
Pediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGG) are the most common brain tumor in children [1].

pLGG are a diverse set of tumors that arise from glial or precursor cells and can occur anywhere in the central nervous system [1, 2]. They include a variety of histopathological diagnoses, including pilocytic astrocytoma, ganglioglioma, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor, and diffuse glioma, among others [3]. Where total resection is possible, surgical excision can be curative [3]. In partial resection, or if resection is not feasible, the chances of progression or relapse are substantial [3]. Unlike in adult gliomas, the malignant progression of pLGGs is rare [3] and 10-year overall survival (OS) is high, upwards of 90% [4]. However, with 10-year progression-free survival at around 50%, adjuvant therapy is often necessary and morbidity is high [4].

Molecular characterization has identified frequent alterations to the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in pLGG, the two most common gene alterations being BRAF fusion and BRAF V600E point mutation (BRAF mutation), which also correspond to prognosis [5,6,7]. This led to the development of targeted therapies, such as BRAF V600E and MEK inhibitors which can supplement or replace the classic cytotoxic adjuvant therapies [4, 5]. The use of these targeted therapies depends on ascertaining the molecular status of pLGG, usually obtained through a biopsy which has its inherent risk, and on occasion yields insufficient material for adequate molecular diagnosis.

Radiomics is a method of extracting information from images in the form of quantitative features [8]. Previously, it was shown that distinguishing between BRAF fusion and mutation in pLGG patients is feasible using machine learning (ML) models trained on radiomics features extracted from T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MR images [5]. In this study, in order to facilitate translation into the clinical setting, we aimed to establish a nomogram to predict BRAF status (fusion or mutation) based on large internal and external datasets of pLGG, taking clinical factors into account. In addition, we assessed a thresholding method that allows the model to provide predictions for the molecular subtype only when it is confident and abstains otherwise. Finally, compared to the previous work [5], we use a larger dataset (253 vs 115), and a more robust ML pipeline; together these produce more reliable results.

Materials and methods

Patients and data

This study was approved by the institutional review board or research ethics board of both participating academic institutions: The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (Stanford University, Palo Alto, California). This study was retrospective, and informed consent was waived by the local research ethics boards. An interinstitutional data-transfer agreement was obtained for data-sharing. All patients were identified from the electronic health record database at Toronto and Stanford from 1999 to 2018. Patient inclusion criteria (Fig. 1) were (1) less than 18 years of age, (2) availability of molecular information on BRAF status in histopathologically confirmed pLGG, (3) BRAF fusion or mutation identified, and (4) availability of preoperative brain MR imaging with a non-motion-degraded FLAIR sequence. Spinal cord tumors were excluded from this study. A total of 253 patients were included. In total, 215 were from the Hospital for Sick Children (internal dataset), and 38 were from the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (external dataset). Patient information consisted of age at diagnosis, sex, histologic diagnosis, molecular diagnosis regarding the BRAF status, and anatomic location of the tumor (Tables 1, 2, and 3). Figure 2 shows examples of the images in our dataset.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart of participant selection criteria

Table 1 Demographics of the patient population
Table 2 Breakdown of pathologies
Table 3 Breakdown of tumor locations
Fig. 2
figure 2

Representative examples of patients in our internal dataset. Segmented tumor regions are highlighted in green. On the left is an axial FLAIR MR image of a 6-year-old male with a BRAF-fused pilocytic astrocytoma in the cerebellum. On the right is an axial FLAIR MR image of a 16-year-old female with a BRAF-mutated ganglioglioma in the temporal lobe

Molecular analysis

The molecular characterization of pediatric low-grade gliomas was done based on a tiered approach, with IHC used to detect BRAF mutations followed by FISH or a Nanostring panel to determine BRAF fusions. If sufficient sample quantity and quality allowed, samples that were negative to the aforementioned tests were tested with additional sequencing strategies including panel DNA or RNA sequencing, as described in [7]. For the vast majority of samples, the molecular analysis was done on paraffin-embedded tissue obtained at the time of diagnosis.

MR imaging acquisition, data retrieval, image segmentation, and radiomic feature extraction

All patients from the internal dataset underwent brain MR imaging at 1.5 T (Signa, GE Healthcare) or 3 T (Achieva, Philips Healthcare or MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthineers). Patients from the external dataset underwent brain MR imaging at 1.5 T or 3 T from a single vendor (Signa or Discovery 750; GE Healthcare). Sequences acquired included a 2D axial and coronal T2 FLAIR, 2D axial and coronal T2-weighted fast spin-echo, 3D axial or sagittal precontrast, and 3D axial gadolinium-based contrast agent–enhanced T1-weighted turbo or fast-field echo.

T2-FLAIR acquisition parameters were TR/TE, 9002/157.5–165 ms; 5-mm section thickness; 2.5-mm gap for the 1.5-T Signa GE MRI scanner, TR/TE, 7000–10,000/140–141 ms; 3- to 5-mm section thickness; 0- to 1-mm gap for the 3-T Achieva MRI scanner, and TR/TE, 9080–9600/83–90 ms; 2.5- to 4-mm section thickness; 1.2- to 2.5-mm gap for the 3-T MAGNETOM Skyra MRI scanner. All MR imaging data were extracted in DICOM format from the respective PACS and were de-identified for further analyses.

Tumor segmentation was performed by a pediatric neuroradiologist (M.W.W.) using 3D Slicer (Version 4.10.2; Semiautomated tumor segmentation on axial FLAIR images was performed with the level tracing-effect tool. The whole tumor region of interest (ROI) was segmented on axial FLAIR images. The entire tumor was segmented including cystic components. Axial and coronal T2-weighted images were reviewed when tumor borders were difficult to identify. The final placement of the ROI was confirmed by a board-certified neuroradiologist (B.B.E.-W.).

3D Slicer was used to normalize, resample, and bias correct the images; then, the PyRadiomics library [9] was used to calculate the radiomics features through the SlicerRadiomics extension of 3D Slicer using the same pipeline as in [5]. This extension automatically resamples the images to the same voxel size when extracting radiomic features. The default bin width was used (25 voxels), and a symmetric gray-level co-occurrence matrix was enforced. In total, 851 radiomic features were extracted from the ROIs of the FLAIR image for each patient. Radiomic features included histogram, shape, and texture features with and without wavelet-based filters.

Machine learning models

There are known associations between specific BRAF alterations and clinical data such as tumor location [4]. Moreover, random forest models [10] have become popular in radiomics research due to their high transparency and performance, and have proven effective at classifying BRAF status in pLGG using radiomics features [11]. In this study, we trained a random forest on two different sets of features: clinical only and radiomic only. Furthermore, we created an ensemble model, which uses as its prediction the average of the predictions from the models trained on clinical features only, and radiomics features only. We compared the performance of these models to determine whether radiomics features provide additional useful information for this classification task, beyond that which is contained in the clinical data alone. If radiomics features do indeed contain added helpful information, the models relying on radiomics and clinical features together should outperform those relying on either feature set alone.

The radiomics features used included all of the 851 extracted features from the whole tumor ROIs of the FLAIR images from each patient as detailed above. The clinical features used were age, sex, and tumor location. Location was defined using two variables, one less granular (infratentorial vs supratentorial), and one more precise, including categories like cerebellum and temporal lobe. See Table 3 for a full breakdown of tumor locations. The Scikit-learn Python library [12] was used to implement machine-learning models, run experiments and to compute area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and Youden’s J statistic.


We used a nested-cross-validation scheme to train and evaluate our models (Fig. 3). This is computationally expensive; however, it is a robust approach that is not susceptible to biased results based on (un)lucky training/testing splits. An 80/20 split was used for the outer loop which was run 100 times. The inner loop consisted of fivefold cross-validation. Each of the five folds took a turn being held out. The model was trained using a wide array of hyperparameters on the four folds which were not held out. Each of these configurations was evaluated on the held-out fold. After going through this procedure five times, the hyperparameter configuration which performed the best, on average, across the five held-out folds, was determined to be optimal. A random forest model was then trained on the entire inner-loop dataset using these hyperparameters. Finally, we made predictions on the data which was held out in the outer fold to evaluate the model. The model did not encounter this data while being trained in the inner loop.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Visual depiction of nested cross-validation procedure. At the top, in the outer resampling section, orange represents the outer test set, and blue represents the outer training set. In the inner resampling section, light blue represents the inner test set, and dark blue represents the inner training set

Data configuration

While inspecting our data, we observed that there were significant distributional differences between the two datasets. The pathological statistics in Table 2 illustrate that the internal dataset is more heterogeneous than the external dataset. There are a total of 12 separate pathologies in the internal dataset while the external dataset consists of only three. The lack of diversity in the external dataset results in a much easier classification task based on location alone. Indeed, 89.5% of patients in the external dataset have either a supratentorial BRAF-mutated tumor or a BRAF-fused tumor in the infratentorial region. In the internal dataset, just 76.8% of patients have a tumor that follows this typical relationship between molecular subtype and tumor location. The lack of diversity in the external dataset makes it an unreliable test set to evaluate our model with. Rather than discarding the external dataset, which would waste valuable data points, we mixed it with the internal dataset to create a combined dataset. This combined dataset was used in the nested cross-validation procedure.


The output of a binary classifier is usually a value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents one class (negative) and 1 represents the other class (positive). It is up to the user of the model to interpret the class prediction for model outputs between 0 and 1. We used two distinct thresholding approaches for converting the output of our models to class predictions. The first was the classic approach, where a single threshold between 0 and 1 was chosen. Everything above/below the threshold was considered a prediction for the positive/negative class.

This single threshold approach does not account for the model’s confidence in its prediction; a model output just slightly over the threshold and of 1 both result in a positive class prediction. To remedy this, we introduced a thresholding approach that uses two thresholds (upper and lower) to divide the output space into three regions (Fig. 4). An upper region close to 1, above the upper threshold, where the model has high confidence that the true class is positive, a lower region close to 0, below the lower threshold, where the model has high confidence that the true class is negative, and a middle range, where the model does not have high confidence in its prediction. Using this approach, the model says “I don’t know” when the output is in the middle region (between the two thresholds). The model will no longer make a prediction for all patients, but on the subset of patients where it does make a prediction, the expected accuracy is higher than the accuracy across all patients using the single threshold. “High confidence” is a relative term, which depends on the task. Here, we set the double thresholds aiming for 90% accuracy, but this can be adjusted according to performance requirements. If we had chosen a lower target accuracy, the middle region would be smaller and the model would abstain less frequently. Thresholds were tuned on the training data. For the double threshold approach, thresholds that minimized the size of the middle region while satisfying the accuracy condition were selected. Specifically, the lowest (highest) value between 0 and 1, for which 90% of cases above (below) that value was of the positive (negative) class, was selected as the upper (lower) threshold. For the single threshold approach, the threshold that produced maximum accuracy was chosen.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example depicting the difference between the two thresholding techniques. The placement of the points on the line represents the model output, between 0 and 1, for true negative class points (red) and true positive class points (blue). The single threshold (green) results in a prediction for 100% of patients, with an accuracy of 80%. The double threshold results in a prediction for 80% of patients, with an accuracy of 100%


A nomogram is a visual representation of a mathematical model that generates a probability estimate for an outcome [13]. We present our model in the form of a nomogram, using the Python library Pynomo, to facilitate clinical translation [14]. Due to their high level of complexity, the random forest models we used are not amenable to pictorial representation. For binary classification problems, such as this one, a linear model typically underlies the nomogram. Thus, we trained an additional logistic regression model on both radiomics and clinical features together. L1 regularization, a penalization technique that encourages regression coefficients of 0, was implemented in order to create an interpretable linear regression model with limited non-zero coefficients. We applied z-score normalization to all features prior to training the linear regression model, this was not done for the random forest as it does not impact that model.


Random forest

Table 4 and Fig. 5 list the results for the random forest models trained on the combined internal and external datasets using both radiomics and clinical features alone, along with the ensemble of these two models. The ensemble model performed best according to all but one of these metrics. The clinical and ensemble models had similar sensitivity. By the other four performance metrics, the ensemble model was better than the others; notably, none of the confidence intervals overlapped. For example, the ensemble model had a mean AUC of 0.925 (95% CI: 0.916, 0.932), while the radiomics model had a mean AUC of 0.863 (95% CI: 0.852, 0.874), and the clinical model had a mean AUC of 0.889 (95% CI: 0.881, 0.898).

Table 4 Mean and 95% confidence interval of the mean for various performance statistics for the models trained and tested on the combined internal and external datasets. The highest value in each row is in bold
Fig. 5
figure 5

Distribution over 100 trials of AUC, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for the model trained and tested on the combined internal and external datasets. The solid line depicts the median, while the dotted line represents the mean values, which are also illustrated in Table 4

Linear model, thresholding, and nomogram

L1 regularization was used to train the linear model on the combined internal and external datasets, resulting in a compact model with five non-zero coefficients. There were two binary location variables, temporal lobe and cerebellum, and three radiomics features: flatness, surface to volume ratio, and dependence non-uniformity normalized. Both thresholding methods are included in the nomogram (Fig. 6). Table 5 shows that the linear model had a mean AUC of 0.916 (95% CI: 0.908, 0.924). The single threshold resulted in a mean accuracy of 84.5% (95% CI: 83.7%, 85.2%) across all patients while the double threshold approach produced a mean accuracy of 92.2% (95% CI: 91.4%, 93.0%) on the 80.7% (95% CI: 79.3%, 82.2%) of patients for which it made a prediction.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Nomogram representation of the linear model which uses cerebellum, temporal lobe, flatness, surface to volume ratio, and dependence non-uniformity normalized. The corresponding coefficients in the regression formula are − 0.264, 0.679, − 0.083, 0.233, and − 0.073. Both thresholding methods are depicted. Using the single threshold method, the example would result in a prediction of mutation. Under the double threshold method, the model would abstain from making a prediction

Table 5 Results for the linear model trained and tested on the combined internal and external datasets. Only one AUC is listed, since the AUC does not depend on the thresholding approach. By definition, the model with a single threshold makes a prediction for 100% of points, as it has no mechanism which allows it to abstain


This study expanded on [5], which showed that an ML model trained on radiomics features could predict the BRAF status of pLGG patients. To confirm the prior results, we repeated the experiments from [5] on a larger dataset (253 vs 115), using a more robust ML pipeline. BRAF mutations tend to be associated with supratentorial lesions, and BRAF fusions tend to be associated with infratentorial lesions [4]. Our results showed that an ensemble RF trained on both radiomics and clinical features (0.925 AUC) performed better than a model trained on either radiomics (0.863 AUC) or clinical features (0.889 AUC) alone. Thus, we concluded that radiomics adds additional predictive power beyond the established relationship between the genetic alteration and the location of the tumor. Additionally, we created a nomogram to facilitate the translation into the clinical setting using a linear model (AUC 0.916), which despite its lower representational capacity performed similarly to the RF. Finally, we introduced a thresholding method that enables the model to provide predictions only when confidence is high. Traditional thresholding produced an accuracy of 84.5% across all patients, while the more sophisticated thresholding method resulted in an accuracy of 92.2% on the 80.7% of patients where a prediction was made. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to show that thresholding of the model output can be used to exclude unreliable predictions in medical imaging. Oftentimes, ML models get stuck at the research stage because accuracy across all patients is inadequate for clinical use. The double threshold method can be used to identify a subset of patients for which the model is confident, and accuracy is sufficient, enhancing the utility of these models. Notably, this thresholding method is flexible and can accommodate the end user’s desired level of accuracy. For example, in cases where an incorrect prediction is unacceptable, thresholds can be set such that the model says “I don’t know” often but is rarely incorrect when it makes a class prediction.

Supratentorial pLGGs are most often BRAF-mutated, while infratentorial pLGGs are usually BRAF-fused. In our combined dataset, 74.7% of patients followed this typical relationship between genetic status and tumor location. It should be noted that all of our predictive models produced a higher accuracy than one would expect to achieve from predicting genetic status based on whether the pLGG is located in the supratentorial or infratentorial region. Our models achieved high accuracy despite the substantial variation within the images in our dataset, including different scanners, scan parameters, and resolutions. Strong performance across diverse data means our model is robust; it has great flexibility in terms of the diversity of input images it can process.

There are limitations to this work. First, we observed that the diversity of our external dataset was limited. We confirmed this observation by running a preliminary set of experiments where the model was trained on the internal dataset and tested on the external dataset. We found that the model relying on only clinical features classified the external data nearly perfectly, highlighting the lack of diversity in the external dataset. Thus, for this study, we combined the internal and external datasets. Second, the model differentiates between BRAF fusion and mutation; other potential molecular alterations are not accounted for. However, this molecular differentiation is currently the most important one for prognostication and therapeutic decision-making. Finally, although the double threshold method was successful in identifying uncertain predictions, it is not a replacement for building better ML models. Where model performance is inadequate overall, this approach can help to specify a subset of inputs where the model could still be useful. A more comprehensive approach would be to collect additional data and design superior learning algorithms which would improve performance across all inputs.


In this study, we designed a pipeline to differentiate BRAF status in pediatric low-grade glioma based on a combination of imaging and clinical features and evaluated the performance of this pipeline using a bi-institutional dataset. We developed a nomogram to support the translation of our predictive model into the clinical setting. Additionally, we evaluated an advanced thresholding method that successfully identified uncertain predictions, enhancing the clinical utility of our model. Further studies with larger and more complex external datasets are needed to augment diagnostic accuracy and incorporate additional molecular markers.