1 Introduction and Elementary Definitions

A graph G is a couple \(G = (V(G), E(G))\) where V(G) is the set whose elements are the vertices of G, and E(G) is the set whose elements are called the edges of G. The neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph G is denoted by \(N_G(v)\) (or simply N(v)), and it is defined by \(N(v)= \{u \in V(G); \ uv \in E(G)\}\).

A proper coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to its vertex set so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. A \({\varvec{k}}\)-coloring of a graph is a proper coloring of the graph using k colors. For any graph G, we denote by \(\chi (G)\) the smallest integer k such that G has a proper k-coloring.

A digraph D is a couple \(D = (V(D), A(D))\), where V(D) is the set of vertices of D and A(D) is its set of arcs. Consider a digraph D. The out-neighborhood of a vertex v of D is denoted by \(N^+_D(v)\) (or simply \(N^+(v)\)), and it is defined by \(N^+(v)= \{u \in V(D); \ (v,u) \in A(D)\}\). Similarly, the in-neighborhood of a vertex v of D is denoted by \(N^-_D(v)\) (or simply \(N^-(v)\)), and it is defined by \(N^-(v)= \{u \in V(D); \ (u,v) \in A(D)\}\). The out-degree (resp. in-degree) of v in D is \(d^+_D(v) = |N^+_D(v)|\) (resp. \(d^-_D(v) = |N^-_D(v)|\)), and for simplicity we say \(d^+(v)\) (resp. \(d^-(v)\)). A digraph H is said to be an induced subdigraph of D if \(V(H) \subseteq V(D)\) and for all vertices u and v of H, (uv) is an arc of H if and only if (uv) is an arc of D. Let \(S \subseteq V(D)\). If H is an induced subdigraph of D and \(V(H) = S\), then we write \(H = D[S]\). Let a be an arc. We define \(D+a\) (resp. \(D-a\)) to be the digraph obtained after adding the arc a to D (resp. removing the arc a from D if \(a \in A(D)\)).

The underlying graph of a digraph D, denoted by G[D], is obtained upon removing all the orientations of the arcs of D. The chromatic number of a digraph D, denoted by \(\chi (D)\), is the chromatic number of its underlying graph G[D]. A digraph D is said to be \({\varvec{n}}\) -chromatic whenever \(\chi (G[D]) = n\). An arc a of D is said to be monochromatic if its ends have the same color.

In our work, the digraphs considered are finite having neither loops nor multiple edges.

For a directed path \(P=v_1 v_2 \cdots v_n\) (also denoted by a \(v_1 v_n\)-path) in a digraph, \(v_1\) is said to be the origin of P, \(v_n\) is its end and \(v_{i+1}\) is the successor of \(v_i\) on P for all \(i \in \{1, \ldots ,n-1\}\). A subpath of P, denoted by \(P_{[v_i,v_j]}\) with \(1 \le i<j \le n\), is the directed path contained in P of origin \(v_i\) and end \(v_j\). Similarly, a subpath of P, denoted by \(P_{]v_i,v_j]}\) (resp. \(P_{[v_i,v_j[}\)) with \(1 \le i<j \le n\), is the directed path contained in P of origin \(v_{i+1}\) (resp. \(v_i\)) and end \(v_j\) (resp. \(v_{j-1}\)).

A block of an oriented path P in a digraph is a maximal directed subpath of P. A \({\varvec{P(k, l)}}\) is defined to be a path with two blocks, where the first block consists of k forward arcs followed by a second block consisting of l backward arcs.

If D is an n-tournament, Thomason in [8] proves that D contains every oriented path of length \(n-1\) if n is large enough. Havet and Thomassé give in [6] a refinement of Thomason’s result, proving that this is valid for every tournament except for three cases: the directed 3-cycle, the regular tournament on 5 vertices and the Paley tournament on 7 vertices; where in these cases D contains no antidirected path of length \(n-1\).

An outbranching is a connected digraph containing a vertex of in-degree zero which is called the source, and all other vertices are of in-degree one. An outforest F is a digraph such that each connected component is an outbranching. For every u of V(F), \({\varvec{P_{u}(F)}}\) denotes the unique directed path in F starting from a source and reaching u. The level of u in F, denoted by \(\ell _{F}(u)\), is the order of \(P_{u}(F).\) Define for each \(i \ge 1\), \({\varvec{L_{i}(F)=\{u \in V(F); \ell _{F}(u)=i\}}}\). Let \(y\in V(F)\), we denote by \({\varvec{T_F(y)}}\) the sub-outbranching in F of source y. Note that any digraph contains a spanning outforest. Let F be a spanning outforest of a digraph D. An arc \((u,v) \in A(D)\) is said to be a backward arc with respect to F whenever \(\ell _{F}(u) \ge \ell _{F}(v)\), else it is called a forward arc.

A spanning outforest of a digraph D is said to be a maximal forest if \(\sum \limits _{v \in V(D)}\ell _{F}(v)\) is maximal. El Sahili and Kouider [4], after introducing the concept of a maximal forest, proved that it verifies this crucial property: For any backward arc (uv) with respect to a maximal forest F of a digraph D, F contains a vu-directed path, and we will denote it by \({\varvec{P_{[v,u]}(F)}}\).

Addario et al. [1] defined a final forest of a digraph D to be each spanning outforest of D verifying the previous property.

For any final forest F of a digraph D, it can be easily proved that \(L_i(F)\) is stable in D for every \(i \ge 1\), and consequently \(\ell (F) \ge \chi (D)\), where \(\ell (F)\) is the maximum integer i such that \(L_i(F)\) is non empty, and this gives a very simple proof of Gallai-Roy Theorem [5, 7]:

Theorem 1.1

Every n-chromatic digraph contains a directed path of length \(n-1\).

Starting from any spanning outforest, an algorithmic way to obtain a final forest is described in [1]. Let F be a spanning outforest of a digraph D. The process is done by defining a sequence of spanning outforests, say \(F_{1}, \, F_{2},\, \dots , \, F_{n}\) such that \(F_1=F\), \(F_n\) is final and \(F_{i+1}\) is obtained from \(F_{i}\) by adding a backward arc (xy) (relative to \(F_{i}\)) such that \(F_i\) contains no directed yx-path, and by deleting the arc of \(F_i\) with head y (if any). \(F_{i+1}\) is said to be a rectification of \(F_{i}\), and \(F_n\) is said to be a closure of F. Note that due to this algorithm, at least one vertex has a strictly higher level afterwards, and so a final forest is reachable since the process of rectification tends to maximize the levels of the vertices of the finite digraph we are dealing with.

El Sahili in [4] introduced the function f(n) defined to be the smallest integer such that any f(n)-chromatic digraph contains all paths P(kj) with \(k + j = n - 1\), and he conjectured that \(f(n) = n\). Using maximal forests, El Sahili and Kouider [4] proved that \(f(n) \le n+1\). Then, Addario et al. [1] proved the conjecture using the notion of final forests and a generalization of Bondy’s Theorem [2] about strongly connected digraphs.

In this paper, we give a new elementary proof of El Sahili conjecture without using strongly connected digraphs.

2 The Elementary Proof

Theorem 2.1

Every n-chromatic digraph with \(n \ge 4\) contains any P(kl) such that \(k+l=n-1; \ k, \ l \in \mathbb {N^*}.\)


Due to symmetry, we may assume that \(k \le l\). Let D be an n-chromatic digraph. Suppose that D contains no P(kl) for some \(k, \ l \in \mathbb {N^*}\). Let F be a final forest of D, set \(U_i(F)=L_i(F)\) for all \(i \in \{1, \dots , k-1\}\), \(U_i (F) =\bigcup \limits _{r \ge 0} L_{i+ r (l+1)}(F)\) and denote by \(D_i=D[U_i(F)]\) for all \(i \in \{k, \dots , k+l\}\). Color the vertices in \(U_i(F)\) by the color i for all \(i \in \{1, \dots , n-1\}\). Note that if \((u,v) \in A(D_i)\) for some \(i \in \{k, \dots , k+l\}\), then \(i=k\) and \(v \in L_k(F);\) otherwise \(P_u(F) \cup P_v(F) \cup (u,v)\) contains a P(kl). Thus, \(U_i(F)\) is stable for every \(i \ne k\) and \(U_k(F)\) is not stable since \(\chi (D)=n\) and \(V(D)=\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^ {n-1}U_i(F).\)

From now on, v is said to be a bad vertex for every \((u,v) \in A(D_k)\). Moreover, \(l(P_{[v,u]}(F)) \ge l+1\) which implies that every vertex \(z \in T_F(v)\) is the end of a directed path of length \(l+1\), denoted by \(Q_z\), and it is contained in \((u,v) \cup P_{[v,u]}(F) \cup P_{[v,z]}(F)\).

Claim 1. For every arc \((u,v) \in A(D_k)\), \(\ zz' \notin E(G[D])\) for every \(z \in T_F(v)\) and for every \(z' \notin T_F(v)\) with \(\ell _{F}(z') \ge k\). \(\square \)


If \((z,z') \in A(D)\), then \((z,z')\) is a forward arc as F is a final forest, and so \(\ell _{F}(z') > \ell _{F}(z) \ge k\). Knowing that \(l(P_{z'}(F)) \ge k\), \(P_{z'}(F) \cap T_F(v) = \phi \) and \(Q_z \subseteq T_F(v)\), so \(Q_z \cup (z,z') \cup P_{z'}(F)\) contains a P(kl); which gives a contradiction. Similarly, one can observe that a P(kl) will appear in \(Q_z \cup (z',z) \cup P_{z'}(F)\) if \((z',z) \in A(D)\). \(\square \)

It is now clear that the only monochromatic arcs appear in \(D_k\), which implies that a proper coloring may be established if we recolor properly \(T_F(v)\) for every bad vertex v.

Let \((u,v) \in A(D_k),\) and set \(C_v^{F} = P_{[v,u]}(F) \cup (u,v),\) \(P_{[v,u]}(F)=v_k v_{k+1} \cdots v_p\) where \(v_k=v, \ v_p=u\) and \(p=\ell _{F}(u).\)

A vertex x in D is said to be rich in F if \(\ell _{F}(x) \ge k\) and \(N(x) \cap L_i(F) \ne \phi \) for all \(i \in \{1, \dots , k-1\}\).

From now on, we may consider the following recoloring. For every bad vertex v, if v is not rich, then recolor it by some color i whenever \(N(v) \cap L_i(F) = \phi \) for some \(i \in \{1,\dots ,k-1\}.\) Otherwise, if v is bad rich but has no rich neighbor in \(U_j(F)\) for some \(j \in \{k, \cdots , k+l\},\) then recolor its neighbors in \(U_j(F)\), if any,by the suitable colors from \(\{1,\dots ,k-1\},\) and finally color v by j. In both cases, \(T_{F}(v)\) is colored properly by the colors \(\{1, \dots , n-1\}\).

A direct consequence of the previous paragraph states that there exists a rich bad vertex v such that v has a rich neighbor in \(U_i(F)\) for every \(i \ge k\), which implies that we are concerned now with recoloring \(T_F(v)\) properly in this case.

Claim 2. If u is a rich in-neighbor of v in \(U_k(F)\), then u is the unique in-neighbor of v in \(U_k(F).\)


Suppose that there exists \(u' \in U_k(F)\) such that \(u' \ne u\) and \((u',v) \in A(D).\) Let \(j = min\{i: \ 1 \le i \le k \ \text {and} \ N^+(u) \cap L_i(F) \ne \phi \}\), \( x \in N^+(u) \cap L_j(F)\) and \( y \in N^-(u) \cap L_{j-1}(F)\) if \(j>1\). Clearly, \(x \in P_v(F).\) If \(j=1\), then the path \((u,x) \cup P_v(F) \cup P_{]v,u']}(F) \cup (u',v)\) contains a P(kl),  else the path \(P_y(F) \cup (y,u) \cup (u,x) \cup P_{[x,v]}(F) \cup P_{]v,u']}(F) \cup (u',v)\) contains a P(kl);  which gives a contradiction. \(\square \)

Taking into consideration the proof of Claim 2, \(P'_z\) denotes the path \((z,x) \cup P_v(F) \) if \(j=1\) and the path \(P_y(F) \cup (y,z) \cup (z,x) \cup P_{[x,v]}(F) \) if \(j>1\) whenever z is a rich in-neighbor of a bad vertex v.

Set \(B = \{v: v \ \text { is a rich bad vertex and has a rich in-neighbor in} \ U_k(F)\}\). Let \(v \in B\) and let u be the rich in-neighbor of v in \(U_k(F)\). Recall that \(C_v^{F} = v_k v_{k+1} \cdots v_p\) where \(v_k=v, \ v_p=u\) and \(p=\ell _{F}(u).\)

Claim 3. For every vertex \(v \in B\), the rich neighbors of v belong to \(L_i(F)\) for every \(i \in \{k+1, \dots , k+l\}.\)


Suppose that there exists a rich neighbor w of v such that \(w \in U_i(F) - L_i(F)\) for some \(i \in \{k+1, \dots , k+l\}.\) If \(w \notin T_F(u),\) then \(P'_u \cup P_{[v,w]} (F) \cup vw\) contains a P(kl), which gives a contradiction. If \(w \in T_F(u),\) then consider the path \(P'_w \cup P_{[v,u]} (F) \cup (u,v)\) if \((w,v) \in A(D)\) and the path \(P_v(F) \cup (v,w) \cup P_{[v,w]} (F)\) otherwise. Note that both paths contain a P(kl), which gives a contradiction. Let \(r \in \{1, \dots ,l\}\). We will consider a recoloring \(T_F(v)\) for every \(v \in B\) having a non rich neighbor \(v_{k+r}\). If v has a rich neighbor x in \(U_{k+r}(F)\), then \(\ell _{F}(x)=k+r\) by Claim 3. Since \(\ell _{F}(x) = k+r\) and \(x \ne v_{k+r}\), then \(x \notin C_v^F\), and so \(N(x) \cap L_i(F) = N^-(x) \cap L_i(F)\) for every \(i \in \{1, \dots , k\}\), since otherwise \(P'_x\cup C_v^F\) contains a P(kl) which gives a contradiction.

Let \(wz \in E(G[D])\), where \(w \in T_{F}(v)-T_{F}(x)\) and \(z \in T_{F}(x),\) then \((w,z) \in A(D)\) such that \(z=x\) and \(\ell _{F}(w)<\ell _{F}(x).\) Otherwise, since \(w \notin T_F(x)\), then \(Q_w \cap T_F(x) = \phi \). If \((z,w) \in A(D)\), then a P(kl) appears in \(P_y(F) \cup (y,x) \cup P_{[x,z]}(F) \cup (z,w) \cup Q_w\) where \(y \in N^-(x) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\), which gives a contradiction. Hence, \((w,z) \in A(D)\), and so \(\ell _{F}(w) < \ell _{F}(z)\) as \(w \notin T_F(x)\). If \(z \ne x\), a P(kl) appears in \(P_y(F) \cup (y,x) \cup P_{[x,z]}(F)\cup (w,z) \cup Q_w\) where \(y \in N^-(x) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\).

So for any rich neighbor x of v in \(U_{k+r}(F)\), recolor z by \(i+1\) for every \(z \in T_{F}(x) \cap U_i(F)\) with \(i \in \{k+1, \dots , k+l-1\}\), recolor z by k for every \(z \in T_{F}(x) \cap U_{k+l}(F)\) and finally recolor the remaining neighbors of v in \(U_{k+r}(F)\) by the suitable color from \(\{1, \dots , k-1\}.\) Now, \(T_F(v)\) will be colored properly if we give v the color \(k+r\).

Claim 4. There exists no vertex \(v \in B\) such that \(v_{k+r}\) is a rich neighbor of v for every \(r \in \{1, \dots , l\}\). \(\square \)


Let \(F_1 = F + (u,v) - (v,v_{k+1})\) if \(k =1\) and \(F_1 = F + (y,v_{k+1}) + (u,v) - (v,v_{k+1}) - (x,v)\) if \(k \ge 2\) where \(x \in N^-(v) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\) and \(y \in N^-(v_{k+1}) \cap L_{k-1}(F).\) Let \(F_c\) be a closure of \(F_1.\) Since u(F) is minimal, then \(\ell _{F_c}(z)=\ell _{F}(z)\) for all \(z \in L_i(F)\), \(i \in \{1, \dots , k-1\}\), if any. Thus, \(\ell _{F_c}(v_{k+1})=k\) and v is still rich in \(F_c.\) Due to the minimality of |B| and maximality of \(\sum \limits _{w \in B} h_{F}(w)\), \(v_{k+1}\) is bad in \(F_c\) and \(h_{F_c}(v_{k+1}) = h_{F}(v)\) and so \(\ell _{F_c}(v) = \ell _{F}(u).\) Moreover, it can be easily proved that \(\ell _{F_c}(v_i) = \ell _{F}(v_i) - 1\) for every \(i \in \{k+1, \dots , p\}\). Therefore, \(C_{v_{k+1}} ^{F_c} = C_v^{F}.\)

Repeating the same reasoning, we can show that \(v_i\) plays the same role, that is the l successive vertices of \(v_i\) on \(C_v^F\) are rich neighbors of \(v_i\) and \(N(v_i) \cap L_{k-1}(F) = N^-(v_i) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\) for every \(i \in \{k+1, \dots , p\}\). Using the fact that \(k \le l\) and \(n \ge 4\), we get that \(l \ge 2\) and so \(l(C_v^F) \ge 4\). Moreover, \((v_{k+2}, v_k) \in A(D)\), otherwise a P(kl) appears in \(P_{[v_{k+3}, v_p]}(F) \cup (v_p,v_k) \cup (v_k, v_{k+2}) \cup P_z(F) \cup (z, v_{k+1}) \cup (v_{k+1},v_{k+2})\), where \(z \in N^-(v_{k+1}) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\). By symmetry, \((v_{k+1}, v_p) \in A(D)\). Finally, \((v_k, v_{k+l}) \in A(D)\), otherwise \(P_{[v_{k+1}, v_{k+l}]} (F) \cup (v_{k+l},v_k) \cup P'_{v_p}\) contains a P(kl). Thus, there exists \(i \in \{ k+2, \dots , k+l-1\} \) such that \((v_i,v_k) \in A(D)\) and \((v_k, v_{i+1}) \in A(D)\). Hence, \(P_{[v_{k+2}, v_i]}(F) \cup (v_i,v_k) \cup (v_k,v_{i+1}) \cup P_{[v_{i+1}, v_p]}(F) \cup P_z(F) \cup (z, v_{k+1}) \cup (v_{k+1},v_p)\), where \(z \in N^-(v_{k+1}) \cap L_{k-1}(F)\), contains a P(kl); which gives a contradiction.

Thus, we can say now that D is colored properly using \((n-1)\)-colors due to Claim 1, which gives a contradiction.\(\square \)