1 Introduction

All graphs considered in this paper are finite, undirected and simple. Let G be a graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The order of G is the cardinality of V(G). For a vertex x of G, let \(d_G(x)\) be the degree of x in G, i.e. the number of edges of G incident with x, and let \(\delta (G)\) and \(\Delta (G)\) denote the minimum degree and maximum degree of G, respectively.

A matching of G is an edge subset of G in which no two edges have a common end-vertex. A matching M of G is said to be a perfect matching or a 1-factor if it covers all vertices of G. A graph G is called factor-critical if the removal of each vertex of G results in a graph with a perfect matching. A graph with at least an edge is called bicritical if the removal of each pair of distinct vertices of G results in a graph with a perfect matching. A 3-connected bicritical graph is the so-called brick. Factor-critical and bricks were introduced by Gallai [6] and Lovász [7], respectively, which play important roles in Gallai–Edmonds Structure Theorem and in determining the dimensions of perfect matching polytopes and matching lattices; see a detailed monograph due to Lovász and Plummer [11].

Generally, Favaron [3] and Yu [20] independently defined k-factor-critical graphs for any positive integer k. A graph G of order n is said to be k-factor-critical for positive integer \(k<n\), if the removal of any k vertices of G results in a graph with a perfect matching. They characterized k-factor-critical graphs in Tutte’s type and showed that such graphs are \((k+1)\)-edge-connected. To date there have been many studies on k-factor-critical graphs; see articles [5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23] and a monograph [21].

A graph G is called minimally k-factor-critical if G is k-factor-critical but \(G-e\) is not k-factor-critical for any \(e\in E(G)\). O. Favaron and M. Shi [4] studied some properties of minimally k-factor-critical graphs and obtained an upper bound of minimum degree of minimally k-factor-critical graphs as follows.

Theorem 1.1

([4]) For a minimally k-factor-critical graph G of order \(n\ge k+4\), \(\delta (G)\le \frac{n+k}{2}-1\). If moreover \(n\ge k+6\), then \(\delta (G)\le \frac{n+k}{2}-2\).

From Theorem 1.1, the following result is immediate.

Corollary 1.2

([4]) Let G be a minimally k-factor-critical graph of order n. If \(k=n-2, n-4\) or \(n-6\), then \(\delta (G)=k+1\).

Favaron and Shi [4] also pointed out that from the ear decomposition of factor-critical graphs (see [11]), obviously a minimally 1-factor-critical graph has the minimum degree two. Further, since a minimally k-factor-critical graph is \((k+1)\)-edge-connected and thus has the minimum degree at least \(k+1\), Favaron and Shi asked a problem: does Corollary 1.2 hold for general k?

Similarly, for minimally q-extendable graphs, Lou [8] proved that every minimally q-extendable bipartite graph has minimum degree \(q+1\) and Lou et al. [12] conjectured that any minimally q-extendable graph G on n vertices with \(n\le 4q\) has minimum degree \(q + 1, 2q\) or \(2q + 1\). Afterward, Zhang et al. [22] showed that a non-bipartite graph of order \(n\le 4q-2\) is q-extendable if and only if it is 2q-factor-critical, and formally reproposed the following conjecture. Since a q-extendable non-bipartite graph may not be 2q-factor-critical when \(n=4q\) (see Fig. 1), they pointed out that except the case \(n=4q\), the conjecture of minimum degree of minimally q-extendable graphs in which the value 2q can be excluded is actually part of Conjecture 1.3.

Fig. 1
figure 1

G is 2-extendable but not 4-factor-critical when \(n=8, q=2\)

Conjecture 1.3

([4, 22]) Let G be a minimally k-factor-critical graph of order n with \(0\le k<n\). Then \(\delta (G)=k+1\).

From the above discussions, we know that Conjecture 1.3 is true for \(k=1, n-2, n-4, n-6\). To date Conjecture 1.3 remains open for \(2\le k\le n-8\) of the same parity as n.

However, recently some great progresses have been made on related bicritical graphs. A brick is minimal if the removal of any edge results in a graph that is non-brick. From the construction of a brick, de Carvalho et al. [2] proved that every minimal brick contains a vertex of degree three. Norine and Thomas [16] proved that every minimal brick has at least three vertices of degree three. Later, Lin et al. [14] obtained that every minimal brick has at least four vertices of degree three. At the same time, Bruhn and Stein [1] showed that every minimal brick G has at least \(\frac{1}{9}|V(G)|\) vertices of degree at most four.

In this paper, we use a novel and simple method to reprove Corollary 1.2. Continuing this method, we can prove Conjecture 1.3 to be true for \(k=n-8\). On the other hand, the only \((n-2)\)-factor-critical graph of order n is complete graph \(K_{n}\). Favaron and Shi [4] characterized minimally \((n-4)\)-factor-critical graphs of order n in the degree distribution. Finally, we obtain that every minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph of order n has at most \(n-\Delta (G)\) vertices with the maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\) for \(\Delta (G)\ge n-4\).

2 Some Preliminaries

In this section, we give some graph-theoretical terminologies and notations, and some preliminary results for late use. For a vertex x of a graph G, the neighborhood N(x) of x is the set of vertices of G adjacent to x, and the closed neighborhood is \(N[x]:=N(x)\cup \{x\}\). Then \(\overline{N[x]}:=V(G)\setminus N[x]\) is called the non-neighborhood of x in G, which has a critical role in subsequent discussions.

A vertex of a graph G with degree one is called a pendent vertex. An independent set in a graph is a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices. For a set \(S\subseteq V(G)\), let G[S] denote the subgraph of G induced by S in G, and \(G-S=G[V(G)-S]\). For an edge e of G, \(G-e\) stands for the graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set \(E(G)-\{e\}\). Similarly, for distinct vertices u and v with \(e=uv \notin E(G)\), \(G+e\) stands for the graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set \(E(G)\cup \{e\}\). A claw of G is an induced subgraph isomorphic to the star \(K_{1,3}\).

A graph G is trivial if it has only one vertex. Let \({c_o}(G)\) be the number of odd components of G. The following is Tutte’s 1-factor theorem.

Theorem 2.1

([19]) A graph G has a 1-factor if and only if \(c_{o}(G-X)\le |X|\) for any \(X \subseteq V(G)\).

The following characterization and connectivity of k-factor-critical graphs were obtained by Favaron [3] and Yu [20], independently.

Lemma 2.2

([3, 20]) A graph G is k-factor-critical if and only if \(C_{o}(G-B)\le |B|-k\) for any \(B \subseteq V(G)\) with \(|B|\ge k\).

Lemma 2.3

([3, 20]) If G is k-factor-critical for some \(1\le k< n\) with \(n+k\) even, then G is k-connected, \((k+1)\)-edge-connected and \((k-2)\)-factor-critical if \(k\ge 2\).

Favaron and Shi [4] characterized minimally k-factor-critical graphs.

Lemma 2.4

([4]) Let G be a k-factor-critical graph. Then G is minimal if and only if for each \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u,v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=k\) such that every perfect matching of \(G-S_{e}\) contains e.

Lemma 2.5

([4]) Let G be a k-factor-critical graph of order \(n>k+2\) and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)=n-1\). Then G is minimal if and only if G contains one vertex of degree \(n-1\) and \(n-1\) vertices of degree \(k+1\).

Plummer and Saito [18] obtained a necessary and sufficient condition of k-factor-critical graphs.

Theorem 2.6

([18]) Let G be a graph of order n and let x and y be a pair of nonadjacent vertices of G with \(d_{G}(x)+ d_{G}(y)\ge n+k-1\). Then G is k-factor-critical if and only if \(G\cup \{xy\}\) is k-factor-critical.

Corollary 2.7

Let G be a minimally k-factor-critical graph of order n, where \(n\ge k+5\). If \(\Delta (G)=n-2\), then there are at most two vertices with degree \(n-2\) and such two vertices are not adjacent.


If G has three vertices of degree \(n-2\), then two of them must be adjacent. So it suffices to show that any two vertices with degree \(n-2\) are not adjacent. Suppose to the contrary that there exist two adjacent vertices uv such that \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=n-2\). Let \(G'=G-uv\). Since \(n\ge \) \(k+5\), we have \(d_{G'}(u)+d_{G'}(v)=2n-6\ge n+k-1\). By Theorem 2.6, \(G'\) is also k-factor-critical, contradicting that G is minimally k-factor-critical graph.

3 A Simple Proof of Corollary 1.2

In this section, we give a different and brief method to reprove Corollary 1.2. We divide our proof into the two cases \(k=n-4\) and \(n-6\) for \(k\ge 2\).

Lemma 3.1

([4]) A graph G of order \(n\ge 6\) is \((n-4)\)-factor-critical if and only if it is claw-free and \(\delta (G)\ge n-3\).

Proof of Corollary 1.2for \(k=n-4\). By Lemma 2.3, \(\delta (G)\ge n-3\). To prove \(\delta (G)=n-3\), suppose to the contrary that \(\delta (G)\ge n-2\). Since G is a minimally \((n-4)\)-factor-critical graph, for any \(e=uv\in E(G)\), \(G-e\) is not \((n-4)\)-factor-critical. Since \(n=k+4\ge 6\) and \(\delta (G-e)\) \(\ge n-3\), by Lemma 3.1, \(G-e\) must contain a claw. Since G is \((n-4)\)-factor-critical, G is claw-free. Hence u and v must be two pendent vertices of the claw. The third pendent vertex of the claw is not adjacent to u and v. So its degree is at most \(n-3\), a contradiction. \(\square \)

Proof of Corollary 1.2for \(k=n-6\). Obviously, \(\delta (G)\ge n-5\). Suppose to the contrary that \(\delta (G)\ge n-4\). That is, the non-neighborhood of any vertex in G has at most three vertices. Next we will obtain two claims.

Claim 1: For every \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=n-6\) such that \(G-e-S_{e}\) is one of Configuration A1, A2 and A3 as shown in Fig. 2. (The vertices within a dotted box induce a connected subgraph and the dotted edges indicate optional edges.)

Fig. 2
figure 2

The three configurations of \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\)

Since G is a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph, by Lemma 2.4, for any given \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=n-6\) such that every perfect matching of \(G-S_{e}\) contains e. Then \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\) has no perfect matching. By Theorem 2.1, there exists \(X\subseteq V(G')\) such that \(C_{o}(G'-X)> |X|\). By parity, \(C_{o}(G'-X)\ge |X|+2\). So \(|X|+2\le C_{o}(G'-X)\le |V(G'-X)|=6-|X|\). Thus \(|X|\le 2\). Since \(G'+e\) has a perfect matching, \(C_{o}(G'-X)=|X|+2\) and u and v belong separately to distinct odd components of \(G'-X\). Since \(\delta (G'+e)\ge 2\), \(G'+e=G-S_{e}\) has no pendent vertex. Then \(G'\) has no isolated vertex. Now we discuss the following three cases depending on |X|.

If \(|X|=0\), then \(G'\) must consist of two odd components which each is isomorphic to \(K_{3}\), and e joins them. So \(G'\) is A1.

If \(|X|=1\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=3\). If \(G'-X\) has three trivial odd components, then \(G'+e\) has a pendent vertex, a contradiction. So \(G'-X\) has exactly two trivial odd components and one odd component with three vertices. Since \(G'+e\) has no pendent vertex, e must join the two trivial odd components. So \(G'\) is A2.

If \(|X|=2\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=4\). So \(G'-X\) consists of exactly four trivial odd components, two of which are joined by e. Let \(X=\{x, y\}\). If x or \(y\in \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\), say \(y\in \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\), then \(ux, vx\in E(G')\) and \(G'[w_{1}, w_{2}, y]\) is an odd component of \(G'-\{x\}\). Hence it is A2. Without loss of generality, assume that \(ux, vy\in E(G')\). Then \(G'\) is A3. So Claim 1 holds.

Next we obtain some properties for the set of vertices of G in both non-neighborhoods of end-vertices of an edge from the three configurations.

Claim 2: (1) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A1, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 1\), for \(u_{1}, u_{2}\in N(u)\) but \(u_{1}, u_{2}\notin N(v)\) and \(u_{3}, u_{4}\in N(v)\) but \(u_{3}, u_{4}\notin N(u)\);

(2) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A2, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=3\) as \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}=\{v_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3}\}\);

(3) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A3, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\ge 2\) as \( \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\) contains a pair of non-adjacent vertices \(w_{1}\) and \(w_{2}\), which form an independent set of G.

By Claim 1, there are three cases to discuss, where contradictions always happen.

Case 1: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A1.

Consider edge \(e'=uu_{1}\). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, u_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-6\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration A1, A2 and A3. Since \(\overline{N[u_{1}]}=\{v, u_{3}, u_{4}\}\) and \(uv\in E(G)\), \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]}=\{u_{3}, u_{4}\}\). By Claim 2 (1) and (2), \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is neither A1 nor A2. Since \(u_{3}u_{4}\in E(G)\), \(\{u_{3}, u_{4}\}\) is not an independent set of G. So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not A3. This is a contradiction to Claim 1.

Case 2: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A2.

Since \(G-S_{e}\) has a perfect matching M, without loss of generality, assume that \(xv_{1}, v_{2}v_{3}\in M\). Let \(e'=ux\in E(G)\). Obviously, \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[x]}\subseteq \{v_{2}, v_{3}\}\). By Claim 2 (2) and Case 1, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is neither A1 nor A2 for any \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, x\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-6\). Because \(v_{2}v_{3}\in E(G)\), \(\{v_{2}, v_{3}\}\) is not an independent set of G. Then \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is also not A3. This contradicts Claim 1.

Case 3: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is A3.

Without loss of generality, assume that \(ux, vy\in E(G)\). Let \(e'=ux\in E(G)\). Clearly, \(w_{1}, w_{2}\in N(x)\) and \(w_{1}, w_{2}\notin N(u)\). Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|\le \) 1. By Claim 2 and Case 1, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not A1, A2 or A3 for any \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, x\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-6\), which contradicts Claim 1. \(\square \)

4 The Minimum Degree of Minimally \((n-8)\)-Factor-Critical Graphs

Going one step further, we confirm that Conjecture 1.3 is true for \(k=n-8\).

Theorem 4.1

If G is a minimally \((n-8)\)-factor-critical graph of order \(n\ge 10\), then \(\delta (G)=n-7\).


By Lemma 2.3, \(\delta (G)\ge n-7\). Suppose to the contrary that \(\delta (G)\ge n-6\).

Claim 1: For every \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e-S_{e}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8 as shown in Fig. 3. (The vertices within a dotted box induce a connected subgraph.)

Fig. 3
figure 3

The eight configurations of \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\)

Since G is a minimally \((n-8)\)-factor-critical graph, by Lemma 2.4, for any \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=n-8\) such that every perfect matching of \(G-S_{e}\) contains e. Then \(G-e-S_{e}\) has no perfect matching. Let \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\). By Theorem 2.1, there exists \(X\subseteq V(G')\) such that \(C_{o}(G'-X)> |X|\). By parity, \(C_{o}(G'-X)\ge \) \(|X|+2\). So \(|X|+2\le \) \(C_{o}(G'-X)\le \) \(|V(G'-X)|\) \(=8-|X|\). Thus \(|X|\le 3\). Since \(G'+e\) has a 1-factor, \(C_{o}(G'-X)=|X|+2\) and u and v belong respectively to two distinct odd components of \(G'-X\). Moreover, \(\delta (G-S_{e})\ge 2\). Then \(G'+e=G-S_{e}\) has no pendent vertex and \(G'\) has no isolated vertex.

If \(|X|=0\), then \(G'\) has exactly two odd components, one of which is \(K_{3}\) and the other has five vertices. Since \(G'+e\) has a 1-factor, e joins the two odd components, and we may assume that \(u_{3}u_{4}, u_{5}u_{6}\) are two independent edges. So \(G'\) is B1.

If \(|X|=1\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=3\). Let \(X=\{a\}\). \(G'-X\) has at most two trivial odd components which are joined by e. Otherwise, \(G'+e\) has a pendent vertex, a contradiction. The other odd component has three or five vertices. So \(G'\) is B2 or B3. Specially, if \(G'-X\) has exactly one trivial odd component, then the other two nontrivial odd components are both with three vertices. Since \(G'+e\) has no pendent vertex, e joins the trivial odd component and a nontrivial odd component with three vertices. Besides, there must exist an edge joining a and the nontrivial odd component, otherwise, it is B1. Then \(G'\) is B4.

If \(|X|=2\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=4\). Hence \(G'-X\) has either four trivial odd components or three trivial odd components and one nontrivial odd component with three vertices. Since \(G'+e\) has a 1-factor, e joins two of the four odd components of \(G'-X\). If \(G'-X\) has four trivial odd components, then \(G'\) is B5. If \(G'-X\) has three trivial odd components, then \(G'\) is B6 or B7.

If \(|X|=3\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=5\). Thus \(G'-X\) consists of exactly five trivial odd components, two of which are joined by e. So \(G'\) is B8.

For every \(x\in V(G)\), \(\overline{N[x]}\) has at most five vertices of G. Then we can obtain the following claim by observing the eight configurations.

Claim 2: (1) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B1, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 3\). Since \(u_{1}, u_{2}\in N(u)\) but \(u_{1}, u_{2}\notin N(v)\), \(\overline{N[v]}\) has at most three elements in \(\overline{N[u]}\);

(2) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B2 or B3, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=5\);

(3) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B4, then \(3\le |\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 4\) as \(\overline{N[u]}=\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\) and \(\{x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\) \(\subseteq \overline{N[v]}\) but \(x_{1}\) or \(x_{2}\in N(v)\);

(4) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B5 or B6, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\ge 4\);

(5) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B7, then \(2\le |\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 4\) as \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}, p_{3}, p_{4}\}\subseteq \) \(\overline{N[u]}\) and \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}\) \(\subseteq \overline{N[v]}\) but \(p_{3}\) or \(p_{4}\in N(v)\);

(6) If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B8, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\ge 3\) as \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\) contains an independent set \(\{w_{1}, w_{2}, w_{3}\}\).

By Claim 1, there are eight cases to distinguish.

Case 1: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B1.

Since \(G-S_{e}\) has a perfect matching M, \(uv, u_{1}u_{2}\in M\). So, without loss of generality, we assume that \(u_{3}u_{4}, u_{5}u_{6}\in M\).

Consider edge \(e'=uu_{1}\). Clearly, \(\overline{N[u_{1}]}=\{v, u_{3}, u_{4}, u_{5}, u_{6}\}\) and \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]}=\) \(\{u_{3}, u_{4},\) \(u_{5}, u_{6}\}\). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, u_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8. By Claim 2 (1) and (2), \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) may not be B1, B2 or B3. Furthermore, since \(G[ \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]} ]\) contains two independent edges, by Claim 2 (4) and (6), \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) can not be B5, B6 or B8. Then \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B4 or B7.

Suppose that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B4. Since \(G[\overline{N[u_{1}]}]\) is a connected subgraph of G, u (resp. \(u_{1}\)) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(B4-\{a\}\). The odd component containing \(u_{1}\) must be \(K_{3}\). Otherwise, there is a vertex in \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]}\) which is not adjacent to the other three vertices, contradicting that \(u_{3}u_{4}, u_{5}u_{6}\) are two independent edges. But then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]}|= 3\), a contradiction.

So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B7. Since \(u_{3}u_{4}, u_{5}u_{6}\in M\) and \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}\) is an independent set of G, \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}=\{u_{3}, u_{5}\}\), \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}=\{u_{4}, u_{6}\}\), \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}=\{u_{3}, u_{6}\}\) or \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}=\{u_{4}, u_{5}\}\). By symmetry, we may assume that \(\{p_{1}, p_{2}\}=\{u_{3}, u_{5}\}\). If \(u_{1}\) is a trivial odd component of \(B7-\{c_{1}, c_{2}\}\), then \(u_{4}\) or \(u_{6}\in \{p_{3}, p_{4}\}\). But \(u_{3}u_{4}, u_{5}u_{6}\in E(G)\), a contradiction. Then u (resp. \(u_{1}\)) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(B7-\{c_{1}, c_{2}\}\). The odd component containing \(u_{1}\) must be \(K_{3}\). Otherwise, say \(u_{1}p_{4}\notin E(G)\), so \(p_{4}\in \{u_{4}, u_{6}\}\), contradicting that \(p_{1}p_{4}, p_{2}p_{4}\notin E(G)\). But then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[u_{1}]}|\le 3\), a contradiction.

Case 2: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B7.

We may assume that \(uc_{1}, vp_{3}\in E(G)\). Since \(G-S\) has a perfect matching, \(p_{3}p_{4}\in E(G)\). Let \(e'=c_{1}p_{1}\in E(G)\). Obviously, \(\overline{N[p_{1}]}=\) \(\{u, v, p_{2}, p_{3}, p_{4}\}\). Then \(\overline{N[c_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[p_{1}]}\subseteq \{v, p_{3}, p_{4}\}\) (see Fig. 4 (1)). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{c_{1}, p_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8. Since \(\{v, p_{3}, p_{4}\}\) is not an independent set of G, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not B8. By Claim 2 and Case 1, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B4 or B7.

If \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B4, then \(\overline{N[c_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[p_{1}]}=\{v, p_{3}, p_{4}\}=\) \(\{x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\). Hence \(c_{1}\) (resp. \(p_{1}\)) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(B4-\{a\}\). Otherwise, \(\overline{N[p_{1}]}=\) \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\), so \(u\in \{x_{1}, x_{2}\}\), but \(uv\in E(G)\), a contradiction. Moreover, the odd component of \(B4-\{a\}\) containing \(p_{1}\) must be \(K_{3}\) as \(|\overline{N[c_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[p_{1}]}|=3\). Then \(x_{1}\), \(x_{2}\notin \{u, p_{2}\}\). Since \(p_{3}\in \{x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\), \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}\}\subseteq \overline{N[p_{3}]}\). Then \(\{c_{1}, u, p_{1}, p_{2}, x_{1}, x_{2}\}\subseteq \overline{N[p_{3}]}\). Hence \(d_{G}(p_{3})\le n-7\), a contradiction (see Fig. 4 (2)).

Fig. 4
figure 4

\(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B4 and \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B7

So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B7, whose vertices are relabelled by \(c_{1}', c_{2}', p_{1}', p_{2}', p_{3}', p_{4}', u', v'\). Then \(\{u', v'\}=\{c_{1}, p_{1}\}\). Since \(\{p_{1}', p_{2}'\}\subseteq \) \(\overline{N[c_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[p_{1}]}\subseteq \{v, p_{3}, p_{4}\}\), \(vp_{4}\notin E(G)\). We may assume \(p_{1}'=v\), \(p_{2}'=p_{4}\). It is easy to see that \(\overline{N[p_{4}]}=\) \(\{u, v, c_{1}, p_{1}, p_{2}\}\). On the other hand, \(\overline{N[p_{4}]}=\) \(\{v, c_{1}, p_{1}, p_{3}', p_{4}'\}\). So \(\{u, p_{2}\}=\{p_{3}', p_{4}'\}\). But \(p_{3}'p_{4}'\in E(G)\), \(up_{2}\notin E(G)\), a contradiction (see Fig. 4 (3)).

Case 3: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B5.

Clearly, \(\overline{N[y_{1}]}=\) \(\{u, v, y_{2}, y_{3}, y_{4}\}\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(ua_{1}\in E(G)\). Let \(e'=y_{1}a_{1}\in E(G)\). Then \(\overline{N[a_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[y_{1}]}\subseteq \{v, y_{3}, y_{4}\}\). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{y_{1}, a_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8. Since \(y_{3}y_{4}\in E(G)\), \(\{v, y_{3}, y_{4}\}\) is not an independent set of G. So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not B8. By Claim 2, Case 1 and Case 2, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B4.

If \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B4, then \(\overline{N[a_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[y_{1}]}=\) \(\{v, y_{3}, y_{4}\}\), which induces a connected subgraph of G. But \(vy_{3}, vy_{4}\notin E(G)\), a contradiction.

Case 4: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B4.

Since \(G-S_{e}\) has a perfect matching M, without loss of generality, assume that \(x_{1}x_{2}, ax_{3},x_{4}x_{5}\in M\). Let \(e'=ua\in E(G)\). Obviously, \(\overline{N[u]}=\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\). Hence \(\overline{N[a]}\cap \overline{N[u]}\) \(\subseteq \{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, a\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8. By Claim 2, Cases 1, 2 and 3, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B4, B6 or B8.

Since \(x_{1}x_{2}, x_{4}x_{5}\in E(G)\), \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{4},\) \(x_{5}\}\) has no subset, which is an independent set with size three. So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not B8. Because there are no edge joining \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}\}\) and \(\{x_{4}, x_{5}\}\), for any \(T\subseteq \{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{4}, x_{5}\}\) with \(|T|=3\), G[T] does not induce a connected subgraph of \(B4-\{a\}\) or \(B6-\{b_{1}, b_{2}\}\). So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) can not be B4 or B6. This is a contradiction to Claim 1.

Case 5: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B6.

Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(b_{1}z_{2}\in E(G)\). Let \(e'=b_{1}z_{1}\). Clearly, \(\overline{N[z_{1}]}=\) \(\{u, v, z_{2}, z_{3}, z_{4}\}\). By Claim 1, there exists \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{b_{1}, z_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) such that \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is one of Configuration B1 to B8. Moreover, \(b_{1}\), \(b_{2}\notin \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\), otherwise, it is B2 or B3. Assume that \(ub_{1}, vb_{2}\in E(G)\). So \(\overline{N[b_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[z_{1}]}\subseteq \{v, z_{3}, z_{4}\}\). By Claim 2, Cases 1, 2 and 4, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B8.

If \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is B8, then \(\overline{N[b_{1}]}\cap \overline{N[z_{1}]}=\{v, z_{3}, z_{4}\}\) and \(\{v, z_{3}, z_{4}\}\) is an independent set of G. So \(z_{3}z_{4}\notin E(G)\). Thus \(z_{2}z_{3}, z_{2}z_{4}\in E(G)\). Since \(\delta (G-S_{e})\ge 2\), \(b_{2}z_{3}, b_{2}z_{4}\in E(G)\). Now consider edge \(e''=z_{2}z_{3}\). We have \(\overline{N[z_{3}]}=\{u, v, b_{1}, z_{1}, z_{4}\}\). Since \(b_{1}z_{2}, z_{2}z_{4}\in E(G)\), \(\overline{N[z_{2}]}\cap \overline{N[z_{3}]}=\{u, v, z_{1}\}\). By Claim 2, Cases 1, 2, 4 and \(uv\in E(G)\), \(G-e''-S_{e''}\) is not one of Configuration B1 to B8 for any \(S_{e''}\subseteq V(G)-\{z_{2}, z_{3}\}\) with \(|S_{e''}|=n-8\), a contradiction.

Case 6: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B2 or B3.

Since \(G-S_{e}\) has a perfect matching M, without loss of generality, assume that \(av_{1}, v_{2}v_{3}, v_{4}v_{5}\in M\). Now consider edge \(e'=ua\). Then \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[a]}\subseteq \{v_{2}, v_{3}, v_{4}, v_{5}\}\). By Claim 2 and Cases 1 to 5, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B8 for some \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, a\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) only when \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B3. Since \(v_{2}v_{3}, v_{4}v_{5}\in E(G)\), for any \(T\subseteq \) \(\{v_{2}, v_{3}, v_{4}, v_{5}\}\) with \(|T|=3\), T is not an independent set of G. So \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) is not B8. This is a contradiction to Claim 1.

Case 7: \(G-e-S_{e}\) is B8.

Since \(\delta (G-S_{e})\ge 2\), without loss of generality, assume that \(w_{1}a_{1}, w_{1}a_{2}\in E(G)\). Let \(e'=w_{1}a_{1}\in E(G)\) and \(S_{e'}\subseteq V(G)-\{w_{1}, a_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{e'}|=n-8\) satisfying Claim 1. Then \(\{u, v, w_{2}, w_{3}\}\subseteq \overline{N[w_{1}]}\). By Claim 2 and Cases 1 to 6, \(G-e'-S_{e'}\) would be B8. Then it suffices to show that there is an independent set \(S_{0}'\) with size three in \(G-S_{e'}\) and every vertex in \(S_{0}'\) is not adjacent to \(w_{1}\) and \(a_{1}\). Since \(S_{0}'\subseteq \overline{N[w_{1}]}\), \(w_{2}\) or \(w_{3}\in S_{0}'\), say \(w_{2}\in S_{0}'\). Then \(w_{2}a_{2}, w_{2}a_{3}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G-S_{e}}(w_{2})\ge 2\).

Subcase 7.1: \(w_{1}a_{3}\notin E(G)\).

Clearly, \(\overline{N[w_{1}]}=\{u, v, w_{2}, w_{3}, a_{3}\}\). So \(a_{3}\notin S_{0}'\) and \(w_{3}\in S_{0}'\). Then \(w_{3}a_{2}, w_{3}a_{3}\in E(G)\). Thus \(S_{0}'\) is either \(\{u, w_{2}, w_{3}\}\) or \(\{v, w_{2}, w_{3}\}\), say \(\{u, w_{2}, w_{3}\}\). Now consider edge \(e''=w_{1}a_{2}\). Then \(\overline{N[a_{2}]}\cap \overline{N[w_{1}]}\subseteq \{u, v, a_{3}\}\). By Claim 2, Cases 1, 2, 4 and \(uv\in E(G)\), \(G-e''-S_{e''}\) is not one of Configuration B1 to B8 for any \(S_{e''}\subseteq V(G)-\{w_{1}, a_{2}\}\) with \(|S_{e''}|=n-8\), which contradicts Claim 1.

Subcase 7.2: \(w_{1}a_{3}\in E(G)\).

Let \(e''=w_{1}a_{2}\in E(G)\) and \(S_{e''}\subseteq V(G)-\{w_{1}, a_{2}\}\) with \(|S_{e''}|=n-8\) satisfying Claim 1. We denote the independent set with size three in \(G-S_{e''}\) by \(S_{0}''\) and every vertex in \(S_{0}''\) is not adjacent to \(w_{1}\) and \(a_{2}\). Then \(w_{3}\in S_{0}''\). So \(w_{3}a_{1}, w_{3}a_{3}\in E(G)\). Hence \(w_{3}\notin S_{0}'\). Thus u or \(v\in S_{0}'\), say \(u\in S_{0}'\). Then \(S_{0}'=\{u, w_{2}, w\}\), where \(w\in \overline{N[w_{1}]}\) \(\cap \) \(\overline{N[a_{1}]}\). Since \(w_{2}\notin S_{0}''\), u or \(v\in S_{0}''\).

If \(u\in S_{0}''\), then \(S_{0}''=\{u, w_{3}, w\}\), where \(w\in \overline{N[w_{1}]}\) \(\cap \) \(\overline{N[a_{2}]}\). Thus \(\{u, w_{1}, w_{2}, w_{3}, a_{1}, a_{2}\}\) \(\subseteq \) \(\overline{N[w]}\). So \(d_{G}(w)\le n-7\), a contradiction.

If \(v\in S_{0}''\), then \(S_{0}''=\{v, w_{3}, w\}\), where \(w\in \overline{N[w_{1}]}\) \(\cap \) \(\overline{N[a_{2}]}\). Thus \(\{u, v, w_{1}, w_{2}, w_{3}, a_{1}, a_{2}\}\) \(\subseteq \) \(\overline{N[w]}\). So \(d_{G}(w)\le n-8\), a contradiction.

Combining Cases 1 to 7, we complete the proof. \(\square \)

5 Some Properties of Minimally \((n-6)\)-Factor-Critical Graphs

In this section, we obtain that every minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph G of order n has at most \(n-\Delta (G)\) vertices with the maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\) for \(\Delta (G)\ge n-4\).

By Lemma 2.5, for any minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph G of order n, G has only one vertex of degree \(n-1\) and \(n-1\) vertices of degree \(n-5\) when \(\Delta (G)=n-1\). So we consider the cases of \(n-4\le \Delta (G)\le n-2\).

Lemma 5.1

Let G be a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph of order \(n\ge 8\). For every \(e=uv\in E(G)\) with \(d_{G}(u)\ge n-4\), \(d_{G}(v)\ge n-4\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=\) \(n-6\) such that \(G-e-S_{e}\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4 as shown in Fig. 5. (The dotted edge indicates an optional edge.)

Fig. 5
figure 5

The four configurations of \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\)


Since G is a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph, for every \(e=uv\in E(G)\) with \(d_{G}(u)\ge n-4\), \(d_{G}(v)\ge n-4\), there exists \(S_{e}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S_{e}|=n-6\) such that every perfect matching of \(G-S_{e}\) contains e by Lemma 2.4. Then \(G-e-S_{e}\) has no 1-factor. Let \(G':=G-e-S_{e}\). By Theorem 2.1, there exists \(X\subseteq V(G')\) such that \(C_{o}(G'-X)> |X|\). By parity, \(C_{o}(G'-X)\ge |X|+2\). So \(|X|+2\le C_{o}(G'-X)\le |V(G'-X)|=6-|X|\). Then \(|X|\le 2\). Since \(G'+e\) has a 1-factor, \(C_{o}(G'-X)=|X|+2\) and u and v belong respectively to two distinct odd components of \(G'-X\). Since \(d_{G}(u)\ge n-4\) and \(d_{G}(v)\ge n-4\), \(d_{G-e}(u)\ge n-5\) and \(d_{G-e}(v)\ge n-5\). The vertices of \(G-e\) distinct from u and v have the same degree as in G. So \(\delta (G-e)=\delta (G)=n-5\) by Corollary 1.2. Then \(\delta (G-e-S_{e})=\delta (G')\ge 1\). Thus \(G'\) has no isolated vertex.

If \(|X|=0\), then \(G'\) has exactly two odd components, each of which has three vertices. Since \(G'+e\) has a 1-factor, e joins the two odd components. So \(G'\) is C1.

If \(|X|=1\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=3\). Let \(X=\{a\}\). \(G'-X\) has either two trivial odd components and an odd component with three vertices or three trivial odd components and an even component with two vertices. For the former case, if e joins two trivial odd components, then \(G'\) is C2. If e joins a trivial odd component and the odd component with three vertices, then \(G'\) is C3. For the latter case, e joins two of the three trivial odd components, say \(x_{3}\) belongs to the third trivial odd component and \(G[\{x_{1}, x_{2}\}]\) is the even component. For concise, we attribute it to C2. Then note that the vertices within a dotted box in C2 may induce a disconnected subgraph.

If \(|X|=2\), then \(C_{o}(G'-X)=4\). So \(G'-X\) consists of exactly four trivial odd components, two of which are joined by e. Let \(X=\{a_{1}, a_{2}\}\). Then \(a_{1}\), \(a_{2}\notin \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\), otherwise, it is C2 or C3. So \(G'\) is C4. \(\square \)

Since \(d_{G}(u)\ge n-4\) and \(d_{G}(v)\ge n-4\), there are at most three vertices of G in each of \(\overline{N[u]}\) and \(\overline{N[v]}\). By a close inspection of the four configurations of Lemma 5.1, we can easily obtain some properties, which play important roles in the proofs of Theorem 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.

Proposition 5.2

Let \(G, e, S_{e}\) be as of Lemma 5.1. If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4, then the following statements hold:

  1. (1)

    If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is C1, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 2\), \(n-4\le d_{G}(u), d_{G}(v)\le n-3\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\le n-6\).

  2. (2)

    If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is C2, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=3\) and \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=n-4\).

  3. (3)

    If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is C3, then \(1 \le |\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 2\). Moreover, \(d_{G}(u)=n-4\), \(d_{G}(v)\ge n-4\) and \(d_{G}(y_{1})=n-5\).

  4. (4)

    If \(G-e-S_{e}\) is C4, then \(2 \le |\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 3\) and \(n-4\le d_{G}(u), d_{G}(v)\le n-3\). Moreover, \(\{w_{1}, w_{2}\}\) is an independent set of G.

We show only Proposition 5.2 (1). The proof of other cases are similar and thus omitted.


(1) Suppose that \(G-e-S_{e}\) is C1. Since \(u_{1}, u_{2}\in \overline{N[v]}\) and \(u_{3}, u_{4}\in \overline{N[u]}\), we have \(d_{G}(u), d_{G}(v)\le n-3\). Moreover, \(u_{1}\notin \overline{N[u]}\) and \(u_{3}\notin \overline{N[v]}\). Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 2\). Since both \(\overline{N[u]}\) and \(\overline{N[v]}\) have at most one element in \(S_{e}\), \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\le n-6\). \(\square \)

If n is odd, then both \(n-2\) and \(n-4\) are odd. Thus the total number of vertices of degree \(n-2\) or \(n-4\) is even. If n is even, then both \(n-3\) and \(n-5\) are odd. So the total number of vertices of degree \(n-3\) or \(n-5\) is even. Thus the total number of vertices of degree \(n-2\) or \(n-4\) is also even. Therefore, G contains even total number of vertices of degree \(n-2\) or \(n-4\).

Theorem 5.3

Let G be a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph of order \(n\ge 8\). If \(\Delta (G)=n-2\), then G has at most two vertices with degree \(n-2\) and the two vertices are not adjacent. In particular, if G has exactly two vertices with degree \(n-2\), then the other vertices of G have degree \(n-5\). If G has one vertex with degree \(n-2\), then there is only one vertex with degree \(n-4\) and the other vertices of G have degree \(n-5\).


Firstly, by Corollary 2.7, G has at most two vertices with degree \(n-2\) and the two vertices are not adjacent. Let \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=n-2\) and \(uv\notin E(G)\). If G has a vertex x with degree \(n-3\) or \(n-4\), then \(ux, vx\in E(G)\). Consider edge ux. By Lemma 5.1, there exists \(S\subseteq V(G)-\{u, x\}\) with \(|S|=n-6\) such that \(G-ux-S\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4. Then, by Proposition 5.2, \(G-ux-S\) would be C3 only when \(d_{G}(x)=n-4\). Hence x (resp. u) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). So \(y_{1}=v\) and \(d_{G}(v)=d_{G}(y_{1})=n-5\), a contradiction. Thus all vertices of \(G-\{u,v\}\) have degree \(n-5\).

If G has only one vertex u with degree \(n-2\), then u is adjacent to every vertex of G except one. Suppose that G has three vertices with degree \(n-4\), say \(d_{G}(v_{1})=d_{G}(v_{2})=d_{G}(v_{3})=n-4\). Then we may assume that \(uv_{1}, uv_{2}\in E(G)\). Let \(e_{1}=uv_{1}\in E(G)\) and \(S_{1}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v_{1}\}\) with \(|S_{1}|=n-6\) satisfying Lemma 5.1. By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e_{1}-S_{1}\) is only C3. Then \(v_{1}\) (resp. u) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). Assume another trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\) is spanned by \(\{w_{1}\}\). So \(uw_{1}\), \(v_{1}w_{1}\notin E(G)\). Hence \(uv_{3}\in E(G)\). Let \(e_{2}=uv_{2}\in E(G)\) and \(e_{3}=uv_{3}\in E(G)\). Similar to the discussion above, we have \(w_{2}v_{2}, w_{3}v_{3}\notin E(G)\), where \(\{w_{i}\}\) spans a trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\) which are corresponding to \(e_{i}\) for \(i=2, 3\). Since \(d_{G}(u)=n-2\) and \(uw_{1}, uw_{2}, uw_{3}\notin E(G)\), we have \(w_{1}=w_{2}=w_{3}\). Then \(\overline{N[w_{1}]}=\) \(\{u, v_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3}\}\). Therefore, \(G[\{u, v_{2}, v_{3}\}]\) is the nontrivial odd component of \(G-e_{1}-S_{1}\). So \(v_{1}v_{2}, v_{1}v_{3}\notin E(G)\). Similarly, we have \(v_{2}v_{3}\notin E(G)\). But then \(G-S_{1}\) has no 1-factor, a contradiction. Therefore, if \(d_{G}(u)=n-2\), G has only one vertex with degree \(n-4\).

Suppose that \(d_{G}(u)=n-2\) and \(d_{G}(v_{1})=n-4\). If G has a vertex y with degree \(n-3\), then \(uy\notin E(G)\). Otherwise, by Proposition 5.2, \(G-uy-S'\) is not one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4 for any \(S'\subseteq V(G)-\{u, y\}\) with \(|S'|=n-6\), a contradiction. So \(uv_{1}\in E(G)\). However, from the above discussions, \(G-uv_{1}-S_{1}\) can only be C3. Thus y belongs to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). So \(d_{G}(y)=n-5\), a contradiction. Thus all vertices of \(G-\{u, v_{1}\}\) have degree \(n-5\). \(\square \)

Theorem 5.4

Let G be a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph of order \(n\ge 9\). If \(\Delta (G)=n-3\), then G has at most three vertices with degree \(n-3\). In particular, if \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=d_{G}(w)=n-3\), then \(uv, uw, vw\notin E(G)\) and the other vertices of G have degree \(n-5\).


If G has four vertices with degree \(n-3\), then two of them must be adjacent. So it suffices to show that any three vertices with degree \(n-3\) are not adjacent to each other. Assume that \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=d_{G}(w)=n-3\). Suppose to the contrary that there is at least one pair of adjacent vertices among \(\{u, v, w\}\), say \(uv\in E(G)\). Let \(e=uv\in E(G)\). By Lemma 5.1, there exists \(S\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S|=n-6\) such that \(G-e-S\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4.

Case 1: \(uv\in E(G), uw, vw\notin E(G)\).

Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 2\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\ge n-5\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C4.

If \(G-e-S\) is C4, then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=2\) and \(w\in \overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}\). Since w is adjacent to every vertex in \(V(G)-\{u, v, w\}\), there is not an independent set with size two containing w and a vertex in \(V(G)-\{u, v, w\}\). So \(G-e-S\) is not C4. This contradicts Lemma 5.1.

Case 2: \(uv, vw\in E(G), uw\notin E(G)\).

Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 1\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\ge n-6\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C1.

If \(G-e-S\) is C1, then \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-6\) and \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=0\). Hence \(S=\) \(N(u)\cap N(v)\). Moreover, w belongs to the odd component of \(G-e-S\) containing v. But w is adjacent to at least one vertex in \(N(u){\setminus } N[v]\) as \(d_{G}(w)=n-3\). Thus \(G-e-S\) is connected which can not be C1. This is a contradiction to Lemma 5.1.

Case 3: \(uv, uw, vw\in E(G)\).

Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\le 2\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\le n-4\). We discuss the three subcases.

Subcase 3.1: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=2\).

Let \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}=\{x, y\}\). Obviously, \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-4\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C4.

If \(G-e-S\) is C4, then \(\{x, y\}\) is an independent set of C4. Thus \(xy\notin E(G)\). If \(wx\in E(G)\), \(wy\notin E(G)\) or \(wx\notin E(G)\), \(wy\in E(G)\), we consider edge uw or vw the same as Subcase 3.2. If wx, \(wy\in E(G)\), we consider edge uw or vw the same as Subcase 3.3. Assume that wx, \(wy\notin E(G)\). Since \(\delta (G)=n-5\), x and y are adjacent to every vertex in \(V(G)\backslash \{u, v, w, x, y\}\). Let \(S'\subseteq V(G)\backslash \{u, v, w, x, y\}\) with \(|S'|=n-6\). Then \(G-S'\) has no 1-factor, contradicting that G is \((n-6)\)-factor-critical.

Subcase 3.2: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=1\).

Let \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}=\{x\}\). Clearly, \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-5\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) can not be Configuration C1, C2, C3 or C4, which contradicts Lemma 5.1.

Subcase 3.3: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=0\).

Clearly, \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-6\). Next, we consider the cardinalities of \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}\) and \(\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[w]}\).

Subcase 3.3.1: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=1\) or \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=1\).

We consider edge uw or vw the same as Subcase 3.2.

Subcase 3.3.2: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=2\) or \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=2\).

Without loss of generality, assume that \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=2\). Then \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=0\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(w)|=n-4\). Let \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}=\{x, y\}\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C1. Then \(S=N(u)\cap N(v)\) and \(G[\{v, x, y\}]\) is an odd component of C1. Since \(G-S\) has a 1-factor, \(xy\in E(G)\). However, by Proposition 5.2, \(G-uw-S'\) would be C4 for some \(S'\subseteq V(G)-\{u, w\}\) with \(|S'|=n-6\). Hence \(\{x, y\}\) is an independent set of G. So \(xy\notin E(G)\), a contradiction.

Subcase 3.3.3: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=0\) and \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[w]}|=0\).

By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C1. Hence \(S=N(u)\cap N(v)\).

Let \(S_{1}'=N(u){\setminus } N[v]\), \(S_{2}'=N(v){\setminus } N[u]\), \(S_{3}'=N(u){\setminus } N[w]\) and \(S_{0}=N(u)\cap N(v) \cap N(w)\). Then \(|S_{1}'|=|S_{2}'|=|S_{3}'|=2\) and \(|S_{0}|=n-|S_{1}'|-|S_{2}'|-|S_{3}'|-3=n-9\). If \(G-e-S\) is C1, then \(S=N(u)\cap N(v)\)=\(S_{3}'\cup S_{0} \cup \{w\}\) and there are no edge joining \(S_{1}'\) and \(S_{2}'\). Let \(e_{1}=uw\), \(S_{1}\subseteq V(G)-\{u, w\}\) with \(|S_{1}|=n-6\) and \(e_{2}=vw\), \(S_{2}\subseteq V(G)-\{v, w\}\) with \(|S_{2}|=n-6\). By Proposition 5.2, both \(G-e_{1}-S_{1}\) and \(G-e_{2}-S_{2}\) are also C1. Then \(S_{1}=N(u)\cap N(w)\)=\(S_{1}'\cup S_{0} \cup \{v\}\) and there are no edge joining \(S_{2}'\) and \(S_{3}'\). Moreover, \(S_{2}=N(v)\cap N(w)\)=\(S_{2}'\cup S_{0} \cup \{u\}\) and there are no edge joining \(S_{1}'\) and \(S_{3}'\). Therefore, there are no edge joining \(S_{1}'\), \(S_{2}'\) and \(S_{3}'\) each other. Since \(\delta (G)=n-5\) and \(G[S_{1}'\cup S_{2}'\cup S_{3}']\) has a 1-factor, every vertex in \(S_{i}'\) is adjacent to at least \(n-8\) vertices in \(S_{0}\) for \(i=1, 2, 3\). But \(|S_{0}|=n-9< n-8\), a contradiction.

Therefore, if \(d_{G}(u)=d_{G}(v)=d_{G}(w)=n-3\), then \(uv, uw, vw\notin E(G)\).

Now suppose that G has two vertices xy with degree \(n-4\). Then every vertex in \(\{u, v, w\}\) is adjacent to x and y. Let \(e''= ux\in E(G)\) and \(S''\subseteq V(G)-\{u, x\}\) with \(|S''|=n-6\) satisfying Lemma 5.1. Then \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|=0\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(x)|=n-7\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e''-S''\) would be C1. Thus \(G[\{x, v, w\}]\) must be an odd component of C1. Since \(vw\notin E(G)\), \(G-S''\) has no 1-factor, a contradiction. So \(G-e''-S''\) is not C1. This contradicts Lemma 5.1. Therefore all vertices of \(G-\{u, v, w\}\) have degree \(n-5\). \(\square \)

Theorem 5.5

Let G be a minimally \((n-6)\)-factor-critical graph of order \(n\ge 11\). If \(\Delta (G)=n-4\), then G has at most four vertices with degree \(n-4\) and the other vertices of G have degree \(n-5\).


Since G has an even number of vertices with degree \(n-4\), suppose that G has six vertices with degree \(n-4\), say \(\{u, v, w, x, y, z\}\). Let \(S_{0}=\{u, v, w, x, y, z\}\). Every vertex in \(S_{0}\) is adjacent to at most \(n-6\) vertices in \(V(G)-S_{0}\). Then \(\delta (G[S_{0}])\ge 2\). So \(G[S_{0}]\) must contain a cycle. Moreover, \(G[S_{0}]\) has a 1-factor. Thus we can always find a path P with length three in \(G[S_{0}]\). To prove the theorem, we need only to show that G does not contain such a path P with length three, in which each vertex has degree \(n-4\).

Suppose to the contrary that G contains such a path \(P=uvxy\). Let \(e=uv\in E(G)\). By Lemma 5.1, there exists \(S\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S|=n-6\) such that \(G-e-S\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4. We discuss the two cases depending on \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|\).

Case 1: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=1\).

Clearly, \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}=\{y\}\) and \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-7\). Let \(N(u){\setminus } N[v]=\{u_{1}, u_{2}\}\) and \(N(v){\setminus } (N[u]\cup \{x\})=\) \(\{v_{1}\}\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C1 or C3.

Subcase 1.1: \(G-e-S\) is C1.

Then \(N(u)\cap N(v)\subseteq S\) and C1 must be Configuration (a) or (b) (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

The two configurations of C1

Suppose C1 is (a). Since \(d_{G}(y)=n-4\), \(yu_{1}\) or \(yu_{2}\in E(G)\), a contradiction.

Suppose C1 is (b). Then \(S=N(u)\cap N(v)\cup \{y\}\). Hence x is adjacent to every vertex in \(V(G)-\) \(\{u, u_{1}, u_{2}\}\). Now consider edge \(e'=vx\). Clearly, \(\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}=\) \(\{u_{1}, u_{2}\}\) and \(|N(v)\cap N(x)|=n-6\). By Proposition 5.2, there exists \(S'\subseteq V(G)-\{v, x\}\) with \(|S'|=n-6\) such that \(G-e'-S'\) would be C1 or C3.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C1, then \(S'=N(v)\cap N(x)\). Hence \(u_{1}\) and \(u_{2}\) belong respectively to two distinct odd components of \(G-e'-S'\). But \(u_{1}u_{2}\in E(G)\), a contradiction.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C3, then v (resp. x) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). Otherwise, \(\{y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\}= \{u, u_{1}, u_{2}\}\), a contradiction. Since \(\overline{N[v]}= \{y, u_{1}, u_{2}\}\) and \(xy\in E(G)\), \(y_{1}\in \{u_{1}, u_{2}\}\), say \(y_{1}=u_{1}\). So \(\{y_{2}, y_{3}\}=\{u_{2}, y\}\). Then \(u_{1}u_{2}=y_{1}y_{2}\in E(G)\) or \(u_{1}u_{2}=y_{1}y_{3}\in E(G)\), a contradiction.

Subcase 1.2: \(G-e-S\) is C3.

Obviously, \(y_{1}=y\). If u belongs to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\), then \(G[\{v, x, v_{1}\}]\) is the nontrivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). But \(xy\in E(G)\), a contradiction. If v belongs to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\), then \(G[\{u, u_{1}, u_{2}\}]\) is the nontrivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). But \(yu_{1}\) or \(yu_{2}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(y)=n-4\), a contradiction.

Therefore, \(G-e-S\) is not C1 or C3 when \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=1\).

Case 2: \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=2\).

Let \(\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}=\{y, v_{1}\}\) and \(N(u){\setminus } N[v]=\{u_{1}\}\). Then \(\overline{N[u]}=\{x, y, v_{1}\}\) and \(\overline{N[v]}=\) \(\{u_{1}, y, v_{1}\}\). Obviously, \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|=n-6\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e-S\) would be C1, C3 or C4.

Subcase 2.1: \(G-e-S\) is C1.

Then \(S=N(u)\cap N(v)\). So \(G[\{v, x, y\}]\) and \(G[\{u, u_{1}, v_{1}\}]\) are two odd components of C1. But \(yu_{1}\) or \(yv_{1}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(y)=n-4\), a contradiction.

Subcase 2.2: \(G-e-S\) is C3.

Let \(e'=vx\in E(G)\). By Lemma 5.1, there exists \(S'\subseteq V(G)-\{v, x\}\) with \(|S'|=n-6\) such that \(G-e'-S'\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4.

Subcase 2.2.1: u (resp. v) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\).

Then \(\{y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\}=\{x, y, v_{1}\}\). Since \(xy\in E(G)\), \(y_{1}=v_{1}\). Hence \(xv_{1},\) \(yv_{1}\notin E(G)\). So \(u_{1}v_{1}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(v_{1})\ge n-5\) and \(yu_{1}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(y)=n-4\).

( \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|=2\).

Then \(\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}=\{u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) and \(|N(v)\cap N(x)|=n-6\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e'-S'\) would be C1, C3 or C4.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C1, then \(S'=\) \(N(v)\cap N(x)\). Hence \(u_{1}\) and \(v_{1}\) belong respectively to two distinct odd components of C1. But \(u_{1}v_{1}\in E(G)\). Then \(G-e'-S'\) is connected, which is a contradiction. Moreover, \(\overline{N[v]}=\{y, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) and \(\overline{N[x]}=\{u, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\). But \(\{y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\}\ne \{y, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) and \(\{y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\}\ne \{u, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\). So \(G-e'-S'\) is not C3. Since \(\{u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) is not an independent set of G, \(G-e'-S'\) is not C4.

( \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|=1\).

Then \(\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}=\{v_{1}\}\) and \(u_{1}x\in E(G)\). Let \(\{w\}=(N(u)\cap N(v))\) \({\setminus } N(x)\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e'-S'\) would be C1 or C3.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C1, then \(S'=N(v)\cap N(x)\cup \{u_{1}\}\). \(G[\{u, v, w\}]\) and \(G[\{x, y, v_{1}\}]\) are two odd components of C1. But \(yw, v_{1}w\in E(G)\). So \(G-e'-S'\) is connected, a contradiction.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C3, then \(y_{1}=v_{1}\). Since \(\overline{N[v]}=\{y, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) and \(u_{1}v_{1}\in E(G)\), v does not belong to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). Moreover, \(\overline{N[x]}=\{u, v_{1}, w\}\) and \(v_{1}w\in E(G)\). Then x does not belong to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). So \(G-e'-S'\) is not C3.

Subcase 2.2.2: v (resp. u) belongs to the trivial (resp. nontrivial) odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\).

Then \(\{y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\}=\{u_{1}, y, v_{1}\}\). Because \(uu_{1}\in E(G)\) and \(yu_{1}\) or \(yv_{1}\in E(G)\), \(y_{1}=v_{1}\). Then \(u_{1}v_{1},\) \(yv_{1}\notin E(G)\). So \(yu_{1}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(y)=n-4\) and \(xv_{1}\in E(G)\) as \(d_{G}(v_{1})\ge n-5\).

( \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|=0\).

Then \(u_{1}x\in E(G)\). Let \(\{w_{1}, w_{2}\}=(N(u)\cap N(v))\) \({\setminus } N(x)\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e'-S'\) would be C1. However, the odd component of C1 containing v must contain \(w_{1}\) or \(w_{2}\) and the odd component of C1 containing x must contain y or \(v_{1}\). But \(yw_{1}\), \(yw_{2}\), \(v_{1}w_{1}\), \(v_{1}w_{2}\in E(G)\). In each case, \(G-e'-S'\) is connected and can not be C1.

( \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|=1\).

Then \(u_{1}x\notin E(G)\) and \(\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}=\{u_{1}\}\). Let \(\{w_{1}\}=(N(u)\cap N(v)) {\setminus } N(x)\). By Proposition 5.2, \(G-e'-S'\) would be C1 or C3.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C1, then the odd component of C1 containing x must contain y and the odd component of C1 containing v must contain \(u_{1}\) or \(w_{1}\). But \(yu_{1}, yw_{1}\in E(G)\), a contradiction.

If \(G-e'-S'\) is C3, then \(y_{1}=u_{1}\). Since \(\overline{N[v]}=\{y, u_{1}, v_{1}\}\) and \(yu_{1}\in E(G)\), v does not belong to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). Because \(\overline{N[x]}=\{u, u_{1}, w_{1}\}\) and \(uu_{1}\in E(G)\), x does not belong to the trivial odd component of \(C3-\{a\}\). Then \(G-e'-S'\) is not C3.

Thus, if \(G-e-S\) is C3, then there is an edge \(e'=vx\) such that \(G-e'-S'\) is not one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4, which contradicts Lemma 5.1.

Subcase 2.3: \(G-e-S\) is C4.

Then \(\{y, v_{1}\}\) is an independent set of G. So \(yv_{1}\notin E(G)\).

If \(xv_{1}\notin E(G)\), then y and \(v_{1}\) are adjacent to every vertex in \(V(G)-\{u, v, x, y, v_{1}\}\). We consider edge \(e'=vx\) the same as Subcase 2.2.1.

If \(xv_{1}\in E(G)\), then \(|\overline{N[v]}\cap \overline{N[x]}|\le 1\) and y is adjacent to every vertex in \(V(G)-\{u, v, y, v_{1}\}\). We consider edge \(e'=vx\) with similar discussion in Subcase 2.2.2.

Therefore, \(G-e-S\) is not C1, C3 or C4 when \(|\overline{N[u]}\cap \overline{N[v]}|=2\).

From the above discussion, for any \(e=uv\in E(G)\), there exists no \(S\subseteq V(G)-\{u, v\}\) with \(|S|=n-6\) such that \(G-e-S\) is one of Configuration C1, C2, C3 and C4, which contradicts Lemma 5.1. Then G does not contain a path P with length three, in which each vertex has degree \(n-4\). \(\square \)