1 Introduction

A digraph T is an out-tree (an in-tree) if T is an oriented tree with just one vertex s of in-degree zero (out-degree zero). The vertex s is the root of T. If an out-tree (in-tree) T is a spanning subdigraph of D, T is called an out-branching (an in-branching). We use the notation \(B_s^+\) (\(B_s^-\)) to denote an out-branching (in-branching) rooted at s of the digraph. The study of finding a spanning tree in an undirected graph or an out-branching in a digraph satisfying certain properties, such as having at least k leaves, or having at least k internal vertices [1, 810, 13, 14, 18, 19] has been at the forefront of research in parameterized algorithms in the last few years. The goal of this paper is to initiate a study of a different class of problems around spanning trees/out-branchings in the realm of parameterized complexity.

Our starting point is a classical result by Edmonds that states that given a digraph D and a positive integer \(\ell \), we can test whether D contains \(\ell \) arc-disjoint out-branchings in polynomial time [16]. Given this result, a natural question is whether in polynomial time one can find an out-branching and an in-branching that are arc-disjoint. However, it is NP-complete to decide whether a given digraph has a pair of arc-disjoint branchings \(B^+_s\), \(B^-_t\) [2]. In fact, as was shown recently by two of the authors, this already holds for 2-regular digraphs [4]. Similarly, as shown by Edmonds [15], one can also decide in polynomial time whether an undirected graph G contains a pair of edge-disjoint spanning trees and find such trees if they exist. Inspired by these results Thomassé asked around 2005 whether one could decide in polynomial time, for a given input digraph D, whether D contains an out-branching such that deleting the arcs of this would leave the resulting digraph connected in the underlying sense. This was recently answered in the negative by the first author and Yeo [6]. That is, it is NP-complete to decide whether a given digraph \(D=(V,A)\) contains an out-branching \(B^+_s\) such that the underlying undirected graph of \(D'=(V,A{\setminus } A(B^+_s))\) is connected. Here, \(A(B^+_s)\) denotes the arc set of \(B^+_s\). In this paper we formulate some natural optimization questions around these two problems and initiate their study in the realm of parameterized complexity. In what follows we define the problems we study, the results we get and give an overview of the related results.

For our first problem we need to define spanning trees on digraphs. A spanning tree of a digraph D is a spanning subdigraph T such that the underlying undirected graph of T is a spanning tree of the underlying undirected graph of D.

Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching. The first problem we study is as follows.

figure a

This problem is a parameterized version of the problem of deciding whether D contains an out-branching such that deleting the arcs of this would leave the resulting digraph connected in the underlying sense. Another parameterization for this problem could be whether there is an out-branching \(B^+_s\) and a spanning tree T of D so that they have at most k arcs in common. However, observe that this problem becomes NP-complete even for \(k=0\) and thus is not FPT.

For NDOB we first obtain a linear vertex kernel and then design an FPT algorithm for this problem running in time \(2^{\mathcal {O}(k)}|V|^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\). It is important to note that our FPT algorithm does not follow directly from our linear vertex kernel and uses a randomized separation argument.

Arc-Disjoint Branchings. The second problem we study is as follows.

figure b

It is a parameterized version of the problem of deciding whether a given digraph has a pair of arc-disjoint branchings \(B^+_s\), \(B^-_t\). We show that Arc-Disjoint Branchings is FPT on strong digraphs and strongly believe that our algorithm can be extended to all digraphs. To derive our result, we show that in polynomial time either we can correctly decide whether the input is a Yes-instance, or obtain a tree-decomposition of width at most \(3\,k\) for the underlying undirected graph. Now we get the desired FPT algorithm by standard dynamic programming over graphs of bounded treewidth.

Bang-Jensen and Yeo [5] studied the related Minimum Spanning Strong Subdigraph (MSSS) problem. MSSS is the problem of finding, in a strong digraph \(D=(V,A)\), a spanning strong subdigraph \(D'=(V,A')\) where \(A'\subseteq A\) and \(|A'|\) is minimum. This problem is NP-hard as it contains the hamiltonian cycle problem as a special case. Every strong digraph contains an out-branching \(B^+_s\) and an in-branching \(B^-_s\) and the union of \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_s\) is a strong spanning subdigraph of D, hence the optimum \(A'\) has size at most \(2|V|-2\). It was shown in [5] that MSSS is FPT when we use the distance from the upper bound \(2|V|-2\) as a parameter. That is, there exists an \(f(k)|V|^{\mathcal {O}(1)} \) algorithm for deciding whether a given strong digraph D on n vertices contains a spanning strong subdigraph with at most \(2n - 2 - k\) arcs. The parameterized version of MSSS is equivalent to deciding for a given strong digraph D and parameter k whether there exists an out-branching \(B^+_s\) and an in-branching \(B^-_s\) such that \(|A(B^+_s)\cap A(B^-_s)|\ge k\). If, instead of maximizing the intersection between the branchings, we seek to minimize the intersection, we get Arc-Disjoint Branchings. In [5] it was asked whether Arc-Disjoint Branchings is FPT. We answer this question in the affirmative for strong digraphs.

Vertex Exponential Exact Algorithms for Arc-Disjoint Problems. The approach used in designing a \(2^{\mathcal {O}(k)}|V|^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\) time algorithm for NDOB seems of general interest and we outline a scheme for producing vertex exponential exact algorithms for a large class of related problems. For discussion let us focus on the problem of deciding whether a given digraph \(D=(V,A)\) has a pair of arc-disjoint branchings \(B^+_s\), \(B^-_t\). A trivial enumerative algorithm will guess arc sets for \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_t\) and then check whether they are disjoint. This algorithm will run in time \(m^{\mathcal {O}(n)}\), where \(m=|A|\) and \(n=|V|\). However, we obtain an algorithm running in time \(2^{\mathcal {O}(n)}\) for this and many similar problems. It is important to point out that an exact algorithm for MSSS running in time \(2^{\mathcal {O}(n)}\) was only recently obtained using tools from matroids [20].

2 Preliminaries

An instance of a parameterized problem consists of (xk), where k is called the parameter. A central notion in parameterized complexity is fixed parameter tractability (FPT) which means, for a given instance (xk), solvability in time \(f(k)\cdot p(|x|)\), where f is an arbitrary function of k and p is a polynomial in the input size. The notion of kernelization is defined as follows.

Definition 1

(Kernelization) Let \(\Pi \) be a parameterized problem and g be a computable function. We say that \(\Pi \) admits a kernel of size g if there exists an algorithm \(\mathbb K\), called a kernelization algorithm, or, in short, a kernelization, that given \((x,k)\in \Pi ,\) outputs, in time polynomial in \(|x|+k\), a pair \((x',k')\) such that

  1. (a)

    \((x,k)\in \Pi \) if and only if \((x',k')\in \Pi \), and

  2. (b)

    \(\max \{|x'|, k' \}\le g(k)\).

When \(g(k)=k^{O(1)}\) or \(g(k)=O(k)\) then we say that \(\Pi \) admits a polynomial or linear kernel respectively.

We say that a graph problem admits a linear vertex kernel if the number of vertices in the reduced graph is bounded by a linear function of k.

Let \(D=(V,A)\) be a digraph. By V(D) and A(D) we represent the vertex set and the arc set of D, respectively. Given a subset \(V'\subseteq V(D)\) of a digraph D, let \(D[V']\) denote the digraph induced by \(V'\). The underlying graph U(D) of D is obtained from D by omitting all orientations of arcs. A digraph D is strong if, for every pair xy of vertices there are directed paths from x to y and from y to x. A vertex u of D is an in-neighbor (out-neighbor) of a vertex v if \(uv\in A(D)\) (\(vu\in A(D)\), respectively). The in-degree \(d^-(v)\) (out-degree \(d^+(v)\)) of a vertex v is the number of its in-neighbors (out-neighbors). For an arc uv, we call u the arc’s tail and v its head.

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a graph. A tree decomposition of G is a pair \((T, \mathcal { X}=\{X_{t}\}_{t\in V(T)})\) where T is a tree and \(\mathcal {X}\) is a collection of subsets of V such that:

  • \(\forall {e=uv\in E},~\exists {t\in V(T)} : \{u,v\}\subseteq X_{t}\) and

  • \(\forall {v\in V}, \ T[\{t\mid v\in X_{t}\}]\) is non-empty and connected.

We call the vertices of T nodes and the sets in \(\mathcal { X}\) bags of the tree decomposition \((T,\mathcal {X}).\) The width of \((T,\mathcal {X})\) is equal to \(\max _{\,}\{|X_t|-1\mid {t\in V(T)}\}\) and the treewidth of \(G=(V,E)\) is the minimum width over all tree decompositions of G.

Throughout the paper we use n and m to denote the number of vertices and arcs in the input digraph. Notation not given here is consistent with [3].

3 Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching

In this section we first give a vertex kernel with at most \(12\,k\) vertices for a rooted version of the problem, then design a vertex kernel for NDOB with at most \(20\,k\) vertices. Finally, using the kernel for the rooted version we design a \(2^{\mathcal {O}(k)}n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\) time algorithm for NDOB.

3.1 A Kernel for Rooted NDOB

In this section we first define a rooted version of the problem and obtain a vertex kernel wit at most \(12\,k\) vertices which allows us to design a faster FPT algorithm for NDOB. The problem is defined as follows.

figure c

To obtain our vertex kernel for Rooted NDOB with at most \(12\,k\) vertices we first introduce some simple reduction rules which we use to bound the size of the kernel.

Rule 1

If D has no out-branching rooted at s replace D by an independent set of size 2.

Rule 2

If D has a vertex \(v\in V\) with \(d^-(v)=1\) and \(d^+(v)=0\) and \(v\not =s\), delete v.

We say we contract an arc (edge) uv when we delete uv and identify u with v keeping all their adjacent arcs (edges).

Rule 3

If D has an arc \(uv\in A\) such that \(d^-(u)=d^+(u)=d^-(v)=1\) and \(u\not =s\not = v\), contract uv.

A reduction rule is safe with respect to a problem if applying the rule does not change the answer to the problem, that is after applying a safe rule with respect to problem A the answer to problem A is YES if and only if the answer was YES before the rule was applied.

Rule 1 is clearly safe. We show below that the other two are also safe.

Lemma 2

Rules 2 and 3 are safe and can be applied in polynomial time.


All structures in rules 2 and 3 can be identified in linear time and performing an update takes constant time. So we are left with arguing that all rules are safe. Rule 2 is safe since every spanning tree and out-branching must contain the unique arc incident to the vertex v.

Now we show that Rule 3 is safe. Let (Dk) be the given instance and \((D',k)\) be the instance obtained after applying contraction to the arc uv. Let the contracted vertex be \(z_{uv}\). We show that (Dk) is a Yes-instance if and only if \((D',k)\) is a Yes-instance. We first show the forward direction of the proof. Let \(B_s^+\) be an out-branching rooted at s and T be a spanning tree of D such that \(|A(B^+_s) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\). Let w be the in-neighbor of u. We know that both arcs wu and uv appear in \(B_s^+\). Let \(B_s^{+c}\) be the out-branching of \(D'\) obtained after contracting the arc uv into a vertex \(z_{uv}\) in \(B_s^+\). If uv also appears in T then we just contract the edge uv and obtain a spanning tree \(T'\) of \(D'\). Since uv is present in both \(B_s^+\) and T we have that \(|A(B^{+c}_s) {\setminus } A(T')|\ge k\). Now we assume that uv does not appear in T. Observe that u has degree 2 in U(D). Since the edge uv is not present in T we have that the edge wu is present in T. Now obtain a spanning tree \(T'\) in D by deleting the edge wu and adding the edge uv to T. Clearly, if \(|A(B^+_s) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\) then we have that \(|A(B^+_s) {\setminus } A(T')|\ge k\) and this case reduces to the previous case.

Now we show the reverse direction of the proof. Suppose we have \(B_s^{+c}\) and \(T'\) in \(D'\) such that \(|A(B^{+c}_s) {\setminus } A(T')|\ge k\). If w is a neighbor to \(z_{uv}\) in \(T'\) then we obtain T by modifying \(T'\) as follows: delete \(z_{uv}\), introduce u and v, make w adjacent to u, add the edge uv, and make every other vertex than w that was adjacent to \(z_{uv}\) now adjacent to v. If w is not a neighbor to \(z_{uv}\) in \(T'\) then we obtain T from \(T'\) by renaming \(z_{uv}\) to v and adding the edge uv to it. We obtain \(B_s^{+}\) from \(B_s^{+c}\) by deleting the vertex \(z_{uv}\), adding u and v, adding the arc wu (we have the arc \(wz_{uv}\) in \(B_s^{+c}\) since \(d^-_{D'}(z_{uv})=1\)) and making v in-neighbor to every other vertex \(z_{uv}\) was in-neighbor to. Since we have not deleted any arc/edge from \(B_s^{+c}\) and \(T'\) we have that \(|A(B^{+}_s) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\). This concludes the proof. \(\square \)

We call an instance (Dk) reduced according to a reduction rule if the rule can not be applied to (Dk) anymore. We prove that reduction according to these rules and a greedy construction algorithm are sufficient to give a linear vertex kernel.

Lemma 3

Let (Dk) be an instance to Rooted NDOB. Then in polynomial time either we

  • conclude that (Dk) is a No-instance;

  • or find an out-branching \(B_s^+\) and a spanning tree T such that \(|A(B^+_s) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\);

  • or find a vertex kernel with at most \(12\,k\) vertices.


If Rule 1 applies we answer NO. If not we reduce (Dk) according to Rules 2 and 3. After this we find an arbitrary out-branching \(B_s^+\) rooted at s. Such a branching must exist since otherwise Rule 1 would apply and \(B^+_s\) can be found in O(m) time using one BFS-search.


Let T be the spanning tree with the same arc-set as \(B_s^+\). Furthermore, let \(W=A(D){\setminus } A(B_s^+)\), \(\mathsf{diff}(T)=\emptyset \) and \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)= \emptyset \). Repeat the following until no longer possible.

If there exists an arc \(a\in W\) such that the fundamental cycle C(Ta) of \(T+a\) shares an arc with \(B_s^+\) (that is there exists an arc \(a'\in A(C(T,a))\cap A(B_s^+)\)) then update the spanning tree and other sets as follows.

  • \(T:= T + {a}-{a' }\);

  • \(W:=W{\setminus } \{a\}\);

  • \(\mathsf{diff}(T):= \mathsf{diff}(T)\cup \{a\}\) and \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+):=\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+) \cup \{a'\}\).

Return T.

Let \(B^+_s\) still be our arbitrarily chosen out-branching and T be the spanning tree returned by Greedy-Tree-Update. If \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)|\ge k\) we have our solution and we return \(B^+_s\) and T. So let us assume that \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)|<k\) which implies \(|\mathsf{diff}(T)|<k\).

Let X be the set of endvertices of the arcs in \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)\cup \mathsf{diff}(T)\). The size of X is at most \(2(k-1)+2(k-1)=4k-4\) and every arc in \(A {\setminus } A(B^+_s)\) has both endvertices in X from \(B^+_s\): otherwise, if there was an arc a with at least one end in \(V {\setminus } X\) we could have continued one more step above, as \(B_s^+\) and T are identical in this part of the digraph so C(Ta) would have to share arcs with \(B_s^+\).

If we delete all arcs that have both endvertices in X from D, we obtain a collection of disjoint out-trees \(F^+_{s_1},\ldots {\,},F^+_{s_p}\), where \(s_1=s\) and \(s_i\in X\) for \(2\le i\le p\). This holds because the remaining arcs are all in \(A(T)\cap A(B^+_s)\) so we are essentially breaking apart \(B_s^+\).

Partition the vertex set of every \(F^+_{s_i}\) into 3 sets: \(X_{s_i}=X\cap V(F^+_{s_i})\), \(2_{s_i}= \{ v\in (V(F^+_{s_i}) {\setminus } X_{s_i})| d_{F^+_{s_i}}^+(v)\ge 2\}\) and \(1_{s_i}=\{ v\in (V(F^+_{s_i}) {\setminus } X_{s_i})| d_{F^+_{s_i}}^+(v) =1\}\). Observe that \(F^+_{s_i}\) can have no leaves in \(V {\setminus } X\) since in that case we could apply Rule 2. So the leaves of \(F^+_{s_i}\) are all in \(X_{s_i}\) thus upper bounding the number of leaves by \(|X_{s_i}|\) and implying that \(|2_{s_i}|<|X_{s_i}|\). Likewise \(F^+_{s_i}\) can contain no arc uv such that \(d_{F^+_{s_i}}^-(u)=d_{F^+_{s_i}}^+(u)=d_{F^+_{s_i}}^-(v)=1\) and \(u,v\notin X\) since then the arcs adjacent to u and v would all be in \(B_s^+\) and we could apply Rule 3. So every vertex in \(1_{s_i}\) must have its only out-neighbor in \(X_{s_i}\) implying that \(|1_{s_i}|\le |X_{s_i}|\). Furthermore since the \(F^+_{s_i}\) were disjoint we know that the \(X_{s_i}\) are disjoint. Collecting all of this we get that

$$\begin{aligned} |V|=\sum _{i=1}^p{|V(F^+_{s_i})|}=\sum _{i=1}^p{\left( |X_{s_i}|+|2_{s_i}|+|1_{s_i}|\right) }<\sum _{i=1}^p{3|X_{s_i}|}\le 3|X| \le 12k-12. \end{aligned}$$

So D is a vertex kernel with at most \(12\,k\) vertices and we conclude our proof. \(\square \)

The kernel for NDOB is obtained using reduction rules similar to Rules 13.

3.2 Kernel for Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching

In this section we present a polynomial algorithm for obtaining a vertex kernel for NDOB with at most \(20\,k\) vertices.

First we introduce some simple reduction rules which we will use to bound the number of vertices of the kernel.

Rule 4

If a vertex \(v\in V\) has in-degree 0, fix v as the root and apply Lemma 3.

Rule 5

If D has a vertex \(v\in V\) with \(d^-(v)=1\) and \(d^+(v)=0\), delete v.

Rule 6

If D has no out-branching, answer NO.

Rules 4 and 6 are safe and can be checked in polynomial time. Rule 5 is the same as Rule 2 from our section on Rooted NDOB. This rule is still safe as a vertex with only in-neighbors can never be the root of an out-branching anyways and the unique arc incident with v must be both in all out-branchings and all spanning trees. However, Rule 3 does not apply to NDOB in its current form, as evidenced by the case where u or v are possible roots. To fill its role we introduce the following “longer path” rule.

Rule 7

If D has a path xuvw such that \(d^-(u)=d^+(u)=d^-(v)=d^+(v)=d^-(w)=1\), contract uv.

The extra arc this rule requires compared to Rule 3 allows us to show.

Lemma 4

Rule 7 is safe and can be applied in polynomial time.


The 3-path can be identified in polynomial time and performing an update takes constant time. So we are left with arguing that the rule is safe.

Let (Dk) be the given instance and \((D',k)\) be the instance obtained after contracting the arc uv into the vertex \(z_{uv}\). We show that (Dk) is a Yes-instance if and only \((D',k)\) is a Yes-instance.

We first show the backward direction of the proof. Let \(B^{+c}\) be an out-branching and \(T'\) be a spanning tree in \(D'\) such that \(|A(B^{+c}) {\setminus } A(T')|\ge k\). We obtain a solution \(B^+\) and T for D from \(B^{+c}\) and \(T'\) by doing the following to both. Split \(z_{uv}\) into u and v such that u keeps the possible in-arc of \(z_{uv}\) while v keeps the possible out-arc, then add the arc uv. Since we have not deleted any arc/edge from \(B_s^{+c}\) and \(T'\) we have that \(|A(B^{+}_s) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\).

Forward direction. Let \(B^{+}\) be an out-branching and T be a spanning tree in D such that \(|A(B^{+}) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\), we can construct a solution for \(D'\) as follows. First we observe that if \(uv\in B^+\) and \(uv\in T\) we can just contract it in both and get an out-branching \(B^{+c}\) and a spanning tree \(T'\) in \(D'\) such that \(|A(B^{+c}) {\setminus } A(T')|\ge k\). If \(uv\notin B^+\) or \(vw\notin B^+\) this implies that v or w is the root of \(B^+\). Change the root to u by removing xu from \(B^+\) and adding uv and vw. This change might decrease \(|A(B^+) {\setminus } A(T)|\) by one if \(xu\notin T\), but we fix this in the next step. If \(xu\notin T\) or \(uv\notin T\) add this arc to T then remove vw to break the fundamental cycle. This change increases \(|A(B^+) {\setminus } A(T)|\) by one again if it was decreased in the previous step. Now \(B^+,T\) is again a solution in D and uv is contained in both, so we can contract uv and get a solution for \(D'\). \(\square \)

With this new reduction rule we are able to prove a linear kernel for Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching as well.

Theorem 5

Let (Dk) be an instance to NDOB. Then in polynomial time either we

  • conclude that (Dk) is a No-instance;

  • or find an out-branching \(B^+\) and a spanning tree T such that \(|A(B^+) {\setminus } A(T)|\ge k\);

  • or find a kernel with at most \(20\,k\) vertices.


If Rule 4 applies we hand the instance with its new root over to the algorithm of Lemma 3 and answer what the algorithm would answer. If Rule 6 applies we answer NO. If both of these didn’t apply we reduce (Dk) according to Rules 5 and 7. After this we find an arbitrary out-branching \(B_s^+\) rooted at some vertex \(s\in V\). Such a branching must exist since otherwise Rule 6 would apply and \(B^+_s\) can be found in O(nm) time using one BFS-search for every possible root.

Let T be the spanning tree returned by the procedure Greedy-Tree-Update from Lemma 3 run on our arbitrarily chosen out-branching \(B_s^+\). As before we can assume that \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)|=|\mathsf{diff}(T)|<k\). Again we let X be the set of endvertices of the arcs in \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)\cup \mathsf{diff}(T)\) and observe that \(|X|\le 2(k-1)+2(k-1)=4k-4\) and since the update rule of Greedy-Tree-Update could no longer be applied every arc in \(A {\setminus } A(B^+_s)\) has both endvertices in X from \(B^+_s\).

If we delete all arcs that have both endvertices in X from D, we obtain a collection of disjoint out-trees \(F^+_{s_1},\ldots {\,},F^+_{s_p}\), where \(s_1=s\) and \(s_i\in X\) for \(2\le i\le p\).

Partition the vertex set of every \(F_{s_i}\) into 3 sets: \(X_{s_i}=X\cap V(F_{s_i})\), \(2_{s_i}= \{ v\in (V(F_{s_i}) {\setminus } X_{s_i})| d_{F_{s_i}}^+(v)\ge 2\}\) and \(1_{s_i}=\{ v\in (V(F_{s_i}) {\setminus } X_{s_i})| d_{F_{s_i}}^+(v) =1\}\). Then further partition \(1_{s_i}\) into two parts, let \(1^X_{s_i}\) be the set of vertices of \(1_{s_i}\) that have their out-neighbor in \(X_{s_i}\) and let \(1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}=1_{s_i}{\setminus } 1^X_{s_i}\). Since D was reduced according to Rule 5 we know that all leaves of \(F_{s_i}\) are in \(X_{s_i}\) so \(|2_{s_i}|<|X_{s_i}|\). By construction every vertex in \(1^X_{s_i}\) must have its only out-neighbor in \(X_{s_i}\) so \(|1^X_{s_i}|\le |X_{s_i}|\), since no two vertices in \(F_{s_i}\) can have the same out-neighbor. Now to bound the size of \(1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}\) observe that the out-neighbor of any vertex in \(1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}\) can’t be in \(1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}\) as well, since then Rule 7 would apply, so the out-neighbor must be either in \(2_{s_i}\) or in \(1^X_{s_i}\). This gives \(|1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}|\le |2_{s_i}|+|1^X_{s_i}|\le 2|X_{s_i}|\). Collecting all of this we get that

$$\begin{aligned} |V|= & {} \sum _{i=1}^p{|V(F_{s_i})|}=\sum _{i=1}^p{\left( |X_{s_i}|+|2_{s_i}|+|1^X_{s_i}|+|1^{V{\setminus } X}_{s_i}|\right) } \\&< \sum _{i=1}^p{5|X_{s_i}|}\le 5|X| \le 20k-20. \end{aligned}$$

So D is a kernel for NDOB with at most \(20\,k\) vertices and we conclude our proof. \(\quad \square \)

3.3 Faster FPT Algorithm for Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching

Here, we give a \(2^{\mathcal {O}(k)}n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\) time algorithm for NDOB. For our main algorithm we need the following subroutine.

Lemma 6

Given an undirected graph G, a coloring function \(f: E(G)\rightarrow \{0,1\}\), and a non-negative integer k, we can find in linear time a spanning tree T such that it contains at least k edges colored 0 or decide that no such tree exists.


First of all we assume that the graph G is connected, else we know that G does not have any spanning tree. Let \(E_0\) be the set of edges that have been colored 0. Consider the graph \(G'\) with the vertex set V(G) and the edge set \(E_0\). Find a spanning forest \(F'\) of \(G'\) with largest possible number of edges. Now since G is connected \(F'\) can be extended to a spanning tree T of G. Thus, G has a spanning tree with at least k edges colored 0 if and only if \(G'\) has a spanning forest on at least k edges. Since our algorithm just runs two rounds of any standard algorithm for finding a maximum forest (which can be done with simple Depth-First-Search) we have that the algorithm runs in linear time. \(\square \)

Now we design a randomized algorithm for NDOB.

Theorem 7

There is a one-sided-error Monte-Carlo algorithm for NDOB running in \(\mathcal {O}((33.97)^{k}\cdot (n+m))\) expected time.


Given an input (Dk) to NDOB, the algorithm goes through all n vertices as potential root and applies the following procedure. If for any vertex currently chosen as a root candidate we succeed in finding the desired solution we return Yes else we return No.

Given a root first apply the kernelization algorithm described in Lemma 3. The algorithm, in polynomial time, either returns a solution to Rooted NDOB and thus to NDOB, in which case we answer Yes, or it returns an equivalent instance \((D',k)\) such that \(|V(D')|\le 12\,k\). In the second case we perform the following steps several times.

  1. 1.

    Uniformly at random color the arcs of \(D'\) with \([13\,k]=\{1,2,\ldots , 13\,k\}\). Let the coloring function be called f.

  2. 2.

    Using Lemma 6 test whether the underlying undirected graph of \(D'\) contains a spanning tree with at least k edges colored with colors from the set \(\{1,\ldots ,k\}\) by treating all these colors as 0 and others as 1. Also test whether the digraph \(D''\) on the vertex set \(V(D')\) and the arc set containing all those arcs that have been colored \(\{k+1,\ldots ,13\,k\}\) contains an out-branching. If the answer to both these questions is Yes then return Yes.

Given a spanning tree T and an out-branching \(B^+_s\), we define \(\mathsf{diff}(T)=A(T){\setminus } A(B^+_s)\) and \(\mathsf{diff}(B^+_s)=A(B^+_s){\setminus } A(T)\). The answer to our problem is Yes if and only if there exists a tree T and out-branching \(B^+_s\) such that \(|\mathsf{diff}(T)|\ge k\) and thus \(|\mathsf{diff}(B^+_s)|\ge k\). We say that the solution \((B^+_s,T)\) is colorful with respect to f, if

  • every arc of \(B^+_s\) has been colored with \(\{k+1,\ldots ,13\,k\}\) and

  • some subset \(S \subseteq \mathsf{diff}(T)\) of size k has been colored with \(\{1,\ldots ,k\}\).

The probability that a solution \((B^+_s,T)\) becomes colorful is:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{\{S\subseteq \mathsf{diff}(T), |S|=k \}} (12\,k/13\,k))^{|V(D')|-1} (k/13\,k)^k\ge ((12/13)^{12}\cdot (1/13))^{k}. \end{aligned}$$

Given a coloring, Step 2 of the algorithm finds a colorful solution if one exists, in polynomial time. The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that both T and \(B^+_s\) have \(|V(D')|-1\) arcs and if T contains at least k arcs that are of different color than the arcs of \(B^+_s\) then we have that \(|\mathsf{diff}(T)|\ge k\) and consequently \(|\mathsf{diff}(B^+_s)|\ge k\) since T and \(B^+_s\) have the same number of arcs. Thus, if there is indeed a solution \((B^+_s,T)\) then we find one with probability at least \(\left( \left( \frac{12}{13}\right) ^{12}\cdot \frac{1}{13}\right) ^{k}\). Thus, repeating the algorithm \(\left( \left( \frac{13}{12}\right) ^{12}\cdot 13\right) ^{k}\le 33.97^k\) times, the error probability can be reduced to at most 1 / e meaning that the success probability is at least \(1-\frac{1}{e}\ge \frac{1}{2}\). \(\square \)

We can obtain a deterministic algorithm for the problem using the notion of lopsided universal family.

Definition 8

([20, 22]). An n-p-q-lopsided-universal family \(\mathcal F\) is a set of functions from \(\{1,\ldots ,n\}\) to \(\{0,1\}\), such that for every subset \(A, B\subseteq \{1,\ldots ,n\}\), \(A\cap B=\emptyset \), \(|A|=p\) and \(|B|=q\), there exists a function \(f\in \mathcal F\) such that for every \(a\in A,~f(a)=0\) and for every \(b\in B,~f(b)=1\).

Theorem 9

([20, 22]). There is an algorithm that given n, p and q constructs a n-p-q-lopsided-universal family \(\mathcal {F}\) of size \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}p+q\\ p\end{array}}\right) \cdot 2^{o(p+q)} \cdot \log n\) in time \(\mathcal {O}(\left( {\begin{array}{c}p+q\\ p\end{array}}\right) \cdot 2^{o(p+q)} \cdot n \log n)\).

Theorem 10

There is an algorithm for Non-Disconnecting Out-Branching running in \(\mathcal {O}(33.97^{k+o(1)}\cdot (n+m)\log n) \) time.


To obtain the deterministic algorithm we change the algorithm suggested in Theorem 7 so that it takes coloring functions from a universal family instead of creating them randomly. To achieve this we replace the two repeated steps in the algorithm with the following. Let \(m'\) and \(n'\) denote the number of arcs and the number of vertices in the reduced instance \((D',k)\).

  1. 1.

    Label the arcs of \(D'\) \(1,2,\ldots ,m'\) then for every \(f\in \mathcal F\), where \(\mathcal F\) is an \((m',k,n'-1)\)-lopsided-universal family, do as follows:

    • Using Lemma 6 test whether the underlying undirected graph of \(D'\) contains a spanning tree with at least k edges colored with 0 under f. Also test whether the digraph \(D''\) on the vertex set V(D) and the arc set containing all those arcs that has been colored 1 contains an out-branching rooted at s. If the answer to both these questions is Yes then return Yes.

  2. 2.

    Return that the original instance is a No-instance.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the following. Let \((B^+,T)\) be a solution and W be \(A(B^+)\cap S\), where S is some fixed set of k arcs in \(\mathsf{diff}(T)\). Since the size of \(A(B^+)\) is \(n'-1\) there exists a function \(f\in \mathcal F\) such that f colors all the arcs of \(B^+\) with 1 and the arcs of S with 0. The running time of the algorithm is dominated by the size of the set of hash functions, which by Theorem 9 is upper bounded by \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}13k\\ k\end{array}}\right) 2^{o(k)}\). To upper bound \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}13k\\ k\end{array}}\right) \), we will use the following well known identity on binomial coefficients:

$$\begin{aligned} \left( {\begin{array}{c}n\\ k\end{array}}\right) \le \frac{n^n}{k^k (n-k)^{n-k}}. \end{aligned}$$

A direct application of the above identity implies

$$\begin{aligned} \left( {\begin{array}{c}13k\\ k\end{array}}\right) \le \left( \left( \frac{13}{12}\right) ^{12}\cdot 13\right) ^{k}\le 33.97^k. \end{aligned}$$

This concludes the proof. \(\square \)

4 Arc-Disjoint Branchings on Strong Digraphs

In this section we consider Arc-Disjoint Branchings on strong digraphs and design an FPT algorithm for this. We do this by showing that in polynomial time either we can find an out-branching and an in-branching that differ on at least k arcs or we can find a tree-decomposition of the underlying undirected graph of width at most \(3\,k\). The main technical lemma of this section is as follows.

Lemma 11

Let (Dk) be an instance to Arc-Disjoint Branchings where D is a strong digraph. Then in polynomial time either we

  • conclude that (Dk) is a No-instance;

  • or find an out-branching \(B_s^+\) and an in-branching \(B_t^{-}\) such that \(|A(B^+_s) {\setminus } A(B^-_t)|\ge k\);

  • or find a tree-decomposition of width \(3\,k-2\) for U(D).


We start with an arbitrary pair of an out-branching \(B^+_s\) and an in-branching \(B^-_t\), rooted at s and t respectively where s and t could potentially be the same vertex. Such branchings can be constructed by two BFS-searches in polynomial time and since D is strong they always exist. So from now onwards we assume that we have an out-branching \(B^+_s\) and an in-branching \(B^-_t\). Next we describe a procedure that finds a pair of branchings with nice structural properties.


Let \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_t\) be the branchings found in the first paragraph. Furthermore, let \(W=A(D){\setminus } (A(B_s^+) \cup A(B_t^-))\), \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)=A(B_s^+) {\setminus } A(B_t^-)\) and \(\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-)=A(B_t^-) {\setminus } A(B_s^+)\) at all times throughout the procedure. Repeat the following until no longer possible.

If there exists an arc \(a=uv\in W\) such that \(B_s^++a\) (that is add the arc a to the out-branching \(B^+_s\)) contains no directed cycle and the unique in-arc \(a'\) of v in \(B_s^+\) satisfies \(a' \notin \mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)\) then update the out-branching and other sets as follows.

  • \(B_s^+:= B_s^+ + {a}-{a' }\);

  • \(W:=W{\setminus } \{a\}\);

  • \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+):=\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+) \cup \{a\}\) and \(\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-):=\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-) \cup \{a'\}\).

Return \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_t\).

Let \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_t\) be the out-branching and in-branching returned by Procedure-Local-Optimal. If \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)|\ge k\) we have our solution and we return \(B^+_s\) and \(B^-_t\). So let us assume that \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)|<k\). This implies that \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-)|<k\). We use these trees to find a tree-decomposition of width \(3\,k\) for U(D).

We say an arc uv goes backwards with respect to a branching B, if B contains a (vu)-path, that is, adding the arc to the branching would create a directed cycle. Let \(H_{\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)}\) be the set of vertices that are head of the arcs in \(\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)\). Clearly, \(|H_{\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)}|\le k-1\). Observe that every arc of W is either a backward arc with respect to \(B_s^+\) or has its head in \(H_{\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)}\). Let \(W_h\) be the set of arcs in W whose heads are in \(H_{\mathsf{diff}(B_s^+)}\).

Let \(X=\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-) \cup W_h\) and \(H_X\) be the set of vertices that are head of the arcs in X. Since, \(|\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-)|<k\) we have that \(|H_X|\le 2(k-1)\). Let \(D'\) be the digraph obtained by deleting the arcs in X. Observe that every arc of \(B^+_s\) is still in \(D'\) and thus it is also an out-branching rooted at s in \(D'\). Let \(T^+_v\) denote the sub-out-branching of \(B^+_s\) rooted at v and let \(H_v\) denote the heads of arcs in \(A(D')\) that have tail in \(V(T^+_v)\) and head in \(V(D'){\setminus } V(T^+_v)\). If for any v we have that \(|H_v|\ge k\), then we construct an out-branching \(B^+_v\) in D such that \(|A(B^+_v) - A(B^-_t)|\ge k\) as follows.

Start with the sub-out-branching \(T^+_v\) of \(B^+_s\) rooted at v. Now for every vertex \(w\in H_v\) pick an arbitrary arc \(a_w\) with tail in \(V(T^+_v)\) and head being w. Let this set of arcs be Y. Now add Y to \(T^+_v\). That is, let \(T^+_v:=T^+_v \cup Y\).

Clearly, \(T^+_v\) constructed above is an out-tree and furthermore since \(Y\subseteq W{\setminus } W_h\) we have that \(|A(T^+_v) {\setminus } A(B^-_t)|\ge k\). Now since D is a strong digraph we can extend \(T^+_v\) to an out-branching \(B^+_v\) in D. Thus, in this case we have our solution and we return \(B^+_v\) and \(B^-_t\). So from now onwards we assume that for every \(v\in V(D')\), \(|H_v|\le k-1\).

Claim 1

The treewidth of \(U(D')\) is at most k.


Let L denote the underlying undirected tree rooted at s corresponding to \(B_s^+\). Furthermore, for \(v\ne s\), let p(v) denote the parent of v in \(B_s^+\). That is, p(v) is the unique in-neighbor of v in \(B_s^+\). Let \(L_v\) denote the subtree of L rooted at v. Observe that arcs of \(D'\) are either arcs of \(B_s^+\) or backward arcs corresponding to \(B_s^+\). Thus, we have that \(N_{U(D')}(V(L_v))=H_v\cup \{p(v)\}\). This in turn implies that \(|N_{U(D')}(V(L_v))|\le k\), so no bag has more than \(k+1\) vertices.

We construct a tree decomposition \((T, \mathcal { X}=\{X_{t}\}_{t\in V(T)})\) of \(U(D')\) as follows. We take \(T:=L\), \(X_s=\{s\}\) and for every \(v\ne s\), take \(X_v=\{v\} \cup N_{U(D')}(V(L_v)).\) Footnote 1 Every vertex and edge of \(U(D')\) belong to some bag, since \(D'\) only contains \(B_s^+\) and backwards arcs. Now we need to show that for each vertex \(v\in V(U(D'))\) the subgraph \(T[\{t\mid v\in X_{t}\}]\) is connected. Observe that v can only belong to \(X_w\) where \(w\in V(L_v)\) and the only reason it belongs to \(X_w\) for some \(w\ne v\) is that \(v\in H_w\) or \(v=p(w)\). However, once it belongs to \(H_w\) for some w then it belongs to every \(w'\) on the path from w to v. This proves that \(T[\{t\mid v\in X_{t}\}]\) is connected. Thus \((T, \mathcal { X})\) is a tree decomposition of width at most k, implying by definition that the treewidth of \(U(D')\) is at most k. This concludes the proof of the claim. \(\square \)

Finally, we show how to obtain a tree decomposition for U(D). Recall that, \(X=\mathsf{diff}(B_t^-) \cup W_h\) and \(H_X\) is the set of vertices that are head of the arcs in X and \(D'\) is the digraph obtained by deleting the arcs in X. We also have that \(|H_X|\le 2(k-1)\). We obtain the tree decomposition of U(D) by taking the tree decomposition \((T, \mathcal { X}=\{X_{t}\}_{t\in V(T)})\) of \(U(D')\) and adding \(H_X\) to every bag. That is, \(X_t:=X_t \cup H_X\) for all v in V(T), this way we ensure that every edge of X is in some bag without violating the already established tree decomposition. The resulting tree decomposition has width at most \(k+|H_X|\le 3k-2\). This completes the proof. \(\square \)

Now we get the desired FPT algorithm by doing the standard dynamic programming over graphs of bounded treewidth. However, this would take \(2^{\mathcal {O}(t \log t)}n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\) and thus getting an algorithm for Arc-Disjoint Branchings on strong digraphs running in time \(2^{\mathcal {O}(k \log k)}n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\). Alternatively, the property of containing an out-branching and an in-branching that differs on at least k arcs can be formulated as a monadic second order formula. Thus, by the fundamental theorem of Courcelle [11, 12], the problem Arc-Disjoint Branchings for all digraphs D with treewidth at most \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) can be solved in \(f(k)\cdot n\) time, where f is a function depending only on k. Thus, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 12

Arc-Disjoint Branchings is FPT on strong digraphs.

5 Exact Algorithms for Some Subdigraph Problems

In this section we abstract the ideas used in the algorithm for NDOB deriving a method that is applicable to a range of edge partitioning problems satisfying some constraints. We then apply this method to a number of related problems.

The idea of randomly partitioning arcs to solve NDOB seems to be a promising approach for other edge/arc partitioning problems in the realm of moderately exponential time algorithms. We refer to the book of Fomin and Kratsch [17] for a detailed introduction to the subject.

The class of digraphs on wich our method can be applied is defined as follows:

Definition 13

A class of (di)graphs \(\Pi \) is called good if the following holds.

  1. (a)

    There exist linear functions \(b_{\pi }\) so that every (di)graph \(H\in \Pi \) contains a spanning sub(di)graph \(H'\) such that \(H'\in \Pi \) and \(|A(H')|\le b_\pi {\,}(|V(H)|)\) (this is called the bounded certificate property);

  2. (b)

    Given a (di)graph H, we can find in polynomial time either a spanning sub(di)graph \(H'\) of H such that \(H'\in \Pi \) and \(|A(H')|\le b_\pi {\,}(|V(H)|)\), or a certificate showing that H contains no such subdigraph.

We formulate the following partitioning problem in terms of directed graphs but the same can be done for undirected graphs as well as mixed graphs.

figure d

Next we outline an algorithm for \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem using the idea of random separation.

Theorem 14

There is a one-sided-error Monte-Carlo algorithm for \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem running in \(\ell ^{t}\cdot n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\) expected time. Here, n is the number of vertices in the input digraph and \(t=\sum _{i=1}^\ell b_{\pi _i}(n)\).


The idea of the algorithm is similar to the algorithm in the proof of Theorem 7.

  1. 1.

    Uniformly at random color the arcs of D with \([\ell ]=\{1,2,\ldots , \ell \}\). Let the coloring function be called f.

  2. 2.

    Let \(H_i\) denote the subdigraph of D with the vertex set V(D) and the arc set being those that have been assigned color i. In polynomial time decide whether each \(H_i\) contains a subdigraph \(D_i\) such that \(D_i\in \Pi _i\) and \(|A(D_i)|\le b_{\pi _i}(n)\). If such a subdigraph exists for each \(i\in [\ell ]\) we return Yes.

Let n be the number of vertices in the input digraph D. When we talk about a solution \((D_1,\ldots ,D_\ell )\) to the \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem we shall assume that each \(D_i\) satisfies that \(|A(D_i)|\le b_{\pi _i}(n)\). We can adjust any solution to satisfy this requirement since each \(\Pi _i\) is a good class of digraphs and thus satisfies the bounded certificate property. We say that the solution \((D_1,\ldots ,D_\ell )\) to the \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem is colorful with respect to f, if every arc of \(D_i\) has been colored with i. Since the number of arcs in \(D_i\) is bounded above by \(b_{\pi _i}(n)\), the probability that a solution \((D_1,\ldots ,D_\ell )\) becomes colorful is at least:

$$\begin{aligned} \prod _{i=1}^\ell \left( \frac{1}{\ell }\right) ^{b_{\pi _i}(n)}=\ell ^{-\left( \sum _{i=1}^{\ell }b_{\pi _i}(n)\right) } =\ell ^{-t}. \end{aligned}$$

Given a coloring, Step 2 of the algorithm finds a colorful solution satisfying the prescribed bounds on the arc sets if there exists one, in polynomial time. Thus, if there is indeed a solution \((D_1,\ldots ,D_\ell )\) then we find it with probability \(\ell ^{-t}\). So if we repeat the algorithm \(\ell ^t\) times, the error probability can be reduced to at most 1 / e, making the success probability at least \(1-\frac{1}{e}\ge \frac{1}{2}\). \(\square \)

As a corollary of Theorem 14 we give efficient exact algorithms for the following problems.

figure e

This problem is NP-complete already when \(\ell _1=\ell _2=1\) [2].

figure f

This problem is NP-complete even for 2-regular digraphs [6].

Trivial brute-force algorithms for \((\ell _1,\ell _2)\)-ADB and NDSSS work by guessing the arcs and then checking whether the arcs satisfy the desired properties. For an example; to solve Non Disconnecting Spanning Strong Subdigraph we can guess the arcs of \(D'\) and then check whether \(UG(D^*)\) where \(D^*\) has vertex set V(D) and arcs set \(A(D){\setminus } A(D')\) is connected. It is well known that we can obtain a strongly connected digraph by taking an out-branching and an in-branching starting at a vertex s and thus the number of arcs in \(D'\) is at most \(2n-2\). Also \(D'\) must contain at least n arcs and thus the overall running time of this algorithm will be

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i=n}^{2n-2} \left( {\begin{array}{c}m\\ i\end{array}}\right) \mathcal {O}(n+m)\sim \mathcal {O}(m^n). \end{aligned}$$

However, we can apply the algorithm described in Theorem 14 and get an algorithm where the exponential part only depends on the number of vertices in the input graph and is independent of the number of arcs. Let \(\Pi _1\) be class of all strongly connected digraphs, let \(\Pi _2\) be the class of all trees and take \(b_1(n)=2n-2\) and \(b_2(n)=n-1\). Given any strong digraph H on n vertices, we can find a spanning strong subdigraph on at most \(b_1(n)\) arcs in linear time by fixing a vertex s and finding arbitrary in- and out-branchings \(B^-_s,B^+_s\) rooted at s. The union of these forms \(H'\). Clearly we can find a spanning tree an a given connected (di)graph in linear time. Hence by applying Theorem 14 we get the following corollary.

Corollary 15

NDSSS can be solved in \(\mathcal {O}(8^n(n+m))\) expected time.

To solve \((\ell _1,\ell _2)\)-Arc-Disjoint In-and Out-Branchings we proceed as follows. By the clasical theorem of Edmonds, given a digraph we can test whether it contains \(\ell \)-arc disjoint (in-) out-branchings in polynomial time [15]. Thus, we fix \(\Pi _1\) to be the class of digraphs that has \(\ell _1\) arc-disjoint out-branchings and \(\Pi _2\) to be the class of digraphs that has \(\ell _2\) arc-disjoint in-branchings. We set \(b_1(n)=\ell _1{\,}(n-1)\) and \(b_2(n)=\ell _2{\,}(n-1)\). Now by applying Theorem 14 we get the following corollary.

Corollary 16

\((\ell _1,\ell _2)\)-ADB can be solved in \(\mathcal {O}(2^{(\ell _1+\ell _2) n}(n+m))\) expected time.

The algorithm in Theorem 14 can be derandomized using a generalization of universal sets which is defined as follows.

Definition 17

([21]) An (nkq)-universal set is a family of vectors \(V\subseteq [q]^n\) such that for any index set \(S \in \left( {\begin{array}{c}[n]\\ k\end{array}}\right) \), the projection of V on S contains all \(q^{k}\) possible configurations.

Proposition 18

([21]) An (nkq)-universal family of cardinality \(q^kk^{\mathcal {O}(\log k)}\log ^2 n\) can be constructed deterministically in time \(\mathcal {O}(q^kk^{\mathcal {O}(\log k)} n \log ^2 n)\).

Now using the (nkq)-universal family instead of random coloring in Theorem 14 we get the following result. In particular we apply Proposition 18 with the parameters \((|A(D)|, t,\ell )\).

Theorem 19

There is an algorithm for \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem running in \(\ell ^{t}\cdot n^{\mathcal {O}(1)}\). Here, n is the number of vertices in the input digraph and \(t=\sum _{i=1}^\ell b_{\pi _i}(n)\).

One could obtain several exact algorithms as a direct corollary of Theorem 19. Recently Bernáth and Király [7] showed several natural packing, covering and partitioning problems to be NP-complete. For almost all the partitioning and covering problems mentioned in [7] one can obtain exact algorithms using Theorem 19. We leave the details, since these algorithms are direct consequences of our formulation of \(\{\Pi _1,\ldots ,\Pi _\ell \}\)-Arc-Disjoint Subgraphs Problem.

6 Concluding remarks

In this paper we formulated some natural parameterized problems around finding a pair of branchings or spanning trees differing on at least k arcs and obtained some parameterized algorithms for them. We conclude with presenting the following questions, whose parameterized complexity status is still unknown.

Problem 1

Given a strong digraph \(D=(V,A)\) and a natural number k. Does D contain a spanning tree T such that we can delete some set of k arcs of A(T) from D and still have a strong spanning subdigraph of D?

A related, seemingly simpler question is the following.

Problem 2

Given a digraph \(D=(V,A)\) and a number k. Can we delete some set X of k arcs from D such that \(D{\setminus } X\) is strong?