u_q)\), each with two straight-line segments whose slopes are in S, without introducing any crossing.


Refer to Fig. 9b. Let \(p_1,\ldots ,p_q\) be the pins of u, where \(p_i\) is adjacent to \(u_i\) (\(i=1,\ldots ,q\)). First note that, since \(p_1,\ldots ,p_q\) are all on the same side of \(C_\mu \), the elongations of their incident edges intersect the q free rays of u in the same order; we name the rays as \(r_1,\ldots ,r_q\) according to this order. Also note that, since the elongations of the edges incident to all the pins intersect all of \(r_1,\ldots ,r_q\), the elongation of the edge incident to either \(p_1\) or \(p_q\) separates u from all the other pins. We assume without loss of generality that the elongation of the edge incident to \(p_1\) separates u from \(p_2,\ldots ,p_q\), as in Fig. 9b. We then place each pin \(p_i\), with \(1 \le i \le q\), on the intersection point between the elongation of its incident edge and \(r_i\), and draw edge \((u,u_i)\) as a poly-line with a single bend at \(p_i\). The fact that no crossing is introduced directly follows from the construction. This concludes the proof of the lemma. \(\square \)

We now describe the algorithm. At each step of the bottom-up traversal of \(\mathscr {T}\), we consider a node \(\mu \in \mathscr {T}\) with children \(\nu _1, \ldots , \nu _h\), and we construct a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) starting from the stretchable drawings of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _1}, \ldots , {\overline{G}}_{\nu _h} \) that have already been constructed. In the following, we distinguish four different cases, based on whether \(\mu \) is a Q-, a P-, an S-, or an R-node.

Suppose that\(\mu \)is a Q-node If \(\mu \) is not the root \(\rho \) of \(\mathscr {T}\), we do not do anything, since \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) is the empty graph; edge \((s_\mu ,t_\mu )\) of G corresponding to \(\mu \) will be drawn when visiting either the parent \(\xi \) of \(\mu \), if \(\xi \) is not a P-node, or the parent of \(\xi \). In the case in which \(\mu = \rho \), we observe that it has only one child \(\nu _1\). In particular, \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } ={\overline{G}}_{\nu _1} \), and thus the stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _1} \) is also a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \). Vertices \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \), and their incident edges, will be added after the traversal of \(\mathscr {T}\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Construction of a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) inside \(C_\mu \), when \(\mu \) is a P-node

Suppose that\(\mu \)is a P-node; refer to Fig. 10. Since \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) does not contain the edge between the poles \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \) of \(\mu \), for simplicity we assume that none of \(\nu _1, \ldots , \nu _h\) is a Q-node. We create a chip \(C_{\mu }\) whose height is larger than the sum of the heights of the chips \(C_{\nu _1}, \ldots , C_{\nu _h}\) and whose width is larger than the maximum width of any of them. Then, we place the stretchable drawings of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _1}, \ldots , {\overline{G}}_{\nu _h} \) so that the chips \(C_{\nu _1}, \ldots , C_{\nu _h}\) lie inside \(C_{\mu }\) without overlapping with each other, their left sides lie along the left side of \(C_{\mu }\), and the bottom side of \(C_{\nu _h}\) lies along the bottom side of \(C_{\mu }\). Finally, we elongate the edges incident to the pins on the right sides of \(C_{\nu _1}, \ldots , C_{\nu _h}\) till reaching the right side of \(C_{\mu }\). The resulting drawing is stretchable since each of the drawings of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _1}, \ldots , {\overline{G}}_{\nu _h} \) is stretchable. In particular, Property P. 3 holds for \(C_\mu \) since it holds for \(C_{\nu _h}\).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Construction of a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) when \(\mu \) is an S-node

Suppose that\(\mu \)is an S-node; refer to Fig. 11. Let \(u_1, \ldots , u_{h-1}\) be the internal vertices of the path of virtual edges between \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \) that is obtained by removing the virtual edge \((s_\mu ,t_\mu )\) from the skeleton \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) of \(\mu \). We proceed as follows.

First, we place vertices \(u_1, \ldots , u_{h-1}\) in this order along a horizontal line \(l_\mu \). For \(i=1, \ldots , h-1\), let \(\tau _{c}(u_i)\) and \(\tau _{a}(u_i)\) be the first top rays of \(u_i\) in clockwise and in anti-clockwise order, respectively. Then, for each child \(\nu _i\) of \(\mu \), with \(i=1,\ldots , h\), we place the chip \(C_{\nu _i}\) as follows. For \(i=2,\ldots , h-1\), we possibly apply a uniform scaling-down of \(C_{\nu _i}\) and then we place it in such a way that its left side is to the right of \(u_{i-1}\), its right side is to the left of \(u_i\), it does not cross \(\tau _{a}(u_{i-1})\) and \(\tau _{c}(u_i)\), and either its bottom side lies on line \(l_\mu \) (if edge \((u_{i-1},u_{i}) \notin G\); see \(C_{\nu _2}\) in Fig. 11), or it lies slightly above it (otherwise; see \(C_{\nu _{h-1}}\) in Fig. 11). Analogously, we place \(C_{\nu _1}\) in such a way that its right side is to the left of \(u_1\), it does not cross \(\tau _{c}(u_1)\), and either its bottom side lies on line \(l_\mu \) (if edge \((s_\mu ,u_1) \notin G\), as in Fig. 11), or it lies slightly above it (otherwise). Finally, we place \(C_{\nu _h}\) in such a way that its left side is to the right of \(u_{h-1}\), it does not cross \(\tau _{a}(u_{h-1})\), and either its bottom side lies on line \(l_\mu \) (if edge \((t_\mu ,u_{h-1}) \notin G\)), or it lies slightly above it (otherwise, as in Fig. 11).

We now draw all the edges incident to each vertex \(u_i\), with \(i=1,\ldots ,h-1\). Namely, if edge \((u_{i-1},u_i) \in G\), for \(i=2,\ldots ,h-1\), then it can be drawn as a horizontal segment, by construction (see \((u_{h-2},u_{h-1})\) in Fig. 11). Otherwise, \(u_i\) can be connected with a horizontal segment to its neighbor in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _i} \) corresponding to the pin on the bottom-right corner of \(C_{\nu _i}\), which exists by Property P. 3 (see \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) in Fig. 11). In both cases, one of these edges is attached at a horizontal ray of \(u_i\). Analogously, one of the edges connecting \(u_i\) to its neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _{i+1}} \cup \{u_{i+1}\}\) can be attached at the other horizontal ray of \(u_i\). Thus, it is possible to draw the remaining \(\delta (u_i,\nu _i)+\delta (u_i,\nu _{i+1})-2 \le \varDelta -2\) edges incident to \(u_i\) by attaching them at (a subset of) the \(\varDelta -2\) top rays of \(u_i\), by applying Lemma 3. In fact, since the chips of \(\nu _i\) and \(\nu _{i+1}\) lie to the left and to the right of \(u_i\), respectively, and do not cross \(\tau _{c}(u_i)\) and \(\tau _{a}(u_i)\), the elongations of the edges incident to the pins of \(u_i\) intersect all the top rays of \(u_i\), hence satisfying the preconditions to apply the lemma.

Finally, we construct chip \(C_{\mu }\) as the smallest axis-aligned rectangle enclosing the current drawing. We now show that it is possible to place the pins of poles \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \) along the two vertical sides of \(C_{\mu }\) so to satisfy Properties P.1–P.3.

Suppose first that \(\nu _1\) is not a Q-node. Then, the left side of \(C_{\mu }\) contains the left side of \(C_{\nu _1}\), and thus all the pins of \(s_\mu \) that correspond to pins of pole \(s_{\nu _1}\) of \(\nu _1\) are already on the left side of \(C_{\mu }\). Note that, if \((s_\mu ,u_1)\) does not belong to G, then these are all the pins of \(s_\mu \); also, in this case, the bottom-left corner of \(C_{\mu }\) coincides with the bottom-left corner of \(C_{\nu _1}\), which contains a pin due to Property P.3. Hence, Properties P.1–P.3 are satisfied (see Fig. 11). On the other hand, if \((s_\mu ,u_1)\) belongs to G, then \(C_{\nu _1}\) lies above \(l_\mu \), and so it is possible to place the pin of \(s_\mu \) corresponding to \((s_\mu ,u_1)\) on the bottom-left corner of \(C_{\mu }\), and connect it with a horizontal segment to \(u_1\) (see the corresponding case for \(C_{\nu _h}\) in Fig. 11); thus, Properties P.1–P.3 are satisfied also in this case. Suppose now that \(\nu _1\) is a Q-node; note that in this case edge \((s_\mu ,u_1)\) belongs to G, and the pin corresponding to this edge is the only pin of \(s_\mu \). Also note that, by construction, vertex \(u_1\) lies on the bottom-left corner of \(C_{\mu }\). In order to avoid overlapping between \(u_1\) and the pin corresponding to \((s_\mu ,u_1)\), we slightly enlarge \(C_{\mu }\) to the left and place the pin on its bottom-left corner, hence satisfying Properties P.1–P.3.

A symmetric argument applies to the pins of \(t_\mu \), which implies that the constructed drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) is stretchable. This concludes the case in which \(\mu \) is an S-node.

Suppose that\(\mu \)is an R-node In order to compute a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \), we first construct a 1-bend planar drawing on S of the whole pertinent graph \(G_\mu \) of \(\mu \), including its poles \(s_\mu \) and \(t_\mu \), and then we remove these poles and their incident edges; we finally define a chip \(C_{\mu }\) and place the pins on its two vertical sides so to satisfy Properties P.1–P.3.

To compute the drawing of \(G_\mu \), we exploit the fact that the skeleton \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) of \(\mu \) is triconnected. Hence, we can use the algorithm described in Sect. 3 as a main tool for drawing \(G_\mu \), with suitable modifications to take into account the fact that each virtual edge (uv) of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) actually corresponds to a whole subgraph, namely the pertinent graph \(G_\nu \) of the child \(\nu \) of \(\mu \) with poles \(s_\nu =u\) and \(t_\nu =v\). Thus, when a virtual edge (uv) is considered in the canonical order, we add the stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu } \), together with the edge (uv), if it exists; this enforces additional requirements for our drawing algorithm.

The first obvious requirement is that the edges connecting u and v to their neighbors in \(G_\nu \) will occupy \(\delta (u,\nu )\) consecutive rays of u and \(\delta (v,\nu )\) consecutive rays of v, and not just a single ray for each of them, as in the triconnected case. Note that, however, reserving the correct amount of rays of u and v is not always sufficient to add the chip \(C_\nu \) of \({\overline{G}}_{\nu } \). In fact, we need to ensure that there exists a placement for \(C_\nu \) such that the elongations of the horizontal edge-segments incident to the pins of u (of v) intersect all the reserved rays of u (of v), hence satisfying the preconditions to apply Lemma 3. As an additional difficulty, this has to be done while considering that the edge (uv), which does not belong to \({\overline{G}}_{\nu } \), may belong to the original graph. This requires two slightly different constructions, depending on the existence of this edge, in order to guarantee that some rays of u and v do not remain unused.

From a high-level point of view, for the virtual edges that would be drawn with a horizontal segment in the triconnected case (all the edges of a chain, and the first and last edges of a singleton), we handle these requirements by using a construction similar to the one of the case in which \(\mu \) is an S-node. For the edges that do not have any horizontal segment (the internal edges of a singleton), instead, we need a more complicated construction.

We now describe in detail the algorithm, which is based on considering the vertices of \(G_\mu \) according to a canonical order \(\varPi = (P_0,\ldots ,P_m)\) of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\), in which \(v_1=s_\mu \) and \(v_2=t_\mu \). For \(k=1,\ldots ,m\), we denote by \(H_k\) the graph that is the union of the pertinent graphs of the virtual edges of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) connecting vertices in \(P_0,P_1,\ldots ,P_k\), except for the reference virtual edge \((v_1,v_2)\) of \(\mu \). Note that the reference virtual edge \((v_1,v_2)\) of \(\mu \) represents the rest of the graph with respect to \(G_\mu \), and thus we have that \(H_m = G_\mu \).

For each graph \(H_k\), the algorithm constructs a 1-bend planar drawing on S satisfying a modified version of Invariants I.1–I.3. We use \(C_k\) to denote the outer face of \(H_k\) and we let \(C_k^-\) be the path from \(v_1\) to \(v_2\) containing the vertices in \(P_k\).

  1. M.1

    Let (uv) be a virtual edge of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\), such that \(u \in P_i\) and \(v \in P_j\) (\(i \le j\)). Let \(\nu \) be the node of \(\mathscr {T}\) associated with (uv).

    1. (a)

      If \(i=j\) or \(j=1\), then u and v have the same y-coordinate; also, if edge (uv) exists, then it is drawn as a horizontal segment. Finally, the drawing of \(G_\nu \) is inside a rectangle with u and v along its bottom side (possibly at the corners).

    2. (b)

      Otherwise (i.e., \(i<j\) and \(j \ne 1\)), vertex u is strictly below v; also, if edge (uv) exists, then its bend-point (if any) is strictly above u and below or at the same y-coordinate as v. Finally, the drawing of \(G_\nu \) is inside a rectangle with u along its bottom side and v along one of its other sides.

  2. M.2

    Let \((u,v) \ne (v_1,v_2)\) be a virtual edge of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) with both u and v on \(C_k^-\). Let \(\nu \) be the node of \(\mathscr {T}\) associated with (uv). Each edge of \(G_\nu \) incident to u or v (possibly including (uv)) has a horizontal segment. Also, consider the edge incident to u that is incident to \(C_k^-\). Then, for any point p of its horizontal segment there is a strictly y-monotone curve on the outer face of the drawing that starts at p and ends at any point strictly above the drawing. The same holds for the edge incident to v that is incident to \(C_k^-\).

  3. M.3

    Each vertex of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) on \(C_k^-\) has at least as many free top rays incident to the outer face of \(H_k\) as the number of its neighbors in \(G_\mu \) that have not been drawn yet.

Note that Invariant M.1 is similar to Invariant I.1. In particular, it ensures that \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are the bottommost vertices in the drawing and are horizontally aligned. Invariant M.2 corresponds to Invariant I.2, as it ensures that we can still apply Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. Finally, Invariant M.3 is the natural extension of Invariant I.3 to take into account our previous observation that a virtual edge of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) corresponds to a whole subgraph of \(G_\mu \).

At the first step, we draw \(P_0=\{v_1,v_2\}\) and \(P_1=\{v_3,\ldots ,v_j\}\). Consider the path of virtual edges \((v_1,v_3),(v_3,v_4),\ldots ,(v_j,v_2)\), and let \(\nu _{1,3}, \nu _{3,4}, \ldots ,\nu _{j,2}\) be the corresponding children of \(\mu \). We consider this path as the skeleton of an S-node \(\mu \) with poles \(s_\mu =v_1\) and \(t_\mu =v_2\), and we apply the same algorithm as described in the previous subsection; refer to Fig. 12. Namely, we place the chips of \(\nu _{1,3}, \nu _{3,4}, \ldots ,\nu _{j,2}\) inside a rectangle, which we call the chip \(C_{v_1,v_2}\) of \(P_0 \cup P_1\) (with a slight abuse of notation).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Construction of a drawing of \(P_0 \cup P_1\) satisfying Invariants M.1–M.3

Note that, by construction, \(C_{v_1,v_2}\) has pins on its bottom-left and on its bottom-right corners. We then place \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) with the same y-coordinate as the bottom side of \(C_{v_1,v_2}\), with \(v_1\) to the left and \(v_2\) to the right of \(C_{v_1,v_2}\). This ensures that we can draw one of the edges incident to \(v_1\) horizontal, and the remaining \(\delta (v_1,\nu _{1,3})-1\) by applying Lemma 3. We draw \(v_2\) symmetrically.

We denote the resulting drawing by \(\varGamma _1\), and prove that it satisfies the three invariants. First, observe that for every virtual edge \((v_i, v_{i+1})\), with \(i=3,\ldots ,j-1\), vertices \(v_i\) and \(v_{i+1}\) lie on the two bottom side of the rectangle enclosing the drawing of \(G_{\nu _{i,i+1}}\); see the dotted rectangle in Fig. 12 for \(G_{\nu _{3,4}}\). Note that this rectangle degenerates to a horizontal segment if \(\nu _{i,i+1}\) is a Q-node. Also, the same property holds for virtual edges \((v_1,v_3)\) and \((v_j,v_2)\). Hence, Invariant M.1a is satisfied. Since the existence of the y-monotone curves required by Invariant M.2 is guaranteed by construction, we can prove that Invariant M.2 is satisfied in the same way we proved that Invariant P.4 holds for S-nodes. Finally, for Invariant M.3, observe that each vertex \(v_i\), with \(i=4,\ldots ,v_{j-1}\), has consumed \(\delta (v_i,\nu _{i-1,i}) + \delta (v_i,\nu _{i,i+1})-2\) top rays out of the \(\varDelta -2\) available ones, since exactly two of its incident edges are attached at its horizontal rays. Thus, \(v_i\) has \(\varDelta - \delta (v_i,\nu _{i-1,i}) - \delta (v_i,\nu _{i,i+1})\) free top rays incident to the outer face, which can be used to attach the at most \(\varDelta - \delta (v_i,\nu _{i-1,i}) - \delta (v_i,\nu _{i,i+1})\) remaining neighbors it may have in \(G_\mu \), and so it satisfies the invariant. Analogous arguments hold for \(v_3\) and \(v_j\), which have consumed \(\delta (v_3,\nu _{1,3}) + \delta (v_3,\nu _{3,4})-2\) and \(\delta (v_j,\nu _{j-1,j}) + \delta (v_j,\nu _{j,2})-2\) top rays, respectively. As for \(v_1\) and \(v_2\), they have consumed \(\delta (v_1,\nu _{1,3})-1\) and \(\delta (v_2,\nu _{j,2})-1\) top rays, respectively, since each of them has only one edge attached to a horizontal ray; thus, they have \(\varDelta -\delta (v_1,\nu _{1,3})-1\) and \(\varDelta -\delta (v_2,\nu _{j,2})-1\) free top rays incident to the outer face, respectively. However, since both \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) have at least a neighbor in \(G_\mu \setminus H_1\), their remaining neighbors in \(G_\mu \) are at most \(\varDelta -\delta (v_1,\nu _{1,3})-1\) and \(\varDelta -\delta (v_2,\nu _{j,2})-1\), respectively, and so they also satisfy Invariant M.3. Note that no other vertices of \(H_1\) have further neighbors in \(G_\mu \).

We now describe how to add path \(P_k\), for some \(k > 1\), to the current drawing \(\varGamma _{k-1}\) in the two cases in which \(P_k\) is a chain or a singleton, so that the resulting drawing \(\varGamma _{k}\) satisfies the three invariants.

Suppose that \(P_k\) is a chain, say \(\{v_i,v_{i+1},\ldots ,v_j\}\). Let \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) be the neighbors of \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) in \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) that lie on \(C_k^-\), respectively. Denote by \(\nu _\ell \) and \(\nu _r\) the children of \(\mu \) corresponding to virtual edges \((u_\ell ,v_i)\) and \((v_j,u_r)\), respectively, and by \(\nu _i,\ldots ,\nu _{j-1}\) the children of \(\mu \) corresponding to virtual edges \((v_i,v_{i+1}),\)\(\ldots ,\)\((v_{j-1},v_j)\), respectively.

We define rays \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\), and the horizontal segment h between them, as in the triconnected case. However, in this case, we possibly perform an additional stretching of the drawing, by applying Lemma 1 at an edge between \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\) along \(C_k^-\), in order to ensure that there exists at least an internal point of h whose x-coordinate lies between those of \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\); see Fig. 13. Due to Lemma 2, we can assume that \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and the \(\delta (u_\ell ,\nu _\ell )-1\) top rays of \(u_\ell \) following it in anti-clockwise order do not cross any edge of \(\varGamma _{k-1}\), and the same for \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\) and the \(\delta (u_r,\nu _r)-1\) top rays of \(u_r\) following it in clockwise order. Note that, by Invariant M.3, all these rays are free and incident to the outer face of the drawing.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Addition of a chain \(P_k\) to drawing \(\varGamma _{k-1}\), resulting in a drawing \(\varGamma _k\) satisfying Invariants M.1–M.3

Then, as in the previous step in which we considered \(P_0\) and \(P_1\) of \(\varPi \), we use the algorithm for the case in which \(\mu \) is an S-node to construct a drawing of the subgraph composed of vertices \(v_i,\ldots ,v_j\) and of the pertinent graphs of \(\nu _\ell \), \(\nu _i,\ldots ,\nu _{j-1}\) and \(\nu _r\), inside a rectangle \(C_{u_\ell ,u_r}\) having pins on its bottom-left and on its bottom-right corners. After possibly performing a uniform scaling-down of \(C_{u_\ell ,u_r}\), we place it so that: (i) its bottom side lies on h; (ii) its left side is to the right of \(u_\ell \); (iii) its right side is to the left of \(u_r\); and (iv) it does not cross \(\tau _{a}(u_\ell )\) and \(\tau _{c}(u_r)\); see Fig. 13. Note that conditions (ii) and (iii) can be met due to the previous application of Lemma 1, which ensures that there exists at least an internal point of h whose x-coordinate lies between those of \(u_\ell \) and \(u_r\). We will use these two conditions to guarantee that virtual edges \((u_\ell ,v_i)\) and \((v_j,u_r)\) satisfy Invariant M.1. Finally, we draw the \(\delta (u_\ell ,\nu _\ell )\) edges between \(u_\ell \) and its neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _\ell } \cup \{v_i\}\), and the \(\delta (u_r,\nu _r)\) edges between \(u_r\) and its neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _r} \cup \{v_j\}\), by applying Lemma 3, whose preconditions are satisfied.

The fact that the constructed drawing satisfies the three invariants can be proved similarly as in the step in which we considered \(P_0\) and \(P_1\). In particular, the existence of the y-monotone curves required by Invariant M.2 is guaranteed by the fact that h lies above \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). Hence, as anticipated above, the only additional argument we need is to show that \((u_\ell ,v_i)\) and \((v_j,u_r)\) satisfy Invariant M.1b. Due to condition (ii), to the construction of \(C_{u_\ell ,u_r}\), and to the fact that h lies above \(u_\ell \), we have that the pertinent graph of \(\nu _\ell \) lies inside a rectangle having \(u_\ell \) along the bottom side and \(v_i\) along the right side; see the dotted rectangle in Fig. 13. Analogously, we can prove that the pertinent graph of \(\nu _r\) lies inside a rectangle having \(u_r\) along the bottom side and \(v_i\) along the left side. This concludes the analysis of the case in which \(P_k\) is a chain.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Illustrations for the case in which \(P_k\) is a singleton, when \(\mu \) is an R-node. a An ordering of the intersection points of sets \(B_q\) and \(T_q\), with \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), respecting the BT-ordering condition. b Placement of \(v_i\) along line \(\lambda \). c Addition of chip \(C_{\nu _q}\) to the drawing

Suppose finally that \(P_k\) is a singleton \(\{v_i\}\), and let \(u_\ell ,u_1,\ldots ,u_{\delta _i-2},u_r\) be the neighbors of \(v_i\) in \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) that lie (in this order) along \(C_{k-1}^-\), with \(\delta _i \le \varDelta \). As in the triconnected case, we assume that \(\delta _i \ge 3\). Let \(\nu _\ell , \nu _1,\ldots ,\nu _{\delta _i-2},\nu _r\) be the children of \(\mu \) corresponding to the virtual edges connecting \(v_i\) to these vertices.

For each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), we select any set \(T_q\) of consecutive \(\delta (u_q,\nu _q)\) free top rays of \(u_q\) incident to the outer face, which exist by Invariant M.3, and a set \(B_q\) of consecutive \(\delta (v_i,\nu _q)\) bottom rays of \(v_i\); refer to Fig. 14a. Sets \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\) are selected in such a way that all the rays in \(B_q\) precede all the rays in \(B_{q+1}\) in anti-clockwise order. Since \(\delta (v_i,\nu _\ell )+\delta (v_i,\nu _r) \ge 2\), vertex \(v_i\) has enough bottom rays for sets \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\). We also define sets \(T_\ell \) and \(T_r\) as composed of the first \(\delta (u_\ell ,\nu _\ell )\) free top rays of \(u_\ell \) in anti-clockwise order and of the first \(\delta (u_r,\nu _r)\) free top rays of \(u_r\) in clockwise order, respectively, which exist by Invariant M.3.

We then select a horizontal line \(h_i\) lying above every vertex in \(\varGamma _{k-1}\). As in the triconnected case, after possibly applying Lemma 1 at most \(\varDelta -1\) times, we can assume that all the rays in sets \(T_\ell ,T_1,\ldots ,T_{\delta _i-2},T_r\) intersect \(h_i\) in the correct order. Namely, when moving along \(h_i\) from left to right, we encounter all the intersections with the rays in \(T_\ell \), then all those with the rays in \(T_1\), and so on. On the other hand, this property is guaranteed by construction for the rays in \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\). This defines two total left-to-right orders \(\mathscr {O}_T\) and \(\mathscr {O}_B\) of the intersection points of \(T_\ell ,T_1,\ldots ,T_{\delta _i-2},T_r\) and of \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\) along \(h_i\), respectively. To simplify the description, we extend these orders to the rays in \(T_\ell ,T_1,\ldots ,T_{\delta _i-2},T_r\) and in \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\), respectively.

Our goal is to merge the two sets of intersection points, while respecting \(\mathscr {O}_T\) and \(\mathscr {O}_B\), in such a way that for each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\) the following condition, called BT-ordering condition, holds. If edge \((v_i,u_q)\) belongs to H, then the first intersection point of \(T_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_T\) coincides with the first intersection point of \(B_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_B\), and the second intersection point of \(B_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_B\) is to the right of the last intersection point of \(T_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_T\); see \(T_1\) and \(B_1\) in Fig. 14a. Otherwise, that is \((v_i,u_q) \notin H\), the first intersection point of \(B_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_B\) is to the right of the last intersection point of \(T_q\) in \(\mathscr {O}_T\); see \(T_3\) and \(B_3\) in Fig. 14a. In both cases, the intersection points of \(T_q\) and \(B_q\) are to the left of those of \(T_{q+1}\) and \(B_{q+1}\).

To achieve this goal, we perform a procedure analogous to the one described in the triconnected case of our algorithm to make points \(p_1,\ldots ,p_{\delta _i-2}\) coincide with points \(\rho _1,\ldots ,\rho _{\delta _i-2}\). Namely, we consider a half-line \(\lambda \) whose slope is the one of the first ray in \(B_1\) such that, if edge \((v_1,u_1)\) belongs to H, then \(\lambda \) starts at the first intersection point of \(T_1\) in \(\mathscr {O}_T\), otherwise, it starts at any point between the last intersection point of \(T_1\) and the first intersection point of \(T_2\) in \(\mathscr {O}_T\). Then, we place \(v_i\) along \(\lambda \), far enough from \(h_i\) so that the distance between any two consecutive intersection points in \(\mathscr {O}_B\) is larger than the distance between the first and the last intersection points in \(\mathscr {O}_T\); see Fig. 14b. Finally, we apply Lemma 1 at most \(\delta _i-3\) times to move the intersection points of sets \(T_2,\ldots ,T_{\delta _i-2}\), one by one, so to meet the BT-ordering condition; see Fig. 14a.

Once the BT-ordering condition is met for each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), we consider another horizontal line \(h'_i\) lying slightly above \(h_i\) such that its intersections with the rays in \(T_\ell ,T_1,\ldots ,T_{\delta _i-2},T_r\) and \(B_1,\ldots ,B_{\delta _i-2}\) appear along it in the same order as along \(h_i\); refer to Fig. 14c. For each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), we place the chip \(C_{\nu _q}\) of \(\nu _q\), after possibly scaling it down uniformly, in the interior of the region delimited by these two lines, by the last ray in \(T_q\), and by a ray in \(B_q\) (either the second or the first, depending on whether \((v_i,u_q) \in G_\mu \) or not).

We draw the edges incident to \(v_i\) and \(u_q\), for each \(q=1,\ldots ,\delta _i-2\), as follows. If edge \((v_i,u_q)\) belongs to \(G_\mu \), then we draw it with one segment along the first ray in \(T_q\) and one along the first ray in \(B_q\) (see Fig. 14c). For the other edges we apply Lemma 3 twice, whose preconditions are satisfied due to the placement of \(C_{\nu _q}\) (see the blue and green edges in Fig. 14c).

We conclude by drawing the edges connecting \(v_i\), \(u_\ell \), and vertices in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _\ell } \); the edges connecting \(v_i\), \(u_r\) and vertices in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _r} \) are drawn symmetrically. First, after possibly applying Lemma 1 at the edge incident to \(u_\ell \) that belongs to the path of \(C_{k-1}^-\) from \(u_\ell \) to \(u_r\), we assume that \(v_i\) is to the right of \(u_\ell \), and that the last ray of \(T_\ell \) intersects the horizontal line through \(v_i\) at a point \(p_i\) that is to the left of \(v_i\). After possibly scaling down uniformly the chip \(C_{\nu _\ell }\) of \(\nu _\ell \), we place it so that: (i) its left side is to the right of both \(p_i\) and \(u_\ell \); (ii) its right side is to the left of \(v_i\); (iii) it does not cross the first top ray of \(v_i\) in clockwise order; and (iv) its bottom side lies either above the horizontal line through \(v_i\), if edge \((u_\ell ,v_i) \in G_\mu \), or along it, otherwise. Then, if \((u_\ell ,v_i) \in G_\mu \), we draw it with one segment along the last ray of \(T_\ell \) and the other one along the horizontal line through \(v_i\). Otherwise, we draw as a horizontal segment the edge connecting \(v_i\) to its neighbor in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _\ell } \) corresponding to the pin on the bottom-right corner of \(C_{\nu _\ell }\). We finally apply Lemma 3 twice, to draw the edges from \(u_\ell \) and from \(v_i\) to their neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\nu _\ell } \).

We prove that \(\varGamma _k\) satisfies Invariants M.1b, M.2 and M.3. For vertices \(u_\ell \), \(v_i\), and \(u_r\), and for the virtual edges \((u_\ell ,v_i)\), and \((v_i,u_r)\), the same arguments as in the case in which \(P_k\) is a chain hold. On the other hand, vertices \(u_1,\ldots ,u_{\delta _i-2}\) do not belong to \(C_{k}^-\), and so these vertices and the virtual edges connecting them to \(v_i\) do not need to satisfy Invariants M.2 and M.3, but only Invariant M.1b. To see that this is the case, observe that for each virtual edge \((u_q,v_i)\), with \(q = 1, \ldots , \delta _i-2\), we have that \(u_q\) is at the bottom side and \(v_i\) is at the top side of the rectangle enclosing \(G_{\nu _q}\), by construction; see the dotted rectangle in Fig. 14c.

Once the last path \(P_m\) of \(\varPi \) has been added, we have a drawing \(\varGamma _m\) of \(H_m = G_\mu \) satisfying Invariants M.1–M.3. We construct a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) starting from \(\varGamma _m\), as follows. We initialize the chip \(C_{\mu }\) of \(\mu \) as the smallest axis-aligned rectangle enclosing \(\varGamma _m\). By Invariant M.1a, vertices \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) lie on the bottom side of \(C_{\mu }\). Also, by Invariant M.2, all the edges connecting either \(v_1\) or \(v_2\) to one of their neighbors attach to this neighbor with a horizontal segment (this is due to the fact that \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) belong to \(C_k^-\), for all \(k=1,\ldots ,m\)). We thus remove \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) (and their incident edges) from \(\varGamma _m\), we elongate the horizontal segments incident to their neighbors till reaching the vertical sides of \(C_{\mu }\), and we place pins at their ends. The fact that the obtained drawing satisfies Properties P.1–P.3 follows from the observation that \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) were on the bottom side of \(C_{\mu }\), and from the fact that they were both using a horizontal ray to attach to one of their neighbors. This concludes the case in which \(\mu \) is an R-node.

Once the bottom-up traversal of \(\mathscr {T}\) has been completed, after visiting the root \(\rho \) of \(\mathscr {T}\), we have a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\rho } \) inside a chip \(C_{\rho }\), which we extend to a drawing of G as follows. Refer to Fig. 9a. We place the poles \(s_\rho \) and \(t_\rho \) of \(\rho \) at the same y-coordinate as the bottom side of \(C_{\rho }\), with \(s_\rho \) to its left and \(t_\rho \) to its right, so that \(C_{\rho }\) does not cross any of the rays of \(s_\rho \) and of \(t_\rho \). Then, we draw edge \((s_\rho ,t_\rho )\) with one segment along the first bottom ray in clockwise order of \(s_\rho \) and the other one along the first bottom ray in anti-clockwise order of \(t_\rho \). Note that, since \(\varDelta \ge 4\), these rays intersect at a point with finite coordinates. Also, we draw the edges connecting \(s_\rho \) and \(t_\rho \) to the vertices corresponding to the pins on the bottom corners of \(C_{\rho }\) as horizontal segments. Finally, we draw all the remaining edges incident to \(s_\rho \) and \(t_\rho \) by applying Lemma 3 twice. We refer to Fig. 15 for an example of a drawing constructed by our algorithm. The following theorem summarizes the discussion in this section.

Fig. 15
figure 15

A 1-bend drawing with 5 slopes of a biconnected planar graph with maximum degree 6 constructed by applying the algorithm of Theorem 3. The SPQR-tree of this graph contains a Q-node for each of its edges, two R-nodes, and one S-node. The two shaded in gray rectagles illustrate one R-node and one S-node

Theorem 3

For any \(\varDelta \ge 4\), every set S of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of biconnected planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \). Also, for any such graph on n vertices, a 1-bend planar drawing on S can be computed in O(n) time.


Let G be any biconnected planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \). Apply the algorithm described above to produce a 1-bend planar drawing of G on S. The correctness has been proved throughout the section.

For the time complexity, first observe that the SPQR-tree \(\mathscr {T}\) of G can be computed in linear time [31]. Also, for each node \(\mu \in \mathscr {T}\), we can compute a stretchable drawing of \({\overline{G}}_{\mu } \) in time linear in the size of \(G^{\textit{skel}}_{\mu }\) assuming that for each chip we only store the coordinates of two opposite corners. Final coordinates can then be assigned by traversing the SPQR-tree top-down. In particular, notice that the linear-time complexity for R-nodes can be proved analogously as for the algorithm for triconnected graphs; see Theorem 2. Since the total size over all the skeletons of the nodes of \(\mathscr {T}\) is linear in the size of G, the time complexity of the algorithm is linear. \(\square \)

5 General Planar Graphs

Let G be a connected planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \) and let \(\mathscr {B}\) be its BC-tree. Let \(\beta \) be a B-node whose parent in \(\mathscr {B}\) is the C-node \(\gamma \). Let \((\gamma ,\xi )\) be an edge of \(\beta \), and consider the SPQR-tree of \(\beta \) rooted at the Q-node \(\rho \) corresponding to edge \((\gamma ,\xi )\). We call \({\overline{G}}_{\beta } \) the graph \({\overline{G}}_{\rho } \), as defined in Sect. 4.

For each B-node \(\beta \) of \(\mathscr {B}\), we compute a stretchable drawing \(\varGamma (\beta )\) of \({\overline{G}}_{\beta } \), satisfying an additional property other than P.1–P.3. Consider any vertex c of \(\beta \) different from \(\gamma \) that is a cut-vertex in G, and let \(\delta _c\) be the number of neighbors of c in G that do not belong to \(\beta \).

  1. P.4

    There exists a set of \(\delta _c\) consecutive bottom rays of c that are not used in \(\varGamma (\beta )\).

To satisfy the above property, we slightly modify the algorithm of Theorem 3, as follows. Recall that cut-vertex c is drawn in \(\varGamma (\beta )\) by this algorithm when considering a node \(\mu \) of the SPQR-tree of \(\beta \) such that \(\mu \) is either an S-node or an R-node and c is an internal vertex of the corresponding skeleton. If \(\mu \) is an S-node, all the bottom rays of c are free by construction. If \(\mu \) is an R-node, c is either a singleton or part of a chain in the canonical order used to draw the pertinent graph of \(\mu \). When c is part of a chain, its bottom rays are free again by construction. When c is a singleton, note that the algorithm reserves a set of consecutive bottom rays \(B_q\) (as in Fig. 14a) for each virtual edge connecting c with one of its predecessors in the canonical order. Hence, it is enough to reserve one more set \(B^*\) with cardinality \(\delta _c\). The argument that c has enough bottom rays is implied by the fact that c uses both its horizontal rays in \(\varGamma (\beta )\), it has \(\varDelta -2\) bottom rays, and it has maximum degree \(\varDelta \) in G.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Placement of the chip \(C_\rho \) for a child \(\zeta _i\) of \(\beta \)

We now show how to combine the drawings of all the B-nodes of \(\mathscr {B}\). Let \(\beta \) be a B-node of \(\mathscr {B}\). For each C-node c that is a child of \(\beta \) in \(\mathscr {B}\), consider all its children \(\zeta _1, \ldots , \zeta _q\), with \(q \le \varDelta -2\). Note that for each of these blocks \(\zeta _i\), with \(i=1,\ldots ,q\), the drawing \(\varGamma (\zeta _i)\) of \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \) inside a chip \(C_{\zeta _i}\) has been computed by rooting the SPQR-tree of \(\zeta _i\) at a Q-node \(\rho _i\) corresponding to an edge incident to c. This implies that c does not belong to \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \). We now show how to add \(C_{\zeta _i}\) and the pole \(w_i\) of \(\rho _i\) different from c to the drawing \(\varGamma (\beta )\) of \({\overline{G}}_{\beta } \), and how to draw the edges connecting c and \(w_i\) to their neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \).

Let \(\delta (c,\zeta _i)\) be the degree of c in \(\zeta _i\). Since \(\sum _{i=1}^q{\delta (c,\zeta _i)} = \delta _c\), we can insert these drawings into \(\varGamma (\beta )\) using the \(\delta _c\) free bottom rays of c, which are guaranteed to exist by Property P.1, as follows. Let \(\tau _a\) and \(\tau _b\) be the a-th and b-th rays within the \(\delta _c\) free bottom rays of c in anti-clockwise order, where \(a= 1+\sum _{j=1}^{i-1}{\delta (c,\zeta _j)}\) and \(b= \sum _{j=1}^{i}{\delta (c,\zeta _j)}\). These two rays define a cone in which we place the chip \(C_\rho \), refer to Fig. 16. Let \(\tau _a'\) be the top ray of \(w_i\) with the same slope as \(\tau _a\). Suppose that \(w_i\) has t top rays following \(\tau _a'\) in clockwise order. After possibly performing a scaling-down of \(C_\rho \), we place it such that: (a) \(C_\rho \) lies in the intersection of the cone delimited by \(\tau _a\) and by the bottom ray of c following \(\tau _a\) in anti-clockwise order, and of the cone delimited by the first top ray of \(w_i\) in anti-clockwise order and by the first bottom ray of \(w_i\) in clockwise order; (b) the \((t+1)\)-th pin of \(w_i\) from top to bottom has the same y-coordinate as \(w_i\). These two properties guarantee that all the edges that connect c and \(w_i\) to vertices in \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \) can be drawn with one bend and with slopes in S. In particular, note that edge \((c,w_i)\) exists, since it corresponds to the Q-node \(\rho _i\); this edge is drawn as a single segment along \(\tau _a\). Also, the edge incident to \(w_i\) and to the vertex corresponding to the \((t+1)\)-th pin of \(w_i\) from top to bottom is drawn as a horizontal segment. Further, the edges connecting c to its neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \) are drawn by applying Lemma 3. Finally, the edges connecting \(w_i\) to its neighbors in \({\overline{G}}_{\zeta _i} \) are drawn by applying twice Lemma 3, once for those above the \((t+1)\)-th pin of \(w_i\), and once for those below it.

Since the modification to the algorithm in Theorem 3 that is applied to satisfy Property P.1 does not alter its linear-time complexity, and since the procedure to merge all the computed drawing can also be implemented to run in linear time with respect to the size of \(\mathscr {B}\), the overall procedure takes linear time. Thus, the algorithm described in this section extends the result of Theorem 3 to every connected graph.

In order to obtain a complete proof of Theorem 1, we need to extend this result even to disconnected graphs. This is however immediately implied by the fact that we construct universal slope sets, and thus the same set of slopes can be used to draw each connected component independently.

We conclude this section by proving the following corollary of Theorem 1 that proves that planar graphs of degree at most \(\varDelta \) admit 1-bend planar drawings whose angular resolution is worst-case optimal up to a multiplicative factor of at least \(\frac{3}{4}\) (as \(\varDelta \) tends to infinity).

Corollary 2

A planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 3\) admits a planar drawing with at most one bend per edge and angular resolution at least \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta - 1}\). Also there exist planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \) whose planar drawings with at most one bend per edge all have angular resolution strictly less than \(\frac{4 \pi }{3 (\varDelta -2)}\).


For \(\varDelta \ge 4\), the first part of the statement is a consequence of Theorem 1 when considering an equispaced set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes. When \(\varDelta = 3\), the statement follows from a work by Kant [35] who proved that an orthogonal planar drawing with at most one bend per edge can always be constructed.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Illustration for the proof of Corollary 2

The second part of the statement is an almost straightforward consequence of the technique by Keszegh et al. [39] used to prove a \(\frac{3}{4(\varDelta -1)}\) lower bound on the 1-bend planar slope number. For every integer \(\varDelta \ge 3\), consider the graph \(G_{\varDelta }\) of Fig. 17 (which shows the case when \(\varDelta =5\)). In any planar embedding of \(G_{\varDelta }\), either the cycle C (bold in Fig. 17) is in the interior of the 3-cycle with vertices uvw or the cycle \(C'\) (bold in Fig. 17) is in the interior of the 3-cycle with vertices \(u',v',w'\). Assume that C is inside the 3-cycle induced by vertices uvw (the proof in the other case is analogous). In every 1-bend planar drawing of G, the 3-cycle with vertices uvw is represented as a k-gon \(\Psi \) with \(3 \le k \le 6\). It follows that the sum of the internal angles of \(\Psi \) at vertices uvw is strictly less than \(4 \pi \) and, therefore, at least one of these three angles–say the one at u–is strictly less than \(\frac{4 \pi }{3}\). Since the number of edges connecting u to C is \(\varDelta -3\), it follows that the minimum angle between any two such edges is strictly less than \(\frac{4 \pi }{3 (\varDelta -2)}\). \(\square \)

6 Conclusions and Open Problems

In this paper, we improved the best-known upper bound of Knauer and Walczak [40] on the 1-bend planar slope number from \(\frac{3}{2}(\varDelta - 1)\) to \(\varDelta -1\), for \(\varDelta \ge 4\). We obtained this as a corollary of a stronger result, namely, that any set of \(\varDelta -1\) slopes is universal for 1-bend planar drawings of planar graphs with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 4\). By using an equispaced set of slopes, the angular resolution of our drawings is at least \(\frac{\pi }{\varDelta - 1}\).

A side-result of our work is the following. For \(\varDelta =4\), our algorithm guarantees that planar graphs with maximum degree 4 admit 1-bend planar drawings on a set of slopes \(\{0,\frac{\pi }{3},\frac{2\pi }{3}\}\), while previously it was known that such graphs can be embedded with one bend per edge on a set of slopes \(\{0,\frac{\pi }{4},\frac{\pi }{2},\frac{3\pi }{4}\}\) [2] and with two bends per edge on a set of slopes \(\{0,\pi \}\) [5].

Our work raises several open problems.

  • Reduce the gap between the \(\frac{3}{4}(\varDelta -1)\) lower bound and the \(\varDelta -1\) upper bound on the 1-bend planar slope number.

  • Our drawings may have super-polynomial area. Is this unavoidable for 1-bend planar drawings with few slopes (and good angular resolution)?

  • Study the straight-line case (e.g., for degree-4 graphs). Note that the stretching operation might be difficult in this setting.