
Frequent itemset mining (FIM) [1, 3, 6, 8, 15], which is one of the well-known research topics in data mining, is used to discover frequently occurred itemsets from databases. However, the frequency of itemsets may not be meaningful or sufficient for different real-world mining problems. For example, frequently purchased items of a retail market are likely to be low-profitable products (items) since cheap products tend to be sold more. In addition, infrequent itemsets may be highly profitable. Because of these reasons, FIM is not effective to determine which itemsets are highly profitable or which itemsets have strong impacts on increasing the market profit of a retail, etc. FIM considers only binary information of items and assumes that each item has the same importance.

To overcome these limitations, high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) [10, 22,23,24, 30, 31] has been studied. HUIM considers both internal and external utilities of items instead of their frequencies on discovering itemsets. In a quantitative transactional database of a retail, the purchased quantity of an item in transactions can be evaluated as its internal utilities and the profit obtained when one unit of it is sold can be considered as its external utility. However, HUIM is a challenging problem since the utility of an itemset is neither monotonic nor anti-monotonic. That is, a superset or a subset of an itemset may have lower or higher utility than the itemset has. Therefore, studies for HUIM have been mainly focused on introducing tighter upper bounds on the utility values of itemsets to reduce the search space by providing an anti-monotonic property.

However, when the length of an itemset is increased, the utility of the itemset tends to be greater. The reason is that the total utility of an itemset is the sum of utility of each item that the itemset includes. Thus, HUIM suffers from a large number of high-utility itemset (HUI) generation and inclusion of low-profit item(s) in these HUIs.

To address this issue, high-average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) is introduced with a more fair utility measurement called average-utility (au) [7]. The au value of an itemset is obtained by dividing its utility by the number of items that it has. If an itemset has an au value which is not lower than a pre-defined utility threshold (minUtil) then it is called a high-average-utility itemset (HAUI).

The problem of HAUIM is challenging similar to the problem of HUIM since the au measurement is neither monotonic nor anti-monotonic as the utility measurement of HUIM. Thus, au values of itemsets cannot be directly used to reduce the search space, and so an upper bound measure named average-utility upper bound (auub) is used to prune unpromising itemsets early. The auub is introduced by TPAU algorithm [7] which is a level-wise approach. TPAU algorithm mines HAUIs in two phases. It generates a complete set of candidate HAUIs utilizing their auub values in the first phase via a database scan. Then it calculates actual au values of them to determine HAUIs in the second phase via another database scan. Since then, several approaches, such as PBAU [13], PAI [12], HAUP-Growth [14], HAUI-Tree [25], HAUI-Miner [18], EHAUPM [19], MHAI [35], FHAUIM [20], TUB-HAUPM [32], and dHAUIM [29], have been introduced with their own data structures, upper bounds, and optimization techniques to increase the efficiency of HAUIM.

However, the HAUIM algorithms proposed in the literature assume that items have only positive external utilities. On the other hand, databases may also contain negative external utilities in many real-world applications as mentioned in  [2, 11, 17, 28]. For example, large supermarket chains, such as Walmart, run hundreds or thousands of bundled promotion or cross-promoted campaigns where many products are offered with at a lost (negative utility)  [11]. By selling products with negative margins (or utilities), the supermarkets aim to increase their overall profits by selling related (cross-promoted) products. Therefore, from a business perspective, mining out meaningful (or valuable) sets of products (or itemsets) from the past data is very important for understanding purchasing behaviors of customers, and thereby developing new sale campaigns that will increase future profitability. However, when databases also contain negative utilities, existing HAUIM algorithms may face the problem of incomplete discovery of HAUIs. Consequently, developing an approach that preserves the completeness and correctness of the set of discovered HAUIs in a database having negative utilities is important.

This study deals with developing techniques for efficient mining of HAUIs in databases that include positive and negative utilities. The main contributions of this study are as follows:

  • An algorithm, named as MHAUIPNU (Mining High-Average-Utility Itemsets with Positive and Negative Utilities), is proposed to mine HAUIs out of databases having both positive and negative utilities.

  • A new upper bound model called tubpn (tighter upper bound with positive and negative utilities) is proposed to reduce the search space for mining HAUIs with positive and negative utilities.

  • A list data structure is developed to store required information for HAUIM to reduce the number of database scans.

  • Three novel pruning strategies are designed to speed up the performance of the proposed algorithm. The first pruning strategy is designed based on the proposed tubpn model. Others are designed by utilizing the properties associated with items (or itemsets) having negative utilities.

  • Experiments are conducted on different datasets to show the efficiency of proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Discussion of the related work is given in the next section. The following section gives the basic concepts of the problem of HAUIM. The proposed algorithm is described in the subsequent section. Before the concluding section, experimental analyses are given. The final section presents conclusions and future works.

Related Work

In the literature, there are several HUIM and HAUIM studies solving the problem of HAUIM with only positive utilities. However, there is a limited number of HUIM studies [2, 11, 17, 28] designed for positive and negative utilities and, to the best of our knowledge, there is no HAUIM study solving the problem of HAUIM with positive and negative utilities.

Based on algorithmic structures, the studies of HUIM and HAUIM can be classified as two-phased and single-phased algorithms. Two-phased HUIM (or HAUIM) algorithms are designed to discover a set of itemsets that are potentially HUIs (or HAUIs) in the first phase. Then, in the second phase, they calculate the actual values of the discovered itemsets to decide which ones are HUIs (or HAUIs) by performing an additional database scan. On the other hand, single-phased HUIM (or HAUIM) algorithms are designed to discover the HUIs (or HAUIs) by directly obtaining the actual values of the itemsets from the data structures they store the necessary information for mining.

This study deals with developing a single-phased algorithm to discover HAUIs out of databases having positive and negative utilities. The literature review of HUIM and HAUIM studies is given in the following subsections, respectively.

High-Utility Itemset Mining

Two-phase [24] algorithm is first presented to solve the problem of HUIM by introducing the concept of TWU model for the purpose of using downward-closure property of candidate itemsets to prune the search space of HUIM. It uses an iterative level-wise approach by employing a generate-and-test strategy. However, it suffers from multiple database scans and generation of many candidate itemsets. In time, tree-based algorithms such as HUP-Tree [16], UP-Growth  [31], and UP-Growth+ [30] were introduced to solve the HUIM problem more efficiently. These algorithms operate in two phases. In addition to TWU model, some of these algorithms use additional strategies to prune the search space more effectively. For example, UP-Growth+ prunes candidate itemsets more effectively using four different strategies  [30]. All these tree-based approaches are more effective than Two-phase algorithm since they reduce the number of database scans. However, they still suffer from the drawbacks of performing the mining task based on two phases.

To avoid the limitation of the two-phased algorithms, single-phased algorithms including HUI-Miner [23], FHM [5], HUP-Miner [10], d2HUP [22], EFIM [37], IMHUP [27], and mHUIMiner [26] were proposed. These algorithms are more efficient than previous algorithms since they mine HUIs without a candidate generation phase. They use different optimization strategies to prune the search space of candidates for improving the performance of mining HUIs. Among them, d2HUP [22] uses a data structure based on hyper-link while the others use list-based data structures.

The problem of mining HUIs with positive and negative utilities was first solved by HUINIV-Mine [2] algorithm. The HUINIV-Mine uses a re-defined TWU model to discover HUIs without missing any HUIs. However, since it is an extended form of Two-phase [24], it has same major drawbacks, such as generating a large number of HUIs and scanning the database multiple times. Then FHN [17] algorithm, which is an extended form of FHM [5], was introduced with a list structure named PNU list (Positive and Negative Utility List). The FHN is a single-phase algorithm, and so it is much faster than the HUINIV-Mine. However, the FHN still requires much time and memory to execute its mining task. To increase the performance of the problem of HUIM with negative unit profits, more efficient approaches including GHUM [11] and EHIN [28] were also proposed. The GHUM uses a simplified utility-list structure to keep required information for mining and utilizes four different strategies which are named as generalized U-Prune, LA-Prune, A-Prune, and N-Prune [11]. The EHIN algorithm is an extended version of EFIM [28]. It uses a projection technique and merges identical transactions to reduce the cost of database scans. It uses two pruning strategies, named as redefined subtree utility and local utility, to prune the search space using a depth-first search.

High-Average-Utility Itemset Mining (HAUIM)

In the literature, several HAUIM algorithms have been presented. The first algorithm is TPAU which is a two-phased algorithm [7]. To reduce the search space, it uses an upper bound called the average-utility upper bound (auub) on utilities of itemsets to obtain the downward-closure property. The downward-closure property of auub ensures that if an itemset is not a HAUI based on its auub value then none of its supersets (extensions) can be a HAUI because of the fact that auub value of an itemset cannot be lower than auub value of any of its supersets [7]. To speed up to task of mining HAUIs, projection-based algorithms such as PBAU  [13] and PAI [12] were introduced. However, these algorithms mainly suffer from multiple database scans and generation of a large number of candidate itemsets. To overcome multiple database scans and reduce the number of candidates, tree-based algorithms, such as HAUP-Growth [14] algorithm and HAUL-Tree [25] algorithm were presented.

Then several single-phased algorithms were proposed, such as HAUI-Miner [18], EHAUPM [19], MHAI[35], FHAUPM [20], TUB-HAUPM  [32], and dHAUIM [29] algorithms. To improve the performance of mining HAUIs further, these algorithms introduced their own upper bounds, pruning strategies, and data structures. Among them, dHAUIM [29] uses a horizontal representation of the database, unlike the others. Besides, TUB-HAUPM  [32] does not have a data structure. The remaining algorithms use list-based data structures to store the required information for discovering HAUIs.

In addition, several variants of the problem of HAUIM have also been studied, such as efficiently updating of HAUIs with transaction insertion [33] and deletion [21], incremental HAUIM [9, 34], and HAUIM over data stream with the damped window technique [36].

However, all these HAUIM studies were designed by assuming that databases contain only positive utilities. In contrast to these studies, this study deals with developing techniques for efficient mining of the complete and correct set of HAUIs from a database containing both positive and negative utilities.

Basic Concepts and Problem Statement

In this section, definitions and key notations related to the problem of HAUIM are given.

Let the set of items I consist of n distinct items, I = \(\{ i_{1}, i_{2}, \ldots , i_{n}\}\) and each item i\(\in\)I has an external utility eu(i), e.g., its unit profit. A transaction \(T_{j}\) can include any group (or set) of items from I, T\(\subseteq\)I, where j is the identification of \(T_{j}\) called its TID. Each item i in each \(T_{j}\), where i\(\in\)I, has a positive number called as its internal utility iu(i), e.g., its purchase quantity. A transactional database DB comprises a set of transactions DB = \(\{ T_{1}, T_{2}, \ldots , T_{m}\}\), where m is the total number of transactions in the DB.

Let us consider the sample DB given in Table 1. The DB consists of eight transactions and the set of items I = \(\{a, b, c, d, e, f, g \}\). Let us take \(T_{1}\) as an example. In \(T_{1}\), four items which are a, b, c, and d exist with their internal utilities which are 5, 2, 1, and 2, respectively. External utilities of each items of the sample DB are given in Table 2. External utility of item i can be either positive or negative. As can be seen in Table 2, items c, e, f, and g have negative external utilities while others have positive external utilities.

Note that Tables 1 and 2 will be used in the running examples given in the rest of the paper. Besides, “positiveitems” (PIs) and “negativeitems” (NIs) terms will be used to denote, respectively, items having positive and negative external utilities. For the running example, PIs = \(\{ a, b, d\}\) and \(NIs = \{c, e, f, g\}\).

Table 1 A sample transactional database, DB
Table 2 External utility table of DB, EUT(DB)

Definition 1

(Utility of an item in a transaction [7]) The utility of an item i in a transaction \(T_{j}\) is denoted as \(u(i, T_{j})\) and calculated as multiplication of its internal utility in the transaction \(T_{j}\)\(iu(i, T_{j})\) and its external utility eu(i):

$$\begin{aligned} u(i, T_{j}) = iu(i, T_{j})\times eu(i). \end{aligned}$$

For example, \(iu(b, T_{1})\) is obtained as 2 from the Table 1 and eu(b) is obtained as 6 from the Table 2. Therefore, \(u(b, T_{1})\) = 2 \(\times\) 6 = 12.

Definition 2

(Utility of an itemset in a transaction [7]) The utility of an itemset X in a transaction \(T_{j}\) is denoted as \(u(X, T_{j})\) and calculated by summing \(u(i, T_{j})\) value of each item i, where \(\forall\)i\(\in\)X\(\subseteq\)\(T_{j}\):

$$\begin{aligned} u(X, T_{j}) = \displaystyle \sum _{i_{k}\in X\wedge X\subseteq T_{j}} u(i_{k}, T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, the utility of itemset \(X = \{b, d\}\) in transaction \(T_1\) is calculated as \(u(X, T_{1}) = u(b, T_{1}) + u(d, T_{1}) = 12 + 24 = 36\).

Definition 3

(Utility of an itemset in a database [7]) The utility of an itemset X in a database is denoted as u(X) and calculated by summing each \(u(X, T_{j})\) value, where \(\forall\)\(T_{j}\)\(\supseteq\)X.

$$\begin{aligned} u(X) = \displaystyle \sum _{X\subseteq T_{j}}u(X, T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, consider that itemset X = \(\{b, d\}\). Since X is found in \(T_{1}\) and \(T_{6}\), u(X) is calculated as \(u(\{b, d\}, T_{1})+ u(\{b, d\}, T_{6}) = 36 + 54 = 90\).

Definition 4

(Average-utility of an itemset in a database [7]) The average-utility of an itemset X in a database is denoted as au(X) and calculated by dividing u(X) by the length of X.

$$\begin{aligned} au(X) = \displaystyle u(X) / |X|. \end{aligned}$$

For example, since \(u(\{b, d\}) = 90\) and \(|\{b, d\}| = 2, au(\{b, d\}) = 90 / 2 = 45\).

Definition 5

(High-average-utility itemset [7]) If an itemset X has an average-utility value which is not less than a predefined minimum utility threshold minUtil, then it is called as a high-average-utility itemset (HAUI).

$$\begin{aligned} HAUI\leftarrow \{X|au(X)\ge minUtil \}. \end{aligned}$$

For example, if minUtil is 15, then itemset \(\{b, d\}\) is a HAUI since \(au(\{b, d\}) = 45 \ge minUtil = 15\).

The average-utility of an itemset does not satisfy the downward-closure property. Therefore, the au values of itemsets cannot be used to prune the search space. To address this problem, the average-utility upper bound (auub) model was introduced by TPAU algorithm [7] to obtain a downward-closure property by overestimating the average-utility values of itemsets. The auub model was also used by the other algorithms  [12,13,14, 18,19,20, 25, 32, 35] to determine the set of promising items.

Definition 6

(The auub value of an itemset [7]) Let transaction maximum utility (tmu) of a transaction \(T_{j}\) be denoted as \(tmu(T_{j})\), where \(tmu(T_{j})\) = \(max\{u(i_{k}, T_{j})\)\(|i_{k}\)\(\in\)\(T_{j}\}\). The auub of an itemset X in a database is denoted as auub(X) and calculated by summing each \(tmu(T_{j})\) value obtained from transactions that contain the itemset X:

$$\begin{aligned} auub(X) = \displaystyle \sum _{X\subseteq T_{j}} tmu(T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, items b and d appear together in transactions \(T_{1}\) and \(T_{6}\). The values \(tmu(T_{1})\) and \(tmu(T_{6})\) are calculated as \(max(u(a, T_{1})\), \(u(b, T_{1})\), u(c, \(T_{1})\), u(d, \(T_{1})) = max (15, 12, -3, 24) = 24\) and \(max(u(b, T_{6})\), \(u(c, T_{6})\), u(d, \(T_{6})\), u(e, \(T_{6})) = max(18, -6, 36, -5) = 36\), respectively. Thus, \(auub(\{b, d\})\) is calculated as \(tmu(T_{1}) + tmu(T_{6}) = 24 + 36 = 60\).

Definition 7

(High average-utility upper-bound itemset [7]) If an itemset X has an auub value which is not less than the minUtil, then it is called as a high-average-utility upper bound itemset (HAUUBI):

$$\begin{aligned} HAUUBI\leftarrow \{X|auub(X)\ge minUtil \}. \end{aligned}$$

For example, itemset \(\{b, d\}\) is a HAUUBI since \(auub(\{b, d\}) = 60 \ge \, minUtil = 15\). Note that, if the length of an HAUUBI is k then it is called as a k-HAUUBI. Since the length of \(\{b, d\}\) is 2, \(\{b, d\}\) is a 2-HAUUBI.

Property 1

(Pruning the search space by utilizing theauub [7]) HAUIs \(\subseteq\) HAUUBIs is true based on the downward-closure property of auub model. Thus, if an itemset X is not a HAUUBI, then it is not a HAUI and none of its extensions (supersets) can be a HAUI. Therefore, X can be pruned from the search space.

Discussion of auub model with negative utilities: The auub model is designed based on the assumption that all items in the database have positive utilities. Therefore, using auub model with negative utilities may result in missing some HAUIs since tmu values of transactions become negative when all items they include have negative external utilities (e.g., \(tmu(T_{7})\) = − 18). Therefore, such transactions reduce the auub values of the negative items and may cause some negative items to have auub lower than minUtil. Based on Property 1, if an item has auub lower than minUtil, then it is pruned. Thus, auub model may cause to miss some HAUIs with negative utilities. As a result, the downward-closure property of auub does not hold for a set of negative items and their extensions.

For example, let us take item e as an example. Since item e appears in \(T_{6}\), \(T_{7}\), and \(T_{8}\), auub value of e is auub(e) = \(tmu(T_{6})\) + \(tmu(T_{7})\) + \(tmu(T_{8})\) = 36 + (− 18) + (− 5) = 13 \(\ngeq\)minUtil = 15. Thus, item e will be pruned by the auub model and its extensions will not be examined. However, itemset \(\{b, d, e\}\) which is an extension (superset) of item e is a HAUI since b, d, and e occurred together in \(T_{6}\) and \(au(\{b, d, e\})\) is obtained as 16.3 > minUtil = 15. As can be seen, auub(e) = 13 < \(au(\{b, d, e\})\) = 16.3 < \(auub(\{b, d, e\})\) = 32, the downward-closure property of auub may not hold between a negative item and its extensions.

For the correctness and completeness of the HAUIM in databases with negative utilities, the downward-closure property of auub can be held by ignoring transactions containing only negative items. For this reason, Definition 8 revises the auub model as \(auub^{pn}\) (auub with positive and negative utilities) model.

Definition 8

(The\(auub^{pn}\)of an itemset) The auub with positive and negative utilities of an itemset X is denoted as \(auub^{pn}(X)\) and defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} auub^{pn}(X) = \displaystyle \sum _{X\subseteq T_{j} \wedge tmu(T_{j}) >0} tmu(T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

Mining High-Average-Utility Itemsets with Both Positive and Negative External Utilities

This paper proposes an algorithm for mining HAUIs out of a database containing positive and negative utilities with a novel upper model, three pruning strategies, and a list data structure. The proposed algorithm is named as MHAUIPNU (Mining High-Average-Utility Itemset with Positive and Negative Utilities).

The next subsection introduces the proposed upper bound model named tubpn (tighter upper bound with positive and negative utilities) followed by which the pruning strategies that MHAUIPNU utilizes are discussed. The subsequent subsection presents a list structure called tighter upper bound with positive and negative utilities (TUBPNU) list to store required information for mining HAUIs. The final subsection introduces the MHAUIPNU algorithm and then gives the execution trace of the MHAUIPNU algorithm on the running example.

Proposed Tighter Upper Bound with Positive and Negative Utilities (tubpn)

Since the \(auub^{pn}\) does not take into account transactions having negative utilities, it can be used to solve the problem of HAUIM with positive and negative utilities. However, since it is a modified version of auub model by ignoring transaction having negative utilities, it is a loose upper bound as the auub.

This paper proposes a novel tighter upper bound model named as tubpn (tighter upper bound with positive and negative utilities). The following definitions are associated with the tubpn model, considering that \(fmu(T_{j})\) and \(smu(T_{j})\) denote transaction first and second maximum utilities in a transaction \(T_{j}\), respectively, where \(|T_{j}|\) > 1. If \(|T_{j}|\) = 1, then \(smu(T_{j})\) = 0.

Definition 9

(Tighter upper bound of a positive item in a transaction) The tighter upper bound of a positive item p in a transaction \(T_{j}\), where p\(\in\)\(T_{j}\), is denoted as \(tubp(p, T_{j})\) and defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} tubp(p, T_{j}) = \displaystyle {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle fmu(T_{j}), &{}\quad \text {if } u(p, T_{j}) = fmu(T_{j}) \\ \displaystyle \frac{fmu(T_{j}) + smu(T_{j})}{2}, &{}\quad \text {otherwise}.\\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For example, \(u(b, T_{1})\), \(u(d, T_{1})\), \(fmu(T_{1})\), and \(smu(T_{1})\) are 12, 24, 24, and 15, respectively. Besides, \(u(b, T_{1})\)\(\ne\)\(fmu(T_{1}) = u(d, T_{1})\). Therefore, \(tubp(b, T_{1}) = 19.5 (= (24 + 15) / 2)\) and \(tubp(d, T_{1}) = 24\).

Definition 10

(Tighter upper bound of a negative item in a transaction) Let \(T_{j}.|PIs|\) be the number of positive items in a transaction \(T_{j}\). The tighter upper bound of a negative item n in a transaction \(T_{j}\), where n\(\in\)\(T_{j}\), is denoted as \(tubn(n, T_{j})\) and defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} tubn(n, T_{j}) = \displaystyle {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle \frac{fmu(T_{j}) + smu(T_{j})}{2}, &{}\quad \text {if } T_{j}.|PIs|> 1\\ \displaystyle \frac{fmu(T_{j}) + u(n, T_{j})}{2}, &{}\quad \text {else if } fmu(T_{j}) + u(n, T_{j}) > 0\\ \displaystyle 0, &{}\quad \text {otherwise}.\\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For example, \(tubn(e, T_{6}) = (fmu(T_{6})+ smu(T_{6})) / 2 = (36 + 18) / 2 = 27\) since \(T_{6}.|PIs| > 1\). For another example, \(tubn(f, T_{4}) = 0\) since \(T_{4}.|PIs| = 1\) and \(fmu(T_{j}) + u(f, T_{j}) = 3 + (-8) \not > 0\).

Definition 11

(Tighter upper bound of an itemset in a transaction) Let X be an itemset considering X.PIs and X.NIs is the set of positive and negative items that X contains, respectively. The tighter upper bound of X in a transaction \(T_{j}\), where X\(\subseteq\)\(T_{j}\), is denoted as \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) and defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} tubpn(X, T_{j}) = \displaystyle {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle min\{tubn(n_{k}, T_{j}) | n_{k} \in X.NIs\}, &{}\quad \text {if } X.NIs \ne \emptyset , \\ \displaystyle min\{tubp(p_{k}, T_{j}) | p_{k} \in X.PIs\}, &{}\quad \text {otherwise}.\\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For example, for the itemset \(X = \{b, d\}\), \(tubpn(X, T_{1})\) is calculated as \(min\{tubp(b, T_{1}), tubp(d, T_{1})\} = min\{19.5, 24\} = 19.5\). For another example, \(tubpn( \{a, f, g\}, T_{4})\) is obtained as follows. Since \(\{a, f, g\}.NIs\)\(\ne\)\(\emptyset\), \(tubpn( \{a, f, g\}, T_{4}) = min\{tubn(f, T_{4}), tubn(g, T_{4})\} = min\{0, 0.5\} = 0\).

Definition 12

(Tighter upper bound of an itemset in a database) The tighter upper bound of an itemset X in a database DB is denoted as tubpn(X) and defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} tubpn(X) = \displaystyle \sum _{X\subseteq T_{j}} tubpn(X, T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, for the itemset \(X = \{b, d\}\), tubpn(X) is calculated as \(tubpn(X, T_{1}) + tubpn(X, T_{6}) = 19.5 + 27 = 46.5\).

Theorem 1

(In a database, tubpn(X) \(\ge\)au(X) is correct for any itemset X) In a database, the average-utility value of any itemsetXcannot be greater than itstubpnvalue, that is, tubpn(X) \(\ge\)au(X).


Let X and X.Tids be an itemset and a set of transactions containing X in a database, respectively. The proof of tubpn(X) \(\ge\)au(X) can be provided by presenting \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\)\(\ge\)\(au(X, T_{j})\) is correct for each transaction \(T_{j}\)\(\in\)X.Tids, where \(au(X, T_{j})\) = \(u(X, T_{j})\) / |X|. Obviously, au(X) = u(X) / |X| = \(\sum _{T_{j}\in X.Tids} au(X, T_{j})\) is correct. However, X can consist of either only positive items (Case1) or negative items (Case2) or both of positive and negative items (Case3). Therefore, for all three cases, \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\)\(\ge\)\(au(X, T_{j})\) is correct as presented below.

  • Case 1 Let itemset X and \(T_{j}\) be any set of items that consists only positive items and a transaction, respectively, such that X\(\in\)\(T_{j}\).

    • If |X| = 1 and \(fmu(T_{j})\) = \(u(X, T_{j})\), then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = \(fmu(T_{j})\) = \(u(X, T_{j})\) = \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear.

    • If |X| = 1 and \(fmu(T_{j})\)\(\ne\)\(u(X, T_{j})\), then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = (\(fmu(T_{j})\) + \(smu(T_{j})\)) / 2 > \(u(X, T_{j})\) = \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear.

    • If |X| > 1, then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = \(\displaystyle min\{tubp(p_{k}, T_{j}) | p_{k} \in X.PIs\}\) = \((fmu(T_{j}) + smu(T_{j})\) / 2 \(\ge\)\(u(X, T_{j})\) / |X| = \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear.

  • Case 2 Let itemset X and \(T_{j}\) be any set of items that consists only negative items and a transaction, respectively, such that X\(\in\)\(T_{j}\). Therefore, \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = \(\displaystyle min\{tubn(n_{k}, T_{j}) | n_{k} \in X.NIs\}\) = 0 since \(tubn(n_{j}, T_{j})\) = 0 for each \(n_{j}\)\(\in\)\(T_{j}\). Besides, \(u(X, T_{j})\) < 0 is clear. Then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) > \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear.

  • Case 3 Let itemset X and \(T_{j}\) be any set of items that consists both positive and negative items and a transaction, respectively, such that X\(\in\)\(T_{j}\). Thus, \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) is calculated as \(\displaystyle min\{tubn(n_{k}, T_{j}) | n_{k} \in X.NIs\}\). The length of X.PIs can be greater than or equal to 1.

    • If |X.PIs| > 1, then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = (\(fmu(T_{j})\) + \(smu(T_{j})\)) / 2 > \(u(X, T_{j})\) / |X| = \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear.

    • If |X.PIs| = 1, then \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\) = (\(fmu(T_{j}) + min\{u(n_{k}, T_{j}) | n_{k} \in X.NIs\}\)) / 2 \(\ge\)\(u(X, T_{j})\) / |X| = \(au(X, T_{j})\) is clear. \(\square\)

Property 2

(The downward-closure property oftubpnmodel) Let X be an itemset and Y be any superset of X, such that X\(\subseteq\)Y. Therefore, tubpn(X) \(\ge\)tubpn(Y) holds.


Let X be an itemset and Y be any superset of X, such that X\(\subset\)Y. Considering X.Tids and Y.Tids be two sets of transactions containing X and Y, respectively, the downward-closure property of tubpn is explained as follows. Since X.Tids\(\supseteq\)Y.Tids is true, then tubpn(X) \(\ge\)tubpn(Y) is also true. As a result, tubpn(X) value of any X is anti-monotonic. Therefore, tubpn model satisfies the downward-closure property. \(\square\)

Property 3

(Thetubpnmodel is tighter than the\(auub^{pn}\)orauubmodel) The tubpn(X) and \(auub^{pn}(X)\) (or auub(X)) values for any itemset X are equal if X is a positive item and \(u(X, T_{j})\) = \(fmu(T_{j})\) is correct for each transaction \(T_{j}\), such that X\(\in\)\(T_{j}\). In all other cases, the tubpn(X) < \(auub^{pn}(X)\) (or auub(X)).


The \(fmu(T_{j}) (= tmu(T_{j})\)) value is considered only in the calculation of the \(tubpn(p, T_{j})\), where p is a positive item and p\(\in\)\(T_{j}\). Thus, for tubpn(X) and \(auub^{pn}(X)\) to be equal, the itemset X must contain only a positive item and \(u(X, T_{j}) = fmu(T_{j})\) must correct for all transactions which contain X. Otherwise (if \(X = n\) where item n\(\in\)NIs or |X| > 1), tubpn(X) < \(auub^{pn}(X)\) holds since \(tubpn(X,T_{j})\) is always lower than the \(fmu(T_{j})\), that is, the tubpn model is tighter than the \(auub^{pn}\) (or auub(X)) model, and thus Property 3 is correct. \(\square\)

Pruning Strategies

In this subsection, the proposed three pruning strategies of the MHAUIPNU algorithm are introduced. The first pruning strategy is based on the proposed tubpn model. The second and third pruning strategies are designed by utilizing the properties associated with items having negative utilities.

Pruning Strategy 1

(Pruning the search space by utilizingtubpnmodel) Let X be an itemset. If tubpn(X) < minUtil, then X can be directly pruned from the search space.


The correctness of tubpn(X) \(\ge\)tubpn(Y) for the itemsets X and any Y, such that X\(\subset\)Y, is explained by Property 2. Thus, itemsets with a lower tubpn value than the minUtil and the extensions of these itemsets cannot be HAUIs. \(\square\)

The tubpn model can be used to ensure the completeness and correctness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm for mining HAUIs in a database with positive and negative utilities. However, the MHAUIPNU utilizes two additional pruning strategies to reduce the size of the search space of the problem more efficiently. These strategies are designed based on some properties associated with itemsets with negative utilities. Details are given below.

Lemma 1

A HAUI should contain at least one positive item.


For any itemset X having only negative items, u(X) < 0 is obviously correct. Thus, an itemset having only negative items cannot be a HAUI. \(\square\)

Based on Lemma 1, the second pruning strategy is designed as follows.

Pruning Strategy 2

(Pruning the negative itemsets) Let n be a negative item. Then n and none of its negative extensions can be a HAUI. Itemsets having only negative items can be directly pruned.

The following property is related to the last pruning strategy.

Property 4

(Relationship between positive utilities of an itemset and its negative extensions) Let X, N, and XN be an itemset, any set of negative items, and a negative extension of X, such that XN= \(\{X \cup N\}\), respectively. Besides, let X.PU and X.NU be the sum of positive utilities and negative utilities of an itemset X, respectively. Thus, u(X)= X.PU + X.NU. The relationship between positive utility values of X and XN is that X.PU\(\ge\)XN.PU


Consider that X.PIs is the set of positive items that X contains. Since X.Tids\(\ge\)XN.Tids and X.PIs = XN.PIs, then X.PU\(\ge\)XN.PU is clear. \(\square\)

Pruning Strategy 3

(Pruning the negative extensions of an itemset) If X.PU  /  (|X| + 1) < minUtil, then none of negative extensions of the itemset X can be a HAUI.


Based on Property 4 and its proof, we know that X.PU\(\ge\)XN.PU holds between an itemset X and any of its negative extensions XN. Besides, |X| + 1 \(\le\) |XN| is correct. Moreover, since u(XN) = XN.PU + XN.NU, X.PU > u(XN) is also correct. Therefore, X.PU  /  (|X| + 1) > au(XN) = u(XN)  /  |XN| is true. \(\square\)

However, a question arises with Pruning Strategy 3, that is, how to calculate the positive utility of a negative extension of an itemset. The following definition and property are associated with this question.

Definition 13

(Positive utility array of an itemset) The positive utility array (PUA) of an itemset X, denoted as PUA(X), is a one-dimensional list. PUA(X)[j] stores the positive utility of X obtained from transaction \(T_{j}\), such that X\(\subseteq\)\(T_{j}\), and PUA(X)[j] is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} PUA(X)[j] = \displaystyle \sum _{p_{k} \in X.PIs \wedge X\subseteq T_{j}} u(p_{k}, T_{j}). \end{aligned}$$

Property 5

(Calculating the positive utility of a negative extension of an itemset) Let X be an itemset and XN be any negative extension of X. XN.PU can be obtained by summing each PUA(X)[j] value, such that \(\forall\) j \(\in\)XN.Tids.


Property 5 is clear since XN.Tids\(\subseteq\)X.Tids, and PUA(X)[j] = PUA(XN)[j] is correct for each j\(\in\)XN.Tids. \(\square\)

Proposed Tighter Upper Bound with Positive and Negative Utilities (TUBPNU) List Structure

To avoid multiple database scans and prune the search space of HAUIs with positive and negative utilities by utilizing the proposed tubpn model and three pruning strategies, a list data structure is proposed. It is named as tighter upper bound with positive and negative utilities (TUBPNU) list.

Definition 14

(TUBPNU list of an itemset) The TUBPNU list of an itemset X is denoted as \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\). It consists of a set of elements. Each element E in \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) consists of three fields (tidutilitytubpn) for each transaction \(T_{j}\) (see Fig. 2), such that X\(\subseteq\)\(T_{j}\) and PIs\(\cap\)\(T_{j}\)\(\ne\)\(\emptyset\). tid is the transaction identification of \(T_{j}\). utility and tubpn are the values that represent \(u(X, T_{j})\) and \(tubpn(X, T_{j})\), respectively. Note that, tubpn values are rounded up and stored as integers in the TUBPNU lists to reduce the memory consumption of the proposed TUBPNU list data structure.

For example, \(tubpn(\{a\}, T_{1})\) = 19.5. When it is rounded up, it becomes 20. Thus, the element in \(TUBPNUL(\{a\})\) for \(T_{1}\) is stored as (1, 15, 20).

Definition 15

(Total processing order\(\prec\)in MHAUIPNU algorithm) The search space of the problem can be represented as an enumeration tree. The enumeration tree of a set of items \(I = \{i_{1}, i_{2}, \ldots , i_{n}\}\) is a tree-shaped search structure constructed by enumerating \(2^{n}\) itemsets (subsets of I) based on a total processing order (see Fig. 1). In the previous studies, it was shown that selecting a proper processing order can decrease the size of the enumeration tree. The MHAUIPNU algorithm utilizes the properties associated with negative items to reduce the size of the search space (by Pruning Strategies 2 and 3) in addition to tubpn model (by Pruning Strategy 1). In MHAUIPNU algorithm, the total processing order (\(\prec\)) is defined as follows: (1) items, which are 1-HAUUBIs based on the tubpn model, are sorted in tubpn ascending order, (2) negative items cannot come before the positive items.

For example, based on the tubpn model, items f and g are not 1-HAUUBIs since \(tubpn(\{f\}) (= 0.5)\) and \(tubpn(\{g\}) (= 8.5)\) are lower than the \(minUtil (= 15)\). Therefore, the total processing order is obtained as a\(\prec\)b\(\prec\)d\(\prec\)e\(\prec\)c since \(tubpn(\{a\}) = 36< tubpn(\{b\}) = 46.5< tubpn(\{d\}) = 72 tubpn(\{e\}) = 27 < tubpn(\{c\}) = 54\) and items e and c are negative items.

Figure 1 gives the enumeration tree of 1-HAUUBIs based on the total processing order \(\prec\) and Fig. 2 shows the TUBPNU lists of 1-HAUUBIs.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The enumeration tree of 1-HAUUBIs = {a, b, c, d, e}, where a\(\prec\)b\(\prec\)d\(\prec\)e\(\prec\)c

Fig. 2
figure 2


Property 6

(Joining two TUBPNULs) Let X be itemset and \(\{X \cup y\}\) be an extension of X by appending an item y to X, such that each item \(x \prec y\) and \(\forall x \in X\). The \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) can be easily obtained by performing a join operation between \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\). The \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) is constructed by inserting an element (\(E_{X}.tid\), (\(E_{X}.utility + E_{y}.utility\)), \(min\{E_{X}.tubpn\), \(E_{y}.tubpn\}\)) for each pair of elements \(E_{X}\)\(\in\)\(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) and \(E_{y}\)\(\in\)\(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\), where \(E_{X}.tid = E_{y}.tid\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The construction of \(TUBPNUL(\{d, c\})\)

For example, let us construct the \(TUBPNUL(\{d, c\})\) by joining \(TUBPNUL(\{d\})\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{c\})\). Since the list of tids of \(TUBPNUL(\{d\})\) is (1, 2, 6) and the list of tids of \(TUBPNUL(\{c\})\) is (1, 2, 3, 6), the intersection is (1, 2, 6). Therefore, the constructed \(TUBPNUL(\{d, c\})\) includes three elements with tids 1, 2, and 6. The u and tubpn values of these elements are obtained as discussed in Definitions 2 and 11, respectively. The constructed \(TUBPNUL(\{d, c\})\) is presented in Fig. 3.

The pseudo-code of joining two TUBPNULs is given in Construct algorithm (Algorithm 1). The Construct algorithm takes the \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\), and a PUA as inputs. The X is the itemset that will be extended and y is the appending item that will extend the itemset X. The input PUA will be used to obtain the sum of positive utilities of itemset \(\{X \cup y\}\) if it is not empty. Note that \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).Utility\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).Tubpn\) denote u(X) and tubpn(X), respectively, and \(\{X \cup y\}.PU\) denotes the sum of positive utilities of \(\{X \cup y\}\). The outputs of the Construct algorithm are \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) and \(\{X \cup y\}.PU\).

figure a

The Construct algorithm works as follows. Let \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) be the output list and initially empty (Line 1), and \(\{X \cup y\}.PU\) be the sum of positive utilities of itemset \(\{X \cup y\}\) and initially equal to 0 (Line 2), and i and j be the first indices in \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\), respectively (Line 3). Next, a while loop is run until i\(=\)\(|TUBPNUL(\{X\})|\) or j\(=\)\(|TUBPNUL(\{y\})|\) (Lines 4–21). In each loop, the algorithm checks the \(i_{th}\) element in \(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\) (\(E_{X}\)) and the \(j_{th}\) element in \(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\) (\(E_{y}\)) if they share the same tid value (Line 7). If so, a new Element is constructed (Line 8) and inserted into the \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) (Line 9). Then \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\}).Utility\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\}).Tubpn\) are updated (Lines 10–11), and indices i and j are increased by 1 to check remaining elements in the lists (Line 12). Besides, if PUA is not empty (Line 13), then \(\{X \cup y\}.PU\) is updated by adding the value stored in the \((E_{X}.tid)^{th}\) element of PUA (Line 14). If tid of \(E_{X}\) is greater than the tid of \(E_{y}\) (Line 16) then the index j is increased by 1 to continue with the next element in \(TUBPNUL(\{y\})\) (Line 17). Otherwise, the index i is increased by 1 for the same purpose. (Line 19). Finally, the algorithm returns the constructed \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup y\})\) and calculated \(\{X \cup y\}.PU\) (Line 22).

Proposed MHAUIPNU Algorithm

In this section, the description of MHAUIPNU algorithm is given first (“Description of MHAUIPNU Algorithm”). Then an execution trace of MHAUIPNU is presented (“Execution Trace of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm”). Next, the correctness and completeness of MHAUIPNU algorithm are analyzed (“Correctness and Completeness of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm”). Finally, the time and space complexity of MHAUIPNU algorithm is discussed (“Time and Space Complexity Analysis of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm”).

Description of MHAUIPNU Algorithm

The pseudo-code of MHAUIPNU algorithm is given in Algorithm 2. It takes a transactional database DB with internal utilities, an external utility table EUT(DB), and a user-defined minimum utility threshold minUtil as inputs.

figure b

The MHAUIPNU algorithm scans the database once to determine the set of 1-HAUUBIs based on tubpn values of items (Line 1). Then it initializes TUBPNUL of each 1-HAUUBI by another database scan (Line 2). Note that, in the second scan, tubpn values of 1-HAUUBIs are re-calculated by ignoring the items which are not 1-HAUUBIs based on the first scan. Thus, tubpn values of some items may be decreased. Therefore, a list named RTUBPNULs (remaining TUBPNULs) stores each TUBPNULs related to items if their re-calculated tubpn values satisfy the minUtil (Line 3). TUBPNULs in the RTUBPNULs are sorted based on the processing order \(\prec\) as mentioned in Definition 15 (Line 4). So far, Pruning Strategy 1 is applied.

Then the minimum index of negative items (MINI) is assigned as k (Line 5), where k equals to number of TUBPNUL related to positive items in the RTUBPNULs. Finally, SearchPEs (Search Positive Extensions) algorithm (Algorithm 3) is called (Lines 6–8) for each item p\(\in\) PIs, recursively. Therefore, any itemset consisting any set of items from NIs is directly pruned (Pruning Strategy 2).

SearchPEs Algorithm (Algorithm 3) is designed for the aims of (1) determining HAUIs with only positive items, (2) deciding which HAUIs will be extended with negative items, and (3) deciding itemsets whose positive extensions need to be examined.

figure c

The SeacrhPEs algorithm starts with checking whether the au(X) of an itemset X having only positive utility is not lower than the minUtil (Line 1). If so, the itemset X is stored as a HAUI (Line 2) and controlled for determining whether negative extensions of X are promising utilizing the Pruning Strategy 3 (Line 3). If negative extensions of X are promising (i.e, if \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).Utility\)  /  (|X| + 1) > minUtil), then the positive utility array of X (PUA(X)) is generated (Line 4), and SearchNEs algorithm (Algorithm 4) is called to examine extensions of X with negative items (Line 5). Here, \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).Utility\) equals to \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).PU\) since X is a set of positive items. Once the negative extensions of X are examined, the algorithm discards PUA(X) (Line 6). After that, the algorithm continues to operate remaining lines to examine positive extensions of X. For each positive item p, such that \(\forall x \in \{X\}\)\(\prec\)p and \(p \in PIs\) (Lines 9–15), the Construct algorithm is called to obtain \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup p\})\) (Line 11). Note that, SeacrhPEs algorithm calls the Construct algorithm with an empty PUA. The reason is that item p that will extend the itemset X is a positive item, and so \(\{X \cup p\}.PU\) = \(TUBPNUL(\{X \cup p\}).Utility\). If the \(TUBPNUL(\{X\cup p\}).Tubpn\) is not lower than the minUtil (Line 12), the algorithm calls itself (Line 13) to determine if \(\{X\cup p\}\) is a HAUI and to examine its extensions (Pruning Strategy 1). Otherwise, the itemset \(\{X\cup p\}\) will be pruned.

SeacrhNEs algorithm (Algorithm 4) is designed for the aims of (1) determining HAUIs having both positive and negative items and (2) deciding itemsets whose negative extensions need to be examined by utilizing Pruning Strategy 3.

The SearchNEs algorithm examines negative extension of an itemset X via depth-first search utilizing Pruning Strategy 3. For each negative item n, where \(\forall x \in X\)\(\prec n\) (Line 1), rest of the lines are executed. The Construct algorithm is called to obtain the \(TUBPNUL(\{X\cup n\})\) and \(\{X\cup n\}.PU\) (Line 3). Then \(au(\{X\cup n\})\) is checked against the minUtil to determine if itemset \(\{X\cup n\}\) is a HAUI (Line 4). If it is not lower than the minUtil, itemset \(\{X\cup n\}\) is stored as a HAUI (Line 5). Then itemset \(\{X\cup n\}\) is controlled for determining whether negative extensions of it are promising by utilizing Pruning Strategy 3. If minUtil is lower than \(\{X\cup n\}.PU\)/(|X| + 1) (Line 7), SearchNEs algorithm calls itself (Line 8) to examine the negative extensions of itemset \(\{X\cup n\}\). Otherwise, the negative extensions of itemset \(\{X\cup n\}\) will not be examined based on Pruning Strategy 3.

figure d

Execution Trace of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm

In this section, the execution trace of MHAUIPNU algorithm is illustrated for the sample database given in Tables 1 and 2. In the execution trace, the minUtil threshold was taken as 15.

The algorithm starts with determining the set of 1-HAUUBIs with the first database scan. As mentioned above, items f and g have lower tubpn values than minUtil (= 15) and so the set of 1-HAUUBIs is obtained as \(\{a, b, c, d, e\}\). After the second scan, the TUBPNULs of 1-HAUUBIs and the total processing order \(\prec\) are obtained as given in Fig. 2.

Based on total processing order \(\prec\), MINI (the minimum index of negative items) is equal to 3 since there are three positive 1-HAUUBIs which are a, b, and d. The algorithm examines the extensions of positive items a, b, and d by performing a depth-first search strategy. Figure 4 shows the nodes (itemsets) visited by the MHAUIPNU algorithm in the enumeration tree of the running example.

SearchPEs algorithm is first called for the item a. The au(a) is obtained as \(TUBPNUL(\{a\}).Utility\)/|a| =27. Since 27 \(\ge\) 15, item a is a HAUI. Since item a is a HAUI, its negative extensions may include HAUI. However, \(TUBPNUL(\{a\}).Utility\)/(|a|+1) = (27/2) = 13.5 \(\ngtr\) 15. Thus, none of negative extensions of item a can be a HAUI. The mining process will continue for the positive extensions of item a. The positive items that can extend item a based on the \(\prec\) are items b and d. Since \(TUBPNUL(\{a, b\}).Tubpn\) equals to 20 \(\ge\) 15, the itemset \(\{a, b\}\) and its any extensions may be HAUIs. Since \(au(\{a, b\})\) = \(TUBPNUL(\{a, b\}).Utility\)/2 = 27/2 \(\ngeq\) 15, the itemset \(\{a, b\}\) is not a HAUI. Besides, \(TUBPNUL(\{a, b\}).Utility\)/(\(|\{a, b\}|\) + 1) = 27/3 \(\ngtr\) 15. Therefore, none of the negative extensions of itemset \(\{a,b\}\) can be a HAUI. The mining process is continued by extending the itemset \(\{a, b\}\) with the positive item d. Since \(TUBPNUL(\{a, b, d\}).Tubpn\) = 20, the SearchPEs algorithm calls itself for the itemset \(\{a, b, d\}\). Since \(au(\{a, b, d\})\) is obtained as 17, the itemset \(\{a, b, d\}\) is a HAUI. However, none of the negative extensions of itemset \(\{a, b, d\}\) can be a HAUI since \(TUBPNUL(\{a, b, d\}).Utility\)/(\(|\{a, b, d\}|\) + 1) = 51/4 = 12.75 \(\ngtr\) 15. At this stage, examination of the search space for itemset \(\{a, b\}\) is completed.

The next positive item that can extend item a is item d. \(TUBPNUL(\{a, d\}).Utility\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{a, d\}).Tubpn\) are obtained as 54 and 28, respectively. Therefore, SearchPEs algorithm calls itself for the itemset \(\{a, d\}\). Itemset \(\{a, d\}\) is a HAUI since \(u(\{a, d\})\) = 54/2 = 27 \(\ge\) 15. In addition, \(TUBPNUL(\{a, d\}).Utility\)/3 = 54/3 = 18 > 15, and so the negative extensions of itemset \(\{a, d\}\) will be examined. First, itemset \(\{a, d, e\}\) will be investigated. Since \(TUBPNUL(\{a, d\})\) and \(TUBPNUL(\{e\})\) have no elements sharing the same tid value, itemset \(\{a, d, e\}\) cannot be a HAUI and so cannot be extended. Then itemset \(\{a, d, c\}\) will be investigated. Since \(TUBPNUL(\{a, d, c\}).Utility\)/3 = 48/3 = 16, itemset \(\{a, d, c\}\) is a HAUI. However, there is no remaining negative item for itemset \(\{a, d\}\) and item d is the last positive item that can extend item a. Thus, examination of the search space for item a is completed.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Visited nodes by the MHAUIPNU in the search space of the running example

Next, same process is performed for item b. Item b is a HAUI since au(b) = 30. For item b, item d is the only positive item that can be used to extend it. Therefore, \(TUBPNUL(\{b, d\})\) is constructed and \(au(\{b, d\})\) is obtained as = 90/2 = 45 \(\ge\) 15. Itemset \(\{b, d\}\) is a HAUI. Since \(TUBPNUL(\{b, d\}).Utility\)/3 = 90/3 = 30 > 15, the SearchNEs algorithm is called for examining the negative extensions of itemset \(\{b, d\}\). For this reason, first, itemset \(\{b, d, e\}\) will be investigated. The au of the itemset \(\{b, d, e\}\) is obtained as 49/3 \(\ge\) 15. Thus, itemset \(\{b, d, e\}\) is a HAUI. Since \(\{b, d, e\}.PU\)/4 = 54/4 \(\ngtr\) 15, examination of the search space for itemset \(\{b, d, e\}\) is completed. The next negative item is c that is used to extend the itemset \(\{b, d\}\) by SearchNEs algorithm. The \(au(\{b, d, c\})\) is 27 and so itemset \(\{b, d, c\}\) is a HAUI. Since, c is the last negative item, searching the negative extensions of itemset \(\{b, d\}\) is completed. Moreover, item d is the last positive item that can extend item b. Thus, examination of extensions of item b is also completed.

The last positive item is d and \(TUBPNUL(\{d\}).Utility\) is 72. Hence, item d is a HAUI and its negative extensions will be investigated. Therefore, after the construction of \(TUBPNUL(\{d, e\})\), it is known that \(u(\{d, e\})\) is 31. Thus, itemset \(\{d, e\}\) is a HAUI since \(au(\{d, e\})\) = 15.5 = 31/2. Since \(\{d, e\}.PU\)/3 = 36/3 = 12 \(\ngtr\) 15, itemset \(\{d, e, c\}\) will not be examined. The next negative item is item c. Itemset \(\{d, c\}\) is a HAUI since its au value is obtained as \(TUBPNUL(\{d, e\}).Utility\)/2 = 30. At this stage, there is no remaining negative item to extend item d and item d is the last positive item according to \(\prec\), and so the mining process of the MHAUIPNU algorithm is completed.

Correctness and Completeness of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm

The proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm is designed to discover the correct and complete set of HAUIs in the enumeration tree generated based on the processing order \(\prec\). It searches (or examines) itemsets in the enumeration tree based on the depth-first search strategy. To understand whether an itemset is a HAUI and/or can be pruned, it utilizes the proposed TUBPNUL data structure and three pruning strategies. The correctness and completeness of the proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm can be proved by showing that the processing order, data structure, and pruning strategies it uses preserve the correctness and completeness. \(\square\)

Lemma 2

The proposed total processing order preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm.


The proposed processing order is related to how the items are sorted in the enumeration tree. In other words, the processing order determines the parent–child relationship of nodes (itemsets) in the enumeration tree. In this study, the enumeration tree constructed based on the total processing order \(\prec\) on remaining items after the item whose tubpn values are lower than the minUtil is pruned by Pruning Strategy 1. Pruning Strategy 1 ensures the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm as mentioned by Lemma 3. Therefore, it is clear that the enumeration tree of the search space generated by the total processing order includes all possible HAUIs. As a result, the proposed total processing order \(\prec\) preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm. \(\square\)

Lemma 3

The proposed TUBPNUL data structure preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm.


The proposedTUBPNULdata structure is designed to store utility andtubpnvalues of itemsets. When searching (or examining) the itemsets in the enumeration tree in depth-first search manner, theirTUBPNULscan be easily and correctly constructed as mentioned by Property6. TUBPNULdata structure is efficient to obtain values that are used by Pruning Strategy 1 and Pruning Strategy 3. Besides, average-utility of an itemset X can be easily derived from its\(TUBPNUL(\{X\})\), i.e., au(X) = \(TUBPNUL(\{X\}).Utility\) / |X|, and so any examined itemsets can be easily determined as a HAUI or not by the MHAUIPNU algorithm. As a result, the proposedTUBPNULdata structure preserves the completeness and correctness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm. \(\square\)

Lemma 4

Pruning Strategy 1 preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm.


We know that the average-utility of any itemset X cannot be greater than its tubpn value (Theorem 1). We also know that, for any pair of itemsets X and Y, such that X\(\subseteq\)Y, tubpn(X) \(\ge\)tubpn(Y) holds (Property 2). As a result, pruning the search space by utilizing Pruning Strategy 1 preserves the completeness and correctness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm since it is clear that if tubpn(X) \(\le\)minUtil holds, then X not a HAUI and none of its extension can be a HAUI. \(\square\)

Lemma 5

Pruning Strategy 2 preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm.


Since a HAUI should contain at least one positive item (Lemma 1), the itemsets which have only negative items cannot be a HAUI. Thanks to proposed processing order, Pruning Strategy 2 eliminates all these itemsets directly from the enumeration tree. As a result, Pruning Strategy 2 preserves the completeness and correctness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm. \(\square\)

Lemma 6

Pruning Strategy 3 preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm.


We know that (X.PU/(|X| + 1)) > au(XN) holds for an itemset X and any of its negative extensions XN (Property 4). Thus, it is true that none of negative extensions of X can be a HAUI if (X.PU/(|X| + 1)) > minUtil holds. Based on the proposed processing order, Pruning Strategy 3 eliminates all the negative extensions of X directly from the enumeration tree if (X.PU/(|X| + 1)) > minUtil holds. As a result, Pruning Strategy 3 preserves the correctness and completeness of the MHAUIPNU algorithm. \(\square\)

Theorem 2

The MHAUIPNU algorithm is correct and complete. Based on a givenminUtilvalue, it discovers the correct and complete set of HAUIs in a given dataset containing items with negative utilities.


The proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm is designed to discover the HAUIs utilizing the enumeration tree generated based on the total processing order \(\prec\), together with three pruning strategies (Pruning Strategies 1, 2, and 3). For each itemset that MHAUIPNU visits in the enumeration tree (or for each itemsets which is not pruned by the pruning strategies), MHAUIPNU constructs its TUBPNUL data structure to determine it is a HAUI or not. Therefore, based on Lemmas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, it can be said that the set of discovered itemsets by MHAUIPNU algorithm in a dataset containing items with negative utilities is complete and correct. \(\square\)

Time and Space Complexity Analysis of the MHAUIPNU Algorithm

The time and space complexity of an algorithm can be defined as the time and space required in the worst case, respectively. In this section, we analyze the time and space complexity of the MHAUIPNU algorithm for the worst case scenario.

Let T, IP, and N be number of transactions, total number of items, number of positive items, and number of negative items in a given database, respectively. The MHAUIPNU algorithm scans the database once to obtain tubpn values of items. Thus, the time complexity in the first database scan is \(\mathcal {O}(T{}\times {}I)\). In the second database scan, initial TUBPNULs are generated for promising items. In the worst case, none of items has tubpn value lower than the minUtil, which means that all the items are promising. Therefore, the runtime complexity of the second database is also \(\mathcal {O}(T{}\times {}I)\). Then before embarking to start searching HAUIs, TUBPNULs are sorted based on the total processing order \(\prec\). Based on the total processing order \(\prec\) (Definition 15), we know that items are sorted in tubpn ascending order and a negative item always come after from all the positive items. Therefore, it is sufficient to sort the TUBPNULs of the positive items and the TUBPNULs negative items among themselves. For sorting, any method can be used. Assume that quick sort method is applied. The time complexity is \(\mathcal {O}(P{}\log {2}{}P)\) and \(\mathcal {O}(N{}\log {2}{}N)\) for sorting TUBPNULs of the positive items and the TUBPNULs negative items, respectively. Therefore, for the worst case scenario, the MHAUIPNU algorithm requires \(\mathcal {O}((2\times {}T{}\times {}I{}+{}P{}\log {2}{}P{}+{}N{}\log {2}{}N)\) time before embarking to search HAUIs (or examine the enumeration tree of the search space). Besides, the worst case scenario assumes that each item exists in each transaction. Therefore, the MHAUIPNU algorithm requires \(\mathcal {O}(I \times {}T{}\times {}3)\) space for storing initial TUBPNULs in the memory.

For searching HAUIs, the MHAUIPNU algorithm constructs TUBPNULs of itemsets while traversing the enumeration tree generated based on the processing order \(\prec\). To construct TUBPNUL of an itemset \(\{X,a,b\}\), it is needed to compare TUBPNULs’ entries of two related itemset \(\{X,a\}\) and itemset \(\{X,b\}\) to find the entries registered for the same transaction. In the worst case, TUBPNUL of an itemset contains T entries based on the assumption that each item exists in each transaction. Since comparing two TUBPNULs is done in linear time, the time complexity of constructing TUBPNUL of an itemset is \(\mathcal {O}(T)\). Besides, to prune itemset by Pruning Strategy 3, the algorithm use a one-dimensional array, called the positive utility array (PUA), of size T. In the MHAUIPNU algorithm, PUA of an itemset will be generated if it has only positive items and its negative extensions are promising. Besides, PUA of an itemset is discarded right after its all negative extensions are examined. Thus, storing PUA requires \(\mathcal {O}(T)\) space. Since a PUA is generated in linear time, the time complexity of generating a PUA is \(\mathcal {O}(T)\) time for the worst case.

We know that there are \(2^{I}-1\) itemsets in the search space. However, the MHAUIPNU algorithm does not construct TUBPNULs of \(2^{N} - 1\)k-itemsets, where k\(\ge\) 2, which consists of only negative items, by utilizing the Pruning Strategy 2. As a result, Pruning Strategy 2 reduces the number of itemsets in the enumeration tree to \(2^{I} - 2^{N} -1\). For the worst case, it is assumed that none of them can be pruned by either Pruning Strategy 1 or Pruning Strategy 3. Therefore, \(2^{I} - 2^{N} -1\)TUBPNULs should be constructed, and \(2^{P} -1\)PUA should be generated while searching HAUIs. Therefore, for the MHAUIPNU algorithm, the worst case time complexity is \(\mathcal {O}(2\times {}T{}\times {}I{})\) + \(\mathcal {O}(P{}\log {2}{}P{}+{}N{}\log {2}{}N{})\) + \(\mathcal {O}(T\times (2^{I}-2^{N}-2))\) + \(\mathcal {O}(T\times (2^{P}-1))\) and the worst case memory usage is \(\mathcal {O}((2^{I}-2^{N}-2)\times {}T\times {}3)\) + O(T).

On the other hand, the worst case scenario does not usually occur. In general, the time and space complexity of the MHAUIPNU algorithm can be considered as pseudo-polynomial since the complexity of time and space for each itemset is close to linear and the number of visited itemsets in the search space is conditional on the effectiveness of the pruning strategies for the given dataset.

Experimental Result

In this section, the performance evaluation of the MHAUIPNU algorithm is given. To evaluate effectiveness of proposed tubpn model by comparing with \(auub^{pn}\) model, two algorithms are also designed, which are named as Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn algorithms based on \(auub^{pn}\) and tubpn models, respectively (Table 3). They use their downward-closure properties to prune the search space. The Naïve-tubpn algorithm is also used to compare with the MHAUIPNU algorithm to evaluate the effect of pruning strategies (Pruning Strategies 2 and 3) related to items with negative utilities (Table 3).

Table 3 Compared algorithms

We compare the algorithms in terms of runtime, the number of total visited nodes, and memory usage. We also evaluate the effect of the number of negative items in databases on the performance of algorithms. Performance analysis of the algorithms in terms of runtime, the total number of visited nodes, and memory usage are evaluated using six real datasets which are obtained from the open source data mining library, SPMF [4]. The statical information of the real datasets are provided in Table 5. Table 4 gives the explanations of the parameters used in Table 5. Besides, two synthetic datasets are used for evaluation of the number of negative items on the performances of the algorithms.

The algorithms are implemented using Java programming language. All the experiments are performed on a computer equipped with an i5-5200U 2.2 GHz processor and 8 GBs of RAM.

Table 4 Dataset parameters
Table 5 Real datasets


In this experiment, the runtime performances of the algorithms are compared. All the algorithms were run on each dataset given in Table 5 under various minUtil thresholds. Figure 5 presents the runtime results in log scale, except for the Retail dataset.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Runtimes for various minUtils

As can be seen in Fig. 5, the algorithms need more time to perform their mining tasks for each dataset as the minUtil value decreases. This is because as the minUtil gets lower, the datasets will have more promising itemsets, and thus the search space will expand. Figure 5 also indicates that Naïve-tubpn are always faster than the Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) . This is reasonable since tupbn values of itemsets are tighter than their \(auub^{pn}\) values. Thus, Naïve-tubpn prunes the search space more effectively than Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) . Moreover, when the runtimes of Naïve-tubpn and MHAUIPNU are compared, it can be seen that Pruning Strategies 2 and 3 of MHAUIPNU algorithm have a significant role on enhancing the performance of MHAUIPNU. For example, when the minUtil is set to 60\(\times 10^{3}\) for the Chess (Fig. 5a), MHAUIPNU, Naïve-tubpn, and Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) terminate their mining tasks in 0.5 seconds, 157 seconds, and 351 seconds, respectively. Note that, we could not present the runtimes of Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn when minUtil is set to 16\(\times 10^{5}\) (or lower values) and 14\(\times 10^{5}\) (or lower values), respectively, for the Pumsb dataset. The reason is that they require long execution times (more than 10,000 s) for the above-mentioned settings. On the other hand, MHAUIPNU needs only 118 seconds to complete the mining task for the Pumsb dataset when the minUtil is set to 14\(\times 10^{5}\). As can be seen, MHAUIPNU significantly outperforms Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn thanks to tubpn model (Pruning Strategy 1) and properties related to items with negative utilities (Pruning Strategies 2 and 3). It is also observed from the experiments that MHAUIPNU is up to three orders of magnitude faster than Naïve-tubpn and up to four orders of magnitude faster than Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\). As a result, the proposed MHAUIPNU is computationally efficient on solving the problem of HAUIM with positive and negative utilities.

The Number of 1-HAUUBIs and Visited Nodes

In this experiment, the number of 1-HAUUBIs obtained by tubpn and \(auub^{pn}\) models are first compared. Then the number of nodes (itemsets) visited by the algorithms are compared for to understand their runtime performances.

Results related to obtained 1-HAUUBIs by tubpn and \(auub^{pn}\) models are given in Fig. 6. As can be seen in Fig. 6, tubpn model produces less 1-HAUUBIs than the \(auub^{pn}\) model. This is because tubpn values of itemsets are tighter than their \(auub^{pn}\) values as discussed with Property 3. Particularly, if datasets have large number of items, such as Kosarak (Fig. 6f) and Retail (Fig. 6e), the performance of tubpn to reduce the number of 1-HAUUBIs compared to \(auub^{pn}\) is very considerable.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The number of 1-HAUUBIs obtained by tubpn and \(auub^{pn}\) for various minUtils

Fig. 7
figure 7

Number of visited nodes for various minUtils

Results related to the number of nodes visited by the algorithms are given in Fig. 7. A visited node (itemset) means the node which is examined in the enumeration tree of the search space. As can be seen in Fig. 7, Naïve-tubpn visits one to three magnitude less nodes compared to Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\). The reasons as follows: (1) tubpn produces less 1-HAUUBIs than the \(auub^{pn}\) model and (2) tubpn values of itemsets are always lower than their \(auub^{pn}\) values. Thus, it can be said that tubpn model is more efficient than the \(auub^{pn}\) model on reducing the search space.

Figure 7 indicates that the proposed MHAUIPNU dramatically reduces the number of visited nodes thanks to its Pruning Strategy 2 and Pruning Strategy 3 in addition to usage of tubpn model (Pruning Strategy 1). The proposed tubpn is efficient to decrease the upper bounds of itemsets. Besides, itemsets containing only negative items are directly pruned by Pruning Strategy 2 and the positive utilities of itemsets are directly used to prune the their negative extensions by Pruning Strategy 3. For example, on Chess dataset (Fig. 7a), when the minUtil is set to 60\(\times 10^{3}\), the number of visited nodes by Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn is, respectively, 8478 and 3655 times greater than the number of nodes visited by MHAUIPNU.

Memory Usage

In this experiment, the memory usage of the algorithms are compared. The results are shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Memory usages for various minUtils

It is observed that memory consumptions of algorithms increase as the minUtil value decreases for each datasets. As the minUtil decreases, more 1-HAUUBIs are generated and more HAUIs are discovered. Hence, more itemset in the enumeration tree of the search space are visited, and so memory needs increase. It is also observed that MHAUIPNU and Naïve-tubpn need less memory than Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\). This is reasonable because \(auub^{pn}\) model cannot prune more itemsets than the tubpn model. As can be seen in Fig. 8, MHAUIPNU consumes the least memory usage.

Effect of the Number of Negative Items

In this experiment, the effects of the number of negative items in databases is evaluated on the performance of the algorithms. For evaluation, two synthetic datasets, called c20d10k and t20i6d100k, are used. They were obtained from the SPMF [4], and their statical information are given in Table 6.

Table 6 Synthetic datasets

These datasets contain only binary information since they are generated for frequent itemset mining. In this study, to make them as quantitative transactional databases, the external utilities of items were generated using a Gaussian distribution where the mean is 50 and internal utilities of items in each transaction were randomly generated in the range of [1, 5]. Then we generated five different datasets from these synthetic datasets, each containing 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% negative items. To make a database contain 30% negative items, 30% items among all unique items was randomly selected and their external utilities were multiplied by − 1. Then to make a database contain 40% negative items a new set of 10% items was also randomly selected and their external utilities were also multiplied by − 1. To ensure that the datasets contain 50%, 60%, and 70% negative items, the same procedure was followed.

To evaluate the effect of the number of negative items on the performance of algorithms, their runtimes and total number of visited nodes are compared for each dataset by changing the number of negative items from 30% to 70% of all unique items. For each experiments, minUtil is fixed to \(10^{5}\). Experimental results are given in Figs. 9 and 10 for the c20d10k and t20i6d100k datasets, respectively.

Fig. 9
figure 9

The effects of the number of negative items in c20d10k dataset on the performance of algorithms

Fig. 10
figure 10

The effect of the number of negative items in t20i6d100k dataset on the performance of algorithms

Experimental evaluations show that as the number of negative items increases in the datasets, the algorithms need less time to perform the mining task (Figs. 9a, 10a), and visit less nodes (Figs. 9b, 10b). The experiments also indicate that the runtime gap between Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn increases, as the number of negative items increases. This shows that Pruning Strategy 1 is becoming more effective with the increase of negative items in the datasets.

Moreover, it is also observed that the performance of the proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm increases with the increase of the number of negative items in the datasets, in terms of runtime and the total number of visited nodes. This shows that when the size of negative items increases in databases, Pruning Strategy 2 and Pruning Strategy 3 prune the search space more effectively.

For example, when the number of negative items is 30% in the c20d10k dataset, MHAUIPNU algorithm is about 5 and 4 times faster than the Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn, respectively, and the number of visited nodes by MHAUIPNU is about 7 and 5 times less than the Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn, respectively. However, when the number of negative items is increased to 70% in the c20d10k dataset, MHAUIPNU algorithm is about 30 and 18 times faster than the Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn, respectively, and the number of visited nodes by MHAUIPNU is about 20 and 11 times less than Naïve-auub\(^{pn}\) and Naïve-tubpn, respectively. Similar results are obtained for the t20i6d100k dataset.

Conclusion and Future Works

High-average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) is important for many real-world application areas. It takes into account internal and external utilities (such as unit quantities and unit profits) of the itemsets.

To the best of our knowledge, in the literature, there is no HAUIM algorithm designed for mining HAUIs out of databases containing both positive and negative utilities. This paper proposes an upper bound named tubpn with its pruning strategy to prune itemsets. Besides, two other pruning strategies also proposed utilizing the properties related to items with negative utilities. To store the required information and efficiently calculate average-utilities and tubpn values of itemsets, a TUBPNUL data structure is also developed. Then an algorithm called MHAUIPNU is presented to solve the problem of HAUIM with positive and negative items, utilizing three proposed pruning strategies and the TUBPNUL.

To evaluate the efficiency of proposed tubpn and the pruning strategies, two algorithms are also implemented. Experimental analysis shows that the proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm mines HAUIs out of the database having positive and negative utilities, efficiently. It is also shown that pruning strategies which are related to items with negative utilities are very efficient on pruning the search space of itemsets with negative utilities. The results show that the proposed MHAUIPNU algorithm outperforms other algorithms as the number of negative items increases and/or the minimum utility threshold decreases.

As a future work, we would like to propose more efficient algorithms by introducing more efficient upper bounds and data structures to enhance the efficiency of solving the problem in terms of runtime and memory consumption. Besides, developing efficient incremental and interactive mining HAUIs out of databases having positive and negative utilities is another topic that can be studied in future.