1 Introduction

Constructing and analyzing 3D digital models used to represent real environments are critical in the age of Industry 4.0 for various tasks, such as planning, maintenance, training, and education. 3D acquisition techniques can be used on a target scene or object to obtain accurate surface data, typically represented by an unordered set of 3D points, that is, a 3D point cloud. Although these raw data can be useful for constructing and analyzing these models, they present undesired noise due to physical limitations or inconsistencies during acquisition. Noise can disturb further processing, such as segmentation [52], compression [11], registration [5], recognition [69], mesh generation [7], or rendering [40]. Consequently, point cloud denoising is a fundamental task in common geometry-processing pipelines.

Because point clouds lack connectivity information and surface details are difficult to differentiate from noise, point cloud denoising is challenging. Early attempts only aimed to smooth the points [1]. However, this is not sufficient to obtain good-quality results for applications such as mesh generation or rendering, where feature preservation is essential. Several methods have been proposed to address this problem [30], ranging from classical moving least square-based methods to deep learning-based methods. Most of these rely on a two-step-based scheme, with the first step consisting of computing denoised normals and the second step consisting of updating point positions to fit these normals.

We propose a sharp feature-preserving point cloud denoising method consisting of four main steps. In the first step, we used local quadratic optimization problems to compute anisotropic neighborhoods. In the second step, we used these anisotropic neighborhoods to filter the point cloud normal field and reduce noise. This step includes a normal corrector operation that minimizes the problems in the subsequent steps. In the third step, using the filtered normals, we detect sharp feature points and treat them differently. We classified all the points into non-feature, edge, and corner points. Finally, we updated the point positions using this classification and the filtered normal field. These steps were repeated until the noise was removed. The resulting point cloud had piecewise smooth regions and enhanced sharp feature regions, preserving surface details.

Herein, we compare our method to several state-of-the-art denoising methods using point and normal distance error, obtaining competitive results and outperforming them in most test cases. We include several visual comparisons using challenging test cases to demonstrate how our denoising method better preserves the surface details. In addition, because our method incorporates solutions for normal estimation and feature detection problems, we evaluate them numerically. The main contributions of this study are summarized as follows:

  • We propose a point cloud denoising algorithm that focuses on processing surfaces that present sharp features. The algorithm can minimize noise while preserving the surface details.

  • We present an extension to point clouds of the mesh-based anisotropic neighborhood computation proposed in [38]. This method allows us to compute piecewise smooth normals while preserving the hard transitions at the sharp feature regions.

  • We present a normal correction algorithm for refining the normals of points near sharp feature regions. This algorithm provides more reliable normals for use in the denoising algorithm.

  • We introduce a sharp feature detection algorithm that tends to detect thin sharp feature regions. This algorithm is useful in the denoising algorithm to avoid the generation of gaps and the excessive accumulation of points near the sharp feature regions.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents related studies on the denoising problem. Section 3 introduces our proposed denoising method. Section 4 explains the computation of connectivity information and geometric measurements that are useful for the steps of the method. Sections 567, and 8 describe the four primary steps of the proposed method. Section 9 presents the experiments and results. Finally, in Sect. 10, we present our conclusions and discuss future research.

2 Previous work

Point cloud denoising has been addressed in various ways. Some approaches are based on the moving least squares (MLS) method, which aims to approximate an underlying surface and project noisy points onto it. This scheme was adapted to preserve details and achieve greater robustness against noise [23, 25, 26, 50, 53, 67].

A different approach to address the denoising problem is to use sparse representations adopted by several geometry-processing algorithms. These methods assume that most noisy points can be approximated using piecewise smooth surfaces with sparse transitions. The denoising task is formulated as the sparse reconstruction of point normals and/or point positions using regularization based on the metric \(\ell _1\) [2, 41], the metric \(\ell _0\) [61], or low-rank matrix approximations [13, 49].

The non-local self-similarity methods proposed for images [10, 16] were extended to denoising of point clouds. Different patch representations are used, such as polynomial surfaces [17], variations in height fields [18], local displacements [28, 59], local probing fields [19], point normals [46], and sampled collaborative points [56], which exploit the similarity between non-local surfaces.

The relationships between the points can be represented using graphs. To address the denoising problem, some methods use this representation to exploit graph properties and Laplacian regularizers in a local [20, 21, 60] and non-local [73] fashion. Furthermore, the authors proposed a feature graph learning framework applied to the denoising problem in [34], using point coordinates and normals as relevant features.

Surface denoising is commonly performed in two steps, where the first step denoises the normal field and the second step fits the noisy point positions to the denoised normals. These steps are complemented by neighborhood clustering [33, 65] and/or feature detection [43, 71, 77, 78]. In a different way, Béarzi et al. introduced geometric structures named Wavejets to represent local surfaces [4]. These structures are then used to reduce noise and enhance detail by updating the point positions and normals.

The locally optimal projection (LOP) method involves sampling and projecting a set of uniformly distributed particles onto the underlying surface that the noisy point cloud represents [42]. This method was extended to be more robust against irregular distributions [35] and deal with feature preservation [36, 45, 54, 70].

Recently, geometric deep learning methods have become popular owing to their impressive results in computer graphics applications. The point cloud denoising problem was tackled by this type of method [6, 9, 22, 27, 31, 47, 48, 55, 57, 74]; however, most of them did not deal with feature preservation correctly. Yu et al. introduced an LOP-based network for feature-aware point cloud consolidation, which can process noisy inputs [72]. Lu et al. proposed a network capable of predicting feature points and noise-free normals [44]. These predictions are used to iteratively update the point positions until the noise is removed. Similarly, Wei et al. proposed a normal refinement network that processes adaptive geometric descriptors, that is, the local height and normal fields [68]. The refined normals are then used to update the point positions.

Although the presented methods attempt to deal with detail preservation, most of them focus on the preservation of smooth features without correctly dealing with sharp features. Sparse- and two-step-based methods have shown excellent performance in the preservation of this type of feature, particularly those that include feature detection procedures in their denoising pipeline. The proposed method, which belongs to a family of two-step methods, also focuses on the preservation of sharp features. More specifically, we presented a novel method for robustly estimating a clean normal field based on anisotropic neighborhoods and a novel normal correction operation. For anisotropic neighborhood computation, we extend the idea proposed in our previous work [38], introducing a new functional and its discretization to deal with point clouds. Then, using a clean normal field, we introduce a novel sharp feature detection algorithm that is more selective than the previous methods. This behavior helps to avoid point agglomeration near feature regions and the formation of gaps. Finally, the point positions are updated using clean normals and feature detection information, similar to the method proposed by Yadav et al. [71].

3 Overview

The input of our denoising algorithm is a 3D point cloud consisting of a set of unorganized points \(\mathcal {P} = \{p_i\}_{i=1}^n\) sampled from a piecewise 2-manifold \(\mathcal {X}\) embedded in \(\mathbb {R}^3\), where n is the number of points. The set of points should be equipped with a consistently oriented normal field. Let us denote the point coordinates and the corresponding normals as sets of 3-dimensional vectors \(X=\{\textbf{x}_1, \dots , \textbf{x}_n \}\) and \(N=\{\textbf{n}_1, \dots , \textbf{n}_n \}\), where \(\textbf{x}_i \in \mathbb {R}^3\) and \(\textbf{n}_i \in \mathbb {R}^3\) represent the coordinates and the normal at point \(p_i\), respectively. The algorithm generates a noise-free point cloud with a clean normal field. This point cloud is sampled on a 2-manifold \(\mathcal {X}'\), which is a good approximation of \(\mathcal {X}\).

We assume that a common point cloud should be pre-processed using a normal estimation method that consistently preserves the normal orientation because our algorithm requires an initial set of normals. This method does not need to be accurate in the computation of normals; it only needs to maintain a consistent orientation. In addition to the normal initialization, we normalized the point positions to avoid high variations when tuning the algorithm parameters. We computed a simple average distance by considering each point’s distance to their corresponding 10 nearest neighbors. The inverse of the average distance was then used to define the point cloud’s normalization scale factor.

The algorithm operates in an iterative manner, where each iteration consists of four main steps, as described below. First, as a preparation procedure useful for representing the point cloud topology and geometry, we compute point neighborhoods, normals, areas, and distances.

In the first step, we compute anisotropic neighborhoods that define normal-based piecewise smooth regions assigned to each point. These neighborhoods are obtained by solving local quadratic optimization problems that minimize the normal variation and distances to the evaluated point.

In the second step, we compute a new set of normals based on anisotropic neighborhoods. These normals enhance the feature regions because they are fitted to piecewise smooth regions, preserving the hard transitions between them. They may contain noise because they are computed using noisy point positions. As a result, we used bilateral filtering to smooth them out while retaining the enhanced regions. We also introduce a normal correction operation because anisotropic neighborhood-based normals are prone to incorrect orientation owing to noisy input normals and the parameters used for the optimization problem. This corrector operation evaluates the neighboring piecewise smooth regions for each point to determine which region best fits it. If the current normal differs considerably from the average normal of the selected region, we assign this average normal to the new normal for the corresponding point. We begin by selecting candidate feature points that may require this evaluation to define neighboring piecewise smooth regions. We focus on potential feature points because the points that belong to the smooth regions do not require normal correction. We then use a clustering operation that aims to segment the points around the evaluated point based on their normals. Each cluster is considered a neighboring piecewise smooth region whose average normal can be used for normal correction. This normal filtering step allows us to define reliable normals and minimize artifacts in the subsequent steps.

In the third step, we apply the same feature candidate selection and neighborhood clustering operations, though we use the corrected normals in this case. Then, we detect sharp feature points using this information, classifying all points into non-features, edges, or corners. This classification is based on measuring the proximity of each point to the intersection of neighboring planes approximated to the corresponding piecewise smooth regions.

Finally, in the fourth step, we updated the point positions to fit them to the filtered normals. The point-updating scheme depends on the point class defined in the previous step.

The number of iterations for the full set of steps is defined by parameter \(n_{ext}\) (external). However, because computing anisotropic neighborhoods is expensive, we also consider an iterative scheme that applies the following steps within the full iteration: normal filtering, feature classification, and point updating. The number of internal iterations is defined by parameter \(n_{int}\). Algorithm 1 summarizes the proposed pipeline, in which the color maps the main steps.

figure d

4 Preparing procedure

This section describes how we compute the connectivity information and geometric measurements required for the algorithm’s main steps. Let us first denote the standard k nearest neighborhood of a point \(p_i\) as \(\mathscr {N}_k(p_i)\), where \(p_i\) is also included. The rough normal of a point \(p_i\) is computed using principal component analysis (PCA) on the points included in \(\mathscr {N}_k(p_i)\), where the eigenvector with the smallest eigenvalue defines the corresponding direction. These normals are corrected (switching sign) by checking the orientation of the input normals because they have no consistent orientation.

Then, in an attempt to define an analogous representation to the first ring neighborhood as a mesh-based representation for each point \(p_i\), we computed a local 2D Delaunay triangulation using the \(\mathscr {N}_k(p_i)\) points projected on the plane defined by \(p_i\) and its corresponding rough normal. Because the point cloud can present multiple points that are very close to each other, when we compute the triangulation, we ignore the points that are at a distance less than \(\epsilon _{d}l_{ro}\) in the 3D space, where \(\epsilon _{d}\) is a tolerance factor and \(l_{ro}\) is a rough average distance computed considering the distances from each point to the closest 6 points. The latter allows us to obtain a more reliable triangulation for the subsequent operations. For each \(p_i\), the points that correspond to the first ring in the triangulation, including \(p_i\), comprise neighborhood \(\mathscr {N}_1(p_i)\) on the point cloud.

Similar to the average edge length computed on mesh-based representations, we computed the average distance \(l_\mu \) between points considering the distances from each \(p_i\) to \(p_j \in \mathscr {N}_1(p_i)\), s.t. \(j \ne i\). In addition, using the computed local triangulations, the area where a point \(p_i\) represents is obtained by computing the corresponding barycentric cell area in the 3D space, that is, one-third of the total area of all triangles that \(p_i\) shares. We denote all areas as the vector \(\textbf{a} = ( a_1 , \dots , a_n )^T\), where \(a_i\) represents the area of point \(p_i\).

Then, we define three types of neighborhoods: small, regular, and big, denoted as \(\mathscr {N}_s\), \(\mathscr {N}_r\) and \(\mathscr {N}_b\), respectively, which are defined as follows:


where \(l_i\) is the maximum distance from point \(p_i\) to any \(p_j \in \mathscr {N}_1(p_i)\), and \(r_s\), \(r_r\) and \(r_b\) are parameters used to define the size of the neighborhoods, s.t. \(( 1 \le r_s ) \wedge ( r_r < r_b )\). \(\mathscr {N}_s\) maps the immediate interaction between points, \(\mathscr {N}_r\) represents a local surface for each point, and \(\mathscr {N}_b\) represents a larger local surface whose convexity or concavity is more evident. These neighborhoods were used in different steps of our denoising algorithm.

Finally, we compute the set of regular normals using the PCA-based method on the regular neighborhood points \(\mathscr {N}_r(p_i)\), maintaining orientation consistency. The anisotropic neighborhoods were then computed using these normals.

5 Anisotropic neighborhoods computation

The computation of anisotropic neighborhoods is a common technique used for denoising [24, 29, 38, 64, 76, 79], where the notion is to compute local shape adaptive structures that can then be used to filter out noise while preserving the features. We present an extension to the point clouds of mesh-based anisotropic neighborhood computation introduced in [37, 38]. These anisotropic neighborhoods aim to compute pointwise descriptors that define the membership of neighboring points to a piecewise smooth surface region represented by the evaluated points. We assume that a smooth region presents low normal variation such that the difference between the two normals of any two points within this region is minimal. In addition, the shape of the region should be as regular as possible, centered at the evaluated point, represent a considerable area on the underlying surface, and present similar point normals to the normal of the evaluated point.

In a continuous setting, let us consider the 2-manifold \(\mathcal {X}\), evaluated point \(x' \in \mathcal {X}\), and continuous membership function \(u^*:\mathcal {X}\rightarrow [0,1]\) describing the anisotropic neighborhood, where 0 denotes no membership and 1 denotes full membership. We aim to determine an optimal membership function \(u^*\) by solving the following optimization problem:

$$\begin{aligned} u^*= & {} \mathop {\textrm{arg min}}\limits _u \alpha \int _{x_i\in \mathcal {X}}\int _{x_j\in \mathcal {X}} \Vert n_i-n_j \Vert u_i u_j da da \nonumber \\{} & {} + \beta \int _{x_i\in \mathcal {X}}\Vert x' - x_i \Vert u_i da + \gamma \int _{x_i\in \mathcal {X}}\Vert n' - n_i \Vert u_i da \nonumber \\{} & {} s.t. \ \ \ u\in [0,1] \ \ \wedge \ \ \int _{x_i\in \mathcal {X}}u da = a_0, \end{aligned}$$

where \(n'\) is the normal of \(x'\), the first term penalizes the normal variation, the second term penalizes the distance to \(x'\), the third term penalizes the normal difference regarding \(n'\), the upper and lower bound constraints maintain the values of \(u^*\) between 0 and 1, the linear constraint helps to avoid 0 area solutions by defining an area \(a_0\) to be covered by \(u^*\), and the parameters \(\alpha \), \(\beta \), and \(\gamma \) control the behavior of the solution. We do not include a term to control the regularity of \(u^*\), such as gradient norm penalization, unlike [38], because point cloud connectivity is not as well defined as mesh connectivity. We indirectly control the regularity of \(u^*\) by tuning \(\beta \).

In a discrete setting, considering a point cloud \(\mathcal {P}\) as a sample of \(\mathcal {X}\), we can represent the coordinates of the evaluated point \(x'\) as \(\textbf{x}'\), \(n'\) as \(\textbf{n}'\), the membership function \(u^*\) as the vector \(\textbf{u}^* = ( u_1^* , \dots , u_n^* )^T\), the distances between all the points and \(\textbf{x}'\) as the vector \(\textbf{d} = ( d_1 , \dots , d_n )^T\), where \(d_i = \Vert \textbf{x}_i-\textbf{x}' \Vert \), the distances between all the point normals with \(\textbf{n}'\) as the vector \(\textbf{f} = ( f_1 , \dots , f_n )^T\), where \(f_i = \Vert \textbf{n}_i-\textbf{n}' \Vert \), and the area for each point as the vector \(\textbf{a}\), described previously. The optimization problem can then be described as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{u}^*= & {} \mathop {\textrm{arg min}}\limits _{\textbf{u}} \alpha \textbf{u}^T \textbf{A}^T \textbf{Q} \textbf{A} \textbf{u} + \beta \textbf{d}^T a' \textbf{A} \textbf{u} \nonumber \\ {}{} & {} + \gamma \textbf{f}^T a' \textbf{A} \textbf{u} \ \ \ s.t. \ \ \ \textbf{0} \le \textbf{u} \le \textbf{1} \wedge \textbf{a}^T\textbf{u}=a_0, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textbf{Q}\) is a square matrix whose entries are defined by \(q_{ij} = \Vert \textbf{n}_i - \textbf{n}_j \Vert \), \(\textbf{A}\) is a diagonal matrix containing the point areas as diagonal elements, that is, \(a_{ii}=a_i\), \(\textbf{0}\) is a vector of zeros, \(\textbf{1}\) is a vector of ones, and \(a'\) is the area of the evaluated point that is used to alleviate the difference between the linear and quadratic terms. We compute an optimal solution \(\textbf{u}^*\) for each point that allows us to describe anisotropic neighborhoods. For practical purposes, we constrained the domain of \(u^*\) to the regular neighborhood \(\mathscr {N}_r\) of the evaluated point; that is, \(\textbf{u}^* = ( u_1^* , \dots , u_{|\mathscr {N}_r |}^* )^T\), where \(|\mathscr {N}_r |\) denotes the number of elements in \(\mathscr {N}_r\). In addition, we define \(a_0\) as the proportion of the total area represented by the corresponding neighborhood.

Figure 1 illustrates the behavior and importance of each term in the proposed optimization problem. If we consider only the distance to the evaluated point, we obtain a solution similar to a regular geometric neighborhood, as shown in Fig. 1a. We can obtain solutions that are not sufficiently close to the evaluated point or irregular and sparse solutions by simply considering the normal difference within the neighborhood, as shown in Fig. 1b. If we consider the distance to the evaluated point, we can control the regularity and closeness of the evaluated points, as shown in Fig. 1c and 1d. Figure 1c presents a solution that lies on the incorrect face of the shape. The penalization of the normal difference with respect to the evaluated point normal can help compute the desired neighborhood, as shown in Fig. 1d.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Anisotropic neighborhood computation behavior. For all cases, the evaluated point is marked by a black circle, the black arrows represent the point normals, and the point color defines whether it corresponds to the neighborhood (red) or not (yellow)

Although all terms are important for obtaining the desired solution, we assign more importance to the normal variation penalization within the neighborhood in our experiments. Figure 2 shows an example of the computation of anisotropic neighborhoods on a noisy point cloud of a cube. The selected points present challenging situations. The first case shows a flat point close to a corner, where the computed neighborhood represents the correct face of the cube. The second case depicts an edge point where the computed neighborhood is defined on only one of the shared faces of the cube. The third case depicts a corner point, where the computed neighborhood is defined on only one of the three possible faces, as in the previous case. In both cases, the choice of one of the involved faces was irrelevant for the remainder of our denoising pipeline.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Examples of anisotropic neighborhoods computed using \(\alpha =1\), \(\beta =0.1\), and \(\gamma =0.5\) on the Cube point cloud. The point color maps the membership value, which ranges from 0 to 1 (yellow to red). A black circle denotes the evaluated point. The red arrows represent the point regular normals

6 Normal filtering

Our normal filtering step consists of four main sequential operations. The operations are explained as follows.

6.1 Normal estimation using anisotropic neighborhoods

We use the anisotropic neighborhoods to estimate the feature-preserving point normals after we compute them. The anisotropic neighborhood for a point \(p_i\) is defined by a membership function \(\textbf{u}^*\) with values between 0 and 1. We apply a simple threshold operation to select the member points and construct the neighborhood where \(\tau _u\) defines an acceptable membership function value. We compute the PCA-based normal using all included points, whose orientation consistency is controlled by the regular normal. These anisotropic neighborhood normals enhance feature regions, as shown in Fig. 3.

The selection of \(\tau _u\) is not critical because the values of \(\textbf{u}^*\) tend to be close to 0 or 1 when using the appropriate values for \(\alpha \), \(\beta \), and \(\gamma \). In contrast to the function proposed in [38], we do not force smooth \(\textbf{u}^*\) transitions between neighboring points, so the optimization process is guided by the normal difference and spatial distance only. Because the input is a noisy point cloud, including more points with low membership function values (e.g., 0.2), it increases the normal variability and the distance to the evaluated point when compared to a solution with only a few points with values of \(\textbf{u}^*\) equal to 1.

6.2 Normal smoothing using bilateral filter

Because anisotropic neighborhood points are noisy, the resulting PCA-based normals can also be noisy. For this reason, we smoothed them using a bilateral filtering scheme, aiming to preserve high normal variations in feature regions. The bilateral filter is applied iteratively to the normal field by considering spatial and normal distances. The new normal \(\tilde{\textbf{n}}_i\) for each iteration is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {\tilde{\textbf{n}}}_i = \frac{1}{W_n(p_i)} \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_r(p_i)} w_{ij} \textbf{n}_j, \end{aligned}$$

where , \(K_{ns}\) and \(K_{nn}\) are Gaussian kernel functions used to smooth spatial and normal distances, \(W_n(p_i)\) is a normalization factor, i.e., \(W_n(p_i)=\sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_r(p_i)} w_{ij}\), and the behavior of the kernels \(K_{ns}\) and \(K_{nn}\) is defined by the standard deviations \(\sigma _{ns}\) and \(\sigma _{nn}\), respectively. The number of smoothing iterations is defined by the parameter \(n_{ns}\). Figure 3 shows an example in which noisy anisotropic neighborhood normals are processed to obtain smoother normals and preserve the high variation in feature regions. These normals better represent the underlying surface.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Normal smoothing using bilateral filtering on the Cube point cloud. The red arrows represent the normals. The point color maps the normal direction. Left: anisotropic neighborhood normals. Right: smoothed normals

This operation is used to refine anisotropic neighborhood normals. Thus, we apply only a few iterations using a low value for \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) and fix \(\sigma _{ns}\) as a proportion of the average edge length \(l_\mu \). The first row in Fig. 4 shows the normal estimation error for the four test cases using different numbers of iterations and \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) values. To measure the normal estimation error, we use the root mean square measure with a threshold for multiple normals (\(RMSM_{\tau }\)) introduced in [75]. The bottom-left corner location of each subfigure represents the error of the anisotropic neighborhood normals. It is worth noting that in all cases, we can reduce the normal error by performing a few smoothing iterations with an appropriate \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) value. For the first three test cases, we should avoid values of \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) that are greater than 0.5. The fourth test case represents a surface with smooth features; therefore, \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}=0.6\) seems to show a greater improvement. For more details about the test cases and error measurement, see Sect. 9.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Normal estimation error using \(RMSM_{\tau }\) on the synthetic point clouds. For each subfigure, the horizontal axis represents different values for \(\sigma _{nn}\), the vertical axis represents different values for \(n_\textrm{ns}\), and the color represents the \(RMSM_{\tau }\) values. The color map follows an exponential behavior. The first row corresponds to the results after normal smoothing, and the second row corresponds to the results after normal correction

6.3 Rough feature classification and neighborhood clustering

This operation is required for normal correction and sharp feature detection. The goal is to estimate the feature candidate points and cluster their regular neighborhoods \(\mathscr {N}_r\) so that each cluster represents a piecewise smooth region regarding the processed normals.

First, we select an initial set of candidate feature points \(\mathcal {P}^m\) based on the maximum normal variation within their small neighborhoods \(\mathscr {N}_s\):


where \(\tau _n\) is a threshold value used to define whether the difference between normals is sufficient to consider the corresponding point as a possible feature.

As in [71], we define three types of points: non-feature, edge, and corner. We assume that any points not included in \(\mathcal {P}^m\) are non-features. Then, considering only the candidate feature points, we clustered their corresponding regular neighborhoods \(\mathscr {N}_r\) to obtain normal-based piecewise smooth regions. The clustering process, which uses the processed normals as inputs, is explained below.

The processed normals can be represented as points on the Gaussian sphere; therefore, we select the 3 farthest points and connect them, generating a triangle within the sphere. In the case of non-feature points, we expect that this triangle will present an area close to zero because the Gauss sphere points will be close to each other. We anticipated two dominant locations in the case of edge points, resulting in an irregular triangle with an area close to zero. We anticipated distant points and a triangle with a larger area in the case of corner points.

Based on these assumptions, we define a threshold triangle area \(\tau _{ta}\) to determine whether the evaluated point can be considered as a corner point candidate. Otherwise, we check if it is an edge point candidate by measuring the largest distance between the 3 sampled points. If this distance is greater than \(\tau _n\), we consider the corresponding point as an edge point candidate. Otherwise, the point is considered a non-feature point candidate. Although we filtered non-feature points in the feature candidate selection operation, we filtered them again because we used \(\mathscr {N}_r\) instead of \(\mathscr {N}_s\). Let us define \(\mathcal {P}^\textrm{nfc}\), \(\mathcal {P}^\textrm{ec}\), and \(\mathcal {P}^\textrm{cc}\) as the sets containing non-feature, edge, and corner candidate points, respectively. \(\mathcal {P}^\textrm{nfc}\) also contains the points that are not included in \(\mathcal {P}^m\). We clustered the neighborhood points based on this classification. If the evaluated point is a non-feature candidate, we assign a single cluster that contains all regular neighborhood points. If the point is an edge candidate, we define two clusters whose seeds are the most distant point normals. The points are then assigned to the cluster with the closest seed with respect to the normal difference. If the point is a corner candidate, we define 3 clusters whose seeds are three 3 sampled normals. However, if the fourth farthest normal is at a distance greater than 1 from these seeds, it is included as an additional seed. The points were assigned as in the previous case. Figure 5 shows some examples of regular neighborhood clustering at different points in a cone point cloud. It is worth noting that the previous operations can produce smooth transitions between normals in areas where the surface is smooth. Furthermore, the normal at the cone’s corner point represents one of the surrounding surfaces assigned during anisotropic neighborhood computation, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Clustering examples on a cone point cloud viewed from the top. The first subfigure shows the normals obtained in the previous operations, where the point color maps the corresponding direction. The other subfigures show different clustering examples for different points (highlighted in yellow), where the point color maps the corresponding cluster average normal

As previously stated, these operations are required in two stages. We did not include the evaluated points in their corresponding clusters in the case of normal correction because the idea of normal correction is to select the neighboring cluster that best fits the evaluated point. In the case of the sharp feature detection step, we retain the evaluated points in their corresponding clusters because they are based on corrected normals, resulting in more reliable clusters used to define sharp feature regions.

We adopted these simple operations because we expected clean normals as inputs. Thus, \(\tau _n\) and \(\tau _\textrm{ta}\) can be tuned by ignoring noise. \(\tau _n\) works as a feature threshold, and \(\tau _\textrm{ta}\) defines the possible corner points. Although the number of clusters is limited to the maximum number of seeds, i.e., 4, we can approximate various feature types using them.

6.4 Normal correction

Some estimated normals can point in the wrong direction due to the initial noisy PCA-based normals and the use of non-ideal parameters for the anisotropic neighborhood computation step, especially for points close to sharp feature regions. In this operation, we correct these undesired normals to represent the underlying geometry better and avoid problems in the following steps.

Once we define the feature candidate points, that is, \(\mathcal {P}^{ec} \cup \mathcal {P}^{cc}\), we evaluate their regular neighborhood clusters to define the ones that better fit the corresponding points. Recall that the clustering applied for this operation did not include the evaluated points. We used two types of point-to-cluster distances to measure how well a cluster fits a feature candidate point.

First, assuming that each cluster represents a plane, we compute the average point-to-plane distance considering all planes formed by the cluster points and their corresponding normals. The average point-to-plane distance \(d_{plane}\) for an evaluated point \(p_i\) and cluster \(\mathcal {C}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} d_{plane}(p_i,\mathcal {C}) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal {C} |} \sum _{p_j\in \mathcal {C}} \left\| \langle \textbf{n}_j, \textbf{x}_i - \textbf{x}_j\rangle \right\| , \end{aligned}$$

where \(|\mathcal {C} |\) denotes the number of elements in \(\mathcal {C}\),

Second, we assumed that each cluster represents a bounded plane region. To define this region, we compute the average normal \(\textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}\) and average position \(\textbf{x}_{\mathcal {C}}\) for cluster \(\mathcal {C}\), representing the plane of the cluster. We project all the cluster points onto this plane and use them to compute a 2D convex hull (CH) shape that represents the boundaries of the cluster. We denote the 2D points of the CH as the ordered set \(\mathcal {C}_{ch}^{\pi }\), which also represents the CH polygon. Distance \(d_{ch}\) in this region is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} d_{ch}(p_i,\mathcal {C}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} d_{ch\_out}(p_i,\mathcal {C}) &{} \begin{aligned} \text {if } \textbf{x}_i^{\pi } \text { lies out} \\ \text {of CH shape} \end{aligned}\\ {} &{} \\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textbf{x}_i^{\pi }\) is the projection of \(\textbf{x}_i\) onto the plane defined by \(\textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}\) and \(\textbf{x}_{\mathcal {C}}\). Term \(d_{ch\_out}(p_i,\mathcal {C})\) denotes the conventional point-to-polygon distance between \(\textbf{x}_i^{\pi }\) and the corresponding CH polygon \(\mathcal {C}_{ch}^{\pi }\).

The final point-to-cluster distance is defined as \(d_{cluster} (p_i,\mathcal {C})=0.5d_{plane}(p_i,\mathcal {C}) + 0.5d_{ch}(p_i,\mathcal {C})\). Figure 6 illustrates the importance of combining both distances, with the ideal cluster for the evaluated point being blue. However, if we consider the \(d_{plane}\) distance only, the green cluster will be assigned because its corresponding approximated planes are closer than those approximated to the blue cluster. Considering a bounded region in this measurement (i.e., the CH) allows us to choose the correct cluster.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Importance of the \(d_\textrm{ch}\) distance. The white point represents the evaluated point whose normal should be corrected. The green and blue points represent two different clusters. The red arrows represent the normals for each point. The dashed colored lines represent the corresponding approximated planes for each cluster, i.e., \(( \textbf{x}_{\mathcal {C}} , \textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}})\). The colored rectangles represent the CH regions on the corresponding planes. The evaluated point is closer to the approximated planes of the green cluster, but it is distant from the corresponding CH region. Considering both distances, \(d_{plane}\) and \(d_{ch}\), the evaluated point is closer to the blue cluster

Then, for each \(p_i\in \mathcal {P}^{ec} \cup \mathcal {P}^{cc}\), we define the average normal of the closest cluster as \(\textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}^*\) with respect to distance \(d_{cluster}\). If \(\Vert \textbf{n}_i - \textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}^* \Vert > \tau _n\) we assign \(\textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}^*\) as the corrected normal for \(p_i\). Note that the normal is updated only if the new normal is significantly different. For example, in the cone point cloud presented in Fig. 5, the normals will not undergo modifications because the corresponding cluster average normals are similar to the current normals. This corrector operation is iterative, where the number of iterations is defined by the parameter \(n_{nc}\), and rough feature classification and neighborhood clustering procedures are applied for each iteration. However, the greater the number of iterations, the greater the chance of introducing artifacts. In our preliminary experiments, we found that 2 or 3 iterations were sufficient to improve the smoothed normals. The second row in Fig. 4 shows the \(RMSM_\tau \) results when using this corrector operation, where we can see a slight improvement. Figure 7 shows an example of how some normals are corrected to generate a more reliable normal field. This operation is one of the main novelties of our proposal, and it is required in the following steps to define accurate edge lines.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Normal correction on the Cube point cloud. The red arrows represent the normals. The point color maps the normal direction. The circled point presents an incorrect normal direction which is modified after normal correction. Left: normals generated after the smoothing operation. Right: corrected normals

The distance to non-selected clusters can be very similar to the distance to the closest cluster in the case of true edges and corner points. This allows us to adopt a multi-normal scheme that is useful for the point-updating step, particularly for the updating of non-feature points (more details in the following sections). We denote the closest cluster as \(\mathcal {C}^*\). We consider the average normal \(\textbf{n}_{\mathcal {C}}\) of another cluster \(\mathcal {C}\) to be an additional normal if \(d_{plane}(p_i,\mathcal {C}) < d_{plane}(p_i,\mathcal {C}^{*}) + \epsilon _{mn}\), where \(\epsilon _{mn}\) is the tolerance value used to define the proximity criteria. We do not consider the distance \(d_{ch}\) for this estimation because the CH of the closest cluster can include consecutive edge points, generating a considerable \(d_{ch}\) distance from the other clusters. Figure 8 illustrates this case, where the evaluated point presents \(d_\textrm{ch}\) distance equal to 0 for the green cluster and a considerable \(d_\textrm{ch}\) distance for the blue cluster. Thus, the blue cluster will never be considered for multi-normal assignment if the tolerance value is too restrictive.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Excluding \(d_{ch}\) for multi-normal analysis. The white point represents the evaluated point, for which we expect a multi-normal assignment since it is located on the edge of the underlying surface. The green and blue points represent two different clusters. The red arrows represent the normals for each point. The colored dashed lines represent the corresponding CH regions. The evaluated point is considerably distant from the blue cluster, regarding \(d_{ch}\)

7 Sharp feature detection

We aim to detect feature points precisely using the corrected normals by estimating the edges of the underlying surface and selecting only the closest points to them as features, avoiding the inclusion of nearby points that can be considered part of the surrounding smooth regions.

First, we apply the same process used for normal filtering to cluster point regular neighborhoods of feature candidate points; however, in this case, we include the evaluated point \(p_i\) in the corresponding closest cluster \(\mathcal {C}_1\). We define the other possible clusters as \(\mathcal {C}_m\), where \(m\in \{2,3\}\) or \(m\in \{2,3,4\}\) for the corner candidate points and \(m=2\) for the edge candidate points.

Then, to define if \(p_i\) is a feature point, \(p_i\) should be the closest point to the edge between \(\mathcal {C}_1\) and \(\mathcal {C}_m\) within a narrow neighborhood whose principal direction crosses the edge tangent line perpendicularly at the closest point to \(p_i\). Figure 9 illustrates this concept, where we show that multiple points \(p_i\) are selected as feature points because they are the closest points to the edge of the underlying surface within their narrow neighborhoods. Note that in all cases, the green and blue clusters represent curved and flat surfaces, respectively. Thus, the edge of the underlying surface is a curve that is difficult to approximate owing to the point distribution and presence of noise. Therefore, we use multiple planes to approximate the local surface of \(p_i\) and the local surfaces for each \(p_j \in \mathcal {C}_m\), generating intersection lines between the plane of \(p_i\) and the planes of each \(p_j\). These lines approximate the edge of the underlying surface, and we use them to define whether point \(p_i\) is a feature point.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Sharp feature detection intuition. In the first four subfigures, we show the sharp feature detection analysis for four different points \(p_i\) (circled in red) that are considered sharp feature points. The red arrows represent the corrected normals, the point color of the corresponding cluster, and the dashed line at the edge of the underlying surface. The shaded region defines the region we should analyze (narrow neighborhood) for each point to define if it is the closest one to the edge of the underlying surface. The last subfigure shows how the detected sharp feature points should be updated to approximate the edge of the underlying surface, where the yellow points are non-feature points and the red points are sharp feature points

Consider \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\) as the planes formed by the coordinates and normals of \(p_i\) and point \(p_j \in \mathcal {C}_m\). The intersection between \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\) is considered the edge line for this pair of points, the direction of which is denoted by \(\textbf{e}_{ij}\). Subsequently, we compute a vector \(\textbf{e}_{i}^\bot \) on \(\mathscr {P}_i\) pointing in a direction orthogonal to \(\textbf{e}_{ij}\), that is, \(\textbf{e}_{i}^\bot = \textbf{n}_i \times \textbf{e}_{ij}\). Following the same idea, we compute a vector \(\textbf{e}_{j}^\bot \) on \(\mathscr {P}_j\) orthogonal to \(\textbf{e}_{ij}\), that is, \(\textbf{e}_{j}^\bot = \textbf{n}_j \times \textbf{e}_{ij}\). Using \(\textbf{e}_{i}^\bot \) and \(\textbf{e}_{j}^\bot \), we define the narrow neighborhood for both clusters as follows. For \(\mathcal {C}_1\), We projected all cluster points on the plane \(\mathscr {P}_i\). Subsequently, we trace a line centered at \(\textbf{x}_i\) in the direction \(\textbf{e}_{i}^\bot \). This line, combined with a tolerance angle \(\theta \), defines the field of \(\mathscr {P}_i\). Thus, if we trace a line from \(\textbf{x}_i\) to another projected point included in \(\mathcal {C}_1\) and the angle between both lines is lower than \(\theta /2\), we consider the corresponding point as part of the narrow neighborhood. For \(\mathcal {C}_m\), we first define the projection of \(\textbf{x}_i\) onto \(\mathscr {P}_j\) as \(\textbf{x}_i^{\pi _j}\). Then, we project all the points included in \(\mathcal {C}_m\) onto the plane \(\mathscr {P}_j\). Similar to the previous case, we trace a line centered at \(\textbf{x}_i^{\pi _j}\) along the direction \(\textbf{e}_{j}^\bot \), which, combined with the same tolerance angle \(\theta \), defines a field of view of \(\mathscr {P}_j\). As in the previous case, we consider the points that lie in the field of view as part of a narrow neighborhood. Figure 10 illustrates the definition of this narrow neighborhood.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Sharp feature detection narrow neighborhood. The blue points correspond to \(\mathcal {C}_1\). The green points correspond to \(\mathcal {C}_m\). The shaded region defines the field of view on \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\). The points that lie in this region are considered part of the narrow neighborhood

Then, for each point \(p_j\), we check if \(p_i\) is the closest point to the intersection line between the planes \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\) by considering the points included in the corresponding narrow neighborhoods defined on \(\mathcal {C}_1\) and \(\mathcal {C}_m\). If \(p_i\) is the closest point for all \(p_j \in \mathcal {C}_m\), we consider \(p_i\) to be a feature point regarding \(\mathcal {C}_m\). Using this information, we classify each point \(p_i\) into non-features, edges, or corners as follows: If \(p_i\) is not the closest point considering all available \(\mathcal {C}_m\) clusters, we assign it to the set \(\mathcal {P}^{nf}\) of non-feature points. \(\mathcal {P}^{nf}\) also includes non-feature candidate points \(\mathcal {P}^{nfc}\). If \(p_i\) is the closest point to only one cluster \(\mathcal {C}_m'\), we assign it to the set \(\mathcal {P}^e\) of the edge points. For this set of points, we also included a global edge direction \(\textbf{e}_i\) by selecting the direction \(\textbf{e}_{ij}\) of the closest edge line regarding the cluster \(\mathcal {C}_m'\). If \(p_i\) is the closest point of the two clusters, we measure whether it is a local maximum or a minimum regarding an approximated tangent plane. We define this tangent plane using the regular normal computed in the preparation procedure and point position \(\textbf{x}_i\). If all the points in \(\mathscr {N}_b(p_i)\) are below this plane or all of them are over it, we assign \(p_i\) to the set of corner points \(\mathcal {P}^{c}\); otherwise, we assign it to \(\mathcal {P}^{e}\). This analysis does not consider all possible corner types; it focuses on salient corners, that is, peaks and valleys.

Owing to the noise in the point cloud, the edge lines can pass through the feature candidate points, allowing non-ideal points to be considered the closest. Figure 11 shows an example in which the points are projected onto a plane defined by \(\textbf{e}_{ij}\). The edge line between \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) is represented by a single point (red), which is the intersection of the corresponding planes \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\), represented by black lines. We expect that \(p_i\) should be considered as the edge point in this case because the local neighborhood represents a convex surface. However, \(p_i\) is not the closest point to the edge line because of the noisy point positions and estimated normals. To avoid this problem, we estimate a more external edge line for convex regions and a more internal edge line for concave regions; that is, we apply a displacement of \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\) to planes \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\), following their normal directions for convex points and following their opposite normal directions for concave points. The dashed lines in Fig. 11 represent the new plane positions and the yellow point represents the new edge line. \(p_i\) is the point closest to the edge line. Figure 12 shows an example of how this displacement affects the selection of the sharp feature points. The selection of an appropriate \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\) value depends on the noise level. The greater the noise, the higher the value of \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Convexity-based displacement of \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\). The blue points correspond to \(\mathcal {C}_1\). The green points correspond to \(\mathcal {C}_m\). The red arrows represent the point normals. The red point represents the edge line between \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\). The yellow point represents the edge line after applying the displacement \(\delta _{cc}\). Note that \(p_i\) is not the closest point to the red point, but it is the closest to the yellow one

Fig. 12
figure 12

Sharp feature detection on the Cube point cloud. Non-feature points are colored in yellow; edge points are colored in orange and corner points are colored in red. Left: result using \(\delta _{cc} = 0\). Right: result using \(\delta _{cc} = 0.5l_\mu \)

To define whether a point \(p_i\) is convex or concave, we first computed a smooth version of the point cloud using regular Laplacian smoothing on the Riemannian graph defined by \(\mathscr {N}_s\). For this process, we used 10 smoothing iterations and 0.2 step size. This smooth representation enables the assessment of a cleaner local surface approximation for \(p_i\). For each \(p_i\), we compute the average regular normal \(\mathbf {\overline{n}}_i\) of the neighboring points regarding \(\mathscr {N}_s\) and the centroid \(\textbf{c}_i\) of the neighboring points regarding \(\mathscr {N}_b\) using the point positions of the smooth representation. We then define the plane defined by \(p_i\) on the smooth surface and \(\mathbf {\overline{n}}_i\) as \(\mathscr {P}\). If \(\textbf{c}_i\) is at a distance greater than \(\epsilon _{cc}\) from \(\mathscr {P}\), is below it, we consider \(p_i\), and is below it. If \(\textbf{c}_i\) is at a distance greater than \(\epsilon _{cc}\) from \(\mathscr {P}\) and is over it, we consider \(p_i\) to be concave. Otherwise, we consider \(p_i\) to be undefined, and no displacement is applied to \(\mathscr {P}_i\) and \(\mathscr {P}_j\). We introduced big neighborhood \(\mathscr {N}_b\) for the computation of \(\textbf{c}_i\) because \(\mathscr {N}_r\) can be too small for convexity analysis. If we increase the size of \(\mathscr {N}_r\), we can disturb other procedures.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Sharp feature detection on the Block point cloud through different denoising iterations. Non-feature points are colored in yellow, edge points are colored in orange, and corner points are colored in red. From left to right: first iteration, second iteration, third iteration, and fourth iteration

Figure 13 shows an example of the behavior of the sharp feature detection method for different iterations of the denoising algorithm. We can see that the feature points are precisely selected, even in the presence of high noise levels, and that they quickly begin converging to the edge lines of the underlying surface. In contrast to other methods, we do not require an explicit threshold parameter defining if a point is a feature because we select the closest points to the edge lines instead. In Sect. 9, we present examples of how the denoising algorithm benefits from this approach. The sharp feature detection procedure is summarized in Algorithms 2 and 3, where we assume that neighborhood clustering and convexity analysis are performed. In these algorithms, the function intersection returns the intersection line between two planes, function angle returns the minimum angle between two vectors, function distance returns the distance between a point and a line, function projection returns the projection of a point on a plane, and function cornerCheck represents the last filtering operation applied to the possible corner points.

figure e
figure f

8 Point updating

Once we have a set of filtered normals and the point classification, we update the point positions using an adaptation of the method proposed in [71], which applies a different point-updating scheme depending on the point class. For all updating operations, we consider the neighborhood \(\mathscr {N}_p\), which denotes a small neighborhood without including \(p_i\), that is, \(\mathscr {N}_p(p_i)=\mathscr {N}_s(p_i)-\{p_i\}\). We first iteratively update non-feature points to update the edge and corner points simultaneously. As in [71], we constrained the possible displacement of each point to a Euclidean sphere with radius \(\tau _o\) centered at the original noisy point position. In the following section, we describe the updating scheme for each point class. Please refer to [71] for further details on updating operations,

Non-feature point updating for each point \(p_i \in \mathcal {P}^{nf}\), the new position \(\tilde{\textbf{x}}_i\) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \tilde{\textbf{x}}_i&= \textbf{x}_i \\ {}&\quad + \upsilon _{nf} \left( \frac{1}{W_p(p_i)} \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_p(p_i)} w_{ij} \langle \textbf{n}_j^*, \textbf{x}_j - \textbf{x}_i\rangle \textbf{n}_i \right) , \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_{ij}=K_{ps} \left( \Vert \textbf{x}_i - \textbf{x}_j \Vert \right) K_{pn} \left( \Vert \textbf{n}_i - \textbf{n}_j^* \Vert \right) \), \(K_{ps}\) and \(K_{pn}\) are Gaussian kernel functions used to smooth spatial and normal distances, \(W_p(p_i)\) is a normalization factor, i.e., the sum of all the used weights \(w_{ij}\), the behavior of the kernels \(K_{ps}\) and \(K_{pn}\) is defined by the standard deviations \(\sigma _{ps}\) and \(\sigma _{pn}\), respectively, \(\textbf{n}_j^* = \textrm{arg max}_{\textbf{n}_k \in \mathcal {M}_j} K_{pn} \left( \Vert \textbf{n}_i - \textbf{n}_k \Vert \right) \), \(\mathcal {M}_j\) denotes the set of multi-normals for the point \(p_j\), computed during normal correction, and \(\upsilon _{nf}\) controls the amount of displacement for each update. The multi-normals allow the usage of close edge or corner points whose main normal points in a different direction from \(\textbf{n}_i\). This updating operation is applied iteratively, where \(n_{nfp}\) denotes the number of iterations.

Edge point updating for each point \(p_i \in \mathcal {P}^e\), the new position \(\tilde{\textbf{x}}_i\) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \tilde{\textbf{x}}_i =&\textbf{x}_i + \upsilon _{e} \left( \left( \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_p(p_i)} \textbf{n}_j^\pi \left( \textbf{n}_j^\pi \right) ^T + \textbf{e}_i \textbf{e}_i^T \right) ^{-1} \right. \\ {}&\left. \left( \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_p(p_i)} \left( \textbf{n}_j^\pi \left( \textbf{n}_j^\pi \right) ^T \textbf{x}_j + \textbf{e}_i \textbf{e}_i^T \textbf{x}_i \right) \right) - \textbf{x}_i\right) , \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textbf{n}_j^\pi = \textbf{n}_j - \langle \textbf{n}_j , \textbf{e}_i \rangle \textbf{e}_i\) and \(\upsilon _{e}\) controls the amount of displacement.

Corner point updating for each point \(p_i \in \mathcal {P}^c\), the new position \(\tilde{\textbf{x}}_i\) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \tilde{\textbf{x}}_i =&\, \textbf{x}_i + \upsilon _{c} \left( \left( \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_p(p_i)} \textbf{n}_j \textbf{n}_j^T \right) ^{-1} \right. \\ {}&\left. \left( \sum _{p_j\in \mathscr {N}_p(p_i)} \textbf{n}_j \textbf{n}_j^T \textbf{x}_j \right) - \textbf{x}_i \right) , \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\upsilon _{c}\) controls displacement.

Figure 14 shows some simple examples using the proposed denoising method, and we can see that it is capable of dealing with smooth and sharp surfaces.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Denoising examples on the sphere and tetrahedron point clouds. Left: noisy point clouds. Right: denoised point clouds using the proposed method. The point color maps the corresponding normal direction

9 Results

We compared our method to point cloud denoising, normal estimation, and feature detection methods. We used seven non-uniform mesh models for the numerical evaluation, with the vertices acting as input point clouds and corrupted with synthetic noise (see Fig. 15). These synthetic point clouds are named Armadillo, Casting, Cube, Dragon, Fandisk, Octahedron, and RockerArm, and are corrupted with Gaussian noise in random directions with \(\sigma = 0.5l_\textrm{ro}\), \(\sigma = 0.5l_\textrm{ro}\), \(\sigma = 0.3l_\textrm{ro}\), \(\sigma = 0.5l_\textrm{ro}\), \(\sigma = 0.28l_\textrm{ro}\), \(\sigma = 0.3l_\textrm{ro}\), and \(\sigma = 0.3l_\textrm{ro}\), respectively. These models are used in [66] and [71]. We used point clouds generated from raw scans of objects with sharp features for visual evaluation. We refer to them as shutter, iron, and tool, respectively. These data were used by [36]. We also consider the Gargoyle point cloud, which is a partial scan included in [71], the Building point cloud, which is a sampled point cloud from [58], the Twelve and Cube2 point clouds, which are included in [45], the Block model used in [38], the Mug model included in [63], and the BoxUnion point clouds used in [55].

Fig. 15
figure 15

Normal estimation (first row) and feature detection (second row) results obtained from the first iteration of our denoising pipeline. For normal estimation, the point color maps the normal direction. For feature detection, non-feature points are yellow, edge points are orange, and corner points are red. From left to right: Armadillo, Casting, Cube, Dragon, Fandisk, Octahedron, and RockerArm

9.1 Parameter setting

Although we introduce several parameters in our denoising pipeline, we define the following default values: \(\epsilon _d = 0.01\), \(k=50\), \(r_s = 1.5\), \(r_r = 3\), \(r_b = 2.5r_r\), \(\alpha = 1\), \(\beta = 0.1\), \(\gamma = 0.5\), \(a_0 = 0.35\sum _{a_i\in \textbf{a}}a_i\), \(\tau _u = 0.3\), \(\sigma _\textrm{ns}=1.5l_\mu \), \(\sigma _\textrm{nn} = 0.3\), \(n_{ns} = 7\), \(\tau _n = 0.2\), \(\tau _{ta} = 0.2\), \(n_{nc}=2\), \(\epsilon _\textrm{mn}=0.1l_\mu \), \(\theta =110^\circ \), \(\delta _{cc} = 0.5l_\mu \), \(\epsilon _\textrm{cc}=0.2l_\mu \), \(\tau _o = 2l_\mu \), \(\sigma _\textrm{ps} = 2l_\mu \), \(\sigma _\textrm{pn} = 0.5\), \(\upsilon _\textrm{nf} = 0.3\), \(n_\textrm{nfp}=3\), and \(\upsilon _e = \upsilon _c = 0.5\). These values were defined empirically by independently evaluating the corresponding operations on a set of test cases. For practical purposes, we define a subset of these parameters, including \(n_\textrm{int}\) and \(n_\textrm{ext}\), which have a significant impact on the denoising task. These parameters and their recommendations are presented below.

The feature size of the regular neighborhoods are used in several operations of the pipeline, and their size is based on k and \(r_r\). Depending on the point cloud feature sizes, \(r_r\) can be tuned to better preserve them. \(r_r\) defines the proportion of the average distance \(l_\mu \) that is used to define the radius of the regular neighborhood. The smaller the feature size, the smaller the regular neighborhood. If we note that the small features are represented simply by immediate points, \(r_r=1.5\) can be the appropriate value. If a feature region requires several points to approximate its shape, we should consider a higher value for \(r_r\). The Gargoyle point cloud, for example, displays very small features represented by a few points, whereas the Iron point cloud displays larger features represented by several points. Parameter k is used to define the maximum number of points to be included in the regular neighborhoods. Thus, the higher the value of \(r_r\), the higher the value of k. In addition, consider k as a critical parameter regarding the execution time because it defines the complexity of the quadratic optimization problems used for anisotropic neighborhood computation.

The noise intensity \(n_\textrm{ext}\) and \(n_\textrm{int}\) control the number of iterations of the proposed algorithm. Ideally, we should fix \(n_\textrm{int}=1\) and tune \(n_\textrm{ext}\) only to execute all the algorithm steps for each iteration. However, applying the anisotropic neighborhood computation several times results in high execution times when the input point cloud contains a high number of points. Thus, \(n_\textrm{int}\) functions as a practical parameter to avoid multiple full-step executions. The tuning of these parameters is proportional to the amount of noise in the input; the more noise, the more iterations are required. In addition to \(n_\textrm{int}\) and \(n_\textrm{ext}\), when the noise level is high, we should tune \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\) and \(\tau _o\). As explained in the previous sections, when the noise level is high, the reference edge lines are inappropriate for sharp feature detection (see Fig. 11). Therefore, the higher the noise, the higher the value of \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\). When the noise level is high in the case of \(\tau _o\), some points are too far from their ideal positions. Thus, for these cases, we should increase the distance constraint to the original point positions introduced in the point-updating scheme, that is, \(\tau _o\). We recommend that \(\delta _\textrm{cc}\) and \(\tau _o\) depend on \(l_\mu \) as many of the default values.

The sharpness \(n_\textrm{ns}\) and \(\sigma _{nn}\) allow us to control the smoothness of the normal field. \(n_\textrm{ns}\) denotes the number of smoothing iterations. For sharp feature preservation, we do not require many iterations. In case we are handling smooth features, we can increase the number of iterations to obtain a normal field that fits the smooth surfaces better, as shown in Fig. 4. Furthermore, we can increase the value of \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\), which defines the normal weight difference in the bilateral filter. As in several bilateral normal filtering schemes, the recommendation is to use \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) values close to 0.3 for sharp surfaces and \(\sigma _\textrm{nn}\) values close to 0.8 for smooth surfaces. It is important to note that if we oversmooth the normal field, sharp features will be lost. In addition to these parameters, \(\tau _n\) is used as a feature threshold in the different steps of our algorithm. It defines an acceptable normal difference value to consider a region as a sharp feature candidate. Similar to the parameters used in the bilateral filter, for smooth surfaces, we can increase the value of \(\tau _n\) to detect fewer features.

We did not see a significant improvement in the denoising task in our preliminary experiments despite the fact that the other parameters could be tweaked. Furthermore, many of them are independent of the evaluated point cloud, or their default values are based on relative measurements that make them robust.

The tuned parameters for each point cloud are described as follows: Armadillo: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 2\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 1\), \(r_r = 2.5\), \(n_\textrm{ns}=2\)). Casting: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 2\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 2\), \(r_r = 2.5\), \(n_\textrm{ns}=2\)). Cube: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 9\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 1\)). Fandisk: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 1\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 5\)). Dragon: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 2\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 1\), \(r_r = 2.5\), \(n_\textrm{ns}=2\)). Octahedron: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 1\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 10\)). RockerArm (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 1\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 3\)). Shutter: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 2\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 5\)). Iron: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 3\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 5\), \(k = 75\), \(r_r = 4\)). Tool: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 1\), \(n_{int} = 5\)). Gargoyle: (\(n_\textrm{ext} = 1\), \(n_\textrm{int} = 3\), \(r_r = \{2,2.5,3\}\), \(n_\textrm{ns}=1\)). For the block point clouds, we fixed \(n_\textrm{int} = 1\), and \(n_\textrm{ext}\) was modified depending on the noise level. Default values were used when the parameter was not specified. The input normals for all cases were computed using the PCA-based normal estimation method (20 neighbors) implemented in the MeshLab software [14].

Table 1 Normal estimation results using \(RMSM_{\tau }\)

9.2 Normal estimation evaluation

Normal estimations can be compared in different ways. In this experiment, we adopted the feature-preserving evaluation method described in [75]. We can compute the per-point ground-truth multi-normals by assigning the normals of the clean faces shared by the corresponding vertex because synthetic noisy point clouds correspond to the perturbation of the vertices of a clean mesh. Then, given an estimated normal in the point cloud data, we can compare it with the most similar normal from the available ground-truth multi-normals. \(RMSM_{\tau }\) allows us to measure the normal estimation error.

For our method, we selected the normal filtering results of the first iteration in the denoising pipeline. We compared these with the results of [12, 32, 44, 51, 75], which we refer to as PCA, JET, VCM, PCV, and DFP, respectively. For the PCA, JET, and VCM methods, we used the implementation provided in the CGAL library [62]. In the case of PCA and JET, we used 18 neighbors because they generated the best results for \(RMSM_{\tau }\). Similarly, for the VCM method, we use \(1.5l_{\mu }\) for both the offset and convolutional radii. For the PCV method, we used the implementation provided by the authors, considering \(S^* = 100\) for all the point clouds, as in their experiments. In the case of the DFP method, we used the implementation of the authors and selected the predicted normals of the first iteration in their denoising pipeline. This implementation presents some limitations when processing point clouds with a high number of points (e.g., armadillo, dragon, and casting).

Table 2 Feature detection accuracy results
Table 3 Denoising results using Gaussian noise

Table 1 lists the \(RMSM_{\tau }\) results for the seven main synthetic point clouds. For the cube and Fandisk cases, our method outperformed the others. For the Octahedron, we obtained the best results with the PCV method. In the case of RockerArm, all methods achieved results with similar \(RMSM_{\tau }\). VCM obtains the best results for Armadillo and Dragon and PCV for casting. It should be noted that there is no dominant method that achieves good performance in all test cases, and we believe that our algorithm parameters were tuned for the iterative denoising problem. The first row in Fig. 15 shows normal results. We observe that our normals are piecewise smooth, and the transitions are enhanced. In addition, these normals can maintain a certain smoothness at curved surfaces, as shown in the Fandisk model.

9.3 Feature detection evaluation

The feature detection problem can be modeled as a classification problem, and it can be evaluated using an accuracy metric. To generate ground-truth feature points on the synthetic noisy point clouds, we select the corresponding vertex in the clean mesh for each point and check whether its shared face normals form an angle greater than \(18^\circ \). If the latter occurs, the evaluated point is labeled as a feature point. This methodology for ground-truth feature point estimation was also used by [44].

We selected \(\mathcal {P}^e \cup \mathcal {P}^c\) from the first iteration in our denoising pipeline as the detected features. We compared our results with those of [3, 44, 51], called VCM, FREEUPC, and DFP. We used the CGAL implementation of VCM with \(3l_\mu \) as the offset radius and \(1.5l_\mu \) as the convolutional radius. For the FREEUPC method, we used the implementation provided by the authors and the following parameters for each point cloud. Armadillo: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). Casting: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). Cube: (\(k=18\), \(\sigma =0.07\)). Dragon: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). Fandisk: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). Octahedron: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). RockerArm: (\(k=25\), \(\sigma =0.05\)). We tuned the parameters for both methods, VCM and FREEUPC, to achieve the highest accuracy. We chose the first iteration’s feature detection results for the DFP method.

Table 2 presents the accuracy results. For the casting, cube, Fandisk, and Octahedron, our method outperforms the others, with accuracies higher than 0.87. In the case of Armadillo, our method presents an accuracy similar to that of the FREEUPC results. The VCM method achieved the highest accuracy for the RockerArm. Our method performs better when the features are sharp, which is not the case with this model. The second row of Fig. 15 shows the results. We can see that the detected feature regions tend to be thin, which is an important condition for our denoising pipeline to avoid the generation of gaps and excessive agglomeration of points at the underlying feature regions. Furthermore, as illustrated in Fig. 13, the estimated feature points were refined via denoising iterations. Other methods estimate thicker feature regions, which is undesirable for denoising algorithms.

9.4 Denoising evaluation

Fig. 16
figure 16

Results obtained on the Cube point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals

We used two different metrics to perform a numerical evaluation of denoising results on synthetic point clouds. First, we measure the double-sided average Euclidean distance \(D_p\) between the denoised point positions and ground-truth positions, that is, the positions of the original point cloud. Second, we use \(RMSM_{\tau }\) to measure the normal error between the denoised normals of the last denoising iteration and the ground-truth multi-normals defined on the original point cloud. The closest points between the point sets are chosen to define their correspondence.

For synthetic point clouds, we compared our method with [25, 44, 48, 49, 53, 55, 71, 74], namely APSS, RIMLS, MRPCA, DFP, CNVT, PCNET, PFILTER, and SCORE, respectively. For APSS and RIMLS we used the MeshLab implementation, whereas, for the others, we used the implementations provided by the corresponding authors. For the APSS, RIMLS, and CNVT, the parameters used on the cube, Fandisk, Octahedron, and RockerArm were the same as those described in [71]. In the case of the Armadillo, casting, and dragon, we use (\(h=4\), \(n_\textrm{its}=15\), \(\alpha =0\)) for the APSS and (\(\sigma _r = 4\), \(\sigma _n = 0.75\)) for the RIMLS. For the CNVT, we used (\(\tau =0.2\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=15\)) for the Armadillo and Dragon, and (\(\tau =0.3\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=150\)) for casting. The parameters for the MRPCA method were tuned to achieve the best results for \(D_p\). These parameters are defined as follows: Armadillo: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)). Casting: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)). Cube: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=5\)). Dragon: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)). Fandisk: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)). Octahedron: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=4\)). RockerArm: (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)). In the case of data-driven methods, that is, DFP, PCNET, PFILTER, and SCORE, we use the corresponding pre-trained models and the following number of iterations: 2, 1, 2, and 1. PCNET, PFILTER, and SCORE did not compute the final normal field. Therefore, we cannot compare them using \(RMSM_{\tau }\).

Fig. 17
figure 17

Results obtained on the Fandisk point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals

Fig. 18
figure 18

Results obtained on the Dragon point cloud. For visualization purposes, we reconstruct mesh models using [39]. The models are rendered using flat shading. The APSS oversmooths the surface and the RIMLS generates bumpy regions

Table 3 shows the \(D_p\) and \(RMSM_{\tau }\) results for point clouds corrupted with Gaussian noise. Our method outperforms the others by considering both metrics for the cube and Octahedron. In Fig. 16, we can observe that the APSS, RIMLS, and MRPCA methods generate rounded regions at the corners and edges, but MRPCA produces sharper normal transitions at the edge regions. For some points, the DFP attempts to preserve the sharp features; however, the overall results appear unstable and noisy. In comparison to previous methods, the CNVT result is noise-free in flat regions and better preserves edges and corners. Nonetheless, it has gaps near the edges, and multiple points converge to the same position. This phenomenon occurred because the coarse feature points detected by CNVT were displaced to the edge lines. On the other hand, our method presents a clean surface, enhances sharp feature regions, and maintains a more uniform distribution, avoiding the generation of gaps and agglomeration of points at the underlying sharp feature regions.

In contrast to the cube and Octahedron, the casting and Fandisk present curved regions in addition to the flat and sharp regions. Our method also outperformed the others in these cases for both metrics, \(D_p\) and \(RMSM_{\tau }\). Figure 17 shows the visual results for Fandisk, where we can see the same phenomena as in the previous cases for the APSS, RIMLS, MRPCA, and DFP methods. Additionally, the APSS and RIMLS generate false bumpy features. Although CNVT produces clean flat and curved regions, the edges are noisy. Our method is capable of preserving and enhancing sharp feature regions while keeping curved regions smooth.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Results obtained on the Octahedron point cloud. Comparison with data-driven methods. For visualization purposes, we reconstruct mesh models using [8]. The models are rendered using flat shading

Fig. 20
figure 20

Results obtained on the Armadillo. Comparison with data-driven methods. For visualization purposes, we reconstruct mesh models using [39]. The models are rendered using flat shading

In the case of Armadillo and Dragon, we obtained the best \(D_p\) results with RIMLS. However, RIMLS obtained considerably better \(RMSM_{\tau }\) results. The latter occurs because these point clouds present several smooth features, which are not the main focus of our method, and whose error contribution is dominant. Figure 18 shows the mesh reconstruction of the Dragon point cloud results using [39], where we can see that the RIMLS reconstruction presents the same bumpy artifacts as those shown in Fig. 17. In addition, we can see how APSS oversmooths the sharp feature regions. Our method preserves and enhances sharp features and does not introduce bumpy artifacts.

As mentioned previously, the features of RockerArm are not sharp. The RIMLS method achieved the best result for this case, and the CNVT was the worst regarding \(D_p\). Our algorithm enhances the smooth features, generating sharp regions that are not present on the underlying surface. This effect may be expected, depending on the application. For example, a shape-compression algorithm may prefer well-defined transitions between piecewise smooth regions for surface splitting. Although we can tune other parameters to obtain better results regarding \(D_p\) and a smoother surface, we use default parameters to demonstrate their robustness against different examples.

Except for DFP, the rest of the data-driven methods do not use specific processing for sharp features. As a result, when compared to feature-preserving methods, they did not achieve good numerical results in our test cases. Figure 19 shows a visual comparison of data-driven methods on the Octahedron. We can see that our method outperforms these other methods in preserving sharp features. In addition, note that the other methods do not completely remove the noise. Similarly, Fig. 20 shows the results for Armadillo, where we can see how our method better preserves the details and removes noise efficiently. Data-driven methods strongly depend on the generality of the training dataset. Despite their efforts to learn how to reconstruct surface details, conventional geometry-processing methods work better for restoring sharp features.

Table 4 Denoising results using impulsive noise
Fig. 21
figure 21

Results obtained on the Casting point cloud, which is corrupted with impulsive noise. The point color maps the direction of the normals

To evaluate our method against impulsive noise, we corrupted synthetic point clouds using it. For each synthetic point cloud, \(50\%\) of the points are corrupted using \(\sigma =0.5l_{ro}\). For all methods, we used the same parameters as those used for the Gaussian noise test cases. Table 4 lists the corresponding \(D_p\) and \(RMSM_{\tau }\) results. We can see similar behavior in Table 3, showing that our method is also robust to this type of noise. Figure 21 shows the casting results, where we can see how our method also preserves the sharp features and curved regions in the presence of impulsive noise. The APSS, RIMLS, and MRPCA oversmooth the sharp features, whereas the CNVT made feature points converge to edges that were not present on the underlying surface. Our method successfully removes both types of noise-Gaussian and impulsive-without the need for separate parameter tuning for each.

In addition to the synthetic examples, we visually evaluated our method on real scans of objects with sharp features. In this case, we compared our method to MRPCA and CNVT because they handle sharp features better. We also included the results of [43] (FPF) for the iron point cloud provided by the authors. In the case of MRPCA, we use the same parameters described in the paper for the Shutter and the Iron, and (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=12\)), (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)), and (\(k=30\), \(\sigma =15\), \(r=3\)), for the tool, Gargoyle, and Building, respectively. We used the same parameters described in the paper for Gargoyle and the following parameters for the other point clouds in the case of the CNVT. Shutter: (\(\tau =0.25\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=20\)). Iron: (\(\tau =0.25\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=50\)). Tool: (\(\tau =0.25\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=10\)). Building: (\(\tau =0.25\), \(\rho =0.9\), \(p=20\)).

Fig. 22
figure 22

Results obtained on the Shutter point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals

Fig. 23
figure 23

Results obtained on the Iron point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals

Fig. 24
figure 24

Results obtained on the Tool point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals

Figure 22 shows the denoising results of the shutter point cloud. We can see that MRPCA generates a clean point cloud; however, it shrinks the surface and generates noisy and blurred edges. CNVT preserves edges better, but it accumulates several points close to them, resulting in gaps. Our method produced well-defined edges while leaving no gaps. Furthermore, our method can recover the flat surface in front of the object’s base, which other methods ignore. It is worth noting that both the CNVT and our method retain a high degree of fidelity to the surfaces represented by the input point cloud.

Figure 23 shows the results for the iron point cloud, where, as in the other figures, the point color of the noisy point cloud maps the direction of the input normals. The noisy point cloud presents some outlier normals owing to the limitations of the method used to estimate the input normals. In this case, the FPF does not properly remove the noise and does not enhance the edges. CNVT preserves some edges, whereas the others are blurred. In addition, the points that presented outlier normals were not treated. MRPCA generates piecewise smooth regions, even for curved regions, as shown in the first zoomed view. Although these regions enhance the features, the edges and corners are noisy and blurry. Our method works with flat and curved regions while maintaining sharp edges and corners. However, as shown in the second zoomed-in view, our method is also sensitive to normal outliers.

The results for the tool point cloud are shown in Fig. 24, where we can emphasize the importance of precise sharp feature detection introduced in our denoising algorithm. The figure focuses on a point cloud region that presents two parallel sharp feature curves that are successfully recognized and reconstructed by the proposed method and MRPCA. However, in the CNVT result, both curves converge to a single curve generating undesired gaps and an incorrect shape. This phenomenon occurs because all points of the lateral face are classified as edge points by the CNVT. In contrast, the proposed sharp feature detection method can recognize both sharp feature curves and the flat region between them.

The Gargoyle point cloud shown in Fig. 25 presents features at different scales. We apply our method using different values of \(r_r\), which determine the size of the regular neighborhoods. We can see that for \(r_r=2.0\), the method better preserves small features such as those located close to the neck. We blurred them when using \(r_r=3.0\) because more areas than needed were used to compute the anisotropic neighborhoods. Thus, \(r_r\) allows us to control the level of detail that needs to be recovered. For all the included \(r_r\) values, we can see that our method preserves the sharp features better than MRPCA and CNVT. In addition, the surface presents several holes because it is a partial scan. Our method tends to preserve the hole boundaries because the point displacements are based on local surface projections without including attractive or repulsive behavior.

Figure 26 shows the results for the building point cloud obtained using a LiDAR sensor. The three methods are sensitive to the noise generated by the distance bias error. This noise produces false salient regions, which are taken into account by the three methods. As a result, rough surfaces were generated for the building’s lateral wall. Although this noise cannot be completely removed, it is effectively minimized. In the case of CNVT, we use a few filtering iterations to avoid the introduction of artifacts like gap generation and excessive point agglomeration. Therefore, the CNVT results present some noise. MRPCA generates rounded edge regions, whereas our method tends to generate sharp edge regions. Furthermore, our results present fewer bumpy artifacts than MRPCA on the front wall of the building. In this example, we can also see that our result presents a certain fidelity to the input point cloud, thereby preserving the hole boundaries.

Fig. 25
figure 25

Results obtained on the Gargoyle point cloud. For visualization purposes, we use the original triangulation of the noisy data as in [71]. The models are rendered using flat shading

Figure 27 shows a visual comparison of the LOP-based EAR [36] and GPF [45] on the 12 and Cube2 point clouds. For both methods, we use the parameters provided in [45]. Our method was applied to the following pipeline: First, we denoise the input point cloud using \((n_\textrm{ext}=2, n_\textrm{int}=5)\). Second, we applied EAR upsampling using the same parameters as in [45]. Third, to correct upsampling issues, we denoise the upsampled cloud point using \((n_\textrm{ext}=1, n_\textrm{int}=5, \delta _\textrm{cc}=3l_{\mu },\tau _o = 4l_{\mu })\). It is observed that EAR produces noisy edges and GPF rounded edges. Furthermore, GPF expands the surface represented by the point cloud, resulting in undesirable curved regions. Our method generates clean point clouds with sharp features in the first step of the pipeline. These point clouds better approximated the ideal surface than the results of the EAR and GPF. However, some applications require dense and uniform sampling, such as the mesh reconstruction algorithm introduced by [8]. Thus, by applying EAR upsampling to our denoising results, we obtained densely and uniformly distributed point clouds. Because the normals that our method estimates are not consistent on the edges, that is, they can represent any of the shared faces, the EAR upsampling method can introduce artifacts. As a result, we used our method to remove them in a second filtering step, yielding high-quality point clouds suitable for a variety of applications that require dense and uniform sampling.

Figure 28 shows the results for the block point cloud corrupted with different noise intensities to demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm against different levels of noise. Our method yielded consistent results for different cases. Note that we only increased the number of external iterations \(n_{ext}\) while the noise level increased, and the rest of the parameters remained the same.

Fig. 26
figure 26

Results obtained on the Building point cloud

Fig. 27
figure 27

Comparison with LOP-based methods. First row: Twelve point cloud. Second row: Cube2 point cloud. The point color maps the direction of the normals. The letter U represents the EAR upsampling and the letter C represents the correction using our denoising method

Our method can be used to remove geometric textures if we use sufficiently large regular neighborhoods and a certain normal field smoothness. Using the Mug mesh model, we sampled 140K points via Poisson disk sampling (MeshLab [14] implementation). We then used our method to remove the geometric texture from the sampled point cloud using the following parameters: \((n_\textrm{int}=1, n_\textrm{ext}=1, k=75, r_r=4, n_\textrm{ns}=10, \sigma _{nn}= 0.8,\sigma _\textrm{ns}=2l_\mu , n_\textrm{fp}=50 ,\tau _o = 4l_\mu )\). Figure 29 shows the result.

Figure 30 shows the limitations of the proposed method. In the presence of high noise levels, our method can create undesired artifacts such as those shown in Fig. 30a. Because of the noise, our method assumes small salient flat regions around the true surface. Furthermore, our method cannot denoise point clouds with multiple high-intensity outliers, as shown in Fig. 30b. Although the points closest to the target surface are denoised, our method uses outliers to create several floating islands around the object. When working with this type of noise, we recommend using an outlier removal algorithm as a pre-processing operation.

Our method can simultaneously deal with sharp and smooth features. However, in some cases, the introduced noise can generate regions that are similar to sharp edges. Our method can interpret this noise as a sharp feature and enhance it accordingly. Figure 30c, 30d, and 30e shows examples of this issue on the RockerArm point cloud. The original mesh model used to generate the synthetic point cloud, the noisy point cloud with the original triangulation, and the mesh model of our denoising result generated using [39] are shown in these figures. Note how nonexistent sharp regions are created in the resulting mesh. Our method is prone to over-sharpening the input point cloud in these cases.

Finally, Fig. 30f and 30g shows that our method is sensitive to topological issues. We show two surfaces that are close to each other. Our method interprets that edge lines are used to attract surrounding points at the intersection of these surfaces.

9.5 Execution time

Our denoising algorithm was implemented in C++ and uses CPLEX [15] for the numerical optimization. We measured the execution time on a 64-bit Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU 2.20 GHz with 32 GB RAM and a Windows 10 operating system. For the main denoising test cases, Table 5 shows the corresponding times in seconds. We included partial timings, percentages of the full execution time, and the number of executions for each step of the algorithm, including the preparation procedure.

Fig. 28
figure 28

The Block point cloud corrupted with different levels of noise. First row: noisy point clouds. Second row: our results. The point color maps the direction of the normals. The column captions denote the corresponding \(\sigma \) values

Fig. 29
figure 29

Geometric texture removal applied on the Mug point cloud. Left: point cloud with geometric texture. Right: texture removal result using our method. The point color maps the direction of the normals

Fig. 30
figure 30

Main limitations. First row: generation of artifacts when the noise intensity is high. Second row: unable to process wild high-intensity outliers. Third row: over-sharpening. Fourth row: sensitive to topological issues

The computation of anisotropic neighborhoods is the most computationally expensive step in our pipeline because several small quadratic optimization problems must be solved. However, because we constrained the maximum size of the optimization problems to the maximum size of regular neighborhoods, that is, k, this step presents a linear growth with respect to the number of points. In the case of the iron point cloud, we increased k and \(r_r\) to obtain better visual results, resulting in a considerably higher computational time compared to \(k=50\) and \(r_r=3\).

To deduce the computational complexity of the denoising algorithm, we first analyzed the complexity of each step of the algorithm. The cost of the preparation procedure can be approximated by \(\mathcal {O}(n\log {}n) + \mathcal {O}(n k \log {}k)\), where the dominant terms correspond to the spatial data structure indexation used to estimate the k nearest neighbors (i.e., a KD-Tree) and the local Delaunay triangulations used to define immediate neighbors. Notice that k should be lower than n or equal to n. The cost of the anisotropic neighborhoods computation can be approximated by \(\mathcal {O}(nk^3)\). This term represents n quadratic optimizations of size k, assuming that the quadratic programming algorithm cost can be approximated by \(\mathcal {O}(k^3)\). However, in our implementation, this cost was determined by the proprietary algorithm used in the CPLEX library. The cost of the normal filtering step can be approximated by \(n_\textrm{ns}\mathcal {O}(nk) + n_\textrm{nc}\mathcal {O}(nk^2)\), where the dominant terms represent normal smoothing and neighborhood clustering operations, respectively. The cost of the sharp feature detection step can be approximated by \(\mathcal {O}(nk^2)\) because a paired analysis within the local neighborhood is required. The cost of the point-updating step can be approximated by \(\mathcal {O}(nk)\).

The cost of the denoising algorithm can then be approximated by \(n_{ext}(\mathcal {O}(n\log {}n) + \mathcal {O}(n k \log {}k) + \mathcal {O}(nk^3)) + n_\textrm{ext}n_\textrm{int}(n_\textrm{ns}\mathcal {O}(nk) + n_\textrm{nc}\mathcal {O}(nk^2))\). Thus, the computational complexity depends on the number of points in the point cloud, that is, n; the maximum number of points used to define the local neighborhoods, that is, k; and the number of iterations used in the algorithm, that is, \(n_\textrm{ext}\), \(n_\textrm{int}\), \(n_\textrm{ns}\), and \(n_\textrm{nc}\).

Table 5 Execution time in seconds of the proposed denoising algorithm on the main test cases

10 Conclusion and future work

We introduced a new method for point cloud denoising that includes solutions for normal estimation and feature detection problems. Numerous experiments demonstrated that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in processing point clouds with sharp features.

We presented an extension of the mesh-based anisotropic neighborhood computation introduced in [38] to the point clouds. This computation plays an imperative role in the denoising algorithm because it allows us to enhance the sharp feature regions by directly processing a set of noisy points and normals.

Combining anisotropic neighborhood normals with the proposed normal corrector operation allows us to avoid strong dependence on tuning \(\alpha \), \(\beta \), and \(\gamma \), identified as a critical task in [38]. Furthermore, as demonstrated in the experiments, most parameters can be adjusted without jeopardizing the generation of acceptable results.

We propose a novel sharp feature detection algorithm that helps the denoising algorithm reconstruct sharp feature regions without introducing undesired artifacts. In contrast to other algorithms, our algorithm works in a more selective manner, estimating thin sharp feature regions that work better on the point-updating scheme proposed in [71].

Our denoising method focuses on the preservation and enhancement of sharp features. Although we can tune the parameters to deal with smooth features, other methods such as RIMLS can perform better than ours.

A maximum of four clusters were used for regular neighborhood clustering. This limitation has no direct impact on the point-updating step, but it can introduce noise for normal correction and feature detection. In future work, we will introduce a more flexible clustering algorithm that allows us to represent a wider range of point types (e.g., nonmanifold corners), involving additional considerations for feature detection.

The computational cost of the proposed denoising algorithm is high, as demonstrated by the timing experiments. Future studies should aim to implement a faster version of this algorithm by replacing or improving the most expensive procedures, such as anisotropic neighborhood computation.