1 Introduction

In this paper, we consider only finite undirected simple graphs. Let G be a graph. We let V(G) and E(G) denote the vertex set and the edge set of G, respectively. For \(x\in V(G)\), we let \(N_{G}(x)\) and \(d_{G}(x)\) denote the neighborhood and the degree of x, respectively; thus \(N_{G}(x)=\{y\in V(G):xy\in E(G)\}\) and \(d_{G}(x)=|N_{G}(x)|\). For \(X\subseteq V(G)\), we let G[X] denote the subgraph of G induced by X. For two graphs G and H, we write \(H\subset G\) if G contains H as a subgraph. Let \(P_{n}\) and \(K_{n_{1},n_{2}}\) denote the path of order n and the complete bipartite graph with partite sets having cardinalities \(n_{1}\) and \(n_{2}\), respectively. For terms and symbols not defined here, we refer the reader to [3].

Our main target in this paper is the bipartite Ramsey number. Let \(H^{r}\) and \(H^{b}\) be bipartite graphs. The following fact is obtained by similar argument in the original Ramsey’s theorem: there exists a positive integer N such that for any edge-disjoint spanning subgraphs \(G^{r}\) and \(G^{b}\) of \(K_{N,N}\) with \(E(G^{r})\cup E(G^{b})=E(K_{N,N})\), \(H^{r}\subset G^{r}\) or \(H^{b}\subset G^{b}\). The smallest value of N satisfying the above property is called the bipartite Ramsey number with respect to \(H^{r}\) and \(H^{b}\) and denoted by \(b(H^{r},H^{b})\). Note that \(b(H^{r},H^{b})=b(H^{b},H^{r})\).

If \(H^{b}\) is a star, then the determination problem of \(b(H^{r},H^{b})\) is reduced to a problem of finding \(H^{r}\) under a high minimum degree condition. Thus the bipartite Ramsey numbers involving stars tend to be simply determined. For example, Harary et al. [6] proved that \(b(K_{1,s},K_{1,t})=s+t-1\) and Hattingh and Henning [7] completely determined the value \(b(P_{s},K_{1,t})\) for \(s\ge 2\) and \(t\ge 2\). Further results for the bipartite Ramsey number related to stars were given in [2, 12].

In Graph Theory, many types of degree conditions were studied for some important properties. We explain it with the Hamiltonicity of graphs as an example. Dirac [4] proved that if a graph G of order \(n\ge 3\) satisfies \(d_{G}(x)\ge \frac{n}{2}\) for all \(x\in V(G)\), then G is Hamiltonian. This result influenced sufficient conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle with many extensions, for example, degree-sum condition, neighborhood-union condition, and so on (see a survey [9]). One of important extensions is a so-called Fan-type condition. Fan [5] proved that if a 2-connected graph G of order n satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} \max \{d_{G}(x),d_{G}(y)\}\ge \frac{n}{2}\quad \text{ for } \text{ all } x,y\in V(G) \text{ with } \mathrm{dist}_{G}(x,y)=2, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathrm{dist}_{G}(x,y)\) is the distance between x and y, then G is Hamiltonian, and the result straightforward leads to Dirac’s result. In Graph Theory, similar situations occur, i.e., a minimum degree condition is frequently replaced by a Fan-type condition, that is a condition concerning \(\max \{d_{G}(x),d_{G}(y)\}\) for non-adjacent vertices x and y (see, for example [10, 11, 13]).

We carry the concept to bipartite graphs. As we mentioned above, some bipartite Ramsey numbers involving stars are determined using a high minimum degree condition problem. We will later show that a Fan-type condition gives manageable objects which can be replaced by stars. From such a motivation, we study a Fan-type condition for long paths in bipartite graphs. The following is one of our main results.

Theorem 1

Letm andn be positive integers with\(n\ge m\). LetG be a bipartite graph having partite sets\(X_{1}\) and\(X_{2}\) with\(|X_{1}|=|X_{2}|=n\). If


\(\max \{d_{G}(x_{1}),d_{G}(x_{2})\}\ge m\) or


\(\min \{d_{G}(x_{1}),d_{G}(x_{2})\}\ge \frac{n+1}{2}\)

for all vertices\(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and\(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) with\(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G)\), thenG contains a pathP with \(|V(P)|\ge 2m\).

The condition (D1) in Theorem 1is best possible because \(G=K_{n,n}-E(K_{m-1,m-1}\cup K_{n-m+1,n-m+1})\) satisfies \(\max \{d_{G}(x_{1}),d_{G}(x_{2})\}\ge m-1\) for all vertices \(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) with \(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G)\), and any paths of G have at most \(2m-1\) vertices.

Let \(n_{1}\) and \(n_{2}\) be non-negative integers, and let \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{2}\) be two vertex-disjoint stars having \(n_{1}+1\) vertices and \(n_{2}+1\) vertices, respectively. The \((n_{1},n_{2})\)-bistar, denoted by \(B_{n_{1},n_{2}}\), is the graph obtained from \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{2}\) by joining their centers. Note that the \((n_{1},0)\)-bistar is the star having \(n_{1}+2\) vertices and the (0, 0)-bistar is the connected graph of order two. Recently, Hattingh and Joubert [8] proved that \(b(B_{s,s},B_{t,t})=s+t+1\), and Alm et al. [1] extended the result as \(b(B_{s_{1},s_{2}},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})=s_{1}+t_{1}+1\) for \(s_{1}\ge s_{2}\) and \(t_{1}\ge t_{2}\). In particular, we obtain \(b(K_{1,s},K_{1,t})=b(B_{s-1,s-1},B_{t-1,t-1})\). Hence the bipartite Ramsey number involving bistars seems to be related to one involving stars.

Recall that \(b(P_{s},K_{1,t+1})~(=b(P_{s},B_{t,0}))\) was determined by Hattingh and Henning [7]. In this paper, using Theorem 1, we extend their result and determine the value \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\) as following.

Theorem 2

Lets, \(t_{1}\) and\(t_{2}\) be integers with\(s\ge 2\) and\(t_{1}\ge t_{2}\ge 0\). Then the following hold.

  1. (i)

    If\(t_{1}=t_{2}\), then\(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1\).

  2. (ii)

    Assume that\(t_{1}>t_{2}\).

    1. (ii-a)

      If\(t_{1}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \), then

      $$\begin{aligned} b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1 &{} \left(s \text{ is } \text{ even, } \text{ or } s \text{ is } \text{ odd } \text{ and } t_{1}\equiv 0~\left( \text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2}\right) \right)\\ \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1} &{} (\text{ otherwise }). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
    2. (ii-b)

      If \(t_{1}<\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \), then

      $$\begin{aligned} b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2t_{1}+1 &{} \left(2t_{1}-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \right)\\ \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1 &{} (\text{ otherwise }). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

2 Proof of Theorem 1

We start with two lemmas. The following lemma is well-known (see, for example [7]).

Lemma 1

Letm be a positive integer, and letG be a bipartite graph. If\(d_{G}(x)\ge m\) for all\(x\in V(G)\), thenG contains a pathP such that\(|V(P)|\ge 2m\).

Lemma 2

Letm be a positive integer. LetG be a connected bipartite graph having partite sets\(X_{1}\) and\(X_{2}\) with\(|X_{1}|\ge |X_{2}|\), and let\(x_{1}\in X_{1}\). If\(d_{G}(x)\ge m\) for all\(x\in X_{1}\), thenG contains a pathP such that \(x_{1}\)is an end-vertex ofP and\(|V(P)|\ge 2m\).


We proceed by induction on m. It is clear that the lemma holds for \(m=1\). Thus we may assume that \(m\ge 2\).

Let \(H_{0}=G-\{x_{1},y:y\in N_{G}(x_{1}),~d_{G}(y)=1\}\). Since \(|V(H_{0})|\ge |X_{1}-\{x_{1}\}|\ge |X_{2}|-1\ge d_{G}(x_{1})-1\ge m-1\ge 1\), \(H_{0}\) is non-empty. Since \(|V(H_{0})\cap X_{1}|=|X_{1}|-1\ge |X_{2}|-1\ge |V(H_{0})\cap X_{2}|-1\), there exists a component \(H_{1}\) of \(H_{0}\) such that \(|V(H_{1})\cap X_{1}|\ge |V(H_{1})\cap X_{2}|-1\). Since G is connected, it follows from the definition of \(H_{0}\) that there exists a vertex \(x_{2}\in N_{G}(x_{1})\cap V(H_{1})\) and \(|V(H_{1})|\ge 2\).

Since \(|V(H_{1}-x_{2})\cap X_{1}|=|V(H_{1})\cap X_{1}|\ge |V(H_{1})\cap X_{2}|-1=(|V(H_{1}-x_{2})\cap X_{2}|+1)-1\), there exists a component \(H_{2}\) of \(H_{1}-x_{2}\) such that \(|V(H_{2})\cap X_{1}|\ge |V(H_{2})\cap X_{2}|\). Since \(d_{G}(x_{2})\ge 2\), there exists a vertex \(x_{3}\in N_{G}(x_{2})\cap V(H_{2})\). Note that \(x_{3}\in X_{1}\) and \(d_{H_{2}}(x)=d_{G}(x)-|N_{G}(x)-V(H_{2})|\ge m-|N_{G}(x)\cap \{x_{2}\}|\ge m-1\) for all \(x\in V(H_{2})\cap X_{1}\). By the induction hypothesis, \(H_{2}\) contains a path Q such that \(x_{3}\) is an end-vertex of Q and \(|V(Q)|\ge 2(m-1)\). Then the path \(P=x_{1}x_{2}x_{3}Q\) is a desired path. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 1

Let m, n, G, \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be as in Theorem 1. By way of contradiction, suppose that every path of G has at most \(2m-1\) vertices. Let \(P=y_{1}y_{2}\cdots y_{l}\) be a longest path of G. Then \(l\le 2m-1\). Note that \(V(G)-V(P)\ne \emptyset \) because \(|V(G)|=2n\ge 2m\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(y_{1}\in X_{1}\).

Since P is a longest path, all neighbors of \(y_1\) are contained in \(V(P) \cap X_2\). So, if \(d_G(y_1) \ge m\), then \(|V(P)| = |V(P) \cap X_1| + |V(P) \cap X_2| \ge 2 |V(P) \cap X_2| \ge 2 d_G(y_1) \ge 2m\), a contradiction. Thus, we have \(d_G(y_1) \le m-1\).

Suppose that there exists a vertex \(u \in X_2 - V(P)\) such that (D2) \(\min \{d_G(y_1), d_G(u)\} \ge \frac{n+1}{2}\) holds. Let \(I_{1}=\{1\le i\le \frac{l}{2}:y_{1}y_{2i}\in E(G)\}\) and \(I_{2}=\{1\le i\le \frac{l}{2}:uy_{2i-1}\in E(G)\}\). Note that \(|I_{1}|=d_{G}(y_{1})\ge \frac{n+1}{2}\) and since \(y_l\) is not a neighbor of u, \(|I_{2}| = d_{G}(u) - d_{G - V(P)}(u) \ge \frac{n+1}{2} - |X_1 - V(P)|\). Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} n - |X_1 - V(P)|= & {} |X_1 \cap V(P)| \ge \frac{l}{2} \ge |I_{1}\cup I_{2}|\\= & {} |I_{1}|+|I_{2}|-|I_{1}\cap I_{2}| \ge n\\&+1 - |X_1 - V(P)| -|I_{1}\cap I_{2}|. \end{aligned}$$

This implies \(I_{1}\cap I_{2}\ne \emptyset \), say \(i\in I_{1}\cap I_{2}\). Then \(y_{l}y_{l-1}\cdots y_{2i}y_{1}y_{2}\cdots y_{2i-1}u\) is a path longer than P, a contradiction.

Therefore, for \(u \in X_2 - V(P)\), (D1) \(\max \{d_G(y_1), d_G(u)\} \ge m\) holds. Since \(d_G(y_1) \le m-1\), we have \(d_G(u) \ge m\) for \(u \in X_2 - V(P)\). Since \(|X_{1}|=|X_{2}|\) and \(|V(P)\cap X_{1}|\ge |V(P)\cap X_{2}|\), there exists a component \(H_{0}\) of \(G-V(P)\) such that \(|V(H_{0})\cap X_{2}|\ge |V(H_{0})\cap X_{1}|\). Let \(h=\max \big \{|N_{G}(u)\cap V(P)|:u\in V(H_{0})\cap X_{2}\big \}\). Take a vertex \(u^{*}\in V(H_{0})\cap X_{2}\) so that \(|N_{G}(u^{*})\cap V(P)|=h\). Since \(|V(P)\cap X_{1}|\le \frac{l+1}{2}\le \frac{2m}{2}\) and \(u^{*}y_1\notin E(G)\), we have \(0\le h\le m-1\). For \(u\in V(H_{0})\cap X_{2}\), since \(d_G(u) \ge m\),

$$\begin{aligned} d_{H_{0}}(u)=d_{G}(u)-|N_{G}(u)\cap V(P)|\ge m-h~(\ge 1). \end{aligned}$$

Then by Lemma 2, there exists a path \(P'\) of \(H_{0}\) such that \(u^{*}\) is an end-vertex of \(P'\) and \(|V(P')|\ge 2(m-h)\). If \(h=0\), then \(|V(P')|\ge 2m\), which is a contradiction. Thus \(h\ge 1\).

Note that \(N_{G}(u^{*})\cap V(P)\subseteq V(P) \cap (X_{1}-\{y_1\})~(=\{y_{2j-1}:j\ge 2\})\). Let j be the maximum integer satisfying \(u^{*}y_{2j-1}\in E(G)\). Since \(|N_{G}(u^{*})\cap V(P)|=h\), we have \(j\ge h+1\). Let \(P''\) be the path as \(P''=y_1Py_{2j-1}u^{*}P'\). Then \(|V(P'')|\ge (2j-1)+2(m-h)\ge (2(h+1)-1)+2(m-h)>2m\), which is a contradiction. This completes the proof of Theorem 1. \(\square \)

3 Proof of Theorem 2

In this section, we prove Theorem 2. We first give several supporting lemmas.

Lemma 3

LetN be a positive integer, and let\(t_{1}\) and\(t_{2}\) be non-negative integers with\(N\ge t_{1}\ge t_{2}\). Let\(X_{1}\) and\(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of\(K_{N,N}\). Let\(G^{r}\) and\(G^{b}\) be edge-disjoint spanning subgraphs of\(K_{N,N}\) with\(E(G^{r})\cup E(G^{b})=E(K_{N,N})\). If\(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\), then


\(\max \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{2}\) or


\(\min \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{1}\)

for all vertices\(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and\(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) such that\(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G^{r})\).


Let \(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) be vertices such that \(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G^{r})\). Since \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\), \(d_{G^{b}}(x_{1})\le t_{j}\) or \(d_{G^{b}}(x_{2})\le t_{3-j}\) for each \(j\in \{1,2\}\). Since \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{i})+d_{G^{b}}(x_{i})=N\), this implies that

$$\begin{aligned} {d_{G^{r}}(x_{1})\ge N-t_{j}~ \hbox {or}~ d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\ge N-t_{3-j}~\quad ~\hbox {for each}~~j\in \{1,2\}.} \end{aligned}$$

If \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{1})\ge N-t_{2}\) or \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\ge N-t_{2}\), then (N1) holds. Thus we may assume that \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{1})<N-t_{2}\) and \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})<N-t_{2}\). Then by (1), we have \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{1})\ge N-t_{1}\) and \(d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\ge N-t_{1}\), which implies (N2). \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Lets be an integer with\(s\ge 2\), and let\(t_{1}\) and\(t_{2}\) be non-negative integers with\(t_{1}\ge t_{2}\). Then\(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1\).


Let \(N=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N,N}\). Let \(G^{r}\) and \(G^{b}\) be edge-disjoint spanning subgraphs of \(K_{N,N}\) with \(E(G^{r})\cup E(G^{b})=E(K_{N,N})\). Suppose that \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\). It suffices to show that \(P_{s}\subset G^{r}\). Since \(t_{1}\ge t_{2}\), it follows from Lemma 3 that \(\max \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{1}=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +1\) for all vertices \(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) with \(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G^{r})\). Since \(N \ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor + 1\), applying Theorem 1 with \(n= N\) and \(m = \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor + 1\), we obtain a path P in \(G^{r}\) with

$$\begin{aligned} |V(P)|\ge 2\left( \left\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\right\rfloor +1\right) \ge 2\left( \frac{s-2}{2}+1\right) =s, \end{aligned}$$

as desired. \(\square \)

Lemma 5

Lets be an odd integer with\(s\ge 3\), and let\(t_{1}\) and\(t_{2}\) be non-negative integers such that\(t_{1}>t_{2}\) and\(t_{1}\not \equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2})\). Then\(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le \frac{s-1}{2}+t_{1}\).


Let \(N=\frac{s-1}{2}+t_{1}\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N,N}\). Let \(G^{r}\) and \(G^{b}\) be edge-disjoint spanning subgraphs of \(K_{N,N}\) with \(E(G^{r})\cup E(G^{b})=E(K_{N,N})\). By way of contradiction, suppose that \(P_{s}\not \subset G^{r}\) and \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\). Since \(t_{1}>t_{2}\), it follows from Lemma 3 that \(\max \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{1}=\frac{s-1}{2}\) for all vertices \(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) with \(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G^{r})\).

Claim 1

If a componentH of\(G^{r}\) contains a path of order\(s-1\), then \(|V(H)|=s-1\).


Suppose that H contains a path \(P=y_{1}y_{2}\cdots y_{s-1}\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(y_{1}\in X_{1}\). Note that \(y_{s-1}\in X_{2}\). Since H contains no path of order s, \(N_{H}(y_{1})\subseteq V(P)\cap X_{2}\) and \(N_{H}(y_{s-1})\subseteq V(P)\cap X_{1}\). If \(y_{1}y_{s-1}\notin E(H)\), then \(d_{H}(y_{1})\le |V(P)\cap (X_{2}-\{y_{s-1}\})|=\frac{s-3}{2}\), \(d_{H}(y_{s-1})\le |V(P)\cap (X_{1}-\{y_{1}\})|=\frac{s-3}{2}\), which contradicts the fact that \(\max \{d_{H}(y_{1}),d_{H}(y_{s-1})\}\ge \frac{s-1}{2}\). Thus \(y_{1}y_{s-1}\in E(H)\). In particular, \(y_{1}y_{2}\cdots y_{s-1}y_{1}\) is a cycle of H. Since \(G^{r}\) contains no path of order s, it follows that \(N_{H}(y_{i})\subseteq V(P)\) for all \(i~(1\le i\le s-1)\). In particular, \(H[V(P)]=H\). \(\square \)

Since \(N = \frac{s-1}{2}+ t_1 \ge \frac{s-1}{2}\), applying Theorem 1 with \(n= N\) and \(m = \frac{s-1}{2}\), we obtain a path P in \(G^{r}\) with \(|V(P)|\ge 2\cdot \frac{s-1}{2}= s-1\). It follows from Claim 1 that \(G^{r}[V(P)]\) is a component of \(G^{r}\). In particular, \(d_{G^{r}[V(P)]}(x)\le \frac{s-1}{2}=N-t_{1}<N-t_{2}\) for all \(x\in V(P)\). This together with Lemma 3 implies that \(d_{G^{r}}(u)\ge N-t_{1}\) for all \(u\in V(G^{r})-V(P)\).

Since \(N-\frac{s-1}{2}=t_{1}\ge 1\), \(V(G^{r})-V(P)\ne \emptyset \). Let H be a component of \(G^{r}\) other than \(G^{r}[V(P)]\). Since \(d_{G^{r}}(u)\ge N-t_{1}=\frac{s-1}{2}\) for every \(u\in V(H)\), it follows from Lemma 1 that H contains a path of order \(s-1\). Then by Claim 1, \(|V(H)|=s-1\) (i.e., \(|V(H)\cap X_{1}|=\frac{s-1}{2}\)). Since H is arbitrary, \(N~(=|X_{1}|)\) is a multiple of \(\frac{s-1}{2}\), which contradicts the assumption that \(t_{1}\not \equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2})\). \(\square \)

Lemma 6

Lets be an integer with\(s\ge 2\), and let\(t_{1}\) and\(t_{2}\) be non-negative integers with\(\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor>t_{1}>t_{2}\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2t_{1}+1 &{} \left(2t_{1}-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \right )\\ \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1 &{} (\text{ otherwise }). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

In other words, Lemma 6 concludes that \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}}) \le \lfloor \frac{s - 1}{2} \rfloor + t_{2} + 1 + \max \{2t_{1}-t_{2}-\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ,0\}\).

Proof of Lemma 6

Let \(N=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1+\max \{2t_{1}-t_{2}-\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ,0\}\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N,N}\). Let \(G^{r}\) and \(G^{b}\) be edge-disjoint spanning subgraphs of \(K_{N,N}\) with \(E(G^{r})\cup E(G^{b})=E(K_{N,N})\). Suppose that \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\) as a subgraph. It suffices to show that \(P_{s}\subset G^{r}\). Note that \(N-t_{2}\ge (\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1)-t_{2}=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +1\) and \(N-t_{1}\ge \frac{N+1}{2}\) because

$$\begin{aligned} 2(N-t_{1})-(N+1)&= N-2t_{1}-1\\&= \left\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \right\rfloor +t_{2}+\max \left\{ 2t_{1}-t_{2}-\left\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \right\rfloor ,0\right\} -2t_{1}\\&= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 &{} \left(2t_{1}-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \right)\\ \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor -(2t_{1}-t_{2})>0 &{} (\text{ otherwise }). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

This together with Lemma 3 implies that, for all vertices \(x_{1}\in X_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\in X_{2}\) with \(x_{1}x_{2}\notin E(G^{r})\),

  • \(\max \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +1\) or

  • \(\min \{d_{G^{r}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{r}}(x_{2})\}\ge N-t_{1}\ge \frac{N+1}{2}\).

Since \(N =\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1+\max \{2t_{1}-t_{2}-\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ,0\}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor + 1\), applying Theorem 1 with \(n= N\) and \(m = \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor + 1\), we obtain a path P in \(G^{r}\) with

$$\begin{aligned} |V(P)|\ge 2\left( \left\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\right\rfloor +1\right) \ge 2\left( \frac{s-2}{2}+1\right) =s, \end{aligned}$$

as desired. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 2

Let s, \(t_{1}\) and \(t_{2}\) be as in Theorem 2. We first prove the theorem for the case where \(s=2\), i.e., \(b(P_{2},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})=t_{1}+1\). By Lemma 4, we have \(b(P_{2},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le t_{1}+1\). Now we prove that \(b(P_{2},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge t_{1}+1\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{t_{1},t_{1}}\). Let \(G^{r}\) be the graph obtained from \(K_{t_{1},t_{1}}\) by deleting all edges, and let \(G^{b}=K_{t_{1},t_{1}}\). Then it is clear that \(P_{2}\not \subset G^{r}\) and \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\), and so \(b(P_{2},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge t_{1}+1\). Thus we may assume that \(s\ge 3\). Let \(q\in {\mathbb {N}}\cup \{0\}\) and \(r~(0\le r\le \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor -1)\) be the integers satisfying \(t_{1}=\left\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\right\rfloor q+r\).

  1. (i)

    Suppose that \(t_{1}=t_{2}\). Let \(N=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1\). By Lemma 4, we have \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le N\). Now we prove that \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\). We partition \(X_{i}\) into \(q+2\) sets \(X^{0}_{i},X^{1}_{i},\ldots ,X^{q+1}_{i}\) with \(|X^{0}_{i}|=|X^{1}_{i}|=\cdots =|X^{q}_{i}|=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \) and \(|X^{q+1}_{i}|=r\). Note that \(X^{q+1}_{i}=\emptyset \) if and only if \(t_{1}\equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor )\). Let \(G^{r}\) be the spanning subgraph of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\) such that

    $$\begin{aligned} E(G^{r})=\bigcup _{0\le j\le q+1}\{x_{1}x_{2}:x_{1}\in X^{j}_{1},~x_{2}\in X^{j}_{2}\}, \end{aligned}$$

    and let \(G^{b}=K_{N-1,N-1}-E(G^{r})\). Then the order of longest paths of \(G^{r}\) is at most \(2\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ~(\le s-1)\). Furthermore, since \(\min \{d_{G^{b}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{b}}(x_{2})\}\le (N-1)-\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor =t_{1}~(=t_{2})\) for every edge \(x_{1}x_{2}\in E(G^{b})\), we see that \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\). Therefore \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\).

  2. (ii-a)

    Suppose that \(t_{1}>t_{2}\) and \(t_{1}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \). Note that \(q\ge 1\). Let

    $$\begin{aligned} N= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1}+1 &{} \left(s \text{ is } \text{ even, } \text{ or } s \text{ is } \text{ odd } \text{ and } t_{1}\equiv 0~\left(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2}\right)\right)\\ \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{1} &{} (\text{ otherwise }). \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

    By Lemmas 4 and 5, we have \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le N\). Now we prove that \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\). If s is even, or s is odd and \(t_{1}\equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2})\), we partition \(X_{i}\) into \(q+2\) sets \(X^{0}_{i},X^{1}_{i},\ldots ,X^{q+1}_{i}\) with \(|X^{0}_{i}|=|X^{1}_{i}|=\cdots =|X^{q}_{i}|=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \) and \(|X^{q+1}_{i}|=r\); otherwise, we partition \(X_{i}\) into \(q+2\) sets \(X^{0}_{i},X^{1}_{i},\ldots ,X^{q+1}_{i}\) with

    • \(|X^{j}_{i}|=\frac{s-1}{2}\) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\) and \(j~(0\le j\le q)\) with \((i,j)\notin \{(1,0),(2,1)\}\),

    • \(|X^{0}_{1}|=|X^{1}_{2}|=\frac{s-3}{2}\) and

    • \(|X^{q+1}_{1}|=|X^{q+1}_{2}|=r\).

    Note that \(X^{q+1}_{i}=\emptyset \) if and only if \(t_{1}\equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor )\). Let \(G^{r}\) be the spanning subgraph of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\) obtained by

    • joining all vertices in \(X^{0}_{1}\) to all vertices in \(X^{0}_{2}\cup X^{q+1}_{2}\),

    • joining all vertices in \(X^{1}_{2}\) to all vertices in \(X^{1}_{1}\cup X^{q+1}_{1}\) and

    • for each \(j~(2\le j\le q)\), joining all vertices in \(X^{j}_{1}\) to all vertices in \(X^{j}_{2}\),

    and let \(G^{b}=K_{N-1,N-1}-E(G^{r})\). If s is even, then the order of longest paths of \(G^{r}\) is at most \(2\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor +1=2\cdot \frac{s-2}{2}+1=s-1\); if s is odd and \(t_{1}\equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2})\), then the order of longest paths of \(G^{r}\) is \(2\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor =2\cdot \frac{s-1}{2}=s-1\); if s is odd and \(t_{1}\not \equiv 0~(\text{ mod } \frac{s-1}{2})\), then the order of longest paths of \(G^{r}\) is at most

    $$\begin{aligned} \max \left\{ 2\cdot \frac{s-1}{2} ,2\cdot \frac{s-3}{2} +1\right\} =s-1. \end{aligned}$$

    Furthermore, since we easily check that \(d_{G^{b}}(x)\le t_{1}\) for all \(x\in V(G^{b})\), \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\). Therefore \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\).

  3. (ii-b)

    Suppose that \(t_{1}>t_{2}\) and \(t_{1}<\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor \). Let \(N=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}+1+\max \{2t_{1}-t_{2}-\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ,0\}\). By Lemma 6, we have \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\le N\). Now we prove that \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\). Let \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) be the partite sets of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\). If \(2t_{1}-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \) (i.e., \(N-1=2t_{1}\)), we partition \(X_{i}\) into two sets \(X^{1}_{i}\) and \(X^{2}_{i}\) with \(|X^{1}_{i}|=|X^{2}_{i}|=t_{1}\); otherwise (i.e., \(N=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2}\rfloor +t_{2}\)), we partition \(X_{i}\) into two sets \(X^{1}_{i}\) and \(X^{2}_{i}\) with \(|X^{1}_{i}|=\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \) and \(|X^{2}_{i}|=t_{2}\). Let \(G^{r}\) be the spanning subgraph of \(K_{N-1,N-1}\) such that

    $$\begin{aligned} E(G^{r})=\bigcup _{j\in \{1,2\}}\{x_{1}x_{2}:x_{1}\in X^{j}_{1},~x_{2}\in X^{j}_{2}\}, \end{aligned}$$

    and let \(G^{b}=K_{N-1,N-1}-E(G^{r})\). Since \(t_{2}<t_{1}<\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \), the order of longest paths of \(G^{r}\) is at most \(2\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor ~(\le 2\cdot \frac{s-1}{2}=s-1)\). Furthermore, if \(2t_{1}-t_{2}\ge \lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \), then \(d_{G^{b}}(x)=(N-1)-t_{1}=t_{1}\) for all \(x\in V(G^{b})\); if \(2t_{1}-t_{2}<\lfloor \frac{s-1}{2} \rfloor \), then \(\min \{d_{G^{b}}(x_{1}),d_{G^{b}}(x_{2})\}=t_{2}\) for every edge \(x_{1}x_{2}\in E(G^{b})\). In either case, \(B_{t_{1},t_{2}}\not \subset G^{b}\). Therefore \(b(P_{s},B_{t_{1},t_{2}})\ge N\).

This completes the proof of Theorem 2. \(\square \)