1 Introduction

The problem of finding hamiltonian cycles in graphs is a difficult problem, and since 1969 has received great attention by the Lovász Conjecture which states that every vertex-transitive graph has a hamiltonian path. A variant of the Lovász Conjecture on hamiltonian paths states that every finite connected Cayley graph contains a hamiltonian cycle (see, for instance [1, 5, 9, 12]). In particular, there are several works on the existence of hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs of different types (see, for instance [2, 3, 6, 7, 14]).

Let G be a finite group. A subset \(S\subseteq G\) will be called symmetric if \(S = S^{-1}\). Given a symmetric subset \(S\subseteq G {\setminus } \{e\}\) (with e the identity of G), the Cayley graph Cay(GS) is the graph with vertex set G and a pair \(\{\alpha , \beta \}\) is an edge of Cay(GS) if and only if there is \(s\in S\) such that \(\alpha = \beta s\) (since S is symmetric, observe that \(s^{-1}\in S\) and \(\beta = \alpha s^{-1}\)). Because S is symmetric and does not contain the identity we only work with simple Cayley graphs. A Cayley graph Cay(GS) will be called normal if for every \(\alpha \in G\), \(\alpha ^{-1}S \alpha = S\). In the literature there is another definition of normal Cayley graph, which is different from the one used in this paper, that said that a Cayley graph on a group G is normal if the right regular representation of the group G is normal in the full automorphism group of the graph (see, for instance [10, 13]).

In [8] the authors proved the following.

Theorem 1

Let \(G= \langle \delta _1, \delta _2\rangle \) be a group. If Cay(GS) is a normal Cayley graph such that \(\{\delta _1, \delta _2\} \subseteq S\) then Cay(GS) contains a hamiltonian cycle.

In this paper we present the following result, that concludes a great amount of normal Cayley graphs are hamiltonian.

Theorem 2

Let \(G=\langle \delta _{1}, \ldots ,\delta _{m}\rangle \) be a group, and suppose that \(\vert \langle \delta _{1} \rangle \vert \vert \langle \delta _{2} \rangle \vert > m+1\). If Cay(GS) is a normal Cayley graph with \(\{\delta _{1}, \ldots \delta _{m}\} \subseteq S\), then Cay(GS) contains a hamiltonian cycle.

In the last theorem we do not know any counterexamples if the condition on the order of elements in S is removed. We think that this hypothesis is not needed but the removal of this would require a new and different proof. The condition guarantees that there are enough vertices in each coset to construct the proposed Hamiltonian cycle.

For general concepts we may refer the reader to [4, 11].

2 Notation and Previous Results

In order to prove the main theorem, we need some definitions and previous results.

Let G be a group, let \(G_{0}\) be a subgroup of G, and let

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {P}}= \{a_0G_{0}, a_{1}G_{0}, \dots , a_{n}G_{0}\} \end{aligned}$$

be the partition of G in cosets induced by the subgroup \(G_0\) (with \(a_0\) the identity element of G). For each \(0\le i \le n\), \(C(a_{i}G_{0})\) will denote the subdigraph of Cay(GS) induced by the set of vertices \(a_iG_0\). Given two isomorphic vertex disjoint subgraphs H and \(H'\) of Cay(GS), if there is an isomorphism \(\Psi \) between H and \(H'\) such that for every \(x\in V(H)\), \(\{x, \Psi (x)\}\) is an edge of Cay(GS), then we will say that H and \(H'\) are attached (by \(\Psi :H\rightarrow H')\).

Lemma 3

For every \(0\le i,j\le n\), \(C(a_{i}G_{0})\cong C(a_{j}G_{0})\). Moreover, for every \(0\le i\le n\) and \(\delta \in S\), \(C(a_{i}G_{0})\) and \(C(\delta a_{i}G_{0})\) are attached (by the map \(a\rightarrow \delta a)\).


Given \(a_iG_0, a_jG_0\in {\mathcal {P}} \) let \(\Phi :a_{i}G_{0}\rightarrow a_{j}G_{0}\) defined, for each \(g\in G_{0}\), as \(\Phi (a_{i}g)=a_{j}g\). If \(\Phi (a_{i}g)=\Phi (a_{i}g_{1})\) then \(a_{j}g=a_{j}g_{1}\), so \(g=g_{1}\). Therefore \(\Phi \) is injective and since all cosets have the same cardinality, \(\Phi \) is bijective. If \(a_{i}g_{1}\) and \(a_{i}g_{2}\) are adjacent in \(C(a_{i}G_{0})\) then \(g_{1}^{-1}a_{i}^{-1} a_{i}g_{2}= g_{1}^{-1}g_{2}\in S\). Therefore

$$\begin{aligned} \Phi (a_{i}g_{1})^{-1}\Phi (a_{i}g_{2})=g_{1}^{-1}a_{j}^{-1}a_{j}g_{2}=g_{1}^{-1}g_{2}\in S \end{aligned}$$

and then \(\Phi (a_{i}g_{1})\) and \(\Phi (a_{i}g_{2})\) are adjacent in \(C(a_{j}G_{0})\), and the first part of the lemma follows. For the second part, let \( a\in a_{i}G_{0}\) and \(\delta a \in \delta a_{i}G_{0}\). Clearly the map \(a\rightarrow \delta a\) define an isomorphism between \(C(a_{i}G_{0})\) and \(C(\delta a_{i}G_{0})\) and since S is normal, \(a^{-1} \delta a \in S\), therefore \(\{a, \delta a\}\) is an edge in Cay(GS) (see Fig. 1) and the lemma follows. \(\square \)

Fig. 1
figure 1

The cosets \(a_{i}G_{0}\) and \(\delta a_{i}G_{0}\) are attached

Let \(G=\langle \delta _{1}, \delta _{2}, \ldots ,\delta _{m}\rangle \) be a group generated by \(m\ge 3\) elements. Let Cay(GS) be a normal Cayley graph with connection set S such that \(\{\delta _{1}, \ldots ,\delta _{m}\}\subseteq S\). Let \(G_{0}=\langle \delta _{1}, \delta _{2} \rangle \) and let

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {P}}=\{a_{0}G_{0}, a_{1}G_{0}, \ldots ,a_{n-1}G_{0}, a_{n}G_{0}\}. \end{aligned}$$

be the partition of G in cosets induced by the subgroup \(G_{0}\) (with \(a_{0}\) the identity element of G).

We denote as \(D({\mathcal {P}},S)\) the digraph with vertex set \({\mathcal {P}}\) and there is an arc \((a_{i}G_{0}, a_{j}G_{0} )\) in \(D({\mathcal {P}},S)\) if and only if \(a_{j}G_{0}=\delta a_{i} G_{0}\) for some \(\delta \in \{ \delta _{1}, \ldots ,\delta _{m}\}\).

Lemma 4

For every \(1 \le j \le n\), there is a \((G_{0}, a_{j}G_{0})\)- directed path in \(D({\mathcal {P}}, S)\).


Let \(a_{j}G_{0}\in {\mathcal {P}}\) and let \(a_{j}=\delta _{l_{k}}^{j_{k}} \ldots \delta _{l_{1}}^{j_{1}}\), with \(\delta _{l_{i}}\in \{\delta _{1}, \ldots ,\delta _{m} \}\) and \(i \in \{1, \ldots ,k\}\). A directed walk W with initial vertex \(G_{0}\) and final vertex \(a_{j}G_{0}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} W= (G_{0}, \delta _{l_{1}}G_{0}, \ldots , \delta _{l_{1}}^{j_{1}}G_{0}, \delta _{l_{2}} \delta _{l_{1}}^{j_{1}}G_{0}, \ldots , \delta _{l_{2}}^{j_{2}}\delta _{l_{1}}^{j_{1}} G_{0}, \ldots , \delta _{l_{k}}^{j_{k}} \ldots \delta _{l_{1}}^{j_{1}} G_{0}= a_{j}G_{0}). \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, if there is a directed walk, then there is a directed path, which is subgraph of the walk, with the same initial and final vertices. We can conclude that the \((G_{0}, a_{j}G_{0})\)-directed path in \(D({\mathcal {P}}, S)\) exists. \(\square \)

Let \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) be a spanning subdigraph of \(D({\mathcal {P}},S)\) with a minimal set of arcs such that for every \(a_{j}G_{0} \in V(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)){\setminus } \{G_{0}\}\) there is a \((G_{0}, a_{j}G_{0})\)-directed path in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}}, S)\). Notice that \(G_{0}\) has indegree 0 in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\).

Lemma 5

\(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) is a rooted tree, with root in \(G_{0}\).


Consider the following.

Claim 1. Except for \(G_{0}\), all the other vertices in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) has indegree 1.

Since for every \(a_{j}G_{0} \in V(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)){\setminus } \{G_{0}\}\) there is a \((G_{0}, a_{j}G_{0})\)-directed path it follows that, except for \(G_{0}\), every vertex has indegree at least 1. On the other hand, if there is a vertex \(a_{k}G_{0}\) and two different arcs \((a_{i}G_{0}, a_{k}G_{0})\) and \((a_{j}G_{0}, a_{k}G_{0})\) in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\), by the minimality of \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) it follows that every \((G_{0}, a_{k}G_{0})\)-directed path in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) uses both arcs \((a_{i}G_{0}, a_{k}G_{0})\) and \((a_{j}G_{0}, a_{k}G_{0})\) which is a contradiction.

Claim 2. There is no cycle in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}}, S)\).

Suppose there is a cycle C in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}}, S)\). By claim 1 it follows that C has to be a directed cycle and therefore, since \(G_{0}\) has indegree 0, \(G_{0}\) is not a vertex of C. Thus, there is a directed path from \(G_{0}\), which is not a vertex of C, to some vertex x of C which is impossible since, by claim 1, x has indegree 1.

From Lemma 4, claims 1 and 2 and by definition of \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\), \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) is a tree with root \(G_{0}\). \(\square \)

Notice that \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) is an underlying structure in the normal Cayley graph Cay(GS). The vertices of \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) are cosets and all its arcs represent multiple edges in Cay(GS) which joints two cosets, indeed, two vertices joint by an arc in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) represents two cosets attached in Cay(GS) and these cosets as induced subgraphs are isomorphic (see Lemma 3).

Given a coset \(aG_{0} \in {\mathcal {P}}\), let \(N^{+}_{D^{*}({\mathcal {P}}, S)}(aG_{0})\) denotes its out-neighborhood in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\). Let

$$\begin{aligned} T[aG_{0}]= \{aG_{0}\} \cup N^{+}_{D^{*}({\mathcal {P}}, S)}(aG_{0}) \end{aligned}$$

and let \(M[aG_0]\) be the subgraph of C(GS) induced by the set of vertices

$$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{hG_0\in T[aG_{0}] } V(C(hG_0)). \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 6

Let \(aG_{0} \in {\mathcal {P}}\) be a coset and suppose there is a hamiltonian cycle \(C=(b_1, b_2,\ldots , b_{m_{0}})\) in \(C(aG_{0})\), with \(m_0 > m+1\).

  1. (i)

    For every \(\delta aG_{0}\in T[aG_{0}] {\setminus } \{aG_{0}\}\), \((\delta b_1, \delta b_2,\dots , \delta b_{m_{0}})\) is a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(\delta aG_{0})\).

  2. (ii)

    For every pair of vertices \( b_{t}, b_{t-1}\in V(C)\) (with the index of b mod \(m_0)\) there is a \((b_t,b_{t-1})\)-hamiltonian path P in \(M[aG_0]\) such that for every \(\delta aG_{0}\in T[aG_{0}]{\setminus } \{aG_{0}\}\) there is \(s_{\delta }\) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} P_{\delta a}= (\delta b_{s_{\delta }}, \delta b_{s_{\delta }-1},\ldots , \delta b_{1}, \delta b_{m_0}, \ldots , \delta b_{s_{\delta }+1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(\delta aG_{0})\) is a subpath of P.


Let \(aG_{0} \in {\mathcal {P}}\) be a coset and suppose there is a hamiltonian cycle \((b_1, b_2,\ldots , b_{m_{0}})\) in \(C(aG_{0})\), with \(m_0 > m+1\).

From Lemma 3 we see that for every \(\delta aG_{0}\in T[aG_{0}] {\setminus } \{aG_{0}\}\) , \(C(aG_{0})\) and \( C(\delta aG_0) \) are attached (by the map \(a\rightarrow \delta a\)). From here it follows that for every \(\delta aG_{0}\in T[aG_{0}] {\setminus } \{aG_{0}\}\), \((\delta b_1, \delta b_2,\ldots , \delta b_{m_{0}})\) is a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(\delta aG_{0})\).

Without loss of generality, let \(T[aG_0] = \{aG_0\}\cup \{ \delta _iaG_0 : i = 1, \ldots , k\}\). Observe that \(k\le m\) (see Fig. 2).

Let \(b_t \in V(C)\) and let

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{c} P=(b_{t}, \delta _{1}b_{t},\delta _{1}b_{t-1}, \delta _{1}b_{t-2},\dots , \delta _{1}b_{1}, \delta _{1}b_{m_0},\dots , \delta _{1}b_{t+1}, \\ \quad b_{t+1}, \delta _{2}b_{t+1},\delta _{2}b_{t}, \delta _{2}b_{t-1},\dots ,\delta _{2}b_{1}, \delta _{2}b_{m_0},\dots , \delta _{2}b_{t+2}, \\ \quad b_{t+2}, \delta _{3}b_{t+2},\delta _{3}b_{t+1}, \delta _{3}b_{t},\dots , \delta _{3}b_{1}, \delta _{3}b_{m_0},\dots ,\delta _{3}b_{t+3}, \\ \quad \dots \\ \quad b_{t+k-1}, \delta _{k} b_{t+k-1},\delta _{k}b_{t+k-2}, \delta _{k}b_{t+k-3},\dots , \delta _{k}b_{1}, \delta _{k}b_{m_0},\dots , \delta _{k}b_{t+k}, \\ \quad b_{t+k}, b_{t+k+1},\dots , b_{m_0}, b_1, \dots , b_{t-1}). \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

From here the result follows. \(\square \)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Hamiltonian cycle in \(T[aG_{0}]\)

3 Proof of the Theorem 2

Let \(G=\langle \delta _{1}, \ldots ,\delta _{m}\rangle \) be a group, and suppose that \(\vert \langle \delta _{1} \rangle \vert \vert \langle \delta _{2} \rangle \vert > m+1\). Let Cay(GS) be a normal Cayley graph with \(\{\delta _{1}, \ldots \delta _{m}\} \subseteq S\), let \(G_0 = \langle \delta _1, \delta _2\rangle \), and let

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {P}}= \{a_0G_{0}, a_{1}G_{0}, \dots , a_{n}G_{0}\} \end{aligned}$$

be the partition of G in cosets induced by the subgroup \(G_0\) (with \(a_0\) the identity element of G).

Claim 1. The Cayley graph \(Cay(G_0, S\mid _{G_0})\) is a normal Cayley graph.

Since Cay(GS) is normal, for every \(g\in G\), \(g^{-1}Sg=S\). Therefore for every \(g\in G_0\) we see that \(g^{-1}(S\mid _{G_0})g=g^{-1}(S\cap G_0)g=S\cap G_0= S\mid _{G_0}\), and the claim follows.

Since \(G_{0}=\langle \delta _{1}, \delta _{2} \rangle \) and \(\{\delta _{1}, \delta _{2}\}\subseteq S\mid _{G_0}\), from Claim 1 and Theorem 1 it follows that \(Cay(G_0, S\mid _{G_0})\) is hamiltonian. Observe that \(Cay(G_0, S\mid _{G_0})\) is a spanning subdigraph of \(C(G_{0})\) and therefore \(C(G_{0})\) is hamiltonian. Let \(C=(b_{1},b_{2}, \ldots ,b_{m_{0}})\) be a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(G_{0})\).

Let \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) be a spanning subdigraph of \(D({\mathcal {P}},S)\) defined as in the previous section, and for each \(k\ge 1\) let \({\mathcal {T}}_{k}\) be the subdigraph of \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) induced by the set of vertices (cosets) \(aG_0 \in {\mathcal {P}}\) such that the distance in \(D^{*}({\mathcal {P}},S)\) from \(G_0\) to \(aG_0\) is at most k. For each \(k\ge 1\), let \({\mathcal {L}}_{k}\) be the set of leaves of \({\mathcal {T}}_{k}\).

We will prove the result by showing, by induction on k, that for every \(k\ge 1\) the subgraph of Cay(GS) induced by the set of vertices

$$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{aG_{0}\in V({\mathcal {T}}_{k})} V(C(aG_{0})) \end{aligned}$$

contains a hamiltonian cycle \(C_k\) such that for each \(aG_0\in {\mathcal {L}}_{k}\) there is a hamiltonian cycle \((d_1, \dots , d_{m_0})\) of \(C(aG_0)\) and an integer \(s_a\) such that the hamiltonian path

$$\begin{aligned} (d_{s_a}, d_{s_a-1},\dots , d_{1}, d_{m_0}, \dots , d_{s_a+1}) \end{aligned}$$

of \(C(aG_{0})\) is a subpath of \(C_k\).

  1. (i)


    Observe that \({\mathcal {T}}_1 = {\mathcal {T}}[G_0]\) and \({\mathcal {L}}_{1}= {\mathcal {T}}[G_0]{\setminus } \{G_0\}\). Since \(C=(b_{1},b_{2}, \ldots ,b_{m_{0}})\) is a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(G_{0})\), by Lemma  6 we see that for every \(\delta G_{0}\in T[G_{0}] {\setminus } \{G_{0}\} = {\mathcal {L}}_{1}\), \((\delta b_1, \delta b_2,\dots , \delta b_{m_{0}})\) is a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(\delta G_{0})\); and there is a \((b_2,b_{1})\)-hamiltonian path P in \(M[G_0]\) such that for every \(\delta G_{0}\in T[G_{0}]{\setminus } \{G_{0}\}\) there is \(s_\delta \) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} (\delta b_{s_\delta }, \delta b_{s_\delta -1},\dots , \delta b_{1}, \delta b_{m_0}, \dots , \delta b_{s_\delta +1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(\delta G_{0})\) is a subpath of P. Therefore,

    $$\begin{aligned} C_1= P + \{b_{1}, b_2\} \end{aligned}$$

    is a hamiltonian cycle with all the properties we need.

  2. (ii)

    Suppose that the statement is true for \(1\le l\le k\).

  3. (iii)


    By induction hypothesis, the subgraph of Cay(GS) induced by the set of vertices

    $$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{aG_{0}\in V({\mathcal {T}}_{k})} V(C(aG_{0})) \end{aligned}$$

    contains a hamiltonian cycle \(C_k\) such that for each \(aG_0\in {\mathcal {L}}_{k}\) there is a hamiltonian cycle \((d_1, \ldots , d_{m_0})\) of \(C(aG_0)\) and an integer \(s_a\) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} (d_{s_a}, d_{s_a-1},\ldots , d_{1}, d_{m_0}, \ldots , d_{s_a+1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(aG_{0})\) is a subpath of \(C_k\).

    Observe that \(V({\mathcal {T}}_{k+1}){\setminus } V({\mathcal {T}}_{k})= {\mathcal {L}}_{k+1}\) and that \(\{ T[aG_0]{\setminus } \{aG_0\}\}_{aG_0\in {\mathcal {L}}_{k} }\) is a partition of \({\mathcal {L}}_{k+1}\). Let \({\mathcal {L}}_{k} = \{ q_1G_0, \dots q_rG_0\}\).

    Let \( (d_1, \dots , d_{m_0})\) be the hamiltonian cycle of \(C(q_1G_0)\) and \( (d_{s_{q_1}}, d_{s_{q_1}-1},\dots , d_{1}, d_{m_0}, \dots , d_{s_{q_1}+1})\) be the hamiltonian path of \(C(q_1G_0)\) which is contained as a subpath in \(C_k\). Let \(Q^1_k\) be the \((d_{s_{q_1}}, d_{s_{q_1}-1})\)-path obtained from \(C_k\) by deleting the edge \(\{d_{s_{q_1}}, d_{s_{q_1}-1}\}\).

    From Lemma 6, we see that for every \(\delta q_1G_{0}\in T[q_1G_{0}] {\setminus } \{q_1G_{0}\} \), \((\delta d_1, \delta d_2,\dots , \delta d_{m_{0}})\) is a hamiltonian cycle in \(C(\delta q_1G_{0})\); and there is a \((d_{s_{q_1}},d_{s_{q_1}-1})\)-hamiltonian path \(P_{q_1}\) in \(M[q_1G_0]\) such that for every \(\delta q_1G_{0}\in T[q_1G_{0}]{\setminus } \{q_1G_{0}\}\) there is \(s_\delta \) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} (\delta d_{s_\delta }, \delta d_{s_\delta -1},\dots , \delta d_{1}, \delta d_{m_0}, \dots , \delta d_{s_\delta +1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(\delta q_1G_{0})\) is a subpath of \(P_{q_1}\). Thus, \(C_k^1= Q^1_k \circ P_{q_1}\) is a hamiltonian cycle of the subgraph of C(GS) induced by the set of vertices

    $$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{hG_0\in V({\mathcal {T}}_{k})} V(C(hG_0)) \cup \bigcup _{hG_0\in T[q_1G_{0}] {\setminus } \{q_1G_{0}\}} V(C(hG_0)) \end{aligned}$$

    such that for every \(\delta q_1G_{0}\in T[q_1G_{0}]{\setminus } \{q_1G_{0}\}\) there is \(s_\delta \) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} (\delta d_{s_\delta }, \delta d_{s_\delta -1},\dots , \delta d_{1}, \delta d_{m_0}, \dots , \delta d_{s_\delta +1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(\delta q_1G_{0})\) is a subpath of \(C_k^1\).

    For the step j, with \(1<j \le r\), let \(Q^j_k\) be the \((d_{s_{q_j}}, d_{s_{q_j}-1})\)-path obtained from \(C^{j-1}_k\) by deleting the edge \(\{d_{s_{q_j}}, d_{s_{q_j}-1}\}\) (which belongs to \(C(q_jG_0)\)) and attached to it the \((d_{s_{q_j}},d_{s_{q_j}-1})\)-path \(P_{q_j}\) (which exists by Lemma 6). Following this procedure we obtain a hamiltonian cycle \(C_k^r= C_{k+1}\) of the subgraph of C(GS) induced by

    $$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{hG_0\in V({\mathcal {T}}_{k+1})} V(C(hG_0)) \end{aligned}$$

    such that for each \(aG_0\in {\mathcal {L}}_{k+1}\) there is a hamiltonian cycle \((d_1, \dots , d_{m_0})\) of \(C(aG_0)\) and an integer \(s_a\) such that the hamiltonian path

    $$\begin{aligned} (d_{s_a}, d_{s_a-1},\dots , d_{1}, d_{m_0}, \dots , d_{s_a+1}) \end{aligned}$$

    of \(C(aG_{0})\) is a subpath of \(C_{k+1}\). From here, the result follows. \(\Box \)