1 Introduction

A fundamental problem in asynchronous, shared-memory systems is to obtain an instantaneous view of a block of shared memory while processes may be concurrently updating its cells. Snapshots are shared objects that provide such consistent views. Specifically, a snapshot object consists of an array of m components and supports two operations, UPDATE that changes the value of a component, and SCAN, which returns an instantaneous view of all components. Snapshots can be used to record the state of a system as it is changing, so they facilitate the solution of problems that have to perform an action whenever the global state of the system satisfies some condition [25]. Snapshots have been extensively used for the design and verification of distributed algorithms, e.g., for the construction of concurrent timestamps [17], approximate agreement [7], check-pointing and restarting [25], randomized consensus [4], and the design of complex distributed data structures [5].

A multi-writer snapshot allows each process to UPDATE any component. It can be implemented from read–write registers [3, 12,13,14, 21, 22]. A single-writer snapshot [1, 2, 8, 19, 20] is a restricted version, where each component has only one process that can UPDATE it. A snapshot implementation from read–write registers uses the registers to store the state of the snapshot components and provides an algorithm, for each process, to execute SCAN and UPDATE. A snapshot implementation is evaluated in terms of its space complexity, which is expressed in terms of the number (and the size) of registers it uses, and its step complexity, which is the maximum number of steps taken by a process in every execution to perform a SCAN or an UPDATE. The advantages of snapshots can be exploited only if it is possible to implement them efficiently.

Ideally, we would like to be able to design multi-writer snapshot implementations, which have step complexity that is independent of n, the total number of processes. (Usually, n is much larger than the number m of snapshot components.) However, it has been proved [14] that, in any implementation of multi-writer snapshot objects from a fixed number of read–write registers, the step complexity of SCAN grows without bound as n increases. Current snapshot implementations [1,2,3, 8, 12,13,14, 19, 20] from read–write registers have step complexity at least linear in n.

In this paper, we show that the dependence of step complexity on n can be beaten, if we restrict attention to single-scanner snapshots [22, 24, 27]. A single-scanner snapshot is an interesting variant of a general snapshot object in which only one process, called the scanner, performs SCAN operations at any point in time.

Single-scanner snapshots have several applications and therefore studying their complexity is of interest. Many of the contemporary programming environments support garbage collection for reclaiming memory. In such environments, a process, known as a garbage collector, is periodically executed to reclaim the unused memory. Backup is another classical application of a single-scanner snapshot algorithm. In such systems, a single process is responsible for periodically taking snapshots of a system’s critical data. As a last example, consider a debugging environment for parallel applications. In all these environments, it is important to take snapshots without interfering with the execution of the running application. The design of efficient wait-free single-scanner snapshot algorithms is therefore an interesting problem.

We study single-scanner, multi-writer snapshot implementations and present a collection of upper and lower bounds for their complexity. It turns out that single-scanner multi-writer snapshot implementations from read–write registers require at least m registers, even if the registers are of unbounded size. Jayanti et al. [23] have presented a lower bound of \(\varOmega (n)\) on the step complexity of implementations of perturbable objects from read–write registers. They prove that single-writer snapshots are perturbable [23]. Their proof applies to the single-scanner case. A multi-writer snapshot trivially implements a single-writer snapshot for m processes. This implies a lower bound of \(\varOmega (m)\) on the step complexity of SCAN for single-scanner, multi-writer snapshots.

We present a lower bound of \(\varOmega (m^2)\) on the step complexity of SCAN for space-optimal single-scanner multi-writer snapshot implementations for \(n > m+1\) processes. This lower bound holds even if each of the snapshot components can store only three different values. Additionally, we present a single-scanner multi-writer snapshot implementation, called Checkmarking, which has \(O(m^2)\) step complexity and uses \(m+1\) registers of unbounded size. Thus, Checkmarking uses just one more register than a space optimal implementation and its step complexity matches the lower bound we proved for such implementations to within a constant factor.

Table 1 Summary of known single-scanner snapshot implementations

We also present the Time-efficient family of single scanner, multi-writer m-component snapshot implementations from read–write registers. It contains the first step-optimal implementations. These implementations have step complexity O(m) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE and use bounded-size registers. The first implementation, called T-Opt, is the simplest, but (in systems with no garbage collector) the number of registers it uses depends on the number of SCAN operations executed (that might be unbounded).

To improve space efficiency, we first present a relatively simple recycling technique that results in an implementation, called RT, that uses O(mn) bounded-size registers, and has step complexity O(1) for UPDATE and O(n) for SCAN. Thus, RT sacrifices the step optimality of T-Opt for less space. We then introduce a more interesting recycling technique to get an implementation, called RT-Opt, that uses O(mn) bounded-size read–write registers and achieves optimal step complexity, that is, step complexity O(1) for UPDATE and O(m) for SCAN. RT is a middle ground between T-Opt and RT-Opt; its design provides intuition for RT-Opt and simplifies its presentation. RT-Opt sacrifices space for better step complexity. We believe that it could be used to reduce the space complexity of other interesting distributed problems.

A practical snapshot implementation should ensure that the performance of UPDATE is within a small constant of that of a write. (It is usually not desirable to significantly increase the cost of updating shared memory.) The Time-efficient family ensures this property by having UPDATES perform a small number of accesses in shared memory.

We remark that T-Opt works even if processes do not have unique identifiers. Moreover, T-Opt and Checkmarking work even if the number of participating processes is unbounded. All our single-scanner implementations work even if several processes perform SCANS, although not simultaneously. T-Opt and RT do not require any changes. In order that RT-Opt works, some of the scanner’s persistent (static) variables must be accessed by each process performing a SCAN, although these variables will never be accessed concurrently.

Table 1 summarizes known single-scanner snapshot implementations from registers.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we discuss related work. Our model is presented in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we present the \(\varOmega (m^2)\) lower bound on the step complexity of space-optimal, single-scanner multi-writer snapshots. Checkmarking is presented in Sect. 5, and T-Opt, RT and RT-Opt are presented in Sects. 67, and 8, respectively. A discussion and some open problems are provided in Sect. 9.

2 Related work

Fatourou, Fich, and Ruppert have proved in [11, 13] that multi-scanner multi-writer m-component snapshot implementations from read–write registers require at least m registers. Moreover, they have presented a lower bound of \(\varOmega (mn)\) on the step complexity of SCANS for such implementations that are space optimal. Covering arguments [9] were used to prove these lower bounds; first, a number of structural properties for these implementations were presented and then, these properties were used to construct an execution where a troublesome SCAN takes many steps. We employ similar arguments in order to prove our lower bounds. It is not difficult to observe that the structural properties proved in [13] also hold for the case of single-scanner implementations. This leads to the observation that the space lower bound of \(\varOmega (m)\) proved in [13] also holds for the single-scanner case. However, to prove the lower bound on the step complexity, we had to cope with several complications. To prove the lower bound of \(\varOmega (mn)\), it is essential that, in the execution constructed in [13], a number of SCANS take place concurrently with the troublesome SCAN in order to prove that the troublesome SCAN needs to take more and more steps. In the single-scanner case, it is not possible to have more than one concurrent SCAN active at each point in time, so it is only the troublesome SCAN, which is allowed to be active during the execution. This makes our construction more difficult and delicate and differentiates it from that presented in [13].

Attiya et al. [6] proved a lower bound of \(\varOmega (m)\) on the step complexity of UPDATE for partitioned implementations of multi-scanner, multi-writer snapshots from base objects of any type. An implementation is partitioned if each base object can only be modified by processes performing UPDATES to one specific component. T-Opt is a partitioned implementation of single-scanner multi-writer snapshots and has step complexity O(1) for UPDATE. So, the lower bound in [6] can be beaten if we restrict attention to the single-scanner case.

The first single-scanner, multi-writer snapshot implementations from read–write registers were presented by Kirousis et al. [24]. Their first implementation uses an unbounded number of registers and has unbounded step complexity for SCAN. A register recycling technique, which leads to an implementation that uses O(mn) bounded-size registers and has step complexity O(mn) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE, is also presented in [24]. As in the recycled implementation in [24], RT-Opt uses a two dimensional array of registers with O(n) rows of m registers each. However, the recycling technique employed by RT-Opt is much simpler than that proposed in [24], since RT-Opt recycles rows of this array and not a single element of an appropriate row for each component, as done in the implementation in [24]. Remarkably, our implementations significantly improve upon the implementations in [24] in terms of their step complexity. This is accomplished by employing different techniques to achieve fast termination.

For single-writer snapshots, a simplified version of the implementation in [24] that uses \(n+1\) single-writer registers of unbounded size and has step complexity O(n) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE is presented in [27]. Jayanti [22] has presented a simple, single-scanner, single-writer snapshot implementation from O(n) bounded-size single-writer registers that has step complexity O(n) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE.

Recall that Table 1 summarizes known single-scanner snapshot implementations from registers. It is remarkable that the step complexity of all previously presented single-scanner snapshot implementations from read–write registers is a function of n. In [22], Jayanti has also presented a single-scanner snapshot implementation, which has step complexity O(m) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE. However, that implementation uses stronger base objects such as LL/SC registers.

Our implementations are the first asynchronous snapshot implementations, which have step complexity that is linear (or quadratic) in the number of snapshot components. Snapshot implementations that are partially synchronous are provided in [24], but the correctness of these implementations is heavily based on the timing assumptions. Moreover, these assumptions simplify their design significantly. A snapshot algorithm for a system in which the number of processes may be infinite is presented in [16].

3 Model

We consider a system in which a set P of n processes run concurrently and asynchronously. The processes communicate by accessing shared objects and may fail by crashing. If a process crashes, it takes no more steps.

A read–write register R is a base object that stores a value from a set and supports the atomic primitives write(Rv) that changes the value of R to v and returns an acknowledgment ack, and read(R), which returns the value of R without any change. All processes may perform write to a multi-writer register, whereas only one process may perform write to a single-writer register.

A (multi-writer) snapshot object A consists of m components \(A_1, \ldots , A_m\), each capable of storing a value at a time; processes can perform two kinds of operations on the object: UPDATE(iv), which updates component \(A_i\) with value v and returns ack, and SCAN, which returns a vector of m values, one for each component of the snapshot object.

We study implementations of multi-writer snapshot objects from read–write registers. An implementation uses the registers to simulate the state of the snapshot components and provides an algorithm, for each process, to implement each simulated operation (i.e., SCAN and UPDATE).

A configuration C is a vector consisting of the states of the processes and the states of the registers used by the implementation. A configuration describes the system at some point in time. In an initial configuration, all processes are in initial states and all registers contain initial values. We say that a process takes a step whenever it performs a single access (read or write) to some register. A step might as well contain the execution of local computation by the process that takes the step; this computation may cause a change to the state of the process. Each step is executed atomically.

An execution is an alternating sequence of configurations and steps starting with a configuration. An execution \(\alpha \) is legal, starting from a configuration C, if the sequence of steps performed by each process follows the algorithm for that process (starting from its state in C) and for each register, the responses to the operations performed on the register are in accordance with its specification and the value stored in the register at configuration C. The schedule \(\pi (\alpha )\) of an execution \(\alpha \) is the subsequence of \(\alpha \) consisting of the steps of \(\alpha \). A schedule \(\pi \) is legal from some configuration C if there is a legal execution \(\alpha \) starting from C for which \(\pi = \pi (\alpha )\).

A configuration C is reachable if there is a legal execution \(\alpha \) starting from an initial configuration that results in C. A process is poised to perform a primitive on a register in a configuration C if it performs that primitive on the register when it is next allocated a step. A process covers a register R in a configuration C if it is poised to perform a write primitive to R at C. A set of processes \(P'\) covers a set of registers \(R'\) if \(|P'| = |R'|\), each process in \(P'\) covers a register in \(R'\) and each register in \(R'\) is covered by a process in \(P'\). Two executions \(\alpha \) and \(\alpha '\) are indistinguishable to some set of processes \(P'\), denoted by \(\alpha \approx _{P'} \alpha '\), if the sequence of steps performed by each process p in \(P'\) and the responses p received are the same in \(\alpha \) and \(\alpha '\). In a solo execution, all steps are performed by the same process.

Let op be some SCAN or UPDATE operation in \(\alpha \). The execution interval of op is the subsequence of \(\alpha \) that starts with the configuration that precedes the invocation (i.e., the first step) of op and ends when op responds. If the response of op precedes the invocation of some other SCAN (or UPDATE) \(op'\), then op precedes \(op'\). We say that op is pending at some configuration C if the process p executing op, has performed at least one step of the algorithm of op at C but has not yet completed executing op. If a process p has a pending operation at C, p is called active; otherwise, p is inactive at C. In a sequential execution, only one process is active at each configuration of the execution.

A snapshot implementation is single-scanner if in each execution produced by the implementation, there is only one process, called the scanner, that performs SCANS at each point in time. We remark that the implementations we present work correctly even if several scanners perform SCANS provided that the execution intervals of SCANS do not overlap with one another. Our lower bounds are also true in this case.

We study implementations that are linearizable [18]. An execution \(\alpha \) starting from an initial configuration is linearizable if for every completed SCAN or UPDATE operation op in \(\alpha \) (and for some of those that are not completed), we can choose a point in its execution interval, called linearization point, such that the response returned by op in \(\alpha \) is the same as the response op would return if these operations were executed sequentially in the order determined by their linearization points. The sequence of these linearization points is called a linearization of the execution. An implementation is linearizable if all its executions are linearizable. If L is a linearization of \(\alpha \), we say that the response of op is consistent in \(\alpha \) with respect to L (for simplicity, we sometimes omit reference to \(\alpha \) and L whenever they are clear from the context).

Additionally, our implementations are wait-free. Wait-freedom requires that every non-faulty process should complete the execution of every SCAN or UPDATE it initiates within a finite number of steps, independently of whether other processes crash or run at arbitrary speeds.

The step complexity of SCAN (UPDATE) for a snapshot implementation I is the maximum number of steps executed by a process to perform SCAN (UPDATE, respectively) in any execution produced by I. The step complexity of I is the maximum between the step complexity of SCAN and the step complexity of UPDATE for I. The space complexity of I is determined by the maximum number of registers (and their sizes) used in any execution produced by I.

4 Lower bound

In this section, we present lower bounds for single-scanner snapshot implementations. First, we argue that in a single-scanner implementation of an m-component multi-writer snapshot object for \(n > m+1\) processes using only m multi-writer registers, processes must access the registers in a very constrained way.

In multi-scanner (multi-writer) m-component snapshot implementations that use only m registers, Fatourou, Fich and Ruppert have proved in [12] that (1) SCANS do not write (Lemma 1), (2) unless every process has taken steps, each UPDATE operation writes to only one register (Lemma 2), and (3) processes that perform UPDATE operations to different snapshot components must write to different registers (Lemma 3). It is easy to verify that the proofs of these lemmas for the single-scanner case are similar to those presented in [12] for multi-scanner snapshots. For the sake of completeness, the proofs of Lemmas 13 (as well as of others that they depend on) are provided in the “Appendix”.

Let mn be integers such that \(m < n-1\) and fix any execution \(\alpha \) of an n-process single-scanner, multi-writer, m-component snapshot implementation from m registers starting from an initial configuration, \(C_0\).

Lemma 1

(Fatourou, Fich and Ruppert) No SCAN operation ever performs writes in \(\alpha \).

Consider any process \(p_i\), \(1 \le i \le n\), other than the scanner, and any component \(A_j\), \(1 \le j \le m\). For any value v different from the initial value of \(A_j\), consider an execution where \(p_i\) runs solo from \(C_0\) to perform an UPDATE on \(A_j\) with value v. It has been proved in [12] (see appendix) that this execution contains at least one write to some register and the first such write is performed to the same register independently of the process that executes the UPDATE and the value used. Denote this register by \(R_j\).

Lemma 2

(Fatourou, Fich and Ruppert) If there is a process, other than the scanner, that takes no steps in \(\alpha \), then for each \(j \in \{ 1,\ldots , m\}\), UPDATE operations to component \(A_j\) write only to \(R_j\).

Lemma 3

(Fatourou, Fich and Ruppert) For distinct \(j_1, j_2 \in \{ 1, \ldots , m \}\), \(R_{j_1} \ne R_{j_2}\).

Lemma 3 implies the following lower bound on the space complexity of single-scanner, multi-writer implementations of snapshot objects.

Theorem 1

Any n-process implementation of a multi-writer, single-scanner snapshot object with \(m < n-1\) components from multi-writer registers requires at least m registers.

We next employ Lemmas 13 to prove our lower bound on step complexity. To do so, we construct an execution in which the scanner, \(p_s\), takes \(\varOmega (m^2)\) steps to perform a single SCAN operation S. The construction is inductive, constructing executions \(\alpha _0, \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{m-2}\), in which \(p_s\) takes more and more steps to complete S. The key part of the induction step is to show that, for each index i, \(0 \le i < m-2\), \(p_s\) must read at least \((m-i)\) registers after \(\alpha _i\) to complete S. We prove that if \(p_s\) completes S without executing that many steps, then \(p_s\) returns an incorrect response. Thus, in \(\alpha _{m-2}\), \(p_s\) performs at least \(\varOmega (m^2)\) steps to execute S.

Theorem 2

Any n-process implementation of a multi-writer, single-scanner snapshot object with \(m < n-1\) components using m multi-writer registers has step complexity \(\varOmega (m^2)\).


Let \(p_s,p_u \in P\), \(p_s \ne p_u\), be any two processes; \(p_s\) will play the role of the scanner. We assume that the initial value of every component is \(\perp \). Let \(B_0\) be the empty set, let \(\pi _0\) be the empty sequence, and let \(\alpha _0\) be the empty execution. For \(0< i < m-2\), we inductively construct a sequence of indices \(\ell _i\), where \(1 \le \ell _i \le m\), a sequence of sets of registers \(B_i\), a sequence of processes \(p_i\), and a sequence of schedules:

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _i= & {} \rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \ldots \cdot \rho (\ell _1, 0) \cdot \\&\sigma _1 \cdot w_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot \\&\sigma _2 \cdot w_2 \cdot r_2 \cdot \\&\vdots \\&\sigma _i \cdot w_i \cdot r_i\, , \end{aligned}$$

where for each \(1 \le j \le i\):

  • \(p_j\) is a process not in \(\{p_s, p_u \}\) that does not take any step in \(\pi _{j-1}\),

  • \(\rho (\ell _j, 0)\) is the schedule of the biggest prefix of the solo execution of \(\mathtt{UPDATE}(\ell _j, 0)\) by \(p_j\) starting from \(C_0\) that does not contain any write,

  • \(w_j\) is the write that \(p_j\) is poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell _j, 0)\),

  • \(\sigma _j\) is a sequence of read steps by \(p_s\), and

  • \(r_j\) is a single read step of \(R_{\ell _j}\) by \(p_s\).

The construction is done in such a way that, for each \(0 \le i < m-2\), the following claims hold:

  1. 1.

    if \(i > 0\), \(R_{\ell _i} \not \in B_{i-1}\), \(B_i = B_{i-1} \cup \{ R_{\ell _i}\}\), and \(|B_i| = i\),

  2. 2.

    if \(i > 0\), for every register R, if R is not in \(B_{i-1} \cup \{R_{\ell _i} \}\), then \(\sigma _i\) contains a read of R,

  3. 3.

    \(\sigma _i\) does not contain writes to any register, nor does it contain any reads of register \(R_{\ell _i}\),

  4. 4.

    \(\pi _i\) is legal starting from \(C_0\),

  5. 5.

    if \(\alpha _i\) is the execution we get when we apply \(\pi _i\) from \(C_0\), all steps by \(p_s\) in \(\alpha _i\) are part of a single SCAN operation S, and

  6. 6.

    in a solo execution by \(p_s\) starting from the final configuration \(C_i\) of \(\alpha _i\), all registers apart from those in \(B_i\) are read.

The proof is by induction on i. For the base case, where \(i = 0\), Claims 1–5 hold vacuously. We prove claim 6. Let \(\gamma \) be the execution where \(p_s\) executes a SCAN operation solo starting from \(C_0\). We prove that in \(\gamma \) all m registers are read. To derive a contradiction, assume that there is an integer \(\ell \), \(1 \le \ell \le m\), such that \(R_{\ell }\) is not read by \(p_s\) during \(\gamma \). Let \(p \in P - \{p_s, p_u\}\) be any process and let \(\gamma '\) be the execution where p performs an UPDATE on component \(A_{\ell }\) solo with the value 1 starting from \(C_0\). Let \(\gamma ^{\prime \prime }\) be the execution we get when \(\pi (\gamma ') \cdot \pi (\gamma )\) is applied starting from \(C_0\). Execution \(\gamma ^{\prime \prime }\) is legal because Lemma 2 implies that all writes in \(\gamma '\) are on register \(R_{\ell }\) and by assumption, register \(R_{\ell }\) is not read during \(\gamma \). Thus, \(\gamma ''\) is indistinguishable from \(\gamma \) to process \(p_s\). Therefore, \(p_s\) returns the same vector of values in both executions. Since \(p_s\)’s SCAN starts after p’s UPDATE has terminated in \(\gamma ''\), process \(p_s\) must return the value 1 for component \(A_{\ell }\) in \(\gamma ''\). Thus, \(p_s\) must return 1 for \(A_{\ell }\) in \(\gamma \). However, no UPDATE with value 1 is executed in \(\gamma \). This contradicts linearizability for \(\gamma \).

Induction Hypothesis: Fix any integer i, \(0< i < m-2\). Assume that we have defined \(\ell _{i-1}\), and we have constructed \(B_{i-1}\) and \(\pi _{i-1}\) so that the claims hold; let \(\alpha _{i-1}\) be the execution we get when \(\pi _{i-1}\) is applied starting from \(C_0\).

Induction Step: We choose \(\ell _i\) and we show how to construct \(B_i\) and \(\pi _i\) so that the claims hold.

By induction hypothesis (claim 6), in a solo execution by \(p_s\) from the final configuration \(C_{i-1}\) of \(\alpha _{i-1}\), all registers apart from those in \(B_{i-1}\) are read. By induction hypothesis (claim 1), \(|B_{i-1}| = (i-1)\). Since \(i < m-2\), it follows that there is more than one register that does not belong to \(B_{i-1}\). Let \(\sigma _i\) be the sequence of steps performed by \(p_s\) when it runs solo from \(C_{i-1}\) until it has read all but one register outside \(B_{i-1}\) and it is poised to read this last register for the first time. Let \(R_{\ell _i}\) be this register and let \(B_i = B_{i-1} \cup \{ R_{\ell _i}\}\). By definition of \(B_i\), it follows that \(|B_i| = i\). Thus, claim 1 holds. By definition of \(\sigma _i\) and \(R_{\ell _i}\) and by Lemma 1, claims 2 and 3 also hold.

Let \(p_i\) be a process not in \(\{p_s, p_u\}\), which has not taken any steps during \(\alpha _{i-1}\). Let

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _i= & {} \rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \\&\pi _{i-1} \cdot \\&\sigma _i \cdot w_i \cdot r_i\, , \end{aligned}$$


  • \(\rho (\ell _i, 0)\) is the schedule of the biggest prefix of the solo execution of \(\mathtt{UPDATE}(\ell _i, 0)\) by \(p_i\) from \(C_0\) that does not contain any write primitive,

  • \(w_i\) is the write primitive that \(p_i\) is poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell _i, 0)\) has been applied starting from \(C_0\) (recall that the solo execution of \(\mathtt{UPDATE}(\ell _i,-)\) starting from \(C_0\) contains at least one write, and all writes contained in it are to register \(R_{\ell _i}\) by Lemma 2), and

  • \(r_i\) is the read of register \(R_{\ell _i}\) that process \(p_s\) is poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \pi _{i-1} \cdot \sigma _i \cdot w_i\) has been applied starting from \(C_0\).

Let \(\alpha _i\) be the execution we get when \(\pi _i\) is applied starting from \(C_0\). Since \(\rho (\ell _i,0)\) does not contain any write primitives, \(\rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \pi _{i-1} \cdot \sigma _i\) is legal starting from \(C_0\). Moreover, \(w_i\) and \(r_i\) are just the steps that processes \(p_i\) and \(p_s\), respectively, are poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \pi _{i-1} \cdot \sigma _i\) has been applied starting from \(C_0\). Thus, \(\alpha _i\) is legal starting from \(C_0\), and claim 4 holds.

By definition of \(\sigma _i\) and \(r_i\), claim 5 holds. We next prove claim 6. To derive a contradiction, assume that in a solo execution by \(p_s\) starting from the final configuration \(C_i\) of \(\alpha _i\), there exists some register \(R_\ell \not \in B_i\) that is not read. Denote by \(\sigma \) the sequence of steps performed by \(p_s\) when it runs solo to complete its active SCAN starting from \(C_i\). Let p be any process not in \(\{ p_s, p_u\}\) that does not take any step in \(\alpha _i\), and let

$$\begin{aligned} \tau= & {} \rho (\ell , 0) \cdot \\&\pi _i \cdot \\&\sigma \cdot w \cdot S' \\= & {} \rho (\ell , 0) \cdot \\&\rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \ldots \cdot \rho (\ell _1, 0) \cdot \\&\sigma _1 \cdot w_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot \\&\sigma _2 \cdot w_2 \cdot r_2 \cdot \\&\vdots \\&\sigma _i \cdot w_i \cdot r_i \cdot \\&\sigma \cdot w \cdot S'\, , \end{aligned}$$


  • \(\rho (\ell , 0)\) is the schedule of the biggest prefix of the solo execution of \(\mathtt{UPDATE}(\ell , 0)\) by p from \(C_0\) that does not contain any write primitive,

  • w is the write primitive that process p is poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell , 0)\) has been applied starting from \(C_0\), and

  • \(S'\) is the sequence of steps by process \(p_s\) for executing one more SCAN operation (other than S) solo starting from the configuration that we get when \( \rho (\ell , 0) \cdot \pi _i \cdot \sigma \cdot w\) is applied starting from \(C_0\).

Let \(\gamma \) be the execution we get when \(\tau \) is applied starting from \(C_0\). We argue that \(\gamma \) is legal. By definition, \(\rho (\ell , 0)\) contains no write primitives, so the execution we get when \(\rho (\ell , 0) \cdot \pi _i \cdot \sigma \) is applied starting from \(C_0\) is legal. Since w is the step p is poised to perform after \(\rho (\ell , 0)\) has been applied starting from \(C_0\), \(\gamma \) is legal.

We aim at constructing another execution \(\gamma '\) such that \(\gamma '\) is indistinguishable from \(\gamma \) to process \(p_s\) and still \(p_s\) must return different vectors of values in these two executions.

Execution \(\gamma '\) is constructed by adding a number of UPDATES, each with value 1, executed by process \(p_u\). More specifically, an UPDATE operation \(U(\ell _1, 1)\) by process \(p_u\) on component \(\ell _1\) with value 1 is executed before \(\sigma _1\). For each \(1 \le j < i\), a sequence of two UPDATES \(U(\ell _{j+1}, 1) \cdot U'(\ell _j, 1)\) by process \(p_u\) on components \(\ell _{j+1}\) and \(\ell _j\) with value 1 is executed after \(\sigma _j\). A sequence of two UPDATES \(U(\ell , 1) \cdot U'(\ell _i, 1)\) by process \(p_u\) on components \(\ell \) and \(\ell _i\) with value 1 is executed after \(\sigma _i\). An UPDATE operation \(U'(\ell , 1)\) with value 1 by process \(p_u\) is executed after \(\sigma \). Let

$$\begin{aligned} \tau '= & {} \rho (\ell ,0) \cdot \rho (\ell _i, 0) \cdot \ldots \cdot \rho (\ell _1, 0) \cdot \\&U(\ell _1, 1) \cdot \\&\sigma _1 \cdot U(\ell _2, 1) \cdot U'(\ell _1, 1) \cdot w_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot \\&\sigma _2 \cdot U(\ell _3, 1) \cdot U'(\ell _2, 1) \cdot w_2 \cdot r_2 \cdot \\&\vdots \\&\sigma _{i-1} \cdot U(\ell _i, 1) \cdot U'(\ell _{i-1}, 1) \cdot w_{i-1} \cdot r_{i-1} \cdot \\&\sigma _i \cdot U(\ell , 1) \cdot U'(\ell _i, 1) \cdot w_i \cdot r_i \cdot \\&\sigma \cdot U'(\ell , 1) \cdot w \cdot S'\, . \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\gamma '\) be the execution we get when \(\tau '\) is applied starting from \(C_0\). We first prove that \(\gamma '\) is legal. After the beginning of the execution of \(U(\ell _1, 1)\) (that is the first UPDATE by \(p_u\)), each of the processes \(p_1, \ldots , p_i, p\) executes just the write primitive that it is poised to perform. By Lemma 2, for each \(1 \le j \le i\), all writes contained in \(U(\ell _j, 1)\) are to register \(R_{\ell _j}\). By induction hypothesis (claim 3), register \(R_{\ell _j}\) is not read during \(\sigma _j\). Moreover, \(w_j\) overwrites any value that was written to \(R_{\ell _j}\) during \(U(\ell _j, 1)\). By Lemma 2, all writes contained in \(U'(\ell _j, 1)\) are to register \(R_{\ell _j}\). Register \(R_{\ell _j}\) is overwritten by \(w_j\) before \(p_s\) executes any read primitive. By Lemma 2, all writes contained in \(U(\ell ,1)\) and \(U'(\ell ,1)\) are to register \(R_{\ell }\). By assumption, register \(R_{\ell }\) is not read during \(\sigma \); moreover, register \(R_{\ell }\) is overwritten by w. Thus, none of the values written to a register by \(p_u\) is ever read by \(p_s\). It follows that \(\gamma '\) is legal starting from \(C_0\). Notice that \(\gamma '\) is indistinguishable from \(\gamma \) to all processes other than \(p_u\). (We remark that for defining \(\tau '\) we abuse notation and use U and \(U'\) to denote both the UPDATE operations and the sequence of steps these UPDATES perform in \(\gamma '\).)

From now on we call process \(p_u\) invisible, while the rest of the processes that perform UPDATES are visible. UPDATES performed by visible processes are called visible UPDATES , whereas those performed by \(p_u\) are called invisible UPDATES . We remark that all visible UPDATES use the value 0, whereas all invisible UPDATES use the value 1.

The operations by \(p_u\) and the final SCAN \(S'\) are executed serially in \(\gamma '\), so they are linearized according to the order of their execution:

$$\begin{aligned}&U(\ell _1, 1), \\&U(\ell _2, 1), U'(\ell _1, 1), \\&U(\ell _3, 1), U'(\ell _2, 1), \\&\vdots \\&U(\ell _i, 1), U'(\ell _{i-1}, 1) \\&U(\ell , 1), U'(\ell _i, 1) \\&U'(\ell , 1), S'. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 1
figure 1

Proof of Theorem 2: Linearization points for SCANS and UPDATES in \(\gamma '\)

We next argue about the order in which visible UPDATES are linearized. By claim 1, for all jk, \(1 \le j, k \le i\), \(j \ne k\), \(\ell _j \ne \ell _k\). Moreover, \(\ell \ne \ell _j\) and \(\ell \ne \ell _k\) since \(R_\ell \not \in B_i\). Thus, every visible UPDATE is executed on a different component from any other visible UPDATE in \(\gamma \) and \(\gamma '\).

Since \(\gamma \) is indistinguishable from \(\gamma '\) to process \(p_s\), \(S'\) returns the same vector of values in \(\gamma \) and \(\gamma '\). In the partial linearization order presented above, no invisible UPDATE on \(A_{\ell _j}\) is linearized between \(U'(\ell _j, 1)\) and \(S'\). Thus, for each \(1 \le j \le i\), \(S'\) returns either 1 for component \(A_{\ell _j}\) or the value 0 of some visible UPDATE that is linearized after \(U'(\ell _j, 1)\). However, \(S'\) cannot return 1 for \(A_{\ell _j}\) because \(S'\) returns the same vector of values in \(\gamma \) and \(\gamma '\), and no UPDATE with value 1 is executed in \(\gamma \). Thus, \(U(\ell _j, 0)\) (the unique visible UPDATE on \(A_{\ell _j}\)) must be linearized between \(U'(\ell _j, 1)\) and \(S'\) (see Fig. 1).

We next prove that in any linearization order of \(\gamma '\), the snapshot object always contains the value 1 in at least one of its components after the execution of \(U(\ell _1, 1)\). For each \(1 \le j \le i\), the value 1, written by \(U(l_j, 1)\), is in \(A_{\ell _j}\) from the execution of \(U(\ell _j, 1)\) until the execution of \(U'(\ell _j, 1)\). Moreover, the value 1 is in \(A_{\ell }\) from the execution of \(U(\ell ,1)\) until the execution of \(U'(\ell , 1)\). Notice that S, the first SCAN by \(p_s\), starts its execution in \(\gamma '\) after \(U(l_1,1)\) and terminates before \(U'(\ell ,1)\). Thus, its linearization point must be placed between \(U(l_1,1)\) and \(U'(\ell ,1)\) (see Fig. 1). It follows that S must return the value 1 for at least one component in \(\gamma '\) (independently of where exactly it is linearized). However, \(p_s\) must return the same vector of values in executions \(\gamma \) and \(\gamma '\), and no UPDATE with value 1 is executed in \(\gamma \). This contradicts the fact that \(\gamma \) is linearizable.

We conclude that claim 6 holds. The proof of the induction step is now complete.

Claims 1 and 2 imply that for each i, \(1 \le i < m-2\), \(p_s\) performs \(m-i\) read primitives during \(\sigma _i\) and \(r_i\). Thus, in \(\alpha _{m - 1}\), \(p_s\) performs at least \((m + (m-1) + \cdots + 3) \in \varOmega (m^2)\) read primitives. \(\square \)

5 The Checkmarking algorithm

In this section, we present Checkmarking, a single-scanner, multi-writer m-component snapshot implementation from \(m+1\) registers. Checkmarking is linearizable and has step complexity \(O(m^2)\).

A description of Checkmarking is provided in Sect. 5.1. In Sect. 5.2, we prove that Checkmarking is linearizable, and in Sect. 5.3, we study its space complexity and its step complexity.

5.1 Description

Checkmarking uses \(m+1\) registers, denoted \(R_1\), \(\ldots \), \(R_{m+1}\); these are the only shared variables used by the algorithm. Each component \(A_i\), \(1 \le i \le m\), is associated with a register \(R_i\) and processes updating \(A_i\) write only to \(R_i\). Register \(R_{m+1}\) is written when some SCAN takes place (i.e., it is written by the process executing the SCAN). Notice that if we assume that all SCANS are performed by a single process (that is, there is a single scanner in the system), then \(R_{m+1}\) is a single-writer register. We remark that the algorithm is correct even if SCAN operations are executed by different processes provided that no pair of SCANS overlaps.

Checkmarking is based on the well-known technique [1] in which a scanner repeatedly reads the m registers written by the updaters until it sees the same values in all registers in two consecutive sets of reads. To achieve wait-freedom, a process executing UPDATE helps SCAN by calculating a vector of values and storing it in the appropriate register together with the new value. In contrast to what happens in [1], Checkmarking avoids paying a step complexity cost of \(\varOmega (n)\) by introducing a new efficient termination technique for SCANS, which takes into consideration the fact that Checkmarking is single-scanner.

For each \(1 \le i \le m\), register \(R_i\) stores the following information: (1) the value of component \(A_i\), (2) the identifier id of the process p that performed the last write to \(R_i\),(3) a timestamp, which is used by p to distinguish its UPDATES, (4) a sequence number, curr_seq, that p read in \(R_{m+1}\) at the beginning of the execution of the UPDATE operation that last wrote in \(R_i\), and (5) a vector view containing a value for each of the m components. Register \(R_{m+1}\) stores only an integer, \(curr\_seq\), which has the initial value 1 and is increased by one each time a new SCAN operation starts executing.

Each SCAN and UPDATE operation tries to obtain a consistent vector by executing GetVector. Each time a SCAN S is executed by some process p, the following actions take place. Process p increases by one the \(curr\_seq\) field of register \(R_{m+1}\). Then, p executes GetVector and returns the vector calculated by it.

Each process has a local variable ts, with initial value 0, which is incremented every time the process executes an UPDATE operation. During the execution of an UPDATE on some component \(A_i\) by some process p, the following actions take place. Process p first reads the value of \(curr\_seq\) from register \(R_{m+1}\). To help SCANS complete, the UPDATE then tries to obtain a consistent vector by executing GetVector. Finally, p writes the new value of \(A_i\), its identifier, its increased timestamp, the value of \(curr\_seq\) it read in \(R_{m+1}\), and the vector of values calculated by GetVector to register \(R_i\). The pseudocode for SCAN and UPDATE is presented in Algorithm 1. For ease of presentation, we assume that \(R_{m+1}\) has the same structure as the rest of the registers and all its fields other than \(curr\_seq\) are unused.

figure a

Any instance g of GetVector performs consecutive sets of reads of \(R_1, \ldots , R_m\) until one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  1. 1.

    If the \(curr\_seq\) field of some register \(R_i\) has a value larger than or equal to the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of g, then the UPDATE operation that wrote this value to \(R_i\) started its execution after the beginning of the operation that invoked g and finished it before the completion of g. In this case, g returns the vector of values read in the view field of \(R_i\).

  2. 2.

    Assume that there exist integers \(\ell > 1\) and \(j \ge \ell \), for which the following hold: there exists an integer \(d \ge 0\), such that (a) during the \(\ell \)th set of reads, d registers \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_d}\) (and no others) have different values than those read during the \((\ell -1)\)st set of reads, (b) g has seen each of these d registers change at least once between the \(\ell \)th set of reads and the jth set of reads, and (c) j is the smallest and \(\ell \) is the largest integer for which conditions (a) and (b) hold. Then, g responds by returning the value fields of \(R_1, \ldots , R_m\) read during the \(\ell \)th set of reads. We remark that if \(d = 0\), then g terminates by observing, for each register, the same values in two consecutive sets of reads, namely the \((\ell -1)\)-st and the \(\ell \)th set of reads; we remark that in this case, \(j = \ell \).

Each of the processes maintains a local array of two dimensions, called history; for each j, \(1 \le j \le m+2\), the process stores in the j-th row of history the values it read during the j-th set of reads. To better illustrate the second termination condition, Fig. 2 shows array history for a snapshot object of four components in an execution of a SCAN S where six sets of reads take place before the second termination condition becomes true and S terminates. A \(\checkmark \) appears in those elements of the array whose value has changed from the (\(j-1\))-st set of reads to the jth set of reads. Termination condition (2) is satisfied for the first time when \(j = 6\) and \(\ell = 3\) because components \(A_1\) and \(A_3\), which are seen by S to have changed from the 2nd to the 3rd set of reads, have changed once more between the 3rd set of reads and the 6th set of reads. Notice that, for all smaller values of j, there is no value of \(\ell \) that satisfies the required property.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An example of an execution of an instance of GetVector in Checkmarking that terminates by evaluating the second termination condition to true

The pseudocode for GetVector is presented in Algorithm 2. Row 1 of history stores the information that is read during the initial set of reads (line 18 of the pseudocode). Specifically, for each i, \(1 \le i \le m\), each element of history[1][i] has two fields; these are r, which stores the value read in \(R_i\) during the first set of reads, and a boolean variable change, which is equal to false. For each \(1 < j \le m+2\), row j of history stores the information that is read during the jth set of reads. We will prove in Sect. 5.3 that at most \(m+2\) sets of reads may take place in any execution of GetVector. Moreover, history[j][i].change, \(1 \le i \le m\), is a boolean variable that indicates whether register \(R_i\) has been found to have a different value when it was read during the jth set of reads from the value read in it during the \((j-1)\)-st set of reads. The number of registers that have been found to indeed have a different value is stored in checkmarks[j]. Specifically, checkmarks[j] stores a counter of the number of checkmarks in row j that have no later checkmark in the same column (see Fig. 2).

figure b

To check whether condition (2) is satisfied, each time a checkmark is added in history[j][i], where \(2 \le j \le m+2\), \(1 \le i \le m\), the algorithm walks up column i starting from row \(j-1\) until it reaches an earlier checkmark in column i (or the beginning of the column). If an earlier checkmark is reached on row \(\ell \) of history, \(checkmarks[\ell ]\) is decreased by one and that checkmark is removed. If a row’s counter becomes equal to zero, condition (2) is satisfied and the algorithm terminates and returns the vector of values stored in that row.

Consider any SCAN S and let U be an UPDATE that performs its write primitive in the execution interval of S. Notice that if U starts its execution after S writes into \(R_{m+1}\), then the execution interval of U is contained in the execution interval of S. A SCAN that sees such an UPDATE borrows the vector written by it. Condition (2) guarantees that S terminates even if it does not ever see such an UPDATE.

5.2 Linearizability

Consider any execution \(\alpha \) of Checkmarking. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 1–5), it follows that no UPDATE ever writes into register \(R_{m+1}\). Thus, \(R_{m+1}\) is written only by SCANS. Moreover, the integers stored in \(R_{m+1}\) (lines 8–9) are strictly increasing.

Observation 3

The following hold:

  1. 1.

    no UPDATE ever writes to register \(R_{m+1}\), and

  2. 2.

    the values written into \(R_{m+1}\) are strictly increasing.

Let S be any SCAN executed in \(\alpha \) and denote by g the instance of GetVector executed by S.

Lemma 4

Suppose that g terminates after epoch iterations of the while loop of line 20. For each integer \(\ell \), \(1 \le \ell \le epoch\), at the beginning of the \(\ell \)th iteration, it holds that for each integer i, \(1< i < \ell \), \(checkmarks[i] > 0\).


The proof is a direct induction on \(\ell \). The claim holds vacuously when \(\ell = 1\). Fix any \(\ell \), \(1 \le \ell < epoch\) and suppose that the claim is true for \(\ell \). We prove that the claim holds for \(\ell +1\).

Since \(\ell < epoch\), it follows that g does not terminate during the \(\ell \)th iteration of the while loop. By inspection of the pseudocode, it follows that the condition of the if statement of line 26 evaluates to true at least once during the execution of the \(\ell \)th iteration (otherwise, g would return on line 38 before the end of the \(\ell \)th iteration). It follows that \(checkmarks[\ell ] > 0\) at the end of the \(\ell \)th iteration.

The induction hypothesis implies that at the beginning of the \(\ell \)th iteration, for each j, \(2 \le j < \ell \), \(checkmarks[j] > 0\). By inspection of the pseudocode, it follows that checkmarks[j] is reduced only whenever line 30 is executed. However, the if statement of line 32 implies that the first time that checkmarks[j] becomes equal to zero for some j, g terminates. Since \(\ell < epoch\), this does not occur during the \(\ell \)th iteration of the while loop. It follows that at the beginning of the \((\ell +1)\)-st iteration, it holds that for each j, \(2 \le j < \ell +1\), \(checkmarks[j] > 0\). \(\square \)

By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 34 and 38) and by Lemma 4, we get the following observation.

Observation 4

Suppose that g returns on line 34 or 38. Then, the following hold:

  1. 1.

    at the point that g returns, there is an integer \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le epoch\), such that \(checkmarks[\ell ] = 0\), and for each integer j, \(1 < j \le epoch\), \(j \ne \ell \), \(checkmarks[j] \ne 0\),

  2. 2.

    g returns the values read during the \(\ell \)th iteration of the while loop of line 20.

We split the execution interval of g into epochs as follows. Epoch 1 starts with the first and ends with the last read primitive of the initial set of reads. Similarly, for each \(i >1\), the ith epoch (or epoch i) starts with the first and ends with the last read primitive of the ith set of reads.

Assume that g completes on line 25 of the pseudocode. We denote by \(k_g\) the largest integer for which the following holds: there exists a sequence \(U_1, \ldots , U_{k_g}\) of UPDATES such that:

  • \(U_{k_g}\) is the UPDATE operation that writes the vector of values returned by g, and

  • for each \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le k_g\), the instance \(g_\ell \) of GetVector that is executed by \(U_\ell \) returns (on line 25) the vector of values written by \(U_{\ell -1}\).

Table 2 Notation used in the proof of Checkmarking

Let \(SU(g) = U_1, \ldots , U_{k_g}\) and let \(SG(g) = g_1, \ldots , g_{k_g}\). In case g does not terminate on line 25, \(SU(g) = SG(g) = \lambda \) (where \(\lambda \) is the empty sequence). Notice that g and each of the \(g_1, \ldots , g_{k_g} \in SG(g)\) return the same vector of values. Moreover, \(g_1\) returns by executing line 34 or line 38 of the pseudocode, while \(g_2, \ldots , g_{k_g}, g\) return by executing line 25. Let \(g(S) = g_1\) if \(SG(g) \ne \lambda \), and let \(g(S) = g\) otherwise. For clarity of presentation, Table 2 summarizes the notation used in this section.

The following observation is a consequence of the above definitions.

Observation 5

For any SCAN operation S in \(\alpha \), the following hold:

  1. 1.

    g(S) returns on line 34 or line 38,

  2. 2.

    S returns the same vector of values as g(S), and

  3. 3.

    if g is the instance of GetVector invoked by S and \(SG(g) \ne \lambda \), then g returns by executing line 25. Moreover, for each instance \(g'\) of GetVector in SG(g) other than g(S), \(g'\) returns by executing line 25.

We next assign linearization points to SCANS that complete in \(\alpha \) and to UPDATES that perform the write of line 5 in \(\alpha \).

Consider any SCAN operation S that completes in \(\alpha \). We find it helpful to assign a linearization point not only to S but also to g(S). Assume that g(S) returns after having executed \(epoch \ge 1\) iterations of the while loop of line 20. By Observation 5 (claim 1), g(S) terminates by executing line 34 or line 38. By Observation 4, at the point that g(S) terminates, there is a unique integer \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le epoch\), for which it holds that \(checkmarks[\ell ] = 0\); moreover, g(S) returns the values it read during its \(\ell \)th epoch. We insert the linearization point for g(S) immediately before the point that performs the first read primitive of the \(\ell \)th epoch. The linearization point for S is inserted at the same place as that for g(S).

Let \(d \ge 0\) be the number of registers whose values have changed from the \((\ell -1)\)-st to the \(\ell \)th epoch of g(S). Denote by \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\) these registers, denote by \(v_{x_1}, \ldots , v_{x_{d}}\) the values read by g(S) in \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\), respectively, during the \(\ell \)th epoch, and let \(U_{x_1}, \ldots , U_{x_{d}}\) be the UPDATES that wrote the values \(v_{x_1}, \ldots , v_{x_{d}}\) to \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\). Notice that \(U_{x_1}, \ldots , U_{x_{d}}\) update different components. For those UPDATES of the \(U_{x_1}, \ldots , U_{x_{d}}\) that performed their write primitives after the first read primitive \(r_1\) of the \(\ell \)th epoch of g(S), we insert their linearization points immediately before the linearization point of g(S) (in any order since they all update different components). After we have assigned linearization points to all SCANS (and to some UPDATES) according to the rules described above, we linearize each UPDATE that has not yet been assigned a linearization point at the point where its write occurs. Let L be the linearization of \(\alpha \) determined by assigning linearization points to operations as described above.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example of an execution of Checkmarking

Intuitively, it turns out that all values read by g(S) in the \(\ell \)th epoch have been written by UPDATES that have started their execution before S writes to \(R_{m+1}\). Some of them perform their write before \(r_1\) (where S is linearized), whereas others after it. Let U be such an UPDATE that performs its write before \(r_1\). Let \(A_j\) be the component that U updates. We argue that U is linearized at its write and no other UPDATE has written to \(R_j\) between U’s write and \(r_1\). This implies the consistency of the value returned for \(A_j\) by g(S) (as well as by S).

To guarantee the consistency of those values returned by S that have been written by UPDATES, which perform their writes after \(r_1\), we have to move the linearization points of these UPDATES immediately before \(r_1\) (that is earlier than the points where their write primitives occur). Let U be an UPDATE whose linearization point has been placed immediately before \(r_1\). Assume that U updates component \(A_j\) and let w be the write primitive performed by U. Notice that w may obliterate the evidence of some other UPDATE \(U'\) on \(A_j\) that performs its write between \(r_1\) and \(r_j\). Since S does not see the value that \(U'\) writes for \(A_j\), \(U'\) is linearized at its write primitive and therefore after the linearization point of U. This might cause problems to the consistency of SCANS that follow S (see Fig. 3). For this reason, termination condition (2) requires that S sees the value written by one more UPDATE on \(A_j\) (let it be \(U''\)) after the \(\ell \)th epoch of its execution; we argue that \(U''\) is linearized at its write primitive, which occurs after \(r_j\) and before the end of S, and therefore \(U''\) is linearized after U and \(U'\). Thus, in order to be consistent, SCANS that are subsequent to S must return the value of \(U''\) or some later UPDATE (and not that of \(U'\), which they cannot be aware of).

By the way linearization points are assigned, each SCAN and each UPDATE that is linearized at the write primitive it performs on line 5 is assigned a unique linearization point. Consider an UPDATE U that is not linearized at the write primitive it performs on line 5; let w be this primitive. By the way linearization points are assigned, there is a SCAN S such that w is performed within the execution interval of S. Since there is a single active SCAN at each point in time, it follows that the linearization point of U is unique.

To argue that for each SCAN and UPDATE, its linearization point is within its execution interval, we first prove the following technical lemma.

Lemma 5

Consider any SCAN operation S in \(\alpha \) and denote by g the instance of GetVector that is executed by S. Let \(SU(g) = U_1, \ldots , U_{k_g} \ne \lambda \) and let \(SG(g) = g_1, \ldots , g_{k_g}\). Then, for each \(1 \le j \le k_g\), it holds that:

  1. 1.

    if \(j > 1\), \(U_{j-1}\) performs its write primitive before the write primitive of \(U_j\),

  2. 2.

    the value of \(curr\_seq\) read in \(R_{m+1}\) by \(U_j\) is the value written there by S, and

  3. 3.

    the execution interval of \(U_j\) (and therefore also of \(g_j\)) is within the execution interval of S and starts after S has written to \(R_{m+1}\).


We start by proving claim 1. By definition of SU(g) and SG(g), for each \(1 < j \le k_g\), \(g_j\) (that is invoked by \(U_j\)) returns the vector of values written by \(U_{j-1}\). Thus, \(U_{j-1}\) executes its (unique) write primitive before the end of \(g_j\) and therefore before the write primitive of \(U_j\).

Next, we prove claim 2. Let \(g_{k_g+1} = g\). Consider any j, \(1 < j \le k_g + 1\). Observation 5 (claim 3) implies that \(g_j\) terminates by executing line 25 of the pseudocode. Therefore, the condition of the if statement on line 24 is evaluated to true by \(g_j\). Since (1) \(g_j\) returns mp.view, (2) mp is the value written by \(U_{j-1}\), and (3) \(mp.curr\_seq\) is greater than or equal to the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of \(g_j\), it follows that \(U_{j-1}\) has read a value for \(curr\_seq\) in \(R_{m+1}\) that is greater than or equal to that read by \(U_j\) (if \(j \le k_g\)), or to the value written there by S (if \(j = k_g + 1\)). (Notice that the value written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S is equal to the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of \(g = g_{k_g+1}\).)

By definition of SU(g), g returns the vector of values written by \(U_{k_g}\). Thus, \(U_{k_g}\) terminates before the end of g (and therefore also before the end of S). By claim 1, for each \(1 \le j < k_g\), \(U_j\) terminates before \(U_{k_g}\). Therefore, \(U_j\) also terminates before the end of S. Since there is just a single active SCAN in the system at each point in time and for each j, \(1 \le j \le k_g\), S terminates after the end of \(U_{j}\), Observation 3 (claim 1) implies that \(U_{j}\) cannot read a value for \(curr\_seq\) in \(R_{m+1}\) greater than that written there by S. Thus, \(U_{j}\) reads the value written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S for \(curr\_seq\).

We next prove claim 3. It suffices to prove that \(U_j\) (and therefore also \(g_j\), which is invoked by \(U_j\)) starts its execution after S has written to \(R_{m+1}\). This is so because \(U_j\) starts its execution by reading \(R_{m+1}\) and reads there the value written by S. \(\square \)

The next lemma is a consequence of Lemma 5 and the definition of g(S).

Lemma 6

Consider any SCAN operation S in \(\alpha \). Then, the following hold:

  1. 1.

    the execution interval of g(S) is contained in the execution interval of S and starts after S has written to \(R_{m+1}\), and

  2. 2.

    the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of g(S) has the value written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S.


Let g be the instance of GetVector executed by S. Consider first the case where \(SG(g) = \lambda \). Then, \(g(S) = g\) (by definition). Obviously, the execution interval of g is contained in the execution interval of S (since g is executed by S). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 8–10), S invokes g after it writes to \(R_{m+1}\). Also, notice that the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of g has the value written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S (because g is called by S with this parameter).

Consider now the case where \(SG(g) \ne \lambda \). Then, \(g(S) = g_1\) (by definition). By Lemma 5 (claim 3), it follows that the execution interval of the first instance \(g_1\) of GetVector in SG(g) is within the execution interval of S and starts after S has written to \(R_{m+1}\). Lemma 5 (claim 2) implies that the \(curr\_seq\) parameter of \(g_1\) has the value written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S. \(\square \)

We next prove that the linearization point of any SCAN that terminates in \(\alpha \) is within its execution interval.

Lemma 7

For each SCAN operation S that terminates in \(\alpha \), the following hold:

  1. 1.

    the linearization point of g(S) is within its execution interval, and

  2. 2.

    the linearization point of S is within its execution interval.


Consider any SCAN S that terminates in \(\alpha \). By Observation 5 (claim 1), g(S) returns by executing line 34 or line 38. By the way linearization points are assigned, it follows that the linearization point of g(S) is within its execution interval. Moreover, the linearization point of S is placed at the same point as that of g(S). By Lemma 6 (claim 1), the execution interval of g(S) is within the execution interval of S. Therefore, the linearization point of S is within its execution interval. \(\square \)

Next, we study properties of an UPDATE operation whose linearization point has not been inserted at its write primitive.

Lemma 8

Consider any UPDATE operation U on a component \(A_j\) such that the linearization point of U is not at the point that it performs its write primitive. Then, there exists a SCAN operation S such that:

  1. 1.

    the linearization point of U is contained in the execution interval of S,

  2. 2.

    S returns the value v written by U for component \(A_j\), and

  3. 3.

    the write primitive of U follows the linearization point of g(S) and precedes the end of S.


We start by proving claim 1. Since the linearization point of U has not been inserted at the point that U performs its write, by the way linearization points are assigned, there is some SCAN operation S such that U is linearized immediately before g(S). The linearization point of S is placed at the same point as the linearization point of g(S). By Lemma 7 (claim 2), the linearization point of S is within its execution interval. It follows that the linearization point of U is within the execution interval of S.

Next, we prove claim 2. Assume that g(S) returns after epoch iterations of the while loop of line 20. By Observation 5 (claim 1), g(S) terminates by executing line 34 or line 38. By Observation 4, at the point that g(S) terminates, there is a unique integer \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le epoch\), for which it holds that \(checkmarks[\ell ] = 0\); moreover, g(S) returns the values it read during its \(\ell \)th epoch. Let \(d \ge 0\) be the number of registers whose values have changed from the \((\ell -1)\)-st to the \(\ell \)th epoch of g(S). Denote by \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\) these registers, denote by \(v_{x_1}, \ldots , v_{x_{d}}\) the values read by g(S) in \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\), respectively, during the \(\ell \)th epoch, and let \(U_{x_1}, \ldots , U_{x_{d}}\) be the UPDATES that wrote the values \(v_{x_1}, \ldots , v_{x_{d}}\) to \(R_{x_1}, \ldots , R_{x_{d}}\). By the way linearization points are assigned, U must be one of the \(U_{x_1}, \ldots , U_{x_{d}}\). Thus, in the \(\ell \)th epoch, g(S) reads the value written by U for \(A_j\). Since g(S) returns the vector of values read in the \(\ell \)th epoch, it follows that g(S) returns the value written by U for \(A_j\). By Observation 5 (claim 2), S returns the same vector of values as g(S). Thus, S returns the value written by U for \(A_j\).

We next prove claim 3. Let \(r_1\) be the first read primitive executed by g(S) at the \(\ell \)th epoch, and let \(r_j\) be the read primitive executed by g(S) on register \(R_j\) (that corresponds to component \(A_j\)) during the \(\ell \)th epoch. By the way linearization points are assigned, the write primitive w of U follows \(r_1\). Since g(S) is linearized immediately before \(r_1\), it follows that the write primitive of U follows the linearization point of g(S). Since S returns the value v written by U for \(A_j\), it follows that w is performed before the end of S. \(\square \)

We next prove that the linearization point of each UPDATE operation is within its execution interval.

Lemma 9

For each UPDATE operation U that performs its write in \(\alpha \), the linearization point of U is within its execution interval.


If the linearization point of U has been inserted at the point where its write occurs, then it is obviously within its execution interval. Assume that this is not the case. Then, there exists a SCAN operation S such that the linearization point of U has been inserted immediately before the linearization point of g(S). By Lemma 7 (claim 1), the linearization point of g(S) is within its execution interval. By Lemma 8 (claim 3), U has performed its write primitive after the linearization point of g(S).

By Lemma 6 (claim 1), the execution interval of g(S) starts after S has written to \(R_{m+1}\). It suffices to prove that U has started its execution before the write of S to \(R_{m+1}\). Suppose not. By Lemma 8 (claim 2), S returns the value written by U. By Observation 5 (claim 2), S returns the same vector of values as g(S). It follows that g(S) reads the value written by U. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 22–25), it follows that if U reads a value for \(curr\_seq\) greater than or equal to that written to \(R_{m+1}\) by S, g(S) will terminate by executing line 25 returning the vector of values written by U. This contradicts Observation 5 (claim 1). Thus, U reads in \(R_{m+1}\) a value for \(curr\_seq\) less than that written there by S. Therefore, Observation 3 implies that U starts its execution before S writes to \(R_{m+1}\). \(\square \)

Consider any UPDATE operation U on a component \(A_j\) such that the linearization point of U has not been inserted at the point that it performs its write primitive. By Lemma 8, there exists a SCAN operation, which we will denote by S(U), such that the linearization point of U has been inserted immediately before the linearization point of g(S(U)). To prove consistency of SCANS (with respect to L), we first prove the following technical lemma.

Lemma 10

Consider any UPDATE operation U on a component \(A_j\) such that the linearization point of U has not been inserted at the point that it performs its write primitive. Then, there exists an UPDATE operation \(U'\) such that:

  1. 1.

    the write primitive w of U precedes the write primitive \(w'\) of \(U'\),

  2. 2.

    \(w'\) precedes the end of S(U), and

  3. 3.

    the linearization point of \(U'\) follows the linearization point of S(U).


Assume that g(S(U)) returns after epoch iterations of the while loop (line 20). By Observation 5 (claim 1), g(S(U)) terminates by executing line 34 or line 38. By Observation 4, at the point that g(S(U)) terminates, there is a unique integer \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le epoch\), for which it holds that \(checkmarks[\ell ] = 0\); moreover, g(S(U)) returns the values it read during its \(\ell \)th epoch. By the way linearization points are assigned, g(S(U)) reads the value written by U for \(A_j\) during the \(\ell \)th epoch.

Let \(r_1\) be the first read executed by g(S(U)) at the \(\ell \)th epoch, and let \(r_j\) be the read of g(S(U)) on register \(R_j\) in the \(\ell \)th epoch. By the way linearization points are assigned, g(S(U)) is linearized before \(r_1\), U is linearized before g(S(U)), and U’s write is performed after \(r_1\) and before \(r_j\). Therefore, the first time g(S(U)) reads the value written to \(R_j\) by U is by executing \(r_j\) (i.e., in the \(\ell \)th epoch). By the pseudocode, it follows that \(history[\ell ][j].change == \mathtt{true}\) at the point that \(r_j\) is executed and therefore \(checkmarks[\ell ]\) is greater than zero at that point. By definition of \(\ell \), it follows that \(checkmarks[\ell ]\) is equal to zero at the point that g(S(U)) terminates. By inspection of the pseudocode, it follows that there is some integer \(\ell ' > \ell \) such that \(history[\ell '][j].change == \mathtt{true}\). Therefore, \(R_j\) that has changed from the \((\ell -1)\)-st to the \(\ell \)th epoch of g(S(U)) changes again from the \((\ell '-1)\)-st to the \(\ell '\)th epoch. So, there exists some UPDATE operation \(U'\), which performs its write primitive \(w'\) after the write primitive w of U and before the end of the execution interval of g(S(U)) (and therefore also of S(U)). So, claims 1 and 2 hold.

Next, we prove claim 3. We argue that the linearization point of \(U'\) is inserted at its write primitive and therefore it follows the linearization point of g(S(U)) and S(U). Suppose not. Then, by the way linearization points are assigned, there exists some SCAN operation \(S'\) such that \(S'\) returns \(U'\)’s value for \(A_j\) and the linearization point of \(U'\) is placed immediately before that of \(g(S')\) (and \(S'\)). Since S(U) returns U’s value and not \(U'\)’s value for \(A_j\), \(S'\) is different from S. Since, by claim 2, \(w'\) is performed before the end of the execution interval of S(U), Lemma 9 implies that the linearization point of \(U'\) is placed before the end of S(U). Thus, \(U'\) and therefore also \(S'\) is linearized before S(U). Lemma 7 (claim 1), Lemma 6 (claim 1), and Lemma 8 (claim 3) imply that \(w'\) occurs in the execution interval of \(S'\). Since w occurs in the execution interval of S(U) (between \(r_1\) and \(r_j\)), it follows that \(w'\) precedes w. This contradicts claim 1 proved above. \(\square \)

We are now ready to prove that SCANS return consistent vectors with respect to L.

Lemma 11

For each SCAN operation S that terminates in \(\alpha \), the vector of values returned by S is consistent with respect to L.


By the way linearization points are assigned, S is linearized at the same place as g(S). By Observation 5 (claim 2), S returns the same vector of values as g(S). Thus, it suffices to prove that g(S) returns a consistent vector of values with respect to L. Assume that \(view = \langle v_1, \ldots , v_m \rangle \) is the vector of values returned by g(S). To derive a contradiction, assume that there is some integer \(j \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that the value parameter of the last UPDATE U on \(A_j\), which is linearized before g(S) is not \(v_j\). Assume that the value of U is v and let \(U_j\) be the UPDATE operation, which writes the value \(v_j\) read by g(S) to \(R_j\).

By Observation 5 (claim 1), g(S) returns by executing line 34 or line 38 of the pseudocode. Assume that g(S) returns after having executed epoch iterations of the while loop. By Observation 4, at the point that g(S) terminates, there is a unique integer \(\ell \), \(1 < \ell \le epoch\), for which it holds that \(checkmarks[\ell ] = 0\); moreover, g(S) returns the values it read during its \(\ell \)th epoch. Let \(r_1\) be the first read of g(S) in the \(\ell \)th epoch and let \(r_j\) be the read of g(S) on register \(R_j\) (that corresponds to component \(A_j\)) in the \(\ell \)th epoch. We proceed by case analysis.

  1. 1.

    Assume first that \(U_j\) performs its write primitive \(w_j\) after \(r_1\). Since g(S) returns \(v_j\), it follows that \(U_j\) performs its write primitive between \(r_1\) and \(r_j\). By the way linearization points are assigned, the linearization point of \(U_j\) is inserted immediately before the linearization point of g(S) and no other UPDATE operation on \(A_j\) is linearized between \(U_j\) and S. (Recall that all UPDATES that are linearized immediately before g(S) are on distinct components.) This contradicts our assumption that U is linearized between \(U_j\) and g(S).

  2. 2.

    Assume now that \(w_j\) precedes \(r_1\). Assume first that U’s write primitive w follows \(w_j\). Since g(S) returns \(v_j\) for \(A_j\), the last write primitive to \(R_j\) that precedes \(r_j\) is \(w_j\). Since w follows \(w_j\), it follows that w follows \(r_j\) (see Fig. 4). Since g(S) is linearized immediately before \(r_1\), the linearization point of g(S) precedes w. Since U is linearized before S (and therefore before g(S)), it follows that U is not linearized at w. By the way linearization points are assigned, there exists some SCAN operation \(S'\) such that \(S'\) returns v and the linearization point of U is placed immediately before that of \(g(S')\). Since S returns \(v_j\) and not v for \(A_j\), \(S'\) is different from S. Lemma 8 (claim 3) implies that w precedes the end of the execution interval of \(S'\). Because w follows \(r_1\) (and precedes the end of the execution interval of \(S'\)), and there is just a single SCAN operation active at each point in time, it follows that \(S'\) follows S.

    By Lemma 7 (claim 2), the linearization point of S is within its execution interval. By Lemma 8 (claim 1), the linearization point of U is within the execution interval of \(S'\). It follows that the linearization point of U follows the linearization point of S. This is a contradiction.

    Assume next that w precedes \(w_j\) (see Fig. 5). By Lemma 9, U is linearized within its own execution interval. Thus, the latest point at which U can be linearized is at its write primitive w. Since w precedes \(w_j\) and U is linearized between \(U_j\) and S (and therefore after \(U_j\)), it follows that \(U_j\) is not linearized at its write primitive. Lemma 8 implies that there exists some SCAN operation \(S''\) such that \(U_j\) is linearized within the execution interval of \(S''\). If \(S= S''\), by the way linearization points are assigned, the linearization point of \(U_j\) is placed immediately before that of S and no other UPDATE on component \(A_j\) can be linearized in between. Since U is linearized between \(U_j\) and S, it follows that \(S \ne S''\).

    By Lemma 9, \(U_j\) is linearized within its own execution interval. Since \(w_j\) is the last instruction executed by \(U_j\) and \(w_j\) precedes \(r_1\), it follows that \(S''\) precedes S. Lemma 10 (claims 1 and 2) implies that there exists some UPDATE operation \(U'\) whose write primitive \(w'\) follows \(w_j\) and precedes the end of the execution interval of \(S''\). It follows that S does not read the value written by \(U_j\) in \(R_j\), so it does not return \(v_j\) for \(A_j\). A contradiction. \(\square \)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Case 2 of Lemma 11

Fig. 5
figure 5

Case 3 of Lemma 11

The following theorem is an immediate consequence of Lemmas 79 and 11.

Theorem 6

Checkmarking is linearizable.

5.3 Space and step complexity

In this section, we study the step complexity of Checkmarking. By inspection of the pseudocode, each SCAN and UPDATE operation performs only a constant number of shared memory accesses in addition to executing GetVector. Therefore, it suffices to prove that the step complexity of GetVector is \(O(m^2)\).

Consider any execution \(\alpha \) of Checkmarking and let g be any instance of GetVector executed in \(\alpha \). We prove that g does not execute more than \(m+1\) iterations of the while loop of line 20. To derive a contradiction, assume that g executes \(m+1\) iterations of the while loop without having terminated. By the pseudocode, it follows that for each i, \(2 \le i \le m+2\), there is an integer \(j_i\), \(1 \le j_i \le m\), such that \(history[i][j_i].change =\) true and no other change has been observed on column \(j_i\) of history after row i. Therefore, \(j_i\) must be distinct for each i. Since the snapshot object has only m components, this is a contradiction. Thus, after at most \(m+1\) iterations of the while loop, g completes its execution.

In each iteration of the while loop, m registers are read. GetVector additionally executes a set of m reads at the beginning of its execution. Thus, the step complexity of GetVector is \(O(m^2)\). We remark that the number of instructions executed by each instance of GetVector as local computation is also in \(O(m^2)\).

figure c

Theorem 7

Checkmarking uses \(m+1\) registers and has step complexity \(O(m^2)\).

6 The T-Opt algorithm

In this section, we present T-Opt, the first of the implementations of the Time-efficient family of algorithms. T-Opt is optimal in terms of its step complexity, i.e., it has step complexity O(m) for SCANS and O(1) for UPDATES. The number of registers that T-Opt uses is linear in the number of SCANS it performs in each execution and therefore it is unbounded.

The pseudocode for T-Opt is given in Algorithm 3. T-Opt is described in Sect. 6.1. Its correctness proof is provided in Sect. 6.2 and its space and step complexity are studied in Sect. 6.3

6.1 Description

Each time a SCAN starts its execution, the scanner stores a new sequence number in a register seq (line 7). In addition, T-Opt uses an array Val of m registers, one for each component.

Any UPDATE U on a component \(A_i\), \(1 \le i \le m\), writes its value into Val[i] (line 6). Before doing so, it stores (line 5) the current value of Val[i] in some appropriate element of an array of registers, called preVal, to help SCANS be consistent. Array preVal is a two-dimensional array with each row having m registers; the number of its rows depends on the maximum number of SCANS performed in an execution. Specifically, U starts by reading seq (line 1) and uses the sequence number that it reads there to determine the row of preVal in the ith entry of which it stores the value of Val[i] (line 5) before it overwrites it (line 6).

We will place the linearization point of each SCAN operation, S, at line 7. To ensure consistency, S must ignore the values written by UPDATES that start their execution after the beginning of S. To achieve this, S reads all m registers of Val (line 9) and the m registers of preVal[seq] (line 10), where seq contains the value written to it by S. We remark that UPDATES, which start their execution after S has written to seq and before the end of S, write to some register of row seq of preVal. Therefore, if \(preVal[seq][i] \ne \bot \) for some i, \(1 \le i \le m\), S should return the old value of Val[i] for component \(A_i\), which is stored in preVal[seq][i] (line 12). UPDATES that write to smaller rows of preVal have started their execution before S, so if S reads in Val the value written by such an UPDATE, it can include it to the vector it returns (line 11).

6.2 Linearizability

Let \(\alpha \) be any execution of T-Opt and let S be any SCAN performed in \(\alpha \). We start by introducing some useful notation. Let \(w_{seq}^{S}\) be the write to seq performed by S (line 7) and let \(seq_{S}\) be the value written to seq by S. Since there is a single-scanner active at each point in time, by inspection of the pseudocode (lines 7-12), we get the following:

Observation 8

The initial value of seq is 1 and seq’s value is incremented each time a SCAN executes line 7.

For each \(i \in \{1,\ldots , m\}\), denote by \(r_i^S\) the read of Val[i] by S (line 9), and by \(\tilde{r}_{i}^{S}\) the read of \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\) by S (line 10).

Observation 9

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_{seq}^S\) precedes \(r_i^S\), which precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

Let \(v_{i}\) be the value that S returns for component \(A_{i}\). In case S reads \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\), we denote by \(U_{i}^{S}\) the UPDATE such that \(U_{i}^{S}\) writes \(v_{i}\) to Val[i] and this write is the last to Val[i] that precedes \(r_{i}^{S}\). If S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\), we introduce the following notation. We denote by \(V_{i}^{S}\) the UPDATE such that \(V_{i}^{S}\) writes \(v_{i}\) to register \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\) and this write is the last to \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\) that precedes \(\tilde{r}_{i}^{S}\) (see Fig. 6). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 2-5), \(V_{i}^{S}\) reads the value \(v_{i}\) in Val[i]. We denote by \(U_{i}^{S}\) the UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) such that \(U_{i}^{S}\) writes \(v_{i}\) to Val[i] and this write is the last write to Val[i] before \(V_{i}^{S}\) reads Val[i]. In either case, let \(w_{i}^{S}\) be the write to Val[i] by \(U_{i}^{S}\) (line 6). For clarity of presentation, Table 3 summarizes the notation used in this section.

Fig. 6
figure 6

\(V_i^S\) writes \(v_i\) to register \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) and this write is the last to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) that precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\)

Table 3 Notation used in the proof of T-Opt

By definition of \(V_i^S\), \(V_i^S\) writes into \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 1, 4-5), it follows that it reads a value equal to \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) (line 3) and \(seq_S\) in register seq (line 1). Moreover, by definition of \(V_i^S\) and \(U_i^S\), the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\) since \(V_i^S\) reads in Val[i] the value written there by \(w_i^S\); additionally, \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) reads in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) the value written there by \(V_i^S\), so \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) follows the write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\).

Observation 10

For every \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), if S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\), the following hold:

  1. 1.

    \(V_i^S\) reads the value \(seq_S\) in register seq and the value \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\),

  2. 2.

    the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\), and

  3. 3.

    \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) follows the write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Proof of Lemma 12, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\)

Fig. 8
figure 8

Proof of Lemma 12, S reads \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\)

We now assign linearization points. Each SCAN S that terminates in \(\alpha \) is linearized at \(w_{seq}^{S}\). For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m \}\), if \(w_{i}^{S}\) (performed by \(U_{i}^{S}\)) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), we place the linearization point of \(U_{i}^{S}\) immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S}\). We also place the linearization point of each UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) that performs its write to Val[i] between \(w_{seq}^S\) and \(w_{i}^{S}\) immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S}\); ties are broken by the order that the writes to register Val[i] occur. After assigning linearization points to all SCANS and to some UPDATES (following the rules just described), we linearize each of the rest of the UPDATES that performs the write to Val[i] (line 6) in \(\alpha \), at this write. Let L be the linearization of \(\alpha \) determined by assigning linearization points to operations as described above.

We remark that \(U_i^S\) uses as a parameter the value \(v_i\) returned by S for \(A_i\). Notice that in case \(w_i^S\) is executed after \(w_{seq}^S\), we assign linearization points to UPDATES in such a way that \(U_i^S\) is the last UPDATE on \(A_i\) that is linearized before S. We later prove (in Lemma 14) that \(U_i^S\) and all UPDATES that perform their writes between \(w_{seq}^S\) and \(w_i^S\) start their execution before \(w_{seq}^S\). In case \(U_i^S\) executes \(w_i^S\) before \(w_{seq}^S\), we argue that \(U_i^S\) is the last UPDATE on \(A_i\) that is linearized before S. Intuitively, this is so for the following reasons: (1) by the way linearization points are assigned, for each i, \(1 \le i \le m\), the linearization order of UPDATES on \(A_i\) respects the order in which the writes to Val[i] of those UPDATES have been performed, and (2) by definition of \(U_i^S\), no other UPDATE on \(A_i\) writes to Val[i] between \(w_i^S\) and \(w_{seq}^S\). Thus, S returns a consistent vector with respect to L.

We start by proving two simple technical lemmas.

Lemma 12

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).


If \(w_i^S\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\) (see Fig. 7), the claim holds because, by Observation 9, \(w_{seq}^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\). So, assume that \(w_i^S\) follows \(w_{seq}^S\). Assume first that S reads \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) and \(v_i\) in Val[i]. By definition of \(U_i^S\), \(w_i^S\) writes the value \(v_i\) to Val[i], which is read by S. So, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(r_i^S\) (see Fig. 8). By Observation 9, \(r_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\). So, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

Assume now that S reads \(v_i\) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). Then, \(V_i^S\) is well-defined. Observation 10 (claims 2 and 3) implies that the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\) and \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) follows the write primitive to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\) (see Fig. 9). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 2, 5), the write primitive to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\) follows its read of Val[i]. Therefore, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\). \(\square \)

Lemma 13

Fix any \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\). If \(r_v\) is the read of Val[i] by \(V_{i}^{S}\), then \(r_v\) is executed after \(w_{seq}^{S}\).


To derive a contradiction, assume that \(r_v\) is executed before \(w_{seq}^{S}\). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 1-2), the read \(r_s\) of seq by \(V_i^S\) precedes \(r_v\). It follows that \(r_s\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\). Since there is only one SCAN active at each point in time, Observation 8 implies that \(r_s\) reads a value \(t < seq_S\). This contradicts Observation 10 (claim 1). \(\square \)

Lemma 14

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m \}\) such that \(w_{i}^{S}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), it holds that any UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) that performs its write to Val[i] between \(w_{seq}^{S}\) and \(w_{i}^{S}\) (including \(U_{i}^{S}\)) begins its execution before \(w_{seq}^{S}\).


To derive a contradiction, assume that there is an UPDATE U on \(A_i\) that starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\) and performs its write w to Val[i] at or before \(w_i^S\) (see Fig. 10). By Lemma 12, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) and therefore U ends its execution before the end of S. Since U starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\), Observation 8 implies that U reads \(seq_S\) in seq. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 2- 3), U first reads register Val[i] and then register \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). Moreover, in case U reads \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_s][i]\), it writes in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) the value it read in Val[i].

Fig. 9
figure 9

Proof of Lemma 12, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(r_i^S\) and S reads \(v_i\) in Val[i]

Fig. 10
figure 10

U starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\)

By inspection of the pseudocode, lines 4-5 are executed by U before w and therefore before \(w_i^S\). Since \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\), it follows that the execution of lines 4-5 precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\). Thus, \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) reads a value other than \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\), so \(V_i^S\) is well-defined. By Observation 10 (claim 2), the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\). It follows that the read of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\), which (by inspection of the pseudocode) follows its read to Val[i], comes after U’s execution of lines 4-5 and the possible write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by U. Thus, \(V_i^S\) reads a value other than \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). This contradicts Observation 10 (claim 1). \(\square \)

Using Lemma 14, it can be easily proved that the linearization point of each operation is within its execution interval.

Lemma 15

The linearization point of each SCAN that terminates in \(\alpha \) and each UPDATE that executes the write of line 6 is within its execution interval.


By the way that linearization points are assigned to SCANS, a SCAN is linearized within its execution interval. The same is true for each UPDATE that is linearized at its write primitive to Val.

Let U be an UPDATE on \(A_{i}\), which is not linearized at its write to Val[i]. By the way that linearization points are assigned, there is a SCAN \(S'\) such that (1) \(w_i^{S'}\) of \(U_i^{S'}\) is executed after \(w_{seq}^{S'}\), (2) the write to Val[i] by U is executed between \(w_{seq}^{S'}\) and \(w_{i}^{S'}\), and (3) U is linearized immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Obviously, the execution of U ends after \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Lemma 14 implies that U begins its execution before \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Thus, U is linearized within its execution interval. \(\square \)

To prove that SCANS return consistent vectors with respect to L, we first prove that the linearization order of the UPDATES on any component \(A_i\) respects the order in which these UPDATES perform their writes to Val[i].

Fig. 11
figure 11

Case 2 of Proof of Lemma 16

Lemma 16

Let \(U_{1}\), \(U_{2}\) be two UPDATE operations on some component \(A_{i}\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Denote by \(w_{1}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_{1}\) and by \(w_{2}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_2\). If \(w_{1}\) precedes \(w_{2}\), the linearization point of \(U_{1}\) precedes the linearization point of \(U_{2}\).


We consider the following cases.

  1. 1.

    \(U_{2}\) is linearized at \(w_2\). Lemma 15 implies that \(U_{1}\) is linearized within its execution interval, so \(U_{1}\) is linearized at or before \(w_{1}\). Since \(w_{1}\) precedes \(w_{2}\), \(U_{1}\) is linearized before \(U_{2}\).

  2. 2.

    \(U_{1}\) is linearized at \(w_1\) and \(U_{2}\) is not linearized at \(w_2\) (see Fig. 11). By the way linearization points are assigned, there is a SCAN \(S'\) such that \(w_{2}\) has been performed between \(w_{seq}^{S'}\) and \(w_{i}^{S'}\). Since \(w_{1}\) precedes \(w_{2}\), \(w_{1}\) has been executed before \(w_{i}^{S'}\). Since \(U_{1}\) is linearized at \(w_1\), it follows that \(w_{seq}^{S'}\) follows \(w_{1}\) (see Fig. 12), since otherwise \(U_1\) would be linearized at \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Lemma 15 implies that \(U_{1}\) is linearized the latest at \(w_{1}\). By the way linearization points are assigned, \(U_{2}\) is linearized immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Thus, \(U_{1}\) is linearized before \(U_{2}\).

  3. 3.

    Neither \(U_{1}\) nor \(U_{2}\) is linearized at its write to Val[i]. By the way linearization points are assigned, there are two SCAN operations \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) such that \(w_{1}\) has been performed between \(w_{seq}^{S_1}\) and \(w_{i}^{S_1}\), and \(w_{2}\) has been performed between \(w_{seq}^{S_2}\) and \(w_{i}^{S_2}\). Since \(w_1\) precedes \(w_2\) and there is just a single SCAN active at each point in time, it follows that either \(S_1 = S_2\) or \(S_1\) precedes \(S_2\).

    If \(S_{1}=S_{2}\), both \(U_{1}\) and \(U_{2}\) are linearized immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S_1}=w_{seq}^{S_2}\) in the order they perform their writes to Val[i]. So, \(U_{1}\) is linearized before \(U_{2}\).

    If \(S_{1}\) precedes \(S_{2}\), the linearization point of \(U_{1}\), which is placed immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S_1}\), precedes the linearization point of \(U_2\), which is placed immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S_2}\). \(\square \)

We finally use Lemma 16 to prove consistency.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Case 2 of Proof of Lemma 16

Lemma 17

Every SCAN operation that terminates in \(\alpha \) returns a consistent vector with respect to L.


Consider any SCAN operation S that terminates in \(\alpha \). Assume that S returns \(view =\langle v_{1},...,v_{m} \rangle \). By definition, for each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(U_{i}^{S}\) writes \(v_{i}\) to Val[i] and therefore it uses \(v_{i}\) as a parameter. In case \(w_{i}^{S}\) precedes \(w_{seq}^{S}\), Lemma 15 implies that \(U_{i}^{S}\) is linearized before S. In case \(w_{i}^{S}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), by the way linearization points are assigned, the linearization point of \(U_{i}^{S}\) precedes the linearization point of S. Thus, in either case, the linearization point of \(U_{i}^{S}\) precedes the linearization point of S. We prove that there is no UPDATE on component \(A_{i}\) that is linearized between \(U_{i}^{S}\) and S. This implies that S returns a consistent value for \(A_i\) with respect to L.

To derive a contradiction, assume that there is an integer \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m \}\) such that the last UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) linearized before S is not \(U_{i}^{S}\). Denote by U this UPDATE and let w be the write to Val[i] by U. In case w precedes \(w_{i}^{S}\), Lemma 16 implies that U is linearized before \(U_{i}^{S}\). This is a contradiction. Thus, assume that w follows \(w_{i}^{S}\). We argue that w follows \(w_{seq}^S\) by considering the following cases.

  1. 1.

    Assume first that S reads a value equal to \(\bot \) in register \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\). By the definition of \(w_{i}^{S}\), \(r_{i}^{S}\) reads the value that \(w_{i}^{S}\) writes to register Val[i]. Since w follows \(w_{i}^{S}\), it follows that w follows \(r_{i}^{S}\) and therefore also \(w_{seq}^S\) (see Fig. 13).

  2. 2.

    Assume next that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\). In this case, \(V_i^S\) is well-defined and let \(r_{v}\) be the read of Val[i] by \(V_{i}^{S}\). By the definitions of \(U_{i}^{S}\) and \(V_{i}^{S}\), \(r_v\) returns the value written by \(w_i^S\) and therefore \(r_v\) follows \(w_i^S\). Since w follows \(w_{i}^{S}\), it follows that w must follow \(r_{v}\). By Lemma 13, \(r_{v}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\) (see Fig. 14). Therefore, w follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\).

Fig. 13
figure 13

Case 1 of Proof of Lemma 17

Since U is linearized before S and S is linearized at \(w_{seq}^{S}\), U cannot be linearized at w. Thus, there is a SCAN \(S'\) such that \(w_i^{S'}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S'}\), w is performed between \(w_{seq}^{S'}\) and \(w_{i}^{S'}\), and U is linearized immediately before \(w_{seq}^{S'}\). Since w is performed after \(w_i^S\), \(S' \ne S\). Because (1) w is performed between \(w_{seq}^{S'}\) and \(w_{i}^{S'}\), (2) w follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), and (3) there is just a single SCAN active at each point in time, it follows that \(S'\) follows S. Thus, the linearization point of U, which is placed at \(w_{seq}^{S'}\), follows the linearization point of S, which is placed at \(w_{seq}^S\). This is a contradiction. We conclude that no UPDATE on component \(A_i\) is linearized between \(U_i^S\) and S. Thus, S returns a consistent vector with respect to L. \(\square \)

Fig. 14
figure 14

Case 2 of Proof of Lemma 17

Theorem 11

T-Opt is linearizable.

6.3 Step and Space Complexity

By inspection of the pseudocode, it follows that the step complexity of UPDATE is O(1), and the step complexity of SCAN is O(m). Thus, T-Opt is an optimal implementation in terms of its step complexity.

Every register used by T-Opt, other than seq, stores just a single value and seq stores an integer (that is incremented each time a SCAN takes place). The number of registers used by T-Opt is linear in the maximum number of SCANS performed in any execution and it is therefore unbounded. Thus, in a first glance, T-Opt does not seem to be space-efficient.

figure d

Theorem 12

T-Opt has optimal step complexity, O(1) for UPDATE and O(m) for SCAN.

We remark that it is easy to implement T-Opt in a more space efficient way as follows. Each time a SCAN S starts executing, the scanner dynamically allocates a new block of m positions in shared memory and sets a pointer sptr to point to this block of memory. An UPDATE on \(A_i\) starts by reading sptr (that plays the role of seq); it then saves the value it read in Val[i] in the ith entry of the block of shared memory pointed to by the pointer read in sptr. In order to compute the vector to return, S reads the m positions of the block pointed to by sptr in addition to the m registers of Val. The pseudocode for the improved version of T-Opt is presented in Algorithm 4.

In Algorithm 4, seq has been replaced by a memory pointer and a garbage collector can be used to de-allocate blocks of memory that are not referenced to by the processes. We remark that the total number of allocated blocks that are referenced by all processes at each point in time is at most n. For systems with no garbage collector, more space efficient implementations are presented in later sections.

7 The RT algorithm

In this section, we present RT, the second implementation of the Time-efficient family. (RT stands for Time-efficient algorithm with Recycling.) RT makes an attempt to reduce the number of registers used by T-Opt. In RT, array preVal has only \(n+2\) rows. To achieve this, RT employs an additional array SeqNums, of n single-writer registers, one for each process, which are written when UPDATES are performed. The pseudocode for RT is presented in Algorithm 5.

figure e

An UPDATE by some process p records the value it read in seq into register SeqNums[p] (line 2). A SCAN S reads all n registers of SeqNums and chooses as its sequence number, \(seq_S\), some index not appearing in any of these registers (lines 10-12). Thus, RT trades the step complexity of SCANS (that is now not optimal) for better space complexity.

The main goal of the implementation is to guarantee that only those UPDATES that perform the biggest part of their execution after the write primitive, \(w_{seq}^S\), to seq by S (line 14), write to registers of row \(seq_S\) of preVal. This is achieved by employing a technique that resembles handshaking between the scanner and each of the updaters. Each time some process p performs an UPDATE operation U, it uses SeqNums[p] to inform the scanner of the value it read in seq (lines 1-2). Then, it reads seq again (line 3) and only if it sees the same value in seq (line 6), does it attempt to write to preVal (line 7).

If U performs its write to SeqNums[p] before S reads SeqNums[p], S will choose a sequence number other than that read by U in seq. If U writes to SeqNums[p] after S has read it and performs its second read of seq before \(w_{seq}^S\), then the second read of seq by U reads the sequence number of the SCAN that precedes S (or the initial value of seq if such a SCAN does not exist).

RT guarantees that S chooses a sequence number different from the n numbers that S read in SeqNums, and from that chosen by the previous SCAN to S, as well as from the initial value of seq. It follows that the number of different values that may be stored into seq is \(n+2\) and, therefore, preVal now has \(n+2\) different rows.

7.1 Linearizability

Let \(\alpha \) be an execution of RT and let S be any SCAN performed in \(\alpha \). Let \(w_{seq}^{S}\) be the write to seq performed by S (line 14) and let \(seq_{S}\) be the value written to seq by \(w_{seq}^S\). For each \(i \in \{1,\ldots , m\}\), we introduce the notation \(r_i^S\), \(\tilde{r}_{i}^{S}\), \(v_i\), \(U_i^S\), \(V_i^S\) and \(w_i^S\), and assign linearization points to SCANS and UPDATES in exactly the same way as we did for T-Opt. Let L be the resulting linearization of \(\alpha \).

The proof of the linearizability of RT is, in its biggest part, similar to the proof of T-Opt (Sect. 6.2). Specifically, the following two observations, which are similar to Observations 9 and 10, also hold for RT. Lemma 18, which is similar to Lemma 12 from Sect. 6, also holds for RT.

Observation 13

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_{seq}^S\) precedes \(r_i^S\) and \(r_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

Observation 14

For every \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\), the following hold:

  1. 1.

    \(V_i^S\) reads the value \(seq_S\) in register seq and the value \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\),

  2. 2.

    the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\), and

  3. 3.

    \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) follows the write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\).

Lemma 18

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

Lines 9-12 and 14 of the pseudocode imply the following observation.

Observation 15

Let S and \(S'\) be two consecutive SCANS in \(\alpha \), it holds that \(seq_{S'} \ne seq_S\).

The statement of the following lemma is similar to that of Lemma 13 but its proof is different than that of Lemma 13, so we present it below.

Lemma 19

Fix any \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\). If \(r_v\) is the read of Val[i] by \(V_{i}^{S}\), then \(r_v\) is executed after \(w_{seq}^{S}\).


To derive a contradiction, assume that \(r_{v}\) is executed before \(w_{seq}^{S}\) (see Fig. 15). Denote by \(r_{seq}\) the first read of seq by \(V_i^S\) (line 1) and by \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) the second read of seq by \(V_i^S\) (line 3). Let p be the process that executes \(V_i^S\), let \(w_p\) be the write to SeqNums[p] by \(V_i^S\) (line 2), and let \(r_p\) be the read of SeqNums[p] by S (line 11). Since \(r_{v}\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\), the same is true for \(r_{seq}, w_p\) and \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) (since \(V_i^S\) executes these instructions before \(r_{v}\)).

Assume first that \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) follows \(r_p\) (see Fig. 15). Since \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) precedes \(r_{v}\), \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\). Let \(S'\) be the SCAN executed immediately before S in \(\alpha \) (or a fictitious SCAN that writes the initial value to seq if no such SCAN exists). By Observation 15, it follows that \(seq_{S'} \ne seq_S\). Since \(r_p\) and \(w_{seq}^S\) are executed by S and \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) follows \(r_p\) and precedes \(w_{seq}^S\), it follows that \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) reads \(seq_{S'}\) in seq. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 1-3, 7), it follows that \(V_i^S\) does not write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). This contradicts the definition of \(V_i^S\).

Fig. 15
figure 15

Lemma 19. \(r_{v}\) is executed before \(w_{seq}^{S}\)

Fig. 16
figure 16

Lemma 19. \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) precedes \(r_p\)

Assume now that \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) precedes \(r_p\) (Fig. 16). By definition, \(V_i^S\) writes to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) the value \(v_i\) that is read from there by S. After \(r_p\), S initiates \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) to \(\bot \) (line 13). Thus, the write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\) occurs after \(r_p\). Since \(w_p\) precedes \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\), it follows that \(w_p\) precedes \(r_p\). Since \(V_i^S\) executes \(w_p\) before \(r_p\) and its write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) after \(r_p\), it follows that the value t written to SeqNums[p] by \(w_p\) (line 2) is the value read by \(r_p\). By the pseudocode (lines 11, 12 and 14), it follows that \(seq_S \ne t\). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 1-3, 7), it follows that \(V_i^S\) writes to register \(preVal[t][i] \ne preVal[seq_S][i]\). This contradicts the definition of \(V_i^S\). \(\square \)

A big part of the proof of the next lemma follows similar arguments as the proof of Lemma 14.

Lemma 20

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m \}\) such that \(w_{i}^{S}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), it holds that any UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) that performs its write to Val[i] between \(w_{seq}^{S}\) and \(w_{i}^{S}\) (including \(U_{i}^{S}\)) begins its execution before \(w_{seq}^{S}\).


To derive a contradiction, assume that there is an UPDATE U on \(A_i\) that starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\) and performs its write w to Val[i] before \(w_i^S\) (see Fig. 17). By Lemma 18, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) and therefore U ends its execution before the end of S. Since U starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\) and ends before the end of S, by inspection of the pseudocode, it follows that U reads \(seq_S\) in seq both times (on lines 1 and 3). So, the second condition of the if statement of line 6 is evaluated to true. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 4-5), U first reads register Val[i] and then register \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). Moreover, in case U reads \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_s][i]\), it writes the value it read in Val[i] to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\).

Fig. 17
figure 17

U starts its execution after \(w_{seq}^S\) and finishes before \(w_i^S\)

By inspection of the pseudocode (line 13), S initializes the m registers of row \(seq_S\) of preVal to the value \(\bot \) before \(w_{seq}^S\). Since U starts after \(w_{seq}^S\), the execution of lines 6-7 (i.e., the if statement and the possible write to \(preVal[seq_s][i]\)) by U follows the initialization of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) to \(\bot \) by S. By inspection of the pseudocode, lines 6-7 are executed by U before w and therefore before \(w_i^S\). By Lemma 18, \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\). Thus, \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) reads a value other than \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\), so \(V_i^S\) is well-defined. By Observation 14 (claim 2), the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\). It follows that the read of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\), which (by inspection of the pseudocode) follows its read to Val[i], comes after U’s execution of lines 6-7 and the possible write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by U. Thus, \(V_i^S\) reads a value other than \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). This contradicts Observation 14 (claim 1). \(\square \)

Lemmas 1517, which we have proved in Sect. 6 for T-Opt, hold also for RT without any modification to their proofs.

Lemma 21

The linearization point of each SCAN that terminates in \(\alpha \) and each UPDATE that executes the write of line 8 in \(\alpha \) is within its execution interval.

Lemma 22

Let \(U_{1}\), \(U_{2}\) be two UPDATES on some component \(A_{i}\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Denote by \(w_{1}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_{1}\) and by \(w_{2}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_2\). If \(w_{1}\) precedes \(w_{2}\), the linearization point of \(U_{1}\) precedes the linearization point of \(U_{2}\).

Lemma 23

Every SCAN operation that terminates in \(\alpha \) returns a consistent vector with respect to L.

Lemma 23 implies that the following theorem holds for RT.

Theorem 16

RT is linearizable.

7.2 Step and space complexity

By inspection of the pseudocode, it is obvious that the step complexity of UPDATE is O(1) and the step complexity of SCAN is O(n).

RT uses \((n+3)m+n+1\) registers; \((n+3)m\) out of these registers (namely, the registers of arrays Val and preVal) store just a single value, while the remaining \(n+1\) registers (namely, seq and the registers of array SeqNums) store \(O(\log n)\) bits each (since each of them stores values from the set \(\{1, \ldots , n+2\}\)).

Theorem 17

RT uses \((n+3)m+n+1\) registers of bounded size and has step complexity O(n) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE.

8 The RT-Opt algorithm

In this section, we present RT-Opt, the last implementation of the Time-efficient family of single-scanner, multi-writer snapshots. RT-Opt has step complexity O(m) for SCAN, O(1) for UPDATE and uses O(mn) registers of bounded size. Thus, RT-Opt improves upon T-Opt in terms of its space complexity. It also improves upon RT in terms of its step complexity.

The pseudocode for RT-Opt is presented in Algorithm 6. RT-Opt is described in Sect. 8.1. The correctness proof of RT-Opt is provided in Sect. 8.2 and its space and step complexity are studied in Sect. 8.3

8.1 Description

The UPDATE in RT-Opt is exactly the same as in RT. The major goal of any SCAN operation, S, for both RT and RT-Opt is to keep track of the different rows of preVal where old UPDATES (i.e., those that have performed some part of their execution before the write primitive, \(w_{seq}^S\), of S to seq) may write. S must choose a row of preVal where no such UPDATE could possibly write, in order to ensure that all values other than \(\bot \) that it reads in preVal have been written by UPDATES that have performed the biggest part of their execution after \(w_{seq}^S\).

In RT, this is achieved by having each SCAN S read all n registers of SeqNums and choose some value to write into seq other than those read in these registers. Unfortunately, this results in some overhead on the step complexity of SCAN. To keep the step complexity of SCAN optimal, each SCAN in RT-Opt reads only m of the n registers of array SeqNums. So, \(\lceil n/m \rceil \) consecutive SCANS are required to read all n registers of SeqNums. We remark that sequence numbers in RT-Opt are chosen from the set \(\{ 1, \ldots , n+2 \lceil n/m \rceil +1 \}\), which is larger than the set \(\{1, \ldots , n+2\}\) used in RT.

We partition each execution \(\alpha \) of RT-Opt into execution fragments, called epochs, each containing \(\lceil n/m \rceil \) consecutive SCANS. The scanner keeps track of the values that can be used, as sequence numbers, by SCANS of each epoch, in a persistent local variable, called free, which implements a set. All sequence numbers chosen by the SCANS of an epoch \(E_j\), \(j \ge 1\), are distinct (line 25). For the first epoch \(E_1\), all these values are additionally different from the initial value of seq (see initialization of seq and free on lines 3 and 19–21). Consider a later epoch \(E_j\), \(j >1\). Recall that all registers of array SeqNums have been read once during \(E_{j-1}\). All the values read in these registers index rows of preVal where old UPDATES may write. So, none of these values should be chosen, as a sequence number, by any SCAN of epoch \(E_j\). However, excluding only these values from the set of available sequence numbers for epoch \(E_j\) is not sufficient, since some of these values may be already obsolete. This occurs if some process p has started a new UPDATE and has written (again) to SeqNums[p] after the read of SeqNums[p] during \(E_{j-1}\). Notice that such an UPDATE will read in seq the value written there by some SCAN of epoch \(E_{j-1}\). So, values chosen as sequence numbers by SCANS of epoch \(E_{j-1}\) may also index rows of preVal that can be written by old UPDATES, and should be excluded from the set of available sequence numbers for the SCANS of epoch \(E_j\).

Set candidates keeps track of all the values that are allowed to be chosen as sequence numbers by SCANS of the next epoch. Notice that at the beginning of each epoch, candidates is initialized to contain all possible sequence numbers (line 22). Then, during the execution of the \(\lceil n/m \rceil \) SCANS of the epoch, all values read in registers of array SeqNums, as well as those chosen as sequence numbers by the SCANS of the epoch, are removed from candidates (lines 26 and 29–30). At the beginning of the next epoch, the values remaining in candidates can be moved to the set free of available sequence numbers for the epoch (line 21). We remark that no other element is added to free during the epoch.

At the beginning of an execution \(\alpha \) of RT-Opt, candidates contains \(n + 2 * ScansPerEpoch\) different sequence numbers, where \(ScansPerEpoch = \lceil n/m \rceil \). During \(E_1\), at most \(n + ScansPerEpoch\) sequence numbers are removed from candidates. This is so because the ScansPerEpoch SCAN operations that are executed during \(E_1\), read the n sequence numbers recorded in SeqNums and remove them from candidates. The ScansPerEpoch sequence numbers chosen by these SCANS are also removed from candidates. So, at the end of epoch \(E_1\), candidates contains ScansPerEpoch values, which are added to free at the beginning of \(E_2\). So, free contains enough sequence numbers for the ScansPerEpoch SCANS that are executed during \(E_2\). Consider now any epoch \(E_j\), \(j > 1\). At the beginning of \(E_j\) (specifically, after line 21 has been executed by the first SCAN of the epoch), candidates contains \(n + 2 * ScansPerEpoch + 1\) different sequence numbers. During \(E_j\), at most \(n + ScansPerEpoch\) sequence numbers are removed from candidates. Thus, at least \(ScansPerEpoch+1\) sequence numbers are added to free at the beginning of \(E_{j+1}\), which are enough for the SCANS of epoch \(E_{j+1}\). We remark that when line 21 is executed, free and candidates may contain elements that are common to both sets. For instance, at the end of \(E_1\), candidates is a subset of free. From this discussion, it follows that \(n + 2 * \lceil n/m \rceil + 1\) different sequence numbers are required in order for RT-Opt to be correct.

figure f

8.2 Linearizability

Let \(\alpha \) be an execution of RT-Opt and let S be any SCAN performed in \(\alpha \). Let \(w_{seq}^{S}\) be the write to seq performed by S (line 28), and let \(seq_{S}\) be the value written to seq by \(w_{seq}^S\). For each \(i \in \{1,\ldots , m\}\), we introduce the notation \(r_i^S\), \(\tilde{r}_{i}^{S}\), \(v_i\), \(U_i^S\), \(V_i^S\) and \(w_i^S\), and assign linearization points to SCANS and UPDATES in exactly the same way as we did for T-Opt. Let L be the resulting linearization of \(\alpha \).

The proof of the linearizability of RT-Opt is in its biggest part similar to the proof of T-Opt. Specifically, the following two observations, which are similar to Observations 9 and 10 from Sect. 6, hold for RT-Opt. The same holds for Lemma 24, which is similar to Lemma 12 (from Sect. 6) and Lemma 18 (from Sect. 7).

Observation 18

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_{seq}^S\) precedes \(r_i^S\) and \(r_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

Observation 19

For every \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\), the following hold:

  1. 1.

    \(V_i^S\) reads the value \(seq_S\) in register seq (lines 7 and 9) and the value \(\bot \) in \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) on line 11,

  2. 2.

    the read of Val[i] by \(V_i^S\) follows \(w_i^S\), and

  3. 3.

    \(\tilde{r}_i^S\) follows the write to \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by \(V_i^S\).

Lemma 24

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\), \(w_i^S\) precedes \(\tilde{r}_i^S\).

As in the correctness proof of RT, the main difficulty in proving that RT-Opt is linearizable is to prove that, for any SCAN S, the UPDATES that write values to row \(seq_S\) of preVal have executed the biggest part of their execution after the write \(w_{seq}^S\) to seq by S. To prove this we need to introduce the following notation.

We split \(\alpha \) into epochs so that each epoch contains exactly \(\lceil n/m\rceil \) SCANS. Denote by \(E_{j}\) the jth epoch of \(\alpha \), \(j \ge 1\). Epoch \(E_1\) starts with the first instruction of the execution and ends with the last instruction of the \(\lceil n/m\rceil \)th SCAN (or \(E_1 = \alpha \) if fewer than \(\lceil n/m\rceil \) SCANS occur in \(\alpha \)). For each \(j > 1\), epoch \(E_{j}\) starts at the point that the execution of the \(((j-1)\lceil n/m\rceil )\)th SCAN ends and finishes with the last instruction executed by the \((j\lceil n/m\rceil )\)th SCAN (or \(E_j\) is the suffix of \(\alpha \), which starts at the point that the execution of the \(((j-1)\lceil n/m\rceil )\)th SCAN ends, if fewer than \((j\lceil n/m\rceil )\) SCANS occur in \(\alpha \)). Notice that if \(\alpha \) contains \((c_{1}\lceil n/m\rceil +c_{2})\) SCANS, where \(c_{1}\ge 0\) and \(0\le c_{2}<\lceil n/m\rceil \) are constants, then \(\alpha \) contains \(c_{1}+1\) epochs, where the \((c_{1}+1)\)-st epoch contains \(c_{2} < \lceil n/m\rceil \) SCANS. We remark that the \((c_{1}+1)\)-st epoch may contain only steps by UPDATE operations (if \(c_2 = 0\)) or may be empty. Let k be the number of epochs in \(\alpha \). (We remark that if \(\alpha \) is infinite, the number of epochs in it may be infinite.) For each \(j \in \{1,\ldots , k \}\), denote by \(SN_{j}\) the set of values written in register seq by any SCAN of epoch \(E_{j}\) and by \(free_{j}\) the set free at the end of \(E_{j}\). Denote by \(candidates_{j}\) the set candidates at the end of \(E_{j}\).

Next, we prove four simple technical lemmas that are basically direct consequences of the pseudocode.

Lemma 25

For each \(j \in \{1, \ldots , k-1\}\) and for each \(p \in \{1, \ldots , n\}\), there is a unique SCAN that reads register SeqNums[p] during \(E_j\).


By definition of \(E_j\), exactly \(\lceil n/m\rceil \) SCANS are performed during \(E_j\). Each of these SCANS reads m distinct registers of SeqNums (lines 27, 29, 30). Thus, each of the n registers of SeqNums is read exactly once during \(E_j\). \(\square \)

Lemma 26

For each \(j \in \{1, \ldots , k\}\), it holds that (1) \(free_{j} \cap SN_{j}= \emptyset \), and (2) \(candidates_{j} \cap SN_{j}=\emptyset \).


By inspection of the pseudocode (line 25), each value chosen as the sequence number of some SCAN during \(E_j\) is removed from free (line 25); the same is true for candidates (line 26). Thus, at the end of epoch \(E_j\) it holds that \(free_{j} \cap SN_{j}= \emptyset \), and \(candidates_{j} \cap SN_{j}=\emptyset \). \(\square \)

By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 20–22 and 27), lines 21–22 are executed only by the 1-st, \((\lceil n/m \rceil +1)\)-st, ..., \(\left( (k-1) \lceil n/m \rceil +1\right) \)-st SCAN of \(\alpha \), as stated by the following lemma.

Lemma 27

For each \(j \in \{1, \ldots , k\}\), the following hold for the first SCAN S executed during \(E_j\):

  1. 1.

    S is the only SCAN in \(E_j\) that adds elements to free, and

  2. 2.

    S is the only SCAN in \(E_j\) that executes line 22 to initialize candidates.

The next lemma states that each SCAN operation S writes to seq a value different from the values written to seq by the other SCANS of the epoch to which S belongs.

Lemma 28

For each \(j \in \{1, \ldots , k\}\), each SCAN of epoch \(E_j\) writes a distinct value to seq.


Fix any \(j \in \{1, \ldots , k\}\). Lemma 27 implies that elements are added into free only by the first SCAN of epoch \(E_j\). By inspection of the pseudocode (line 23), each SCAN S of epoch \(E_j\) chooses as its sequence number some element of free. This element is removed from free when S executes line 25. Thus, SCANS of \(E_j\) that are executed after S choose to write different values into seq. \(\square \)

The next lemma proves that the SCANS of an epoch choose different sequence numbers than the SCANS of the previous epoch.

Lemma 29

For each \(j \in \{2, \ldots , k\}\), it holds that \(SN_{j-1}\cap SN_{j}=\emptyset \).


Fix any \(j \in \{2, \ldots , k\}\). By Lemma 27, the only SCAN of \(E_j\) that adds elements to free is the first SCAN S of \(E_j\). Specifically, S adds the elements of \(candidates_{j-1}\) to \(free_{j-1}\) by executing line 21. Denote by \(free_j^s\) the set free after line 21 has been executed by S. Clearly, \(free_j^s = free_{j-1} \cup candidates_{j-1}\). Lemma 26 implies that \(free_{j-1} \cap SN_{j-1} = \emptyset \), and \(candidates_{j-1} \cap SN_{j-1} = \emptyset \).

It follows that \(free_j^s \cap SN_{j-1} = \emptyset \). By inspection of the pseudocode (line 23), all elements of \(SN_j\) are chosen by \(free_j^s\). Thus, \(SN_j \cap SN_{j-1} = \emptyset \). \(\square \)

We are now ready to prove a lemma similar to Lemma 19.

Lemma 30

Fix any \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m\}\) such that S reads \(v_{i}\) in \(preVal[seq_{S}][i]\). If \(r_v\) is the read of Val[i] by \(V_{i}^{S}\), then \(r_v\) is executed after \(w_{seq}^{S}\).


To derive a contradiction, assume that \(r_{v}\) is executed before \(w_{seq}^{S}\). Denote by \(r_{seq}\) the first read of seq by \(V_i^S\) (line 7), and by \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) the second read of seq by \(V_i^S\) (line 9). Let p be the process that executes \(V_i^S\) and let \(w_p\) be the write to SeqNums[p] by \(V_i^S\) (line 8). Since \(r_{v}\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\), the same is true for \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) (that is executed by \(V_i^S\) before \(r_{v}\)). Assume that S is executed in epoch \(E_j\), \(j \ge 1\). We proceed by case analysis.

  1. 1.

    Assume first that \(j = 1\). By inspection of the pseudocode (line 21), by the way free and candidates are initialized (lines 18, 19), and by Lemma 27 (claim 1), it follows that free does not contain the initial value of seq during the first epoch. Since SCANS of each epoch choose elements from free as their sequence numbers, S chooses a sequence number different from the initial value of seq. Lemma 28 implies that no SCAN that precedes S chooses the same sequence number as S. By definition, \(V_i^S\) writes in row \(seq_S\) of preVal. By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 12–13), this write is performed only if both \(r_{seq}\) and \(r_{seq}^{\prime }\) read \(seq_S\) in seq. It follows that \(r_{seq}\) and \(r'_{seq}\) are both performed after \(w_{seq}^S\). Since \(r_{v}\) follows \(r'_{seq}\), \(r_{v}\) follows \(w_{seq}^S\). This contradicts our assumption that \(r_{v}\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\).

  2. 2.

    Assume now that \(j > 1\). By inspection of the pseudocode (line 24), S initializes all m registers of \(preVal[seq_S]\) to \(\bot \). By definition of \(V_i^S\), S reads the value that \(V_i^S\) writes to register \(preVal[seq_S][i]\). Thus, \(V_i^S\) writes to register \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) after the initialization of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) to \(\bot \) by S. Since SeqNums[p] is written only by p and \(V_i^S\) does not terminate before the initialization of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by S, it follows that SeqNums[p] contains the value \(seq_S\) written by \(V_i^S\) from \(w_p\) until (at least) the initialization of \(preVal[seq_S][i]\) by S.

    By Lemma 25, there is a unique SCAN operation \(S'\) that reads SeqNums[p] during \(E_{j-1}\). Denote by \(r_p\) the read of SeqNums[p] by \(S'\) (see Fig. 18). We consider the following cases.

    1. (a)

      \(r_{seq}^\prime \) follows \(r_p\) (see Fig. 19). By Observation 19 (claim 1), \(r_{seq}^\prime \) reads \(seq_S\) in seq. Since \(r_{seq}^\prime \) follows \(r_p\) and \(r_p\) is executed by a SCAN of epoch \(E_{j-1}\), it follows that \(r'_{seq}\) is executed after the beginning of epoch \(E_{j-1}\). By Lemma 29, \(SN_{j-1} \cap SN_j = \emptyset \). Thus, since \(seq_S \in SN_j\), \(seq_S \not \in SN_{j-1}\), that is, no SCAN of epoch \(E_{j-1}\) writes \(seq_S\) to seq. By Lemma 28, each SCAN of epoch \(E_j\) writes a distinct value to seq. So, no SCAN of epoch \(E_j\) other than S writes \(seq_S\) to seq. It follows that the only way for \(r_{seq}^\prime \) to read \(seq_S\) is if it occurs after \(w_{seq}^S\). Since \(r_{v}\) follows \(r_{seq}^\prime \), it follows that \(r_{v}\) follows \(w_{seq}^S\). This contradicts our assumption that \(r_{v}\) precedes \(w_{seq}^S\).

    2. (b)

      \(r_{seq}^\prime \) precedes \(r_p\) (Fig. 20). Observation 19 (claim 1) implies that \(r_{seq}^\prime \) reads \(seq_S\) in seq. Assume that \(S_\ell \) is the SCAN that writes the value \(seq_S\) read by \(r_{seq}^\prime \) to seq and let \(E_\ell \), \(\ell \ge 1\), be the epoch in which \(S_\ell \) is executed. If no such SCAN exists, then \(r_{seq}^\prime \) reads the initial value of seq, so it holds that \(seq_S = 1\); moreover, \(r_{seq}^\prime \) is executed before the write to seq by the first SCAN of epoch \(E_1\). In this case, let \(\ell = 0\), let \(free_0 = \emptyset \), and let \(candidates_0 = \{2, \ldots , n+2*ScansPerEpoch+1\}\) (i.e., sets \(free_0\) and \(candidates_0\) are the initial values of sets free and candidates, respectively). Since \(seq_S \in SN_j\), Lemma 29 implies that \(seq_S \not \in SN_{j-1}\). Thus, \(0 \le \ell < j-1\).

      If \(\ell > 0\), let \(w_{seq}^{S_\ell }\) be the write to seq by \(S_\ell \). Since \(r_{seq}^\prime \) reads the value written by \(w_{seq}^{S_\ell }\), \(r_{seq}^\prime \) is performed between \(w_{seq}^{S_\ell }\) and the write to seq by the next SCAN after \(S_\ell \) (since \(l< j-1\), such a SCAN exists). So, \(r_{seq}^\prime \) is executed either during \(E_\ell \) or at the beginning of epoch \(E_{\ell +1}\), before the write to seq by the first SCAN of \(E_{\ell +1}\) (this situation may occur if \(S_\ell \) is the last SCAN of \(E_\ell \)). (Notice that since \(\ell < j-1\), \(E_{\ell +1}\) is either \(E_{j-1}\) or an earlier epoch.)

      We prove the following claims.

      Claim 1   For each \(f \in \{\ell , \ldots , j-1\}\), \(seq_S \not \in candidates_f\).

      Proof Assume first that \(f = \ell \). In case \(\ell = 0\), recall that \(seq_S = 1\) and \(candidates_0 = \{2, \ldots , n+2*ScansPerEpoch+1\}\). So, \(seq_S \not \in candidates_0\). Assume now that \(\ell > 0\). Since \(S_\ell \) is executed in epoch \(E_\ell \) and chooses \(seq_S\) as its sequence number, \(seq_S \in SN_\ell \). By Lemma 29, \(candidates_\ell \cap SN_\ell = \emptyset \). Thus, it holds that \(seq_S \not \in candidates_\ell \).

      Assume now that \(f > \ell \). By Lemma 25, SeqNums[p] is read by a unique SCAN \(S_f\) of \(E_f\). Recall that SeqNums[p] stores the value \(seq_S\) from \(w_p\) until at least the beginning of S; moreover, \(r_{seq}^\prime \) (and therefore also \(w_p\), which is performed by \(V_i^S\) before \(r_{seq}^\prime \)) is executed before the write to seq by the first SCAN of epoch \(E_{\ell +1}\). By inspection of the pseudocode (lines 28–30), a SCAN first writes to seq and then reads some of the registers of array SeqNums. Since \(\ell < f \le j-1\) and S occurs in epoch \(E_j\), it follows that SeqNums[p] contains the value \(seq_S\) when \(S_f\) reads SeqNums[p]. By inspection of the pseudocode (line 30), it follows that \(seq_S\) is removed from candidates during \(E_f\). By Lemma 27 (claim 1), no elements are added in candidates after the execution of line 22 by the first SCAN of epoch \(E_f\). Since line 30 follows line 22, it follows that \(seq_S \not \in candidates_f\).

      Claim 2 For each \(f \in \{\ell , \ldots , j-1\}\), \(seq_S \not \in free_f\).

      Proof We first prove the claim for \(f = \ell \). In case \(\ell = 0\), \(free_0 = \emptyset \), so \(seq_S \not \in free_0\). Assume that \(\ell > 0 \). Since \(S_\ell \) chooses \(seq_S\) as its sequence number, \(seq_S \in SN_\ell \). Lemma 26 implies that \(free_\ell \cap SN_\ell = \emptyset \). Thus, \(seq_S \not \in free_\ell \).

      To derive a contradiction, assume that f, where \(\ell < f \le j-1\), is the smallest integer for which the claim does not hold, i.e., \(seq_S \in free_f\). Since the claim holds for \(f-1\), it follows that \(seq_S \not \in free_{f-1}\). By Claim 1, it follows that \(seq_S \not \in candidates_{f-1}\). Let \(free_f^s\) denote set free after the execution of line 21 by the first SCAN of epoch \(E_f\). By inspection of the pseudocode (line 21), \(free_f^s = free_{f-1} \cup candidates_{f-1}\). It follows that \(seq_S \not \in free_f^s\). Lemma 27 (claim 1) implies that no elements are added to free after the execution of line 21 and until the end of \(E_f\). Thus, \(seq_S \not \in free_f\). This is a contradiction.

      For \(f = j-1\), Claim 1 implies that \(seq_S \not \in candidates_{j-1}\), and Claim 2 implies that \(seq_S \not \in free_{j-1}\). By Lemma 27, only the first SCAN of epoch \(E_j\) adds elements to free by executing line 21 of the pseudocode. Let \(free_j^s\) denote set free after the execution of this line. By the pseudocode, it follows that \(free_j^s = free_{j-1} \cup candidates_{j-1}\). It follows that \(seq_S \not \in free_j^s\). All SCANS of epoch \(E_j\) (including S) choose their sequence numbers from \(free_j^s\). Since \(seq_S\) does not exist in \(free_j^s\), it follows that S cannot choose \(seq_S\) as its sequence number. This is a contradiction. \(\square \)

Fig. 18
figure 18

Case 2 in Proof of Lemma 30

Fig. 19
figure 19

Case 2a in Proof of Lemma 30

Fig. 20
figure 20

Case 2b in Proof of Lemma 30

The statement (and the proof) of the following lemma is the same as that of Lemma 20.

Lemma 31

For each \(i \in \{1, \ldots , m \}\) such that \(w_{i}^{S}\) follows \(w_{seq}^{S}\), it holds that any UPDATE on \(A_{i}\) that performs its write to Val[i] between \(w_{seq}^{S}\) and \(w_{i}^{S}\) (including \(U_{i}^{S}\)) begins its execution before \(w_{seq}^{S}\).

Lemmas 1517, which we have proved in Sect. 6 for T-Opt, hold also for RT-Opt without requiring any modification in their proofs:

Lemma 32

The linearization point of each SCAN that terminates in \(\alpha \) and each UPDATE that executes the write of line 14 in \(\alpha \) is within its execution interval.

Lemma 33

Let \(U_{1}\), \(U_{2}\) be two UPDATES on some component \(A_{i}\), \(1 \le i \le m\). Denote by \(w_{1}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_{1}\) and by \(w_{2}\) the write to Val[i] by \(U_2\). If \(w_{1}\) precedes \(w_{2}\), the linearization point of \(U_{1}\) precedes the linearization point of \(U_{2}\).

Lemma 34

Every SCAN operation that terminates in \(\alpha \) returns a consistent vector with respect to L.

Lemma 34 implies that the following theorem holds for RT-Opt.

Theorem 20

RT-Opt is linearizable.

8.3 Step and space complexity

By inspection of the pseudocode, it is obvious that the step complexity of UPDATE in RT-Opt is O(1). If in each execution \(\alpha \) of RT-Opt, just a single process (always the same) performs the SCANS in \(\alpha \), then RT-Opt’s step complexity for SCAN is O(m). Specifically, each SCAN reads 3m shared registers, namely, m registers of SeqNums (since it holds that \(ReadsPerScan=m\)), m registers of preVal, and m registers of Val; the rest of the SCAN computation is on local variables.

Remarkably, the value of ReadsPerScan can be chosen to be any value between 1 and n. If \(ReadsPerScan = n\), RT-Opt works in the same way and has the same step complexity for SCAN and UPDATE as RT. If \(ReadsPerScan = m\) and a single process plays the role of the scanner in the system, RT-Opt achieves optimal step complexity.

RT-Opt uses O(mn) registers. Most of these registers (e.g., the registers of Val and preVal) store just one value. The size of each of the rest of the registers is \(O(\log n)\) bits.

Theorem 21

RT-Opt uses O(mn) registers that have bounded size and has step complexity O(m) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE.

9 Discussion

This paper presents a collection of lower and upper bounds for single-scanner multi-writer snapshot implementations from registers, including the first such implementations that are optimal in terms of step complexity.

An object is called historyless if the current state of the object depends only on the last nontrivial primitive that was performed on the object [15]; nontrivial is a primitive that can change the state of the object. An example of a historyless object is a swap object. A swap object supports, in addition to read, the primitive \(\mathtt{swap}(v)\) that changes the state of the object to v and returns the previous value stored in the object. It was proved in [14] that any type of historyless object can be implemented by a swap object with the same set of possible states. Moreover, each operation of the historyless object can be simulated by a single access to the swap object. As a consequence, proving a complexity lower bound for implementations from swap objects implies the same lower bound for implementations from historyless objects. It is easy to verify that the proof of our lower bound holds for implementations from swap objects. Thus, our lower bound holds for implementations from historyless objects as well.

Dwork and Waarts [10], have proposed a primitive, called a traceable register, which provides the capability of tracing the values that are still active (i.e., those that are currently stored in the shared variables of the system or the local variables of the processes) among those that have been written in the traceable register. A traceable register stores a value and supports the operations tread, twrite, and garbage-collect; tread and twrite are used for reading and writing the register, while garbage-collect allows a process to find out which values that have been written into the traceable register are still active. The first traceable register implementation [10] uses O(n) registers and employs handshaking techniques [26] to have processes notify others when they access the register. Specifically, each time twrite is invoked by a writer to store a new value into the traceable register, the writer handshakes with all the readers and sets aside (i.e., stores in some of the O(n) registers) the old value of the traceable register for each one of them with which handshaking succeeds. Readers handshake with the writer and depending on whether the handshaking succeeds, they decide whether to return the current value of the register or one of the old values set aside for them. A garbage-collect reads all the registers and returns a set of all the values stored in them. This implementation has step complexity O(n) for twrite.

Traceable registers could be employed to design a version of T-Opt that is space-bounded. In this version, a SCAN would write into traceable registers in order to specify into which registers UPDATES may write their values. These traceable registers are tread by UPDATE. Then, the scanner would be able to find out which of the values ever written in the traceable register are still active by performing garbage-collect. However, this would lead to an implementation where the step complexity of SCAN is O(n) (due to the handshaking). RT-Opt uses a much simpler recycling technique that is based on the standard read–write–read approach. This avoids handshaking and leads to optimal SCAN complexity.

Garbage collection in [10] is an expensive task because there are many processes that can perform twrite; so a value that appears for the first time in a traceable register may be later written to some other traceable register and be read from there (i.e., the degree of indirection can be greater than one). Dwork and Waarts [10] remark that garbage-collect can be executed more efficiently if values that are supposed to be active are gradually collected during the execution of more than one twrite. In a space bounded version of T-Opt using a traceable register, the degree of indirection is one. As a consequence of this, all the information collected during a garbage-collect is local to SCAN, so that the execution of garbage-collect has no influence on the step complexity of SCAN even if it is not performed gradually (despite this, the step complexity of SCAN is linear in n due to handshaking). However, the technique of gradually collecting information about values written by SCANS that may still be active is useful in RT-Opt, which owes its good step complexity mainly to such a technique. However, space bounded versions of T-Opt employing this implementation do not achieve step complexity less than \(\Theta (n)\) for SCAN.

An interesting problem left open by our work is to derive a lower bound on the number of read–write registers that are needed to design an implementation that ensures step complexity O(m) for SCAN and O(1) for UPDATE. Is there an algorithm with this step complexity that uses less than \(\Theta (mn)\) registers?

Checkmarking has the same step complexity as a space-optimal single-scanner snapshot implementation. However, in contrast to such an implementation, it uses an additional single-writer register and allows SCANS to write to this register. It is interesting to investigate whether the \(\varOmega (m^2)\) lower bound still holds on the step complexity of SCAN, for single-scanner implementations in which SCAN is allowed to write to a single-writer register.