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Screening of Phosphate Solubilization Identifies Six Pseudomonas Species with Contrasting Phytostimulation Properties in Arabidopsis Seedlings

  • Plant Microbe Interactions
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Microbial Ecology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The interaction of plants with bacteria and the long-term success of their adaptation to challenging environments depend upon critical traits that include nutrient solubilization, remodeling of root architecture, and modulation of host hormonal status. To examine whether bacterial promotion of phosphate solubilization, root branching and the host auxin response may account for plant growth, we isolated and characterized ten bacterial strains based on their high capability to solubilize calcium phosphate. All strains could be grouped into six Pseudomonas species, namely P. brassicae, P. baetica, P. laurylsulfatiphila, P. chlororaphis, P. lurida, and P. extremorientalis via 16S rRNA molecular analyses. A Solibacillus isronensis strain was also identified, which remained neutral when interacting with Arabidopsis roots, and thus could be used as inoculation control. The interaction of Arabidopsis seedlings with bacterial streaks from pure cultures in vitro indicated that their phytostimulation properties largely differ, since P. brassicae and P. laurylsulfatiphila strongly increased shoot and root biomass, whereas the other species did not. Most bacterial isolates, except P. chlororaphis promoted lateral root formation, and P. lurida and P. chlororaphis strongly enhanced expression of the auxin-inducible gene construct DR5:GUS in roots, but the most bioactive probiotic bacterium P. brassicae could not enhance the auxin response. Inoculation with P. brassicae and P. lurida improved shoot and root growth in medium supplemented with calcium phosphate as the sole Pi source. Collectively, our data indicate the differential responses of Arabidopsis seedlings to inoculation with several Pseudomonas species and highlight the potential of P. brassicae to manage phosphate nutrition and plant growth in a more eco-friendly manner.

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All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this article and are available upon reasonable request to the corresponding author.


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This work was financed by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT, México, grants A1-S-34768, PDCPN-2015–882, and FORDECYT-PRONACES 292399) and UMSNH (CIC 2.26).

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J.L.H., R.O.C., and J.L.B. conceived and designed the experiments; J.L.H., E.G.C., K.R.J.V., D.L.S.R., and O.F.R. performed experiments; J.L.H., J.S.L.B., O.F.R., R.O.C., and J.L.B analyzed the data; R.O.C., J.S.L.B, H.R.C, and J.L.-B. provided reagents/materials/analytical tools; J.L.H. and J.L.B. wrote the paper; all authors reviewed and edited the manuscript. R.O.C. and J.L.B. applied for funding.

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Correspondence to José López-Bucio.

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López-Hernández, J., García-Cárdenas, E., López-Bucio, J.S. et al. Screening of Phosphate Solubilization Identifies Six Pseudomonas Species with Contrasting Phytostimulation Properties in Arabidopsis Seedlings. Microb Ecol 86, 431–445 (2023).

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